
■■•U!•'. V ■■ c U... " Tf-.. 4 mrmFORECAST WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT

Victoria and xrldnijr--Ltght to mod- Royal—Extravaganza. I Win 1 n loo—Sherlock Hohner." orato »ln«la. generally fair, not much Capitol—Tea* of Une Storm Country. change in temperature. :"™~ Columbia—Man, WomZlS, MarrlitK*.


BOMB THROWN STATED TURKS’ MEASURES OF FRENCH DEATHS CAUSED AT BULGAR PREMIER K - TREATY REFUSAL NATIONS’ MEETING AT IN SOFIA THEATRE AT LAUSANNE BY TIDAL WAVES Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb. $.—A bomb LEDTO ARREST was thrown in the direction of INCLUDE OCCUPATION Premier Stamboullaky while he LAUSANNE REGARDED Ten or Twelve Lost Lives at was seated in a box in the- Na­ Man Confessed in Regina He tional Theatre last night with Hilo, Hawaii three of his Ministers. No one Robbed Train was injured by the explosion. The OF TOWNS IN BADEN Sudden Disturbance Visited bomb thrower, whose identity Is Story of Clever Police Work AS ONLY ADJOURNED said to be known to the authori­ Hawaiian Islands ties. escaped. Is Told * Offenburg and Appenweir, Near Strasbourg, Taken Honolulu, Feb. 5.—Inhabitants Regina, Feb. 6.—A .laundry mark Conference Was Declared to Have Collapsed Yesterday, on a soiled silk handkerchief used to Over; Penalty For German Interference With Inter of Hilo, Islattd of Hawaii, con- gag Paul Venzke, C. X. R. express But It Is Stated To day It Was Not Hopelessly national Trains; Saar Valley Miners On Strike. | tinned to-day to take stock of messenger, led to the arrest of Wil- Wrecked By Refusal of Turks to Sign Treaty Allies the result of tidal -waves which Hsm Lament Purvis, alias Douglas Prepared. swept their district Saturday Lament Curtis, who has confessed to COSTS BYOUTSIOE the police that he robbed C. N. R. >------Park, Feb. 5.—France’s latest move in connection with her afternoon with an estimated loss train No. 6 last Thursdays nig ht and Lausanne, Feb. 5.—The latest statement put forth officially occupation of the Ruhr diwtict is a thrust into Baden territory, to the recovery of tbo loot, including from Near East quarter* i* thgt the peace conference, which was far south of the Ruhr, near Strasbourg, whefe the towns of Offen­ of ten or twelve lives and prop­ $1,224 cash and valuable* papers. De­ erty damage undetermined hut ENGINEER PUliED tective -Sergt. A. 1* Van Garder, at declared to have collapsed yesterday when the delegations nep- burg and Appenweir have been occupied. — -v‘ the»Saskatchewan Provincial Police, arated, is not hopelessly wrecked, but merely suspended or ad­ French quarters interpret the move as a penalty for interfer­ placed at $100,000 in the city arrested Purvis late Saturday after­ Council to Consider Inde­ noon at the Union Depot as he was journed. ence by the flermaus with international train service across the alone. running to catch a train bound for This is the result of renewed efforts at mediation. occupied area. The known dead tfrday in­ pendent Investigation of Saskatoon. The miners of the Saar Valley, which produces 9,000,000 tons Costs and Work PuWis will be given a preliminary cluded a child and three Japan­ hearing in provincial police court be­ London, Feb. 5.—Lord Curzon, the Secretary for Foreign of coal annually, went on strike this morning. ese fishermej^ It was believed, fore Magistrate MacEacheran and Affairs, who conducted the Near East negotiations at Lausanne Hopes held by the occupying authorities for a speedy settle­ Would Get Full Report Before probably will be committed to stand however, that others perished. trial at the criminal sittings of the for the British Government, returned to London this afternoon. ment of the railroad strikes in the Ruhr district and the Rhine­ Severs I days probably will be re­ Electors Vote on New Court of King’s Bench, which opened Immediately upon his arrival 1/ord Curzon proceeded to an urgent land were dispelled by a stiffening of the resistance among the quired to ascertain the total damage. to-day. ISMET PASHA meeting of the Cabinet, which had been called to consider thé The tidal wave followed a severe Bridge Loan Thorough Search. workers on the receipt of new orders tor of the , Stinnes interests, are earthquake which the observatory at proceedings at Lausanne. from BtFlin which Government among the, latest functionaries ex­ Ktlauea reported to have occurred For more than forty-eight hours all Appointment of a consulting available men of the cit ^police force Agents were «aid to be distributing pelled from the Ruhr. from 2,000 to 3.000 miles sway in an unknown direction. •n<| the Regina division of the Sas­ Paris, Feb. 5.—The French Government is awaiting the return among the railway employees. The engineer to review the whole Persons living In Hilo, fearing a katchewan provincial police, as well THIRTY IN JAIL to Paria of the head of its delegation to the Near East Conference strike area was not extended s'* a LITTLE GERMAN Johnson Street Bridge project as a detachment from the Royal recurrence of the tidal waves, moved before commenting officially on the Izausanne developments, but result, but there was no Improve^ GIRL ACCIDENTALLY to higher ground with all their pos­ and make a detailed report on Canadian Mounted Police, searched ment la the situation. Neither has sessions yesterday. Police and fire­ for the lone Bandit, who entered the considers in the meantime that the breakup should not be con­ there been any change in the coal SHOT AND KILLED men patrolled the affected area. the work are being discussed by C. N. R. train at Condle and. gagging sidered a complete rupture of the negotiations for peace in the embargo situation, the Germans fall­ Steamer Tossed About. leading members of the City and binding the meseenger. took all ing In all efforts to push shipments Duisburg, Feb. 6 —A little German the remittances from stations be­ >fear East. Honolulu. Feb. 6. — Experiences tween Edmonton and Regina, and through the French cordon into un­ girl. was accidentally killed yesterday aboard the Inter-island steamer Council to-day and will be Quebec General Election occupied Germany. made his getaway when the train Lausanne. Feb. 6.—The Turkish cessions granted by the old Ottoman and another was wounded by a bul­ Kilauea. which was tossed up and stopped In the city limits. Causes Montreal Dis­ down, back and forth and placed on recommended to the Council ic delegation to the Near East Confer­ Umpire. They maintained that they let from the rifle of a French cor­ The story of the capture Is remin­ ence announced this morning that It should be left free to atudy these CONTROL RAILWAYS her beam ends in Kahulul Bay, the near future. iscent of the tales *of Sherlock turbances poral when the rifle fell from his Island of Maul, yesterday, by one will ask the powers whether they question, and. If necessary, re-open hands and accidentally exploded. Under the plan upon which Holmes, with the added zest of real­ negotiations concerning them with ALONG THE RHINE tidal wave and righted by the next, considered the negotiation» officially The corporal was In charge of a were related by Matt A. Matson, the* aldermen have agreed, the con­ ity. Returning Officer Beaten and the Interested countries and peoples. squad of men taking soup to the purser of the vessel when he ar­ sulting engineer would be named After the robbery, provincial police at an end. They could not. they said, accept Berlin, Feb. 6.—The French yester­ immediately bo that his Judgment on found the handkerchief which had day occupied Offenburg and Appen­ station garrison and tripped and feu rived in Honolulu to-day. Ballot Box Stolen The impression prevailed I among the economic burden Imposed upon while ascending the stales leading the progress of the bridge work been used to gag Venske, on which the Conference delegates to-day that the new Angora Government by the weir, In Baden, owing to the Inter­ Before the first wave. Matson said, would bo giveh to the ratepayers be­ were the Initials **D. L." Search ference by the German railroad ad­ from the foot of the bridge over the the sea sucked away the normal Montreal, Feb. 5.—Some thirty Turkey would be Informed officially old Turkish regime, which bad ministration with the International railroad tracks and dropped bis rifle. fore they vote to authorise the bor­ among the laundries of the city re­ of the termination of the negotiations handed out concession* right and amount of water from the harbor, rowing of $60,000 more to finish the vealed the Information that the In­ people in prison, one deputy re­ train service between Paris and General Dégoutté sent condolenoes revealing a bottom of mud and coral inasmuch ss it wae generally desired left In the form of capitulations. Prague. The move la commented on to the parents of the children. . bridge *nd $00.000 to pave Johnson itials had been plâced on articles of to continue the Mudanla armistice. They Insisted that vast concessions and covered with floundering fish, Street from the bridge to Esquimau. clothing belonging to Douglas Curtis, turning officer beaten, his ballot^ lvoWlB, a here as g new And grave violation of The occupation authorities have crabs, lobsters and squid. The first of had been granted—without Seir re­ It is estimated that the services of and that his last tot had been deliv­ war. tenet raaha. after yesterday’. turn and they wanted the right to German rights, which is likely to taken charge of the funeral arrange­ wave caught the Kilaueau and raised the consulting engineer would ede* TfoT IWteti and tKë poll OUT'bT place under control all coal traffic ments, and will also provide for her ered to a city, boarding hou*. Work­ . . , , final wsston at which the Turks re- revise all of them. her above the level of the wharf, the the city from $500 to $1,060. ing on the assumption that Curtis along the Frankfort-Basel line. family. purser said, and If the lines had net actiona------were------this rooming------’s de­ fused to accept the Allied terms, said ■y Neutrals. • Tim strategic extension of the Kehl It Is planned te ask the Assoc! had not • left the city, efforts were he would await official notification The Turks agreed to a formula The corporal was completely un­ been loosened the ship would have atlon of Engineers to name a com velopments in the provincial bridgehead area opposite Strasbourg nerved by the accident and attempted been on the wharf. made to locate him. The police found of the eollap* before considering the whereby foreign legal advisers would Is believed here to be the Immediate potent engineer to investigate the that he had registered at a hotel conference closed, thus automatically to commit suicide. Veteanie Action. general election in Montreal. be appointed to reframe the legal motive for the French occupation of bridge work and report on its costs under the name of Johnston. rovldlng for the maintenance of the code and be empowered to receive Offenburg and Appenweir and other San Francisco. Feb. 6.—The tidal and progress generally. Thle would Called His Name. Twelve alleged telegraphers ludanla agreement. complaints from foreigners that the railroad junction points, the unob­ in the* Hawailn Islands yes­ remove the responsibility of choosing French Return Home. an Investigator from the shoulders Detective Sergt. Van Gorder was were arrested in the Mercier Di­ E law was unjustly administered, but structed possession of which affords terday were attributed to-day to re­ The entire French delegation pre­ Insisted that the advisers he selected, newed volcanic activity in the Kll- of the Council. detailed to the Union Depot to check complete control of the Important up the trains, and while at the sta­ vision early this forenoon and pared to leave for Paris early this not by The Hague Permanent Court railroad lines skirting the right bank TWO IN IRELAND auea crater op the Island of Hawaii No Reflection on Preston. afternoon. Premier Poincare, in a of International Justice, but by neu­ by Ham Triasel, a Ban Francisco tion he saw a man who appeared to fourteen were held by the police of the Rhine. Appointment of a consulting engi­ answer Purvis’ description hurrying telephone conversation with M. tral countries which had not partici­ The news that French cavalry newspaperman, who until recently neer would be no reflection upon in St. Lawrence. In the latter Rompant, requested the return of the pe ted In the Great War. They ab­ squadrons had marched Into the was managing editor of The Adver­ to catch à C. N. R. train that was to City Engineer F. M. Preston who has leave the station within à few min­ division a riot broke out at the French representatives. The Turks solutely declined to give the advisers towns of Baden early yesterday KILLED BY HE tiser, a Honolulu dally newspaper. been superintending the construction probably wlU depart to-morrow control over all areas of foreigners rooming came as a bolt out of i **In my opinion there has been utes. The men was smartly dressed. polling station. The deputy re­ of the bridge, aldermen explained. If To make certain that it was his man. Meanwhile, Israel continues to be or domlclllafy searches, maintaining clear sky and found unofficial quar some subterranean activity In the the bridge work has been done sue turning officer, Antonio Tarte, wae turbed, over the question which the this was a violation of their sover­ tere In Berlin wholly unprepared for Eight Soldiers and One old Kilauea,- Mr. Trissel said, “and Sergt. Van Gorder adopted the ruse badly beaten, his ballot box stolen armistice terms have put before him. cessfully and economically the re of pretetndlng to know the mand, eignty. such a move. Civilian,Were Drowned we probably will hear of it aoon. I port on the consulting engineer will and the polling station somewhat The Rhineland Commission’s note don t believe the waves were due to and shouted to him, "Hey Purvis." damaged. The result was that the Further concessions as to both vindicate Mr. Preston frost! asser­ Purvis turned suddenly in the dtrec- economic and juridical affairs wers Informing the Berlin Government of disturbances elsewhere. Tidal waves tions that the project has not been „ „ . . . , station was closed and the electorate TURKS DO NOT the Impending occupation reached “Irish Republican Army” Held in Hawaii are so common and so tlon of the call. He wae recognized at : in t^at strict consequently dle- submitted to Ismet at the last mo­ carried out as cheaply as It should oncenno. andan/I arrested.UPPMfa/l a L i , DESIRE A FIGHT ment by the Allies, but he remained Berlin late last evening and provoked many of them have been traced to have been, they said. The Council franchised. only Informal comment. a Convention Kilaueau that we blame the old Purvis was brought to Inspector The alleged telegraphers arrested obdurate and declared that Turkey will be urged to put $1.006 In Its Goldsmith and was searched. OH hie could not sign such a peace. . volcano for AH of them and think annual estimates to cover the fee of In the Mercier Division were taken Ismet informed correspondents thla Dublin, Feb. 5.—Free State nothing of them." person and in hie grip wae found Into custody on the representations FRENCH CONTROL the consulting engineer. The alder­ $1,204. The greater part of the morning that Turkey had no desire soldiers, while escorting a party of men who will recommend this appro­ of Adolphe L’ Archevcque, Opposi­ WERE AGREED ON TELEGRAPH LINES republican . prisoner* near Dublin money was rolk-d up and hidden In tion candidate, who declared he de­ to resume hostilities with either OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL priation believe that this money his felt shoes, found at the bottom Greece or Greet Britain, btit he yesterday, encountered a barrier would be well spent. tected them armed with lists of MOST OF POINTS Freiburg. Baden. Feb. 5.—Telephon across the road. The prisoners were of the suit case. Purvla Is alleged to names allegedly for purposes of per­ emphasised that the Turkish and ordered to remove the barrier, and have admitted that the shoes were Ic communication with Offenburg London. Feb. 5 (Canadian Press sonation. British armies were still facing each In a formal reply to the Allies yes­ veased yesterday afternoon. It is while they were engaged in that Cable)—The draw for the third round the same pair thit he wore when ho The fourteen arrests in the St. other In Asia Idloor. work a mine exploded, killing two of the Association Cup, to be played robbed the train "Thursday night: In Lawrence Division were on charges terday the Turks pointed out that presumed the French are in posses­ It* is believed that the misunder­ there was an agreement on eighty- sion of telegraph and telephone lines. and wounding seven. on February 24, was made to-day. It his suites* was found a,loaded re­ of attempted personation. standing which developed between Numerous acts of destruction were follows: MPERIAL INSTITUTE per cent, of the article» of the treaty There is Intense excitement here volver. J. L. Bourbonnter, secretary of the the British and French delegation* lu end other nearby points in Baden reported yesterday. Senator O’Sul­ Millwall or Huddersfield vs. Bolton. "OuKof work and up against It," Montreal Tramway* Union, alleged and recommended the signing of the the last days of the conference con­ treaty baaed on questions already over the occupation of Offenburg and livan’s residence at Klllarney was Liverpool vs. Middlesboro or Shef­ was the only explanation Purvla gave that a crowd of about thirty-five tributed to the final break, as the Appenweir. plans for which are be,- burned. Cross-channel cables were field United. the police for hie conduct. men broke into his store on Mount Turks got the Idea that they could settled, leaving the others for futurs lieved to have been maturing since cut at Howath. The courthouse at Cardiff vs. Nottingham. 1 (Concluded on page IT) "Royal Avenue this morning and count upon a split among the Allies consideration. To them the funda­ Thursday last, when contingents of Tallaght. Dublin County, was de­ Charlton vs. West Bromwich Albion. stole several lists of returning offi­ and obtain more favorable peace con­ mentals of peace appeared to have troops were transferred from Lan­ stroyed by fire. Derby vs. Sheffield Wednesday. Duke of Devonshire Is Ex­ cers and polls which had been en­ ditions either here or in the event of been maintained. dau. Ih the Palatinate, to the Kehl Nine Drowned. Queen’s Park Rangers vs. South trusted to hla care. separate treaties with the various Lord Curxon and the other Allied bridgehead. Many locomotives which Dublin, Feb. 5.—Eight soldiers and Shields or Blackburn Rovers. pected to Appoint leaders, however, deemed otherwise, were sidetracked at Offenburg and one civilian were drowned yesterday Bury vs. Chelsea or Southampton. ANCIENT CHARIOT Montreal, F*b. 6.—Voting is taking and official emissaries went beck Appenweir have been hastily trana in Dundrum Bay, County Down, Brighton or West Ham vs. Ply­ Committee place to-day In the Quebec provincial and forth between the Allies in the f erred to other points. Business when their boat capsized. mouth. general election In seventy-eight of AMAZING SCENES Curxon apartment in the hotel at firms also are dispatching their mo Glasgow, Feb. 6 (Canadian Press Ixmdon, Feb. 6.—(Canadian Press the elghty-nve ridings, the other Ochy. and the Turkish headquarters tor trucks elsewhere. The BYench Republicans Met. Cable)—The draw for the third round WERE WITNESSED Dublin, Feb. 6.—There was a large Cable)—The Duke of Devonshire, TAKEN FROM seven having named Liberal mem­ at Lausanne In an effort to con­ authorities have not Indicated to of the Scottish Association Cup. to bers by acclamation are: attendance yesterday at the conven­ Secretary for the Colonies, will, It Is ciliate the difference» before the final what extent they purpose to invade Le played next Saturday, follows: Understood, shortly appoint a sub- Hon. J. N. Francoeur, the Speaker, Lausanne, Feb. 5.—The Near East tion of members of the "Irish Re­ Peterhead vs. Aberdeen. meeting and induce the Turks to sign Baden territory, although it is be commleslon, probably under the Egyptologists Recover Other in Ivotlniere ; L. Letourneau. Quebec Peace Conference collapsed last nlght tfce treaty in its entirety. tleved to seise control of the line run public Arm)'.” The session was Dunfermjin# vs. Rattb, ------But; A. Leclerc, Quebec County : JT. secret and the only information Celtic vs. East Fife. chàlrmàbihïp of Hon. W. Q. Ormsby- after desperate efforts to save It— nlng through the Black Foreat to Gore, Conservative M. P. for Staf­ Objects of Tutankhamen’s (Concluded on pue Z.) efforts which were continued up to Constance. given out was that an executive Third Lanark vs. Ayr. GREAT CROWDS - fwfèhtey and Cavalry committee - had • -he*» -.- elected end - Motherwell vs; Falkirk. -• ford, Staffordshire,. .40. . Inquire Into Time the very momept Ltard.CucxftiVa train, The occupation forces comprise a would draft a report which would Dundee vs. Hamilton. the affairs of the Imperial Institute: left. AT HEADQUARTERS regiment of infantry and several be Issued to the press to-day. Boness vs. Nlthsdale. It Is recalled that In consequence Never in the history of political of protests from the Dominions Luxor, Feb. $.—(Canadian Press) — conferences were such amazing troops of cavalry, which are fully Hibernians vs. Queen s Park. A high windstorm hindered removal BRITISH ANB FRENCH Great crowds gathered in the equipped. which contribute to the maintenance scene* witnessed as marked tne MEETING OF of objects from the tomb of King tragic ending yesterday of the ne­ neighborhood of both hotels. The French, immediately on their London. Feb. 6.—Scotland will meet of the Imperial Institute, the project When Ismet Pasha and Rlza Nur proposed last year to reifiove the war Tutankhamen yesterday. gotiations which had extended over arrival, posted placards advising the REPUBLICANS NEW Ireland In an International rugby On Saturday the only object Bey arrived for the final session, populace to remain calm. They fixed game on February 24. The tea* te «Mbits from the Crystal Palace to almost three months. Practically the brought to the surface wae the larg­ TO DISCUSS DEBT whole diplomatic world ran after confidence reigned In Allied circles the curfew hour at nine o’clock in PEACE MOVE the Institute was abandoned. represent Scotland will be the same est of the trio of chariots. Never, that they woOld algn. Neither Ismet the evening. as that which defeated Wales on Sat­ The Institute Is now objecting to Ismet Pasha, head of the Turkish nor Rixa had been to bed the entire Dublin, Feb. *>.—The report of yes the proposal to erect a special build­ even iftider the glare of powerful delegation, trying to Induce him to urday with the exception that Mc­ electric lights, did this chariot gleam Conversations Regarding night and they appeared haggard terday’s convention of members of Pherson, of Newport, and R. Simp­ ing adjacent to It for the accommo­ sign the treaty. but Mustapha and weary a* they entered the ele* STRIKERS URGED the "Irish Republican Army” mem­ dation of the war exhibits and -sug­ as It did when brought Into the day­ Kemal’a favorite general was im­ vator. They looked like men goti^ son of Glasgow, will replace Kerr light. Though it Is one of the earli­ France’s Obligations • TO STAND FIRM bers said that Dlaramuld O’Hegarty, and Stevenson. gests that the science museum be movable. He said "No" to all. in­ to their execution and not like mee who was secretary of the Irish Pro­ enlarged for this purpose. est chariots used in Egypt. It Is large Expected cluding the British. French. Italians on their way to sign a documeMl vincial Government, spoke to the Raw Materials’ Displayed. enough for two persons and obviously and unofficial representatives of the which would end war and suffering. Dusseldorf, Feb. 6.—New orders was drawn by two horses. It la very United States. Berlin to the railroad workers delegates as follows: Then was fought out the historié from The Imperial Institute. South Ken­ light and has n seat, a floor board and Paris, Feb. 5. — ^Canadian battle 4n Lord Curson’s room which in the Rhineland and the Ruhr dis­ ’ The sorrows which have befallen sington, the national memorial of the Appeals Failed. out* country make It the duty of a small back, and those seated in the Press Cable)—Renewal of cqû- ended in disaster. The Turks ex­ trict had the effect to-day of stiffen- JAPANESE ARE I■ VJubilee of Queen... Victoria, has large- -chariot were guarded by a seml-clr- The United States representatives. >'jcre*tio»a Uetweytk. titoét .itot-. SWMOT* plained their objections to the mg tha ,strike, r exhtirtUoav. saUectoex eontotoin* ooW ***- «trading «from pi*■- - —fiti —» —Ttrtfi-« - — iiiMmrmiVfG.V,W/>lbTl — I—uP.S-I. - •.xm. acn,tnw ; and dispelled 1 lections Illustrating the raw ma- ■■mind the na«‘K 10 me OUler aid*». ailait!»■ ttiui»nd FrancoVren, national prngprUy of the strike, but instead of improv­ seven months we shall hot have a tion, Judge Cayley said tie had no BRITISH NAVAL said a note suggesting such a re­ Allied formula" dealing with juridical and happiness. They warned that ing as the French had hoped, the country, but a wilderness." option in the matter but to grant the Representatives of the Egyptian newal might be expected shortly, guarantees for foreigners which were Turkey would be held resjonsible in situation remains unchanged. The convention. was Interpreted as applications. MEN STOP RIOTS Government met the senior member and he referred to the growing feel­ to replace the existing extra-terri­ the eye» of the world If peace »ia The tordon around the valley to another move toward peace. Xast year, when Japanese sought of the discoverers* party and submit­ ing In all circles In Great Britain torial privileges. not accepted. But ismet would not prevent coal shipments to unoccu­ before Judge Grant to become Can­ IN WEST INDIES ted an agreement which the Egyptianlan thihat it Is not just that .the United be won over. pied Germany remains unbroken. SEES DIVISION OF CHINA adian citixens, he refused their ap­ Government desired the discovererserskSti tales should receive terms placing There wae a dramatic moment of Some attempts were made through plications. It was Intimated In court Kingston, Jamaica, Feb. 6 —The to sanction regarding the control of suchsu* a burden on the British tax­ CONCESSIONS silence. Ismet reached for hla hat the use of private Inter-mine tracks Baltimore. Md-, Feb, Represen­ to-day that the presiding Judge Re­ British warship Curlew left port the tomb. One clau* la that if ojrfe payers unless Great -Britain can ob­ WERE AN ISSUE and walked to the door. and railway cars to send coal through tative George Huddleston said in a ceived a tetter from the Secretary of suddenly last night owing to a journalist Is allowed to enter Xhe tain the payment of the French and Lord Curzon said: ‘Remember. C the French barrier, but these were speech that the United States was States for Canada at Ottawa, stating report of rioting in one of the tomb, all must be allowed to do>*r^' other continental debt». •halt stay liera amtll 0 cTctock.’* frustrated. maintaining the Philippines as a the judge had no discretion ‘ In the West Indian colonies. (The above dispatch is copyrighted (The above dispatch is copyrighted i Briefly, the Turks wanted to strike London. Fe.b. 6.—L («appointment Herr Barter, -director of the State base when the lime should-, con to matter and directing Jilg to grant by The New York Heral

' • \r TEWFIK NESSIM, SAANICH CUTS ELECTORS VOTING HEAD OF CABINET Rheumatism 1-banish pmi IN EGYPT, RESIGNS Apply Sloan's. Restore healthy circu­ MALLEK’S HAVE MOVED lation of blood through congested tis­ ASSESSMENT ON HOTELBY-LAWS MEN TO POLL London. Feb. 6.—A Central to 1212 Douglas Street News . dispatch from Cairo says sues. Since congestion causes the pain the Egyptian Premier has re­ Between Yates and View Streets -almost instant relief! Less Than 4,000 Ratepayers signed. ; MILLION DOLLARS Expected to Cast Ballots TOGETHER NOW Tewflk Neselm Pasha has been The taxable value of the larid in To-day “It isn’t the flowers we strew on the head of the" Egyptian Cabinet Sloan’s Linii II : * I Saanich le $*,717,836, ae compared But t Re* words of the living that tell.” formed on November 30 last Advance Showing of New with $10,682.140 In 1922. Saanich Victoria ratepayers are voting to­ UatU in Canada -kills painf Council was told by the assessor day to decide whether they are pre With these sentimental lines Mark this afternoon. The exemptions on pa rod to extend taxation and water W. Graham, a former president of ! <'i f Inu mutism. hi m scs. .si ruins, chest col ils land total $621,177 as compared with the Klwanls Club and now district $643,868 twelve months ago. Craig - rate concessions to th# Empress trustee, closed an Inspiring address flower School district Is valued at Hotel for the next two years. It has on “Co-operation" before the Gyro EIGHT! 1ERE $461,746. as compared with $602,100 been suggested, as an Inducement to Club to-day. Spring Suits in 1922. the proposal, that the Canadian Pa- “A friendly smile, a glad hand, a The Council learned that two of 1 ... _ „ -, # .. word of cheer all help to smooth the the Soldier*' Housing Scheme houses | . ' their neighbors, and they do not One of the Canadian Pacific Rail' The. speaker added thgt a smile Decide to Adopt More Aggres­ what seemed to the Allies reason­ their utter inability to comprehend want to keep up any agitation about way Compqjiy’s liners also had pass brings a smile, a frown a frown, and able peace. It is believed they must the first principles of civilisation school or other affairs. M. W. ed up Victoria recently. It was stated. one who sings is invited into gay sive Methods feel sure of themselves and their and the width and depth of the gulf Casakoff, of Verigin. Bask., vice- The Chamber Is appealing to the company. future. which separates them from all civil­ president and general manager of Admiral Line and the C.*P. R. to un­ Mr. Graham was loudly applauded Ottawa, Feb. 6.—(Canadian Press) ised peoples." their $1,600,000 Community of Uni load Canadian freight here in future at the conclusion of his address. —Members of the Progressive Party Face New Situatie*. versai Brotherhood, Ltd., told thé instead of routing it through Seat­ Mrs. W. P. McDonagh delight*rhtetj met in caucus to-day for general dis­ ISMET AWAITED The Morning Post says: "The Hon. J. D. MacLean, Acting Premier, the Gyros with two splendid cussion of their attitude in the de tle. numbers. OFFICIAL WORD Turkish decision doea not mean, of to-day. Shipping companies, ft wae ex­ bate on the Address and other mat course, a renewal of hostilities be­ Mr. CaSakoff came to Victoria to ters to come before the House of tween Turkey and the Aille», but Its Good plained. desire to get their silk car­ Uonnnt. Feb. 6—Receiving cor­ see the Government because of the goes upon American railways as Commons. with it cornea the end of the tem­ trouble there has been over the Discussion st the esucus. it was respondent* late last nlsht. Umet porary arrangement reached at Mu­ school situation at Grand Forks, quickly as possible so they will reach Pasha remarked that he was swaltln* For You New York tn the shortest time, and learned, centred on the policies for danla and demanda from the British vfhere one iKnikhobor who refused which the party will work during the official notification from the powers Government reconsideration of the For Sale Bver> where to allow hie children to go to public for that reason take their freight to that the Near Bast Conference was Seattle. present session, and it was decided military position in the Nfear and CEXTBAL C RFAMFRtr.*» 09 B.C. school had hi# motor truck seised by that this year there would be a more closed. This was vitally Important Middle Beat. We must resolutely the police because he would not pay because the armistice of Mudanla Ull Broad Street rhoao SMI aggressive tone adopted In seeking face the new situation created." his fine of $50. APPROVE DEBT PLAN the various changes which members continued during the period of the The paper bel levee, however, that Acting Premier MacLean said the of the party are demanding. conference" only. Until officially no­ time may lead the Turks to recon­ Government did not want to cause tified. he would consider the confer­ sider their decision. the Doukhobors any trouble, but they OBITUARY RECORD Washington. Feb. 5.—Presi­ ence ae still exist In*. He was ready must obey the school laws, and send dent Harding to-day prepared a to reopen the discussions, but, would their children to school. statement to Congress asking for make no more concessions, bavin* M. VENIZELOS Mr. Casakoff explained that the At at. Joseph’s Hospital this morn­ gone to the utmost limit. LAYS DOWN TERMS Poukhobors Would obey the law, and ing the death occurred of Mrs. Mary approval of the British debt "I want the world to know that we Lave their children educated. Alice Plater, aged thirty-seven years. funding settlement negotiated D^7B did not sign because the treaty as It She was born at South Shields, Eng­ stood would strangle us economical­ Lausanne, Feb, 6.—Former Premier THE “EDEN” WASHER by the United States and British Venleeloe of Greece, in a statement BEEMEN STIRRED UP land. and Is survived by her husband ly," he said. and three sons here and three to the Associated Press to-day, «aid: Debt Commissions. It was indi­ •If Turkey will come to some Inde­ Alleged grievances of the Bee­ brothers and four sisters In England. cated that he probably would The funeral will be held from the Bruce, Forming Cabinet, Asks TRY TO SETTLE pendent arrangement with Greece keepers’ Association of B.C., which, B. C. Funeral Chapel on Wednesday submit his recommendations to concerning mutua* reparation», or Quickly Pays For Itself under Williams Hugh, of Cloverdale, MOSUL QUESTION agree to its submission to some form Is the rival association of the offi­ at 340. Interment will be made in the Senate and House to-morrow Country Party’s Co­ Rose Bay Cemetery. of arbitration, Greece will consider cially recognised B.C. Honey Pro­ with an urgent request that approval operation Before the break-up. Great Britain the state of war terminated. ducers' Association, were aired at the be given without delay. “All other matters with TurkeV —by «bolishing the drudgery of wasli day and The remains of the late Mrs. Annie and Turkey agreed to try to settle Parliament Buildings to-day before Meantime Congressional leaders Melbourne. Feb. S. — (Canadian are settled," he continued, "but ft Hon. E. D. Barrow, Minister of Ag­ Askey were laid at real in Roes Bay the Mosul controversy between them­ Turkey insists on reparations from by the saving in wear and tear on clothes. continued in conference over the Frees Cable via Reuter’s)—ft is selves. and In the meantime, for one riculture. and Dr. Warnock. Deputy Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Rev. most acceptable way to Insure pas­ Greece without reimbursing us for "Daniel Walker conducted thé ser­ understood 8. M. Bruce, who was year. Great Britain Is not to refer Minister, by Lynn Browne and A. E. sage of the authorising legislation summoned by the Governor-General the damages caused to her and the A Small Cash Payment Places an Johnson, of Vancouver. vices at McCall’s Funeral Chapel at before Congress adjourns on March this question to the League of Na­ million of Greeks driven from Asia 2 o’clock when the hymns sung were. of Australia, Lord Forster, upon the tions. provided the military statua There hae been high rivalry be­ 4.- The measure hi expected to be resignation of Rt Hon. William Minor, then Greece must consider “Eden" in Tour Home tween the two organisations, the new “Nearer My God to Thee" and “Jesus brought before both the Senate end quo in Mosul la not disturbed. that the war goes on. It is for Lover of My Soul." The pallbearers Hughes frpm the federal premier­ association being opposed to registra­ House before end of the week ship last week, to form a Govern­ Agreement en Peinte. Turkey to say.”’ tion under the Government act and i*grv: Messrs. W. Davies. A. Davies. with all the Uij The Balance You Pay in Monthly Installments C; Davies, J. H. Hadley. W. Jones p force of admin- ment. is in communication with Dr. opposed to the payment of fine where Istration Influ «hind it. The Turkish reply to the Allies, they had been levied. The unrecog­ and F. Rogers. J. H. Findlay pre­ Earl Page, leader of the Country which wae presented yesterday, call­ nised association, which has been sided at the organ. Party, with a view to the possibility ed attention to the Turko-Allled composed chiefly of Vancouver city of forming a composite majority. agreement on fundamental pointa and Lower Mainland men. has been Mr. If. Currie of Weller Bros., has which the Turks contended was suf­ ASK THE ONE WHO BUR1SIT B. C. ELECTRIC urging beemen not to register, and received the sad news of the death MAN WOUNDED ficient for the establishment of peace. last week gained the support of the In Edinburgh. Scotland, of Rachel It emphasised the great sacrifices Showrooms, Langley St. Phone 123 organisation of Saanich beekeepers Morris Currie, eldest dauehter of »b* IN VANCOUVER; Turkey had made during the nego­ at the Experimental Farm. late Henry Morris. Belfleld. Mid C4l- ASSAILANT SOUGHT tiations in renouncing the closing of der. and widow of the Urte jaiuo the Straits, abandonment of a garri­ Terrific A. B. Buckworth, until the end oi Currie, In her eighty-sixth year. Mrs IT son in Gallipoli, acceptance of the last month general manager of the Currie had many friends in Victoria Vancouver. Feb. 5.—Victim of a Thracian frohtler as proposed by the Pacific Great Eastern Railway with who will regret to hear of her de­ shooting affray which took place in Allies, and withdrawal of; their claim mise. She Is survived by two sons, Vancouver. Feb. 5.—-Pacific coast a downtown hotel on Saturday night. headquarters in Vancouver, arrived manufacturers and wholesalers of to Karaghatch. Snow Fall at the Parliament Buildings to-day H. Currie pf this city, and Joseph M. John Kllkelly, known as “King" lumber end lumber products are Kelley, lies in a hospital in a serious The mode of the repartition of the shoes THORNE’S and assumed the office Of ' Deputy Currie of Winnipeg, and one daugh­ public debt and the railway debt Im­ " you need, try ter, Miss Helen C. Currie of this city, offering an entertaining and Inetruc condition while the police are en­ Minister of Railways for the Prov­ live programme for the benefit of the posed heavy charges on Turkey, but ince to which he has Just been ap­ and two daughters and a son in deavoring to locate his assailant. in February! Repaire a Specialty. 64S YATES STREET Edinburgh, Scotland, also two sisters visiting members of the Western Turkey-agreed to the sacrifices, be­ pointed by Hon. J. D. MacLean. cause ah© did not wish to retard the Minister of Railways. Mr. Buck- here. Mrs. George Campbell. Whit­ Retail Lumbermen’s Association, who NATIONS’ MEETING AT taker Street, and Mrs. Mark Wlller- arrived from the prairies via Prince conclusion of peace, said the reply worth will move his family to Vic­ Rupert on Saturday night. Yester­ She agreed also to sign a declaration 1916 toria in the near future. tdn of Maplewood Road. LAUSANNE REGARDED day members of the local committee with reference to that portion of the Will it happen this visited the guests at their hotels and AS ONLY ADJOURNMENT debt not yet distributed and reserved month? We don’t LAUNDRY MARK took them for motor drives around the right to pursue this matter at an ANNOUNCEMENTS opportune moment, with a view to know-one can never LED TO ARREST the city. Others took the visitors to (Continued from page 1.) tell. Tea : Coffee : Butter their homes for dinner for the even­ recovering that portion of the debt. Women's Canadian Club*—Empress ing. Terence was reflected on the foreign She also agreed to engage European Just aa well te be Hotel, Tuesday, Feb. $. 1.16. Speaker, (Continued from page >1.) This morning no special pro­ exchange market this morning, caus­ medical specialists for five years. on the safe aide—fill Rev. William Stevendbn. on "The up your coal bin. Do Problems of Peace.” ••• Committed Per Trial. gramme had been arranged, but at ing a sharp depreciation in the ex­ CORAS AND SON’S PRICES 2.30 p. m.. in the Hotel Vancouver, It to-day—P hone’ o o o Regina, Feb. i.—Douglas Lament change rates of practically all the the manufacturers and wholesalers SUGGESTED SIGNING 3667. READ THEM—BEST VALUE IN THE CITY Asthma can be checked readily. Purvis, alleged robber of Paul continental currencies. The French The Hillside Pharmacy sella the most and the prairie retailers will have Venske, express messenger on C. N. Joint conference to discuss mutual franc fell 3.20 to 77.10 and the Bel­ OF AGREED POINTS dependable remedy. • R. train No. 6 on the evening of Feb­ o o o problems. !h the evening the B. C. gian franc 4.26 to 86.70 to the pound 635 FOOT ST .j/cD#$0N Nice Orange Pekoe Tea, 3 King’s Quality Bread Flour, ruary 1, was committed for trial fol­ Lumber Manufacturers' Association Auto mechanic* attention! During lowing a preliminary hearing before sterling. The mark fell to -200,000. a ...ThS *0l« asserted that th, funds- Iks. for *1.30; Sfro 49-Ib. sale we offer Khaki Combination wlIT entertain the «-astern visitors at mental questions constituting eight# Provincial Magistrate A. J. Maceach- a dinner In the same hotel. loss of 37,000. Lires weakened a per cent, of the whole treaty had been or per lb...... sack Overalls at exceptionally low bar­ ern to-day. Purvis, who was not quarter, while New York cable trans­ $1.75 gain prices. Shirt, Collar and Tie Te See Legging. solved, and that therefore there was represented by counsel, elected for fers were three-quarters off At 4.664, no serious obstacle to the conclusion Anti-Combine Tea, the nicest Shop. Ltd* 71$ Tatee Street ••• trial without a plea. He declined to On Tuesday thq. prairie retailers tv'1 oldest CedDidlers in3C Nice Table Vinegar, IQ OOP of peace, and so proposed that sig­ Tea put up in a fifk/» question any of the three witnesses will he motored to the scene of the natures be affixjd at the foot of the large bottle...... AOC Figure Drawing and Fainting Clae­ called by H. E. Samson. K. C., who King-Farris Lumber Company’s TURKS DECLARED packet. Per lb...... Ovr V ses: Saturday* .9.20 to 1140. Mon­ essential questions on which there War drop's or Peters' Mar­ conducted the prosecution. operations to see logging activities, PEACE IMPOSSIBLE had been agreement and that further Coffee, fresh roasted every days, 7.30 to 9.20. Will Menelaws Purvis' case will be included in and afterwards they will he the Instructor, 202-S Union Bank Build- negotiation» be held on the question* malade, per the docket for the Court of King’s guests of the Canadian Western left In suspente. day. Per lb.. PA Bench session which will open here Lumber Company at the letter’s mill. When the Turkish delegates tin ...... emerged, they said to the Associated 40*. 50* and. . . DUC 65c ,nV o o Tuesday, Mr. Samson stated follow­ In the evening the party will be the In conclusion the note said: “It 1» Fresh, Crisp Ginger I P _ Miss Griffith, Dressmaker, is tem­ ing the committal. guests of the Wholesale Lumber­ Press correspondent: "Peace is im­ quite natural that In the event of Our Special Coffee, ground porarily conducting her business on Venxke and Detective Sergeants men’s Association At a theatre party possible." non-acceptance of our proposals, we You Can Boy as ordered. (P"| AA Snaps, per lb.„.... lût top floor Woolworth Building. Suite karles Dun net* and T. J. Van and supper. The hotel lobby was choked with can not consider ourselves bound by 20? Phone 6669______— Gorder of the Provincial Police De­ On Wednesday some of the party excited and expectant persons—dip­ them." 3 lbs. for.. . : «D X e W Krinkle Corn ftp _ partment here, were the three men lomat* correspondents, travelers. Debt. will go tb Victoria for a day. while The majority expected an announce­ Fresh Creamery Butter, Flakes, 3 pkti. for.. mUv who gave testimony. others will leave for Seattle, and Annexed to the Turkish reply was A Sail of Clothes others will return home, Tuesdav ment of peace and the word “rtip- Lawndale . Itraud^. - - A' "4 Gtopd. Dry Onions, , rtf' ha *...... Per -lb.. ~ -—- •> ... .A A- V/ . 10 lbs, for,,,..... on the programme. declared that secession and Like Receiving search for mahah tit other st ipulated dispositions in Th* B. 0. Granulated Sugar, “ . , 6 IN VANCOUVER HAS by. immediately mounted the stair­ IMeToOnierf Independent Creamery But­ THIRTY IN JAIL way and conferred with Ix>rri Vur- Muharrem decree and the decrees of ter, nothing nicer. A H ~ BROUGHT NO RESULT zon. Then, like M. Bom perd and September, 1901. and May. 1011. and Per lb...... Tt I L 25 Sacks of , DURING POLLING Marquis Dl Garroni, they dashed by also All advances concluded by th* “,.Tr... $1.70 automobile to larosanne to make a Government of the former Ottoman —with a positive guarantee deed Chilliwack Potatoes, Singapore Pineapples, large Vancouver. Feb. 6.—Despite (Continued from nage It final appeal ti> the Turks. TCmpIrc. are confirmed and maintain­ continued search by the Royal Lord Curzon Yield up hie train, but ed In force, provided they are not of a good fit ananu goodgwu maUAS-­ Z!b:... .. $1.00 can 20*; QR CoaltotheTon! Canadian Mounted Police, the Dufour, Metapedia: Hon. A. Gelt- when he received a message that all modified by the treaty of peace, not­ terial. or 5 cans for...... s/VV Bov Scouts and the local police ault. Minister of Public Works, appeals had been useless, he de­ ably with regard to the repartltiea of We give you twenty full eacks over the week-end, the fate of Dr. illechasee; Hon. J. E. Caron, parted for England. the Ottoman debt». All for...... $28.00 Robin Heed Rolled rtR No. 1 Jonathan NF of coal to the ten—but it's REAL Mahan, who disappeared on Wed­ Kinlster of Agriculture, Magdalen M. Bompard said : "The conference Oats, 6 lbs. for...... Apples, per box tP-Li 4 V coal. Twenty-five Backs of In­ nesday last. Is still unknown. ilands; A. Bouthllier, St. Johns. Is over. It la"a misfortune for Eu­ ferior quality coal won’t last The voting to-day brings to an rope, especially Turkey. Perhaps we BRITISH WENT TO you aa long or give such satis­ id a very vigorous campaign In the Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 6.—(Canadian cities which have been the battle­ cab negotiate peace later." 1 GIVING 7rwb Lettuce, Oubbuge, Carrots. Turnips, Etc.. Let us hare faction. Marquis Dl Oar rent motored madly Press Ceble via Reuter's)—^Tra vers ground for both the leaders' of the ^CONCESSIONS CHARLIE ’ your orders. Allan, of Montreal, whose body was Liberal government and the opposi­ to see M. Tchltchertn, head of the found on January 80 near Luxor, tion. In Montreal the election has Russian representatives, to Induce Egypt, wae murdered. Medical and aroused more divided Interest than him to sign the Straits convention, London. Feb. S,—The Turkish re­ HOPE ANTI-COMB IN L J.E. Paiater&Sous legal experts who have been invest! - •ovlnctal contest for ten years. hoping tn this way to have the Turks fusal te sign

a VICTORIA-DAILY TIMES, MOXDAY.FEBBUAR^ôjm m ter reciprocal facilities with Torèlgn pecting thirsty ones had been enticed (F™8 stations, for example, with France into m snug retreat, were all well pat­ and Germany, than with British sta­ ronized. while the dancing area was EMPIRE WIRELESS tions. « In advocating private enter­ continually crowded with danyere “SAL AD A” SALES prise. which says it is ready to step throughout the evening. In. The Observer declares the state During the course of the evening a can not act in the matter for reasons varied and Interesting programme was rendered. In which the following 1921 Increase PEINS DISCUSSED of finance and for lack of a favorable CONCERT AND DANCE 1000-10 GOVERNMENT STREET opportunity to concentrate thereon. artists ampeared: Joe Cooper. G. Goodwin™ Mrs. Goodwin. Fred 13,351.815 11,596,886 1,754.929 METCH0SIN EVENT •tors Hours • a. m. te • p. m.—Wednesday 1p.m. . ✓ - Early Announcement by Com­ . t Coucher, Tommy Allan. M. Faulkner, THle increase in public favor Oswald Ward ill. Tommy Rough and is due,to the superb Quality of mittee in Britain Expected Special te The Times. the girls'from "Happyland" under the Mctchosin.—A very successful leadership of Miss Ursula l>o be son. Announcing the Arrival of London. Feb. 6.— (Canadian Press concert and dance took place at At the whist drive held by the G. Cable)—There is prospect of an early Metchoeln Hall on Friday night un­ W. V". A. this week the following were der thtf auspices of the Pianola Com­ I Announcement by the Government of the prise winners: Ladies, first prise, mittee, when a crowded hall wit­ Mrs. Sharp: second prise, Mrs Pat­ I Its policy on the subject of the pro WISDEUYED nessed a very excellent programme terson;. third prise, Mrs. Rothery; Smart Sports Coats in the | vision of Empire wireless services. presented by town and country tal gehtlemrn’N. first prise. W. Kneen; The London Observer understands ent. \ second prise. F. Ogen; third prise, Manchester Guardian Says The chairman of the committee, J. Charles Baird. that the Imperial Communications Hughes, Australian Premier, 8. Yates, acted as chairman for the "SALMA" Committee, which has been consid­ event and hie dry humor contributed Newest Spring Styles ering the subject, will present a re­ Should Have Quit Sooner largely to the amusement of the DUNCAN BENEFIT audience. # CONCERT AND DANCE TEA port to the Cabinet In the coming Bongs were rendered by Miss Mel week. According to a forecast, the London, Feb. «.—(Canadian Press ville, Miss Moorhead. Vaughan Jonee committee will favor the open door Cable).—The Manchester Guardian, and Mr. Turner, of Victoria; Dr. Special to The Times. PMCKD FROM for private enterprise, and the opin­ in an editorial reference to the re­ Richard and Mr*. Felton, of. Sooke, Duncan—A record crowd attended a general In 1*01. He served with ion Is expressed that if the Govern­ COUNT KUROKI signation of Premier Hughes of Aus­ and Mrs. G. Weir arid Mrs. F. A. the benefit concert arranged by the distinction in the Russo-Japanese ment accepts this policy there is an Pearce, of Metchoeln. O. Schofield Knights of Pythias for Fred Bonsall. DIED IN JAPAN War. and won notable victories at assured prospect of the Empire being tralia. says the resignation wouia acted a* accompanist. The artistes who jras shot and badly injured in Valu and Kly-llen-ling. equipped with an adequate wireless have come with better grace at the were accorded a very hearty vote of the early part of the last shooting . $18.75 Tokio, Feb. 6.—General Count Ta system. Great Britain will thus fail moment' when the Australian general thanks for their splendid perform­ season. Mr. Bonsall has only Just memoto Kurokl, one of the famous G.T.R. EARNINGS In line with the Dominions, election in December resulted in a ance, which was replied to on behalf recently been able to leave the hos­ You will find this early ahowing- warrlbr* ,x»f Japan, died yesterday oi Delay Opposed. clearly worded notice to him td quit. of the visitors by R. H. Pooiey, pital and it will b* some time be­ of New Sport» Coats minutely com­ pneumonia. He was seventy-eight SHOW INCREASE The newspaper urges the Govern­ Many of the features of Hughes’* M.P.P. fore he bM completely recovered. years -old. - •— ■ ■ ment nof. to dally In regard to the war premiership are open to criti­ During the evening .twenty draw­ The chairman was H. W. McKenste plete, with appropriate styles for all ings were made for the payment of and a splendid programme was pro­ Montreal. Feh. 6. — Grand Trunk vital importance of powerful wireless cism, says the newspaper. Even a preference» and occasion». The General Kurokl was one of the out­ majority of the Australians who kept debentures on the pianola held by vided as follows: Railway system traffic earnings for installations. residents of the district end by the standing figures In Japanese military ten days ended January 31, compared If Great Britain does not act him so long in office did so with Song ....r..."’Yeomen of England” styles are very smart and the values life. He commanded the left column a kind of winking Implication thaj in Farmers" and Women’s Institutes. with 1922, were: 1923. 92.99t.113; strongly, The Observer points out. Refreshments were served by « C. Johnson. offered are moat interesting. In­ In the war with China and was made 1922. «2,207,740; increase, f501,403. Dominion stations will soon have bet­ had times one can not afford-to he Reel ti ton ...... "Too Lata” particular. Among the bad results committee of ladles unde ftbe dlrec spection invited. tion of W. G. Mtlsted. who was re Mrs. W. Hopkins were the stimulation of his labor sponsible for the arrangements of the Song ...."What’s in the Air To-day" View Window Display • policy - tb destructive criticism, not programme complete. Afterwards Mrs. Wade exceeded anywhere in the British dancing took place until 2.30 a m. to Comic Song, "Corp. John Barthélémy" Commonwealth of nations. the strains of O.. SclSchofield’s orchestra. Mr. Dobensen (Chemainus) Song .. ."Calling Me Home to You* Misa Tombs. J. S. W00DSW0RTH, M.P., PING-PONG CLUB Vocal Duet—"Garden of My Heart’ SPEAKS IN MONTREAL STARTED IN SIDNEY Mrs. Wade and Mss. W. K. Christmas. Songs, “Ntta Gftama" “Tommy Lad" Mr. Snow. Montreal. Feb. 5.—That the two old Special te The Times. $37.50,042.50 and political parties were Just sculptors" Instrumental Trio, "Serenade" by clay In the fingers of the big buelneaa Sidney.—A Ping-Pong Club has Victor Herbert. interests, to the resultant detriment been started here. The Club Is to piano, Piolin.and ’cello. _ of the workingmen’s wélfare, and that meet every Thursday evening in W#f- Mrs. Kler and the Misses Kler $47.50 Progress in 1022 ley Hall. At present there are fif­ Song ...."The Garden of Happiness" the people should disregard them and teen members. The officers for the unite In forming a Dominion-wide Miss D. Savage. year are: President, C. Wetnyss; Recitation ...... "The Joiner*" solidarity of labor as a separate poli­ secretary - treasurer, N. Frallch; com­ Presenting Tuesday exceptional value» In tical entity, was the opinion express­ Mrs. Mottishaw. Women's and Misses' New Spring Bulla. mittee. Rev. T. Griffiths and J. T. Song .. »...... "In Khaki’’ ed by J. 8. Woodaworth. M. P. for Taylor. Beilin* at «37.50. «42.60 and «47.10. Tai­ Winnipeg Centre and leader of the Mr? Snow. ' HE results achieved by the North American Life The Junior Branch of St. Andrews Songs—(a) "The Perfect Day" lored from all-wool tricetlne In .hade, oC Labor Party In the House of Com­ W.A. held Its usual meeting at the navy, sand and beaver. Many smart Assurance Company during 1922 continue to estab­ mons. at a meeting here last night In (b) "The Psalm of Love" home of Mrs. T. Harrison. A report Mrs. O’Neill. style, to select from. Tuesday. «S7.«0, the interests of ‘Adels rd Laurendeau. was read of the annual meeting of the Song...... “Angus MacDonald" •43.60 and ...... MT.BO lish beyond question the strength and security of Labor candidate in the Maisonneuve Girls’ W.A„ held at fhe Conference Tthe Company. The following outstanding figures will district. in «Victoria last Friday. Mr. R. Malnguy The Boy Scouts have been very Comic songs—(a) "Girls." Labor should not support one or the , (b) “Women." be very gratifying to all interested in the welfare of other of the old political parties, said busy doing up their hall. - They have put on a new roof and have done it Mr. Ley land. Mr. Woods worth. They were both of Miss Clack and Miss Monk were the Company: the same kidney. A smalt group con­ up Inside as well. The tug-boat ’’Tim.’* from Lady- accompanists. trolled the Industries. . which would The committee in charge. C. E Policies Issued and Revived...... $ 17,931,327.00 not be so bad If it stopped there, but Smith. has arrived here, add Messrs. New Wool Sports Skirts are Copeland 4 Wright are putting In a Stoney, A. Castle and E. 8. Wllmot Amount of Insurance in Force...... 108,059,134.00 they also controlled the pres*. and had done excellently in providing so the Provincial, Federal and Municipal new and larger engine. Professor E. M. Straight, of the excellent a programme. Assets ...... 23,683,842.94 Governments, he said. There was Following the concert there was a Specially Priced at $7.90 lot of unemployment, but In a vast Experimental Farm, left here on Payments to Policyholders...... 2,402,039.7* Thursday for Ottawa" and other most delicious supper, music and country such as Canada, with Its places In the Eaat of Canada. cards, In one room, end dancing in Net Surplus ...... 3,476,230.56 Immense natural resources, there the main hall until 2.19, concluded should be no excuse for this. More a very enjoyable evening. and $9.50 Surplus earned during the year exceeded. 1,000,000.00 over, the Dominion Government had COMMITTEES OF done nothing to relieve the situation. NANAIMO SCHOOL These records are the outward evidence of the unex­ No defensive measures were taken, GOLDEN WEDDING Choose from fancy plaid and atripei effects-'fit such as the unemployment insurance BOARD NAMED colors of navy, brown, fawn, etc., plain and pleated celled financial position attained by the Company, and adopted by the older countries, he WAS CELEBRATED said. The Quebec Government had styles with novelty pockets and belts. All of them of the solid foundation upon which it has been built. In Special te The Times large surpluses, he said. Why could Special to The Time*. very smart and exceptional value Tuesday, S7.90 the North American Life, policyholders' interests are it not have given a few thousands to Nanaimo—The Board of School and...... - |».50 the unemployed? Trustees held a special meeting, those Duncan.—Mr. and Mrs. John paramount, over 99% of the profits earned being allotted present being Chairman John Shaw. Evans celebrated their golden wed to them. When contemplating new insurance, ace one Mrs. Leighton. Mrs. Mart Indale, Al­ ding day Friday at their home. On Display in the Skirt Section derman J. Randle. W. W. Gray, Mayor "Femdale Farm," where they have of our representatives. If you desire fuller information Busby and T. Hodgson. lived, with the exception of a year The committee appointed at a pre­ or two spent in California, all their about the Company's operations during 1922, mad the vious meeting of tbs Board to con­ married life. attached coupon. lathing sider the question of s change In the Mr. Evans and his wife, who was seating arrangements in the schools Miss Mary Jane Davis, were both suggested certain changes, which are bom in Wales. In 1171 Mr. Evans to take effect on Monday next, which bought the place- which is his present will be the opening of the new school home and two years later went to California, where he was married. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE PILES term. Mrs. Evans had come across the The following committees were ap­ United States over the old Oregon 01 1 PAZO OINTMENT toauntlr pointed: Finance. Mayor Bushby, Trail, and for a short time made her BARGAIN SALE ASSURANCE C W Y Mrs. Martindale and W. W. Gray; home in Salt Lake City. At that time liera. ITCHING PILES end yon building. T. Hodgson. Aid. Randle and MB «et restful sleep after the the Mormon movement was most Head Office Toronto Canada Mrs. Martindale. visiting. Mrs. aggressive. From Salt Lake City «rat application. I^ighton, Mrs. Martindale and W. W. she went to California. Of Furniture L. GOLDMAN, hwilwt p, McCjÏaJL*COLf Vlw-PwilwW Gray; supply. Aid. Randle, Mrs. AH dntogbta are anthorixed to As a young man Mr. Evans, with Martindale and W. W. Gray. the late Archdeacon Reece. Ashdown refund Ike money If PAZO Trustee Hodgson reported that the Green, and a number of pioneers, Vancouver Island Branch Office.- OINTMENT falls In Ike «rest­ wood and coal shed at the North few of whom are left, formed the Carpets, Etc. aient of any case ef ITCHING. W’ard School had been broken into Cowichan Literary Institute, which Our entire stock now on sale at greatly reduced prices. It • X)û Sayward Block, - Victoria, B. C. BLIND. BLEEDING or PBO- and a quantity of coal stolen. The for years met fortnightly Vo discuss building instructor was ordered to world events and current literature. will pay you to buy from us now, for we save you money truwng piles. have repairs made and the door fixed They were the founders of the on every purchase. - * It Is geatanteed by Paris Med­ •o there will be no more depredations. Cowichan Library. In 1904 Mr. Evans was elected icine Got. Manufacturers of the The estimates for the year, which 'Solid as the Continent^ are to be submitted to the Couticil"by Liberal member of the Legislature world-famous Lasaüve BROMO February IS were considered, the for Cowichan, defeating the late QUININE Tablets. members expressing the opinion it Ernest Skinner In the first election Please mail me your complete would not be possible to make any In Cowichan run on party lines. I VALUE! Among those present at "Fern- ISM Report, also “Solid, as the Continent” Booklet. (o-Jfc/frcrvts reduction below last year s expendi­ UMITCa ture, which stood at $41,604. dale Farm" on Friday last were Mr. Evans’s brother, David; Mr. and Mrs. Next to A Few tlsps For School Gymnasium. 710 John Evans ; six children. Arthur Hotel Douglas From Pangaea This signature Is on arsry bos Committees representing the Elks. Evans of Victoria, Newell, who lives ef PAZO OINTMENT. «0c. Gyros and Rotarisns held a Klondike at home, Mrs. John Flett, Mrs: Peter Auchlnachie, Mrs. George Addr—s If you era unable to got PAZO night in aid of the new school gym­ nasium fund, and from a financial Savage, and Mias Ruby Evans, all of OINTMENT from your druggist, whom live In the district. With their lower camp, from which point the and entertaining standpoint the af­ tramline will be made use of. The send, «0c to postage stamps to fair was a big success, the total re­ husbands and wives and eighteen NEWS AND NOTES Paris Medicine Co, 1(3 Spedlns grandchildren and two great grand­ work is being got under way with the ceipts for the evening being «613.80. greatest possible expedition. Are.. Toronto, and a bos will bo Every gambling device and trick children, a nephew and bis wife, Mr. FROM THE MINES and Mrs. Earl Brenner, of Victoria, mailed to yon promptly. Write known to tfiè" North had Its counter­ A resolution was by the your name end address plainly. they made a large party, a part at the affair. The roulette During the afternoon many old- Indian Group., Silverton Liberal Association recent­ wheels, blackjack and faro games, ly as follows: - (MADE IN CANADA) time friends called to extènd every Owing to a conservative policy on horse racing and blind pigs which good wish for the. future. The "Whereas there are over 400 dished out cold tea after the unsus­ couple also received many kind the part of the operators very little crown granted mineral claims adja­ presents and letters of congratula­ has been said during the past year cent to the town of Silverton, and tion. in connection with the development w hereas most of the property so held has been neglected by Its owners and work on the Indian mine. Neverthe­ Is lying Idle for speculative pur­ DUNCAN SECURES less 15 men have been kept steadily poses. and whereas farming land at work since last April. Trails have held Idl^ie taxed very heavily—0 par ABLE MINISTER built, camps established, and cent of its assessed value; and altogether 1,606 feet of development whereas mining property held Idle 10 Rev. Bryce II. Wailace, B. A.. B. D., has been done sine? that time, says taxed at 25c per acre, whether that a graduate of the University of Bri­ The-Portland Canal News. acre la worth only a few dollars or tish Columbia and" of Wèstifiineter The upper tunnel, on about the many thousands; and whereas ths Hall, has accepted a call to the past­ government takes heavy toll of any orate of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian me horison as the No. 1 of the ore mined or profits made, and this Church. Duncan, In succession to Premier, has been extended in ore its discourages activity and progress; Rev. A. F. Munro. M. A., who recently entire length of 266 feet; the .face at and whereas most of the mining SMOKE the moment is In four feet of fairly transferred to Kerrledale on the In­ camps of British Columbia are in the vitation of the Presbyterian Church solid ore. without either wall having same torpid condition as our own there. Mr. Wallace was- pastor of been touched. Another vein has neighborhood, and the mining Indus­ Merritt Presbyterian Church for two been cut with this tunnel on a try is stagnant: years following his graduation at the northwest course, which la believed "Be it resolveed that we ask ths University and returned last Fall to to be the vein that Includes the British Columbia Government to take Vancouver in order < to undertake large galena outcrop. Both veins these facts Into their earnest consid­ post-graduate work. He Is known as are being driven on. and while the eration. ând devise mesne to make S capable student and has proved his ore Is not blocked out, large re­ the holder» of crown-granted claims worth as a minister by hie leadership serves are available. get to work on the.|r property." The main tunnel la 50 feet below in Merritt. The Victoria Presbytery Oft an Sunshine. will make the arrangements for the the upper and lower lenses of ore. Induction of the new pastor at Dun good showings being found along the A. Johnson, who cams down from Www1*** «ut**! the Sunshine property on Glacier CPU*, At wfctok point it encountered a large land Canal New, that the tun leryte of ore. of bane metal type. This reach.» the lead for which tCj . ST. LAWRENCE ore body apparently extends to "the Ia« driven, sood ore showing In 1 surface, a* it has already been en­ face. At thle point work on It i ICE DYNAMITED countered in the uopor tunnel. Be stopped until the exact strike eg I encouraging have been the results lead has been d------— “ Ogdensburg. N. Y.. Feb. 6— Ice from exploration, that a contract turn cutting on the l Jama in the St. Lawrence River east let to extend a lower tunnel, the tunnel will of this city last night were dynamited which Is now In 9» feet. 490 feet U> direction at i to prevent destruction of property on develop the ore bodies at a depth of until It Intel the islands and interference with the 390 feet below the large galena o' will b (ipfln sm BTinn fl nn vlirf I1 hann rirw»»«iBlllligl Bttgkia|mevTr^m«nnr niant ■ The contractors «rr w T-'tnperaturee dropped to thirty be­ hueilv enraged hauling their cn low kero yesterday. prwnr and plant up to the mine, last Fall. vrtt.*nuory to undertaking TO ENLARGE BUILDING. ork. •*? Silverado Contract. Rome, Feb. 6. — King Victor Em A contract for the driving of CUT PLUG manuel has set aside 1.096,900 lire feet of tunnel on the SUveiMo from his private purse for enlarge­ let to H»nry HIU and axnocfates. ment of the building of the Interna­ The Portland Canal Nows. The tional Institute of Agriculture, which has been broken, and the con" was constructed in 1994 at are already tot the Job. ««■■to hni < itwy e VICTORIA f)A TOY "TT

r. îlfn.w.on tll# Purchase^ of liquor or ature, maximum yesterday. 34 ; minl- ture, maximum yesterday, 41!; minimum, ele* «o anyone. Goods Victoria gattg gimo munity will realise the force of the argument, j bought through bons fide agents do ,"u|"iou*l wlnd‘ va,m- snow, .20. weuth- 42. wind. 4 miles E.; weat*ciu-j. reste entirfly with the public. The individ Other People's Ifiews not cost any more thaif If order Is Prtnce Rupert—Barometer. SO 52; tem- ||MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1923. BURN I>erature, maximum reeterday, 4*; mtrn- sjot direct. No business man re­ The man who stumps hie toe on quires to be told this. * mum, K; wind, 8 miles N. K ; rain, .*4; hi* own stupidity always wants ta k— jPebllaàeé Every Afternoon (Except Sunday) by few extra cents for a time. It is to his advsn eddrrawd lo IS, Editor ood ln- As a public servant it Is1 not my weather, cloudy. I I..M, for publicoilon mult bo ohert end Tstooeh—Barometer. 50.58; tempera­ ♦THK times FAINTING A PUBLISHING COMPANY, •age. Keep- the money- here and let evvy Van I eh^rtZ *£**»•■. The leeger aa article the practice to reply to letters and re- kick the world over. , LIMITiZD* couver Island dollar exhaust itself in pramotipAmotingl mu-u ...... Phone 1141 part of the country. WUtorlal Office*iIX •Utility la noeumed hy till pepor tor MS* WELLINGTON member of the Legislature that are submitted to tko Editor. not in accordance with the facts as SUBSCRIPTION RATES: PRINOE RUPERT AND VANCOUVER. 1 *now them, I feel that the public are entitled to a reply from., me. “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers” *wtîî1iv*rT ...... ll.eip'r month MOOSE, CONVENTION [ JAMKH PATERSON, Prince Rupert and Vancouver are exchanging COAL Another large shipment of To the Editor:—With reference to Purchasing Agent. a few pleasantries about the Government’s dry-An______article whfch ____has appeared______In the Prompt delivery. this popular number hae been Mall (eicluslva of City) Canada and Grant rvgardine'th# erection received for the NEW EDI­ St1'*1”, .-...... par annum dock at the Northern port. The Terminal City I ïôcsi pai>.r« United States of America...... ;$7.00 per annum has come to the conclusion that this part of’ the ^co‘S“ï “.Tnd'H«“nVP A«“-‘ The WEATHER SON. Also “Call Me Back Franca, Belgium, Greece, etc...... $1.00 per month THE LAUSANNE FAILURE. people's belongings should be moved to van- elation. l »m requested to etnte that Pal •* Mine” and “Three oouver and given a better chanw. to “earn its|,hA Lf.y.*1,of Mwe is nott*e- Kirk Coal Co., Ltd. o'Clock in the Morning," sung corn.” Prince Rupert looks upmi the dock a*kSd!£VOr would be*m“iiS™to have uTi. by Elizabeth Spencer and . Although the Lausanne Conference has not 1212 proad St. Phone 139 Chan. Harrison, and a num­ track ready in time tor Moose Vt|1 declared officially at an end the fact vital to the commercial interest of its district 1 the Victoria. Feb 5 —« a. m —The baro­ ber of «nappy new dance hits. that concerna, most people is that the Turks have and retorts with the suggestion that if its ‘‘big ^^re^thV\«iM^7«e*."dnot meter remains high on the Paclrtc Slope Call In and hear them to-day. brother down South should be instrumental in made any arrangement* for a race and fair weather la general with frost refused toj sign the Treaty of Peace and condi­ again extending to California. Intense tions in a general sense are as they were when bringing about the transfer Vancouver goods to .W0— IF TOU AUK LOOKING cold prevails In Manitoba and Northern tne tune of a few shiploads a week would not i« the desire of the executive of this for a fully modern 6-roomed Ontario. the Mudania convention became operative. Greece home with sea view. Temperature. KENT’S Mid Turkey aw not actually fighting one another WneJ Îb T'4' B?TU V ,,h.e .ra,her, K mlSSuSl r WB HAVB rr. Lin PHONOGRAPH STORE word that some influential citizens of the North- city during the whole of their stay, Penticton .".TCsTiT. T.... t^cause both armies are halted by the armistice Good Terms—Low Taxes. Nelson ...... 2‘* 1004 Government St. ern port have employed of late. As an interested „ , ... . . X, Calgary ...... 48 3«i Phono 344$ Which went into effect some five months ago. But orde^oMdoos*. Apply hedmi>nton ...... 42 2* observer of the interchange Victoria very natur-1 °r * $12 Sayward Bldg. Phone F77 Qu* Appelle ,.v...... a —10 ‘‘an unfortunate incident” or the overt act by Winnipeg ...... —« —$ÿ design mjgbt result in the re-opening of hostilities ally hopes, if action of any form should follow 1 oronto ...... 7 the somewhat heated controversy, that her con­ INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE. easily'kmbrrnl Great Britain if she stands by Capt. Harbord coming to my office Montreal !!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'”. •’* temporary ports will have no cause to quarrel To the Edltoif—In fairness to me Ht. John ...... 0 the provisions of the Peace Treaty which Ismet and speaking Ip me on behalf of Bash a has refused to sign for Nationalist Turkey. with oné another. *** will you kindly give me space In your Reports. next issue to contradict an 1TMH In Harry Pearce about an order for Mac­ Victoria—Barometer •*.«: tempe re - ROOF LEAKS B is inconceivable that the Angora Government to-daÿ*s Times under the heading of donald A Muir’s whisky, and saying [ure, maximum yeeterday. 42; minimum. FRANCE IS MARINO HEADWAY. “I$ody to Control and Cultivate City 21; wind, 12 mllea N. : weather, cloudv. should commit itself to a further campaign Ht Lots Urged.” I may say that no such that -iterHarbord. had become Vancouver—Barometer, 80.62; temper­ Treated with “NAG” and 'ï'hsoelated with Mr. Pearce, and as ature, maximum yesterday. 21; mlnl- arms and run the risk of,incurring active resist- r. • J ; ., - . „ r, . ,. I proposition nashas oeenbeen urou*iubrought ivto ««ymy ihum. 24; wind, calm; weather, cloudy. dice from British warships and British soldiers— vonsidermg the fact that r Fetich occupation notice. The item goek on to say the Mr. Pearce was Ih the Old Country jvamlooikh—Barometer, 20.64; tempera- Made, Tight ‘ of the Rohr i* only about a month old as an opor- ,0®*,V** he had requested him to take up tite tare, Tnaximuin yeterGay, »; Fwmwnmt, ty say nothing of jeopardizing a very large num­ w g9 • j Vi ,h,e y«ar* which Is entirely untrue, matter with me. and endeavor to get 14]wlad, calm ; weather, fair. WILLIAMS A HARTE, LTD. (Nag Paint Co'y) ber of concessions to which Turkey had bidden •tne„ policy there IS plenty of* evidence that for In fact The Times reported a an order. ——t Barker villa—Barometer. 80.32; V un per- PAINT-MAKERS AND ROOF EXPERTS SÜieu when The Allies prescribed punishment for France knows Germany a good deal better than meetine of the inrtu.tnai committee I told Capt. Harbord that the two 1302 Wharf Street . ___ _ Phono 387 her Allies do. It is not to say that the returns ■ J&o “yr’ « hen the people’realize however that Ic , and promptly referred by that closely as they may, as after all price There is only little to suggest that this demand b™,. ... Z H ’ no«vter. inat lhe indumrlal Committee, of a.:u i___ JjI -, u:_ n * __ i__ 1 't”1 rreneh are there on business and not for ’ and quality are mainly what I tillill be made of him. But it can be taken for I r rcnt n »r? ,n*J* on nusmess and not for I which Alderman Harv.y I. chairman, concerned with, not with who are the inted that the developments of the week-end '',a",on 8po,lat,on the-v w,“ be ««mUarly reawb- of uu. agents, and I repeatedly said e # I able. Time» the Public Accounts Committee. ▼91 put him in an inquisitive mood. ought to be grateful to this news­ Notwithstanding Mr. Pooley’i February Home Furnishings Sale The industrial barons are the real arbiters in| paper for the Information, since It statement to tha cent ran’. I did not the situation. The authorities at Berlin are com­ must be Important to him to 'know give evidence before the Public Ac BRITISH COLUMBIA’S FOODSTUFFS. what is before the committee of paratively powerless. And when the people | which he la the head. counts Committee unwillingly Alderman Harvey la quite mistaken. under pressure, hut tried to answer demonstrate their willingness to help France by all questions, mostly Insinuations, ln Wilton and | Urtg ,o ,he ,,abu,a,etd T-jris, .m”, xŒ a fair and truthful manner, and to «üed b> the provincial inspector of imported and the Thyasens realise that France is making good dualr,lU uorgmittee with Air. Elliott, the best of my abtltfy and recollec «aborted fruit and vegetables British Columbia I ^er threat at their expense and eyen with the as- the first~ week- in Janu&y,- - M regard flon at the time, and I regret that an ing the grain elevator proposal. The official stenograph Ica I report of the Jupped in more foods! uffs under these heading. Astance of the people, th«-German- Government report to whk?H Alderman Harvev proved Inge of the Public Accounts Axminster Rugs refers was of a-meeting of actually Committee was net made. ** advice—of instruction. Mean- the whole Council, arranged by the As a greaCAeat has been said about ?d J. ‘h*./aC‘‘haî °Ut t1 a,‘®UI of while the industrialists are defiant in the knowl- Mayor, to hear Mr. Elliott’s views oh commissions I desire to say that the boxes of fruit, 3o2 tone of potatoes and .9,4291 edge that their fortunes are in foreign banks. this very important matter. Aider- Government do not pay any commis Greatly Reduced efrates of vegetables imported and examined man Harvey presided over this meeting. 1415 boxes of fruit and twenty-nine crates of D0ÜKH0B0BS AND OUR SCHOOLS. Apropos of the above, we feel justi­ iegetables were condemned. It is not neces­ fied In inviting Alderman Harvey’s in Prices sary to ioint ."out that the increased ship-1ship- If the-laws of this country are good enough I,ram an" intenl.w7 with* th.'Mayor *)nts inefiid^’ ‘ number of edibles that r for Canadians thev ought to be good cnouuli for .wîich *PPMpeuld B0t be produ"d in *b“ Evince. | Douktmbor, If ihe Utter dTlS‘iSHKsTon thorn h„ .p. c? Nor6 one the less the facts relating to those them and prefer to break them thev should he I p*rtntly be,n » tendency to let the Varieties which require nothing more than nor­ fold to choose between punishment and banish- toVhu.T^t^TîîKïïSd H."r February Sale mal climat ié conditions clearly indicate that Brit­ ment. 1 his country’ welcome* people who are I Xey to h,e committee and get ish Columbia ^s importing much that should be ready to become good citizenscitizens: : but there is nonoI {Sïït^'î'-SStZ'ïïî'ïïL^Ï: frown on this side of the border, Is Your Work room1 tft those who take all they can get and co-operate In this work, tint they Fine Axminster Rugs in Attractive Designs î 1 Should British Columbia have to import give atnnnehi trouble as they can. If the Doukho- have .not been railed into consulta tlon. I have arked Alderman Harvey «pies, pears, potatoes, beans, asparagus, toma-l. bora do not„ send their children to S4ho0l they ho, see that all m.mbera'nir'th^com^ Hard on Your Axminster Rug, x 12 feet, a fine quality Axminster Rug, 8 ft. 3 in. x 11 ft. 6in., toes, cabbage, cauliflower, grapes, lettuce, I must pay the fine for non-compliance with a re-1fre.J.lv,n active rr.pt,n rug with a rioh, deep pile; fawn ground in fine Oriental design ; regular $67.50. On T'°"8V p*88’ ras-pbe"ieS‘ *«d and aimilar pro-1-I quirement which British ColumbiansColumbian. have'tô ôb,.i. bm y ,n lhle wol* "l and all-over designs ; regular $82.00. On sale for...... *55.00 ductst If we should we had better not talk serve. Dr. MacLean ta quite right in insisting that REPLY TO MR. POOLEY. Eyes? sale at ...... *67.50 about increasing the population of this Prov- the school laws of this Province shall be*com Axminster Rug, 9 ft. x 10 ft. 6 inches, of Axminster Rugs, 7 ft. 6 in. i 9 ft., in plain igce. But nobody will seriously argue that there plied.with. C To the Editor: —Replying to a let MAN who look* forward blue and plain rose ground ; regular $55.00. Would be any necessity to go outside British Ce- ter from R. H. Pooler, M. L. A., pub­ to a bright future muet superior grade with plain, blue centre and' lished In The Time, of the 2nd tint., A do eo with undimmed floral border; regular $75.00. On sale On sale for...... *42.00 Bitnbia for any "bf these commodities if the dealing with my evidence before the viaion. If hie eyes are net for . . oil...... *57.50 —Ruga, Second Floor fwple would insist that they be grown here. That Public Account. Committee, and performing their funotiono Capt. Harbord'e statements In a letter area which lies adjacAt to Victoria could be published in The Times of the loth properly he should allow our tlirned into British Columbia’s larder as far asj NOTE AND COMMENT January, regarding the purchase of optometrist to tost them. West of the products mentioned above are con-| Macdonald & MulCi whisky, I wish Whether they have become to make the following statement. weakened from ago, from Seamless Wilton Rugs—Remarkable Values oerned. Is there a more promising spot in the The world is informed that the influenza germ wlLlrh w0"Jd. ,h,"k you to publish: use or from abuse the reme­ The Finest Grade Wilton Carpet made—without a seam, and the designs and colorings Whole of this: Province thaq the ^aanicli Peuin- has been found and isolated. It is now in order| aid ^mu'in wh°!ky*Jèn* dWM^rom dial leneee thpt will be pre­ ifila and the surrounding districts T scribed will again let you are beautiful. io wyin^ its peck. Leith to thq Liquor Control Board by look out on the world with Seamless Wilton Rug*, 9 x 10 ft. 6 in. and 9 ft. x 12 ft. Values to $135.00. Sale *99.00 J The people of this Province will have to I Harry VeaFce were revolved and the all-eooing eye of youth. tcalize that industrial development can only be placed Ln the liquor warehouse sample Seamless Wilton Rugs, 9x9 ft. Regular $65.00 for...... *50.00 German marks in New York on Saturday I room, and were In due course mm- Glasses a* Law ae $6.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs, 4 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. Regular $40.00 at ...... *35.00 msured by building pp the rural communities and j were quoted in the financial news like this-I lned by our experte, and the quality taking them perform their intended functions. 1 found to be undesirable, and Mac­ /*■ —Carpet*. Second Floor y, | ------1 Marks, .000028. It takes quite a long time donald St Muir were informed by lat­ ancouver Island must produce the small fruits to get to the 4<28. *’ ter that we were not Interested in J. ROSE the vegetables and the dry belt muat furnish other than high brade whisky." OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN • comniedities whieh reqttire hot sun and I Judge Cayley has given his judgment in re- They then aent me a sample bottle Choice Wilton Rugs at Reduced Prices of their fifteen-year-old “Special 191S GOVERNMENT ST. Canbe don8' on,y requires spect of beer, sales in expervice men's clubs. He. Liqueur” whisky,. which, upon exam___ Phone 3481 Your Chance to Get a Handsome Bug at a Low Price go Http, the country to see. what w wotually sa w that tojcHis ere tith- deed* fd'tyro'pérf v ownedf TT? w^British*Columbia S t''°f Z'T"'ï? by |"enib^ What 8 wonderful Z?Z Uw"t ^ The designs and colorings of these handsome high-grade Wilton Rugs are among the or tisn voiumbia is failing to feed herself, to be sure ! a very low one for the quality of the best offered. The rugs are most superb grade, and at the prices, wonderful values. 18 n<>t necessary to be a trained agriculturist ______whisky, I sent them an order direct, Wilton Rugs, 9 ft. x 12 ft. Regular $84.00 tt) understand the thill&r Yet «« lon«p ûo nr T , • I >, . and sealed the sample for comparison Wilton Bugs, 9 ft. x 9 ft. Regular $49.50 ii not sufficient interest^n Î ul * * there 1V .Mr’ Oeorge 8ays he wants to visit the wlth *°°*a on arrival, which m the for...... *35.00 ufhci nf . m s“ch highly important ,United States. ,He would get a rousing recen u*281 p™ctlce with first order,, Best Wellington for...... *67.50 fluestions as production and marketing British I i, , rousing recep Regarding the statement made by Wilton Rugs, 9 ft. x 9 ft. Regular $65.00 (jolumbia will still send good mon.!- o , rT xa 1 ‘ , m,"ed 8 Rreat opportunity when he Mr. footer that -on taking this mat- Wilton Bugs, 9 ft. x 10 ft. 6 in. Regular for...... *52.00 A , , . . . y od ™onr> o^I the did not take part in the disarmament conference I'ter op »r, the fourth ume. amt Mr. Auntry for fnnt and vegetables. ' If he had spent two months on thl, .1,1. .h .1 "Oder the impression $55.00 for...... *45.00 Wilton Rugs, 6 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft. Regular Some people argue that thev cannot gel the tim. he L SI! J j u th!8 Sld.e at th«t that we had evldenc. to prove that $45.00 for...... *37.50 léeallv-grown product Thev in- I :[** *,me *leY,mlKht have dealt militarism its death hla former statements were not cor- Coal Wilton Rugs, ÿ ft. x 10 ft. 6 in. Regular p ή1, *“ey try to show the I blow. His appeal to the people across the w av I r*cl- h'- u|ld‘‘r pre*«ure »dmitted thst Wilton Rugi, 4 ft. x 7 ft. 6 in. Regular pint of community loyalty; but thev declare when he was Prime Minister won Mh.„ ‘ C*»' Hsrboard had seen him in con- $72.00 *59.00 $26.75 for ...... *19.75 hat it seems quite useless in the aha.no. “s* I 7 , ”e 7. . 1 f wou,d h*ve pro- necthm with th. .ale of thi. whisky, i-nce that their interest as the if f duced results that are almost impossible to realize This la not correct, as upon Victoria Fuel Co., Ltd. See these exceptional value in the Carpet Department. ^^a‘inff .^ey^aaJ^^attaACT.ia.JiatLEt this -, I rsfraahlng mv ssmnorv I . • . ». - '.x v ,:y., >< y*. . . - v - ■ . ... - I iQVyt.. , , I ’V WDRM»:* 'Tip. ,* 8ome n ^Pffoni iSTr * *mnwatmr I mtnrt my formar,» A. B.. Graham v,- ...Ss. Bk. Bran* We «• Ow-ergemeerk- Thr trtruhft Ts that 'so I that I had in the Interval recalled many people content themselvea with one re- quest for the local article and let it go at that if OUR CONTEMPORARIES Linoleum Rugs at Reduced Prices tpeir wants cannot be satisfied immediately Brit­ The Genuine Canadian-made Linoleum Ruga, manufactured on a special pliable canvas ish Columbia will never reach a self-sustaining A WRONG POLICY TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TO-DAY back which removes al] danger of a breakage. These Ruga are shown in handsome Sasis in respect of these food products in Ottawa Journal:—It la to be feared that we are not! Victoria Daily Time*. February 6, 1898. carpet désigna, suitable for any room, and of a quality that will give wonderful wear. *«t fashion. There will have to be a continued aolng about tmmleratlon problems In the right way. "We Size 6 ft. x 9 ft. Regular $9.75 for *8.75 demand and possibly many disappointment* be­ are tsnorin* hard realities and talking obscure platl-l Size 9 ft. x 10 ft. 6 in. Regular $16.75 tudes. and the roault la (1) that fewer people are com-1 Ottawa:—J. W. WlllleSn, of the focal staff of TBs Toronto Globe, for...... *14.95 fore the producerv , realizes, thatA, .a ,market - -T.is ------ahead1 Inc to Canada, than at any time In twenty year*, and ha* been, appointed crown timber agent for the Yukon. T. D. Mac- Size 7 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. Regular $11.95 4f him. Site 9 ft. x 12 ft. Regular $18.95, *16.95 Aevertncless When that demand has beenthat there la a. disturbing drain ndt only to the 1 Farlane. of Brandon, i* to be hie assistant. for...... *10.75 Size 10 ft. 6 in x 12 ft. Regular $22.50 dreated the stirff will be grown and the wholesaler Unlted •tetee» bul *° Europe »■ well, New* wan brought from Skagway early this morning by the steamer Size 9 ft. x 9 ft. Regular $14.50 for *12.75 for...... *19.75 and the retailer will be ready to take their part. , . auto-suggestive cure City of Seattle of a double murder which has caused excitement to rise —Linoleum, Second Floor t We 8tiI1 maintain that Victoria’« prosperity is I Saskatoon Sta^-What the world needs la a super- to fever heat in the new city at the head of the Lynn Canal Edward Wrapped up in the Saanich Peninsula and the I Coue to convince it that “day by day, in every way” r Fey. the bartender of the Klondike saloon, shot and killed Andy Mc- âirrmmding districts. There lice the liope of one is better and better, flou, mine, forest .and sea Orâût. whom he had been âcoüeed of robbing, and aleo Deputy Marshal Li* novrnll that will make others nneeihl» onrl I mr9 productive, and tbe ingenuity of human beings J Rowan, who was about to arrest. He le also held responsible for the' big pa> roll that Will make Otners possible andl lfl capable of greater thingo than ever before. But the probable death of - the deputy marshal * wife. DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED wmm feasible. And we are Of tile opinion that the time I war baa left most countries les» confident and hopeful -...... —------* VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, EEBRUASY 5,1923..

DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED •tore Meure: • a.m. to • p.m. Wednesday, 1 p.m. •Oturdoy, I p.m. EXCHANGE TO ALL DEPARTMENTS 7800 EXCHANGE TO ALL DEPARTMENTS 7800

Fresh Meats—Cash and Carry Lean, Beneleee Stewing Beef. 2 Itoe. tor...... 30# Groceteria Specials Oxford Saueage, spècial, per lb...... 1*4) February Horn» Furnishings Sale Minoe Steak, special, per lb...... IS# Rib Mutton CKepe. per lb...... *2ft# Campbell’, Tomato Soup, per tin '...... 12# Lein Mutton Chops, per lb...... 35< Eoet Toasties, per pTct...... SV.-è Perk Steake, per lb...... 25r Wild Bose Pastry Floor, per sack...... 40# Plate Beef te Beil, per lb...... 10# Pacific Milk, per tin ...... lO'X-e Crushed Belle, 6 Ibe. for ...... IS# Regular Counter, Delivered. :~* White Naptha Soap, per bar ...... 4ÿ Cambridge Saueage, per lb...... 28# Maybloom Tea, 14 lb...... 12«“ Rib Lamb Chops, per lb...... 88# No. 1 Jap Bice, per lb...... 6# Beef Tenderloin, per lb...... 60# Of Furniture, Carnets, Draperies Pbint Steaks, per lb...... 45* Jelly Bolls, lemon and raspberry filling. —Lower Main Floor Each ...... 20# —------—------y*-- ■ —Lower Main Floor

English . All-Felt Mattresses 30-Inch All-Wool Art Qualities That Endure at Lower Shadow Cloth Serge Prices on Sale at All-Pelt Mattresses, well made, covered with heavy On Sale at, a Yard art ticking and finished with roll edge; 3ft. 3in.. 4ft. Tapestry Rugs Priced Low and 4ft.6in. Special at...... L...—...... $7.75 White Pelt Mattresses, built in ltyera and guaranteed $1.15 $1.25 not to lump; they are covered with good art ticking, For February Sale s with roll edge; 3ft. 3in., 4ft. and 4ft. Bin. On sale at, a Yard The Tapestry Rugs are from regular stock, presenting a 50-Inch Art Serge of a «ch ...... $9.75 English W«rp Printed large range of designs in the best colorings. They are superior gradé and a Spencerian Felt Mattresses, made so they will not Shadow Cloth, a suit­ made with just one seam, and are big values at the fol­ favorite fabric for por­ lump and guaranteed all feh. They are covered with lowing prices: ' » tieres, d r a p e r y and excellent art ticking and finished with roll edge. able fabric v for loose Bugs, 7ft. Bin. x 9ft., regular $15.95 for...... $13.95 table covers; old gold, Special at, each ...... $12.90 covers and draperies ; blue, green and red Spencer’s Special De Luxe Mattress, made of 50 lbs. ideal quality; 30 inches Bugs, 9ft. x 9ft., regular $18.95 for ...... $16.75 shades. Special at, a Bedroom Furniture Quoted Bugs, 9ft. x 10ft. Bin., regular $22.25 for ,...... ,$18.95 pure white cotton felt, with imperis stitched and roll wide, and on sale at, yard ------$1.25 edge. The covering is of superior art ticking; sizes a yard...... $1.15 Bugs, 9ft. x 12ft., regulsr $25.00 for...... $21.00 -s-Drapery. Second Floor 3ft. 3in.,-4ft. and 4ft. Bin. Special at...... $19.50 —Drapery, Second Floor at Low Prices for the —Rugs, Second Floor -• —Furniture, Second Floor February Sale Ends of Wilton Carpets A Bedroom Suite of Curly A Five-Piece Walnut Suite, Cassia Casement Cloth Extension Couches Birch, walnut finish, con­ dresser, chiffonier with Best Qualities—Real Bargains sists of large dresser, eheff- plate glass mirror, bow- , On Sale at, a Yard robe, full bed, a triple mir­ front bed, dressing table We have numerous ends of fine grade Wilton Carpets that ror dressing table, bench, with triple mirrors and must be cleared at thia sale, and the following are a few $13.75 chair and rocker. Priced bench to match. Special of the assortment: 39c ^nd 69c at...... $265.00 at ...... $175.00 The Couches are made of heavy angle iron, well finished, 6 Yards of Plain Blue Wilton Carpet, 27 inches wide. One of the most dependable and favorite draperies, in An Ivory Enamel Bedroom An Ivory Enamel Bedroom regular $6.75 a yard. The whole piece for...... $21.00 shades of brown, rose, green, blue, navy and stone. have Simmons’ link fibre, spring and have comfortable Suite, including dresser Suite, including a dresser 6 Yard, of Plain Grey Wilton Carpet, 27 inches wide, reg. 30 inches wide, February Kale price, a yard . ..K. .39# mattresses covered with green denim. Practical for with shaped bevel mirror, with bevel plate mirror, 50 inches wide, February Sale price, a yard ...... 60# couch or extra bed when extended. Price, each, $13.75 chiffonier with low back, ■chiffonier with low back, $6.00 a yard. The whole piece for 7..$18.75 —Drapery, Second Floor —Furniture, Second Floor 8% Yards of Plain Blue Wilton Carpet, 27 inches wide, full size bed, vanity dress­ full panel bed. dressing regular $6.50 a yard. The entire piece for ...... $42.00 er with bevel plate mir­ table with triple mirrors, rors, bench, chair and bench and rocker. The 7V4 Yards of Plain Bose Wilton Carpet, 27 inches wide, A Special Purchase of rocker. Entire suite offered suite for ...... $139.00 regular at $5.75 a yard. The entire piece for ... .$27.50 for...... $225.00 7V4 Yards of Plain Mulberry Wilton, 27 inches wide, reg. Sheetings, A Six Piece Solid Oak $5.75 a yard. The 7*A yards for ...... $30.00 A Bedroom Suite, in wal­ Bedroom Suite, including nut or ivory finish, includes dresser with shaped mir­ Many Other Equally Interesting Values Sample Neckwear dresser, chiffonier with ror, cheffrobe, full panel , —Carpets, Second Floor Pillow Cases mirror, full-size panel bed. bed, dressing table ami Values $2.00 to S5.75, on Sale at triple mirror dressing table rocker. The six pieces on Furniture for bench, chair and rocker. sale for...... $185.00 98c, $1.49 and $1.98 Special...... $185.00 —Furniture. Second Floor Your Pillow Cottons This assortment of Stylish. Excellent Grade Neckwear in,- cludes new “Bertha” collars, bib effects, vestee and collar \ DINING- sets, collar and cuff sets fichues and collars in lace, net, Men’s Shirts, Drawers and At Sale j organdie, linen and pique. All to go at three prices, each, | ROOM 98#, $1.40 and ...... $1.98 Prices 1 —Lace.-. Main Floor Combinations

Pure Bleached Sheetings, all dependable fabrics, free from At Bargain Prices Best Finish at filling— Corsets and Brassieres “■Eureka’' Brand Cream Elastic Eib Shirts an# Drawers, Low Prices 72 inches wide, on sale at, a yard ...... 85# a medium weight cotton with a soft finish f ell sizes at, 80 inches wide, on sale at, a yard $1.00 e garment ...... $1.00 90 inches wide, on sale at, a yard ...... $1.15 Exceptional Values A Quartered Oak Dining Room Suite, buffet with mirror, Combinations at ...... $1.95 rouud.exlension table, on heavy pedestal, and full set of Hemstitched Pillow Oases— • -I-— :---- — Beck-Lace Corsets o£-Pink Broche, deeighed with moluim chairs with leather slip seats; golden finish. Very special 44 and 46-inch, a pair ...... 1...... 79# bust, graduated front steel and hook below front clasp; 4 Watson’s Natural Elastic Bib Shirts and Drawers, of hose supporters, and offered in sizes 2$ to 28. at . . #2.50 medium weight and well finished. Special at, a gar­ at ...... $150.00 40 and 46-inch, a pair...... 1...... 80# A Quartered Oak Dining Boom Suite, having large size Hook-Beck Braeeieree of Fink Broche, with tape shoulder ment'..'...... $1.85 straps, elastic band across bottom, made extra wide so that buffet with full size cupboard having leaded glass doors, Horrocksei’ English Pillow Oases— it stays well down over corset. Sixes 36, 38, 40 and 42. Penman’s Natural Wool Mixture Shirts and Drawers, round extensiim table and six chairs with leather uphol­ 40-inch,' each ...... 50# —Corset*, First F'oor (Penman's Preferred), all sizes. On sale, garment. $1.50 stered slip seats. On sale at...... $135.00 42-inch, each ...... 55# —Men's Furnishings. Main Floor A Solid Oak Dining Boom Suite, with low hack, full size 45-inch, each ...... 60# cupboard buffet; round extension table and a full set of •Pure Bleached Circular Pillow Cotton— chairs with pad slip scats; all in fumed finish .. .$95.00 40 inches wide, a yard ...... 49# Cotton Crepe and Flannelette Dress­ A Solid Oak Dining Boom Suite, consisting of buffet with 42 inchea wide, a. yard ...... 55# plate mirror, upper shelf and full size cupboard, one long 44 inches wide, a yard ...... '.... .60# ing Gowns, Values to $3.75, for $2.50 and two small drawers. A round extension table and set Men’s Flannelette Pyjamas 46 inches wide, a yard...... 65# Cotton Crepe Dressing Gowns, neatly designed, with wide of chairs with pad seats. This suite in golden finish —Staple.-*, Main Floor for...... $85.00 collar and finished with bands of satin : they arc in shades pink, rose, mauve, sky and saxe. Special value at $2.50 —Furniture, Second Floor ' . Special Value at $2.50 Mannelette Dressing Gowns, of excellent grade, in fancy colors and trimmed with satin. Very special value. $2.50 Pyjamas made from a superior grade flannelette, Beautiful Tientsin Rugs —Women's Whitewear, First Floor patterned in fancy stripes, completed with silt fin- " ished frog trimmings; all sizes and big values at, A Special Purchase of at Special February a suit ...... *2.50 36-Inch Sale Prices Women’s » e —-Men’s Furnishings, Main Floor This is an opportunity to get a High-Grade Oriental ltug at a low price. They are of excellent grade and are shown White Flannelette Pyjamas RADIUM LACES in beautiful colorings and designs. Bugs, 9 x 12 feet, designed in mulberry snd blue grounds. $2.50 On Sale at Very exceptional values at ...... $225.00 LINOLEUM Two-Piece Pyjamas of excellent grade, white and stripe Bugs, 9x12 feet, an extra fine 80 point rug. m blue flannelette, button-front or slip-over styles, trimmed with ground. Special at...... $187.00 $1.98 to $4.25 a Yd. feather stitching and silk frogs. Sp^lal at ...... $3.60 In All Makes and Grades These are Wonderful Values—See Them —Whltawear. First Floor sgeelwiaewi * niriiuiinmI Ill'll .rrmim ' ■ —C»re«m. tfognd JElaar. ivory. On sale at, u yard...... $1.08 Reduced m Prices for 36-Inch Wool and Badium Silk Lace, in black and white, saxe and white, rose and white, and black. On the February Sale sale at, a yard ...... $2.75 Babies’ Dainty Dresses Babies’ Rompers 36-Inch Badium Silk Lace, henna, royal, saxe, rose, Feinted Lineleum, vary special value* at, a sq. yard .. mauve, gold, jade, henna, cerise, emerald and grey. ‘.aradian Printed Linoleum*, In a complete range, a sq. On sale at, a yard ...... $3.95 At 75c, $1.00, $1.25 to $4.50 Special Value at 75c ScAh Printed Linoleums, Naim s famous 36-Inch Radium Lace, in an assortment of colors in These Pretty Dresses are made of cotton lawn and nainsook, have value on eole ot, a oq. yard ...... plain or two-tone effects. Most exceptional value at, round or-squarc yokes, are trimmed with embroidery and lace, the Rompers of strong seersucker, blue and wbitef Inlaid Linoleum. Greenwich make. A llnole a yard...... :...... $4.25 sleeves with narrow “Vel.” lace, some have embroidery and tucks pink and white, white and mauve. Neat romp­ In every respect, a eq. yard ...... *“ —Lace», Main Floor at bottom. Very inviting values at 75#, $1.00, $1.25 to $4.50 ers and special value at ...... 75# All Lineleum Laid Free ef Charge ! '—Infants’, First Floor —Infanta*. First Floor DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED JXCTORU DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRyAflV 5,1323 B-âàL|ir iJ'liLgiüi-g mm ==X=M^»! jaiia.i-a.ii.i 'Vf" - E.tebllihed 1440—©v— TW X “DOOR OF HOPE” FOR The revente le Aertrelle—w» I IN WOMAN’S DOMAIN CHINESE GIRLS Keiler'e Little Chip Marmalade ?Jar ...... Officials and Charity Work­ ^ure Dutch Cocea feulk. 2 Ibe...... Maey I.O.D.E. Chapters Child Artist ers to Establish Refuge, Eggo Baking Powder in Hankow H-o*. can ?...... To Hold Anoal it Peking. Feb. 5.—Juat aa the geiaha Veiling Beef, a Rump Reaete and Round %lrla of Japan have gained .within thé lb.. 8c and...... | Meetings This Week . Roaate, lb...... last few months a greater measure of Pet Resets and Oven Resets, 4 Boneleee Stewing Beef, * _> The month of February marks freedom than w»e ever accorde 1 them lb., ÎO# and...... < 2 lb*...... In the past, the "Door of Hope" la the end of the fiscal year foi opening to the a;ng-eong awl alav<* The Heintzman primary chapters of the I. O. D. Miss Bernice Pope, of Vencouver, Mias Kathleen Agnew,' of Rockland girla of the ttreit (Chinese Industrial E. in Victoria, with the reeult ■pent the Week-end with friends in Avenue, and her aunt, Mr*. Waugh, city of Hankow on th< Vang-’jVe & Co. Piano Victoria. i left this afternoon for Seattle, where River The product of the Helntaman A H. O. KIRKHAM & CO., LTD. that there it a plethora of annual (*o. Piano Factory Is to be foun® o o o they will visit Mra. Gue Agnew for Military, civil and police officiai» In every comer of the Dominion- 618 FORT STREET TWO STORES 746 TATES STREET meetings staged for this month. Mr. and Mra C. H. French, of Van­ a time. and t l.arlty workers an* co-operating known to all as Canada’s muefe Among those that will meet in couver, registered et the Empress © © © tj establish in R«mi:n v an institution loved Piano In Canadian homes, Hotel yesterday. Announcement la made of the mar­ s‘mliar to those In Pekin*. Shanghai one generation following another, annual session this week arc the o o o riage which took place In Victoria July and Nanking, which wi-1 afford a this Piano l* treasured and Is • following: Consoles Chapter, which 6. 18*1. by Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Alfred path to a better life, prooe.bly mar­ •oume^of (distant and Increasing will meet at “Molton Combe" at the Mr. and Mr». W. G. McLaren, of James, son of-Mr. and Mm. Walter riage, for these girls nnd worn* n wr.o 404 Linden Avenue, left Sunday to The Helntiman A Co. Plane caa Invitation of Mrs. Curtis Sampson Poole. IIS Avalon Road. Victoria, and desire to forsake their present form be purchased on most reasonable on Tuesday at 2.3$ p. m.; the Lady spend a few months In tbs South. Leonora Margaret, only dauglter of of living* NEW SPRING SHOES © o © terms. Alderaon Chapter will also meet-on Mr. C. D. Smith, Vancouver. The “Door, of Hope" is a municipal Tuesday at 2.30 o'clock, at the Jones Misa Innea-Noed. of Duncan, la © © © institution which in a sense is a com­ Building: the Esquimau Chapter visiting In Victoria, as (he guest of On Saturday evening at Breads 1- bination of reformatory an-l indus­ FOR THE BIG GIRL met to-day at the residence'of Mrs. Mr. and Mra. A. Garey Eastman, of bane, the minister's residence, the trial home, a refuge and an orphan­ Heintzmcui George McTavish. Lampson Street. Prospect Place. Rev. Dr. Campbell celebrated the age. It is regarded as an officia, go- A Ce^ Ltd. *- Quite the thing tpr Spring Q © © marriage of Mr. Robert Waring and between in marriage, and that is how On Friday at 8 p. m. the Robert New Store, 1113 Government #t. are these new One-Strau Valentine Harvey Chapter will hold At the Dominion Hotel on a brief Mias Pearl Olmatlad. both of Vic­ the "Door of Hope" la moat widely its annua,! meeting at headquarters, visit is A. H. Haynes, of Whitehorse. toria. The bride was attended by known In China New Arcade Building Pumps, wits two-button fas­ this being a change from the ordln- Y. T.. attached to the staff of the Misa Grace Griffith and the bride Only the moat modern of Chinese tening. See these and other Ary meeting day. Tuesday. The White Pass and Yukon Railway. groom by Mr. James McQuarrle. have oiacarded the ancient custom of Margaret Rovke Robertson Chapter trs. "I come before you.” And re-Lou Is Right. Mi»* Carr. $10: Mis* Alice M Carr. Dr and Mra. Scott-Moncrieff left Lawrence Earle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray began, “as a deputy-suppléant to fill Part II. near her nest, where it caught on e $10; Mr* A ». Christie. 85: Mr*. Clay- “Rhodomont!” a voice called to twig, and she was fast making a neat arele. $1; Mrs. W. II. Clark, $2; D E. last week for the South, and will Castle. Mr and Mrs. T. H. Bun»», the place of one who waa murdered him. spend a month's holiday motoring in Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Mrs. J. D. Hunter, some three weeks ago." ...... Old Mrs. Birdie did not care • hit ouch aa she never had dreamed of < Argphell. $25; Mr* Crease, $5 Pash. He looked In the direction of that about the fact that the mitten was for softness. ! WMIw Case. $1; Col., Mrs. and Mias California. k Mr*. Bechtel. Miss Peggy McBrida It waa a challenging opening that Carey. $26; C.C. $1: Frank Calvert, $10; © © © voice, proceeding from the group of AGAINST YOU on little Bruin's paw. She thought By and by the other Mrs. Birdies Mrs. J. W. Corning, Mrs. Koop, Mrs. Instantly provoked an Indignant out­ spadassins amid the Blacks. Iri- tmly of having a bit of soft yarn *o Mrs. Code» 15; Rev. R. Connell. $4; Mrs. Mias Hazel Cunningham, of Port Kuhn. Mrs. A. R. Green. Mies Reid, cry from the Blacks. Andre-Louis made such a noise quarreling over Cox. $1; A B C.. $30: J. Carmichael. $2: Esalngton. la a recent arrival In the paused, and looked at them, smiling audlbly hfc lips answered: put in her neat. So she flew quietly the red yarn that little Bruin awoke E. Campbell, $10: Three Children. it; of Calgary, Mra W. D, Rochforo, Pyorrhea imperils city, the guest of Mra. Wm. Locke. Mis* Peggy 'Jackson. Miss Gladys a little, a singularly self-confident "No, my friend — Bcaramouche ; to the hanging piece and caught It and hi* eyes nearly popped from his Mm* fkouela*. $32; Miss OeWolf. $1: Rcaramouche, the subtle, dangerous with her bin. Mrs. Iwy. $&; Dorothy and Vivian, $1 63; 2807 Dyaart Roàd. Petera. Mr. Harry Bray, of Vancou youpg man. the teeth and health head when he saw only a band of Mrs Davis, $1; Mrs. Dunsmulr, $200; © © © fellow who goes tortuously to hia . Now it happened that Granny red around hia wrist—all that was ver. Miss Iris Burton. Capt. Weeka “The gentlemen of the Right. M- le of four persons out G, II I >aw*on, $35: H I >orrell, $10; Mrs Kenneth Roberta, of Victoria, President, do not appear to like my ends." Aloud, he resumed: "M. le Bear had not fastened that bit of left of his beautiful red mitten. D. K . $10; C. W. Dunne (Crofton), $6; Capt. Woods, Major Hughes. Mr. K. President, there are some who want la vteltlng her brother. Mr. F. O Raymur, and many others. words. But that la not surprising. of every five past .yarn, as she fully intended to do. He Jumped up" and ran for home John. Dean. $10: J. F. Dtckeon. $6; Crlckmay. Shaughneaay Heights. It seems, not laws, but blood; I sol­ but because littl Bruin teased to W. L. Drewry. $10; Major Dupont. $26; © © © The gentlemen of the Right notor emnly warn them that this blood will forty and thousands ■till looking at the red wristband, but D. Dots. $26; Mr*. Davtfl. $1: Mr* Don­ Vancouver. Mr. Gordon Gibson entertained iouely do not like the trvth." wear it, she quite forgot that it aa he ran the band grew narrower, ald. $5; Dingle and Brisk. $10. © © © end by choking them-” should be fastened. Otherwise the number of gueeta at a Jolly dance on Thia time there waa uproar. The younger. Nature for the scrapping Mrs. Birdies had L. M. Earle. $120; W. Edwards. $1. Friends of Mr. Jack Kirby, of Saturday evening at Cherry Bank. members of the Left roared .with Again In that phrase there 1 mitten could be unraveled when the tangled the yarn about a bush which A. J. Parrot), $12; C W. Friend. $10: Swan Lake, will be sorry te learn something that stirred a memory In warns you of its little piece of .yard was pulled. I-ady Friend. $1; Brldce Friend. IS; During the evening the vocal selec­ laughter, those of the Right thun- held it fast, and when little Bruin that he haa received a cable from tions given by Miss Livingstone. Mr dered menacingly. La Tour d'Asyr. He turned in the Little Bruin was sound asleep, very C M. L. Friend. $70. A. Flnlayeon. $5; fresh uproar to apeak to his cousin coming with bleed­ reached home not a sign of the red Miss Frame. $2; Miss K M. Fuller. $26; Bradford, England, to Inform him of McSwain and Mr. Gordon Gibson, Above the general din came the sound indeed. He did not heat the mitten did he have. It had all un­ Miss Ferris. 11; Mrs. Flaming. $2 50; the death of hia father. accompanied by Mrs. M. P. Gordon, Chabrillane who sat beside him. ing gums. Take no Butter of old Mrs. Birdie's wings or Sincere Friend, $166; A Friend, $1; A voice of La Tour d'Asyr. who had ravelled. © O © gave additional pleasure to the guests half-risen from hte seat; “Mounts "A daring rogue, thia bastard of feel the tugging at the tip of the Friend, $1.60-Friend (per Mrs. Hanby), Mrs. H. B. Rogers, of Chemalnua. among whom were: Major and Mra Gavrillac's." said he. chance»: Act! “Bakes alive!'* exclaimed Granny |20;“* :M. D. Friend. $60; A Young Friend, bank! This Is not the theatre!" mitten. Bear when little Bruin came tumbling fi; Please1 Friend. $2; lYayer Friend, haa been visiting Mra. Harold Rob Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman. Mr. Chabrillane looked at him with erteon, and was Joined for the week and Mrs. Fred Holmea Mr. “No. monsieur, it la becoming i Mrs. Birdie believed in the old Into the rooty* where ahe eat knitting >5;... 5Mr* Fletcher. $6; Mias L. A. Fin- hunting-ground for bully-swords­ gleaming eye», his face white with paying, “If you at first don't succeed, the other red mitten. “What has hap­ la y son, $20; Friend (Percy). $10: Friend end by Dr. Rogers. They will return «nd Mrs. M. P. Gordon. Mr. anger. (Jones). $2.60; Friend (Andrew). $5; to Chemalnus to-morrow. and Mrs. McSwain. the Misses Innés- men," was the answer, and the up- try. try again.” so when the yarn did pened ?** T. G. Friend. #6: Friend (per Mr* Rad- “Let him talk himself out. I don't not break off at her first pluck she © © © Noad of Duncan, the Misses Boiston. think he will be heard again after Between his sobs little Bruin man­ bourne), $6; Friend (per Mrs. Webb). At the request of numerous patron» N. Walls, Macklin. charlotte Clay­ Gradu&lly the uproar ffsrore itself flicked at It again gnd then again and aged to tell hia aad story. “It Juat 11; Frlen< $10; Friend. $2. -out. and dtmtntshed so that at last to-day. Leave this to j»e...... again ; and then It started. I>. Glllelpte. $10; Mr* A. Gonna son. the Empress Hotel management has ton. Hitman. Livingstone. Coiea flew away.” hZ s^ld : “the faster I Green. Graham. McNabb. Chessum, the President coujd make himself Hardly could La Tour have told IMiatfs Mrs. Birdie, thinking she had the $20; Mrs. Garland. $1; Mrs Galt. $160; announced a supper dance at the why. but he sank back in his seat with ran the faster It went away.” Mr*. Galloway. $5; Mm. Gilmore. $6; hotel on Wednesday evening from Jessie and Maple Wlnterbum. Messrs. heard. Leaning forward, he gravely piece of soft yarn she wanted in her Mrs Gill, $6; Mrs. William Grant. $50; CruU, Thorpe. Aubrey Walls and Dick addressed the young man in the a sense of relief. FO^H^UM^ bill, flew away to her tree, but trail­ For a minute Granny sat looking until 1 o'clock. . tribune: at her grandson, wondering if he had G Gillespie, $10: B. and K. Gilley. $5; © © © Raymond. Fîndler's orchestra sup­ Meanwhile, leaving now the sub­ ing after her were red—ryards and Ml** Gllfis, $2; Mr*. Jennie Grant, $5. plied the music. "Monsieur, If you wish to be hesrd. ject of the death -of Lagron. the loaf hia senses, for of course she Mr*. Graham Graham. $10; Mrs Harold Dr. Good, of Vancouver, after few day's visit In Victoria, left yet © © © let me beg of you not to.be provoca­ deputy-auppleant was speaking upon More then « tooth patte knew that the mitten could not fly. Grant. $2: Ml* I. A. GUI, $6; Mrs. J. O. the question under debate. Hia Then ahe got up from her chair by Graham. $10; G. N- (Stan.ey Ave.), $3; terday for Seattle, en route to San On Frldsy evening the Misses Elsie tive In your language.” And then to —it checks Pyorrhea Mr* Frank Grant. $6; Mrs. Olboon, $6; Francisco, from where he will sail Jenkins and Kathleen Porter were the others: "Messieurs, If we are to speech on the subject was very brief the window. “Come along and show Hilda Gray. $6. proceed". I beg that you will restrain —that being the pretext and not the 35c aad 60e In tube. m© where you were when it began to for Australia for a three month's hostesses at a miscellaneous shower H. Hilbert. $5: Mrs. Hurst. $2; R. holiday. *lv»n In th- honor of Miu Ida And- your feelings until the deputy-sup­ purpose for which he had ascended fly.” ahe said. Hayhardt. $5; Mrs Hay. $1; W. H pléant has concluded hie discourse." - the tribune. Hargrave. $2; Health Office. 3®c; E. L. © © © rr»on at «4» Superior Ktrrrt The Little Bruid wiped the tears from Higgins. $6; Mrs. J, O. Helmcken. $6. After a few weeks' visit with decorations mere effectively carried “I shall endeavor to obey, M. le When later he was leaving the his eyes and. taking Granny's hand, Mrs HadlSy. lIO; Mr*. J. G. Holme*, ft; friends In Beattie. Mrs. Clawson has out In a color echerne of red and President, leaving provocation to the hàll at the end of the sitting, with he led her along the path through the Mr*. Jackson Hanby. $10; Mr. K E. returned to Victoria, and Is the guest wttfte. The rift» were Concealed by a gentlemen of the Right. Bill It Wes Le Chapelier at hie aide, he found woods. He did not have to go far be- Hamilton, $10; Mr. Helms, 12; Chrlst- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. hure roee. which wae placed In the iBsry that I should refer to the himself densely surrounded by depu­ THE TEA KETTLE for they came upon the red yarn trail­ mas Hamper*. $3; Mm. W. Holmes. $2; distinguished deputy whoee place I ties aa by a body-guard. Most of Hudson's Bay Co., $100; Mm. W. H/- Bates, Arnot Avenus. centre of the supper table. Durlne the ing on the ground. *lop. 16; Mrs R. Hartley. $2; W. Hick. © © © evenlnr danclnr aiuUmfcalc were en­ come so unworthily to fill, and it was them were Bretons, who aimed at Granny Bear followed the red line, $3/Ml*» Hughes. $1. Mr. H. M. Blgwood, of Begbte joyed by all. Among those preeent unavoidable that I should refer to the screening him from the provocations and pretty aooti ahe saw the bush In Memorlam. $10; In Memorlam. 62. Street, has received by cable the were: Mri. R. J. I-ort*. «1rs. R A. event wlilch has procured us thia sad which his own provocative words In necessity. The deputy Lagron pos­ the Assembly could not fall to bring where the Mrs. Birdies were still K. Johnson, $10; Mm. James, $* 50, news of the death of Hie mother. Mrs. i,'!?.?r*>n—Mr" c A 'timthi. Mrs. pulling at the'yarn. June 6 (In Memory). $5; Mm. K. ^ohn- H. M. Blgwood. at Wolverhampton, X« 1111am Wrirht. Mre. * F Bourne, sessed what his opponents would call down upon his head. “You say you were asleep and when mn, $10; Mrs. Jenner. $2: C. Jordeni. a dangerous glfb of eloquence." Emerging now into the open, un­ 32 60: Jack. $10; Mrs. Malnwaring John­ England, at the age of SO years. Mrs I. A. Yminr and 'the Misses der the great awning, those In front you work# up the mitten was all gone son, $2.60; A. W. Jones. $S © © © Kmlly and Hazel Anderson. Ruth La Tour d'Asyr writhed at the but the wrist?" Inquired Granny Miss T. O- Kenny. $4. Ml** Keast. well-known phrase—his own phrase— of him dlsperrsed a little, and there Dr. end. Mrs. E. M. Pears# have Johnson. Kleanor Rae. Violet Herper was a« moment as he reached the Bear. » $6 50; Mr* Kerr. $45: Mis* KHbs. $1; taken up their residence in the doc­ Klla Kvane, Mabel Henry. Dulrle the phrase that he had used to ex­ FU8SY TEA C. J H. Knight. $3; Miss Vera N., $2; plain hie action in the matter of Jlmlt of the awning when his front ABOUT A Lovely Complexion, Little Bruin nodded his head. “I tor's house at the Provincial Royal Jenkins. May Lewi,. Beatrice. Iona was entirely uncovered. Outside the kettle. turned it inaide out.*' he explained. K.B.R . $5; R. H B. Ker. $16 Philippe de Vilmorin, the phrase that Y OUR H. I*eatherby. $5; Miss Lindsay. $2; Jubilee Hospital. Mrs. Pearse will be and Jean Porter. from time to time !\ad been cast in rain was falling heavily, churning the MEALS? Misa M. And then Granny Bear remembered Ml ns F. Lee. $2.50; L F I*ang. $5; ''At Home" on -Wednesday, February o o o ground Into thick mud. If so. then Wcetrlgpe but— the unfastened end of yarn and. be­ Mra. Lucas, $2: Mr*. J. Lucas. $5; Mrs. his teeth with such vindictive men­ this 1* the 7 from 4 until 6 p.m. Mrs. W. H. Ozard and Mrs. C. H. ace. The watchful Chabrillane had seen 5er. Douglas ing a wood dweller, she knew what Luney (Hr.). $2: Mr Lester $1; E. E. © © o his chance. Rudely, violently, he very place it’s the glimpse of even, Logan $6; Mrs. Laird. $10; H. G. Litch­ Walker were Joint hostesses on Sat­ Solemnly he proceeded. "You all for you to and View had. happened. But she did not see Mr. and Mra. Everett A. Petti John, urday afternoon at a tea In honor of thrust Andre-Louis back, s» If to Streets well cared for teeth ! field. $5; Mm. Little. $5. know how Lagron died. I trust, for ŸÏA two bright eyes looking down at her MG. $5; L. M. Moore, $10; Mite. 25c; of Seattle, are receiving congratula Mra. Jacobs, of Montreal, and Mrs the sake of those who might attempt make room for hlmeelf under the F hens 10080 r that makes all the dif- | from a nearby tree, or aba might J. A. D. Macdonald. $11 SO: Mian Muiray tlone upon the birth of a daughter at Harold Walker. The tea table it. that the means taken to Impose shelter. KETTLE. have thought some one beside a little (Hooke), $«: Mis* Maru. $15.. Mite from the Swedish Hospital on February 2. centred with pink and white carna­ sentence upon that eloquent voice (To Be Continued.) ferenee between good i bird could tell what happened to little Two. $5; Mrs. V. Moore. $15; Miss Mac- Rae. $6; Mr* Melville. $10; Miss E. <\ Mrs. PettIJohn was formerly Miss tions was presided over by Mra J looks and ordinary \ Bruin's red mitten. Moore. $1: Mra. G Mlcuaelis, $10; Mrs. Joy Cummins, daughter of Mrs. Colin Olllies and Mrs. C. P. Kinney, while facial beauty. Thia ad- j Mair. 12.56; Mr». Metier. $4; Mra. Mohs. Cummins, late of Victoria and no the lose were cut by Mre. Hicks. Mise ••One of the finest* operatic artists vantage of sound teeth i COLFAX GOOD CHEER CLUB. $2; Man’. Il: J MarTavish. 76c: Mra residing In Seattle. Osard and Mre. "Copp aealeted In of the day."—Ernest Newman, McLeod, $6; Mm McMvnn. $2; McKay © © © serving the guests, among whom were Manchester Guardian. is something that every I At the regular monthly meeting of St Gillespie. $20; D. McKippop. $10 Tourist visitors to the city will t Nell and Dick, $«; Needy. $2; Capt. Mrs. L. C. Jacobs. Mrs. Sinclair. Mrs. The London Favorite woman can enjoy and I the Good Cheer Club of Colfax S D. Nerouteoe. $1®; F W. Nolle. $10; the guests of the Kumtuke club this Hicks. Mrs. J. w. Taylor. Mra. A. YOUR HOME 8m! .the expense | Rebekah Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F.. held Mrs. Nicholson. $2: Nobody. 11; Naval evening at an entertainment in the Taylor. Mra. A. Locke, Mrs. Fred last evening, much work was plan­ Pensionem, $4 22; Mm M. E. Oliver, Chamber of Commerce auditorium Cameron. Mre. E. Brown, Mrs. dlllles. beyond her purse. Let 1 ned for the near future. On Tuesday 10: O.C. $10; Mr*. O’Leary. 60c. from 8.30 until 11 o’clock, the affair Mrs. Hayward. Mrs. A. E. Relf. Mra AND YOU evening. February 27. a grand con­ Mr*. Plaskett. $15: Dr. A G. Price, being one of the series arranged by mo explain to-day. 15; Mm. Pilgrim. $2; Mrs. T>. W. Pears*. A. Johnston. Mrs. F. Johnston. Mrs. By HELEN KENDALL cert will be held in'the I. O. O. F. $5; Mrs. L E. Pierce. $25; A.TI. Plgott. the Tourist Trade group of thé Jones. Mro. E. G. Bailey. Mre. Bert mm, under th* suspfces df the club, 625; Mrs. Kf R. lVwreU. $6: Mrs. Pbtpee,- Cba/nber of Commerce. Hunt's Or Adama-Mrs. C V Ktnney. Mre. V. ROSING the proceeds to be devoted to relief $1; Mr* Proctor. $1; Mia* Phipps, $$; chestra has been engaged for danc­ Michelin. Mre. Bert Wllkerson, Mre. work. Tentative plans were also Mrs. Plneo. $2; Mm. Protherle, $2; Mr. ing, arid the dances will be inter­ W. Copp. Mr». Harry Norris, Mrs. Famous Russian Tenor Dr. A. E. CLARKE made for an Easter bazaar to be held and Mr* J R Phillips, $6. Spring Sewing DENTIST spersed by musical numbers. Pendray, Mies Ellery. Mre. M. Carter, on Saturday. Mitrch 24.* full par­ Mrs. H Robertson. $20; Miss A. M © © © One Concert Only B. C. Electric Building ticulars of which will be announced Russell, $25; Ml*» Renny, $10; Mr* Red­ Mra A. Robb. Mrs. Roach. Mra. B os th, $5; Robertson. Helsterman it Tail. Miss Kathejrtpe Fraser of Victoria, Anderson, Mrs. Pierce. Mre. Scow- Now that we women are able to Cor. Pandora and Douglas St». later. $25: Mr*. Rowley. $5; Mm. Robinson. who is at present visiting in Ottawa, buy so many of our garments in the Phone 802 $2.60; Mies A. Romans. $5 Mrs. Fleet croft. Mre. Davidson. Mr». Thompson was the guest of honor at a debu­ Kirby, Mra. Laaenby, Mise K. Mc­ ready-to-wear shops, the old-fash­ Empress Hotel Ballroom Robertson. $1; Mrs Raymur, $J; C. tante luncheon recently given by Redfern. -,.$5; Miss A Robertson. $25; Laren. Miss Bralk. Mies Howell, Mies ioned orgy which used to be known Tuesday, February 13, 8.30 p.m. Mr*. Ro**, $5. Mrs. F. A. Anglin. The guests In­ Ozard. Mrs. Gonnason, Miss T. Tai­ as “Spring sewing" has become al­ W. Spencer, $2$: E. fltouham. $5; Mr*. cluded Miss Margaret Davie, Misa lor and Mre. Whlllana most extinct. Time was when, during Seat sale open* 10 a. m. Wednes­ H. J. Scott. $5; J. A. Sayward. $200 Anne Thornton. Mias Gabrielis Fleet. the early months of the new year, day. Feb. 7. at Fletcher Bros.’ Mr*.. . . . Shandley.niianuirj , $5:fu. Somebodyrue if ’ wj Else. 66; Miss Laura Magrath. Mias Nora Mc­ avery housewife waa buried beneath Store. T J Siimott, $S: Mfa* 8. tfpennlerTft;®# Carthy. Miss G rire 1 Holbrook and ELKS S. C. DANCE Real Grateful. $100: Mrs. Solly. $20; Mrs. billows of nainsook and dimity, en­ Mail orders for reservations re­ Mrs. 8. V. Paterson. tangled In yards upon yards of lacé ceived now. Scott. $2: Ernest Stouham. $5; 9ÊF.M., Arrangement, have been completed $145; A ho** Donation, $2$: Stranger. $3; © © © and embroidery, and had her brows Prices, $2.20, $1.65. $11® Mi»* Schofield. $5; L. II Folly. $10: On Saturday afternoon Miss for the St, Valentine'» masquerade puckered over the cutting and fitting Raisin Bread dsnee to be held under the auspices several dollars and their beauty by Frank £ere, $10j Fcottie, _12 ; ^ikthop and Marion Hargraves entertained a of dainty wash frtteka. All of the Hjz The drtidrsn'a 111 The Victoria t * 3 st'wr w:,* « *.*^-** (tiMaMU M6i. M*,'W.-' frtemfber-ef her * at >a what ht» Si» JM Amateur., Swieuntn* Ktmnwy underwear» for ehtidre».-end- / Order from jour grocer et .party - at the Aren», followed by w rittb on February 14. The affair will i toe. waa made In the family your bake*stop now. •upp»r t>*rly, (am«i àn8 fflUitihr. af be eh» fiftii wr the eerie» rif «octal ______room In'ffidte daye,'~anti tho $6: Mr*. Thomas, $4: fa F. Taylor, $15; dancea being held thia Winter by the that will make them unlike any mc.A. NOTES Th« Colonel and His Bride, *10; Mm. her home on Davie Street. Among seamstress was engaged many weeks others seen in the shops. Old-fashioned, full-fntUed Todd. $6: Mrs. Turkey and Creed. $$; the gueeta were: Ruth and Helen Elka Swimmers, As usual, the dance In advance. The hum of the sewing- Optical Shop Mr* Tuck. $10; Mrs J H. Todd. $5. will he held In the Elka’ Hall. Doug­ This Is a good time to plan and raisin bread with at least tight Hembroff. Olive Acton. Alexe machine was heard in the land, and The Y.W.OA. silver tea and canflf C. K. Todd. $00; Thsirk Offering. $11.30. las Street, and It le expected that the make fresh Summer curtain* for the luscious raisins to the slice—the Bradshaw, Marguerite Coxworth. Eva when finally the crisp piles of petti­ Summer cottage, to make new* cre­ sale at the home of Mrs. D. Camp­ • for a Modern Scientific Test, J. I). Virtue. $$2; E. II. Van Lokuln, Henderson. Annie Hood, Bessie floor space will be taxed to It* cap­ coat». panties, dreeees and apron» I Candid Advice and Glasses that are kind you like. $25; John A. Virtue. $10, acity. George Osard and hia col­ tonne covers for the cushions in the bell. 1Q29 Linden Avenue, next Sat­ • the Last Word In— W. Wilson. $ÎR; W. and J. Wilson, 220; Waterhouse, Phyllis Mason, Violet were laid away to await the coming wicker chairs, to supplement the Mr* J Walker. $2.60; A Walter, il»; Chatton and Dorothy Hargraves. leagues are all members of the Swim­ of warm weather, the home-maker urday afternoon is being most care­ To get the best, In which the supply of glas» towels for the kitchen QUALITY Well Wisher. $5; Well Wisher. $8; An­ © © © ming Club, and can be depended upon heaved a sigh of proud relief. and to hemstitch the sheets bought fully arranged by Mrs. Campbell anf raisin flavor permeates the leaf, other Well Wisher. $10; C. 8. Wilkie. Mrs. Baker. 860 Fleming Street, to provide the very beat In the way STYLE and $10: W H.. $*. Mr*. Wlnsloe. $10; The modem home / knows no such during the while sale. the assisting Committee. The mu­ { " COMFORT—“ ~T ask far bread that's made with Roger Wiriv. f5* Memory "Wood. TÎÎ entertained on Saturday evening in of attractive dance music. The ladies prolonged sewing æeolon nowadays, “I tike to fret, when Spring comes.” sical numbers will be a feature of the honor of the birthday of her eon are arrahgtag for a delicious buffet Mrs. ». K. Wllkerson. $10: Mr* A liaon. and yet the woman of taste and ideas said one housewife, "that all my in­ programme. $2: Walter Walker. $S: Mr. Wilson. $5. Horace. The older guests took part super. The Grand March will lead who has not a plump budget Item to door gardening la done, so that ! We Guarantee Accurate Work Mrs Wahnsley. $2; W Walker * Son. in a whist drive, at which the win­ off shortly after » o'clock, and Judges cover the family wardrobe will utilize can give most oT my time to my out­ The Religious and Educational $10 ——“ ners of th® first prise were Mrs. will award prisea to the best dressed food many of the daya of Ice- 1027 Douglas Street Sun-Maid Rose Farm Dairy, *51.71: Maoey-Abell door gardening. This is the time of Council is to-day holding the second i tCampbell Block) Co.. $1.40: EC. Bailey. $2.24. Mr. Young and Mr. Dunlop, while Mrs. lady and gentleman, and also to the wlthout. open-flre-wlthln, in needle­ year when I have to stay inside any­ luncheon and group gathering in tte Dunlop and Mr. Abbott secured the lady and gentleman wearing the most work which will supply the one miss­ GORDON SHAW. Opt. D. Purdy, $4 23: GFC. Copter, $20.73; J. D. way. most of the time; but I know teacher training course at the Y.W. Seeded Raisins Christie. $30.10: Dilaon Bros., 78c; Burn- consolation prises. The younger peo­ comical coetnme. Friend, of the ing quality- tt* the ready-made the .hcagenlv time is coming when I V.A. ------Registered Optometrist , . . aide Dairy. $0.45; Victoria. City, $40.84; ple engaged In games and dancing. Swimming Club who are not already article—individuality. •hall want to be outdoors every pos­ a*«M»oe I At* Hoor». • te » the best rsistas far bread, aad J. F. Thomson. $11.78; Mr, Barrv. $6 68; About thirty guests sat Bown to • on the Invitation Hit can get the R. Hall A Sen, $12: M. B WeUbum. For example, she can buy plain silk sible moment. So the sewing-ma­ The Y.W.ÇA. home nursing close all home cooling uses. ‘ 13.51: J. E Pointer it .Son, hSISfiVE. delicious supper at à tshîe prettily necessary Information hr telephoning vesta of excellent quality on which chine and the needle must keep flying opens to-morrow evening at 7.30. I>r. Wllaloe, $10. r arranged with white and crin the secretary. Mr. Bterat ait 441 or ahe can put a bit of hand decoration now. to make way for the trowel and Price, assisted by Mr. Edwardsoja Total, t4.4I4.lt camat tone. * 1 ' value by the seed packet a little later.” will be the lecturerr "" —r— VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1923 ==s=


Stir* Hours .4 a.m. te • p.me—Wednesdays 1 p.m. Colusa Has Shipment Victoria-Built Schooner S. F. Tolmie Of Nitrates to Put Under Full Sail on Pacific Voyage The New Wash Fabrics First of Los Angeles Line of % Off at James Island Steamers to Queen Char­ lotte Islands Are Specially Worthy of Your Interest

war wu transferred to American First of the lake-type steamers to Big Carrier of W. R. Grace registry. Has Passenger Space be operated between the Queen EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENTS ARK NOW AVAILABLE FOR Fleet Is Due at Canadian The vessel has limited but exeel- Charlotte Islands and Los Angeles in Explosive Plant To-mor­ lent passenger accommodation and the spruce lumber trade has gone HOME SEWING has large freight capachy. The Co­ north. This la the steam schooner lusa is $08 feet I5ng and draws Lv.S row Morning From West feet, bu-Ùtfcere je pi n’.y of water for El A beta, one of a fleet of similar the docking of the ship at James Isl­ vessels owned and operated by tfie Ginghams, Crepes, Voiles, Etc. Coast of South America and, Part of the Colusa’s nitrate Los Angeles Products Company, cargo will be discharged a; James parent to the Massett Lumbar Com­ Island and the balance WHI W for pany Limited, at Buckley Bay, Mad - Tacoma. She brought a full lead sett. The Los Angeles company has To discharge a large consign­ north from the west coast of HuuLi great mills at Los Angeles, and lum­ Scotch Ginghams in a splendid variety America. ber cut at Massett will be shipped In of the newest designs and colors ; prac­ ment of nitrates from Iquique, Another vessel Is shortly expected squares-to the American plant for Chile, the big steamship Colusa, at James Island witi a shipment of finishing. A contract haa been tical qualities; 27 inches wide, 25C a phosphates from California, reached with the Union Oil Company yard ; ,28 inches wide. 3 yards for of the W. R. Grace fleet, will be , to discharge excess oil bunkers at ^British Columbia points. Each ship 6.1.00 ; 32 inches wide, 45# and 55# to-morrow at the James Island has an excess capacity of 10,600 bar­ a yard. plant of the Canadian Explo­ The 6. F. Tolmie Is now at Honolulu, where Capt. J. C. Stewart put In to rels. El A beta Is discharging her ex­ BETflir cess at Anyox, and will then pio- Plain Ch embraye in the very newest sives, Ltd. The ship is expected effect repairs to demage caused at aea. The vessel ran Into a heavy gale ceed to the Islands to load the first colorings, excellent weave ; 32 inches at Jamea. Island at 8 o’clock which carried away her topmasts and head gear. .She la bound from New­ Los Angeles cargo. castle, N. 8. W„ to San Francisco with a cargo of coal. The crew of the wide. 55f a yard. Tuesday morning. Two or three barquentlnee have re­ ON WEDNESDAY S. F. Tolmie had their first experience of a tidal wave following a iiub- cently loaded at Maasett for Seattle, The CoIum is » lar«e reeeel of B.TS1 marine quake which swept the Hawaiian Islands, 1 Jpp Crepe, in 16 shades and white; cross tone, and shortly after she was but the material they carried was bunt In 1113 was a regular visitor to Dragon Film Party Leaving spruce, a surplus from the Afr Board excellent quality; 30 inehea wide. 35c1 Victoria In the passenger and freight spruce production campaign of the a yard. ~~p service of the Grace company to the by Admiral Ship for Orient late years of the war. The first Los west coast of South America. Angeles cargo Will go south on the Kimono Crepe, in bird designs; good She was built by W. Hamilton A When the Admiral Oriental liner Former German Ship steamer El A beta. Captain Thomp­ quality ; 40C a yard. Co. at Port Glasgow and after the son of the B. C: Pilots met the ship President Grant. Çapt. M., M. Jen off here and took her north. sen, sella from this port on WedneS' Lingerie Crepe, dainty rose designs day on her return voyage to the Far and new colorings for underwear ; Beat she will have aboard members Arrives to Take on -40# a yard. of the Dragon Film Corporation In charge of F. E. Chamberlain, bound Seersucker Crepe. fine Printed Grafton Voiles, Striped Flannelettes : 33 Our Arrangement ef Terme Will for China. The Dragon Film Cor­ inches wide, 40# to 50# •wit Yew. •oft ünish in pink, sky, beautiful soft qualities, poration Is partly financed by Ameri­ Lumber at Genoa Bay exclusive designs.on a yard ; 36 inches wide, can capital and Mr. Chamberlain's mauve, biscuit and white ; 35# to 60# a yard. mission la tn connection with the 27 inches wide, 40# a light, medium and dark filming and distribution of moving grounds ; 40 Inched wide, Cream Flannelettes ; 27 , pictures in the Orient. SS. Commercial Guide Reach­ yard. Another passenger sailing by the SEA GULL TRAPPED Astronomer Due to Leave fl.15 and 41.25 a inches wide, 25# and President Grant will be A. C. Den­ ed Here From Everett Yes­ Swansea for Coast on Striped Jap Crepes for yard. 45# a yard; 33 inches Remarkable bigh, well known operator of fur and With a large section of raw fishing concessions on the Kam­ terday and Proceeded to meat caught In ita beak, and a February 21 house dresse* and separ­ wide, 35# and 40# a chatka Peninsula who arrived here fish hook transfixing the upper yard ; 36 inches wide, tapi Port to Load 1,250,- and lower jaws together, a sea­ ate skirts, fine quality, in DOMESTIC COTTONS, on the last inward voyage of the According to advices received at 50# to 65# a yard. Receptioi Given Canadian Pacific liner Empress of gull was taken from the telephone Rithief Consolidated, Ltd.,- the Har­ all the newest color NAINSOOKS, LONG Australia. 000 Feet of Lumber for wires at the corner of Johnson rison Direct steamship Dramatist stripes ; 30 inches wide, Fine Weave Nainsooks, The President Grant Is now com­ and Broad Streets by the Fire will arrive here on February 10 in­ 35^ a yard. CLOTHS, ETC. LeoOrnstemandtbe pleting loading on Puget-Sound and New York Department at 3:34 p.m. yester­ stead of February 20. including HorrockseiC ' will sail from Seattle at 11 a m. Feb­ day. The seagull was caught in Information was also received this the wires on the barb of the Figured Crepe Voiles in Domestic Cottons for make; yard wide, 30# to ruary 7 for Victoria, carrying a good morning to the effect that the Har« household use. full yard list of passengers and a capacity fish hook. The hook had made rlson Direct steamship Astronomer novel designs with 85# a yard. Knabe Piano cargo of freight for the Orient. Bound for Genoa Bay where lacerations in the neck of the would sail from Swansea on Febru­ ground colors of navy, wide, 20# to ,50# a Egyptian Longclotha of She will take on mails and addi­ bird. The seagull, when rescued, ary 21 after loading at Glasgow and yard. tional passengers on arrival at the she will lojul on a million and had to he destroyed to put it out Liverpool. tan. grey, saxe, red and 4ine even weave, yard Once again the Ogden Point docks here. a quarter féet of lumber for New of misery. It takes about a month and ten black; 38 inches wide, Madapollam. yard wide, wide, 35# to 45# a Madison Inbound. York, the 8. 8. Commercial aaya to come from the Old Country 95< a yard. 75# to 41.25 a yard. yard. . KNABE receives The liner President Madison. Capt. and this would bring the Astronomer Thoa. P. Quinn, is now inbound from Guide, an interned German ves WIDE-AWAKES WIN to this port about March 21. The merited distinction the Orient, having sailed from Yoko­ sel of the commercial type vessel is coming to this coast via the hama on January 31. The Madison OVER SPOKE GIRLS Panama Canal and will touch at San and enthusiasm at Is posted to arrive here on Saturday touched at Victoria yesterday Francisco, Seattle. Tacoma and Loa Laces and Embroideries morning to pick up a pilots She The Wide-Awekee Junior Girls' Angeles on the way. The two latter Basketball team visited Books on ports will only be visited If Induce* the hands of another will load at the Cameron Lum­ ment offers. After discharging her world-famed pianist EMPRESS OF FRANCE IS ber Company’s dock at Genoa Bay. Saturday evening, and won one of cargo at Victoria, the Astronomer this company having secured the the Most hotly contested games of will move to Vancouver. Valenciennes Laces, from Swiss Embroidery Edg­ Swiss Embroidery «Inser­ DUE AT SAN FRANCISCO contractth" to deliver l.SSé.OOO feet of the season lY the Books Hall. whfn —LEO ORNSTEIN. they defeated the Sooke qutntêtte^by ings. lVi inches wide, lumber to New York. 1 to 4 inches wide. 12^4# tions, Ya to 2 inches wide, This great artist’s On her globe encircling trip the King Brothers are the local agents. a score of 10 to 6 before a crowded 7Vtf and lO# a yard. Canadian Pacific liner Empress of The ship has a registered net ton­ house. Rivalry between the two to 45# a yard. work last Friday France le due to arrive at San Frar- nage of 2.890 tons. teams was at fever heat, but the Positions by Radio 2 to 5 inches wide, 15# 15# to 40# a yard. ctsco on Thursday and will leave the Captain W. K. Martin brought her "Nevereleeps” lived up to their name, to 25# a yard. 5 to 10 was wonderful—al­ Golden Gate port February 10 for up from Everett. The vessel la ex­ and led all the way. Hand-Made Laces in tor­ Yokohama via Honolulu. The Em- pected to complete loading at Genoa At the start of the game it looked Information supplied by Canadian inches wide, 30# to 75# Swiss Embroidery Edg­ most superhuman, preaa of France le carrying 706 tour­ Bay on Thursday, when she Is due aa if It Were going to be a close finish Government station at Gonsalee a yard. ists on her world cruise. to sail for New dfork. for It was about five minutes before Heights February 5. All ships’ posi­ chon and eluny designs, ings with beading at­ Wee Interned. the first po\» ta were registered. Ellen tions at 8 p.m.. February 4 unless Headings, Yi to 2 inches . andjiever in the his­ otherwise Indicated. The Commercial Guide is an ex- Dodds taking advantage of two free from 30# to 41*25 a tached, 2 to 4 inches wide, shots, and placed the Wide-Awakes Este van Point — Cloudy; calm; wide, 12i/2# to 45# a tory of Victoria has German steamship taken over by the 30.42 ; 44; sea smooth. Spoke str. United States during the war. She two points In the lead. yard. yard. 15# to 65# a yard. This success was mainly respon­ Northland. San Francisco for Seat­ a piano received ln the South American trade at tle, 516 miles north of San Francisco; MAYNARD & SONS I time of her internment, but is sible for the Wide-Awakes overcom­ ing the superior weight and knowl­ ■poke str. Vikifig. towing schooner such favorable com­ **"*—"irWAArCTIOVFFRVWMS ■ now plying between the Pacific and Rose Mahoney, San Francisco for Se­ rAtlantic coeats. edge of the floor possessed by their Small wares You Will Need for Home Sewing ment as has been Instructed by the owners, we will sell opponents. Minnie Briggs located the attle. 617 miles west of San Fran­ at Salesrooms, cisco; spoke str' .Avalon. Gray’s Har- basket onye, and Ellen Dodds added bor for San Francisco, 63 miles from passed upon the 737-733 Fandom Avenue another In the first period. The Gray’s Harbor; spoke str. Admiral superb KNABE Sooke girls netted two baskets before Schley. San Francisco for Seattle, !E the Interval. Gretel Nicholson end 268 miles south of Seattle; spoke White or Smoked Pearl De Long Dome Fasteners, Coats’ , Sewing Cotton, GRAND since Fri­ Wednesday, 1.30 p.m. Lillian Helgeaen .securing the str. Horace X, Baxter. San Francisco baskets. for Seattle. 70 miles north Cape Blan­ Buttons, including a 11 black and white, all size#, black, white or colors, 2 day evening. The WIdo-Awake*, exhibited the co; spoke str. Ruth Alexander, Vic­ 10# a card. for 15#. High-Class OF SELF INTEREST best of their offensive drive In the toria for San Francisco, 618 miles wanted sites, 35# to final period, setting a fast pace and from San Francisco; spoke; M.B. si­ Belding'a Sewing Silk, 80 Warren's Belting, shaped To prove the merits the forward combination of Eleanor Oak Bay Electors Are Told of erra, Bellingham for San Pedro, 142 46.00 a dozen. yard spools, all colors, and boned, 35#, 40<-, of a piano in print ür Hinsdale, Ellen Dodds’and Minnie miles south of Columbia River; spoke 15# each. Household Furniture Water Scheme Briggs gave the visitors the edge str. Claremont. San Francisco for 45# and 50#. impossible, ■ so w ' over the home team. Lillian" Helge- -Itâymond. 200 miles from Raymond: De Long Hooks and Eyes, Twist, 10-yard spool, 5#. Trimming Beads, in all Three-Piece Overstaffed i, Gretel and Jean Nicholson time spoke str. H .T. Harper, Richmond very earnestly ask Some thirty people, meeting In tlip and again worked the ball to within for Astoria. 80 miles from Astoria; in black or white, all Button Hole Twist, yard colors, 10# and 16# a Oak Bay Municipal Hall Saturday shooting distance, only to be dispos­ spoke str. Cuba. Portland for San 5# Francisco. 177 miles from San Fran­ sizes, 10# e card. bottle. * you to hear the Chesterfield Set night, passed a resolution to the ef­ sessed of It by the fast and close checking of Fay Forster and Jean cisco; spoke str. W. H. Doheny, San KNABE, try it over fect that they considered the Greater Edwards. Francisco for Honolulu, 740 miles Edison Diamond Disc Victoria Water District Scheme The Sooke hoopstere threw away from Han Francisco: spoke M. 8. and realize for your­ "most Ill-advised in its present many opportunities to score through Charlie Watson, Seattle for San Pe­ form," and urging "all ratepayers to not passing at critical momenta, and dro. *57 miles from San Pedro; spoke self why so many of Phonograph and Records vote against it.” Alderman David throwing away their free shot tries. str. Capt. A. F. Lucas. .Port Wells for Leeming, of Victoria, Reeve Watson San Pedro. 935 miles from San Pe­ Including tn part: Almost new Edi­ Ellen Dodds made sure of the in­ dro; spoke str. Mexican. Portland "Stop, will ye, Murphy?" cried Pat, the greatest pianists son Diamond Disc Phonograph and and Councillor G. A. Vantreight. ot dividual scoring honore by netting Saanich, and Harry Langley, Secre­ for San Francisco. 140 miles from as he was being let down into a well Records, beautiful Three-Piece Over- two more baskets, while Lillian Hel- San Francisco; spoke str. Enterprise, in the world LOVE stuffed Chesterfield Suite, consisting tary of the Greater Victoria Com­ gesen added another for the Sooke that needed repairs. "Ot want to Day Steamer to Seattle mittee. spoke in favor of the scheme. bound for San Francisco, 1.632 miles the beautiful and of six-foot Chesterfield and two Arm qulnte h* TiTIt-ra tract ships completed Ih the same it. HE Ne. t Belmont Mimso' A A Co. would murk th. beginning of In- • Ships to Sail. Msr.17 ,,....T,,...T...... Mellta Shldstioka Maru, Orient, Feb. 2. A manifesto has been Issued by period. IU waa general manager of Apr. 24 ...... Empress of Britain Duly instructed by James 'Palmer, < maned co-operation and develop­ the Skinner A Eddy Corporation at ment. It wa» only the matter of a President Grant, Orient, Feb. 7. several of the hotelmen of Victoria in ST. JOHN-LIVERPOOL-OLASOOW Esq., will sell by Public Auction at Seattle. Fab. If ...... |...... Marburn hla residence. "Palmerston,’' 625 Ad­ ■hort time when the people In the Talthybius. Orient, Feb. 8. favor of the Empress Hotel By-Law, declaring "It Is In the best Interests Numerous .world’s records were ST. JOHN-GiLaSQOW mirals Road on adjoining municipalities would find Makure. Australia, Feb. 24. COASTWISE SAILINGS. of the city at large." The statement smashed at the plant when Mr. Rodg­ Mar. 1iMar. 29 ...... Metagams I WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEB­ It necessary to think eerloualy of ers àtruck hla stride under the high their water situation, he declared. Far Vancouver. Is signed by; E. J. Martin, Hotel Mar. 17|Apr. IS ...... Marburn RUARY 7 Strathcona; H. J} Wood. Glenshlel pressure of war needs. The first was O. A. Barron, of Oak Bay, expressed Princess Victoria leaves 2.16 p. m. ST. JOHN - CHERIRBOUAG SOUTHAMP.__ Sunday Marling at 1.30 sharp the whole of hla himself ss being greatly surprised at Princess Louise or Princess Alice Inn; J. C. Bridgman, Northern Hotel; when the steamer Stolt Nielson was TON -ANTWERP* HOUSEHOLD FURNlYURE AND the disrespect shown to the speakers, leaves tl.46 p. pi. dally. I. B. Klumh, Albany Hotel; A. Ft sent into the water in 1917, having Mar. JLApr. .?%»•...... Mlnnedosa EFFECTS From Vancouver. Wolfenden. St. James. Ltd.: V. M. been built In ntnety-atx working who he was sure, hed the beet pos­ 6T. JOHN-SOUTHAMPTON- For list see Saturday's paper. Princes* Adelaide arrives 3.15 p. m. Allen. James May Hotel; J. Keith days. A month later the Jeannette sible motives In bringing this scheme Skinner, a 8.800-ton freighter, was ANTWERP before the people. 'da 11/. Wilson, for the Metropolis, Wilson Apr. 21 »4«*.*«*«**m.»>.. Mellta On view to-morrow afternoon from Princess Louise or Princess Alice and Atlantic Hotels; M. Anderson, launched In elghty-one^worklng days. Si 2 o’clock. NEW YORK (Cruise 8s West Indies) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. arrives 7 a.m. daily. Aberdeen Hotel; K. H. .Lock, West- Shipping experts predicted that the Take Esquimau Car and get off at holme Hotel, Percy Criddle, Dallas limit of speed had been reached, but Feb. B0 Empress ef Britain Admirals Road. For Seattle. Willis Pianos, Ltd. "Tou are certain." the middle-aged Princess Charlotte leaves 4.30 p. m." Hotel ; Mrs A. Clark. Devonshire in November Mr. Rodgers launched NEW YORK-CHERI For further particulars apply to , woipsn customer said, "that this daily. Hotel ; Spencer Hireen. Douglas the West Hoven In sixty-seven work­ ing days. Hla best record, which has Phone K1 A The Tuctieneor young century plant will bloom In a Fram Seattle. Hotel; A. Linefiam. Fairfield Hotel. 1003 tievpn” Princess Victoria arrives 1.14 p, ra never been surpassed, was the build ment St. No, 'STEWART WILLIAMS hundred years." HSIt’eV •Positive of It. ma'am," the florist For Prince Rupert. Everybody seems to have the In­ lng of the West Liangs, also ai aSH _ 410 and 411 Sey ward luUding lured her. "If.lt .dosent, bring It Prince 43 eorpe" leaves uaach Sunday alienable right to quit work except 8.800-ton frelghtpr, In fifty-five work­ Phene 1324 back." at 11 a. m. mother. > ing days. VICTORI A DAILY ( MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5»1923

Basketball Golf Football Hockey Record Crowds Act Up CanadiensUp VICTORIA’S PROTEST ON Banff Making Vancouver Champions OnTop Again Ready for Its At O.C. Cup-Tie Games InN.H.L.Race FRIDAY’S GAME UPHELD Winter Sports Here Wednesday, Feb. 14 UPLANDS GOLF LINKS DAVE SHADE WINS Victoria's protest ever Friday night's hockey game between the Cougars Ten Days of Every Variety of CLOSED TO PLAYERS First Game in Play-off for Liverpool Supporters Doll Up Defeated Ottawa by 4-1 and and Maroons wee upheld this morning by unanimous vote of the moguls of Sport to Be Included in AND IS LINED UP Switched Places With Sen­ the P. C. H. A. In session In Vancouver. > i Owing to the recent frost the Amateur Hockey Title to Be Like Red Indians, While FOR WALKER BOUT This new# wee oenveyed ever the long «distance telephone from Looter Uplands golf links have been ators Once More Patrick, manager of the Cougars, to the Sporting Editor of The Times. Big Programme cloéed until they can be rolled. Staged in This City—Local M Illy all Had a Goat and Lester hustled over to Vancouver on loot night's boot to attend the Secretary Freeman stated this Boston. Mass., Feb. B. — Dave mooting called, He presented hie argument in substantiation of the protest * morning that he could not say Teams to Battle for City Bolton a Shetland Pony- Shade, of California, was awarded in forceful terme. Hi# protest was based en the feet that the Victoria net when the course would be ready the decision over Eddie Shevtin, hère was net in position when the winning goal woe aceeed by So usher. Dog Derby Records Expected ’ fbr play. He will make *n an­ last night, in a 10-round bout, said Adams and Dye Helped St. nouncement Immediately the links Championship on Wednes­ Attendance Far Greater to be preliminary to a meeting with Frank Patrick, president of the league, who witnessed the gome, end to Be Shattered; Noted are In shspt- Mickey Walker, welterweight cham­ Pats Score Close Win Over Pete Muldeen, of the Seattle olub, both believed that Victoria hee net been day Than Last Year pion. rightly treated and voted that the pretest be upheld. Writers to Visit Hamilton Tigers The points obtained by Vancouver will be deducted from the league ____ j* standing as well as the peinte obtained by MeoKay, Frederiokeen. Haider According to Information receive* eon, Oatman, Boucher, Skinner, Duncan and Clem Leughlln in the Individ­ this morning by Jack Stevens, sec­ , London. Feb. 6.— (Canadian Press ual scoring race. Banff. Alta., Feb. 5—Ten days of «'able).--The fascination of Associa­ EAST WILL STAGE N.H.L. Standing every variety of Winter sport with retary of the Victoria Amateur Ice The game will be replayed en March 6 in Victoria provided it hee any tion Cup football was demonstrated P. W. I A. bearing on the position of teems in the play-off. the climax a one-hundred-mils Hockey League, the first game !■ by the slsc of the crowds "that wit­ Montreal ...... 16 I 6 the play-off fee tbe- B. Ü. hockey Ottawa ...... 16 8 • 6 The Victoria fane will feel greatly relieved as e result of the action of championship dog grand prix rase nessed Saturday matches. There championship will be played in Vic­ were 598,000 spectators compared BOTlieOLF MEETS Toronto ...... 16 7’ -r~ the league in regard to Friday's game. and a buffalo barbecue, will be the with 478.000 at the corresponding Hamilton *» 6 io As it is the gome hee been wiped off the beaks end the fane that were programme of the Banff Winter CaTr Win First Game of Knock-out toria on Wednesday evening, Febru­ there hove the satisfaction of having witnessed a game the like of which Rames of last year. Receipts yester­ nival which will take place from Feb­ ary 14. The winnere of the Victoria day were £40.600, compared with Canadian Amateur Title at Montreal, Feb. 5.—Opce again Can had never before been staged in Victoria and the like of which, it is hoped, League for Island Inter­ and Vancouver leagues will play adiens are in the lead In the National* ruary 24 to March 5 these added to ,£25.100 last year. will never be-seen here again. —- mediate Rugby Champ home and home games and the vic­ ♦ Weird and startling costumes were Stake in Montreal; Open ; Hockey League race, holding first the fact that the Trimble-Murtia place by a one-point margin over the tors mill meet the winners of the donned. In many places. Including Motion Picture Company has placed at Toronto Ottawa Senators, whom they van­ Thé Wanderers were successful in play-off between the two interior Liverpool whose supporters appeared quished Saturday night at the Mount its outfit of one hundred huskies, winning the first game In the series be red Indians. A goat decorated in Toronto. Feb. 5—At the meeting of Royal arena four to one. It was a seventeen police dogs Including u»e for the Island- Intermediate rugby leagues. the blue and white streamers, of Mill- game marked by many incidents, championship when they defeated The Vancouver amateurs are now wall white a Shetland pony was the Royal Canadian Golf Association Corinthians, England s Star famous film dog Strongheart and his here. Saturday, the open championship which included a delayed start of the Normal School, city Intermediate holding their play-off. the Tower* swathed In the colors of the Bolton tournament was awarded to the Lake- one-half hour, fast hockey mixed with bride-to-be, Julie, and several packs champion»,-toy the score of 10-0 on and Young Liberale being the con­ Wanderers. In contrast, players In view Club. Toronto. occasional loose playing, a disputed of wolves, at the disposal of the car­ Saturday afternoon at the Cranmore testants. The Young Liberals won London wore black arm bands as a The amateur championship wtH- he goal, some minor tussles between Amateur Football Team,May nival committee will make this event Road grounds. the opening game by 3-1, which gives token of respect for the late Lord held on the course of the Kanawakl players and a severe Injury received one of the most unique and interest­ The Wanderers were in good form them a two-goal lead. They are jKinnalrd who was for many years Club. Montreal The dale was fixed lor by Capt. Gerard of the visiting team, but had to play hard to down their fancied to win. The Liberals per­ the week of July 2.______• ing that has ever been chronicled in president of the football association, The Mourit Brünë Club. of Montreal which necessitated hlS retirement history of f’kfiadlan Winter sports. fighting opponents. They had an formed here two weeks ago against t Charlton Athletic's defeated of last was the only one from which an Invita­ from the game In the second period. Visit Victoria This Summer Nature too. has taken a master edge on the three-quarter line. Their the Pacifies a*d Just managed t* kicking was sure and their passing bear’s finalists was the best per­ tion for the ladies’ championship was The line-up was' as follows: hand In preparing a marvelous set­ win by 3-2. formance of the day. Preston were received and it was accepted. ting for the carnival. Banff, the accurate. In the first half the white Leeal Race Still In Doubt. the Impressive side In first half but The election of officers resulted si Canadiens Ottawa sweatered lads started off .with a follows President, George 8. Lyon, Vesina ...... Goal...... Benedict Montreal, Feb. 5.—Corinthians, the famous English amateur soccer great national playground, set like rush and it did not take long for thu The Victoria championship has the Charltons then took charge of Lambton and Toronto Golf Clubs: sec- S. Cleghorn .. Defence...... Gerard club, may tour Canada this Summer if plane of the Dominion Football some exquisite Jewel In a coronet the game and never relaxed. forwards to cross the line. Willis yet to be decided. All season the i etary-treasurer, B. !.. Ahdersvn, To Couture ..... Defence...... Boucher Association materialise. Negotiations are still In the preliminary stage of towering mountains Is to many making's beautiful try and Curie Pacifies and Shells have been see­ Northern Section Out. ronto: Western committeemen, DudI. y Lawson. Vancouver; C. W. Hague, Cal O. Cleghorn *. Centre ...... Nlghbor but the suggested Itinerary would take in all the principal centres from more attractive than ever In her converted from an almost impossible sawing for the lead and at present , With the elimination of Bradford gary, and D. N. FUmie, Winnipeg. Jollat Wing ...... Denenny Montreal to the Pacific Coast with two games each In Montreal. To­ Winter garb of dazzling snow. Wil­ angle, again demonstrating Ms sur­ the oil-men hold the advantage. The and Wigan, the Northern Section of The meeting favored the amateur Malone ...... Wing...... Darragh ronto. Winnipeg, and Vancouver, and one match each in Ottawa. Ham­ liam Faverehgm, the famous actor, prising abilities. After the kick-off Pacifies have had to do the chasing the league disappears from the cup championship being decided by 18-hole Berllnquette Substitute...... Clancy who visited Banff last week, re­ ilton, Fort William, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Prince Albert, Victoria, the Normal School fought hard to and have never been In front. Twice competition. match play system down to the semi­ Pitre...... Substitute .... Helman marked, ‘Tve been In the Alps and get over the line, but they lost they have caught the oilers and once finals, and 86-hole match play In the Bell ...... Substitute...... JB Nanaimo, Lethbridge and Windsor. The best individual scoring per­ semi-finals and final, but the matter Pyrenees but I have never seen any­ ground steadily and the half-time they played them to a draw but right formance* of the day was Richard - will be decided definitely by the Incom­ Summary It Is estimated that the trip would cost in the neighborhood of thing that can compare with Banff whistle blew with the Wanderers a now the Shells have a two-point,lead ■on’s-four goals for Plymouth, which ing executive. $22.000 and that sufficient profit wquld be made on the venture to place in Winter beauty. The people o»1 few feet off the line. as a result of the sound spanking d—No score. Is a curious commentary on the fact Many New Affiliation». the Dominion association on a sound financial bails. Canada should make marvelous Normals Try Herd. they administered to the Pacifica that he had been rested recently for The renort of the execuMve committee Second period — 1. Canadiens, O. Bannf the St. Moritz of America." last Wednesday. loss of form. showed that the Association’s member­ Cleghorn. 4.86; 2. Ottawa. Darragh, It is proposed thst the tour. If undertaken, would be conducted In After the Interval the Normalités ship was Increased by 1ft clubs during At the foot of the famous tobog­ tried hard to break through. They The Shells and Pacifica will meet Sheffield United and Blackburn 1.50; 3. Canadiens, Malone. 7.00. a similar manner to that of the Scottish Internationalists two seasons «921 the present membership being 91 Third period — 4. Canadiens. O. gan slide on funnel Mountain an ice made attack after attack on their again on Wednesday night at the Rovers replay on Thursday and all allied. 25 associated and one affiliated ago, the financial end of which still remains to be straightened out. palace with "glistening towers and. opponents’ backs, but the kicking of Arena and should the former win *ne others on Wednesday. club. The new clubs are from all Pro­ Cleghorn. 11.60; 6, Canadiens, The provincial associations would sage the games In their own prov­ Cleghorn, 1.00. Iridescent arch has been completed Gilmer, the Wanderer full back, they will be entitled to take over the vinces of the r»omlnlon with the excep­ inces. making certain guarantees to the Dominion Association and re­ and during carnival week this will drove back the students. The Nor­ Dudleigh Cup, at present held by last - Owing to an error In transmission tion- of Nova Scotia. Toronto, Feb. 5. — Unusual goal- taining any profit over and above the guarantee figure. be ablaze with Hari-colored lights mals were still fighting, and by sev­ year's champions» the Senators. jtno wrong result was given on Sat­ keeping by Roach and the ability of and the centre of a nightly display of eral good punts they secured a scrum Should the Pacifies win. however, the urday In the Plymouth-Bradford Babe" Dye and Jack Adams to score fireworks. does to the Wandeicrs’ line, but their race will be tied up and a game will Snatch. It was made to appear as Preparing Track. final efforts were In vain. The Wand­ have to be staged either late this gave St. Patricks a six to five vic­ Ht. Andrew until they were com­ though Notts County had met Brad­ OLD COUNTRY tory over the Hamilton National Work has been begun on the five- erers secured their second try week or early next week to determine ford. The score should have been pletely discomfited. And hi that through some good work by Curie the champions so that they may be SOCCER STANDINGS leaguers here Saturday night. The wrlteth upon the wall wrlteth thus mile triangular race course on beau­ Plymouth Argyle 4. Bradford 1. visitors were dangerous at all stages tiful Lake Mlnnewanka where the and Willis, they secured a five yard ready to tackle the Vancouver win­ of a well contested game and once in TWO SWITCHES Men of St. Andrew, 36; Metropoli­ scrum which paved the way for an­ ners on Wednesday. tans. 3». dog race will he run. This event will other try when Curie crossed the line First Division. the .second period were leading 1 y be unique in the history of long dis­ What Might Hsppsn. five to three. And when Clarence the eon of and then took the kick, converting r. w. l. n. pte Ferris, had blown with a loud vqlce tance dog racing, as the dogs will be the try. The kicking of Curie dur­ Interest has developed in the ama­ Liverpool ...... 26 18 5 3 .19 Billy’' Burch, who made his local the battle was ended, and each man in sight in every stage of the con-» teur race as a-result of the approach WESTS KM EASY Sunderland ...... 28 15 8 8 38 debut as a professional, played a re­ WON BY DEFAULT ing the whole of the game was departed unto hie own place. tlnuous one hundred mile race. It splendid. of the inter-city play-off. The locale Huddersfield Town . 23 12 8 8 32 markable game. He scored the first Metropolitans—Barlow 3, C. Lewie le expected that owing to the smooth - have a splendid chance of winning Manchester City ... 37 12 8 7 31 goal for the visitors after trlckinj the The teams were as follows: Newcastle United ..27 11 7 9 it Sickness Keeps Teams Off 18. McDonald, F. Lewis 17, A. ness of the course and the fact that Wanderers—Gilmer, Johnson. Wil­ this year and should they succeed in whoel team. He also hat an assist Thomas 4. Sheffield Ignited .... 27 11 7 9 31 Harry Cameron, the veteran ed the entrants df this race include lis, Grubb, Hoad ley. Curie, Curtis, defeating Vancouver the Victoria Middles boro ...... 28 1» 7 8 29 fence man. dislocated his shoulder Floor; Falcons and Bays St. Andrews—Squire 9, Kstlla 5, seven of the most famous dog teams Christy, Mclllree, Money. Mathew- fans will have a chance to see the Tottenham Hotspur. 28 12 16 4 38. Erickson 17, Simpson, Pillar 4. In the world from The Pas, Mani­ Kootenay champions In action In a W Bromwich Albion 28 11 9 « 28 and will he out of the game for Win Their Games * son. Officer, Dowell, George and Defeat Soldiers 3-0 in Exhi­ Holton Wanderers .. 28 P' 7 8 28 week or ten days. toba, that world’s records will be home and home series. The play­ off between the Coast teams will be Burnley*______26 11 16 5 27 The line-up was as follows; SCOTTISH CURLERS beaten. The teams entered Include Normal School—Hannlngton. Lane, bition Game After Cup Tie Aston Villa ...... 27 11 10 « -8 Saturday evening at the Trades four of the winning teams of the Knapton. Waddlngton, Bran* I.m. completed on February 18. when the St. Patricks Hamilton Blackburn Rovers .26 9 1* * M Hall the Falcons won a very close ARE VICTIMS WHILE 1922 and 1823 raceV and three run­ Morrison. Hope. Moses. Crowley. Victoria and Vancouver champions Was Defaulted to Them Bverton ...... 26 10 12 4 24 Roach ...... Goal ...... Forbes ners-up from The Pas. The teams Loomer, Sprinkling,_ KHpAtylck, will meet in thpif second ^garae In Woolwich Arsenal .. B I ir E 22 . Corbeau game from the St. Marks Beavers by Cameron . .. Defence .. IN FORT WILLIAM will proceed to Banff Immediately Waites. Brand and A.. Thompson. the Terminal City. On Saturday afternoon the Wests Preston North End . 26 8 11 7 23 Stuart ... .. Defence ...... Relse 30-22. The St. Marks boys are hav­ Chelsea ...... 21 7 JO f J* Andrew» . •fter The Pa# races. The grand prix *nd the United Service teams played Cardiff City 4 Æ 4 ... Ceirtrt ing their first experience "this season Fort William. Ont. Feb. will be divided In four prisse as fol­ gn exhibition game at the Royal Ath­ Birmingham ...... 28 « 13 9 21 Noble ...... Wing .... in Sunday School League basketball Ten games were played by the Adams ...... Wing .... . Bouchard lows: First, one thousand dollar#; letic park, the former team coming Notts Forest ...... 2» .8 14 7 23 and are steadily improving every Scottish curlers here Saturday, second, seven* hundred and fifty; •ut on the long end of a 3-0 score. Stoke ...... 26 6 II « 18 Dye ...... Substitute . .... Roach game. Cummins and Anderson of the visitors losing the afternoon Oldham Athletic .... 28 « 17 6 17 Randall .. . Substitute . ... Arbour third, three hundred, and last, two The cup tie match had been pre the Beavers shot exceedingly well. game, 64 to 86, and the evening hundred and fifty. vlously defaulted to the Wests on ac Second Division. Wilson ... .. Substitute ., The Falcons showed greater skill at games by one point, 47 to 46. In L,r?unl of the Service team not having p W T. TV Pts Summary On March 3 Laurence Trimble, di­ team work and kept ahead through­ the aggregate, the Scots were rector and tutor of Strongheart. will their players registered In time. By Notts County . . “6 15 7 4 21 First period--1. St. Patrick*. Adame, out, although not by a very big mar­ beaten, 111 to 82 points. this defaulted match the Wests make 26 13 5 s 34 3.00; 2, Hamilton. Burch, 6.00; 3. give an exhibition of that dog’s mar­ Leeds United . .. 26 13 6 7 S3 gin. The teaips were: The visitors were banquetted the fourth team In the semi-finals for Hamilton. Corbeau, 1.00; 4, BL Pat­ Falcons—Skillings 14, Roney 8, Mc­ velous intelligence along with that of Iselcester City .. 26 14 7 5 33 ricks. Noble. 2.20; 6, 8t. Patrick». by the city In the evening when Julie and seventeen other police the Jackson Cup. Blackpool ...... 2828 It 7 10 32 Queen I, Foubister, Watson. they were officially welcomed The Wests had . the better of the Manchester United . 27 12 8 7 31 Randall. 6.15. St. Marks—Anderson 7, Cummins by the Mayor. s, .. . .. dogs, all carnival visitors being askeo play during both halves, and although West Ham United .. 26 12 * « 30 Second period—6, Hamilton. Cor­ 11. Blake 2, Cross, Lashmar 2. Fisher. to Attend. Invitations have been the Service men made continuous at­ Derby County .. 26 11 H 1 29 beau. 2.80; 7, Hamilton, Wilson, 4.00; sent by wire to a number of famous tacks on their opponents’ goal, they Barnsley ...... 27 11 10 6 28 8. Hamilton. Roach, 4.16; 8, 8t. Pat­ Bays Win Out. V.I.A.A. WILL RESUME writer# and editors and already the •ould not put the ball between the Southampton ... . 27 1 10 9 25 ricks. Adams, 2:00; 10, St. Patricks, The Bays proved too fast for tb£lr camlvàl committee has received ac­ Sheffield Wednesdi y 27 10 10 7 27 Dye. 3.00. less experienced opponents and se­ FREE BOXING CLASSES posts. The play commenced with an Stockport County .. 27 11 12 4 26 ceptances from the following: Ar­ attack on the Wests’ goal. Cosier Fulham ...... 26 8 9 » 25 Third period—11. Dye. 10.00. cured a victory over Christ Church thur B. Hoffman, editor of Adven­ missing an open net by slipping in South Shields .... 7 26 boys by a decisive score, 4P-24. Mc­ The V. I. A. A. free; boxing classes ture; Charles Peters, of Life; Talbof the mud. The play then shifted to Port Vale...... 10 12 5 25 Lennan, Holder and Stevens scored are being resumed at the Victoria 10 V.Ï known magazine the other end of the field, and You- Coventry City ... .. 26 13 2 23 rapidly for the Bays, while Atherton West gymnasium,under the charge of outing’ and A berl BrItt* editor of son took a long shot that completely Hull City ...... 27 7 13 8 22 FELL AND VIRTUE TO and Young netted most of the points A1 Davies, chairman of boxing, who Itotherham ...... 27 7 12 8 22 for Christ Church. The gome was In fooled the opposing goalie a ad rolled Bradford City ...... 26 6 10 10 22 Is on hand every Monday evening Ladies' Hockey. Into the net for the first score of the Cry*ta! Palace ... .. 27 7 12 * 22 the Intermediate B League. The from 8 o'clock to impart hie expert game. This started things on the hop. Clapton Orient .. .. 27 7 12 8 22 teams were: knowledge of the art of self defence Negotiations are under way with and the Services tried hard to tally, Wolverhampton \ .. 26 4 18 6 It MELT GORE AND YORK Baye—Stevens », Holder 12, Mc­ to pupils. Last week ten huskies at­ four or five ladles' team# to compete but they were up against a strong -Northern Section. Lennan 10, Blair 4, Hartley 6. tended the class ad some of them for the world's championship lady Christ Church—Young 6. Atherton hockey team cup donated by the Al defence and Leeming was unbeat­ P. W. L. D. Pts showed great promise. No charge is able. making save after save. The Walsall ...... 24 It 4 6 28 19, Jones 2. Chapman 4, Locks 2. being made by the L A. A. for this Pine Club of Canada and It is ex­ greenahlrte then secured their second Nelson ...... 21 18 7 1 28 Finals in Calcutta Foursome Game Goes By Default. special instruction which in other pected that lady teams from Calgary, goal, when Ogle made a beautiful 3 Chesterfield ...... 21 13 8 27 Owing to sickness In the Mats’ cities is conducted by instructors Ferme, Edmonton, Camrose and the rush and. passing the backs, gave the Rochdale ...... 23 10 6 7 27 at Oak Bay to Be Played who charge very heavy fees for their Amazons of Vancouver, who won the ball to Clarkson, who shot a wicked Bradford ...... 22 16 6 6 26 camp they were, unable to turn out Wlganboro ...... 20 10 6 25 and the game went to Centennial by services. The only stipulation made flip at last year’s carnival, will eriter one at the goalie. The latter saved, 6 on Saturday by the club' la that pupils must at­ the hut let his hands slip behind the line, Ftalybridge Celtic .. 26 10 6 5 25 default. Centennials, however, were .th* games being Ltncton City ...... all there ready for battle, but with tend the classes equipped with rubber Played during carnival week. and the referee called "Goal." to the Eouthnort ...... zz % * 6 N. Thornton Fell and J. D. Virtue shoes and a change of clothes, which In addition to these features, other discontent of the spectators, who were Accrington ...... 23 9 9 4 will meet I»uls York and Arthur no opponents in sight. The Um Tomblee from Congregational Church, eliminates the risk of their catching , inter sports will be curling, skat­ gll pulling against the Wests. Both Halifax Town...... 20 8 7 5 Gore in the finale of the Calcutta cold after their lesson. ing. snow-shoeing, ski-Jumping, ski- teams then fought hard, hut that fin­ Darlington ...... 22 7 * 7 foursomes being held by the Vic­ who are always ready to try any ished the scoring for the first half, Hartlepool United . 22 7 9 7 toria Golf Club. This match wj.ll be thing ’ once, challenged the Centen ikl-jorlnr. toboteanln*. Crewe Alexandra .. 23 8 10 5 iialltee to a game, the challenge be KASKY CONTINUES "f’ ,wlmmln* In th# hot and the whistle blew for the Interval Barrow ...... 22 7 12 3 played on Saturday next. r~~~ B with both elevens -pressing hard: * In the semi-finals Fell.and Virtue ing promptly accepted. The game sulphur .prtnf. of th. Oov#rnm#nt wrsxhiwt . rrr...... tr *•* 9 7 which followed wad" a very r lose At the opening of the second Ashlngton ...... 23 6 12 5 with a net handicap of 8, TO SHOW SKATING - dTÎÊTn, ncy emt eM half the play commenced to get a Grimsby Town ...... 26 6 lu 4 defeated C. E. Wilson and H. J. Davis, affair, the Um Tomble Red Shirts FORM AT MONTREAL SVt little on the f-ough side, there being 'dirham City ...... 21 4 10 7 handicap 8 3-4, by 5 1-4 and 6. In finally securing a victory by a single Tvanmere Rovers ... 23 4 11 8 point, the score being 11 to 10. Jim n y signs of hostility on both sides. The the other bracket of the semis. York Montreal. Feb. 6 —Harry Kasky. of BAN PLACED BY T . Third Division—Southern Section. and Gore, with a handicap of 8. H, McEwan used his eagle eye to ex­ blueshlrts then started to pre»» hard, cellent advantage; Clarence Ferris c hl^go, continued to add to hie laurels but they failed when It came to put­ r. w. D. Pts G. Wilson and J. V. Scrivener, handi­ In the Dominion ekatlng championships COMMISSIONER ON ting the leather In the opposing net. Bristol City 25 16 6 IT cap 6 3-4, by 1 1-4 up . also having a good Idea where the concluded here on Saturday, and with Play was then stopped, and the play­ Swansea Town ...... 25 An interesting match Is looked for basket was situated. Andy Easton the 440 yards and the three-quarter HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT Plymouth Argyle ... 23 and Allan Thomas put the Red Shirts mile events to his credit, he easily de­ ers were warned by the■ referee for Watford ...... 23 In the final as both handicaps are their rough and tumble play. After the same. In the lead near the close of |he monstrated himself to be the stellar Northampton ...... 24 game.. The teams were: contestant of the Weet. .. New Vwk, F.b. 5.—A bout for the kick-off the Wests secured their Brighton and Hove A 21 A close runnerup to the Chicagoan th. world i heavyweight boxing • third and final tally, when Shcrratt Mill wall Athletic ... 25 Centennials—McEwan 6, Fuller, RICKEY, OF CARDINALS, Ferrie 4, Holt, Graves. < Maries Gorman, of Ht. John. N.H , championship will net be permit- made a beautiful rush and. .dodged Portsmouth ...... 25 although the Maritime man did not fig­ wîii" N,7oVS* 8te,e- Chairman the hacks. Then he made no mis­ Luton Town...... ». 28 Um Tomblee—Partington 2. Noel. ure among the premier positions on Swindon Town ...... 24 GETS FIVE-YEAR ORDER Eaaton 3, Greaves 2. Bickle, Thomas Saturday. William Muldeen, of the state take about shooting the ball Into the Norwich City...... 28 corner of the net. This finished In the ladles’ races. Miss Robinson, of i announced Exeter City 24 St. Louis. Mo. Feb. 6.— Branch Another Game Defaulted. Toronto, was successful In both. last night. things off, and the final whistle blew Bristol Rover*...... 23 The duration of the ben was with no further scoring on either Queen’s Park R*ngrs. 28 Rickey, manager of the St. Louis Na­ And It came to pass at the ninth tionals since 1819. has signed a con- __ not mode known by the choir* " ^^a^son handfed the whistle/ ‘ Merthyr Town .. _ . Z3 hour that the men of St. Andrew trace to manage* «tab ttm the iwxthtmM WMfm f*«n*poft- V S.S. BASKETFUL . . fnani.. -T It mfwgii pWfHMII*fr-»___ i •' v™-;.The team* took the He» w fottewer tans; But Fred,, th* son of Lewis, :Ffe»r game*.; «f Champion Jack Dempsey maet- Wests Leeming. goal; Copas and sayeth unto the men of 8t. Andrew: •nr War for hi. titlaTn thia Reading ...... 2.7 4 13 night at the Trades Hall gymnasium atata while in affect. Rlcklnson, full hacks : Muir. Baker New-port Coufity ... 25 4 13 HARVARD AND YALE Behold we have only four men, lake commencing at 7 o’clock. In the Sun­ and Thomas, half-backs; Sherratt, Aberdare ...... HP* 1 thou the victory, but play with us a day School Basketball League. The Peden. Ogle, Clarkson and Youson, ACCEPT friendly game." And It was so. And programme follows; Scottish League. ^728 Allan Thomas, the Red Shirt king, forwards. First Division. 7, Intermediate A Boys—Onwe- United Services — Zanelli. goal; FOR ENGLAND MEET of the Um Tomblee, did Join the men goe ve. Metropolitans. Grimes and Gibson, full backs; Pe­ P. W. L. I). Pte of Mets and the battle began. asgow Rangers ... 25 17 ? I 38 7.46, Senior Girls—Christ Church ters. Coulter and Ward, half-backs; Dundee ...... 28 14 9 Cambridge. Mass.. Feb. fc.—Har­ And the men of St. Andrew did vs. Live Wires. Cummings. Watt, Whyte. Cave and Airdrleonlans ...... 28 13 7 vard has accepted the Invitation of play with exceeding great skill an.1 *16. Senior A Men—First Presby­ Cosier, forwards. Aberdeen ...... 28 IS S Oxford and Cambridge to an inter- did score many baskets. And when terians vs. James Bay. Millwood Falkirk ...... 28 18 4 national Intercollege track meet to that bloweth the whistle had t. Senior B Men—Adanacs vs. Hibernians ...... 27' 13 9 be held In England in July, it was blown with a loud voice, he that Congregations Is. W. H. MdNNES again Celtic ...... 24 12 16 announced to;day. July 21 is the useth much chalk wrlteth thus upon Hearts of Midlothian 26 8 7 the board: Men of St. Andrew, 20; WINS WALKING STICK Ft. Mirren ...... ft • ifr dale tentatively set. McGILLBÊÂTEN IN S3.50 Cord Greenock Morton ... 26 9 16 Metropolitans, 8. Ayr United ...... 28 7 • And Johnny, the son of Simpson, Delivered in City. W. H. Maelnn»» «gain won the Baith Rovers ...... 26 9 9 FLOYD JOHNSON IS sayeth, "Behold is late, I THRILLING HOOP General Cigar Co. Limited walking-stick competition of the Me- Partick Thistle ....» 26 16 9 have much work yet to do, play thou Phone ato torta Oolt Club, when he defeated A. Kilmarnock i< 12 TO FIGHT TO-NIGHT with four men and let me depart." , GAME IN QUEEN’S Controlled and Operated by t. Ford two up. I\ looks as though Mbtherwell JJ t 9 And there was much rejoicing in fr. Maclnnee Is determined to hold Hamilton AcjuT..... 27 S 16 New York. Feb. 6.—Floyd Johnson, the Metropolitan camp Inasmuch as Kingston, Ont.. Feb. 6.—Queen’s has- The Moore-Whittington i Third Lanark ...... 27 8 16 of Iowa, aspirant to a title t>out with kotlbaiiem______defeated McGill here Hatur- on to the stick, he having won It Clyde ...... 28 7 15 "Joheny the Mighty" had (Imputed. day afternoon, 88 to 81. In one of the Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada umited _gaMrtl Use) in succession. KrW AnÜon àevère'.'^m 21 8 îl Jack Dempsey, will meet Mlke Nestor Lumber Co. B-rtoq Is the next challenger. in a 12-round bout here to-night. "‘Mideta” did overwhelm thy men of Queen’s. I YICTORIAPAILYTIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 193&

'ESTABLISHED 1888 COMMERCE CHAMBER NEWS IN BRIEF HEAR OF NEW TO HOLD QUARTERLY COT IN FIREMEN'S MEETING TUESDAY $1.95 Ladies* Specials $1.95 Mr. Justice Gregory hear* • short Hat of applications in Supreme Court MIES WOULD Chambers this morning. Ne trials The quarterly meeting of the The Type were listed for to-day. Chamber ef Commerce, will be held to-meerew afternoon at half past Vietrola xhnwti Pumps : Oxfords Dates for - the February trial list SIAM COAL three. The chief teplc ef discus- here, *135.00 Ç./îffiS» were eat by Hla Honor Judge Lamp BE SMALL SAVING sien will be the Greater Victoria If.I1 jpan In the County Court to-day. The water eeheme which will be ex­ s on terme. Boots trial Hat la relatively light. Towns South of Port Towns­ plained by members of the Would Prune About $11,280 The staff of OavidflpMnesr’s, Ltd., end Need Supply; Now Greeter Victoria Committee. All Sites in thé Lot., See Windows will held their annuli dance to-mor­ Per Year row evening at the Alexandra House Paying $17 a Ton ballroom. Dancing will be from 8.80 Firemen State Case Against until 2 a. m. with Heaton's aug Possibilities of selling Vancouver MAYNARD’S SHOE STORE mented orchestra. Island coal to towns south of Port H. R. SELLICK Proposed Reduction The Central W.C.T.U. held a most Angeles were pointed out to the successful home cooking stall In the Chamber of Commerce Directors nt The percentage cut of the city fire­ basement of David Spencer. Ltd., on their luncheon to-day by Mayor men’s salaries proposed by the Coun­ Saturday morning. The member» James F. Fullerton, of Port Towns­ end. Mr. Fullerton esplalned that If DIES IT RIPE ABE cil will represent only about $940 nêr wish to thank all who by their con­ sixty-seven miles of railway were month, it was stated to-day, after j tributions and assistance made the members of the department had had affair such a success. constructed from Port Townsend south a number of tpwna would be in Was Well Known Contractor ‘an opportunity of scrutinising the A number of teaehore from Vic­ a position to buy Island coal. The Prior to Retirement schedule In the light of the latest toria, Oak Bay, Saanich and Esqui­ Mayor estimated that It would be economy proposal. mau districts, representing various possible to ship about 120 tons of The fact that 64 men are listed by sections of High and public school coal___ __ a. day from the Island by acow Henry Rowe Sellick died at the the department does not mean that work, assembled at noon on Satur­ to Port Angeles for sale to towns «#<* of 7» years jsgrlyVesterday morn there are 66 firemen, thF men eay. day in Spencer's private dining room between Port Townsend and Port­ There we alx men who are operators, ing at the Reyal Jubilee ? «capital, mechanics, or electricians, thus cut­ for luncheon. Tentative plana for the land. fourth annual Easter convention of Mr. Sellick was a native of Bridge- ting down the total force for the 24 "Two scow a carrying fifteen cars water. England, and came to Mani­ the British Columbia Teachers' Fed­ each would make a round trip every hours of duty to 60 men. This means rnwe.vTT ron SBRvice eration. to be held on April S, 4 and I, toba as a young man. He arrived in 30 men on duty for 12 "hours. All 1 In delivery this old reliable drug etore are Bennett, who also rendered many The firemen met again to-day and idled accurately and with the able for many purpoees and great our low price. vocal numbers. Delicious refresh­ The Attorney-General made it the Banal, of W«.tmln»t*r Hall, money savers. dlseusaed the matter further. They purest of drugs. ments were served during the even­ clear that despite this decision Vancouver. » hen there was con- will leave no atone unturned, they ing and the affair ended all too soon. f.rrM upon Dr. McCoy the honorap say. to put a fair representation of CALL TO DAY 25 Lbs.f or $ 1 .OO The regular monthly meeting of the the law with reran! to handling of degree of Doctor of Divinity at the beer remained unchanged. Thle their aide of the case before the au­ Inapeet ■•fere You Buy. above Institute will be held on Tues­ convocation last Fall. _ , thorities. day. February 6. at 1.80 Members mean, that no one but a Government The presentation took the form of will please be on time aa much busi­ vendor can aell beer, that dut» can- an Investiture In a clerical gown ness laid over from the annual meet­ not buy beer and that If mem be re of andan hood I indicative of hie ministerial ing has to be put through, and plana dube have anything to do with beer, .tending as a Dorter of Divinity. The made for work this year. the only way they can do It legally robing was very acceptably per­ la to buy their own beer and keep It MMIGRATION OFFICE BICYCLE SALE Phone formed by Rev Dr. J. Knox Wright, Laundry at In a locker for themeelvee and not of Vancouver. Secretary of the Brlt- 7 Bicycles at...... • 7.66 3338 f°Copiea of the Cayley Judgment are lah Columbia branch of the British id Bicycles at ...... U» Cot. Rock Boy ax CONGRATULATE 1B Bicycles at...... 14.76 Well and Foreign Bible Society, who. m Curl Your Hair—The Electrical Way ...... 16.76 John Street VANCOUVER ON being brought here to the Attomey- addressing the meeting, recalled In­ 16 Bleyclea at ...... Vloterie Wee» Call Oeneral e department where they will 611 Jehneen Street. Phene 736 HARBOR LOAN be ezamlned before a statement le cident. of college day. at Toronto WITH A Vnrverelty and Knox College during 4 Doors Below Government St. Iseued on the situation and the ques­ Appeal From Order of Habeas tion of taking an appeal decided. which friendship had sprung up and Chamber of Commerce directors at lasted for nearly fifty years. Corpus Releasing Two their luncheon to-day officially con­ Following thle, the Attorney- tien- Victory Cycle Works GIVEN JAIL TERM. ini summoned Lÿnn Browne and A. The gathering waa very ably pre­ “Hotpoint” Curling Tong gratulated the Vancouver Board of sided over by R«v. Dr. Clay, of St. Chinese Trade on the decision of the E. Johnson. Vancouver reformers, JACOB AAftONSON In k short session of the City who have been making public state­ Andrew’s Church, now senior Pres­ Attaches to Any Light Socket Dominion Government to loan byterian Minister holding office In From an order In habeas corpus Police Court to-day Sing, alias la>w $6,000,600 to the Vancouver Harbor ments tolling of all aorta of liquqr proceedings releasing $4 ah Siqg doings and. who claimed they knew the.CIJy of Victoria. After the In­ PBICX, *6-40 Leong. was sentenced to elx months' Board for Improvement* to Van­ Shong and Sung Yim'Hong. two couver Harbor. In proposing that the that “bootleggers were running wild vestiture Dr. McCoy responded in imprisonment and fined $266. with grateful term» for the honor *o Chinamen who were to be deportee Vancouver Board of Trade be con­ over the Province" and that "high­ at the conclusion of prison"6ahtehees the option of a further three months jackers" were ^becoming almost as kindly done to him and recounted In jail, pleading guilty to possession gratulated. Henry C. Hall, K.C., de­ on charges of being in possession of HAWKINS & HAYWARD clared that all the cities of the numerous aa bootleggers. some of the outstanding experiences PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. of coeolne. E. L. Tait, for the ac­ of hie forty-four years In the min­ drugs.* the Immigration Department Electrical Quality end Service Stores. Pacific Coast must pull together. The Attorney-General's department opened an appeal this morning before cused. withdrew a previous plea of showed Interest in a written state­ istry of the Gospel. lies Deu«tae «t. Nr. Car. Fart SL Telephone 2S27 guilty. R. H. Brenehley. In giving JOINT CLUbTlUNCHEON. Their Lordships In the Court of Ap­ Heavy Teaming of Kvery ment by these men In which they Mrs. McCoy alao gratefully acknowl­ 1W7 Demise •», Op». City He!!. Telephone MS character evidence for the accused edged the kindness shown to her In peal here. Description a Specialty said: a M. A. Macdonald. K.C., appeared stated the Chinaman had worked for A joint luncheon by the Rotary and •f An established ring of bootleggers the presentation of a beautifully the firm of F. R. Stewart A Co. for defraud the government» (Dominion. headed altk bag and a bouquet of for the Immigration authorities and Phones 241. 246 Kiwanls Clubs will be held at 18.16 H. R. Bray for the respondents. Both fourteen years, and up until recently p. m. to-morrow in the Chamber of Provincial and United States) out of violets. to have been a most excellent servant Commerce Rooms, Arcade Building. thousands of dollars dally. Representing the neighboring con­ Chinamen were convicted for an oi- Baggage Checked and Stored of that firm. Lately a change In the fhhee under the Opium and Nar­ Express—Furniture Removed The Rotary Club will provide the "The liquor gang hold» daily aea gregation of Emmaunel Baptist Chinaman's character had taken programme. stone in a leading hotel in Vancou cotics Drug Act and given Jail terms. Church. Rev. William Stevenson Upon their release from prison tne* The Lucky Number—“Two Nine Oh Eight” Our Motto: Prompt and cigi place, and witness was grieved to vér­ spoke of the unifying Influence which hear of the present charges. J. F. in hla' work of tightening up 11- were under sentence of deportation, When Used Properly Tour Reward- Is Certain ' ' service. Complainte will be deal TWO INTERESTING ADDRESSES. had developed during the years hut 'succeeded In an application for with without delay. Errington charged on remand with J»f i ' ■■ »■■

Doesn’t This Bird Know When to Quit? Essen Populace Meets Vanguard of French Invading Army Mgr. Filippi

Delegate to Mexico, whose by the Mexican Government >ftA ewoTO y

On the heel* of the cavalry, the French cyclist corps with Its armored cars entered the city of Kaern at the climax ut the Ruhr Invsslos A. sullen but not openly hostile crowd met them with the Inevitable aman boy much In evldeaos.

Diva From Farm Belgian Troops in Essen Clearing Square of Germans

Armed Men Depose Authorities in Arkansas

>V V &VF. 2 x v1!

dauybter of a Pennsylvania fanner. need her voice to yodel and call borne the wandering cows. teaches heard her. Hw was sent to Poincare told the Chamber of Deputies. This picture from the Ruhr Italy and has now signed contract slstrlct. shows a group of Belgian Infantry men on their arrival In

French Cannon Guard Essen SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG


Here are shown French cavalry detachments holding back the crowds at one side of the Essen square In front of the dty 1-ctl where Stench general» conferred with the QvU authorities,

§rMI wtial

latest photograph <’f H hi. Daugherty. Alter, 6o HAS fTivert US MtilfWT nlted State*, who ha* been exonerated by Contrée* In thnncctlon «o leu* >«i• nur -Ith the impeachment proceeding* brought against him hy Représentative Keller of Minnesota 'K7»F5ê~ British bluejackets In a. march before Lord Derby la Coiogna VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1923

^ ▼ assoitIncorporated s TJAD. au /▼ 1670 609 LUNCHEON THE SEALOF QUALTTY PHONE 1670 THE SEALOF QUALITY Prlvste Exchange Connecting Al Department! Served Dally (rom 11.ti tel.M. Orcbeetra—Fourth Floor FEBRUARY HOUSE FURNISHINGS SALE

Featured To-morrow are Exceptional Values in SO Pairs Novelty CURTAINS Turkish Towels Values to $4.50 For White and brown Turkish towels of a spongy absorbent quality that will at onyp find favor with discriminating housewives. Prices are exceptionally low, eo much so that it will certainly paÿ to $1.79 a Pair V7 ' | look ahead and anticipate. „ i. | An opportune time for buying new Spring Curtains White Turkish Towels Vi ! i Closely woven, absorbejnt pile, finished with at a greatly redueed price. Some of them with hemmed] ends ; sise 20 x 42. Price ...39< White and Brown Turkish hemstitched borders, others with lure insertions, Sfse 21k 42. Price ...... 60* lace and frill edges. Included are a number of Towels—20c" Each Brown Turkish Towels ■ample curtains. Vahie f> $4.50. February Useful Towels for kitchen or general household use. Corns Closely woven with a thick heavy pile. Colne In white with colored borders snd brown with red and House Furnishings Sale, In brown With pink, blue or hello stripes; white stripes; sise 18 x 36. ------I elude Roshanara, Canton crepe. Tint tpj • I a/. -site 22* 45. Price ...... 60* . Price ...... 20c. Sise 26 x 48. Price ...... 60* Novelty Marquisette and Nottingham Net uuruins White Turkish Bath Towels Brown Turkish Towels . Fancy Turkish Towels Another big special In novelty curtains that will ap­ Of English manufacture ; sis* 21 x 48. Closely woven absorbent towel* in brown Of a closely woven . In blue and peal to the thrifty housekeeper. The collection In­ H Price »...... 63* with red and white stripes; sise 25* 50. pink checks with hemmed ends. Price 76* cludes marquisette with lace edging others with hem­ Price ...... 89* stitched borders, also fine Nottingham net curtains^ _ Turkish Bath Towels Brown Striped Turkish Towels valued to $6.50. February House $3 93 , Large sise bath towels of close texture and All Linen Turkish Towels Woven from linen and cotton mixture with Furnishings Sale, per pair heavy pile that will, wear well. Come In Woven from pure linen yarns, hemmed red and white stripes; hemmed ends; sise white or brown with colored stripes. ends: sl*e 26 x 4t. Pries ...... 92.00 24 x 46. Price ...... 91.26 36-Inch Cretonne Scotch Madras Price ...... 79* It Is ohly through our 45 and SM-Inch Scotch White Striped Turkish Towels - —- WHITE TURKISH TOWELING immense purchasing madras with scalloped Of a good heavy pile, hemmed ends. Corns power we are able to borders. Comes In cream In a good assortment of stripes; sise 23 Woven from heavy cotton that will give excellent wear; 18 Inches wide, yard, 30* and 39* First Showing of the offer a cretonne at this only In attractive de­ *44. Price ...... $1.25 27 'Inches wide, per yard 60* and .....66* 22 inches wide, per yard, 40* and ...... 46* very low price. All the signs; values to Hit newest patterns and New Sports and Afternoon February House colors to select from; Si Furnishings Sale, per Inches wide. February yard House Furnishings Sale" per yard FROCKS Beds,=s*— ^ Springs and Mattresses Tka nan. ila.inn fpnnlrc ukAitr wrnttf Vflnofv 79c The new Spring frocks show great variety of style, —Third Floor closely fitting bodies with skirts in draped and Extraordinarily Low Prices Nqw Prevailing basque effects ; full flare skirts and straight line mddels with smart panels and over drapes. While Enamel I Fumed Oak Beds Sleeves in three-quarter length and baby effects ; $5.00 Down With continuous posts snd five oval fillers ; Genuine solid fumed oak bed in full else all true copies of New York models. Fabrics in­ all aises. February House Furnishings Bale Bed, Spring and All-Felt Mat­ only; very neat In appearance. February each ...... 9*9.59 House Furnishings Bale, each ... .9*9.96 clude Roshanara, Canton crepe, flat crepe, Valette, Places a “Blue Bird” in knitf crepe, yvette taffeta, while some of the Walnut Finished Btepl Bede tress Cemplete for $14.90 Woven Wire Springe White enamel bed, full else with 1-lnch Double woven wire springs strongly sup­ new colors are lavingreen, ashes of roses, cocoa, Your Home Round posts and cane Inset panel, strongly ported. best selected wood frames; all sises. seal, nubian and indigo. Many handsome frocks Constructed and perfect in finish, 4-foot pillars and brass knobs; dopble woven Our easy payment wir* spring and all-felt roll edge mat- „ February House Furnishings Sale, 94.90 are shown in blackk ;fall Iaises. ~Prices from‘ ££.. .!*** : H.ottM.. treat. February House 81i QA pits enables you to Furnishings Bale complete 94s«/U Hudson's Bay Special Mattresses i f All purs white cotton felt mattress ex­ secure this wonder­ Heavy tguara ateel Bed. Bed, Spring and Mattress Complete pertly made and covered with good grade $29.50 to $49.50 ful washer without Bow top and mitred cernera, seven flat fil­ Heavy 2-inch continuous post bed blue and white ticking, stitched roll edge -Second Floor lers: full alae only. Finished In walnut. with five flat shaped fillers and square and well tufted. February Houpe Furnish­ the slightest strain February Houee Furnishings Sale. 639.96 steel bottom rail, heavy non-sway ings Bale, each ...... 9*7.60 on your purse. Reetmere e.uoro Steel Bede coll spring and a superior quality all­ All-Felt Mattresses felt mattress. February House II-lb. all-felt mattress, stitched roll edge New Models Now Showing fax With continuous poets end seven flat fil­ Why not possess one Furnishings Bale, $29 95 and covered in fine an ticking. February, ler» fdll else only: In walnut finish. Febru­ complete House Fumtihlnge Bale, each ...... 99.96 new and eliminate ary'House Furnishing» Sale, each $38.00 —Fourth Floor D & A CORSETS all the worries and DA A Corsets DA A Model For hardships of wash Comfortable sport topless Medium Type model with fancy elastic Designed from pink broche dayt Fine China Cups and across top. Made from • m broidery trimmed, FELTOL pink coutil with two sets graduated clasp, medium There is no electrical washer on the market that of hose supporters; skirt skirt length; sleet ÎS to equals the “Blue Bird” in outward dress or inward Saucers—3 for 75c Is of medium length ; sixes 28. Price 21 to 27. Price mechanical perfection. See it demonstrated on the Floor Covering Lower Main Floor. ------—; — 100 dozen fine China cups and saucers with narrow gold hand, $2.75 —Lower Main Floor ovide shape. Nice enough for using for afternoon tea. Feb­ $3.50 ruary House Furnishings Sale, 3 for...... 75f 1 DA A New Popular 43c Per Sq. Yard DA A Elastic Oirdles Model Made from good quality Cetera# Glass Baskets Bras* Jardiniere* This model is a comforta­ Felt base feltol floor covering, suitable for kitchens, bath ble sport girdle made from white coutil, elastic top. Quality Groceries • The time Is coming for spring Footed brass jardinieres, dull rooms, bedrooms or dining rooms. Requires no tacking excellent quality pink sur­ graduated clasp with two Ferny Quality Santa Clara Valley Celifernia Prune. flowers. These* colored baskets » finish. Comes in three ejyee ; gical elastic, two sets of hooks below; sixes 21 to Size «0-70. per lb...... 18# are quite the latest. Come in will make. 6. • and 7-inch flower down and is waterproof. A wide selection of new pat­ hose euppportere; sixes 22 27. Price 3 for...... '•...... SB# yellow, blue, amethyst and opal­ pots. February House Furnish­ terns; six feet wide. February House to 30. Price Sise 60-00, par lb...... 30# escent In three sixes. February ings Bale, each 92.26, 92.76 43 C Furnishing! Sale, per square yard. $2.25 Size 40-60, per lb...... 33# Houee Furnishings Sale, 8 **26 and ...... 93.60 —Second Floor 3 (or...... 46# 91.96 and ...... 92.8 —Lower Main Floor —-Third Floor $3.50 Size 10-40, per lb...... ;...... 36# Hudeen’e Bay Go's. Pure New Zealand Honey, In llti-oz. bottles, each ...... 40# Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Refund of 10c on return of bottle. Preparations •unmeld SeedIes. Saisine, 16-oz. pkte. 3 for ...... 60# Genuine Oriental Rugs impress Brand Bramble er Red Current Jelly, 4-lb. tine Special * These perfectly prepared toiletries rasai y fall to Obtain for ...... 61.00 résulta and are consequently gaining m favorte every day. Crab Apple Jelly, 4-lb. tin ...... 96# At February Sale Empress Brand A priest Gooseberry er Blackberry Jam, 4-lb. Turkey For Cleansing the 81dn tin. each ...... 96# Venetian Cleansing Cream,"a lovely smooth creaqa that Pure Quebec Maple Sugar. Per lb...... '....SB# Prices liquifies quickly, taking every particle of duet and 3 lbs. for ...... $1.00 Luncheon We are offering our entire stock of foreign matter out_ of the pores. MeKay'e Cream of Barley, per pkt."...... 34# ! S pkt», dor ...... ,$1;90 Oriental rugs at very liberal *educ« . For Toning, Whitening andlFirqung the Sfcia Devoeu Brand Choice Mushrooms, per tin ...... 36# tions. Now is the time to buy, as *3Xrdena Skin Tonic, a mild astringent and akin stimulant ” Red Arrow Cream. Crackers, per pkt...... 33# SOc genuine rugs of these makes are be­ For Delicate Sirin Creese 6 Blackwell's Genuine China Bey, per bottle ..60# Venetian Vetve Cream, a delightful refining cream for and ...... Served To-morrow coming more and more difficult to se­ cure. dry or tender akin requiring gentle, nourishing treat­ Creese A Blackwell's Concentrated Eeeenee of Rennet, per From 11.30 to ment. bottle, 73#. 46# and ...."...... 35# Two Only Smyrna Bugs Delicie Brand Luncheon Tongue, per Jar ...... 60# p.m. To Remove Wrinkles and ...... 76# 2.30 In soft colorings of blue and green: sixe Venetian Muscle Oil nourishes and restores the virility 4 ft. 4 in. x 9 ft. 1 In. February Houee Oelieia Brand Ox Tongue, per Jar ...... 33.35 MENU of the facial muscles.. Del Mente Brand Mammoth Site Asparagus, green and Furnishing* Bale, each ...... 9*10.09 white, large tine, each ...... so# Consomme Julienne „ For Enlarged Pores White Wizard Laundry Compound, per pkt. 10#, 36# Cream of Asparagus Three Only Merxapore Bugs Two Only Extra Fine Lahore Bugs ^ enetlan Pore Cream reduces the poree leaving the and ...... :...... 60# From India come these Merxapore rugs 1$ bright Very fine wool nigs In rose and cream grounds. akin very smooth. . —Drug»,, Main Floor Dainty White, the great French wash day a Id.«par bot. 36# Fried Fillet of Sole rich colorings. Remarkable rugs for wear> size These rugs will appeal to anyoné desiring eome- Bleto, the gravy maker, thickens, colors and season», gravy Larded Sirloin of„Beef—Brut- • x 12; value $210.00. February House Furnish- ... thing artistic; size 8 x 10; value $178.40. Feb­ aoups, stews, etc. Per pkt. 10#. 36# and ...... 60# sels Sprouts ings Bale, each ...... • - 9*59.00 ruary House Furnishings Sale, each. 9*29.60 A New Shipment of Wool Parizot Brand* E

-would bo eeloctsd Dttchborn stated may prevail ai thé Une took Issues with their statement# with the. Indians to this- Province, One of Scenes in Extravaganza made from the platform while speak- Ins here during , their tour, par­ Even it «he doesn't catch much ticularly to references

Veteran Journalist Will Tell of Famous Literary Figures AMUSEMENTS TO-DAY Eczema Covered Arms ' A very 'Tnterestins event is the lleysl—“Éxtravagensa.' Illustrated, lantern lecture with the of This Healthy Child title "The Story of Mr. Punch,” to Out, writes; be given here very shortly. This Mrs. Alex. Cehimbia—“Man, Woman, Mar- lecture wlU speak df the history of “When my little 'ton was three Will Appear in “Teas of the the well-known and famous periodi­ months old be broke iminion—“Sherlock Holmes.1 cal "Punch," of It# contributors, m sores on Storm Country" literary and artistic, as well as of Its bis chest and arms, with- .... Him...... Ionic■ to »v»iever uiinnmink ui put - cartoonists. The lecturer Is J. Fran­ tlnrnIng fhe nael.Se.s a— »e__si____.a______oPput-____ could to heal those terrible sore», but The term •assistant director" is more ting the aasistnnt in the line of succes­ cis Bursill ("Felix Penne,,) a veteran sion to s directorship. Personally. Pass journalist; who has personally known nothing did him much good. Final­ er lees a misnomer. It seems to indi­ Just as well satisfied, because I would cate • t the t-v ter of ft •* jngrfumtn Tony Taylor. Phil May. F. C. ly I ventured on a bo* of Dr. Chase's » much prefer an executive position in «wr»di Burnard and many others of the assists the director In directing, but the business offices. However. It Is ra­ '<**'*ttlw Ointment and kept on using it At th#*’ difficult to understand why In the Punch staff. IIe of ,si Jhe assistant director natural évolution of things a chief as­ "Felix Penne" worked at Fleet last we were rewarded by the has llttjè or nothing to do with the sistant should not succeed his chief to Street, London, for forty years, and actus! directing. His duties are more emergencies." x. steady Sealing of the sores, and like those of a business manager, be­ kept in touch with "Punch," and cause practically his whole tlmels taken Ths above shows the group of officers from Work Point Barracks and theiEjgdlee. who take part in the while In the British metropolis he (6^ finally he was completely reliev­ up in making various business arrange­ Merry Widow scene and the Swing Dance forming two of the attractive f#MUfee~of the Extravagansa, which became a Fellow of the Royal His­ ed of them. He is now thing ments preparatory to and coincident to will open at the Royal Victoria Theatre at 8.16 o’clock this evening and will play all week with Wednesday and torical Koociety. He was Constantly making a motion picture. In close touch with aft* and. artists. years old, and has had no Us seldom is authorize*# to issue Saturday matinee. There will be special features st to-night's performance, including-the crowning of the King during his has gathered even the slightest order to an actor, and and Queen of Festival, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rithet. and the presentation of the key of the city by ex-Alderman turn of the trouble since.' on such occasions he is merely the many unique and remsrkable elides courier for relaying the decree of tl« R. W. Perry, emissary of Mayor Reginald Hayward, following the Grand March, which is a novel and wonderful which will be shown here during hie director. Moreover, few assistant di­ lecture. Those slides are hot only DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT rectors ever become directors. They AT THE DOMINION literary, pictorial and humorous, but ,,kolv to branch off In other they have the distinction of Illustrat­ uepartments or the film-making indus- —Allen Holuber. who wanted a "film o bos, all try. All this is according to one of the daughter" for the charming Dorothy ing the social history, extending over most efficient assistant directors on the Roland Young Stars in Gold Phillips. v the Victorian era. This lecture Is to Psomc Coast. Shaw Lovett y name, At the police station s desk sergeant be given here on the evening of and who served as John S. Robertson's wyn Photoplay CIPT. PLUNKETT with a sene# of humor heard the story Thursday, February 15. in the Cham­ assistant during thi filming of Mary of the biggest film of'the year being ber of Commerce Rooms. Arcade Ptckford s new version of “Teas of the With his stooping shoulders, his grave held up on account of the lack of a Building. The lecture will be under htorra Country," sNJnlted Artists re- face and hie speculative eyes, Roland child ptayerv A few moments later AI- Iwso now at the Capitol Theatre. l*-ri Holul ir had drawn up an agree­ the auspices of the Island Arts and havrf been Mr. Robertson's assist­ Young proved Just the actor to act D. SEARCHES CHILD ment and the youngsters mother had Crafts Society. —. The FAMOUS Store, Ltd. ant for three years, and if I had enter- Watson to John Barrymore’s Sherlock Figned a contract for Thais lit Holmes in the Ooldwyn photoplay of W pear In “Man-Woman-Marris* QUESTIONS LONDON ITEM. that title which comes to the Dominion Dumbells Company Will Be Man, Woman, Marriage1 Theatre to-day for three days only. Seen at Three Per Will Be Presented at WARD FOUR MEETINU Some time ago Chief White Elk and Another Week’s Sale of Young Is am English actor who haa Wife appeared on the local stage, formances Columbia and lectured about their grievances made a reputation for himself upon the as reservation Indigna in. the. Unite* Women’s and Misses’ Captain H. W. Plunkett’s new State», the Chief declaring that ai- slouching Insouciance, bored careleea- Getting children to play in the movies though a graduate in medicine he ness and a vague pusslement as to what ~>umbelta" company will offer Its latest la not as eaay a matter as It looks, and wae unàble to practise his profession. Seasonable and Most Popular life i§ ail about. He first came into, d moçt spectacular overseas revue, being technically a ward of the Gov prominence through hie acting with, the I entitled. “Carry On.' St the Pantagee •gainst it in assembling his cast for the Washington ^Square players and then TheatreWStfe forfer FridayFrida and Saturday and Associated First National attraction, Arthur Honklns engaged him to act In | Saturday matinee * • Man-Woman-Marriage," at the Colum­ COLUMBIA theGracious, Clare KummerAnnabel." gossamer-play, in which he “madeGood I augmentedThe organisation end strengthened has bean by bia Theatre. He required three sets of two children, each to play roles ef two THEATRE a j|iy———.— —-----... .1.—1 dit ion - ' of -the - outstandln~ —•taragfiz from youngsters who must appear at widely TO-DAY nl«v “<* of ,h* ,nur divisional partie, that Fcjuirated ages and atill look as though DRESSES jaw a. WIM O»^ which had k were ore.nl.rd In France. Tne com- Price: Adult 16c, 20c. Children, they were tn# kiddies originally used. Wide range of pattern* in varioua wanted materials. The r,? pl.Vred P“y no* number, thirty-two Canadian After examining every ctrtld registered Chief Inspector In motion picture studios of the West of the Indian Department for B. C. pick of fashionable garments ie offered at a great reduction The Wonder Flay ef Coast and in the various agencies, five ordüFr that the full measure of sue- Delight* J55S52SÆu.» it.® «ira.in «.*.=£« were selected, but the sixth one could eaye as far a# he know* Chief White in prices. not be |«**^*t^ cess will be assured this function. It was suggested that advertising In 721 YATES STREET Los Angeles papers might bring the de­ Quarrel about trifle# If you reatly CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN “Man, Woman, Marriage” sired result. The ads were placed and Drama-Eternal. Starring net quarrel. The lees one has to answered by more than ten thousand larrel à bout the better. DOROTHY PHILLIPS Children, either In pereon or by mall, The greatest lore story of the but "none were suitable ■Agee—told in the tears ef a aiave- It was In the evening when traffic In glrl in pagan courts; in the. cry of the downtown section of Loe Angeles a gorgeous Amazon; In the emllee was busiest. The streeta were lammed of a mediaeval bride: and In the with automobiles. At a jammed Inter­ heart-throbs of the women of to­ section Alien Holuber looked out of hie day. fighting for Mother-Right In a world of Man Wild Animale—Wonderful Scenes. Special Three Days • BIO RIELS A Fleet National Attraction Shave, Bathe and ••arched for eo loos. &ptain himself, complete a cant that Quick a* a flash he stopped Me ma­ Shampoo with one would be impossible to duplicate from chine In the middle of the street and the ranks of the Canadian Army. made a dash Into the throng to halt There are twenty-six new musical the mother. Soap.— Cuticura numbers in the score of "Carry On," and In the crowd he located the youngster, two brand-new military sketches. The hut for a moment It was hard to deter­ LAYHOUSE entire production Is. •« usual, under the mine what woman she was with, since (•ersonal direction of Capt. Ni. W. Plun- no one wae holding her and many wo- *ett. who la making hla flirit public ap- close to her. pearanceiwiaranr. inIn CanadaL'an.A.. this*LI- season,uu_ _singingj.__ Holuber hla own eonga and telling a few stories the arm. "Here, lust a moment," h« TO-DAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY and getting acquainted. said, breathlessly. ’’I want yob.” CLOSED In an instant the mother «notched thi little rtrl away and protested indignant­ ly 'Hie crowd, quick to aee somethin* THIS WEEK out of the ordinary had happened, Royal halted. A G old wyn Picture WERT "He's trying to kidnap that little girl.’ an aged woman shouted to------“------who had followed the prod crowd when he left hla auto in tl FOR PREPARATION Victoria street, where it had compl From the Diary of HAS APPRECIATE the traffic. OF THE "I want that child for ___ Sherlock Holme* TO-NIGHT AND that was as far aa he got before the cop cut In. "Tell the asergeant------* “at the ALL WEBK elation what you want itV fer." he said, Monday. Received mysteri­ "You’re pinched for tblocking traffic, FAIRY TALE creating a disturbancea on— _a public_____ ous message signed Alice Lampson Street School Choir thoroughfare and—mon*n’n likely kid- Faulkner. She is held cap­ a precession started for Heartily Applauded station. In the lead tive. Left Baker Street at were a red-fared cop, an Irate woman. Extravaganza a crying child and an expostulating man 11 p.m. Dropped cabby at As was anticipated, there waa an •unusually large audience at the band Westminster Bridge. Prof. Alice in concert, one of the eerie# given on Sunday evening* by the band of the Moriarty takes too me* far 16th Canadian .Scottish, last evening granted. At midnight en­ 800 People at the Capitol Theatre. The well- known and popular choir of lAtmpeon tered underground passage Wonderland in Cast Street School, E*qulmalL took charge of -the latter part of an interesting evening ef my Largest, »nL Most Spectacular Starting production ever ehown on ■ued, the many manifestations of de­ Adapted William Pacific Çoaat, light were' instant and prolonged. Expresses Gratitude to Tan- The finit part of the programme Oiilette» \y found- consisted of four numbers by the lac for Ending Stomach ed on Sir Dpyle's National Dance»,' Cabarets, band, the "Poet and Peasant” over­ Wed., Feb. 14 ture (Suppe), the "Musical Switch." Trouble and Indigestion ot storie». Ballet», Open», Mammoth a clever sidmlxture of many popular airs and melodies, by Alford, an Eng­ Ten Years’ Standing Box Office Open Pyramid. lish bandmaster, this number de­ manding an additional selection, the "Tanlac not only stopped my stom­ Evqjy Day Evening. 60c to $2. *band * . . SPR*the "March of the ach trouble, but it built roc up ten Wooden Soldiers, and the comic tat- pounds and I am one of its finest Matinees ("Wednesday and Sa# too, "Musicians’ Strike," being espe­ friends from now on," bras the em­ urday), 26c to |1, plus tax. cially singled out for approbation and phatic statement of George IL Ralph, applause. Bandmaster James M. Mil­ 1839 16th Ave .W. Calgary. Albert* Phone 3801 ler again accomplished much with Mr. Ralph Is In the trucking business his forces. The solo by Bandsman and is well known. Charles Raine, a very accomplished "For ten years." he said. "I suf­ layer of the trombone, “Lend Me fered from storqach trouble and in­ » our Aid” (Gounod), was splendidly digestion. I had no appetite and Just Ç! given and received a storm of ap-had to force myself to eat. Even ilause, the talented bandeman giv- fng In response td an undeniable

Reformed Episcopal Young People’s tanged such a eucceeaful programme. rankk that commencing ne fro* V. C- Alexander. S. J. The following is a Hat of the soiiEIU* gardeners will lecturerNs Ilona litwill y deaf* with great1» whichcomposer* the two boneecqtlv, «rills will be etniek iriws. A. B. Department. Many appreciative Off the etreneth of till, unit. This Thursday, February .1, ISM. a»F comments wêre heard after the en­ the accompaniments of which were of the various countrlee of the world. A merit her of the battalion who is ab­ Mine. A. K. ftlne. W. V. MoMuir. C. MEET TO-MORROW order will be etrietly adhere to. M. Rote. T. M. Sherwood, F. Slnnott, tertainment whloh Showed that the ably rendered by Mias A. de Moore: PLAYHOUSE TO speeial programme of music- will be sent from three consecutive com­ Mise D. McTsvleh—"1 Cannot b.ng rendered. Including songs, niano solos C. E. BALL. O. Stewart, G. T. Taylor, J. Vincent old song» and costumes were en­ Major per O. A. C, manding officer1» parade» without tho Old Bong»." "In Old Mâdrld. VrtSrt«iri.. TS?è*T.x!y,h,>' meeting of the and dwell, representative of the great reasonable excuse will be considered and W. H. Whitley. joyed by all. * masters of the various countrlee. Mr. O. C. No. 1 Co,. 11th . O. "Sweet Alice Ren Bolt." J^etrlct Gardener." Aeeo- Charleeworth has on several occasions as inefficient and «truck off the Cnmelletiea. i Fond memories of past daye were Mrs. F. M. Shandley—"Twickenham mîîwT11 it hel< *” the City Hall strength of the nnlt. brought back to all older folk» by. PRESENT "ALICE rotntedMwd-morrow. Th» epanno.nloctel conunlttre______I._ ’___ap- given muecal lectures to Y. P. Societies Battalion order No. *4. Part 2. parai >err>," "Love s Old Sweet Song!” 1«TH CANADIAN SCOTTISH. VSr îhi ' -dr*tl regulation, and echedule of various churches, and the forthcom­ Attestation,. graph 16, dated November 17, 1122. such conge ae “Love's Old Sweet Misa O. 8tubbs—"The Blue A last las ing lecture, which will be entirely new, Bong,” “DoWn by the Old Mill rTeo’ïii—monthly competition,, promises to be most Interesting In every le hereby cancelled, and the following Mountains." "The Mldehlptoite" be nt—vrved regarding the respect. Thle lecture Is given by spe­ Battalion Order», Feb. Z, IMS The following men having been substituted. Stream.’’ "Sweet Alice Ben Bolt" and Mies G. Povah—"Down by the Old in, cup for the beet kept home cial reuueet of the Young People of the Lieut.-Col. H. M Urquhert, D.8.O.. duljr attested are taken on the No. 169. Pte. J. Boeher: No. 2. ap­ rrhe Mldahipmite.” IN WONDERUND” " Î!"l w™ meke their report » this strength of the battalion and posted Mill Stream." ^ First Presbyterian Church and there M.C.. ADC.. (Tmunandlng. pointed lance-corporal, dated Novem­ A feature of *he entertainment of Mr. F. M. Shandley—“In the Gloam­ "7 -fi hoped that every mem- to companlce on date» stated ngulnet her will make an effort to attend, bo will be uo aqmslalon charge. Duties for the week ending Febru­ ber 17, 1111. special note was that all the cos­ ing.*’ "The Warrior Bold." The tremendous amount of work thï JElL! ^ 1 full dlecueelon of ary 9: their names: No. 261. Pte. F. Forreet. g. Appointment. tumes worn by the artiste were some After numerous requests Involved in the production" of a a.wÎÛÏm™ '° Ue,adopted, end that the ELEVENTH C. M. G. BRIGADE. Officer of the week. Lieut. R. B. No. 1, January 26; No. 166, Pte. G. Ü of those in actual use fqrty or fifty, Barker, No. 2. Janailfy 14; No. 28s, No.TM. Lance-Corporal J. Boeher, cert ts being repeated next 1-nday modern pantomime le such that It eari? ïuïi1 ïïîï ïî en» hied to make an Mathews: next for duty, Cept. J. O. No. 2, appointed corporal thle date. year» ago. The lights and setting of evening at eight o’clock in the Re­ r. e.ntît u .2!" "I* eeeaqn’e work. It No. 1 Company, 11th C. M. G. Bri­ Pte. R. J. Mofftt, No. I, January 2». will necessitate the closing of the tiom?*5ui*L»,.he* ,,ht monthly cempetl- Smith. the stage were specially arranged to formed Epiacopel Schoolroom. gade. will parade St the New Drill Battalion orderly sergeant. Hrrgt. ' Struck Off. suit theee old dresse» by the stage popular Playhouse for this week. In . onivJÎ ÎL } _X!,ly “n um t" better Leave of absence for private affaire nf.™ exhibits, but alao lend Hall, Bay Street, tin Thursday nest, J. L. Joule: neat for duly. Bergt. J. The foHowrtig N.C.O.’e and men hae been granted Captain W. Mention managers, L. Gordon and H. Shand- CONFERENCE AT ROS8LAND iesponee to hundred! of requests for e mtereet In the work of February 8. at 7.45 a. m. Dress, drill y. Foreyth. haying failed to render themeelvee from January 26 to April 1, 1122. In- !ïnd^iM| 1ned Mr. Tate haa returned to Spokane. The announcement that the Play­ member of this unit who Is absent Dreee, drill order, songs and a sketch was given by the Young People could not have ar- house company are to offer this at­ without permission from parade tor It I» no tilled for Information of all Donald:1 Privates R. C. Colpltte, F. tractive production will no doubt be received with a great deal of pleasant anticipation. MÊME:' FIRST CHURCH YEAR ALL THIS STARTING J. T. MclImoyJ Made a Life WEEK TODAY Member of Management Board Er\terteJr\rner\l -Th* annuki meeting of the First :«ySW„ riiibywian Church, held on Thnrw- *n the church hall, synchronised with the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the original structure at the corner of Bianshard and Pandora Streets and was marked by progress in all departments. A large attendance of members took Of the many good pictures played at tlie Capitol we •art in the proceedings, according the unusual honor of life membership on the board of management to J. T. Mc- Storm Country” as the greatest picture attraction JJmoyL the bestowal of this recogni­ tion of loyal service being by a stand­ privileged to present. _;______;____ ing unanimous vote. Proceedings were opeped by ’the pastor. Dr. W. O. Wilson, who then vacated the chair to Alexander Stew­ This Offering Will Be Played at Popular Prices art, chairman of the board of man­ agement. , » Reports tor the year showed en couraglng progress In nil departments Adults,,35c All Day. Children, Matinee, 10c; Evening, 15c. Loges, 50c. of the church’s activity. Membership had grown to 1.190. contributions tor all purposes bad amounted td over $20,000, while the Sunday School and Young People’s Department had shown a total enrolment of 117, in­ cluding the Cradle Roll of I2S and the Ndy-dgtit teachers and officers. The reports of the Women’s Mis­ sionary Society and the Ladles' Aid ware also highly pleasing, the former having raised over $1,100 for missions while the latter has made a record In being Instrumental in securing more than $2,600 for church purposes. Six members of the board of man­ agement retired thle year, four being re-elected, theee being A. Stewart A. McKeachie, D. McKillop and O. W. Beveridge. The new members elected were J. M. Fraser and W. T. At the conclusion of the business session the Men’s Association served refreshment. MASQUERADE BALL BY CIVIL SERVANTS ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT lb, a,enS fee,ill i ■ bell whieh le bel,g arranged by the Victoria branch nf the Provincial Civil Service Aeeocla- ilon will take piece on Wedneedey night In the Alexandre ballroom. The committee to-dey announced that the ttcketa for thle affair ere In popular •iemand and the IndlcntUme are that the ball will be a Iremendeue eueceee. Fancy dreee will be optional, bat ell theee attending the bell will be request- ed to wear meek, until after the Grand March, which will be held et 11.16 p. m. for the Judging of Jÿe costumes. the opening warty erthe ban «1 etart at « p. m. and dancing will con­ Appear! ng in Her tinue wit il 1 s. with Heatoa’a eg. chert re In attendance


Ne. 1 Milk.

Next to a pure water supply, the Production problem of obtaining a pure milk supply for towns and cities Is one which luis taxed ethe best minds among health workers- for years It would eeem that people recognised without any question the necessity for a pure supply of water, yet the need for an uncontaminated milk supply does not eeem to have im­ pressed Itself so firmly on the popu­ lar mind. Tet both supplies have a very vital and common bearing on the health of any community. Milk forme the «ret article of diet of the young, of that great division wf ltfb known- as the mammalian. Un­ der normal condition!, this milk I» produced and eupplled In usually a healthy form, by the mother of the young In question. Given therefore, a healthy mother capable of main­ taining this supply over a normal per­ iod, the offspring thrives The ques­ tion of the purity of the supply In The Screen’s Greatest Star in the Screen’s Greatest Triumph this ease, aside from the actual health of the mother,’ la one. therefore, which does not occasion concern. But milk. In addition to being the .-•set article of diet of the young of the mammalian world, also forma a large Ten Reels of Exquisite Entertainment part of the dietary ef the people at large, and because of this. the Im­ portance of the------* *K* — The extremely less of the Storm Country” Starts at 2,4.20, 6.40 and 9 P-M.—Continuous 2 Till 11 PH. mçaâsmtm&&IÊ&Ê30lÊÊHsÿi&B&KIBÊÊÊÊl6MBGÊÊB& Ideal article for consumption at prac­ tically all sitages of MO. àn» while R Is one of the most universally used of foods, it ti, unfOrunately. one of the meet perishable, and at the same time the most easily contaminated of our recognised food products. Science and common sense have demonstrated the necessity for a pure CAPITOL ORCHESTRAL ORGAN EXTRA! EXTRA! supply of water for human consump­ tion, and hae also pointed the way Muaicdlly Interpreting This Attraction With the Original Mueical Score for an equally pure supply of milk. yet the average care shown by the In­ CONCERT NUMBERS dividual consumer of the tiro com­ Round Two of the New Leather Pushers modities. is sadly lacking In respect “Give Me Back My Kisses”...... Trot to the latter. It h true that greater Grand Finale, From ...... ‘‘Poet and Peasant difficulties are encountered when It to the question of milk, yet A. X. W0L7ENDEN st the Organ “HE RAISED KANE" them are Ineurmountebie, and rcamnihla care exercised from - ■- i : . . : the producer all along the line to. " 'Mill’s and including the consumer, would afford the same assurance when yeu open your mlik bottle In the morn­ ing. as you fuel when /eu rare the water-tap for a glass of water.


BUSINESS DIRECTORY MUTT AND JEFF | (Copyrlet • 1»20. By H. C. riiher. (Continued) Isn’t Jeff the Limit? Trade Mirk Be* In Cinnd».» FURRIERS ptOMTER, FRED^-Hlgh-st price tor row fur. 2114 GàVeriimei.t Street ye%. YOV HAve tW« ' ML H«uk.o ;...... YAAS Bvr WRONG NUMB€C". HEAVY TRUCKING • ••••»• *• ostew-r this is SAP oil NSON BROS—General truckles aa4 RAWWft builders* supplies. Pacific lime, ploo­ fter. cement, brick, eand, gravel, etc. Phone o^ee: 4TK. 27<4 Ayeburv Street. ^ HOTELS — • « OTEL a LB ANT. 1421 Government St. Furnished bedrooms. hn\ and cold Hwater Weekly r»l>» Pnone 7<«M LI OXY ACETYLENE WELDING LL claeaee of weldlns,. eiy-acetyleee .and electric processes British Weld- Aln« to,. 833 Pembroke St Phone 2414. 64 3; l AST IRON, brass, steel and aluminum C' welding. U. Edwards. 414 Courtier

ELECTRIC and oly-acetylene welding. J ship repair». tollerinek-re. blacksmith work,f braes and Iron seating», etc. Vic­ toria Machinery Depot Co.. Ltd. Phone 474. *- tr-*4 n ELDING AND BRAZING dene by Star • W Garage. 358 View. Phene 4T74. ùl PAINTING painting and decorating, phono FW|'734SL2. Kaleomlnlng $1.74 ta 13.04 per room, any sire. * f2 64 T>AINTINO. paperhanging, decora tine. T C. 1 74411.1. T>AINTS—144% pure. Forrester's, phono A 1*1. 1421 Douglas Street. tf-S4

PLUMBING AND HEATING E. H AS ENFRATZ—Plumbing Ins. repairs all kinds 1441 1 te 474. 1 HAYWARD A PODS LTD. MISCELLANEOUS Phone» 1444 and 2444L. COMING EVENTS. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS LOTS FOR SALE. (Contln^d) (Continuai) \a Stxtorta Sails Elm** (Continued). NARNSEW STREET—Large lot for sale /YHAJRS se-oaned a no all kinds of cane OCKING. James Bay plumber. work exécùted at moderate prices. 8771. 613 Toronto Street, t BOMB MORE SNAPPY BUYS. EVERYTHING MUST GO REGARDLESS ( •1^~~~ tanksH installed, ranges connected. Advertising Phone No. 1090 ANCE. Young Mena Institute, la OF COST Dennis Gllmerj 142 Pandora, '•hoa# 142L n Knight» of Columbus Hall. Wednes­ 1424 FORD TOURl&G ...... f335 Xf RS. HUNT le retiring from business and HOUSES fOR SALE Hath* roe cuaanu advbktwiso day; February 7th. Darning 4 to 1 Mu«lc •J7PC—Mclauoiilin master *six. i-fj. the large stock of ladles', geata* and ÜURN1TUR46—If you want bargain» In yyiLRON^ the modern plumber. Fraser Situations Vacant. Situations Wanted. Te by Oaard'a orchestra. Admission 44c. in­ V* • In real good order, children’s clothing la being disposed of. IkUNOAl-OW for sale. $1.444; 4 rooms. jutmalL House plumbing cludingmom* rerrip-iitnirnn. f r«sh ment». -- - U household or office furniture. It will ... RwiU Articles for bale. I^t or Found, etc^. 1114 CHEVROLET TOURING ft CHEVROLET. 1»24. 6-eeater. The business can be bought as a going I* bath. Dutch kitchen, electric llaht: pay you to give us a call: also s few good Estimates or labor. our «1# per word per Insertion. Contract rats» r KAHN* the new dances thoroughly by Absolutely as good as now. S?êc|[riAU Good and Clean—No Inquiries let fenced; chicken house and run; five rifles, bicycles and prams. We buy or mil nvestment. •n application. IJ t onin-tent Instructors at the Menalee •OQfir—NASH *1“ -A beautiful car at hiinutex iroro Quadra Hireet Jitney and anvthtng in the household Mne. $♦> ■Mull. V m — a.l.lr^.4 lit PsHQbertOB Bldg. 1424 DODGE TOURING dPe'e'*’ a very low prb 1 by Phoae------bus; abouti» minutes from Hillside car. No advertisement for ,Jeee than 1R- Studiv. New addrew. 317 Pei 742 IX>RT STREET tf-14 Bastion Street, near Court House. Phohe PATENT ATTORNEYS Minimum number of words. 14. Phone 2344. fJQK-MCLAUGHLIN[»LAUGH LI N BABY Will rent If desired. 112.64 per month. 944.______M la computing the number of words In an ILITARY 640. Orange Hall. Tuesday. *------.salreal nice nice famll. family car.___ NE HORSE Spring Tooth "Acme” cul­ Phone 41471,1...... -—■■ --v|M3 L. botpen. m. I. E. E- Patna»» and 1417 MCLAUGHLIN BABY SIX. . DQQK—1**41*3* FORD,FORD. S-eeater,4-seater, la HOOD has moved hie barber business advertisement, estimate groups of three or .4.^0. Fourteen icnp pris*.*. ti-t tivator. 74-egg hot water Incubator. l.TOR QUICK SALK at a sacrifice— T• trade marks. 447 Union Beak Bold- ' less figure» a" one word. Dollar marks ea4 M #vK%J good order. O ...... k stove; 261 Cat 8.L. J Country home In four acres, mostly to 1412 Douglae Stroetv Ing, Victoria. B. C. Phone 914. — — AttQUERADM- . . . ej, MNC**, . u.,1, —t'I^dlee* _.11— Au*- ft*)!VHm GRAY-DORT SPECIAL, ta all- abbreviations count es one word. AHQUERAIH rtesrwd. 1 «>«« s. 1n«Hudlng bathroom, CjAWS. toots,’ knives, gchwova put .!» Advert|eere whs eo desire may have r*- Uldry.lltdry, St. Andrew's and Caledonia' 1424 GRANT SIX TOURING flret-claee order. running water from good well which has lee addressed to g boa at The Times of- Society,M Caledon' ledonla I Hall. Thursday. *th. 4 JjvjrjQ—d41 ILFORD, running and look- TkELlABLB mailing HeU of Victor!#and shape. Phor.e W. Emery. 1647 Glad- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE nbver gone dry. two other wells for cows ptono Avenue. tf->4 o and fo*warded to their private addreM to if. Prises f o'clock. IS-34.4b44 to eell-àt a reasonable price.______tf|4 like a watch. KY lent shape, duet heqch. eemplete signed (being exactly ALEXANDER, sewers, eeptie tanks. Henry Selllck. of Kansas City, and aster six Mclauohlw. isai Also two Ford Tenrlage, priced right. (used), cheap. 711 Yatee. 1 11 APARTMENTS. the name as If done T• cement work, tile draina Phene Alfred Helllck, of this city. four daugh­ model, first-else# shape; snap for A. B. HUMPHRIES MOTORS. LTD.. on your own 7529. 6* ter». Mrs. R. H. Taylor, «f this elty; HELP WANTED—MALE quickM sale. Dominion Garage. \i 1 hone 41». Corner View and Vapeenver Sta mRY the Rltehle Frees with your print- ROOMED and 2-roomed. furnished typewriter). Mrs. F* Dykes, of Edmonton. Alberta; 1 Ins orders. You will like our work. TYPEWRITERS Mr*. K. If. Snail, of Wellington, B. C.. ARTS for K. M. P-. Appereon. Hu| 5 ■ pertinente. Humboldt Apartmenta —It doe* mimeo­ N INTELLIGENT * PERSON, either Phono 1*41. 714 Courtney Street. ml-lt Phone 1424. mt-41 graphing and and Mr» H. E. Mill», of Seattle. Wash.. ■es. may earb 1144 to $244 monthly bile, Ford and Chevrolet, etc. EXTRA SPECIAL RAROAIN. IUTERS—New and eoeeed-haadt also two brother», of Victoria, and A Pff -W Frank aCameron.------**• 444 Vf ^lew Street.. YTSBD Singer hand sawing machine, multlgraphlng of every corresponding for newspaper#; 414 to 414 CHEVROLET. 444 SPECIAL. kind. chlnea^Unlta. rentals: ribbons for all ma- one sister, of Selkirk. Manitoba. weekly In spare time; experience unneces­ Phone 1446. V cheap for cash. 714 Yatee. 14 WANTED TO BUY—HOUSES ______Jailed Typewriter Ce.. Ltd, 744 The remain» are repoeihir at the Thom* sary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. 1922 CANNOT BE DETECT! —it doe* add reusing • CASH OR TERMS— FIve-passen- FROM NEW CAR. CORD TIRES. SPAI TP YOU DO NOT SEE what you are look- and mailing from Fort Street. Victoria. Phoae «T44. 6» eon Funeral Home. 142S Quadra Street, Send for particulars. National Press W I.OvF ger Overland touring, flret-claee WANT to buy a « roomed bungalow on from where the funeral will take place Bureau. Buffalo. N. T.______ft-14 TIRE. BUMPERR ANDAND OTHER SXTR-gXTHAB. I lag for advertised here, why aot adver­ reliable mailing lists Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, when the 1424 paid. If» CAR ONLY FIVEIVB ------MONTHS OLD.------FRI­ tise your wswrf Born eon* amongst the I at least two lota In a good district, or your own lists. TILE CONTRACTOR Rev. William Stevenson, of the Emmanuel ROWER, general florist line. Phone 4447 L. vately OWNED.ED. FOR QUICK ejQQ thousands ef readers will meet likely have preferably furnished. furnace ; small cash In short. It doea Victoria Nurseries, fil Vie vitre» V SALE ONLY Juet what you are looking for and be glad payment, good monthly payments. Full Baptist Church, will officiate. The re­ G particulars .to Bpx 343. Times. fl-4S everything appertaining mains will be laid to rest In Row Bay f7-10 USED CARS. te Mil at a reasonable uric* tf44 ■ Bpx I to legitimate Tom McDonald. 11H Crok. JAMESON A WILLIS. LTD.. ^Fiteode kindly accept this Intimation. A | EN wanted for detective work. Ex- NOT M advertising. ' > «»» PIVB-PA S8ENOER FORD ...... log fpr advertised here, why not adver­ ill perlence unnecessary. Write J. 74» BROUGHTON ST- PHONE BOATS WINDOW CLEANING Ganor. former Oov't Detective. St. UMh tise your want? . Someone amongst the *■ NEWTON FIVE-PASSENGER OVERLAND /'CYLINDER grinding, motorboat and thousands of readers will moot likely have ADVERTISING FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Vv motorcar impairs, marine wxya. etc. just what you are looking for and be glad AGENCY. WINDOW AND OVERLAND DELIVERY ...... l^elljt » rceeonat^_prlçe_j—_ tf«» CLKA.NINO CO. AN, with team weighing tot less than LI- atovea. furniture. Armstrong Broe.. 134 Klnsiton Street. 44 1.444 lbs. wanted: teng Job. Phene Advertisement Writer» and Advertising Pioneer I'lrm M SEVEN PASSENGER COLE .... A low prices to clear. ACREAGE. Contractor». W. H. S14 Yatae Street. WANTS O—MISCELLANEOUS Multigraph and Mimeograph Circular Let­ rtn el. D-44 MCLAUGHLIN ...... ters and Poet carda Addreesing. Mailing WANTED - First-class automobile riOOD home wanted for fox terrier SQi¥|—Large let, near No. * car and 717 Johnson Street- H-14 school, tea view. P. O. Boa 174. Rates Quoted for Local. Dominion and WOOD AND COAL * * palamr. SEVEN-PASSENGER WILLTS- flAAA Yl (male), country preferred. Bex *14. Foreign Publications ANDS Times. ft-19 V le t or la. f3-4 6 Suite 94. Winch Bldg Phone 1411 f5 AELE______HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES; KNIGHT...... «ILlnjV iST FIR CORD WOOD—Dry. 12 14-Inch. FUNERAL CO. greatest Imaginable demand ; hâve ONE TON REPUBLIC #7*01 /CANADA PRIDE RANGE! IX7ANT36D—Old bicycles and parts, la any ANTED—One or two.acres with 6-room B $1 cord; bark. $4. Ridley A Sons, business of your own; make ,Tve dollars v other 4 and 4-hole etovi SIS. 1 Y condition. Victory Wreckage Cyole W house, furnished. Send all oarticu- nee 42*2 and 6141L.? fl$-I4 Office and chapel. 1411 Quadra Street. up dally; capital or experience unneces­ Works Phone 736. $81 Johnson Btreat. lars Box l26 Time», The Above Care la Good Running Order. JJRT CORDWOOD. II or 14-Inch. 94.64. promptly attended to dey or night, sary. Brad ley -Garretson. Brantford. Ont. FRED SMITH A CO.. Will call at any address. tf-19 Best fir Move w ood at 17.7». two eerde (phones: Office $744. Rua. 443$ and 7041. FARM LANDS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Terme Can Be Arransed. Aectloneere and Furniture Don leva. W/ANTED—Used tente; no objection to a >16.44. Phon* 4474 or Belmoat >X. 64 HELP WANTED—FEMALE YY few holes. Victoria Tent Factory. tr from owners having VON-SALT WATER — Bark, blocks^ McMORRAN'S OARAGE. 1449 Breed St. at Jehneea. 13 Phone 1141. 414 Tandora Ave t#-f* WAMT 1 ADDING MACHINES FUNERAL CO- LTD. »1 farm -for—aala^-glv»-.particular», and li kindling, dry fir. r. T. Tapecott YOU DO NOT BEE what you are look- meee s»s:------rffarwanTir». -Set- 4447 ! :< TREKS wanted In the office of 727 Johnson Street. Phoae 1477 TP lowest price. John J. Black. Chippewa "YkALTON Adding Machines'—Only ten I the Factory Inepeclor âld MtrImuni JL lag for advertised here, why set adver­ Falls. Wlaconeln. ______f2-44 7S4 Broughton Street. a/ keys. Ask for demonstration la your B.C. Wage Board. Vancouver: Initial salary. AUTO BARGAINS. ANADA PRIDE range, waterfrent. un­ tise your wawtf Someone amouget the Own office. United Typewriter Co.. Ltd.. *I.t-4» per annum. Applicants must bo usual anas. thousand* of readers will moot likely have TIMBER 722’Port Street. Victoria. Phone 4744. 44 Calls Attended to at All Hours. British subjects, resident of Canada for at 1*4* — BT7ICK. seven-passenger. over­ 724C Tales Street. just what you are looking for and be glad least one year, of the full age f eighteen hauled and painted, good rubber. to Mil at a reasonable price. tfl* TIMES TUITION CARDS Moderate Chargee. Lady Attendant, 12,044—TWIN SIX PACKARD Roadster TXAN POUPARD. the fruit apocialtm. 11*4 IMBER TRACTS for eat*, any else. Call in', tmt more than forty-five years of VX7ANTED—For cash, on# light two- ART GLASS nbalntlftg for Shipment a Specialty. age must have had actual experience in 3944—Dodge Touring. Winter top. Will JL/ Douglas Street. #*11» good fruit. 11 T pn us for particulars. Ryan. Mcln EDUCATIONAL factory work and able to detect ungtmrded trade for seven-passenger V' wReeled dump wagon. In good condi­ tosh Timber Co., u*ltd.. 7*1-4— Belmoatc---- - House. OY S ART GLASS, leaded lights; 1116 Phones 2234. 2214. 2237. 1773R. 1244—FORD Touring, starter, usw top. T^URNITURB of 6-roon>ed hoelee for tion Phone 3474. fi-lt Victoria, b tf-44 machinery of a dangerous character and Ju sale. 243 Henry Street. «-** R tiHORTHAND School. 1411 Oov*L Com- to suggest safety devices ; must be thor­ USED PARTS—Axle*. gears, springs. MBBR—Small tracte of four to six Phone 7571. f— cushions, carburetors, windshields, etc. TAN TED—Safe, about 8 ft. high. O merci»I subjects Successful graduates oughly familiar with the operation of tne 130R SALE—Horse and çow manure. Phone 774. f«-l* — million feet of Crown granted timbertlifiber * ... .■ ■—------our recommendation. TeL $74. B. A. Mac. Factories Act in relation to women and TIRES from IS up. 14x3, 32x1*. 14x4. r Phone 44171* fte-14 forr sale, also ties and mine proud' on Bast . 34x4, 14x4. 34x41 and 37x4. la Meek. XX/ANTED—To purchaM. household fur- BOOKS «• Thomson Funeral Home employees and - with the Minimum Wage T30R SA LH-—Choice antiques Mrs. Coast of V. I. on the railway end close to Aon Application forma may l>e obtained 1T nlture; Mtlmatee free. Redfern ■ tidewater. Pranco-Canadlan Co.. Ltd.. 11» "^SUNSHINE LODGE." College for Yeung from any Government Agent and will be PACIFIC OARAGE. r Woollatl. 1434 St. Chari»* 8L Phone biorage, phone 4141. m»-l| OHS T. DBAV1LLB. Prop. U. C Book O Cltlxens will re-open on Monday. rbon 491 Nl«ht or D.r «M4Y. 11 ^iSâffi&sËsSissssSssÈsSMEiBsssasa^ Exchange, library. 711 Fort 8L Phone -eceived by W. II. Maclnne*. Civil Service tX7ANTED--A good lawn roller. Phone January 3. 1433. The course of instruc­ CemmlKSloner. Victoria. ~B. C. , f$-Il 441 View Street Phoae IIS#. i21^=b______—______a? tion Includes preparation for entrance and LICENSED EMBALMCR3 Ask for "Mr. Junkle.- >V uni a-i> POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK le built on character development. Mon- matlc step. $34 worth records, paid BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS teeeorl method In kindergarten and Junior 1421 Qu.dr. Street 8111. will sacrifice for |S6; bicycle. |$S; FURNISHED SUITES ;OODY HENS for sale. Nlcholl, cor. grades. Modern equipment throughout. new; Perfect sewing machine. $26. Wheeler: 1>\Jflillslde end Doncaster St* f«->2 UPROTT-SHAW BUSINESS INSTITUTE parlor aulte. mahogany. 964. 1462 HsUwt nything 1» building or Prospectus seat on application. H. K. Street. Take Ferawood car. ITIL’RNISMBD. three-roomed suite, doe* F YOU DO NOT SEE what xou are look­ phone 174*. Roofing a specspecialty. T. Hall wrlght, principal 414 Telmle Aft., 17 —Courues : Commercial etenography. In. bath. gs». 111. 47I6L fl-20 Vjr££££|!=!±£; clerical, higher accounting, collegiate pre­ I ing for advertised here, why not adver­ AThlrkell. 64 TNQR BALE—One 21 h. p. return tubular tise your want? Someone amongst the paratory. Cfvfl Service. .Phone 24 or 17 boRer. Il» I be. pressure; one 71 h. p. YLMELD APARTMENTS—Modern. fsr- write for svilabue. Individual Instruction. L alshed eultee to let. Phone 1386V. thousands of reader* will most likely have VITHEN YOU WANT THE WORK WELL MUSIC M’CALL BROS. 1,244-speed motor; one » h. p. 1 *4#-speed Juet what you are looking for and be glad lV DONE, have C. H. McMillan, con­ New WeHer Bldg. New pupils will be motor; quantity of 1 7-14 shafting and Johnson Street, at Vancouver Street. accepted each Monday for day school a id to sell at a reasonable price. 4f33 tractor and builder, do IL Phone- 1474. A DVANCBD and elementary violin tul- box Economy Wet Wash Laundry, cor. fXLYMFIC APARTMENTS. 1134 May; A tlon. Special terms for beginners. Directors of Sympathetic Funeral Service each Tuesday for night school. 31 WE WANT Rock Bay and John Street. Phone 3224. —Two geese and gander forVITANTEI» at Moderate Cost. v/ furnished flat Phone 42110 for no- It breeding, unrelated. Send prices, Dmry Pryce. 1344 Fort i-;‘»uti»iH.------1U! 1X7M. F. DRYHDALE CO., manuiacturer* ISS INA K. GORDON, teacher of (Mrs. McCall In attendance If requested.) Y30R SALE—2 pairs of men # skates and delivered In city. Apply Box 447 Times Phone 313. v i of aaeh, doors, mouldings, etc. Phone piano and violin. 843 Blansbard St. FORD OWNERS J1 boots sixes 8 and 4. 14.44 pair; elec­ FURNISHED ROOMS Factory. 1433 North Paik St. tf-68 M SANTED—2 waitresses, at once, Kel- tric toaster. $3; all In first-claee condi­ SËi way*# cafe, 1144 Douglas St. f4-ll BUSINESS CHANCES. U Q TRADE In their old care for new tion. Phonoâfft. ______fl-13 IXTESTHOLME HOTEIa—In addition to MONUMENTAL WORKS CHIMNEY SWEEP ENGINEERING IXTANTED—House perler maid, apply r orlHL Our used cars, backed by our TpOR SALE—Small drop leaf oak dining Y Y our traasSeat business we have a INCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR SALE— MORTIMER A SON—Stone aodmoSu- t t >30 I'rmbrrton Road. aboolufS^Marentee. have been selling!' fastI table; library table, two drawers; oak few comfortable rooms, hot and cold water, J Large territory, giving first class W. HEARN, the clean sweep. Clean!!- TUDENTS prepared for certificates. and we need more cars to fill ow our telephone and elevator service. Very rea­ I cabinet; carpet and other goods. Phone sonable rates to permanent «ueste. retvrne. Splendid prospecte for xqpd turn­ S W. O. Winterburn. 321 Central Bldg. J• mental work. 72* Courtaey Street. stock. Bring In your used ear and let tyi 4734L ______*T-II over on email Investment. Own-r has too L.-vUrNr» ibi a>T UATIQMB WAHTED»>F EMALE tale H W* are in. * RoMlloa tq, give you a very attractive allowance. g.4LF-i'HlIler'e cgrMA» IfgRI. 'lti furnished houses ttticll ‘ fd *WrtiWw* " RMP tipportiiAfty >»h AILLIPS' STONE WORKS. 14*2 Falr- EDUCATED YOUNG LADY with Mnowl- F°*A1. condition. 12.76. rlght party. This le not a peddling propo­ COLLECTIONS NATIONAL MOTOR CO.. LIMITED. sition. Apply Box No. 472. Tiroes Of­ J edge of etenography and bookkeeping. I'VOTTAOS. 4 rooms, nice location, rent /^OLIJECTIONS anywhere. T. P. Me- PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ï **T ^ ------Éalary. Incubator and fice. fs-sa Home of Ford la Victoria. Y7IOR SALE—Tamlin " v Connell Mercantile Agency. Pember- CI EWARTS MONUMENTAL WORKS. JC Cypher brooder. A. B. smith, lot OOD, permanent, business proposition. HMa 64 nbor 72111* bassisVess O LTD. Office and yerd. oomer May TEADY English woman wishes work by Ill Yates St. Phone 4 >44 UNFURNISHED suites. G $15» to $20» handles. Box 446. S and Eberts Streets, near Cemetery. Pkone the hour or by the day. Box 434. fg-ie f : ... DUNLOP A. FOOT. S /'YOST, S-roomed flat, hot water, every CARPET CLEANING SSSS======;=^=:^ pUR- -Beautiful white fox, extra fine OING AWAY, sacrifice for 1500. stock Barrister*. Solicitor*.»rs. Notarié*,Notarise, oee.ete. ™ ' convenience, adults only. $24. 514 ISLAND Window and Carpet Cl« Member* of NOVA SCOTIA. MANITOBA. ANTED--Bv widow, situation as G and fixtures, been advertised for ALBERTA and B. C. BARS. FLORISTS housekeeper, smell salary for good account alckneae. Tel. 442SR. fi-lt o»-rae Him, . li-i 1 „0#4. Grocery, candy, tobacco, school I Co.. 448 Fort. Phone 7482 or W W. H. Hughes. Hamilton‘■Beach me Phone 31$. home. IV.x tit, Tim* a fi-16 " NOR SALE—Soma choice household fur- UNFURNISHED HOUSES ipnllee. You can eel! this In Summer for DM... vict.ru. m. a TME POSY SHOP Î double the money. Good living rooms; low 1 nlture. Including flret-claee kitchen rent: eu re living. Phone 1434. ______f3-12 IL Res. Phoae 444IL AGENTS WANTEO. range. 8 linoleums, sise 14 ft. 7 In. x 4 ft., Z30TTAGE. 4 rooms. Hillside Ave.. rent CEMENT AND PLASTERING CHIROPRACTORS liken new; 1 brass bed complete; 2 tables " J IIS; 6 rooms. Fairfield. 124 Phone UST SELL through, m-health. EN and WOMEN to- travel and ap­ RELIABLE USED CARS. and chairs. Including 6 with Leather up­ 6442R. -- 13-24 second-hands buMne*». "Glvlr ^AVIDENT A THOMAS, plasterer*. I» COLLIER. D.C.. Ph.C. ind MABEL Member F.T D. A. holstery: one oet of "Limoges" china •wav."M all at 1744. Chance of life it. o. COLLIER. DC. PklmOT «chow; Designs on Short Notice, M point local representative:-. Yearly FORI). 1414 model, splendid j J275 130R RENT—Modern. 6-roomed cottage. v the A'ldrc** port guarantee $1,442 «weekly average of 1211 dishes and numerous other household re­ Pox 1743. Times______•mi.iron fra.; IHeranira »■ raquraL and expenses. Write at once for particu­ quirements. Do It now. Must sell three JU newly renovated. 1421 North Park IHecowry. 1 n l-.mb.iton Building Fhoe. 111» FORD BUG. completely overhauled, top goods quickly, leaving city. Call any time Street. Key at 444 North Park 8t f5-24 ftkNRU) TO 16.440 needed, ten per cent. lars. Winston Co.. Dept. O. X.. Toronto. P"for ym#._ to finance manufactur­ 1 >LASTERER —8. Mullard. I spedalls* e LODGES f3-12 and w rndehleld, and under- — at *41243* Blansbard Street, near King's TTOUSE to let; $ room*. Apply 443 * in repairs Phone 492, night 4644Y. Road. Mrs. Steele. 16-il ing-proposition ; established: money secured. & îSSSïS'vÀctÀMiij*J- 4A V TjM-e, toe I! Young Street f7-24 “ —lershlp later If you are the right DETECTIVES v . : « ft- 34.44; delivered Kindly phone 617>K. / 16-57 H Q-ROOMED HOUSE to let. cheap rert. L MATERNITY HOME tbe Junction Confectionery up to that CHEVROLET SEDAN, the beet In the city. All orders tor lumber or OST—English setter, from 1241 Lydia ENGRAVERS date. 1 Signed) L. Sutton. ft-86 buy la tbe city ...... iglllwork receive careful attention. Tbe *> Apply *42 Caledonia Avenue. Î7-24 Street. Finder please phor.e 34481* nÉNKRAL ENGRAVER. Stencil Cutter tye.v hvroft no TklOOONISMS—"Going to the bad Moore-Whittington Lumber Co.. Ltd.. FRANCIS AVE.—Houm, Aoubl. lot L MAXWELL 1424 model. In first- #i KA D cook. Mrs E. C M JJ poor way of showing that *09 are a 0X and after this date L■pro 8. Fader will claas order . .v...... ;.(rlw Phones 207 and 244.______1| U*V and outbuilding,. Rbon, 44MR. G• and Seal Engraver. Geo. Crowther. rood fellow.'• Dlggon a. printers, station- OST In Cloverdale District, black fe Green Block. 1214 Broad St., epp. Colonist. not be lesponelble for any debts ren- MCLAUGHLIN. 1414 model. Maker SbOTiY F YOU DO NOT SEE what you are look- 1I-S4 Ï0* *ni and engravers. 121# Ur rrnmrnt tracted by hla wifeT Mrs. K 8. Fafar. fi *’ ■Kg for adxertleed hero, why not nd- J mal* cat. half Persian. Answer* to ISS LEONARDS MA■AT’ BUWITT Valentine Ssy. Feb. ltth-large sleek six ...... rvO.iV I I vert lee your want 7 Someone 1 ROOM ANO BOARD •Peggy. • Phone 4234Y2. ft «7 M 1347 Bond. Phon cghde and novel tie*. ' T° WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, take OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB, an thousands ef readers will moo J^OST— Bet ween corner of Pandora and ”7. notice, that T. J. H. Penketh and J. excellent cacar.r. ‘Withwith Mv Itcenee. .vlhlv lust whet you are looking for IWAXI PHONB *H Byrne, owners of the Province Cigar te eeiret a rsane nable price. TJHlMT-CLASi ROOMS, hoard optional. wrlat^watclv^vaTuÆ a* keepeake. Regard. 9HNITT I 1 limousine or touring core for wed* TAIT A McRAE. J? furnace, open flrea X’ernon House. S44JR. BE. have this day disposed of the'r In­ S25 View Street. Phdrto 1693 OOOBÊr. cru les râ* and sportsmen's SPM-I.I,»»* *>. •I'-P»*»» terests In the above mm pan y to A. H. 414 Humboldt. (1141 Williams. 1348 Grant Street. . fé-JT clothing, tente, peck sacks, blanket* tripe. Tourist Auto Livery. Lt I. ----- It os*, of this city. J. II. Penketh and J. N * proport Iona te $14.44. Otoer cars at L T AltOlS, .warm room, two mlnutrs from OST- 8pr*y of black ostrich with flame P Bryne will pay all debts and collect ate ratés: also elds curtain etc. F. Jeune A Mr*., Ltd.. 37» Joknaoa A BOUT TO MOVE—If eo. see Jeer*» A held at the Réx J J car and golf links; house all modern L • Hlttt. Finder please phone J\ lamb Transfer Co. for household DENTISTS DANCE will all accounts as to Feb. 1st Inst._____ 14-25 and top repaire.. Cartier~ Bros.. 724 Johnson KZÎÎ1 ------home cooking; reasonable. Phone 4416L f&-37 Theatre. Ksqulme...«M. -February------i, at AI^SXVl.K AND «TEK1. RAJ moving, «rating, packing, shipping or stor­ A rpo REAL ESTATE AGENTS or who OST—English setter dog, test Sunday. age ^ Office phone 1847. -Ight 25411* YaYRASER. DR. W. F.. 141-3 glebart- $.34... p._ ...... torcheetn R f f4*" S $2.44 per #eek. Phone 4SI*. 141 Block. Phone 4244. ofttea. *14 - mente. Admission 74c cougle^------I* It may concern—House at HIT Haul- 'ANTED—To buy, a second-hand auto M J Notify I»r. Bechtel. Reward. f4-37 t « F*m? tain Street la off the market. A Butcher. Deuel* * Wire*»; - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS T /'111AMBER OF'COMMERCB «-AFlL-In mobile. muât he la flret-claee OST—Crank handle for Overland auto- BNBHAL SERVICE TRANSPORT. 71$ U K. SHAW P*ye kigheet « R. J. F. SHUTE. Dentl mechanicalnival condition,condition. Write, giving full rXELHl HOTEL ROOMS—Housekeeping lJ1; mobile Finder kindly phone 427tL Johnson Street. Phone 4V. or ÎSS1L v nd-iKinn 1, -y Ctaealfiad ads are the city's motive particulars of j out cat and lowest tjrtee. men's clothing. Pho a 243 Pemberton Bldg. menu, we *erv* a d«HY M« ‘uaekeon fl^lf^ Straw wit- call. i-r aad bedcaoma. 412 -Yalea atceeb. 21 or 123*. Reward. tl-ST after 4 p. m. D **c evening dlnaur— ,6 * to Box 692. Times. &. Safca&stiw^ ■•■:, .|i...p”"l1'1' REAL ESTATMDISES. LOTS. ACREAGE. DAIRY FREILndCHICKEN RAÎÎCHESfo» SALE

,!AU? OFFKRKD TO-DAY AM 1DKAL «Mil XTUY HOME WHO WANTS THESE? BUT* A KB. LTD- ERY ATTRACTIVE «-ROOM BUNGA- 4M Fart Street. FImhm MS. L CLEAR TITLE to very fine Victoria WILL Ft KMSHF.D CASH. balance $30 a month, LOW. newly decorated throughout, Beal Batata. Financial and Inearaaen home, eight or alee rooms, acr* of *>% ACRES AND ABSOLUTELY NEW OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE $500 secures you DANDY HOME. « Vall built-in features, beamed and panel- grounds, to trade on farm In Moots — AMD MODERN «-ROOM BUNGALOW. rooms, «near BL Margaret s School; every ltd. good lot. garage, first-clam reeteentlal Jaw or Regina districts. Will assume THIS n YOUR CALL 0*0 AAJI—FAIRFIBLP BUNGALOW ef .w|,,l * bedroom*, living room modern convenience. Price $$.600. district, does to car. Price for quick Î. IMPROVED ACREAGE an Melbourne PHOENIX ANSI RANCE CO.. LTD. with fireplace, modern kitchen end bath­ Cjr.nn CASH and $2# a month gives you aals. $$.368. Easy terms can be arranged. «8»W9f six rooms. In particularly de- Boulevard to trade for home la the city. room. complete with- latest plumbing, city St#7 CASH AND THE BALANCE ’5XFI7V I-roomed home, modern cos- slrable locality, thoroughly A splendid proposition (London. England). watar and electric light metalled. House MONTHLY venlencee. Burnside Road. Price $1.166. modern and In egeellent con­ $. WILL PAY CASH with dear deed to mais top it.m carat GOOD TERMS MAY BE OBTAINED V»!1 has good basement and - err fine' stone Clear tltla , A. A. MEHAEEY. dition ; Interior arranew*ente Okanagan prepertWk. for acreage close ANY OF THE FOLLOWING BARGAIN»! «•undotien. Interior and •>lector finish "E1ERNWOOD DISTRICT—Modern, fowr- com pries bail, big living room to Victoria. IF go. BRAD THIS A roomed cottage. It has living first-rlaan In every respect. Interior nicely b'TKEL REALTY. LTD.. «44 Pert SI. with fireplace, bookcases and 4. VICTORIA BUNGALOW with two .ota. P/****r*d and timed. Room for 1 addt- room with open fireplace, two large windows: dining roam deer deed to trade for Vancouver heme. HE owner of this EIGHT-ROOMED tloual rooms upstairs. Modern sanitation bedrooms with clothes closets has hardwood floors: Dutch Bring ue your Hat Inga. FULLY MODERN BBMT-BUNOALOW with concrete double section septic tank. off each, kitchen and pantry kitchen with all eeec4iv»ble I. 46 ACRES en the Fraser RI.er. near TI» leaving the city in a few weeks and Is Land Is nearly all cleared, all fenced sod with the ueuxl built-in (sa­ built-in effects: 2 bedrooms Fort Hammond, clear deed to trade for sacrificing his home for e quick eale, The Within one block of car line. 4-room duell­ cross fenctHl. Oarage 11x14. chicken house tures, three-piece bathroom, and t-piece bathroom down­ email cottage. A good chance to get a property le oseeptlenally well located.' In a ing on lot 61.7x192. lbslb. and tool house Isl2. Various fruits $1307 full alsed cement basement, stairs. 1 large bedroom up­ well located place of Mainland acreage. good residential district, on ur line, handy and selection of flowers FURNITURE large lot and chicken house ; i stairs:- full cemented base­ to good school and cloee to the sea. The complete, all hew and modern, goes with1 light taxes. Price far quick ment. laundry tube and piped houe» has just been repainted and dec­ Rnoparty; also tools, poultry and ■ah- only $1.387. on terms of far furnace. Owner leaving orated aod le now hi firm efeaa condition. ••fwered purs bred goats. Property $267 cash and the balance In — city has reduced the price There la a complete five-roomed suite 4-room cottage on a" let 61x112. ejlly • miles from Victoria on mat* road, monthly Instalments. about $1.606- Terms can be down stalm. Including bathroom and two cloee to station, golf links, post office, large bedrooms: upstairs there ere three school, hall and church. Taxes only M JfURNSIDE DISTRICT — Attractive, FINANCIAL NEWS smaller bedrooms, each with separate P*r year. Price complete only $3.665. three-roomed bungalow, water OTTAWA PRESS clothes closet. The living rooms are rich­ terma laid on; large lot; two good ly panelled end beamed, and have several GALLERY OFFICERS convenient built-in features, buffet, book­ 4-room cottage oe Iqt 14x112. Cottage li ... _ POWER * MeLAlOHLIN. slsed chicken Houses; very modern. — Fed Riesi Pkoo $550 lew tàxee. Price reduced to STRENGTH MAINTAINED cases. etc. There Is a- large cut grgnlte $638 for Immediate sale. fireplace. The electrics! futures are all Ottawa, Feb. (.—At the annual of the very best and add greatly to the $1.780 BSQUIMALT t THROUGHOUT SESSION HUME FIVE-ACRE RANCH. P. R. BROWN A SONS. STOCKS STRONG TO-DAY'S EXCHANGE meeting of the Pfdes Gallery of the handsome Appearance of the Interior of . ______8 the house. The baeefnent le fully cement­ PLENDID OPPORTUNITY for the (Burdick Bros.. Limited.) 6 rooms modern, and has basement. 111? Broad Street. x Fhs (By Burdick Brea. Ltd.) Canadian Parliament Saturday, H. *'. ed and cedar Hoed, plenty of I eadroom men with limited capital. All _ and absolutely dry at all tines of the $1x116. Slead, ne rock or swamp, four acres cultl- Chicago. Fob. S.—The wheat market Oadsby. well-known Caned tan writer scared a sharply higher opening this morn­ rear: stationary wash tube with hot and y6tad. acre In rear half cleared. Buildings New York sterling, $4.17-4, and representative of The Montreal veld water, as well as consist of practically new four-room cot­ THROUGHOUT SESSION Francs. 627-4. ing and continued very strong throughout BAY HOME ta»*. barn, garage and chicken houses: tho eeeeten. Pessimistic news from Standard, wee elected president lor EXCELLENT HOT AIR FURNACE water; Pacing on main road. Price Lire. 414-4 ^ Europe regarding the outcome of the There Jo e large level lot. ell fenced and 7-room dwelling, with all modern convent- terma. 1500 cash, balance $20 Marks, .000024. Turkish situation and. cold weather the ensuing year. « laid out |n attractive lawn and garden: ences. Lot 46E|26. monthly. NORTH AMERICAN (By Burdick Bros.. Ltd.) throughout the United States Winter Mil kinds, ef small fruits, bulbs and flow- J. GREENWOOD. New York, Fob. 6.—The stock market wheat belt w **• -j. Other officers were chosen eg foi- era; a 2%-foot cement sidewalk encircles $2.166 JAMES LIFE DOES GOOD showed strength fro*, the outset, and. led Wh'.et— the hoses, aa well as a cement runway to a ------BAY HOMlOyJ------__ HR Gevemment Wtriet TO-DAY’S TRADING IN Open Law by the, rail group, practically all leave# ...... 110-4F 116-4 lll-l Vice-president, George Hembleton, SPLENDID NEW GARAGE BUSINESS IN 1922 moved Into higher ground. All the gel ne M-y ...... Wen batit end with cement floor. This modern dwelling ee a Inti66x110k 111-3 116-2 flS-7 Superintendent of the Parliamentary PROFESSIONAL CAROS mere well held at the close. -- July ...... 1ZS-4 114-1 «H 114-1 property has other features tee many to The business of the North American mention, end Is aa absolute gift at only (Continuèd) High Low Last Press Bureau of the Canadian Press, $2.166 FOUL J Life Ig forging ahead wonderfully, as Winnipeg. Feb. 6—Higher cables a Kept...... 76 75-4 74.7 7F-6 ONLY 11,47$ IF SOLI» AT ONCE BAY HOME AIMS-Chalmers ...... 41-2 41-1 46-1 strength In Liverpool futures, baaed Mor ...... 74-6 76-4 71-4 76-4 Ltd. ; secretary, Claude Metanson. of $2,176 cash end balance on good mortgage. PHYSICIANS evidenced by the figures presented In' July ...... 74-7 76-5 74-7 76-6 La Presse, Montreal ; executive, J* EL 3-room, modern cottage o Am. Can Co., com. .... $4 . -$6-4 84 the Turkish situation, resulted In e itn Os to— Hollywood their forty-second annual report. Busi­ Am. Car Fdy...... 1$» 164-1 U* 45 Marsh. Montreal Star; 4- N. Long- Ne Telephone Inquiries Will Be Considered Crescent, on a lot 50x110. de- May ...... 43-1 46 46-4 eta ff. Canadian Press, Ltd.; Edgar ness issued apd revived in 1922 amount­ Am. In. Corp...... 14-1 *6-3 *6-4 reloped. Following the s(Irene* July 42-7 44...... 42-7 -44-'-- ed to $17,931,327, and brings the total Am. Locomotive .. 1 cent* at the opening, the market Boulet. Le Canada. Montreal; F. C. fWUUMUN » MUIR, RAYS b. c. Land » investment agency. business. in force, to 3106.0*9.134, the 1% strong throughout the dar. reaching a VICTORIA $T MOKP PHLT Meare. Toronto Globe: T. M. Fraser. LIMITED. litghegt mark yet reached in the history Am. Smelt. A HÜ. ÎSS- .. . of 111 for «a? Th* 010W was nea Halifax Chronicle, and Thomas H. »*t Government fit. ~r Phene U0 of the company. Am. Sugar Rfg. .. high nolitt at a gain of 1\ cents evèr For Feb. 6. 1910. ______U.B. LEGAL Some conception of the vawtr scope of Am. T. a Teh ï Saturday. Trading continued limited In Black lock, retiring president, ex- the company's business is-to be found Am. Wool, tom, .. the cash wheat market to-day. end- all i Fur Cunt. officio OSEPH MITCHELL DONOVAN. Attor­ to the fact that during the past year Am. Steel Fdy. . • premiums were unchanged. Some cover­ November 1. 1923 1684.66 1614.66 J ney and counsellor. Sioux Pella South there was paid to policy-holder* and Anaconda Mining ing for the opening of navigation was re­ November 1. 1924 1864.86 1614.68 Dakota. All Federal and State Courte beneficiaries over $2,297.600. This Atchison ...... ported, big export hide were away out of December 1. 1827 1616.16 16*0 66 Atlantic Gulf .... line and at times were reported to be fire November 1. 1821 1836.00 1640 *0 ivariBOTiM amount included $516,496.$2 paid a* November 1. 1814 1629.7s rmrw i CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT dividends, while in contrast to tills It at Baldwin l/oco. .... cents under cost. 1616.18 Baltimore * Ohio Inspections totalled 111 cars, of which December 1. 1817 1868.60 1674 66 OF SAANICH. noted that only $6,000 was paid to Itethlehem Steel .. 44 were wheat. November 1. ^812 1621.66 1631.66 guarantors. The President. L. Goldman, Lrooklyn Transit . Wheat — Opes High Lew C!oee 1%. WE OWN AND OFFER GREATER VICTORIA WATER in his address to the policy-holders at Canadian Pacific . May ...... 11S 114*4 **$ 114 December I. 1825 888.66 the recent annual meeting made the Central Leather .. July ...... Ill __IK ___ 111 114 October 1, lift L ittL.fl. DISTRICT REFERENDUM. Crcctbre steel .r: : March I. mr Tpnÿablël~ “ini scale of dividends will he continued to Chesapeake A Ohio May* *77... 48% «6% New Yerk) ...... 1616.66 1< PUBLIC NOTICE ’ I. hereby given policy-folders in 1923. This is indicative Chic., Mil. A St. P. July ...... 41% 46% % % % Small Accounts of the fact that in this company the Uhlc., R I. A Pae. NEW YORK COTTON. that the vote of the Electors who are Interests or the policy-holders are para­ Cone. Uas ...... Mar ...... qualified to rote on By-laws will be mount. In this respect, also, it might Cal. Petroleum ...... 8» July ...... (By Burdick Bros., Ltd.) taken on Saturday, February 10, 1991, be noted that there has been paid as Chile Copper ...... 29-6 Flax— Open High lx>w on the queetlon : dividend» .to. policy-holders during the Corn Products ...... 1*7 Ssr ::::::::: Wt tîiü «* -M.N Ifc» m «:8 M •ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF TH* pMt ten years the sum of $$,329.948,96 ...... 15-1 CREATION OF THE GREATER VIC- Oen. Electric Hve— ...... J7»6 ke.lt I.H MALL AOOOUNTS are wet The President pointed with Just pride (Jen. Mu (or a . .. W Hey ...... V II - S«% 111 tf% July ...... *7.1» 27.61 TORIA WATER DISTRICT?” to., the increase of ever -$1,600.000 in Hood rich IB. K.l ...... 14-4 July ...... 15 16% «6 _ J«% Oct. *5.11 16.13 Said vote Will be taken between the r.ssets during the year, bringing the total Ot Nor. Ore...... 38-7 Cash prices: Wheat—1 Nor.. 116; S Nor is* Fsees# of coined at every Bcanch of dus hours of 9 o'clock a. $n. and 7 p. m.. at amount now to $23,633,342.94. After S700.c00.000 S (iranby ...... 24 161% ; 8 Nor.. 164: No. «. 161; No. 6. 94 the following pieces: For the 7lrst Ward. liabilities have been fully provided for, Ot. Northern, pref. .... 74 No. 6. *7. feed. 71: track, lie Some men are known by the work District of Point Grey »: Cedar Hill School. Cedar Hill Cross there is a substantial net surplus of Inspiration Cop...... 31-6 Oats—2 C. W.. 41% : $ C. W end extra they refuse to do. Bank. Every dan m the com- j Rood; for the Second Ward, at Tolmle $3,476,230.56, establishing beyond a Int i. Nlikel ...... 14-4 1 feed, .41%; 1 feed. 41%: 2 feed. 46%; re­ Primary School, on the south side of doubt the unexcelled financial position lul l M*r. Marine, pref. 48-4 jected. 17%; track. 41%. m unity is Served with equal amen- Boleekln# Road; for the Third Ward, at of the company* which has entitled It Xennecott *--vi»er .... 3 7-3 Barley—$ C. W.. 66; 4 C. W 60%; re­ 5% Bonds The Hall. Tyndall Avenue. Gordon Head: to be known everywhere as 'thé com­ Kmm «ir f SewkwW' -, $2-7 jected and feed. «8% ; trmek. 66.^ Flax—1 N. W. C.. 236; 2 C. W. 2*4; 1 courtsty. for the Fourth Ward, at the Women'» pany "Solid as the Continent." l^high Valley ...... 78 don and Institute Hall, corner Marly- M Road Miami Copper ...... > 27-2 C. W and rejected. *16; track. 1*6. N. Y., N. H A Hart. .. 21-3 Lye—2 C W.. 12%. and Jasmine Avenue; for the Fifth New York t'entrai . . ; 99--* . -Î. .. ------J -m % • «*■ Due Auruet let, 195S. Ward, at Royal Oak School, near the BRITISH LABOR Northern Pacific ...... 77-2 NEW YORK HI GAR. BfMxbea in all Important Gem in Canadi unction of the East and West Saanich N. !.. unt. ,* Western,. 21-3 New York. Feb. 6 —Raw euaar. eentrl- F.W.Stevenson Price 91.90. To yield 5.65. JLoads; for the Sixth Ward, at the Tem­ LEADER’S VIEWS Nevada Coos. Copper .. 11-2 fugal. 6 61; refined granulated. 6.96 to Î.66. Saving, Drpemncoxs in all ha«i*i perance Hall, East Saanich Road: for l'tonxylvaiila It. K. ... 46-3 % % the Seventh Ward, at tho Till team People's Oss ...... 9s EXCHANGE SUMMARY. School, on Albina Street and Orillia London. Feb. 6.—(Canadian Press Beading ...... 79-4 New York. Feb «—Foreign exchaage STOCKS BONDS Street, near Burnside Road. Cable)—Ramsay Macdonald, leader Hy. Steel Spring ...... 111-4 It regular Quotations In cents. Voters are required to answer the of the Labor Opposition in the House Ray Cons Mining .... 13-4 Great Britain- Demand. 467%: cables. Szm&exton & Sxan 2 question by marking the ballot in the of Commons, in addressing Labor Republic Steel ...... 68-2 447% : 46-day bille on banka 461%. following manner : If In favor by mark­ Sin. Oil ...... 6*...... l«-3 France—Demand, « 46; cables. 4.44. Bank of Montreal meetings in Leicester, ranged over n and ing a cross ("X”) WITHIN THE Southern Pacific...... 93 Italy - Demand, 4.67. cables, 4.1*. ■mraro on. (Established 1087) SQUARE containing the word "TES.'' wide field of home and foreign Southern Ry.. com.' ... 46-7 Belgium—Demand, S.T6: cables. 6.76%. affairs. He scouted the idea that Studrbak'r Oorpn...... 117-1 Germany—Demand. #62$: cables ,6926%. Beteb&hrd Over 100 Yearn and if against hr marking a cross The Texas Company .. 44-4 Holland—Demand. *8.41; cables. 16.44. Bend Dealer# ("X') WITHIN THE SQUARE con­ Germany would pay over £1,000,000,- Tob. Prod...... 66-4 Norway—Demand, 18.69. taining the word "NO” (as the case 625 Fert Street 000 in reparations and declared that Colon Pacific ...... 131-S Sweden—Demand. 24.69. MB MMSESTON BUILDING m Pa ted at Royal Oak. B. C-. this 21th payment in goods would damage Utah «'ouper ...... «4 Denmark—Demand, 1IM. Great Britain's international trade. U. S. Ind. Alcohol Switzerland—Demand. 11.64. day of January. 11». V. S. Robber .... Ppaln—Demand. 1*.T6. Mr. Macdonald evoked cheers when R. R. F. SEWELL. V. S'. Steel, com. . .166-3 1..C-9 Greece—Demand, 1.26. he stated Great Britain was now go­ Virginia Chem...... Poland—l>emend. .66*8. Returning Officer. ing to pay the United States what Western Union ...... 112-2 Csecho-Slovekla—Demand. 167%. Wabash R. R. '-'A” ... Argentine—Demand. *7.1*. she owed, adding that “we cannot Willy's Overland .... Brasil—Demand. 11.4L isolate the matter from the debts XVeellnghoua# Klee. . Montreal—81 28-12. VICTORIA, B. C. that France and Italy owe us.” Allied Chem. A Dye . vail money firm; high. 4%: lew 4% : Why Not Bank By Mail? Phillips Petroleum . . . ruling rate. «%; closing bid. 4%; offered Computing A- Tab...... at. 6; last lean. 4%, call leans against ac­ REFERENDUM — GREATER HUANG FU NAMED Standard Oil. Indiana ceptances. «%. V^OUR banking can be done as safely Sears Roebuck ...... 64 Time loans firm; mixed collateral. 66-88 VICTORIA WATER ACTING CHINESE Am. Ship * Commerce l»-4 deyr, 4%; 4-4 months. 4% A and as easily by mail as by personal Unie» -Oil ...... V>.- • Prime * couunerciicommerçai ^t»apM. 4%. to 4%. We Own and Offer DISTRICT ACT Confia. Can...... « 41-3 FOREIGN MINISTER General Asphalt ...... 41-6 attendance. Money can be deposited Whereas under the "Greater Vlctotla Kelly Springfield ...... '-9 Z Water District Act” It is requisite for Coca Cola ...... 6...... - 76-2 Local Stock Quotations Dominion of Canada Bonds to Yield ...... 5.30% or withdrawn with absolute security. Ppking, Feb. S.—Huang Fu was ap­ Columbia Graphai hone 2-1 the Oour.cll to submit to the eiectotc of pointed Acting Foreign Minister to­ (By F. W. Stan Provincial Government Bonds to Yield...... 5.50% the City of Victoria qualified to vote on C. A N W Rail a av II 1 Our folder ‘A Banking Service by Mail ’ day. replacing Alfred Sxe, whose res­ United Fruit ...... HI money by-laws a referendum on the Athabasca Oil , ... Saanich Bonds to Yield ...... 5.60% ignation was accepted. Pam. Pta~. Lasky Corp. 17 explains this simple,convenient method. queetlon hereinafter set forth; Keyetone T«»e A Rubber 8-7 fiowrna Copper Victoria Bond» to Yield ...... :...... 5.70% And where*. pursuant to the said Nevada Consolidât*d .. 14-2 Boundary Bay Oil -66% Act. the Lleutenant-Governor-in-Coun- P.rc Marquette ...... 40-2 B. C. Perm. Loan . •8 60 New Westminster Bonds to Yield...... 5.85% Writt, or ask our Manaf/r for one. dl has directed that the voting on the Kndlcott Johnson ...... 88 R C. Fishing Co. . so.ee said question shall take place on the MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT Transcontinental Oil B. C. Refining Co. Edmonton Bond» to Yield ...... 5.90% 10th day of February. 1921; OF OAK BAY. Juvlndhle Oil ...... *“ " Silver Public notice is therefore hereby given WML* Motors ...*.7. Gaaade - Cseasr ...... North Vancouver Bonds to Yield ...... 4.00% THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Pullman Co...... l2»-2 12f-2 Can. Nat. Firm ...... $«-86 that on the 10thi day of February, 192-1...... *6.66 Penticton Bond* to Yield ...... 6.00% the vote of the municipal electorsmat < the A referendum will be taken an the Pan American ...... T^fT-T City____ of ______Victoria qualified______vote to voion question, "Are vou in favor of the crea­ Crow's Nest Coal Port ATbemi Bond* to Yield ...... V...... 6ES% ______VICTORIA BRANCHES >«! Oev.mmen- at. not F„,rt st. money by-laws will be taken by way of tion of the Greater Victoria Water «’handler Motors ...» Ix>uglae Channel . .43 U. P; Bum* A Co. Bonds to Yield...... 6Ji0% a referendum hy ballot en the question: PfFtrlrt?" on February 10th 1923. from Houston oil ...... Empire OH ...... 61% 1«1 Do lieu. *L ^ Victoria Wait—On Saeul. "Are you in favor of the creation of the 9 a. m. to 7 p. m., at the High School, Cuban Cane Sugar . . 94.66 Mount Royal Hotel Bond* to Yield . ;...... 8.00% malt Rd. Greater Victoria Water District?” Pal- Ha v 1 îerre Arrow ...... Great Wt-ef Perm. • And voters are required to answer the Retail Stores —.... Howe Round ...... French External 7%’s Bond* to Yield ...... 8.15% same by marking a cross (X) on their 1 tan. OH of «’allforali Hemlock Gold . .. .4. ballets within the square containing the UNORGANIZED DISTRICTS. Rcpogle Steal ...... Indian Mlnee .... We hold the ebove- for lmmrdiete delivery. word "Yes.” or within the squire con­ Royal DJtch ...... International Coal taining the word "Ne” (as the case may Texas Pacific Jly. •• McflilhYray ______.46 Nugget ...... «1 4iiat the place at which the polls for GREATER VICTORIA WATER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR VICTORY AND PROVINCIAL Vcnedlum ...... Pacific Coast Fire 1.66 Rambler-Carlhoe ^ .66 SPNDE the said vote shall he opened and the DISTRICT ACT kiddle States Oil .... Texas (Juif Sulphur . Rllvcismlth ...... vote of the said electors taken shall be Montgomery Ward ... sz Rllver Greet...... 64 Switching for Profits the building known as 1400 Government Public notice is hereby given that on Midvale Steel ...... 27 « flpartan Oil ...... 81% Street, comer of Johnson Streep, in the the 10th day of February. 1923. the vote Pur-i OH ...... 28-3 Snowstorm ...... ,64 By converting rour present holdings to other City of Victoria, and one or moie poll­ of the elector* of the unorganized Dis­ Gulf States Steel . . V» «, Standard I-ead . .. securities, the yield from your investments might ing booths shall he established anti Runloch Mlr.ee .... R. P. CLARK & CO., LTD. tricts of North Saanich. Highland, - M be Increased gnaterlally and at the same time an Furf Inlet ...... maintained therein for the said purpose. KMiulmalt, Uoldstream, M«?tchostn, Otter .39 Members B. C. Bond Dealers' Association increase in ciibltal effected without impairing the Given under my hand at Victoria, and Mooke, who would be qualified to Stewart Land ...... ie.ee security. British Columbia, this 30th day of Janu­ Trojan Oil ...... vote on money by-laws were they vot­ Montre^ Stocks Utility OH ...... :#8 139 Fort Street, Victoria, B. C. Phones 5600-5601 We will be pleaeed to advlee you as to which ary. 1923. ing within a Municipality, will be taken securities you should hold, sell or exchange for (By Burdick Broa, Ltd.) Whalen comme» .< 6.66 WM. SCOWCROFT. by way of a referendum hy ballot on Whalen, pref. .... *6.66 others. Returning Officer. I»asl the question : “Are you in favor of the Bell Telephone ...... 114 Wonderphone .... .66 Write, Call or Telephone. Greater Victoria Water District?" Brazilian Traction ...... 42-7 The place at which the polls for the Van. h 8., pref...... Bid Asked CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF said vote shadl he opened and the vote Dominion War I^ten 1626 . *9.80 106.86 VICTORIA. Van* Cottons ...... 114-0 BRITISH AMERICAN BOND of the said «(lectors taken shall he as Can. Gen. Elec...... 1 H2-4 Dominion War I»oan 1627 . 162.16 106.16 follows: (1) Deep Cove, Deep (\,ve Hall: Cons. M. A H...... If-4 Dominion War Loan 1811 . 161.60 162.66 TENDERS FOR 2-TON GARBAGE (2) Sidney, Provincial Police Court; <3). Detroit United ...... «9-2 Dominion War Lean 16*7 . 101 60 i62.ee PROVINCE or ALBERTA (Guar. Lethbridge Northern TRUCK. !»angford 'Toucher's Hall; (4) Col wood. Dorn. Ocnuers ...... Victory Loan 162$...... 100.45 161.46 • CORPORATION, Ltd. Col wood Hall; (5) Luxton. Luxton Hull; Dorn. Textile *...... Victory Loan 18*4 ...... * 166 40 161.40 l Irrigation District) 6% Bonds, Due 1961 B.A. lefld Building. 723 Fort Street Established 1901 Phenes 319-tlfl L. of Woods Milling ...... Victory Loan 18*7 ...... 102 66 161.66 Tender* will be received by the Pur­ (6) Metchoeln. Mrtchosln Hall: (7) Victory Loan 1812...... 162.$6 iea.se Payable Canada and New York chasing Agent up to 4 p. m. on Febru­ 1-ast Hooke. Mr. Burnett's house; (8) I.rurenllde Co...... «•;-* Victory Loan 191$...... 106 00 166.66 ary 12th, 1923, for the purchase of a new West Sooke, West Sooke Hall; (9) Otter A Fbestos ...... Victory Loan 19*4 ...... 16î>* 10$ 6$ • Price—108.67, to yield 6.40 or second-hand 2-ton Garbage Truck, Point. Seaton’s Halit from the hour of Abltlbl ...... fc«-I Montreal Power ...... Victory Loan 1617 ...... 106.44 167.16 hpeel ficelions may be obtained at the 9 a. m. until tho hour of 7 p m. National Breweries ...... «%«*,% office of. the undersigned, to whotp all Persons whose names apitear on the Qusbetr Ràfbney-L'rr:. ; : *vï vv SII1FR Ttfrafr* rhust be EfMrtsneff afftf mark AT" TWtW voters fat a try of the àTorèsald Rlordon Paper ...... London, F»b. S.~ Bar silver. 16 1!-14d. on outside of envelope “Tenders for unorganized Districts may vote at any Fhawlnlgan ...... 114-4 per ounce. Money. 1 % per cent. Discount The Royd Financial Corporation, Ltd. YOUR INVESTMENTS Garbage Truck.” The lowest or any one of the ee.ld polling places Spanish River Pulp -...... 94-2 rates: short bille. 1 6-14 per cent.; three lend I Winch Building Phone 1340 tender not necessarily accepted. Given under my hand at Victoria, B. Do., prrf. • •• 162 tnonths* bills. 2 8-16 per beat, to 1% per PROBABLY NEED CAKEF1 L CHECKING. E. 8. MICHELL, C„ this 81st day of January. '923. A. E. CHRISTIE. Monoger Victor!. Office SHIFTING VALVES have placed some securities AH4»YK PAR. Purchasing Agent. CAREW MARTIN. RAW NUGAK CLOSE. New York. Feb. 6— Foreign bar silver, In mgny esses it would be wise to sell those end take the profit—If you welt City Hall. Victoria, B.C.. Jan. 31. 1923. Returning Officer. March. 1.64c; May, 2.76c; July. S.S«c. 64; Mexican dollars. 41%. until maturity you will lose this. _ You may consult us entirely without any obligation. R. P. CLARK & CO., LTD. BRINGING UP FATHER—BY GEO. McMANUS ' •-» Fort kL. Victoria, H.C. 1NMIRANCE.

&AJY OO YOU KNOW I HAVE A FRIEND IT’S QUITE A JAUNT fO WALK TO ALC.Y- WHERE I*» THAT PLACE THAT » NAVE IT HEREIN ANYOrae. IN LONDON IN THE SWANKY- UP «ALLY «HIRE LANE LIVERPOOL TO I HEARD YOU «PEAK OT THAT NY BOOK. — YEt> TO THE CMJO - OLD PINO THID hOLO CORHCO BEEF-AN P. BURNS & CO. 6H% BONDS THAT COULD Tell coowr cuuo MERE. IT l-b Due let Jen, 1943. Peyeble Cen.de end New Yerk Me wueRe -TmT ' fM «UOtS HE CAOOA&W-THAT REOTNjRNtTT WMTY NOOSED seems-br * «m-- irtr-- - ‘-,r it-4 ~t an ...IT. «XJLOTetfe NCw York. City . ,;r- e«uun.ite« to. nearly in* million delta». , i#a oecr- ah' caooaûe ? U»: We Coneider Thee. Bonde a Safe Investment ) U.*b.A. PRICE ON APPLICATION "“Y GILLESPIE, HART & TODD, Ltd. . 711 Fort Street, Victoria, #.C. ne— e,« I

□ □□no

* ié fur the supper will be in ttièthe lull' V.ildhotxt" and in order to pel TRUSTEES TO HEAR oT W. Meodunald, of the, Chmidber petuate'tWa philanthropic work the conditions" “The principle la there, it organisation has created a ten mil- ywi will modify If to auit your needa, THE THREE OLIVERS: ECONOMY ADVOCATES of Commerce Restaurant. Every ~ It to suit lion dollar fund, of which amount We Recommend That Ton Use you can succeed, and It took us In lodge of the order throughout Can­ BOYD OUVED FAITH FAILS, SOBRIETY $166.006 has already been subscribed, California a long time to find that Representatives of the Taxpayers ada. the United States and Alaska. ilV declared the speaker. SUFFERS AND CAN Protective Association Will meet the es the result of penny collections wtU stage a similar event about the among the 1,600 lodge# on the North He told of varied co-operative ex­ City School Board next Wednesday same time, the object being to raise American continent. No person not CO-OPERATION WIN? afternoon to urge the Trustees to re­ periments, with ten or twelve fail­ money for the Mooeeheart Endow­ & member of the Loyal Order of OUTLINES % MARTIN-SENOUR’S PAINT ures for every success, one of the --- . duce their annual expenditure* The Moose is permitted to give money chief difficulties to meet being the Given ten minute.' notice-that date of this conference was an­ ment Fund. The Loyal Order of Moose has about 1.200 orphan chil­ directly to Mooeeheart. but the pub­ If you contemplate subtle attacks of the shipping con­ he would be expected to move the, nounced to-day after the Trustees lic is heartily welcomed to the ball painting your houae Because It is cerne. where local co-operatives were vote of thanks to Boyd Oliver at had ..agreed to consider the Associa­ dren at Mooeeheart. "the city of this Spring, let us initiated, each at war with lie neigh­ Saturday’s meeting of fruitgrow­ tion's views. As the Board has done give you more de­ bors. “All districts took that talk to er. at the City Hell. A. Koheut, of everything in Its power to reduce ite tail» about this Guaranteed 100% Pure heart, each had pride, and believed its budget it Is not expected that any GUARTEED Organize by Commodities, Book., relieved himself of the fol­ pure paint. own commodity to be the beet and lowing verbal" gem, amid the con- further economies will result from x Not Communities,. Is the others trying to take advantage the meeting. of their better product. Forty such vulaed amusement of the hundreds v. Keynote small co-operative* were formed, of farmers: WE RE-CANE CHAIRS with the Inevitable result; each man­ “Mr. Oliver, you come before us MOOSE ENDOWMENT ager got the tip of a good market in, to-night under somewhat of a We make a specialty of Re-covering Chaire, Repairing Grate Aaron Sapiro’s Partner Tells •ay. Kansas City, each rushed a ship­ handicap. Two other Olivers are BALL WILL BE Chaire. Repairing and Re-condltlonlng Furniture. of Californian Experience ment there, thought how cute he was. known to u* Years ago Doctor We will make your old piece» a» good as new at moderate prices. and all the shipments, arrived within French E. Oliver addressed u* He BRILLIANT AFFAIR We ateo make anything to orÿer In wood or wicker. 141» Douglaa Street a few hours of each other, with the sought to make ue good, but judg­ Only disabled soldier, employed.. Even standing room was at a result the speculator got them for ing by the language I heard when The annual endowment ball to be premium at the City Hall Council nothing, shipped the fruit to Chicago coming to this meeting our car held under the auspices of Victoria or elsewhere, and made a big profit, stalled, I fear lie was not effec­ Chamber on Saturday evening, when Lodge 1390, Loyal Order of Moose, It took twelve years to cure Califor­ tive. will be held on Friday, February 23. Boyd Oliver, distinguished San Fran­ nia of that sort of co-operation, THE RED » CROSS WORKSHOP “Then we got ourselves another In the Chamber of Commerce Audi­ ■ ' Phene 21M MEN! ATTENTION! cisco economist and co-operator, ad­ which kept them dead-broke," said Oliver, the Hon. John Oliver. He torium. 514 Part Street, Below Government dressed an audience of Saanich and Mr. Oliver. has sought to make us Sober. I O sard’s orchestra has been en­ Victoria district fruitgrowers on the t Organise By Commodity. doubt hie success, but then, he has gaged for the occasion, and catering Work Boots at $3.95 Pair another string on fame, he has problems of marketing. Hon. E. D. He told how a banker In 1902 had All Sises introduced to the Province a new WATSON’S All Sises Barrow, Minister of Agriculture, pre­ given the distressed growers the key breed of hogs. 633 Yates St. “The Heme ef Good Footwear.” Phene 26 sided over the gathering, hie Depart­ to liberty. "He said. You must or­ “I trust the farmers of British ganise by commodity and not by Columbia will not take too much ment being responsible for Mr. Oli­ community’,” declared the speaker, ver’s tour of the Provincial fruit showing the results of adoption- of stock in this new breed, for -the centres. ** hogs are to my mind handicapped, “You men In British Columbia have that advice .to be complete control of r prices and shipments. they are blind, also they seem to no idea what it is to be poor.*’ de­ Taking the Grange Industry as an thrive beet on moonshine, so may­ clared Mr. Oliver, comparing the lot example. Mr. Oliver declared local be Honest John will have to be of Southern States farmers and their conditions to be charted, and cited classed with the unsuccessful. children, living in one-roomed shacks Pittsburg aa an instance, the known “You see. Mr. Oliver, you are as tenants on hand-to-mouth terms. consumption being fifteen cars week» handicapped as the third of the GORDONS, Ltd., S^L The speaker declared that competi­ rian. but tf you can drive a little tive marketing methods were ly. that number and no more being ■hipped In each week,. .. ., , lense into these Gordon Head and outgrown, and new methods for the Haanich fruitgrowers you wîtl farmers must meet the conditions "Another important thing we learned was to stop dumping local have redeemed the name of the PENCILS created by massed factory output in markets. You people In British Col­ tribe of Oliver for all time.” industrial processes. •In marketing individually you aro umbia know very well what that 17 black degrra means. Shipping carloads and train- doomed to loss and failure," he sunt- torn la. we can - do -it to British Col marixed. ms touching the competing loads of apples to market*, eo timse {with or without erasers) markets have not recovered yet. Yotr Interest, of Individuel grower, when umbla,’ ” concluded Mr. Oliver, amid Selling Ont the Carpet Department Also3 copying can’t dump any friilt on markets leettng the solid front of the mar­ rounds of applause. king middlemen and Independent without breaking them. The need of -a- long term contract AO porfoct for shippers. , , _ Flooding of Markets. was explained, the benefits in ending Wilton Squares, Dursley Reversible Rugs, The Fresno raisin growers being "Even though you handle your pro­ propaganda fostered by middlemen taken as an example. Mr. Oliver de­ ducts through co-operative effort, Hearth Rugs and Mats at cut prices for clared the growers, with good duality market through only one broker, you an*4«r. eruei They then Introduced C°:“PL Mr dising a product. Local Conditions. for...... $74.80 “There are many things which can YBHIS Irfefcsel mi VD1US Ufa teefc on the Danish system, stated Mr. Asked as-to competition of Orien­ Oliver, but utterly failed because the be done to this end: we know eeverat. tale In berry growing. Mr. Oliver re­ All Carpets to $85.00 One of the best is to look to the commended every- effort being made for j ;...... r. $63.80 grade, standard ' And " quality. to get them Into co-operative associa­ "You. as growers, know if the qual­ tions. “though in California we have All Carpets to $75.00 ity of the product you are marketing not had much success with the for...... «PV I is not up to standard, you may sell Jape.” it once but never again, so look close­ H. E. Tanner stated the Victoria All Carpets to $40.00 ly to the standard and lto strict market was controlled by Chinese, maintenance. and "the Faanteh co-operators are for ...... $27.50 Standard Eggs. debating whether to Invite the Chi­ February Sale Bargains in As an example Mr. Oliver cited Pe nese to take membership, the chief taluma eggs, which by strict stand deterrent being fear the encourage- A Table of Veilings at 16c Yard a rdicing win„ a five-cent premium on iment will cause greater enthusiasm Hand-Made and Filet Laces ^ ^ York *~*markets — — I-—4 — AV*rover local BESI.eggs. Yor berry growing among the Chj- A large choice of pattern* silk veilings with i similar Work by standard nese," with eventual ousting of the Half-Price "You can do. iiraisrwurA------7 ------, a- whJt« growers from the business. chenille spot, black, purple, navy, brown and and attractive package*. This aM taupe; regular to 66c a yard. All Departments to marketing was Illustrated by Bun Thomas Walker asked whether Up to 4 Inches wide In beautiful designs; white $1.56 Veilings now T5#—See them. small district co-operatives or larger ecru and cream. Formerly J9c to 96c . Now maid raisin advertising and pack»» units were preferable, but Mr. Oliver Ing, and Bunsweet prune marketing. 15* to ...... -...... "Then a trade name Is an enormous expressed Indifference, local circum­ asset. You no longer buy oranges, stances ruling practice, with all the Organdie and Lace Collars, Scranton you buy Bunklst. You can do the people logically tributary to ene re­ New Printed ceiving station patronising their Perrins’ Fine French Kid Gloves une thing." he said. nearest plant, which in turn operated Regular to $1.75, For 49c j Marketing by time was through a central body, co-ordtnatlng Nets point Where eo.-operatlon was For $1.96 Pair A big lot of these will be on display; collar Marquisette selling plans. ful Mr. Oliver pointed out. ,------"Get eighty per cent of the acreage Formerly «2.00. All elxee and popular shades, and cuff este and separate collar* Just look For bedrooms, this Spring egg production and storage them over. An exceedingly as the solution of dumping and on a long term contract. You can fine aeft quality kid; two fasteners. then control your market. If you dainty new drapery Scranton net. con­ prices broken to * loss. He consid­ taining in all-over cannot get eighty per cent, the grow­ material in all-over ered Saanich berries oould hc pee- ers are not ready. Let It alone until floral designs of filet designs la ad­ cooled and stored for s*1*1"***'"” mirably suited. It centres when berries from they are,” was Mr. Oliver» advice. rose and blue, brown other A. Kohout, of Sooke. in a witty ad­ and blue, glfcen and la 16 inches wide points were absent. __ . . dress. moved a vote of thanks to the Ready-to-Wear Specials for Tuesday and le obtainable In — cannot way as to strawberries, brown. etc.; 36 _I can saythat the Kootenay ap- speaker. This was seconded by Mu- "T either ivory or ecru oîa growers have not aa yet com­ jor Cowle. of Cowichan. and passed inches wide. Regu­ with a storm of hand clapping. lar at *5c per yard. •hades- Regular 66c menced properly to work per yard. Sale Price Hon. E. D. Barrow forecasted co­ 25 Pure Wool Dresses Bale Price sent market* to see that those people ate as many apples as they could and operation among tree fruit growers, Balance of Winter forming their market always but feared berry growers were not yet sufficiently inclined to mutual aid. to Clear at $5.95 Coats All One Price have them to eat.” "I fear they will have to come to the 65c 49c Raisins All Year. condition of the leaser Valley dairy­ to Clear, $10.00 Aa an Illustration of thla Mr. Oliver men. who had to kill cows as beef All regular alrag I» the let, new popu­ told of the creation of an all- before they would co-operate. I bate lar short riser, styles, braid trimmed Not many left to sell but Ihe-yesr-round raisin market la place to see thie coming, as It means auch you can take yottr choice of the seasonal demand existing up a sad loss to the growers, the lum­ patch pockets, sad belts, very smart, to four years ago. "You s»“W5jr^ bermen making crates ^ packages, heather mixtures 1» green, greys, of what's left. Blanket Fill Your Hardware Needs at February ly believe It. but 4ee.eee.eee or tnoee and for the business men of Victoria, cloth* chinchillas and little raisin packages wort «oldIn who should get behind this move for blue, rose. eta. A wonderful bargain l weeds; lined and half the first yea rthey were Introduced co-operation among berry grower* assortment. lined. Sheets at Bargain Prices Mr. Oliver eald. "Oranges used to be "The Government le interested m a luxary. The orange association lui the future of the frult lntereet. lt le The things that you use every day are the things that wear out put over the Idea that Its product la no rood making all thle back to the A Collection of quickly and you purchase most frequently. Iç the Hardware de­ essential to health; now everyone land talk unless conditions are made House Dresses, Half-Price partment of this store you will find dosons of these every day ne­ esta them all the year round. attractive. I hold lhat eny man who cessities at greatly reduced prices. Here are a few random selec­ "No matter what you have to sell, Is not prepared to do all In hie power for the good of the community la not Extra Value Extra large alia, SO x 100 tions: you can. by advertising and creating Dresses—Extra Good Clothes Basket* regular «2.06. slogans, cause a market for all you a good cltlsen," he ealfi. in adjotirning $1.00 Each Inches, English linen fin­ produce; this Is another thing the meeting. ished sheets Theee sheets Sleeve Ironing Boards, regular Bale Price ...... $1.50 can $1.26. Bale Price...... 50* In California have learned. at $14.95 The body of heavy grey are of exceptional quality •Blue Bird” Clothe. Linos, reg­ “Take er Leave It.” cotton trimmed with fancy and are finished with plain Ironing Beards, made to fasten ular 75c. Sale Price... .60# Fine navy serge la correct styles, denim, patch pockets and on to table. Special at fl.BO Naming the'price at point of pro­ hem at top and bottom. Bop. Mop Clothe, regular 15c. duction was Illustrated In humorous Only trimmed with buttons, cord» and belt Regular at «0.00 a pair. Bale Price ...... 20# vein to show the evils when lack of braids, also aa assortment of soft Bale Special organisation caused market Ignorance •Ilka, In regular and estra large rise». V______V Jackson's Wax, regular 70c. among growers. Co-operation on Inches Sale Price ...... 4®# commodity line, with Ml farmer, .Wide $4.50 Grey Enamel Kettles, regular turning their product In to the As­ «1.05. Sale Price...... $1.00 sociation on long term contracts has Half-Price Sale of Bilk Scams Regular $10.00 Pure Wool Jersey Liquid Veneer, regular »0c. Bale resulted in the buyers coming to the Wilton farmers with the question. "How Scarves for ...... Sweater Coats, $6.75 Price ...... **# much must we pay.” In place of the $1.60 $2.50 Scarves for ...... old system of giving the farmer a Beautifully made and good stylish fitting Bale Price... ..$1.25 take-lt-or-leave it price with a $3.50 Scarves for ...... Comforters to Bale Price .. $1.50 threat of rotting crops to recalcitrant $5.00 Scarves for ...... garments, in white, navy, henna, brown, Bale Price .. ..$2.00 ,IFresno experience was drawn upon These prices tell the tale. We want you to have them quickly. A great variety ef colore grey, etc.; very popular and serviceable ; to Illustrate the dictum. You cannot But all Eyaa In stripes and plain shade» made with ellk Çlear bays a successful bqslness cpmrpun- all aieea. — - — • —....----- ' X ti<ed number of excel­ Ity without a prosperous farming in­ — Center Herr fringe to match* ■■■ ->■*- MeLintock'e English Down lent quality Wilton Rugx in terest” a remark greeted with loud desirable shade, and pat­ applause. ^ ^ ^ GENTLEMEN! Comforters, with guaran­ terns. six. 44 x 7 *. Reg­ Are you satisfied with the way teed down-proof sateen ular prlcee from «27.50 to "You got by last year, but you are your collars and shlrte are laun­ Big Savings in Staple Goods Tuesday «40.06. Bale Special ...... Chesterfield going to be siting Into organisation dered? Ours le a real laundry covers', single bed else, 46 by commodities. You may not 1* All-Wool Blankets broke enough yet to oom* In, but it Is Hoirocksea’ Sheetings and Pillow Cottons x 72 inches. Regular coming If you do not The ordinary Reduced Exceptional values woven from pure wool $12.66. Sale Price *9.95 Suites man never comes Into a co-operative yarn» with a soft lofty finish to give the beet association until be la dead broke and Sturdy weave, that will give long service and of wear; else *4 x «4. Pair ...... }•'*" no other course faces him. When launder splendidly. World renowned for their Bln 72 X *4. Pair ...... fB.BS Handsome three-piece roll- the average- American or Canadian superior finish and wearing qualities. ■- arm Chesterfield Suite, with gets In he stays In, he gets more 118 See This Dining Room Suite rich tapestry covering and money, but If you do not co-operate Silver Orgy Wool Blanket# loose Marshall spring cush­ 0„nne,hTo:ln-h"»VV.r Horrockses’ Sheetings From sturdy wool yam; will give rears of Kales*t Tas» ion*. Regular at $176.66. . I JWsehlws te • SO Inches Wide; regular *1.2*. Yard .... satisfactory wear; lise 44 x *4. Pair $«•»* A Dining Room Suite of quarter out oak in William ■ 96 iseme, ,wM»i «Alter ,iyo-1XwV/ • ■ Mgg*• TfrC'pfcwe- «*V * romxK t ^ eot' iM Ml—tkmm -r- i "'£85 ______ag bin*into a co-oper»^ 7;7i. Inches wide; regular «1.25.«l ia. TartYard 36 Only, All-Wori Bed or extension table m« ttp. Miff troffet an* six "ÏO'80' fficKesMcKee WWt:wid»: regularYefaMr ;«t'll.**.;«». ’'Wf 1W tlve,tiv* butdux we in v.»**»California have found* Regular «5.0# to *7.40 salua». Bach - chairs with genuine leather slip seats. Regular at ourselves aWa y> give outrider, 90 Inches wide; regular «1.75. Yard $129.50 good, clean, warm, » prln phone 442 «24 North Park Bt. excellent wear. 76 inches wid* In all popular colors; black, grey, taupe and COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS dpie comer to the rescue. We In California started out with the rio- Buy Vimpa Butter—Mad, .1» nnvy, garter top; all. rixe«. K*n, ‘if they *an de it in Danmark, Victoria. Government Street - V Opposite Post Office we can do" It in California.* Bold by All Grocer». ♦«You jii- British Columbia* should rcaxry the banner, ‘Thcjr do it in Câll-