White House Statement on Additional Disaster Relief for Guam September 17, 1992
Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Sept. 17 White House Statement on Additional Disaster Relief for Guam September 17, 1992 The President today announced that he This additional relief provided by the has amended his August 28, 1992, declara- President was in response to a request made tion of a major disaster in the Territory by Gov. Joseph Ada. It was taken in re- of Guam to waive Territory and local cost sponse to the unprecedented damage and sharing requirements, where permitted to destruction caused by Typhoon Omar. By do so by law, to allow reimbursement of waiving customary Territory and local cost 95 percent of eligible public assistance costs sharing requirements, the President can exceeding $10 per capita, and to waive the provide maximum Federal assistance to the cost sharing requirement for the individual people of Guam whose lives have been so and family grant program as allowed under severely disrupted by this disaster. the provisions of the Insular Act. Nomination of United States Ambassadors to Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia September 17, 1992 The President today announced his inten- in Moscow in the former Soviet Union, tion to nominate Victor Jackovich, Mara M. 1988–90; Information Officer in Nairobi, Letica, and E. Allan Wendt as Ambassadors Kenya, 1983–86; Cultural Affairs Officer in to Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, and Slove- Bucharest, Romania, 1980–83; and Branch nia, respectively. The naming of Ambas- Public Affairs Officer in Kiev in the former sadors will complete the establishment of Soviet Union, 1979–80. Mr. Jackovich also full diplomatic relations with these nations. served as the Chief of the Yugoslav Service Their mandate is to foster a viable political, at the Voice of America, 1976–78.
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