ADVISORY NOTE Piercing andBody Last updatedLast inJune2009 release loware nickel inconditions test datathatshow very stainless . These are resistant to andthere of whichthemostcommonly usedare Type 304Lor 316L There are suitable for anumber ofmaterials bodypiercing ‘studs’ placedinthewounds untilhealingiscompleted. of thebodyare pierced. with This isespecially important appropriate beusedwhenearsorany materials otherparts To that dermatitis, itisimportant ofcontact minimisetherisk dermatitis. oftheindividualto nickel of susceptibility isexposedto ahealingwound), andthedegree isworn(e.g., article whetherthe the pierced jewellery use, theenvironmenttors ofarticle –pattern inwhich The therefore level ofrisk dependsonanumberoffac sweat; andsecondly, thenaturewithskin. ofthecontact releaseswhenexposedto nickel surface which amaterial dermatitis.allergy Firstly, contact andrate at theability assessing andmanaging associated withnickel therisks Two into accountwhen shouldbetaken factors critical Assessing therisk importance of selecting therightmaterial for ofselecting piercing proceduresimportance andbodyjewellery. equipment, businessesoffering earandbodypiercing and consumers aboutthe services, note seeksto provideThis advisory information to manufacturers, retailers ofpiercing piercing. As menhave increased theiruseofpiercing, sohastheincidence ofnickelallergy. The highincidence ofnickelallergy amongfemales hashadastrong association withear generally showsensitivity that 10-15% ofwomen and1-2%ofmenare allergic to nickel. prolonged oftimecancauseanallergic periods Studiesoftheprevalence reaction. ofnickel haslong-beenrecognised for Nickel asanelement withtheskin that contact whenindirect theenjoyment inensuring factor ofbodypiercing amongstbothfemalesimportant andmales. reasons. Choosingtherightmaterial for piercing operations andpierced isan jewellery Ear andbodypiercing isapopularchoice intoday’s whetheritisfor society fashionorcultural Nickel Stewardship - centimetre perweek. notexceed contact 0.5 microgramsprolonged per skin thatcomesinto release directand nickel for jewellery been healed. The EUDirective requires thattherate of for useoncepierced articles wounds have ing jewellery Directive inmanufactur Also complywiththeEUNickel also meettheserequirements. meet theserequirements. Surgical stainlesssteels would and 316Lare thatwould examplesofcommonmaterials wound causedby thepiercing ishealing. Types 304L withthewoundtime during come incontact into thehumanbodyor thatare inserted for jewellery exceed 0.2micrograms persquare centimeter perweek EU Directive requires release thattherate ofnickel not Directive [94/27/EC,asamended]. the EUNickel The piercing equipment,complywith manufacturing In For ofbodypiercing manufacturers equipment: Recommendations for oftime. longperiods the wearingofbodyjewellery that willbeencountered inpiercing procedures andin

- Nickel and (cont’d)

For providers of body piercing services: Nickel Institute policy and practice Check that your piercing equipment, including the As part of the Nickel Stewardship programme, the Nickel ADVISORY NOTE ADVISORY studs, are an appropriate grade of stainless . Refer Institute proactively engages with relevant associations to the product literature from the manufacturer of your such as the Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices, equipment for information on the materials used. and with retailers such as Wal-Mart, to educate and com- municate information about the general topic of nickel Advise consumers to select pierced jewellery articles allergic contact dermatitis. for wear, once initial pierced wounds have healed, that comply with the EU Directive. Much research and peer review work has been un- dertaken in collaboration with the industry about the For consumers: general topic of nickel allergic contact dermatitis. Cur- If performing the piercing yourself or at home, check rent work includes the investigation of alternative nickel that your piercing equipment is an appropriate grade of surface formulations that would pass the EU Nickel . If having the piercing performed in a shop Directive standard for nickel release while preserving the or doctor’s office, ask the practitioner about the materials aesthetic look of nickel. present in the piercing equipment.

The Nickel Institute participates in CEN (the European When purchasing items like rings, bars, studs, and other standards organisation) work on the standards associat- objects for body wear, inform yourself of the materials ed with the implementation of the Nickel Directive. The used. If you are unsure whether a jewellery article for a Nickel Dermal Advisory Panel (NDAP) is an international piercing would be legal for sale in the European Union, group of dermatologists that advise the Nickel Institute ask whether there is nickel in the surface that will be on matters of dermal research and clinical practice. in contact with the skin and, if so, whether it has been covered by a durable protective . Note that in The Nickel Institute will work with any individual, industry inexpensive jewellery, plating will be very thin sector, dermatological association or government and soft and may not provide effective or long-lasting agency to increase knowledge, improve practices or protection from the underlying nickel. educate consumers. The Nickel Institute supports the use of regulation similar to that that exists in the European If a salesperson of non-precious pierced jewellery is not Union to reduce direct and prolonged skin contact with able to confirm whether an article would be legal for high nickel release materials in consumer goods. sale in the European Union, it becomes a question of judgement as to whether the article should be pur- chased and worn. If the article is likely to be worn either by yourself or a person known to be allergic to nickel Useful reference information then the appropriate response will probably be ‘no’. Further detailed information is contained in ‘Nickel Allergic Contact Dermatitis - Statement of Position of the Member Companies of the Nickel Institute’ and ‘Nickel Allergic Contact Dermatitis – Basic Science Paper’, available on our website Studies of the prevalence of nickel sensitivity gener- ally show that 10 - 15% of If you have any questions or inquiries regarding women and 1 - 2% of men the use of nickel in the manufacture of jewellery or are allergic to nickel. As men have increased their use of consumer items, please direct them to Peter Cutler piercing, so has the incidence at: [email protected]. of nickel allergy.

Last updated in June 2009