

AGENDA FOR MEETING ON TUESDAY 21 MAY 2019 12noon: Room Q1.03

1. Minutes

(a) Draft minutes of 14 May 2019 (b) Matters arising.

2. Future business programme (PB/S5/19/75)

3. Referral of a legislative consent memorandum (PB/S5/19/76)

4. Referral of a Members’ Bill proposal (PB/S5/19/77)

Date of next meeting—

Tuesday 28 May 2019 @ 12noon RESTRICTED – POLICY PB/S5/19/MINS/17



Attending: Ken Macintosh (chair), Christine Grahame, Graeme Dey, Alexander Burnett, Neil Findlay, Patrick Harvie, Alex Cole-Hamilton, James Dornan (item 2), Ruth Maguire (item 2).

Observing: Tom Arthur

Apologies: Maurice Golden, Willie Rennie

Officials present: Paul Grice, Tracey White, Irene Fleming, Catherine Fergusson, Lewis McNaughton, Kathryn Stewart, Joanne McNaughton, Jennifer Bell, Peter McGrath (item 2), Claire Menzies (item 2).

1. Item 1a: Minutes of last meeting — The minutes of 7 May 2019 were agreed.

Item 1b: Matters arising — There were no matters arising.

2. Referral of a Bill at Stage 1 — James Dornan MSP, on behalf of the Local Government and Communities Committee, and Ruth Maguire MSP, on behalf of the Equalities and Human Rights Committee, joined the Bureau to discuss referral of the Period Products (Free Provision) () Bill. Following discussion, the Bureau agreed to recommend to the Parliament that the Local Government and Communities Committee be designated as lead committee for consideration of the Bill at Stage 1.

3. Future business programme — The Bureau agreed to recommend to the Parliament a programme of business for the weeks commencing 20 and 27 May 2019.

The Bureau noted that Members’ Business on Tuesday 21 May 2019 would be motion S5M-16134 Colin Beattie on International Museum Day, on Wednesday 22 May 2019 would be motion S5M-16105 George Adam on Concern for Local Radio Content. The Bureau noted that the Members’ Business debate that would have taken place on Thursday 23 May 2019 will be reschedule to a future date.

4. Timetabling of a Bill at Stage 2 — The Bureau agreed to refer the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill back to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee at Stage 2 and to recommend to the Parliament a deadline of Friday 28 June 2019 for completion of that Stage.

5. Approval of an SSI — The Bureau agreed to recommend to the Parliament that the Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 (Treatment of South of Scotland Enterprise as Specified Authority) Order 2019 [draft] be approved.

6. Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee: request to meet at the same time as a meeting of the Parliament — The Bureau agreed to recommend to the Parliament by motion that, under Rule 12.3.3B of Standing Orders, the Environment, 1


Climate Change and Land Reform Committee can meet, if necessary, at the same time as a meeting of the Parliament from between 2.30pm and 4.30pm on Tuesday 28 May 2019 for the purpose of considering evidence on its inquiry on the report of the Committee on Climate Change. While the Bureau recognised the exceptional circumstances regarding the recent publication of this report, it noted that a Stage 1 debate will be taking place at the same time as the Committee meets. The Bureau reaffirmed its view that, other than in exceptional circumstances, it would not recommend that committees be allowed to meet at the same time as consideration of legislation in the Chamber.

7. Publication scheme — It was agreed that all papers considered at the meeting should be published.

8. Date of next meeting — The next meeting of the Bureau would be at 12 noon on Tuesday 21 May 2019.

Irene Fleming Clerk to the Parliamentary Bureau 14 May 2019





1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business at each meeting of the Parliament.

2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below.

S5M-15977 Kenneth Gibson: Protecting Children and Young People from the Marketing of Health- harming Products - That the Parliament recognises the significant role that marketing plays in driving consumption of health-harming products, as discussed at the meeting of the Cross Party Group on Improving Scotland’s Health: 2021 and Beyond on 20 February 2019; notes the evidence presented by Dr Nathan Critchlow from the Institute of Social Marketing at the University of Stirling on how young people in the UK recall examples of alcohol marketing and can identify alcohol brands, and that exposure to alcohol marketing is associated with increased consumption, higher-risk drinking, susceptibility to drink, and brand knowledge among young people; acknowledges the stance taken by Scottish Women’s Football against alcohol sponsorship as part of its aspiration to be a "clean sport", as outlined by its Chair, Vivienne MacLaren; notes the unanimous agreement of those represented at the meeting that alcohol marketing has no place in childhood and that all children should play, learn and socialise in places that are healthy and safe, protected from exposure to alcohol advertising and sponsorship, and welcomes the commitment within the Scottish Government’s Alcohol Framework to consult and engage on a range of potential measures to protect children and young people from alcohol marketing in Cunninghame North and across Scotland.

S5M-16000 Joan McAlpine: Celebrating Hamish Henderson – That the Parliament notes that 2019 marks the centenary of the birth of Hamish Henderson, who it considers was one of the most brilliant Scots of his age; acknowledges that he was a poet, scholar, songwriter, folklorist, a co-founder of the University of Edinburgh’s School of Scottish studies and the catalyst of Scotland’s post-war folk revival; notes that Hamish was born to a single mother in Blairgowrie on 11 November 1919, and went on to win a scholarship to study modern languages at Cambridge; understands that he helped smuggle Jews to safety from Nazi Germany while a visiting student in the 1930s; praises his distinguished service as an intelligence officer in the Second World War, when he oversaw the drafting of the Italian surrender order of Marshal Graziani; notes that Hamish translated the prison diaries of Antonio Gramsci; praises his poetry collection, Elegies For The Dead in Cyrenaica, which received the Somerset Maugham Award; notes that, after the war, Hamish taught with the Workers Educational Association, founded the Edinburgh People's Festival and began collecting and recording folk songs and stories from across the country, including South Scotland, which form part of the 9,000 field recordings at the School of Scottish Studies, where Hamish taught from 1951 to 1987; understands that he brought bearers of Scotland’s oral tradition, including travelling people such as Belle Stewart and Jeannie Robertson, to international attention; considers that Hamish wrote many beloved folk songs, including Freedom Come All Ye, John MacLean March and The 51st Highland Division’s Farewell to Sicily; remembers Hamish as an internationalist who campaigned for Scottish home rule, an end to apartheid in South Africa and nuclear disarmament; notes that he died in 2002 and is survived by his widow, Kätzel, and his daughters, Janet and Christine; understands that events are planned to mark his centenary, including in November at the Hamish Matters Festival in Blairgowrie and the Carrying Stream Festival at Edinburgh Folk Club, as well as in publications such as The Darg, a new anthology in tribute to Hamish by The Poets Republic Press; anticipates more events commemorating Hamish’s legacy throughout 2019, and believes that these are a fitting tribute to what it considers a visionary talent whose contribution to Scottish culture remains immense.


S5M-16179 David Torrance: Scottish War Blinded - That the Parliament commends Scottish War Blinded for expanding its work to help veterans to the Kirkcaldy area; understands that two-thirds of its members say that their sight loss had resulted in them experiencing loneliness; notes that the charity provides tailored one-on-one support and rehabilitation as well as a monthly lunch group to help overcome social isolation, and acknowledges the continued efforts of its outreach worker, Stephen Greig, to help veterans in Kirkcaldy.

S5M-16421 John Mason: Reversing Gender Stereotypes in Jobs - That the Parliament considers that gender stereotypes in jobs continue to exist; agrees that gender stereotypes prevent individuals throughout Scotland, including in Shettleston, from realising their full potential, which it believes harms society as a whole; notes what it sees as the excellent work done by Glasgow Caledonian University, including its campaign, @GCUMenRnurses2, and other organisations, in encouraging both men and women to explore their potential beyond traditionally-gendered employment patterns, and further notes calls for additional work to be undertaken to address occupational gender segregation for the benefit of society.

S5M-16487 Johann Lamont: New Report Calls for More Housing Co-ops in Scotland - That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Co-operatives UK report, Shared space – how Scottish housing co-ops build communities; notes that the report identifies significant benefits delivered by co-ops through the key themes of affordability, empowerment, community and stronger social housing; recognises that the report states that Scotland has just 11 registered housing co-ops, compared to 685 across the UK, at a time when 150,000 people are on council house waiting lists; agrees with the report’s findings that the decline of social housing stock in Scotland and parallel rise of the private rented sector has created a major challenge for those looking for affordable homes in the social rented sector; understands that the report highlights the excellent work of West Whitlawburn Housing Co-op, based in the Glasgow region, as an example of a housing co-op creating "a safer estate with warmer, more attractive homes"; notes that the report has recommended an eight-point policy plan to help deliver more housing co-ops, and notes calls for the Scottish Government to encourage more housing co-ops in Scotland in order to create safer and stronger communities that offer affordable rents and more power to tenants.

S5M-16564 Colin Smyth: Queen of the South Football Club's 100th Anniversary - That the Parliament congratulates Queen of the South FC on its centenary year; notes that the first formal meeting of the newly formed club was held at 38 Whitesands in Dumfries at the premises of the New Bazaar public house exactly 100 years ago on 26 March 1919; notes that Palmerston Park on the site of the former Palmers Toun Farm was chosen as the club's home and that the club is nicknamed 'The Doonhamers' after the South Scotland town of Dumfries, which is known as "Doon hame" by local residents; notes that Queen`s first-ever game took place on 16 August 1919 against Sanqhuar side, Nithsdale Wanderers, which ended in a 2-2 draw; recognises the many fine achievements of Queen of the South over the last 100 years, including winning the Division B Championship in season 1950-51, the Second Division Championship in 2001-02 and 2012-13, and the Scottish Challenge Cup in seasons 2002-03 and 2012-13; notes that Queens reached its first major cup final in 2008, defeating 4-3 in an epic semi-final, which was the club's first-ever live TV broadcast, before narrowly losing the final to Rangers 3-2; notes that reaching the Scottish Cup Final led to the club qualifying for the 2nd qualification round of the 2008-09 UEFA Cup where it was drawn against the Danish side, FC Nordsjaelland, resulting in a memorable trip to Copenhagen for the "blue army" to witness Queens in Europe; thanks the club for the many memories over the last 100 years, and sends the club, staff and supporters its best wishes for the year ahead and for many years to come.

S5M-16595 Murdo Fraser: The Way of St Andrews - That the Parliament congratulates the Way of St Andrews on being included by VisitScotland in the brochure, Walk in Scotland 2019; understands that this and other pilgrimage sites, including St Columba’s Way, St Duthac’s Way, St Margaret’s Elbow, St Margaret’s Loop, the Rosslyn Chapel Way, the Ladywell Way, St ’s Way and St Wilfrid’s Way, are attracting increasing numbers of visitors, bringing an annual expenditure of almost £170 million per year, and wishes the Way of St Andrews and all of the country's pilgrimage sites continued success.


S5M-16637: Claudia Beamish: Towards an Independent Palestinian State, a Scottish Proposal - That the Parliament notes calls for action towards an independent Palestinian state; recognises Britain's historical responsibilities in Palestine and Israel and notes the view that British engagement is needed for a better future; acknowledges Scotland’s role in influencing Britain to act for true equality, promoting a policy based on those universal values that Britain helped enshrine in international law; commends the work of the Balfour Project in advancing the education of the British public in the history of Britain’s involvement in the Middle East, and notes calls, including from people in the South Scotland region, for six measures to be taken, which are an end to the closure of Gaza, freedom of worship for all believers, respect for the rule of law, accountability, recognition of the State of Palestine alongside Israel and a UK Government commitment to defend the fundamental rights of both peoples.

S5M-16765: Michelle Ballantyne: Assisted Dying Laws - That the Parliament considers that there is strong public support within the South Scotland region and across Scotland for the reform of current laws regarding assisted dying; understands that, according to a 2015 Populus Poll, 83% of the public in Scotland support assisted dying and would like to see the current laws changed; acknowledges that, while there is no specific law against assisted dying in Scotland, those who financially or logistically aid a loved one who chooses an assisted death may be prosecuted for culpable homicide; notes that there is an active cross-party group in the Parliament dedicated to the matter, and considers that campaigns to change assisted dying laws have support from MSPs from all parties; understands that an increasing number of medical bodies, most recently the Royal College of Physicians, have removed their opposition to assisted dying, and that recent legal changes in a number of countries, including Canada, the United States and Australia, mean that over 100 million people around the world now have access to assisted dying; notes the view that there is a strong desire to start a conversation in the Parliament on assisted dying; recognises the long-term suffering and loss of freedom that many degenerative and terminal illnesses cause, and notes the view that assisted dying is a serious matter worthy of proper recognition and discussion.

S5M-16795: Bill Kidd: International Workers' Memorial Day 2019 - That the Parliament recognises International Workers' Memorial Day 2019, which will be marked on 28 April to remember the estimated 50,000 people who are killed each year through work-related incidents or illnesses; notes that the day also aims to encourage steps towards ensuring that such tragedies do not happen again, and recognises that this year's theme is "Dangerous substances, get them out of the workplace", which focuses on workers' exposure to carcinogens.

S5M-16939: Miles Briggs: Love Your Lungs Week - That the Parliament welcomes Love Your Lungs Week, which takes place from 17 to 23 June 2019; understands that lung disease is a major challenge for the NHS, with lung cancer being the most common individual cause of death in Scotland, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease being the third most common; believes that lung disease places a huge burden on those who have the condition, as well as on their loved ones; notes that the theme of this year’s Love Your Lungs Week is early diagnosis; understands that the British Lung Foundation’s online breath test, which seeks to raise awareness of the early warning signs of lung disease, has been taken by over 460,000 people across the UK; notes the importance of early diagnosis to help people live well with lung disease, and celebrates the work being carried out by researchers, clinicians and charities, such as the British Lung Foundation, to encourage everyone to love their lungs.

S5M-17056: Brian Whittle: Early Detection and Treatment of Lung Cancer - That the Parliament is concerned regarding the high incidence and low survival rates of lung cancer in Scotland, the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women; recognises that lung cancer can be effectively treated, or patient survival improved, if diagnosed early, but that only an average of two in ten patients are diagnosed at stage one when the cancer is small and localised; is concerned that 46% of lung cancer patients are diagnosed at stage four, when the cancer is advanced and has spread; considers that increasing the proportion of lung cancer patients diagnosed early is key to improving early survival in Scotland, including in South Scotland, and providing treatment when it could be curative; commends the improvement achieved through the Detect Cancer Early programme with a 24.7% increase in people diagnosed at stage one; notes the view that more must be done to identify individuals


at risk of lung cancer earlier so that treatment can be provided earlier, and further notes the calls on the Scottish Government to take action to improve early diagnosis of lung cancer and its outcomes more broadly.

S5M-17050: Clare Adamson: Child Safety Week 2019 - That the Parliament notes that Child Safety Week, the flagship annual campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), takes place between 3 and 9 June 2019 with the theme, Family life today: where’s the risk?; understands that, after the neonatal period, accidents are the main cause of childhood death in Scotland, responsible for two out of five child deaths, and that, in 2018, some 7,260 children were admitted to hospital in an emergency after an accident with some experiencing life-changing injuries; appreciates CAPT highlighting the new dangers that face families today from the more complex aspects of modern life in which the very things that help make life more convenient can bring new risks, such as button batteries that can kill when swallowed, child appealing washing capsules that can poison or nappy sacks stored under cot mattresses that can suffocate babies; acknowledges the additional concern of the agencies involved that children living in Scotland’s most deprived communities are more likely to experience a preventable accident than those from the least deprived areas; applauds Child Safety Week’s online resources and activities, which are available free to families and agencies through support from the Scottish Government, and which are designed to raise awareness of both risks and preventative strategies; acknowledges Child Safety Week’s continuing promotion and support of collaborative approaches, and commends the efforts of all agencies that work together to seek to increase the safety of children and young people.

S5M-17177: Richard Lyle: Alzheimer Scotland Report, Delivering Fair Dementia Care for People with Advanced Dementia-That the Parliament welcomes the Alzheimer Scotland report, Delivering Fair Dementia Care for People with Advanced Dementia; believes this to be an important contribution to the understanding of advanced dementia and the care needed by people in the Uddingston and Bellshill constituency and across Scotland who are living with the condition; is concerned that the report finds that, too often, they are not able to access the healthcare that they need, and acknowledges the view that they should receive the expert health care services that they need, on an equal basis with other progressive terminal conditions, which should be provided free at the point of use.

S5M-17240: Edward Moutain: Bullying and Harassment in the NHS- That the Parliament, in light of John Sturrock QC’s report into allegations of bullying and harassment at NHS Highland, commends the courage of all those who have spoken out in this regard and also those who do so throughout NHS Scotland, and notes calls on the Scottish Government to protect and support all those who speak out against bullying and harassment and to ensure that the whistleblowing process is robust and easily accessible

S5M-17329: Gillian Martin: World Environment Day 2019- . That the Parliament welcomes World Environment Day 2019, which will be marked on 5 June; notes the recent publication of the report, Scotland’s Nature on Red Alert, by Scottish Environment LINK, which highlights the potential impact of climate change on Scotland’s biodiversity; understands that almost one-in-ten Scottish species are at risk of extinction, and applauds the work of MSPs who work as species champions to protect Scotland’s wildlife and to help raise awareness of threatened species in their regions and constituencies.

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament from 6 June 2016

Date MSP Party Subject 07/06/16 James Dornan SNP Celebrating Glasgow’s Third Sector 08/06/16 Clare Adamson SNP Child Safety Week 2016 09/06/16 Murdo Fraser CON 750th Anniversary of the Treaty of Perth 14/06/16 Iain Gray LAB Closure of RBS Prestonpans Branch 15/06/16 Clare Haughey SNP Increase in Trade Union Membership in Scotland


Date MSP Party Subject 16/06/16 Kate Forbes SNP Rural Communities and the Post-study Work Visa 28/06/16 Douglas Ross CON Scottish Team at Euro 2016 29/06/16 Michael Russell SNP Commemorating the 21st Anniversary of the Srebenica Genocide 30/06/16 Neil Findlay LAB Scotland, Pitchford and Undercover Policing 06/09/16 Fulton MacGregor SNP Stand Up to Bullying 07/09/16 Miles Briggs CON Opposition to Centralisation of Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery 08/09/16 James Dornan SNP Living Wage in Scottish Football 13/09/16 Jackie Baillie LAB Save our Services 14/09/16 Ivan McKee SNP Reusable Nappies and the Scottish Baby Box 15/09/16 Jeremy Balfour CON Glow Gold September 20/09/16 Stuart McMillan SNP Eye Health Week 21/09/16 Graeme Dey SNP Promoting Good Food from Angus 22/09/16 Margaret Mitchell CON The Standing Safe Campaign 27/09/16 Monica Lennon LAB Feminine Hygiene Products 28/09/16 Mark Ruskell GRN Action on Residential Road Safety 29/09/16 Jenny Gilruth SNP Mental Health Education 04/10/16 Kenneth Gibson SNP Hate Crimes Against Polish Migrants 05/10/16 Neil Findlay LAB Retain Tax Jobs in Bathgate 06/10/16 Liam McArthur LD Island Heath Boards 25/10/16 Christine Grahame SNP Adopt a Station 26/10/16 David Stewart LAB Support for Campeltown Airport as SpacePort 27/10/16 Richard Lochhead SNP Standard of Mortuaries 01/11/16 Jeremy Balfour CON 100th Anniversary of the Cub Scouts 02/11/16 Sandra White SNP Welfare Conditionality Study 03/11/16 Alex Rowley LAB The Cost of Saying Goodbye, Burial and Cremation Charges in Scotland 08/11/16 Graeme Dey SNP Species Champions Re-launch 09/11/16 Ruth Maguire SNP Celebrating International Credit Union Day 2016 10/11/16 Liz Smith CON Accessible Hospital Transport in Scotland 15/11/16 Jackie Baillie LAB Supporting Women-led Business in Global Entrepreneurship Week 16/11/16 Angus MacDonald SNP State of Nature 2016 Report 17/11/16 Gillian Martin SNP Celebrating Flexible Working Practices 22/11/16 Maurice Corry CON 100th Anniversary of Erskine 23/11/16 Bob Doris SNP The Year of the Dad 24/11/16 Miles Briggs CON Edinburgh Waverley Station Access Arrangements 29//11/16 Rona Mackay SNP Men who have Sex with Men, Blood Donations 30/11/16 Kezia Dugdale LAB World AIDS Day 2016 01/12/16 Ash Denham SNP Small Business Saturday 06/12/16 Johann Lamont LAB Care Tax in Scotland 07/12/16 George Adam SNP Paisley for City of Culture 2021 08/12/16 Brian Whittle CON Doon Valley Boxing Club 13/12/16 Fulton MacGregor SNP Walk This Way at Dunbeth Park 14/12/16 Maree Todd SNP Scotland’s Climate Targets 15/12/16 Gordon Lindhurst CON The Future of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site 20/12/16 Kezia Dugdale LAB Tackling Mesothelioma in Scotland


Date MSP Party Subject 21/12/16 Alison Johnstone GRN Extending Maternity and Paternity Leave for Parents of Premature Babies 21/12/16 Emma Harper SNP Ending the Illegal Puppy Trade 10/01/17 Clare Adamson SNP Type 1 Diabetes in Scotland 11/01/17 Liz Smith CON STEP Physical Literacy Programme 12/01/17 Colin Smyth LAB Marie Curie Report on Challenging Inequities in Palliative Care 17/01/17 Stewart Stevenson SNP A Sea of Opportunity 18/01/17 Richard Leonard LAB 30th Anniversary of Workers’ Occupation of Caterpillar Plant in Tannochside 19/01/17 Bob Doris SNP Closure of Glasgow Jobcentres 24/01/17 Donald Cameron CON World Cancer Day, an Opportunity to Tackle Obesity 25/01/17 Emma Harper SNP Celebrating Burns and the Scots Language 26/01/17 Jackson Carlaw CON Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 31/01/17 Graeme Dey SNP Scotland’s Veterans 01/02/17 Sandra White SNP WASPI Campaign 02/02/17 Liam Kerr CON The Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill 07/02/17 Mike Rumbles LD Blackhillock to Kintore Transmission Line 08/02/17 Bill Kidd SNP The Jimmy Reid Foundation Report, Trident and its Successor Programme 09/02/17 Stuart McMillan SNP Barnardo's Scotland, Nurture Week 21/02/17 Annie Wells CON LGBT History Month Scotland 2017 22/02/17 Colin Beattie SNP Industrial Strategy for a More Prosperous, Fairer Britain 23/02/17 Lewis Macdonald LAB Co-investment in the UK Oil and Gas Sector 28/02/17 Kenneth Gibson SNP It’s OK to Talk. Period. 01/03/17 Alexander Stewart CON Safe Drive, Stay Alive Project 02/03/17 Fulton MacGregor SNP Apprenticeship Week 07/03/17 Alex Rowley LAB Local Government Finance and the State of the Debt 08/03/17 Linda Fabiani SNP Marie Curie’s Great Daffodil Appeal 09/03/17 Adam Tomkins CON Community Jobs Scotland 14/03/17 Ruth Maguire SNP Welcoming Play Scotland's Play Charter 15/03/17 Stuart McMillan SNP Commonwealth Day 2017 16/03/17 Ross Thomson CON Impact on North East Businesses of the Hike in Non-domestic Rates 21/03/17 Rhoda Grant LAB Triggers for Loneliness 23/03/17 Ben Macpherson SNP Justice for Yazidi People 28/03/17 Graeme Dey SNP Included in the Main?! 29/03/17 John Lamont CON Congratulations to Rotary District 1020 and Other Champions of Change Winners 30/03/17 Willie Rennie LD The Future of Elmwood Campus 18/04/17 Christine Grahame SNP Addaction 19/04/17 Monica Lennon LAB Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) Campaign 20/04/17 Clare Haughey SNP International Workers Memorial Day 2017 25/04/17 Maurice Golden CON WWF Earth Hour 2017 26/04/17 George Adam SNP MS Awareness Week 27/04/17 Neil Findlay LAB Flawed Airport Consultation 02/05/17 John Finnie GRN Ship-to-ship Oil Transfers in the Cromarty and


Date MSP Party Subject Moray Forths 09/05/17 Pauline McNeill LAB Food Banks, Scotland's Hunger Crisis 10/05/17 Emma Harper SNP Celebrating International Nurses Day on 12 May 2017 11/05/17 Gail Ross SNP 12 May, International ME Day 16/05/17 Brian Whittle CON Heritage and Environmental Conservation Charities Support for Outdoor Learning 17/05/17 Ash Denham SNP Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day 17/05/17 Ben Macpherson SNP UK Government Restrictions for 18 to 21-year- olds Accessing Financial Support for Housing 18/05/17 Colin Smyth LAB Snaring 23/05/17 Maree Todd SNP May 2017, World Hypertension Month 24/05/17 Liam Kerr CON Cycle Capacity on Scotland's Railways 24/05/17 Finlay Carson CON The Establishment of New National Parks 25/05/17 James Dornan SNP When the Lisbon Lions Roared, 50th Anniversary of Celtic's European Cup Win 30/06/17 Jackie Baillie LAB Vale of Leven Hospital GP Out-of-hours Services 31/06/17 Clare Adamson SNP Child Safety Week 5 to 11 June 2017, Safe Children: Sharing is Caring 01/06/17 Maurice Corry CON Combat Stress Finds Veterans in Scotland Face Higher Levels of Deprivation Than Those in Rest of UK 06/06/17 Ivan McKee SNP UK Green Deal, Supporting Aggrieved Householders 13/06/17 Neil Findlay LAB Leading Journalists Criticise the Scottish Government over FOISA 14/06/17 Mark Ruskell GRN National Clean Air Day 2017 14/06/17 Alexander Burnett CON Lyme Disease, The Need To Do More 15/06/17 Christine Grahame SNP Stink Pits Stink 20/06/17 Linda Fabiani SNP The Scottish Civic Trust, 50 Years of Protecting Scotland's Built Heritage 21/06/17 Christina McKelvie SNP Motor Neurone Disease Global Awareness Day 21/06/17 Alexander Stewart CON Stroke Care in Scotland 22/06/17 Tavish Scott LD Island Games, Support Scotland's Athletes 27/06/17 Gillian Martin SNP Not on My Screen 28/06/17 Kenneth Gibson SNP BT to Remove One-in-Five Phone Boxes in Scotland 28/06/17 James Kelly LAB Charter of Rights for People with Dementia and Carers 05/09/17 Alexander Stewart CON Boys' Brigade Juniors 100th Anniversary 06/09/17 Christine Grahame SNP Generations Working Together 07/09/17 Alex Rowley LAB Support for Citizens Advice Scotland's Call to Stop Accelerated Roll-out of Universal Credit 12/09/17 Kate Forbes SNP Serve Scotland 13/09/17 Bruce Crawford SNP Stirling University's 50th Anniversary 14/09/17 Rachael Hamilton CON 25th Anniversary of the Borders Talking Newspaper 19/09/17 Mary Fee LAB Tackling Homophobia in Sport 20/09/17 Linda Fabiani SNP Fighting for Tax Jobs, Fighting for Tax Justice


Date MSP Party Subject 21/09/17 Stuart McMillan SNP National Eye Health Wek 2017 and the Threat to Vision Posed by Diabetic Retinopathy 21/09/17 James Dornan SNP Congratulations to the Which? Campaign to Call Time On Nuisance Calls In Scotland 26/09/17 Jamie Greene CON GP Recruitment in West Kilbride and Across Scotland 27/09/17 Jenny Gilruth SNP Levenmouth Rail Link 28/09/17 Richard Leonard LAB Importance of Worker Ownership to the Scottish Economy 28/09/17 Ruth Maguire SNP Flexible Working, Maximising Talent and Driving Inclusive Growth 03/10/17 Maree Todd SNP The Garbh Allt Community Initiative Reaches Funding Target 04/10/17 Edward Mountain CON Shortage of Radiologists 24/10/17 Lewis Macdonald LAB Workforce Concerns Regarding Helicopter Safety in the North Sea 25/10/17 Tom Arthur SNP Brexit's Impact on Working Musicians and Scotland's Music Industries 26/10/17 Jeremy Balfour CON Scottish Disability Sport 31/10/17 Ben Macpherson SNP Unfair Police Scotland and Fire Service VAT Charges 01/11/17 Clare Adamson SNP Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 02/11/17 Annie Wells CON Raising Awareness of Diabulimia 07/11/17 Daniel Johnson LAB Respect for Shopworkers Week, 13 to 19 November 08/11/17 Andy Wightman GRN Homes First 09/11/17 Gillian Martin SNP Global Entrepreneurship Week 14/11/17 Emma Harper SNP World COPD Day 15/11/17 Gordon Lindhurst CON Barclay Review Recommendations and the Sport and Leisure Sector 16/11/17 Alex Cole-Hamilton LD Incontinence in Scotland 21/11/17 Clare Adamson SNP Road Safety Week 2017 22/11/17 Elaine Smith LAB Thyroid Patients Deserve Fair Treatment 23/11/17 Ivan McKee SNP The Day of the Imprisoned Writer, 15 November 28/11/17 Annie Wells CON World AIDS Day 2017 29/11/17 Ash Denham SNP Small Business Saturday 2017 30/11/17 Jackie Baillie LAB Gourock-Kilcreggan Ferry Service 05/12/17 Bruce Crawford SNP Sue Ryder Report, Don't Write Me Off 06/12/17 Richard Lochhead SNP Unfair Parcel Delivery Charges 07/12/17 Alexander Stewart CON Brain Tumour Awareness in Scotland 12/12/17 Rhoda Grant LAB The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Tackling Commercial Sexual Exploitation 13/12/17 Mairi Gougeon SNP Heads Up for Harriers Project and the Role of Species Champions 14/12/17 Kate Forbes SNP Bank Branch Closures in Scotland 19/12/17 Murdo Fraser CON Street Pastors Scotland, 10th Anniversary 20/12/17 Monica Lennon LAB Alcohol and Drug-related Deaths 21/12/17 Emma Harper SNP Adopt Don't Shop 09/01/18 Ben Macpherson SNP Maintenance of Tenement Communal Property


Date MSP Party Subject 10/01/18 Adam Tomkins CON Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 11/01/18 Tom Arthur SNP Carer Positive Employer Initiative 16/01/18 James Kelly LAB The Scottish Sports Association 17/01/18 Joan McAlpine SNP The Economic Potential of Robert Burns 18/01/18 Maurice Corry CON 100 Years of Women in the British Armed Forces 23/01/18 Rona Mackay SNP Condemns Unpaid Trial Shifts 24/01/18 Gail Ross SNP Adverse Childhood Experiences 25/01/18 Maurice Golden CON Electric Shock Training Collars in Scotland 30/01/18 Johann Lamont LAB St Andrew’s First Aid 31/01/18 Ross Greer GRN Bus Services 01/02/18 Richard Lochhead SNP World Cancer Day 2018 06/02/18 Gillian Martin SNP Encouraging Cyber-resilience Among Young People 07/02/18 Liam Kerr CON Increasing Awareness of the Work of Veteran Charities in Scotland 08/02/18 Willie Rennie LD East Neuk First Responders 20/02/18 Christina McKelvie SNP Quick Credit Voucher, Tackling Fuel Poverty in Scotland 21/02/18 Neil Findlay LAB St John’s Children’s Ward, Still Closed to Out-of- Hours Inpatients 22/02/18 Graeme Dey SNP Establishment of the Scottish Stone Group 27/02/18 Rachael Hamilton CON Scotch Whisky Contribution to Scottish Tourism Industry 28/02/18 Clare Haughey SNP Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2018 01/03/18 Debate moved to 6 March adverse weather 06/03/18 Colin Smyth LAB Atrial Fibrillation 06/03/18 Mairi Gougeon SNP LEADER Programme 07/03/18 Stewart Stevenson SNP Electronic and Internet Voting 08/03/18 Graham Simpson CON Save the Greenbelt 13/03/18 Debate moved to 14 March to accommodate EU Bill in Chamber 14/03/18 Stuart McMillan SNP Commonwealth Day 2018 14/03/18 Monica Lennon LAB Incinerators, Public Health and Planning in Scotland 15/03/18 Ivan McKee SNP Driverless Cars bringing Transformative Change to Scotland 20/03/18 Peter Chapman CON Holodomor Remembrance Day 2017 21/03/18 Fulton McGregor SNP UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 22/03/18 Johann Lamont LAB Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week 27/03/18 Rona Mackay SNP Cancer Awareness for Young People 28/03/18 Graeme Dey SNP Earth Hour 2018 29/03/18 Jamie Halcro Johnston CON Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2018 17/04/18 Lewis Macdonald LAB 150th Anniversary of Aberdeen Trades Union Council 18/04/18 Kenneth Gibson SNP Artificial Intelligence, Future Prosperity, a Threat to Employment or Existential Threat?


Date MSP Party Subject 19/04/18 Alexander Stewart CON RAF100, the Centenary of the RAF 24/04/18 Stuart McMillan SNP Show Some Heart, the Jayden Orr Campaign 01/05/18 Kezia Dugdale LAB Support for Rape Crisis Centres and Prosecutions 02/05/18 Dean Lockhart CON Campaign to Save ATMs 02/05/18 Mark Ruskell GRN Civil Contingency in Nuclear Weapon Transport 03/05/18 James Dornan SNP Save the Hampden Roar Campaign 08/05/18 SNP Dog Attack Figures 09/05/18 Tom Arthur SNP Eliminating Hepatitis C in Scotland: A Call to Action 09/05/18 Rachael Hamilton CON The Condition of Scotland’s Roads 10/05/18 Tavish Scott LD HIAL's Car Parking Charges 15/05/18 Sandra White SNP Nakba 70th Anniversary 16/05/18 Rhoda Grant LAB Campaign for Focus Ultrasound Device 17/05/18 Clare Haughey SNP The Everyone’s Business Campaign 22/05/18 Liam Kerr CON Increasing Awareness of Restorative Justice within the Criminal Justice System 23/05/18 Bruce Crawford SNP 10 Years of Sistema Scotland and the Big Noise Orchestra 24/05/18 Mary Fee LAB Celebrating Scotland’s Gypsy/Traveller Community 29/05/18 Fulton MacGregor SNP Support for Families of Missing People 30/05/18 Joan McAlpine SNP Appropriate Housing for People with Learning Disabilities 31/05/18 Miles Briggs CON Improving Edinburgh’s City Bypass 05/06/18 Daniel Johnson LAB The Portrayal of ADHD Treatment 06/06/18 Ruth Maguire SNP The Citizen Girl Initiative 07/06/18 Richard Lochhead SNP Ensuring Apporpriate Community Benefit from Onshore Wind Farm Development 12/06/18 Maurice Corry CON Orkambi 13/06/18 Graeme Dey SNP Banning the Sales of Energy Drinks to Under- 16s 14/06/18 Alex Rowley LAB Impact of Mossmorran Flaring 19/06/18 Gillian Martin SNP Welcoming Women in Engineering Day 20/06/18 Adam Tomkins CON Welcome to Glasgow, a World City of Music 21/06/18 Christina McKelvie SNP MND Awreness Week 2018 26/06/18 Richard Leonard LAB NHS’s 70th Birthday 27/06/18 Rachael Hamilton CON The Culture and Heritage Value of Agriculture 28/06/18 Ash Denham SNP NHS at 70 04/09/18 Bill Kidd SNP Glasgow and Berlin’s Successful European Championships 2018 05/09/18 Keith Brown SNP University of Stirling, 10 Years as Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence 06/09/18 Liam Kerr CON The Michelle’s Law Campaign 11/09/18 Claire Baker LAB The Ecology Centre, Kinghorn, Marks its 20th Anniversary 12/09/18 Patirick Harvie GRN Social Enterprises Working to Tackle Child Poverty 13/09/18 Linda Fabiani SNP East Kilbride Workers said "Nae Pasaran!" 18/09/18 Bill Kidd SNP UN International Day of Peace 2018 19/09/18 Donald Cameron CON Celebrating 10 Years of BBC ALBA


Date MSP Party Subject 20/09/18 Liam McArthur LD Scotland’s Marine Energy Industry has Potential to Grow 25/09/18 Stuart McMillan SNP Eye Health Week 2018 26/09/18 David Stewart LAB The Impact of Leaving EURATOM 27/09/18 Fulton MacGregor SNP Paternity Leave and Tackling Inequality 02/10/18 Oliver Mundell CON The Cycle to Syracuse to Mark the 30th Anniversary of the Lockerbie Disaster 03/10/18 Sandra White SNP 75th Anniversary of Age Scotland 04/10/18 Elaine Smith LAB Challenge Poverty Week 23/10/18 Jenny Gilruth SNP Out-of-hours Closure 24/10/18 Angela Constance SNP Support for Families of Loved Ones Killed Abroad 25/10/18 Jamie Halcro Johnston CON Regulation of Electricians as a Profession 30/10/18 Colin Smyth LAB Ban on the Export of Live Animals for Slaughter and Fattening 31/10/18 Joan McAlpine SNP Restoring the Caledonian Pinewood Forest 01/11/18 Ruth Maguire SNP Outdoor Classroom Day 06/11/18 Emma Harper SNP The Maybole Bypass and South Scotland Road Infrastructure 07/11/18 Liam Kerr CON Emergency Service Workers 08/11/18 Monica Lennon LAB South Lanarkshire Care Homes Under Threat 13/11/18 Stuart McMillan SNP Texas Instruments 14/11/18 Maurice Golden CON Special Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 15/11/18 Ruth Maguire SNP Day of the Imprisoned Writer 20/11/18 Lewis Macdonald LAB Offshore Wind Week 2018 21/11/18 Clare Adamson SNP Pancreatic Cancer Awareness 22/11/18 Rachael Hamilton CON Arthritis Research UK Survey on Access to Work 27/11/18 Edward Mountain CON Investigation into Bullying Claims at NHS Highland 28/11/08 Sandra White SNP Planned Bank of Scotland Branch Closures 29/11/18 Tom Arthur SNP St Andrew’s Day 2018, Make Someone’s Day 04/12/18 Daniel Johnson LAB Report on Autistic Children's Experiences of School 05/12/18 Alison Johnstone GRN Remembering Conscientious Objectors 06/12/18 Emma Harper SNP 30th World AIDS Day 11/12/18 Angela Constance SNP 60th Anniversary of the Ultrasound Scanner, Invented in Scotland 12/12/18 Gordon Lindhurst CON Remembering the Korean War 13/12/18 Willie Rennie LD St Andrews’ GP out-of-hours Facility 18/12/18 David Torrance SNP Fife Alcohol Support Service, Supporting Fifers for 40 Years 19/12/18 Alasdair Allan SNP Centenary of the Iolaire Disaster 19/12/18 Jackie Baillie LAB Scottish Government to Penalise Scots for Living Alone 08/01/19 Brian Whittle CON Transport Infrastructure in South West Scotland 09/01/19 Gordon MacDonald SNP Rotary Club of Currie Balerno Recycling PCs 10/01/19 Mark Griffin LAB Marie Curie and Macmillan Cancer Support, Getting it right for carers supporting someone at the end of life 15/01/19 George Adam SNP Paisley Voted Britain’s Top Town 16/01/19 Gail Ross SNP Highland Youth Survey


Date MSP Party Subject 17/01/19 Edward Mountain CON Fairer Hospital TV Charges 22/01/19 Monica Lennon LAB Cervical Screening Uptake Statistics 23/01/19 Colin Beattie SNP Celebrating the Reach of Adult Learning 24/01/19 Richard Lyle SNP Remembering the Holocaust 29/01/19 Graham Simpson CON Housing Through the Lens of Ageing 30/01/19 Gail Ross SNP Equally Safe at Work 31/01/19 Iain Gray LAB The Royal Society of Edinburgh’s Tapping all our Talents 2018 Progress Report of Women in STEM 05/02/19 Emma Harper SNP World Cancer Day 2019 06/02/19 Jeremy Balfour CON The Scottish Powerchair Football Association 07/02/19 Willie Coffey SNP Congratulations to Kilmarnock FC on its 150th Anniversary 19/02/19 James Kelly LAB Threatened Closure of the St Rollox Railway Works 20/02/19 Bob Doris SNP Efforts to Save St Rollox Railway Works 21/02/19 Jamie Greene CON Delivering Sustainable and Renewable Transportation for Scotland 26/02/19 Jenny Gilruth SNP LGBT History Month 27/02/19 Emma Harper SNP Eating Disorders Awareness Week 28/02/19 Alexander Stewart CON World Hearing Day and Hearing Awareness Week 2019 05/03/19 Neil Findlay LAB Scottish Government Declines Help of Mesh Expert 06/03/19 Gordon MacDonald SNP Marie Curie’s Great Daffodil Appeal 07/03/19 Annabelle Ewing SNP Settled Status Scheme for EU Citizens in Scotland 12/03/19 Andy Wightman GRN Who Owns Scotland? 13/03/19 Liz Smith CON Centenary of the Death of Sir Hugh Munro 14/03/19 Liam McArthur LD 50th Anniversary of the Longhope Lifeboat Disaster 19/03/19 Stuart McMillan SNP Scottish Tourism Month 2019 20/03/19 Pauline McNeill LAB Prevalence of Crohn’s and Colitis in Scotland 21/03/19 Christine Grahame SNP Men’s Sheds 26/03/19 Maurice Corry CON Financial Scam Prevention 27/03/19 Shona Robison SNP The Impact from Celebrity Endorsements of Diet Products 28/03/19 Rhoda Grant LAB Condemnation of Misogyny, Racism, Harassment and Sexism 02/04/19 Rona Mackay SNP Stalking Awareness Week 2019 03/04/19 Sandra White SNP WASPI Campaign 04/04/19 Rachael Hamilton CON Long-tern Decline in Salmon Stocks 23/04/19 Claire Baker LAB The Open University at 50 24/04/19 Geoge Adam SNP MS Awareness Week, 22 to 29 April 2019 25/04/19 Bill Kidd SNP International Workers' Memorial Day 2019 30/04/19 Miles Briggs CON Parkinson’s in Scotland 01/05/19 Fulton MacGregor SNP Give Them Time 02/05/19 Iain Gray LAB 25th Anniversary Commemoration of the Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda 07/05/19 Bruce Crawford SNP Scottish Gigabit Cities 08/05/19 Miles Briggs CON Scotland, a Nation of Lifesavers 09/05/19 Kenneth Gibson SNP Changes to Pension Credit Could Cost Mixed-age


Date MSP Party Subject Couples £7,320 Annually 14/05/19 Jenny Gilruth SNP Home Start Glenrothes Turns 21 15/05/19 Kezia Dugdale LAB Foster Care Fortnight 2019 16/05/19 Alexander Stewart CON Community Pharmacy Scotland

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament in Session 5


Frequency (no) 158 74 63 10 10 315

Frequency % 50.16 23.50 20 3.17 3.17 100





1. Under Rule 9B.3.5, the Parliamentary Bureau is required to refer any legislative consent memorandum (LCM) that has been lodged with the Parliament to the committee within whose remit the subject matter of the relevant provision falls.

Wild Animals in Circuses (No.2) Bill

2. The Wild Animals in Circuses (No.2) Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on 1 May 2019.

3. The Explanatory Notes accompanying the Bill set out the UK Government’s view of its purpose and main functions. They describe the main purpose of the Bill as making it an offence for an operator of a travelling circus in to use “wild animals” in the circus. The Bill further defines “wild animals” and stipulates that operators have until 20 January 2020 to stop using wild animals in their travelling circus.

4. Clause 3 of the Bill is the only provision that would be within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, alter that competence or alter the executive competence of the Scottish Ministers.

Legislative Consent Memorandum

5. An LCM was lodged by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform on Wednesday 15 May 2019.

6. The LCM states that the Scottish Government is of the view that it is a “relevant Bill” under Rule 9B.1 of the Parliament’s Standing Orders, as the Wild Animals in Circuses (No.2) Bill makes provision falling within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament.

7. Clause 3 amends section 5(2) of the 1976 Act so that the keeping of an animal in a circus in England and in Scotland is no longer exempt from need for a licence under that Act. The UK Government considers that it is appropriate, as a matter of policy, to remove the provision in the 1976 Act which exempts circuses from the need to obtain a licence for the keeping of dangerous wild animals in England.

8. As regards devolved interests, the UK Government considers it appropriate to likewise remove this exemption for circuses in Scotland, thereby ensuring that a licence is similarly required for the keeping of such animals in a circus in Scotland, therefore bringing the Bill within devolved competence. RESTRICTED – POLICY PB/S5/19/76

9. The remit of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee is to report on “matters falling within the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform”. This LCM has been lodged by the Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform and as such the remit of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee is engaged.

10. The remit of the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee includes to consider and report on “matters falling within the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy”, which include animal health but not wild animals and as such the remit of Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee is not engaged.

11. It is considered that the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee has the primary interest in this LCM as the subject matter of the Bill is most clearly within its remit


12. The Bureau is invited to refer, under Rule 9B.3.5, the LCM to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee to consider and report on.

Parliamentary Business Team May 2019 RESTRICTED – POLICY PB/S5/19/76



1. A draft proposal for a Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill was lodged on 14 May 2019 by Pauline McNeill MSP.

2. The proposal is for a Bill to protect private sector tenants by introducing measures to limit rent increases and to increase the availability of information about rent levels.

3. The draft proposal is accompanied by a consultation document.

4. In terms of Standing Orders (Rule 9.14.5) the Parliamentary Bureau is required to refer the draft proposal to a committee (or committees) within whose remit(s) the subject-matter falls.

5. This referral is for information only – there is no expectation that the committee(s) will scrutinise or report on the draft proposal at this stage.

6. The proposal falls within the remit of the following committee:

Committee Remit Local Government and The remit of the Local Government and Communities Communities Committee is to consider and report on communities, housing, local government, measures against poverty, planning and regeneration matters falling within the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government.


7. The Bureau is invited to refer the draft proposal on the proposed Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill to the Local Government and Communities Committee.

Non-Government Bills Unit May 2019