Revised Syllabus for P.G. Courses in Philosophy
REVISED SYLLABUS FOR P.G. COURSES IN PHILOSOPHY COURSE NO. PHIL/P.G/1.1 Logic (Indian) 1. Nature of Indian Logic: the close relationship of logic, epistemology and metaphysics in the Indian tradition; primacy of logical reasoning in establishing one’ own system and refuting all rival systems; the concepts of ānvikṣikī and anumiti 2. Definition of Anumāna: Nyāya and Buddhist perspectives 3. Constituents of Anumāna: Nyāya and Buddhist perspectives 4. Process of Anumāna: Nyāya and Buddhist perspectives 5. Types of Anumāna: Nyāya and Buddhist perspectives 6. Nyāya: paķṣata, parāmarśa, definition of vyāpti 7. Inductive elements in Indian Logic: the concepts of vyāptigrahopāya, sāmānyalakṣaṇaprātyasatti, tarka, upādhi 8. Hetvābhāsa 9. Jňāniyapratibaddha-pratibandhakābhāva Suggestive Texts: Keśava Miśra: Tarkabhāṣā, ed. by Pandit Badarinath Shukla, Motilal Banarasidas Publishers Ltd., N. Delhi Dharmakīrti: Nyāyabindu, ed. by D. Malvania, Patna, 1971 Uddyotakara: Nyāyavārttika, ed. by M. M. Anantalal Thakur, ICPR Publication, N. Delhi Praśastapādabhāṣya, ed. By Ganganath Jha, Sapurnanda Sanskrit University, Benares Nyāyasūtra – Vātsayanabhāsya (select portions), ed. by MM Phanibhusan Tarkavagish, Rajya Pustak Parshad, WB Viśvanātha,Bhāṣāparichheda, ed. by Pandit Panchanan Shastri with commentary Muktavali- Samgraha, Sanskrita Pustak Bhandar Annambhatta,TarkasaṁgrahawithDipika, ed. by Pandit Panchanan Shastri, Sanskrita Pustak Bhandar (Bengali) Annambhatta,TarkasaṁgrahawithDipika, trans. by Prof. Gopinath Bhattacharya in English, Progressive Pub, 1976 Suggested Readings: S.S. Barlingay,A Modern Introduction to Indian Logic, National Publishing House, 1965 Gangadhar Kar,Tarkabhāsā Vol– I, 2nd ed. Jadavpur University Press, 2009 19 D.C. Guha,Navya Nyaya System of Logic, Motilal Banarsidass, 1979 Nandita Bandyopadhyay,The Concept of Logical Fallacies, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, 1977 B.K. Matilal,The Navya Nyaya Doctrine of Negation,Harvard University Press, 1968 B.K.
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