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Greetings in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, AMDG 13/10/06

Last June, I had the privilege of participating in my first annual retreat with Fr Gobbi in Collevalenza, Italy, which was held at the renowned Shrine of the Merciful Love located in the mountains of Perugia, close to Assisi. This year’s attendance was reported as one of the largest ever: 300 members representing 50 countries from the 5 Continents. Among those present were two cardinals: Cardinal Ignace Daoud, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches and Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples. There were also 19 archbishops and bishops from 10 different countries.

Despite his advancing years and medical problems, Fr Gobbi was in very good spirits with great enthusiasm, he delivered four very inspiring talks. Towards the end of the week, Fr Gobbi gave a talk during which he became especially animated. He emphasized the following very important points:

1. The spirit of the Antichrist is already at our doorstep. 2. We can see from the events – what is going on in the Church and in the world – that the times have arrived! 3. And the following he delivered with particular fervency: “The time for projects is over…now is the time for prayer! Pray, pray, pray!!!

Fr Gobbi again reiterated his plea to “Multiply your cenacles”! Unfortunately, because of his advancing age and fatigue, he is no longer able to ravel long distances to conduct cenacles. He wants all of us, however, to continue persevering in our cenacles. Encourage as many as possible to join you, and branch out to form new ones. Our prayer in the cenacle is so very important in these crucial times.

Cardinal Dias holds the Marian Movement of Priests in high regard, and as Cardinal Archbishop of Bombay, he is an ardent promoter of the MMP and the cenacles. After he consecrated his Archdiocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, many other bishops from India, encouraged by his leadership, did likewise for their respective dioceses. Our Blessed Mother is making great advances throughout the world

Fr Gobbi also reaffirmed his confidence in having Benedict XVI as our Pope to guide us through these difficult times for the Church and the entire world. Please continue to support him with your prayers and sacrifices. Please do not abandon your cenacles. Believe Fr Gobbi when he says that they are needed now more than ever. Our Pope and all bishops and priests desperately need our loving and spiritual support which we render them by means of our prayers. One need only listen to the news to realize how necessary these cenacles are for the welfare and protection of the Church and its people.

Spread them among priests, the faithful, children and in families. They are the lightning rod that will protect us from the attacks of the Evil One, that our own spiritual transformation is taking place. You will soon understand that, by means of them, Our Lady is preparing us to receive Jesus when He returns in glory. He will come again to transform all of creation into new heavens and a renewed earth where there will be no more sin, no more suffering and where God’s love and justice will reign fully. It will be another paradise on earth, only more beautiful than the first. Jesus will submit all creation to Himself and present it to the Father as His gift of love for Him. Prepare yourselves, because the victory is close at hand. The more this motherly triumph of mine comes about in the hearts and souls of my children in ever increasing numbers, the more the chastisement is put off by you, and the more Jesus can pour out upon the world the torrents of His divine mercy.” (473-k, May 13, 1992)

The rosary which we pray in the cenacles is truly a powerful weapon, say it as often as possible and know that it will be the chain that will bind Satan and cast him into the abyss. Keep one with you at all times – in your pocket, your purse, your car, your workplace. Clasp it in the evening before going to sleep, and commence praying upon waking in the morning. It is also a powerful means to keep your thoughts pure. The cenacle must remain simple so that, in the respectful silence of our prayers, the Blessed Mother can work to transform us into images of her Son Jesus.

During this annual retreat with our brother priests, we also learn that each of us is carrying a heavy cross as we march forward in this labour of love, bringing Our Lady’s messages to her children who are hungering and thirsting for comfort and solace in an oftentimes cold and lonely world our Mother covers all of her little ones with her mantle and gives them what they need to continue on…sometimes it is only a simple word or phrase form her messages that constitutes that one single drop of nourishment which they need to be rejuvenated. Let us, therefore, never take her precious words for granted, and let us make it our goal to share them with others who are so desperately in need of this heavenly support. As Apostles of these Last Times, we must never shirk the responsibility she has given us of making these messages known to all.

And when we feel that the cross is too heavy to bear, let us get into the habit of gazing upon a crucifix for a few minutes…we will immediately feel our own crosses quite miniscule by comparison. And let us offer these sufferings to Our Lady who will immediately transform them into joy. Meditate upon Jesus’ agony and crucifixion, knowing that He died for us and realizing that, by carrying our crosses valiantly, we are assisting Him in his work of redemption. What an awesome thought…that we are co-redeemers with Christ! A listening ear, one kind word, a gesture of kindness…these can sometimes make a world of difference and could well be the small spark that gives the downtrodden and despairing the impetus to take that next tiny step forward. Jesus did not ask us to do this alone…we need each other. If you can’t be there in person, then pick up the phone and let your voices radiate the love of Jesus and Mary.

Mother Teresa always said that often the most precious thing we can share with each other is a smile. Cardinal Dias said at the retreat: “Keep your humour up and the Devil will go away, he does not like happy people.” The devil has no stronghold over someone who does not let discouragement take hold of them. Be not afraid…keep up the faith, share this faith and love with others, and don’t forget to smile!

May the Lord bless you and all your loved ones, and may Our Blessed Mother take you by the hand and guide you to her Son Jesus. Peace and Blessing Fr Andrew Grace – Wagga Wagga Diocese in Australia This report was adapted form Rev. Albert G. Roux’s who is the National Director of the MMP in the USA.


It is good that Fathers‟ Day is celebrated on a Sunday, because Sunday should be a family day for parents and young children in particular. I still prefer a roast for Sunday lunch, although we always called it dinner 55 years ago. Beef or lamb is still my choice. I love spaghetti, but not for the main course on Sunday. As a young child there was a regular ritual for our Sunday morning. Everyone, except Dad who was not a Catholic, went to Mass and then came home for a “Catholic hour” of beer, hot scones, often with the local relatives, before we sat down for a late midday meal.

It was a different age, where strong loving parents often exercised greater influence than they do today. There was less competition; no TV or internet. I had parents who loved me and I never realized how fortunate I was with them until I was an adult and saw how many, children suffer from a bad parent.

Fathers‟ Day is for thanking, helping and healing fathers whose role is more vital and difficult than ever. Children, in particular, can be great teachers for their father, creating warmth in relationships, giving and thereby evoking love; returning something and sometimes more than they have received. Fathers have a unique social and biological influence on their children, as good fathers help reduce anti-social behaviour and delinquency in boys and early sexual activity in girls. On a number of occasions I have seen how young women who were loved by a good father will marry a man like him. Boys, in particular, learn from their fathers where the boundaries are, how they should assess and mange risk-taking behaviours.

An American priest friend of mine has claimed that too many people today want God to be like a grandfather, rather than a father, i.e. a gentle, undemanding and supportive presence in the background. More is required of a father than this, because the father should be a focus of effective authority for his children, a practical support for the civilizing work of his wife and the mother of his children. A good father loves his wife. A stallion does not connect a sex act with the arrival of a new born some time later.

The promises of marriage help fathers to meet their obligations of love and care towards their offspring. Indeed St Augustine, the great Christian thinker of more than 1500 years ago, claimed somewhere that God invented marriage so that fathers would do their duty to their children. Good fathers provide safety and stability, homes where children can interact with real people, not a world of electronic gadgets.

When such fathers grow old and die they leave a rich legacy: “At the father‟s death, he will seem not dead for he leaves after him one like himself.” (Ecclesiasticus 30:4) George Cardinal Pell “Archbishop of Sydney

BISHOP PAUL M HNILICA’S SAINTLY DEATH On the morning of 8th October 2006, Bishop Paul Hnilica passed away in great peace at the Monastery of Divine Mercy in Gratzen in the Czech Republic. Many of us would recall his trip to Australia in 1994 and the Slovakian communities would surely have fond memories of his visit to them in 1973. Perhaps this was a privilege of which we were not entirely aware, as Bishop Hnilica was one of the most remarkable men of our time, a true modern-day saint. His funeral Mass, held in his homeland of Slovakia, gave testimony to the fruitfulness of his 84 year long life.

The turning point in Bishop Hnilica‟s life was in 1950 while he was still a Jesuit seminarian. The communistic government of Slovakia unleashed an unprecedented attack against God and the church imprisoning 10,000 Bishops, priests and religious in one night including the young Paul. Out of fear for the future of the priesthood Paul was ordained a priest secretly in the work-camp and, in spite of his own feeling of unworthiness, consecrated a Bishop six months later at only 30 years of age.

Miraculously, he was able to escape and flee the country and make his way to Rome to inform Pope Pius XII of the terrible situation. His vocation would then be to support the suffering church in the eastern block materially and spiritually through an association he created for this purpose “Pro Deo et Fratibus”. His exile would be long and only 40 years later would he be able to again set foot in his homeland. The communists considered him such a threat to their ideology that he was even refused a visa to enter the country of his own mother‟s funeral, such was the power of his influence from afar. Sean Tobin (Perth Seminarian in Family of Mary) HEAVENLY NEWS! A great friend of Medjugorje just left this world! Bishop Pavel (Paul) Hnilica, faithful friend of John Paul II, died after a long illness. For those who did not know him, it was Bishop Hnilica who suggested that Pope John Paul II officially entrust the world to Our Lady of the Rosary, at St Peter‟s Square, on October 8th 2002 in the Year of the Rosary. Bishop Hnilica invited all Bishops from around the world and the Marian movements to Rome to unite in payer for the occasion. Bishop Hnilica is also responsible for arranging the statue of Fatima to be brought to St Peter‟s Square on that day and later to be venerated by thousands of people in St Peter‟s Basilica. What a sign for us that the Lord called him back on October 8th.

What a beautiful example he gave us! He led a life consecrated to the service of the Church; he suffered persecution in Communist prisons; often secretly, he helped people in “eastern block countries” endure and overcome Communist pressure, a trusted confidant of Pope John Paul II and a tireless apostle of Mary. At all times the rosary could be seen in his hand. Most notably, Msgr. Hnilica consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the heart of Moscow on 24th March, 1984, under amazing circumstances. Pope John Paul II, delighted to learn of the consecration, confided the conviction of his heart to Pavel saying, “Medjugorje is the continuation and the fulfillment of Fatima.” Despite these accomplishments and his rank in the Vatican, his entire life was marked by an admirable practice of humble charity to all.

His legendary charity was rooted in the Gospel. To the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, he also promised never to refuse helping someone who would ask him for help. “Give to everyone who asks you,” Jesus tells us, “And if anyone takes what belong to you, do not demand it back.” (Luke 6:30) Let us pray with him for people who suffer from the oppression of lies, a cause he took so much to heart! Sister Emmanuel “Children of Medjugorje”


Fulton Sheen may well have been a bishop and perhaps could have been a worthy candidate for cardinal, but firstly he was a priest/victim standing in the place of Christ. The priest imitates Christ in sacrificing self. The priest does it daily by installments. He unites his personal offering with the Eucharist. Sheen encouraged people to spiritually place themselves on the paten.

Sacrifice is the path to sanctity. The priest becomes holy to the degree that he humbles himself. He becomes smaller in the presence of God‟s greatness. The priest should stare at the Host as in a mirror. He should image Christ. The Host reflects the recipe for holiness: small, pure and flattened. The priest holds up the Almighty, the antidote to sin and the food for eternity in his hands at every Mass.

This has to be humbling. He bows to make himself smaller. He serves, standing at the Table of the Lord. Service and sacrifice go together, just as „priest‟ and „victim‟ go together. As victim the priest must be Lamb-like. In the Host, Christ manifests meekness and gentleness. Whiteness represents purity. The priest must set an example in pursuing and practising these primary virtues. A Lamb-like priest may „appear‟ weak, but his softness will be his strength: warm and welcoming. Peace pervades his every word and deed from a gentle, good heart devoid of cutting coldness. The personality of the priest should have no prickles or stings, but be silky smooth as lanolin. Sheen was such a portrait of an ideal priest, with an angelic glow. Indeed, what is so special and attractive about Sheen is his saintliness. Please pray that God may shape me into such a human and holy priest with the sheen of Christ. Excerpt from Fr Peter Stojanovic’s reflection in”Fulton J. Sheen Society Inc. Newsletter Vol 6 Issue 3 Winter Edition 06

THE LIGHTER SIDE… A Scripture professor who was lecturing on the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament. He had finished about four of them in an hour and a half. Realizing his audience was getting tired, he introduced the next prophet with some degree of histrionics. Throwing out his hands he shouted: “And where do I place Habacuc?” Someone got up at the back of the hall and shouted out: “He can have my seat.”

CHILDREN OF MEDJUGORJE Dear Children, 2nd July 2006 Message to Mirjana God created you with free will to comprehend and to choose: Life or Death. I as a mother, with motherly love, desires to help you to comprehend and to choose life. My children, do not deceive yourselves with false peace and false joy. Permit me, my children, to show you the true way, the way that leads to life – my Son. Thank you!

To choose life and not death is the invitation that Our Lady is offering us in these troubled days. In our culture, we see blatant invitations to death everywhere, and to resist them, one must have a solid prayer life and an awareness that we are on a battlefield. Victory will be ensured by God‟s mercy; He will have the last word! In the midst of the darkness of the “culture of death” there are marvelous lights shining, which are given by God, and which announce of the New Pentecost of Love.

One of our good friends from Ireland, Bernadette Goulding, of “Rachel‟s Vineyard”, lived through the darkness resulting from her abortion and now supports other women who experienced abortion. In her ministry, death and life are dramatically manifesting themselves. Here she shares some thoughts about these issues. “I will always regret that I chose Death and not Life for my child. I deceived myself with a false peace and a false joy. Every abortion is a death in a family. After death you need to grieve, but with abortion you are not allowed to grieve. With abortion there is no body, no funeral, no graveside, no focus for the grief, so the grieving goes on and on. During Rachel’s Vineyard weekends, many women realise for the first time that they are mothers. They realise they are not grieving over a bunch of cells, that they are grieving over the loss of their children. They come to understand that Jesus is the only True Way, that any other way is false.

There is a wound in your soul that only the Divine Physician can heal. We speak our pain to the Merciful Jesus, Who offers the gift of His forgiveness. We have rejected His gift of Life, and now He offers us His gift of Mercy and forgiveness. On of the passages of Scripture that is good to read is John 4, the woman at the well. Jesus knows all about her, and yet this woman with a past carries His message of Life and of Living water to her people. God can use our sins to make better people out of us. He has used my abortion to bring the message of hope and healing to so many women. He can make miracles out of our mistakes.”

DON CALLOWAY! – ex drug addict The Blessed Mother mentions “false peace” in this message, and it is not by chance! I‟d like to share a little more from Don Calloway‟s interview here in Medjugorje (see report of June 15). He speaks of how people are misled these days.

Sr. Emmanuel: How do you spread the Medjugorje messages? Fr Don: Most times I spread the messages when I go to parishes, to missions, conferences, a lot of youth groups, prisons. Usually to the people I give the fundamentals, like the five stones, that is simple. People come up to me because of the evil one’s manifestations, the demonic things, the occult, it is everywhere. They are into Wicca, New Age, Reiki, massages, Yoga, everything. You have to tell them that those things can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. That is part of the message, you have to do this!

Sr. Emmanuel: Father, many people are trapped in Reiki‟s practices. Do you have any advice? Fr Don: There is a book called “Ransomed from Darkness”. So many have been deceived by these things, for example Harry Potter books. I would say like Jesus did, “Better for your child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven illiterate.” A lot of people, especially in convents and parishes, think it is all okay. The rosary is the answer, if you want to learn how to become calm and peaceful, and have your breathing become peaceful and feel better, great! But if you don’t have a sacrificial element involved, it could be demonic.

FR ROBERT THORN, BACK IN MEDJUGORJE! (Former teacher of Transcendental Meditation) offers us a first hand witness about false peace: “I had a close friend who was so calm and at peace all the time and I asked him how he did it, he said, „Well, I do Transcendental Meditation.‟ I got a little information from him, and decided I wanted to try it. From the moment I started it I felt so much peace flowing into my body. It got me away from drugs, because the TM programme didn‟t allow it and eventually I became a teacher of TM.

My brother encouraged me to visit Medjugorje and I went only as a tourist and out of curiosity. One night, up on Apparition Hill, I was kneeling at the foot of the cross doing my Transcendental Meditation and some other pilgrims were praying next to me. One of them began to pray in tongues, and as soon as he started I had this uncomfortable feeling and suddenly I began to speak in tongues and we began to converse in tongues! This shows that the evil one can also speak in tongues!

After my experience in Medjugorje, I continued my work and travels, began reading the Bible and praying the rosary. I was still doing TM and living in sin. I returned to Medjugorje and one evening at the healing service in the church, right after Mass, I was kneeling down, imagining the blood of Christ flowing over me with my eyes closed, and all of a sudden I saw this ugly black creature, just going across my mind‟s eye. Instinctively I knew it was an evil spirit and needed to get rid of it.‟ I went to a priest and hearing my confession he said “Ahh, that is interesting. Tell me, have you been fasting?” I said, “Yes,” and the priest replied, “Good, because the power of the Holy Spirit is greater when you have been fasting.” The priest was an exorcist and through a long intense night of prayer, we renounced and bound, in the name of Jesus Christ, the spirits that were in me. After this, I stopped doing TM and started coming frequently to Medjugorje, spending time on Krizevac and praying for discernment. One night while attending Mass, I clearly heard, during the offertory prayer “I want you to be a priest.” I was shocked. I didn‟t know what to do, I walked out of the church in a daze. I was praying to Mary saying “Mary if this is really what you want of me, you have to help me with my desire to get married and have children.” She said in response, “I‟ll give you more children than you could ever imagine.”

Sr. Emmanuel: How do you explain the kind of “peace” you had when you started TM? Fr Thorn: “Now, I recognize it as a false peace. In going back and looking at all the teachings of TM, it was all as clear as day to me that what they are talking about are demons! IN TM you will feel that you have all you want fulfilled, because you go into this field and the demons provide for all your needs. This peace that you feel through TM is a false peace, centred on yourself. You don‟t realize that you are becoming “Jesus resistant” so to speak! But true peace flows from God to you when you turn to Him. TM instead is total self gratification.” Remember the words of Jesus “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives do I give unto you.” John 14:27 Sr Emmanuel (Translated from French) Dearest Gospa, Queen of Peace, in our hearts and in the world, may your voice prevail over those which deceive us!

Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go Flood my soul with Your Spirit and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life May only be a radiance of Yours. Shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with May feel Your presence in my soul. The light, O Jesus, will be all from You; none of it will be mine; It will be You shining on others through me.


Dear Anne, I would like to thank you for your kindness and your wonderful help in helping me through this time, when I honestly could not see any light.

You have not only saved me and showed me where the light is but have also given me a sense of peace and calm which I had not been able to feel or have before. Please dear Anne accept my heartfelt and sincere thanks and thank you for being available for me in my time of need. Your type of counseling is different but it is the kind that is filled with love and compassion and authority.

You seem to speak with authority in everything you say. When I first came to you about two months ago, I had just been very ill and I didn‟t think I would ever see the light of day again. Thank you I not only see the light of day but also the sun.

I now know that the abortion was the biggest mistake of my life, I should have listened to my feelings rather than listen to others. I won‟t ever do that again. No matter what. Thank you for helping me to forgive myself and to get my life on track again.

May your God bless you Narelle

Narelle has finished with me. She is at peace with herself. She wanted no religious service of any denomination. She just wanted help to be at peace. Anne. Broken Branches – Abortion Counselling


In his book “God and the World”, Pope Benedict XVI not only affirmed his belief in the famed third secret of Fatima but saw in it he ability of men to “change the vision”, to alter prophesied events, in a dramatic way. Referring to the secret, which was granted to two seers in that Portuguese hamlet in 1917 and which involved an image of an angel set to torch the world (as well as a “bishop in white”, who, it was prophesied, would be gunned down) Pope Benedict indicated that both the sparing of John Paul II‟s life on May 13, 1981 and the events involving Russia (preventing a nuclear holocaust) demonstrated the power of intercession.

“It becomes clear,” he wrote, “from the whole drift of the three parts of the secret, that the call to repentance is central, and this makes clear at the same time that the story does not unfold with an inescapable determinism, as if everything were in any case already unalterably written, but remains a story of freedom: repentance can change the vision.”

The whole secret, commented Benedict at the time prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, stands as a “dramatic call” to the free will of men, a call to change, “and thus to change the course of history.” If the Pope escaped death,” he wrote, “then we may see this as a sign of how history can be changed by prayer. It is likewise a striking argument for the notion that prophecies are not all set in stone but are often “snapshots” in time of what would happen if matters continued as they are going at the moment of the prophecy.

According to Benedict, whose commentary accompanied release of the secret 5 years ago, and who was the first to officially post the current Pope and the Pope of the secret, the image of a bishop “whom the children themselves identified as being a pope” making his way with difficulty up a mountaintop crowned with a cross, and priests, bishops, laity, and even the pontiff killed on the way, represented the martyrs of the 20th century and the precious nature of their blood – which was collected by angels and became fruitful, in the vision, for the world.”

In his book, Memory and Identity, the late pontiff John Paul II, whom it is revealed, was praying sotto voce on the way to the hospital after the shooting – states that there may have been a mystical need “for that blood to be spilled in St Peter‟s Square, on the site of the martyrdom of the early Christians.”

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to “honour” thy father and thy mother, she asked, “Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?” Without missing a beat, one (the oldest of a family) answered, “Thou shall not kill.” The Messenger of the Two Hearts – June 2005


Many come to Medjugorje and hear this message, “Pray the Rosary everyday in your families, dear Children! Let parents pray with their children, children with their parents, and, thus united in prayer, Satan can do nothing against you.” They hear it but do not seize the offered weapon. They may come back the following year, devastated by hardships in their families, but they admit not using the remedy that might have protected them. “Satan wants to destroy your families,” the Blessed Mother tells us. “Here is the weapon to win over him!: She warned: “The Rosary is not an ornament for your house. Pray the rosary together!”

Some say, “We don‟t have time for it!” This is a bad calculation, an F in mathematics! Because if we do what our Heavenly Mother asks us, she will walk in front of us, opening the right doors for us and closing off the bad paths! This way she saves us precious time! Our wanderings, mistakes, zigzags that are caused by lack of inspiration cost so much time! People who pray the Rosary (with the heart) have peace and they have time! I can still hear Fr Slavko‟s voice with his unforgettable Croatian accent saying, “The real problem is not time but love. Those who don‟t love find excuses, but those who love find ways!”

During the Second World War, an atomic bomb destroyed . A mile around the place of the impact, there was not a soul alive. A desert of death! Yet one house made of a straw thatched roof was left standing near the parish church, 8 blocks form the epicentre of the explosion. As incredible as it may see, that house remained absolutely intact! It was the Rectory of the Jesuits. Eight priests lived there. None of them have been physically or psychologically affected by the bomb. Not only did they come out of the tragedy alive, but they were in perfect health. They died at an old age many years later. Fr Hubert Schiffer, one of the Jesuits, was 30 years old when the bomb exploded. He lived 33 more years in good health before he died in Frankfurt in 1982. In July 1976, at the Eucharistic Congress held in 9USA), he publicly witnessed the whole story. I happened to be there. At the time, the 8 members of the Jesuit community were still alive.

Experts looked into this enigma for years and years, using with the best of instruments and searching with passion the best clues for a hidden force in the construction of the house. How could the house, having nothing special and looking like a simple Japanese house, have possibly resisted such a cataclysm? Also the Jesuits were examined by over 200 scientists. The conclusion was always the same, they did not understand how these men could have survived in the middle of the hecatomb when all the other living beings had perished by the thousands. As for them, the Jesuits knew! But though they kept on saying the truth and proclaiming it from the rooftops, no one would believe them their answer was not a “scientific” one! Fr Hubert explained that he owed this protection to the Blessed Mother since he and his brothers had put into practice what she had asked for in Fatima (1917). He declared to the experts, “I was in the centre of the atomic explosion and I am still alive, safe and sound. I was not touched by the bomb. “In our house,” he said. “There was only one thing different from the other houses: each day, we would gather and recite the Rosary together!”

Dearest Gospa, why are we so slow to understand? Sr Emmanuel +


As you well know, we are getting closer to my birthday. Every year three is a celebration in my honour and I think that this year the celebration will be repeated. During this time there are many people shopping for gifts, there are many radio announcements, TV commercials and in every part of the world everyone is talking that my birthday is getting closer and closer. It is really very nice to know, that at least once a year, some people think of me.

As you know, the celebration of my birthday began many years ago. At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them, but in these times, no one seems to know the reason for the celebration. I remember that last year there was a great feast in my honour. The dinner table was full of delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and chocolates. The decorations were exquisite and there were many, many beautifully wrapped gifts.

But, do you want to know something? I wasn‟t invited. I was the guest of honour and they didn‟t remember to send me an invitation. The party was for me, but when that great day came, I was left outside, they closed the door in my face, and I wanted to be with them and share their table. In truth, that didn‟t surprise me because in the last few years all close their doors to me. Since I wasn‟t invited, I decided to enter the party without making any noise. I went in and stood in a corner. They were all drinking; there were some who were drunk and telling jokes and laughing at everything. They were having a grand time. To it all, this big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room yelling HO- HO-Ho! He seemed drunk. He sat on the sofa and all the children ran to him, saying “Santa Claus, Santa Claus” as if the party were in his honour! At midnight all the people began to hug each other; I extended my arms waiting for someone to hug me and do you know, no-one hugged me. Suddenly they all began to share gifts. They opened them one by one with great expectation. When all had been opened, I looked to see if, maybe, there was one for me.

What would you feel if on your birthday everybody shared gifts and you did not get one? I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left. Every year it gets worse. People only remember the gifts, the parties, to eat and drink, and nobody remembers me. I would like this Christmas that you allow me to enter into your life. I would like that you recognize the fact that almost 2,000 years ago I came to this world to give my life for you, on the cross, to save you. Today, I only want that you believe this with all your heart. I want to share something with you. As many didn‟t invite me to their party, I will have my own celebration, grandiose party that no one has ever imagined, a spectacular party. I‟m still making the final arrangements..

Today I am sending out many invitations and there is an invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you and write you r name with golden letters in my great guest book. Only those on the guest list will be invited to the party. Those who don‟t answer the invitation, will be left outside. Be prepared because when all is ready you will be part of my great party. See you soon. I love you! Jesus


One day, when I was new in high school, I saw a kid form my class, he was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought, “Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday?” I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friend tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on. As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt his glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about 1o feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. So, I ran over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye.

As I handed him his glasses, I said, „Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives.‟ He looked at me and aid, „Hey thanks!‟ There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before. We talked all the way home and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends. He said yes. We got together all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him. And my friends thought the same of him.

Over the next 4 years, Kyle and I became best friends. We went to different universities. I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship. Kyle was valedictorian of our class and had to prepare a speech for graduation.

On graduation day Kyle looked great – he had really found himself during high school. He had filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than me and all the girls loved him! As he started his speech he cleared his throat, and began: „Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach…but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story.‟

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his mum wouldn‟t have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. „Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable.‟ I heard the gasp going through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his mum and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person‟s life.

LOVE OF NEIGHBOUR I would rather see a sermon than hear one any day, I would rather that you walk with me than merely show the way. The eye is a better pupil and more willing than the ear, Fine counsel can be confusing, but example is always clear. The very best of all the preachers are the ones who live their creeds, For to see the good in action is what everyone needs. I can soon learn how to do it, if you will let me see it done, I can watch your hands in action but your tongue too fast may run. The lectures you deliver may be very wise and true, But I am more inclined to get my lessons by observing what you do. For I may understand you and the high advice you give, But there is no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.


The Australian Government will provide every Australian family with a free Internet filter as part of a package of measures to address Internet pornography, Senator the Hon Helen Coonan, Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, said recently. This will be accompanied by a comprehensive national education campaign to make parents aware of the benefits of regulating their children‟s Internet experience by using an effective computer filter.

Senator Coonan said that the package of measures continues the Govt's commitment to legislating, regulating and educating children and families about the dangers lurking on the Net.

The free Internet filter measure, called The National Filter Scheme, is the centerpiece of the Australian Govt‟s $116.6 million Protecting Families Online package, which will also include measures to provide Australian libraries with free filters and require the National Library of Australia to provide filtering on all of its public access Internet terminals.

The Australian Internet safety agency, Netalert, will receive and additional $5 million to expand its educational activities and to promote its website – and the toll free telephone number 1800 880 176 where parents are provided with information and advice on Internet safety, parental control and filters for the protection of children, students and families.

Netalert provides comprehensive information and advice on risks for children online such as chatting online, cyber bullying, online predators or online scams and suggest solutions to these problems.