The Poetry and Humor of the Scottish Language
in" :^)\EUN'i\TPr/> ^ c^ < ^ •-TilJD^ =o o ir.t' ( qm-^ I| POETRY AND HUMOUR OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE. THE POETRY AND HUMOUR OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE. BY CHARLES MACKAY, LL.D, " Autlior of The Gaelic Etymology of the Languages of Westerti Europe, tuore particularly of the English and Lowland Scotch;" " Recreations Gauloises, or Sources Celtigues de la " " Langue Fratifaise ; and The Obscure Words and Phrases in Shakspeare and his Con- temporaries" is'c. ALEXANDER GARDNER, PAISLEY; LONDON : 12 PATERNOSTER ROW. 1882. :•: J ^ PREFACE. a I/) c The nucleus of this volume was contributed in three " papers to Blackwood's Magazine," at the end of the year 1869 and beginning of 1870. They are here of Messrs. r--. reprinted, by the kind permission Blackwood, CO ^ with many corrections and great extensions, amounting "^ to more than two-thirds of the volume. The original :> intention of the work was to present to the admirers of ^o Scottish literature, where it differs from that of England, only such words as were more poetical and humorous in the Scottish language than in the English, or were \ altogether wanting in the latter. The design gradually extended itself as the with his ^ compiler proceeded task, ^^11 it came to include large numbers of words derived from the Gaelic or Keltic, with which Dr. Jamieson, the 4 author of the best and most copious Scottish Dictionary ^ hitherto published, was very imperfectly or scarcely at all acquainted, and which he very often wofuUy or ludi- crously misunderstood. " Broad Scotch," says Dr. Adolphus Wagner, the eru- and editor of the Poems of Robert dite sympathetic Burns,— pubUshed in Leipzig, in 1835, "is literally broadened, i.e.^ a language ot dialect very worn off, and blotted, whose VL PREFACE.
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