Ag/S5/19/18 Parliamentary Bureau Agenda for Meeting
AG/S5/19/18 PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU AGENDA FOR MEETING ON TUESDAY 21 MAY 2019 12noon: Room Q1.03 1. Minutes (a) Draft minutes of 14 May 2019 (b) Matters arising. 2. Future business programme (PB/S5/19/75) 3. Referral of a legislative consent memorandum (PB/S5/19/76) 4. Referral of a Members’ Bill proposal (PB/S5/19/77) Date of next meeting— Tuesday 28 May 2019 @ 12noon RESTRICTED – POLICY PB/S5/19/MINS/17 PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 14 MAY 2019 AT 12 noon. Attending: Ken Macintosh (chair), Christine Grahame, Graeme Dey, Alexander Burnett, Neil Findlay, Patrick Harvie, Alex Cole-Hamilton, James Dornan (item 2), Ruth Maguire (item 2). Observing: Tom Arthur Apologies: Maurice Golden, Willie Rennie Officials present: Paul Grice, Tracey White, Irene Fleming, Catherine Fergusson, Lewis McNaughton, Kathryn Stewart, Joanne McNaughton, Jennifer Bell, Peter McGrath (item 2), Claire Menzies (item 2). 1. Item 1a: Minutes of last meeting — The minutes of 7 May 2019 were agreed. Item 1b: Matters arising — There were no matters arising. 2. Referral of a Bill at Stage 1 — James Dornan MSP, on behalf of the Local Government and Communities Committee, and Ruth Maguire MSP, on behalf of the Equalities and Human Rights Committee, joined the Bureau to discuss referral of the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill. Following discussion, the Bureau agreed to recommend to the Parliament that the Local Government and Communities Committee be designated as lead committee for consideration of the Bill at Stage 1. 3. Future business programme — The Bureau agreed to recommend to the Parliament a programme of business for the weeks commencing 20 and 27 May 2019.
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