RONGOTAI COLLEGE PARENT AND CAREGIVER GUIDE 2018 RONGOTAI COLLEGE 170 Coutts St, PO Box 14-063 Kilbirnie, Wellington New Zealand Tel: + 64 4 939 3050 Fax: + 64 4 939 3060 Email:
[email protected] February 2018 Dear Parents / Caregivers, Welcome to Rongotai College. This guide has been written to help you to understand the systems and procedures in place at Rongotai College. It is intended as a reference manual, to be used when you need to find information. Another excellent source of information about the operation of the school is the school website ( You should make yourself fully conversant with our expectations and rules, so that your son will meet the requirements expected by the college. If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me, Mr Simpson or Mr Tavernor (the Deputy Principals) through the college office (phone 939 3050). Kind regards Kevin Carter Principal SCHOOL MISSION, VISION AND VALUES E tū ki te kei o te waka, kia pākia koe e nga ngaru o te wā. Stand at the stern of the waka and feel the spray of the future on your face. MISSION STATEMENT Rongotai College is committed to developing young men of excellence, encouraging them to be the best that they can be in all areas of their lives. VISION Rongotai College will be an inclusive school reflecting its community and will encourage young men to solve problems, to think for themselves and to reach their full potential by providing a broad range of opportunities. VALUES Rongotai College values: These values been developed in consultation with the Board of Trustees, staff, students, parents and caregivers to focus and reflect on the core values of our school.