Royal National Park Eco Lodge What: Low impact tourist accommodation in Stanwell Park Royal or Otford linked to activities in the National Royal National Park. Park Cost: $10m Direct jobs: 50 Annual visitors: 20,000

Museum of fl ight/ conference and restaurant facility What: A museum at Bald Hill to celebrate the acheivements of Lawrence Hargrave as an aeronautical pioneer. Museum would include cafe, restaurant, public amenities and digital visitor information services. Cost: $5m Jobs created: 10 Annual visitors: 2 million

Bungee jumping and zip line at Bulli Tops What: A bungee jumping Stanwell Surf Camp facility at Sublime Point What: A surf camp created as part and zip line between Park of a City Council tourist the Southern Gateway park on the northern beaches. Centre and Panorama Cost: $10,000 House would create a Jobs created: 10 new adventure tourism Annual visitors: 7500 attraction for Wollongong. Cost: $7m for both Jobs: 73 Annual visitors: 30,000 Adventure Playground What: A gondola linking the summit of Mount Keira with the Kemira Colliery tourism mine. The playground would include a restaurant, cafe and Thirroul conference centre, a lookout, eco lodge, bird aviary, abseiling, bushwalking, luge and mountain biking facilities. Cost: $100m Jobs created: 1508 Annual visitors: 182,000

Belmore Basin maritime facility and coastal ferry What: A ferry terminal to link Wollongong, Shellharbour and Piccadilly transport hub Kiama harbours, which could be What: The existing extended to link Headlands Hotel, Piccadilly buildings could and Shell become an integrated Cove Marina on weekends. transport hub using the rail Cost: $4m line and incorporating a new Jobs created: 20 bus station and taxi hub in WOLLONGONG Annual visitors: 25,000 the station car park. Cost: $30m Jobs created: 100 Sky Bridge, Mount Ousley crossing Annual visitors: not listed What: The Sky Bridge would be a higly visible, impressive walkway across Mount Ousley Road to the walkway on Brokers Road. It could be created out of BlueScope Steel to link to local Port industries, and would link the escarpment walking trails and mountain bike trails. Kembla Cost: $2.3m Dapto Jobs created: 10 Annual visitors: 50,000

King Street Wharf Port Kembla arts What: Development of reclaimed land precinct along the foreshore of Lake , What: A creative arts known as Griffi n or Kully Bay, which and cultural precinct would become a residential, seniors to take advantage of living, health, commercial and vacant land in an area marine based tourism hub similar which is already an to Newcastle’s Honeysuckle and emerging arts precinct. Sydney’s Darling Harbour. Cost: $11m Cost: $100m+ Jobs created: 20 Jobs created: 100+ Annual visitors: Annual visitors: unknown 25,000