THE TWEED Volume 2 #43 Thursday, July 8, 2010 Page Advertising and news enquiries: 10 Phone: (02) 6672 2280 [email protected] [email protected] LOCAL & INDEPENDENT Police close in on prime land

Ken Sapwell exhibition until July 14, is expected to trigger a swag of objections from The NSW Police Force is seeking to community and environmental exploit a loophole in planning laws groups who have been involved in a to establish a new police station on long-running battle to save the red- protected farm land at Cudgen. soil plateau from development. The move is the first serious chal- It’s also being watched closely by lenge to the Cudgen plateau’s unique other emergency service agencies who agricultural status since the Anglican have been searching for a flood-free Church lost a court battle to build a site to consolidate their operations in school on another nearby parcel of a so-called super-centre close to the prime farming land about 12 years ago geographic centre of the shire. (see panel, page 2). Former long-serving Mayor Max Senior police say the station is an Boyd, who was part of a 10-man study Karen Oliver as Eliza Doolittle in her Ascot finery.Photo supplied emergency facility which can be built team which resulted in the govern- on the site without the consent of ment classifying the plateau as agri- Tweed council or the government if cultural land of State significance, says Karen’s Directed by respected Gold Coast erful voices on the Tweed Coast, they can convince them that no other he’s confident the government will show producer Tracey Kriz and co- this production is a nice piece of suitable sites are available. uphold its own planning policies. starring Peter Gray as the urbane, synergy. They are asking the council to go ‘The land is recognised as being in Eliza world-weary upper-class snob ‘This was the first full-length show against its Local Environment Plan the top 10 per cent of agricultural land Henry Higgins, the show features that I ever did. I was 13 and I really which prohibits subdivisions of less in and has been given the a 36-member ensemble and some wanted to be Eliza. But I was too than 10ha to create a 1.5ha allotment highest possible level of protection,’ dream impressive costumes. young to be the lead so instead I was for a new Kingscliff headquarters at a he said. But for Ms Oliver, who has just the lady about town,’ she said of the cost of $4.5 million. finished a stint with Gold Coast Lit- Kingscliff High production back in A development application lodged Thin end of the wedge comes true tle Theatre in Showboat and Curtains the 1990s. by consultants acting for the force, ‘This new application if approved for Spotlight, it is a chance to finally ‘I always wanted to do the show Newton Denny Chapelle, says the will be the thin edge of the wedge for Tania Phillips get her vocal chords around those and it never came around.’ That is, site was chosen after four alterna- further urban development in an area classic Lerner and Loewe songs until now. tive sites were deemed unsatisfactory, which should be preserved for farm- As a young teen at Kingscliff High ‘Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?’, ‘The Rain The musical also reunites Ms Oliver mostly because none was as close to ing activities.’ School, Karen Oliver always dreamed In Spain’, and ‘I Could Have Danced with Tracey Kriz, who directed her the motorway. The land subject to the subdivision of playing Eliza Doolittle, but it’s only all Night.’ in her first major senior role at age 15 ‘The subdivision provides the mini- application belongs to the Kingscliff now the talented musical performer There’s also the thrill of speaking in the Gold Coast production of Stop mum area necessary for the construc- Land Company (KLC) which pur- will get her wish. Bernard Shaw’s scintillating dia- The World I Want to Get Off. tion and operation of the station… chased the 39ha site in a joint venture Ms Oliver will bring the wonderful logue, much of which was left in the My Fair Lady is on at Twin and provides sufficient land for the deal with Coles Myer for $4.5 million Eliza Doolittle to life in the Tweed show when it was adapted from his Towns, Tweed Heads, this Friday, continuation of the existing agricul- in 2004 but has since been unsuccess- Theatre Company’s new production classic play Pygmalion. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $25 tural land use of the newly created ful in two attempts to rezone the land of My Fair Lady at Twin Towns this And for the talented blue-eyed ($20 concession) and can be booked adjoining lot,’ the consultants say. for houses and a retail centre. weekend. blonde with one of the most pow- on 1800 014 014. The application, which is on public continued on page 2

ABN 82 087 650 682

Local News Indy veteran back on the scene Tania Phillips

Growing up in Murwillum- bah and playing drums with the cadets a young Michael Charles could never have im- agined where his skills would take him. Michael, who played in well known bands such as The Lip- stick Killers and The Screaming Tribesmen, was a mainstay on

TTHH the and Tweed AARRTTIISSTTSS!! 7 AANNNNUUAALL EEXXHHIIBBIITTIIOONN Valley pub scene throughout & CCOOMMPPEETTIITTIIOONN 22772299 AAUUGGUUSSTT the 70s, although these days 6 CATEGORIES: Over $4000 in prizes he’s better known as a graphic ENTRIES CLOSE ENTER ONLINE: designer. 6 AUGUST ENQUIRIES: [email protected] However, the former garage- indy rocker is back behind the drums again with his new band band before discovering rock ting together a band,’ he said. t Accredited high quality care in a Fashion Zombies. music and forming the band The next decade saw Michael home environment The band, formed with Tony Dharana, which gigged exten- perform in a variety of bands Family Day Care t Supported by the largest scheme Young, younger brother of leg- sively in the Tweed and Lis- in what was one of the most in NSW endary Bullamakanka member more area. exciting periods in Australian the late Ray Young, partly takes Music even followed him to indy music history. Even when t Flexible hours its name from an ABC chil- Wagga Wagga despite studying working outside the industry, t Childcare benefi t available dren’s show. business, but it was when he music was never too far away ‘What we want to do is high came back from the Riverina from his life and now he is t Become a carer and work from home energy rock, fairly intense and that his life really changed. back behind the drum kit – high energy,’ said Michael. ‘I got a phonecall from and loving it. t Free training & fi nancial support Michael actually started Kings cliff boy Jeremy Oxley – The Fashion Zombies play provided playing bass as a kid in Mur- he and his brother Peter (the their next gig on August 8 at willumbah but soon switched basis for the successful 80s the Southern Cross Tavern, to drums with the local cadets band the Sunnyboys) were put- near the airport at Bilinga.

(from page 1) TWEED 4 Park Street Tweed Heads Police close in on prime Cudgen land Phone 07 5536 1865 The first bid came unstuck the crossroads of the shire. The purchase attracted na- LISMORE 150 Laurel Avenue Lismore when the council was sacked He said he did not believe tional media attention when Phone 02 6621 6437 Serving the Community since 1980 in disgrace in 2005 and the sec- KLC’s holding warranted its mortgage documents revealed ‘A division of Northern Rivers Childcare Services Inc.’ ond failed in a narrow 4-3 vote state significance classifica- KLC entered into a conditional in May last year. tion. arrangement with then sitting KLC director, former Tweed ‘The property has been sand- councillor Lynne Beck and her National Party MP Don Beck, mined and quarried and has two sisters, to pay an extra $5 Future proof your solar said the site was an ideal loca- only a few knobs of red soil,’ million if the land was rezoned investment by opting for a tion, being flood-free and at he said. before November last year. Solar Expandable System. A little history always helps… how developers The newest innovation in solar, the SES incorporates a high have tried to turn the rich red soil into concrete performance inverter to allow for system expansion at a later date. The rich red farming soil government to give the farms a $70,000 kitty, including a of the Cudgen plateau has the highest possible level of $20,000 contribution from his long been a prime target of protection and to set up the own company, a subsequent developers and a rich source first of two inquiries which re- inquiry found. of political intrigue and skul- sulted in the council’s sacking It was used to fund the PLUS PRO duggery. several years later. 1999 election campaign of 24 The farms dotting the Events unfolded after the so-called Independent can- A 1.5kW system A 1.5kW system elevated site just to the west church failed in a court appeal didates grouped to maximise wwith a 3kW inverter. with a 5kW inverter. of Kingscliff boast sweeping against council’s refusal to their chances under the voting OfferingOf future-flex Offering future-flex ocean and mountain views allow it to build a school on system and to launch an anti- up to 3kW output. up to 5kW output. which would become prime a farm it had purchased only Boyd media blitz accusing his * * residential real estate if devel- a few metres from the site council of mismanagement $2995 $3995 opers overturned their agricul- where police now want to and incompetence. tural protection status. build a new station. The tactics proved suc- Pressure to rezone the The setback sparked a cessful with the election of a land for urban expansion has strong backlash from the pro-development council and Buy today, for tomorrow, and save. been growing since the 1980s church which erected a were then used as a blue- as investors began buying giant wooden cross on the print at the next elections in farms before declaring them redundant site in silent protest 2004 for a bigger and more non-productive or unprofit- against the council’s decision secretive war chest filled with able and disputing the NSW to back its planning staff on money from developers. Exclusive to: government’s State significant the issue. A subsequent inquiry which

ENERGY farmland classification. It also revived a long led to the council’s sacking in Leading the latest charge simmering feud between 2005 after finding most were has been the Kingscliff Land long-serving Mayor Max Boyd puppets of developers, also Company which is planning and wealthy Murwillumbah revisited the 1999 election to sell a small 1.5ha slice of businessman, Bill Bedser, who funding affair. Discover how a Solar Expandable System can give you greater its 39ha land holding to the also happened to be a Church Commissioner Maurice Daly flexibility in the future, contact BBE direct on 1300 152 871 police force if it can win sub- of England trustee and gifted observed that possibly for the or visit division approval from Tweed fundraiser. first time, Mr Bedser proved it Shire Council. With the help of locals, was possible for one man to *Terms and conditions apply. These can be viewed at Every attempt will be made to supply and install Solar Panels and Inverters from suppliers as promoted, however if stocks are unavailable at the time of installation But the first to challenge many with National Party organise and provide funding we reserve the right to substitute products of equal quality and value. ** Prices subject to zoning and may incur a surcharge. SES and Future-flex are TM of BBE. the zoning was the Anglican connections, he formed an or- to enable a group to get con- Church, triggering events ganisation dubbed the Small trol of a council, to effectively which helped persuade the Business Group and raised ‘buy’ it.

2 July 8, 2010 The Echo Local News Harbour land grab sparks outrage Pacific Coast Ken Sapwell it) varies across the site. The Academic Scholarships predominate penetration Council contractors involved in into the harbour is for the & Pastoral Bursaries the $7 million revamp of the Jack two headlands that frame an Evans Boat Harbour precinct indented beach. have begun reclaiming parts of ‘The works currently under the harbour despite high-level construction are as per the assurances there would be no approved plans.’ infilling of the waterway. But Ms Deane said unless The move has horrified res- the council’s concept plans for Up to 100% Academic Scholarships are offered to students i d ents’ groups and surprised the harbour make-over were with strong academic potential. councillors, including mayor compared with the 2006 master Pastoral Bursaries are available for students with a strong Warren Polglase who has been plan it was impossible to detect Christian character and are offered to students of any age. involved in the project since its that reclamation works were Pastoral Bursaries entitle the student to 75% reduction of fees. inception more than 15 years planned. Please apply before 30th August, but applications ago. other commercial premises to by surprise, saying he assumed Tweed Heads Residents’ will be considered after closing date. Association president Laurie Pacific Coast Boat Harbour committee be built on the harbour. the existing harbour perimeter For more info visit: Christian School secretary Stephanie Deane says Ms Deane said after the would not be altered. Ganter said he was appalled by 3a Acacia St Tweed Heads South 2486 Phone (07) 5523 9700 she discovered a peninsula assurances and a petition signed But he dismissed suggestions the revelations. of land being created in the by more than 3,000 people was that the exhibited plans had harbour’s northern side (see tabled in Parliament objecting disguised the extent of the in- picture) using rubble and other to the infill she believed the filling work. infill material after returning issue was dead in the water. ‘It looks as though we haven’t from a short holiday this week. ‘It is unbelievable that checked the finer details of the Want THE BEST She says the infill was not this aspect has been revived plans. I won’t be asking that the apparent in plans exhibited for despite public objections and work be stopped,’ he said. solar hot water system? public comment and flew in the even more unbelievable that it Council’s chief engineer, face of past assurances through was not apparent in the plans Patrick Knight, said the UÊÊ+Õ>ˆÌÞÊ-ÞÃÌi“ʈÃÊ«ÀœÛi˜Ê the media by Lands Minister which were put out for public adopted foreshore line had moreÊivwÊVˆi˜ÌÊÌ >˜ÊyÊ>ÌÊ«>ÌiÃ]Ê Tony Kelly, Tweed MP Geoff exhibition,’ she said. not materially changed since iëiVˆ>Þʜ˜ÊœÛiÀV>ÃÌÊ`>Þð Provest and Cr Polglase that the original concept plan was there would be no infilling of Taken by surprise publicly exhibited and adopted UÊÊ /ÊLivœÀiÊÌ iÊœÛiÀ˜“i˜ÌÊ the harbour. ‘There should be no more by council in 2006. L>VŽyʈ«Ãʜ˜ÊÀiL>Ìið The well-publicised guar- ‘There are a number of plans infilling and I ask that all the UÊœÀÊ܏>À]ÊÌ>˜ŽÃ]ÊÌÀ>ˆiÀÃ]ʫՓ«Ã° antees were given following a existing infill be removed.’ in the approval which clearly public uproar after initial plans Cr Polglase, who also told a identify the new foreshore line unveiled in 2006 showed that public meeting there would be in relation to the existing line,’ Save on New the entire northern side of the no infilling as long as he was he said in a statement. Technology Tanks 02 6672 6977 harbour would be infilled to mayor, admitted yesterday that ‘The extension into the Contact us for an obligation free quote allow for a cultural centre and the work had also taken him harbour (and retreat from Great Government rebates! ÜÜÜ°`ÕÀ>«>ðVœ“°>ÕÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÜÜÜ°>«ÀˆVÕðVœ“°>Õ Tweed Shire Council lifts the veil Your Regional Ken Sapwell the new Act, which replaces ommending any changes to the the 20-year-old Freedom of controversial policy which he Tursa Employment Employment Tweed Council has set up a Information Act, creates new believed was less stringent than & Training one-stop shop on its website rights to information to better that of other councils. & Training Services Provider to improve public access to in- meet the community’s expecta- In the meantime the coun- formation as part of reforms tions of more open and trans- cil was committed to releasing MURWILLUMBAH 50 Main Street Ph. (02) 6672 6712 under the new Government parent government. as much of its information as Need Staff? Email: [email protected] Information (Public Access) ‘Local councils are also en- provided by legislation ‘in an Need Work? KINGSCLIFF Shop 6A, 1st Floor, Kingscliff Shopping Act which came into force this couraged to make any other appropriate manner and free of Village, 28 Pearl Street Ph. (02) 6674 0699 week. information they hold pub- charge, except for appropriate call 1800 670 914 Email: [email protected] SOUTH TWEED HEADS 6/81 Minjungbal Drive, The site contains transcripts licly available unless there is photocopying charges.’ Need Training? Ph. (07) 5523 4825 Email: [email protected] of recent public inquiries into an overriding interest against At the same time the NSW COOLANGATTA Shop 1, 82 Griffith Street the council’s governance, as- disclosure,’ Mr Green said. Department of Planning has call 1800 266 425 Ph: (07) 55 361433 Email: [email protected] sessments of its performance But he said the new policy taken additional steps to im- and information about its would not apply to councillors prove transparency in its as- codes, management and finan- who were bound by a media sessment processes by making cial plans, policies, develop- policy which prevents them submissions received on de- CONVENIENT OFFICES IN: t Ballina t Bellingen t Brunswick Heads ment applications, approvals, from making public any infor- velopment proposals publicly NO t t Casino t Coffs Harbour t Coolangatta t Grafton t Kingscliff t t Lismore t Maclean t orders and other documents. mation unless it’s already pub- available on the department’s FEES! t Murwillumbah t Nambucca Heads t Nerang t Oxenford The council’s corporate serv- licly available. website within 10 days of the t Robina t Southport t South Tweed Heads t Yamba t Woolgoolga ices director Troy Green says He said he would not be rec- end of exhibition. WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR


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Left: Nine year old dancer Joshua Price Mental health service dealt from Jarrad Cramp Dance impressed the audience on critical funding blow Saturday night in the 12 years and under Kate McIntosh to shut the service down. The Richmond MP denied division of Musical Its closure comes as the Fed- her government was ignoring Theatre and Cabaret. The Tweed region’s sole com- eral Opposition leader Tony local mental health sufferers For more infor- munity outreach service for Abbott announced a Coalition and their families. mation about the people suffering dual mental government would provide $1.5 ‘We recognise the impor- festival or to see the health and substance abuse billion to fund early interven- tance of prevention, early Treading program or results, problems has been forced to tion mental health programs intervention, diagnosis and visit the festival close after failing to secure to ease the burden on main- treatment of mental health the website: www.mur- funding. stream services. conditions. There is more to The MISA (Mental Illness Despite the link between do in mental health but it is im- Photo Tree Faerie Substance Abuse) program, mental health and substance portant to get the foundations boards which was run by drug and al- abuse problems, Mr Evans right,’ Mrs Elliot said. cohol rehabilitation centre The said sufferers continued to She said the government had Eve Jeffery and music competitions com- der, the under 15 and the open Buttery, had been operating be shunted between separate committed to double national pleted, the dance sections got troupes strut their stuff on the from Binna Burra for the past services, decreasing positive spending on mental health The Murwillumbah Festival of underway last Saturday with Murwillumbah Civic Centre three years. recovery outcomes. to $1.1 billion over the next Performing Arts has had yet the spraying of hair, the glaz- stage. The section included The Buttery’s executive di- MISA was unique in that its four years and that The But- another successful year pro- ing of lips and the glittering of song and dance, classical bal- rector Barry Evans said more programs had been specifically tery would continue to receive viding the stage for hundreds just about everything. let, tap, modern dance and than 250 people in the Ballina focused around addressing co- Commonwealth funds for its of talented young performers. Adjudicator Marilyn Morri- the ever popular jazz perfor- to Tweed area are affected by existing drug and alcohol is- other drug treatment and re- In its last week organisers are son was refreshingly swift and mances. the closure. sues and mental health. habilitation services. work weary but pleased with succinct with her accurate ap- This week continues with ‘This sort of service is critical Mr Evans said repeated Mr Evans said the Buttery the event which held great praisal of competitors, a lovely the solo, duets and trios, and particularly in a rural area,’ Mr representations to the Federal was now seeking philanthropic promise for the big 80th birth- change to have an early night. for the cheapest and best eve- Evans told The Echo. government and local member support in the hopes of restor- day next year. Saturday, Sunday and Mon- ning’s entertainment in town, ‘The people we’re assisting Justine Elliot over the past 18 ing its mental health program. With the speech and drama day saw the 12 years and un- Saturday night will see the are dealing with chronic men- months had been to no avail. festival host the JJ Richards tal health issues and often us- He said the closure would Tweed Shire Council secures funding for flood clean-up Memorial Scholarship event ing drugs or alcohol as a short- leave a significant service gap in which, for a few dollars, you term relief. They’re not going for mental health sufferers Council has received $173,000 funding received to repair lumbah. Under an agreement can witness a showcase of the to go to their GP.’ and their carers in the Tweed in funding from the state damage to local facilities and with the Commonwealth, the talents of 25 of the brightest The Buttery received one-off region. government to repair major infrastructure. NSW Government pays the young ballet stars in the area. funding of $750,000 in 2007 ‘The fact is the need remains flood damage. The funds will The council has so far first $106.1 million of all natu- Last year’s winner, Claudia for its outreach services un- after the funds dry up. How do cover the clean-up costs and conducted repair works to Uki ral disaster costs in each year. Dean, is now twinkling her der the under the Proceeds of we explain to people in crisis emergency restoration works sports field, Jack Julius Park in The Commonwealth match- pointe-shoed toes across the Crime Act Funding. that there is no one available to arising from the January 2008 Kingscliff and Bilambil West es NSW for costs between Royal Ballet School stage in However, when that funding help them through their prob- and May 2009 floods. sports field. Funding assist- $106.1 million and $185.7 mil- the UK. The curtain for the dried up on June 22 The But- lems now that the service has The latest payment is part ance also went towards repairs lion and beyond that pays for scholarship goes up at 6.30pm tery was left with no option but closed?’ of $1 million in government to the levee at South Murwil- three-quarters of all costs. sharp, so don’t be late. ONE 24648

JOE TAYLOR 0419 731 229 SALLY MANNING 0413 748 685

4 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo Local News

A fabulous shop of A new page on Tweed’s bygone days Patchwork Kate McIntosh & Haberdashery It was a time when the dairy industry reigned, children Wide range of quality fabrics walked barefoot to their tiny from $10 bush schools and families eked a living on the fringe of des- Classes perate poverty without losing • Patchwork humour. • Quilting This fascinating era of • Craft Tweed’s history is the subject of • Embroidery a new book by Cabarita author David Rae. Next to Victory Hotel, Glimpses at the Past: Mem- MOOBALL (02) 6677 0200 ories of the Tweed Coast and Hinterland traces the early history of Tweed’s tiny coastal villages and rural hamlets dur- Moo Moo Stitches ing the district’s first century of European settlement. Author David Rae aims to preserve vanishing Tweed history. The book also delves into the Photo Jeff ‘Goose Quill’ Dawson lives of Tweed’s early settlers, as well as the histories of the Former settlers describe thought it would be.’ region’s bush schools, country warming their chilly bare feet Yet despite the fascinating halls and pubs – an integral in freshly dropped cow pats, nature of Tweed’s early pio- part of community life. the exhausting pre-dawn neering years Mr Rae said the The book is the result of two chores and the long distances period had up until now been years’ exhaustive research, in- trekked to attend school or largely overlooked by local volving some 90 interviews Sunday Mass. historians. with early Tweed pioneers and ‘You’re not going to discover ‘I think I’ve fulfilled my orig- hours trawling dusty historical these things in the dusty ar- inal ambition to preserve a bit archives. chives, you only get that from of history that was in danger of One thing that stood out the people who lived through dying out,’ he said. throughout his research, said that time,’ said Mr Rae. ‘I hope it [the book] will Mr Rae, was the resilience of Such personal anecdotes build awareness about Tweed’s local people even in the face of paint a vivid picture of early history and inspire others to enormous hardship. life in Tweed – then a remote, pick up a pen and add to it.’ ‘There were so many stories sparsely populated region, de- Mr Rae plans to donate of people handling poverty void of today’s modern com- copies of his book to Tweed’s with a grin on their face and forts of electricity and public libraries and Historical Socie- just getting on with life.’ transport. ties. A limited number will also Mr Rae’s narrative is pep- ‘When I first began writing be available for sale. An official pered with humorous, per- this book I didn’t realise how book launch will be held on sonal anecdotes of early life in much history I would uncover July 31 at the Pottsville Beach the Tweed, recounted to him in in such a relatively small geo- Community Hall at 10am. A great detail by early pioneers – graphical area,’ he said. large number of Tweed’s pio- most of whom are now aged in ‘The story has ended up neering families are expected their 90s. much more interesting that I to attend the event. Council strategy dubbed ‘tokenism’ Kate McIntosh rather than geographical area, Some 34,000 Tweed ratepay- were unfair. ers will be eligible for the panel, A so-called ‘citizen’s panel’, However, Mayor Warren with non-ratepayers also able which is part of a new strat- Polglase has hit back at the sug- to nominate themselves. egy by Tweed Shire Council to gestion, saying the strategy was The panel would only be improve community consulta- ‘a step in the right direction’. consulted on major issues of tion, has been labelled a token ‘What we’re endeavouring to shirewide importance. gesture that will ultimately do is get the best representa- ‘This is a very minimal style exclude residents in the shire’s tion that we can. This should of consultation. If council is re- less populated rural areas. improve community consulta- ally genuine then I would have Greens councillor Katie tion and help get the silent ma- thought a good place to start is Milne said plans to base panel jority more involved in council proper community consulta- selection on population figures decision making,’ he said. tion,’ Cr Milne said.

Great range, Great price, Great location. Open 7 days Shop 4, Kingscliff Shopping Village, Kingscliff. Phone 02 6674 3366 The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 5 Comment Gillard the fixer is on a roll – so far he Labor Party made ducing coal and iron ore; for are, she says, very international obligations and Julia Gillard leader be- all other minerals, including real, and must be addressed: reputation. Let it all hang Volume 2 #43 July 8, 2010 T cause it thought it was bauxite and aluminium, it’s we need a fix. out. Gillard will then be able in trouble and it needed a business as usual. Actually Well, sure they are very to announce measures which trouble-shooter, a fixer. this is not as big a copout as real. But that does not mean go a long way towards meet- She delivered immediately; it sounds because these com- they are either sensible ing the brutality of Tony Ab- Votes in mental health the first fix is in and the big modities have not seen the or necessary. As has been bott’s approach, claiming that miners are off the govern- huge price rises, and conse- pointed out countless times, the public demands them: If the betting is anything to go on, Labor looks a good chance to win the next federal election, probably due in August. Last week ment’s back. quent windfall gains in prof- the boat people make up a the fix she has been flagging Centrebet, for example, was offering $1.33 for a Labor win and The small miners aren’t its that have made coal and miniscule proportion of all along, and the one the fac- $3.18 for a Coalition win after Gillard got the mining tax off the too happy about it, but they iron such bonanzas; should Australia’s net migration and tion bosses who installed her books. (Abbott was sliding more towards the fairytale genre last were never the problem; it the same thing happen to in international terms their really want. week, calling it ‘the big bad tax’.) was BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto And then there will be cli- Locally, Richmond MP and minister for ageing Justine Elliot and Xstrata, with the back- mate change and emissions looks a good bet, too, with a safe margin, an eight per cent ing of the Minerals Council, The suggestion that asylum seekers trading; a short term fix for swing to Labor in 2007 and a National Party needing to create a who were running the ad- constitute some sort of threat to this looming disaster might public identity for its candidate Alan Hunter after Tania Murdock vertising campaign. That has Australia and our way of life is not be more difficult, but we can dropped out. Among Elliot’s main challenges – apart from a less now stopped, and Ms Fixit is be certain that this is what than riveting performance to date – is providing reassurance to getting all the credit. legitimate anxiety, but rampant Gillard and her advisers will the electorate on the issue of mental health. Actually we now know paranoia. be seeking. She has made it Tony Abbott is promising a $1.5 billion mental health plan – that Kevin Rudd and his old clear that there can be no as you would when you find a gap in Labor’s policy defences. mate Twiggy Forrest (who by Mungo MacCallum real policy until the public The major mental health peak bodies, such as Beyondblue and is also miffed at being left consensus that prevailed Headspace, are lauding the offer in order to put the thumbscrews out of the final champagne- them, there will no doubt be numbers are insignificant. less than two years ago is re- on Labor to make a counter-offer. You can help apply the cracking) had already done moves to bring them into the The suggestion that they con- stored, but she has also indi- pressure by joining the GetUp push at most of the work; Gillard’s new system. stitute some sort of threat to cated that she is in no hurry Elliot is certainly in the line of fire on the issue of mental health role was to make the final ca- So it isn’t the neat, inclusive Australia and our way of life to restore it, and that in any when her electorate sees the reality of the problem every day on the streets. The failures of the federal government in this area pitulation, a lowering of the policy package that Rudd, is not legitimate anxiety, but case the new consensus that come into focus with the closure of the Mental Illness Substance tax rate from the previously Wayne Swan and Ken Henry rampant paranoia, fuelled by emerges may not be one for Abuse (MISA) outreach service conducted by The Buttery, untouchable 40 per cent to a envisaged. But at this stage of racist bigots and opportunis- firm or urgent action; and resulting in more than 250 local people being left to fend for headline 30 per cent, which, the electoral cycle it doesn’t tic politicians. if that is the case, that is the themselves (see page 4). when the other concessions need to be; what is required The way to deal with such one that will guide future This week the local Salvos rep Major Darren Elsley confirmed to are taken in, falls further to is not policy but a fix. worries is simply to give the policy. The Echo the connection of mental health issues, homelessness 22.5 percent – just over half And, as this column among facts; the truth is that there Gillard is offering not and abusive backgrounds, resulting in people living out of their the original proposal. others predicted some weeks are no grounds for concern, leadership but populism, cars while the federal government cuts funding which would But the result, if you believe ago, it has left the opposition and the prime minister not vision but adhockery, have helped them establish better lives. Major Elsley believes the Treasury figures (and out on a limb. Tony Abbott, should be taking the lead- not policy but fixes: what- there is a ‘mental health epidemic out there’ – the Mental Health Tony Abbott is not the only in a rare attack of consistency, ing role in explaining this. ever it takes. She has had her Council of Australia (MHCA) says that 65 per cent of people who one who thinks they are a bit is standing his ground: it’s still But that’s too difficult and boost in the polls, and that, need mental health care go untreated – and it affects all of us. too good to be true) is that a great big new tax and he’ll takes too long; it’s a policy, for the moment, is all that Here’s a startling figure: one in four young people will the big boys will still be pay- abolish it and the election will not a fix. So Gillard is instead really matters. experience a mental health problem every year. It seems in ing $10.5 billion in the first be a referendum on tax, he calling for a full and open We can only hope that the category of the bleeding obvious that this has profound two years that they would cries. But it won’t; the fix is in debate – well, at least for the this is just her pre-election implications for the health and future of our nation as a whole. not have done otherwise. As and the issue is dead. next day or so, until she can mode and that a victory in It would be unrealistic to expect our local MP to come to fixes go, it’s not too bad. announce her deeply consid- her own right will give her grips with all the reasons behind and solutions to Australia’s Of course, there are other illard is now turning ered solution. the confidence and enthusi- burgeoning mental heath issues. But we can reasonably expect Justine Elliot and her parliamentary colleagues to provide changes: the government has Gher attention to the next Say what you really feel, she asm to set a real agenda for sufficient money for experts to tackle the symptoms and the dropped its offer to pick up problem area, asylum seek- urges; abandon all thought the years ahead. Kevin Rudd underlying causes – such as child abuse and poverty – which 40 per cent of establishment ers; and the outlook is a lot of political correctness. And had one, but he couldn’t ex- produce mental health problems. costs, the threshold at which less happy. She has started while you’re at it, abandon plain it. Julia Gillard explains Now is the perfect time to remind her of her responsibilities the tax cuts in has been effec- by talking tough. The anxie- reason, compassion, hu- things very convincingly, but in this area – email [email protected] or write to The tively doubled and the only ties of insecure voters in the manity, decency, and any so far has had nothing much Hon Justine Elliot MP, PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, mines affected are those pro- crowded western suburbs of consideration of Australia’s to say. Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600. Bill McCullochs – Michael McDonald TWEED CITY Exhaust & Towbar Tweed Shire Echo Specialists Publisher David Lovejoy 232 years servicing thet Tweed Valley Editor Luis Feliu ‘At your service’ Advertising Manager Angela Cornell & Gold Coast Accounts Manager Simon Haslam Production Manager Ziggi Browning Unit 11/12 Greenway ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 Drive, South Tweed © 2010 Echo Publications Pty Ltd (opp. Motor Registry) PO Box 545, Murwillumbah 2484 Phone 02 6672 2280 Fax 07 5524 4768 email: [email protected] Printer: Horton Media Australia Ltd Mobile 0418 244 755

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6 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo Letters

Letters to the Editor They didn’t take any notice Email: [email protected] of their own ‘specialist/planner Deadline: Noon, Tuesday ecologist’s’ report on the Chin- Abrupt tree felling rankles residents Letters longer than 200 words may derah Waterway which was be cut and pseudonyms are not damning of the development, ■ I was saddened to see the re- these shameful events. more detailed analysis of tree management in their own acceptable. so does anyone really think sult of the deliberate poisoning The poisoned tree was expe- preservation measures should shire. Please include your full name, they would take notice of their of the magnificent Forest Red ditiously felled today by expert be researched before arborists I hope to explore all or any address and phone number. ‘randomly selected panel’ if it Gum in Shady Lane, Banora arborists, and what took poten- are allowed to make the deci- avenues I can to make my fel- wasn’t what council wanted? Point and I commend council tially hundreds of years to grow sions for tree felling. A panel low members of the shire aware Boat Harbour fill Or is council saying they for the sign now attached to and flourish was extinguished of three council-employed ar- of this example of ‘response by aren’t up to the job they are its stump. in a single day’s work; quite un- borists does not make a euca- habit’ as opposed to ‘response shock In the early 1900s, when my believable to witness but true. I lypt expert panel, and with the by ecologically considered re- I was shocked on returning being paid for? Perhaps they should get out and talk to the grandfather, Alfred Wilson, have heard the rationalisation decline in numbers of trees of search’. from a short holiday to discov- cleared portion of the ridge that expressed by various members this age and significance, surely Leonie Seedsman er a peninsula of land had been people not just the develop- ers. Read their own specialists is now Tweed Heights, he left of the council staff but what is the time has come for a more created using rubble and infill that stand of eucalypts because not satisfactory in this matter is considered approach to tree on the northern shoreline of reports, etc before they make of their beauty. If that tree wor- the lack of transparency in the management. ■ Maybe alternatives to saving the Jack Evans Boat Harbour. decisions and be fully respon- sible for them, if they have got ried whoever destroyed it, they alleged ‘testing’ undertaken by No one in the street was some of the tree at the corner This infilling of the harbour’s should not have decided to live the arborists, in determining informed of the matter being of Shady Lane could have been edge cannot be seen from the it wrong. They don’t need a citizens’ panel, they have spe- there. that the only course of action listed on the agenda for that found, to save at least some of ground because a Cyclone wire The selfishness and igno- following the poisoning should June 15 meeting. No one but the old growth habitat with the fence with a screening fabric at- cialists making reports, and all they need do is read them! And rance of some people in con- be felling the tree. the residents immediately ad- huge canopy and all the hol- tached has been used to block nection with the environment There are many members of jacent to the tree were notified lows used by our wildlife. any view from ground level. like normal people, rectify any mistakes, not ignore them. never ceases to amaze me. the community who are not of the outcome of your council I understand these hollows Council probably expected Ross Wilson lacking in education or cre- meeting. take around 70 years to form, to have a great unveiling once Perhaps then people might start to believe this council is Tweed Heads dentials and they should be In short, no member of even if trees like this were to be the work and the park is com- entitled to a clear and detailed the street or shire apart from replaced, which I have not wit- pleted. competent to run this shire for the people who elected them! ■ To Tweed Shire Council: For explanation why a tree of such council staff had any con- nessed happening in our shire. In 2006 the Save JEBH those of you who were not wit- significance should be felled in- tribution to the discussions The Tweed is a magical place Committee was formed after Lynda Mack Chinderah ness to the horrendous act of stead of having other measures surrounding this tree and as many tens of thousands of the 2004 Masterplan had been environmental degradation attempted in the first instance. its management. This matter people are discovering. Let’s re-exhibited. It was picked up Catch phrases not on which occurred by the stroke As a ratepaying resident of should reach a public arena not destroy the very things that that the plans were misleading the shire, I for one believe it where local ratepayers of the make it so special. Tony Abbot has stated that the of your pen, as per your council and that the plan contained in- is appropriate in this time of shire have some contribution Dawn Hanson next election will be a referen- meeting of June 15, 2010, I send fill into the northern side of the you a photographic record of ecological sustainability that a to matters of environmental Banora Point harbour which would eventu- dum on tax. ally run the whole length of This misrepresents truth and green space and parkland that Your responsibility is also to six years. The traffic up here is You would save the environ- the north side to allow for a fact. A referendum enables can be found with substantial allow wider buffer zones so that unbearable, Byron Bay alone ment and we can sell tourism cultural centre and other com- change in the constitution. An parking availability. Also cur- the animals have more space to has thousands of visitors who with more confidence. mercial premises to be built on election is a democratic vote to rent parks like Faulks Park, move around, and stop build- must use cars. C J Wolf the harbour. establish a government which Kingscliff, might just be sub- ing more roads, tunnels and I hope you get the message Currumbin, Qld Following public outrage and represents the will of the peo- stantially sacrificed to the sea freeways and spend the funds and act soon, and that we don’t public meetings and a petition ple, in order to govern. under local policy making. on much needed railway lines have to treat so many injured Abuse of waterways containing 3,266 signatures be- Voters should not be per- The Lot 490 rare coastal and open the Casino-Murwil- animals in the wildlife veteri- A good (sensible and sensitive) ing presented in Parliament, suaded by short phrases which crown reserve lands should lumbah line at once, which has narian hospitals around the architect and/or town planner the NSW Lands Minister, Tony appear to be smart but deny not be signed over to a private already been closed for over state. More letters overleaf Kelly made the announcement clear and critical thought. commercial resort develop- on December 5, declaring, ‘No Let us keep these short, ment. There is a huge differ- part of the JEBH would be catchy phrases for the adver- ence between some simple low filled in’. This was published in tising industry. key tourist accommodation TAX RETURNS an article in the Daily News on The people’s democracy is and a massive long term 180 December 6, 2006. a serious public issue needing unit self-contained commer- On March 16, 2007, our state in-depth critical analysis, not cial resort with its own restau- representative, Neville New- simple one phrase propaganda rant, bar and conference com- By CPA Qualifi ed Accountants ell in the same paper stated, style thinking and writing for plex – just what is not needed ‘No infill for the Boat Harbour easy persuasion. within metres of beautiful * itself ’. The short phrases are close Cudgen Creek. State govern- $20 DISCOUNT Our current mayor Warren to psychological conditioning. ment needs to do a backflip Polglase attended the public Patricia Albanese on this community-insensitive meeting where the committee Murwillumbah development. was formed, and informed us Keep forwarding your objec- that it was the ‘three stooges’ Save Lot 490 tions against the Lot 490 crown (administrators) running with The federal government has lands resort development to the plan. He informed us if he made some monumental er- the NSW government and was re-elected that there would rors on its policies and imple- both the premier and Minister be no infilling, etc in the har- mentation of programs such for Lands Tony Kelly. It will not bour. as insulation and the school go away by itself or by local bar So the question is, why is building programs. Much com- room grumbling. there infill in the harbour? mon sense was simply thrown Trevor Reece I call for a stop to any more out the window in a rush to Kingscliff infilling and ask that all infill seize the moment. be removed. Perhaps I might The NSW state Labor gov- Act now, Mr Kelly THE FUTURE OF ACCOUNTING IS HERE have to organise another pub- ernment in its policy and As the minister responsible, lic meeting to make council development partnership for Mr Kelly, for the fragile envi- REFER A FRIEND AND RECEIVE listen. The Echowill keep you the rare coastal crown reserve ronment we live in, you must informed. lands at Lot 490 Kingscliff is protect valuable habitats, for- A $10 COLES VOUCHER* There was a naturally formed also making a monumental ests and rivers immediately beach which only needed en- error. The land development and stop allowing your gov- hancing, there is no benefit to grab for a commercial resort ernment forestry agencies and the community by the infilling on these rare coastal crown re- developers to destroy more of of the harbour. serve lands needs immediate our unique wildlife everywhere Stephanie Deane turning around. This mistake in your state. Accountants | Tax Agents | Financial Planners Secretary, JEBH Committee let go too far unfortunately You must stop cats and dogs will not be able to be turned in the Kings Forest develop- MURWILLUMBAH | KINGSCLIFF Citizens’ panel around for generations and ment, fencing is necessary to After voting themselves a pay many decades. protect koalas and all the other Suite 3, 114 Main St Murwillumbah rise, and of course a rate rise In just a short decade from animals; underpasses are nec- *Conditions apply. Valid to 30/11/10. so that the people can pay for now with rapidly expanding essary if you build more roads, it, is the council now looking population and housing the in order to let the fauna pass Tweed community will need 02 for people to take the blame for through and a 40k speed limit 6672 6700 their decisions? all of the public open coastal must be endorsed. The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 7 Letters

Murwillumbah showground for camping in motor homes Mixed feelings on the Gillard elevation and caravans. I want to state that I am traveling in a nine ■ I am an 85 year old woman dia has tried to kill off Kevin labour MP from Wales and a ians but also Israelis and world schools program will be abol- metre motor home with a car and I’ve enjoyed watching Rudd. cabinet minister in the post peace. ished and there will be 12,000 being towed behind. A total Parliament Question Time on He does not owe anyone an WW2 Atlee government. He I am at present reading The public servants looking for jobs length of 15 metres. I also have the ABC. On Tuesday night I apology. He was doing a great was also something of a hero Gun & The Olive Branch and under Mr Abbott (Australian a cat. I would say that 80 per tuned in to Australian Story to job. I think many of the Aus- to our family too (Tory pol- have recently read The Other Financial Review, June 29). cent of caravan parks over my watch what Julia Gillard had tralian people and the Liberal lies could not stand him which Side Of Israel; both deal with Remember it was Tony Abbott last seventh months of trav- to say. The program started Party, also Julia Gillard and the made him AOK with my Dad). this subject. who cut $1 billion in health and elling would not allow us to off okay with the interviewer media, owe him an apology and Bevan was indeed a compas- F Ball hospital funding when he was enter their park because of asking about Julia’s family life I can’t see how Australia can go sionate person, representing Tweed Heads health minister in the previous size and our animal. Where and so on. Then he turned his ahead until that happens. coal miners from an early age government. are we supposed to go with attitude and started asking her I Tough and always having sympathy ■ The Gillard government will Mr Abbott has failed to de- a large vehicle and no entry about Kevin Rudd. She looked Chinderah for the poor, the oppressed have the national budget back tail well-thought out policy to with a cat? And what about rather uncomfortable and I and the underdogs. in surplus by 2013 without put to people when the parks are full and thought that was odd. ■ Great excitement has devel- In this vein I hope Ms Gil- massive spending cuts to vi- at the coming federal election, that is often. The next day Wednesday I oped among large sections of lard will show support for the tal services such as health and piecemeal bits and pieces of The people or persons be- watched Question Time again. our community with the el- Palestinian people in their education. policy will not do. hind this stupid ruling (and Kevin Rudd and all the Labor evation of Julia Gillard to PM. present state of misery and Yet opposition leader Tony Australia is leading the way I know the council has come members were in fine form. It is of course an historical first call for the complete lifting of Abbott says he will slash spend- on economic recovery of all under pressure from the self- Prime Minister Rudd said for Australia and an important the Gaza siege, the expulsion ing by $47 billion should he be the developed nations, we ish people who run the parks) there had been a breakthrough step for women whatever their of the illegal settlements on given the opportunity. Among can’r risk a coalition govern- just don’t get it. Don’t you re- with the miners. I thought how politics. However, I would cau- the West Bank and the con- these panicky and ill-conceived ment smashing it all to pieces. alise that the money that the great it had turned out and his tion those who expect great clusion of a just and equitable cuts there will be cancellation Mr Abbott is too risky. parks don’t get goes to a greater things to come about simply peace agreement with the Pal- of the National Broadband Paddy Dwyer patience had won out. number of businesses in your because our PM is a woman. estinian people. Network, the computers in Murwillumbah It was not until Thursday, town? when I heard what had hap- She is still locked into the For too long they have been An example of what we pened, I felt devastated. I same policies as Kevin Rudd subject to military occupa- continued from page 7 for trees and eventually forest; spend. Fuel, oil, food, break- couldn’t believe what I was and subject to the same pres- tion and received underdog should aim to use scarce re- the means by which carbon is fasts, dinners, morning cof- hearing. sures from the right-wing treatment (perhaps jolly Joe sources wisely and strive to ful- stored most efficiently. fees, newspapers, wine and Only twice in my lifetime ‘whatever it takes’ bovver Hockey of Palestinian heritage fill social needs economically Larger diameter and coarser alcohol, tires, video hire, ve- have I truly been ashamed boys who pull the strings to could form a unity ticket on and in a way that minimises stemmed plants provision soil hicle servicing, hairdressers of being an Australian. Once suit themselves. this issue). harm to indigenous culture better than pasture grasses. A when Lindy Chamberlain was Ms Gillard said on an Aus- In doing this something and ecosystems. ‘dirty’ paddock therefore may for the women, replacement wrongly accused of killing her tralian Story program that really great would have hap- The title ‘Development Serv- be regarded as not providing a of vehicle parts, clothes, medi- baby, and now, when the me- her hero was Nye Bevan, a pened, not only for Palestin- ices’ applied to council’s plan- maximum of pasture grasses, cal, pharmaceuticals, etc, etc. ning department puts a skewed but is is engaged in provisio- etc. An example: I purchased emphasis towards the notion of ning soil. A ‘clean’ paddock on $1,000 worth of tires in Mack- smoothing the way (bulldoz- the other hand better provides sville. Today I spent $980 on ing the site?) for the ‘inevitable’ immediate feed for stock. my motor home suspension and scarcely questioned pro- The sustainability of a farm in Rockhampton. That’s just posed development. Perhaps is dependent at least partly on on one of the vehicles. That’s it is this mentality that sees no maintenance of soil organic not day-to-day living. Having shame or harm in concreting matter levels. Many of the a motor home in your town is over coastal creeks or eradicat- coarser plants not eaten by no different than having an- ing riparian vegetation. stock are regarded as weeds other family move in, except Another problem with coun- not only by the farmer but by we have money to spend. We cil’s policies and structure is the society which will legally may not be paying rates in your the dominance of engineers in prohibit their growth. If these town but we are paying rates the decision-making process. plants are the ones primarily somewhere else. There is a bias towards engi- engaged in soil provisioning, Don’t you people realise how neering solutions rather than is the society emphasising much we spend in your towns? ecological solutions and eco- the comparative short-term I come from Jindabyne in the logical constraints. feeding of stock at cost of NSW ski fields and down there For obvious reasons, man- the long-term well-being of we frantically try to find ways groves and littoral rainforests, the soil? Are these laws in of keeping a tourist for another like all protected ecological fact vectors of agricultural day because added up it is a communities, require special unsustainability? huge amount over time for the attempts by council and devel- Geoff Dawe town. opers to ensure their long term Uki Here is one for you. Take       survival. good account of this com- Recent vandalism and devel- Banana paper ment. If I come to a town with opment proposals at Cudgera I saw on ABC TV program signs everywhere, you know  . % 3. % 3 Creek and Chinderah are stu- Landline not so long ago a the ones that say don’t stop "    6 pid and unacceptable. North banana here and don’t sleep in the ve- The council’s decision mak- grower is producing strong pa- hicle unless you are in an ap- '' ) )  ers need to exercise special care per from the trunks of banana proved park, etc I say to myself  ,% 3)    in this special bioregion in this trees and has some plantation this town can shove it and I 4% 5% 6 year dedicated to biodiversity. growers from South America drive straight through without Hop E Hopkins showing them how it is done. even buying a coffee let alone &&!$' !$'  Caldera Environment Centre Seeing our Tweed Shire has spending any real money. 7  3 $$   plenty of banana growers near You can lay the blame for this Weeds and weeds by, our federal and state gov- squarely on the shoulders of A major conflict in land-use ernments should help set up your councils. patterns occurs with pasture. a factory in Murwillumbah The park proprietors who Graziers in Australia prefer and not only will it save a lot have put pressure on your  ‘clean’ paddocks, that is, those of waste, it will help banana councils don’t realise that even            !! made up of plants preferred by growers with extra income and if their parks were $5 per night their stock, rather than plants create employment as well. there are people that don’t want 8*'#9 !: ' !;3 they regard as weeds that are John B Gray that type of camping. "    #$  %%  not eaten by their stock. Pottsville These comments are going +,, 0 ,) 1)%2  The weeds in paddocks to the NSW Ombudsman,  ))       increasingly become ‘woo- Have cat, will travel your chamber of commerce dy’ with larger diameter and I don’t know whether I have and your local newspapers and coarser stems than pasture the right council or not but last but by no means least the grass. This is a natural process assuming I have, I want this CMCA and the Caravan As-      of nature provisioning more comment to go to the correct sociation of Australia. " ( % )*% ) )+  , - & and more organic carbon in department. I read with an- Frank Hawkes . /   )  order that the soil is prepared ger that you have closed your Jindabyne

8 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo Local News Indigenous celebration in full swing across Tweed Tania Phillips djalung people, led an exuber- ant celebrations at a special NAIDOC week got off to an school assembly last Friday to early start on the Tweed with mark NAIDOC Week. schools celebrating the event The teacher joined students before term’s end last week. in a traditional indigenous This week it moved into full dance, while his cousin Earl- swing with a program of events win Hannaway played didgeri- organised across the region. doo and the sixth class sang Kingscliff Public played host We are Australian. to indigenous musician and Matty, who began playing surfer Lucas Proudfoot for a at just four years performance and demonstra- of age, went on to play with tion of the didgeridoo, while some of the game’s greats in- year three students from Cen- cluding Barry Berrigan, Scott taur public school at Banora Prince, Shane Tronc, Matt King Point were introduced to bush and Carl Webb. tucker on an excursion to the In 2008 he captained Fingal Head Dreamtime Path- Queensland’s 48-4 victory over Ex NRL player Matthew Ross way. The students were guided NSW in the Universities State by former Fingal Head princi- of Origin rugby league match Federal Police Force mem- pal Ray Kent and indigenous – the curtain-raiser to the an- bers, military groups and well- community member Franc The family of Vietnam veteran and much loved Tweed Coast personality (Sugar) Ray Appo who nual City versus Country NRL known TV personalities and Krasna. was inducted into the Tweed Hall of Fame during NAIDOC week. Photo Jeff Dawson game. sportspeople. Other events this week, cen- After a crippling knee injury Burringbar Primary School tred around the Minjungbal ‘The day you left us broke The origins of NAIDOC (Na- forced his retirement Matty be- principal Helen Atkins said Cultural Museum in South our hearts… the Hall of Fame tional Aboriginal and Islander Matty stars in came sports coordinator at the Matty had taken an active Tweed Heads, have included induction proves you will for- Day Observance Committee) Burringbar school and contin- role in helping promote and morning teas, cultural days ever be loved,’ they said in a celebrations can be traced to teaching role ues to play an active leadership encourage a multicultural at- and reptile show, sports days statement. the emergence of Aboriginal role with young athletes. mosphere for the school’s 100 and prejudging in the Mr/Miss Tweed NAIDOC activities groups in the 1920s which Margo Sutton ‘I’m loving teaching at Burr- pupils. Teen and Mr/Miss Naidoc. will culminate in the annual sought to increase awareness ingbar and am happy to be on ‘Burringbar Primary school Well-known local identity street march from Tweed Civ- in the wider community of the Burringbar Primary School Bundjalung land where I’ve is proud of its history of of- the late Ray ‘Sugar’ Appo was ic Centre to Jack Evans Boat status and treatment of indig- teacher Matthew ‘Matty’ Ross lived for most of my life,’ he fering many educational pro- also honoured with with an Harbour, this Friday (July 9) enous Australians. enjoyed a distinguished rugby said. grams that are sensitive to induction into the museum’s from 10am. A corroboree and NAIDOC Week is now held league career and is now help- In addition to his teach- the rich history shared by all Hall of Fame. speeches will follow at Chris nationwide from July 4-11 in ing spread a positive mes- ing commitments Matty also Australians,’ she said. ‘Matt His family paid a moving Cunningham Park. recognition of Aboriginal and sage about indigenous culture works as a personal and corpo- is a great role model for our tribute to the former Tweed Festvities wrap up with the Torres Strait Islander cultures among his young students off rate trainer with his company young students and is a great River High school student and NAIDOC dinner dance at and and their contributions to the field. The Rock Fitness. His clients asset for our school and the Vietnam veteran. Twin Towns from 7pm. the wider community. Matty, who is from the Bun- include marathon runners, community.’

surroundings, temper, tendency, chic, cry, enthusiasm, fashion, fever, furore, in thing, infatuation, kick, mania, mode, monomania, newest wrinkle, novelty, passion, preoccupation, rage, the last word, the latest thing, trend

A monthly review of the new things happening in our backyard and beyond TIME CAPSULE STORYDISCS CHILLINGHAM COMMUNITY DENDY Do you have hundreds of photos and home MARKETS What’s new at Dendy Byron Bay Cinemas? A new, state of movies you never look at? Do you wish the art 3D projection system! Moviegoers can now enjoy THIS MONTH’S MUSIC BY LANEWAY FROM 10AM family and friends living far away could latest release 3D movies in Byron Bay and the cinema is share in your special moments? Originally playing as an acoustic harmony based duo, offering Tweed Shire residents a special introductory rate. Laneway has recently relocated from Melbourne to Present the voucher on this page at the box offi ce and you, Time Capsule Storydiscs take your Natural Bridge. As Laneway, the pair’s enviable plus up to three guests, can enjoy Toy Story 3 or Shrek collection of home movies and photos, and edit them into and relaxed attention to old and new combines Forever After in glorious 3D for just $13.50 adults, $11.50 engaging video storybooks on DVD that make a great gift children and seniors. Offer ends July 21 and is valid for a love of harmony, a touch of psychedelia for family/friends, the centre piece of a party, or a moving multiple visits. and a pop sensibility. addition to a memorial. Why not give Dad the perfect gift this year and let us create storydisc for fathers day? The pair have also been likened Chillingham Village Markets to early Fleetwood Mac, the For more information visit: Tffo!bu!xjsfe/dpn!uijt!cfbvujgvm!jQipof!epdl! Mamas and the Papas and 3UNDAYTH*ULYAM PM njhiu!dptu!%2:6-!cvu!ju!xjmm!mbtu!mpohfs!uibo!zpv/! Dbtu!pof!bu!b!ujnf-!cz!iboe-!uif!sftjo!epdl!boe! to contemporary groups UÊ6 Ê 1- U 6 1- Or contact Kristian on 6619 1101 qipof!iboetfu!ibt!b!mjuumf!dvupvu!jo!xijdi!zpvs! like Cat Power, Fleet Foxes s*AMS3AUCESs&OOD [email protected] jQipof!dbo!mjf!boe!sftu!xijmtu!zpv!qmbdf!boe! botxfs!dbmmt!wjb!uif!sfusp.ifguz!fbsqjfdf/ and Midlake. s'OURMET#OFFEEs4RADITIONAL #REPESs&ASHIONs!RTS#RAFT s"RIC A "RACs&RESH0RODUCE MOVIE OFFER! s0LANTSs(ANDCRAFTED*EWELLERY s0RELOVED#LOTHINGsMORE Present this voucher at Dendy Byron Bay THIS MONTH and see a 3D MOVIE* for just LIVE MUSIC BY LANEWAY $ .50 for Adults or 13 FROM 10.00AM We take your collection of home movies and photos and Chillingham Village Markets is proud to $ .50 for seniors be a part of Tweed Shire Councils plastic edit them into engaging, touching stories on DVD that 11 & children. your friends and family will love to watch. bag free villages, so please remember to PLUS you can bring up tto 3 guestst att ttheh special rate! bring your re-usable shopping bags. ! ! !  NOW SCREENING IN 3D at Dendy Byron Bay TOY STORY 3 SHREK FOREVER AFTER For any information or interested stall holders please contact ! !  ! Market Coordinator, Nerina – 0437 041 023 *Terms & ConditionsConCCoonndiditidititio 108 Jonson St, Byron Bay Email: [email protected], Let us turn your precious memories into a video storybook! Valid for multiplemum ltiple visitsts at Dendy Dendy Byron Byron Bay untiluntil (02) 6619 1101 July 21, 2010. Not valid for online bookings. BYRON BAY Movie info line: 6680 8555 Chillingham Community Centre, 1469 Numinbah Rd, Chillingham The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 9 Internet: Do you know what you need? Broadband Service Checklist Medium User More than 30 hrs per week tions to ask internet service both insurance and extended – General Internet Browsing – Email (no attachments) More providers. warranty? When looking for a broad- you to assess the level of 10-30 hours per week than 200 emails/week with UÊÊ7 >ÌÊ>ÀiÊÌ iÊVœÃÌÃʜvÊÌ iÊ UÊÊ7 >ÌÊ>ÀiÊÌ iʈ“«ˆV>̈œ˜ÃÊ band service you should con- broadband you really need. – Email (no attachments) attachments plans and how do I want to of terminating the contract sider how you use the internet 50-200 emails per week. – Downloading Music (MP3s) pay for it? (e.g. direct debit, prior to the end of the service and really what you need in On line Activity – Downloading Music (MP3s) More than 20 tracks/week. credit card or BPAY) period and what are my a broadband service. Think Light User 5-20 tracks/week. – Downloading large files UÊÊ œiÃÊÌ iÊ«ÀœÛˆ`iÀʜvviÀÊà >«- obligations. about how often you will use – General Internet Browsing – Downloading large files (Video, software) – Many ing or charge for excess data the internet and how much you Under 10 hours/week (Video, software) – Some – Talking to someone on anoth- usage? Important Things are prepared to pay for it. – Email (no attachments) – Talking to someone on another er computer (including VOIP UÊÊÀiÊÌ iÀiÊ>˜ÞÊÕ«‡vÀœ˜ÌÊ Other things to consider include Fewer than 50 emails/week. computer (including VOIP services) 20 hrs or more per charges to get a service con- to Do options such as bundling your – Downloading Music (MP3s) services) 5-20 hrs/week with week with a webcam nected? Obtain a copy of the contract broadband service with other Fewer than 5 tracks/week. a webcam – Speed 1500/256kbps UÊÊ7 >ÌÊVœ˜ÌÀ>VÌʏi˜}Ì ÃÊ`œiÃÊ terms and conditions from your telecommunications services, if – Downloading large files – Speed 512/128kbps – Data (usage) 15 GB plus the provider offer? chosen provider and read them you want to be in a long term (Video, software) – None – Data (usage) 3 – 15GB UÊÊ“ÊÊ>LiÊ̜ÊÕ«}À>`iʓÞÊ thoroughly. contract, and if so for how long. – Speed 256/64kbps Heavy User Shop around chosen plan if I need to? Be certain to retain a copy of The guide below can assist – Data (usage) 0.2 – 2 GB – General Internet Browsing Below are some helpful ques- UÊÊ7 œÊ܈ÊœÜ˜ÊÌ iÊiµÕˆ«“i˜ÌÊ the contract terms and condi- at the end of my service tions for future reference. period? Dina is a certified female movies and then take that – courtesy Linknet UÊÊ7 >ÌÊ>ÀiÊÌ iʜ«Ìˆœ˜ÃÊvœÀÊ That WiseGal PC tech with seven years media to make your own Computer Computer experience. podcasts, movies, DVDs, Had it up to here with your Guy Services So... before you smash slideshows, photobooks, your computer, call Dina blogs and more. SLOW COMPUTER? Hi, I’m Dan Rippon, aka WiseGal computer service the WiseGal at 0405 Macbook and iMac are offers a full range of IT 929 371, or email to available for rental now ‘That Computer Guy’, I pro- Book your PC or Laptop in for a vide computer repair and solutions to meet your [email protected]. from Mr Rental Tweed. home and business needs 7 Point Health Check & Tune-Up IT support with a human Call us on 07 5524 at affordable rates, a fast Includes full health report, touch. It's crunch 1500 to get your hands and reliable service, in the plus free pickup and on one today. delivery for just +GST Servicing home and small comfort and convenience time! $75 business across the Tweed of your business or resi- Mr Rental is now an Spirit and southern Gold Coast, dential location. thatcomputerguy authorized Apple reseller web Computer Repair & Tech Support for small business & home and with 10 years experi- Customer service: which means you can now Call Dan on 0410 633 980 ence, all work is covered Dina is aware that many RENT the latest Apple iMac Spiritweb offers a great by a 100% satisfac- people experience and Macbook with all the range of innovative and tion guarantee. frustration and benefits that come from beautiful pre-designed and sometimes fear renting with Mr Rental. custom designed websites Whether you are a that include a state-of-the- from their com- Macs scream innovation, sole trader with a sin- art ‘do it yourself’ Content puter and has creativity and productivity gle laptop, or a small a natural Management System. business running a and it’s easy to see why talent to with applications such as You can gain control, server or two, I can neutral- iLife and iWork. iLife has strength and flexibility assist you in your ize these all the fun stuff like iPhoto, through managing, updat- ing and further developing technology needs. feelings and iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, your website in-house, Give me a call today unwind her cus- iTunes and iWeb which without the need to hire IT on 0410 633 980 for tomers using a practical allows you to import and and supportive approach. personnel or webmasters. an informal chat. manage photos, music and With Spiritweb you get all the necessary IT tools that are easy to use to manage your website and save up to 80% of the commonly associated ongoing costs. If you need to sale products or services online Spiritweb also offers custom built fully featured online shop- ping carts with integrated gateways for you to accept real-time online customer’s payments. Their gateway al- lows for Bpay, PostBillPay, Cheques, Direct Debit and Credit Card transactions. At Spiritweb you receive all the necessary training and personal coaching to build your IT confidence and understanding of owning and maintaining a success- ful online presence. ‘Spiritweb makes owning your website an easy and enjoyable experience’. 10 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo Television Guide

1. Eva Green and Orlando Bloom get to know each other better in Kingdom Of Heaven (Prime, Friday, 8.30pm), a sweeping epic – is there any other kind? – involving medieval Crusaders and other infidels. 2. ABC2 continues its love affair with good Australian films when a young NoniH azelhurst and Colin Friels star in Monkey Grip (Saturday, 8.30pm), a story about a single mother and her druggie boyfriend. Sound familiar? 3. Henry Huebchen stars as one of two brothers who must reconcile to get their mother’s inheritance in the 1 2 3 German comedy Go For Zucker! (SBS2, Sunday, 9pm). ABC 1 SBS 1 PRIME TEN NBN 4.30 Shortland Street 5.00 Something In The Air 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Ten Early News 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 11.00 Infomercials 5.30 The New Inventors 5.05 World News 9.00 The Morning Show 7.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 The Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 11.30 Seven Morning News 9.00 Ten News 1.00 The View 11.00 Catalyst 1.30 When Colin Met Joyce 12.00 Movie: The Evens Stevens Movie (G 10.00 The Circle 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 11.30 The New Inventors 2.30 Cracking The Colour Code 2003) Shia LaBeouf, Christy Carlson 12.00 Dr Phil 3.00 Alive And Cooking 12.00 Midday Report 3.30 Short Stories Romano, Donna Pescow 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 3.30 Hi-5 12.30 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton 4.00 Classical Destinations Tuscany: Verdi 2.00 Kids’ Programs 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 4.00 Pyramid 1.30 East Of Everything and Puccini 4.00 It’s Academic 3.00 Judge Judy 4.30 News 2.30 Spicks And Specks 4.30 The Journal 4.30 3.30 Infomercial 5.00 Antiques Roadshow 3.00 Kids’ Programs 5.00 Newshour 5.00 M*A*S*H 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 Meerkat Manor 6.00 Tour De France Highlights 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 6.00 NBN News 6.30 Can We Help? 6.30 World News Australia 6.00 Prime News 5.00 Ten News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Coast Arran to Gretna on Scotland’s 6.30 Seven News 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 Friday Night Football LIVE – Sydney 7.30 Stateline south-west coast 7.00 6.30 Neighbours Roosters v 8.00 Terry Jones’ Great Map Mystery 8.30 Nuremberg: Nazis On Trial (M) Albert 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens 7.00 The 7pm Project 9.30 Friday Night Football v 8.30 Trial And Retribution Speer 8.30 Movie: Kingdom Of Heaven (M 7.30 Masterchef Australia 10.0 5 30 Seconds (M) 9.30 World News Australia 2003) A story of faith set in medieval 9.00 NCIS (M) 11.30 Movie: Lords Of Dogtown (M 2005) 9 10.3 5 Lateline 10.00 Tour De France LIVE – Montargis to Jerusalem about a blacksmith who 10.00 Numb3rs (M) Heath Ledger, Emile Hirsch Y 11.1 5 The Graham Norton Show Gueugnon becomes a leader. Stars Orlando 11.00 Ten Late News 1.35 Movie: Best Pair Of Legs In The 12.0 5 rage (M) 2.00 Weatherwatch Bloom, Eva Green, Jeremy Irons 11.30 Sports Tonight Business (M 1973) Johnny Briggs, DA

I 11.30 AFL Premiership Season Port 12.00 The Late Show With David Letterman Diana Coupland SBS 2 Adelaide v Collingwood 1.00 Medium (M) 3.30 Entertainment Tonight FR ABC 2 2.30 Infomercials 2.00 Infomercials 4.00 Infomercial 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.30 Message Stick (G*) 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 5.00 Religion 4.30 Good Morning America 9.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Three Hungry Boys 6.30 5.05 World News Dirty Jobs 7.10 The Daily Show 7.35 The Colbert 8.00 FIFA World Cup Match Replays 7 TWO Report 8.00 Mr Bean 4.00 FIFA World Cup Highlights ONE HD GO! 5.00 World News 6.00 Kids Time 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home 8.30 Being Human (MA) & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation 6.00 Golf Central 6.30 Championship Netball – 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 ET 11.00 TMZ 11.30 9.30 Spectacle John Prine, Lyle Lovett, Ray 6.30 FIFA World Cup Highlights Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 All My Children NSW Swifts v Magic 8.30 NASCAR Nationwide Married With Children 12.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 LaMontagne 8.00 FIFA World Cup Match Replay 12.00 Martha Stewart Show 1.00 Kitchen Time Series 10.30 Transworld Sport 11.30 MVP 12.00 Seinfeld 1.00 Crash Course 2.00 The Moment 10.1 5 Moving Wallpaper (M) 10.00 Movie: Breaking News (M 2004) 2.30 Movie: One, Two, Three (G 1962) Major League Baseball – LIVE 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Of Truth 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 The Nanny 10.40 Songbook Chinese action. Stars Richie Ren, Kelly James Cagney, Pamela Tiffin, Horst NASCAR Sprint Cup 4.30 Sports Unlimited 5.30 4.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Scooby-Doo! 7.30 Black 11.2 5 Like A Version Spinnerette Chen, Nick Cheung Buchholz, Lilo Pulver Tread BMX 6.00 Omnisport 6.30 IAAF Athletix 7.00 Adder Goes Forth (PG) 8.00 ’Allo ’Allo (PG) 8.30 CSI (M) 9.30 CSI: Miami (M) 10.30 CSI: New York 11.30 A Little Later David Bowie 11.35 Movie: Cold Prey (MAV 2006) 5.00 Hot Property 5.30 Full House 6.00 The Sports Tonight 7.30 Warren Miller Friday Feature: (M) 11.30 Movie: The Boogeyman (M 2005) Barry 11.4 5 A Journey Through American Music Norwegian horror about a group Amazing Race 7.00 Airline USA 7.30 Ghost Storm 9.30 Andra Pro Series Drag Racing 10.30 Watson, Emily Deschanel 1.30 Movie: Blurred (M Heart of soul of friends on a snowboarding trip. Whisperer 8.30 Escape To The Country 9.45 60 UFC 79 12.30 Sports Tonight Late 1.00 Omnisport 2002) Evan Clarry, Tony Brockman 3.30 Seinfeld 12.3 5 Planet Rock ProfilesMs Dynamite Stars Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Rolf Kristian Minute Makeover 10.45 My Shocking Story (M) 1.30 Major League Baseball 4.00 Twenty20 Cricket 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Larsen, Tomas Alf Larsen 11.40 Son Of The Dragon (M) 1.30 AFL Footy Retrospective 5.00 WRC Shakedown 5.30 Oneasia 1.05 Red Dwarf Children 5.30 The Flintstones 1.35 Zoo Days 2.00 Close 1.15 Weatherwatch Flashbacks Tour Golf Highlights ABC 1 SBS 1 PRIME TEN NBN 5.00 rage (PG) 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Saturday Club 6.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Infomercials 11.00 Poh’s Kitchen 5.05 World News 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Hit List TV 7.00 Weekend Today Saturday 11.30 Message Stick (G*) Saibai Island Home 7.30 Tour De France Update 9.00 Kids’ Programs 12.00 Landed Music 9.00 Saturday Kerri-Anne 12.00 Stateline 7.45 World News 12.00 Cirque Du Soleil The creation of 12.30 Hook Line & Sinker 10.00 Kid’s Programs 12.30 Australian Story 1.00 San Remo Song Festival Corteo 1.00 Ax Men 1.30 Movie: The Last Time I Saw Paris (PG 1.00 Foreign Correspondent 3.00 Cezanne 1.00 What’s Up Down Under 2.00 AFL Premiership Season LIVE – 1954) Elizabeth Taylor, Van Johnson 1.30 Can We Help? 3.30 Tim Marlo Meets Renee Fleming 1.30 V8 Supercars Townsville Geelong v Hawthorn 4.00 Discover Downunder 2.00 Pilot Guides Germany 4.00 Michael Craig-Martin 5.30 Sydney Weekender 5.00 Ten News 4.30 Talk To The Animals 3.00 Rugby Union Shute Shield LIVE 4.30 Newshour 6.00 Seven News 5.30 Sports Tonight 5.00 Fishing Australia 5.00 World Cup Bowls Women’s semi-final 5.30 Rough Science 6.30 Movie: Step Up 2 The Streets (PG 6.00 Malcolm In The Middle 5.30 Postcards International 6.00 Planet Food Scandinavia 6.00 Tour De France Highlights 2008) A rebellious street dancer finds 6.30 Monk (PG) 6.00 NBN News 6.30 Gardening Australia 6.30 World News Australia it hard to fit into an elite school of 8.30 Movie: 2 Fast 2 Furious (M 2003) An 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Monster Moves the arts. Stars Briana Evigan, Robert undercover cop transports a shipment 7.30 Movie: The Water Horse – Legend Of 7.30 Doc Martin 8.30 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever Hoffman, Adam G Sevani of dirty money for a shady Miami- The Deep (PG 2007) Alex Etel, Emily 8.30 The Bill 9.00 FIFA World Cup Show 8.30 Movie: For Your Eyes Only (PG 1981) based dealer. Stars Paul Walker, Tyrese Watson, Ben Chaplin 9.15 ABC News Update 10.00 Tour De France LIVE – Tournus to Roger Moore, Carole Bouquet, Topol, Gibson, Eva Mendes 8.40 Lotto 10 9.20 Midsomer Murders Station des Rousses Lynn-Holly Johnson, Julian Glover 10.40 AFL Premiership Season 9.45 Movie: The Notebook (PG 2004)

Y 11.00 Silent Witness (M) 2.00 FIFA World Cup Match Replay 11.10 Movie: The Eagle Has Landed (PG Lions v St Kilda Rachel McAdams, James Garner 11. 55 rage (M) 4.00 FIFA World Cup LIVE – 3rd and 4th 1976) A German parachute unit com- 1.10 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 12.10 Movie: Consequence (AV 2003) playoffs mander is sent to England to kidnap Armand Assante, Lola Glaudini Winston Churchill. Stars Michael Caine, ONE HD 2.00 Movie: The Crop (M 2004) George ABC 2 SBS 2 Donald Sutherland, Robert Duvall, Elliot, Holly Brisley, Rhys Muldoon Jenny Agutter 6.00 Oneasia Tour Golf 6.30 Transworld Sport 7.30 4.00 Infomercials 6.00 Kids’ Program 5.00 Weatherwatch 2.00 Infomercials Football Stars Of Tomorrow 8.00 ATP World Tour SATURDA 6.00 At The Movies 5.05 World News Tennis 8.30 NASCAR Sprint Cup 9.30 NASCAR 6.30 Heartland 8.00 FIFA World Cup Match Replays Nationwide Series 12.30 MVP GO! 7.30 Robin Hood 4.00 FIFA World Cup Highlights 7 TWO 1.00 Festival Of Stars Netball 6.00 Danoz 7.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Get Smart 8.15 Mr Bean 5.00 World News 6.00 Friday Night Footy Encore – Port Adelaide 2.00 AFL Premiership Season Geelong v 2.00 Here’s Lucy 3.00 Seinfeld 4.00 Hogan’s Heroes 8.30 Movie: The Reel Australia – Monkey 6.30 FIFA World Cup Highlights v Collingwood 8.30 Movie: Serpent Of The Nile Hawthorn 5.00 Green Acres 5.30 The Nanny Grip (M 1982) Gloom settles quickly 7.30 Top Gear Australia (PG 1953) Rhonda Fleming, William Lundigan, 5.00 TNA Xplosion 6.00 Sports Tonight 6.30 Before 6.30 Movie: Daddy Daycare (PG 2003) as Nora launches into a portentous 8.30 Chimps Are People Too Raymond Burr 10.00 Movie: Secret Santa (G The Game 7.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup Qualifying Eddie Murphy, Steve Zahn account of her emotional ups and 9.30 Movie: 7 Virgins (M 2005) Spanish 2003) Jennie Garth, Steven Eckholdt 11.45 Movie: 8.30 Australian Rally Championship 9.20 World 8.30 Movie: The Legend Of Zorro (M downs. Stars Colin Friels, Noni drama. Stars Juan Jose Ballesta, Jesus The Key (PG 1958) William Holden, Sophia Loren Rally Championship 2005) Martin Campbell, Antonio Hazlehurst Carroza, Vincent Romero 2.15 Targa Rotorua 2.45 Home & Away Catch-Up 9.50 MotoGP Qualifying LIVE – Britain Banderas, Catherine Zeta Jones 10.10 Movie: Summerfield (M 1977) Nick 11.00 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever! 5.00 Hooked On Fishing 5.30 Better Homes And 11.10 AFL Premiership Season Brisbane 11.00 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Tate, John Waters 11.30 Movie: The Eye 2 (MAV 2003) Gardens 6.30 Dr Finlay 7.30 Heartbeat 8.30 A Lions v St Kilda (M) 12.00 Movie: Femme Fatale (AV 2002) Antonio 12.00 Nerves Of Steel (MA) Thai thriller. Stars Shu Qi, Jestapon Touch Of Frost (M) 10.40 Minder 11.40 Monster 1.40 Omnisport 2.10 World Rally Championship Banderas, Rebecca Romijn-stamos 2.00 Hogan’s 1.00 Victoria’s Empire Pholdee House 12.30 Leyland Brothers World 1.30 AFL 2.40 Prelude To The Dream Motor Race 5.00 Heroes 3.00 Get Smart 4.00 Here’s Lucy 5.00 The 2.00 Close 1.10 Weatherwatch Footy Flashbacks Omnisport 5.30 IAAF Athletix Jetsons 5.30 Marine Boy

ARIES: Uranus the planet of surprises value-adding features during late week seeking missile? (Delete the inapplicable and week requires what my favourite astrologer personal nurturing and deep listening to retrograding in Aries this week (followed by Gemini moon. But the present astromix also pour another mulled wine…) Rob Brezny calls radical authenticity. It’s the activate a quantum shift in the way you think stars Jupiter later in the month) swirls fl ux and suggests accidents involving fi re, so check VIRGO: Virgo Mars can be rather sharp, so year’s premier period for dealing with feelings, and operate. ferment into your world, so give plenty of smoke alarms and keep fl ammables off so if you ignore emotional sore spots they’ll this week needs a creative approach. Where AQUARIUS: This was the week the ancient thought to how you can act wisely on your heating systems. critics might describe someone as selfi sh and demand attention via your lungs, nerves or own behalf – perhaps even using that most some other body part. Greeks honoured Athena, goddess of wisdom, CANCER: July’s your month of confi dence, unreliable, Bono expresses similar sentiments since it’s a time when personal demons tend primal of prayers: Help! optimism and home improvements, so nourish another way in She’s a Mystery To Me – as you SAGITTARIUS: As a tsunami of power could defuse tension by choosing diff erent to act up. It could be a good to take a WITH LILITH TAURUS: This week’s astral emphasis for this week with whatever spiritual nutrition struggles hits Planet Trouble, it could surface break from someone, or someone else may Taurans is on health and effi ciency, which makes you feel safe and courageous. Say no to words. either at Sagittarius Mansions or in the This week celebrates the need to take a break from you. means it’s looking good for that paperwork victimesque behaviour and pity parties, yes to LIBRA: If demanding partners, fi nancial corporate jungle of offi ce politics. This week 75th birthday of Cancerian PISCES: While the astral fandango puts Nobel Peace Prize winner you’d rather not think about: insurance, wills, tarting up the casa and adding new spice to tangles or domestic wrangles aren’t making calls for the tricky tightrope walk of neither everyone through life’s food processor, your His Holiness the Dalai Lama, refi nancing, cost cuts, new ways to maximize the relationship cake. life entirely rosy, cosy and toasty, this week’s catering to other people’s expectations nor indefatigable advocate of savings – all sensible protection against the LEO: Loved ones continue driving you nuts, still all about appreciation of your base station making those expectations wrong. job is not letting gloomy, confused people kindness in our warring world fi nancial agitation rocking our world. though that’s hardly news. It’s hibernation and personal sacred site. Because the more CAPRICORN: Consider the possibility that drain you or rain on your parade. Make this and Cancerian Buckminster GEMINI: A week for locking in those glam time, but Venus in Leo likes to party so guess you’re at home there, the less you’ll be thrown what you’ve learned in the past might not week’s birthday person Frida Kahlo your role Fuller who observed: Either war home additions you’ve been planning, then who’s this week’s radiant tower of power, by outside goings on. be a reliable guide to understanding what’s model for maintaining vibrant optimism and is obsolete or people are… inviting friends over to celebrate your new majestic pillar of fl ame or plain old heat SCORPIO: Scorpio’s a radical sign, and this going on this week, which requires lots of artistic vision in adverse conditions. The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 11 ABC 1 SBS 1 PRIME TEN NBN 5.00 rage 6.30 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Insiders 10.00 7.30 Tour De France Update 6.00 Religion 6.00 Religion 6.00 Infomercials Inside Business 10.30 Offsiders 11.00 Asia Pacific 7.45 Weatherwatch 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 7.00 Kids’ Programs 7.00 Weekend Today Focus 11.30 Songs Of Praise 12.00 Landline 1.00 8.00 World News 10.00 AFL Game Day 8.00 Meet The Press 10.00 Wide World Of Sports Gardening Australia 1.30 Message Stick (G*) 11.30 Camel Odyssey 11.1 5 David Campbell Performance 8.30 The Hit 11.00 The Sunday Footy Show 2.30 Broadside 17th century sea battles 12.30 Outback United 11.30 Home Improvement 9.00 The Benchwarmers Oz Made 12.00 Sunday Roast 3.30 Emily In Japan (G*) Emily Kame 1.30 MTB World Cup Cycling Austria 12.00 V8 Supercars Townsville 10.00 Hit List TV 1.00 Movie: Sunday In New York (PG 1963) Kngwarreye 2.00 Speedweek 1.00 AFL Premiership Season Sydney v 12.00 Out Of The Blue Jane Fonda, Cliff Robertson 4.30 Not A Willing Participant Vernon Ah 4.00 Football Asia North Melbourne 1.00 Orangutan Diary 3.00 Rescue Special Ops Kee 4.30 Futbol Mundial 3.45 V8 Supercars continues 1.30 Andra Series Drag Racing 4.00 Sunday Football v 5.00 First Tuesday Book Club 5.00 FIFA World Cup Match Of The Day 6.00 Seven News 2.30 Championship Netball Grand final – 5.30 Art Nation 6.00 Tour De France Highlights 6.30 Dancing With The Stars Adelaide Thunderbirds v TBA 6.00 NBN News 6.00 At The Movies 6.30 World News Australia 8.30 Bones (M) 5.00 Ten News 6.30 RBT 6.30 Treks In A Wild World Northern 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Christine 9.30 Castle (M) 5.30 Sports Tonight 7.00 Send In The Dogs Territory Anu 10.30 Scrubs 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 60 Minutes 7.00 ABC News 8.30 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever 11.30 Russell Brand’s Ponderland (M) 6.30 Merlin 8.30 CSI (M) 7.30 Doctor Who 9.00 FIFA World Cup Show 12.00 AFL Premiership Season Melbourne v 7.30 Masterchef Australia 9.30 Cold Case (M) 8.35 Little Dorrit 10.00 Tour De France LIVE – Station des Essendon 8.30 The Good Wife (M) 11.30 Afterlife (M) 11 10.20 Compass Christianity: A History Rousses to Morzine-Avoriaz 12.30 Infomercials 5.30 Seven News 9.30 House (M) 12.30 Super League Y 11.10 Alice Neel (M) 2.00 FIFA World Cup Match Replay 10.30 Formula 1 Grand Prix Britain 2.30 Infomercials 12.4 5 Movie: The Great Man Votes (G 1939) 3.30 FIFA World Cup Final LIVE 12.4 5 Sex And The City (MA) 3.30 Religion John Barrymore, Virginia Weidler 7 TWO 1.15 Video Hits 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 4.00 Good Morning America 2.00 Dance On Screen 6.00 AFL Grand Final Classic 8.30 Kids’ Programs 5.00 Early Morning News 2.30 Primal Instincts SBS 2 11.00 Movie: The Big Mouth (G 1967) Jerry Lewis, SUNDA 3.30 Talking Heads Ken Done 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News Harold J Stone, Suzan Bay ONE HD 4.00 First Tuesday Book Club 7.30 FIFA World Cup Morning News 1.10 Movie: Divorce American Style (PG 6.00 Des Moines World Cup Triathlon 7.00 GO! 8.00 World News 1967) Dick Van Dyke, Jason Robards Championship Netball: The Journey 9.00 Formula 6.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 The Hills 12.00 Charlie’s 6.30 FIFA World Cup Highlights 3.20 Movie: From Justin To Kelly (PG 1 Qualifying Highlights 10.00 AFL Premiership Angels 1.00 The Partridge Family ABC 2 8.00 Top Gear Australia 2003) Kelly Clarkson, Justin Guarini Season – Geelong v Hawthorn 12.30 Warren 1.30 Movie: Michael (PG 1996) John 6.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 The Wild Gourmets 6.30 9.00 Movie: Go For Zucker! (M 2005) 5.00 Packed To The Rafters Miller’s Storm Travolta, Andie MacDowell First Tuesday Book Club 7.00 Art Nation 7.30 German comedy. Stars Henry 6.00 Samantha Who? 2.30 Championship Netball LIVE – Grand 4.00 Green Acres Infinite Space: Architect John Lautner 9.00 IOU: Huebchen, Udo Samel, Hannelore 6.30 Breaking The Magician’s Code final 5.00 The Nanny Robin Boyd 9.30 Cold Feet (M) Elsner 7.30 Movie: Karate Kid II (PG 1986) Ralph 5.00 I Fish 5.30 Omnisport 6.00 Australian 5.30 Wipeout Australia 10.45 Brideshead Revisited 10.40 The T-Shirt (M) Macchio, Pat Morita, Pat E Johnson Rally Championship 7.00 British Touring Car 6.30 Top Gear 11.40 jtv Live The Shins 10. 50 Mebollix (M) 9.50 City Homicide (M) Championship 8.00 Sports Tonight 8.30 World 7.40 The Big Bang Theory 12.3 5 The Pigeon Detectives At Radio 1’s 11.00 Santo, Sam And Ed’s Cup Fever 10.4 5 Holby Blue (M) Rally Championship 8.30 Two And A Half Men (M) Big Weekend 11.30 Movie: Foon (M 2005) French musi- 11.40 Movie: The Pawn (AV 1998) Greg 9.00 Formula 1 Grand Prix LIVE – Britain 11.30 Hotel Babylon (M) 1.10 Beautiful Noise North Mississippi cal. Stars Martine Chevallier, Alexandre Evigan, Tony Lo Bianco, Sydney Penny 12.05 Andra Pro Series Drag Racing 1.05 Real NBA 12.30 Green Acres 1.00 Charlie’s Angels 2.00 2.00 2.30 Allstars Brik, Dominique Frot 1.30 AFL Footy Flashback 3.45 Australian Ark 4.40 Omnisport World Rally Championship Home Shopping 4.00 The Avengers 5.00 The 3.00 2.10 Close 1.05 Weatherwatch Medical Rookies 5.00 Home Shopping Major League Baseball – LIVE Partridge Family 5.30 The Nanny ABC 1 SBS 1 PRIME TEN NBN 4.30 Shortland Street 5.00 Something In The Air 7.30 Tour De France Update 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Ten Early News 5.30 Today 9.00 Kerri-Anne 5.30 The New Inventors 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.45 World News 9.00 The Morning Show 7.00 Kids’ Programs 11.00 Time/Life 11.00 Landline 3.30 What On Earth Is Wrong With 11.30 Seven Morning News 9.00 Ten News 11.30 Infomercial 12.00 Midday Report Gravity? 12.00 Movie: Wild Hearts (PG 2006) A father 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 12.30 The Return Of Sherlock Holmes 4.30 The Journal and daughter pack up their memories 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The View 1.30 The Cook And The Chef 5.00 The Crew of the city for a new life in the open 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 2.00 Waterloo Road 5.30 Futbol Mundial wilds. Stars Richard Thomas, Nancy 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Alive And Cooking 2.45 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Tour De France Highlights McKeon, Hallee Hirsch 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Magical Tales 6.00 Travel Oz 6.30 World News Australia 2.00 Kids’ Programs 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Pyramid 6.30 Talking Heads Neil Balnaves 7.30 Mythbusters 4.00 It’s Academic 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 Afternoon News 7.00 ABC News 8.30 Man v Wild Deserted island 4.30 Seven News 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 The 7.30 Report 9.20 The Magnificent 4 5.00 M*A*S*H 5.00 Ten News 5.30 Hot Seat 8.00 Australian Story 9.30 World News Australia 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 The Simpsons 6.00 Evening News 8.30 Four Corners 10.00 The Mighty Boosh 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 A Current Affair 9.20 Media Watch 11.10 Movie: Graveyard Alive – A Zombie 6.30 Seven News 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Two And A Half Men 9.35 Q&A Nurse In Love (M 2004) Canadian 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Masterchef Australia 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 10.3 5 Lateline 8.25 Lotto 12 comedy. Stars Anne Day-Jones, Karl 7.30 Border Security 8.30 Just For Laughs – Montreal Comedy 11.10 Lateline Business Gerhardt 8.00 The Force: RBT Festival (M) 8.30 Rescue Special Ops (M) Y 11.3 5 The War Second World War 12.40 Movie: Dogville (MA 2003) Danish 8.30 Desperate Housewives (M) Season 10.30 Late News With Sports Tonight 9.30 CSI: Miami (M) 12.30 The Clinic (M) drama about a fugitive who seeks shel- finale 11.1 5 The Late Show With David Letterman 11.30 Til Death 1.25 Movie: Second Chorus (G 1940) Fred ter from a mob of gangsters in a 1930s 10.30 Hung (MA) 12.00 Burn Notice (M) 12.00 Super League Astaire, Burgess Meredith isolated township. Stars Nicole Kidman, 12.00 Trauma (M) 1.00 Sex And The City (MA) 2.00 Infomercials 2.55 Tnorala Dreamtime Paul Bettany, Lauren Bacall 1.00 Infomercials 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 5.00 Early Morning News MONDA 3.25 World Cup Bowls 3.00 Weatherwatch 5.30 Seven News SBS 2 ONE HD GO! ABC 2 7 TWO 6.00 Major League Baseball – LIVE 9.00 TNA 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 5.30 Message Stick: 12 Canoes (G*) 6.00 ABC 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Kids Time 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home Xplosion 10.00 AFL Premiership Season – Brisbane 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 News Breakfast 9.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Terry 6.40 World News & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Lions v St Kilda 12.30 ATP World Tour Tennis 1.00 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Seinfeld 1.00 Green Acres 2.00 Jones’ Great Map Mystery 6.30 Dirty Jobs 7.10 The 7.30 FIFA World Cup Morning News Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 All My Children Sports Unlimited 2.00 Transworld Sport 3.00 Wife Swap USA 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 The Daily Show Global Edition 7.35 The Colbert Report 8.00 World News 12.00 The Martha Stewart Show 1.00 Kitchen Omnisport 3.30 Real NBA 4.30 Tread BMX 5.00 Nanny 4.00 Kids’ Programs 6.30 Total Wipeout Global Edition 8.00 10 Items Or Less 8.30 Good 6.30 World News Australia Time 2.30 Movie: Agent Cody Banks (PG 2003) Championship Netball – Grand final7.30 Finke UK 7.30 Wife Swap USA 8.30 Community 9.00 Game 9.00 Lunch Monkeys (M) 9.30 Sanctuary 7.30 Blood, Sweat And Gears (M) Frankie Muniz, Hilary Duff, AngieH armon 4.30 Desert Race 8.30 World Rally Championship 9.00 The Inbetweeners (MA) 9.30 Movie: Superhero (M) 10.15 Torchwood (M) 9.10 Tour De France Highlights Alf 5.00 Hot Property 5.30 Full House 6.00 The Sports Tonight 9.30 One Week At A Time 10.40 Movie (AV 2008) Drake Bell, Leslie Nielsen, Sara 11.1 5 triple j’s One Night Stand (M) 9.30 FIFA World Cup Final Replay Amazing Race 7.00 Murphy Brown 7.30 Heartbeat America’s Game 11.40 FA Cup Classic 12.10 Paxton, Marion Ross 11.00 Seinfeld 11.30 South 11.4 5 Death Note (M) 11.30 Movie: Shaolin Soccer (PG 2001) 8.30 Kingdom 9.30 Wycliffe (M) 10.40 Infamous Sports Tonight Late 12.25 One Week At A Time Park (MA) 12.00 Nip/Tuck (MA) 1.00 Wife Swap 12.10 Soundtrack To My Life Nick Heyward Cantonese drama. Stars Stephen Assassinations: Trotsky (M) 11.15 The Prisoner 1.35 Omnisport 2.05 Major League Baseball 4.35 USA 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 12.30 Afro Samurai (MA) Chow, Mat Tat Ng 12.15 Alaska 1.10 Room For Improvement 1.30 Oneasia Tour Golf Highlights 5.30 World Rally 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The 1.05 Red Dwarf 1.35 Zoo Days 2.00 Close 1.00 Weatherwatch AFL 3.45 Australian Ark 5.00 Home Shopping Championship Flintstones ABC 1 SBS 1 PRIME TEN NBN 4.30 Shortland Street 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Ten Early News 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Ten 5.30 Today 5.00 Something In The Air 5.05 World News 9.00 The Morning Show News 10.00 The Circle 9.00 Kerri-Anne 5.30 The New Inventors 7.30 Tour De France Update 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Dr Phil 11.00 Infomercials 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.45 World News 12.00 Movie: A Ring Of Endless Light (G 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 12.00 Midday Report 1.00 Movie: Valentin (PG 2002) Argentinian 2002) A 16-year-old realises that she 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 1.00 The View 12.30 World’s Worst Disasters comedy. Stars Rodrigo Noya, Carmen can communicate with dolphins. Stars 3.00 Judge Judy 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 1.30 The Einstein Factor Maura Mischa Barton, Ryan Merriman, Jared 3.30 Infomercial 3.00 Alive And Cooking 2.00 Waterloo Road 2.30 Tales From A Suitcase Padalecki 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 3.30 Magical Tales 3.00 Kids’ Programs 3.00 Help 2.00 Kids’ Programs 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 4.00 Pyramid 6.00 Three Men In Another Boat 3.30 Singles Club 4.00 It’s Academic 5.00 Ten News 4.30 Afternoon News 7.00 ABC News 4.00 Risking It All 4.30 Seven News 6.00 The Simpsons 5.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 The 7.30 Report 4.30 The Journal 5.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Neighbours 5.30 Hot Seat 8.00 Foreign Correspondent 5.00 Newshour 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 7.00 The 7pm Project 6.00 Evening News 8.30 Greatest Cities Of The World Sydney 6.00 Tour De France Highlights 6.00 Prime News 7.30 Masterchef Australia 7.00 A Current Affair 9.30 QI 6.30 World News Australia 6.30 Seven News 8.00 Modern Family (PG) 7.30 Top Gear 10.00 Jennifer Byrne Presents Christopher 7.30 The Secret Life Of Your Body Clock 7.00 Home And Away 8.30 NCIS (M) 8.00 Under Surveillance The Ice Man 3 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles 1 Hitchens 8.30 On Thin Ice 7.30 Minute To Win It (M) 9.00 Two And A Half Men (M) 10.3 5 Lateline 9.30 World News Australia 8.30 Packed To The Rafters 10.30 Late News With Sports Tonight 10.00 TBA Y 11.10 Lateline Business 10.00 Tour De France LIVE – Morzine-Avoriaz 9.30 Australian Musicians Versus England 11.1 5 The Late Show With David Letterman 11.00 Kitchen Nightmares (MA) 11.40 Four Corners to Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 10.30 Alan Sugar: The Apprentice (M) 12.00 Law & Order (M) 12.00 WWE Afterburn 12.2 5 Media Watch 2.00 Weatherwatch 11. 50 Popstars 1.00 Sex And The City (MA) 1.00 Entertainment Tonight 12.40 The Chaser’s War On Everything (MA) 1.00 Infomercials 5.30 Seven News 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 1.30 Infomercials 1.15 Movie: Jet Storm (PG 1959) Richard SBS 2 3.30 Good Morning America TUESDA Attenborough 5.00 Early Morning News 3.00 Big Ideas 4.00 Good Game 5.00 Weatherwatch 7 TWO ONE HD 6.40 World News 6.00 Kids Time 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home 6.00 Championship Netball Grand Final 8.30 6.30 World News Australia & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation IAAF Athletix 9.00 Grand-Am Sportscar Series GO! ABC 2 7.30 Marie Antoinette Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 All My Children 10.00 One Week At A Time 11.10 Major League 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 5.30 Message Stick (G*) 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 8.30 Tour De France Highlights 12.00 The Martha Stewart Show 1.00 Kitchen Baseball 2.05 This Week In Baseball 2.35 I Fish 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 9.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Face Painting: Tilly Devine 9.00 Movie: Tokyo Sonata (PG 2008) Time 3.05 Omnisport 3.35 One Week At A Time 4.45 Here’s Lucy 12.30 Seinfeld 1.00 The Hills 2.00 6.30 Dirty Jobs 7.10 The Daily Show 7.35 The Japanese drama. Stars Teruyuki 2.30 Movie: Facts Of Life Reunion (PG Tread BMX 5.15 Andra Pro Series Drag Racing Wife Swap USA 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 The Colbert Report 8.00 Outnumbered Kagawa, Kyoko Koizumi, Koji Yakusho 2001) Charlotte Rae, Mindy Cohn, Lisa 6.15 Formula 1 Grand Prix – Britain 8.30 NASCAR Nanny 4.00 Kids’ Programs 6.30 Total Wipeout 8.30 The Street (M) 11.05 Movie: The Colour Of Paradise (G Whelchel, Kim Fields Sprint Cup 9.30 Sports Tonight 10.00 Johnny UK 7.30 The Bachelor 8.30 Seinfeld 9.30 The Wire (M) 1999) Iranian drama about an eight- 4.30 Alf 5.00 Hot Property 5.30 Full House 6.00 Lewis Boxing Classics 11.00 Golf Central 11.30 9.30 Movie: Beauty Shop (M 2005) Queen 10.30 Teachers (M) year-old blind boy whose widowed The Amazing Race 7.00 Murphy Brown 7.30 That Real NBA 12.00 Sports Tonight Late 12.15 Latifah, Alicia Silverstone, Kevin Bacon 11.30 Billable Hours (M) father sees him as a hindrance to ’70s Show 9.30 The Sopranos (AV) 11.40 The NASCAR Nationwide Series 1.15 Omnisport 11.30 South Park (MA) 12.00 Hell’s Kitchen (MA) 12.00 Heartland his planned marriage. Stars Hossein Professionals (M) 12.40 Leyland Brothers World 1.45 ATP World Tour Tennis 2.15 TNA Xplosion 1.00 Seinfeld 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Just 12.4 5 A Little Later Portishead Mahjoub, Salime Feizi 1.30 AFL Footy Flashback 3.45 Australian Ark 4.40 3.15 Sports Unlimited 4.15 One Week At A Time Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 Married With Children 1.05 Red Dwarf 1.35 Zoo Days 2.00 Close 12.40 Weatherwatch Medical Rookies 5.00 Home Shopping 5.30 Omnisport 5.30 The Flintstones

12 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo ABC 1 SBS 1 PRIME TEN NBN 4.30 Shortland Street 5.00 Something In The Air 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Ten Early News 5.30 Today 5.30 The New Inventors 5.05 World News 9.00 The Morning Show 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Kerri-Anne 6.00 Kids’ Programs 7.30 Tour De France Update 11.30 Seven Morning News 9.00 Ten News 11.00 Infomercials 12.00 Midday Report 7.45 World News 12.00 Movie: The Sandlot – Heading Home 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 12.30 National Press Club Address 1.00 Movie: Electric Shadows (PG 2004) (PG 2006) A baseball superstar travels 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The View 1.30 Talking Heads Mandarin drama. Stars Yu Xia, Haibin Li back to 1976 to relive his boyhood 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 2.00 Waterloo Road 2.40 His Mother’s Voice days. Stars Danny Nucci, Luke Perry, 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Alive And Cooking 3.00 Kids’ Programs 3.00 Nest Sarah Deakins 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Magical Tales 6.00 Cheese Slices 3.30 Inspiring Teachers 2.00 Kids’ Programs 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Pyramid 6.30 Poh’s Kitchen 4.00 A Fork In Africa 4.00 It’s Academic 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 Afternoon News 7.00 ABC News 4.30 The Journal 4.30 Seven News 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 The 7.30 Report 5.00 Newshour 5.00 M*A*S*H 5.00 Ten News 5.30 Hot Seat 8.00 The New Inventors 5.00 FIFA World Cup Match Of The Day 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 The Simpsons 6.00 Evening News 8.30 Spicks And Specks 6.00 Tour De France Highlights 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Neighbours (G) 7.00 A Current Affair 9.00 The Gruen Transfer 6.30 World News Australia 6.30 Seven News 7.00 The 7pm Project 7.30 Hey Hey It’s Saturday

14 9.30 United States Of Tara (M) 7.30 Inspector Rex (PG) 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Masterchef Australia 8.25 Lotto

Y 10.00 At The Movies 8.30 James May’s Big Ideas Power to the 7.30 World’s Strictest Parents 8.40 Lie To Me (M) 9.30 20 To 1 Greatest Break-Up Songs 10.30 Lateline people 8.30 City Homicide (M) 9.40 Law & Order (M) 10.30 Embarrassing Bodies (M) 11.0 5 Lateline Business 9.30 World News Australia 10.30 Wormwood Scrubs Behind locked 10.40 Late News With Sports Tonight 11.30 Til Death 11.30 Spooks (M) 10.00 Tour De France LIVE – Chambéry to doors of one of Europe’s largest prisons 11.2 5 The Late Show With David Letterman 12.00 Eclipse Music TV 12.2 5 Movie: I Know Where I’m Going! (G Gap 11.30 Most Shocking (M) 12.2 5 The Shield (AV) 12.30 20/20 1945) Wendy Hiller, Roger Livesay 2.00 Weatherwatch 12.30 Infomercials 5.30 Seven News 1.25 Video Hits Up Late 1.30 Infomercials 1.55 Spinifex Man Trevor Jamieson 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 3.30 Good Morning America 2.25 Big Ideas SBS 2 5.00 Early Morning News

WEDNESDA 3.25 National Press Club Address 5.00 Weatherwatch 7 TWO ONE HD 6.00 Kids Time 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home 6.40 World News 6.00 Golf Central 6.30 AFL Premiership Season ABC 2 6.30 World News Australia & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 All My Children – Geelong v Hawthorn 9.00 Red Bull Air Race GO! 5.30 Message Stick (G*) 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 7.30 Captive In Gaza 12.00 The Martha Stewart Show 1.00 Kitchen Highlights 12.00 Finke Desert Race 1.00 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 9.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 How Do They Do It? 8.30 Tour De France Highlights Time 2.30 Movie: Spy Kids 2 – The Island Of Australian Rally Championship 2.00 World Rally 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 6.30 Dirty Jobs 7.10 The Daily Show 7.35 The 9.00 Movie: To Take A Wife (M 2004) Lost Dreams (PG 2002) Antonio Banderas, Carla Championship 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Real NBA Here’s Lucy 12.30 Seinfeld 1.00 Hogan’s Heroes Colbert Report Israeli drama. Stars Ronit Elkabetz, Gugino, Alexa Vega, Daryl Sabara 4.30 Alf 5.00 4.00 Xtreme Paintball 4.30 Tread BMX 5.00 2.00 The Bachelor 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 The 8.00 E2 Transport Portland Simon Abkarian Hot Property 5.30 Full House 6.00 The Amazing ATP World Tour Tennis 5.30 Football Stars Of Nanny 4.00 Kids’ Programs 6.30 Total Wipeout 8.30 Andrew Jenks 10.55 Movie: Machuca (M 2004) English Race 7.00 Murphy Brown 7.30 Beauty And The Tomorrow 6.00 Australian Short Course Swimming UK 7.30 Crash Course 8.30 The Bachelorette 9.30 10.00 Roller Derby Dolls drama set in the days leading up to Geek US 8.30 Knight Rider (M) 9.30 Reaper (M) Championships LIVE 7.30 Pro Bull Riding 8.30 TNA Movie: When A Stranger Calls (M 2006) Camilla 10.30 How To Become A Hero (M) the 1973 military coup in Chile. Stars 10.30 The Riches (M) 11.30 The Black Donnellys Xplosion 9.30 Sports Tonight 10.00 MVP 10.30 Belle, Tommy J Flanagan 11.30 South Park (MA) 11.30 Eataholics Ernesto Malbran, Matias Quer, Ariel (AV) 12.30 The Jonathan Ross Show (M) 1.20 ASP World Tour Surfing 11.30 All Star Baseball 2.30 12.00 Eastwick (M) 1.00 Chuck (M) 2.00 Home 12.30 A Place In Slovakia Mateluna Leyland Brothers World 2.10 Home Shopping Omnisport 3.00 British Touring Car Championship Shopping 4.00 Just Shoot Me 4.30 TMZ 5.00 1.05 Red Dwarf 1.35 Zoo Days 2.00 Close 1.00 Weatherwatch 4.00 Australian Ark 5.00 Home Shopping 4.00 Pacific Rim Gymnastic Championships Married With Children 5.30 The Flintstones ABC 1 SBS 1 PRIME TEN NBN 4.30 Shortland Street 5.00 Weatherwatch 5.05 World News 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Ten Early News 5.30 Today 5.00 Something In The Air 7.30 Tour De France Update 9.00 The Morning Show 7.00 Kids’ Programs 9.00 Kerri-Anne 5.30 The New Inventors 7.45 World News 11.30 Seven Morning News 9.00 Ten News 11.00 Infomercials 6.00 Kids’ Programs 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia 12.00 Movie: Good Boy! (G 2003) Animation 10.00 The Circle 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 11.00 How The Earth Was Made 1.30 Return Of The Bible Plagues 2.00 Backyard Science 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The View 12.00 Midday Report 2.30 Liberal Rule 2.30 Go Go Stop 1.00 Oprah Winfrey Show 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 12.30 Jeeves And Wooster 3.30 Road Trip Nation Australia 3.00 Time Trackers 2.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Alive And Cooking 1.30 Cheese Slices 4.00 Feast Greece 3.30 All For Kids 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Magical Tales 2.00 Waterloo Road 4.30 The Journal 4.00 It’s Academic 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Pyramid 3.00 Kids’ Programs 5.00 Newshour 4.30 Seven News 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen 4.30 Afternoon News 6.00 Grand Designs Revisited 6.00 Tour De France Highlights 5.00 M*A*S*H 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 Antiques Roadshow 7.00 ABC News 6.30 World News Australia 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 5.00 Ten News 5.30 Hot Seat 7.30 The 7.30 Report 7.30 My Family Feast The Serbians 6.00 Prime News 6.00 The Simpsons 6.00 Evening News 8.00 Catalyst 8.00 Oz And James Drink To Britain 6.30 Seven News 6.30 Neighbours (PG) 7.00 A Current Affair 8.30 Miracles In a Laotian jungle 8.30 Supersizers Go… Victorian 7.00 Home And Away 7.00 The 7pm Project (PG) 7.30 Getaway 9.30 The Volcano That Stopped The World 9.30 World News Australia 7.30 The Matty Johns Show 7.30 Masterchef Australia 8.30 Sea Patrol (M) 15 Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano 10.00 Tour De France LIVE – Sisteron to 8.30 How I Met Your Mother (M) Jennifer 8.30 Bondi Vet 9.30 The NRL Footy Show

Y 10.2 5 Lateline Bourg-lès-Valence Lopez special guest 9.00 Law & Order: SVU (M) 11.00 The AFL Footy Show 11.00 Lateline Business 2.00 Weatherwatch 9.30 Cougar Town (M) 10.00 Medium (MA) 1.00 Entertainment Tonight 11.30 Live From Abbey Road The Killers, 10.30 True Beauty 11.00 Late News With Sports Tonight 1.30 Skippy Florence And The Machine, Chairlift SBS 2 11.30 American Dad 11.4 5 The Late Show With David Letterman 2.00 Infomercials 12.20 Movie: The Cardinal (M 1963) Carol 12.00 The Mole 12.30 Buffy (M) 1.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 3.30 Good Morning America 5.00 Weatherwatch Lynley, John Juston, Romy Schneider 1.00 Infomercials 5.30 Seven News 5.00 Early Morning News 6.40 World News 3.15 Noise On Screen (M) THURSDA 6.30 World News Australia 3.55 Can We Help? ONE HD 7.30 Test Tube Babies 7 TWO 6.00 Transworld Sport 7.00 Australian Short GO! 8.30 Tour De France Highlights 6.00 Kids Time 8.30 Sons & Daughters 9.00 Home Course Swimming Championships 8.30 MVP 9.00 6.00 Kids’ Programs 10.30 Entertainment Tonight 9.00 Movie: Loft (M 2009) Belgian mystery. & Away 9.30 Shortland Street 10.00 Coronation NASCAR Sprint Cup 10.00 NASCAR Nationwide 11.00 TMZ 11.30 Married With Children 12.00 ABC 2 Stars Koen De Bouw, Filip Peeters, Street 10.30 Emmerdale 11.00 All My Children Series 11.00 All Star Baseball 2.00 Des Moines Here’s Lucy 12.30 Seinfeld 1.00 The Bachelorette 5.30 Message Stick (G*) 6.00 ABC News Breakfast Matthias Schoenaerts 12.00 The Martha Stewart Show 1.00 Kitchen World Cup Triathlon 3.00 Omnisport 3.30 Sports 3.00 Just Shoot Me 3.30 The Nanny 4.00 Kids’ 9.00 Kids’ Programs 6.00 Poh’s Kitchen 6.30 Dirty 11.00 Movie: The Far Side Of The Moon (M Time 2.30 Movie: My Girl 2 (PG 1992) Dan Aykroyd, Unlimited 4.30 Tread BMX 5.00 Drive 5.30 Road Programs 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie 5.30 Bewitched Jobs 7.10 The Daily Show 7.35 The Colbert Report 2003) French Canadian drama about a Jamie Lee Curtis, Anna Chlumsky 4.30 Alf 5.00 To Delhi 6.00 Australian Short Course Swimming 6.00 The Flintstones 6.30 Total Wipeout UK 7.30 8.00 Spicks And Specks 8.30 The Gruen Transfer perpetual doctoral student immersed Hot Property 5.30 Full House 6.00 The Amazing Championships – LIVE 7.30 Thursday Night Live Top Gear 8.40 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 The Armstrong And Miller Show (M) 9.30 in his thesis on the philosophy of Race 7.00 Movie: Holes (PG 2003) Shia LaBeouf, 9.30 Sports Tonight 10.00 UFC Unleashed 10.55 10.3 5 Movie: Snakes On A Plane (PG 2006) Ketch! And Kiro-Pon Get It On 10.30 Clone (M) scientific culture, the recent death of Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Patricia Arquette Golf Central 11.25 World Rally Championships Samuel L Jackson, Byron Lawson 11.00 Creature Comforts: Animal Magnetism his mother and a difficult relationship 9.30 Movie: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (PG 12.25 Sports Tonight Late 12.40 TNA Xplosion 12.30 Eclipse Music TV 1.00 Total Wipeout UK 11.30 Massive: The Photo Shoot (M) 12.00 Ideal with his brother. Stars Robert LePage, 1969) George Lazenby, Diana Rigg 12.30 Eli Stone 1.35 Omnisport 2.05 AFL Premiership Season 2.00 Seinfeld 2.30 Just Shoot Me 3.00 Home (MA) 12.30 Pulling (M) 1.05 Red Dwarf 1.35 Zoo Celine Bonnier 1.30 AFL Footy Flashback 3.45 Australian Ark: The – Geelong v Hawthorn 4.30 Tread BMX 5.00 Shopping 5.00 Married With Children 5.30 The Tavistock Cup Golf Highlights Days 2.00 Close 12.40 Weatherwatch Conrete Jungle 5.00 Home Shopping Flintstones

The Week 22. Standard short time for imagination (8) DOWN Mungo’s Crossword From a very long distance (6) 18. Hinze and Thorpe, 2. Citizen of the United States or PATIOS & 23. Setter is beside savage traditionally hostile to 2 (7) Canada (8) mutiny, but gets protection 19. Also, about the rug: it’s 3. Evil, rotten (3) (8) usually red and round (6) 4. Bohemian-Australian poet, EXTENSIONS 25. Miss Derek has two 21. Arrived before large author of The Duino Elegies (5) seconds for stud (4) mount (5) 5. Japanese island, site of a battle 26. Trump to dodge Daisy’s 24. Back Bradman, yes? (3) in World War II (7) We have the VISION suitor (6,4) 6. Michigan town in which Glenn Quick Clues Miller, musically speaking, had a EXPERIENCE DOWN ACROSS girl (9) 2. Last word about hockey 1. Monster created by 7. Gossip, rumour (11) SOLUTION coach Charlesworth – he’s Lewis Carroll (10) 8. Agreement, harmony (6) 12. Indistinct images, blurrinesses a New Yorker (8) 7. Unwanted messages on Trueline have 3. Expert raised evil (3) the internet (4) (11) 4. Unsuitable for under 18s, 9. Capital of India (3,5) 15. Bewitched, enthralled (10) been designing sort of like a Bohemian 10. Motor boat (5) 16. Pertaining to love or to the and constructing poet (5) 11. Rubbish, nonsense (6) imagination (8) patios and 18. Citizen of Moscow (7) 5. After eliminating the 13. Winding to carry the extensions for unknown, Japanese island current in an electric motor 19. Fruit often used as a salad is all right – in a way (7) (8) vegetable (6) nearly 40 years. 6. Novelty instrument 14. Noisy and showy 21. Beast of burden (5) With numerous covers Los Angeles, activity, usually peripheral 24. Gesture of agreement (3) industry awards Maryland and a town in to the main event (6-6) Last week’s solution and over 65,000 Cryptic Clues 13. Central part of an electric Michigan (9) 17. Vaudeville character motor may be unprofessional, 7. Hurry, but time is just who traditionally questions satisfi ed customers, customers choosing TrueliTruelinen is an investment ACROSS we hear (8) rumour (11) Mr Bones (12) in your peace of mind and the value of your home. 1. Rave at news of a cooking 14. Artist sleeping with the wife 8. Settlement for an electric 20. North American skunks Call NOW for FREE design consultation pot for whiffl ing, burbling of Tyndareus (as did Zeus) and fl ex, perhaps? (6) (8) monster (10) sleeping with the French! A 12. The police, in bends, 21. Short sleep, snooze (6) Ph: 02 6687 2881 7. Return plans for tinned noisy and showy activity! (6-6) produce blurry impressions 22. Measure of meat (4) 17. Cruel trio not wild about Mr (11) astronomical distance (6) 9. Report of naked John Bones’s traditional partner (12) 15. Canter vigorously 23. Safety from disease, 1/23 Dudgeons Lane, Marsden heroine in capital (3,5) 20. Jazz fans from Warsaw? in the fi nish – you’ll be exemption from liability (8) [email protected] 10. Hurl article into a meal (6) Proverbially they a stink (8) enraptured! (9) 25. Chief, employer (4) 11. Very strong in heap of 21. Endless savoury includes 16. Italian with a little 26 Comic character creatrd rubbish (6) time for a quick snooze (6) twitch – exciting the by Walt Disney (6,4) The outdoor lifestyle specialists Licence # 207223C The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 13 Volume 2#43© 2010 Echo Publications Pty Ltd P: 02 6684 1777 F: 02 6684 1719 For advertising enquiries [email protected] Editor: Hans Lovejoy [email protected] JULY 8 – JULY 14, 2010 ALL YOUR LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT 7 DAYS A WEEK

RICK PRICE JULY 16 TWIN TOWNS Janet Seidel Just who is this moustache with a Greg Doolan attached to SUGAR FIXED Sydney based vocalist/pianist PETE CORNELIUS AND THE it you may ask? He's the former CURRUMBIN RSL DEVILLES, JULY 16 Janet Seidel enjoys a rare and 7PM SATURDAY front man of Australia's most SOUNDLOUNGE, enviable international reputa- CURRUMBIN successful cabaret band Wick- tion. She has toured many ety Wak, which I think made a THIRSTY MERC JULY 17 countries including UK, USA, popular impact on such shows COOLANGATTA HOTEL Europe, the Middle East and as Hey Hey It's Saturday or now many South East Asian coun- SONGWRITERS ON THE it's Wednesday tries. Touring Japan also has . SONGLINE, JULY 17 His PR goes on to claim, 'The UKI ANGLICAN HOLY been a great success with Janet TRINITY CHURCH consistently named in the top combination of humour and jazz polls there. US writer David incredible vocal talent is CRAIG BERRY PRESENTS THE complimented by his ability to DANCE ON CURRUMBIN RSL AMERICAN SONGBOOK JULY Nathan said 'With her intimate 1.30PM SUNDAY 20 TWIN TOWNS style, great feel for the lyrics of read his audiences.' Wonderful! songs she sings, Janet is one of I have been looking for a good LUCKY STARR JULY 21 reading for a while now, and TWIN TOWNS the vocalists who is as much a story teller as she is a singer.' what better way than some- SIDE SPLITTING COMEDY This Sunday July 11 at the one who was last year named – RANGAS FOR RANGAS’ South Tweed Sports Club, 'Australian Versatile Variety FUNDRAISER, JULY 21 Performer of the Year' at the CURRUMBIN RSL Janet Seidel will perform in concert with Chuck Morgan prestigious Mo Awards held THE BOAT PEOPLE – (guitar) David Seidel (bass) and in Sydney. 'Mo awards'? Yes, ALBUM LAUNCH JULY 23 special guest Willy Qua (sax). It that's right, I tell no lie, there SIMPLY TWO CURRUMBIN RSL SOUNDLOUNGE, 7PM FRIDAY CURRUMBIN starts at 2.30pm, and the cost is actually such a thing. And is $12 members and $16 non MADAM CABERNET’S RHYS CRIMMIN members. The club is located CIRCUS CABARET JULY 23 at 4 Minjungbal Drive South STOKERS SIDING HALL TYALGUM HOTEL SUNDAY Tweed. For bookings phone THE THEATRE ROYAL The Jazz Kanaries Chillingham Markets 07 5524 3655. JULY 28 TWIN TOWNS The Jazz Kanaries will be band: Laneway Greg Doolan's got THE WICKETY WAK YEARS celebrating two years of This Sunday, live music at the JULY 30 TWIN TOWNS performing in the Northern the Mojo Mo Chillingham Markets is by Rivers region this Friday July Greg Doolan has proved unan- THE HARD ONS JULY 30 Laneway. Originally playing 16 at Luffley Café in Murwil- imously that the moustache COOLANGATTA HOTEL as an acoustic harmony based lumbah. The line up has been never lost its appeal. It takes duo, Laneway has recently JAMES T AND THE consistent with Kel McIntosh considerable hutzpah to wear a TOMMAHAWKES, JULY 30 relocated from Melbourne on sax/clarinet and Scrubby 'mo' all year round – outside of THE MURWILLUMBAH JAZZ to Natural Bridge. The pair CLUB GREENHILLS Pete on various guitars and Movember – and credit should vocals. combine a love of harmony, be given to him for that. Pio- THE GO SET JULY 31 Although the bass position has a touch of psychedelia and a neering as it is, music shouldn't COOLANGATTA HOTEL been shared by several great pop like sensibility, and have get in the way of a good been likened to early Fleet- POETRY WORLD CUP, players, the consistency of the moustache, but oh why not. JULY 31, AUGUST 1, NIMBIN music and fun has never varied. wood Mac, the Mommas and Here's my favourite moustache Featuring on bass for Friday Pappas and to contemporary gag: Why did the cowboy have JOHN PAUL YOUNG JULY 31 groups like Cat Power, Fleet TWIN TOWNS will be jazz club president Peter sh%*t on his moustache? (sing McLaughlin; Pete tells us that Foxes and Midlake. Catch them along) 'Looking for love in all FAT FREDDYS DROP (NZ) there may be a bit of a party at the Chillingham Village the wrong places...' His website JANET SEIDEL SUNDAY AUGUST 1 atmosphere on the night to Markets this Sunday from claims 'he never lets his audi- COOLANGATTA HOTEL 2.30PM, JULY 11 AT THE acknowledge the two year 10am. The markets are located ence down,' which means that SOUTH TWEED SPORTS CLUB THE DRIFTERS AUGUST 4 collaboration. Luffley Café is on at the Chillngham Community if let down, I would want his TWIN TOWNS the corner of Main and Wharf Centre, 1469 Numinbah Road, website to say: 'he has, on oc- Street in Murwillumbah. Chillingham from 10am. casion, let his audience down.' TOM BURLINSON AUGUST 6 TWIN TOWNS






14 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo The Here you will find some of the best local dining on offer. Restaurant owners take Echo’s note: Good Taste provides you with the chance to tell your customers more about your business with ample room for that extra information that may not fit in a small guide toGOODTASTE advertisment. Great introductory rates are on offer, call 02 6672 2280 to find out more. O-Sushi Winner of Best Sushi Bar in NSW region 2008. Mahsuri Thai Warm up this winter with tasty Thai food delivered to Coolangatta Eat in or takeaway. Licensed. Open 7 days 11am till late. Shop 7 Bells Blvd, Salt Village your door, or come dine with us any night of the week. FF Showcase on the Beach Kingscliff Ph 02 66 47 2 022 We use only the freshest, premium local produce and O-Sushi is a modern Japanese restaurant guided by 07 5536 5455 Dine in or take away all our meals are house made with love. Functions a philosophy that incorporates traditional values of Byron Bay Dinner 7 days from 5.30pm catered for up to 60, corporate or private. House providing the best possible service combined with Woolies Plaza, Jonson St Lunch Fri - Sun specialities: Massaman lamb curry with potatoes 02 6685 7103 fresh wholesome food. and Ped Yang roasted BBQ duck stirfried with Asian

COOLANGATTA Fully licensed KINGSCLI greens. Delivering Kingscliff to Casuarina Thurs-Sun. Only serving the freshest ingredients. Authentic

Sea Breeze Bistro open Tues-Sun 12- 2pm, 6 -8pm Nam Yeng AH

Cudgen Tuesday and Wednesday lunches $6 Viet/ Thai Vietnamese and Thai style food in the heart of B Leagues Club Thursday and Sunday Roast Night $8 Restaurant Murwillumbah. Phone: 02 6674 1816 Friday nights from the specials board – warm salads to Shop 2, 7 Wharf St, Winner of the 2009 BEX (Business Excellence Award). Prices are very reasonable, entrees start from $8, mains Wommin Bay Road, great steaks, cooked to order with a choice of sauces Murwillumbah from $12.50. Kingscliff Dinner for two: The cheapest on the coast! Only $32.50: Open 5pm 6 days

CUDGEN (closed Sundays) House specialty – Red Duck Curry, Tamarind Prawns www.cudgenleagues. includes a choice of two main meals and a 750ml Catering available and home made delicious desserts. bottle of wine. am eng N Y BYO phone 6672 3088 MURWILLUM

For something different, try our Vietnamese coffee. Enjoy contemporary dining in a relaxed atmosphere Alleys Tweed River The Gallery Café combines art with fresh food and with waterfront views, professional, friendly staff and IN Currumbin RSL Club wine. Enjoy having lunch at the beautifully appointed

B award winning chefs. Art Gallery Currumbin Creek Road, licensed café with indoor and outdoor seating and cnr Tweed Valley Way Currumbin Three courses only $14.95 – members or $18.95 magnificent panoramic views over the Tweed River Open 7 days lunch and non members – every weekday lunch. and Mistral Road, and Border Ranges. View the art and treat yourself to dinner Murwillumbah delicious cakes and great coffee. A fabulous venue for 07 5534 7999 Winner – best Club Restaurant QLD 2007, 2008 and Open Wed-Sun 10am-5pm special events, office parties and wedding receptions. CURRUM 2009 (Clubs Queensland Awards). 02 6672 5088 Group bookings essential.

Sheoak Shack If you are looking for delicious food, coffee or Cafe Lazumba romantic sunset cocktail on the riverbank, the Sheoak Sandwiches only $ 50 each available every 64 Fingal Rd, Fingal Head 14 Bay St 2 Shack is the beach shack for you with a funky laid Tuesday and Wednesday (selected varieties) Ph 07 5523 1130 Tweed Heads back daytime vibe or a party atmosphere with live Wed & Thurs 11am-5pm, 07 5536 1811 $ 95 music on Saturday nights. This gallery/cafe showcases Lasagne and salad 7 Fri & Sat 11am-10pm & the work of high quality local artists and is available Homestyle traditional beef, Thai chicken and Sun 9.30am-5pm Cafe for private functions… more Byron than Byron, in pumpkin ricotta


F sleepy Fingal Head. Laz mba TWEED HEADS TWEED Fins San Sebastian Sessions Every Sunday night from 5pm Mt Warning Hotel One of the region’s great old country pubs. Delicious FF Salt Village, Kingscliff Mount $59 includes 2 tapa and 2 drinks Open 7 days 10am till late food, bistro open for lunch everyday from 12-2pm, 02 6674 4833 Bookings essential. Warning Bistro open daily dinner Thursday to Sunday from 6-8pm. Children’s [email protected] Did you know Fins is also open in Hotel 1497 Kyogle Rd, Uki playground, relaxing beer garden. Curry night on Dinner 7 days UKI the bar just for drinks every night 02 6679 5111 Thursday, raffles and member’s draw on Friday, Lunch Fri, Sat & Sun from 5pm til late! punter’s draw on Saturday and on Sunday there is a GOOD FOOD GUIDE Email [email protected] to receive our monthly delicious roast. KINGSCLI CHEFS HAT EVERY YEAR SINCE 1998 newsletter and updates on all events at Fins.

he won it. The universe works SMASHED CRABS IVORY TAVERN FRIDAY in mysterious ways. Tweed Heads Bowls Club 7.30pm Saturday. The Smokin' Crawdads echo GOODTASTE guide Put on your boots and grab your hat, it’s The Smokin’ Crawdads. From gutbucket blues through to Memphis- soaked swamp rock, when you catch a Crawdads gig, be prepared for a night of crazy capers. At the 2010 Queensland Country Music Awards, The Smokin' Craw- dads took out winner of the GREG DOOLAN AND HIS 2010 Queensland Group or MOUSTACHE, TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB Duo of the Year. Coolangatta 7.30PM SATURDAY and Tweed Heads Golf Club, 7pm Saturday. Simply Two and Sugar Fixed Simply Two is a duo compris- ing of Michael Whitmore and Kim Maree Hill, and the act is set apart from many others by their extraordinary vocal har- monies. The use of electronic equipment provides an excel- lent big band sound, which is further enhanced by the rich guitar played by Michael. They have an extensive repertoire including sixties soul to rock ‘n’ roll, disco to calypso, reggae to nineties dance and more. They perform the Currumbin RSL 7pm on Friday. Sugar Fixed covers a diverse range of today’s pop music styles and they are always updating and re-mixing their favourites, cre- ating innovative dance tracks out of well known classics. Cur- rumbin RSL 7pm Saturday. Rhys Crimmin Since achieving second place in the Australian Busking Com- The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 15 7ITHTHREESHIRESCOVERED 4HE4WEED%CHOHASTHEMOST COMPREHENSIVEENTERTAINMENTGIGGUIDEINTHEAREA&ORYOUR FREELISTING EMAILGIGS ECHONETAUORPHONEUSON  $EADLINEISNOON4UESDAYPRIORTO4HURSDAY´SPUBLICATION petition in 2003 as a seventeen patrons of the Kingscliff Beach THURSDAY 8 BROADFOOT 6.30PM BEACH BOYZ TRIBUTE ■ C URRUMBIN RSL 1.30PM, ■ year old, Rhys has come along Hotel this Thursday night. CURRUMBIN RSL 7PM SIMPLY 2 DINNER AND SHOW DANCE ON TWEED ■ ELSEW HERE BAR, 10PM ■ B URLEIGH BEARS LEAGUES ■ ELSEW HERE BAR, 8PM ROYALE way. He continues to improve The cost is $20, and for that ELECTRIC BOOGIE SHOW CLUB 7.30PM SEDUCTIVE SUNDAY ■ CL UB BANORA, 6PM CHRIS his shows with an ever-grow- you will get the opportunity to ■ IVORY TAVERN 8PM SMASHED SOUL ■ IVORY TAVERN, TWEED HEADS PALMER ing array of instruments and heckle him over the fact that CRABS ■ COOLANGATTA HOTEL 9PM DJ 1PM AGENT 77, 8PM ■ C UDGEN LEAGUES CLUB songs. His live show blends his professional life peaked ■ T HE ELEPHANT ROCK CAFE, FREQ-E & DJ KIWI SMASHED CRABS 5.30PM TREVOR WHITE Australiana CURRUMBIN 7PM TIM ROURKE ■ COOLANGATTA SANDS HOTEL ■ KIRRA SPORTS CLUB 3PM instruments such as four dif- 1983 with . Nothing ■ KINGSCLIFF BEACH HOTEL, ■ GOLD COAST ARTS CENTRE 9PM PAUL ATKINS, DJ KARAOKE ferent styles of guitars along has really stuck since for poor 9.30PM STAND UP COMEDY 8PM COMEDY IN THE JACKSON ■ LE MONDE KIRRA 1.30PM FIRE with didgeridoos, harmonicas, old Austen, who's self image WITH AUSTEN TAYSHUS BASEMENT – MICK NEVEN ■ COOLANGATTA AND TWEED ‘N ICE kazoo and foot percussion. This reflects a brilliant comic never ■ TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB ■ NEVERLAND BAR, HEADS GOLF CLUB 7PM THE ■ NORT H KIRRA SURF LIFE busy performer has managed quite reaching potential due to 6PM VEENIE’S – DAVID LEE COOLANGATTA, 9PM PURPLE SMOKING CRAWDADS SAVING CLUB, 2PM LIVE MUSIC ■ TWIN TOWNS 11AM LIVE to teach himself all of these an abundance of mediocrity. SNEAKER DJS ■ C URRUMBIN RSL 7PM SUGAR ■ S URF CLUB COOLANGATTA, instruments and plays them Yes, it's hard to fly like an eagle MUSIC ■ NORT H BURLEIGH SURF CLUB, FIXED 2PM ALLAN CAMERON all simultaneously. Sunday at when surrounded by turkeys. GOLD COAST 8PM AKASA ■ ELSEW HERE BAR, GOLD COAST, ■ T UGUN BOWLS CLUB, 2PM LIVE the Tyalgum Hotel from 1pm. He likes heckles, especially ■ B URLEIGH BEARS LEAGUES ■ T UGUN BOWLS CLUB, 8PM LIVE DJS MUSIC Located at 31-41 Coolman St, from Germans (he's Jewish of CLUB 6PM BRENDAN ROSE MUSIC ■ IVORY TAVERN 8PM DJ BYRON Tyalgum. course), and that gives him an ■ COOLANGATTA HOTEL 8PM ■ T HE LOFT ON CHEVRON ■ GOLD COAST ARTS CENTRE ■ HOTEL GREAT NORTHERN, SPARKZ DUO & DJ FREQ-E ISLAND TALLTAILS 8PM CABARET IN THE opportunity to bring up his ANNA WEATHERUP ■ COOLANGATTA SANDS HOTEL BASEMENT – ANTHONY dislike for all people that at one BYRON ■ BEAC H HOTEL, 2PM ARTSCAPE 9PM CORY HARGRAVES GARCIA time or another oppressed or ■ CLOSING CEREMONY W/ ■ GOLD COAST ARTS CENTRE, H OTEL GREAT NORTHERN, THE ■ KIRRA BEACH HOTEL 7PM killed his people. It's usually SOUL’D 4.30PM THE WILSON 7PM UNPLUGGED IN THE UTOPIANS KARAOKE ■ PICKERS 8PM DJ GOODIE awkward, but occasionally he BASEMENT – JAMES GREHAN BEAC H HOTEL, 5PM BEACHY ■ NEVERLAND BAR, 9PM ■ T HE RAILS, 6PM RUMOURTISM Austen Tayshus won't go hits gold, and makes complete ■ KIRRA SPORTS CLUB, 7.30PM FRIDAYS WITH THE CUTLASS SUPREME KOOKABROTHERS 9.30PM ■ BYRON BAY BREWERY BUDDHA away. The stand up comedian sense of the fact that most OPEN MIC NIGHT BYRON is back again in the Tweed this Australians are moronic bag PINC ZINC BAR 6PM GREG KEW BYRON ■ THE NINTH ■ H OTEL GREAT NORTHERN, CCC ■ LALA LAND, CAPTAIN KAINE + week (did he ever leave?) and fed cattle with flat screen TVs. T HE RAILS, 6.30PM ■ CHAPTER THE CAT, FYAH WALK, A STU LISTER will be providing 10 hours or so Thursday, KingscliffB each HOTEL GREAT NORTHERN, WAYNE EVANS ■ BYRON BAY BREWERY BUDDHA FRENCH BUTLER CALLED ■ HOTEL BRUNSWICK 4-8PM of entertainment for the good Hotel from 9.30pm. ■ BEAC H HOTEL, 8.30PM BAR 7PM BLUE PEARL W SMITH FATHOM METHOD MOHINI COX ■ B E A C H HOTEL, 9.30PM RAZ BIN ■ CRYSTAL CASTLE, MULLUM AUSTEN TAYSHUS ■ T HE RAILS, 6.30PM WAZ ■ LALA LAND, JIMMY 2 SOX SAM W/ LION I BAND 10.30AM GYUTO MONKS OF THURSDAY, PORTER BAND (BANG GANG 12”) RYAN ■ T HE RAILS, 6.30PM INVISIBLE TIBET KINGSCLIFF BEACH HOTEL ■ BUDDHA BAR 7PM THE CREW RUSHTON + DANIEL WEBBER FRIEND ■ MULLUMBIMBY DRILL HALL ■ PEACE POLE, 10.30AM – 3PM ■ LIQUID 10PM – 3AM FRIDAY ■ BYRON BAY BREWERY BUDDHA 5PM UNCLE VANYA ARAKWAL NAIDOC NIGHT LOVE: DJS ELIXZA | BAR 5PM BLACK TIE BALL MONDAY 12 CELEBRATIONS & FREE BBQ DAVE C | DEE DEE ■ LALA LAND, EASY P + MILES ■ LALA LAND, AND OH! & BUZZ ■ COCOMANGAS, DJ KRISTEN JUNIOR TWEED ■ CRYSTAL CASTLE, MULLUM ■ HOTEL BRUNSWICK 7.30PM ■ LIQ UID, 10PM DJS H2O ADAM ■ KINGSCLIFF BEACH BOWLS 10.30AM GYUTO MONKS OF ARCHIE RYE JAMES TAYLOR | DEEGS | CLUB 12PM DON WHITAKER TIBET ■ CRYSTAL CASTLE, MULLUM CAPTAIN KAINE ■ ■ M URWILLUMBAH CIVIC BATS, CUPIDS BULLET 10.30AM GYUTO MONKS OF HOTEL BRUNSWICK 7.30PM FRIDAY 9 TIBET 7PM SELF MADE PURPLE DRIPPERS CENTRE, FROM 9AM BUDDHA ■ CRYSTAL CASTLE, MULLUM MURWILLUMBAH FESTIVAL TWEED ■ MULLUMBIMBY DRILL HALL 10.30AM GYUTO MONKS OF OF PERFORMING ARTS ■ ■ BILAMBIL SPORTS CLUB 8PM 8PM UNCLE VANYA TIBET TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB 6.30PM DAVID LEE LISSY STANTON BAND AND BANDLAS ■ MULLUMBIMBY DRILL HALL LIDDLE BC BAND SATURDAY 10 8PM UNCLE VANYA ■ TWIN TOWNS SERVICES CLUB ■ CABARITA BEACH BAR & GRILL, 11AM FREE LIVE 8.30PM LIVE MUSIC TWEED SUNDAY 11 ENTERTAINMENT ■ C UDGEN LEAGUES CLUB ■ CABARITA BEACH SPORTS CLUB TWEED BYRON 7.30PM THE GENES 7.30PM DAVO ■ H OTEL GREAT NORTHERN, ■ CABARITA, ROUND MOUNTAIN, ■ B URRINGBAR SCHOOL OF ARTS ■ CABARITA BEACH SPORTS CLUB BRIAN WATT AUSTRALIAN SUPERBOAT HALL, 12PM, WINTER 7.30PM SHIFT ■ T HE RAILS, 6.30PM LUKE CHAMPIONSHIPS ROUND 3 FARMERS MARKET FEAST ■ CL UB BANORA, 7.30PM WAYNE YEAMAN ■ ■ CABARITA, ROUND MOUNTAIN, RANSON CABARITA BEACH BAR & GRILL, ■ BYRON BAY BREWERY BUDDHA LIVE MUSIC AUSTRALIAN SUPERBOAT ■ IMPERIAL HOTEL, M’BAH 8PM 8.30PM BAR 7PM JAMIE OEHLERS MARK MCGUIRE ■ CL UB BANORA, BANORA POINT CHAMPIONSHIPS ROUND 3 ■ KINGSCLIFF BEACH HOTEL, 8PM DAN HANNAFORD ■ C HINDERAH TAVERN, 2PM TIM TUESDAY 13 9.30PM PAUL ATKINS ■ C HINDERAH TAVERN 3PM STOKES ■ L UFFLEY CAFE 6:30PM DAVID TONKS ■ CL UB BANORA, 11.30AM TWEED VANESSAH HOFFMAN & ■ IMPERIAL HOTEL, M’BAH GEORGE & HOWIE BROS ■ M URWILLUMBAH HOTEL 7PM RADHA 7.30PM KARAOKE 12.30PM GLENN BRACE JAM NIGHT ■ M URWILLUMBAH HOTEL 9PM ■ KINGSCLIFF BEACH HOTEL, ■ CABARITA BEACH BAR AND ■ M URWILLUMBAH CIVIC DJ MCLOVIN 8.30PM JOHN BRADLEY GRILL 2PM LIVE MUSIC CENTRE, FROM 9AM ■ M URWILLUMBAH SERVICES ■ KINGSCLIFF BEACH BOWLS ■ C UDGEN SURF CLUB 2PM MURWILLUMBAH FESTIVAL CLUB 6.30PM PAUL CLUB 7.30PM KARAOKE BLIND LEMON OF PERFORMING ARTS MULQUEEN ■ M URWILLUMBAH CIVIC ■ M URWILLUMBAH CIVIC ■ TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB ■ M URWILLUMBAH CIVIC CENTRE, FROM 9AM CENTRE, FROM 9AM 6.30PM DICK BARNS CENTRE, FROM 9AM MURWILLUMBAH FESTIVAL MURWILLUMBAH FESTIVAL ■ TWIN TOWNS 11AM 8.30PM MURWILLUMBAH FESTIVAL OF PERFORMING ARTS OF PERFORMING ARTS LIVE MUSIC ■ M URWILLUMBAH BOWLS & OF PERFORMING ARTS ■ M URWILLUMBAH HOTEL ■ BYRON ■ POTTSVILLE BEACH SPORTS 9.30PM FAT ALBERT SPORTS CLUB 3PM TREVOR RIX CLUB 7PM TREVOR RIX ■ M URWILLUMBAH SERVICES ■ POTTSVILLE BEACH SPORTS ■ H OTEL GREAT NORTHERN, ■ SALT BAR, KINGSCIFF, 7PM TOM MEMORIAL CLUB 6.30PM CLUB 4PM PAUL ANTHONY HARRY HEALY ROBERTS DUO ROBERT KEITH ■ RIVERVIEW HOTEL, M’BAH 2PM ■ T HE RAILS, 6.30PM RYHS ■ SEAG ULLS CLUB, 9.30PM THE ■ POTTSVILLE BEACH SPORTS BLUES VAIN GRIMMIN WILEY REED BAND CLUB 6PM ALICE ANDERSON ■ T HE ROUNDHOUSE TAVERN, WEDNESDAY 14 ■ TWEED TAVERN (THE ROUND ■ SALTBAR BEACHBAR AND M’BAH 3PM SUNDAY LIVE HOUSE), MURWILLUMBAH 8PM BISTRO, KINGSCLIFF, 8.30PM MUSIC TWEED DJ CONNECTION AND DUTCH PRESTON TRAIN ■ SP HINX ROCK CAFE, MT ■ TWIN TOWNS 11AM MY FAIR ■ SO UTH TWEED SPORTS CLUB BURRELL 2PM KINDLING TRIO ■ CL UB BANORA, TWEED HEADS, LADY 7.30PM MY FAIR LADY 7.30PM THE JOHNNY O’KEEFE (MEMBERS OF KOOII) 6PM ROBERT KEITH ■ TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB TRIBUTE SHOW ■ SO UTH TWEED SPORTS CLUB ■ M URWILLUMBAH CIVIC 12PM CRAIG SHAW 7PM THE ■ TYALG UM HOTEL, 8PM JAM 2.30PM JANET SEIDEL CENTRE, FROM 9AM STREET NIGHT CONCERT MURWILLUMBAH FESTIVAL ■ ■ TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB OF PERFORMING ARTS GOLD COAST TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB 7.30PM GREG DOOLAN 5PM MICHAEL KING ■ TWEED HEADS BOWLS CLUB ■ B URLEIGH HEADS BOWLS CLUB SHOWTIME ■ TWIN TOWNS CLUBS & 6.30PM DAVE CLAYTON 6.30PM JOE ACE ■ TWIN TOWNS CLUBS & RESORTS 2PM MY FAIR LADY ■ TWIN TOWNS CLUBS & ■ B URLEIGH BEARS LEAGUES RESORTS 10AM FREE LIVE ■ TYALG UM HOTEL 1PM RHYS RESORTS 11AM TOM JONES CLUB 7.30PM BLU CRUSH ENTERTAINMENT 2PM MY CRIMMIN AND THE DIVAS ■ COOLANGATTA HOTEL 3PM FAIR LADY GOLD COAST GOLD COAST DALE VOSS, 9PM DJ FREQ-E ■ U KI, MEBBIN NATIONAL PARK, (PUBLIC BAR) & FAZ (CUDDY’S UKI, 10AM MEBBIN ■ B URLEIGH BEARS LEAGUES ■ COOLANGATTA HOTEL 8PM BAR) MOUNTAIN BIKE MARATHON CLUB 6PM FIDDLE ME PLEASE LOCKY ■ COOLANGATTA SANDS HOTEL REDUX! ■ B URLEIGH HEADS BOWLS CLUB ■ GREENMO UNT BEACH CLUB 9PM FAT ALBERT, DJ 1PM LIVE MUSIC 7PM DOWNBEAT JAZZ ■ COMMERCIAL HOTEL, GOLD COAST ■ COOLANGATTA HOTEL 2PM ■ GOLD COAST ARTS CENTRE BROADWATER 8PM ■ B URLEIGH HEADS BOWLS CLUB AMOS PELLA 7PM CHAOS 8PM LIFE CHANGING DOCO’S 16 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo HANGING soAP ON THE boX TELEPHONE Bellingen Global Mandy Nolan Carnival The Early Bird tickets for Every time I see someone own homeline I made all I’m not 15 anymore… look the 2010 Bellingen Global in a public phone booth my calls on the public. I’d it’s just that I’ve had rego Carnival are now on sale. For I think, ‘drug deal’. This is stand outside the box with come up… yes I know I don’t those who love a good festival unfair, I know, because there my pocket of 20 cent pieces have a car, but in NSW they as well as a bargain, there is are citizens who don’t have a waiting with the other like you to pay rego anyway. a $30 per ticket saving for mobile and still need to use phoneless dweebs. I’ve only got 20 cents left, adult weekend passes, $55 the public amenity. Dealers It was like lining up for the mum?’ This conversation on youth plus adult passes aren’t psychic afterall. toilet, except the cubicle was actually code for ‘mum, and a further $5 per night on But they just look dodgy. was see-through and can you lend me the bucks weekend camping ($15 for I can’t imagine what sort people were speaking the three nights). Visit the BGC to pay my rent because I got of business requires that shit instead of squeezing website for all ticket prices and sort of high risk behaviour. one out. All your private pissed last week and spent it purchasing information: www. I wouldn’t be putting my and most personal calls on pot, pizza and taxis.’ mouth on that receiver had to be made in public. There was no text All early bird savings are on unless I had a crate of Dettol There was no humility in a messaging. No tweeting. No full season passes only, and sanitising wipes. (Ladies, heartbreak, and for those of personalised ring tones. No early bird tickets close 11:45 that’s also a good pickup us crouching on the kerb, it soft click or message that pm August 29, 2010. This year line). there will be one long round was like a precursor to reality politely said ‘call ended’. You TV. There’d be some chick of early bird sales and we are I suppose if you’re making hung up with the thud of THE JAZZ KANARIES threatening phone calls in the box crying on the happy to announce that gate FRIDAY JULY 16 hard plastic hitting metal. or stalking someone the phone, ‘why don’t you love prices have not increased. AT THE LUFFLEY CAFÉ public phone is the first me? I leeeerve you… don’t You always sounded pissed Long Labour Day Weekend, choice. Although I don’t go, give me another chance, off. You usually were. And the festival is on October 1-3. I’m sorry, pleeeease’. I’d be THE SMOKING CRAWDADS, recommend any hot and no wonder. You were COOLANGATTA AND horny calls as masturbation banging on the box going standing in a fricking public TWEED HEADS GOLF CLUB loses its edge when your ‘hurry up bitch. I know why cubicle trying to make a life 7PM SATURDAY phone’s attached to the bus he left you. You’re a self- changing call straddling centred twat. Get out’. stop. some poor wretch’s vomit, Winter Farmers The main problem with There was no room for avoiding the cigarette butt Market Feast the public phone is that com passion in the queue pushed into a half eaten Burringbar School of Arts it’s public. I can hear what for a public phone. Even the pie smeared on the yellow Hall is holding another Farm- you’re saying. So while Dalai Lama would have lost pages while reading the ers Market Feast, and the you may be covering your his bottle. You’d get your go, great news is that $3700 was ass and organising some load the barrel with your graffiti that detailed Sharon raised at the last feast. The sad sort of covert action on an $1.20 then it was on. You’d and her slutty antics. news is the hall’s insurance has ‘untraceable’ line, you’re turn your back on the angry I once saw a guy standing in now increased – to over $6000 standing in the fricking mob outside the cubicle and a phone box wearing only a year – but never-the-less the launch into your five minute street, you moron. So, you undies and joggers. I was committee is ready to cook up chat fest. want to buy $250 worth of immediately suspicious. another storm to raise some avocados? What are you I’d slide down the glass It was about 5am in the money. The cost is still $40 doing, selling sandwiches and curl up foetal on the morning, I thought, hang per head with entertainment, on the black market? ‘Hey concrete. ‘Hi mum, it’s me, on, where’s he keeping his produce displays and local pro- buddy, want a salad roll?’ Mandy. Look, just wondering 20 cent pieces? And who duce raffles to compliment the I don’t think I’ve touched a if you can spring some was undie dude calling ‘Hi day. Stick around and watch public phone since about money into my account the cows come in for the after- brains about starting your own the cheeses being consumed. Sharon you slut, what are 1989. The public phone was this week. I’ll pay it back. noon milking from the veran- vegie garden. Guest speak- Sunday 12pm, July 11 at the the original mobile. When I promise… yes, I know I you wearing… me? I’m in dah. Everyone is welcome and ers will explain the benefits Burringbar School of Arts you were out you could still always say that… yes I know red undies… look, I’m just there will be a chance to mix of eating local and fresh and Hall. For more phone 02 6677 make a call. In fact, for years you can’t keep bailing me wondering if you’d like to with those who have grown the Burringbar cheese ladies 1111 or email tweedcheese@ when I couldn’t afford my out… 25, I’m 25, yes I know buy some avocados.’ the ingredients so pick their will give you a run down on Tweed River Art Gallery A Tweed Shire Council community facility On display until 8 August

IN YOUR AREA Salon des Refusés: the ‘alternative’ Archibald CAFÉ D’BAR GALLERY STREET, SOUTH TWEED HEADS SEAN SCOTT PHOTOGRAPHY and Wynne Prize selection AMC Tweed 6 Cinemas The Salon exhibition has an established reputation 275 BOUNDARY ST, PHONE: 07 5524 2109 SHOP 3, 110 MARINE PARADE, Tweed City that rivals the selections of the ‘official’ prize COOLANGATTA OPEN: 9-4PM EVERY DAY EXCEPT REFLECTIONS TOWER TWO, exhibitions and is often cited as a more lively and Shopping Centre, (detail)

discerning selection PHONE: 07 5536 2500 WEEKENDS COOLANGATTA 54 Minjungbal Drive, Beyond the Given: Haya Cohen,

OPEN EVERY DAY. PHONE: 07 5599 1150 Claudia South Tweed Heads Virginia Miller and Sonya G Peters SHEOAK SHACK GALLERY OPEN: MON-SUN 6.30AM- 5PM COMMUNITY PRINTMAKERS CAFE Ph 07 5523 3321 An exhibition of textile installation, mixed media, GALLERY photography and works on paper that disintegrates MURWILLUMBAH (CPM INC) 64 FINGAL RD, FINGAL HEAD the boundaries between perception and 33-35 KYOGLE ROAD BRAY PARK, PHONE: 07 5523 1130 OPEN 110 RIVERSIDE DR, TUMBULGUM Bruno Grasswill expectation PHONE: 02 6676 6234 Murwillumbah Regent MURWILLUMBAH WED-THURS: 11AM-5PM, FRI- Cinema Select & Save: Lyndall Adams and Fiona Fell PHONE: 02 6672 8276 SAT: 11AM-10:30PM, SUN OPEN 11AM-4PM WED-SUN Collaborative artists explore the representation of 5 Brisbane St, self and other as being both simultaneously CURRENT EXHIBITION: HEATHER 9:30AM-5PM THE WAY OF DESIGN GALLERY Murwillumbah MATTHEW: REFUGE(E) 2/792 PACIFIC PARADE, Artists by artists: works from the collection - portraits and self portraits STOKERS SIDING POTTERY Ph 02 6672 8265 CPM 1992-2008 - Showcasing acquired works on paper from CPM CURRUMBIN BEACH Printer’s Proofs - from the Fred Genis Collection 224 STOKERS ROAD, STOKERS CURIOUS ART GALLERY PHONE: 07 5534 1530 PUBLIC PROGRAM SIDING, TWEED VALLEY 20 CHINDERAH BAY DRIVE OPEN: TUES-SAT: 9.30AM PHONE: 02 6677 9208 BCC, Coolangatta Sun 4 Jul 2pm Floortalk: Select & Save with Lyndall Adams and Fiona Fell CHINDERAH Sun 1 Aug 11am Floortalk: Beyond the Given with Haya, Virginia and Sonya -2.30PM

OPEN 7 DAYS FROM 9:30AM Coolangatta PHONE 02 6674 5340 HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS -5PM TWEED RIVER ART GALLERY Shopping Resort OPEN: 10AM-5PM WEDNESDAY - Thu 8 Jul 10am-12pm Paint My Way with Arna Baartz (3yrs to 6yrs) $32 SATURDAY, SUNDAY 12PM - 5PM SHELENA RUSSELL GALLERIES 2 MISTRAL RD (CORNER OF Griffith St (Cnr Warner St) Fri 9 Jul 10am-1pm Insect-oids: Sculpture with Melissa Lees (8yrs+) $38 36 GRIFFITH ST, COOLANGATTA TWEED VALLEY WAY), Coolangatta Thu 15 Jul 10am-12pm Stilts and Juggling with Michele Thomas (5yr+) $25 MINJUNGBAL ABORIGINAL PHONE: 07 5536 6559 MURWILLUMBAH Ph 07 5536 9300 FREE ADMISSION Open Wed-Sun 10am-5pm CULTURAL CENTRE OPEN: MON-FRI 10 -5PM, SAT PHONE 02 6670 2790 2 Mistral Rd Murwillumbah NSW 2484 CNR KIRKWOOD ROAD & DUFFY 10-2PM, SUN 10-12.30PM OPEN WED-SUN 10AM–5PM 02 6670 2790 The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 17 Sport [email protected]

Tweed Raider’s Devil of a day in the Bay A perfect Cartwright hack Red Devil’s winger Scott Sta- 16-4 and in the blinking of an pleton made life just too hard eye, the Raiders’ day was done. when he crossed for four tries Byron went to the sheds lea- in Byron Bay’s 38-14 win over ding 22-10 and upon resump- the Tweed Coast Raiders on tion and in fairness, it was the Saturday. Raiders who then snatched The victory, has cemented the game’s most memorable the Red Devil‘s spot in the top moment. five on the NRRRL ladder, with Awarded a penalty, the De- the big guns of Marist Brothers vils punted the ball across field. and Grafton Ghosts looming. As kicks go, it was a Joe Cocker, A slow start from the hosts going nowhere and not even saw the Raiders’ half-back finding touch. cruise through sleepy defence Instead it lobbed directly to open the scoring after eight into the arms of Tweed’s num- minutes, but Byron were quick ber five who took it on the fly, Judges and sponsores Amie Harrison, Martin Wells, Aaron Lang to grab the ascendency. ran over the top of the nearest and Stephanie Hill with Supreme Champion Led Hack winner Running it on the sixth tack- Devil and shot away to the line, Georgia Lee and C.P. Sinatra from Brookfield. le, Byron took a knock, regai- with Byron’s disbelieving cover Sunday was a perfect winter’s The Hack Rings made for a ned equilibrium and sent the moping across at the rate of day for the most successful Cliff long and difficult day for the ball to the winger who was put zombies. Cartwright Memorial Hack judges – Amie Harrison, Aaron away for his first four-pointer. Proceedings were concluded Show of the last six years. Lang and Stephanie Hill – who Soon after a Devil’s flanker with Stapleton’s second brace The event hosted about 150 did a wonderful job in their re- The ball was hard to come by when the Raider’s clashed with was the beneficiary of an over- of tries, leaving the Bay with strappers and spectators and spective rings, before selecting Byron Bay at Red Devils Park on Saturday afternoon. the-shoulder pass and the ball a handsome scoreline and two 61 riders competed in the many the Supreme Champion Led and Photo Jeff H‘ old ‘em or Fold ‘em’ Dawson. made it across again to make it crucial competition points. events during the day. the Ridden and Rider winners.

Social Bowls - Winning Rink - Margaret Cudgen Leagues Men ton; T Wonka, L Rootsey d J Brinsmead, Mike Alder, Sam Ramsay. R.Up G.Shoobridge 36 pts B.Grade SPORT RESULTS Watson, Robyn Creedon, Margaret Mal- Mon Mixes Mufti 28/6/10 Winners D Roughly. Game called for Thursday Green 3: Sean Harty, Ken Calvert, Ha- I.McCormack 39 pts R.Up E.Wheeler BOWLS vern. Consolation - Fay Wright, Lorraine V.Schiemer,M.Ryan.B.Player 8th July W. Ritzau, L Morris v D Miller, rold Moy; George Sommerville, Bryan 38 pts C.Grade R.Halloran 36 pts R.Up Burringbar Men Rice, Judith Tuckey. Raffles - Ken Ross, Wed. Mens Mufti 24/6/10 Winners: H DeVries with the winner to play B McGuinness, Matt Scholes; r/up: john R.Bateson 35 pts N.Pin 2nd J.Jenkins 8th Saturday July 3 – International Day Lorna King, Glenys Cartwright. A.Wilson,K.Pritchard, J.Holt. Losing Henry, B Butler in the semi-final. Bibby, George Gorgency, Howard E.Wheeler & M.Brown. Overall winners: Mick Mesic, Dick Condong Men Rink: J.Hazell, F.Smith, B.Bell Social Bowls Results: Thursday 1st July: Waye; Peter Adams, Bill Hagen, George 10th M.Reynolds 14th J.Moore & C.Jones Aldridge, Mick Brambury and Brian Ay- Wednesday 30th winners were: J Ross, B Sat. Mens Whites19/6/10 Winners Winners: J O’Malley, D Whittington, P Brooks. Wednesday 30th Winner C.Evesson res. Runners Up: Simon Bell Ray Chap- Mullan, H Ross r/ups J Walsh, R Brown, I.Tilley, P.Smith, W.Shardlow. Losing Jones; B Massey, H DeVries, N Peacock; Green 4: Reg Hay, Mick Collins, Neil 42 pts R.Up P.Kibble 41 pts N/Pin man, Richard Grob and Steve Robson. R Shoobridge. Raffle winners P Pluis, J Rink: T.Potonick, B.Cusack, J.Krizman G Haydon, T Askew, A Brown. Young; Jim O’Neill, John Craig, Mario 2nd J.Moen 10th C.Varela 36 1st round winners: Bob Bathie’s team. Ross, R Fuller. Championships Plate Winners: F Coombe, D Fines, B But- Liberatore; r/up: Ken Withington, Jon pts Thursday 1st.July. 2nd Round winners: Ray Tonkin’s Open singles played C Pawlak 31 def G Major Triples: K.Hansen, R.McIntosh, ler. Saturday 3rd July: Winners: D Clark, R Swift, Wal Farr; Con Impellizzeri, Lol Sa- A.Grade B.O’Reilly 67 Nett R.Up J.Pezet team. Moss 7. B Clifford 31 def P Ayres 21.Sat- S.Archbold 22 def Coog, B.Cusack, Norris, I Thompson; B Harris, L Rootsey, J bles, Ted Crofton. 73 nett B.Grade E.Crawshaw 67 nett R.Up 3rd round winners: Rob Hurst’s team. urday bowls 30 players , Raffle winners R.Corney 15. Major Pairs: F.Pieterse, Cook, R Lewis; J Mirles, B McIllhatton, M Sat 3 July –AA & TT Jackpot Sponsor- E.Wheeler 68 nett C.Grade R.Halloran Cabarita Beach Men C Boyd, C Pawlak meat trays. Sunday J.Hazell 29 def W.Shardlow, T.Grimes 3 Rice. Plate Winners: J Ritchie, P Murphy, ship 63 nett R.Up K.Hall 69 nett N.Pin 2nd 30/6/10. Winners B Laybutt & A Latif, r/ Robina Rebles v Condong. Con Lost by Kingscliff Ladies S Garry. Green 1: Sam Ramsay, Ivan Gribble; r/up: M.Reynolds. up R Tonkin & J Hay cons W Chatman 4 shots. Rink winers P Blyth, H Bega, Wednesday 30th June 2010, Social Bowls Tuesday 6th July: Winners: K Burns, J Brian Bitmead, John Heath. 8th J.O;Falaghan & D.Colter 10th & R Maunders. B Burne. R Gerdes, M Bennett, J Miller. Winners Rink 6 J.Croft/I.Azzopardi, Rink Flatt. Runners Up: B Douglas, M Rich- Green 2: Jack Maloney, Jim O’Neill, Con J.Selvey 14th F.Chadwick & M.Brown 3/7/10 Sat social Winners M Watson,B Old- Raffle winners Sams, G Austin, B Walsh, 20 A.Wonka/I.Fuller. Runners Up Rink ards. Plate Winners: J Walton, J Lewis. Impellizzeri; r/up: Buck Lunson, Don B.R.D to 73 nett c.b Friday 2nd July In- meadow, P Thorburn & E Crabb cons J D Jaffrey,H Bennz, G Readen. 5 D.Devries.M.Hendry/J.Greenbank/K. Pottsville Women Firth dividual Stableford Medley Members McArdle, J Hunter & M Morgan. Open singles played D Lucan def J An- Thompson. Raffle Winners 1st J.Croft. Thursday 1st July 2010 Green 3: Betty & Cliff Gribbs; r/up: Al J.Marsden Women’s. 5/7/10 Winners L Tabener & R Morrissey drassy, J Knight def W Chislom.R Kaehler 2nd. R.Williamson. Our Open Triples Winners:M.Jackson & J.Baxter. Runners Blake, Ken Schmidt Winner P.Marsdaen 22 pts Satur- r/up B Laybutt & A Latif cons L Arthur def T Crossingham. B Ayres def S Knight. Championship Up:L.Rice & J.Kent. Raffle:T.Pollard & Green 4: Frank Birkin, John Cunning- day 3rd July Indiviudal Stroke Winner & K Stanley. S Knight def P Messing. Final played Wed. Morn 30th June. Win- J.Tuckey. Lucky Bowler:L.Dowling. ham; r/up: Lucy & Joe Vidulich A.Grade B.Sterling 71 nett Up B.McLean Club Triples entries close 10/7/10. First Open Pairs R Shoobridbe, T Martain, ners: J.Scher/W.Butler/E.Taylor 17 def Open Singles Championship Tuesday The Jackpot of $250.00 was not won 73 nett Winner B.Grade R.Smith 68 nett round scheduled 17/7/10. def G Bishop, C Boyd. R Fuller, R Kaeh- S.Akers/D.Jones/J.Scott 15, well done 29th June.Georg Moore def.Doreen and will now be $300.00 on Saturday R.Up D.Noonan. Cabarita Beach Women ler def C Thompson, B Elvy. D Lucan, Ladies. Buckley. 10 July. C.Grade J Berryman 70 nett R.Up 06.07.10 B Grade Singles Final winner Sue B Ayres def R Pilon, M Obrien. Coming Kingscliff Men Tweed Heads Men Tweed Heads Tourers K.Stevens 71 nett D.Grade B.Cox R. Goode, Runner-up Rhonda Gleeson. events Condong Mixed Pairs B Grade Pairs played Saturday 3rd and Social Results: Last Sunday play was cancelled due to Up D.Nelson N.Pin 2nd G.Veares 8th Sunday 4th July: W Ritzou, L Morris d R Sun 27 Jun: insufficient numbers L.McCormack 8th L.McCormack B.R.D Third quarter July 5 00:36 JULY 2010 Dark, R Graham; D Miller, H DeVries d A Green 1: Ed & Maureen Fitter; Dennis & Next Sunday 11 July the Tourers will be to 78 nett c.b. New moon July 12 05:41 Simpson, F McNamara; J Brinsmead, Jenny Wright; r/up: Val & Bill Neil, Chris- playing away at Brunswick Heads on SHOOTING First quarter July 18 20:11 Astronomical data D Roughly d P Sheafe, B O’Kane; B Hen- tine & Tony Askew. another mixed morning. Murwillumbah Pistol Club Full moon July 26 11:37 and tides ry, B Butler d R Payne (sub), D Whitting- Green 2: Ian Simmonds, Daphne Field, The list is on the notice board and the 30-June-10; Ladies Air Pistol - R Walters Day of Sun Sun Moon Moon High tide, Low tide, Merilyn & Bryan Marra; r/up: B. Billers, N. bus will leave the club at 7.45am. 390, G O’Flynn 385. Air Pistol - R Rees 560. month rise set rise set height (m) height (m) Anderson, D. Brown, C. Hutchison GOLF 3-July-10; Sports Pistol - J Deubel 696, 1T0639 1700 2117 0927 1129,1.31; 2319,1.57 0524,0.46; 1700,0.65 MONTHLY MARKETS Green 3: N. Milliken, J. Cottell, “Mako”, A. Chinderah Seniors Social L Allen 685, A Berry 609, G Andronicus 2F0639 1700 2209 0956 1212,1.32; 2359,1.48 0600,0.49; 1747,0.69 1st Sat Brunswick Heads (02) 6628 4495 Butcher; r/up: Ena & Gordon Haydon, Results for Thursday 1/7/10 - Stableford 603, 3S0639 1700 2301 1025 1258,1.34 0638,0.52; 1841,0.73 1st Sun Banora Point Farmers’ Market Jackie & Alan Brown. Winner A grade - Kathy Griffiths - 40 R Fleming 582, M Tai 577, R Wells 572, J Green 4:George Mynott, Heather Ma- points - new h/cap 11 R/up- Garry Carey Lumsden 570, P Stupka 567, R Rees 566, 4S0639 1701 2354 1054 0045,1.39; 1347,1.37 0719,0.54; 1943,0.75 0417 759 777 1st Sun Byron Bay (02) 6680 9703 son; r/up: Ngarie Gibson, Brian Bevan - 38 points (c/back) - new h/cap 4. D Gazzard 564, A Uren 561, A Unwin 559, 5M0639 1701 1125 0138,1.30; 1440,1.41 0804,0.57; 2054,0.75 Tues 29 Jun Winner B grade - Bill Sutton - 42 points A Gazzard 558, S Nash 556, R Smith 553, 6T0639 1702 0049 1159 0241,1.24; 1534,1.48 0853,0.59; 2207,0.70 1st Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 1st Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 Men - Winners – Green 1: Reg Hay, Jim (c/back) - new h/cap 15,.R/up - Frank J Hoctor 542, M Fleming 537, P Walsh 7W0639 1702 0147 1239 0349,1.20; 1629,1.56 0945,0.59; 2313,0.62 Kelly, Perter Howell, Tom Kelly; r/up: Aaron - 42 points - new h/cap 13. 516. Air Pistol - A Uren 593, P Norris 583, 8T0639 1703 0247 1324 0454,1.21; 1720,1.66 1038,0.57 2nd Sat Kingscliff (02) 6674 0827 Laurie Rea, Jack McMaster, Alan Hurrey, Winner C grade - Dee Patchett - 45 D Dowling 572, P Hulme 571, J Gove 558. 9F0639 1703 0349 1417 0554,1.24; 1811,1.78 0009,0.51; 1130,0.53 2nd Sun The Channon (02) 6688 6433 Vince Leather. points (c/back) - new h/cap 24, R/up - Ladies Air Pistol - E Bartrim 378. Rifle - 10 S 0638 1703 0451 1517 0647,1.29; 1901,1.89 0059,0.39; 1222,0.47 2nd Sun Chillingham 0437 041 023 Green 2: Des Delaney, Lol Sables, Ram- Bev Taylor - 45 points - new h/cap 24 R Gospel 619, B Welsh 600, J Blair 592, say MacDonald, Jack Blagbrough; r/ Ball rundown to 38 points (c/back) J Baker 591, A Gazzard 586, J Gunery- 11 S 0638 1704 0550 1624 0739,1.34; 1950,1.97 0146,0.29; 1314,0.42 2nd Sun Lennox Head (02) 6672 2874 up: Con Impellizzeri, Norman Hoffman, Results for Monday 5/7/10 - Stableford Smith 586, M Luxton 576, N Luxton 571. 12 M 0638 1704 0643 1734 0830,1.39; 2039,2.02 0233,0.21; 1405,0.37 2nd Sun Coolangatta (07) 5533 8202 2nd Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 Norm Clarke, John Heath. Winner A grade Jim (thumbs) Donnelly Murwillumbah Rifle Club 13 T 0638 1705 0730 1844 0919,1.44; 2128,2.02 0320,0.16; 1459,0.35 Ladies – Winners - Glenda McCarthy, - 41 points - new h/cap 7. R/up Barry Full Bore: Sunday’s shoot was conduct- 14 W 0637 1705 0813 1952 1011,1.48; 2217,1.96 0407,0.15; 1553,0.35 3rd Sat Mullumbimby (02) 6684 3370 Pat McNamara, June Gilroy; r/up: Mar- Martin - 40 points - new h/cap 2. ed at 300yrds. 15 T 0637 1706 0852 2059 1102,1.51; 2308,1.84 0454,0.17; 1650,0.38 3rd Sat Murwillumbah Cottage Markets jorie Croghan, Francis Hewitt, Shirley Winner B grade - Robert Graham - 41 Target Rifle – A. Cronk 100.13, 0, 100.13 D. 16 F 0637 1706 0928 2203 1155,1.53 0541,0.23; 1749,0.44 0417 759 777 Ganter. points (c/back) - new h/cap 13. R/up - Phippard 99.8, 0.66, 100.8 W. Shoobridge 17 S 0637 1707 1005 2307 0000,1.67; 1249,1.55 0629,0.31; 1853,0.50 3rd Sun Ballina (02) 6687 4328 Wed 30 Jun: – Highest winning Margin. Richard Girdlestone - 41 points (c/back) 99.5, 0.33, 99.5 D. Chittick 98.9, 0.66, 99.9 18 S 0636 1707 1042 0057,1.50; 1346,1.56 0716,0.40; 2004,0.56 3rd Sun Banora Point Farmers’ Market Green 1: John Griffiths, Jack Blagbrough - new h/cap 15. S. Waddell 97.8, 1, 98.8 B. Barrett. 0417 759 777 + 16; r/up: Harold Moy, Lindsay Adam- Winner C grade - Peter Elliott - 41 points 93.5, 4.33, 97.5 S. Dolan 91.3, 7, 98.3 G. 19 M 0636 1708 1121 0011 0200,1.34; 1446,1.57 0808,0.48; 2123,0.58 3rd Sun Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 son + 10 on c/b. (c/back) - new h/cap 21. R/up - Laurie Davids 89.2, 4.33, 93.2. 0635 1708 1204 0114 20 T 0310,1.22; 1550,1.60 0904,0.54; 2241,0.56 3rd Sun Pottsville (02) 6676 4555 Green 2: Bob Chapman, Mal Rae + 10 Gee - 41 points - new h/cap 19. F-Class Standard Rifle – W. Sunderland 21 W 0635 1709 1250 0215 0424,1.17; 1652,1.63 1002,0.57; 2347,0.51 3rd Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 on c/b; r/up: Mike Nash, Steve Good- Ball rundown to 38 points (c/back) 113, 2, 115 P. Weeks 111, 3.66, 115 B. Chit- 22 T 0635 1709 1341 0314 0530,1.17; 1747,1.67 1100,0.58 3rd Sun Uki (02) 6679 9026 man + 10. Next event Monday 12/7/10 - Stroke tick 111, 4, 115 P. Pritchard 109, 5.33, 114 P. 23 F 0634 1710 1435 0409 0625,1.20; 1836,1.71 0040,0.48; 1152,0.56 Green 3:Bob Cumming, Clinton Bailey + Murwillumbah Golf Club Loxley Lewis 104, 6, 110 A. Glover 24 S 0634 1711 1531 0459 0712,1.24; 1919,1.73 0123,0.41; 1239,0.53 4th Sat Kingscliff (02) 6674 0827 19; r/up: Ron Hottinger, George Brooks Sunday 27th June Individual Stableford 101, 10.33, 111 S. Littler 92, 18, 110. 4th Sun Bangalow (02) 6687 1911 25 S 0633 1711 1628 0543 0751,1.27; 1957,1.75 0201,0.38; 1321,0.51 + 10. Women’s Winner N.Roser 36 pts Mem- Small Bore – W. Sunderland 399, 0, 399 4th Sun (in 5 Sun month) Coolangatta Green 4: David Hodge, John Craig, Frank bers M.Rosolen 37 pts N.Pin 2nd D.Souter A. Cronk 398, 0, 398 S. Sunderland 396, 26 M 0633 1712 1723 0622 0829,1.30; 2032,1.74 0235,0.36; 1400,0.49 (07) 5533 8202 Holdsworth, Kim Stephenson + 26; r/up: & R.Rattray .B.R.D to 32 pts Monday 0.66, 397 S. Littler 394, 2.33, 396 A. Glover 27 T 0632 1712 1818 0657 0903,1.32; 2106,1.72 0308,0.35; 1438,0.49 4th Sun Murwillumbah 0422 565 168 Peter Newman, Col Fishlock + 17 28th Vets Mixed 392, 60, 452 C. Freeman 392, 8.33, 400 R. 28 W 0631 1713 1911 0729 0938,1.34; 2139,1.67 0339,0.35; 1515,0.50 4th Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 Fri 2 July: Double Winners & Runners-up. Winners G.Hughes & J.Baker 48 pts R.Up Millingen 385, 7.66, 393 W. Shoobridge 29 T 0631 1713 2003 0758 1014,1.36; 2212,1.60 0410,0.37; 1554,0.52 Green 1: John LeBoeuf, Tom Wotton, M.$ T.Parkes 47 pts Mmebers Winners 378, 17, 395 J. Malek 372, 21.33, 393 M. 30 F 0630 1714 2054 0827 1049,1.37; 2246,1.52 0441,0.39; 1634,0.55 5th Sun Nimbin (02) 6689 0000 John Sieben; Cliff Dury, Fred Fry, Ken M.Styles & a.Bryce 46 pts R.Up B.Neil Small 371, 25.66, 397 S. Couch 359, 24, 383 5th Sun Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1714 31 S 0630 1714 2146 0856 1128,1.39; 2323,1.42 0513,0.42; 1718,0.59 Scott; r/up: Brian Bevan, Fred Peel, Mike & I.Audsley 45 pts N.Pin 2nd K.Hall & G. Davids 356, 35.66, 392. All times are Eastern Standard Time. Time lags: Ballina Boat Nedjati; Bern Jacobson, Fred Sayer, Max R.Kent 8th Shot Gun – singles, doubles, agg. A. Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; Brunswick River Highway Bridge: FARMERS MARKETS Morris. L.Anderson & C.Somerville 10th J.De Cronk 15, 9, 24, 6 P. Weeks 19, 9, 24, 5 B. high 30 min, low 1 hr; Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: Each Sat 8-11am Bangalow (02) 6687 1137 Green 2: Gary Hewitt, Scott Agnew, Den- Closey & T.Chilcott 17th B.P’Reilly & Chittick 14, 7, 21 K. Thomson 15, 6, 21 S. 3 hr 55 min; Chinderah: high 1 hr 30 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Each Thu 8-11am Byron Bay (02) 6687 1137 nis Agnew; Peter Howell, Tom Kelly, Ge- R.Kent B.R.D TO 43 PTS Tuesday 29th In- Waddell 14, 7, 21 S. Littler 14, 7, 21 M. Inlet: high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; Murwillumbah: high 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate high tide of Each Tue New Brighton (02)6684 5390 off Dixon; r/up: Norman Hoffman, Alan dividual Stableford Winner A.Grade Franks 14, 7, 21, S. Dolan 15, 5, 20 D. Phip- 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Data courtesy of the National Tidal Centre. Each Sat 8am-1pm Uki (02) 6679 5438 Stephen, Bob Mullens; David Dodge, J.Jenkins 38 pts pard 14, 6, 19 P. Pritchard 13, 3, 16.

18 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo Sport [email protected] Gents unhorse Cossacks Tweed River’s got dem lizards David Solano

Can you still catch big flathead in the Tweed at this time of year? You bet ya! It’s just a mat- ter of finding where they are. The lizard in the photo was caught a month ago behind the Tweed Hospital. At the mo- ment they seem to have disap- peared from this area, but after speaking to a few people in the know, it appears they have moved further up river. Co- baki Lakes, Terranora and up around Tumbulgum are good places to try. In Saturday’s game against the Iluka Cossacks, the Gent’s lockbusting centre Mick Ford scores a How you catch these fish is try under the posts in a demonstration of just how great the Murwillumbah team can be. another story. As I only use soft Story & Photo Geoff Campbell portunities to hammer the Lee Wood at fullback had plastics and hardbodied lures, Cossacks. Mick Ford in the a fine game with his kicking you really have to go after the In a welcome return to form, centres was unstoppable. game outstanding, although fish. Try fanning your cast as the Gentlemen of Murwillum- The Gents lineouts were only on for a short period. flathead are very lazy and un- bah completely outclassed a at times a little untidy and Johnno showed some real less you present the lure right hapless Iluka Cossacks with a were lucky not to have points potential at the side of the onto them they won’t move. five try to three rugby union scored against them, but the scrum, and Mick Ford showed I’ve paddled over some very drubbing, resulting in a final scrums were a different story. how much he was missed in big lizards and anchored my score of 34-15. The Gents hardworking pack the game against Byron. This kayak in a position where I The win gave The Gents totally dominated their op- trio was the standouts for the could cast at them. their first victory at Banana positition, who had no an- Gents in a team in that played This time I was using a small bream lure and it showed no Park for the season. swers in set play and at times well on a glorious north coast David Solano with a giant flat head ‘lizard’ he caught in the interest at all. I ended up In a slow start to the game failed to retain the ball with Saturday afternoon. Tweed River behind the Tweed Hospital last month – they thinking maybe it was a ray, both packs attempted to out- their own feed of the scrum. In other results over the have now moved upstream. muscle each other – the Gents The Murwillumbah boys weekend, Yamba easily ac- so I paddled over right on top were patient and their backs had a little nap midway dur- counted for Mullumbimby in of it and whacked my paddle size flathead, only to have a big so maybe it’s a family thing, began to see more of the ball ing the second half, allowing a 45-7 drubbing and Bangalow on the side of the yak. It was a one follow it up and swallow it. interesting. Give me a call if and used it well. Iluka in for a couple of soft had a narrow win over Byron lizard alright and a whopper. I’ve seen this on three differ- you have seen the same thing Veteran half back Glen, re- tries, giving Gents support- Bay 22-18 in their local derby. Now I use much bigger plastics ent occasions and I can’t figure as some of my mates think I’m turning from injury had an ers some anxious moments. Next Saturday the Gents when chasing lizards, right up it out,whether the bigger one mad. excellent game, urging his These gave the team a sharp travel to Kyogle, hoping to to seven inch minnows. is eating or saving the little one. ■ If you have any fishing news forwards on and giving the wake up call resulting in more erase memories of their first One of the strangest things I have heard the little ones all you would like to share with outside backs plenty of op- points to the Gents. encounter. I’ve seen is reeling in an under- lie next to the bigger models, David, phone 0415 747 969.

ROUND 18 POINTS TALLY Video Pete 68 Tigers v Titans The Scott Leishman 66 Roosters v Rabbitohs Peta Ellen 64 Sea Eagles v Raiders Echo’s Footy Peter and Lee Smith 64 Bulldogs v Storm Emily Walsh 63 Knights v Sharks Rory Curtis 63 Panthers v Warriors Chef Chris 62 Eels v Cowboys Tipping Gurus Luke Robertson 56 Peter and Lee Smith. Titans Chef Chris. Titans For all your gourmet needs. Wednesday Game meat specialists. Now Roosters Rabbitohs Raiders night: Roast – Sea Eagles stocking goat, kangaroo and emu adults $9, kids $6. Mon-Fr 8am-6pm, Sat 7am-1pm. Storm Thursday night: $10 Storm Quality produce grown locally for locals Sharks Steak with mash and Murwillumbah Hotel, Knights 02 6672 1944 Warriors vegies or pasta – 13 Wharf St, Murwillumbah Panthers 132 Main St, Murwillumbah Eels adults $10, kids $6.50 s Eels Scott Leishman. CRICKSCRIC Tigers Emily Walsh. Tigers For new and used Rabbitohs Bistro open 7 days ROUNDHOUSE Roosters Tweed & for lunch and dinner. cars go to The Sea Eagles TAVERN Sea Eagles Coast’s # 1 dealer. Murwillumbah Bookings and Bulldogs functions welcome. Cnr Alma & Storm Knights Drive through bottle Tweed Valley Way Knights 4WEED-INJUNGBAL$RIVEs Panthers shop. DJ friday Ph Jim 02 6672 1023 Panthers -URWILLUMBAH4WEED6ALLEY7AYs Cowboys nights open till late. [email protected] Eels Rory Curtis. Tigers Luke Robertson Tigers Pay less. Pay cash. THE Roosters Rabbitohs Court House Hotel Eagles Sea Eagles Homemart on the Tweed 60 Main St, Cnr Shallow Bay & GOOD Dogs Murwillumbah Storm Minjungbal Drive. Knights 02 6672 1044 Knights 07 5524 4444 GUYS Panthers Panthers TWEED HEADS Eels Eels I’m Peta Ellen Stenhouse. Tigers Video Pete’s the name... Titans I work for the Tweed Shire Roosters ad sales, fi shing and Rabbitohs Echo and my footy team is THE TWEED Sea Eagles footie’s the game... Sea Eagles the almighty Bulldogs! can we please Bulldogs revisit ‘08! Storm 02 6684 1777 Knights Knights adcopy@ Panthers 02 6684 1777 Panthers Eels [email protected] Eels The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 19 Service Directory

SERVICE DIRECTORY RATES & PAYMENT CARPET CLEANING CONCRETING DEADLINE: For additions and changes to the Service Directory is 12pm Monday LINE ADS: $70 for 3 months or $260 for 1 year prepaid Carpets & Upholstery Mako Concrete Lounge suites, recliners, rugs DISPLAY ADS: $35 per week for colour display ad. Minimum 8 week booking 4 weeks prepaid. Dries in 1-2 hours Constructions ACCOUNTS & BOOKINGS: 02 6672 2280 Sanitation, Urine extraction !LLASPECTSOFCONCRETE.OJOBTOOSMALL and Deodorising #ALLNOWFORAFREEQUOTE Chem Dry Far North Coast We also off er: AIR CONDITIONING To make an appointment please call Specialist Fire & Smoke, Ph: EMAILAARON ALEXIUCCOM 0408 232 066 Water & Flood damage restoration ,IC#

making cool Superior technology. DECKS, PATIOS & EXTENSIONS waves Ultimate comfort. œ˜‡ÌœÝˆVÊEÊiVœ‡vÀˆi˜`ÞÊ AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION That’s the Daikin difference. CARPET CLEANING s3!,%3s3%26)#%s).34!,,!4)/. Sneeze less, sleep better and breathe deeper 2ESIDENTIALCOMMERCIALAIRCONDITIONINGWITHOVERYEARSEXPERIENCE s(EALTHYSANITISEDCARPETSs$RYINMINUTESNOT The Deck Doctor 0H s&AXsWWWCOOLITACCOMAU HOURSs3TAINREMOVALANDRESISTANCEs'UARANTEED 0TY,TD"3#,IC#.37,IC1LD24!!5s%STABLISHED 100% odour removal Before !FTER Specialising in: s2EPAIRSs2ESTORATIONs#ABLE Call Rhys 0408 540 467 UÊÜÜÜ° i>Ì «ÀœÌiVÌ°˜iÌ BALUSTRADINGs3ANDINGs/IL#OATINGSs-AINTENANCE Lic ARC L035475 Richard Neylan [email protected] NSW 144581C 0407 821 690 Fax: (02) 6680 3755 FUSION AIR BSA 1180098 AIR CONDITIONING  ELECTRICAL  MECHANICAL VENTILATION Professional, local CLEANING service by licensed ❆ Ducted and split system air conditioner and insured installer FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED installations – including electrical Established 26 years. ❆ Matt Curtis Installation packages to suit all budgets 07 5599 3071 ❆ Sales, Service and Repairs 0419 791 193 Tweed Burleigh 07 5535 7981 s3PECIALISINGINTIMBERDECKS s'ABLESs0ATIOSs#ARPORTS ANTENNA INSTALLATION Call for a FREE measure & quote today. "3!.37#1LD TV ANTENNA SERVICES PATIOS & EXTENSIONS s3ATELLITESYSTEMSs!-&-RADIO Lic 207223C s(OMEAUDIOs3ALESs3ERVICE We have the Vision Experience Solution. Graeme Archer We design and build Free quotes, free information, 17 years local patios, decks and experience, 12 month warranty on all installations extensions to suit The outdoor lifestyle specialists "LIND#URTAIN#LEANING2EPAIRS your lifestyle needs: 60 Poinciana Ave,  s 6ERTICALS #URTAINS Timber (OLLANDS 2OMANS Call today for FREE 02 6687 2881 [email protected] 07 5523 3622 design consultation. %NTERPRISE!VE 4WEED(EADS3OUTH DESIGN & DRAFTING ATELIER Deirdre J Gorrie Residential Design ...... [email protected] 02 66771523 U-BUTE OVEN CLEANING GARDEN DESIGN, FENG SHUI .Lyn 0428 884329 or 66857756 s.OSPRAYONCHEMICALSs'REATRATESs0ENSIONER$ISCOUNTS WWW.BUILTPRACTICE.COM Design & Drafting. Chris Knapp ...... 0405 914569 Are You Sick of Cleaning your Oven? ELECTRICIANS #ALL4AM02 5610 3210 / 0400 998 269 ARCHITECTS CURTIS ELECTRICAL 24 hour service. Lic 79065C ...... 0427 402399 JOSE DO Sustainable Architecture. Reg. 7647 0424 062096 NORTHERN RIVERS ELECTRICAL Domestic & commercial. Pottsville. Lic 152006C ..0432 122727 SPACE STUDIO We design buildings & their interiors. ...... 66809921 BLINDS & AWNINGS Architecture. Landscapes. Construction. $//&857$,16 %/,1'6 6+877(56 2 Pauls Electricians Carving. Specialists in Stone  All electrical work, including home Building Sustainability Assesor & Passive Solar Design  maintenance and air conditioning systems 02 6679 5300 / 0416 426 729  Email: [email protected] NSW: 218495C, Qld: 70561 [email protected] Reg 8284 Lic 214646C   Paul Taylor 0412 506 536 ´1(:6+2:5220µ8QLW&(17(11,$/&7%<521%$< 2SHQ0RQ)ULSP)UHH0 4 ASBESTOS REMOVAL Ernst Max Mann ALL RESIDENTIAL ASBESTOS REMOVAL ...... 0407 261213 COMPUTER SERVICES Electrical Contractor WiseGal Computer Service Internet, software & hardware, networks, tuition ...... 0405 929371 02 6677 1943 / 0410 314 897 BUILDING TRADES 011001110011101011001100010110011100110111001100111001110101100110001011001110 Lic EC 26523 011011100110011100111010110011000101100111001101110011001110011101011001100010 110011100110111001100111001110101100110001011001110011011100110011100111010110 ARCHITECTURAL 011000101100111001101110011000101100111001101110011000101100111001101110011000%PDUPS%BUB3FTDVF Have you lost Has data been Call Doctor Data Rescue today! COUNTRY ENERGY AUTHORISED TIMBERS • images • videos • formatted Low rates, JACK MANTLE STAIRS • documents ? • deleted ? Fast local service. Level 2 Electrical Contractors, GREAT RATES INTERNAL / EXTERNAL • music • damaged 0419 146618 NEW SOLAR GROSS TARIFF METERING OPEN / CLOSED RISERS We can recover from • hard disks • USB flash drives • ipods/mp3 players Underground and overhead service lines - Switchboard upgrades 0408 740 480 / 02 6684 3378 • CDs/DVDs • digital camera storage (SD etc) Phone GEORGE 02 6679 5915 0411 185 811 UKI ELECTRICAL SERVICES [email protected] WOOD MACHINING SERVICE thatcomputerguy 3AWINGs0LANINGs4HICKNESSING FENCING Computer Repair & Tech Support s2OUTINGs-ORTICE4ENON BEDNARZ, H & W, FENCING Specialise in pool, colourbond & timber fencing ...... 07 55904540 s.EWs2ECYCLEDs3ALVAGEDs3LABORSTICKTIMBERs*AMBSs3ILLS for small business & home s$OORSs7INDOWSs"ENCHTOPSs3TAIRSs&URNITUREs7HITEBOARDCUT FENCING & RETAINING WALLS BSA Licensed. Free quotes. Any area ...... 0411 594314 Personalised service for all your projects Call Dan on 0410 633 980 FRONTLINE FENCING & LATTICE Pool, Colourbond & Lattice. Lic 212208c ...... 07 55241842 Phone Tony or  ,IC.O# NORTHERN RIVERS FENCING All fences, will beat any quote ...... 0421 755978

9VI9HUKHSS*HYWLU[Y`       GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 3PJ * AUSSIE MOWERMAN TWEED HEADS...... Kris 02 66743695 or 0439 612061 5L^/VTLZ +LJRZ -SVVYZ 7LYNVSHZ 9LWHPYZ    CABA LAWN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ...... Cale 0488 760310 9LUV]H[PVUZ ,_[LUZPVUZ 6^ULY)\PSKLY-YPLUKS`    -VYHSS*HYWLU[Y`ULLKZJHSS SLASHING 4WD Tractor with slasher. West of Murwillumbah ...... 02 66795606      ! "# $ % $  $ WOLLUMBIN TREE SERVICES Qualified arborist. Pruning, removals, economical .....0427 015923 Ph: 0755 904 759 M: 0428 602 642 Fax: 0755904 757 & ' ( (  &        email: [email protected] DAN YATES GARDEN SERVICES Qualified horticulturist ...... 0407 540 700 or 02 6679 1427 BUILDING PLANS & ENGINEERING TWEED MOBILE COMPUTER SERVICES JIM’S TREE & STUMP REMOVAL s3OIL4ESTING&OOTING$ESIGN 1"3! s(ARDWARESOFTWAREREPAIRS s1UALIlED!RBORISTs4REE0RUNING s"UILDING$ESIGN$RAFTING s)NTERNETCONNECTIONSs(OMESERVICE s4REE2EMOVALs3TUMP2EMOVAL s3TRUCTURAL$ESIGN#ERTIlCATION20%1 s-ULCHINGs&ULLY)NSURED s$OMESTIC #OMMERCIAL0OOLS s.OJOBTOOSMALLsPROMPT SERVICE s3AME$AY2ESPONSE Let us make building easier for you Ben Cullen Dip I.T. Call Jeff: 0419 736 577 0412 593 511 131 546 20 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo Service Directory


PLUMBERS WANTED: Your gardens to mow, hoe & beautify. Rubbish removal – garden waste Call the Cowboy on 6676 1243 or 0429 239 343 LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATION "92/."!9 SELF STORAGE BASALT BUSHROCK Highgrade. Rock walls. Cheap prices ...... Rolly 0408 860543  !.$3522/5.$3 BRENDON POWELL Bobcat, excavator, tipper & auger. All jobs...... 0404 988222 FENCING & RETAINING WALLS BSA Licensed. Free quotes. Any area ...... 0411 594314

Specialising in PRINTER TONERS & CARTRIGES tBMMTUZMFTPGQBWJOHCSJDLXPSL tJSSJHBUJPOtSFUBJOJOHXBMMT tUVSGBSFBTtXBUFSGFBUVSFT BOEBMMBTQFDUTPG QBWJOHBOEMBOETDBQJOH Over 20 yrs experience - friendly reliable service Ring Dean on 0417 856 212 TINY EARTHWOR REMOVAL Philip Toovey 0409 799 909 REMOVALISTS ph/fax 02 6684 3208 various implements available for limited access projects • Local • Country • Interstate LOCAL • SYDNEY • GOLD COAST • BRISBANE • MELBOURNE WOOD FIRED OVENS 7 Day Access Specialising in wood fi red pizza ovens, outdoor entertaining areas & decks 02 6684 2198 [email protected] *ON(UTTONs0415 934 793 PIN Code Entry WWWCOASTALENTERTAININGCOMAUsJON COASTALENTERTAININGCOMAU SHIRE TRANSPORT Range of Sizes LICENSED BROTHELS FREIGHT & REMOVALS UÊÀiˆ} ÌÊÃiÀۈViÃÊÌœÊ ÀˆÃL>˜iÊ œ˜ÊEÊ7i`Ê UÊ >ÀÀˆiÀÃʜvÊwʘiÊ>ÀÌÊUÊ ˆ˜ˆÊ“œÛiÃÊ Venus Lounge UÊ ‡L>ÞÊ«ˆVŽÊÕ«ÊEÊ`iˆÛiÀÞ 6672 3211 Gentlemen’s Retreat 6687 6445 / 0409 917646 57 Quarry Road, MURWILLUMBAH OUTCALLS AVAILABLE – OPEN 24/7 ROOFING 17 Morton Street, Chinderah • 02 6674 5020 SOLAR INSTALLATIONS MOTORING ALL ROOF REPAIRS, CLEANING & PAINTING ...... 0407 261213 U -//" - U, *,-ÊEÊ-1** - SOLAR Dwyers Smash Repairs ROOFING Servicing this area for 11 years. SYSTEMS CRAFTSMEN Lic. Electrical Contractors 6 GENERATIONS IN ROOFING 6680 2002 ROOF RESTORATIONS • RE-ROOFING • REPAIRS • FREE QUOTES Your local installer dealing in Sharp Solar Modules, Australian made Latronic Inverters and Honest, reliable, all work guaranteed. Century/Yuasa batteries. Specialists in Standalone and Grid Interact Solar Power Systems. s0REFERREDINSURANCE 6681 4163 / 0414 674 110 • www.roofi P: 02 6679 7228 E: [email protected] REPAIRER s-AJOR-INOR SMASHREPAIRS Joe Perez & Associates SolarSolar PPowerPoweower SSystemsystemss&El & EElectricalElleecctrical s,OCALLYOWNEDOPERATED Metal Roofi ng Services 1.5kw system $12,000 (fully installed) s&REEPICKUPDELIVERY h2E ROOlNGv 0417 550 116 ,ICENSED!SBESTOS FROM#ABARITAH0OTTSVILLE ASPECIALTYIN 2EMOVALIST #OLOURBOND:INC  ,IC! Call Darren 0412 693 189 -!34%22//&0,5-"%2,IC Email: [email protected] -OGO0LACE"ILLINUDGELs%ST $OMESTICs)NDUSTRIALs#OMMERCIALs'OLD#OASTSURROUNDINGAREAS The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 21 Service Directory/Echo Property/Noticeboard

This elaborate Marie Antoi- TILING Noticeboard nette style creation by Banora CERAMIC TILER Lic 161050C. Robbie ...... 0409 368046 French exhibition Point designer Lyn Stewart Twin Towns Evening made a stunning entrance at WILL CASTLE TILING View Club makes fashionable the opening of controversial Meets at 6.30pm on the second exhibition Salon des Refusés Bathroom renovations, wall and fl oor tiling. Over 40 years Wednesday of each month at entrance at the Tweed River Art Gallery experience. Competitively priced. FREE QUOTES. Tweed Heads Bowls Club. Enjoy recently. 6680 3736 or 0427 903 849 a great meal and guest speaker. The exhibition is inspired by Lic 218802C Women of all ages welcome. the renegade French impres- Phone Barbara 5523 1057 by 1pm sionists of the 1860s, who held TREE SERVICES Monday prior to meeting with a revolutionary breakaway bookings. exhibition. POWER CLEAR TREE SERVICES Murwillumbah & Tweed ...... 02 66728954 In 1863, the French Acad- JPs available emy rejected a staggering WEB DESIGN Justices of the Peace are avail- 2800 canvases submitted for able for witnessing legal docu- their annual Salon exhibi- ments at the following venues: tion. The public protests that Tweed Centro Shopping Centre followed were so great that each Tuesday from 10am-2pm Napoleon III himself de- and at Tweed City Shopping manded to see the rejected Centre each Thursday from works. When the Academy 10am-2pm and 5pm-7pm. For information please call Margaret refused to reconsider its se- on (07) 5599 2975. lection the Emperor decreed MEDIASHMEDIA ...... Multimedia Design & Development. 0457 114 130 that the rejected paintings WEDDING SERVICES U3A Tweed Coast go on display in a separate Next Friday Forum: August exhibition. TAILORED CEREMONIES BY WILL ALLAN ...... [email protected] 07 55909757 2, at KingsliffU niting Church Salon des Refusés , which Hall 2pm, guest speaker John has since established a WINDOW TINTING Pumpurs, photographer of and reputation to rival that of educator on frogs. Afternoon the famed ‘Archibald’ Prize, is tea $2. All welcome. U3A Tweed described as a major coup for WINDOW TINTING Coast needs a French tutor the gallery. asap. Volunteer now if you are The exhibition is on display P a French teacher or French until August 8. speaker. Have fun teaching a Photo Jeff ‘Let Them Eat TWEED BYRON WINDOW TINTING group of motivated intermedi- Cake’ Dawson ate and advanced level learners. Phone Judi 0412 030 412 for info. (07) 5535 1140 or go to www. The Family Centre Nashos meetings for Exit International more information. The Centre is taking bookings Tweed Valley-Murwillumbah For information on end of life now for the following courses. National Servicemen’s Associa- choices come to one of our Organ donation Triple P parenting education, tion NSW meets on the third meetings and learn about your awareness Tweed Heads South, Thursdays, Tuesday of every month at options. Pacific Fair, Tuesday July July 22-August 26, 10am- 10.15am in the Murwillumbah Mary Campbell, a representative 13 at 10am. Tweed/Coolangatta 12.30pm; P5 parenting education Services Club. We have guest of the North Coast Area Health Golf Club, Tuesday July 20 at Wednesdays, July 21-August 25, speakers and many varied Service, invites you to an aware- 10.30am. For more information 12pm-2pm Kingscliff; Walk and activities to participate in. ness session on organ donation, ring Elaine 0421 796 713. Talk walking group for parents New and social members most as a lifesaving and life transform- with bubs, Kingscliff fortnightly welcome. Next Meeting July Food distribution ing medical process in Australia. on Fridays starting July 23; 20. For more info phone Peter REAL ESTATE Dr. Mike Lindley Jones will dis- Pathways to Change for Women, on 07 5590 5467 or Keith on 07 Are you a struggling pensioner? cuss the definition of brain death, Tweed Heads South, Wednes- 5524 5679. Then come to the iBar Wharf SERVICES and there will be a very personal days, July 21- September 8, Street, Tweed Heads on Wednes- insight from a recipient’s experi- 1-3pm; Understanding Domestic Islander fundraiser days at 12.30pm for some food to ence. All welcome, refreshments and Family Violence for women, DIRECTORY help you out. Are there any kind The Tweed South Sea Islanders provided. Bookings can be made Murwillumbah, Wednesdays, people who can donate some are having a fundraiser at Cud- July 21-August 25, 10am-12.00pm. non-perishable food to help the on 07 5569 3150. gen Leagues Club, the Balcony Numbers are limited so book MORTGAGUE BROKER pensioners out please? We need Room, on Friday July 16, from 6 Twin Towns Craft Fair early on 07 5524 8711. Detailed some more until the storehouse till 1. Kareoke by Keith Hudson, info on all our courses at www. opens, which we hope won’t be 10th Annual Twin Towns Craft all welcome, kids’ games, raffles, too much longer. Terri 0414 376 057. Fair will be held at the Civic fun nite to be had. Centre, corner Wharf and Brett Coolangatta/Tweed Streets, Tweed Heads on Friday and Saturday, 16 & 17 July 16-17, EMERGENCY NUMBERS View Club from 9am to 4pm both days. This Please stick this by your phone Next luncheon meeting will is a Quota International of Tweed Creating and protecting your wealth be held on Thursday, July 15, Heads/Coolangatta project, with AMBULANCE, FIRE, POLICE ...... 000 • Home Loans Russel Shaw in the Horizons Room, South the proceeds going to the Bilam- AMBULANCE Mullumbimby & Byron Bay ...... 131 233 • Motor Vehicle Finance mobile 0412 833 280 Tweed Sports Club at 11:00am for bil Rural Fire Brigade and other BRUNSWICK VALLEY RESCUE Sea & road rescue ...... 6685 1999 • Commercial Finance phone 02 6680 8045 11:30am. Visitors very welcome. Quota projects. For enquiries BRUNSWICK MARINE RADIO TOWER ...... 6685 0148 MULLUMBIMBY HOSPITAL ...... 6684 2266 • Financial Planning rshaw@acceptancefi Bookings phone Margaret on 07 please contact Jean on 07 5536 5534 7115 before 5pm, Monday 2891 or Yvonne on 07 5524 1186. BYRON BAY HOSPITAL ...... 6685 6200 POLICE Brunswick Heads ...... 6685 1277 www.acceptancefi 12th. VIEW stands for Voice, Interests, and Education of Ratepayers & Mullumbimby ...... 6684 2144 Women – a valued part of the Byron Bay ...... 6685 9499 Smith Family. Residents Bangalow ...... 6687 1404 CONVEYANCING The Murwillumbah Ratepayers & STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE Storm & tempest damage, flooding .6684 3444 Meditation and Residents Association will hold AIDS Confidential testing & information (ACON) ...... 6622 1555 their AGM on the Monday, July AL-ANON Help for family & friends of alcoholics ...... 6685 9690, 6680 4429 Buddhism classes 19 at 7.30pm. The meeting will be ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hours ...... 6686 8599 VICKERS A weekly chance to discover held at the Autumn Club in Tum- ANIMAL RESCUE (DOGS & CATS) ...... 6628 1358 the peace of meditation for bulgum Road, Murwillumbah. LIFELINE ...... 131 114 LAWYERS yourself by exploring medita- Interested parties are welcome. MENSLINE 7pm–11pm nightly (phone counselling & referral for men)..6622 2240 tion techniques and positive NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Meets daily ...... 6680 7280 6680 7370 minds. Classes are self-contained Pottsville N’hood NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE ...... 6684 1286 ✶ buying or selling property The so you can drop in any week. Watch NORTHERN RIVERS GAMBLING SERVICE ...... 6687 2520 ✶ business sales or eagle has They consist of guided medita- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 24 hour crisis line ...... 1800 656 463 purchases tions, teaching and discussion, Meeting is on Thursday, August 5 GAMBLERS’ ANONYMOUS Meet 7.30pm Tuesdays ✶ commercial property landed... followed by refreshments. at 3.00pm in the Ebbtide Room, at Byron Hospital Group Room, Shirly St, Byron Bay ...... 0405 087 529 leases Everyone is welcome and no Elizabeth Street, Pottsville. Please NORTHERN RIVERS WILDLIFE CARERS...... 6628 1866 ✶ wills and estates prior experience is necessary. note the change of day and time. KOALA HOTLINE...... 6622 1233 Call Philip Vickers Class fee is $10. Classes are held New members welcome, contact GEORGE THE SNAKE MAN...... 0407 965 092 Shop 8B The Bay Centre Lawson Street Byron Bay in Murwillumbah. Please phone Christine 0422 293 360. NSW Wildlife Information & Rescue Service (WIRES) ...... 6628 1898 22 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo Classifieds

POOL TABLE pub size, mahog finish, all Sexual Counselling acc, mint cond, $850 ono. 0412738592 Alison Rahn qualified sex therapist Eyeballs 0432599812 NEW DINING TABLE extendable, seats 4-8, oiled, solid Beechwood, rrp $399, sell CLASSIFIEDS QUIT SMOKING IN 60 MINUTES $250 ono. Ph 0432885423 on pages... How? Ask Ingrid phone 66803827 TV LG, 28” = 70cm, vgc has remote, $180 REVITALISING MASSAGE With such a 02 6672 2280 Gentle or deep tissue, ono. 15” LCD Sony monitor, $70 ono. dedicated Transformer 240-110v, 100w & 1800w. hot rock special, Ocean Shores, readership, BY POST qualified. Nina 66802349, 0409393352 Phone 66843143 PHONE ADS The Echo is the Ads may be taken by phone on PO Box 545 Murwillumbah 2484 COOL WINTER AIR MAKING GARAGE SALES more eff ective way to 02 6672 2280 YOUR SKIN DRY & THIRSTY? 9am-12pm Wednesday DEADLINE Treat yourself to a complimentary ECHO ACCOUNTS POLICY: Ads in this reach your customers. For 9am-5pm Monday to Friday 12pm Wednesday pampering at a time that suites section must be paid by credit card or in advertising enquiries please you in your own home. Ads not taken on the weekend person at time of placement. Contact Celeste for a free skin care call 02 6672 2280 or email analysis & treatment. 0434207444 Clutter Overload? [email protected] LINE CLASSIFIEDS RATES Time to clear it out with a garage sale. $15.00 for the fi rst two lines Ph us on 66722280 to advertise here. (minimum charge) SHARE ACCOM. MUSICAL NOTES $5.00 for each extra line MOTOR VEHICLES ECHO ACCOUNTS POLICY: Ads in this WANT A CLASS ACT BAppSc, Grad Dip Relationship Therapy section must be paid by credit card or in piano/ double bass/ drum trio for your DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS RATES Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Kate Chase dinner party, wedding or function? Black & white 4cm x 1 column $35.20 (minimum charge) person at time of placement. CAR BODIES Hans and the Lovejoy’s perform works Colour 12cm x 2 columns $265 – premium position – 1 only relationship counselling POTTSVILLE fully-furn room, own bthrm, by the world’s greatest jazz piano trio’s.

family mediation REMOVED FREE $140pw + elect. Ph 0433161191 From Oscar Peterson, Dave Brubeck to $$$s for most. PAYMENT co-parenting coaching Ahmad Jamal and Keith Jarrett, you can Phone 0418189324, 0438189323 Cash, cheque or credit card – Mastercard or Visa TO LET experience these amazing compositions Prepayment required for: Garage Sales, Share Accommodation, tel: 0402 207 137 FORD LASER 1993, auto, air-con, low by a professional ensemble. Short Term Accommodation, kms, $3499 ono. 66843739 ANGELS BEACH ocean views, beach 0HORHANS ECHONETAU Wanted to Rent and Work Wanted front, 3br, 2 bthrm townhouse, DLUG, 15 GUITAR AMP REPAIRS, all pro audio & classifi cations SUZUKI SWIFT ‘98 10 mths rego, good min to Byron, $470pw. Ph 0409473718 custom modifications. Ph 07 55454831 Account enquiries: 02 6684 1777 FOR HIRE condition $2950 ono. Ph 0421445561 SOUTH GOLDEN BEACH recently EVENT & PARTY HIRE TOYOTA COROLLA ‘93 CSI 4WD wagon renovated elevated 3 bdrm house, walk Audio & lighting. 0418676534 or new tyres, brakes, clutch, 8 mths rego, exc to beach, covered timber deck, polished LIVESTOCK sMDAFNIS BIGPONDNETAU cond, $4300 ono. 66871648 floorboards throughout, 2 living areas, large backyard, large under house GOATS m/f, wonderful pets. Calm, land PHOTOS HYUNDAI EXCEL 1999, 5 speed man, All photos handled by The Echo storage, dishwasher, in cul-de-sac. $400 clearing specialists. Phone 66844886 PUBLIC NOTICES TRADEWORK AD1-9KU, $3600 ono, 119,000km, rego - all care & no responsibility taken. pw avail now. Ph Professionals Ocean to 2/11, air-con, MP3 player, great car. BRUNSWICK VALLEY Shores 66804777. PETS ECHO ECHO Phone 0401539799 or 66841801 UKI self contained fully furnished 1br ADOPT A CAT from Animal Welfare THE WHOLE CULINARY DIGGER MAN VW CADDY ‘07 1.6, white, racks, options, Excavator & tipper hire. 0427172684 studio on 5 acres $200pw. Ph 66794225 League NSW. Phone 66844070 DOUBLE DEAL GARDEN WORKSHOPS A1 throughout $14350. Ph 0421538567 Double your exposure. Your ad will In mature permaculture acre at appear in over 40,000 newspapers Seed Savers, Byron Bay TREE SERVICES HILUX DIESEL 4 x 4, d-cab, tray back, TO LEASE weekly. Ask us about our great deals Harvest and prepare lunch from the good cond $7900. Ph 0438429534 when you advertise in both garden with Michel and Jude Fanton INDUSTRIAL UNIT Byron A&I Est, THE TWEED SHIRE ECHO & Sat 17th Fruits incl. pumpkin, 120sqm incl mezzanine. $320pw. Ph THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO tomato, etc. BARGAINS 66847609 or 0412221576 Phone 02 66722280 or 02 66841777 Sat 24th Edible leaves incl. salads and spinaches. 1999 Mitsubishi L300 Express 5 door Tradesmans Van. 5 sp, A/C, P/S, SN 445 .. $5250 POSITIONS VACANT Lucky Bear Sat 31st Family Day, kids free; learn FOR ALL YOUR to grow and harvest lunch 1998 Toyota Camry CSi Sedan Auto, A/C, STOCKED UP FOR WINTER PROFESSIONAL TREE CARE NEEDS! P/S, CD, nice car. MJL 010 ...... $4750 WARNING $56 to $90 per day. s2%-/6!,3s0!,-3s42%%352'%29 The Department of Fair Trading has THE RUG SHOP 1999 Ford Laser LX1 5 sp A/C P/S full Program: s02/&%33)/.!,#,)-"%23s” vv Bangalow 66872424 service history, March ’11 rego. AIG 39L ... $5650 warned people to be very careful about 0432 420 294; 6685 7560 #()00%2s&2%%15/4%3s&5,,9).352%$ responding to advertisements offering @#%24(/24!2"s345-0'2).$).'s Ford Festiva Hatch 5 sp, 88,262km, – CLASSIFIEDS – work at home. Readers should be 42%%2%0/243$!!00,)#!4)/.3 immaculate car with low ks and service history. KIDS PONY 11.1 hh 8 years old very Can be booked any time during Carmine 6685 4015 - 0401 208 797 VGJ 280 ...... $4950 wary if asked to pay money upfront for business hours Monday to Friday by employment opportunities and never quiet, handled & ridden by kids $4000 CELEBRANTS Toyota Tarago Family Van Auto, A/C, P/S, 66843726 phoning 66722280 CD, SN 441 ...... $5250 send money to a post office box. Please be very clear about what you CEREMONIES FOR LIFE & LOVE 35 CARS UNDER $10,000 FREE TO GOOD HOME 2 rabbits, guinea want to have printed in your ad. Our Northern Tree Care pig and hutch. Ph or text 0466891325 Echo staff will read your ad back to you. Tanya McGill CAREER IN Please help us by making sure we have Ph 0432265501 16 ENDEAVOUR CLOSE, BALLINA Peter Gray CHILDCARE correct details and phone numbers. Dip. Hort. (Arb.) Ballina Car Centre Please also have your credit card ready Would you like to become a carer PROF SERVICES 6686 5586 DLN 19950 for ALL ads placed over the telephone. t5SFFTVSHFSZSFNPWBM and work from home? Free training & t"MMUSFFXPSL financial support is provided, to enable Koda SUBSCRIBE TO THE ECHO Immigration Advice t3FQPSUTTVSWFZT you to provide accredited high quality If you want to be sure of your copy each Australian visas. Ph 66859643 t%""QQMJDBUJPOT BUSINESS FOR SALE care in a home environment. You will week, or if you have a friend who’d like Paul Laufenberg MMIA, Ass. Jur. t'VMMZJOTVSFE be supported by the largest scheme in NEW AGE - RETAIL SHOP to have a subscription, why not send MARN9790430. P: 6677 1697 M: 0414 186 161 NSW. Flexible hours. Childcare benefit them one? $35 per quarter or $125 per Street location in Surfers Paradise, good available. Phone Northern Rivers Family year, post incl. Write to ‘The Echo’ HEALTH rent, 38sqm. Reception area, massage Day Care for more info on 07 5536 1865. 6 Village Way, Stuart St, Mullumbimby room, psychic room. Asking $48,000. SKIPPER 2482 including payment in advance. OSTEOPATH FOR SALE Bossini Business Brokers. 0405134777 MATER CLASS 5 - MED 3, hospitality +ODA A,ABRADOR8-ASTIFF YEARS A biodynamic approach to Osteopathy DESEXEDMALEISINFOSTERCAREWITH&RIENDS LEARN TAROT exp, Tweed River. 07 55999972 in the cranial field OFTHE0OUND+ODAISABEAUTIFULFELLOW The quick and easy way. Two Fridays 23 BAMBOO PLY HOUSES FOR SALE from $10.50sqm & Bamboo Flooring. WITHALOVELYTEMPERAMENT(ELOVESOTHER & 30 July, only $150. Ph 0438982688 DOGSANDPLAYSWELLWITHTHEM ISGOOD ANDREW HALL For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. BURRINGBAR HOME FOR SALE Monday to Friday every 2nd week 1/4 acre development potential WAIT PERSON WITHCHILDRENNOTTOOYOUNGTHOUGHASHE EARTH HEALING WORKSHOP New Brighton. 66802027 Ph 66884188 - sample & brochure MAYKNOCKTHEMOVER  Below Mt Warning Not your usual Osteopathy )FYOUCANGIVEKodaASECURE LOVING Magical site to explore earth energies & Phone 0414096776 s%XPERIENCEDs TIMBER, pine, treated pine, hardwood, HOMEWHEREHEWILLGETPLENTYOFEXERCISE raising human conciousness,Sat 24 July, ECSTATIC DANCE Murbah every Tues s0ARTTIMEs PLEASECONTACT0AMATTHEFoP Adoption 9.30am-1pm. Ph Allan 0432047432 mouldings, sleepers, fencing, Koppers PROPERTY FOR SALE 6-8pm Red Cross Hall. Phone 66795359 sWEEKENDSs Information Booth on 07 5524 8590OR logs, ply, MDF, lattice, made to order. AFTERHOURSON Brims Builders Hardware, Billinudgel OWNER MOVING OVERSEAS 6ISITwww.friendsofthepound.comTO 02 66801718, Sth Tweed 07 55236002 Send resume to Immediate sale, top end renovator.See VIEWOTHERDOGSANDCATSLOOKINGFOR property sec in this weeks Byron Echo Remove lids, Flatten NEW SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM Mavis Kitchen at: PERMANENTHOMES caps, corks boxes $695 Phone 66794210 64 Mt Warning Road and tops UNITS FOR SALE MOBILITY SCOOTER luxury model, ONLY ADULTS Squash 4 wheel suspension, new March 2010 ANGOURIE 2br, 2 storey unit, reluctant containers $3650, never used, sell $2150, could sale of a piece of paradise, 2 hours drive TUITION SENSUAL, SEXY, TANTALISING, full deliver. Phone 0420411021 from Byron, $450,000. 0447844215 body rub. Total stress relief in intimate environment. Tweed Heads 0410254976

WWW.TEACHINTERNATIONAL.COM WELL presented staff req for new men’s Don’t put TEACH massage centre in Tweed. 0415746443 recyclables in Well paid ENGLISH jobs, great SEDUCTIVE MASSAGE by attractive plastic bags OVERSEAS lifestyle! Australian. Ocean Shores. 0413034492 Don’t TRAVEL – WORK – ADVENTURE! break .ODEGREEOREXPERIENCEREQUIRED Cert III & IV INTEACHINGENGLISHTO glass RECYCLING SPEAKERSOFOTHERLANGUAGES(TESOL) Biggest on the coast 2ECRUITMENTSERVICE*OB'UARANTEE EARN BIG Rinse and FREE RESOURCE BOOK s&RENCHDOORSs(UGERANGEOFHARDWOODs-ILLIONS for prompt course enrolment! BUCK$ clean all CHECK IT OFPAVERSs4ONSOFROOlNGsXKITCHENSsSOF Free info session – 19 July bottles Next course 21-25 July Good working environment VANITIESs5NIQUEITEMSETCsSOFSLIDINGDOORS 5/1 Carlyle St, Byron Bay and cans with female staff CLEAN IT You’ll be amazed! 1300 558 890 (07) 55 244 244 must be 18–65 yrs old RECYCLE IT 46 Machinery Drive, Tweed Heads South 02 6674 5020 The Tweed Shire Echo July 8, 2010 23 Backburner

Plenty of soccer mad fans to do their bit. ‘Right now the across the Tweed have been federal government appears to burning the midnight oil dur- be in policy limbo in regards ing the World Cup in South to the ETS (Emissions Trad- Africa. Clearly the sleep depri- ing Scheme). Now is the time vation is getting to some more for the community to write to than others. One Murwillum- Julia Gillard and express their bah woman completed the desire for an effective carbon ultimate faux pas recently by pollution reduction policy. We inadvertently barracking for urge everyone who wants more the wrong team. The woman action on climate change to was overheard commenting write and make their feelings to a slightly bewildered shop hurt,’ said group member Yasir keeper this week that the Soc- Assam. ceroos were playing remark- ■ ■ ■ ■ ably well with the new-look Award winning painter Fern- team. When it was pointed out ando Solano has an exhibition that Australia had long been of some of his works currently eliminated from the World Tweed artist Chris Degenhardt, whose controversial anti-rally showing at the Cafe d’Bar Gal- Cup the woman realised she’d themed painting was recently banned from Murwillumbah Lib- lery at Point Danger, Cool- actually been supporting Bra- rary by Tweed Shire Council is at it again above with a collage angatta. Fernando, father of zil. ‘Well, they do have similar highlighting the Tweed’s dwindling koala population. The main our popular fishing columnist coloured jerseys,’ the woman harm being done to the koala is from habitat destruction due David Solano, has won vari- mumbled sheepishly. One to mega developments – in other words the damage is entirely ous art prizes over the years wonders if she didn’t put a hex and heart-breakingly avoidable if the political will existed to in the Tweed and Queensland on the South American team protect the iconic animal. and his work is represented in given their World Cup cam- collections in colleges, coun- paign has since gone the same a flurry of media interest. It was Tweed Shire Echo to the cils and universities through- way as the Socceroos despite ■ ■ ■ ■ rescue last week after a car sud- out Australia, as well as private being touted as favourites to Tweed Coasters are being as- denly veered off a collections in Italy, USA and take home the trophy. ked to do the ‘bright thing’ road and crashed into a ditch. Japan. Fernando says that ‘to ■ ■ ■ ■ when it comes to reducing Our intrepid staffer came to paint a picture is like writing One resident is so distraught greenhouse emissions. The the aid of the driver and her to a friend’ because ‘we both by the removal of a magnifi- challenge has been set by Gold distraught pet greyhound, Zig- share the joy of understanding cent Forest Red Gum from Coast and Hinterland Environ- gy, who coincidentally shares through my visual message’. her Banora Point Street that ment Council (Gecko), which his name with The Echo’s pro- ■ ■ ■ ■ TRIBAL RUGS... she plans to post footage of recently launched the Solar Sa- duction manager. The dog took Now that retired farmer its destruction on video shar- vers Challenge, a community quite a liking to his rescuer and Alan Hunter, from Myocum ing website YouTube. The tree initiative aimed at encouraging is currently being considered near Mullumbimby, has been was removed by officers from at least 1,000 Gold and Tweed for an office mascot position. preselected by the Richmond Authentic hand crafted wool carpets from all Tweed Shire Council last Tues- Coast properties to switch to ■ ■ ■ ■ Nationals as their candidate corners of the Middle East at astonishingly low prices….direct from the importer… day after being poisoned by solar – the equivalent of taking A Tweed environmental group to try to wrest the federal seat Our huge collection includes Persians, Turkoman Ersari, Khal unknown perpetrators. Some 600 cars off the road. The aim is doing its best to ensure cli- from Labor’s Justine Elliot, we Mohammedi, Chobi and Karghai from Afghanistan and Imperial residents are angry, claiming of the project is to make solar mate change issues remain on will see two conservative can- Kazaks. council should have explored power more affordable by pro- the agenda of new PM Julia didates in the ring. Mr Hunt- Huge range of Kilims from the Afghan Uzbeks…colourful and inexpensive from small to room size. other alternatives. It’s not the viding the option of installing Gillard. Members of Tweed er, who will go head to head Lots of hall runners first time Tweed community a system with no upfront cost Climate Action Now (Tweed with the Liberals’ Joan van Indian wool carpets at sell out prices from $99 activists have used the site to and paying it off with savings CAN) met recently with staff Lieshout, a Tweed councillor, EXOTIC FURNITURE from India and Indonesia…direct from the take a swipe at council. In 2008 made from electricity bills. Re- from Justine Elliot’s office replaces Tania Murdock, the importer, daybeds, cupboards, shelves, dining settings, coffee tables, sideboards, plasma tv units, screens, mirrors… Hastings Point residents post- sidents on the Sunshine Coast, to highlight their concerns. Pottsville business chamber ARCHITECTURAL PIECES …old doorways, arches, columns etc ed their cheeky nude protest where the challenge has alrea- They also personally delivered head, who quit suddenly as DESIGN AND DÉCOR ITEMS…statues, sarees, on the site in a bid to highlight dy been in operation for six nearly 200 letters expressing the Nats preferred candidate ikats, etc overdevelopment issues in months, have responded well disappointment at the govern- last month. Conservatives fear LOTS LOTS more….. their coastal town. Residents, to the initiative, with many ment’s lack of action on the that with both the Nats and who preserved their modesty making the switch to solar issue, which will be passed Libs running, their vote will with strategically placed plac- power. For more information onto the new PM. The group be split. Backburner expects ards, got their gear off follow- about the Gecko Solar Savers is calling for greater cuts to high-profile Nats who appar- 17 Banksia Drive, Arts & Industry Estate Byron ing council’s approval of sever- Challenge go to www.gecko. greenhouse gas emissions, say- ently switched allegiance to Bay (old Lois Lane building) al controversial developments. or call Janelle Batt on 07 ing Australia’s reliance on coal the Libs candidate during Ms Weds-Sat 10am-4pm 02 6685 5588 Their video scored hits from 5534 1412. was unsustainable.The group is Murdock’s short reign will re- sINFO SHIKARADESIGNCOMsWWWSHIKARADESIGNCOM around the world and attracted ■ ■ ■ ■ also calling on other residents turn to the fold.      


24 July 8, 2010 The Tweed Shire Echo