Hungry Horse News (Columbia Falls, Mont.), 1952-05-30
JM_ «OOieTt! Mtticm bC f HB'-t ;nts a Copy to ot IS ican reat ic9 ; t'j•K-*'! » lood ■ Hungry Horse News for ■i as. ft - VOL. 6, NO. 44 COLUMBIA FALLS, MONTANA FRIDAY, MAY 3a,. W52 “W / . xi i. -, it! Higher Wages Starting at Dam Fatter paychecks—approximate Big Coiiyon Creek ly a 7 per cent boost—are to start 'Tv v next Thursday at Hungry Horse ..*****b».. ‘ * MV 1 . dam. > Forest Service Tree It will be about $20,000 a week : J>. more for General-Shea-Morrison, Grafe-Shirley-Lane, General El ■ i pi Sole Set for July 2 ■;v ectric Co., and subcontractors em « ployes. Reservoir area wages ap - ■ A July 2 bid opening is sche ■ 5- parently are in negotiation stage. I" X* " v ‘ - duled for 28,220,000 board feet of Common labor base wage at the i S5 Flathead national forest timber on dam is now $1.79 an hour up from Canyon creek 12 miles north of $1.67, and minimum pay for a m Y Columbia Falls. seven day week now is $114.56 John Castles, Flathead nation compared to $106.80 under the old ft,., ; i I al forest assistant supervisor in I seal before deductions. V charge of timber sales, termed the v > -m BACK WAGES COMING sale as the largest forest service The pay raise is retroactive to local sale in the post-war years. February 5 with employes to re -* The Canyon creek offering, a ceive the back pay June 26. five year contract, includes 21,000,- *V- The new project wage scale for 000 board feet of spruce with a heavy construction has the ap- minimum acceptable price of I proval of the Construction Indust $11.50 a thousand board feet; the ry Wage Stabilization commission Down to bare highway this week went the last section of 50- mile long Golng-to-the-Sun high- 2,780,000 board feet of fir and and was negotiated last February Bill way that opens to through traffic Friday morning.
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