Name: ______Block: _____ Date: ______

The Book 2: The Fall of Troy Study Guide Holt World Literature pp. 383‐406

1. (from Background on p. 382) With what conflict does The Aeneid begin? What is this literary element, or epic convention, called?

2. (from Background on p. 382) Book 2 is an extended ______. What does this mean for the audience?

3. (from Background on p. 382) From what point of view is Book 2 of the Aeneid told?

4. What false rumor did the Greeks start about the horse?

5. How do the Trojans react upon seeing the empty beach?

6. Summarize Laocoon’s advice to the Trojans regarding the Greeks and the horse.

7. What two causes does attribute to the decision not to destroy the wooden horse?

8. What is Sinon’s role in the fall of Troy?

9. To what is Laocoon compared as he is attacked by the snakes?

10. What happens as a result of Laocoon’s death? Why?

11. What irony is present in Aeneas’ description of bringing the horse into the city? What type of irony is this?

Ms. Muhlbaier Language Arts Name: ______Block: _____ Date: ______

12. Who is , and what is her role in the fall of Troy?

13. How and where does Hector appear to Aeneas? Why? What is his warning?

14. To what are the effects of war being compared in the following epic simile?: “And the sound was like the sound a grassfire makes in grain, whipped by a Southwind, or a torrent foaming out of a mountainside to strew in ruin fields, happy crops, the yield of plowing teams, or woodlands borne off in the flood…”

15. What is Aeneas’ first impulse upon learning of the ongoing destruction of Troy? What does this suggest about his character?

16. How does Aeneas feel about dying in battle?

17. What hint does give about Coroebus in lines 260‐261?

18. To what does Virgil compare Aeneas and his companions in the epic simile in lines 273‐278?

19. In lines 290‐291, Aeneas uses an epigram, or a brief, memorable statement. He says, “When gods are contrary they stand by no one.” What does this mean?

What does the epigram in line 271 (“The conquered have but one safety: hope for none.”) mean?

20. How does Coroebus die?

Ms. Muhlbaier Language Arts Name: ______Block: _____ Date: ______

21. To what are the battling Greeks and Trojans compared in this epic simile?: “As, when a cyclone breaks, conflicting winds will come together, Westwind, Southwind, Eastwind riding high out of the Dawnland; forests bend and roar, and raging all in spume Nereus with his trident churns the deep.”

22. Pyrrhus, also called , is the son of Achilles. How does Virgil describe him?

23. Why does Priam become angry with Pyrrhus? What happens to Priam?

24. How do the night’s horrors affect Aeneas?

25. How does Aeneas react when he sees Helen? Why? What are his thoughts? What type of conflict is this?

26. Who urges Aeneas to go home? Why?

27. What are the good omens that Aeneas and his family receive? What conclusion does Anchises, Aeneas’ father, draw from these signs?

28. Why does Aeneas return to Troy?

29. What does Creusa tell Aeneas?

30. What is the mood at the end of Book 2?

Ms. Muhlbaier Language Arts