North Coast Catholic • September 2015

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North Coast Catholic • September 2015 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • • SEPTEMBER 2015 Noticias en español, pgs. 20-21 Catholic All-Stars Gather in Napa by NCC Staff Napa—How do we make strong and stable families where children can grow up happy and secure, and how do we help people—especially those who have fallen away from the Church—develop a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ? These were the two primary questions put before the approximately 450 attendees (including nearly 10 prelates 75-100 religious and priests, and hundreds of laity) who gathered at the Meritage Resort for the fifth annual Napa Institute, July 30-August 2. Indeed the latter question—of how to help sow the seeds of return for those who feel disconnected from the Church Pope Opines on Divorce in which they were raised—speaks to something called the New Evangelization, which was probably the main “By No Means Excommunicated,” but Divorce and Civil mother attentive to all, always disposed to listen in encoun- concern. Remarriage Contradict the Sacrament ters,” he added. Said internationally acclaimed speaker Dr. Scott Hahn, The community is to welcome persons who have the New Evangelization “consists precisely in re-evange- Vatican City (National Catholic Register)—Echoing his divorced and entered into new unions, the Pope said, so lizing the de-Christianized, evangelizing the baptized, in predecessors on the need to care for divorced and civilly “they may live and develop their adherence to Christ and effect those who have drifted, those who have succumbed remarried persons, Pope Francis said Christians should the Church with prayer, listening to God’s word, frequent- to the forces of secularization.” help these persons integrate into the community rather ing the liturgy, the Christian education of their children, Attendees also heard knowledgeable insights on the than treating them as though they are excommunicated. charity, service to the poor, and a commitment to justice upcoming Ordinary Synod on the Family. “The Church well knows that such a situation contradicts and peace.” Echoing the thoughts of many, diocesan native Leonardo the Christian sacrament,” the Pope said in his August 5 gen- Pope Francis made these remarks in his first General Defilippis, whose play on the life of St. John Marie Vianney eral audience in St. Peter’s Square. Nonetheless, he added, Audience since his summer break, picking up where he was the talk of the weekend, observed, “It’s quite something the Church should always approach such situations with a left off in his ongoing series of catecheses about the family. to see all of this come together…. to see such a Catholic “mother’s heart; a heart, which, animated by the Holy Spirit, Since last autumn, the Holy Father has been centering his (see Catholic All-Stars, p. 4) seeks always the good and the salvation of the person.” Wednesday catecheses on this theme as part of the lead-up “It is important that they experience the Church as a (see Pope on Divorce, p. 8) Diocese Bids Sad “So Long” to Long-Serving Sister by NCC Staff Bishop Peter L. Smith and Christoph Cardinal Schönborn The chancery’s halls are a little emptier these days since a long familiar presence no more walks them. On July 29, 2015, after 27 years of dedicated service to the Diocese of Santa Rosa in California as advocate and auditor of the Tribunal, as well as secretary to the Priests Council and the Diocesan Review Board, Sr. Pope Establishes Rose Mary Kuklok, OSB, retired and returned to her religious community in St. Joseph, Minnesota. Day for Creation Before coming to California back in the 1980s to study at the University of California, Berkeley, Sr. Rose Vatican City (Rome Reports)—Pope Francis has estab- Mary had never lived in a community of less than 100 lished the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.” Sr. Rose Mary Kuklok Sisters. And coming to California was not something Its celebration will fall each year on September 1. she was sure she wanted to do. Indeed the prospect initially unsettled her and made He made the announcement in a letter to the heads of the her worry about being alone. She told her prioress, “Now if I ask to come back Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the Pontifical because I’m lonely, you won’t think less of me, will you?” Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity. During her time at Berkeley she volunteered with some Sisters who ran a pro “I have decided to set up also in the Catholic Church, the bono law office in Oakland. ‘World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation’ which, begin- After Berkeley, an opening came up in the Tribunal of the Diocese of Monterey. ning this year, will be celebrated on the first of September, She recalls, “I didn’t even know what a tribunal was.” She didn’t know where Mon- as the Orthodox Church has done for some time now….” (see Long Serving Sister, p. 9) (see Day of Creation, p. 3) But is It True? Treasures from There are some who think there has been too much talk Adam and Eve to forsake their relationship with God and about the recent Supreme Court of the United States’ to make their own path. Obergefell decision redefining marriage. There are some Consider these paragraphs from the Catechism of the Our Tradition who think there has been too little. There are some who Catholic Church (the italicized words are my emphasis): think that there has been too much talk about the recent The ministry of permanent deacons has become an essen- Planned Parenthood revelations. And then there are some 396 - God created man in his image and established him tial part of our parish life today, yet for centuries until 1967, who think there has been too little. in His friendship. A spiritual creature, man can live this this deeply traditional ministry had virtually disappeared. For my part, I think it is most important for us as Cath- friendship only in free submission to God. The prohibi- Every priest had first to be ordained a deacon, but the olic, Christian Americans to spend a tion against eating “of the tree of the notion that one could actually embrace a permanent voca- great deal of time reflecting on and pray- knowledge of good and evil” spells this tion to the diaconate was lost. ing over the meaning of these events. out: “for in the day that you eat of it, you The primary ministry of the deacon is to the welfare of These are events of monumental pro- shall die.” The “tree of the knowledge of the community, especially its poor, and his role in sacra- portions. They demand that we struggle good and evil” symbolically evokes the ments and preaching flows from that. His principal role and contend with them. They are the insurmountable limits that man, being a is to animate and promote the ministry of all the faithful. direct result of ideas, and the underlying creature, must freely recognize and respect Ninety percent of permanent deacons are married, ideas need to be understood and, in this with trust. Man is dependent on his Cre- although the discipline of celibacy for clerics means that if case, challenged. ator, and subject to the laws of creation a deacon is widowed, normally he cannot remarry, nor can We find the idea underlying both of and to the moral norms that govern the an unmarried deacon marry once ordained. The deacon these events in the Supreme Court’s use of freedom. does not preside at Mass nor may he absolve sins. Nor, since 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey deci- From the Bishop 397 - Man, tempted by the devil, let his anointing of the sick is theologically linked to penance, sion. It declared, “At the heart of liberty trust in his Creator die in his heart and, may he anoint. is the right to define one’s own concept abusing his freedom, disobeyed God’s Sometimes we are slow to engage with a tradition: The of existence, of meaning, of the universe, Bishop Robert F. Vasa is command. This is what man’s first sin Council of Trent (1545-63) approved permanent deacons and of the mystery of human life …” the sixth bishop of the consisted of. All subsequent sin would in the 1560s, but nothing was done until the 1960s. The Diocese of Santa Rosa. This language now is enshrined by be disobedience toward God and lack vitality of the long delayed restoration has greatly enriched our nation’s highest court. The question of trust in His goodness. the Church, particularly in the United States, where the arises, though: “Is it true?” 398 - In that sin man preferred himself to God and by majority of the deacons in the world serve. ❖ It is presumed to be true as it is applied to a woman’s that very act scorned Him. He chose himself over and “right” to determine whether her unborn child is a human against God, against the requirements of his creaturely This originally appeared in the August 9 bulletin for Star being or not. It is presumed to be true as it is applied to status and therefore against his own good. Constituted in of the Valley Church. same-sex attracted individuals who desire to establish a a state of holiness, man was destined to be fully “divin- more permanent, legally binding relationship and to have ized” by God in glory. Seduced by the devil, he wanted to it called marriage.
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