Putin's Russia FALL 2017 Special Topics Tuesday, 14:35-17:25 RUSN 3060 / HIST 3091 / POLI 3820 MONA CAMPBELL BUILDING, 1107 Professor Yuri Leving E-Mail: [email protected], Drop Box: 106 Office Hours: Tuesday, 1:30-2:30 pM, and by appointment McCain, RooM 3016, Tel.: 494-1082 http://www.dal.ca/faculty/arts/russian-studies.html The course website: http://www.yurileving.coM/putins-russia.html Course Description VladiMir Putin has confounded world leaders and defied their assuMptions as they tried to figure hiM out, only to Misjudge hiM tiMe and again. “The Putin Mystique” (Anna Arutunyan’s terM) will take us on a journey through the Russia of VladiMir Putin, named by Forbes Magazine in 2013 as the Most powerful Man in the world. This is the Man who, allegedly, three years later sealed fate of the US presidential elections. While looking at Putin’s rise to power, we will also seek during this course to go beneath politics and policy to look at how huMan beings experience state power within the cultural phenoMena including visual arts, literature, cineMa, TV, Internet, popular Music, and photography. The course will include lectures, discussions, and filM screenings. Required readings: Scholarly resource [historical context]: 1 *Myers, Steven Lee. The New Tsar. The Rise and Reign of V. Putin (2015) Fiction: *Sorokin, V. Day of the Oprichnik. A Novel (2006, Engl. Transl. 2011)1 * All available at the Dal bookstore Recommended readings: Arutunyan, Anna. The Putin Mystique: Inside Russia’s Power Cult (2014) (supplied as a PDF file, this book will prove an invaluable suppleMentary resource) - No, as a Russian Canadian Myself, I won’t believe you. So, please, do both of us a little favor: coMplete your readings prior to coming to class at Dal. Other literature required for discussions: Articles = SoMe assigned Materials for the Politburo panel will be provided by instructor as electronic docuMents. ATTENDANCE AND GRADING POLICIES 1. Quiz on key concepts, dates and personae (10-15 Minutes in the beginning of the class): 10% 2. “Radio Rus: Breaking News”: Presentation of a piece of news related to Russia, unfolding in real tiMe. Pick up any news iteM froM the week iMMediately preceding our class, give us a sampling along with your short personal debrief (for ex.: analyze style, rhetoric, overt and covert Messages, whether it is objective or not, etc.). Each class several students will have an opportunity to briefly present the news, either taken froM Internet, print press or TV – for diversity of opinions and objectivity 1 An oprichnik was a MeMber of Tsar Ivan the Terrible’s secret police during the 1560s. In Modern Russia, the term is often used negatively to describe security officers. Read about the “Radio Rus” in Sorokin’s novel (p. 6 & p. 11). 2 reasons, we will seek to access both pro-Russian Western Media outlets (i.e. Russia Today) and Major US/Canadian networks (CNN, FOX, CBC, BBC, and so on) or even local Russian-based sources: 6%. 3. Creative assignments: Analysis of a clip: 2% -- SepteMber 12 Write your (very) short story: 2% -- October 17 4. Midterm exam: 20% (Short essay questions). 5. The Politburo panel: 15% This class will be divided into three or four sMaller working groups: “KreMlin”, “Sputnik,” “Balalaika,” and “Cheburashka” (Make sure you know what your group name Means by the next Meeting). The purpose of this activity (ironically titled Politburo2) is to initiate a lively group discussion following tightly focused case studies based on a particular article or chapter to be studied by the panel MeMbers prior to class. This is a student-led activity that will last approxiMately 15 Minutes per group (see the next paragraph for further guidelines). 6. Abstract, panel discussion questions, and key concepts: (4 + 3 + 3 = 10%) Each Tuesday, every group will select a different discussion leader who will supply both the instructor and MeMbers of the Politburo with a list of 5-7 prearranged questions based on the assigned chapter that would serve as key points for ensuing discussion – the aiM of the exercise is to highlight soMe ideas outlined in that chapter relevant to our broader topic. Another, second representative should prepare an abstract of that chapter to be distributed and read out loud in class for all working groups. Both abstract (Max. 1 print page) and questions are due each Monday, 24 hours before our Tuesday class starts. Make sure to eMail abstract and questions to MeMbers of your group and to Me in advance. The key concepts are presented in class to all four groups. The third person responsible for this assignMent should be reading his/her chapter carefully and selecting 3-5 core ideas or phrases that in a concise Manner represent texts’ Main points; coMMunicated to others in class they would give a general understanding of the subject. 3 students per each working group = in total, we expect to have 9 to 12 students actively contributing to these panels while the rest are involved by offering responses and coMMents. 7. Film Reflection: 5%. 2 The principal policyMaking coMMittee of a CoMMunist Party in the forMer Soviet Union, founded in 1917. 3 FroM tiMe to tiMe we will be watching feature filMs in class, which tend to be longer than docuMentaries. Not everyone will have an opportunity to speak in class; Moreover, the experience of careful watching often requires soMe tiMe to ponder. I want to hear everyone’s opinion though – and this is why I ask you to write down your notes and critical thoughts about each filM that we watch in class. Max. 1 print page, general questions to be provided. Due in My Mailbox, each Thursday, by noon (i.e. you will have two nights to sleep on it). 8. Student Final Presentations: 5%. In the second half of the seMester, you will be required to give a brief presentation of your final research in progress, with visual support if you need it. The assignMent will be explained in class. 9. Final Research Paper: 20%. Final research paper (14 pages + bibliography) on the topic of your choice, approved by the instructor, incorporating Materials froM acadeMic articles and course readings. We will discuss this assignMent in detail as our seMester progresses. This paper will be due on the last day of the course – December 5. 10. Attendance and Participation: 5%. If you want to keep up with the material, you need to do the readings and be able to identify and understand the key arguMents of the essays. To this end, you will be asked to participate in the discussion of the readings and I will call upon you to answer or ask questions as I lecture. Attendance will be taken at every class Meeting, and you will be Marked absent if you are late. To attend classes, to be awake, to participate, to absolutely not talk on your phone or read the paper and solve crossword puzzles during class — all these are crucial requirements for your participation in class. DO NOT WALK OUT OF THE CLASSROOM DURING THE LECTURE. SINCE THIS IS A LONG, THREE-HOUR CLASS I WILL ALLOW A 5-MINUTE BREAK BEFORE OR AFTER THE SCREENING OF THE MOVIE. You should attend all classes and screenings. Your overall grade will drop by half a letter grade if you have More than 1 unexcused absence. (An excused absence is when you subMit a written excuse such as a doctor's report or a letter about a faMily eMergency. An unexcused absence is when you just decide to not show up). It is your responsibility to Make up any (excused or unexcused) classes Missed. Absence is not an excuse for ignorance about the material covered on that day. The in-class writing assignMents cannot be Made up later, so attendance is critical to keep up with that area of your grade. Conversion of numerical grades to Final Letter Grades follows the Dalhousie Common Grade Scale A+ (90-100) B+ (77-79) C+ (65-69) D (50-54) A (85-89) B (73-76) C (60-64) F (<50) A- (80-84) B- (70-72) C- (55-59) 4 Policy on Electronic Devices: You can use laptops and iPads on an honor system that presuMes you will not use your screen for eMail, Google, Facebook and so on. I can easily notice if your Mind is “absent” and roaming elsewhere even if you are present in class; your grade will suffer accordingly, and public huMiliation Might ensue. SCHEDULE Topic 1. How to Become a Dictator3 The course overview. SepteMber 5. VladiMir Putin's Rise To Power Creative assignment for next class: Analysis of a clip: 2% Pick up a video clip showing a world leader (your choice) and analyze his/her body language, try to delve into psychology of your character and his/her Mind in that particular situation that you observe. (Up to one page; print out is due in class, SepteMber 12. ALSO send Me the same file froM your preferred eMail address along with the clickable link to the selected video. I will be using this email for our coMMunications during the seMester.) Meet Mr. Putin; a docuMentary about Putin’s native city, St. Petersburg, 2017. Topic 2. How to Stay in Power SepteMber 12. Case study 1: The Red Web – 1 (TruMp, Putin and Elections) Present your creative assignMent in class (show & coMMent). 3 The topics in this syllabus are inspired by M. HeM’s tongue in cheek book, How to Be a Dictator: An Irreverent Guide (2017), which will provide us soMe entertaining epigraphs in the beginning of our classes.
REEIfi cation NEWS FROM INDIANA UNIVERSITY’S RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPEAN INSTITUTE Maria Bucur, Director Lauren Butt, Editor Vol. 34, No. 1 February 2010 Elinor Ostrom: the Romanian Connection by Horia Terpe February 2010 Elinor Ostrom Photo courtesy of Indiana University Features A few years before the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences put their ideas into the worldwide spotlight, the work of Elinor Ostrom and her colleagues at Elinor Ostrom: the Roma- the Workshop for Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University nian Connection 1 was already fairly known and well received in Romania and other countries in REEI on Base in Monterey 2 post-communist transition. The pattern of Romanian social sciences after 1990 has been to catch up On Thick Ice: Thoughts on to the advances in Western social thinking that occurred during the fi fty years the Russian Winter 3 of isolation behind the Iron Curtain. This process has unfolded quickly, with successive generations of professionals re-tooling their specializations. Classical, Faculty Profile: Ariann Stern- behavioral, institutional and (neo) institutional theories have found their way to Gottschalk 4 Romanian academic centers. This pattern is not limited to the social sciences; it 3rd Annual Romanian Studies is even more observable in areas such as technology, music and fashion. Among Conference 6 various infl uences, Ostrom’s ideas were at the top of the list. There is also a special compatibility between the Bloomington variant of new institutionalism (especially its organization in the Institutional Analysis Robert Gates Visits IU 7 and Development framework) and the specifi c instance of a country in post- Outreach Notes: 8 communist transition.
Reeification NEWS from INDIANA UNIVERSITY’S RUSSIAN and EAST EUROPEAN INSTITUTE Padraic Kenney, Director Austin Kellogg, Editor Vol.36, No
REEIfication NEWS FROM INDIANA UNIVERSITY’S RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPEAN INSTITUTE Padraic Kenney, Director Austin Kellogg, Editor Vol.36, No. 1 Winter 2012 Robert C. Tucker and Stephen F. Cohen Fellowship by Jocelyn Bowie The Russian and East European Institute at Indiana University has established a new fellowship to support master’s degree candidates, thanks to a $240,000 donation by Katrina vanden Heuvel along with her husband, Stephen F. Cohen, an IU alumnus and a pre-eminent scholar of the Soviet Union and Winter 2012 Russia. The fellowship will be called the Robert C. Tucker and Features Stephen F. Cohen Fellowship. Robert C. Tucker was a faculty Tucker-Cohen Fellowship 1 member in the IU Department Stephen Cohen and Katrina vanden Heuvel at a IU Alumni Reception at of Political Science from 1958 ceremony honoring him in Moscow in 2008. ASEEES 2 to 1961 who was instrumental Photo courtesy of AIRO-XXI Publishers Revisiting the Fall of The in the institute’s early years and Soviet Union 3 was Cohen’s mentor. REEI is an interdisciplinary unit within the IU College of Arts and Sciences. Former Ambassador to The Tucker-Cohen Fellowship will be given to incoming Master of Arts students Bosnia at IU 5 who demonstrate an interest in the history and politics of the Soviet Union or Outreach Notes: 6 Russia and who plan to pursue careers in public service, such as journalism, secondary education, nonprofit work or the foreign service. Faculty Profile: Cohen is a professor of Russian studies and history at New York University Jacob Emery 7 and professor of politics emeritus at Princeton University.
Remembering the Socialist Past: Narratives of East German and Soviet Childhood in German and Russian Fiction and Autobiography Since 1990/1
Remembering the Socialist Past: Narratives of East German and Soviet Childhood in German and Russian Fiction and Autobiography since 1990/1 Submitted by Rebecca Louise Knight to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Russian in September 2012 This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. I certify that all material in this thesis which is not my own work has been identified and that no material has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other University. Signature ……………………………………………………………………………… 1 2 Abstract This study compares German memory of life in the German Democratic Republic with Russian memory of life in the Soviet Union, as represented and created within fictional and autobiographical narratives of childhood, published since the collapse of each regime. The chosen texts are, to varying degrees, fictionalized and/or autobiographical. A comparison between German and Russian narratives is particularly interesting because the socialist past is remembered very differently in each country’s public discourse and culture. An examination of narratives about childhood allows for a complex relationship between the post-socialist present and the socialist past to emerge. I study the texts and their reception, in conjunction with an analysis of the dominant ways of remembering the socialist past circulating within German and Russian society and culture. This allows the analysis to go beyond a straightforward comparison between the representations of the socialist past in the two groups of texts, to also explore how those representations are interpreted and received.
Membership matters. This publication is paid for in part by the dues-paying members of the Indiana University Alumni Association. Indiana University Depar tment of Slavic Languages and Literatures Alumni Newsletter Vol. 13 College of Arts & Sciences Summer 2009 From the department chair Federal grant supports study of A time of transition U.S.-Russia global health care and celebration On July , 2008, Ronald Feldstein has attracted science majors to the study of stepped down from the position of chair U.S. Department of Russian. of the Department of Slavic Languages Education project The IU–SFedU project also includes and Literatures and I assumed that role. development of intelligent computer-as- Please join me in thanking Ron for his enters third year sisted language learning (ICALL) materi- many years of leadership and wishing him success in all his future endeavors. by Olena Chernishenko als for Russian language training. One of the unique features of ICALL from the Over his IU career, Ron has served off and on as chair for 5 years. During this In 2007, the Department of Slavic Lan- perspective of language-exercise design time, he worked hard to keep day-to- guages and Literatures won a two-year, software is its ability to generate feedback day operations running smoothly and to $400,000, grant from the U.S. Department based on input during usage. maintain high standards of teaching and of Education (administered by the Fund for The grant project also helped pay for IU research within the department. I aspire the Improvement of Postsecondary Educa- students to study Russian at IUB and travel to continue with the same combination tion program and the Russian Ministry to Rostov-on-Don for a two-week sum- of acumen and energy he brought to of Education and Science).
Cheburashka and Friends: the Rootless Cosmopolitan As Ideal Soviet Citizen
Cheburashka and Friends: The Rootless Cosmopolitan as Ideal Soviet Citizen 1 Allison Murphy Undergraduate Honors Thesis Department of History University of Colorado Boulder Defense Date October 22nd, 2019 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for honors in History Committee Members: Primary Advisor: David Shneer, Department of History, Jewish Studies, Religious Studies Secondary Advisor: Vicki Grove, Department of German and Slavic Languages and Literature Honors Representative: Myles Osborne, Department of History 1 Crocodile Gena (Krokodil Gena). Dir Roman Kachanov. Soyuzmultfilm, 1969. Accessed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xrr9mcdFvw Murphy 1 Table of Contents Introduction Who Is Cheburashka?..........................................................................................................2 Historiography……….........................................................................................................4 Context and Methodology....................................................................................................7 Films Crocodile Gena (1969)......................................................................................................13 Cheburashka (1971)..........................................................................................................29 Shapoklyak (1974).............................................................................................................37 Cheburashka Goes to School (1983).................................................................................46
SHAPKA USHANKA Tuesday, 28 February 2012 17:39 {joomplu:1143 left} The USHANKA can be translated to a furry winter hat with earflaps. Men and women in Russia often wear the ushanka. The Ushanka got its name because of the hat having its ear-flaps being able to be tied on top of the hat or let down to the sides. When wearing the ushanka, one has several different options on how to wear it. The freedom to let the earflaps cover your ears from the harsh Russian winter proves to be helpful in the long run. The classical style of having the earflaps tied on top the hat can be seen in the old Soviet Union movies, thus, making the ushanka famous worldwide. {joomplu:1144}The history of the ushanka originates from the nomads of the steppes of ancient Kievan Rus and modern day lands of Russia. The Scythians were perhaps the first people to introduce the hat to other cultures. After the Scythians were driven from the lands, the Mongols and Cossacks adopted the hat to protect their heads from the brutal Russian winter. The ushanka proved to be very helpful for a nomad or traveler, as it allows the person to wear it in a number of different climatic conditions such as high winds, winter, snow, and high altitude. The prototype of the ushanka was called a Kolchakovka hat, in which was worn by the white armies of Kolchak in 1918-1919. Later, the ushanka was distributed to the workers of St. Petersburg, then all of Russia.
RUSSIA PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Jilly Hunt | 48 pages | 01 Feb 2012 | Heinemann Educational Books | 9781432961367 | English | Chicago, IL, United States RT - Breaking news, shows, podcasts February Main article: Economy of Russia. See also: List of the largest trading partners of Russia , List of countries by oil exports , and List of countries by natural gas exports. Main articles: Agriculture in Russia and Fishing industry in Russia. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main articles: Timeline of Russian inventions and technology records , Science and technology in Russia , List of Russian scientists , and List of Russian inventors. Main article: Water supply and sanitation in Russia. Main article: Corruption in Russia. Main articles: Demographics of Russia and Russians. Russia's population pyramid as of 1 January Main article: List of cities and towns in Russia by population. Main article: Ethnic groups in Russia. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. Play media. Main articles: Religion in Russia and Consecration of Russia. Main article: Healthcare in Russia. Main article: Education in Russia. Main article: Russian culture. See also: Russian traditions , Russian political jokes , Russian fairy tales , Russian cuisine , and Gopnik. Main articles: Russian architecture and List of Russian architects. Main article: Russian artists. Main articles: Russian literature , Russian philosophy , Russian poets , Russian playwrights , Russian novelists , and Russian science fiction and fantasy. Main article: Sport in Russia. See also: Doping in Russia. Main articles: Public holidays in Russia and Cultural icons of Russia.
Application of Country Brand for Tourism Product Promotion: Russian Evidence
St.Petersburg University Graduate School of Management Master in International Business Program Application of country brand for tourism product promotion: Russian evidence Master's Thesis by the 2nd year student: Bobrova Anastasiia Research advisor: Senior Lecturer, Aray Yulia St. Petersburg 2018 ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ О САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОМ ХАРАКТЕРЕ ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ ВЫПУСКНОЙ КВАЛИФИКАЦИОННОЙ РАБОТЫ Я, Анастасия Олеговна Боброва, студентка второго курса магистратуры направления «Менеджмент», заявляю, что в моей магистерской диссертации на тему «Российский национальный туристический бренд как инструмент для международных коммуникаций», представленной в службу обеспечения программ магистратуры для последующей передачи в государственную аттестационную комиссию для публичной защиты, не содержится элементов плагиата. Все прямые заимствования из печатных и электронных источников, а также из защищенных ранее выпускных квалификационных работ, кандидатских и докторских диссертаций имеют соответствующие ссылки. Мне известно содержание п. 9.7.1 Правил обучения по основным образовательным программам высшего и среднего профессионального образования в СПбГУ о том, что «ВКР выполняется индивидуально каждым студентом под руководством назначенного ему научного руководителя», и п. 51 Устава федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет» о том, что «студент подлежит отчислению из Санкт-Петербургского университета за представление курсовой или выпускной квалификационной работы, выполненной
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Journal of Visual & Critical Studies 2020 1 Journal of Visual & Critical Studies OCAD UNIVERSITY 2020 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Adam Bierling Aggie Frasunkiewicz Kyla Friel Vidhi Gupta Greta Hamilton Hailey Kobrin Robin Lauzon Richard Luong Sameen Mahboubi Lewis Nicholson Sebastián Rodríguez y Vasti Karina Roman Kathy Wang FACULTY ADVISORS Julian Haladyn Michelle Miller DESIGNED BY Liankun Sun (Kyle) Printed at The Printing House, Toronto Supported by the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Interdisciplinary Studies, and the OCAD University Student Union Cover by Mary Kirkpatrick “Sleepwalk Village,” risograph printed illustration, 11x17, 2019. www.mary-kirkpatrick.com LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT EDITORIAL COMMITTEE OCAD University and The Journal of Visual & Critical Studies Adam Bierling acknowledge the ancestral and traditional territories of the Aggie Frasunkiewicz Mississaugas of the Credit, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishnaabe and Kyla Friel the Huron-Wendat, who are the original owners and custodians of Vidhi Gupta the land on which we live and create. This land is located on Dish Greta Hamilton With One Spoon territory, a treaty that describes our agreement to Hailey Kobrin eat from the same dish with one spoon. By living and working on Robin Lauzon this land, we agree to share the collective responsibility of leaving Richard Luong enough food for others. How we extend this agreement into our Sameen Mahboubi land, water, and communities, is our responsibility. We also note Lewis Nicholson that the texts in this journal appear in English. We acknowledge the Sebastián Rodríguez y Vasti English language as a tool of colonialism, and hope to find ways to Karina Roman translate, problematize and reimagine the language we use to create.
Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 170 / Friday, August 30, 1996 / Notices
46134 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 170 / Friday, August 30, 1996 / Notices LIBRARY OF CONGRESS work must be an original work of must first file or serve a Notice of Intent authorship that: to Enforce (NIE) on such parties. Copyright Office (1) is not in the public domain in its A copyright owner may file an NIE in [Docket No. 96±4] source country through expiration of the Copyright Office within two years of term of protection; the date of restoration of copyright. Copyright Restoration of Works in (2) is in the public domain in the Alternatively, an owner may serve an Accordance With the Uruguay Round United States due to: NIE on an individual reliance party at Agreements Act; List Identifying (i) noncompliance with formalities any time during the term of copyright; Copyrights Restored Under the imposed at any time by United States however, such notices are effective only Uruguay Round Agreements Act for copyright law, including failure to against the party served and those who Which Notices of Intent To Enforce renew, publishing the work without a have actual knowledge of the notice and Restored Copyrights Were Filed in the proper notice, or failure to comply with its contents. NIEs appropriately filed Copyright Office any manufacturing requirements; with the Copyright Office and published (ii) lack of subject matter protection in herein serve as constructive notice to all AGENCY: Copyright Office, Library of the case of sound recordings fixed reliance parties. Congress. before February 15, 1972; or Pursuant to the URAA, the Office is ACTION: Publication of Second List of (iii) lack of national eligibility (e.g., publishing its second four month list Notices of Intent to Enforce Copyrights the work is from a country with which identifying restored works and the Restored Under the Uruguay Round the United States did not have copyright ownership for Notices of Intent to Enforce a restored copyright filed with Agreements Act.