Equipment: Sliotars (1 between 2 students) Helmet (worn at all times) Whistle, Cones, Bibs, Stopwatch

Structure:  Warm-up (fun game)  Revise skill  Small competition of revised skill  New skill  Competition with new skill  Finish with game

Add Pressure of Time, Space, Movement, Reaction, Opposition, Balls

Use cones as a guide to what you want to do during your class

N.B. Always progress/Don’t repeat the same thing over and over/Do the same thing - in a different way

Session 1:

Warm-up: (5-10 mins) Grid 20 x 20 metres

1.Players with hurleys run around the square inside the cones - all in different directions 2. Stress to them not to bunch or follow each other Progression Give instructions - turn right/left, ready position etc Change instructions from sound to visual - raising your right/left arm etc Skill:

Ground striking - (10 mins) 1 2 3 One sliotar per line. Player at each x. Player to remain in middle no longer than one X X X minute. Encourage players at 1 and 3 to block before striking Progress: Add two sliotars. 1 and 3 have sliotar each, they hit in evry second sliotar X X X to the middle



Game with 4 goals. This adds to enjoyment and understanding of positioning. Award scores for good play: I.e. blocking, striking

Session 2:

Warm-up - (10-15 mins) X X X X X a) Players x line up. On whistle they jog forward batting an imaginary

b) Two whistles - ready position, lock position, etc.

Skill 1: Ground Tussle (10 mins)

 In pairs or threes - one sliotars per group  Player has to hold onto ball without moving - duration 30 secs  Player with ball at end of 30 secs scores 1 point

Skill 2: Dribble (10 mins)


Game: “ Home”

3 4

1 2 3 4


 1 and 2 have 5/6 balls each  They hit the balls on the ground as hard and as far as they can  3 and 4 “rivals”  They have to brong as many balls “home” as possible  30 seconds to do this  They must dribble the balls back  Once the sliotars are “home” they cannot take them out

 Team with most balls “home” within time wins.

Session 3

Warm-up (5-10 mins)

Grid 20 x 20 metres  Play a game of “tag”  This encourages evasion and side-step  Change catcher and increase number of catchers


Revise dribble

New skill - Rising the ball

Demonstrate the skill

 10 players inside the grid with 9 balls  Players have to run around and rise as many sliotars as they can in 30 seconds  On whistle those without sliotar stand out for 30 seconds  Reduce number of sliotars by one

Game: Relay Race (5-10 mins) X X X X X X X X X X X X

1. 2. 3. 4.

Game: Normal game - award scores for skills (e.g. ground-strike, roll-lift etc) as well as goals.

Session 4 Sliotars at numbers Warm-up 5-10 mins Groups must bring sliotar to each cone They rise the ball and leave it at the next cone If they are unable to risr the ball first time they should be allowed to pick it up.

Grid 20m x 20m


Revise skill: Rising the sliotar

New skill: Balancing ball on the

 Make two straight lines with players facing each other  One sliotar per pair  One player balances the ball for 30 seconds - then change over

Progression: Hopping ball on hurley  Encourage small hops and always to be in control  Set a target they can reach - but not too easy: e.g. 20 hops in 30 secs.

Game: Pitch 25m x 25m  Normal game  Award points for first time striking  Add conditions - e.g. one attempt to rise  Get players into groups of 3/4 then player must pull on ball  One ball per group  Run game for 20 mins  Players run about area throwing ball  Make sure players change positions to each other  Important not to leave same player in goal Progress: for the whole game. Player cannot throw ball to player who threw to them Session 5: Vary passes - to chest/overhead Which group can last longest without Warm-up (10-15 mins) dropping ball

1. 4.

2. 3.


 Group of players run around square Revise skill - Rising ball  Coach shouts number  They all have to gather round that cone  Vary by telling them to get into groups of 3/4

- Balancing ball

New skill - Striking the ball from hand

Important when explaining this skill that the coach keeps a keen eye on how the striking is done

 Hold the ball in “weaker-hand”  The hurley is kept upright in front of strong shoulder with the bas above head height  Keep eyes on ball, feet comfortably apart  Throw ball shoulder high, follow through with hips, shoulder, hurley to strike ball.

Practice Imaginary ball Real ball

Game: 15 mins

Get players into pairs

1. XA X B X C XD etc


Game Normal game to finish

Session 6.

Warm-up (10 mins)

NO MANS LAND  Players stand at 1 and 2  Aim of the game is to hit the ball to each other with the ball landing in “no mans land”

 Cones in a circle with a ball at each cone  Each player stands at a cone  They run in clockwise direction rising the ball and leaving it where they got it Vary by changing direction Competition: see how many balls they can rise or if they can catch the person in front of them