The California Tech I VOLUME LXXXIX NUMBER 27 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY 13 MAY 1988 Jumping Electrons by Larry Cheng ball game, Gray began the lecture, over ten angstroms, a significant­ The flier read "A Chemist with slides for visual aid. He ex­ ly long way in terms of molecules, Looks at Electron Transport in Bi­ plained how chemists were now between different atoms in some ology. Harry B. Gray, PhD." Tick­ "sneaking up" on the secrets ofhow proteins in a space ofonly one mil­ ets had been handed out in Chem electron reactions and other reac­ lionth of a second. 1c lecture that Wednesday morn­ tions stored energy in living cells. This seems to confirm the the­ ing by Professor Gray to his fresh­ "Food," Gray said, "makes ory that "the stupid electron does men students and teaching electrons." jump." In comparison, electrons assistants. Many of them showed Theorists have claimed that could only jump comparable dis­ up that night. Also in attendance these high energy electrons move tances over water molecules in the were members of the Profs down in energy through an "elec­ space ofa month. Experiments by research group, and many others­ tron transport chain" which has yet others in 1984 had even shown even a large number ofhigh school to be fully explained. It is known electrons to jump through steroids students (rumor had it that extra that the same sort ofprocess works in the space of one billionth of a credit was in the air). in such machines as a car engine, second. Harry Gray illustrates the finer points of Electron Jumping in the Watson Those in attendance were treat­ but for some reason the cellular He explained that steroids had ed to a lecture that was both en­ process is much more efficient. much faster reactions because pro­ lightening and entertaining. After Gray related how theoretical teins possessed gaps between cer­ his introduction, Gray entered, chemists had suggested that elec­ tain sections which slowed down without notes, refused to stand be­ trons could travel the large dis­ their electron transfer rate. Gray LrrSpare Parts" hind the "stupid podium" and in­ tances within certain proteins in a then suggested benefits that could stead walked around on stage, to very short time, contrary to com­ arise in the future from research by Eric Fung tract between the care giver and the better interact with the audience. mon belief. Gray then explained concerning electron transfer in liv­ Tuesday evening, the Caltech Y patient," was the conflict she sug­ After informing the audience how electrons were later found ex­ ing cells, including the develop­ sponsored a panel discussion on gested as a primary cause of the that the Dodgers had just lost their perimentally to "jump" distances of ment of efficient energy storing "The Ethics ofOrgan Transplanta- problem. For example, she as a fuel cells and the development of tion - The 'Spare Parts' Dilemma." physician could promise to con­ artificial photosynthesis. The dinner was one ofa number of tinue giving organs to a patient un­ During his lecture, Gray also activities sponsored by the Y. til he was well. This would conflict informed the audience that chemis­ KPAS, a cable company servicing with the ideal that as many people Space Software try was the "field of the eighties," Pasadena, covered the event as as possible should receive organs, and specifically that inorganic well as other media. thus maximizing their use. [CNB] A team ofthree Caltech un­ Wetter will be interning at the chemists were like the "marines," Dr. Nancy Ascher began the Another question regarding dis- dergraduates has won the grand museum this summer.. doing the hard labor to prove the presentation with an introduction to tribution she addressed was the prize in the "Race for Space Soft­ "On behalfofthe entire Caltech theories of others. the current issues and problems method of prioritization. Present­ ware Chase," co-sponsored by the community, I'd like to congratulate Later, he also made an impor­ surrounding organ transplantation. ly, persons who are most gravely Smithsonian's National Air and Messrs. Wetter, Smith, and Meck­ tant point regarding the true in­ Ascher, Professor of Surgery and ill receive the highest priority Space Museum and Apple Com­ ler," said Caltech president Thomas tellect ofvarious types ofscientists, Director of the Liver Transplanta- despite evidence that these puter, Inc., it was announced today E. Everhart. "Their program is in referring to the of the slide tion Program at the UCSF Medi- recipients are the least successful at a press conference in \vashing­ beautifully designed, it's fun to play projectors used in his presentation. cal Center, described the disparity relative to others groups. Is this ton, D.C. with, and it serves a genuine educa­ Chemists, he said, would have between the number of potential maximizing use? The goal of the contest was to tional purpose. Those visitors to trouble operating such machines. donors of organs and the number Following dinner, Al Hibbs develop an interactive software the National Air and Space Muse­ Physicists, he continued, would of potential recipients. Decisions moderated a panel discussion. The program, using the Macintosh II um who are fortunate enough to get not. Biologists, he concluded, need to be made about the distri- panel consisted of Dr. John computer, "that demonstrates how to play with this program will come would not even notice the controls. bution oforgans since many ofthe Roberts, a transplant surgeon; Dr. computers can give wings to aer­ away with a real sense ofhow aer­ Gray had said at the start ofhis people in need ofan organ are un- Robert Steinbrook, writer for the onautical ideas that otherwise onautical engineers use computers talk that he hoped that those present able to receive one. Ascher asked Times; Bettyann might not get offthe ground." The to design spacecraft. I'm particular­ would get a flavor of chemists' whether there was an equitable way Kevles, author and columnist; and winning program will go on dis­ ly delighted that all of Caltech can style. Ifall chemists are half as en­ ofdistribution, and how one could Cindi Yost, a kidney transplant play in the National Air and Space share in the prize by using the new gaging and silly as Gray was that be conceived. recipient. Museum's new Aerospace and Macintosh II computers soon to be night, that flavor would have to be '''Society expects 'maximum Kevles warned that society Computing Gallery, scheduled to installed in the computing center." wild grape. use' ofeach and every organ vs. the should avoid what she called the open in 1989, where it will be rights of individuals vs. the con- "slippery slope" syndrome; persons viewed by the 9 million people who should not succumb to the belief visit the museum each year. that life will be easier ifthey ignore The winning program lets the the moral and ethical issues. Other person playing with it design a ethical issues she raised were the rocket and launch it into space. The Friedan on Feminism possibility offetal and brain trans­ designer may choose rockets with plants and the question of the eco­ one to five stages. The designer by Josh Kurutz she said shortly after presenting management. nomics of transplantation. selects either liquid or solid fuel for "Like a dinosaur," was how that evocative story. Throughout Caltech was the setting of Yost gave a different perspec­ each stage, and determines how Betty Friedan described Caltech in the talk, Friedan spoke ofhow un­ another example ofthe ceiling she tive to the issue. Being a recipient much thrust each stage should car­ its treatment of women during her aware of these problems the men spoke of. "There was a woman herself, she professed that she ry. The simulated rocket then takes talk at JPL this Tuesday. involved seem to be. with an incredible record ofgetting could not be totally unbiased in off, and the program computes the "The figures were so terrible, scientific grants for her research at regards to such questions as equita­ height it would have reached. I couldn't believe it," declared The Glass Ceiling (Caltech). It looked for a while she ble distribution. Describing her The program was designed by Friedan, author of The Feminine was going to be denied tenure be­ own situation, she said that she felt three Caltech undergraduates. Mystique and one of the nation's Friedan believes that the "glass cause the head of her department that she had the "spirit of the child Pierce T. Wetter III, a junior in foremost feminists, referring to ceiling" is an especially prominent said, 'Well, we wouldn't really be [whose kidney she received] and electrical engineering, was the general statistics related to wom­ problem facing the women of comfortable with her around in family within her. They gave the team captain. He developed the en's issues at Caltech. Caltech and JPL. The idea of the faculty meetings.'" greatest gift." basic concept and designed the pro­ "I couldn't believe they hadn't glass ceiling is that qualified wom­ One of the most urgent ques­ gram's simulation sections. Wetter, gotten a major class action suit for en can only look at and idealize po­ The Comfort Level tions raised by the panel was how of Simi Valley, California, is a their actions)," she said. Friedan sitions of high prestige, but they the non-medical community could graduate of Royal High School. based her conclusions on facts she may not enter those posts because The issue of "the comfort lev­ affect present practices. Kevles Glenn C. Smith, a junior in phys­ learned and then presented at ofan artificial barrier. She summed el" was presented as a cause ofthe remarked that the decisions should ics, designed the program's color Caltech on April 4th. up the concept of the glass ceiling glass ceiling. Friedan referred to not be made completely by medi­ graphics. Smith, of South Pasade­ She expressed particular sur­ in the statement, "A woman is al­ the citation of the loss of comfort­ cal experts, and that through edu­ na, California, is a graduate of prise that no action had been taken lowed togo so far, but no farther." able working conditions as the ul­ cation, people could become "lay South Pasadena High School. against the Institute since more than The speaker cited statistics timate recourse of men who had no experts." Yost believed that healthy Michael Meckler, a sophomore in halfofits funding comes from fed­ about JPL's employment record. facts to support their exclusion of persons should decide early physics, designed and implement­ eral sources. Such funds come with According to Friedan, 35 % of women. whether or not they wanted to be ed the program's user interface. guidelines for their use that include JPL's employees are women; yet, Friedan also spoke of the potential donors. Meckler, of Columbus, Ohio, is a anti-sex discrimination rules. ofthose women, 70% are secretar­ "bathroom problem," an early in­ Ascher said that individuals graduate ofThe Columbus Acade­ When she pointed out these ies or clerks, "who are not expect­ dication ofthe nation's resort to the could affect government policy in my. facts at the April 4th talk, "there ed to go beyond that ghetto." 11 % "comfort level" excuse. The high­ large part by directing funding. For The grand prize includes eleven was a lot quavering in the au­ of the professional personnel are ly regarded author asked the then­ example, Oregon channeled money Macintosh II computers and a dience." She told of how an under­ women, and 4 of 100 technical head of NASA why women could away from transplant to other $5,000 summer internship for one graduate blared music out his managers are women (but one is a not be astronauts. The answer she health services in large part be­ ofthe team members at the Nation­ window allegedly with the intent of librarian, a traditionally female received was, "The bathroom situ­ cause ofpublic pressure. The key, al Air and Space Museum. The drowning out her words. Friedan job, and one is a lobbyist in ation in the space capsule would be most panel members felt, was team members will keep three of noted that the intrusion was fol­ Washington, so effectively 2 % of too difficult to deal with." Later, educating the general public about the eleven computers, and the re­ lowed by jeering in the audience. JPL's technical managers are wom­ she learned that, since there were these issues so that they would be maining seven will become part of "I wonder about the en). Higher than those managers, no bathrooms in these capsules, more aware and could thus make Caltech's Macintosh lab. Pierce consciousness-raising of the men," there are no women in please see FRIEDAN, page 11 educated decisions. 2THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 1988 The California Tech opinion••

EDITORS - Eric Fung • Stephen Lew • Chandra Tucker

ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Andrew Hsu Scott Kister Organ Transplant Ethics PHOTOS ANNOUNCEMENTS Alex Athanasopoulos Josh Kurutz by Eric Fung ample, it has been documented that with a fundamental medical tenet As I sat down for the Y dinner the sickest are less likely to fare that all persons, regardless of so­ Tuesday evening, I wondered to well with the new organ than pa­ cioeconomic status, is fully deserv­ myselfexactly what sort ofethical tients who are not as ill. Further­ ing of adequate medical attention. more, alcoholics and drug addicts (This, of course, raises another 5 1987 questions there could possibly be Odyssey © L, Taka regarding organ transplantation. I who have willingly destroyed their question of what exactly is "ade­ had always believed that organ own livers, I believe, are not via­ quate" medical attention? Can or­ transplantation was an obvious ble candidates for transplants since gan transplantation be considered "good"; it served the sick and saved they are just as likely to ruin their a luxury?") For this reason, such lives. new organs. It is clearly wasteful selling, unfortunately, must be out­ I learned a lot from the lecture to give these persons organs. lawed and alternative means of given by Dr. Nancy Ascher and the supply must be sought. panel discussion afterwards. On a societal level, there was the ques­ Another question that we face How exactly can the demand be tion of the equitable distribution of is the selling of one's own organs. met? It is unreasonable to believe organs that were in short supply. One pressing example is a form of that the demand will ever be met On an economic level, one had to life insurance which lowers premi­ by real organs (the possibility of wonder whether the selling of such ums in exchange for a promise of synthetic organs is quickly becom­ organs was reasonable, and the im­ organ donation. The issue is also ing a reality), but best efforts must plications it would bring about. On realized by the fact that there are be taken to meet demand as close­ a personal level, I had to wonder black markets for organs. ly as possible. whether I myselfwould be willing to be a donor and whether I would One such method is through want to be a recipient. Selling of one's own organs, in voluntary donation, and this is itself, should not be construed as where most improvement can be Equitable distribution presents being immoral since one should be made. In the future, we must in­ a serious question regarding what permitted to treat one's own body crease awareness of the problems Ascher describes as a conflict be­ as one sees fits. A serious problem, that organ transplantation creates. tween society's expectations, a phy­ however, arises from serious im­ Ignorant people like myself must sician's prerogatives, and a patient's plications, most notably the possi­ be educated, in manners such as the rights or needs. Although no such bility that the only persons able to Y did in sponsoring the programs conflict can be resolved satisfac­ afford organs would be the rich. In it did. In doing so, persons will be torily, we must be prepared to ad­ such a scenario, the poor would be encouraged to ask themselves seri­ dress it. unable to afford organs, since or­ ously how such questions should be gans would no doubt be a highly resolved and, more importantly, do Is that all those newspapers are for? Whew! I Clearly, in prioritizing the list valued commodity. something about it. I, for one, have thought we had to learn to read them. of potential recipients, we must changed because of my new respect medical precedent. For ex- This would seriously conflict awareness.

letters to the editors \Du're THE CALIFORNIA TECH Volume LXXXIX • Number 27 draft resisters and military recruit­ of widespread turmoil of a differ­ astute enough 13 May 1988 ers. The campus seemed overflow­ ent kind, I found such a beliefever­ to discuss tIle ing with charismatic, impressive less tenable. As the years passed, Faith REPORTERS leaders, each with a separate agen­ it seemed increasingly that the philosophical To the Editors: Larry Cheng. Josh Kurutz da for social change. things I was interested in could nunifications of Lynne McGrath • Brad Scott This June it will be twenty Often there were demonstra­ scarcely matter in comparison to ~rJnkl's PHOTOGRAPHERS years since I graduated from tions: I rapidly learned to cut those other, more powerful forces. Victor Caltech. The anniversary has made Teri Engelhard. Teresa Griffie through the back alleys to get to "Existential Pat Huber • Michael Keating me think: Possibly my thoughts class. Sometimes there was real Yet in retrospect, it is remark­ may be relevant to the present stu­ violence. Once I walked out ofthe able how little came from the so­ VacuUlll',' dent body. PRODUCTION student cafeteria after lunch, only cial and political movements ofthat Nick Smith After Caltech I went to gradu­ to find a National Guard helicop­ time and place. I no longer remem­ ate school at the University of ter spraying the plaza with riot­ ber the names of any of the Ber­ California's Berkeley campus. It And you're BUSINESS control gas. I decided I had better keley people who were out to Jimmy Yang was like going from a monastery go back inside and have dessert. change the world. I scarcely recall still sll1oking? to a madhouse. From the late six­ I was too bewildered to have what they wanted to do. After a de­ CIRCULATION ties through the mid seventies, Ber­ anything to do with this. I gravi­ cade or two I must look hard to find Michael Keating keley was a tumultuous place, full tated toward a small, ever­ Eric Fung our planet any different for all their Stephen Lew ofpeople who were bound and de­ changing circle ofscience buffs and efforts. It seems that in the long U.S.l>f'p.Ulmf'nl ul "t.llth A ttumoln Sfnit,", termined to change the world. Andrew Hsu technology enthusiasts, people run, they mattered all but naught. Gavin Claypool What's more, each ofthem seemed much like myself. We had no To my embarrassment, I have . to have a different idea of how to charisma and impressed no one. even forgotten most of the people THE CALIFORNIA TECH go about it. I could scarcely pass We would go out for pizza and in our group of pizza-eaters. Only AMER.CAN through the campus gates without WCANCERI 25-58 SAC talk. The discussion topics changed recently did someone remind me of California Institute of Technology being accosted by handbill­ as our informal membership the name of the fellow who came 'SOC'ETY® Pasadena, California 91125 distributors from every imaginable varied-many liked space explora­ to a few meetings and talked with Phone: (818) 356-6154 kind of political, social and eco­ tion, one was enthusiastic about such zeal about the prospect of nomic action group, all bent on computers, and so forth. If small computers and their likely Published weekly except during modifying civilization to suit them­ pressed, most of us would cau­ capabilities. examination and vacation periods by selves. There were libertarians and tiously admit to some faith that Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology, Inc. The communists, republicans and scientific and technical develop­ His name was Steve Wozniak. democrats, churches both bizarre opinions expressed herein are strictly ments were also important agents Keep the faith. those of the authors. . and familiar, ecological advocates, . -Jay Reynolds Freeman of social change, but in the midst Letters and announcements are welcome. All contributions should include the author's name and phone ASCIT FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES number and the intended date ofpub­ lication. The Editors reserve the right to abridge and edit letters for expe­ Environmental consulting firm is seeking students with experience diency, literacy, or other. in , mechanical engineering, civil engineering, environ­ Turn in copy (preferably on an ffiM­ mental engineering or construction for summer employment. Em­ compatible, WordStar-formatted ployment will include training and accreditation by EPA. Projects floppy disk) to the Tech office mail­ WEST SIDE throughout California. box, room 40A in the SAC. The deadline for copy is Wednesday at * training provided 5 PM; for announcements, Tuesday at STORY 5 PM. Late copy may not be printed * excellent compensation even ifprior arrangements have been * EPA accreditation made with the editors. potential for permanent employment * Subscription requests should be directed to the business * useful experience manager. Rates are $3.00 per term, $8.00 per annum (three tenns). Special rate for life subscription: $75, BAXTER LECTURE HALL 7:30 & 10:00 pm If interested in this summer work, telephone Marcia N. Levin, Printed by News-Type Service. Glendale. California $1 for ASCIT members $1.50 for others R.N., with your resume or informal notes on your background ISSN 0008-1582 and work experience at CTL Environmental Services, 24404 S. NEXT WEEK Never Say Never Again (Bond) Vermont Ave., #307, Harbor , CA 90710, tel: (213) 530-5006 TH E CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 19883 '--- e_n_te_r_t_a_in_m_e_n_t~~~_~~_~_~~_~_~_~__-I May Day Tourney by Lynne McGrath than their shirts on this field. Other On Saturday, April 30th, the competitions included "Tudor Caltech Medieval/Renaissance frisbee" and juggling vied with Society held its annual May Day Maypole dancing and the construc­ tourney. Encamped in the ap­ tion of ceramic banquet plates in propriately named Tournament entertaining the non-fighters Park, the company made a brave present. show in their multicolored When Fillmore Love, herald pavilions, and enjoyed glorious for the occasion, announced the weather while watching or par­ results of the day, the company ticipating in a double-elimination trooped off to Dabney Hall for a fighter's list. The victor crowned potluck banquet and revel. Those his lady Queen of May. Sean present burned off their dinner Johnston and Amy Carpenter were calories by dancing such items as the principal organizers of the the "Caidan Measure," "Officials' event, but it was Doug Bloomer Bransle," "Jenny Pluck Pears," and who was responsible for the sold­ "Nonesuch." They caught their out Turkey Leg Lunch, ably breath by listening to madrigals assisted by Pamela Walton, Lyell sung by the Occasional Consort Scheer, and Brian Craft. whose members include Carol For those not attired in armor, Polanskey, Mike Pattersen, Joe the now traditional Body Looting Beckenbach, and Lynne McGrath. contest was scarcely less Lynne also won Mike's competition energetic - and considerably more for the "Most Obscene Use of hysterical-than the fighting as half Musical Terms" by singing "'Tis a dozen men and one female fighter But a Wanton Trick" with Sean volunteered to "play dead" and be Johnston's recorder accompani­ Anson Ford Theater Tonight at Eight along with Peter Murphy. stripped of their armor by in­ ment. The prize for the latter was dividuals and teams. A consortium a recording of "Carmina Burana"; ofMiddle Eastern ladies known as second place winner Janice the "Caravan" were judged by Beckenbach was awarded Passion Fodder Plays LA Treasurer Joe Beckenbach to have shoelaces adorned with musical won the timed contest, having ac­ notation. Leif Bennett upheld the by Andrew Uso band's leader and founder, Theo Hakola's voice. While his speaking quired the most breast-plates, Institute's reputation for wit by ut­ Although renowned for their Hakola, does the vocals and plays voice sounds more like a french greaves, helmets, and items of tering the groaner of the evening. clothing designers and , the the guitar also. Although they person speaking English with a clothing-not to mention protective He described the amorous lady in French simply haven't been on top rel~ased two recording in Europe, slight british accent, Theo's sing­ cups! Several gentlemen lost more please see MAY DAY, page 10 of the music scene. Let's face it, Fat Tuesday, released domestical­ ing voice reminds me of Stan when was the last time you listen­ lyon Island, is their first album Ridgway (formerly of Wall of ed to a french band (no fair star­ released in the United States. Voodoo). Hakola also displays a ting now!) But out ofthe black hole One first notices a rather fine mastery of the Spanish Guns :Live Theater of the french music scene comes distinctive painting on the cover of language on "Luz Blanca," making are modest, the theater small, and it hard to believe that he actually Passion Fodder. Not just you Fat Tuesday by Ricardo Mosner. by Brad Scott the prices reasonable. The play usual french band - the lead singer According to Theo, the band grew up in the U. S. The listener is Soldiers Without Guns marks therefore provides those familiar is actually an American from handles all of its artwork rather also introduced to a ringing guitar the playwriting debut of local ac­ with drama an opportunity to see Spokane Washington living in than the record company giving the sound on this track which is tress Debra Jo Thornton. It is a a very intimate production while - Passion Fodder plays music band almost complete artistic in­ reminiscent of many early poignant comedy bordering on offering those uninitiated a nice in­ that sounds more like and dependence from the label. For­ American garage bands. The drama concerning the role .of troduction to live theater. American band than any french tunately, the eleven songs on this violinist, Benedicte Villian, plays women in World War II. The play Although the play sometimes band. American debut prove to be as a surprisingly important role in revolves around the lives of five loses itself in cliches and predic­ This quintet, formed in October distinctive and refreshing as the creating the band's sound on this women living in Chatanooga, Ten­ tability, it is for the most part very 1984 features Pascal Humbert on cover art would suggest. and all the other tracks. nessee. The playwright uses enjoyable. The acting in general But the music comprises only ~ha:icatures bass, Lionel Dollet on guitar, The first thing that caught my to reflect the pre­ was very good with a particularly Benedicte Villian on violin, and attention as I listened to the open­ half of Passion Fodder's forte. JudIces and traumas which the charming performance by Myria Nicolas Magat on drums. The ing track "Luz Blanca," was Theo Equally prominent in the songs are various segments of the civilian Moore as Nettie the black woman Theo's compelling lyrics. Although population had to face. Thus, the who faced the subtle but prevalent not overtly political, the lyrics do five include an uneducated racial prejudices of the time. reflect Theo's travels across the black, an immigrant German, a Soldiers Without Guns con­ U.S. and Europe where he work­ Jew, the wife of an enlisted man tinues indefinitely Thursdays SERVING CALTECH ed as a club DJ, lecturer on the and the wife of a man declared through Sundays at 8pm with an Spanish Civil War, and political physically unfit for service. SINCE 1945 additional Saturday performance at activist against U.S. policy towards The play itself is a pleasant 5pm. Ticket prices are $12 for Fri­ Spain. During a recent phone in­ alternative to the standard enter­ day and Saturday evening and $10 Authorized Agents for Airlines. terview, Theo admitted that the tainment fare. Soldiers Without for all the other performances. lyrics on Fat Tuesday were Guns is an Equity Waiver produc­ Stage Lee Strasberg is located at Hotels and Steamships politically influenced although they tion which means that the pro­ 7936 Santa Monica Boulevard in tended to deal more with ducers are allowed to cut corners Hollywood. For further informa­ philosophical questions such as fmancially. For this reason, the sets tion call (213) 466-1767. love and hate more than being directly political. Besides the opening track on side one, other interesting songs _~~~J\t~ worth mentioning were "Heart Hunters," which is a song about love in the rhythm of a Spanish ,- Professional Travel Habenera, and "Mardi Gras" which ;..4 features yet another fascinating Services violin solo by Benedicte. The second side ofthe album is (818) 795-0291 equally as impressive. "In the (213) 681-1115 Echo" has a country-western feel with Theo doing his best imitation CAMPUS EXTENSION of Hank Williams Jr., "In the 3091 Moodswing" has some rather in­ teresting instrumental work in it and the album closes with "As you dig your Hole," a rather sappy 7C1L cowboy ballad-type song. As New Music Express said, "their music really belongs to the American line of raw-boned low­ 690 B. GRBBN sr life pop that starts with the PASADENA, 91101 Velvets..." After listening to Fat ~ Tuesday, this comparison seems BlMolino & OM Knoll) quite justified although Passion Fodder are definitely quite unique in their own right. Passion Fodder will be playing two concerts in Los Angeles along with Peter Murphy (of Bauhaus fame). Debra Jo Thorton reunites with Jeffery latimer in SoUders Without Guns. 4THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 1988

by Berke Breathed The Inside World BLOOM COUNTY This week's Inside World was brought to you by: Fleming: Pierce Wetter Lloyd: Dave Peterson, Kurt Storm Ricketts: Su-Lin Wu Ruddock: Betsy Andrews, Munir Bhatti, et. al. Edited by Dave Long

Fleming: Hey! Maybe this insnide world might actually get in the Tech. Wouldn't that be AMAZING! Just because there are women in Ricketts House. who are stupid enough to take me seriously (hell, I don't take myself seriously, why should they?), but what do you expect from scurve women? Here's another Top Ten List. Top Ten Reasons why Women are Superior to Men 10. Women don't have to worry about running down to the Health Center in the middle of the night to get condoms ("But this IS an emergency' She might LEAVE!") IkEEI'A 9. Women can cross their legs. MoTl£Y c/(iJ~ 8. Women can wear skirts that aren't plaid. HIPt*HINP 7. Women don't have hairly backs. 11E 1lJ/t£r. 6. Women don't break windows when they belch. \ 5. Women don't "pitch tents" in the middle of skin flicks. 4. Women know how to get guys alone in faraway places \- (DON'T they, Mr. Koehler?) 3. Women don't have to listen (not just read in the Insnide World) to Pierce bitch about how long it's been since he's had any. 2. Women get to leave sinking ships first. I. Women don't scratch their genitals in public.

Well, I'm back from Washinton. Did you miss me? By the way, Melinda, as part of her continuing plan to imitate Linda, has dyed her hair. (or un-dyed it as the case may be) Zanelli's lucky he's not still around. Come to think of it, so is Melin­ da. Well last weekend was Fleming and Friends. Unfortunately, nearly a thousand Friends showed up so we had to move the barbeque over to Beckman to seat them all. Good Planning by the Social Team! Next time, reserve the row at the Monsters of Rock Concert weeks in advance, not the day before. This weekend is Casino Night, so everyone come and lose their money to Fleming House so we can throw more parties. Just so Linda doesn't think I've given up making sexist comments (after all what would I write the Insnide World about if I didn't have sexist comments?) He are a few de­ finitions for your dictionary: Bimbo: Women on TV who don't have any actual lines, they just stand there and look pretty. Example: See any Diet Soft Drink commercial. Wench: A Bimbo with lines. Example: Soo. Babe: Wench who can act. Goddess: Awesome babe. Fleming Women: Awesome Goddesses. Except for. ..Well, maybe I better leave these out. AS 1H1IT (){.J) Lloyd: The stars and planets were finally in the correct alignment this weekend for the upperclass­ exPK€5S1ON 6065: • YOVK CAMf!116N /5 IN men of Lloyd to finally welcome the new freshmen into their unholy brotherhood. The freshmen fle81 AiM? WH6N '7l£ suspected something was strange when they arrived at the beach and saw Phil Lee slicing open the CXKICtMOf 5PI1'5 ON stomach of a goat with a dagger in an attempt to foretell the future by examining the entrails. The 1M 5l'111'5.· frosh huddled together in fear as Phil uttered "SANGRIUS, MORTUS, BONUS!" and caused the , upperclassmen to begin dancing around in a frenzy of bloodlust and Satanic glee. After a filling IiII6. meal of goat's flesh and 7UP Gold, the upperclassmen left to prepare the altar for the night's activi­ "'~rt.::i ties. When the last rays of the blood-red sun disappearred from the beach, "Killer" led the unbeliev­ ing freshmen towards the circle of chanting upperclassmen. Seeing the unclad virgin bound to the altar there, a demonic smile crossed his sunburnt face. With a downward stroke of inhuman speed, he thrust his cursed blade deep into her still-beating heart. Each frosh was then required to scrawl his or her name in the warm, flowing blood as it ran down the sides of the infernal altar.

Other Bonus News - Rumors have been going around the house lately concerning what promises to be the most dangerous stack in the history of Lloyd House: Lev's "Death by Uzi" Stack. He predicts that the bullet-riddled carcasses of unwary stack-breakers will cover the floors of Inferno and Tropically.

- Last Thursday night our own Jack Prater was critically injured during the Lloyd-Ruddock Frosh Shower War by a Size 13 sneaker to the groin. He seems unaffected, except for his sudden disin­ terest in touching members of the opposite sex.

- The president's latest hobby, deep sea diving, got out of hand last weekend as he hurled hi body into the ocean twice despite the sub-freezing temperatures and bone-numbing wind. The fresh man class tried to stop their zealous leader from going in, but they were left holding his jacket an shoes as he dove gracefully into the icy-blue water.


'cketts: Hi there! Yes, yes, I know, there wasn't an Inside World last week. It wasn't my fault! ric Candell, and John Hoskins were going to write a fantastic Inside World complete with all the fencing, fighting, chases, escapes, and silly accents you'd expect. It was going to be spectacular! Something Unique Has Come to Pasadena! But as they started to work on it, a freak wornthole opened in the bathroom of l6A and sucked them into the toilet. Its true! They told me themselves. They were buffeted by the turbulent waters and just as they were thanking themselves for remembering to flush every time, they were dumped unceremoniously in the sewer. A dimensional gate opened up next to them and a robot arm grabbed them and pulled them through. They were laid, coughing and spitting sewage at the feet of a beauti­ ful princess. John said, "Oh cool! Now we get to do a great deed for the beautiful princess and then she mar­ Sidewalk Cafe ries us," Family Restaurant But the princess said, "No, no, no, that only works in fairy tales. I'm marrying Dan Raguin, see?" And she showed them the wonderful ring on her finger. "But you still have to perform a great deed for me." FOOD MADE THE OLD WAY "Says who?" said our intrepid duo. "Says me." With that the princess leaped off her throne and twisted both John and Eric's hands • Nice Easy Atmosphere • Large Portions behind their backs. conti • With Outside Patio • Reasonable Prices • All American Favorites • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner • Mediterranean Dishes • Greek Dishes 'ISIDEII SCIEIIIFIC ~ I 'ECHIICIL BDDIS ¢ GREEK DELICACIES WI Stfd S.." , ,,,1IssiIuI ..ts _: uYOU CAN EAT FOR LESS ATSIDEWALK CAFE EN5INUIIN' • HANDIOOIS • SCIENCES· MATH THAN YOU CAN AT HOME. " AEIOSPACE • COMrUTERS • BUSINESS· CODES ~ NUISINC • PSYCHOLOGY . ARCHITECTURE· DESICN - We Specialize in: FAST DILlVERY • SPECIAL ORDERS PHONE ORDERS M-Thur. 9-6 Fri. 9-5 CIC Saturday I 0-4 • 114-4411 1616 East Colorado Blvd. • (818) 584-3912 1311 L WASHINGTON BL • PASADENA (Next to Pasadena City College) THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 19885

from page 4 More Inside World "Ow! Okay, okay you win. What do we do?" "Find out when Ditch Day is." So Eric and John were stuffed in a urinal and emerged in Ricketts again. But they knew that unless they accomplished their task the princess would get them, somehow. So they investigated. And they found much evidence that seemed to point to Friday, May 6. Elated, they reported to the princess. But lo! it was not Ditch Day, it was a fake Ditch Day! And John and Eric were ashamed. They had heen tricked! At least they hadn't called home because of it. But the princess was not pleased. She laid upon them a great task. "Go through every alley of each of the seven houses singing obnoxious songs. You may take r Jmpanions with you to aid you in your task." So John and Eric went forth singing with their loyal companions. They trekked through Heaven and Hell, through the lands of green and red, through the lands of Trojans and flame. Through the lands of pageness, they were beset by mustard and catsup and were hauled away to th~ torture cham­ bers where some of their companions fell by the wayside. They endured all. The princess found their deed to be to her liking. "I shall reward you for your effort. I shall send to you have fun at Capra!" And the royal toilet whisked them away to fun and excitement. Unfortunately, when they got back, it was too late to write the Inside World. Anyway, Eric and John had so much fun they decided to do everything they could to get that room again next year so they could have parties. So they used the bathtub drain and its time hiccup­ ing properties to go back in time and arrange to be on the social team for the half pick. They even made if appear as if they had been working on this Saturday's BDR party for the past week. What minds! Room pick for everyone else began Thursday. In a surprise move, Jerry and Suzette picked the Prexy double for next year. Other interesting results- Samer and his nose are doubling in 17; Sean, jealous of Eric's and John's adventures, picked one of the Snatch bathrooms; and Carlos and Kitt decided to double in Crud. And by popular vote, I get the pot. -signing off! Pip-Squeek ear Mr. Frink, When is Ditch Day? Every night at dinner the seniors promise that it's tomorrow so I go to bed arly and wake up at 8 AM, but the only thing happening is Wayne g~ing to Chern lab. I'm so con­ sed that I'm getting way behind in my studying and accidentally called my HP-15C "Mom". Could ou help me? - a Frosh Dear Frosh, PV1" miff pow"'.1 Boy are you stupid. No one falls for the old Ditch Day trick anymore! Ditch Day is a hoax per­ 1HRr'~wry()f/f( trated by the institute to persuade the outside world that Tech is fun. Ofcourse it usually backfires MUffIN ,I since the media always runs "Revenge of the Nerds" stories and makes public mockery of us. Since you're already behind doing your homework, I suggest not doing your work and spending I ach day at the beach instead. When the Seniors show up at the beach, buy a newspaper. If the day on the front page isn't Saturday or Sunday, it's Senior Ditch Day. - Frink Zappa Yo Frink-Head! I'm an off-campus Senior from Ruddock. I think Ruddock is just way too severe now. It was a much mellower place when I was a frosh. I think that you should write an inside world just saying nice things about everybody. You could go around the house and get everyone to say something nice about someone they don't like. - Rosie's Main Man Dear Man, Get with the times. No one has time to drive around naked in pastel-colored VW's trailing a cloud of marijuana-induced happiness anymore. Acid is the main drug now. Why, just last week we sold $20 to Page with observable effects. Besides, what you're saying is totally ridiculous. Ifyou keep this up, you're going to have a head­ on collision with reality. I mean try being nice to people on the streets in Lebanon. For an example of how the world really works, I suggest that you go see Fatal Attraction or Scarface. - Frink Zappa Top Ten Sayings 0' the Week 10. Seniors are little pieces of poop. 9. Seniors are wus. 8. Seniors suck. 7. An HJ for just $1.99, for a guy like me that's mighty fine. 6. Seniors can't even fill up the fridge. 5. ATH DAY 4. The seniors do make a guest appearance in Attack of the Killer Bimbo's. 2. Put a l20z. PIG in your hand - like Duppy. ATTENTION Parents of David Proctor: Duppy means David Proctor. I. The seniors asked Bibi out on a date, but she said no.

matena appearmg in this inside world is the sole responsibility of Betsy Andrews. If you have any questions or complaints, she will be more than happy to talk to you. What if...your expertise k - the true identi of FRINK ZAPPA - REV could impact the AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS direction of an ARISE!!! industry? Have you shot a photo of the Caltech campus that you especially like? Well, here's your chance to see it You'd be on the engineering team in print. Work is now being started on the 1989 Caltech Calendar, which will contain 13 color photos ofthe cam­ at Hewlett-Packard. pus taken by the Caltech community. You're invited to submit your favorite 35mm color slide or color photo Hewlett-Packard, an established leader in computer technology, to Dlorah Goforth, Graphic Arts Facilities, Mail Code 17-6, Extension 6705, by June 1. Winners will has outstanding positions for forward-thinking graduating receive a free calendar and $25! engineers wiLl-} degrees in EE, CS or Computer Engineering. Exceptional opportunities are available in:


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Please stop by our booth at the \xTESTECH CAREER EXPO located at Winner of 9 Academy Awards Greta Scacchi & John Hurt including Best Picture the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Manhattan Beach, on May 16th and 17th and find out about great career paths at Hewlett-Packard. Hewlett­ WHITE MISCHIEF THE LAST Packard is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. rll~ HEWLETT (R) EMPEROR (PG-13) 'UNIX is a trademark of AT&T a:~ PACKARD Mon-Fri 4:40,7:00,9:20 pm Mon-Fri 5:30, 8:45 pm Sat-Sun 2:20,4:40,7:00,9:20 pm Sat-Sun 1:50,5:30,8:45 pm 6THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 1988 DITCH DAY

by Dave Carta involves the participants, forcing Ifyou missed it yesterday, you them to use their minds, knowledge will have to wait until next year for and specialized skills in an attempt Ditch Day to again be tomorrow. to complete or solve a puzzle. Seniors, each using their own com­ The brute force stack is exact­ bination of ingenuity and creativi­ ly what is sounds like. All means ty, set up stacks, designed to test and methods used to break into the rest of the student body. senior rooms are valid and are Unknown, until eight o'clock in the generally used. Stacks often in­ morning of the day itself, Ditch volve a combination of any or all Day keeps students on their toes of the three basic styles. waiting for it. Again this year Caltech's Senior Seniors again were able to Ditch Day attracted a great number make the Freshmen, Sophomores, of alumni, who came to see both and Juniors do their bidding as the stacks left behind by the seniors Q) their stacks were revealed in and the methods the underclassmen it used to deal with these stacks. .;: envelopes pinned to the sheets LJ which have been concealing the The media also visited Caltech ro seniors doors for the past few in great numbers, coordinated by ~ weeks. Ditch Day Central at Winnett ~ Center organized by Public Rela­ >­ ..0 As all classes are cancelled on tions. Ditch Day is a major source B Ditch Day, students have from ofpublicity for the Caltech student o eight o'clock until five o'clock to body. ___IIc...J:: work on the stacks. Students at­ After completion of a task, the tempt to solve puzzles, chase down group of students who worked on clues, and complete miscellaneous that particular stack are allowed to FLEMING blind maze and numbers on Jorgen­ crosswords and clues. They were enter the senior's room. Inside, left tasks, in an effort to break into t?e Tiny Space Aliens Told Me sen. What made it really tricky, ultimately successful after a hard senior's rooms. The stacks conSist by the senior, are bribes. These When Ditch Day Was! Yes, it's though, was that Catanzaro seemed day of searching, measuring, and bribes generally consist of mass of any of three basic styles: the true--I was sitting in my room to be under the impression that it blind guesswork. Funny how hard honor stack, the finesse stack, and amounts of food, drinks, and/or when a thimble-sized flying sauc­ was STANFORD Ditch Day, and it is to find the Fleming lounge on the brute force stack. sweets intended for those who er flew right up to my ear and a left most of his clues there. a picture taken from 400 miles The honor stack deals essential­ found the solution. However, ifthe voice said, "Ditch Day is Tomor­ Fortunately, we had operatives up... Oh well, at least it was good ly with binding the participants to people who worked on the stack row." Well, not exactly, but the in Palo Alto to help us navigate the preparation for Ph7, eh, Kister? found the bribe to be inadequate, follow the rules as described in the seniors managed not to fool any­ radio-controlled nitro-burning fun­ Rob Williamson and his coura­ stack, by adhering to the honor the underclassmen have the option one, and the entire house turned out nycar through the incredibly twist­ geous band offrosh stack-breakers to counterstack the senior's room. code. In the honor stack, there in force to chase away the coward­ ed Maze of Death. If only we had bravely sallied forth through the In this case the seniors are obliged generally are easier ways of gain­ ly seniors at the appointed hour. had a pair ofX-ray binoculars that steam tunnels in search of Seth's ing entry into the senior's room, but to follow the same rules and The day began with a scene could see through trees for the last five (or was it one) clue(s). While guidelines which are set on their they should not be used. right out of Lit 170 as the house clue. failing to find it (them), they DID The finesse stack specifically stacks to re-enter their rooms. officers (or "Phynancial Horses") The triple-M stack had its mo­ manage to find clues from every bore Paul Brewer on their backs to ments, as it provided Burleigh with other stack on campus. Translating Lacy Park as he munched on his yet another excuse to go try to pick the typed instructions from Nor­ "Phynancial Drumstick." up little girls. Cruising for 12-year wegian to English proved to be a The "Who Killed Brain old babes at Poly wearing a trench challenge, as did translating the Damage?" stack was the most coat and little else, our fearless written instructions from English to popular one in the house--for ob­ leader soon worked up his courage English. After a confused under­ vious reasons (too bad it wasn't for to try the girls at the high school, and above-ground oddessy in real, eh?). See if you can guess only to be crushed by gales of search of envelopes, tape record­ who it was: laughter whenever the jacket flaps ers, and dead Darbs, they found A) Sue Danek flew open. Not to insult your man­ themselves in the Alley 2 kitchen, B) Konstantin Othmer hood or anything, Jim, but those faced with mortal peril from vi­ C) Benite the Geek girls were very amused at the }Vhat cious man-eating pumpkin pies.' D) Brian Colder was under the coat, and I don't That's right! Danek did it! She think it was the nevus that was so The pies were promptly devoured was rewarded with a bottle of funny. in self-defense. champagne and the heartfelt thanks The Bill and Lynn's Farewell to Prize for Best Bribe goes to of a grateful nation. Other events Fleming Stack proved to be scads Gino, whose indescribably scrum­ '"\!: from the Stack That Ate Bill Swan­ of fun for all involved as the giant pulicious ransom included count­ Q) son's Nail Clippers include the In­ l- crossword slowly filled up. The less incomparable baked E credible Sky-Clue, Diving for balloons on the cannon were a nice confections, and a well-appreciated Clues, Crawling for Clues, and T­ touch. And when was it you were lpile 0' ice cream (such heavenly .8 o shirts emblazoned with "Daniels is going to graduate, Bill? Your ad­ Ibrownies this reporter has not tast­ ..J:: 0.. not a fag. .. but I wish he visor mumbled something about ed in a long time--of course, in was[sic]."--a sentiment shared by "Hell freezing over" after the ques­ comparison with Be's famed every woman ever to have met Mr. tion was screamed into his ear for "brownies with butt-nutts" or BLACKER Ed Vail among others, was sub­ Daniels. And did you know that the fifteenth time. Oh, and I believe Pierce's Microwave Brownies of Seven fifteen A.M., My alarm jected to Curtis's toxic "digestive Jack Nicholson is more likely to act Fleming House has to unanimous­ the Damned, this is unsurprising). screams me awake. By an act of system" stack. The victims of this in a movie filmed at the Ath than ly approve your dissertation now Congratulations to all who valiantly supreme willpower I restrain my­ stack were forced to explore. the watch a Laker game in the before you get your PhD. And Sue tried to absorb enough culture self from reducing it to its compo­ bowels of "Curtie" searching for Coffeehouse? Berkley really liked the flowers. down at the Huntington to find the nent pieces and fall into the clues. Meanwhile Glenn and other The Catanzaro-Phillips-etc. Busacker, Burch, and Glenn answers. ("William WHO? I shower. Next thing I know I come frosh were humiliating themselves Hell-Blimp Stack proved to be a Lewis had people poring over thought Bard moved to to drinking a coke in the lounge to break James Daniel's stack by at­ true challenge, with rockets, a satellite photos to fmd fragm~nts of Blacker..."). while Ben reads everyone the "best" tempting to play heavy metal mus­ In other happenings, Flemer­ tidbits from Penthouse. Deter­ ic in front of Winnett. cise on the Olive Walk was a smash mined to recover my lost hours James Okamoto, Francis Ho, hit. Few exercise programs are as (and because of a promise to the and Bill Breazeal built this years invigorating as trying to follow EDITOR) I set out to research what obligatory laser stack. To break the along with a platoon ofMarines on had occurred on this Ditch day.... stack, mirrors mounted to dowels fast-forward. Ditch Day closed Andy Odea's stack began with at various angles, had to be found. with the traditional cannon firing­ Debbie Gibson played at Maxi­ When these were put in the path of -marred by the traditional Ditch Overload - then his speakers blew. the laser, letters mounted on the Day Cannon Curse. The cannon Most of the stack was disabled by ceiling were illuminated, giving simply refused to work until fed Andy's failure to turn it on. The clues. The bribe consisted of wine custom-made cannon fodder gra­ diligent stackees completed the coolers and beer, a fine reward for ciously donated by Brian Daniels "Triple Challenge" ; Coke, Pepsi, the non-drinking stackees. specially for the occasion. The can­ and RC taste test (RC won) in spite non then graciously donated said of adversity, and thus broke the fodder to Lloyd House. A big stack. When asked about Sue Ridg­ thank-you goes out to Chris On a similar note of senior way's stack participants mumbled, Habecker for putting out all the competence, Scott McCauley failed "Uh crime fires started by the cannon's to provide a working motorcycle league kill Sue's brother. .." generosity. for his "Tomb Of fila" stack. For­ While those working on Mike Well, that about wraps it up for tunately we were able to substitute Pravica's stack said " to sur­ Ditch Day this year. I can only say my breath for the exhaust of the vive Caltech...beach trip..." Draw that next year's frosh are motorcycle and save the day. Us­ your own conclusions. DOOMED. By the way, Pierce ing clues gleaned from around No I didn't forget Andy Miller's says Ditch Day is Monday, so be campus and Scott's talking box we stack (Though I may have forgot­ sure to go to bed early on Sunday... were able to file a key and break ten others) I just heard nothing Your faithful Fleming cor­ the stack. about it. respondent, TH E CALI FORNIA TECH FRI DAY 1 3 MAY 19887 YESTERDAY LLOYD to do. Tara got a good scare when impeding our entrance (and their As a frosh in Lloyd, I went to the cloudburst erupted, and random egress) was a wicked looking box sleep early Wednesday because I pedestrians got a good scare when with about 30 buttons, 10 switches was sure for the fourth time that the the javelin plummeted from the and two knobs. A challenging puz­ next morning would be Ditch Day. roof of Millikan. About 10 man­ zle, indeed. We got our exercise, Pope was nice enough to get me up hours were spent atop of Guggen­ though, and brushed up on those early so that I could enjoy a full day heim, but, alas, the clue was lateral-over-Del Mar skills as a... offun, and soon I was deep into the found ... treat that is extra to normal swing of things. Nearby, my help was recruited rewards. I started off with Keith's stack, to break a drug dealing operation as 007 hunting down the evil designed by a Russian immigrant Terrence is from Hawaii. I dis­ Kankus who had wasted on and his seemingly upstanding covered this when I happened by 004-006. I had good filmic evi­ ROTC cohort. Although the effort to lend a hand on his stack. Braun dence ofthese heinous crimes and was enjoyed, we realize the na­ is a very large building. This was was determined to bust into tion's need to develop a compre­ discovered in the same way. Kankus' evil hideout. I spent a hensive drug control program. We Although the mysterious piece 15 while on this elaborate stack but think these dealers are still in eluded us a while we finally thought I would let others share the business. cracked the stack and rejoiced. fun. Over at James stack, I found a Brand name quality stack at half Leslie, Bill and Ross also frantic group seeking a diffuser for the price! I found a mob trying to stacked and although Bar Code had a bomb set to detonate at five. The get into the Pope's room. It must me going, nothing beat Leslie's entire campus would be leveled, have been for the generous bribe dear old grandmothers side­ but what I do for the next three visible through the door. General­ splitting humor. No jelly bellies or years? So, I joined in and lent a ly considered "a tough stack", un­ other vises for Leslie's bribe. We hand searching the campus. Dis­ derclassmen still entered with found a chest of toys we are sure aster was narrowly avoided by cut­ enough timeto help John prepare to cherish. ting the striped wire, not the for the end ofhis housing contract. Wow! What a day. Some stripped one. Down the hall, I found a real juniors said it might have been the At Ken and Doug's stack, I Bonus. Rob and Chris had locked best they had even seen. All I know found a bunch of really keen things their door too! The contraption is that I like it.

PAGE At ten past eight three frosh their efforts after the film turns out Seven o'clock in the morning grab an envelope off Robert blank. found a small cluster of frosh and Young's door and disappear from Several have attempted the "On assorted others clustered the old sight. "King Arthur" and four of the Road" stack, but few have made KKAL room as Tim Cotter, "his Knights" go clattering off in it past the "tightrope" part, and Konstantin Othmer, James Ham­ search of "The French Castle" as none yet past the "earthquake." All mond and Joe Williams wired part of Chris Hassler's "Monty this time there has been a steady together their "Poker MacDitch" Python's Flying Stack." A video is stream of people trying to defeat stack out of a Macintosh II, two playing by the social team closet the tougher Nintendo boxing op­ speakers, and some other assorted wherein three of the perpetrators ponents. A few pieces of race car stereo equipment. Meanwhile, con­ clarify some of the more subtle track, the reward for completed cealed behind the curtain nuances of their stack, entitled "A games, have begun to appear. separating the Page dining hall Day in the Life of a Playmate." It Those working on Michael's stack from the lounge Chuck turns out to be a creation ofminds resume their efforts after realizing Neugebauer and David Gates did influenced both by Pee Wee Her­ the film wasn't supposed to be the fmal adjustments on their Ditch man and John Belushi, coupling the blank. Day stack, as yet unrevealed to the simple pleasure of family board Around lunchtime a few people population in general. games with the more manly pursuit head for the Origin of Pasadena to In front of the upstairs social of Demolition Drinking. search for an object concealed team closet was a large assortment there, to gain more money for the ofboard games, two TV's, a VCR, A manhunt is on for someone poker game. The unsuccessful a ghetto blaster, a Nintendo video who can develop the film on Harvey Mudd mattress thieves game and two tables covered with Keating's door. In this stack, listing return. Casualties ofthe "Playmate" a mysterious diagram ofsome sort, Keating and David Bruning as it's stack start mounting. all apparently placed there during major contributors (with literary After a serenade of the the night by Doug Roberts, Eric advice by Ken Haynes), the idea "Lumberjack Song" in front of Scharin, Jeff Tekanic, and Van seems to be to follow the photo­ Winnett and steady progress in the Eric Stein. Michael Keating had a clues on the roll of film to find remote control stack, the first stack number of envelopes and an pieces ofa puzzle which will reveal is broken at about four o'clock. undeveloped roll of film taped to the location of the key. Various After finding some very well hid­ his door. In front ofChris Hassler's people are sprinting allover cam­ den clues and a not-very well hid­ room were envelopes and four bot­ pus following the clues in Ken Lin's den key stack breakers walk into tles labeled "Australian Table envelopes. When the curtain is Ken Lin's room and begin mun­ Wine." pulled back the stack "On the Road ching on Marie Callender's pie's. with Chuck and Dave," a "On the road with Chuck and Ken Lin had put out large mechanical maze for a remote con­ Dave" is defeated after many vain manila envelopes which indicated trol 4x4, is revealed. For the efforts as the 4x4 rolls over ''the that they were not supposed to be "Playmate" stack several Burger King Drive-Through opened until an appropriate time, underclassmen start guzzling their Massacre" and through "Frogger's as well as a sign which proclaim­ way through a game of "Opera­ Revenge" to bump a bimbo to win ed this stack to be "Raiders of the tion." A few house presidents are the bribe. "Monty Python" was Lost Key." Robert Jensen dumped "murdered" by assailants wielding broken next after a last minute dash a few large cardboard boxes, some deadly fruit. to Robinson to retrieve a key. filled to overflowing with bananas, At about ten the poker players The "Playmate" players for his "Fruit ofthe Month" stack. decide that ten dollars a head for assembled a complete circuit of You can guess what the fruit ofthe each person who types in their track and ran the little cars around month was. The door to room 201 name isn't quite enough. An ex­ it ten times to get a refrigerator full displayed a few clues and the pedition is formed to ofsugared snacks and soda, as well words "The Streets of LA by shower/pond/pool Warren Emery. as a cannister of several at­ Robert Young and Demitrios (Look in the Tech for photos ofthe mospheres ofjoy. The frosh work­ Missios" scribbled on a sheet of outcome of this.) Another group ing on Robert Young's stack notebook paper. goes off to hum The Ride into the returned after a l-o-o-ng drive At about seven fifty-eight AM PA system at Ralph's. A few highly through LA county with a fistful of a digitized version of The Ride amusing limericks about poker are clues pulled off of freeway issues forth from the speakers on rapidly penned. Around the corner on-ramps. the computer poker stack. A few a frosh stuffs five bananas into his The Banana stack breakers pull­ underclassmen sit down at the mouth. A few underclassmen begin ed a map to the bribe out ofa book keyboard to begin entering their to feel the effects ofdrinking their entitled "The Banana Empire." names as participants in the stack. way through a game of Those working on the picture­ They then start to encourage "Mousetrap" after their game of puzzle stack were on the verge of passers-by to join them. The com­ "Operation." completion when the stack-makers puter adds ten dollarsto the human The poker addicts add on their reappeared. The creators of the player's stake for each Page money for Fish getting drunk. The computer poker game sat and ate underclassman who logs in. The villiage idiot lays in the sun as the the bribe while the players con­ stackbreakers begin with $99. Inquisition pummels random peo­ tinued to match their skill against Their six computer opponents start ple into confession. "Playmate" the likes of "Willard" and Linus with $99999. Ofcourse, the objec­ stackbusters play a more classic Van Pelt. tive is to win all the money on the drinking game. Those working on And a good time was had by "table." Mike and Dave's stack abandon all. 8THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 1988 MORE DITCH DAY

RUDDOCK The picture was pieced together ly consisted of a nUrrlber of tasks Ditch Day came and went at and found to contain a code on the that specific persons had to com­ Ruddock House. It wasn't much of reverse side. This code, broken, plete. Unfortunately (or perhaps a surprise to anyone, as Ditch Day gave a clue as to where the room fortunately...??) the stackers re­ rules had been announced the night key was hidden. The key was fused the bribe at the end, and now before, and seniors were acting found at the Norton Simon muse­ Alley 1 smells amazingly like steer somewhat secretive. The alumni um (carefully avoiding the EVIL manure (and so do Jamal's and students on leave that had GUARD from HELL. ..) clothes...) returned also helped give away the Still, the stackers were not yet "secret." done, for a number oftasks had'to The day began at an early eight be completed, including Nik's There were many many more A.M. with breakfast (4 boxes of streaking across the Ath lawn, Bet­ stacks in Ruddock: hundreds, even cereal had to be eaten...)from the sy and Milton's shaving cream ex­ thousands, so this reporter was un­ xxxx stack, and, of course, loud capade (salty??), naked ultimate able to cover all ofthem. They in­ music by the Dead Milkmen from frisbee, and serenading the Ath cluded Janice Peters' computerized Wayne's 'Art Fags' stack. with jingle bells played on pots and stack, the 'Escape from Vietnam' Greg Martin's Yoyodyn stack pans. stack, tlie 'Flick' stack, and the seemed to end up confusing a lot 'Ruddlander' stack, which incident­ ofpeople. The stack essentially in­ Mike Warren's stack involved 1y spawned another stack-­ volved the formation of a "corpo­ an adventure-type computer pro­ hereafter referred to as the 'fake' ration", complete with secretaries gram based on Tech. After hours stack. (One ofthe tasks was to get and board meetings.It did accom­ ofwork, the key was finally found interviewed for a fake stack...) All plish one important thing, humili­ (a few minutes before five...) The in all, everyone that participated ation. Gary Lorden had to read a program contained many obscure had fun; especially after the stacks 'statement' of jibberish at a fake "monsters"--like exams, integrals, were opened and the bribes were ish this Insnide World for him. board meeting, and Colin had to and even several faculty members. ingested. And remember, Ditch RICKETTS The MaSH's office got a kick sing. At the final board meeting, Jamal and Hungse's stack main- Day is Tomorrow! Howdy neighbors! Aaack Barf! of the screaming hephlilumpers the "computer" made up of around Did you have fun, boys and girls? running through, screaming and 20 people following flow charts We did! As expected, Ricketts took yelling and hollering. But, the broke down, leaving the stack­ SPERM DONORS top coverage in the local news mouse didn't seem to be in trouble. breakers hanging. SUMMER report. Josh even took a lady So all the histronics for nothing! Tim Ma's 'CIA' stack consisted NEEDED reporter out for a spin in his new There were also a bunch ofmad ofa number oftasks which students JOBS mobile. The climbers, with their pirates running around campus. had to follow, including paper Earn up to $105 per week. They seemed to all come from this origamy and making layers and nifty new bottle collection, decid­ University students only. Now hiring 100 students and ed that the Crud bathroom didn't hovse, riding around in a pirate layers of jello. need any ofits glass windows any­ ship with wheels and carrying For all those 'Art Fags', Wayne Area's largest sperm bank. teachers for a variety of tem­ more. Their climbing efforts once flags. Leukens' stack gave hours of int­ Call: (213) 553-3270. porary positions. If you have again showed the public just how But there is too much to talk rigue. Stackers were given photos office clerical skills such as California Cryobank, Inc. dangerous and harmful climbing about in this little space. It can be of various artistic places on cam­ Data Entry, PBX, Recep­ 208Q Century Park East #306 stacks actually are. Maybe next summed up as a fun day, all in all. pus, where envelopes containing tionist, Secretarial, Word year the administration will also Now, for last words from the other pieces of a Kandinsky work lay. Los Angeles CA 90067 Processing, etc. Call for ap­ outlaw drinkign stacks too since editor: Nancy Reagan says "Just Say No." You know, I don't care who pointment: On a lighter note, the ath hole you are. I hate you. So there. , Pasadena (818) 796-8559 was finally taken care of. Through EDIllNG - GRAPHICS - WORDPROCESSING Los Angeles (213) 386-3440 perserverence (8 1/2 hours) and hard work (Drew almost puked) ,.. ------.., Shennan Oaks (818) 906-1145 the road crew removed the offend­ t I Communications Software • Laser Printer West LA (213) 208-5656 ing car. A piece at a time. RagTime Santa Ana (714) 250-1444 • . On Greent Technical Reports - Proposals - Resumes (By the way, Mark, potato f RESALE CWTBING t chips aren't a bribe.) Dissertations - Manuscripts • fur t (And for the other Mark, why • WOMEN t STIVERS should we say anything about you? t M-1burs. 10-5, F-Sat 10-3 t EXPERIENCED TECHNICAL EDITOR No on else seemed to care.) • (818) 796-9924 • Temporary Personnel As I was sitting here, the other III J136 E. Green St., P...... • 797-5375 editor fell asleep, so 111 have to fm- ...... "", TH E CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 19889 EVEN MORE DITCHDAY

BANDORAMA WEEKLY SPORTS eALEN DAR is this Day Date Time Sport Opponent Location SATURDAY Sat. 5-14 4:00 pm Track Occidental Invitational Occidental May 14, 8:00 pm. Tue/Sat 5-25/28 All Day Track NCAA Div. III Nationals Northfield, MN in Ramo Auditorium A Free Concert with the Caltech Wind Ensemble Caltech Monday Jazz Band Specializing in Unis,x Haircuts, Perms, Caltech Thursday Jazz Band SEE OUR NEW LOCATION and Color 3519 E. COLORADO BLVD 20" off to Guest and Soloist PASADENA Clffech community Steve Houghton - "drummer for the Stars" (8181 793-2582 Walk·ins anef Appointments ALTERATIONS 991 E. Green Street and a RESTYLING PasaClllna, california Reception with food after the concert. TAILORING ~~~ Parkingon ~ 108 S. catalina ~~~~, ~::;:.:;~ .. INVISIBLE REWEAVING 713-1143 • 441-4431 - sponsored by your office of Student Affairs - Special rates for Caltech/JPL community 1OTHE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 1988

BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed

(;()Of) evENlNffJ .1" I t.ooK II lf77l£ 7HISI5 .. Ae/'VOli'5, >W VI( . PCW'r I ? L.OOK FINE. bO fX{. / May Day, cont. from page 3 Lynne's song as undoubtedly being a "chorus girl, as she wasn't averse." . The evening wound down with games of"Knots" and rambunctious pursuit of "Cloved Lemon Tag" in the by now· very windy Dabney Gardens. The general silliness of this enjoyable even was much enhanced by the assistance of Miguel McDonald as a field herald, Erch Schneider, and Vicki Jones who attended upon visiting Royalty, and in various other ways by Chris Bertani, Tracy DaFoe, Harold Zatz, Charles Fu, and Stephen Walton.

~u.y, SrevrG. AN e:lRRfN& ? PIIP'S '1Of.!I? FfI1l6?'5 AfJVe, Pf?OSIl8f.Y «JfN& MI/. 1/ HfIlF &f1fNE/{ \ IN HI5 6f(At,€ RI&HrNOW/ \

~ IE AlWAY5 15_. ..I6T1rJ K64PIN~ 1lE5ftIfr1"" PI/(£ 1HeaRAMfC IN -me ~ Clfl/fR. fr}fN5emll5. fN1He PeN. \ /

ACADEMY BARBER SHOP 27 No. Catalina, Pasadena Open Tues.-Sat., 8A.M.-5 P.M. 449-1681 THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 198811 _-_-_-__..._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_w_h_a_t~g_oe_s_on_=-=-=-=-=-=-==== __I

Altadena Book Sale Club Should Submit Soon Study At Oxford S.T.D. Hotline The Friends ofthe Altadena Library will The Big T editors would like to en­ The University of in conjunction The County ofLos Angeles Department Gay & Lesbian Discussion Group hold the annual book sale on Saturday, May courage Caltech clubs and organizations to with Oakland University is offering British ofHealth Services announces the availability The Gay and Lesbian Discussian Group 14 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The sale will submit a page or two ofphotos for the year­ Studies at Oxford. The setting for this idyl­ ofIts Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline. meets the first and third Wednesday ofeach be held at the Altadena Public Library, 600 book. If you are interested, please assign lic , credit-bearing program is Corpus Christi The Hotline provides confidential telephone month. The next meeting will be held on E. Mariposa Street, Altadena (a short dis­ somebody in your organization to put College, Oxford. information about sexually transmitted dis­ Wednesday May 18 in the Group's new tance west of Lake Ave.). together your section and direct them to the The program offers tuition, private eases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, meeting location, Student Activity Center, For real bargains and best selection, join Big T editors as soon as possible. Mail to room, full board during the week, excur­ venereal warts, and chlamydia, to name a room 26. Refreshments will be served. For the Friends of the Altadena Library on Caltech 27 -58, or call x2183. sions to , Stratford-upon-Avon, few. The Hotline also provides referrals to further information please contact Bruce Members' Night, Friday, May 13 from 4:00 Bath, Coventry and other sites, theatre tick­ low-cost health facilities where diagnosis Kahl, ext 6393. to 8:00 pm (membership available at teh Now, About Those Houses ... ets, visits to world famous museums for six and treatment is available. These facilities door). All House sections must be submitted to weeks, and six or eight credits, for $3300, are located throughout Los Angeles County. Hardcover books at .50 each, paperbacks the Big Tby May 23. The editors would like not including air fare. Students may opt for To speak with a Hotline "listener" call (213) Creative Award at .25, most children's books at .10 and .25, to meet with each ofthe House Section Edi­ a three week, three/four credit program at 588-5221. The Hotline operates 8:00 am to Can you think ofa creative way to spend some better quality books will be slightly tors to make sure they understand how a lay­ $1850. Most courses offered by Oxford tu­ 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday and $300? Something fun and frivolous like higher, and bargains in encyclopedias will out is done and what possibilities exist for tors include Art History, Antiques, British 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Friday. All calls are kayaking in the Sea of Cortez - bicycling be available. One of the last big book sales their layouts. Presidents, please assign Architecture, Business Management, His­ confidential. along California's coast - learning to play in Southern California! somebody in your house to put together your tory, Literature (Drama, Medieval Litera­ a new instrument - learning a new lan­ house section and direct them to the Big T ture and Modern British Literature), and guage!? Why not submit a typed or neatly editors as soon as possible: Brian Catanzaro, Political Science. written essay of about 500 words to the Don Caltech Bridge Club Dave Phillips and Gino Thomas, x2183. For further information write or call Dr. Shepard Essay Award contest describing The Caltech Bridge Club meets every Edward J. Wolff, Director ofStudy Abroad, Legal Internship Program your plan. All frosh, sophomores, and Monday at 7:00 pm in the Red Door Cafe. Hunter Rouse Fellowship the University of Detroit, 4001 W. The European and Asian offices of juniors are encouraged to apply. Three Players ofall standards are welcome and we McNichols, Detroit, MI 48221. (313) Coudert Brothers, Attorneys at Law, have The University of Iowa College of En­ established an International Legal Internship prizes will be awarded. .will provide a partner if you do not arrive gineering is sponsoring the Hunter Rouse 927-1082 or 652-3405. Submit your essay to the MOSH office with one. We play Duplicate Bridge and Program, which they believe will be of in­ Postgraduate Fellowship in Hydraulics and C.L.A.G.S. Library terest to graduating seniors and graduate stu­ before MAY 15, the deadline. Master Points are awarded. There are also Fluid Mechanics. Recipients must have The CLAGS library is open for business, dents who may want to take some time off. several tournaments a year, with extra earned a B.S. or M.S. by the 1988 academic Master Points offered. So, ifyou want a fun with everything from Plato's Symposium to They have offices in Paris, Hong Kong, Sin­ Animated Finale year. Stop by the Career Development Sappho Was a Right-On WOlrUln. The gapore, Tokyo, and Sydney. The firm would game of bridge, or just more information Center, 08 Parsons-Gates, for more infor­ As its season finale, Cinematech will on the club and its activities, please come library is in room 36 of the Student Activi­ like to attract talented college graduates who mation. presesnt The 19th International Tournee of on Monday night. ties Center. Ifyou want a key, even jusuo are considering a career in international law, anilrUltion Monday, May 23 and Wednes­ see what a gay-oriented cartoon book looks but would like some overseas experience day, May 25 in the Baxter Lecture Hall. The Enterprise Forum like, contact Laura Anderson, x3956, or with a large international firm before mak­ 19th Tournee is a collection of 20 award­ Work In A Summer Camp The May 17 Caltech/MIT Enterprise Fo­ Nancy Matthews (student activities coordi­ ing a definite decision. The Career Develop­ winning animated short features (just like Apply today for summer employment at rum will feature Tom Roberts, Chief Ex­ nator), Room 37 of Student Activities ment Center (08 Parsons-Gates) has more the Festival of Animation, except it's here teh Woodcraft Rangers Stanley Ranch ecutive Officer of DSP Systems Center, x2935. information. and it's cheaper to get in). Camp. We'll pay you for the first week to Corporation. DSP, founded in 1981, is a Featured shorts include Charade learn, from professionals in camping, so­ high performance array processor manufac­ With this new framework, (Academy Award winner), The Big Snit cial work recreation and safety, how to be turer which delivers applications specific su­ (Brad Scott's favorite), Vincent (a a great staff member! Ifyou qualify, you'll percomputers for FFT, ID and 2D matrices women must work to move beyond Friedan, conI. male role models and create new claymatron of Vincent Price), Jumping, An­ finish the summer with your American Red and other functions. Tom Roberts will ask from page 1 na and Bella, and lots more. Shows will be Cross First Aid & Lifesaving badges. It will the Forum about the future direction in models suited better to women, ac­ at 9:30 and IOPM. Admissions charg is be easier for you to get a later job as a product mix and the best way to approach these functions were taken care of cording to the speaker. Appropri­ lifeguard, recreation worker or in any in­ $1.50. For more info, call James Shih, corporate partnering. Attendees eat supper with sets of tubes and hoses. She x3968. dustry because you'll have the certificates in Chandler from 5:00 to 6:45, and the Fo­ ate to this point, the speaker related to handle emergencies. rum itself is at 7:00 in Baxter Hall. Con­ reacted by exclaiming, "Could not a fact about women engineers. It Don Shepard Essay You'll learn about child development, tact the Industrial Relations Center, x3916, a nation with the technology to put has been found, according to group work techniques and initiative games for reservations or more information. a man on the moon invent a new Friedan, that these engineers per­ Get those creative juices flowing and from mental health professionals. Ofcourse, write an essay for the DON SHEPARD youlllearn games, songs and campfire skits Alaska Airlines Claims California set of tubes to suit the female form their tasks better in some ESSAY AWARD CONTEST - the from recreation consultants. Well teach you Alaska Airlines is offering a special dis­ anatomy?!" cases because they possess commu­ deadline is MONDAY the 16th! Open to all how to build children's self-esteem through count of 35 % off standard coach fares for nication skills superior to their freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. successful participation in a ropes course, college students from now until June 30. The special "School's Out Fares" are good sys­ To affirm the triviality of those male counterparts; they cooperate astronomy trail and orienteering program. 20-year-old claims, Friedan noted more. The speaker noted that their Northrop EE Money The camp is on a ranch near Magic temwide on Alaska Airlines, which covers 30 in six Western states. The offer of more modern manned space The Northrop Corporation is again spon­ Mountain. We can offer you a summer of escape from the uncommunicative meaningful employment. ..ajob with a pur­ coincides with an advertising program "lay­ shots, "We haven't heard much model the males set up for them soring a $3,000 scholarship for sophomores ing claim to the state ofCalifornia," accord­ in Electrical Engineering. The scholarship pose! If you enjoy outdoor life and work­ about the bathroom problem." enabled them to perform better. ing with children this may be one ofthe most ing to an Alaska spokesman. To get the is awarded for the junior year, and may be discount, you need proof of full-time stu­ Friedan also said that work and renewed for the senior year. Selection will rewarding summers of your life. Employ­ ment is for ten weeks, beginning June 18 dent status, and a coupon available from the Friedan suggested ways for home environments need restruc­ be made by a Northrop representative, and airline or travel agencies. is not made on the basis ofneed. Details and and ending August 27. There are many both sexes to deal with the comfort turing to make them more comfort­ applications are available in the Financial openings for both men and women. We pro­ level. "They (the men) gotta get able for women. She emphasized Aid Office. Applications are due in the vide salary, room and board, health insur­ over it," was the simple message the need for recognition of wom­ Financial Aid Office by Friday, May 20. ance and other benefits. Research Opportunities The SURF Office has received informa­ she had for that gender. For wom­ en's link between work and home (Financial aid recipients: if you get this Write or call for an application: Wood­ tion from the Oregon Graduate Center Sum­ scholarship, you will reduce your loan/work craft Rangers, 2111 Park Grove Ave., Los en to break this barrier, she said, and the need to deal with their before grant!) Angeles, CA 90007, or phone (213) mer Undergraduate Research Experience "All it takes is a little assertion." unique needs, especially child care. 749-3031. Fingerprints and references re­ (OGC/SURE) about research opportunities quired. in such areas as groundwater contamination, She prescribed this mode ofaction Since women were traditional­ Free Money based on the fact that men's dis­ Groups and clubs may apply for fund­ fluid dynamics, environmental chemistry, ly relegated to household duties, ing to the Student Investment Fund. Money or microbiology. For further information, comfort dissipates quickly once the decision to pursue a career is for equipment and durable goods only. BANDORAMA Approaches come to the SURF office, Room 3 Dabney they actually start working with meant giving up the traditional To apply, please submit a short essay (less The Caltech Wind Ensemble and Jazz Hall. Bands, under the direction ofWilliam Bing, women; ifwomen treat their work­ role. This left a vacuum in care of than 200 words) by the new deadline ofMay ing relations seriously, Friedan's the house and family, so this deci­ 16. For more info contact Randy Levinson will present their annual BANDORAMA Health Brochures at 156-29 or x3961. concert on Saturday, May 14 at 8:00 pm in Health Education Brochures are now experience has shown that men will sion frequently entailed giving up Ramo Auditorium. Featured artist will be available at the Health Center. Topics in­ treat them likewise. on having children, or postponing the great drummer, Steve Houghton. Steve cluded are: depression, eating disorders, has played drums for Woody Herman, Fred­ physical fitness, mononucleosis, birth con­ childbirth to a more convenient die Hubbard, Doc Severinson, and on the trol, and sexually transmitted diseases. The time. Tonight Show. He is a clinician for Yama­ brochure rack is located near the reception "Women didn't seem to have Consulting Engineers $$ ha Drums, and has been featured in clinics area. There is no charge for the brochures. New Attitudes full rights to have children," The Consulting Engineers Association and concerts all over the world! Friedan elucidated. "They have to of California announces its twelfth annual There will also be a world premiere of The speaker acknowledged that competition for upper-division, undergradu­ a composition featuring the music ofCaltech Advance Your Swordplay Skills postpone because they don't have The Caltech Medieval/Renaissance So­ ate scholarships in engineering to be award­ which was arranged by Raymond Burkhart. great advances have been made a right to maternity leave and relat­ ed to a limited number of students who are James Blinn, a computer graphics expert ciety is holding fighting practice on Sundays since the women's movement be­ at 2pm on the lawn outside Winnett Student ed time off." interested in consulting engineering as a pos­ who works at the Jet Propulsion Laborato­ gan over 25 years ago. She found "The United States is the only sible career. ry, will present a visual accompaniment to Center. Would you like to learn the tech­ niques ofmedieval armored combat? Come interesting how the attitudes of To be eligible, a candidate must be (1) the music of The Planets by Gustav Holst. industrialized country in the world scheduled to enter his or her third or fourth The concert is free and open to the join us! For more information, call Leif modern young women take for other than South Africa that does (213) 644-7566, or Amy (818) 794-2612. year of undergraduate study in the fall of public. granted the increased equality be­ not have a national policy on paren­ 1988, (2) in the upper half ofhis or her en­ tween the sexes found today. It was tal leaves," Friedan groused. She gineering class, (3) working for a B.S. Caltech Raquetball Club Europe By Train amusing to her that a woman could also pointed out that IPL has no degree in engineering, (4) interested in con­ Passes for the use of the Pasadena think, "I'm not a feminist, but I sulting engineering as a career, and (5) a For a free information packet about Eu­ YMCA's racquetball facilities are now avail­ maternity policy, but commended United States citizen. railpass and Britrailpass, or to order a pass able at the Caltech Y for the price of I dol­ want to be director of the lab or the lab for having a child care For applications and more information, for your traveling convenience, call toll free lar. They can be purchased during normal president of the company." I (800) 4-EURAIL. Phone line open Mon­ center. She also criticized the fa­ stop by the Career Development Center, 08 office hours and are available to any student. The position of the women's cility, "You have a fine child care Parsons-Gates. Fri 9am-9pm, Sat lOam-3pm PDT. The passes allow full use of YMCA facili­ movement today is not one ofa vic­ ties for one day. center, but it doesn't sound like it's The YMCA is located at 235 E. Holly tim anymore, according to affordable." Ave., I block north ofthe Pasadena Plaza, Friedan. The contemporary plat­ The speaker felt that it was im­ Science Fiction, Fantasy next to City Hall. There will be a list of form is one ofpower. "Women are portant to restructure the roles of available partners posted at the Caltech Y, going to have continual and more & Horror Novels, Dr. Who so if you are interested, please sign up. family members to compensate for Ifyou have any helpful suggestions for bargaining power. Even in this the mother's new place in society. & Oz, Games & Gifts. the club, contact Jason Stewart at 1-59 or male world, women are going to be "She has to learn to give up some 356-9414. needed," she said. ofthe power in the home and give up the perfectionist attitude (to housework)." NEEDED: Macintosh Expert Friedan remarked on the progress in this area as well as the totality of the women's movement Local Commodities Firm has an opening for an by telling ofa headline she saw on the front page of the New York applicant who knows Page-Maker, Flexware, Over­ Times. It read, "Men Not Sharing view, Lotus and/or other related systems. in 50% ofHousehold Work." The 79 N. RAYMOND AVE. speaker was encouraged not only PASADENA, CAL. 91103 Consultant basis leading to a summer job. by the fact that this was important (818) 577-9309 Please call: Michael Stark, executive vice-president. enough to be on the front page, but by the underlying assumption that (818) 444-2531. men should be sharing half of the household work. 12THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 13 MAY 1988 what goes on --I The Environmental Failure Cinematech Spring Sing! Announcements for What Goes On The Environmental Study Group, The Cinematech movie for May 14 will Where can you hear the music from the Summer Contracts should be submitted on an announcement Caltech WorldWork and the Caltech Y be Francois Truffaut's Shoot the Piano Play­ Renaissance to Twenties' hit tunes, spiritu­ Summer contracts are now available in form available in the SAC copy/mail room Speakers Fund present ''The Environmen­ er. Based on the novel Down There, a once­ als to Broadway selections, operatic the Master's Office. Students are responsi­ (Room 37) or on a plain piece of paper. tal Failure-Unlearned Lessons ofthe Tech­ famous concert pianist tries to escape his choruses to barbershop quartets, all under ble for completion of the contracts. Dead­ line date is May 16. Please indicate the date(s) you want the nological Age," a lecture by Dr. Barry troubled past by becoming a piano player the same roof, on the same night? At the announcement to run. Send announce­ Commoner. Dr. Commoner is the author of in a small Parisian bar. His efforts to help Caltech Glee Clubs and Chamber Singers Caltech Y Fundraiser ments to 25-58, or put them under the The Politics ofEnergy, The Poverty ofPow­ Spring Concert, that's where. Evening of his brothers who have become enmeshed in The Caltech Y kicks off its student fun­ door of Room 40A of the SAC. er, and The Closing Circle. He is also direc­ the violence ofthe underworld lead to more May 21, at Beckman Auditorium. Featured draising campaign today. No, we are not Announcements must be received by the tor ofthe Center for the Biology of Natural tragedy. Truffaut's affectionate tribute to the will be excerpts from Carl Orffs Carmina gathering cash to buy students (the leasing Tuesday prior to publication. Systems, Queens College, CUNY, member Hollywood crime films of the 40's stars Burana, Clement Janequin's Le Chant des program works better, anyway). We are, of the Board of Directors of the National Charles Aznavour as the shy, sensitive and Oiseaux, a Twenties' medley (sung and however, offering a party keg, soft drinks Parks Association, and was the 1980 vulnerable hero. Screenings will be at 7 and danced by the Women's Glee Club), and and munchies to the student house that raises Citizens Party candidate for President. The Seniors! Feynman Gift!! 9:30 pm in the Baxter Lecture Hall. Admis­ selections from the Broadway musical Les the most money by the end of May. Look The 1988 Senior Gift Campaign is off lecture will be on Monday, May 16 at 8 pm sion charge is $1.50. For more info, call Miserables, which will soon be opening in for a letter on your door or in the mail. to an excellent start. In the first week of the in Ramo Auditorium. Admission is free, but James Shih. Los Angeles. Buy tickets from the Caltech campaign, $220 has been raised toward the the Caltech Y will be handing out priority Ticket Office (356-4652) or buttonhole a $1500 seed money for a memorial bust of seating tickets to the Caltech community be­ French Movies Glee Clubber on the Olive Walk. Tickets Frog SURF the late Dr. Richard P. Feynman. With your forehand. The Francophile Club of Caltech has are $2 for Caltech students, $4 for other stu­ Ifyou are a junior majoring in engineer­ contribution, we can make the Class of '88 been presenting a series of French Films, dents, and Caltech faculty and staff, and $6 ing and you would be interested in a SURF senior gift the best ever! Also, as a new Science, Ethics & Public Policy admission free to the campus community, general admission. in Vernon, France (working in the French donor, your gift will be matched 2-for-l by On Wednesday, May 18 at noon in the on Thursdays at 8 pm in Baxter Lecture space program), please contact Chris Bren­ an anonymous alum and trustee. Please send Judy Library, Baxter Hall, Prof. Michael Hall. All films have English subtitles. For Summer Work StUdy nan (1111 Thomas, x4117) as soon as your contribution to the Alumni Fund, H. Shapiro, the Dorothy Nelson Professor information, call Josette Banroques, x3782. Summer Work-Study sign-up forms are possible. 105-40, by May 31. of Law at USC, will speak on the topic of This week's film is: Vagabond a film by now available in the Financial Aid Office. For more information, contact any mem­ "Biotechnology and Ideas of Human Iden­ Agnes Varda. Ifyou are interested in Summer Work-Study Merit Awards ber ofthe Senior Gift Committee-Chairs: tity and Practice: Cases ofConceptual Frag­ please submit the completed form to the Each year, the Scholarships and Finan­ Rich Arrieta and Van Eric Stein; House mentation." Bring your brown bag lunches German Movies Financial Aid Office as soon as possible, but cial Aid Committee recommends a number Representatives: Shannon Gwon, Dabney; if you have them. There will be a showing of Die Erste no later than May 27. Thanks for your pa­ ofthe most academically talented ofthe In­ Jason Stewart, Ricketts; Andrew O'Dea, Polka (1978) on May 16th at 7:30 pm in tience. We, along with you, have been anx­ stitute's freshmen, sophomores and juniors Blacker; Adam Slovik, Fleming; Wayne CCSA Meeting Baxter Hall. The movie centers around one iously awaiting clarification from the federal for Merit Awards. Merit Awards are based Lukens, Ruddock; Eric Scharin, Page. Or There is going to be a general meeting specific day, August 31, 1939, the day of government so we could proceed. on outstanding scholastic achievement as call the Alumni Fund, x6286. for all members of the CCSA at 4:00 pm the declaration of World War II. At Pion­ demonstrated by exceptional performance on Saturday, May 14, in Clubroom A tek's in Upper Silesia, mother Valenska Chinese Ecology Tour in formal classes and/or in independent Gary lorden's "Retirement" (SAC). We will discuss activities for Inter­ barely takes note of the troops, tanks and Source Media in Canoga Park is running research, and not on financial need. Last Party! national Day and pictures will be taken for other forebearers of imminent catastrophe. a tour of mainland China from July 29 to year the Committee recommended 33 Merit At the end of this academic year Gary the Big T. Refreshments will be served. The same is true for Jasel, her 15-year old August 15 that will include visits to the Great Awards at $8,500 or $11,000 each. This Lorden will be "retiring" as Dean ofStudents son, who like so many ofhis generation dis­ Wall, the Forbidden City, and various other year 40 Awards will range from $9,000 to to return to his research and teaching. To Coin Auction plays complete political awareness. Follow­ major sights, as well as meetings with en­ $11 ,600 each. Applications and a full honor him for his four years ofcommitment A coin auction will highlight the May 18 ing his sister's wedding reception he kills an vironmentalists in Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, description of the Awards· are available in to improving the quality of undergraduate meeting ofthe Caltech-JPL Numismatic So­ intoxicated soldier who attempted to rape his Wuxi and Nanjing. Cost is $2700. Call the Financial Aid Office. The deadline for life, there will be a dinner on the Olive Walk ciety. There will be many bargains among girlfriend. The political events run parallel (818) 992-4526 for details. submitting the completed applications to the on Wedenesday, May 25 from 5:30PM to the choice numismatic material offered at and provide the background for this adoles­ Financial Aid Office is May 25, 1988. 7:30PM. ALL UNDERGRADS ARE the sale. Enthusiastic bidders seeking to en­ cent story, where confrontation and inter­ Ebell Scholarships INVITED! hance their collections will be able to con­ relation of everyday personal life with the The Ebell of Los Angeles Scholarship Summer Ticket Office Jobs If you have any questions, please con­ sider items including old American, silver world's historical events become evident. awards up to $2,000 paid in monthly checks The Caltech Ticket Office is seeking full­ tact Marda or Suzette in the Deans' Office and foreign coinage. Directed by Klaus Emmerich. Starring Mar­ September through June. A few general re­ time summer student employees. on ext. 6351. Drawings for door prizes will be includ­ ia Schell Erland Josephson, Guida Wieland, quirements are that the applicant attend an Responsibilities include daily ticket sales ed in the activities. The club meets the third and Ernst Stankowski. All are invited. approved college or university in Los An­ on computerized ticketing system, process­ Spring OWC Meeting Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in Designing A Product geles County, the applicant's home residence ing all phone and mail orders and related This coming Wednesday, May 19 at 12 room 168 ofthe Church Lab on campus. All Interested in how to design a product for must be in Los Angeles County, and the ap­ ticket office functions. Winnett Lounge, the OWC will hold Caltech and JPL personnel along with their the marketplace? Then come to Room 22 plicant maintain a 3.25 GPA. For more in­ Requires friendly manner, good cus­ their spring general meeting. Bring your families are most welcome to attend. Gates on Wednesday, 18 May at 4:30 pm. formation on requirements contact the tomer relations and good organizational lunch-we'll bring the lemonade and cook­ Brad Sorenson, ofSorenson Design As­ Financial Aid Office. Application and skills. Computer and typing skills helpful. ies. Meet the nominating committee's ex­ sociates, will talk on how to do this. recommendations are due in the Financial Apply at the Office ofPublic Events, 332 comm slate for next year, sign up for ex­ Y Book Exchange The talk is free and open to the public. Aid Office by May 16, 1988. S. Michigan Ave. from 10 am to 1 pm or citing activities, hear a short history of the Bring your used, unwanted textbooks to It is brought to you by the Caltech Y. 3 pm to 4:30 pm. Ask for Linda, or call OWC. Give your suggestions, plans, ideas the Y. What we do is: we take them, dis­ Japanese Grad Fellowships x3833. for next year-everyone is welcome. See play them on our bookshelves, and sell them Go To The Mardi Gras! Applications for the 1989 Japanese what the OWC is all about. to the poor suckers who will use them in the Hurry to the Y and buy tickets for the Government Scholarship for American Start Thinking Of Nominees future. They get a good deal on textbooks, UCLA Mardi Gras! The Mardi Gras takes graduate students to study in Japan are now In the spirit of recognizing the ingenui­ you get some of your money back! Let's place on the athletic field at UCLA on May available at the Consulate General ofJapan. ty ofgreat Americans whose original think­ band together to beat high textbook prices! 13, 14 and 15. Tickets cost only $2. Come Applicants must be US citizens, under 35 ing has shaped the character ofthe country's CLASSIFIED ADS They Y also has ring and report binders, and see the big party (zoo) and meet all sorts of years of age as of April 1, 1989, and pos­ business community, Adolph Coors Com­ novels new and old. people with "alternative personalities." sess a BA or BS degree from an accredited pany is calling for nominations for the 1988 HELP WANTED- university or college. Application forms are Coors American Ingenuity Award. available at the Consulate General ofJapan, Nominees for the Coors American In­ MALE STUDENTS WANTED! 250 East First St., Suite 1200, Los Angeles, genuity Award must have made a signifi­ CA 90012. Send 65C in stamps to cover University students as sperm donors cant contribution to American business, but Greg Susca postage. Inquiries may be directed to the not received widespread recognition for their by California's largest sperm bank. Office of Cultural Affairs at (213) accomplishments. The recipient may be re­ Earn $70-105/week. 213-553-3270 624-8305. tired; however, the award will not be given California Cryobank, Inc., 2080 Century Painting and Wallcovering posthumously. Nominees can come from Park East #306, Los Angeles. Sensor Material Fellowship any field-management, manufacturing, The Center for Sensor Materials within technology, research, marketing, fmance or REFERRAL FEE paid by Health Professional Interior and Exterior the Department ofMaterials Science and En­ education. The deadline for entries is June seeking furnished guest house/cottage in gineering at the U. of Notre Dame an­ 3, 1988. nounces the Indland Steel/Ryerson the adjacent Caltech Community. Call M. In addition to an original bronze sculp­ Foundation graduate fellowship in Sensor ture, a $5,000 scholarshipo will be given in Philips (818) 377-9520 (818) 249-5646 Materials for Modern Steel Technology. the winner's name to help inspire future In­ JESSE JACKSON '88 needs you to get in- The fellowship recipient must be a US genuity Award winners. License #456757 citizen and be eligible for admission to the The past two year's winners were: Jack volved with the local campaign before the Special discounts to Caltech community University of Notre Dame degree program St. Clair Kilby, who invented the first work­ June 7 election. Help Jesse win and gain leading to a Master's or Doctoral Degree in ing silicon chip, and Dr. John Atanasoff, political experience in this historic cam- Metallurgical Engineering and Materials inventor ofthe digital computer, ifthose two paign. Call (818) 405-9135 for more infor- Science. give you any ideas. Interested candidates should submit a let­ mation. PARIAN TRAVEL ter describing their qualifications, career BABYSITTER NEEDED for 21h-year-old girl. Caltech Officially Approved goals and research interests. These letters Every Sat. from 10 to 5. Fee negotiable. should be accompanied by copies of their Most professional, courteous, economical and efficient service college transcripts, GRE scores, if availa­ Our house (East Pasadena) or yours. Call ble, and letters of recommendation from (818) 440-9974. for your official and personal travel needs. three references who are familiar with the Free service to you. candidate's background. Send all materials FOR RENT- to: Dr. Albert E. Miller, Professor and Chairman, Dept. ofMaterials Science & En­ FREE SAN MARINO GUEST HOUSE for Airlines, Cruises, Tours, Hotels, Car Rentals. gineering, U. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, qualified Caltech couple (M&F) in exchange Individual, Commercial, Groups. Indiana 46556. For more information con­ for childcare. Call (818) 795-4235, ask for tact Prof. Miller at (219) 239-5330. Barbara. (818) 577-8200 SERVICES- 468 S. Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena

INSURANCE WAR! We'll beat anyone's THE CAliFORNIA TECH prices or don't want your business. Sports Caltech 25-58 SAC cars, multiple tickets, good-driver dis- counts. Request "Caltech Plan." (818) Pasadena, California 91125 992-6966 or (213) 873-3303. $4.00 OFF NEED A BAND? Citizens Banned, made up of JPL/CIT personnel, is available for par- STUDENTS ties and dances. Call Tom (x6863) or Dom (x6050). LOST AND FOUND- Shampoo, Style Cut LOST: SILVER PARKER BALLPOINT PEN. If found, please contact JoAnn, ext 6655. MEN Reg. $18.00 NOW $14.00 Reward WOMEN Reg. $22.00 NOW $18.00 LOST: GREY CROSS PEN. Contact: David Goldreich, 1-55, 577-6993. 449-6967 RATES ...... $2.50 for first 25 words; ... 10¢ for each additional word. Send written ad with payment to 25-58. 1009 E. COLORADO • PASADENA No charge for on-campus lost & found. Offer valid with this ad only I Monday thru Friday