HELD SEEDS Jockeys in England Express Little Hojw (Associated Press.) the Cortes
1 * The Best Freshly Roasted Household Goal Coffee B',30c $6.00 other gniilvR, t5<-., 21 k\, 25c. per lb. 1-tt.me 8U6. illtCS, MALL a WALKER, Direct leeert ef Tea .’«I Cottee Co. ieo Government St. 'Phase, t| Cor. Dougin* and Johnson Sts, VICTORIA, B. C. VICTORIA, B. C„ SATURDAY, MARCH 8. 1902. NO.. 142. VOL. 34. 2 MORE SNAPS Lot and cottage, <4e»<* Jrff Park, only ...................... .*«•-•................................................fj1*® Lot himI cottage, hi go«>«l n-polr, East End. for ............................................................... Modern nuldeto-e. Nob Hill i special) .....................<............. .............. .........................2*’° B01WTLL, ERNEST VICTOR, Rich Tu I,BT—Furbished house, clow* lu................. ................................................................... To rent or tee*»». » am-a and 7 roomed cottage, at able*, barn, orrhant, etc., on Fairfield mad; fine sea view. Barrister at - Law C. MacGregor & Co.. Agents, 2 View Street. MUNITIONS OF WAR w Cut DISCOVERED IN CAVE Glass Over Three Hundred Thousand Rounds PRIOR. EDWARD GAWLER, of Ammunition. Shells and Maxim Gun Seized. Nothing adds more to the beauty Hardware Merchant y: of the table or home. Nothing is more indicative of refine (Associated 1‘rcss.) ment and good taste than Rich Cut London March 8.—IawI Kitchener, in ( a dispatch from Pretoria, daUil tieday, : HOW TO MARK THE BALLOT. Glass. «toc: raportfç. the discovery of a Boer niagu- : We have a magnificent collection, guaranteed finest cutting, zim* in a cave north eastwanl of Rietz, ' newest styles, exclusive designs and—LOWEST PRICES. Orange Jlir«*r Colony, containing 310,000 round* of rifle ammunition, hundreds of EXACT MB OF EVERYTHING FOUND shells and fuses. LiHO pounds of powder, a Maxim gnnT^eliox.
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