August/September 2017 Chairman: Peter Treacy Secretary: John McKinney NFRC Scotland E-cosse Monthly Update PO Box 13816 Peebles, EH45 9WF Welcome to E-cosse, the NFRC Scotland Monthly update e-newsletter. Tel: 01721 729309 Email:
[email protected] Chairman’s Note The deadline for entries for this year’s awards has passed and the region is Diary Dates preparing the judging of the awards. 10 NFRC Scottish Roofing November Contractor of the Year We have got an excellent team of judges with Allyn Pratt being the Head Judge 2017 Awards, The Grand Central and being helped by Fiona Sinclair of Fiona Sinclair Architect who is a Past Hotel, Glasgow President of the Glasgow Institute of Architects. They are joined by Ian McKee who is the Managing Director, GLM Chartered Building Surveyor and Past Chairman of Royal Incorporation of Chartered Surveyors, Scotland. Finalists will be announced in the near future and the awards will be presented by John Beattie on 10 November at The Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow. Membership levels in Scotland are at record levels and there is a high interest in Scotland from contractors wanting to join the NFRC. We had a Regional Committee meeting in September which received a presentation from Matthew Fry from Independent Roof Training. IRT is a member of the Roofing Industry Alliance and provides training specifically for the roofing industry. IRT has a number of training grants which NFRC members can benefit from to offset the cost of training. Anyone interested should contact Matthew at:
[email protected] Doors Open Day 2017 NFRC Scotland teamed up with Historic Environment Scotland, Architecture & Design Scot- land, Glasgow City Heritage Trust, Glasgow School of Art and others to deliver a traditional building skills demonstration at The Lighthouse, Glasgow, as part of Doors Open Day in Glasgow.