Dulcet Cuisine Product Ingredient List Lemon, & Dill Sauce Ingredients: extra virgin , organic (organic apple cider , water, organic mustard seed, salt, organic spices), red wine vinegar, pure cane sugar, lemon juice, sea salt, white pepper and dill

Tangy & Peppery Moroccan Sauce Ingredients: rice vinegar, non gmo canola oil, pure cane sugar, water, sea salt, , , , , , spices, cayenne and xantham

Creole Mustard Ingredients: organic stone ground mustard (organic apple cider vinegar, water, organic mustard seed, salt, organic spices), pure cane sugar, water, sea salt, garlic, , paprika, spices, black pepper & thyme

Madras Mustard Ingredients: organic Dijon mustard (organic apple cider vinegar, water, organic mustard seed, salt, organic spices), pure cane sugar, spices, sea salt, water, garlic, cinnamon, fennel, & cayenne

Moroccan Mustard Ingredients: organic Dijon mustard (organic apple cider vinegar, water, organic mustard seed, salt, organic spices), pure cane sugar, water, spices, sea salt, paprika, garlic, cayenne, ginger, cinnamon &

Moroccan Ingredients: water, tomato puree, orange juice, apple cider vinegar, pure cane sugar, spices, sea salt, garlic, cayenne, ginger and cinnamon.

Sweet Orange Chile Ketchup Ingredients: orange juice, tomato puree, pure cane sugar, apple cider vinegar, chile paste (guajillo chile, water), water, sea salt, spices, garlic, onion, cocoa, cinnamon and cayenne.

Mild Indian Curry Ketchup Ingredients: water, tomato puree, non gmo canola oil, pure cane sugar, apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, spices, sea salt, , onion, garlic, cinnamon, fennel and cayenne.