The Ripon Society
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BOB DOLE This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ID:202-408-5117 Mfi Y 11 '93 9:14 No.003 P.02 THEMW •• prp RIPON SOCIETY Rf 7ot NlCOND STU!T, N.E., SUlTB 100 WASHINGTON', D.C. 20002 <102l M6-tm 'the 1883 Ripon Society Annual Dinner Tuesday, ~y 11, Hllll:I Capitol Hill Club 300 firet ~treei, SE Wrui~on. DC AGENDA 6:00 pm. l?e<!eption for 1008 Ripon Society Anrttlt\1 Dinner s~ncl Flow Reception Area 6:46 plll Reception ends. At.tendees move Into d!ning room, 6:1S5 pm Presid~nt of the R!pon Society, The HQnorable Peter Smith introdU<!ea Sl;'lnator Rol"1ert Dolo 7:(10 pm 7:10 pm Se:nnt.or Dole concludca remuk~ 7:10 pm Dinner i" ~erved . 7:30 pm Th~ Houornble Peter Smtt.h tn.troduces the Ch.a.trman of the Npon Soctety Rep. Sherwood Boohlert 1 7:35 pm Hep. Sherw<.>od Boehlert makes remarks and ititt'oduces special guest, Republican National Chairman Haley Harbour. 7:40 pm Haley Barbour addrei:,i;e$ the 1998 '.H.ipon Society Annual Dinner 8:05 pm Haley Bl;U"bo\tt concludes addre,,ll. 8:10 pm The Hon('lrt1.ble Peter Srn.itb. ~es closing remarks. Page 1 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SENATOR BOB DOLE RIPON SOCIETY DINNER *THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TO SPEAK BEFORE DINNER, AND I APOLOGIZE FOR LEAVING IN JUST A FEW MINUTES FOR A PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS EVENT OVER AT THE KENNEDY CENTER. 1 Page 2 of 17 --- - - ---------------This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas *I KNOW THAT AFTER DINNER, HALEY WILL BE DISCUSSING 11THE FUTURE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. 11 *AND LET ME JUST SAY UP FRONT THAT THE FUTURE OF OUR PARTY GOT BRIGHTER WHEN HALEY WAS ELECTED CHAIRMAN. 2 Page 3 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas *HE AND JEANNIE AUSTIN HAVE DONE AN OUTSTANDING I( JOB IN HELPING TO RE- II ENERGIZE OUR TROOPS. l'VE DONE A LOT OF TRAVELLING THESE PAST FEW WEEKS, AND EVERYWHERE I GO, I CAN SENSE A NEW EXCITEMENT FROM REPUBLICANS. 3 Page 4 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas *JUST THIS PAST WEEKEND I WAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA, WHERE THEY HAD NEARLY 1,400 DELEGATES TO THE STATE GOP CONVENTION ... AND I WAS ALSO IN TEXAS, WHERE KAY BAILEY HUTCHINSON IS ABOUT TO CHANGE NANCY KASSEBAUM'S STATUS AS THE ONLY MEMBER 4 Page 5 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas OF THE SENATE REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CAUCUS. *SPEAKING OF NANCY, I KNOW THAT SHE HAS BEEN A LONG-TIME FORCE IN THE RIPON SOCIETY, AND I WANT TO SHARE SOME WORDS OF ADVICE FROM HER FATHER, THE GREAT ALF LANDON. *SOMETIME EARLY IN THE 5 Page 6 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 1936 CAMPAIGN, ALF PUT HIS FINGER ON THE PROBLEM WHICH WOULD LEAD TO HIS DEFEAT. HE ASKED HIS CAMPAIGN MANAGERS 11WHY DON'T YOU EVER BRING WORKINGMEN TO SEE ME? ALL I EVER SEE ARE STUFFED SHIRT BUSINESSMEN AND BANKERS.11 *IF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS 6 Page 7 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas TO BE THE PARTY OF THE FUTURE--IF 1993, 1994 AND 1996 ARE TO BE OUR YEARS--THEN WE MUST REMEMBER THOSE WORDS. *BECAUSE WE WANT TO BE THE MAJORITY PARTY--WE WANT TO BE THE PARTY OF BOTH THE WORKINGMEN AND THE STUFFED SHIRT BUSINESSMEN 7 Page 8 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas AND BANKERS .... WE WANT OUR DOORS TO BE OPEN TO ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT THE REPUBLICAN PHILOSOPHY IS THE RIGHT PHILOSOPHY. *A FEW MONTHS AGO, A NEWSPAPER RATED ALL THE SENATORS FROM 1-100, WITH ONE BEING THE MOST LIBERAL, AND 100 BEING THE MOST 8 Page 9 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas CONSERVATIVE. THE MOST LIBERAL REPUBLICAN SENATOR WAS MARK HATFIELD AT 33. THE MOST CONSERVATIVE WAS JESSE HELMS AT 100. THE REST OF US WERE SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN. I WAS 86. *YET WHEN IT CAME TIME TO FIGHT FOR OUR PRINCIPLES--TO SAY THAT WE COULDN'T PASS A 9 Page 10 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SO CALLED 11 STIMULUS PACKAGE11 BY NOT PAYING FOR IT AND BY JUST SENDING THE BILL TO OUR CHILDREN--MARK HATFIELD, JESSE HELMS, BOB DOLE AND 40 OTHER REPUBLICANS STOOD SIDE BY SIDE. *SO, MY MESSAGE TONIGHT IS THAT I WANT TO BE THE 10 Page 11 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas MAJORITY LEADER IN TWO YEARS. I WANT NANCY KASSEBAUM TO BE CHAIRMAN OF THE LABOR AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE. I WANT TED STEVENS TO BE CHAIRMAN OF THE RULES COMMITTEE. AND I WANT AMO HOUGHTON, TILLIE FOWLER, AND ALL THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE MEMBERS 11 Page 12 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas HERE TO HAVE THE CHANCE TO BREATHE A LITTLE FRESH AIR INTO THE HOUSE AFTER FOUR DECADES OF DEMOCRAT RULE. *I WANT TO END THIS EVENING BY SHARING SOME WORDS OF ADVICE FROM RONALD REAGAN ... AND IT'S ADVICE THAT HAS NEVER BEEN MORE RELEVANT FOR 12 Page 13 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas REPUBLICANS. QUOTE: 11WE CAN'T MEET THE PROBLEMS OF A DIVIDED WORLD AND A DIVIDED NATION WITH A SPLINTER PARTY. FOR TOO LONG, YOU AND I HAVE BEEN REPUBLICANS COMPLETE WITH DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVES AND HYPHENS. WE'VE BEEN 13 Page 14 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas MODERATE REPUBLICANS, LIBERAL REPUBLICANS, CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS, AND MAIN STREET REPUBLICANS. THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS WE'VE BEEN SUCKER REPUBLICANS. OUR OPPONENTS GAVE US THOSE ADJECTIVES AND THOSE LABELS, AND ITS HIGH TIME WE 14 Page 15 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas BUNDLED THEM UP AND GAVE THEM BACK.11 *RONALD REAGAN WAS RIGHT. IT'S TIME TO ELIMINATE THE HYPHENS AND THE ADJECTIVES. IT'S TIME WE TOOK PRIDE IN CALLING 11 11 OURSELVES REPUBLICANS -- NOTHING LESS, NOTHING MORE. 15 Page 16 of 17 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 11 11 JUST PLAIN REPUBLICANS. -- AND I SALUTE THE RIPON SOCIETY FOR ALL THEY ARE DOING TO STRENGTHEN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. *THANK YOU. 16 Page 17 of 17.