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30-Jun-2018 01-Jan-2018 Va 153(4) (Order to grant / refuse reduced rate of withholding on Supplies / Services / Contracts) (FOR PARTIES ADDITION) Name: BALUCHISTAN WHEELS LIMITED Registration No 0709848 Address: MAIN RCD HIGHWAY HUB Tax Year : 2018 Period : 01-Jan-2018 - 30-Jun-2018 Medium : System Contact No: 00923332131656 Due Date : 01-Jan-2018 Valid Upto : 30-Jun-2018 Document Date 01-Jan-2018 In exercise of powers conferred by Section 153(4) read with SRO 586(I)/91 ,dated 30-06-1991. The taxpayer is allowed to receive payment against supply of goods manufactured by him without tax deduction under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 153 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Tax already deducted before the issuance of this certificate is not refundable and shall be deposited in the Government Treasury. This exemption is being issued on the basis of declaration filed by the taxpayer and is subject to any tax-payable by the taxpayer in consequence of any proceeding under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Attributes Attribute Value Decision Granted / Accepted Asem Iftikhar, Commissioner Zone-II, Inland Revenue LTU KARACHI, PRC TOWERS 32-A LALAZAR MT KHAN ROAD KARACHI CC F-3,, Hub Chowki Road, SITE Karachi, 1 0802990 GHANDHARA NISSAN LIMITED Karachi South Lyari Town AL-GHAZI TRACTORS LIMITED Tractor House, Plot # 102-B, 16th East 2 0709507 Street,, DHA Phase 1, Off Korangi Road, Karachi South Saddar Town F-3,, HUB CHOWKI ROAD, SITE 3 4166685 GHANDHARA DF (PVT.) LIMITED KARACHI, Karachi South Lyari Town F 3 HUB CHOWKI ROAD SITE KARACHI 4 0816963 GHANDHARA INDUSTRIES LIMITED SHERSHAH, SITE, KARACHI. Plot No. N. W. Z/1/P-1, Port Qasim 5 0676546 INDUS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED Authority, Karachi, Malir Bin Qaism Town 145/147, RAZZAKABAD, NATIONAL 6 2140272 AFZAL MOTORS (PRIVATE) LIMITED HIGHWAY Page 1 of 2 Printed on Mon, 1 Jan 2018 17:36:04 LTU KARACHI, PRC TOWERS 32-A LALAZAR MT KHAN ROAD KARACHI 153(4) (Order to grant / refuse reduced rate of withholding on Supplies / Services / Contracts) (FOR PARTIES ADDITION) Name: BALUCHISTAN WHEELS LIMITED Registration No 0709848 Address: MAIN RCD HIGHWAY HUB Tax Year : 2018 Period : 01-Jan-2018 - 30-Jun-2018 Medium : System Contact No: 00923332131656 Due Date : 01-Jan-2018 Valid Upto : 30-Jun-2018 Document Date 01-Jan-2018 CC FUSO MASTER MOTORS (PVT) LIMITED MASTER HOUSE, 54-DARUL AMAN CO- 7 3606674 OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY, SHAHRAH-E-FAISAL, D-2,D-136, SITE, Manghopir Road, 8 0815070 HINOPAK MOTORS LIMITED. Karachi West Site Town 8.8 KM, SHEIKHUPURA ROAD, 9 0801437 MILLAT TRACTORS LIMITED. SHAHDARA, Lahore Ravi Town PLOT NO. 145 , 147 RAZZAQABAD 10 3226044 DAEWOO PAK MOTORS (PRIVATE) LIMITED MAIN NATIONAL HIGHWAY ORIENT AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES (PRIVATE) 2ND FLOOR BL-4, HOCKEY CLUB OF 11 2497930 LIMITED PAKISTAN STADIUM DSU-13 PAKISTAN STEEL INDUSTRIAL 12 0712837 PAK SUZUKI MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED ESTATE BIN QASIM Page 2 of 2 Printed on Mon, 1 Jan 2018 17:36:04 LTU KARACHI, PRC TOWERS 32-A LALAZAR MT KHAN ROAD KARACHI.
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