THE TWEED Volume 4 #13 Thursday, November 24, 2011 Advertising and news enquiries: TWEED’S BEST Phone: (02) 6672 2280 ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE
[email protected] [email protected] PAGES 14 - 18 CAB 21,000 copies every week AUDIT LOCAL & INDEPENDENT 7 Bid to stop rule-breaking mansion fails pushed through Tweed Council. It’s believed ‘ ey have existing use rights. It’s not a de- the home’s rst oor is referred to on planning molition, it is a redevelopment of an existing Council de es Hastings Point DCP documents as a ‘boat shed’. building,’ he said. Ironically, it was that home which helped Cr Skinner said property owners had origi- Steve Spencer an overdevelopment which breaches too many spark the community’s decade-long campaign nally been allowed to build three-storey homes rules. for a DCP to ban similar structures from the along the beachfront. A last-ditch stand to stop a controversial beach- Locals now fear the approval will lead to an village. ‘I don’t think there would have been many front mansion at Hastings Point failed during an avalanche of similar bids to build big homes While Cr Skinner didn’t speak during the property owners who would have liked to have extraordinary meeting of Tweed councillors on along the foreshore, forever changing Hasting debate, he told ABC Radio yesterday that the seen their existing rights taken away. You will Tuesday, sparking a community outcry. Point’s village atmosphere. Hasting Point DCP was ‘just a guide’. probably see more applications for similar types Several councillors hoped to persuade Cr Dot e rescission motion, moved by Crs Joan ‘I never supported the Hastings Point DCP of things.’ Holdom to change her mind for the rescission van Lieshout and Katie Milne and supported and I still don’t support it,’ said Cr Skinner.