Questionnaire Summary of the Main Activities of a Research Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Questionnaire Summary of the main activities of a research institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Period: January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2015 1. Basic information on the institute: 1.1. Legal name and address: Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Konventná 13, 811 03 Bratislava 1.2. URL of the institute web site: 1.3. Executive body of the institute and its composition Directoriat Name Age Years in the position Director prof. Adam Bžoch, CSc. 50 9 Deputy director Dr. Dobrota Pucherová, D.PhilOxon 39 2 doc. Mgr. Róbert Gáfrik, PhD. 39 2 Scientific secretary doc. Mgr. Róbert Gáfrik, PhD. 39 2 Mgr. Eva Bubnášová, PhD. 31 1 PhDr. Jana Cviková, PhD. 53 1 1.4. Head of the Scientific Board: Mgr. Judit Görözdi, PhD. 1.5. Basic information on the research personnel 1.5.1. Number of employees with university degrees (PhD students included) engaged in research projects, their full time equivalent work capacity (FTE) in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and average number of employees in the assessment period 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 total FTE FTE FTE FTE number number number number number averaged averaged averaged FTE averaged numberyear per Number of employees with 21,0 15,070 23,0 17,070 22,0 15,570 20,0 14,220 86,0 21,5 15,483 university degrees Number of PhD students 6,0 6,000 9,0 9,000 9,0 9,000 11,0 11,000 35,0 8,8 8,750 Total number 27,0 21,070 32,0 26,070 31,0 24,570 31,0 25,220 121,0 30,3 24,233 1.5.2.
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