March 2014 Classic Clatter GORDON CANSDALE’S DUCATI 250 WITH A 1952 BSA IN THE BACKGROUND CLASSIC & ENTHUSIASTS MOTOR CYCLE CLUB OF NSW Inc. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 2014 OFFICE BEARERS ALBURY WODONGA BRANCH President Kim Fleming 9652 2223 President Roger McGregor 0408-431-582 Vice President Gordon Mitchell 9609-3552 Vice President Paul Hare 02-6025-5183 Secretary Terry Reily 8839-2643 Secretary Katrina Dutton 0407-208-414
[email protected] [email protected] Treasurer Joe Vella 0419-200-262 Treasurer Phil Stuckey 02-6056-2828 Committee Jack Martin 9638-2137 Regalia Officer David Sinclair 02-6024--5804 Paul Higgins 9688-7438 Rally Director Elsie Romey 02-6032-9275 Paul Rees 0412-014-948 Rally Committee John McCluskey 0439-581-369 Allan Smith 9639-7017 Jaimes Walch 0438-297-881 Editor Jack Martin 9638 2137 Ride Committee John McCluskey 0439-581-369 Regalia Brian Robertson 0427-311-388 Jaimes Walch 0438-297-881 Events Committee Gordon Mitchell 9609-3552 Colin Wallace 0458-403-010 Paul Higgins 9688-7438 Bruce Phemister 0418-604-181 Tour Secretary Chris O’Carroll 9872-7571 Postal Address: PO Box 1400 Albury NSW 2640 Librarian Kim Fleming 9652 2223 Branch Meetings: Wodonga RSL Reid Street Wodonga.8.00pm Permits Officer Paul Rees 0456-439-370 Fourth Tues of the Month 8-00PM
[email protected] Postal Address P.O Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 CENTRAL WEST BRANCH Web Administrator Ian Richardson
[email protected] Rally Director Chris O’Carroll 9686-7719 Patron Rick Kent 6361-7915 Magazine Distribution Trevor Murray 9686-2608