Distribution of Chlorophytic Phytoplankton in Northern Thailand*

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Distribution of Chlorophytic Phytoplankton in Northern Thailand* Biologia 63/6: 852—858, 2008 Section Botany DOI: 10.2478/s11756-008-0112-1 Distribution of chlorophytic phytoplankton in Northern Thailand* Yuwadee Peerapornpisal, Sutthawan Suphan,NetiNgearnpat & Jeeraporn Pekkoh Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200 Thailand; e-mail: scboi017@chiangmai.ac.th Abstract: The distribution of phytoplankton was investigated in standing water bodies such as reservoirs, ponds and marshes. Thirty sampling sites in Northern Thailand were studied during 1998 – 2005. The water quality could be classified as oligotrophic–mesotrophic to eutrophic status. Twelve families, 51 genera and 181 species of chlorophytic phytoplankton were found. The dominant genera were Staurastrum spp., Cosmarium spp., Scenedesmus spp. and Pediastrum spp. The distribution of these species was mainly affected by the water quality. Key words: Chlorophyte; Desmidiaceae; phytoplankton; Thailand Introduction the aquatic ecosystem especially in open water food chains. Phytoplankton in stagnant water bodies is an impor- In this research, the biodiversity of chlorophytic tant biological indicator of water quality (Palmer & phytoplankton and the physico-chemical properties of Square 1977). These autotrophic organisms comprise water in water bodies were investigated during 1998– cyanophytes, chlorophytes, euglenoids, dinoflagellates, 2005. The dominant species of chlorophytic phyto- cryptophytes and diatoms. They reduce CO2 from the plankton in each different water quality category may atmosphere and produce O2 to the environment, and be useful to serve as an indicator of the water qual- thus potentially play an important in controlling global ity of stagnant water bodies in other tropical ar- warming. Besides, they are the primary producers in eas. Fig. 1. Map of Thailand (A) and the location of the sampling sites in northern Thailand (B). * Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia. c 2008 Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences Chlorophytic phytoplankton in Northern Thailand 853 Table 1. List of main stagnant water bodies in northern Thailand investigated during this study. Large reservoir: capacity over 100 million m3 Medium reservoir: capacity between 10 million and 100 million m3) Small reservoir: capacity less than 10 million m3 Deep reservoir: maximum depth over 10 meters Station Study sites Provinces Characters of water resources 1. Chiang Saen (CS) Chiang Rai Medium and shallow reservoir 2. Kwan Phayao (PY) Phayao Large and shallow reservoir 3. Mae Tum (MT) Phayao Medium and shallow reservoir 4. Mae Kuang Udomtara Dam (MKD) Chiang Mai Large and deep reservoir 5. Mae Ngud Somboonchol Dam (MNg) Chiang Mai Large and deep reservoir 6. Huay Tueng Thao (HTT) Chiang Mai Medium and shallow reservoir 7. Mae Yen (MY) Chiang Mai Small and shallow reservoir 8. Mae Jok Luang (MJL) Chiang Mai Medium and shallow reservoir 9. Ang Kaew (AK) Chiang Mai Small and shallow reservoir 10. Doi Inthanon (DI) Chiang Mai Pond on high mountain (> 1,500 a.s.l) 11. Doi Tao (DT) Chiang Mai Medium and shallow reservoir 12. Chiang Mai Moat (CMM) Chiang Mai Artificial moat 13. Lamphun Moat (LPM) Lamphun Artificial moat 14. Sirikit Dam (SK) Uttaradit Large and deep reservoir 15. Bhumibol Dam (BB) Tak Large and deep reservoir 16. Municipal Pond I (MP I) Tak Oxidation pond 17. Huay Chalad (HC) Tak Small and shallow reservoir 18. Nong Jong Kham (NJK) Mae Hong Son Pond 19. Mae Kham Dam (MK) Lampang Medium and deep reservoir 20. Huay Luang Dam (HL) Lampang Medium and shallow reservoir 21. Mae Thang (MTh) Phrae Medium and shallow reservoir 22. Municipal Pond II (MP II) Nan Oxidation pond 23. Marsh I (Ma I) Nan Marsh 24. Huay Som Khem (HSK) Pitsanulok Small and shallow reservoir 25. Marsh II (Ma II) Pitsanulok Marsh 26. Ditch I (Di I) Sukhothai Ditch 27. Marsh III (Ma III) Sukhothai Marsh 28. Ditch II (Di II) Kampangphet Ditch 29. Bung Nang Rang (BNR) Phichit Large and shallow reservoir 30. Pak Huay Khon Kaen (PHK) Phetchaboon Medium and deep reservoir Material and methods Thirty stagnant water bodies in northern Thailand (reser- voirs, ponds, marshes and ditches) were sampled during 1998–2005 (Fig.1, Table 1). Samples were collected at 0.3 meter intervals of the maximum depth of each water re- source. The northern part of Thailand is on the Indochina Peninsula within the monsoonal belt. There are 3 seasons: the rainy season (June–September), the cool dry season (October–February), and the hot dry season (March–May). Measurement of some physico-chemical properties of water in the reservoirs was done at the sampling sites. The depth to which sunlight could penetrate was measured with a Secchi disc. The temperature was measured with a ther- mometer and pH levels were taken with a pH meter and dissolved oxygen (DO) was measured by the azide mod- ification method (Greenberg et al. 2005). Alkalinity was measured by methyl orange indicator method. BOD was measured using the azide modification method. Amounts of nutrients, i.e. soluble reactive phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen were measured according to the method described by Greenberg et al. (2005). Chlorophyll a was measured by the method of ISO 10260 (1992). Turbid- ity was measured with a turbidity meter. The trophic sta- tus of water was evaluated from the main parameters (DO, BOD, conductivity, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus and chlorophyll a) according to Lorraine & Vollenweider (1981), Wetzel (2001) and Peera- Fig. 2. Dendrogram showing clustering of groups of sampling pornpisal et al. (2004). sites; sampling site codes as in Table 2. 854 Y. Peerapornpisal et al. Table 2. Mean values of some physico-chemical factors, trophic status and dominant genera of sampling sites. St. = station, n = number of sampling times, Cond. = Conductivity, Turb. = Turbidity, O-M = oligotrophic-mesotrophic status, M = mesotrophic status, M-E = mesotrophic-eutrophic, status E = eutrophic status St. Periods n Cond. pH Turb. NO3-N PO4-N NH4-N Trophic Dominant (µS.cm−1) (NTU)(mg L−1)(mg L−1)(mg L−1) status genera 1. CS Jan 04 – Dec 05 4 105 7.02 14 0.9 0.18 0.04 O-M Cosmarium, Staurodesmus 2.MY Apr 99 – Mar 02 36 138 8.11 32 0.8 0.22 0.29 M Aulacoseira, Planktothrix 3. MT Apr 03 – Mar 04 3 101 7.77 18 0.5 0.09 0.1 O-M Ceratium 4. MKD Apr 99 – Jan 05 54 78 7.8 9 0.6 0.1 0.13 O-M Staurastrum, Microcystis 5. MNg Apr 00 – Mar 01 12 143 8.23 19 0.8 0.25 0.27 M Monorhaphidium, Peridinium 6. HTT Oct 01 – Sep 02 4 158 8.02 23 0.9 0.31 0.26 M Coelastrum, Pediastrum 7. MY May 04 – Apr 05 3 89 7.81 15 0.5 0.19 0.18 O-M Dinobryon 8. MJL Oct 02 – Apr 05 15 65 7.63 12 0.6 0.12 0.09 O-M Cosmarium, Staurodesmus 9. AK Apr 98 – Mar 05 36 144 7.98 28 1 0.34 0.18 M Peridinium, Anabaena 10. DI Apr 03 – Mar 04 2 81 5.92 11 0.3 0.08 0.07 O-M Pinnularia 11. DT May 02 – Sep 03 18 144 7.85 17 0.9 0.28 0.27 M Peridiniopsis, Coelastrum 12. CMM Apr 99 – Apr 05 14 355 8.31 56 1.8 0.56 0.65 E Euglena, Scenedesmus 13. LPM Jan 02 – Dec 03 12 318 8.25 48 1.9 0.67 0.53 E Cylindrospermopsis, Euglena 14. SK Dec 04 – Dec 05 4 77 7.69 15 0.6 0.06 0.11 O-M Botryococcus 15. BB Dec 04 – Dec 05 4 135 8.01 22 0.8 0.28 0.22 M Monoraphidium, Dictyosphaerium 16. MP I Nov 03 – Oct 04 3 299 8.3 77 2.2 0.76 0.78 E Euglena, Trachelomonas 17. HC Nov 03 – Oct 04 2 132 7.89 29 1 0.26 0.21 M Ankistrodesmus, Coelastrum 18. NJK Feb 01 – Jan 03 4 212 8.21 33 1.2 0.43 0.55 M-E Microcystis, Coelastrum 19. MK Nov 02 – Nov 03 6 112 7.79 15 0.7 0.07 0.08 O-M Ceratium, Botryococcus 20. HL Nov 02 – Nov 03 6 95 7.36 19 0.6 0.1 0.11 O-M Ceratium, Botryococcus 21. MTh Dec 03 – Dec 05 6 146 7.84 16 1.1 0.36 0.31 M Microcystis, Dictyosphaerium 22. MP II Dec 03 – Dec 05 6 229 8.25 50 1.8 0.49 0.41 M-E Anabaena, Cylindrospermopsis 23. Ma I Dec 04 – May 05 2 98 7.67 18 0.7 0.21 0.13 O-M Ceratium, Staurastrum 24. HSK Feb 01 – Jan 03 4 156 7.94 46 0.9 0.31 0.29 M Peridinium 25. Ma II Feb 01 – Jan 03 4 145 7.81 18 0.9 0.23 0.28 M Fragilaria, Pediastrum 26. Di I Nov 02 – Oct 03 2 90 7.72 23 0.5 0.17 0.14 O-M Closterium, Staurastrum 27. Ma III Nov 02 – Oct 03 2 152 7.83 17 1.1 0.3 0.36 M Pediastrum, Dictyosphaerium 28. Di II Dec 04 1 81 7.65 14 0.5 0.13 0.04 O-M Cosmarium, Staurastrum 29. BNR Dec 04 – Dec 05 2 157 7.85 29 1 0.21 0.25 M Achnanthes 30. PHK Nov 03 – Dec 05 4 130 7.87 25 1.1 0.27 0.29 M Peridinium, Ankistrodesmus Fig. 3. Percentage of genera in each family of chlorophytic phytoplankton in stagnant water bodies of northern Thailand during 1998–2005.
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