United States Patent Office 3,321,512 Patiented May 23, 1967 2 3,321,512 Peroxide Can Be Prepared in Any Convenient Manner
United States Patent Office 3,321,512 Patiented May 23, 1967 2 3,321,512 peroxide can be prepared in any convenient manner. It MANUFACTURE OF PERBENZOIC ACDS is preferred, however, to produce the suspension by dis David James Cooper and Tony Nicholas Gibson, both of tributing the corresponding benzoyl chloride in finely di Whitley Bay, Northumberiand, England, assignors to vided form in an aqueous alkaline solution of hydrogen Thecorporation Procter of & OhioGamble Company, Cincinnati, Cilio, a peroxide having a pH of not less than 10. The benzoyl No Drawing. Fified Jan. 22, 1964, Ser. No. 339,323 chloride reacts with the hydrogen peroxide solution pro Ciains priority, application (Great Britaia, Jan. 31, 1963, ducing the benzoyl peroxide which is obtained in the form 4,012/63 of a fine suspension. This can be achieved by introducing 2. Ciaisas. (C. 260-502) the benzoyl chloride at the periphery of a high speed agi IO tator (for example, an agitator of at least 2 inches in This invention relates to an improved process for the diameter rotating at 1500 to 2000 rp.m.) which is located manufacture of perbenzoic acids. in the solution. Alternatively, the benzoyl chloride can The conventional method of preparing aromatic percar be introduced into the throat of a Venturi mixer through boxylic acids is a two stage process in which the diacyl which the aqueous alkaline solution is passing. peroxide is prepared by reacting the aromatic acyl chlo 15 As stated above, the alkaline solution of hydrogen per ride (e.g., benzoyl chloride) with alkaline hydrogen per oxide must have a pH of at least 10.
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