Last Name First Name Dates Address # of Negs Acton Mike 5/25/1976

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Last Name First Name Dates Address # of Negs Acton Mike 5/25/1976 Last Name First Name Dates Address # of Negs A Acton Mike 5/25/1976 Franklin Supply Co. 7 Acuna Rhudal 9/12/1980 na 7 Adams Bill 1/18/1979 Alaska Title & Garantie 7 Adams Gary 7/15/1977 3500 Mountain View Dr. 11 Adams Jan 10/29/1979 na 18 Adams Jan 10/29/1979 na 16 Callender Jim Adams Mark 8/24/1978 Peoples Trust Bank 10 Adams Sandra 2/7/1977 First National Bank 8 Adams Stan 3/30/1976 IRS 9 Adkins Marla 9/19/1977 Cordova, AK 12 Agee Ben 12/7/1978 na 18 Aiello Sal 12/13/1979 & 9/17/1980 Polar Realty 9 Ainsworth Victoria 12/9/1981 Seward 15 Akin A.G. 4/1/1999 3307 Boniface, Apt. 9-B 22 Akkola Mark 5/12/1977 Preferred General Agency 9 Albert Max 11/20/1974 APUTCO 9 Albright Durenda 4/29/1976 Skyway Realty 14 Albright Jim 4/20/1976 Skyway Realty 10 Albright Suzanne 12/7/1977 Skyway Realty 11 Alexander John 5/15/1978 1519 E St. 10 Allen Bob 9/16/1976; 6/13/1980 Totem Realty 10 12/14/1969; 1/10/1969; Allen Mrs. James 5/8/1978 na 24 Allen John 8/2/1972; 3/8/1976 213 Sixth Ave. 6 Allen John 2/25/1976 Sheffield Enterprises chg. to Murray, Kraft & Rockey 10 Allen Martha 6/1/1979 Alaska State Bank 10 Allen Robt. 1/14/1976 1st National Bank 8 Alloway Don 10/11/1979 1st National Bank 10 Allred Perk 5/25/1976 John Hancock Ins. 8 Alston Margaret 6/14/1977 810 W 57th 19 Alston Margaret 6/8/1981 na 12 Alvarez Miguel Amundsen Iver 3/4/1980 AK Comm and Fishing & Agricultural Bank 10 Anderson Charles 1/11/1980 Municipality 9 Anderson Chris 5/5/1981 Alaska Pacific Bank 10 Anderson Dave 6/14/1978 Rogers Electric 9 Anderson David 1/16/1978 c/o Ireland Clinic 10 Anderson Gary 8/22/1979; 4/23/1980 Arthur Young & Co. 10 Anderson Jack 1/3/1977; 1/3/1978 na 11 Anderson Jim 9/19/1979; 4/23/1980 Arthur Young & Co. 8 Anderson John 2/20/1976 Sheffield Enterprises chg. to Murray, Kraft & Rockey 11 Anderson Mark 6/15/1977; 4/7/1978 Skyway Realty 9 Anderson Mike 1/18/1979 Alaska Title & Garantie 10 Anderson Mike 7/25/1978 Rural Route Anchor Point AK 99556 12 Anderson Nels 4/28/1981 P O Box 61, Dillingham, AK 99576 12 Anderson Robert 9/16/1976; 4/7/1977; 4/1981 P O Box 6247, AK 99502 9 Anderson Robert 6/20/1978 O Union Oil 13 Anderson Roland 5/12/1977 Preferred General Agency 9 Anderson Rupert 4/16/1977 Wedding 20 Anderson Russul 3/14/1980 Civil Air Patrol 12 Anderson Sandra 4/10/1975 Apt. 1, 1006 W 36th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99503 12 Anderson Vigo 5/18/1976 N C Machinery Co. 10 Anderson Vigo 12/1/1976 P O Box 6148, AK 99502 12 Andrew Phil 4/24/1981 ABC 11 Anglemeyer Richard 4/2/1980 Alaska Mutual Savings Bank 11 Angvik Jane 1/18/1980 Municipality 12 Anthonio Carol 9/6/1978 1303 W 25th Ave, AK 99503 13 Anthony Jim 10/17/1977 Century 21 Heritage Homes 9 Apperson Helen 3/19/1976 AK Title and Guaranty 9 Apperson Helen 12/21/1976 Alaska Title Guaranty 9 Archer Helen 10/11/1976 Skyway Realty 9 Arlin Marion 7/2/1980 4106 Laron Lane, AK 99504 11 Armistead Margo 9/22/1980 Chamber of Commerce 14 Arms Robert 2/11/1980; 9/17/1980 Polar Realty 10 Armstrong Jack 5/12/1977 Preferred General Agency 9 Arnold Adele 9/1/1977 McGrames Jewelry 11 Asbury Jac 9/30/1980 4129 San Ernesto 10 Ashmun Marlene 10/29/1981 Peoples Bank & Trust 10 Atkin Rick 1/15/1980 B & C Supply 10 8/13/1975; 8/27/1975; Atkins Jerry 2/10/1977 Stepp Brothers Lincoln Mercury 8 Atkins Thomas 9/30/1975 Space 9 Penland Pk. 11 Auxier David 4/30/1980 1st National Bank 9 Avera John 1/19/1977 First National Bank 9 B Bading Peter 8/9/1963; 4/18/1970 Adventurers Club 8 8/30/1976; 12/5/1977; Baer Paul 9/17/1979 3622 Wesleyan 20 4/17/1972; 5/22/1972; Bagley Walter G 4/16/1975; 4/7/1977 Chugach Electric 8 Bailey Brad 8/15/1978 Polar Realty 12 Bailey Carol 9/30/1976 Skyway Realty 11 Bailey Del 3/30/1977 Chugach Electric 9 Bailey Dennis 3/30/1981 Northern Lights Inn 10 Bailey Dorothy 1/31/1979 Alaska Brick Co. 10 Bailey Leslie 9/7/1979; 10/30/79 3609 Young St. 21 Bailey Mac 7/6/1976 Alaska Sales and Service 9 Bailey-Zimmerman Norman and Tracy 6/11/1980 1543 E 26th 12 Baines Bob 11/13/1981 2001 Realty 10 8/15/1978; 11/20/1980; Baker Marvin 2/13/1981 Polar Realty 10 Baker Mike na na 1 Balchen Al 2/17/1978 Nova Realty 10 Baldwin Al 9/8/1976 Box 4-2599, AK 99509 10 Baldwin Walter 5/11/1972 1821 Toklat St. 10 Bales Jack 12/14/1977; 11/20/78 National Bank of Alaska 10 Balich Mike 2/2/1978 Anchorage Petroleum Club 10 Ballom Robert 11/22/1978 Anchorage Sand & Gravel 12 Balls Hal 5/11/1978 Blue Cross 12 Balog Karen 3/17/1976 na 11 Bananahan Harry 5/5/1977 Weaver Bros. 10 Bandel Judy 8/18/1981 na 24 Bandow Gale 2/22/1980 Safeway 8 Bangs Carol 1/24/1980; 6/4/1980 Security Title 12 Banks Bob 3/7/1978 Century 21 Heritage Homes 12 Banks Claire O. 7/29/1974; 7/3/1978 Anchorage Chamber of Commerce 9 Banks Eileen 1/18/1980 Municipality of Anchorage 12 Banister Charles 7/7/1980; 9/17/1980 Polar Realty 11 Barber Anita 9/8/1976 Klatt Box 10033, AK 99502 13 Barber Delores 9/15/1976 Box 2410 TC, Valdez, AK 99692 24 Barber Ed 12/12/1975 Pioneers of Alaska 10 Barber Norma 4/30/1980 Peoples Bank 11 Barker Cy 8/22/1977 444 W 7th St., AK 99501 5 Barker Cy 8/22 6345 Colgate Dr. 12 8/12/1977; 8/23/1977; Barker Cy 8/8/1978 Cy Barker Co. 12 Barker Cy 6/25/1979; 3/21/1980 Alaska Brick Co. 12 Barker Suzanne 12/15/1976 3908 Brentwood Cir., AK 99502 13 Barnes Allen 7/8/1975 Alaska Sales and Service 8 6/5/1974; 9/28/1977; Barnes Dick 12/12/1979 Anchorage Natural Gas Corp.; Alaska Gas & Service 22 Barnes John 8/6/1981 na 12 Barnhart Lois 5/29/1975 A B of C 9 Barnhart Ron 1/6/1976 NBA 9 Barr Tony 4/7/1978 Sealand 9 Barrara Carolyn 12/22/1976 A B of C 8 Barrett Larry 1/6/1976 MONY, 1949 5th Ave. 12 Barrington Elna 12/17/1980 Beta Sigma Phi 12 Barry Helen 10/19/77; 10/5/1980 na 11 6/14/1976; 6/22/1076; Barry Mike 4/4/1980 NBA 9 Barry Rick 9/26/1980 4132 W 88th, AK 12 Maxwell Holly 11/23/1971; 11/16/1974; Bartels Duane 6/2/1977 Petroleum Club 10 Barth Pat 3/30/1976 IRS 6 Bartholomew Mark 12/4/1980 Lee Houston Assoc. 10 Barton Madge 9/20/1974; 1/22/1975(?) NBA 10 1/10/1977; 6/21/1977; Bashaw John 2/15/1978; 8/8/1978 Polar Realty 8 Bashaw June 4/28/1979 NBA 10 Baugh Gary 12/21/1979 Baugh Construction (chg. YMCA) 10 Baumbach Allen 11/2/1978 Alaska Brick Co. 10 Bayer Mr. and Mrs. 1/6/1978; 10/13/1978 na 13 Bayless Peggy 7/29/1980 B H Enterprises 16 Bealer Kurt 3/13/1975; 3/8/1976 A B of C 10 10/8/1976; 2/10/1977; Bearman Blaine 3/2/1977; 3/8/1977 na 12 Beason Joe 3/14/1978 SeaLand 9 11/13/1979; 2/25/1980; Beaton John 4/15/1980 700 East Fireweed 44 Beattie Don 8/16/1979 Polar Realty 12 Beck Shawn 9/13/1976; 2/16/1977 Brown Jug 12 Becker Chuck 1/11/1980 Municipality of Anchorage 12 Bedford Bill 11/2/1979 ABC 10 7/22/1977; 12/28/1977; Beecher Verl 5/22/1978 Prudential Insurance Co. 10 Befford Ernest A. 4/25/1980 300 W 36th Ave. 14 Begich Mark 6/18/1980 5232 E 24th St. 11 Begich Mrs. Peggy 6/18/1980 5232 E 24th St. 14 Begich Thomas 6/13/1977 1331 St. Gothhard, 99504 13 Behan John 8/23/1973; 6/10/1976 NBA 9 8/12/1974; 8/4/1976; 2/14/1978; 6/30/1978; Beirne Dr. Michael ("Mike") 5/21/1980 Box 4, 1539, Anch. 99503 32 Belenski Jean 6/17/1077; 9/5/1978 Skyway Realty 12 Bell Charli 12/18/1978 1320 3rd Ave., Apt. 5, Cheniy, WA 99004 13 Bell Kittisue 2/10/1978 3125 Raspberry Rd. 14 Bellamy Howard 10/19/1979 New York Life 9 Benjamin Carol 11/7/1980 2626 Abbott Rd.; Abbott Loop Church 13 Benjamin Rick and Sue 12/27/1976 28538 20th Ave., S, Federal Way, WA 90003 16 Bennekamper Ken 3/9/1981 1617 W. 14th Ave., Anch., 99501 12 Bennett Evonne 10/9/1981 na 7 Bennett John 2/20/1976 El Paso Gas 9 Bennett John 5/9/1977 P O Box 1716, 99510 13 2/25/1964; 2/8/1965; 12/20/1972; 9/7/1967; 10/24/1970; 5/14/1973; Benson Benny 6/21/1973; 4/5/1976 na 12 Benson Mike 10/22/1976 824 W.

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