Task Force on the AAA Engagement on Israel/Palestine (Hereinafter Referred to Simply As the Task Force, Or TFIP)
Advancing knowledge, solving human problems Report to the Executive Board The Task Force on AAA Engagement on Israel-Palestine October 1, 2015 Task Force Members: Ramona Perez, Executive Board Liaison Niko Besnier Patrick Clarkin Hugh Gusterson John L. Jackson Katherine Spielmann Ed Liebow, AAA Staff Coordinator Katie Vizenor, AAA Staff Liaison 2300 Clarendon Boulevard ▪ Suite 1301 ▪ Arlington, VA 22201-3357 ▪ Tel 703.528.1902 ▪ Fax 703.528.3546 ▪ www.aaanet.org AAA Task Force on Engagement with Israel / Palestine ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Task Force wishes to thank all the people who so generously shared their insights and expertise over the past year. Thanks are also due to Don Brenneis, who served as the Task Force Chair until health matters forced him to step aside. Katie Vizenor provided valuable assistance throughout the Task Force’s work in her role as AAA staff liaison. Obay Odeh, Tarek Maassarani, and Adina Friedman assisted with planning the delegation’s trip to the region. The Task Force is grateful to Alisse Waterston, who assisted with assembling the bibliography and background materials, and to Monica Heller, who offered reflections and encouragement in the planning and development stages of the Task Force’s work. The Task Force also wants to acknowledge AAA staff members Damon Dozier and Kim Baker, who supplied the information that is summarized in Appendix B, AAA public statements on controversial issues, and Jeff Martin and Anne Kelsey, who have assisted with circulating the report for member discussion. Finally, staff and volunteer leaders from a number of sister societies provided background information about their experiences, including the American Studies Association, Middle East Studies Association, the American Historical Association, the Modern Languages Association, Critical Ethnic Studies Association, Peace and Justice Studies Association, and the National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies Association.
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