Select Bibliography
Select Bibliography Poems of Mr John Milton: the 1645 Edition with Essays in Analysis, ed. Cleanth Brooks and John E. Hardy (Harcourt, Brace, 1951). Milton's L ycidas: the Tradition and the Poem, ed. C. A. Patrides (Holt, Rinehart, 1961). Milton: Modern Essays in Criticism, ed. Arthur E. Barker (Oxford U.P., 1965). Rosemond Tuve, Images and Themes in Five Poems by 1Uilton (Harvard U.P., 1957; Oxford U.P., 1958). The Living Milton: Essays by Various Hands, ed. Frank Kermode (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960; paperback, 1963). Anne D. Ferry, Milton's Epic Voice: the Narrator in Paradise Lost (Harvard U.P., 1963; Oxford U.P., 1963). C. S. Lewis, A Preface to Paradise Lost (Oxford U.P., 1942; paperback, 1960). Arnold Stein, Answerable Style: Essays on Paradise Lost (University of Minnesota P., 1953; Oxford U.P., 1953). Joseph H. Summers, The Muse's Method: an Introduction to Paradise Lost (Harvard U.P., 1962; Chatto & Windus, 1962). A.J. A. Waldock, Paradise Lost and its Critics (Cambridge U.P., 1947; paperback, 1962; Peter Smith, 1962). B. A. Wright, Milton's Paradise Lost: a Reassessment of the Poem (Methuen, 1962; Barnes & Noble, 1962). Christopher B. Ricks, Milton's Grand Style: A Study of Paradise Lost (Clarendon P., 1963). Stanley E. Fish, Surprised by Sin: The Reader in Paradise Lost (Macmillan, 1967; StMartin's Press, 1967). Arnold Stein, Heroic Knowledge: An Interpretation of Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes (University of Minnesota P., 1957; Oxford U.P., 1957). M. M. Mahood, Poetry and Humanism (Yale U.P., 1950; Jonathan Cape, 1950). F. T.
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