Parallel Programming

Parallel algorithms Combinatorial Search Some Combinatorial Search Methods • Divide and conquer

• Backtrack search

• Game tree search (, alpha-beta)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 2 Terminology • Combinatorial algorithm: computation performed on discrete structure

• Combinatorial search: finding one or more optimal or suboptimal solutions in a defined problem space

• Kinds of combinatorial search problem • Decision problem (exists (find 1 solution); doesn’t exist)

• Optimization problem (the best solution)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 3 Examples of Combinatorial Search • Laying out circuits in VLSI • Find the smallest area

• Planning motion of robot arms • Smallest distance to move (with or without constraints)

• Assigning crews to airline flights

• Proving theorems

• Playing games

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 4 Search Tree • Each node represents a problem or sub- problem

• Root of tree: initial problem to be solved

• Children of a node created by adding constraints (one move from the father)

• AND node: to find solution, must solve problems represented by all children

• OR node: to find a solution, solve any of the problems represented by the children

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 5 Search Tree (cont.) • AND tree • Contains only AND nodes • Divide-and-conquer algorithms

• OR tree • Contains only OR nodes • Backtrack search and branch and bound

• AND/OR tree • Contains both AND and OR nodes • Game trees

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 6 Divide and Conquer • Divide-and-conquer methodology • Partition a problem into subproblems • Solve the subproblems • Combine solutions to subproblems

• Recursive: sub-problems may be solved using the divide-and-conquer methodology

• Example: quicksort

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 7 Best for Centralized Multiprocessor • Unsolved subproblems kept in one shared stack

• Processors needing work can access the stack

• Processors with extra work can put it on the stack

• Effective workload balancing mechanism

• Stack can become a bottleneck as number of processors increases

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 8 Multicomputer Divide and Conquer • Subproblems must be distributed among memories of individual processors

• Two designs • Original problem and final solution stored in memory of a single processor

• Both original problem and final solution distributed among memories of all processors

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 9 Design 1 • Algorithm has three phases

• Phase 1: problems divided and propagated throughout the parallel computer

• Phase 2: processors compute solutions to their subproblems

• Phase 3: partial results are combined

• Maximum speedup limited by propagation and combining overhead

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 10 Design 2 • Both original problem and final solution are distributed among processors’ memories • Eliminates starting up and winding down phases of first design • Allows maximum problem size to increase with number of processors • Used this approach for parallel quicksort algorithms • Challenge: keeping workloads balanced among processors

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 11 Backtrack Search • Uses depth-first search to consider alternative solutions to a combinatorial search problem

• Recursive algorithm

• Backtrack occurs when • A node has no children (“dead end”) • All of a node’s children have been explored

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 12 Example: Crossword Puzzle Creation • Given • Blank crossword puzzle • Dictionary of words and phrases

• Assign letters to blank spaces so that all puzzle’s horizontal and vertical “words” are from the dictionary

• Halt as soon as a solution is found

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 13 Crossword Puzzle Problem

Given a blank crossword puzzle and a dictionary ...... find a way to fill in the puzzle.

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 14 A Search Strategy • Identify longest incomplete word in puzzle (break ties arbitrarily) • Look for a word of that length • If cannot find such a word, backtrack • Otherwise, find longest incomplete word that has at least one letter assigned (break ties arbitrarily) • Look for a word of that length • If cannot find such a word, backtrack • Recurse until a solution is found or all possibilities have been attempted

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 15 State Space Tree

Root of tree is initial, blank puzzle.

Choices for word 1

Choices for word 2

Word 3 choices etc.

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 16 Backtrack Search








2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 17 Backtrack Search



? ? O ? ? ? ?





2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 18 Backtrack Search

T ?

R ?


L ?

L ?

E ?

Y ?

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 19 Backtrack Search

T ?

R ?


L ?

L ?

E ? Cannot find word. Must backtrack. Y ?

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 20 Backtrack Search



? ? O ? ? ? ?



E Cannot find word. Must backtrack. Y

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 21 Backtrack Search

T ?

R ?


L ?

L ?

E ?

Y ?

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 22 Backtrack Search





? ? L ? P ? ?



2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 23 Time and Space Complexity • Suppose average branching factor in state space tree is b

• Searching a tree of depth k requires examining k1 bb 1 2 bbb k    bk )(1 b 1

nodes in the worst case (exponential time)

• Amount of memory usually required is (k)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 24 Parallel Backtrack Search • First strategy: give each processor a subtree

• Suppose p = bk • A process searches all nodes to depth k • It then explores only one of subtrees rooted at level k • If d (depth of search) > 2k, time required by each process to traverse first k levels of state space tree is negligible

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 25 Parallel Backtrack when p = bk

Subtree Subtree Subtree Subtree Searched Searched Searched Searched by by by by Process 0 Process 1 Process 2 Process 3

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 26 What If p  bk ? • A process can perform sequential search to level m (where bm > p) of state space tree

• Each process explores its share of the subtrees rooted by nodes at level m

• As m increases, there are more subtrees to divide among processes, which can make workloads more balanced

• Increasing m also increases number of redundant computations

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 27 Maximum Speedup when p  bk

In this example 5 processors are exploring a state space tree with branching factor 3 and depth 10.

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 28 Disadvantage of Allocating One Subtree per Process • In most cases state space tree is not balanced

• Example: in crossword puzzle problem, some word choices lead to dead ends quicker than others

• Alternative: make sequential search go deeper, so that each process handles many subtrees (cyclic allocation)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 29 Allocating Many Subtrees per Process

b = 3; p = 4; m = 3; allocation rule  (subtree nr) % p == rank

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 30 Backtrack Algorithm

cutoff_count – nr of nodes at cutoff_depth cutoff_depth – depth at which subtrees are divided among processes depth – maximum search depth in the state space tree moves – records the path to the current node (moves made so far) p, id – number of processes, process rank

Parallel_Backtrack(node, level) if (level == depth) if (node is a solution) Print_Solution(moves) else if (level == cutoff_depth) cutoff_count ++ if (cutoff_count % p != id) return possible_moves = Count_Moves(node) // nr of possible moves from current node for i = 1 to possible_moves node = Make_Move(node, i) moves[ level ] = i Parallel_Backtrack(node, level+1) node = Unmake_Move(node, i) return

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 31 Distributed Termination Detection • Suppose we only want to print one solution

• We want all processes to halt as soon as one process finds a solution

• This means processes must periodically check for messages • Every process calls MPI_Iprobe every time search reaches a particular level (such as the cutoff depth) • A process sends a message after it has found a solution

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 32 Simple (Incorrect) Algorithm • A process halts after one of the following events has happened: • It has found a solution and sent a message to all of the other processes • It has received a message from another process • It has completely searched its portion of the state space tree

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 33 Why Algorithm Fails • If a process calls MPI_Finalize before another active process attempts to send it a message, we get a run-time error

• How this could happen? • A process finds a solution after another process has finished searching its share of the subtrees OR • A process finds a solution after another process has found a solution

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 34 Distributed Termination Problem • Distributed termination problem: Ensuring that • all processes are inactive AND • no messages are en route

• Solution developed by Dijkstra, Seijen, and Gasteren in early 1980s

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 35 Dijkstra et al.’s Algorithm • Each process has a color and a message count • Initial color is white • Initial message count is 0 • A process that sends a message turns black and increments its message count • A process that receives a message turns black and decrements its message count • If all processes are white and sum of all their message counts are 0, there are no pending messages and we can terminate the processes

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 36 0 Dijkstra et al.’s Algorithm (cont.)

-1 • Organize processes into a logical ring • Process 0 passes a token around the ring • Token also has a color (initially white) and 1 4 -2 -1 count (initially 0)

0 -2 -1 0

7 -1 1 2 3 -2 (a) (b)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 37

-2 -2 3 7 -2 -2 -2 7 2 0 5 -2 7 2

-2 -2 Okay to Terminate 2 7 7 5

(c) (d) 0 Dijkstra et al.’s Algorithm (cont.)-1

1 4 • A process receives the token-2 -1 • If process is black 0 -2 -1 • Process changes token color to black 0

• Process changes its color to white7 -1 1 • Process adds its message count2 to token’s3 -2 message count (a) (b)

• A process sends -2 -2 the token to its 3 7 -2 successor in the -2 -2 7 2 0 5 logical ring -2 7 2

-2 -2 Okay to Terminate 2 7 7 5

(c) (d) 2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 38 0


Dijkstra1 et al.’s4 Algorithm (cont.) -2 -1

• Process 0 receives the token 0 -2 • Safe to terminate processes if -1 0 • Token is white 7 -1 1 • Process 0 is white 2 3 -2 • Token(a) count + process 0 message(b) count = 0 • Otherwise, process 0 must probe ring of processes-2 again -2 3 7 -2 -2 -2 7 2 0 5 -2 7 2

-2 -2 Okay to Terminate 2 7 7 5

2010@FEUP (c) Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial(d) Search 39 Branch and Bound • Variant of backtrack search

• Takes advantage of information about optimality of partial solutions to avoid considering solutions that cannot be optimal

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 40 Example: 8-puzzle

1 2 3

This is the solution state. 4 5 6 Tiles slide up, down, or sideways into hole.

7 8 Hole

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 41 State Space Tree Represents Possible Moves

1 5 2 4 3 7 8 6

1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 4 3 6 4 3 4 3 2 7 8 7 8 6 7 8 6

1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 4 3 6 4 3 4 8 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 2 7 8 7 8 6 7 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6


2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 42 Branch-and-bound Methodology • Could solve puzzle by pursuing breadth- first search of state space tree

• We want to examine as few nodes as possible

• Can speed search if we associate with each node an estimate of minimum number of tile moves needed to solve the puzzle, given moves made so far

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 43 Manhattan (or City Block) Distance

4 3 2 3 4

3 2 1 2 3

Manhattan distance from the yellow 2 1 0 1 2 intersection.

3 2 1 2 3

4 3 2 3 4

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 44 A Lower Bound Function • A lower bound on number of moves needed to solve puzzle is sum of Manhattan distance of each tile’s current position from its correct position • Depth of node in state space tree indicates number of moves made so far • Adding two values gives lower bound on number of moves needed for any solution, given moves made so far • We always search from node having smallest value of this function (best-first search)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 45 Best-first Search of 8-puzzle

5 1 5 2 4 3 7 8 6

5 5 7 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 4 3 6 4 3 4 3 2 7 8 7 8 6 7 8 6

7 7 7 7 5 7 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 2 1 5 2 4 3 6 4 3 4 8 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 3 7 8 7 8 6 7 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6

7 5 7 1 5 2 1 2 1 2 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6

5 7 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 4 5 3 7 8 6 7 8 6

7 5 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 4 5 6 4 5 3 7 8 6 7 8 7 8 6 Solution

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 46 Pseudocode: Sequential Algorithm

// initial – initial problem // q – priority queue // u, v – nodes of the search tree

Intialize (q) Insert (q, initial) repeat u  Delete_Min (q) if u is a solution then Print_solution (u) Halt else for i  1 to Possible_Constraints (u) do Add constraint i to u, creating v Insert (q, v)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 47 Time and Space Complexity • In worst case, lower bound function causes function to perform breadth-first search • Suppose branching factor is b and optimum solution is at depth k of state space tree • Worst-case time complexity is (bk) • On average, b nodes inserted into priority queue every time a node is deleted • Worst-case space complexity is (bk) • Memory limitations often put an upper bound on the size of the problem that can be solved 2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 48 Parallel Branch and Bound • We will develop a parallel algorithm suitable for implementation on a multicomputer or distributed multiprocessor

• Conflicting goals • Want to maximize ratio of local to non-local memory references

• Want to ensure processors searching worthwhile portions of state space tree

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 49 Single Priority Queue • Maintaining a single priority queue not a good idea

• Communication overhead too great

• Accessing queue is a performance bottleneck

• Does not allow problem size to scale with number of processors

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 50 Multiple Priority Queues • Each process maintains separate priority queue of unexamined subproblems

• Each process retrieves subproblem with smallest lower bound to continue search

• Occasionally processes send unexamined subproblems to other processes

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 51 Start-up Mode • Process 0 contains original problem in its priority queue

• Other processes have no work

• After process 0 distributes an unexamined subproblem, 2 processes have work

• A logarithmic number of distribution steps are sufficient to get all processes engaged

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 52 Efficiency • Conditions for solution to be found and guaranteed optimal • At least one solution node must be found • All nodes in state space tree with smaller lower bounds must be explored

• Execution time dictated by which of these events occurs last

• This depends on number of processes, shape of state space tree, communication pattern

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 53 Efficiency (cont.) • Sequential algorithm searches minimum number of nodes (never explores nodes with lower bounds greater than cost of optimal solution)

• Parallel algorithm may examine unnecessary nodes because each process searching locally best nodes

• Exchanging subproblems • promotes distribute of subproblems with good lower bounds, reducing amount of wasted work • increases communication overhead

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 54 Halting Conditions • Distributed termination detection more complicated than for backtrack search

• Can only halt when • Have found a solution • Verified no better solutions exist

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 55 Modifications to DTP Algorithm • Process turns black if it manipulates an unexamined subproblem with lower bound less than cost of best solution found so far

• Add additional fields to termination token • Cost of best solution found so far • Solution itself (i.e., moves made to reach solution)

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 56 Actions When Process Gets Token • Updates token’s color, count fields

• If locally found solution better than one carried by token, updates token

• If lower bound of first unexamined problem in priority queue  best solution found so far, empties priority queue

View Algorithm

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 57 Searching Game Trees • Best programs for chess, checkers based on exhaustive search

• Algorithms consider series of moves and responses, evaluate desirability of resulting positions, and work their way back up search tree to determine best initial move

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 58 Minimax Algorithm • A form of depth-first search

• Value node = value of position from point of view of player 1

• Player 1 wants to maximize value of node

• Player 2 want to minimize value of node

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 59 Illustration of Minimax

Max 1

1 0 Min

1 2 0 6 Max

1 -3 2 1 0 -5 -2 6


6 -3 4 1 8 3 -2 7

1 7 2 9 0 -5 4 6

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 60 Complexity of Minimax • Branching factor b • Depth of search d • Examination of bd leaves • Exponential time in depth of search • Hence frequently cannot search entire tree to final positions • Must rely on evaluation function to determine value of non-final position • Space required = linear in depth of search

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 61 Alpha-Beta Pruning • As a rule, deeper search leads to a higher quality of play

• Alpha-beta pruning allows game tree searches to go much deeper (twice as deep in best case)

• Pruning occurs when it is in the interests of one of the players to allow play to reach that position

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 62 Illustration of Alpha-Beta Pruning

Max 1

1 0 Min

1 2 0 Max

1 -3 2 0 -5


6 -3 4 8 3

1 2 0 -5

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 63 Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm max_c – Maximum possible moves (children) of a position (node) pos – position or node of the game tree a, b – lower and upper values of cutoff; cutoff – flag set when is OK to prune depth – maximum search depth in the game tree c[ 1 .. max.c ] – children of current position (node) val – value of each position (point of view of the root player), width - nr. of legal moves from the current position

Alpha_Beta(pos, a, b, depth) // initialy called with a = -  and b = +  if (depth <= 0) return (Evaluate(pos)) // Evaluate terminal node (point of view of the root player) width = Generate_Moves(pos) // Fills array c [ ] if (width == 0) return (Evaluate(pos)) // No more legal moves from this position cutoff = FALSE; i = 1 while (i <= width) and (cutoff == FALSE) val = Alpha_Beta(c[ i ], a, b, depth-1) if (Max_Node(pos) and val > a) // Root moves a = val if (Min_Node(pos) and val < b) // Opponent moves b = val if (a > b) cutoff = TRUE i ++ if (Max_Node(pos)) return a else return b

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 64 Enhancement Aspiration Search • Ordinary alpha-beta algorithm begins with pruning window (–, ) (worst value, best value) • Pruning increases as window shrinks • Goal of aspiration search is to start pruning sooner • Make estimate of value v of board position • Figure probable error e of that estimate • Call alpha-beta with initial pruning window (v–e, v+e) • If search fails, re-do with (–, v–e) or (v+e, )

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 65 Enhancement Iterative Deepening • Ply: level of a game tree • Iterative deepening: use a (d–1)-ply search to prepare for a d-ply search • Allows time spent in a search to be controlled: can iterate deeper and deeper until allotted time has expired • Can use results of (d–1)-ply search to help order nodes for d-ply search, improving pruning • Can use value returned from (d–1)-ply search as center of window for d-ply aspiration search

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 66 Parallel Alpha-Beta Search • Perform move generation in parallel and position evaluation • CMU’s custom chess machine

• Search the tree in parallel • IBM’s Deep Blue • Capable of searching more than 100 millions positions per second • Defeated Gary Kasparov in a six-game match in 1997 by a score of 3.5 - 2.5

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 67 Parallel Aspiration Search • Create multiple windows, one per processor

• Allows narrower windows than with a single processor, increasing pruning

• Chess experiments: maximum expected speedup usually not more than 5 or 6

• This is because there is a lower bound on the number of nodes that will be searched, even with optimal search window

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 68 Parallel Subtree Evaluation • Processes examine independent subtrees in parallel • Search overhead: increase in number of nodes examined through introduction of parallelism • Communication overhead: time spent coordinating processes performing the search • Reducing one kind of overhead is usually at expense of increasing other kind of overhead

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 69 Game Trees Are Skewed • In a perfectly ordered game tree the best move is always the first move considered from a node

• In practice, search trees are often not too far from perfectly ordered

• Such trees are highly skewed: the first branch takes a disproportionate share of the computation time

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 70 Alpha-beta Pruning of a Perfectly Ordered Game Tree


1 2 2 2

1 2 2 3 3 3

1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 – type 1 nodes: root and first child of type 1 nodes 2 – type 2 nodes: other children of type1 nodes and children of type 3 nodes 3 – type 3 nodes: first child of type 2 nodes The other than the first child of a type 2 node can be pruned

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 71 Distributed Tree Search • Processes control groups of processors

• At beginning of algorithm, root process is assigned root node of tree and controls all processors

• Allocation of processors depends on location in search tree

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 72 Distributed Tree Search (cont.) • Type 1 node • All processors initially allocated to search leftmost child of node • When search returns, processors assigned to remaining children in breadth-first manner

• Type 2 or 3 node: processes assigned to children in breadth-first manner

• When a process completes searching a subtree, it returns its allocated processors to its parent and terminates

• Parents reallocate returned processors to children that are still active

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 73 Performance of Distributed Tree Search • Given a uniform game tree with branching factor b

• If alpha-beta algorithm searches tree with effective branching factor bx, then DTS with p processors will achieve a speedup of O(px)

• Usually x is between 0.5 and 1

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 74 Summary (1/5) • Combinatorial search used to find solutions to a variety of discrete decision and optimization problems

• Can categorize problems by type of state space tree they traverse

• Divide-and-conquer algorithms traverse AND trees

• Backtrack search and Branch-and-Bound search traverse OR trees

• Minimax and alpha-beta pruning search AND/OR trees

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 75 Summary (2/5) • Parallel divide and conquer • If problem starts on a single process and solution resides on a single process, then speedup limited by propagation and combining overhead

• If problem and solution distributed among processors, efficiency can be much higher, but balancing workloads can still be a challenge

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 76 Summary (3/5) • Backtrack search • Depth-first search applied to state space trees

• Can be used to find a single solution or every solution

• Does not take advantage of knowledge about the problem to avoid exploring subtrees that cannot lead to a solution

• Requires space linear in depth of search (good)

• Challenge: balancing work of exploring subtrees among processors

• Need to implement distributed termination detection

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 77 Summary (4/5) • Branch-and-bound search • Able to use lower bound information to avoid exploration of subtrees that cannot lead to optimal solution

• Need to avoid search overhead without introducing too much communication overhead

• Also need distributed termination detection

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 78 Search (5/5) • Alpha-beta pruning: • Preferred method for searching game trees

• Only parallel search of independent subtrees seems to have enough parallelism to scale to massively parallel machines

• Distributed tree a way to allocate processors so that both search overhead and communication overhead are kept to a reasonable level

2010@FEUP Parallel Algorithms - Combinatorial Search 79