Mr. Speaker in the Chair] MR
April 2, 1984 ALBERTA HANSARD 247 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ALBERTA employers to pay earnings to their employees. Thirdly, the Act will clarify in relationship to other creditors, an employee's priority for unpaid wages. Title: Monday, April 2, 1984 2:30 p.m. [Leave granted; Bill 24 read a first time] [The House met at 2:30 p.m.] MR. CRAWFORD: Mr. Speaker, I move that Bill No. 24 be placed on the Order Paper under Government Bills and Orders. PRAYERS [Motion carried] head: TABLING RETURNS AND REPORTS [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] MR. ADAIR: Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to table the annual report of the Department of Tourism and Small Business for head: INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS the year ended March 31, 1983. MR. KROEGER: Mr. Speaker, every eight years we strike a MR. BRADLEY: Mr. Speaker, I'd like to table the annual boundaries commission to deal with electoral boundaries. report of the Department of the Environment for the year ended Today in your gallery we have the Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. March 31, 1983. Ken Wark, and the chairman of the commission, the Honour• able Mr. Justice Russ Dixon. I invite them to stand and receive the welcome of the House. head: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS MR. R. MOORE: Mr. Speaker, today it's a pleasure for me head: INTRODUCTION OF BILLS to introduce to you, and through you to members of this Leg• islature, 51 grade 6 students from the James S. McCormick Bill 2 school in Lacombe. They're accompanied by their group leader Agricultural Chemicals Marvin Pickering, teachers Charlie Webber and Marilyn Malo- Amendment Act, 1984 ney, parents Linda Fuller, Chris McDonnell, and Annette Specht, and bus driver Jeanette Muise.
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