Ki Tetzte 2020 for Print
בס''ד l Ki Tetze English version MEANINGFUL IMPACT There are three judgements all souls need to go children that could have come from Hebel through by the Heavenly court. 1. Rosh cried out to G-d for vengeance. Judgment Hashana. 2.When one dies. 3. And at the concerns every outcome, present and future, of resurrection of the dead. (Ramban Shaar one’s actions. Hagmul) Why do we .שמע ישרא-ל ה' אלוקינו ה' אחד We say When King Shaul brought the soul of the mention “Listen Yisrael”, when we accept the prophet, Shmuel, down to earth to ask about yoke of Heaven? Because Judaism is accepting his fate and the upcoming war, Shmuel’s soul G-d in a way that it will have ripple effect, was trembling so much, it brought Moshe influencing other Jews. On Rosh Hashana, we along, as a kind of attorney. Shmuel was are judged as to how effective we are in acting afraid of the judgement of the End of Days, of as channels to bring G-dliness into the world. -How much G .מלוך על כל העולם כולו בכבודך the resurrection of the dead. Why did Shmuel fear Judgment at the End of Days, at the dliness is there in each of our actions? כתבנו בספר חיים למענך (resurrection? Upon his death, he had been (Rambam Deot 3;2 Write us in the Book of Life, so we .אלוקים חיים judged and G-d ruled that he was equal to בְּ כָ ל ־ דְּ רָ כֶ ֥ י � דָ ﬠֵ ֑ ה וּ .can live our life for You, G-d ֮מֹ שֶׁ ֤ ה וְ אַ הֲ רֹ֨ ן׀ בְּ ֽ כֹ הֲ נָ֗ יו !Moshe and Aharon, together ,In all your ways know Him וְ֝ה֗ וּא יְיַשֵּׁ֥ ר אֹֽרְ חֹתֶֽ י� (Tehillim 99) וּ֭שְׁ מוּאֵ ל בְּ קֹרְ אֵ֣י שְׁמ֑ וֹ and He will straighten your paths (Mishlei 3) The Ramchal answers that in the final The whole religion is this passuk, because judgement at the resurrection of the dead, G-d Judaism is about being a vessel to bring G- will judge all the results of your actions, the dliness into the world, into everyday life, with impact you made, for good or for bad, until the whatever He blessed us with.
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