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iil1r, a series of lee an~l Western Civili m,dtvcrsity. 'fHJE WES'l''S GREATEST JEWISH NlEVJSPAPJER ' A popular rabbincal r,' ry ,Jewish Family and Every Member of the Family-Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia f also, the spiritual Icade gation Beth Sholom of WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1950 Rabbi Hurwitz gave the ~t Sc Per Copy on November 30. Dr. l'j6drcw Ste wart, president of the{ University, thanked the Rabbi. The' invitation to give the lectures was extended by President Stewart and the series is being sponsored by the University of Alberta. The president of the University presided at the first lecture. ,. DGREATE~T P:OJ~T, 1lJf TI 11,. ~w~m~ Musical Club Presents Gala U.N. Cmmvenes Armistice f}llfillll.b. 11Ji11lne1tll ~ Q,110 ll' Chanukah Concert Thi~ Sunday Meet Hn No-Man's Land -U!Tnll T{) ognn No wt ~prnng c~:~k;~ s!~:o/~t~li::::uar°bh;!~ I ~~~icti bte~~sL;ii:i:i !;n~:0~!1~:~c1 ~::~~:~:. accompanist will be Mrs. .- '' Jllhv Ill 'lJ A ~ ukah concert of the Jewish Musical Hallelujah by z. Rovner. Choir Tickets are on sale at the Peoples Jerusal~m, (J~A)-Quiet reigns in the Negev ahd club of Winnipeg and the Jewish accompanist will be E. Taylor and Book Store from 75c to $1.50. normal traffic continues along the road to Elath where a Jerusalem, (JTA) - Immediately for the purchase of other lands. One Women's Musical club, will be pre- ______. ______after the rainy season ends next such sale has given the organization sented at the Playhouse theatre this two-and-one-half-hour battle between and Jordan spring the Jewish National Fund a piece of land in the centre of Sunday, Dec. 10, at 8.30 p.m, armored forces took place during the weekend it was · will begin work on one of the great­ Jerusalem formerly owned by the The gala concert will feature the lID ii ai ~ 12D@ re ai IM! oo ~ ~ officially reported here this week. ' est land reclamation projects ever Moravian Brothers. The J.N.F. now Jewish community orchestra con­ Meanwhile, a meeting of the undertaken in Israel - the draininEt owns 2,100,000 dunams of land on ducted by Jascha Resnitsky and the mixed Israel-Jordan armistice com­ Jordan's action at the roadblock of the vast Huleh swamp - Dr. which 250,000 people live, he stated. Jewish Community choir conducted mission took place in the Negev no­ after the matter had been referred Gr! En@@~ ,1•ish foith a'.ltl J(•vrisl· lcarni!'~." ,Dr. Silvi'". 1 ,the .cl~sh. The Is~~e]j~saj£1J!!,~'.l1!,.~~ or- -Dr. Grannot , aiso announced that ' 1•'Jushing liteacto"tv, '(J'l'A) - !lsrael huia :~:::.:u:gu::-, m~!.c bJ B. :DrY,Yn TP]cg~;::.:i~c. ,!'~Je~cy thu~ he hw~ J:o added: ''No Jc,;vish community ever survived for long which ignored not prepared to do so untll the com­ the J.N.F. has acquired from the was selected this week by U.N. stone. official word yet on whether a com­ Hebrew. If we think of any cultural link between Israel and the Jews mission voted on their proposal for Israel Government 1,100,000 dunams Secretary-General Trygve Lie to The orchestra will present a plaint on the matter was to be made of the Diaspora, we must think in terms of the ." condemnation of Jordan's action, of land abandoned by the Arabs and participate in neutral-country dis­ Chassidic dance, Desert Caravan and before the Council. The synagogue, "which is also the school," must be strengthened, The Jordanians agreed to the in­ is negotiating with various churches cussions with the Chinese Communst a Medley of popular Jewish songs Israel's delegates on the commis­ and dances. Tzvei Zilberne Becher, he concluded. quiry. At this point the meeting delegation now visiting United Na­ sion this week gave a detailed ac­ broke down under mutual charges tions headquarters. count of the meeting to a press and recriminations. In an effort to bring Wu Hsiu-chan Ben Gurion Arrivos conference here. They also re­ Meanwhile, the Israel Cabinet met To Speak at vealed that they expressed their and his Peking delegation into con­ In London From Greece again to hear a report by Brig, Yigal Seek To Block Steel government's anxiety over the tact with supposedly middlc-of-the­ London, (JTA) - Premier Yadin, Army Chief of Staff, on the J. W. F. Dinner road delegations here to confer about postponement of the meeting, situation in the Negev. The Minis­ Ben Gurion of Israel arrived here pointing out that the U.N.'s con­ the Korean crisis, Mr. Lie invited this week on what was described as For Arab Oil Pipeline ters also decided on instructions to the representatives of five nations to tinued postponements on the in­ the Israel representatives on , the This Monday "a private visit." Mr. Ben Gurion Washington, (JTA) - The Inde­ Export licenses for the Iraq-Syria cident, which began last week, an informal dinner at his home in flew here from Athens, where he has mixed armistic commission. Forest Hills, N.Y. • pendent Petroleum Association of pipeline have already been issued to was responsible for the present been on vacation for several days. America has asked Secretary of cover the shipment of 50,000 tons of situation. , Israel Foreign Minister Moshe Immediately upon his arrival, the 30-inch pipes. An csiimatcd 140,000- Commerce Charles Sawyer to tell REQUESTS COMMISSION Sharett was the Israel guest. The Israel Premier proceeded to Oxford what the government will do about 190,000 tons will be needed for the Shlicha to Address other nations invited by Mr. Lie are where he intends to pursue his in­ the future export of steel such as the project's completion. Domestic oil The members of the Israel dele- p • W ' Sweden, Pakistan, India and Britain. terests as a classical scholar and pipeline steel which is already par­ men arc asking here if it is wise to gation also expressed concern over IOneer omen S All five nations have recognized the bibliophile. He indicated that he tially exported to construct a pipe­ ship stee!l to an area such ns the Near Communist Chinese Government. would not stay in London, but will line from the Iraq oil fields to Banias, East which will be difficult to de­ Good Turnout Urged A~nu.~I Dinner visit a number of ,university cities Syria, which would by-pass Israel fend in the event of a third war. Boston Police Chief iri England. Authoritative Israel territory and duplicate facilities For Musical Club sources emphasize that no specula­ terminating at Haifa. Intervenes For 11Avengers" tion should be made as to the reason NEWSPAPERS SET UP Russel B. Brown, general counsel Chanukah Concert Boston, (JTA)-Sevcn boys out of for Mr. Ben Gurion's visit, since ANTI-JEWISH CAMPAIGNS such speculations "would be entirely of the Association, in a letter to the Mrs. J. J, Lander, president of the the group of 25 who were arrested Rome, (JTA)-Fnscist newspapers Jewish Women's Musical club, has idle." Commerce Department, expressed in Hyde Park in connection with concern over the critical steel short­ in this country have stepped up urged the women of Winnipeg, their their efforts to retaliate against Culture Replaces. Card age faced by the domestic petroleum their anti-Jewish campaign, Refer­ husbands and families to attend the anti-Semitic hoodlums in the Dor­ industry. This shortage has been Jewish Musical club's annual Chan­ chester area were given a third de­ Parties In Philadelphia ences to the "Jewish question" frC noted by members of Congress who appearing more and more freq~cntly. ukah concert which will be held this ferment in the case which is being Philadelphia, (JTA) -The Sister­ have indicated they may be consider­ Sunday, Dec, 10, at 8.30 p.m. at the , ; tried before Judge Daniel W. Casey, hood of Congregation Beth Judah of ing a Congressional investigation of . Playhouse theatre. The deferment was requested by Logan has decided not to sponsor the Arab pipeline - a project ap­ Munich, (JTA)-Thc Agudas Is- Mrs. Lander also announced that Police Commissioner Thomas F. card parties or any other games of proved by the Arab League boycott rael and the Mizrachi group in Ger­ the second annual membership tea Sullivan who said he wanted the chance, in compliance with a ruling strategy which aims to injure Israel many have decided to withdraw will be held at the Eaton's assembly HARRY L. JACOBS delay 'to make further investigation.' of the Philadelphia Board of Rabbis hall on January 4, from 2.30 to 5 p.m, The case will again be taken up on banning ail games of chance in economically by keeping oil away from the Central Committee of Jews outstanding communal leader and Mrs. J. Wilder is chairman of the January 5. synagogues in this city. from the Haifa refineries. .of Western Germany. well known barrister of Kansas membership committee which in­ City, Mo., will b«;, guest speaker at cludes: Mesdames J, Resnitsky, J, ' the Jewish Welfare Fund annual Drcman, L. G. Feinstein, M. D, •• • , •. ., ...... v. , ...... __. , Spivak, M. Beyer, S. Nitikman, I. dinner meeting in the Royal Alex­ DVORAII METLITZKY andra hotel on Monday, Dec, 11, at Caminctsky, M. Cohen, N. Koffman, 6.30 p.m. Jordan Intercepts Israeli Convoy D, Budnitsky and A. Winograd. shlicha from Israel who has just ar­ S, B. Nitikman will deliver the rived in the United States as a special annual presidential report durinr delegate from the Moatzat Hapoalot, the business portion of the meeting Mahal Vets Start will be guest speaker at the Pioneer which will begin at 8 p.m. Saul M. Women's annual bullding fund din­ Chcftniack, Welfare Fund budget On Elath Road; UN. Halts Clash Mea:norial Proiect ner to be held at the Royal Alcxan­ chairman, will speak briefly on Jerusalem, (JTA) - Col. Bennett armlstle commission, to whom the For several days the impasse re­ mas.'! of Jorclan armor and n block Winnipcg Mahal association, an dra hotel Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 6.30 "How Do We Spend Your Money?" de Ridder, Acting United Nations orlglnnl cease-fire orclcr was hand­ mained unbroken while the Israelis at a point farther souU1. organization consisting of Israeli p.m. Mr, Jacobs, an expert on Welfare Truce Chief in Palestine, has issued ed. lie also agreed to attend nn awaited action by U.N. headquarters An official Israel Army spokes­ war veterans, have established a Mrs. Mctlitztcy was born in Rus­ Funds and communal affairs, will a new cease-fire order to Israel and emergency meeting of the armis­ here to which the Jews had com­ man revealed that an Israel note Fishcr-li'itchct memorial fund to sin and while still a child moved speak on "The New Jewish Com­ Jordan whose forces were engaged tice commission. plained. On Saturday morning Col. was handed the Jordan commander erect ii living memorial in the Cann- with her family to Germany and munity." He was a member of the in a two-and-one-half-hour battle. A report in New York from de Ridder flew to Amman to consult at the northernmost roadblock in­ dlan Kibbutz Shoshana, Israel, for Inter to Lithuania. She was sent to first post war U.J.A. delegation to The cease-fire order was to be c!Icc­ Amman said that Jordan had also with Jordan mllltary leaders includ­ forming him that in a half-hour tho the Winnipcggcrs William Fisher England to complete her education Israel in the winter of 1048 when tive 5 p.m. local time and both accepted the cease-fire order. An­ ing British General John B. Glubb, Isrnclis would begin dismantling and Len Fitchct who paid the su- where she received her master of the Israeli war for Independence forces were instructed to withdraw other report from Ammnn, by the commander of the Arab Leelon. 'fhc the roadblock and if the Arabs prcme sacrifice in the dc-fense of arts degree in medieval and modern was still on. to earlier positions astride the Elath Reuter news agency, said that the Jordanians agreed to leave the opened fire they would be held ac­ Israel. languages from London university. Mr. Jacobs is president of the road, leaving a demilitarized zone Jordan Cabinet had resigned this matter to ri mixed commission of countable for a breach of tho peace. Jock Smith, president of the nsso- Meanwhile her parents and brother West Central region of the Council between them. week, experts, but rcfu!lcd to withdraw At O p,m., prom1it1y, the roadblock elation, has µppcalcd to the com- settled in Palestine and she joined / of Jewish Federations and Welfare The clash resulted from a Jordan their forces pcndlnr, a decision. The was dismantled. Tho Arnbs made no Israel lmmcctlatcly accepted tlJC munity for Its support in this worth- them there in 1030. funds in the U.S., nnd ls president of move last Wednesday when an Israelis, meanwhile, found it 1.1lmost move, cease-fire orclcr, but refused to while project, so that tho sacrifice The shlicha taught nt the Hebrew the University ot Missouri Hillel withdraw Its ,forces from the dls­ Arab J,cglon armored column erect­ impossible to obtain a meeting with In the morning the Arnbs re­ Foundation. He is n member of the pntccl area, A military spokesman ed a roadblock on the main road Col. de Ridder. erected the roadblock nnd the Jews o.C those Wlnnipcggers who died for university nnd ofter lier marriage executive committees of the Jewish cleclarcd tbat Israel will continue through the Ncggv. An Israel supply A 1iortlon of the Israel column dismantled Jt. 'l'hc Jordanians open­ Israel, will not be forgotten. moved to Egypt. Following her hl.Ul• Federation of Kansas City and of to uso tho road and will not flro convoy, escorted by military forces toolc to the desert wastes from tho ed fire nt 0.45 a.m., wounding two Contributions should be sent to band's death n few years ngo she re• the Jewish Community centre of on the. Arabs unless they molest In armored vehicles en route to roa1l and circumvented tho Arab Israelis. Tho Jcwn replied, settinr: the Fishcr-Fitchct memorial fund turned to Israel with her 4-yenr-old that city. lie ls n past president of one Jordon armored vehicle afire. traffic. This Information w a s roa1lblock, which was located tho Itnnsas City Bar association, and E!ath on the northern tip" of the Shortly orter 11 a.m, tho mortars in care of Fund chairman, Jake daughter. She is now the head ol tho a past president of tho Knnsas City transmitted to tlm U.N. by the Is­ Gulf of , was forced to hnlt about GO miles . north of Elath, and connon ceased firing and the Hurtig, 235 Garfield street, Winni- women's division of the Arab do- Community Centre. rael rcpresentntlvo on tho mixed at the rondbloclc. However, they . founil a second Arnbs withdrew a short distance, peg. partinent ol Israel,

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