National Inquiry into Enquête nationale Missing and Murdered sur les femmes et les filles Indigenous Women and Girls autochtones disparues et assassinées National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Truth-Gathering Process Part 1 Public Hearings Edmonton Inn, Courtyard Ballroom Edmonton, Alberta PUBLIC Tuesday November 7, 2017 Public Volume 20 Paul Tuccaro & Judy Cardinal, In relation to Amber Tuccaro; Carol Bear, In relation to Mary Emily Bear; Stephanie Harpe, In relation to Ruby Anne McDonald INTERNATIONAL REPORTING INC. 41-5450 Canotek Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1J 9G2 E-mail:
[email protected] – Phone: 613-748-6043 – Fax: 613-748-8246 II APPEARANCES Assembly of First Nations Non-appearance Government of Canada Anne McConville (Legal counsel) Christine Ashcroft (Legal counsel) Tania Tooke (Paralegal) Government of Alberta Ashley Gelinas (Student-at-Law) Laura MacLean (Student-at-Law) Institute for the Advancement Non-Appearance of Aboriginal Women: Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Non-Appearance Canada, Saturviit Inuit Women’s Association of Nunavik, AnânauKatiget Tumingit Regional Inuit Women’s Association Inc., Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre, Manitoba Inuit Association Women of Metis Nation / Les Alexandria Winterburn Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak (Legal counsel) Melanie Omeniho (Representative) Note: For the purpose of establishing this record of attendance, counsel and representatives are considered present whether they attended one or all of the public hearings held over the course of the day at the Edmonton Inn Courtyard