
heUC D r a Univcrsit of California, ~an Di('~o / V()lumc ·t6. Numbc.' l :VMonday, !\lay ] O. 19H2 Members of several peace and political organizations ga­ thered outside the Catamaran Hotel Thursday to protest JR OUR SONS the training of new JUR YOUR SONS draft board wor­ HEJR THE\R SONS kers. The Commit­ NO W"R tee Against Regis­ ~F T tration and the Draft (CARD) led the event. Story on page 6. An assessment of UCSD's left past and present. Page 2. Board upholds decision against Student Action. Page 5. Triton loss brings a few 'firsts.' Page 15. 2 The L'CSD Guardian !\londay, Ma~ 10, 1982 Monday. May 10. 1982 The UCSD Guardian 3 The UCSD Guardian Oliphant Keeping it up Opinion Let's face it: fat people have no reason to live "Should a woman with 50" wouldn't be hell er off dead?" advertisements In the problem? bad hablh Don t pour in ,,0 hips," asks a Los A11f(efes The fat and mi serable newspaper that announce Fall Part of the answer. a ... YOU much food, then take vitamins Tillles article, "wear designer fem ale has a point. Fashions for "the full·figured can "(''e, may he m the ab'surd to compensate for potential /'II,iKtII'd I'dilor/III, ''/In,Ienl Ih,' "/lilllllll,' oj /III nillllflllll)(JItrd 0.1 1/" ('eslJ jeans?" Now, though I'm a cedulous woman." Eagleson's is the tendency to' "accept" fat ne~s IllS!'> of nutrients. If your (;I1({1(/illn Tltl' cdl/OIilll bO(lrd IS n""/J<I,lffl III I'd. f \/",1('1/.,01 IImll'alll FUfll'l'i1 All vlhl'Y Inlides 11/ 1111:, ,'allOlI uu' ,'ofto/I /Ill' O/lhllllli II/ /lIt II r;ln. /JlIli do nul The question, you' ll agree, is reader of Abby's and ha ve to clothing store for "big and tall We don't even call it hke It IS stomach hurts, tough - this i" l/I'llXlllrtiy rr/Jre." II/ lit,' I'im" II! 7111' /'( SO (;//lIr";(/I/. ;I., nltllJfllll I>oIlN/. it, unmistakenly misguided. The usually admire her studied m n," pandering to a portly anymore. The "portly man" I he only rea"on you g;\'e up the Ilril·(rli'<fT1i. ur liIl' "'I')flll/.' u/lltl' ('ninTl/II 01 Cailiomia query ought to be: "Should a and sy mpathetic re ponse. to pu blic of fat males. Depart and the "full·flgured woman" fight, but here'., where you woman with 50" hips - have a forlorn corre pondent, it's ment store catalogs now even are just euphemism~ for should act ually take heart: It"" 50" hips? obviou that Abby has to pull offer a couple of slick pages of dirigible. finally shnnking down to the Editorial No. No woman hould have punches in t he interest of sackcloth wraparounds for Anot her ans", er 111lght be in Sill' It's suppo~ed to be. You're 50" hips, nor ' hould any man. maintaining her lu crative fatties. the psychological compulsion I)n vour wa\- home. And nobody's goingtodisagree nationall y syndi cated sob This all bespeaks a kind of to compen:-,atc or subhmate One t hmg needs to be !>aid with me this time. What have column. She has to tread ~ distortion and degeneracy of "'Ith food when one IS afflictl'<i for the mynad exercisers and ... we come to? Sometimes we lightly in her goal to soot he dignity. [s it, after all. dignified by emotional disorder" But other cultists: authorities Enough! '{au ~~.,. HtAR'D, 'O 'AUSUI$SON , M'< '&:tI', I L.IKt ro 8E (ONS1t(R£t) AFRIEND OF P SIPCS ' can 't see the forest for the and sy mpathize. e\'en when to be fat? hold it -dodging the issue and agree to a man that mo..,t trees. Our world's gone topsy· she knows she's not doing a Absolutely not: no one can appealing to "higher weight reduction is effected Enough! The trivial lengths to which this year's A election'> Letter to the Editor turvy in its doomed·to·fail wretched reader any fa vors in deny that obesity is one of the psychological motivational not by exercise - that'" good have been taking electIOn code violation" must end Immediately espousal of any and all mi sfits the long run. If Abby hits them few maladies over whi ch we factors" or termmology like maybe for muscle lOne or if any confidence in next year's council is to be sal" aged from thi" and aberrations. wit h Realit y Therapy and calls have great control. Fat people "subliminal compensatory cardIOpulmonary endurance wholl y unnecessary mess. Student Center members propose It 's gone too far. Fat we can a spade a spade, she's had it. might, at best, get pity - but urge" are just su bstitutes for - but by simply eating less. The result of all this legal and extralegal manueverin~ by do without. But we don 't care to be not sympathy. sloth and lack of dic;clphne. If you thmk it a sign of noble David Tollner's S"'W"'A·M"'P late and Marcy Jaffe\ 'tudent r have before me a "Dear lulled. You deci de. Is it But you're angered by me Here's an eas~' remedy Eat tolerance or benign. enltghten­ Act ion late can only undermine the already shaky ground upon to eliminate director position Abby" clippi ng. The bereaved actually a favor to direct the seeming ca ll ousnes, and less. What, forGod'sc;ake.lsso ed social thtnkingtolook at the which t he AS is built. The credibility of the institutIOn of student Ed itor: accountable to the Vice careful. thoughtful plannlOg writer, a di straught person fat person, as Abby so in ensitive condem nation of hard about that? Too many are Phenomenon of Fat as gcwernment has already been reduced in the eyes of UCSD As students with a vested Chancellor. to Insure a successful. who signs herself apt ly, "Fat. ruthlessly did, to the National fat persons. Don', get me merely sla\es to their inconsequential or superficial. students: the credibility of the lJCSD undergraduate populatiun interest m the future of the We endorse the content and comprehensl\e Student Fe male, and Mi erable," AssociatIOn t o Aid Fat wrong: I do realize that there is stomach. iovet erat e slouche<" you're helpmg to pollutt: th a'> a whole ha~ been Irre\ersibly blemished in t he eye" of the 'tudent Center: spint of the Student Center Center. We arc concerned that writes: Americans In c., of unfortu· such a thing as a hereditary whu can't fight agam"t Simple plea"e turn Lo page" community at lar~e. We feel that It is imperative Job lJescnptlon Task Force any ha!'>tily contrived long· "Dear Abby: Do you know nate Bellerose, New York? predisposition to grossness. And *W*A*M*P and tudent ActIOn are not \J,.hol!\ at fault. that other students be made report to the Assist ant Vice range ~olutions to t he Student what it', like to: "Thi s is a group of frankly fat But. barring the very The A. Judicial Board, acting on neither legal prt.'Cedence nor a\\are of the Issues surround· Chancellor L:ndergraduate Center Directorate \\111 be - Squeeze int o a theater people," Abby notes, "who occasional endocrine or ot her Letter to the Editor With common sense, overruled the AS Election Commi"wl!1's mg the positIOn of the Dlr~tor Affalrs!'tudent Life, Ra) madequatetomect theyanety ~('at, and sit in agony during have banded toget her for the organ ic et iology O\'er \V hich we ruling that suspended tudent Action from c(lmpaignll1g of the Student Center. mond Dye. As a task force of Issues that must be the entire performance while purpose of helping the ()he~e to ha\'e scant control, there's because of "unfair" camoaum literature alleging Tollner had We feel that the successful composed of t.'qual representa addressed in order to build a t he sides of t he seat dig into accept themselves a ... thev ..,imply no excuse for being fat " . Guardian runs bad ad: been "endor:,ed" b\ the CARP "l\100ntc:-. .. The judicial board\ operation of the Student tlOn from students and comprehenSive Student your thighs? are. No. not e\crylxxl\ can be a ruling centered on the interpretatIOn of the word "endor~ed." Center and the relatIOns administration, we believe the Center - Shop in a grocerv "tore That's not good ad v ICl'. dear lean, mean mach 1m;. but then and its member~ deCided sl1ch a term \\as hardly Itbelous. The between students. admtnl' Ta!'>k Force recommendation We feel that the current and ha\'e people watch to see I~eader: that's doing \ lolcnce nol so many need to I(xlk now comes Miller time sentence that followed - and 10 which the board apparently had stration. and professional <,Iaff I~ a workable compromise Admilllstration proposal for what you put in your care to the -.enslbihtH's of all of uo.; thev've been j'alSt'<i b\ the 111 Editor: (;/ImdIllJl "tall tor al'qllle~l'ln). no concern - Ims 10 poor taste and worthy 01 dl'l'lpltne. It are \ it ally Important to between student wants and the Director of the Student - Walk into a restaurant rational people With properl) Clu'b. either. And wc're talktng I found the \lillpr High Lift> loll" pu bit l'a t Ion.
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