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Download M51 Redux.Pdf I MILTON (ANDREW FLETCHER, Lord). See FLiT'CHER (ANDREW) Lord Milton. MILTON (CHARLES WILLIAM Wi TWOR'TH FITZWILLIAM, Viscount). See FITZWILLIAM (CHARLES WILLIAM WENTWORTH FITZWILLIAM, 5th Earl). MILTON (GEORGE FORT). - -- Abraham Lincoln and the Fifth Column. [Collier Bks. AS 204.1 New York, 1962. .9(73785-86) Lin. Mil. - -- The eve of conflict; Stephen A. Douglas and the needless war. Boston, 1934 .9(736) Dou. Mil. - -- The use of presidential power, 1789 -1943. Repr. Boston, 1945 .35303 Mil. MILTON (HENRY). - -- Letters on the fine arts, written from Paris, in ... 1815. Lond., 1816. Bound in V.17.42. Al)l)17'lUNS MILTON (CATHERINE HIGGS). - -- joint- author. Police use of deadly force. See POLICE USE OF DEADLY FORCE. - -- joint- author. Women in policing; a manual. See WOMEN IN POLICING; ... -- See SHERMAN (LAWRENCE W.), M. (C.H.) and KELLY (THOMAS V.). MILTON (DEREK). --- The rainfall from tropical cyclones in Western Australia. See GEOWEST. No. 13. MILTON (J.R.L.). --- Statutory offences ... See SOUTH AFRICAN CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. Vol. 3. MILTON (JOHN). ARRANGEMENT Collections 1. General 2. Poetry 3. Prose Correspondence Accidence L'allegro and Il penseroso Animadversions upon the remonstrant's defence Arcades Areopagitica Artis logicae plenior institutio Brief history of Moscovia Brief notes on a late sermon titl'd The fear of God and the King Commonplace book Cornus De doctrina Christiana Doctrine and discipline of divorce Eikonoklastes Epitaph on Shakespeare. See On Shakespeare Epitaphium Damons History of Britain Lycidas Of education Of reformation touching church discipline On Shakespeare [Continued overleaf.] MILTON (JOHN) [continued]. ARRANGEMENT [continued] Paradise lost Paradise regained Il penseroso. See L'allegro and Il penseroso Poems upnn several occasions. See Collections. 2. Poetry Pro populo Anglicano defensio Pro populo Anglicano defensio secunda Prolusiones oratoriae Ready and easie way to establish a free common- wealth Samson Agonistes Tenure of kings and magistrates Tetrachordon Tractate of education. See Of education Selections Doubtful and supposititious works Bibliographies Concordances and dictionaries Appendix CCG,a4-u-k:.. t a u ,-Q< . MILTON (JOHN) J - COLLE C1 I ONS 1. General --- The works of J.M., in verse and prose ... With a life of the author by ... J. Mitford. 8 vols. Lond., 1863. RG.9.2 $ S211.Ì /A xxx Facsimile of 1851 ed. Hazlitt, Macaulay. - -- Poetry & prose. With essays by Johnson, With an introd. by A.M.D. Hughes and notes by various- [New impr.] scholars. Oxford, 1930. S2.Rt A --- The student's Milton. Being the complete poems of John Milton, with the greater part of his prow works, now printed in one volume, together with new translations into English of his Italian, Latin and Greek poems. Ed. by F.A. Patterson. 2nd pr. New York, 1931. English Lib. - -- Rev. ed. 6th pr. New York, 1939. .82147/ßj a [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS MILTON (JOHN. COLLECTIONS 1. General - -- Areopagitica, letter on education, sonnets and psalms. [Cassell's Nat. Lib.] Lond., 1891. .821)47/A MILTON (JOHN) [continued], COLLECTIONS [continued] 1. General [continued] - -- The works of J.M. 18 vols. (in 21). [Columbia Univ. Ed.] New York. .82147/A 1. The shorter English poems. Ed. by F.A. Patterson. The Italian poems. Ed. with a translation by A. Livingston. The Latin and Greek poems. Ed. by W.P. Trent, in collaboration with T.O. Mabbott, with a translation by C. Knapp. Samson Agonistes. Ed. by F.A. Patterson. Notes. 2 vols. 1931. 2. Paradise Lost ... Paradise Regained. Ed. by F.A. Patterson. Notes. 2 vols. 1931. 3. Of reformation touching church -discipline in England ... Of prelaticall episcopacy ... Animadversions upon the remonstrants defence, against Smectymnuus ... The reason of church-government urged against prelaty ... An apology against a pamphlet called A modest confutation of the animadversions of the remonstrant against Smectymnuus. Ed. by H.M. Ayres. The doctrine and discipline of divorce. Ed. by C.L. Powell and F.A. Patterson. Notes. 2 vols. 1931. [Continued overleaf.] 1 -di MILTON (JOHN) [continued]. COLLECTIONS [continued] 1. General [continued] 4. The judgement of Martin Bucer, concerning divorce ... Tetrachordon ... Colasterion. Ed. by C.L. Powell. Of education. Ed. by A. Abbott. Areopagitica; for the liberty of unlicenc'd printing. Ed. by W. Haller. Notes. 1931. 5. The tenure of kings and magistrates ... Eikonoklastes. Ed. by W. Haller. Notes. 1932. 6. A treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes ... Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church ... A letter to a friend, concerning the ruptures of the commonwealth ... The present means, and brief delineation of a free commonwealth ... in a letter to General Monk ... The readie & easie way to establish a free common- wealth ... Brief notes upon a late sermon, titl'd, 'the fear of God and the King, etc. ... Of true religion, haeresie, schism, toleration. Ed. by W. Haller. Articles of peace ... observations. Ed. by F.A. Patterson. A declarations of letters patents of the election of this present King of Poland. Ed. by F.A. Patterson. Accedence commenc't grammar. Ed. by G.P. Krapp. Notes. 1932. 7. Joannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio. Ed. by C.W. Keyes, with a translation by S.L. Wolff. [Lat. and Eng.] 1932. 8. Joannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio secunda. Ed. by E.J. Strittmatter, with the trans- lation of G. Burnett ... rev. by M. Hadas. Notes. [Lat. and Eng.] 1933. 9. Joannis Miltoni Angli pro se defensio contra Alexandrum Morum ecclesiasten. Ed. by E.J. Strittmatter, with the translation of G. Burnett ... rev. by M. Halas. Notes. [Lat. and Eng.] 1933. 10. The history of Britain ... A brief history of Moscovia. Ed. by G.P. Krapp. Notes. 1932. 11. A fuller institution of the art of logic. Ed. and tr. by A.H. Gilbert. [Lat. and Eng.] 1935. [Continued overleaf.] MILTON (JOHN) [continued]. COLLECrIONS [continued] 1. General [continued] 12. The familiar letters of J.M. Ed. by D.L. Clark, with the translation of D. Masson. The prolusions of J.M. Ed. by D.L. Clark, with a translation by B. Smith. An early prolusion by J.M. and mis- cellaneous correspondence in foreign tongues. Ed. and tr. by T.O. Mabbott and N.G.McCrea. English correspondence by J.M. Collected and ed. by T.O. Mabbott. Correspondence of Milton and Mylius, 1651 -1652. Collected, ed. and tr. by T.O. Mabbott and N.G. McCrea. Notes. [Gr. or Lat. and Eng.] 1936. 13. The state papers of John Milton'. Collected and ed. by T.O. Mabbott and J.M. French. [Lat. and Eng.] 1937. 14 -17. De doctrina Christiana. Ed., with the trans- lation of C.R. Sumner, by J.H. Hanford and W.H. Dunn. [Lat. and Eng.] 1933 -34. 18. The uncollected writings of John Milton. Ed. by T.O. Mabbott and J.M. French, with translations by N.G. McCrea and others. [Lat. and Eng.] 1938. English Lib. - -- Another copy. 18 vols. (í,. - -- An index to the Columbia edition of the works of J.M. By F.A. Patterson, assisted by F.R. Fogle. 2vols. New York, 1940. .82147/A - -- Another copy. 2 vols. English Lib. - --- Completo poetry and selected prose. With English metrical translations of tho Latin Greek and Italian pooms. Ed. by E.H. Visiak. With a foreword by ... Sir A. Wilson. [ Repr. ] [Nonesuch Lib.] Lond. 1952. '10.10/A - Comploto poems and major prose. Ed. by M.Y. Eughos. Notos and introds. by tho editor. 2nd pr. New York [1957.] English Lib. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS MILTON (JOHN). COLILE:ínIOIJS 1. General Paradise lost and selected poetry and pxo e. :-'d. wich an introd. by Y. Pr's.. hew York [1951.-.1 .3211,7;. -- A loi c ion-».3ce book of J.M., and a 1.,atin °s y and Latin verses presumed to be by M. ... See MILTON (JOHN). COMMONPLACE BOOK. A common- -place book of J.M. ... -- M. on education. The tractate of education, with supplementary extracts from other writings of M. ... :gee MILTON (JOHN). OF EDUCATION. M. on education ... -- Paradise : e ain'd ... To which is acidect 3an,son Agonistes and Poems upon several occasions. With a tractate of education. See MILTON (JO I) . PARADISE REGAINED. J- 'aradiue reined ... YILTON (JOHN) [continued]. COLLECTIONS [continued] 2. Poetry - -- Poems, &c., upon several occasions ... Both English and Latin, &c., composed at several times. With a small tractate of education to Mr. Hartlib. Pt. 2. Lond., 1673. Df.7.46. * ** Imperfect, wanting the first part, and containing only 'Poemata' and the tractate 'Of education.' --- The poetical works of M. With a critic) upon Paradise Lost, by Mr. Addison ,.. 2 vols. Edina, 1755. E.B. .82147 -- Tho poetical works of J.M. With notes of various authors by T. Newton. 3 vols. Lond., 1761. *s.24.32 -34. - -- Poems upon several occasions, English, Italian and Latin, with translations ... viz. Lycidas, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso ... With notes ... by T. Warton. Lond., 1785. e ;1 - -- 2nd ed., etc. ([And] Appendix, containing remarks on the Greek verses of Milton, by C. Burney.) Lond., 1791. *S.29.40. vAÿll - -- Another copy. *** Gordon Hislop Bequest. --- The poetical works of M. Vol. 1. Lond., 1790. EB. -S2t1.1-7 [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS MILTON (JOHN). COT,TFOTIONS 2, Poetry - -- The poetical works of M. With ... the life of Milton ... 2 vols. Edin., 1767. D.S.j.11.11 -12. =TON (JOHN) [continued]. COLLECTIONS [continued] 2. poetry [continued] --- The poetical works of J.M. ... with the prinoipal notes of various commentators ... with some account of the life of Nilton by the Rov. H.J. Todd. ([And] Mr. Addison's criticism on tho Paradise Lost. - Dr. Johnson's remarks on the versification of Milton. - Dr. C. Burney's ... observation on the Greek verses [of Milton] ...) 6 vols.
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