■■•U!•'. V ■■ c U... " Tf-.. 4 mrmFORECAST WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT Victoria and xrldnijr--Ltght to mod- Royal—Extravaganza. I Win 1 n loo—Sherlock Hohner." orato »ln«la. generally fair, not much Capitol—Tea* of Une Storm Country. change in temperature. :"™~ Columbia—Man, WomZlS, MarrlitK*. VOL. 62. NO. 31 VICTORIA, B. C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS LAUSANNE PEACE CONFERENCE IS SUSPENDED BOMB THROWN STATED TURKS’ MEASURES OF FRENCH DEATHS CAUSED AT BULGAR PREMIER K - TREATY REFUSAL NATIONS’ MEETING AT IN SOFIA THEATRE AT LAUSANNE BY TIDAL WAVES Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb. $.—A bomb LEDTO ARREST was thrown in the direction of INCLUDE OCCUPATION Premier Stamboullaky while he LAUSANNE REGARDED Ten or Twelve Lost Lives at was seated in a box in the- Na­ Man Confessed in Regina He tional Theatre last night with Hilo, Hawaii three of his Ministers. No one Robbed Train was injured by the explosion. The OF TOWNS IN BADEN Sudden Disturbance Visited bomb thrower, whose identity Is Story of Clever Police Work AS ONLY ADJOURNED said to be known to the authori­ Hawaiian Islands ties. escaped. Is Told * Offenburg and Appenweir, Near Strasbourg, Taken Honolulu, Feb. 5.—Inhabitants Regina, Feb. 6.—A .laundry mark Conference Was Declared to Have Collapsed Yesterday, on a soiled silk handkerchief used to Over; Penalty For German Interference With Inter of Hilo, Islattd of Hawaii, con- gag Paul Venzke, C. X. R. express But It Is Stated To day It Was Not Hopelessly national Trains; Saar Valley Miners On Strike. | tinned to-day to take stock of messenger, led to the arrest of Wil- Wrecked By Refusal of Turks to Sign Treaty Allies the result of tidal -waves which Hsm Lament Purvis, alias Douglas Prepared. swept their district Saturday Lament Curtis, who has confessed to COSTS BYOUTSIOE the police that he robbed C. N. R. >------------------------------------ Park, Feb. 5.—France’s latest move in connection with her afternoon with an estimated loss train No. 6 last Thursdays nig ht and Lausanne, Feb. 5.—The latest statement put forth officially occupation of the Ruhr diwtict is a thrust into Baden territory, to the recovery of tbo loot, including from Near East quarter* i* thgt the peace conference, which was far south of the Ruhr, near Strasbourg, whefe the towns of Offen­ of ten or twelve lives and prop­ $1,224 cash and valuable* papers. De­ erty damage undetermined hut ENGINEER PUliED tective -Sergt. A. 1* Van Garder, at declared to have collapsed yesterday when the delegations nep- burg and Appenweir have been occupied. — -v‘ the»Saskatchewan Provincial Police, arated, is not hopelessly wrecked, but merely suspended or ad­ French quarters interpret the move as a penalty for interfer­ placed at $100,000 in the city arrested Purvis late Saturday after­ Council to Consider Inde­ noon at the Union Depot as he was journed. ence by the flermaus with international train service across the alone. running to catch a train bound for This is the result of renewed efforts at mediation. occupied area. The known dead tfrday in­ pendent Investigation of Saskatoon. The miners of the Saar Valley, which produces 9,000,000 tons Costs and Work PuWis will be given a preliminary cluded a child and three Japan­ hearing in provincial police court be­ London, Feb. 5.—Lord Curzon, the Secretary for Foreign of coal annually, went on strike this morning. ese fishermej^ It was believed, fore Magistrate MacEacheran and Affairs, who conducted the Near East negotiations at Lausanne Hopes held by the occupying authorities for a speedy settle­ Would Get Full Report Before probably will be committed to stand however, that others perished. trial at the criminal sittings of the for the British Government, returned to London this afternoon. ment of the railroad strikes in the Ruhr district and the Rhine­ Severs I days probably will be re­ Electors Vote on New Court of King’s Bench, which opened Immediately upon his arrival 1/ord Curzon proceeded to an urgent land were dispelled by a stiffening of the resistance among the quired to ascertain the total damage. to-day. ISMET PASHA meeting of the Cabinet, which had been called to consider thé The tidal wave followed a severe Bridge Loan Thorough Search. workers on the receipt of new orders tor of the , Stinnes interests, are earthquake which the observatory at proceedings at Lausanne. from BtFlin which Government among the, latest functionaries ex­ Ktlauea reported to have occurred For more than forty-eight hours all Appointment of a consulting available men of the cit ^police force Agents were «aid to be distributing pelled from the Ruhr. from 2,000 to 3.000 miles sway in an unknown direction. •n<| the Regina division of the Sas­ Paris, Feb. 5.—The French Government is awaiting the return among the railway employees. The engineer to review the whole Persons living In Hilo, fearing a katchewan provincial police, as well THIRTY IN JAIL to Paria of the head of its delegation to the Near East Conference strike area was not extended s'* a LITTLE GERMAN Johnson Street Bridge project as a detachment from the Royal recurrence of the tidal waves, moved before commenting officially on the Izausanne developments, but result, but there was no Improve^ GIRL ACCIDENTALLY to higher ground with all their pos­ and make a detailed report on Canadian Mounted Police, searched ment la the situation. Neither has sessions yesterday. Police and fire­ for the lone Bandit, who entered the considers in the meantime that the breakup should not be con­ there been any change in the coal SHOT AND KILLED men patrolled the affected area. the work are being discussed by C. N. R. train at Condle and. gagging sidered a complete rupture of the negotiations for peace in the embargo situation, the Germans fall­ Steamer Tossed About. leading members of the City and binding the meseenger. took all ing In all efforts to push shipments Duisburg, Feb. 6 —A little German the remittances from stations be­ >fear East. Honolulu. Feb. 6. — Experiences tween Edmonton and Regina, and through the French cordon into un­ girl. was accidentally killed yesterday aboard the Inter-island steamer Council to-day and will be Quebec General Election occupied Germany. made his getaway when the train Lausanne. Feb. 6.—The Turkish cessions granted by the old Ottoman and another was wounded by a bul­ Kilauea. which was tossed up and stopped In the city limits. Causes Montreal Dis­ down, back and forth and placed on recommended to the Council ic delegation to the Near East Confer­ Umpire. They maintained that they let from the rifle of a French cor­ The story of the capture Is remin­ ence announced this morning that It should be left free to atudy these CONTROL RAILWAYS her beam ends in Kahulul Bay, the near future. iscent of the tales *of Sherlock turbances poral when the rifle fell from his Island of Maul, yesterday, by one will ask the powers whether they question, and. If necessary, re-open hands and accidentally exploded. Under the plan upon which Holmes, with the added zest of real­ negotiations concerning them with ALONG THE RHINE tidal wave and righted by the next, considered the negotiation» officially The corporal was In charge of a were related by Matt A. Matson, the* aldermen have agreed, the con­ ity. Returning Officer Beaten and the Interested countries and peoples. squad of men taking soup to the purser of the vessel when he ar­ sulting engineer would be named After the robbery, provincial police at an end. They could not. they said, accept Berlin, Feb. 6.—The French yester­ immediately bo that his Judgment on found the handkerchief which had day occupied Offenburg and Appen­ station garrison and tripped and feu rived in Honolulu to-day. Ballot Box Stolen The impression prevailed I among the economic burden Imposed upon while ascending the stales leading the progress of the bridge work been used to gag Venske, on which the Conference delegates to-day that the new Angora Government by the weir, In Baden, owing to the Inter­ Before the first wave. Matson said, would bo giveh to the ratepayers be­ were the Initials **D. L." Search ference by the German railroad ad­ from the foot of the bridge over the the sea sucked away the normal Montreal, Feb. 5.—Some thirty Turkey would be Informed officially old Turkish regime, which bad ministration with the International railroad tracks and dropped bis rifle. fore they vote to authorise the bor­ among the laundries of the city re­ of the termination of the negotiations handed out concession* right and amount of water from the harbor, rowing of $60,000 more to finish the vealed the Information that the In­ people in prison, one deputy re­ train service between Paris and General Dégoutté sent condolenoes revealing a bottom of mud and coral inasmuch ss it wae generally desired left In the form of capitulations. Prague. The move la commented on to the parents of the children. bridge *nd $00.000 to pave Johnson itials had been plâced on articles of to continue the Mudanla armistice. They Insisted that vast concessions and covered with floundering fish, Street from the bridge to Esquimau. clothing belonging to Douglas Curtis, turning officer beaten, his ballot^ lvoWlB, a here as g new And grave violation of The occupation authorities have crabs, lobsters and squid. The first of had been granted—without Seir re­ It is estimated that the services of and that his last tot had been deliv­ war. tenet raaha. after yesterday’. turn and they wanted the right to German rights, which is likely to taken charge of the funeral arrange­ wave caught the Kilaueau and raised the consulting engineer would ede* TfoT IWteti and tKë poll OUT'bT place under control all coal traffic ments, and will also provide for her ered to a city, boarding hou*.
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