The Home Cook Book
r PROPERLY PREPARED FOOD Is essential to health and the general comfort of the household. BY THE AID OF COOS'S FEIEITD BAKING POWDER LIGHT, EASILY DIGESTED AND "WHOLESOME ROLLS, GEMS, TEA CAKES, GRIDDLE CAKES, PANCAKES, Ac, can be expeditioiisly prepared. The COOK'S FRIEXD is also useful in PIE CRUST, BOILED PUDDINGS, *&c., saving a large proportion of the usual SHORTENING, and producing more healthy food. IT CONTAINS NO INJURIOUS INGREDIENIS Such as are to be found in many of the baking powders that are being forced on public attention, its principal constituent being the purest Grape Cream Tartar that money can buy. Dyspeptics may use with auvantage food prepared by its aid. Wherever receipts call for one teaspoonful of soda and two of Cream of Tartar, two and one half teaspoonfuls of Cook's Fkibnd will be found to do the work in a superior manuer. THE COOK'S FRIEND Has liad FIE8T PRIZES awarded wherever exhibited. OTTAWA, 1879 ; Toronto and Montreal, 1830 and 1881. BRONZE MEDALS, Toronto, 1880, Montreal, 1881. SILVER MEDALS, do. 1882, do. 1882. do. do. St. John's, Jf. B., 1883. Purchasers should make sure that they are served with the genuine " Cook's Fficiicl." No variation from, or addition to, this name is genuine. RETAILED BY ALL RESPECTABLE STOREKEEPERS IN THE DOMINION. :^^o TliiED, TESTED, PEOVED. THE HOME COOK BOOK. OOVTILBD BT LADIES OF TORONTO AND CHIEF CITIES AND TOWNS IN CANADA. SEVENTIETH EDITION. ©oronto : ROSE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Bakkie :—W. B. BAIKIE, 1887 Entered according to Act of the Pakrliament of Canada, in the year ont thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, by Bblfobd Bbothsbs, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture.
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