JANUARY 2, 2001 1 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001 1:30 PM the Board Met in Accordance with the Rules. the Meet
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JANUARY 2, 2001 1 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001 1:30 PM The Board met in accordance with the rules. The meeting was called to order by the Clerk of the Board. The Clerk of the Board wished everyone a Happy New Year and stated she looks forward to working with the Board of Supervisors during the upcoming year. The roll was called showing all members present. The Pledge of Allegiance. TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN Nominations were called for Temporary Chairman. Mr. Moore nominated Mr. Daley to act as Temporary Chairman. The Clerk asked if there were any other nominations. Motion was made by Mr. Bassage and seconded by Mr. Walker to close the nominations for Temporary Chairman. Carried. Mr. Daley took the chair and called for nominations for the Chairman of the Board for the year 2001. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Mr. Moore stated that he takes pride in working with James C. Merrick and nominated James C. Merrick for Chairman of the Board. Mr. Layland seconded the motion. Mr. Daley asked if there were any other nominations for Chairman of the Board. There being no other nominations a motion made by Mr. Walker and seconded by Mr. Wahl to close the nominations. Carried. Mr. Daley directed the Clerk to call the roll for the nomination of James C. Merrick for Chairman of the Board. The roll was called as follows: Ayes - 1,814; Noes - 0; Absent - 0; Adopted. Mr. Daley declared James C. Merrick as Chairman of the Board for the year 2001. Mr. Moore and Mrs. Avery escorted Mr. Merrick to the seat of Chairman of the Board . Chairman Merrick thanked those Board members for their confidence and stated he looks forward to working with the Board throughout the upcoming year. Chairman Merrick read the following remarks: STATE OF THE COUNTY JANUARY 2, 2001 Upon the creation of the Livingston County Millennium Committee, a mission statement was adopted, which stated that ΑThe mission of the Livingston County Millennium Committee is to celebrate our heritage and achievements, and to envision our future.≅ Through the efforts of those involved, I believe we accomplished and learned a great deal about our county and who we are. We were able to bring together the young and the not so young, business and government, and people from every area of the County. We truly ΑCelebrated Our Past and Envisioned our Future.≅ The organizational skills and commitments of the many volunteers and county staff who unselfishly gave of their time and talents made each and every endeavor we under took an outstanding and truly memorable success. It was my great fortune to have been the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors during this unique point in our history. 2 === During the year 2000, I believe Livingston County government accomplished a great deal. Among our achievements this past year have been: Χ In spite of spiraling increases in the cost of many mandated programs, such as Medicaid, we were able to hold the line on taxes. Χ We completed the construction of the new Highway Facility at Hampton Corners. Χ With the assistance of the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority, we have nearly completed the water and sewer extensions to Hampton Corners and American Rock Salt Mine and in doing so, our County Administrator and Director of Economic Development were able to secure additional state aid of over half million dollars to cover increased costs primarily due to inflation. Χ We have completed the construction of a new Emergency Communication System, which will benefit all sectors of Livingston County=s public safety and emergency response services. Χ After an in depth and thorough review, the Board of Supervisors voted to undertake the securitization of our share of the National Tobacco Settlement which allowed us to completely eliminate all future debt service for our Hampton Corners complex and to provide for future debt reduction and budget stability in years to come. With the recent news of the past week regarding the decrease in tobacco consumption, I believe, verifies the correctness of this decision. Χ In looking ahead to the challenges 2001 will bring, I look forward to working with the Board, County Administrator, Department Heads and the Community in several areas. Χ The completion of our comprehensive long-term care study and its recommendations. We will again be in the position of making some significant decisions, but I have full confidence that whatever the outcome, our concern for the future needs of our citizens will be the overriding concern. Χ We hope to complete the final phases of the Hampton Corners complex with the construction of the Animal Control and the LATS facilities. Χ Economically, I look to the continued growth of our industrial parks, a business incubator, telecommunications initiatives and the development of the Dansville ΑCastle≅ Housing Project. Χ I look forward to the completion and grand opening of the American Rock Salt Mine. Χ We will soon be completing a review of the County Jail and it=s future needs. Χ I trust that we will achieve fair and equitable outcomes of the collective bargaining processes currently underway with our labor unions. I am appreciative of the support and cooperation I have received during the past year and look forward to building our future with each and every one of you. APPOINTMENT OF 2001 STANDING COMMITTEES Chairman Merrick appointed the 2001 Standing Committee as follows: 3 LIVINGSTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STANDING COMMITTEES 2001 CENTRAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Olverd, Chairman INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Schuster, Vice Chairman Avery, Chairman Walker Kennison, Vice Chairman Moore Cansdale Mahus Deming Wahl FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Layland, Chairman LEGISLATIVE & AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS Daley, Vice Chairman COMMITTEE Brooks Jaeger, Chairman Bassage Cansdale, Vice Chairman Avery Davis Davis Kennison Mahus Schuster HEALTH COMMITTEE PERSONNEL & EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Bassage, Chairman COMMITTEE Walker, Vice Chairman Wahl, Chairman Avery Brooks, Vice Chairman Schuster Bassage Jaeger Layland Kennison Moore Cansdale Olverd Deming HIGHWAY & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Moore, Chairman PUBLIC SAFETY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE Davis, Vice Chairman COMMITTEE Wahl Mahus, Chairman Brooks Deming, Vice Chairman Walker Daley Daley Jaeger Olverd Layland 4 === VICE CHAIRMAN Chairman Merrick appointed Leicester Supervisor Gary D. Moore as Vice Chairman of the Board for the year 2001. Chairman Merrick stated he is pleased with the assistance Mr. Moore has provided to him during this past year by attending meetings in his absence and discussing issues of concern. Mr. Moore thanked Chairman Merrick for the appointment to Vice Chairman of the Board. RECOGNITION OF TOWN HISTORIANS AND BOOK COMMITTEE Chairman Merrick welcomed the Town Historians, Deputy Historians and the Millennium Book Committee and thanked them on their efforts of creating the book Celebrating Our Past: Livingston County in the Twentieth Century. Chairman Merrick congratulated them on such a successful book. Chairman Merrick deferred the ceremony to the County Administrator Dominic F. Mazza. The County Administrator congratulated Chairman Merrick on his appointment of Chairman of the Board, and stated he and the department heads look forward to continue working with him under his fine leadership. The County Administrator stated that this recognition ceremony to recognize those who worked on the 100 year pictorial book of Livingston County will be the final event of the Millennium Celebration. The County Administrator acknowledged and thanked Author Bill Cook, and stated he was recognized at the November 22, 2000 Board meeting. The County Administrator stated that this book will be a legacy for future generations of document what the past 100 years were all about. The book has been widely praised, and we have sold approximately 800 books. The County Administrator thanked everyone for their time and commitment and acknowledged the following and presented them with a book as a token of our appreciation: Book Committee: Pat Schaap, County Historian whose brought this idea to fruition Amie Alden, Deputy County Historian Lawrence Turner, Deputy Groveland Historian Maureen Kingston, Avon Historian David Parish, Geneseo Historian Lisa Grosse, Administrative Assistant Michele Rees, Secretary to the County Administrator/County Attorney, absent Ellen Herzman, Chairman of Millennium Celebration, absent The County Administrator also acknowledged Geneseo Supervisor Wes Kennison, Chairperson of the Publicity Committee and thanked him for all his marketing efforts. The County Administrator asked if the County Historian Pat Schaap would like to say a few remarks. Pat Schaap thanked the Book Committee for all their efforts, and the County Administrator and Board of Supervisors for supporting this project. She stated this project was envisioned 10 years ago and now after 1 2 years of hard work, we have a successful book to be proud of. Pat Schapp also thanked Ellen Herzman, the Clerk of the Board, Lisa Grosse, Michele Rees and Chairman Merrick and anyone else that contributed to making this book a success. Pat Schaap stated that the Historians had a difficult job and they were very dependable and thanked them for their loyalty and expertise. 5 The County Administrative recognized the following and Pat Schaap presented a book as a token of appreciation to the following: Avon Maureen Kingston Conesus Brenda Eddy Geneseo David W. Parish Groveland Frances Teitsworth Groveland Deputy Lawrence Turner Leicester Velma Mahoney - Leicester Supervisor Gary D. Moore presented Velma Mahoney with a large picture of her son which was used as a marketing tool to sell the book. Velma Mahoney was asked to say a few remarks as she retired as Town Historian effective 12/31/00. She stated that this is the happiest time of her years as Historian to be able to work on this book during her last year. Lima Joyce Rapp Livonia Dorothy Wilkins Mt Morris Nick LoVerde N. Dansville Quentin Masolotte Nunda Valerie Griffing Ossian Grover Keough Portage Mary Ransom West Sparta David Palmer York Margaret Copeland York Deputy Arlene Doolittle Those unable to attend were acknowledged and the Clerk of the Board was directed to send them a book.