Hard. Abner. History of the Eighth , Illinois Volunteers, during the Great Rebellion. Aurora, Illinois: n.p., 1868. Morningside reprint, 78

Regimental Surgeon

CHAPTER I. Organization of the Regiment— Camp Kane— Flag Presentation— Buretiug a Cannon - Muster into the Service— Closing Liquor Shops — Off for Washington — Through — "Farnsworth's Big Abolition Regiment" In Camp at Meridian Hill. 33

CHAPTER II. Situation of the Armies— -Battle of Ball's Bluff— Death of Baker— Grand Review — Arrival of Bishop Simpson — Sword presentation to Colonel Farnsworth— Formation of the First Brigade— A stray shot— -Those oysters— -The Dutch sentinel- March into Virginia — Irish Brigade — Shooting a Deserter— -Balloons in the army- — The Battle they didn't fight — The way the pistols were exchanged— -A reconnaissance, as described by our Chaplain— -IIow we obtained a Hospital— -A Seceeh lady's insolence. 44

CHAPTER III. Camp Suffering— Rebel citizens obliged to work under the Flag— General Montgomery — Eighty-Eighth Pennsylvania— Arrest of a parson in Church — Virginia Chronicle — Burning of a Citizens' Printing Office — Presentation of a Cane to Mayor McKenzie — Flag Presentation by Ladies of Alexandria— Arrival of General Sumner — Hutchinson Family Concert — Alexandria — Christ's Church — Washington's Pew — Old Cemetery— Slave Pen. 68

CHAPTER lV Marching Orders— Advance of the Grand Army— Difficulties of Marching- -Rebel Retreat— - Wooden Cannon — Plains of Manassas— The Colonel's Joke— -Disposal of the sick— -Reconnaissance in force— -First Fight at Rappahannock Station — Men captured— -A Surgeon hides in Bed— -The Fourth New York Cavalry's Rebel Brigade-- Exploded shell— -A Shell story- — Lieutenant Hotop's adventure, and capture by the Fourth New York Cavalry — A stormy night- -Return to Alexandria— -Colonel Viele and his conduct. 88

CHAPTER V Embarking for the Peninsula— Landing at Shipping Point— -Siege of Yorktown- -The Rebels Evacuate— -Our Pursuit— Cause of Retreat — A Battle Scene— Battle of Williamsburg — Capture of Lieutenant Chamberlain and others — An Affecting Scene— Construction of a Bridge over Black Creek — First Battle of Mechanicsville— Destroying Meadow's Bridge- — In sight of Richmond The Eighth under General Stoneman— - Court House — A Picket in the Dark— -A Dinner Party- Battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks— Flag of Truce — Stuart’s Raid around the Army of the Potomac. 105

CHAPTER VI Second Battle of Mechanicsville, and first of the seven Days' Fight— Death of Captain Hooker— Ex-Governor Wood a Volunteer--Battle of Gaines' Mill— Destruction of the


Stores at Dispatch Station— Retreat from Savage Station— White Oak Swamp— Night march to James River— Arrival at Haxal's Landing— Leading the way to Harrison's Bar — Battle of Malvern Hill— Burning Army Wagons— Reconnaissance of Captain Sonthworth— Second Battle of Malvern Hill— Sergeant Kinly in a critical situation- Capturing Carter's Horses— Evacuation of Harrison's Landing— March to Yorktown — Embarkation— Arrival at Alexandria. 138

CHAPTER VII. A view of the situation— Advance into Maryland— Battle of Poolville— Capturing the Ninth Virginia colors — Battle of Barnsville— Capturing of Sugar Loaf Mountain- Battle of Frederick, Maryland— Battle of Middletown— Battle of South Mountain- Battle of Boonsboro— Battle of Antietam — A day's delay— Artillery duel — First reconnaissance to Shepherdstown— Second reconnaissance to Shepherdstown— Battle of Martinsbnrg — The rebels' opinion of theEighth Illinois Cavalry. 168

CHAPTER VIII. Grand Review by President Lincoln — Bribing a sentinel-Stuart's second raid around the Potomac Army — Harper's Ferry — Advance into Virginia— Battle of Philamont — Battle of Barber's Cross-Roads- Capture of the hospital at Markham's Station — An Irish woman's generosity— Battle of Little Washington — Battle of Amissville--Capturing General Wade Hampton's dinner— Farnsworth promoted to a Brigadier-General— Battle of Fredericksburg. 196

CHAPTER IX. Going into winter quarters — On picket duty — "Capturing" a mule — Army " stuck in the mud" — A snow storm — Grand review of the Cavalry — Hope Landing— Generals Stoneman and Pleasanton— Stoneman's raid- General Hooker's advance— Battle of Chancellorsville — General Pleasanton saves the army — Shelling our camp — The Army of the Potomac re-cross the Rappahannock — The prophetic frogs — Digging rifle pits--— Great raid on the "Northern Neck" — Battle of 'Beverly Ford--220

CHAPTER X. Maryland and Pennsylvania campaign — — The march continued — General Hooker relieved — General Mead in command of the army —Skirmish at Fairfield— The cavalry enter Gettysburg— — Death of General E. J. Farnsworth — Hanging a spy — Battle of Williamsport — Death of Major Medill — Fighting near Boonsboro — Battle of Funkstown — Battle of Falling 'Water “March to Berlin — Into Virginia again — Fight at Chester Gap — — Another fight near Brandy Station— Battle of Culpepper— Taking Pony Mountain— Battle of Raccoon Ford-The Kemper Brothers — Battle of Jack's Shop.

CHAPTER XI. The Army forced back upon Manassas- Battle of Stevensburg— Fight at Brentsville— Resignation of Major Beveridge— Battle of Hazel River — Culpepper and the Line of the Rapidan — Battle of Mine Run — Death of General Buford — Resolutions of Respect — General Merrit's Order — Cold Weather — To Warrenton and Return — The


Eighth Illinois Veteranize — Return Home— Reception in Chicago — Camp at St. Charles / —The Ranks filled up — Return to Washington — Giesboro Point — Camp Relief— The Detachments — The Situation — Early's Invasion — Battle of Monocacy— Baltimore and Cockeysville — Battle in Defense of Washington. 276


General Early's Retreat— Pursuit into Virginia — Capture of Sergeant Chase — Return to Washington— Mosby attacks Company E, and captures twelve men— Scouting in Virginia — Mustering out three years' men — Their History— Reconnaissance in force —Fight at Upperville— Fist Separate Brigade— Fairfax Court House— More Scouting— Surrender of Richmond— Assassination of President Lincoln— Bull Run Monuments—The Regiment ordered to Missouri — Sinking of the Steamer Olive — Order for Mustering out — Organization of the Eighth Illinois Veteran Association — The Constitution— Reception in Chicago— Regimental Roster. 304

CHAPTER XIII. On Captures— Lieutenant George Gamble's Capture and Experience— Captain John W. DeLancy's Capture and Experience — William H. Leckey's Capture and Experience — Corporal William Y. Heather's Capture and Experience— Lieutenant B. L. Chamber- lain B Capture and Experience. 343