ink ale Dieell4Ve• rOfIllefl /wrer,i . 9Z loth Daceiber A90 6. 5;kvenl.. .e.%76 6117;inoutaclle McBride, Ix de 'eclair. tor.. .f/r. Tatlow. ddr. Ureen. ic 914/1/.5- )3s15g, /2101, on de iecommenehfiet Xeneutaclel 110, Ti.e FrJvinei al Secretary. g6,,/,/,4 143: R.3. am/meat de,tota;slons tl ea Inearf, JratiJn Act*. era oronoiet Yet/Amara,- c`./rovelitot ain:d Fo4m4ra, Ify and wed /le ereZaee ceireerdive (Keiritiere. dicl° oat as /"Aft'a • that LETTERS PATKIT ineorporatine oar twin land situated in the Oaoyooa Tnv 1 si on of Yale Districts in the County of Yale, and c', escrioed in the pudic notice of intention to apply for HIS T D incorporutlon into a 11:triot itanieipality under the name of 'THR ERE RD CORPORATION OF TAR DISTRICT OF COLD:CUM'', he lanced; O D N A and it is further urdarad that FROM= BILLINGS, of the D city of Vernon, ne and is hereby anointed to ua the Ei1JRMING OFFICER ROVE PP A at the first municipal election. ecfe Deplity lerki Rxecntive Council, • c e 1,/ . Ai-A ,cct 1.:E24 4 to-4 e4C 64-€ 4/1 • /1) Ala `I- 12c ti21— yr--‘ Dated ORDER IN COUNCIL pro riding To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council; Tho Committee of Council Lava had oofore toam a Petition under the provisions of Chapter 143. F.S. Bk\O D 1897, reine tha lAunicipalities Incorporation Acts, and Amendment eAC Acts, signed by W. 'Wee Armstrong and twanti-rive otter persons ral rosonting the recistared owners of more than one half in value of the land to oe include:A within the limits of the propose municipality, to be incorporatod under the ncoa of the NOORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLDSTRFAP. 57La Provincial Saer.ltur/ to wr.oM u.e ..latter viaZ rafarreJ reports t.nt area souiLht to CQ incorioratel, and descrlye in Q.:: is sitni.te-1 in the Osoyoos Division of Yale district in tie County of Yale; ti.at, the :iolicitor for the retitioners has .urnished es. Statutory Declaration that the contents of the Petition he verily oalievoF ar the rGsult of the various searches he caused to na made and from personal knowledge, tire true; tLe jetitiOners air ear to have coniplied with the ;I.JviLjxls of Section 3A, of tta said Act with re4eot to the creation of a District ,Junicipality. The undersiemed therefore recocemends that the prayer of Petition co granted, an-1 thiit LETTERS PATENT incori.or4ting the land dascrioed in tho polio notice of intention to apply for inoorpOr- poration ea issued, and further that such Letters provide for the appointaent of FREDERIC BILLINGS, of toe city of Varnon, Solicitor, as RETURNING OFFJUR at tua first gunicipal Election. Dated this' /a - day of Decemner, A.R., 1906. )L, - Provincial SacretarY. .Approved this day of DacmuDer, A.D. 1906. _____------- pr;;;Aftirc Vairer of the Executive Council. CANADA. • PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. EDWARD VII., by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and I ml, and of the British Dominions Beyond the Seas, Kum, Defender the Faith, Emperor of India. To all to idiom these presents shall come.Gitertma. •*. • WHEREAS by Section 3A of the " Municipalities Incor- DeputyAttorney-General. f VI poration Act," it is provided that it shall be lawful /for the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, by Letters Patent under the Public Seal, to incorporate into a District Municipality any locality in the Province (not already incorporated as a Municipality) under conditions therein specified : And whereas a petition has been addressed to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council by a majority of the registered land-owners and pre-emptors of the locality in the County of Yale hereinafter described, praying that the said locality may be incorporated into a Municipality : And whereas the conditions prescribed by the said section have been duly complied with : And whereas the Honourable JAMES DUNSMUIR, Lieutenant-Governor of our Province, by and with the advice of the Executive Council, under and by virtue of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by the said Act, and of all other powers and authorities him in that behalf enabling, hath ordered that the said locality, which may be described as follows :- That certain tract of land, situate in the County and District of Yale, the limit and extent of which is described as follows:—Commencing at the north-west corner of Section 30, in Township 6 of the Osoyoos Division of Yale District ; thence south 40 chains ; thence west 80 chains ; thence south-easterly along the south boundaries of Lots 59 and 60, registered plan 455, to the north-east corner of Lot 57 on said plan ; thence west along the north boundary of said Lot 57, 40 chains ; thence west along the south boundary of the north.half of the south-east quarter of Section 26, Township 6, 40 chains ; thence south 20 chains ; thence west along the north boundary of the south-west quarter of said Section 26 and north boundary of LoT14 on said plan to the north-west corner of said Lot 24 ; thence south-westerly along the west boundaries of Lots 24, 25, 26, and 27 on said plan to the south-west corner of said Lot 27; thence easterly along the north boundary of the Indian Reserve to its north-east corner ; thence south along the east boundary of said Indian Reserve to the south-east corner ; thence west along the south boundary of said Indian Reserve to the shore of Long Lake ; thence generally south, following the said shore of said lake to the west boundary of the north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of Section 3 in Township 9; thence south to the south-west corner of the north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of said Section 3; thence east 80 chains ; thence north 20 chains to the south boundary of Section 11 in Township 9; thence east along the south boundaries of Sections 11 and 12, 100 chains to the south-east corner of said Section 12; thence north 20 chains ; thence east 40 chains ; thence north 20 chains ; thence east 40 chains ; thence south 40 chains to the south-west corner of Section 8 in Township 6; thence east 40 chains; thence north 40 chains ; thence east 100 chains ; thence south 40 chains ; thence east 20 chains to the south- east corner of Section 9 in Township 6; thence north 80 chains ; thence east along south boundaries of Section 14 and 15 in said Township C, 120 chains; thence north 20 chains ; thence east 20 chains ; thence north 20 chains; thence east 100 chains to the south-west corner of the north-west quarter of Section 18 in Township 3; thence north 40 chains to the north-west corner of said Section 18 ; thence east 40 chains to the south-east corner of Lot 13 in Group 1 of the said Osoyoos Division; thence north following the eastern boundary of said Lot 13 to the south boundary of Lot 87 in said Group 1 ; thence north and east along the easterly boundary of said Lot 87 to the southern boundary of the north half of the south-east quarter of Section :10 in Town- ship 3 ; thence east to the easterly boundary of said Section 30 ; thence north to the north-cast corner thereof ; thence west 40 challis ; thence south thorenceleminnosr;t1t1h2e0neechwaielsist 40 chains to the east boundary of Section 25, in Township to the north-east corner of Section 25, in Township 6 ; thence west 40 chains ; thence $011111 10 t.'114i11.4 111%•11Vs` 1H.r1 10 14141115 III the inks( 1■411111■1111y of section .211 in said .r„„,(1,ii, 6, thence north 40 eluttes , then''. west IN elloaiN: south 40 chains: thence %%est lYU chants j,. the ,•.t totinsIstry of sts•I ion 29 in Township thence ,„„.th 4') chains to the teeth east cos Het. of Section 29 in said l'ewnsitip ti; thence west along the north boulhtAll‘ , Of Sections 29 null 80. itit) chains to 114.iitt of conteseneement, and the inhabitants the...4 shall on, flout and /titer the twenty-find slay of 1Nsceniber, A.I). Mkt, lv itwottsorate.I as a NIttitleipalitv under the said Act and amendments thereto. and hath illAat• further plovisiona illy tenor and ettlet hereinafter appearing. SOW KNOWV F. that by these presents We slo libreby order and proclaim that the locality heryintsolote deserilssl. and ties inhabitants there'' shall, on, from and after the twenty-tit-4 IKasettls.r. A.11. l9011, ineorpontted as a l)istrict Municipality, under anti subject to the pi...1.t, n. of the "Municipal Chitties Act," and amendments thereto. lust niftier and subject to the provisions hereinfier containts1 or referred to. Thts said Municipality shall Ise ...ailed and known by the name and style of "The Corporation of the l)Istrict of l'ol‘istrastm.- The said Municipality shall mattprise all that locality hereinbefore described. The l'uncil shall consist of a Reeve and four l'ouneillors, and the wholekumber present at each meeting thereof shall not ire lews than three. The nomination shall take place, and the poll sir any) shall be held at the Cold- stream ()dies. at Collstretutt The noutillations for the first' election of Councillors shall be on the eighth day of January. A.D. l907. at lt o'elock, noon, and the polling tif gfiy)shall be on the twelfth day of January. A.D. 1907. and shall continue for one slay' only, and the poll shall be kept open between ill., hours of 9 A.
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