TIMOTHY SCOTT: SHADOW ISLAND Action, Adventure, Fantasy Tobey Alexander

Gavin Skevington 28 James Street, Kimberley, Nottingham, England, NG162LP +44 7793 109122 [email protected]

2020 INT. DARK CAVE - NIGHT. 1. INT. DARK CAVE - NIGHT. The cave is dark, minimal detail of the rocks can be made out. At first all we hear is water DRIPPING somewhere in the distance. DARK ENTITY (O.S.) Back again little Timothy Scott? I see you walking in the dark, blind as always. I can smell your . Foo tsteps ECHO as something draws near, we cannot see what. TIMOTHY (nervous) Who, who are you? TIMOTHY (12) a timid-looking boy with messy red hair looks around the room.

DARK ENTITY (O.S.) I am a vision to you...the one who kno ws you better than you know yourself. You will never escape me, never escape this place. It is your destiny to remain in the dark...f orever. Glowing red eyes appear in a cloud of smoke hovering in the air. The voice comes from the eyes but we see no mouth. DARK ENTITY (O.S.) I see into the depths of your soul, you are not Partum. Stay safe where you are, far away from me. If you seek me out, it will be your end. A blood-curdling roar fills the aire as the sound of FIRE grows. TIMOTHY Leave me alone! The eyes lurch towards us and we are in -

2. INT. FAMILY HOME, TIMOTHY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT. The room is small, illuminated by a flickering night-light. Timothy sits up in bed dreanched in sweat, panting. The room is suddenly bathed in light as the door opens. SUSAN Timothy? Calm down honey, I'm here. SUSAN (30s) a middle-aged mother with brown hair looks tired 2.

SUSAN (30s) a middle-aged mother with brown hair looks tired as she moves to comfort her son on the bed. SUSAN Same dream again? Timothy nods. GERARD Hey Little Man, same thing? GERARD (30s), a smilar age to Susan with short-cropped blonde hai r fills the doorway. GERARD I know what'll help. Get yourself changed, I'll be back in a sec. Gerard leaves and Susan helps Timothy get changed, upon Gerard's return, Timothy looks up at him. GERARD Get yourself back to bed honey, I'll settle with Tim and be with you in no time. They exchange a kiss leaving Gerard and Timothy in the room. Timothy takes the g lass of milk as Gerard sits down. GERARD Want anything else to go with that? Gerard hands over a half empty packet of biscuits and takes on himself. GERARD (CONT.) Just don't tell your mum! TIMOTHY Thanks dad. They eat and finish their drinks. GERARD Night buddy. TIMOTHY Night dad. The light goes out and the room is dark again. Timothy looks around the room as we hear the same eerie voice from the dream.

DARK ENTITY (O.S.) Until next time. Sleep well Timothy Scott. Timothy hides beneath the covers as we - 3.

Timothy hides beneath the covers as we -

FADE TO BLACK The screen is black, the sound of fire rises as the title "TIMOTHY SCOTT: SHADOW ISLAND" emerges from a wall of fire. The fire dies and the letters are left shimmering silver, blue and gold. 3. INT. DR LIVE'S WAITING ROOM - DAY. Timothy and his parents sit on chairs as Timothy stares at a dog -eared comic. GERARD You know your brother didn't mean anything this morning don't you? TIMOTHY I suppose. SUSAN He shouldn't pick on you for coming here. Doctor Live is only trying to help.

GERARD He's gro unded when we get back. TIMOTHY Don't dad! That'll just make it worse. GERARD He shouldn't be calling you names. TIMOTHY Please. The door on the far side of the room opens. DR INGRID LIVE (40s) a middle-aged woman older than his parents woman with jet-black hair in a pony-tail looks stern and serious stands in the doorway. She COUGHS to get their attention.

DR LIVE Timothy! Good morning young man, come through.

Dr Live's demenour changes and her face softens. GERARD Morning Doc, Tim's a bit moody today.


DR LIVE (playful) What do you say Timothy, are your parents allowed to come in today? TIMOTHY I suppose they can, if they promise to behave! SUSAN (laughing) We'll try. GERARD Cheeky! Gerard r uffles Timothy's head as they walk into the office. 4. INT. DR LIVE'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS.

Dr Live takes her seat opposite the family. DR LIVE So tell me Timothy, have we had any more of those dreams we talked about last time? TIMOTHY Yes.

DR LIVE When was the l ast time? GERARD Last night. DR LIVE Interesting, was it the same as all the other times? TIMOTHY It's been the same since last time. The dark cave and all I can hear is water before it talks to me.

DR LIVE Still the red eyes?

TIMOTHY They come later. It always talks to me first, then the eyes appear.

Timothy fidgets.


TIMOTHY Aiden says I'm a baby, that I should have grown out of nightmares by now. GERARD His older brother has been picking on him, we're trying to keep a lid on it. DR LIVE Boys will be boys. I expect Timothy knows his brother doesn't mean it. He just doesn't understand things the way you do. TIMOTHY I tried telling myself it was a dream, like you told me to, but it didn't work. The more I tried to fight, the stornger it got. Timothy is co mforted by Susan as he appears upset. DR LIVE How does it make you feel? TIMOTHY Cold! Th e more I fight, the colder it gets. It's hard to concentrate. DR LIVE And then what? TIMOTHY It tells me if I go to it, it will be my end. Timothy wipes away his tears.

SUSAN It's ok sweety.

TIMOTHY That's when it attacks me and I...I wake up.

SUSAN It's getting more frequent doctor. GERARD Almost every night now.

Dr Live retrieves a leather journal from a bookshelf.


DR LIVE It's ok Timothy, nothing about what you're telling me is not fixable. We just need to find you a way to cope with whatever goes on in your head.

TIMOTHY I don't want to be scared anymore. DR LIVE Take this Timothy. Dr Live hands him the book. TIMOTHY What's this? DR LIVE It's a journal, like the one on my desk. I want you to write down all the amazing things that go on in your head. That way you can help you r parents and me see the world as you do.

Timothy inspects the book as his parents talk to Dr Live. GERARD Is there anything we can do for him? I hate to see him so withdrawn. DR L IVE Timothy sees the world from a different perspective than you or I Mr Scott. We need to find a way for him to express himself so we can understand and help.

SUSAN Will he grow out of it? DR LIVE The dreams? Perhaps. I expect there is more to this than just the dream. We need to find a way to help take the fear and pressure away. Timothy's mind wanders, we hear his brother's voice as he admires the journal.

AIDEN (O.S.) I thought kids were supposed to grow out of bad dreams? (MORE) AIDEN (CONT'D) 7.

AIDEN (CONT'D) Maybe one day you'll grow up enough baby brother.

Timothy is brought back to the room as his parents stand from their seats.

DR LIVE We'll get you through this Timothy, I promise. I have lots of little tricks that we can use, we just have to find the right one for you. TIMOTHY Thank you doctor. DR LIVE (whispers) The things you see and feel are yours and yours alone. They are your world. It is a magical place, we just need to find a way for you to realise you're strong enough to not be afraid. TIMOTHY I am trying. DR LIVE I know you are, just don't let Aiden make you feel you're wrong for being you. You're special Timothy, you're by far and away my most favourite patient. GERARD There's nothing wrong with you Little Man. Look at it this way, you're almost as mad as your old man!

Timothy is last to leave the room as Dr Live scribbles in her notebook.


Timothy is occupied with a pile of Lego toys. The sound of a door slamming snatches his attention.


As Timothy tidies, the door bursts open.

AIDEN (O.S.) 8.

AIDEN (O.S.) You'd better not be messing up my stuff Tim.

AIDEN (14) resembles Timothy but has a head of neatly trimmed mousy hair. He carries himself with more confidence and is dressed in school uniform. Didn't miss much at school, picked a good day to bunk off. TIMOTHY I wasn't! I was at the doctor again. AIDEN Your special head doctor? Did they manage to find your brain or is it still missing? Aiden changes into a football kit as they talk.

TIMOTHY She said you need to be nicer to me. AIDEN Fat chance of that, it's my job to pick on you, that's what brothers do. I'm off to the field, I'd ask if you wanted to come but you're too busy playing with baby toys and your invisible friend! Aiden leaves.

ALEOBE (O.S.) I am not silly! We cannot see the source of the voice but Timothy looks towards one particular area ALEOBE'S voice is young but older than Timothy.

TIMOTHY I never said you were. ALEOBE (O.S.) Oh I know that! As far as big brothers go he isn't that bad but sometimes he can be a bit... TIMOTHY A bit of a butt-head!

They laugh.

ALEOBE (O.S.) 9.

ALEOBE (O.S.) You had the dream again last night, didin't you? TIMOTHY (sheepish) Yeah, same as always.

ALEOBE (O.S.) What is it? TIMOTHY Nothing. ALEOBE (O.S.) There was something different, wasn't there? TIMOTHY How do you know?

ALEOBE (O.S.) I have my ways Tim, you know that. Bes ides I'm your best friend, I'm supposed to know eveyrthing.

TIMOTHY It spoke to me again. ALEOBE (O.S.) What, when you went back to sleep? TIMOTHY No. While I wa s still awake. I heard it's voice like it was in my room.

ALEOBE (O.S.) Did you see anything?

TIMOTHY No, it was just the voice.

Timothy looks uncomfortable. ALEOBE (O.S.) I'm sorry I wasn't there to look after you, I should have been by your side.

TIMOTHY It's ok, I'm big enough to look after myself. Dr Live thinks I should be able to take control of my dreams soon enough.


ALEOBE I'm sure you could, if they were dreams. Their conversation is interrupted as the door flies open.

AIDEN (shouting) I can do it tomorrow before school. SUSAN (O.S.) Homework before football, you know the rules. AIDEN That's not fair!

Timothy takes his leave and leaves his brother who sits sulking. TIMOTHY Come on Aleobe, let's go see what's for dinner. Leaving the room Timothy descends the stairs. We catch a glimpse of the antique mirror on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. 6. INT. FAMILY HOME, LIVING ROOM - EVENING.

CATHY (8) a young girl with blonde hair and a cheeky face is asleep on Susan's lap. T imothy yawns as the film ends. GERARD Looks like someone's tired.

TIMOTHY No, I'm fine. SUSAN Come on guys, your sister's already asleep. It's time for you to get to bed.


GERARD You're already on thin ice Aiden! No arguing, both of you to bed.



The boys run up the stairs passing by the antique mirror mounted on the wall at the bottom of giving us a fleeting closer view.

8. INT. FAMILY HOME, BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS. The boys prepare for bed. AIDEN Make sure you don't wake us all up with another of your silly dreams. TIMOTHY I can't help it. AIDEN Even your baby sister has grown out of nightmares, maybe you should take a leaf out of her book. Timothy dries his hands and storms out of the room. AIDEN Baby! Gerard opens the do or and looks at Aiden with disappointment. GERARD You shouldn't be so hard on him. AIDE N He knows I'm mostly playing.

GERARD Mostly?


GERARD It's easy for him Big Man. I expected more from you than. You're the one who should be looking out for him, helping and showing him the right way to act.

AIDEN I don't mean to, it's just...

GERARD Make it up to him in the morning. Let him know you don't mean it.


AIDEN Ok dad.


Timothy paces the room in anger.

TIMOTHY Why is he always like that? ALEOBE (O.S.) He's just being mean. TIMOTHY He always does it. It's not like I enjoy having these dreams. All I want is to feel normal. GERARD I know son.

Gerard enters the room without Timothy realising. You r mum and I are doing what we can to help.

TIMOTHY I know. GERARD Do you want to tell me about the dreams? I might be able to help. TIMO THY It's fine, I'm just tired.

GERARD You can always talkt o me son, even for an old man I know a few things that might surprise you.

TIMOTHY Thanks dad. Can you leave the night-light on?

GERARD Does it help?

TIMOTHY I don't know, just feels a little less scary when it's on.

GERARD Night son.

Timothy's looks towards the dark corner of the room.

ALEOBE (O.S.) 13.

ALEOBE (O.S.) I'm staying with you, I promise.


The eyes appear again long enough to speak.

DARK ENTITY (O.S.) If you come to me, it will be your end. The eyes lurch at the camera and we are - 11. INT. FAMILY HOME, TIMOTHY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT. Timothy is again sat up in bed soaked with sweat and gasping. ALEOBE (O.S.) Tim I'm here, it's ok.

TIMOTHY Why won't it leave me alone? ALEOBE (O.S.) Was it the dream again? Timothy looks to th e bedside clock that shows "03:10". ALEOBE (O.S.) You should probably get changed. TIMO THY I need a drink.

Timothy gets changed and sneaks out of his room and down the stairs. He pauses at the antique mirror. TIMOTHY I hate that ugly thing.


Timothy collects a glass pors a drink and takes biscuits from a tin.

ALEOBE (O.S.) It's nice in here.

TIMOTHY (eating) What do you look like Aleobe?

ALEOBE (O.S.) I look like me! TIMOTHY 14.

TIMOTHY Well yeah, I mean what do you look like? I've known you as long as I can remember but I've never seen you.

ALEOBE (O.S.) What do you think I look like? TIMOTHY I've never really thought about it. You've always just been, well, there. ALEOBE (O.S.) Tim?

TIMOTHY Um-hm. ALEOBE (O.S.) Would you like to see me? TIMOTHY How would I do that? I've never been able to before.

ALEOBE (O.S.) I might know a way, I've never dared try before.

Someone moves upstairs. Timothy inches out of the kitchen to look up the stairs. We see Catrhy sleepwalking to the bathroom. TIMOTHY That was close!


Timothy returns his attention to the mirror. Staring at the reflection Timothy realises his reflection is not doing what he is.

TIMOTHY What the?

Still looking up the stairs his reflection slowly turns to face him and offers Timothy a cheeky wink.

Terrified, Timothy races up the stairs and disappears. Aleobe speaks as Timothy's reflection remains in the mirror.

ALEOBE (O.S.) That didn't go how I had hoped!

The reflection shrugs as we - 15.

The reflection shrugs as we -



Timothy is asleep as Cathy stands by his bedside. CATHY It's time for breakfast.

TIMOTHY (startled) What? Oh it's you, what did you say?

CATHY Mum says to come down for breakfast.

TIMOTHY I'l l be down in a minute. Cathy remains stood by his bed.

TIMOTHY Give me some space will you Cathy! Startled by Timothy's frustration she bolts from the room, Timothy sighs. GERARD (O.S.) For once, just once, can't we just have a morning without being mean to one another?

Timothy gets out of bed and heads out of the room. ALEOBE (O.S.) What did you see last night Tim?

TIMOTHY I don't know, it was strange. The mirror wasn't right, I mean- SUSAN (O.S.) Breakfast!

Timothy walks out of the room.




Children walk through a busy corridor, Timothy stops as a voice carries above the chatter.

DANIELLE (O.C.) There he is! Timothy dives into a small side cupboard. 16. INT. SCHOOL STORE CUPBOARD - CONTINUOUS. Tim othy peers through the door. FROGGY (O.C.) The little freak went in here. The door pushes open and we see DANIELLE COLLIER (12) a rotund schoolgirl stood in the doorway. Her features a pig- like and unfruendly.

DANIELLE Try ing to hide from me Crazy Boy? TIMOTHY Don't call me that. DANIELLE Why not? It's what you are, everyone knows it.

Danielle is joined by FROGGY (12) a stick-thin boy with bulging eyes and a mean look to him. FROGGY Yeah Crazy Boy.

DANIELLE Keep an eye on the door, I don't want any of the teachers interrupting us this time.

TIMOTHY Leave me alone!

DANIELLE Why would I want to do that? You're such an easy target.

Danielle closes Timothy down.

DANIELLE You're Crazy Boy. The one who talks to himself and doesn;t have any friends.


FROGGY You've got no friends, nobody even knows you.

TIMOTHY I don't need friends.

DANIELLE (menacing) You could probably do with some right now.


TIMOTHY Shu t up! Leave me alone. Trying to push past her, Danielle pushes him back.

DANIELLE Nobody would miss you, nobody cares if you'r e not here. DANIELLE Got nothing to say Crazy Boy? TIMO THY Just, leave me alone.

DANIELLE Nobody misses the freaks, nobody cares when they disappear. If it weren't for your brother I'd have shown the whole school what a Crazy Boy you are.

Danielle steps back and moves to the door.

DANIELLE See you around. FROGGY Crazy Boy.

Timothy is upset as the two bullies leave the room.



The house is empty with the antique mirror in view. A silhouette appears at the front door. The door opens to reveal Timothy. TIMOTHY Mum? Dad? Timothy drops his bag by the door. Aleobe?

ALEOBE (O.S.) I'm glad you're back! TIMOTHY So am I, it's been a horrible day. ALEOBE (O.S.) What's happened?

TIMOTHY It doesn't matter. ALEOBE (O.S.) Come on Tim. Timothy sits down o n the bottom step. TIMOTHY It was Danielle and Froggy again.

ALEOBE (O.S.) Horrible littl e creatures! They should leave you alone, if I could I'd stick a pen right up their-

TIMOTHY Somehow I don't think that would help but thanks.

ALEOBE (O.S.) I've got an idea, something to make you forget about it.

TIMOTHY I don't think I want to look in there again.

ALEOBE (O.S.) What do you think you saw last night?

TIMOTHY I don't know, somehow my reflection was doing something different.

Timothy stands. 19.

Timothy stands.

ALEOBE (O.S.) Do you remember what I asked you last night in the kitchen?

TIMOTHY If I wanted to see you? ALEOBE (O.S.) And, do you?

TIMOTHY Of course I do. ALEOBE (O.S.) Then look. Timothy looks at the mirror, nothing is different. TIMOTHY I don't see any- Aleobe appear s in the reflection, ALEOBE is a blue-skinned creature with purple wings and long emerald green hair. He is dressed curiously and is the size of Timothy's hand.

ALEOBE Hello! Timothy looks from his empty shoulder and back to the reflction, Aleobe can only be seen in the mirror. TIMO THY You're a- You're a- Fairy!

ALEOBE (feigned irritation) I am nosuch thing, that's like me saying you're a chicken! Aleobe performs acrobatics through the air.

TIMOTHY Then what are you, I mean you've got wings and you look like a-

ALEOBE Well if you're going to be rude.

Aleobe disappears.

TIMOTHY No! I didn't mean it like that.

Aleobe reappears grinning. 20.

Aleobe reappears grinning.

ALEOBE I'm an Ecilop, we're very different than fairies.

TIMOTHY An Eci-flop, what's that? ALEOBE Eh-key-lop!

TIMOTHY Sorry, Ecilop. What's one of them. ALEOBE Well me, I'm one. TIMOTHY Where do you come from?

ALEOBE The re. Aleobe points into the mirror.

TIMOTHY The mirr or? ALEOBE Yes. And no. Well sort of. TIMOTHY I don't understand.

ALEOBE Let me show you then.

The glass shimmers like water as Timothy's reflection moves differently to him. His reflection waves at him. TIMOTHY What's going on Aleobe?

ALEOBE You've never seen my home but you can. Do you want to? TIMOTHY How?

ALEOBE Take your hand.


TIMOTHY What do you mean?

ALEOBE Look at the mirror.

Timothy's reflection presses its palm against the glass.

ALEOBE I can take you, if you want to see. TIMOTHY Is it safe? ALEOBE I'll be with you Tim, like I always am. Timothy raises his hand to the glass. The hand from the other side reaches out and takes his wrist. There is a CRACK of thunder and Timothy disappears leaving the glass rippling.

There is no sign of Timothy, a solitary fly remains in the hallway fixed in mid-flight, motionless and silent as we. FADE TO BLACK

18. BLACK SCREEN. The sound of running water is joined by the sounds of nature. We see nothing and only hear Aleobe. ALEO BE Tim? Tim, are you ok?


Our first view of Mielikuvitus showcases Rainbow River which divides grasslands and the Mystic Forest. The leaves of the trees are pale pastel colours. Timothy lays in the grass as Aleobe flutters around him.

ALEOBE Don't get up, take a minute.

TIMOTHY I feel strange.

ALEOBE You've just walked thorugh a mirror Tim, I'd be surprised if you didn;t feel strange.

TIMOTHY Where am I? ALEOBE 22.

ALEOBE My home, you're in Mielikuvitus. TIMOTHY Mieli-what?

Timothy sits up slowly and looks around. As his attention moves to Aleobe he reaches out to touch him. ALEOBE Whoa there! I'm not some pet budgie you know. TIMOTHY I'm sorry, I just wanted to, well-

ALEOBE Make sure I was real? TIMOTHY S'pose so, yeah.

ALEOBE Wel l hold out your hand then and hold it still.

Inching closer, Aleobe lands on Timothy's hand. Timothy draws his hand closer to his face bringing Aleobe to him. TIMOTHY Wow!

ALEOBE Ok, I can see right up your nose. A bit close Tim!

TIMOTHY Oh, right, sorry.

Timothy moves his hand away.

TIMOTHY Is that better?

ALEOBE Much! I suppose it's a bit weird seeing me for real?

TIMOTHY You could say that. ALEOBE Well this is me, Aleobe, Ecilop of Poc.

Aleobe is thatrical as he makes his introduction. TIMOTHY 23.

TIMOTHY It's amazing here. ALEOBE This is where I grew up, before I left my family to be with you.

TIMOTHY What is Mielikuvitus? ALEOBE I think you mean where is Mielikuvitus. TIMOTHY Where, what, how? ALEOBE Mielikuvitus is a mgical place beyond your world. The mirror is one of many portals to this world, a way for certain people to pass thr ough. TIMOTHY It looks so, so...different. ALEOBE I forget how beautiful it is. Aleobe sits on Timothy's shoulder. TIMOTHY I've never see n anything like it. ALEOBE (laughing) I should hope not! Aleobe is excited as he talks. ALEOBE You haven't seen anything yet! There's the Mystic Forest over there, Rainbow River oh and of course Halo Cove and Partum City. When you see them you'll be amazed. Aleobe launches from Timothy's shoulder and flies over Rainbow River.

ALEOBE Do you know why they call it Rainbow River? TIMOTHY I have no idea. ALEOBE 24.

ALEOBE Because of this!

Aleobe backflips in the air and disappears into the water. When he reappears Aleobe cascades water in every direction as he spirals upwards. The droplets are rainbow-coloured.

ALEOBE From the top it looks like water but underneath it is every possible colour. My mother used to say our skin was blue because of the river. Tim othy smiles as he watches Aleobe. SKY (O.S.) You'll have to excuse your friend, he's a little ecited to be back home. Timothy turns but there is only a boarder collie dog sat on the grass. TIMOTHY (confused) Erm, hello?

SKY You were right the first time! Turning his attention to the dog, Timothy can't fathom the the dog is talking. TIMO THY Was that you talking? I mean, it can't be, you're a dog. SKY Let me take a more familiar appearance, maybe that will help.

The dog TRANSFORMS into a human. SKY (20s) is a well-refined young man with a beard matching the coat of the dog. he retains his canine eyes and his features still carry an essence of his animal form. SKY My name is Sky and you, well you must be Timothy Scott? TIMOTHY How do you know that? SKY Aleobe has shared his time with you over the years, I almost felt I knew you myself. ALEOBE 25.

ALEOBE Can you see that? Over there. Timothy turns and looks across at the banks of the Mystic Forest.

20. EXT. MYSTIC FOREST - CONTINUOUS. We look from the oposing bank of Rainbow River between the trees. The silhouette of a horse passes between the trees.

ALEOBE Look! There.

21. EXT. RAINBOW RIVER - CONTINUOUS. A horse emerges from the forest to the water's edge. This is our first view of a UNICORN. TIMOTHY That's a unicorn, I mean a real uni corn, like an actual unicorn. SKY This is Mielikuvitus Timothy, what did you expect? TIMOTHY I have no idea! SKY And you my you ng Ecilop, I would have expected a little warning before you brought Timothy here through the portal. Timothy watches, transfixed to by the Unicorn as a foal appears to join its mother. ALEOBE (O.C.) I'm sorry, it wasn;t exactly how I had planned. SKY (O.C.) It's fine Aleobe, you know what's best for him. ALEOBE Timo? With the mention of his name Timothy turns.

TIMOTHY I can't believe it's a unicorn!


ALEOBE This is Sky, he's one of the Elders -

SKY We have made our introductions while you were playing . Sky is stern but calm as he speaks. ALEOBE Sorry. SKY Don't be! This is a time for celebration and excitement, I would just see Timothy's discovery of Mielikuvitus be a little more structured and formal.

TIMOTHY Wha t do you mean? SKY How are you with Beaming? TIMOTHY Beaming? TIMOTHY Forgive me, I forget your world is a little more primitive. Sky offers Timothy his hand. ALEOBE It's ok, you can trust him. If there's one person in Mielikuvitus who you can trust, it's Sky. TIMOTHY What's Beaming? Sky points towards the horizon.

SKY Can you see there, in the distance, the shdaow of a city? Timothy cranes to see in the distance.

SKY Over there is Halo Cove and Partum City. I will take you there, if you permit me?

Timothy takes Sky's hand and he moves Timothy closer to him. 27.

Timothy takes Sky's hand and he moves Timothy closer to him. Sky places a hand on the back of Timothy's head. SKY (whispers) This will feel a little strange but it won't hurt one bit.

TIMOTHY What won't? The world blurs as Sky TELEPORTS them across Mielikuvitus. 22. EXT. PARTUM CITY BALCONY - DAY.

Partum City is magnificent, the structures appear neaturally grown and a mix of crystal and stone. A large ramp dominates the cent re of the city. Timothy, Sky and Aleobe appear on a stone balcony. Timothy looks green with nausea. TIMOTHY What...just...happened?

SKY Breathe Timothy. Timothy cannot draw breath, he grows panicked. ALEOBE Help him Sky! SKY Breathe. Calm down and breathe.

ALEOBE What's wrong with him?

Timothy drops to his knees clutching at his throat. Holding Timothy's head, Sky forces Timothy to look at him.

SKY Listen to my voice, focus only on me.

TIMOTHY (gasping - barely audible) Help...me...

SKY Focus on me.

Timothy's eyes are rolling. Keep listening to me and close your eyes. Timothy does as he is told. 28.

Timothy does as he is told. SKY Picture a spring flower in your mind. See it opening in the sunshine. As the petals open feel yourself relaxing, feel all your fear wash away as the flower opens. 23. EXT. SPRING GARDEN - DAY. Sunshine beams on the bud of a rose as it opens. The world is sil ent, all sound has been dulled and as the rose opens the sound begins to creep slowly louder and we hear a sharp intake of breath.

24. EXT. PAR TUM CITY BALCONY - CONTINUOUS. Colour returns to Timothy's face. TIMOTHY Wha t- What, was, that? SKY That was beaming. Your body is not used to it. I would not advise you do it often.

Sky leaves Timothy to catch his breath. TIMO THY I don't think I'd want to do it again. SKY Are you feeling any better? TIMOTHY A little. Timothy uses the balcony for support as he stands.

TIMOTHY Where are we? SKY Aleobe, would you care to explain? Aleobe shakes his head as he continues to keep an eye on Timothy who appears unsteady on his feet. Fair enough, this is Halo Cove the capital of Mielikuvitus. The city behind us is Partum City.

A solitary sail-boat moves across the water, behind it are 29.

A solitary sail-boat moves across the water, behind it are two outcrops of rocks with a narrow passge showing a vast ocean beyond. SKY This place has been our capital for longer than my cycle of life. Many believe it was home to the first inhabitants of the land who we believe arrived from across the seas.

TIMOTHY Who lives here? SKY For a time almost all creatures of Mielikuvitus. TIMOTHY For a time? SKY Yes , it is more a gathering place now. A beacon to all creatures of Mielikuvitus.

25. EXT. PARTUM CITY AE RIAL - CONTINUOUS. The view showcases the entire city and all its main features. The ramped feature shimmers with a glass orb suspended above. SKY (O.C.) We are protected from the waters of the Cove and from the Grand Mountain. The city has grown over the centuries, a true wonder of our world where nature and creation are in symphony. TIMOTHY What's that? The ramp and dome become the focus of attention.

SKY That? That is the Table of Haras, once the seat of all power.


Timothy is awestruck.



SKY Yes. When we needed protection against the darkness.

TIMOTHY And you don't need that protection anymore? ALEOBE We didn't. A sudden movement interrupts the conversation. We see our first view of NASSER a maroon-coated stallion with a golden horn. SKY There is a lot you must learn of Mielikuvitus and our ways but now is not the time. I m ust take my leave. TIMOTHY I want to know more. SKY There wi ll be time for that Timothy but until then I suggest Aleobe shows you around. Offering a bow Sky steps away and moves towards Nasser. SKY I would have you dine with me and the Elders tonight. TIMOTHY Erm, yeah ok. SKY Then it is settled. Aleobe will show you Partum City and I will seek you out as the sun sets. Sky points to Aleobe.

SKY Might I suggest a visit to Sucatraps before sunset my Ecilop friend? ALEOBE Really, do we have to?

SKY 31.

SKY Yes, I will make sure she is aware of you coming and please, Aleobe, make sure Timothy is ready.

Sky leaves.them on the balcony. TIMOTHY Who are the Elders? ALEOBE You'll meet them tonight. TIMOTHY Am I dreaming?

Timothy returns to the balcony and rests his hands on the stone. ALEOBE Nope! This is all very real. TIMOTHY But how can it be? Yesterday you were just a voice that nobody could see and now, now I'm standing here looking at you. Aleobe looks put ou t before a cheeky smile appears on his face. ALEOBE I can prove to you it's real. TIMOTHY How?

Aleobe launches into the air and stamps both feet down on Timothy's fingertips.

TIMOTHY Ouch! what did you do that for? ALEOBE Did it hurt? TIMOTHY Obviously! ALEOBE Then you're not dreaming. It wouldn't hurt if it was a dream. Aleobe laughs as Timothy inspects his fingertips.

ALEOBE How about I show you around? As the pair walk away we - 32.

As the pair walk away we - FADE TO BLACK

DARK ENTITY (O.S.) So Timothy Scott, my warnings have fallen on deaf ears. You have made a grave mistake coming here, a grave mistake indeed. 27. EXT. PARTUM CITY STREETS - AFTERNOON. The streets show a variety of intruiging creatures, some familiar and others less so as we explore the city. The streets are alive with people and we catch periodic glimpses of Timothy and Aleobe . After a short time we see Aleobe stop and a lo ok of panic on his face. 28. EXT. PARTUM CITY, SUCATRAPS' HOME - DUSK.

Timothy and Aleobe appear in a narrow alleyway and move with haste towards a dome-roofed building. The door is pulled open and we see SUCATRAPS for the first time. Sucatraps is an extremely old woman, her skin is wrinkled, she is small in stature and peers at the new arrivals. She is dressed in a simple garment with a large maginfying glass tucked into her waist. SUCATRAPS Cutting it a little fine are we not? ALEOBE Sorry, I got carried away. SUCATRAPS Not like an Ecilop to get carried away now is it? You must be Timothy, you're a little taller than I had expected. Sucatraps turns and returns into the building. Come! Aleobe has not gifted me much in the way of time.

29. INT. PARTUM CITY, SUCATRAPS' HOME - CONTINUOUS. A number of rotund fairies flutter around a room filled with fabrics. SUCATRAPS You are to meet the Elders tonight?


TIMOTHY That's what Sky said.

SUCATRAPS In that case I am glad you remembered to bring him here. Sucatraps beckons Timothy to join her. They are joined by one of the rotund fairies who hovers around Sucatraps. SUCATRAPS (surprised) You wear these where you come from? TIMOTHY It's my school uniform.

SUCATRAPS Uniform? Hardly an acceptable use of the word. Certainly not appropriate for meeting the Elders. TIMOTHY I d idn't have time to pack. Timothy and Aleobe chuckle but fall silent as Sucatraps raises an eyebrow. SUCATRAPS You will be presented approrpiately, not dressed like this. Sucatraps takes a number of measurements aided by the fairies. She removes the magnifying glass and inspects various parts of Timothy. As she does this various fairies bring fabrics forward.

SUCATRAPS Too cold. Too regal. Too pink. Too red. Too bland. Perfect! Sucatraps points to one particular fabric.

SUCATRAPS What do you think?

Timothy shrugs. TIMOTHY It's, erm, nice.


SUCATRAPS That's settlled then! Waving her hand in the air the fairies disperse. SUCATRAPS Clean yourself up, by the time you're done I will have had enough time to cobble something together. TIMOTHY Ok. 30. INT. PARTUM CITY SUCATRAPS' BATHROOM. As Timothy washes his face and hands he speaks to Aleobe. TIMOTHY What's tonight going to be like Aleobe?

ALEOBE I d on't know, I've never been allowed to meet all the Elders. I mean I've known Sky since I was born but the others aren't like him. TIMOTHY Not like him?

ALEOBE Some of them a re a little more, well, formal.

TIMOTHY I'm not looking forward to this.

ALEOBE It'll be fine.

TIMOTHY I hope so. A knock on the door interupts them ALEOBE That'll be your new clothes.

TIMOTHY What, already?

ALEOBE Sucatraps is very skilled, I can't wait to see what she's made you.

Aleobe opens the door. 35.

Aleobe opens the door.

31. EXT. PARTUM CITY DOCKSIDE - NIGHT. Torches burn in the street and the night is dark. Sky stands on a jetty. Timothy appears and makes his way to Sky. SKY Timothy! Sucatraps has outdone herself this time, albeit with even less time than I had hoped. ALEOBE Sorry, I got carried away showing Tim around.

SKY Just a moment. SKY I'm sure Sucatraps told you how to wea r it. TIMOTHY I felt silly, it's not how we'd wear it where I come from. Sky adjusts the cap e to hang over Timothy's right arm. SKY (whispering) You're not hom e anymore Timothy. Aleobe flies from Timothy's shoulder as Sky leads them towards a pair of large gates.

TIMOTHY Aren't you coming? ALEOBE It's for you Tim, I'll be here when you're done.

TIMOTHY I want him to come. SKY I'm afraid that's not the way of things.

TIMOTHY I want him with me, he's my best friend. I don't go anywhere without him.

SKY 36.

SKY Aleobe must wait outside, tonight is about you and the Elders.

ALEOBE It's fine Tim, I'll be here when you're done.

TIMOTHY I want him. SKY Now is not the time for tantrums. I am to present you to the Elders according to our tradition now please, we must go. ALEOBE Trust Sky Tim, I do. I promise I'll be here when you're done. Tonight is about you. Guided throug h the gate Timothy glances back to Aleobe. 32. INT. PARTUM CITY, GREAT HALL CORRIDOR - MOMENTS LATER. The faint outline of an arched door can be seen in the wall as they approach. SKY You are the first of your kind to step foot in here for a very long time Timothy, I know this isn't how you'd want it to be but I promise we have our reasons. TIMOTHY I don't know what's going on, it's all so strange to me. SKY Hold yourself high Timothy. I promise things will become clearer. Touching the wall with his hand the wall disappears in a cloud of dust.

33. INT. PARTUM CITY, GRAND HALL - CONTINUOUS. The room is grand, a large bowl hangs from the ceiling. Sky claps his hands together and the bowl bursts into flame. We see the occupants of the room on the far side of a large table, the ELDERS.

SKY 37.

SKY Elders of Mielikuvitus, I attend the Great Hall and present to you Timothy Scott. NASSER A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Nasser of the Unicorns. I offer you peace and hospitality. Nasser steps around the table he TRANSFORMS into human form, as with sky he retains Unicorn features including a minature hor n on his forehead. His eyes remain equestrian. SKY May I introduce Etak, Queen of the Ravens. An enormous raven performs an acrobatic flip into the air and TRANSFORMS mid-air into an woman (40s). At her back is a cloak of oily black feathers. She retains her bird-like eyes. ETAK You'll forgive my curiosity, it has been many years since I have seen one of your kind. SKY And this-

NITRAM I need no intriduction thank you Sky! I am Nitram, ruler of the Hegel- Steffi who live upon the land.

NITRAM is a fish with legs and arms, unlike the others he does not transform. He offers Timothy only a dismissive nod in greeting and is less than welcoming.

SKY You'll forgive Nitram, he is a little less, traditional, than the rest of us. NITRAM No need to make excuses for me Sky, I choose to remain as I am because I can. The presence of legs when I encroach the land is more than enough for me. SKY Whatever suits you best.


TIMOTHY It's fine, I'm your guest and you shouldn't have to change for me.

NITRAM Quite right, the boy speaks sense. SKY We have representatives from the Brightlands, the skies and the water. It would seem we are only missing- A d oor opens on the far sid eof the room. To Timothy's surprise Sucatraps walks into the room aided by a crooked cane. She is now dressed more regal clothes. SUCATRAPS You can all relax now, I'm here. NITRAM Late. SUCATRAPS Dear Nitram, as pleasant as always. Would you have preferred I had sent my plans on a puffer fish so you were awa re of my every move? Sucatraps' retort leaves Nitram stammering. SKY You know Sucatraps, representative of the Free Pe ople. SUCATRAPS Apologies for my lateness, my final customer of the day kept me later than I had expected.

Sucatraps ruffles Timothy's unkempt hair. I would have hoped for a litle more finesse. But at least your clothes look the part. Here, take my arm and escort me to the table, I'm starving.

TIMOTHY I didn't know you were an Elder.

Timothy helps Sucatraps to the table where he takes his place.

SKY (whispers) Don't worry about it, she's that way with all of us. Sky rises, looking around Sky lifts his hands and slams them 39.

Sky rises, looking around Sky lifts his hands and slams them onto the table plunging the room into darkness. Without delay Sky repeats the gesture and the light returns and now the table is filled with food and drink. SUCATRAPS It is customary for the guest of honour to offer the opening toast. TIMOTHY I've never done that before. SUCATRAPS Would you prefer me to do it on your behalf? TIMOTHY Yes please, I wouldn't know what to say. Sucatraps taps her cane on the side of the table. SUCATRAPS Gat hered Elders, the time has come to once again when the help of others is needed. Feast and speak, for tonight we welcome our honoured guest Timothy Scott to Mielikuv itus. Raising her own challice the mist from it rolls over her hands as she makes her toast. SKY To Timothy. ALL Timothy. SUCATRAPS Drink my boy, drink.

Timothy tentatively takes a sip and we see a look of surprise on his face.

TIMOTHY Wow! That's the best thing I've ever tasted.

Timothy gulps down the contents and watches as the cup refills itelsf.

SUCATRAPS Let us eat.

The room fills with chatter as they eat as we -




Occupants chatter around the table, the food is all but gone. Timothy looks stuffed.

TIMOTHY I've got a question. NITRAM (snaps) What would that be? Timothy looks uncomfortable. TIMOTHY Well, I suppose, well. NITRAM An articulate one isn't he? SUCATRAPS Show some respect Nitram, you represent your people. Rudeness is not a quality befitting that title. TIMOTHY Why is there nobody from Aleobe's kind here?

SKY If I may have your permission I would advance the proceedings?

Nitram whispers with the Elders. NITRAM You may be excused to educate our guest. Sky, Sucatraps and Timothy excuse themselves from the table and walk past the Elders who remain silent. There is hushed chatter as they leave the room.

TIMOTHY Sorry. SUCATRAPS For what? TIMOTHY Getting it wrong. SUCATRAPS Who said you got it wrong? TIMOTHY 41.

TIMOTHY Well Nitram didn't look too pleased. The reach a spiral staircase that climbs up.

SKY That old fish? You'd not believe me if I told you that was friendly for Nitram. TIMOTHY Really? It looked like he wanted to jump over and eat me! SUCATRAPS You're not his type! He has no appetite for physical confrontation, all fins no teeth. TIMOTHY Where are we going? SKY You'll see and please Timothy, if you have a question I'd rather you ask. Nev er be afraid to be curious. 35. INT. PARTUM CITY, WIDE HALLWAY ABOVE THE GREAT HALL - MOMENTS LATER. AA pair of ornate wooden doors wait at the top of the stairs. We hear approaching voic es before our trio appear.. TIMOTHY Give me a second, I need to catch my breath. SKY Beyond that door is the Table Of Haras, do you remember what I told you about it? TIMOTHY Not really. SKY It was the seat of all power, a place we have not used for many years.

TIMOTHY So why bring me here?


SUCATRAPS Because of what we are about to tell you. SKY What you are about to learn has not been discussed for many years. Do I have your trust? TIMOTHY Of course.

SUCATRAPS Do we have your confidence? TIMOTHY Yes. SKY The doors are open to you. SUCATRAPS All we ask is you listen to what we hav e to say before you make your choice.

TIMOTHY My choic e? SKY Come, there are things we need you to see. Timothy opens the doors to reveal the Table of Haras.

36. EXT. TABLE OF HARAS - CONTINUOUS. The Table of Haras sits beneath an ornate dome of crystal. The air is still as they approach the marble table. SKY You are the first of your kind to stand here in many years. TIMOTHY What, you mean there hasn't been anyone like me in Mielikuvitus in that long?

SUCATRAPS No! You are stepping here not as a child of your realm but something else. TIMOTHY What? SKY 43.

SKY You join us at the Table not as Timothy of your Earth Realm but as a Partum Spiritus. TIMOTHY A what? SKY A Partum Spiritus, protector of Mielikuvitus. TIMOTHY (laughs) I don't think so, you're confusing me with someone else.

SUCATRAPS We are not wrong Timothy, we have watched over you since birth, we know what and who you are. TIMOTHY I d on't like where this is going. SKY I apologise for the fact tonight has led to this but time is not on our side . Our need for a protector has come much sooner than we would have liked. SUCATRAPS We brought you here for a reason Timothy, not the chance encounter Aleobe had you believe. TIMOTHY Aleobe was in on this too? SKY Your friend was tasked with watching over you as a child and to bring you here if the time ever arose when you were needed. SUCATRAPS That time has come.

TIMOTHY I need to go, I need to go home.

SKY Timothy please! You need to listen to what we have to say.


TIMOTHY I can't, I'm not, I need to go. SUCATRAPS Listen to what we have to say and make your choice then. Sucatraps moves to Timothy and takes his hand. TIMOTHY I'm just a twelve-year-old boy, I'm not who you think I am. SKY No, you're not the person you think you are. SUCATRAPS Timothy Scott, son of Gerald and Susan Scott, brother to Aiden and Cathy Scott, second born.

SKY We know exactly who you are Timothy, we always have. We are not mistaken when we say you are Partum Spiritus. SUCATRAPS Will you stay? Timothy nods as Sucatraps caresses his hands. TIMO THY Ok, I'll listen.

SKY It might be easier if I show you. Sky places his hand on the table as a layer of mist appears. SUCATRAPS We are sorry for the deception but it was necessary. SKY Had we told you the reason for you passage through the mirror you would not see Mielikuvitus in the same way.

SKY Look to the table and I will show you who you are and why you are here.


37. EXT. PARTUM CITY, TABLE OF HARAS TABLETOP - CONTINUOUS. The mist takes shape and becomes a living representation of what Sky explains, playing out events in live-action. SKY In a time of conflict and darkness, Mielikuvitus was consumed by the Great War. A battle of light and dark that threatened to destroy the foundations of our world. SUCATRAPS It was a time where the dark beings of the Shadowlands had grown in power.

SKY The Shadowlands are a place where chaos reigns and darkness grows. For years we battled and held it back but there was something str onger brewing in the shadows. SUCATRAPS The chaos of darkness had taken form, consolidated itself in some way to become a physical being with power be yond our comprehension. SKY It spread from the Shadowlands, infecting the peace and tranquility of the Brightl ands until the darkness threatened to consume everything. As the Great War raged we became lost, drowning in fear.

SUCATRAPS As a people we were divided. Alone we could not defeat this new enemy and the army it had amassed, there was nothing we could do to hold it back.

SKY The Torn Mountains were our final stand, a divide between the Bright and Shadow. It was here we planned to make our final stand. Already the armies had marched through the Brightlands but the true form of the darkness could not pass until fear had consumed our hearts.


SUCATRAPS Atop the Torn Mountains those of us who were left stood united. But it was too late.

SKY After nineteen days the armies of darkness were too strong, relentless in their attacks. SUCATRAPS There are none alive who saw the final moments, who witnessed the leap of faith that brought forth the first Partum Spiritus.

SKY An Ecilop not too dissimlar to Aleobe took to the skies in search of hope. The smoke shows the final battle and an Ecilop spiral skyward that results in a crack of thunder and flash of lightning. SUCATRAPS Nobody knows how but we know why. In the final moments, when hope was but a fading whisper lost against the scre ams of defeat the Ecilop's pleas were answered.

SKY With a crash of thunder three Partum Spiritu s appeared on the battlefield. Wielding the power of the Eternal Flame they fought by our side and pushed back the rabid beasts until victory was once again a possibility.

SUCATRAPS Without their help Mielikuvitus would have been lost beneath a sea of evil and fear.

SKY But it was not done, the Partum that joined us warned the fight was not over. To return to a life of peace we would have to seek out the darkness and banish it forever.

TIMOTHY Did it come back, the darkness?

SKY 47.

SKY There was no chance for it to come back. The Partum led our people to reclaim the lands we had lost and face the darkness one last time.


The battle rages in the mist before it disipates revealing a woo den box now sat in the centre of the table. SKY For many years we searched out any sign of the darkness until we were certain it had been banished back, too weak to take physical form. SUCATRAPS But we were wrong. For a long time we have heard whispers of a new darkness, a new Dark Entity having emerged from the shadows to once again threaten Mielikuvitus. SKY That is why we have called upon the descendant of the Partum Spiritus, you. Timothy backs away from the table, a look of panic on his face as he moves away.

TIMOTHY I am not one of them.

SKY You are.

TIMOTHY I am not what you think I am, I'm not one of them. SUCATRAPS You are wrong. TIMOTHY I want to go home. Timothy is tearful as he backs away.

SKY The nightmares that haunt your sleep, do you know what they are? TIMOTHY 48.

TIMOTHY (panicked) How do you know about them?

SKY They are not dreams Timothy, they are visions.

TIMOTHY No! SKY They are real, they are visions and messages from the Dark Entity. TIMOTHY They can't be real. SKY Timothy-

TIMOTHY I w ant to go home. Timothy cries to return home and in response Aleobe appears and places his small hands on Timothy's cheek. With a crack of thunder we are t ransported back. 39. INT. FAMILY HOME, HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS.

Timothy reappears in the hallway, face tearful and once again dressed in his school uniform. Time appears not to have passed.Timothy moves to sit on the bottom step. SUSAN (OFF SCREEN) Timmy? What's wrong?

Timothy turns to his mother and runs to her. SUSAN What's happened? Has Aiden done something? If he has he's grounded.

TIMOTHY It wasn't him.

SUSAN Come on Cathy get inside.

CATHY What's up with him now?

SUSAN Give us a minute Cathy, go and get changed.

Timothy hugs his mother and burys his head in her shoulder. 49.

Timothy hugs his mother and burys his head in her shoulder.



Timothy sits in his bed with homework strewn around. AIDEN Tim, can I come in?

TIMOTHY Yeah. AIDEN What's with the box? TIMOTHY Box?

AIDEN Yea h in the hall with your name on. Sat on the floor outside Timothy's door is the box from the Table Of Haras.

AIDEN What is it then? TIMOTHY I'm not sure. Timothy tentatively pick s up the box and nudges it underneath his bed. AIDEN Mum told me you were upset when she got home.

TIMOTHY Don't worry, I told her it wasn't you.

AIDEN Well I know it wasn't me. Is it that Collier girl again?

TIMOTHY It doesn't matter.

AIDEN Yes it does! Tell me.

Timothy nods as tears fill his eyes.


TIMOTHY I don't want any trouble.

AIDEN She's having it tomorrow, she's not picking on you anymore Tim.

TIMOTHY Please don't. AIDEN You can't let her treat you like that little bro. TIMOTHY It'll only make things worse.

AIDEN No it won't. If you won't stand up for yourself then I'll do it for you. Aiden stands to leave the room and appears frustrated. TIMOTHY Please Aiden, don't say antyhing to mum and dad. AIDEN I'll sort it.

Aiden leaves the door open as he stalks away, clearly angry. As Timothy is about to close the door he is stopped by his dad's voice. GERARD (O.C.) I'm sorry, were we expecting you? SUSAN (O.C.) Who is it dear? DR LIVE (O.C.) Not at all, I think we discussed a home visit in an earlier session and happened to be in the neighbourhood. If it is not appropriate I understand.

SUSAN (O.C.) Don't be daft, Gerard invite the Doctor in won't you? Timothy stays out of view so he can spy. Dr Live steps into the hallway. The antique mirror is in view at the bottom of the stairs.


SUSAN Would you like to speak with Tim?

DR LIVE If that's not too much trouble.

SUSAN Tim? You may as well come downstairs instead of skulking around trying to listen. Timothy appears at the top of the stairs red-faced and moves to join them. 41. INT. FAMILY HOME, HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS.

As Timothy descends the stairs he glances at the mirror and smiles a s he catches a brief glimpes of Aleobe. ALEOBE (hushed) Sorry, I didn't want to interupt you and Aiden. Nobody else hears Aleobe and Timothy smiles.

DR LIVE Good eve ning Timothy, how are things?

TIMOTHY Ok, I suppose. DR LIVE That's not very convincing.

TIMOTHY It's been a long day.

DR LIVE I won't keep you long, I just wanted to see how things were and check how the journal idea was going. TIMOTHY Erm, I haven't used it yet. DR LIVE I see. There's no rush, it popped into my head as I was driving past and thought I'd see how you were.


SUSAN That's very kind of you. Like Tim says, he's had a bit of a challenging day. I think he needs a bit of time to work things through. DR LIVE Of course, perhaps another time? TIMOTHY Ok. Dr Live turns to leave but the antique mirror catches her att ention behind the family. DR LIVE Oh my, well I never. GERARD Is everything all right Doctor?

Dr Live inspects the mirror, removing her glasses and peering at the detail of the frame and glass. DR LIVE You must forgive me but this is simply an amazing work of art. GERARD Tim wouldn't agree, he hates that thing.

DR LIVE Really? TIMOTHY (shrugs) It's ugly.

DR LIVE Oh no, it is a work of art! In fact I have only ever seen one such mirror and that was in a museum in my hometown in Germany. GERARD It's been in my family for years, the kids hate it but I remember seeing it hanging when i was Cathy's age. DR LIVE I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but, have you thought about selling it?


GERARD Selling it?

DR LIVE Yes. Something this rare would be worth a lot. It may need a little work but it is a very fine antiquity. GERARD I've never thought about selling it. Dr Live's demeanour changes as she removes a business card. DR LIVE Please accept my apologies, my passion outside of work is the collection of antiques. I didn't mean to be rude. But honestly, if you ever consider selling it. She hands the card to Gerard GERARD Ok, thanks.

DR LIVE I unders tand. Keep that in case you change your mind.

GERARD What a strange woman. Gerard screws up the business card. CUT TO:


Dr Live walks away from the house casting a glance back at the front door as the silhouette of the family shows them walking away from the front door.


43. INT. FAMILY HOME, BATHROOM - NIGHT. Timothy turns out the light and walks across the hallway to his bedroom door. Passing by the top of the stairs he shouts downstairs.

TIMOTHY Night mum, night dad.

SUSAN (O.S.) 54.

SUSAN (O.S.) Night Tim.

In the corner of the hallway we see the glowing red eyes in the high corner unseen by Timothy.

44. INT. FAMILY HOME, TIMOTHY'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS. Timothy walks into the bedroom and pauses at the end of the bed.

TIMOTHY Come on then Aleobe, what's going on? ALEOBE (O.S.) Sorry I stayed behind after you came back, Sky wanted to speak to me.

TIMOTHY It' s not that. ALEOBE I suppose they told you it wasn't chance I took you there? TIMOTHY Why didn't you tell me?

ALEOBE Sky asked me n ot to. TIMOTHY I trusted you.

ALEOBE I didn't mean to lie.

TIMOTHY Why is this here then?

Timothy drags the box from under the bed.

ALEOBE Have you opened it?

TIMOTHY No! Aiden was here when I found it.

ALEOBE Did Sky and Sucatraps tell you what it was? TIMOTHY No. ALEOBE 55.

ALEOBE Open it.

TIMOTHY I don't think I want to. You all think I'm something I'm not. ALEOBE I know Sky isnt wrong about you. TIMOTHY I can't even stand up for myself at school, how can any of you believe I'm one of those people. ALEOBE You are a Partum Spiritus, you just don't see it in yourself. TIMOTHY I don't feel like a hero. I feel like a coward and a failure, a c- Timothy sits on the bed next to the box. ALEOBE Don't call yourself that! TIMOTHY What do you want me to do Aleobe?

ALEOBE Open it. Opening the box Timothy finds a note with the word NOSYM in ornate lettering. Lifting the sheet we see our first view of the Nosym weapon.It is constructed of a leather-bound wooden handle with a crystal lion's head on one end and a crystal snake's bust on the other. TIMOTHY What's that? ALEOBE It is your Nosym, the weapon of a Partum Spiritus.

TIMOTHY And what exactly is a Nosym?

ALEOBE Take it.

TIMOTHY What does it do first?


ALEOBE (excited) It helps control the Eternal Flame, only a Partum can wield it and control the fire within. TIMOTHY How did it get here? ALEOBE Sky asked me to bring it to you, to show you that Mielikuvitus needs you. Nosym is yours, it's been waiting for you since the day you were born. TIMOTHY It can't be mine, I've never seen it before.

ALEOBE The last Partum carved it for you. We kept it safe until you needed it.

Timothy traces his hand over the Nosym but does not pick it up. TIMOTHY There's so much I don't understanmd. ALEO BE Then ask.

TIMOTHY You lied to me before, about taking me there, how can I trust you?

ALEOBE I only did what I thought was right, I never meant to hurt you.

TIMOTHY But you did.

ALEOBE I'm sorry.

TIMOTHY How is it that after all the time I spent in your world when I came back it was like no time had passed?


ALEOBE Time moves differently once the portal is closed. Your life here pauses while you wander Mielikuvitus. The only way that doesn't happen is if the path is left open. TIMOTHY So how does it work, this Nosym? ALEOBE I think Sky is the best one to explain that, he is the one who- TIMOTHY I'm not asking Sky, I'm asking you. ALEOBE Tim, it's not something I udnerstand. I'm an Ecilop, Im your guide not your teacher. TIMOTHY Then tell me what you do know.

ALEOBE I know that your Nosym is capable of magni ficent things if you learn how to use it and control your mind.

TIMOTHY What has my mi nd got to do with this? ALEOBE Everything that makes you different here gives you power in Mielikuvitus, the things you see and feel are what gives you power.

TIMOTHY Like my nightmares?

ALEOBE Like them yes but they are there to curb you, drown you in fear and keep you away. A Partum Spiritus has power over their minds, that is what allows them to control the Eternal Flame. TIMOTHY You expect too much of me.


ALEOBE You expect too little of yourself.

TIMOTHY What is that thing in my dreams Aleobe, the thing with the red eyes?

ALEOBE I was hoping you wouldn't ask. TIMOTHY Why? Because it means you'll lie to me again? ALEOBE No, because I don't think it will make you want to come back with me. TIMOTHY What is it Aleobe?

ALEOBE Sky told you of the darkness rising again yes?

Timothy nods. The creature you see in your dreams is the D ark Entity, the being that has harnessed the power of the darkness.

TIMOTHY You're right a bout one thing, knowing it's real doesn't make me want to come back.

ALEOBE It scares you doesn't it?

TIMOTHY What, the fact the nightmare that has haunted me for as long as I can remember is actually real? No, of course not.

ALEOBE Do you know what scares me more? TIMOTHY Go on. ALEOBE That you are Mielikuvitus' only hope. (MORE)


ALEOBE (CONT'D) If you choose not to come back then the Dark Entity will destroy everything I know, there will be no hope for any of us.

TIMOTHY What can you expect from me Aleobe? I'm a twelve-year-old boy, I'm no hero. ALEOBE Age is nothing Tim, it is your strength of mind that means everything.

TIMOTHY It's not fair. ALEOBE No, it isn't. Sky asked me to bring you the Nosym. Whatever happens Tim I'll stay with you as long as I can . TIMOTHY As long as you can? ALEOBE Without you, we will have to fight the Dark Entity. I won't hide here and let my friends and family suffer. TIMOTHY You'd leave me? ALEOBE I wouldn't have a choice. TIMOTHY If I can help you, then I will. ALEOBE You'll come back? TIMOTHY Yes.

ALEOBE Oh Tim that's wonderful!

TIMOTHY Not the word I'd choose but ok.


ALEOBE Get some sleep, I'll wake you when everyone is in bed. Then we can go back through the mirror.

Timothy places the box on the floor and lays back in bed.

TIMOTHY Like I'm going to get any sleep. FADE TO BLACK CUT TO: 45. INT. FAMILY HOME, TIMOTHY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT. Timothy tosses and turns in his bed. ALEOBE Tim? Are you awake? Timothy stirs and sits up. TIMOTHY Huh?

ALEOBE Wake up, everyone's asleep. It's time to go. TIMOTHY (nervous) Are you sure t hey're asleep? ALEOBE Yes, now come on let's get moving.

Timothy creeps to the door and peeks out into the hallway.

ALEOBE Aren't you forgetting something?


ALEOBE Your Nosym!

Timothy retrieves the box and steps out into the hallway. He moves downstairs to stand in front of the mirror.

TIMOTHY What do I need to do?

ALEOBE Touch the glass. As Timothy reaches up a sudden sound startles him. 61.

As Timothy reaches up a sudden sound startles him.

46. INT. FAMILY HOME, KITCHEN - NIGHT. Timothy creeps into the kitchen that is bathed in moonlight. The curtains waft in front of an open window. Timothy crosses the itchen and closes the window. With his back to the hallway a shadowy figure of a human scurries from the kitchen to hiden beneath the stairs. Tim othy is unaware of the movement. 47. INT. FAMILY HOME, HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS. Having secured the window Timothy moves back into the hallway and passes by the shadowy alcove. A pair of human eyes are barely v isible as Timothy walks past. TIMOTHY (whispers) It's not like dad to leave the win dow open. ALEOBE He must have been tired. TIMOTHY So, what do I need to do now?

ALEOBE Touch the glas s. We see the reflection offer a smile. As his reflection reaches for Timothy's hand we see movement in the mirror as the dark figure emerges from the alcove.

Turning to look at the sudden movement the hand emerges from the glass and takes hold of Timothy's wrist. At the same time the shadowy figure lunges for Timothy.


Timothy's voice echoes as we- FADE TO BLACK


Timothy crashes to the floor and drops to his knees. We are in the same place beside Rainbow River as his first visit

TIMOTHY Who was that? ALEOBE 62.

ALEOBE I don't know.

TIMOTHY Why were they in my house?

ALEOBE I'm not sure but we need to work out a way to get you back. TIMOTHY What do you mean? ALEOBE I mean, they will be waiting for you. We need to speak to Sky, this isn't good at all. Timothy looks around for the Nosym box that he finds in the grass nearby. ALEOBE Wai t here, I'll go and find Sky. Timothy looks around slowly, suddenly alone. 49. EXT. RAINBOW RIVER - MOMENTS LATER. Sky appears in the field and stalks across to Timothy with a look of concer on his face. SKY Was it the Ent ity? ALEOBE No, it was one of his kind. SKY What did they want from him? ALEOBE I don't know.

SKY Are you hurt?

TIMOTHY I'm fine.

SKY Thank you for coming back Timothy, I don't expect it was an easy choice.


TIMOTHY I'm not going to abandon my only friend when he needs me.

SKY And for that we are thankful and forever in your debt.

Sky moves past Timothy to look across Rainbow River at the Mystic Forest. TIMOTHY It's so peaceful here. SKY Many times I have come here myself to rest in the moment and enjoy the peace. SUCATRAPS (O.C.) Were my clothes not good enough for you? Sucatraps' vo ice catches Timothy by surprise. Turning around Timothy is gobsmacked to see an enormous tent resting amongst an outcrop of rocks where the grass had been barren seconds before. SKY Be kind to him Sucatraps, he has agreed to come back.

SUCATRAPS (laughing) Oh away with you Sky, Timothy knows I'm only playing. SKY Come, lets silence old Sucatraps and get you changed.

Walking to the tent Sky pauses as they reach the open doors. SKY Do you understand what it means, you agreeing to come back here?

TIMOTHY I think so.

SKY You are here to follow the path of your ancestors, to accept your place as a Partum Spiritus and help us face the darkness.


TIMOTHY I have so many questions. SKY I'd be worried if you didn't have questions, but for now go and get changed.

Timothy disappears into the tent followed by Aleobe leaving Sky and Sucatraps alone outside. SUCATRAPS He isn't ready for this Sky. SKY I know, but we need him. We need him now more than ever. SUCATRAPS Have you heard of the changes?

SKY I have seen them for myself. The dar kness is spreading faster than we could have predicted.

SUCATRAPS I would have hoped for more time to prepare him. SKY We will accept the hand that fate has given us. While ever he is here, there is at least hope. SUCATRAPS It will not be easy, training him, his mind is lost in itself. The damage his world has caused is like nothing I've ever seen before.

SKY I will try.

SUCATRAPS No my dear Sky, we all must try. Mielikuvitus and the fate of all we know hangs on him.


Timothy is in a room dug out of the earth, there is no sign of the tent around them. Timothy straightens his clothes and is now dressed in the garments Suactraps crafted.


ALEOBE You look better already.

TIMOTHY Somehow I feel it too.

ALEOBE Sucatraps has a way of doing that. SKY (O.S.) Timothy?

Stepping into the Main Room we see the tent fabric above the m. The tent stands over a warren-type structure and is deceptively big. 51. INT. TEN T MAIN ROOM - CONTINUOUS. Timothy walks across to Sky and Sucatraps who stand waiting.

SUCATRAPS I'm afraid matters of state and a wed ding call for my attention at Halo Cove.

TIMOTHY Sorry fo r keeping you waiting. SUCATRAPS Not at all my boy, I'd rather spend the hours with you than matters of state, but nee ds must. TIMOTHY You don't need to ask my permission.

Sucatraps steps to Timothy taking his hand like a kindly grandmother. SUCATRAPS Put aside who and what you are in your world. We have seen the cruelty and scorn of your people. Here, in Mielikuvitus, everything you consider your curse is the root of your power. Forget the self- doubt and disbelief, be free and allow yourself to become what we know you to be.

TIMOTHY I'll try.


SUCATRAPS That is all I ask of you. Sky will show you the way. I have every faith in you my dear boy.

Before Timothy can reply Sucatraps takes a step away and simply disappears.

SKY Shall we go for a walk? 52. EXT . RAINBOW RIVER - MOMENTS LATER. Timothy and Sky walk away from the tent back towards the river.

SKY So, what do you want to know? TIMOTHY I have no idea where to start. SKY What is botheirng you the most?

TIMOTHY My dream s. SKY Your visions you mean? TIMOTHY Yes, but I don 't like to think of them that way.

SKY Do not shy from them, do not fear them. The Dark Entity will feed on that and use it against you.

TIMOTHY So what is it I see in my vis- dreams?

SKY Not what but who. We know it as the Dark Entity and it is that which threatens to solidify the forces of darkness against us.

TIMOTHY But why does it talk to me?

SKY 67.

SKY Because of who you are and what you could become. To the Entity you are its biggest threat. By feeding your fear, forcing you to question yourself and retreat from your destiny it leaves Mielikuvitus vulnerable. TIMOTHY It's doing a good job of scaring me. SKY It is in its nature to feed on fear and where fear is not present it would seek to sew the seeds and watch it grow. TIMOTHY Why do you say it and not he or she? SKY When the Dark Entity came into being it sacrificed everything of its former life and existence, it ceased to be anything other than dakness. TIMOTHY What was it before? Sky avoids the question. SKY You see there, the mountanis in the distance?

Sky points to a distant moiuntain range.

TIMOTHY Are they the Torn Mountains?

SKY Yes and beyond them lies the Shadowlands. TIMOTHY Is that where it is, the Dark Entity?

SKY Yes, we know it waits in a place we call Shadow Island.


TIMOTHY Why doesn't it just come and fight? SKY The Dark Entity knows the balance of battle. For now it would rather lay in wait and infect us slowly. TIMOTHY What's going to happen now? SKY We train and prepare you. TIMOTHY When do we start? SKY I applaud your enthusiasm, perhaps we should eat and rest for the night and tomorrow we can take your first steps. Timothy watch es the rumbling clouds far in the distance as we. FADE TO BLACK: 53. EXT. SHADOW ISLAND. A storm rumbles and flashes of lightning give brief glimpses of a fortified island in a sea of black water. Waves crash against the rocks of the island and in the clouds we see the silhouette of an enormous octopus suspended in the air above the island.

DARK ENTITY (O.S.) Foolish hopes of a dying people, you have condemned your saviour to death at my hand.

54. EXT. RAINBOW RIVER - MORNING. Timothy bursts from the tent and runs across the glade dragging his cape behind him.

TIMOTHY Sorry, I slept in.

SKY We have a lot to learn, every moment counts.

TIMOTHY Sorry. SKY 69.

SKY You have your Nosym?

Timothy skids to a halt a look of panic on his face. ALEOBE I'll go and get it, you can start wokring with Sky. SKY Shall we?

TIMOTHY Yes. SKY When you cross into Mielikuvitus it is you who chooses where you arrive. I find it encouraging you find your way here.

TIMOTHY Why ? SKY It tells me you seek the same feelings as I do. It is with this we will begin your journey. Come, sit here . Timothy moves to join Sky on an outcrop of rock.

TIMOTHY Are you going to show me how to use the Nosym thing?

SKY In time, for now, I want you to close your eyes and calm your mind.

The day passes as we observe Timothy under Sky's tutelege. Their progress is slow and Timothy's frustration is clear.

TIMOTHY I can't stop thinking.

SKY You need to find a way to quiet your mind.

TIMOTHY It's not that easy.

SKY I never said it was. Try and relax, you're fighting yourself.

Sitting on the rock Timothy struggles to relax, we see him on 70.

Sitting on the rock Timothy struggles to relax, we see him on edge until his shoulders sag and he huffs aloud.

TIMOTHY I can't do it!

55. INT. TENT MAIN ROOM - NIGHT. Timothy sits at a table, his head resting on his arms as Sky tends to a fire. Aleobe sits on the table watching Timothy, food remains untouched on the plate beside him. TIMOTHY I've tried all day to do what he says but I can't stop my brain from thinking. ALEOBE Give it time, it's never going to happen quickly Tim.

TIMOTHY I d on't think I'll ever get it. Sky drops the Nosym box onto the table. As he speaks, Sky lifts the lid of the box and turns it to Timothy. SKY It does not befit you to accept defeat so easily. SKY Take the Nosym . TIMOTHY Why? I can't even stop my head from wandering and you expect me to be able to do something with that? Sky moves with surprising speed and rips the Nosym from the box. In one swift move he launches himself into the air to land on the table.

SKY This is capable of many things in the right hands, your hands.

Sky performs a demonstration with the weapon. With relative ease he brings the Nosym to life as fire emerges from either end of the weapon. Sky wields the flame into a variety of weapons.

SKY Weapons and ammunition are at the beck and call of a calmed mind Timothy. The Nosym changes shape as he speaks. 71.

The Nosym changes shape as he speaks. Swords, bows, axes, anything you can bring your mind to control can be made by the fires of the Eternal Flame. TIMOTHY How? SKY A mind without calmness and clarity cannot dream to control the flame's power. Sky ends the demonstration with a shower of embers and sparks as the flames disappear. Sky looks drained as he steps down from the table and replaces the Nosym onto the cushion. TIMOTHY How did you do that?

ALEOBE Giv e him a minute. TIMOTHY What's wrong with him?

ALEOBE None of that comes natural to Sky, it takes an amazing amount of effort to do what he has just done.

SKY Aside the Part um Spiritus themselves there are very few who can call the Eternal Flame. I was taught by your ancestors and what you have just seen is very much the limit of my abilities. TIMOTHY You mean it can do more?

SKY Not the Nosym, you! You can do more with it.

TIMOTHY That's amazing.

SKY Eat and get some sleep, in the morning we will try again. Sky moves to his room leaving Timothy and Aleobe alone.


TIMOTHY Do you think I could do that one day?

ALEOBE I know you can Tim, I know you can. 5 6. INT. TENT UNDERGROUND BEDROOM - LATER. Timothy is asleep on the bed but fidgets as he knows he is being watched. Opening his eyes he sits up as Sky is stood at the end of the bed. SKY (whispers) Quietly gather your things and join me outside. Bring your Nosym. Leaving Aleobe undisturbed Timothy leaves. 57. EXT. RAINBOW RIVER - TWILIGHT. Sky emerges from the tent followed bby Timothy. Dawn is about to break and the air is chilled.

TIMOTHY What tim e is it? SKY Early! I wanted some time before the sun rises. Mielikuvitus is very different in t his light. TIMOTHY It's beautiful.

SKY After seeing you struggle I thought to try something different with you, are you ready to train?


SKY I want you to see what you are capable of. You will be faced with tests and challenges both mental and physical.

Timothy practices under Sky's watchful gaze as time passes. It is hard to tell how long but we see different views and light to show the passage of days.


58. EXT. RAINBOW RIVER - AFTERNOON. Timothy is drenched with sweat, his cape lays draped on a nearby rock.

TIMOTHY I don't think we are getting anywhere, it's been days and I don't feel any nearer. ALEOBE It will come Tim. TIMOTHY We keep trying and nothing happens. SKY Come with me. TIMOTHY Can I get some food first?

SKY It' s now or never Timothy, your choice.

Sky leads Timothy towards another rock further along the bank. This rock protrudes over the river and Sky positions Timothy near the ed ge. TIMOTHY What are we doing now? SKY The more I watch you, the more I see you need to experience things to learn. Removing a pouch from his pocket Sky empties a number of bright-coloured stones across the the rock leading to the grass.

TIMOTHY What are they for?

SKY The water of the river and these stones will contain the Eternal Flame, should you conjur it from the Nosym.

TIMOTHY You expect me to make fire?

SKY Take the Nosym and keep the lion's mouth to the sky. Timothy takes the Nosym. 74.

Timothy takes the Nosym.

TIMOTHY What now?

SKY Close your eyes and quiet your mind, listen to what I say to you. TIMOTHY Ok. SKY Concentrate and just listen. Picture the Nosym in your hand, keep your eyes close and listen to the river. Timothy frowns with concentration. TIMOTHY Is this dangerous? SKY It will show you what can happen when your mind is chaotic and uncontrolled, now concentrate. Listen to the river and feel your way thro ugh your mind, cast aside those thoughts that seek to distract you. Timothy fights for concentration, we see the effort in his face as Sky softly talks to him, his words slow and paced. Hear the water crashing into the rocks, allow yourself to relax.

A signle ember floats from the mouth of the lion.

TIMOTHY Something feels strange.

SKY Focus on that feeling Timothy, move towards it. TIMOTHY It's hot, should it be hot? SKY Don't worry about that, just let yourself go.

Sky speaks with excited urgency as a second and third ember float from the lion's mouth.


TIMOTHY I don't know where it is, I can feel it all around me.

SKY Follow the heat Timothy, journey along its path until you find its source. The lion's mouth starts to glow, dull at first but growing brighter.

TIMOTHY I can feel it. SKY Open your eyes Timothy, see the lion, see the detail and picture that feeling as a fire from its mouth.

A low rumble emits from the Nosym as the light grows until fire explodes from the open mouth. 59. EXT. RAINBOW RIVER - CONTINUOUS AERIAL VIEW.

The explosion of fire sends it cascading in all directions. Timothy grabs the N osym in two hands and fights to stop the fire that erupts like a volcano. The flames do not pass the line of stones as Timothy looks panicked.

SKY Take control T imothy. TIMOTHY I can't!

The fire grows and takes the shape of a lion in the air above Timothy. Without warning the fire fades to be replaced by a cloud of jet-black swirling smoke. Inside the smoke appear a pair of familiar red eyes.

DARK ENTITY You are not one to hold the power.

TIMOTHY Help me!

DARK ENTITY There is no hope for you now. I warned you to stay away, this will be your doom.

As the smokey apartion explodes Timothy drops to the floor unconscious.



60. INT. TENT UNDERGROUND BEDROOM - LATER. Timothy sits bolt upright in bed as Aleobe flusters around him. ALEOBE Tim it's ok, you're safe. TIMOTHY Where am I? What happened? ALEOBE You've been asleep for two days Tim, take a minute and I'll get Sky. TIMOTHY No, don't get him just yet. What happened out there Aleobe? ALEOBE I...I don't know.

TIMOTHY I managed to call the fire though didn't I , that's something at least, isn't it?

ALEOBE I'm not sure, I mean I saw the fire but I don't th ink it was what Sky was expecting. TIMOTHY Did I get it wrong Aleobe? ALEOBE I don't know, we should speak to Sky.


Timothy emerges from a tunnel into the Main Room where Sky and Sucatraps are stood at a table. The table is anchored to the floor with a series of roots and the surface shows a living and moving map of Mielikuvitus.

TIMOTHY Sorry, am I interrupting?

SUCATRAPS I have things to do, I will leave the explanation to you my friend. Sucatraps moves to the far side of the room and sits on a 77.

Sucatraps moves to the far side of the room and sits on a chair. She begins to knit as she earwigs on the conversation.

TIMOTHY What's going on Sky?

SKY You've been asleep for some time, far longer than I would have expected. Do you rmeember what happened?

TIMOTHY Yes, I remember the fire, the smoke and- SUCATRAPS The Entity? TIMOTHY Yes.

SUCATRAPS I w arned you of the dangers Sky. SKY They were risks I felt we needed to take, fo r Timothy's sake. TIMOTHY I am here you know! What's going on? Sucatraps offers a wry s mile. SKY Things have changed while you have been recovering.

TIMOTHY I still feel strange, like my veins are burning.

SKY It will pass, in a few days it will be nothing but a memory.

TIMOTHY So, what's changed?

Sky brings Timothy's attention to the map where the dark clouds above Shadow Island have started to creep towards the mountains.

SKY 78.

SKY It would seem my plan to show you your own power had an unexpected consequence.

SUCATRAPS Hardly unexpected.

SKY Hardly helpful! TIMOTHY Please, both of you, stop it! SKY The Entity has sensed your presence, the manifestation on the rocks was his warning to you. TIMOTHY You mean that was real?

SKY (sighs) Yes. TIMOTHY I don't think I can do this. SKY It is too late to turn away from your path Timothy. Look, here, the Entity has sent his armies beyond the mountains. TIMOTHY Why?

SKY To seek you out and draw you to him. He knows you are not ready and would seek to exploit that advantage.

TIMOTHY What can we do to stop it?

SUCATRAPS We have made arrangements to move your training to somehwere more protected.

TIMOTHY We're running away?

SKY You feel ready to face the Entity? TIMOTHY 79.

TIMOTHY Well, no, but- SKY Then there will be no more discussion.

TIMOTHY Where will we go? SKY Nasser has agreed to provide sanctuary in Conn Uri. TIMOTHY Does it know where I am, the Dark Entity? SUCATRAPS We don't know. We know it is searching and it is safer to hide you rather than let it find you bef ore you are ready. SKY Go gather your things, we have plans to leave today. Timothy returns to the tunnel but loiters out of sight near the entrance. 62. INT. TENT TUNNEL - CONTI NUOUS. Timothy hides in the shadows and listens.

SUCATRAPS It was dangerous to let him wield the Eternal Flame.

SKY I saw an opportunity to harness his doubt and confusion. He is capable of so much more than he believes. SUCATRAPS I agree, but now is not the time to take risks.

SKY You're right. Hopefully Conn Uri will keep us from his gaze long enough for Timothy to realise.

SUCATRAPS And if not?

SKY 80.

SKY If not, then Mielikuvitus will fall beneath the tyrant of fear and darkness. Timothy dresses deeper into the tunnel and rests his head on the rock.

6 3. EXT. RAINBOW RIVER - DUSK. Nasser waits in the grass outside the tent as Sky, Sucatraps, Ale obe and Timothy appear. SUCATRAPS Timothy, can I have a moment?

TIMOTHY What is it? SUCATRAPS I know you were listening earlier, whe n Sky and I were talking. TIMOTHY (blushing) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- SUCATRAPS Don't apologise, you have every right to hear what we have to say.

TIMOTHY Was I wrong to push Sky to let me try and use the Nosym? SUCATRAPS Sky has his own mind, I doubt you would convince him to do anything he had not thought through.

TIMOTHY But, has it made things worse? SUCATRAPS It has made things more difficult that is all. I want you to know that we believe in you Timothy, but our belief alone is not enough. While you travel to Conn Uri I would ask you to find a way to believe in yourself. TIMOTHY That's easier said than done.


SUCATRAPS And that, Timothy, is why you fail. You allow yourself to be limited by the beliefs of others, by the way others have treated you. You are your own man. Perhaps now is the time for you to see that.

SKY (O.S.) It's time for us to get moving. SUCATRAPS (playful) In a minute you impatient dog! SUCATRAPS Take the time to practice and heed Sky's words, there is no better Elder to teach you, except me of course. 64. EXT. MYSTIC F OREST - NIGHT. The journey through the Mystic Forest takes place over a number of days. We view the forest from a variety of perspectives, showcasing its magesty and beauty, we see Timothy training with Sky at different points. After a series of views we see the group as they ascend a steep hill of trees interlaced with rocks. 65. EXT. MYSTIC FOREST - DAY S LATER, AFTERNOON. Tthe trees begin to thin as the group reach the summit of a rocky ledge. They reach the top and find themselves stood on the lip of a wide crater. Veins of orange track along the floor between the trees and the leaves are now mixes of red and orange. In the centre of the tree-filled crater we see movement and our first view of Conn Uri.

NASSER DO you see that Timothy?

TIMOTHY What is it?

NASSER That is Conn Uri, my home.

TIMOTHY It looks like a volcano.


NASSER It is. Conn Uri rests deep within the Mystic Forest in the mouth of a sleeping volcano. You see those veins of light that course between the trees?

TIMOTHY What is that? NASSER That is the life-blood of the Mystic Forest. It feeds the trees and from them we crafted the Nosym you carry at your side.

TIMOTHY I can't wait to see your home. NASSER And not a moment too soon, we've received reports that the Hegel- Steffi have crossed the Torn Mou ntains. TIMOTHY You mean Nitram? NASSER Not exactly, walk with me and I shall explain. Nasser speaks with Timot hy while Aleobe and Sky hang back. NASSER Nitram is one of many species of Hegel-Steffi. He is one who gave up a life beneath the water and ventured onto the land. There are others, more sinister Steffi who reside within the Black Lake.

TIMOTHY That doesn't sound good.

NASSER Not at all. They are true warriors, born and raised as fighters and soldiers.

TIMOTHY Like Spartans?

NASSER Spartans?


TIMOTHY We learned about them at school, they were the best soldiers of all time.

NASSER They sound similar.

TIMOTHY But these were humans, not like Nitram a leg-feet-fish.

Timothy stops himself, realising his mistake. Sorry I didn't mean to be rude, it was just, well, it's what they make me think of. NASSER (laughing) You'd better keep that one away from Nitram, I doubt he would find it as amusing as I do. UNICORN CHILD #1 Nasser, you're back.

An excited and childish voice interrupts their conversation as a unicorn child sprints towards them accompanied by a number of others. T hey are in human form with the minature horns like Nasser. NASSER Children calm down. That is hardly the welcome I would have our guests receive.

UNICORN CHILD #1 Is it really him? Is he really one of them?

UNICORN CHILD #2 Don't be daft, he isn't a Partum, he's too young.

NASSER Come now, be respectful. And yes, this is Timothy Scott. He is the first Partum Spiritus in many years to step foot in Conn Uri and this is how you welecome him?

Although Nasser is soft in his delivery the children fall quiet, admiring Timothy with looks of wonder.


The children scatter as he speaks. 84.

The children scatter as he speaks. NASSER We live among the trees, under the protection of the Great Hall. I would seek to welcome you in the way of my people. TIMOTHY It's amazing! I want to see more. NASSER All in good time Timothy, first we shall rest. We have walked long and hard for many days. Tomorrow we shall welcome you with celebrations. TIMOTHY That's not necessary.

SKY Oh but it is. Maybe seeing your imp ortance in the eyes of others will help you see it in yourself.

NASSER Wise wor ds as always Sky. Entering Conn Uri we see the town is housed beneath the canopy of enormous trees.

66. INT. DARK CAVE - NIGHT. We are familiar with the cave now and the Dark Entity has already appeared. Hanging in the air Timothy stands in front of it.

DARK ENTITY You didn't listen. That foolish Ecilop has brought you here, to my world. Why have you come? TIMOTHY Because...they need me. DARK ENTITY You have sealed your own fate. You have nothing here unless I give it to you. This is my world... This is my island... It is all MINE. TIMOTHY You're wrong, Sky says- DARK ENTITY 85.

DARK ENTITY That deluded fool has clouded your mind, you were better as a fearful boy.

TIMOTHY You're wrong.

DARK ENTITY The fire will not burn for you. You have no power here, this is my world now. TIMOTHY You're wrong!

We see a flicker of flame in Timothy's hand, as he screams the cave is engulfed in flame. DARK ENTITY It will do nothing to stop me.

67. INT. CONN URI , BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS. Timothy gasps for breath as he sits up in bed. He does not notice the faint smoke that wafts from his hands. As he settles his breath Timothy lays back down and looks to Aleobe who snores in his o wn bed.

68. EXT. CONN URI STREET - MORNING. Unicorns of various type s wander the streets. Sky and Nasser are deep in conversation as they move between the crowds.

TIMOTHY Sky, Sky, I need to talk to you.

SKY What is it Timothy? I was just speaking with Nasser about- TIMOTHY Not here, please, come with me. SKY Please excuse us Nasser, it would seem Timothy has something important to speak about. We will continue later? NASSER As you wish.

Sky is irritable at the interruption but follows as Timothy drags him into a quiet courtyard. SKY 86.

SKY What is so important?

TIMOTHY I dreamed of the Dark Entity again but it was different this time.

SKY How? TIMOTHY It told me I had no power, that this was his world and I said no. It's the first time I've ever stood up to him.

Timothy is clearly excited. SKY What happened then?

TIMOTHY It said I wouldn't control the fla me so I did, I mean I really did, well, in my dream. My hands were on fire and he sounded scared.

SKY Interest ing, it would appear your mind is allowing you to see your potential.

TIMOTHY Is that a good thing? SKY It is a very good thing, you were right to interrupt me and Nasser.

TIMOTHY What were you talking about?

SKY It doesn't matter. What matters is we seize upon this change in you and put it to use.



Timothy stands in the centre of a fenced padock as Aleobe and Sky perch on the wooden fence. A crowd has gathered in the adjoining paddocks of young uncirons.

SKY 87.

SKY Can you remember what happened for you to draw the flame in your dream Timothy?

TIMOTHY It was when it mocked me, when it told me I couldn't do it. SKY You mean the Entity said what you think? TIMOTHY No!

SKY On the contrary Timothy, you keep telling me you are not capable and we are wrong to believe in you. It seems the Entity simply said what you were thinking. TIMOTHY It wasn't like that, he mocked me and I got-

SKY Angry? TIMOTHY I suppose. SKY (barks) It was not anger that brought the flame to your hand.

ALEOBE Don't be mad at him.

Sky silences Aleobe with a raised hand.

SKY Anger can be manipulated, it is easy to undo. Fear and anger are weak foundations. It should not be anger that calls the Eternal Flame to you. TIMOTHY Hold on a minute! You tell me to find a way to harness this power, you say I have and the first time I do it you tell me I'm wrong, what gives?

SKY 88.

SKY Timothy, you are better than that. I know the world has not been kind to you, you've been left alone to fight the demons and darkness while everyone around you was ignorant to your pain.

Sky moves to kneel in front of Timothy, the anger giving way to softness. I have seen the way you have adapted and found a way to box away all those feelings that confuse you. Many would not be able to do what you do but it does not come without problems.

TIMOTHY What problems? SKY The Entity will always seek weaknesses. A power derived from fea r and anger will do nothing but feed it against you.

TIMOTHY What can I do instead? SKY Do not be disheartened. The fact you were able to conjur the flame fills me with confidence and hope. All we need to do now is find a way to harness it without using the negativity you have boxed away.

Under Sky's watchful gaze Timothy resumes training throughout the afternoon, we see him succeed numerous times to conjur the Eternal Flame.

70. EXT. CONN URI PADDOCKS - DUSK. Nasser walks to the edge of the paddock to join Sky and Aleobe. NASSER He seems afraid.

SKY He's wary of what happened last time.

NASSER He needs to overcome that fear or he will never succeed. SKY 89.

SKY I can only show him the path, he must take it himself. NASSER Oh come now Sky, you can't believe that is the only way. May I?

Sky nods and Nasser clambers over the fence Timothy, can I have a moment? TIMOTHY Sorry, I didn't hear you. NASSER Stop apologising! You have nothing to say sorry for. TIMOTHY S- ok NASSER May I join you? TIMOTHY There's not much to join, I can't seem to do what everyone thinks I'm capable of. NASSER Do you want to know why? TIMOTHY Why? NASSER Because you don't believe you can. If all you do is listen to the whispers of doubt you will never succeed. I have a suggestion that may help you if you permit me?

Timothy nods and as he does Nasser draws a dagger from his back and attacks. Caught by surprise Timothy staggers backwards and the two engage in a fight. At first Timothy avoids the slices however after a few he uses the Nosym to protect himself.

TIMOTHY What are you doing?

NASSER What I must to help you. As Timothy raises the Nosym a tendril of fire appears and he succeeds in blocking blow after blow with a glitching blade of fire. After a few seconds Naser raises a hand and drops his blade 90.

After a few seconds Naser raises a hand and drops his blade to his side. TIMOTHY How did I do that? NASSER Sometimes all we need is a reason to believe. The sound of cheering fills the air as the excited children jump up and down. NASSER Feel that pride? You did that, that is yours. ALEOBE That was amazing. NASSER Yes it was, I think that calls for a c elebration. Nasser leaves Timothy who is brimming with excitement. As Nasser passes Sky he offers his friend a wry smile.

NASSER Sometime s Sky, all we need is a little push. 71. INT. CONN URI - NIGHT. C ELEBRATIONS ARE IN FULL SWING. We see a vibrant party with Unicorns of all types singing and dancing. Amongst the crowds we see Timothy mingling and talking with a great many creatures.

As scenes change it shows the night passing by, the crowds begin to disperse and the party's atmosphere starts to die down.

72. EXT. CONN URI STREET - NIGHT. Sky carries Timothy to his accomodation as Aleobe hovers above him. ALEOBE He's doing well isn't he Sky? SKY He's trying, that's all we can ask. ALEOBE Do you think it will be enough?

SKY 91.

SKY I don't know. I hope it will be.

ALEOBE He'll do it, I believe in him.

They step into the small building. SKY Never lose that hope Aleobe, always believe in him and perhaps, one day, he will believe it himself. Tim othy is placed on the bed and the sheets are hung over him FADE OUT:

73. INT. CON N URI, BEDROOM - NIGHT. The sound of screaming fills the air and Timothy wakes. TIMOTHY Did you hear that? The door bursts open and a Hegel-Steffi fills the doorframe. This is a different type than Nitram, this is a fearsome shark adorned with crude armour wielding a serrated sword. HEGEL STEFFI #1 There you are.

The Hegel-Steffi stalks into the room and lunges for Timothy. Darting past the Hegel-S teffi he bursts out into the street. The town is overrun by other Hegel-Steffi. ALEOBE Run Tim, find Sky! The Hegel-Steffi grabs Timothy sending him sprawling to the floor. Unarmed and overpowered Timothy struggles to break free.

HEGEL STEFFI #1 You're coming with me.

TIMOTHY Let me go.

The Hegel-Steffi takes another handful of steps before a chilling howl fills the air and we see Sky launch in his dog form. Landing, Sky transforms into his human form. SKY Release him.


HEGEL STEFFI #1 Or else what?

Sky and the Hegel-Steffi fight resulting in the Hegel-Steffi being thrown crashing through the wall of a nearby building.

SKY Come on Timothy, we need to find Nasser. Moving through the streets we see Conn Uri is overrun with Hegel-Steffi. Sky fights aside numerous attackers until we see Nasser in the distance. 74. EXT. CONN URI STREET - CONTINUOUS.

Nasser is surrounded by Hegel-Steffi armed only with a pair of dagge rs. Nasser fights the Hegel-Steffi, as two fall back injured a shrieking sound fills the air. HEGEL STEFFI #2 For tunate for you, filthy Unicorn. As if commanded by the sickening sound all of the invading Hegel-Steffi surrender their fight and disappear into the darkness. NASSER I think it's fair to say your time here is compromised.

SKY How could they know we were here? NASSER I have no idea but we must make plans to move, immediately.


A female unciron in human form hobbles towards them. NASSER What is it? DISTRAUGHT UNICORN FEMALE They've taken them, all of them.

NASSER All of who? SKY What's going on?


NASSER Speak plainly, what have they taken? DISTRAUGHT UNICORN FEMALE The children, the young children, they've taken them. Nasser turns and run towards a plume of smoke in the disatnce. He arrives in front of a burning building as a hareem of fmeale uncirons huddle coughing from the smoke.

NASSER How many? DISTRAUGHT UNICORN FEMALE Fifteen young, some not a few months old. TIMOTHY Why would they take children? NASSER Bec ause they cannot return empty handed. SKY We could not have predicted this my friend. NASSER I brought this upon my people by agreeing to hide you here. It is my responsiblity to make this right. SKY You can't possibly- NASSER The time for inaction has passed. I will not leave the children of Conn Uri at the hands of the Entity. Nasser pushes past Sky.

NASSER I will assemble my finest warriors. SKY To what end? This is playing into his hands and you know it.

NASSER My children will not be foresaken through fear. (MORE)


NASSER (CONT'D) I will leave for Shadow Island within the hour, ready or not you and your protege can either come with me or continue your path without my protection. TIMOTHY I'll go with you! SKY Timothy, that's not helping. TIMOTHY It's my fault they're gone. Nasser is right, we can't leave them to die. SKY I don't think- TIMOTHY It's final Sky, I'm not leaving Nas ser to find them alone. Nasser offers a nod of approval as he stalks through the crowds leaving the others stood in front of the burning building. NASSER Gather your things Timothy Scott, we move for Shadow Island. We focus on the three wh o are silhouetted by the burning building as we.


75. EXT. MYSTIC FOREST - MORNING. Nasser leads a troop of Unicorns away from Conn Uri. Timothy, Sky and Aleobe move a short distance behind but the group move with pace. NASSER I'm sorry for the pace Timothy but every moment that passes my children grow nearer to the Dark Entity. TIMOTHY I understand.

The group move as the landscape changes and the day passes. The Torn Mountains dominate the landscape ahead of them.

The day continues as we see the group split as Nasser sends 95.

The day continues as we see the group split as Nasser sends two of his companions ahead. The sun is dipping close to the horizon and everyone appears tired NASSER They have set ahead to find camp for the night. SKY Where? NASSER The Torn Valley! SKY That is still a fair way off Nasser, we are all tired. NASSER Rest if you want, I will not be stopping until we reach the valley.

76. EXT. TORN VAL LEY CAMP - LATER, NIGHT. A camp has been set and a fire burns as Timothy staggers to a fallen log and drops his heavy bag to the ground. Dropping down next to it Tim othy's eyes close. 77. EXT. TORN VALLEY CAMP - DAWN. Timothy wakes as the camp is already being collapsed. Nasser is once again despatchin g the scouts ahead. NASSER I'm sorry to push you so hard.

TIMOTHY I understand, I'll eat as we move. NASSER Thank you.

As the day passes they move beneath the dark clouds that reach from the Shadowlands and the sun disappears.


The cliffs look out over the Black Lake. A camp has been set up close to the edge of the cliffs in a copse of dead trees. Nasser stands on the cliff-edge looking out towards Shadow Island.

Timothy walks across to Nasser as he finishes a mouthful of food. TIMOTHY 96.

TIMOTHY Is that it? NASSER Shadow Island? Yes. TIMOTHY And that? The storm constantly rages with flashes of sheet lightning. In the centre of the Black Lake the outline of Shadow Island can be seen and the enormous Shocktopus hangs suspended in the air above the island moving as if underwater. NASSER That is the Shocktopus, it protects Shadow Island from intruders. TIMOTHY Like us? NASSER Lik e us. SKY We should rest Nasser, crossing the Lake will not be easy. NASSER I need to join the others and prepare our means to cross. Nasser leaves Sky and Ti mothy alone on the cliffs. TIMOTHY What is it, the Shocktopus? SKY It was a creature of myth, the fact it swims in the sky tells me the Entity's powers are growing. TIMOTHY That doesn't sound good. SKY You don't need to come Timothy, we can rescue the children. TIMOTHY I'm not giving up on Nasser and his children, it doesn't feel right.

SKY And you continue to tell yourself you are not a hero? (MORE) SKY (CONT'D) 97.

SKY (CONT'D) No coward would sail the Black Lake to help others, remember that.

TIMOTHY How are we going to get there? Sky points to the bottom of the cliffs where the unicorns are constructing three rafts on the dark shore below. 79. EXT. BLACK LAKE SHORE - DARK, LATER. Thr ee rafts launch into the water. Sky and Timothy are on one raft with Aleobe flying above them while the Uncorons are split amongst the other two. The three rafts cross the Black Lake as the storm rages. Nearing the Shocktopus its size is impressive, its tentacles swipe through the air wafting above the water.

SKY Lay down Timothy, stay as still as you can. TIMOTHY Why, what's happening? SKY The Shocktopus is like a guard, it senses movement and fear. We will try and coast beneath it where we can. The air is tense as the move close to the limit of the Shocktopus tentacles. Pressed against the raft Timothy dares not look.

Two of the rafts pass untouched beneath the tentacle however the third is clipped and the Shocktopu reacts. A patch of light focuses on the raft as a tentacle rises into the air. Electricity crackles betwen the suckers on the tentacle before it slams down onto the raft destroying it. The searching light of the Shocktopus pans around but seeing nothing else it returns to its suspended swimming motion. TIMOTHY (quietly to Aleobe) That was close. ALEOBE Too close Tim, I don't think we should be here.

TIMOTHY It's too late now. EXT. SHADOW ISLAND, ROCKS - DARK. 98.

80. EXT. SHADOW ISLAND, ROCKS - DARK. Following behind Nasser's raft they move towards a wide cave and time their entry with skill. The current tosses them into the cave and there is a sense of relief as they float through shallow waters. NASSER We will be unseen here. Nasser drops into the water and it comes to his waist.

SKY We need to regroup, the loss of your men will make this more difficult.

NASSER Aleobe, can you scout ahead and find a way up? Aleobe casts Sky a glance who nods in reply. NASSER We will leave our things here, take only what we need. Stealth will be our ally. Sky takes Timothy t o one side. SKY We have, between us, devised a plan once we reach the surface. TIMOTHY What are we going to do? SKY Nasser's companions and I will draw out the Hegel-Steffi from the fort. TIMOTHY Nasser and me?

SKY Nasser will search for the children. TIMOTHY And me?

SKY That has not been decided, that will be your choice. TIMOTHY You mean the Dark Entity? SKY 99.

SKY I will not force you to face it, that choice must be yours. TIMOTHY Am I ready?

SKY No. TIMOTHY And if i don't? SKY We may never have this chance again, the fort will never be as vulnerable and the Entity as unaware as it is now. TIMOTHY That doesn't sound fair. SKY Not hing in this life is fair Timothy. NASSER I have watched you from the sideline s Timothy and yet I have seen the change in you. But you are a young boy, this is no place for you now. SKY Nasser!

NASSER I cannot lead a boy to his death, I will not be responsible for that. Timothy watches as the two of them argue and feels his frustration rising. As they argue Timothy removes the Nosym fro his belt and looses an arrow from a bow of fire he has managed to conjur. A burning arrow smashes into the wall between Sky and Nasser stunning them into silence.

TIMOTHY I am here! SKY We mean no disrespect.

TIMOTHY We have a chance, here and now, to fight back.

SKY 100.

SKY That may be asking too much. TIMOTHY I have been haunted by the Dark Entity for as long as I can remember, I have the chance to end that. Aleobe bursts back into the cave. ALEOBE I've found a way! 81. EXT. SHADOW ISLAND FORT - DARK. The fort is formidable, a perimeter wall surrounds a military -style encampment within. A set of large gates stand open as two ranks of Hegel-Steffi march out of the door.

SKY We go our ways from this point, we wil l do what we can to draw the Steffi from the fort and clear a path for you both.

NASSER I am for ever in your debt Sky. SKY We are all indebted to Timothy. NASS ER May the fates see fit to bring us back together when this is done.

Unable to say antyhing Timothy watches as Nasser and Sky make their farewell. Sky turns and runs with the others in the group out in the open and towards the ranks of Hegel-Steffi. As he approaches Sky appears to divide into a pack of dogs and circles around the lead Hegel-Steffi to draw them to him.

82. EXT. SHADOW ISLAND, PLAINS - DARK. At leasta dozen dogs stand ahead of the Hegel-Steffi that now form up to face him. The central dog transforms into the human form of Sky.

HEGEL-STEFFI COMMANDER You are either brave or incredibly stupid.

SKY Why don't we find out.

Sky charges. 101.

Sky charges.

83. EXT. SHADOW ISLAND, GATES - CONTINUOUS. Timothy and Nasser creep through the open gates and enter the main courtyard. An enormours blue sodalite building dominates the centre of the fort. NASSER That is where you will find the Entity. TIMOTHY And the children? NASSER I will find them. TIMOTHY Thank you. NASSER No Timothy, thank you! Take care of him Aleobe. Nasser turns and disappears into the shadows as Timothy turns to look at the Blue Hall. 84. INT. SHADOW ISLAND, BLUE HALL ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS. Timothy emerges at the top of the steps and finds himself in a wide open room. Ahead of him there is a narrow door and from inside we sense movement. With Aleobe flying behind him Timothy inches to the door and steps into the room beyond, as he does he removes the Nosym from his side.

85. INT. SHADOW ISLAND, BLUE HALL AMPHITHEATRE - CONTINUOUS. The Dark Entity hovers in its smoky form at the bottom of an amphitheatre. Steps lead in concentric circles down to a main stage where the Dark Entity waits. To its side is a large valance mirror and stood in front of that is the black-clad figure from Timothy's hallway. As Timothy enters the room he steps onto the first step and a wall of water descends separating him from Aleobe.

ALEOBE Tim. DARK ENTITY It is useless, I command this place. Timothy turns to look down at the Dark Entity and the figure 102.

Timothy turns to look down at the Dark Entity and the figure stood beside it. Welcome Timothy, I must admit I am surprised to see you. TIMOTHY It was the right thing to do.

DARK ENTITY For years I have spoken to you only in your dreams, how do is it feel to face me now? TIMOTHY Much the same. DR LIVE Come now Timothy, we both know the impact the Dark Entity has had on you. Dr Live removes the cover from her face and Timothy staggers back. TIMOTHY You? Why? DR LIVE I have l ong suspected who and what you were.

TIMOTHY That's why you were so interested in the mirror? DR LIVE Yes, I knew it would give me passsage as it did for you. DARK ENTITY Enough!

The vast room echoes. I have one last offer to make you Timothy. TIMOTHY What would that be? DARK ENTITY Come to me. ALEOBE Don't go Tim. TIMOTHY I have to, this has to end tonight. Timothy walks down towards the raised platform where the Dark 103.

Timothy walks down towards the raised platform where the Dark Entity and Dr Live are waiting. DARK ENTITY It does not have to be this way Timothy, you have been brought to this point on ideals and lies. DR LIVE You stand in front of us a boy, a boy who is here to do what? Strike down the Great Dark Entity for what? For what? DARK ENTITY Sky has fooled you. Mielikuvitus is of no concern to you. TIMOTHY They are my friends.

DR LIVE Fri ends? A curious bunch of creatures from a world that means nothing to you.

DARK ENTITY Not so l ong ago you knew nothing of this place. DR LIVE We are offering is a way to go back and leave this all behind. TIMOTHY I won't leave my friends.

DARK ENTITY Is that your choice? TIMOTHY Yes!

DARK ENTITY So be it. Dr Live attacks. She wields a weapon unfamiliar to Timothy which has a blade of water. She attacks Timothy who stands his ground and fights with the Nosym burning bright in the Blue Hall. Timothy and Dr Live battle and fight furiously across the stage of the amphitheatre. Neither has power over the other until Dr Live and Timothy are locked blade-to-blade

SKY (O.S.) 104.

SKY (O.S.) Remember that a tool may change when needed. Hearing the voice Timothy closes his eyes and concentrates.

DR LIVE Coward- Dr Live is silenced as a second blade erupts from the mouth of the snake and Timothy propells Live backwards sending her crashing to the floor. Panting Timothy looks as Dr Live lays on the floor. DARK ENTITY Foolish boy. The Dark Entity screams and transforms into an giant of smoke and glow ing eyes. Timothy backs away in fear as the Dark Entity looms over him. ALEOBE Don 't give in Tim. DARK ENTITY Silence pest! Timothy knows he is undone, he has feared me for as long as he can remember. Timothy whips the Nosym through the air but the fire passes through the Dark Entity with no effect. You cannot kill me! The Dark Entity stamps o nto Timothy and the Nosym clatters to the floor. Timothy's vision is fading as he is struggling to stay awake. When all hope is lost a familiar CRACK of thunder echoes in the air and we see a figure move to stand over Timothy, protecting him from another blow from the Dark Entity.

At first we think it is Sky and as Timothy focuses on the new arrival we see it is Gerard, his father. GERARD You will not harm my son!

Gerard wields his own Nosym and holds back the Dark Entity. As he fights, Timothy staggers to his feet and helps his father. Between them they push back the Entity until they succeed in trapping it. As they fight together the Dark Entity becomes trapped in the Eternal Flame before exploding in a cloud of dust. DARK ENTITY (voice fading) No!



DR LIVE What have you done? Dr Live crashes into the two of them and they all collide with the valance mirror sending it smashing to the floor. The three of them disappear from the amphitheatre leaving it empty. CUT TO: 86. INT. FAMILY HOME, HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS. Timothy and Gerard appear in the hallway,crahsing to the floor as the mirror slips from the wall and falls to the floor, t he glass cracking. Sitting on the floor Gerard pulls Timothy close and hugs him tight as we- FADE TO BLACK 87. INT. FAMILY HOME, HALLWAY - AFTERNOON, FOLLOWING DAY.

The mirror has been removed from the wall and appears barren. Timothy opens the front door, dressed in his school uniform. Gerard appears in t he kitchen door. GERARD Tim, how was school? TIMO THY Ok, thanks. Where's the mirror?

GERARD Come with me. Gerard leads Timothy through the house to the alcove beneath the stairs where a small door gives access to the cellar. Reaching into his pocket Geradd removes a key and unlocks the door. TIMOTHY What's down there?

88. INT. FAMILY HOME, CELLAR - CONTINUOUS. Gerard leads Timothy down into the cellar which is dusty but empty. Crossing the cellar Gerard stands in front of the far wall while Timothy looks confused.

GERARD How are you Tim?


TIMOTHY I've been better. Dad, how were you there? GERARD I've been to Mielikuvitus before, a long time ago before you were born. Timothy looks shocked as gerard raises a hand and presses it against one of the bricks in the wall. The wall shudders and moves aside giving access to another secret room. Come in here. TIMOTHY What's going on dad?

Timothy and Gerard walk into a room that is filled with mirrors. It is a dark room and mirrors of every shape and size cov er every inch of the walls. What catches Timothy's attention is the cracked hallway mirror leaning against the far wall.

GERARD I k now you're missing your friend. TIMOTHY I'm not...I don't...I mean... GERARD Tim, tell me one thing. TIMOTHY What? GERARD Is Mielikuvitus as beautiful as I remmeber? Timothy stares dumbstruck as each and every mirror changes from their reflection to a different view of Mielikuvitus. TIMOTHY Yes.

GERARD I'm sad I won't get to see it like that again. TIMOTHY Why not?

GERARD Because the path is broken, all they are now are windows.

TIMOTHY Aleobe! Timothy's eyes fill with tears as Aleobe dances and flies 107.

Timothy's eyes fill with tears as Aleobe dances and flies around to catch his attention. Moving to the mirror Timothy places his hand against the glass but nothing happens. GERARD These are only views Tim, they won't give you passage back.

TIMOTHY Can I ever go back? GERARD I don't know. ALEOBE I've missed you Tim. TIMOTHY I've missed you too. GERARD I'll leave you two alone. Gerard moves towards the open door. It's good to have you back Tim, maybe one day you'll tell me what happened while you were there. Timothy is focussed on the mirror where Aleobe prances and dances. The two reunited friends are exstatic to see one another. Gerard looks at his son with pride as we. FADE TO BLACK