Ministry of Vice Ministry of General Directorate of Public PERU Economy and Finance Treasury Debt and Treasury “DECADE OF PEOPLE WITH DISSABILITIES IN PERU” “YEAR OF THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE MAR DE GRAU” MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE STRATEGY FOR GLOBAL ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENT* 2016 - 2019 * This document includes the Annual Public Debt and Debt Management Program referred to in Article 14° of Law N° 28563, specifying its policies, objectives and goals, from a long-term perspective, which is compatible with the fiscal targets and debt sustainability. The approval of this document was recommended by the Asset and Liability Management Committee created by the Sixth Final Complementary Provision of Act N° 30116 as the authority that establishes the actions to be taken in order to manage the financial assets and liabilities that are part of the Public Treasury. Ministry of Vice Ministry of General Directorate of PERU Economy and Finance Treasury Public Debt and Treasury ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE President: ALONSO SEGURA VASI Minister of Economy y Finance Members: ROSSANA POLASTRI CLARCK ENZO DEFILIPPI ANGELDONIS Vice-Minister of Public Finance Vice-Minister of Economy CARLOS BLANCO CÁCERES CÉSAR LIENDO VIDAL General Director of Public Debt General Director of Macroeconomic Policy and Treasury and Fiscal Decentralization Technical Secretary: RENZO JIMÉNEZ SOTELO Director of Analysis and Strategy Technical Team: Eduardo Olavegoya Hurtado Fernando Figueroa Manrique Josué Sifuentes Rodríguez Malcolm Stewart Robles Ángel Polo Rodríguez Karla Montes Girao INFORMATION Investor Relation Office Phone (511) 311-5933; fax (511) 626-9921 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: General Directorate of Public Debt and Treasury Phone (511) 311-5930 ext.