PAUL URGES: Our 'Use Gospel approach to social ills'

World VATICAN CITY — (NC) — To combat groaning social il- several large youth groups present, underlined the need for a ls, Christians must give fresh expression to the Gospel in- new sense of belonging to the Church. stead of adopting anti-religious social solutions, Pope Paul VI "THERE MUST grow in us a sense of community, of Bishops view economy said July 23. charity, of unity, that is, a sense of the Church, one, catholic The U.S. Catholic Con- Asking Catholics at his outdoor weekly general audience and universal," the Pope urged. ference Committee on Social to rekindle in themselves a "sense of the Church," Pope Paul "There must be reaffirmed In us the awareness of being Development and World said: not only a population sharing certain common traits, but a Peace in Washington, D.C., "There is no need to borrow from anti-religious social people, a true People of God, a family bound by deep spiritual has approved a proposal to formulas based on conflict in order to find the wisdom and links, a brotherly society, animated by like feelings of joy and develop position papers on energy to bring about the good which needs to be done, as well sorrow and convinced that all are destined to the same fate economic issues for con- as just reforms for human development and the continuing af- after the present life," he said. sideration by the nation's firmation of justice and peace. THE POPE said that the renewal of the Holy Year must Catholic bishops at their next "BUT THERE is a need and a duty to express in original not end on the last day of the jubilee. "The Holy Year must general meeting in Christian terms the human and social view" that springs out maintain its effectiveness and apply the priceless in- November. of the religious and evangelical views of the Second Vatican heritance of the ecumenical council to modern life, giving The committee voted at Council's teaching on the Church," the Pope said. that life a new look, freed from the treacherous radical its semi-annual meeting to let The Pope then praised a recent document of the bishops secularism . . . which deprives it of spiritual and moral the USCC Office for Social of the Italian region of Lombardy for urging a "rediscovery energies and . . . poisons it with pseudo-principles, which are Development work on posi- of the originality and wealth of Christian inspiration in the without truth." tion papers on the major cultural, social and political fields." The Pope had gone by helicopter to the Vatican from his -eas of economic planning, The Pope's audience talk was seen as a call to the Italian summer residence in Castelgandolfo, a small town in the V^-il employment and tax Catholics to turn the tide of communist gains in . The Alban Hills near Rome. Vatican sources said he did so in reform. In a background document of the Lombardy bishops which Pope Paul quoted order not to disappoint Holy Year pilgrims who wanted to presentation to the com- from and praised was a stinging denunciation of communist catch a glimpse of him. mittee, Dr. Francis Butler, gains in the June regional Italian elections. Vatican AFTER HIS talks during the 6:45 p.m. audience in St. USCC associate secretary for observers further interpreted the papal denunciation of "anti- Peter's Square, the Pope spoke briefly to a large number of domestic social develop- religious social formulas based on conflict" to be a reference Canadian pilgrims present. He urged them to be thankful to ment, criticized both the Ad- to Marxism. God for the richness of their country and urged them to share ministration and Congress for The Pope's talk, punctuated often by applause from their riches with the world's less fortunate. paying inadequate attention to the human problem of un- employment. Court reverses ruling The Massachusetts THE SEMINOLE indians of Florida - their Supreme Judicial Court has history, culture, and the problems they face ruled that an unborn but will be the subjects of a series of articles star- viable fetus is a "person" in m ting in the next issue of The Voice. the eyes of state law. The 4-3 decision reverses the court's previous ruling that a fetus could not be considered a per- CHD unable' son under the state's wrong- ful death statute. The deci- sion was handed down in a to fund case involving a claim for the death of a mother and a fetus project of in an automobile-bus colli- sion. Although the decision specifically limits applica- Seminoles tion of the ruling to the With applications for as- wrongful death statute, legal sistance totaling almost $200 experts have speculated that million and only $5.2 million to it may indicate a change in grant, the Campaign for Hu- the court's attitude toward man Development of the U.S. the legal status of the fetus in Catholic Conference "regret- other cases. fully" told officials here that it will be unable to fund an appli- OAS votes Cuba si' cation of the Seminole Indian Tribe in South Florida for aid. SAN JOSE, Costa Rica — (NC) — Two-thirds of the Application for a grant members of the Organiza- from the CHD, which provides tion of American States meet- funds for needy projects not ing in San Jose, Costa Rica, otherwise supported, through have backed a Mexican- an annual collection in Catho- sponsored proposal to leave it lic churches and missions up to each government to throughout the nation, had been decide whether or not to re- made by Msgr. John W. Glorie, establish relations with Cuba. Archdiocese of Miami CHD co- The proposal at the OAS ordinator. meeting here amounts to a Had the grant been provid- compromise move. Several ed the tribe planned to sue the nations had sought outright state of Florida for damages lifting of economic and KC expects 2,000 at conventioncaused by non-Indian hunters diplomatic sanctions imposed who use the reservation with- out paying the tribe, for dam- in 1964 on the Communist Some 2,000 Knights of Colum- attributed the organization's an understanding of the teachings bus and their families will partic- of the through its ages to Seminole lands caused • Jrae in Havana. Others success to "intensive community- ipate in sessions of the 93rd annual betterment programs which have Catholic Advertising Program. by FCD drainage canals, and bitterly opposed any lifting, for continuing payments for on the grounds that Cuba meeting of the Supreme KC Coun- been carried out so energetically IT ALSO funds a variety of cil which opens Aug. 19 at Miami by our local and state councils, scholarship and educational water to serve the South Premier Fidel Castro con- Beach. particularly our pro-life activities programs with an estimated value Florida area drained from tinues exporting revolution. Archbishop Coleman F. conducted so valiantly in a morbid of almost $3 million per year. The dian land. PO to up rates? Carroll and Archbishop Fulton J. abortion atmosphere." society has undertaken a student- According to Father Sheen will be featured speakers at ON ALL levels members have loan program through which some rence McNamara, ex< The House Post Office the three-day convention expected been in the forefront of the cam- $15 million have been loaned at low to attract 400 official delegates interest to students to finance director of CHD in Washing- and Civil Service Committee paign to protect human life against ton, D.C., the Campaign is only has rejected legislation that from all parts of the U.S., , advocates of abortion and their higher education and is con- Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and euthanasia by providing educa- ducted in cooperation with the U.S. able to grant 130 out of 1,300 ap- would have meant lower in- plications received this year creases in second class the Philippines. tional materials, financial support Dept. of HEW. The occasion marks the se- and man-hours of service to such A leading sponsor of Boy Scout and the Seminole application postage rates for religious cond time that Archbishop Carroll groups as Respect for Life and groups and other youth associa- was considered in the final 300. and other nonprofit publica- and KC Councils in the Arch- Birthright agencies. The board of tions, the organization has pledge "The fact is," he pointed out, tions. By a vote of 22-2, the diocese of Miami have welcomed directors recently voted a $50,000 $50,000 to support a Boy Scout "the Seminole project came committee defeated amend- the Knights to South Florida for a appropriation to the Prolife Ac- leadership training project and in very close. Out of four rating it ments providing that non- convention. In 1966 they also met tivities Committee of the National addition conducts leadership train- got a 'strong' rating. The high- profit publications would pay at Miami Beach. Conference of Catholic Bishops to ing programs for the young est is 'outstanding.' One is only two-thirds of the regular BISHOP JOSEPH V. Sullivan help promote the work of the com- through its own youth organiza- mittee. funded for every 10 applica- rate for the first 250,000 of Baton Rouge, La. will also ad- tion, the Columbian Squires now tions and they just didn't make copies and would pay only 50 dress the convention at the Hotel At the present time there are observing their 50th anniversary. Fontainebleau. 5,966 councils or groups within the it," Father McNamara declar- per cent of future rate in- ed. creases, including those DURING the current year the organization which has four currently scheduled. Catholic Knights of Columbus, largest degrees of membership dedicated Catholic fraternal organization in to the lessons of charity, unity, ESPAFJOL Press Association officials, the world, exceeded the 1.2 million fraternity and patriotism. Among who had supported the lower membership mark. In a state- its activities the order spends al- 18, 19, 20 VOICE increases, expressed disap- ment issued earlier this year, most $1 million a year to foster THE VOICE, P.O. BOX 38-1059, pointment at the vote. Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt and promote moral principles and Miami, Fla. 33138 BE A WITNESS TO THE lauds conference in Helsinki CANONIZATION CASTELGANDOLFO. Italy - (NO — Pope among people, within society and among the CEREMONY OF Paul VI said July 27 that the Helsinki Con- common observers of international events that ference on European Security represents a psychology, that pedagogy of peace to which MOTHER SETON "solemn affirmation" fay the 35 participating human coexistence and modern civilization must The First American Bom Saint nations of the principles of peace and the will to be directed." avoid nuclear conflict. Speaking from the balcony of his summer residence here at noontime, the Pope told about 4,000 visitors: "Peace with harmony and frater- Bp. Gracida on panel nity among nations will be given a solemn affir- mation at Helsinki along with pledges of integral and real justice." of Bicentennial unit Included in the document, to be signed for IN ROME the Holy See by Archbishop Agostino Casaroli. Auxiliary Bishop Rene H. Gra- wili hear pablic testimony daring secretary of the Vatican's Council for the Public cida will be among *he U.S. Bish- congressional- sessions. ON SEPT. 14, 1975 ."Span&t-Speaking and Urban Affairs of the Church, is a section guaranteeing ops who wili participate in ses- As a Member of a Hoiy Year respect for human rights and freedoms, includ- sions of the fourth bicentennial Blacks" will be the subject of hearing of the National Confer- speakers Thursday and on Satur- 14 DAY ing freedom of conscience, thought, religion and ence of Catholic Bishops Commit- day She subject of, "Middle Class belief. tee for the Bicentennial Aug. 7-9 in Americans" and other topics will PILGRIMAGE The Holy See, during the more than two Atlanta. Ga. be discussed. Oep. Ft. Lauderdaie Sept. 10 years of conferences leading up to the Helskinki One of six suxh hearings plan- Father Jacob Bollmer, coor- Ret Ft Laudeniaie Sept. 24 summit, promoted the inclusion of the human ned by the Committee, the three- dinator for the Atlanta hearing, rights section. day program will included an un- described the meetings as "an IN HIS noontime talk, the Pope praised the precedented trip to the peopie in honest effort to reach anyone whs might wish to voice their views or Helsinki conference as "multilateral commit- rural Clarkesviile. Ga.. where a day of public hearings on rural and opinions to the panel and bring to ment, significant for peace and international Appalachian concerns will be held. the bishops, the real down to earth ARRANGEMENTS BY cooperation since it indicates a common wish of A "'revival tent" atmosphere will feeling of the average person." the signatory countries to avoid recourse to resemble an old-fashioned coun- HE ALSO termed Use hearing THOMAS COOK, INC. arms." The Pope said this conference is being try church fair with booths, coun- a "really innovative step for the & FAITH TOURS held at a time when the international strategic try musicians, crafts, picnic lunch Church and one which encourages arms limitation treaty (SALT) talks "are seek- and barbecue dinner. people to participate fully in the THOMAS COOK, INC. ing to avoid the use of the most murderous PURPOSE of the informal set- decision-making process of the 806 E, Las Oias Bfref. 1978 conference on social jus- weapons." ting for the hearing is to seek the Ft Lauderdate, FI, 33301 The Pope concluded: "We must welcome grassroots opinions of peopie of Sice." the area. According to Father Boilmer. Phone [305) 525-8479 this event with the hope that it might advance 8 1 75 Bishop Gracida will serve on the hearings are open to all people MB. 944-7434 - " a panel composed of Committee and not-limited to Catholics. Please send ma information on members, other members of the Mother Setort Pilgrimage hierarchy, and laity who will also Names properfect listen to presentations on matters Address related to the social apostolate of Pope Paul VI named (July211 gation has been vacant since Car- the Church and" pose questions Phone Archbishop Corrado Bafile, dinal died here on which pertain to the presenta- Second-ciisi patSsge f»M ai Matnj. .State Zip. apostolic to June 24. Archbishop Bafile, 72, was tions. faoda. Ss&sctiptsim rales t?3$ x ftxt. Foreign. $1* 2 ysar. Ss0r since I960, proprefect of the Con- ordained a bishop by Pope John •'The Family" is the general espy S5 estts- PsMMied nttj FraSiy gregation for the Causes of Saints. XXIII here on March 19. 1960. He theme of the hearings where Bish- *1 am Btsojsie 8W. Miami. Fla. The post of of this congre- is a native of L'Aquila, Italy. ops and experts in various fields SIM.

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, , Page, 2/Miajxii. ^Florid^/^HE YOICE^Frylay. August 1..1975 U.S. Bishops' unit to focys Pacesetters on life' issue Inter-regionai meetings of U.S. Bishops will be held in three areas of the nation this month un- St. Benedict Parish der the auspices of the Ad Hoc By - of the N'CCB Administrative Com- Local News Editor terestfcii in visaing :a.j in- mittee. Every Saturday morning, mates at ihe ursine: »•: Pazl Miami's Auxiliary Bishop for several years. Phil and Turcuue f*f Corpus Chn?u Rene H. Gracida will participate Carolyn Garofolo have gone to parish in sessions slated to be held Tues- jail and this Saturday morning "We offered tohelpo-t trc day. Aug. 5 in Dallas where dis- will be no exception. just a week or so. " Carolyn ex- cussions will center on permissive Unlike inmates at the Dade plained "We ve been zv.v.% abortion. County Jail they go from choice ever since." ••Throughout the past year the to help set up the altar for THE COIPLE, who came U.S. Senate has been conducting Father Thomas Griffin. S.J.. here from Xtw Brunswick. hearings on a constitutional assistant pastor at Miami's X J . talk with individual in- amendment that would reverse the downtown Gesu Church, who mates before and after 10 a m present' permissive abortion at- celebrates Mass; to lead the Mass in an attempt to seek out mosphere in this country," Arch- prisoner-congregation in sing- those who have problems with bishop Joseph L. Bernardin. NCCB ing and to discuss Christianity which they could possibly help. PHIL AND CAROLYN GAROFOLO president, explained. and religion informally with As the couple approach jail "These hearings are now com- those imprisoned. inmates and greet them after and ha takes it from there. activities in the parish which ing to a close.- and there are indi- ON OTHER days of the Mass. Carolyn observed that We've had three conversions •will be two years old in cations that the Senate Subcom- week they find time to be active many are reticent to give more and baptisns there so far this September. He's currently mittee will prepare a report and a in St. Benedict parish, Hialeah. than their first names. This, she year. It really makes you feel organizing a games night for proposal that should be ready in the third parish they've been in believes, is out of fear that the gOOd." the Fall which will benefit the later summer or early Fall. These since coming to Miami 18 years Garofolos may have seen their Phil, who was a godfather building fund since the parish matters are of keen interest to ago. "We change parishes names in local newspapers in during one of these baptisms does not yet have a church and each of us and there is a need to de- without even moving to another connection with whatever and who also serves as a Sector participates in Masses cele- velop an approach to thfm at an house." Carolyn laughed, re- crime they were jailed for. during the jail Masses tends to brated at Milani Elementary early date." calling the years when they had When they do respond, she con- minimize his work in St. SchooL Each one-day meeting will be been members first of Im- tinued, many want to kaow Benedict parish describing faim- The fact that, due to the private with only the bishops par- maculate Conception parish more about Father 'Griffin self as a "small cog in a big rapid growth in the Arch- ticipating. and then Our Lady of the Lakes asking." What kind of a gay is wheel." diocese of Miami, the Garofoios parish. he? FORMERLY SOCIAL com- have foand themselves in new Now with two small "It takes so long for some mittee chairman and financial parishes twice in recent years daughters, ages five and seven, of these fellows to be sentenced chairman in Our Lady of the Is not at ail disturbing to PhiS. Funeral for Carolyn has had to curtail her that we often get to know them Lakes parish council, he is now "You leara something new parish activities but still pretty well," she added. ""When secretary of the St. Benedict. in each parish." he stated. priest's father prepares every Saturday for the any of them express interest in St. Vincent de Paul Con- "After all everything we do is couple's visit to the jail. Catholicism we pass the infor- ference, is a Mass com- done for God. and it's all a very The Funeral Liturgy was con- It was after making a Cur- mation along to Father Griffin mentator and also plans social rewarding experience."' celebrated in Pittsburgh for James Moffitt. whose son is pastor of An- nunciation Church. West Holly- wood. DONATION of 5300 from Father Venard J. Moffitt. the Coral Gables KC is pre- T.O.R., was the principal cele- sented to Fred Hartneft of brant of the Mass for his father in 51, Vincent de Paul parti- St. Mary Church. Pittsburgh. Con- cular Council by Dr. John celebrating with him were other AHen. At left is big Welsh. priests of his community. At right, Anthony D. Mr. Moffitt is survived by his Leone, grand knight of the wife. Katherine: another son. Council which Js making Joseph. Pittsburgh; a daughter similar donations to Cams!- Mrs. John McGarrity. Panorama ius House, Boystown, Ma- City. Calif., and six grandchil- rian Day School, Catholic dren. Home for Children and the Catholic Service Bureau of Miami. p|| | Sisters* retreat | I LANTANA — A six-day | S guided Scripture Retreat for = js Sisters in the Archdiocese of 5 5 Miami begins at 6:30 p.m. = = supper. Friday. Aug. 8 at the S SCenacle Retreat House. = Should we stop trying to be saints? = Dominican Father Rob-S S ert U. Perry of Chicago willjf Sconduct the conferences^ (Questions will be answered by Father Jose Nickse, = which will include individuals assistant pastor, St. Mary Cathedral. Readersare invited to don't have to do anything about send questions to Father Nickse, The Voice, P.O. Box 38- = prayer, free time, individual! them because "we're only = consultation if desired. 3 1059, Miami, 33138. From these he wili select those to be answered in this column). human." The Church has never II Reservations may beg taught this, for it is contrary to H made by contacting Sister Mu-g = riel Brown, R.C. at 582-2534. 3 the spirit of the Gospel. The Q. Many people tell me knew how to be, not how to be Gospel is hard (Jesus died on a HiniHinitiHiiiiiiiifiiiiifiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiinii that God does not expect us to very human, but how to be ho- cross, didn't He?), and for this be perfect, since He alone is ly. Christ tells us, "Be perfect, What is reason it is easy to rationalize c perfect and we are only human. even as your heavenly Father by saying that is this life we Should we be content with our is perfect." (Mt. 5:48). your question? will never reach perfection Vocations talk failings and not try to be saints, This does not mean that because it is impossible to be "Vocations in the Modern just expecting God to "under- God does not recognize the fact perfect. This is only half true. World" will be the topic of Father stand?" that we have sinned. In fact, It is true that in this life we can John McGrath, Archdiocesan Di- A. To begin with. God has Christ calls us to "repent, for our failings, our faults, our im- - never say we have reached of Vocations, when he created man in His own image the Kingdom of God is at perfections. Christ has made it perfection. But we also have to speaks to members of the Miami and likeness. However, man, hand." This is the key to under- possible for us to turn away strive for holiness, moral Serra Club at their meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 5 at the Hotel having the faculty of choice, standing this question. If we from our weakness by putting perfection, sanctity. The spirit Columbus. can choose something other are called to repent (to turn on His own strength in order to of the Gospel, the teaching of Mass celebrated in Gesu than God. The Son of God away from something), it is overcome them. The common Christ and His Church, is that Church will precede the 12:15 p.m. became man to show us, not because we have something to mistake is to believe that, hav- we must continually strive to luncheon. how to be what we already repent of: sin. In other words, ing recognized our failings, we be more, to be saints.

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• Miami! Florida THE-VOICE/Fridav. August 1. 1975/Page 3 From Roy Rogers to Rollerball

Last year the television networks had 29 cops simply shot or stabbed. You can see that free listen to the mi&fieaged parents who are and robbers shows, one of your more violence- several times a night on your home TV, including gesuisety turned off by the gore of "Jaws" while prone genres. Wayne and Eastwood reruns. their 12-year-oIcfc are hardly bothered by it. But tbej are cutting back on those. This year And, of course, the large looming question Wbea society as a whole accepts a constant there will be 2? ... amid all this is: Does constant depiction of parade of graphic vMeece as entertainment, this The biggest boxoffice movie of all time was violence harm society? has got to feed- and re-enforce the impulses "The Godfather." a movie of violence, about One television magazine recently devoted a toward violence that already are there. A normal violent men. That movie's apparent successor as special issue to the question with one writer es- youth who sees a violent movie isn't going to rash boxoffice king is "Jaws," a film whose baseline saying as to the bad effects violence has ami oat and commit rape or shoot someone. But the appeal is the fascination of a monstrous creature noting numerous studies to that point of view. five per eest of the youths in their late teens or slashing up humans and then fighting them to the The other writer said the studies assume too early 20*s wno are simmering in a ghetto or a bloody end. much and prove too little, and that viola&e is a hostile home atmosphere' certainly pick up a few Melville's "Moby Dick" explored the grand part of our nature and was here before television ideas in movies or TV on how to vent their rage themes of man and nature, good versus evil, and was and that television should be let alone. rather than cope or seek help. Aod it is well to the movie version showed the compulsion-ridden Sorry, but that just isn't adequate. note that most of the people paying to see crime Captain Ahab struggling to the last breath to kill The fact that we all have some violence in us and violence are the ones least likely to suffer it the enemy that had crippled him and wrecked his doesn't explain why Manhattan, for instance, has in the real world. ship. "Die, ye cursed whale!" he shouted. more murders yearly than Great Britain which Nowhere did it seem necessary or even relevant has 40 times as many people. "RoUerbaH,"" aaotber current boxoffice hit to show crabs eating on a little girl's arm. as in Obviously, television is not the basic cause of is based oo the assumption that society has to "Jaws." What would be the point of such crime in America. There is our violent tradition have some kind of gross violence to satisfy itself pathology? None, of course, except to feed, not in forging a new country from a tough — another bit of nonsense. Yes, we are titillated the crabs, but the boxoffice coffers. As some wilderness, there are the crowded dehumanized by the Rollerbali motorcycles crashing into the youngsters were heard to remark, after seeing cities, oppressed minorities filled with frustra- audience jast as we are titillated by a roller- "Jaws," "It was real neat, it showed this guy tion and hostility, disrupted families and weaken- coaster ride, but we no more need Rollerballs getting eaten up.'" ed moral values. than we need roUercoasters to get by. Most of the Never mind Jacques Costeau's comment Yet in spite of all this, television and movies world's people have never fought in a war or seen that sharks don't behave that way. Neither do can be seen as a kind of thread running anyone shot. Societies fhat downgrade violence whales behave Melville's way. The point is how throughout. Entertainment media do not create go for centuries without It quite well. humans behave. Whales are big and blubberous, society, they reflect it. But in reflecting the When mankind was confronted with saber- and just a bit human, a good Ahab counterpoint. negative, titillating aspects of society, whether it tooth tigers — and, indeed, other competing men Ah, but sharks are treacherous and have big be sex or violence, this tends to re-enforce such — he needed violence to survive. That is probably teeth, the better to eat you with — and put the activities as normal, to be accepted. If we see the root of it all. bite on you at the ticket window. ourselves depicted enough as violent then we But mankind is now confronted with enemies The reason for this is not hard to figure out, begin to accept that as the true picture of feewa y that will not yield to violence: Famine and pollu- professor. we are. Especially children who are looking to tion. For violence to be entertaining, it has to the "real" outside, adult world for their clues as We mast stop worshiping violence. We don't progress. Roy Rogers used to shoot Bad Guys in to who they are and how they are supposed to need government censorship. We seed govern- the arm. Then John Wayne started shooting them think and behave to be "in." ment leadership. Business leadership. Citizen down. Then Clint Eastwood started blowing their If they see society willing to have violence leadership. heads off. So what else is left? and selfish sex and Playboy materiaiisni as H we do not start turning away from aggres- Crabs, presumably. acceptable ways to be entertained then' this is sion and learn cooperation we will fall at the But you can't exactly blame the movie in- bound to affect their sense of values and their bands of our final enemy: dustry. Why should anyone pay $3 to see a crook sensitivity levels. If you don't believe it jast Ourselves. J Jesuit head recalls on A-bomb's 30th anniversary

By JOHN T. MUTHIG monotony. A row of open windows give out to ROME — (NC) — The present interna- a verdant hillside, crowned with a statue of tional "balance of fear" notwithstanding, the Sacred Heart. fundamental human values and faith in Christ On Aug. 6, 1945, Father Arrupe will conquer the world in the post-nuclear remembers, he and about 40 other Jesuits — age, according to an eminent survivor of the most of them non-Japanese — were carrying atomic bombing of Hiroshima. out routine morning duties in the three-story Father Pedro Arrupe, Jesuit superior wooden Jesuit novitiate, three miles from the general, shared his thoughts with NC News center of Hiroshima. on the 30th anniversary of the Aug. 6, 1945 "At 8:10 A.M. I saw a great flash of bombing. light," he said. Aobut 30 seconds later there Hiroshima residents walk devastated streets after atomic blast "You say that I'm an optimist, but I say was a great gust of wind. Our building, which that I am right," insisted the 67-year-old Bas- was very solid, did not collapse and there people running out of the city who were burn- repeated, ^'and with such an enormous ex- que priest. "The grace of God is penetrating were no injuries at the house. But pieces of ed and wounded and we began to fake them perience of human suffering and passion, you into the human scene and I have no doubt that glass one inch long could be found imbedded in. At 3 p.m. the fire burned itself oat and a have no time to think. You can only see what mankind is always progressing. We are sup- deeply in the opposite wall." heavy rain fell. We went into the city to try to needs to be done." posed to be saved and the Lord is leading us AFTERWARD, he continued, the Jesuits do something." The priest recalled that, five years after to salvation." ran to the garden to look for the bomb, think- FOR PEDRO Arrupe, trained in the bombing, bis feelings were much deeper. FATHER ARRUPE, who lived in Japan ing that it must have struck nearby. "We medicine, there was plenty to do among the Emotion forced the survivor of the bom from 1938 until his election for life as Jesuit never saw the famous mushroom cloud since city's 120,000 wounded. Beyond help, under to leave a screening in Bogota, Colombia;! superior in 1965, spoke about Hiroshima in his the city, built on seven islands, was very the ashes, lay 80,000 corpses. the film "Hiroshima, Mon Amour." spacious but Spartan fourth-floor office in foggy and humid." Among the wounded were two of the four "All that I had lived during six months in Jesuit headquarters, a stone's throw from St. From their hillside garden the Jesuits priests who staffed the downtown Jesuit mis- Hiroshima was too concentrated on the Peter's Basilica. watched flames leap among the flattened sion, 500 yards from the explosion and now screen to be relived in one hour," he wrote Two splashes of color — a small Oriental- straw, paper and wood which once formed the site of the Cathedral of Peace. Father later. "What a humiliating paradox (ex- style rug in the conversation area and a color housing for about 400,000 Japanese. "We Wilhelm Kleinsorge, whom Father Arrupe claimation point), What I had born in living photo from space given by U.S. astronaut thought incendiary bombs had been remembers was caught in his underwear reality overpowered me when I saw it on the James Lovell — relieve the room's gray dropped," the Jesuit general said. "We saw when the bomb was dropped, suffered radia- screen." tion effects. DID THE Hiroshima experience ever MEMBER: The Catholic Press Association, ADDRESS: Father Hubert Schiffer of the mission and FloHda Press Association. SUBSCRIBES 6201 Biscayne Blvd. took "a whole window of glass in his back in cause Father Arrupe to hate or resent the na- TO; NC News Service. Miami, Fla. 33133 -very small pieces," according to Father tion which dropped the bomb? VOKE Arrupe. "I have great compassion and in the ex- EDITORIAL: Robert OSteen. news editor: The Archdiocese of Miami Weekly Marjorie L. Fillyaw. local news editor: Glen- At 3 a.m. Aug. 7, Father Arrape operated perience of life you learn not to judge Archbishop Publication embracing Florida's eight da Walkinstaw. features editor; Araceli M. southern counties: Broward, Collier, on Father Schiffer, who is now director of anyone," the priest answered. "In Hiroshima Coieman F. Carroll Cantero: Elaine Schenk. Dade, Hendry, Glades, Martin, Monroe President and Palm Beach. development at Springhill College, Mobile, we saw only the 200,000 people killed or The Voice Publishing Co. Inc. PHOTOGRAPHY: Tony Garnet. Ala. "For a half-year after the operation, I wounded. But the human person is always a Father David Russell was still taking tiny pieces of glass out of his mystery and you never really know what con- Executive Vice-president SPANISH: Gustavo Pena Monte, editor; MAILING ADDRESS back," said Father Arrupe. "In all I removed victions motivate people during war." Manolo Reyes, contributing editor. P.O. Box 38-105? about 50 pieces." Miami, Fla. 33138 Father Arrupe said he sensed a TELEPHONES What did the future head of the world's Rt. Rev. Msgr. ADVERTISING: Jack Rayner. Herb Blais. rediscovery of religious and human values, Editorial — 758-0543 largest religious order feel at the time of the James J. Walsh Yolanda Cappdlino, Marilyn Sciulli. Advertising — 754-26S1 bombing? which, he said, would help the world sidestep Editorial Consultant Circulation - 754-2652 a nuclear holocaust. CIRC11ATION: Fred Priebis: supervisor. Ft. Lauderdale — 525-5157 THE QUESTION is answered in almost W. Palm Ben. — 833-1951 George H. Monahan Bernadette Baca. memorized catechism fashion. Father "Today there are signs of both progress Editor Member: Southern Catholic Newspaper AREA ADVERTISING Arrupe admitted that during the 18 months he and regression, but in the end surely truth Fred c. Brink Group. 22 newspapers in 10 states. Over REPRESENTATIVES spent lecturing around the world on Ms and the good will win out. There is anew 1/2 million circulation. Available to Broward - Pete Sharfcey 7&2-U58 Hiroshima experience that question was ask- sense of human values and rights, a new ap- Advertising Dir., advertisers on a 1 order basis. Phone: Palm Beach...... 133-1951 305/754-2651 for details. ed with "almost nauseating frequency. preciation of community and the equality of Promotion Mgr. Main Office Miami 754-2451 "When faced with such a tragedy," he men. Page 4/Miami, FIorida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1, 1975 Racial and sexual quotas? By MICHAEL NOVAK I BAYVILLE: For three years. I argued in a regular column for "The Coromonwear thai liberal Democrats were neglecting •iff: issues critical to working-class people. This includes those 1 The issue is millions of Catholic workers who have been the backbone of WR -:-:?: progressive polities in.the Democratic party. V.'A ¥& In t&e issue just after I left "The Commonweal," my prize- winning colleague in those pages has taken up the argument JOBS FOR ALL better than I could. He writes under the name of "Sisyphus." and i is reported to be a nationally known politieiaa who tried, and fried ii agaia. to roil his presidential campaign.up the hill of success. SISYPHUS wants a 'liberal George Wallace" to come along, a leader who can take up the Issues people care about. We need such a leader, even if he "slurps his soap" or if his other mannerisms are not those of the university class. Two issues es- pecially receive stress by Sisyphus: crime and basing. Upper class liberals of the media don't suffer from crime or m busing as much as working people do, Sisyphus says. But there is nothing Illiberal about wanting tetter protection for tie victims of beatings, shootings, and armed force. There is nothing illiberal about seeing that busing is NOT the same as schooling, and that lousy schools «as in South Boston.and Roxbury) are not made better by busing pupils. I'm so. please Sisyphus is taking up my themes. I offer him f another one: There is another working-class issue that is coming up fast and is of even greater emotiOBal and economic import- 1 ance to workers: the issue of seniority and quotas. 1 Some affluent Americans seem never to understand the basic facts of economics aad the poeketbook. They seem to believe that what ails the nation is individual bias based on race or sex. They neglect the chronic inability of the economic system to keep everybody on the job and yield everybody's dignity. In the name of race and sex, they want to destroy one of the main protections of employees: seniority. IT IS CHEAPER for many companies to hire young worKers and to lay off older ones. To destroy seniority will deprive millions of-their rightful pensions. It takes away the security of their jobs zl an age when changing jobs is almost impossible. Those who speak for racial and sexual quotas are on a divisive course that will destroy the security of workers every- Tvvv where — including their own long-term security. The issue is not race or sex. The issue is jobs for all. Here is where we need a political movement that unites, not divides. That 1 gives rights to all, rather than takes away rights from some. Unemployment among working-class people is at devastat- ing levels. Twenty-one per cent of construction workers are now unemployed — a figure 50 per cent higher than unemployment for blacks. 130 per cent higher than unemployment for women. The "hard hats" are often vilified. Their chronic unempiyment and insecurity go unnoticed. BLUE-COLLAR unemployment is 13 percent, only ope per- centage point behind black unemployment. When you read statistics that compare "black" with ••white." always ask yourself WHICH whites? All oar working- class people, both white and black, need political help in this "All our working-class people, both black and white, need gg political help in this society. And leaders who unite them, rather society. than divide them." And leaders who unite them, rather than divide them. :•££

By Dale Francis He speaks to Protestants of Christ

The pastor at the United pate in any kind of an ecu- commitment of belief, that Man, our Savior who by His Scriptures more today but Methodist Church was on vaca- menical venture. Christian unity will never come suffering on the cross redeem- sometimes when I read those ed us all and who in His resur- tion and there was need to fill But what made this a dif- through a homogenization of who write about Christ I won- the pulpit so some of my beliefs or a search for lowest rection gave us the promise of der if they have really read the ferent experience was that I common denominator, that the eternal life. friends in the congregation ask- was speaking at a church in the Scriptures. This was no Man ed if I'd be willing to come in Holy Spirit will accomplish meek and mild. This was a Man town where I live, speaking to what man cannot if we provide I did not speak of a genial on Sunday morning. people who are my neighbors, who demanded that those who an atmosphere of love and Christ, a good fellow filled with followed Him repent of their who know me at work for some mutual respect. good will, as He is too often I called the bishop and he were people who work at Our sins and live righteously. said he didn't remember fac- portrayed. I did not speak of This was no Jesus Christ Sunday Visitor, who know me But that took only a minute Jesus Christ, a superstar. I ing the problem before but he in my every day life. offering pious platitudes. This said he thought it would be all or two to say. It was the rest of spoke of Jesus Christ who com- was Christ who said we must right. He said he thought I what I could say that would be pelled people to follow Him by see Him in all men, who said as So I had to consider what I most important. So what did I should make it clear I was giv- was going to say. Speaking at His words and manner. I spoke we act towards the least of ing a talk so it wasn't quite par- talk about? I talked about of Jesus Christ who made de- those among us so we act to- another city, I might have felt Jesus Christ, the son of the liv- ticipation in the worship serv- mands on people. I spoke of ward Him. And He did not of- some necessity to emphasize ing God, as Peter testified. Jesus Christ who said that if ice. So when the newspaper re- the fact I am a Catholic. But fer this as kindly advice. He ported it my contribution was you knew Him you knew His said most plainly that those among people who know me I know that one day there listed as a talk and that is how Father. who do not heed this admoni- there is no doubt of this. There will be one fold, one shepherd. I it was listed in the church tion would be cast into dark- was nothing I need prove about know this because Our Lord I didn't speak of the kind of bulletin. ness. my loyalty to the Catholic has told us so. I am by prayer Christ whom some modern Church because none who were and desire committed to the theologians twist into a flexi- Afterwards one lady said IT ISN'T the first time I've there would doubt that about bility that allows premarital to me that she couldn't re- done this. I've spoken at serv- hope this unity will come. As a me. Catholic, I know there already and extra-marital sex if it is member when she had heard ices at an Episcopal Church in only motivated by unselfish- the name of Jesus Christ Louisville and at a Lutheran I COULD have spoken exists a unity that will be the center of all unity. I do not ness but of Jesus Christ who spoken more often and she was chapel in Roanoke, Virginia, about the progress of ecumen- condemned even last in the grateful for hearing of Him. I and churches of half dozen dif- ism but there really isn't much know when this time will come that we may all be one. But this mind as adultery. I spoke of a have an idea that we must ferent denominations around progress to speak about. I forgiving Christ but reminded speak of Him more often, that the country. I am always cer- could have spoken about the I do know. When it comes we will find ourselves together in that when He spoke to the wo- we must commit ourselves tain to make sure the bishop of concept of ecumenism — and.I more completely to Him, that did do that very briefly in the Jesus Christ. man taken into adultery He the diocese approves because I told her to sin no more. we must be in Christ and Christ believe this is the only proper beginning, expressing my be- SO I SPOKE that morning in us. And that in this we will way for Catholics to partici- lief that we must be true to our of Jesus Christ, true God, true WE ARE asked to read the find unity

Miami, FIorida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1. 1975/Page 5 'Con1 artists — beware this lady

The high, the low, the good, the bod... When they come info Gest* Church, h&r's is the friendly (but knowing) face that greets them,

By ROBERT O'STEEN just that subject when I first took the Voice News Editor job. She has to call the police at least "He said no matter what kind of per- once a week for help, she's been accost- son comes in here, black, white. Latin ed by a gang of drunken men and assort- drunk, sober, clean, dirty, we must al- ed weirdos at various times, she has to ways remember they have Christ in son through 20 or 30 suspected con men a them." she said in obvious admiration of day to keep from getting too badly the Gesu pastor who returns the respect "taken," and she has a cannister of and admiration for her in equal mea- Gesu receptionist Teresa Astray-Caneda greets Georgia, a daily visitor. Mace handy just in case. sure. Her job: Receptionist at Gesu "'It isn't always easy doing this." she Church in downtown Miami. said, "but we do it anyway." Her comment: "I love this job." TERESA has the unique combina-

CI like the feeling of help- ing people, I don't mind be- ing taken by five people if I help one,'

TERESA ASTRAY-CANEDA, tion of qualities to handle her Job: love mother of five children, ranging from 15 and a desire to help, tempered by a firm lo 27 years old. spent most of her life sense of discipline. She is also fluently raising youngsters and being a house- bilingual, the daughter of a Cuban diplo- wife while her husband worked at South- mat stationed in Mobile. Ala., at the ern Bell. After brief spells working at SS. time of her birth. Later in Cuba she met Peter and Paul Church and the Catholic her husband and returned with him to the Service Bureau, she came to Gesu two U.S. And she has one more attribute: a years ago. vigorous sense of organization. There she is the face behind the Why organization? Most of the peo- counter, the one who greets the public ple who come in through the modest por- whoever that may be. saint, sinner and tal fronting on Second Street are looking all the in-betweens when they come in off for the basics, food, money or shelter. the downtown streets hoping to get Most are referred to any of scores of something, legitimately or otherwise, places that fit their needs, government from inside the church's venerable old agencies, hospitals, clinics, nursing Pastor Ignatius Fabacher helps Teresa answer a question from a tittle walls. homes, missions . . . parishioner. She keeps a log on everyone coming '•This work has a lot of aggravation, in and has a cross-referenced card file, so you have to love it." she said. all with a coding system detailing the "I like the feeling of helping people. person's status, problem and action "I told him. no more. Would you : Some days later this same I don't mind being "taken" by-five people taken. Some of this is for the usual re- believe he went to the Archbishop's of- man hit another Catholic church for S50. i if I help one." said Teresa, a name cord-keeping purposes, and some is to fice to complain about the treatment he Con artists are not the neighbor- known to everyone around Gesu. "And I get around con men. was getting?" hood's roughest element by any means, like the contact." she adds. "Oh. we get our share of con art- Teresa went on to narrate several however. The church sacristan was at- Contact is one thing she gets plenty ists." she said. And some have no short- other stories including one about a man tacked by three men with knives early of. age on gall. posing on the phone as a "minister" one morning and got his face cut up. An- GESU, only blocks from towering ' "FATHER FABACHER got a call whose son needed money to get home to other receptionist was threatened by a banks, legal offices and department from a man at the airport who said he his mother who had suffered a heart at- knife-wielding woman while Teresa was stores, as well as run-down hotels, bars, had lost his luggage and wallet. He got tack. After checking aroand and askinga on her lunch break. a bus station and Skid Row flop areas. up from his supper — that is the kind of few pointed the "son" when But while her work has its grimmer The church, with its massive pale yel- pastor we have here — and drove out to he came in they turned him down as an moments — a buzzer lock is being in- low visage, stands conspicuously on Sec- get the man. obvious con man. He then went to St. stalled on the office door to give her an ond Street between Flagler's towers of "He was well dressed and looked all Thomas church where he was also turn- escape route should she need it — most affluence and the nearby alley ways of right and Father put him in a hotel down- ed down, having been warned by Teresa of it is a service of love. hard times, and is a natural stop for all town. to watch out for him. But in the tradition SHE ESTIMATES that at least half the displaced, the down-and-outers and "Well, the man was not satisfied. He of a dedicated con artist he tried at one the people who come in are conning her the lonely transients. wanted to be in a hotel on Miami Beach! more church and scored. in some way but practically all genuinely Later, he came in here and wanted "IF THEY would just call us any need some form of help — and get it. A "I try to see Christ in every indivi- money (She has meal tickets provided by time a church gets someone wanting man wanting wine money may ask for dual." she said. "Father (Ignatius) the St. Vincent de Paul Society for those money, there's a good chance we have a "bus fare." Instead he might get a meal Fabacher talked to me for a half hour on who really need it.) file on him." she said. ticket. "Our purpose." said Father Faba- cher. is to treat all people the same, "whether rich or poor, old or young, edu- cated or uneducated, high socially or low. good friends or strangers ..." There was the young Bahamian wo- man whose husband was shot in a bar and needed help getting a burial lot for the body, the elderly people in the area who are getting government aid they never would have know about if Teresa hadn't called the right places (many of her referrals require her personal in- volvement beyond just telling them where to got. and the countless tran- sients who are sent where they can get a meal, lodging, clothing . . . And there's Georgia a cute elderly lady who comes in every day and just sits in the lobby observing the parade. i fuss with her to get her hair done, to bathe and get her teeth fixed." said Teresa with affection. Then in her "spare time" Teresa is parish secretary and handles all the sacramental records, bulletin announce- ments and other church business. A worker sits in Gesu's rectory entrance as the downtown parade of Americana passes by. "I love it." she says.

I'age 6 Miami. Florida THE VOICE Friday. August 1. 1975 _ • m. Bite the Bullet, enjoy scenery

BITE THE BOLLET (Colum- critique of the whole business. Why? bia) Gives the recent spate of "I'm Not because of any motivation tfaat Rotten; -You're Rotten" movies movie would stand up to even a casual coming oat of Hollywood (POSSE, scrutiny tat simply because the THE EIGEE SANCTION, NIGHT movie is about a horse race after aU MOVES, RANCHO DELUXE), and Hackman is the star. movie-goers sfacmld by now be pre- being too good to be true, the film Bat if Brooks, through Hack- judiced in favor of any American suffers from a badly blurred focus, man, professes to believe that the film tfaat dares make some sort of either because Brooks has no clear race is not important, he sets him- positive statement about life and hu- idea of what he wants to say or else self fee problem of sustaining the in- man nature — or at least one would he wants to have things both ways. terest of the audience through-oat a hope so. He condemns, for example, long movie to which fee race is cri- Unfortunately, even with this ad- machismo and the win-at-all-costs tical. He gives it a good try, bet fee vantage going for it, BITE THE spirit of America (something, like results are unsatisfactory. Again, as BULLET is not likely to stir much much else in the movie, that is more in NIGHT MOVES, Geae Haetamn enthusiasm. There is some good act- than a little anachronistic — we did squanders-his talent and credibility ing in it, beautiful scenery, and some not start to think wanting to win was in a badly conceived role. James Ce- good action sequences. A spoonful of so bad until we started to lose), but burn aad Ben Johnson are good m saccharin, however, is no way to get then he has his hero, Gene Hack- support. Caadiee Bergea, glowing a bad taste out of one's mouth, and man, a champion of animals, prosti- amid the sweat and dust as the rac- that is what Richard Brooks tries to tutes, the elderly, oppressed minor- ing prostitute, is merely inade- administer in this Western dealing ities — Brooks gets them all in — de- quate until late hajhe film when Gene Hackman rides hard in 700-mile with a 700-mile horse race shortly af- cide to join the race and submit his Brooks Is Bitwise enough to give her race. ter the tarn of the century. horse to a brutal ordeal not long af- three or four Maes in sequence. IA- Besides all the main characters ter delivering a coolly reasoned m ogggeoaoeoc****Ploybouse head hif big with Equus^ By J. HERBERT BLAIS cial trouble and the Coconut Grove "I-WANTED to make an es- taming to see it two or three When the musical, "Purlie," Playhouse was available down in sential change in Miami's "E- times!*' played the Coconut Grove Play- Miami. quus," Fisfiko says. "Hie British house in February and was held Fisfeko and Cantor were bare- and Broadway productions were When the carreat production over an extra week the orches- ly breaking even here for two both "cerebral* — appealisg to tbe finally closes, with resultant sea- tra's conductor couldn't stay. years — until "Equus" opened. cool intellect. I felt tte play need- sonal gross exceeding the Parker The Toay Award-winning London ed a more emotional cesz for Soafe Playhouse's record $1,300,000 in So impressario Bob Fishko Fort Laaderdale. Bob Fishko took over pit and baton. and New York psyefaodrana has Florida. We macEe toe doctor a broken all records for tbe Coconut more human, more communica- won't keep Jus theater dark for And he -was so successful, the long. cast crowned tbe last show with an Grove Playhouse's 20-year history. tive being, ami tbe whole feeling It was Fishko's uneanay judg- more 'accessible.'." accolade for his performance. He has devised a unique new Everybody was amazed at ment that brought "Equits" to The lighting of Miami's *'E- Miami in May. Before anybody plan for season subscribers — a Fishko's orchestral ability except

^ mi

How you canget tickets... IN PERSON at the Box Office. Jordan DIAL-A-TICKET: Charge your guar- i. Marsh (Downtown Miami. Dadeland. anteed, exact seat locations for 163rd St. Shopping Center, Hollywood EQUUS to your Master Charge or Fashion Center. Lauderhii! Mall, Ft. BankAmericard by phone. Call Lauderdale Sunrise Shopping Center. 444-9831. &Pompano Fashion Square). Keys Recreation Center (Homestead Air Force Base). Leblang Tours (71st St.& STUDENT DISCOUNT: Only 53.50 Collins Ave.). Miami Beach Radio (Lin- with valid ID per ticket, on sale in ad- coln Rd. Mali). Neiman Marcus (8a! vance at Box office only {No phone Harbour). Saks Fifth Avenue (Lincoln reservations — no Fri. & Sat. eves.). Rd.Mall). BY MAIL: Specify number of seats, TIMES & PRICES: Tues.-Thurs. Eves. date. time, price, orchestra or mez- at 8:30. Sat Matinee at 2, Sun. Eve. at zanine section: enclose local check or 7:30: $, 6.50, 550.4.50 . Fri.- money order and seH-addressed Sat Eves, at 8:30: $9.50. 8.50. 7.50. stamped envelope: Mai! to Coconut 6.50. 5.50 • Wed. Matinee at 2: $7.50. Grove Playhouse. P.O. Box 330646. 6.50. 5.50. 4.50. 3.50 • Shows start Miami. Fla. 33133. promptly: no latecomers seated! Dinner/Theatre Package—only $13.00 (Tuesday. Wednesdays Thursday & Sunday Evenings) Complete Dinner at CAFE BRASSERIE in the Coconut Grove Hotel, BLACK CAESAR'S. THE HASTA, THE TAURUS. MONTY TRAINER'S BAYSHORE RESTAURANT. SCAMPS, or VINTON'S TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT (en- Join the people tree, salad, desert, and choice of beverage) PLUS a good Orchcslra Section seat for EQUUS. On sale now at the Box Office only (Tax included: gratuity at restaur- ant extra-) _ For adults and students (over 18) oniy. whoVe joined Information: 444-9831 Low Group Rates: 253-5566 ilMXYC

.' .• Cl]^_'J.. ABC series to study U.S. spiritual root's

Sbeehan, president of ABC Sews. NEW YORK — fNC) — The the ""right to dissent " Thoreaa"s ABC Television Network, in He said the specials will be tsroagn the signing of produced in cooperation jointly the Ds-ciaraiion of Independence, "Civil Disobedience." protests cooperation with four major faith agamst the Mexican-American groups, is planning a series of one- with the United States Catholic and -hereby examine the ideals Conference fUSCC), the National which influenced America's War, and f>£her crises in United hour specials tracing the moral Spates history through Worid War and spiritual roots of the United Council of Churches, the Jewish Founding Fathers. Marc Siege!. Theological Seminary and the who produced the "Right to II. will be examined. The program States. will be filmed at various his- "Conscience of America," an Southern Baptist Convention. Believe" program for ABC last jointly cooperated on an individual seasos; will produce, wriie and torical sites around Uie>'. examination of the success or program here and there with ABC failure of the nation's religious and JESUIT FATHER Patrick S, direct the film, which will be sfaoi The third special, scheduled Sullivan. USCC associate secre- News in Hie past. iMs is the first in Israel. Greece, Italy, France, for March 14. will explore the ethical ideals daring its first 200 time that we have had joint years. wUi be fee principal theme tary for communication, said the England and America. "sew moral and ethical crisis'* "Conscience of America" project cooperation for a major series of which is said to have began for of ABC News' Directions series has been in the planning stages for programs." Father Sullivan said. THE SECOND special, seller daring the 1971-76 season. America with the bombing of the past six months. The first of the specials, to air Sunday, Feb. 1. will look ai how Hiroshima in 1945. The "Conscience of America" on Sunday. Jan. 4, will explore the the roots of democracy have been series was announced b? William In addition to the three hour- ''Although the fair groups have roots of democracy from ancient nurtured and developed through long documentaries, "Conscience of America" will include three other specials. The first to air on Sept. 21. iffia. will be a conversa- tion in -which four leading theo- From Polish to Cro-Magnon man logians discuss the ethics of America and the rnorsi irnplica- FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 billies f Ebsen as a wily old pros- tions of its Bicentennial year. 8:00 p.m. (CBS) — DOUBLE pector who is forced to reeniif a NOVEMBER. 1975 will see a FEATURE, THE FAMILY KO- trio of shady Sadies to pose as his repeal of the award-winning film 4 VACK — This 90 minute pilot was daughters ir« order for him to cash •'Rendezvous with Freedom." I another of those "relevant" sit- in on a homestead land claim. which traces the history qf the coms that threatened to swamp Karen Valentine. Sandra Dee. and Jews in Che United States. prime-time viewing hours. There's Lesley Warren are the soiled On Easter Sunday. April 18. a stab at seriousness in this one, in doves, and Jack Elam is a stand- 1976. the network plans a repeat the form of a run-in with the pol- out in s burlesque role as Ebsea's ice experienced by one of the Chi- showing of "The Right to Be- carousing partner. A matter of lieve." This program, produced cago-Polish family's teen-age taste. sons. So-so. At 9:30 repeats with the cooperation of the USCC CATHOLICS, the TV film novella WEDNESDAY, AUGUST S Office for Film and Broadcasting, by Brian Moore. 8:30 p.m. 'ABC' - THE was described fay the Christian STRANGER WITHIN - This Science Monitor last spring as "a 8:00 p.m. (ABC) — THE maae-for-televisios film smells mass media classic in the area of TRIBE — Made-for-TV adventure sbadivt of spin-off (m is it rip- freedom of religion." turns back the clock to the early off i of both ROSEMARY'S BABY days of prehistory, when "man" and THE EXORCIST, The story was of the Cro-Magnon and Nean- casts Barbara Eden as a young derthal persuasions. A cast of un- married woman who inexplicably knowns (who would be unrecogn- finis herself slightly pregnant. izable in their caveman make-up, This fact confuses her doctor anyway > comprise a small tribe of «Neheir.iatx Fersoff J and enrages Cro-Magnons who are just getting her hasband < David Doyle?. The by, what with constant attacks by pregnancy becomes even more woolly mammoths, marauding alarming when the unborn begins Neanderthals, etc. Grunt. to "control" the woman's be- SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 havior. Additional eerie goings-on 9:00 p.m. (NBC) — GOOD- crop up, as things get carioaser BYE AGAIN (1961) - Instant INNER DOUBTS which plague Trevor Howard, as an ind curiouser and build to a shat- nostalgia abounds in this corny, aging Irish abbot (inset, left), and touch Martin tering climax. This is strictly for naughty comedy of errors star- Sheen, as a young social activist priest (right), are ihrill-seekers. ring Ingrid Bergman as a woman- temporarily sublimated by a fervent display of faith THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 about-town and Yves Montand and by a community of Irish monks, in "Catholics," Brian 9:00 p.m. (NBC) — THE Anthony Perkins as her lovers old Moore's Peabody Award-winning drama, to be CARETAKERS f 1963} - Drama and new. respectively. The trick is rebroadcast on "The CBS Friday Night Movies" Fri- focuses os an unusual out-patient for her to choose between them, day, Aug. 1 9:30-11:00 p.m., ET)on WTVJ, Channel 4. mental health center administer- which creates an emotional tug of ed by Robert Stack. * Not to be con- war. The trick for the viewer is, 9:00 p.m. (ABC) — MONEY attempt to decry the mistreat- fused with the film version of the first of all, to overlook the obvious "1 EXPECT to be stand- FROM HOME (1953) — One of the ment and indifference endured by Harold Pinter play. THE CARE- ing there as the mush- moral Haws in the plot's premise, sappiest and most delightful today's American Indian. The pic- TAKER, which touches on the and. secondarily, to overlook some room clouds blossom over wastes of time ever committed to ture will seem funny or entertain- same sort of theme.) Naturally, the earth — as all our glittering mush in treatment. All celluloid. This is vintage Dean ing only to the most passive or ill- the suspicion of the old guard at in all, the acting outweighs all else bones begin to shine at Martin-Jerry Lewis buffoonery, in informed moviegoer who toler- the hospital where the program is night with radioactivity — in the film, although the Paris lo- which the two clowns play char- ates its glib view of a very deep- located comes to the fore — and cations do relieve tension and ted- I'll be saying that marvel- acters out of a Damon Runyan rooted and increasingly sensitive forms the core of the conflict. Joan ous phrase, 'I told you so,'" ium. But the residue of love on the story about mishaps at the race problem. It is embarrassing to cre- Crawford plays an opposing head sly leaves a bitter taste overall. says Gore Vfdal on track, with Lewis up in the saddle dit this six million dollar film nurse: Polly Bergen co-stars. «A- JEANNE WOLF WITH and Martin covering the bets with fraud to the account of Britain's IID ... Sunday, Aug. 3rd at some very thin paper. (A-I) foremost director, Sir Carol Reed. 10:30 on Channel 2. 10:00 p.m. (CBS) — MOSES — SA-III) THE LAWGIVER - This sixth TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 and final segment shows the aged 8:00 p.m. (NBCr— JOUR- *••••*•*••• PROGRAMS and tired Moses trying to save his NEY FROM DARKNESS - Made people from their sins of doubt. for television. This is an absorb- SUNDAY J POLYGRAPH J 7 a.m. Finally a new generation of Israel- ing melodrama about a young man / B6ST TV ~< THE CHRISTOPHERS — Ch. 11 WINK. ites are ready to enter the pro- whose brilliant future is seeming- * EXAMINER COURSE * 9 a.m. THIS SUNDAY CHURCH AND THE WORLD TODAY - Ch. 7 mised land. The series features ly crimped by the fact that he is WCKT — 'The Irish Sisters of Mercy." Burt Lancaster as Moses, An- blind. Based on a true story and J On Weekends *f 9 A.M. — Ch. 7 10:30 a.m. "The Church and The THE TV MASS — Ch- 10 WPLG thony Quayle as Aaron,Ingrid Thu- starring Marc Singer as the young % College Credit J Worid Today." il 2 p.m. lin as Miriam, and Irene Papas as man, JOURNEY traces the stu- INSIGHT - (Film) WINK Ch. 11. Zipporah. dent's efforts to go to medical * Call. 625-1561 > 4:30 p.m. THE TV MASS — (Spanish) — Ch. 23 WLTV SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 school and become a practicing RADIO 8:30 p.m. (ABC) — FLAP doctor. Kay Lenz does a nice turn JBISCAYNE COLLEGE i 5:30 a.m. as the beautiful, sensitive girl who SACRED HEART - WGBS, 760 k.c, Miami. (1970) — Face it: Anthony Quinn, * MIAMI J 10 a.m. whether disguised as an Italian helps take some of his cares away. CROSSROADS — WJNC, 1230 k.c, W. Palm showman, a college professor, the 8:30 p.m. (ABC) - THE •*••••••••• Beach. MARIAN HOUR — W5BR, 740 k.c, Boca Pope, or a husky Greek, is still An- DAUGHTERS OF JOSHUA CABE Raton. thony Quinn. This time he plays — Promising adult Western- B:35 p.m. WE SPECIALIZE GUIDELINES — W1OD, 610 k.c, Miami. Flapping Eagle in a serio-comic comedy casts Buddy (Beverly Hill- "MUFFLERS in mufflers & tailpipes for every auto FREE Priced to fit your budget IS MINUTE INSTALLATION • No Gimmicks* • Ho Extras* •DUAL EXHAUST •COMPETITION MUFFLER • SankAroericard •FOREIGN CARS • Master Charge •SHOCK ABSORBERS Locally owned & operated Thrift never Arrow Muffler At<-95X-Way Since 1957 hurt air !4545N.W.7Ave. and N.W. 146 St. 688-0574 Meredry Bobcat TltpG So our depositors say. MILES PER GALLON Florida National Banks Guaranteed!

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Page 8/Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1, 1975 knouu your fQltfi

Although Jonathan Swift's tale of small people was fictional modern science has found thai there really are people only six inches fall — babies in their mother's wombs.

Gulliver draws fifty of Blefmcu's largest men-of-war after him, having captured them for the Emperor of Lilliput. Drawing by C. E. Brock, The Little People

By REV. DONALD McCARTHY embryo. A single thread of DNA from a human cortex of the infant's brain only becomes The book "Gulliver's travels" told an in- cell contains information equivalent to a library operational about three months after birth. redible story about the inhabitants of the island of one thousand volumes • Dr. Purpura apparently thinks human lilliput who were only six inches tall. The From conception a tiny human zygote has fetuses are only human after their brain reaches modern science of fetology has gone exploring in thus begun a human history — any superficial a certain stage of development. Obviously his the world of real little people who are only six in- similarity to a protazoon or a fish no longer con- theory brings back the "magic moment" men- ches tall. Each one lives in a world of his own, a fuses scientists. A human embryo need not await tioned above. If the little people are only human warm and comfortable plastic-like room cajled a a magic moment or a fairy's magic wand to after seven months, before that they are less womb. come alive like Sleeping Beauty. The embryo than human — whether fish or fowl! Back in the 17th century very little was depends on the mother only for nine month's In "Gulliver's Travels" the Lilliputians known about these little people. One scientist, room and board, and everybody has to live greeted Guilliver rather roughly. What would an Swammerdam, thought the little people were somewhere. island full of little fetuses do with Dr. Purpura? already hidden in a father's sperm which was THESE LITTLE people develop faster than MORE IMPORTANTLY, how does God look deposited in the mother's womb for safe-keeping Jack's legendary bean stalk. With three or four upon the tiny members of His human family who and nourishment. But in the 18th century Spallan- weeks of conception evidence indicated some are not yet seven months of age in the womb? zani established that each human Lilliputian heart pumping in a rudimentary way. In another The word of the Lord spoke to Jeremiah,"Before comes from both a father's sperm and a three or four weeks the tiny brain sends out I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you mother's ovum. measurable brain waves. were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the THEN IN the 19th century Karl Ernst van The central nervous system is emerging and nations I appointed you." (Jer. 1:5} Baer began to speculate that each of these little at this point represents about one-fourth of the The mystery of human personality begins to human people goes through an individual evolu- total weight of the tiny fetus. Scientists have unfold at conception. God creates each human tion. First they would each be a protazoon, then a seen these little ones squinting, swallowing, and being in a beautifully synchronized and never-to- fish, then a primitive mammal and so on. even sucking their thumb at this age. be-duplicated process. The autobiography of a But the genetic discoveries of the 20th cen- Time magazine recently quoted Dr. person and the romance of God's love begins with tury discounted this theory. Scientists now know Dominick Purpura who found that only at around his or her being, or existence, not with brain that DNA — deoxyribonucleic acid — is the seven months does the fetal brain have certain waves or the frontal granular cortex. plasma of life. This DNA, which is found in structures and nerve cell connections that The little people who populate mothers' human chromosomes from the moment of con- characterize the developed human brain. Other wombs do what comes naturally — they become ception, controls the development of each human scientists have decided that the frontal granular what they already are.

Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1, 1975/Page 9 By RUSSELL SHAW A frequent theme of ethical dis- cussion is tiie so-called "hierarchy of values." Is there some supreme value or human good, so important tbai other values can be violated if necessary to promote it? The an- swer is no. Immorality generally lies in acting as if there were. But there is a real and obvious sense in which life> if not the "su- preme" human good, is the most basic. Without life, it is impossible for a human being to realize any other good. One of the sips of moral confusion in oar times is that it should even be necessary to state this. TO SPEAK of the "right to life" immediately raises questions: In what sense can a person be said to have this right and what is its "Pope Paal and the 1914 nature? Clearly there is no pre- international Synod of Bish- existing right — that is, a person's ops . . . spoke powerfully- of right to life does not exist before life 1 exists. the 'right to eat and ieclared Once life does exist, however, it to be "directly linked to the the right to life also exists. It is a 'right to life*." (it is too late to right which may not be violated. The eat for Abdulla, 4, who lies on reason is the source of life. Its ulti- the street at Khtilna, India.) mate source is not the individual or other human beings; it is God. This is why the , in the Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, was speaking the simple truth in calling God "the Lord of life." Life originates with God, and God alone has authority to dispose of it. Since God is the ultimate source of human life, human beings have a serious obligation to respect life — their own and others'. Negatively, the respect for life which is de- manded of us rules out such obvious violations as murder, abortion and euthanasia. It also rules out the tak- ing, of one's own life by suicide. And, although there is much controversy on the matter, this analysis sug- gests why some hold that society has no right to take life by capital punishment. THE QUESTION of taking the of "quality of life" is pushed too far decision that '"this life is not worth life of an aggressor — in war and and put to distorted uses. "Quality" living" is made for an individual by similar situations — is much more is defined in terms of materialistic somebody else, as happens in abor- complicated, since the right of an in- standards and values. Where the pro- tion and, it seems, often in the case dividual or a nation to engage in self- per signs of "quality" thus defined of euthanasia. When this happens we defense is also involved. The most are lacking, a determination is made have departed far Indeed from the that can be said in a brief overview that life is not worth living and principle that the right to life is in- such as this is that Christian moral should perhaps be terminated. This violable and that God, not man. is thought has generally concluded that is particularly intolerable when the the "Lord of life." there Is a limited right to take life in such cases — a right conditioned by the application of such principles as the so-called "just war" doctrine or the principle of "double effect." At the same time, Christian moral thought has also insisted that such principles be applied honestly and strictly; not even in the most ex- treme circumstances is human life to be destroyed casually or indiscri- minately. In recent times we have become increasingly aware that some things are so intimately related to life — and the right to life — as to be vir- tually inseparable from it. Pope Paul VI and the 1974 international By REV. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLLN need in their city for mutual love, respect and Synod of Bishops, in4he statement Sometimes only the sudden snuffing out of in- acceptance despite racial differences. But ap- on "Human Rights and Reconcilia- nocen_t.persons' lives will bring the general pop- parently it took the horrible event of four inno- tion," spoke powerfully of the "right ulous to a realization of some evil which needs cent young persons losing their lives so needless- to eat" and declared it to be "di* removal from their midst. ly to open the eyes of Birmingham and all of rectly linked to the right to life." Alabama. This has many immediate, practical For example, while the number of abortions consequences in an era of global food remains at a discouragingly astronomical level, Bishop Joseph Vath. the 55-year-old first 7 shortages and in a country like the it seems that many, including certain physicians, shepherd of the new Birmingham diocese, ;| United States, where food and the have in view of what has happened begun to believes this to be the case. He cites as his proof d means of producing food are plenti- withdraw their previously unqualified support a youth Mass he offered in 1974,10 years after the f. ful. for the procedure. Surely any young (or old) per- bombing incident. During that liturgy, black and | A GREAT DEAL has also been son viewing those standard slides of an aborted white children sang, prayed, worshiped together ~| said in recent years of the "quality fetus used in the pro-life, anti-abortion campaign in an obvious display of great Christian love and ijT of life." It is an extremely impor- must entertain second thoughts about the issue. concern for one another. |- tant concept. Besides the right to life itself, human beings have a right to THE TRAGIC bombing deaths in 1964 of four THIS YOUTH Mass was one of the many a^| those things which elevate life above girls in the 16th Street Baptist Church of Bir- tivities during his "Deanery Live-Ins." Sei!(^l the level of mere brute existence: mingham had such an effect upon the people of times a year Bishop Vath leaves the chancery, Opportunities for work and educa- that city in Alabama. becomes unavailable except for dire emergen- tion, housing, recreation, a decent They had heard before from an eloquent cies and spends a week in a deanery of the standard of living, health care and a preacher {Dr. Martin Luther King's famous diocese. The Bishop does so to show that as I healthy environment, social, cul- "Letter from a Birmingham Jail") about the shepherd he knows, loves and cares about his tural and political life, religious freedom. Sometimes, however, the notion Page 10/Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1, 1975 To k/// or not to kill ? "The next decade will see vigorous propaganda for both active and passive euthanasia By REV. DONALD G; MCCARTHY as a kind of 'civil right' to per- When a-famous painter was re- minded that the front door on a cot- sonal death control." tage in one of his paintings had no handle he found a ready reply. "That's the door of the human heart," Jie said, "it can only be open- ed from the inside." Christianity teaches that death is like that door — it can only be opened from the other side. The door will be opened when our time has come. When an ailing relative dies we say, "The Lord called her to Himself" — He opened the death door. Christian morality teaches that we must never kill an innocent per- son. Already in Genesis we read. "'Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall Ms blood be shed, for in the image of God man was made" (9:6). In Exodus God tells us, "The innocent and the just you shall not put to-death"-(23:7). WARFARE tends to bend this universal principle. Theoretically in a just war one kills aggressors who are not "innocent and just." Yet modem warfare with napalm, saturation bombing, and nuclear radiation treats whole villages and cities as unjust aggressors and trou- bles the consciences of Christian and secular humanists alike. If the fetes is accepted as a hu- man being then abortion aot only bends this principle, it breaks it A Kiss for a Grandfather is a Christian Response to Oid Age, Contrasting With a Utilitarian view of completely. So proponents of abor- Ridding the World of the Elderly. tion of ten refuse to acknowledge that a fetus is human, then it need not be considered "innocent and just" CEx- clanaatta! point). Euthanasia challenges the in- mercy killing. Passive euthanasia is But such use of terms is dan- where heroic therapy like desperate violability of innocent life from axt- likewise condemned if it means in- gerous. For some experts claim that attempts at transplants or other use- other direction. Its active version discriminate OHiissiGB of all medi- active and passive euthanasia are less surgery or even the use of heart- accepts directly killing suffering cal treatment. morally equivalent to each other. lung machines, respirators, or pace- people, sot because they lack IHBD- However, Christianity is not For them, to admit any limited ac- makers will only prolong a death cence or justice, but because some- masocfaistic — it does not teach un- ceptance of passive euthanasia is to agony. These are "extraordinary one tMnks they would be better off necessary inflietioB of suffering. So accept the euthanasia principle and means" of prolonging life in these dead. The passive version of Pope Pius XH taught that Chris- compromise the inviolability of life. situations. Omitting these proce- euthanasia allows people to die am- tians need not use "extraordinary A better and more accurate des- dures is "Justifiable Use of Conser- ply by omittiHg any or all medical means" to prolong life, for ex- cription of the Christian tradition vative Therapy Only" but it is not procedures. ample, when a death agony has be- would speak of the "Justifiable Use equivalent to killing. Caring for the CHRISTIANITY generally and gun. Thus it might be said that these of Conservative Therapy Only," (ab- patient with ordinary procedures Catholic Christianity in particular cases would fall undo* the heading of breviated JUCTO). Physicians read- goes on, this is caring rather than strongly oppose active euthanasia «* passive euthanasia. ily recognize certain situations killing. THE UNIVERSAL principle which forbids killing the "innocent and the just" should not be thought of merely as some ancient taboo which can be modified to include euthanasia or suicide. Like an anci- ent taboo it stands as a no-no princi- ple, but it also includes a yes-yes correlative. No, we must not kill; ds time with people yes, we must take reasonable care of human lives, our own and our neigh- bor's. Mercy killing belongs to the erhxanal judges; genus of veterinary medicine — they people, appreciates their support, and needs do shoot horses. Abandonment of the them for the work of the Cbsrch. • Visiting various factories; suffering by omission of all medical Individuals in the process obviously come to • Spending four hoars in the wilderness of a treatment belongs to the pagan his-- fed they are seeded and wanted; they also seise virgin forest with the pastor of the parish in tory of the Eskimos who were said to better their own dignity and importance. 'which tiae preserve Is located. There he was able set the aged and the sick afloat on In the smaller deaneries, Bishop Vath is able to take a cup aod dip into the clean, pure waters ice floes. of a stream which farther south in his diocese to visit each parish every year; Is the larger sec- becomes a green, polluted river. The Christian mandate to love tions, that visitation extends over several years our neighbor demands reasonable before he can cover all the parishes. • Calling upon the residents of nursing homes, praying with them, offering these often care and dedicated medical efforts fsrgottea istfividsals the consolation erf the faith; to relieve pain and restore health. It THE BISHOP meets with deanery priests of accepts death as the normal cul- a specific region beforehand and determines for • Sitting down with each priest, especially mination of human Me but does not them where Ms presence would be most those in separated missions, for a two-three-four attempt to manipulate, actively or beneficial—a school, prison, parish council, nar- easy, informal talkabout his needs, his ministry, passively, the moment of death be- sing home, ete. They tbea arrange a series of ao- and his parish, cause someone's life has no more hu- ^vities for him daring the week-long stay is that Bisbop Vaffc views these live-ins as excellent man meaning. particular area. opportunity for the diocesan shepherd to be just ttsat—a sfeefjfeerd, a pastor who is concerned and The next decade will see The following inddfenis Slustrate the nature vigorous propaganda for both active of these deaaery Ise-iss: «ares about al the members of his flock. It helps him ©onwey to people of the Birmingham diocese and passive euthanasia as a kind of • Talking daring a day te the local prisga "civil right" to personal death con- with the inmates, brtagisg Coctamafias f»fjw« af ihal each person, however young or oid, is irapor- iss&mA has value. trol. Christians will reply that the {hem asd disesssiGg pesal reform :witlt Jt&e sanctity of human life forbids kill- ing and commends caring. The door of death should not be pried open from this side. Miami, FIorida/THE VOICE/Friday, August -1,1975/Page II By Father on the Sunday Gospel Eugene H. Maly

GOSPEL {Eighteenth Sunday 01 such a common and pleasarable the Year; August 3, 1975). experience should provide the Isaiaii 55:1-3; Romans 8-.35.37-3S: basis for a higher reality. It would Matthew 14:13-21. be understood by all and evoke in them a keen sense of anticipation. The reading from Isaiah is a HOW CAN the people prepare proper introduction to the theme of for this end-time of fulfillment? this Sunday, that of the banquet of While it will be an act of God, they the Lord, fins part of the prophet's can prepare for it by putting book was probably written in exile themselves right with God. "Come in Ba&ylos, but after the Persian to me heedfully, listen, that you king, Cyrus, had signed the edict may have life." Passover meal, recorded in Ex- salvation and the meal was itsdistribute. They are the very same allowing the captive Jews to In his use of the banquet as a odus 12, and celebrating God's words used in the -'account of the return home. symbol of the end-time the author liberation of Israel from Egypt the; Hew Testament where we find Last Sapper. The Eiieaaristie sym- is using a tradition that is long and That act of God was seen as an- nfflijerous alusoas to meals or bolism has crept into the account His are words of comfort and rich. We need only recall the encouragement intended for the ticipating His final climactic act of banquets as signs of a special life to give it a higher meaning. The exiles who had returned to Judah with Gad. The most signifleant of feeding BOW feeeonies a sip of and found the situation less than these, of coarse, is fl» Eucharist, Jesus* feeding the people with His desirable. He invites them to eat tite Lori's Supper ifcat gives -eter- own body and Wood. and drink without cost, to "eat Prayer of the Faithful nal life to those who afore-it. And lie Eucaarislic meal is the well" and "delight in rich fare." in the Gospels non-Eacharistic end-time banqaet la a real sense. God would renew His covenant of meals are often given Euebarisiie So closer anioii with toe Lord can love with them, a covenant ap- 18TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR meaning. be imagined except that eternal with Him in heaven. parently broken when Hie city and Aug. 3, 1975 THIS IS WHAT has occurred temple were destroyed. CELEBRANT: God the Father fed His chosen people of in the swry of UK feediag by feus The Oli Testament prophet the Old Testament. Christ left Himself as our food in the of the five thousand. Matthew's ae- had issued the invitation to come BUT WHAT is the prophet New Covenant. Let us pray that we may be worthy of God's eoajit of it is tfaeGespel reading for to a banqaet, to eat and delight ia really offering the people? How- love for us. this SfHiday. The evangelist dees rich fare. Jesus, the end-time can he. in Babylon, invite them, in LECTOR: The response today will be: Lord, we thank not belittle tie event itself fa prophet not only issaes the invita- Judah, to a banquet? Even if he You. which so many hungry people were tion but also provides the fare were with them in the same coun- COMMENTATOR: Because your Soo remains in the fed. But he also sees it as a sign of Himself. He fcas done -what the try he could hardly have issued world through the teaching authority of your Church, vested something tame. others eoald only point to. We such a general invitation as this to in the Pope and the Bishops for whom we pray: This is evident in the words Christians can share in this ban- the whole people. He must have PEOPLE: Lord, we thank You. that are used to describe Jesus* ac- quet now. which means that the had something else in mind COMMENTATOR: Because men of good will tion of blessing, breaking and giv- end-time has been inaugurated in besides this. everywhere desire that peace for which we pray: ing the loaves to the disciples to our midst To appreciate what he is say- PEOPLE: Lord, we thank You. ing it is important to realize that COMMENTATOR: Because You have given us the op- the prophets were captivated by portunity to help the poor and needy by our deeds and the faith conviction of the end- prayers: time. The end-time was that PEOPLE: Lord, we thank You. period when history would come to COMMENTATOR: Because Yoa feed us with the Bread WHY its climax through the intervention from heaven to strengthen us in our trials: of God and when the conditions of PEOPLE; Lord, we thank You. peace and happiness, thought to COMMENTATOR: Because You have promised us, your have prevailed at the beginning, obedient children, eternal joy with You. would once again be realized. The PEOPLE: Lord, we thank You. prophets looked forward to the CELEBRANT: Heavenly Father, we often forget to end-time with eager longing. thank You for all your wonderful gifts to us. Today we recall They used many images, taken your love with gratitude, for You have given us Jesus as our THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AIB TO THE CHfESTAJ. CHURCH from secular life, to describe this food. We pray that You give us the strength to act as The answer is easy: they welcome the opportu- end-time. One of these was the brothers and sisters of Jesus, your Son. our Lord. banquet. It is not surprising that nity to do something needed where if s needed. PEOPLE: Amen. Sometimes, besides, they buiid the church in memory of their loved ones, naiue it for their fa- vorite saint -.. Where is a new church needed? Tickets sought for Seton rite in hundreds of towns and villages in our 18 country mission world. In Karirtthottuva. for By FATHER Seton" with an introduction by three American TV networks will instance, the poor farmers have only a tiny Cardinal Terence Cooke of New film parts of the canonization," THOMAS C. BONLAN, O.P. THE sned in which to worship. They raised S500 York. said Father Sheldon. "This is not from their own paitry income to buiid a church, ROME — (NO — More than Father Dirvin will arrive in yet definite, but we are working on PERFECT 8,400 requests for tickets to the MEMORIAL but it is not enough. You can buiid a church for Rome Aug. 1 to open a press office it." them aJi by yourself for as iittie as $3,000. canonization of Mother Elizabeth for the canonization in the Hotel The Salesians of Turin, Italy, Ann Seton here on Sept. 14 have Cicerone, said Father Sheldon. You'If be doing something needed where it's have prepared a film-strip on the needed, for Christ—and for people who cannot been received from the United "There is a possibility that all life of the new saint. States, the Rome secretariat for do for themselves,.., Do something at least, as the event said. much as you can {$100, $75, $50, S25, $20. $15, "This figure exceeds our $10, $5, $3, $1) to heJp build this church. Your previous estimates," said Vincen- gift of any size wilJ be a Godsend!... Have tian Father William Sheldon, you been looking for something meaningful to director of the secretariat, in an Holy Yean - do? Help these people build a simple but interview with NC News. "Six lasting church. The Bishop wiii write to thank weeks ago, we had processed you on behalf of his people. We wilt send you about 4,500 requests. Now we es- Pilgrimage a sketch of the proposed church, when we timate a total of around 10,000 thank you. Audience with the Holy Father /Mass at St. Peter's Americans will be coming." For only $200 irv Sndia you can buiid a decent THE INCREASING numbers have required some changes to Reserved Seats house for a family that now steeps on the side- larger quarters for some of the at the Canonization walks. Simply send your check to us. Cardinal events scheduled. On Monday, Parecatti! wiH write to thank you also. Sept. 15, the tribute to Mother of MOTHER SETON SEE THE Our Holy Father has proclaimed 1975 as a Holy Seton, which will feature an ad- BOIY LAND Year. He encourages more Pilgrimages to Rome dress by U.S. Cardinal John FIRST AMERICAN SAINT! IN THE and the Holy Land during this time of reconcilia- Wright, will be held in the Center HOIY YEAR tion. Jn keeping with his wishes. Catholic Near for Prayer and Meditation at the East is sponsoring two-week tours for Just $1,133 •Catacombs of San Callisto. per person. Write for information.

The triduum scheduled for _ . . _ •——; -- 10 DAYS CY Sept. 16-18 will be held at the Basilica of St. PauPs-outside-the- VENICE - FLORENCE - PADUA - ASSISI - ROME Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FFNO $ _„, walls. Nolan: Air Fare from and to Miami, September FOB ; Among the Americans ex- 8-17, Hotels, Breakfast, Dinners, Tips, pected for the canonization are Taxes, Transfers — per person double Please NAME five cardinals, 60 bishops, 400 return coupon priests and more than 1,000 occupancy with your STREET_ Sisters. offering CITY__ - STATE „ -^ZIP CODE John A. Volpe, U.S. Ambas- Transatlantic transportation by ALITALIA, sador to Italy, and Henry Cabot O .-Please send me Holy Year tour information Lodge, presidential envoy to the the official airline of the HOLY YEAR that Pope, have been invited and are carried the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage in April. THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION expected to attend. /llitalia The 18 by 13-foot painting of Deposit of $100 before August 22 to confirm reservations. Mother Seton, which will be un- NEAR EAST veiled at the canonization, is being done by the Italian artist Cioffi. Full details, free brochure: MISSIONS A NEW LFE of Mother Seton, PROFESSIONAL WORLD TRAVEL, INC. TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President "La Donna della Speranza" (The MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Lady of Hope), has been written by Washington Square Office Center- Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOC. Msgr. Roberto Angeli, Vincentiaa 111 N.W. 183rd St., Suite 100 1011 First Avenue • New York, N.Y. 10022 Father Joseph Dirvin has pub- Miami, Florida 33169 Phone: 652-3680 Telephone: 212/826-1480 lished a new edition of his "Mrs. Page 12/Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1, 1975 Her works iry to express ihe God-to-man relationship She paints nwhat cannot be seen" ! I By ARACELI CANTERO in the United States, France and hood. Their artistic expressions Voice Staff Writer Spain. are also a source of inspiration to Her works, she explains, are my art.'" "I like to create and paint Maria admits that God has al- what cannot be seen — the pro- mostly rapidly executed. Fast brush strokes "not just to fill the ways played an important part in duct of my imagination," says 27- her life and work. year-old artist Maria Tuma as she canvas with color, but rather are used to express an emotion or a Indirectly "many of my works describes one of her paintings, Ex- express the man-to-God relation- ile No. 3. feeling." She describes her style as impressionist-expressionist. ship," she comments, while point- A striking work in acrylics, ing to a praying Madame Butter- with three colorfui. somewhat ab- Presently, Maria is art teach- fly figure, on a white canvas be- stract figures, over an almost er at West View Junior High. hind her. black background, "it represents "My teaching and the pres- For Maria there is no art with- the three exiles I find more mean- sures of every day living, hardly out love, and it is man's need for ingful," she explains pensively, leave me any time for painting — love and understanding that she "the Jewish one, that of El Cid, but I guess these things are part of tries to convey through her works and our own Cuban exile." • the inner struggle any artist must — not only in paintings but with SHE PAUSES for a moment, live with." photography and sculpture as well. as if looking for words, "although I "MANY of my ideas come Her works will be on exhibit at don't paint typically Cuban sub- from contact with school life," she the Bacardi Art Gallery, 2100 Bis- jects," she says, "the experience says. "With my students, 1 live the cayne Boulevard, Miami, through- of the Cuban exile is very much contrast of violence and brother- out the month of August. present in my work." "I have tried many times t express the agony and the dr; •FREE INSTALLATION FOR VOICE READERS! we have suffered — our longing to Shop in the convenience of your own home — be understood. In Miami since age 13, Maria DOORS-DOORS-DOORS had to leave her school notebooks in Cuba, all filled with drawings I Over 200 styles to choose from! and illustrations that deserved praise from her art teachers. Buy an exclusive translucent fiber- "I was planning to become a glass door or a distinguished en- doctor, like my father," she says, trance door for as little as "but I doubt that my sensitivity would have been able to cope with that profession. I am deeply mov- DELIVERED AND INSTALLED FREEH Member Better Business ed by. anything which affects a hu- Bureau / Bank Financing man being." ARTISTIC — 12 months to pay. A graduate of Miami Jackson Custom Made, Steel, Aluminum & Solid Wood Doors High and Barry College, Maria re- Security Locks calls her art teachers with much gratitude. "THEY MOLDED the foun- dations of what I am now as an art- "MANY OF my ideas come from contact with school life/' says ist," she says. CELEBRATING FIFTY YEARS smiling artist Maria Tuma as she sits, with her dog Quicky, by The parishioner of Immacu- some of her canvases. The young painter says "she Is deeply late Conception Church has parti- OF GROWTH WITH MIAMI moved by anything which affects a human being." cipated in eight different exhibits, Formerly of Pittsburg, Pa. FREE HOME ESTIMATES

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Our volume of experience also makes it possible to provide more in service and better values in funeral merchandise. We offer 40 complete funerals from $475 ... including ten metal and hardwood casket funerals from $575 to $985 , . . and many more to the very best available . . . ail at savings that average 20% to 30%. The minimum complete non-charity funerai at several weii known firms in this area is over $900. fZ i^r^^j^f-^^l^tJMl i;a^T^J^ Our complete funeral prices cover: preparation, casket, casket Kool-Trte Gravel Coating Has An Exclusive Sealing Process bearers, music, automobiles, use of our buildings and equip- •VHEN KOOL T'TE ,-oa*» a T-a^e7'3oi " £a- w.-sean^Jiev?" alter several rears *-ti«r>Kwer»>a"3 0C

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FUNER1L CHAPELS T If North Miami, 14990 West Dixie Hwy 944-6621 Northside, 3333 N.6. 2nd Ave. 573-4310 Cora! Gables, 4600 S.W. Sih St . . 443-T&41 Gratigr.y Road, 770 U.\N, 119 St. . 688-6621 Bird Road. 9300 S.W. 40th St.. 221-8181 Tracy-Van OrsdeS. 4600 S.W. 8th St...... 443-1641 Free eshmates sf your convenience, wiih no obligation, may be secured by calling 754-5481 " Hialeah-Miami Springs, 2045 E, 4:h Ave. .... 3B7-2675 Also Serving Broward County — Miramar, LARGE CATHOLIC STAFF Lake Forest,Pembroke Pines, Hollywood: CALL DIRECT: 1-754-5481 Including Three Of Our Chapel Managers

Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1, 1975/Page 13 youtfi- Trip to Disney World * The €YG is all ears — dale at 3744144, for details. CYO convention to discuss "Jfcusket-eras," that is! Tba as- • That aocual CYO "Big 3" naai trip to Dissey WorM is set for Softball toaraameat last Sunday a week from Souday (Aug. 10). saw the gays from St. Vincent Your local C¥O moderator* ad- Ferrer Parisfe edge out fee Nativi- issues of social justice viser or president has all the ty CYO team 1-0 and shut oat St. necessary forms, but piease — get Timothy "B" Sqaad «? for the WASHINGTON - (NC) - Delegates to this fairs Catholic Church's National Justice Conference championship. In the girls' divi- 13th National Catholic Youth Organization {CY03 scheduled for Detroit in October 1378. That conference sion, the "A" team from St. Tim Federation convention will provide input to the will climax the bishops' 'Liberty and Justice for All" CYO defeated the same's "C" Catholic bishops* biceitennial program that will help bicentennial program, and will formulate a social YOUR CORNER team 2-1 on the strength of a bases shape the direction of Catholic social action in this justice plan-of-action for the Church for the following loaded two oat single by Cheryl country through 1981. five years. Haber. Then they overcame the Dr. Francis Butler, director of the bishops' your application in by Toesday, determined gals from Holy Rosary The CYO convention, a biennial event, will be held Aug. 5J Cost for individuals is $17, this year at the convention Center in San Antonio, Tex- bicentennial committee staff, acknowledged the im- CYO 6-2. That jast goes to show portance of having input to the National Justice which covers bos fare and Magk yoc what can be accomplished as., from Oct. 30 to ffev. 2. According to the national Kingdom rides. The Arc&diocesan director of the CYO, Father Rudy Beranek, more than Conference from the CYO delegates. "Perhaps in the when everybody pitches in. past, Church officials expected Church youth to sit still CYO Executive Board has also 3,000 teenagers and young adults are expected to at- decided to sponsor 50 children tend. and listen," he commented. "This is one instance In which the tabies are turned: the Church's leaders will from Simland Training Center on The convention theme is "Revolution '76 ... the trip. Any CYO or individual Youth Shaping a Human Future." hear the voice of the younger generation on key justice questions." wbo wosld Bis to sponsor a child Plans caE for the preparation of position papers L can send a check for ?21 to the before convention time, with working sessions early in 'We have to listen to the voice of yoath in this ef- Dept of Yoatfa Activities, 61» NE fort," he said. "This program is aimed at the future of the meeting to refine those documents. The third day's 41fa Ct., Miami, 33137. This will {formerly Marymcwct agenda will feature the presentation of the position the Church in the United States and the future belongs cover bus fare, food and spending papers in a hearing before a panel of Church officials. to the young." money for the child. The CYO is the official parish-centered diocesan —ANNOUNCES— Results of the hearing will be transmitted to the program which promotes spiritual, soda! and physical • And for you eighth-grade Bishops' Committee for the Bicentennial for inclusion activities for some 3 million young people throughout grads, bow about finding oat all a Quality in the official documentation being prepared for the the country. about ibis CYO business, and hav- ing fun while yen do it? Nativity Parish in Hollywood invites you to High School a Welcome Evemag of fan, dan- cing, refreshments, meeting new E*ra coBege credits wHJe at- Straight talk people. .. Come and join in tnis taxiSjig High School — aD credits Sunday evening, Aug. 3, from 8-11 at Nativity parish hall. Be sure and Does Bible contradict Church? bring yoar socks! INDIVIDUALIZED * Restless? Come and share SCHEDULES Answering you questions is passages which seem to con- God has revealed Himself slowly all those things youVe been think- Father Richard Sudlik, O.M.I. tradict what the Church teaches. ing about, and leant from other CsBege «E Boea Rates throughout the Bible. yonog people like yoarself, wittt High School Address all questions to him To really understand those Military Trail, Bses Raton c/o Straight TaJk, The Voice, passages you might have to under- It is for this reason that the The Way at St. Hmofliy Parish, or P.O. Box 381059, Miami Fla. Church sees herself as the chief the Stairway at St Hdea Parish in Ms. Way Beyaalis stand the mentality or the way IWrecttw) 33138. people spoke when those passages interpreter of the Bible. Through Ft Laaterdale. Call Bob Barke at were written. You might also have prayer and study and the guidance St. Tim's rectory {274-8224$, or Bear Father, Tony CorrHeese in Ft Laader- 3154301 - 39543SS I have started to read the to understand other passages of of the Holy Spirit, she constantly Bible with same Meads of mine the Bible which together form one tries to clarify the message God and I really enjoy it. The problem idea that God has given. There has gives us. if we find that what is that they show me parts which have been people who have we read conflicts with what the go against what I have bees told become confused because they Church teaches, we have failed MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS the Church teaches. Shouldn't based their faith on one sentence to understand fully either the wist the Church teaches be found or chapter instead of seeing that passage or the teaching. SCHOOL in the Bible? Tommy SOVS RESIDENT AND DAY Dear Tommy, To begin with, let me stay that GRADES 6, 7, AND 8 I think it is just great that you (ACCREDITED) have begun to use the Bible, the Dccrbornc Word of God. For too long • miY ACJUKMK • ALL HJLJOB SPORTS Catholics have neglected this very important source of spiritual . SflPttVlSW STSDT • POOi - HORSES - 6YM growth. I would encourage you to . HCTMKAl CO§tSES AVAIL • QBAilFJW FACULTY continue but with the encourage- School H* • ntSTRBIKIIfTAl AND VOCAL MUSK ment I would give you somewhat of a warning. Staffed By The Salesian jxrfters And The warning is simple — always Brothers of Sf. John Bosco remember that the Bible is a very deep and a complex work. You Writes Director have said that your friends show MoryHe^ of Christians School 6400 Eas» Chelsea • Pre-School • Elementary Tampo, Florida 33610 'Junior High • Senior High Or Call; (813} 626-6191 TRANSPORTATION "Championship -Air-Conditioned Gymnasium M.HX.S.-MORE THAN JUST A SCHOOL This is a Accredited by the Southern Association of Coifeges and Schools low paying job. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM AVAILABLE TO 6PML DONT JUST KEEP I But you start 311 Sevilla Ave., CorJ Gables, 444 4662 THE FAITH - SHARE JT at the top. IN THE WORLD TODAY THERE ARE MORE THAN TWO One of the ways to choose a BILLION PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING WITHOUT THE career is to pick something "CLIP AND SAVE' JOYS AND BLESSINGS OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH. that offers plenty of chance POPE PAUL VI for advancement. ^•Society for the Propagation of the Fahh-""""'11"™1™1111^""™"1"" 8 6301 Biscayne B«., 757-6241, The priesthood does not. DO YOU HAVE USABLE NRamLFia. 33138 You start at the top. * Furniture * Appliances * Clothing * Rugs Dear Monsignor Donnelly Working directly for God. * Bedding * Shoes Hi join my prayers with Hie HOLY FATHER for our mission- And for people. All people. or other miscellaneous items! aries. In Thanksgiving for my blessings, please enroll: There's just no room for pro- HELP US TO HELP OTHERS motion in that kind of a position. I CALL US FOR PICKUP \ in the SOCJETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH And ... tile pay is low. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP OFFERING Individual . $2.00 But you start right at the top. Special (family or group . . 6.QO There's really no one between MIAMI of 1O persons} you and the boss. 801 N. MIAMI AVE. PERPETUAL MEMBERSHIP If you like the idea of a Individual- „. $ 40.O0 Family tOO.OO career where you don't have W. PALM BEACH 373-3856 425 PERRINE AVE. PERR1NE to climb the ladder to be 2560 WESTGATE AVE. I & 538 24 ST. successful, get in touch. FT. LAUDERDALE Part payment on Perpetual membership WRITE TO: I (or we) are already members of The Society but to further aid the I N.W. PALM BEACH Missions, enclosed is a gift of $ Rev, John D.McGrath 513 W. BROWARD BLVD. NAME I Director of Vocations 686-1220 6301 Biscayne Boulevard 524-0716 ADDRESS I Miami, Florida 33138 CITY ZIP Telephone: 757-6241 . Society of Sf. Vincent de Paul Perpetual Membership*ar« payable ova•nrr &» ons year period. 1 :i_!P AND SAVE* Paee 14/Miami. Florida/THE VOICE/Fridav. Aumst 1. 1975

*•—•--— (^ ItVaDate |1975-76 School Calendar VOICE READERS Dade County 11 Archdiocese Schools I Ladies Guild of ST. ^ In Palm Beach County | EAT OUT* CATHERINE OF SIENA parish Aug. 20 Teachers Report sponsors an arts and crafts work- Aug. 21-22 Teacher Workdays shop at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday in Aug. 25 Teacher Workday the parish hall, 9200 SW 107 Ave. Aug. 26 Teacher Prof. Day 502,320 TIMES A MONTH! * * * Aug. 27, 28, 29 Teacher Workdays Pre-Cana conferences for Sept. 1 Labor Day Holiday Spanish-speaking couples begins at Sept. 2 -.-. , Classes Begin 8 p.m. Aug. 4 in ST. JOHN BOSCO Oct. 17... ..:...... Teacher Prof. Day -No Classes That's Why CHURCH, 1301 W. Flagler St. and Oct. 28 . End First Quarter continues through Aug. 13 every Nov.'ir ,..:Veterans Day Holiday Friday evening. Nov. 27, 28 .....Thanksgiving Holidays * * * Dec. 22- Jan. 2 Christmas Holidays Third Order of CARMELITES Jan. 5 Classes Resume meets at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Aug. Jan. 26...... Teacher Prof. Day - No classes 2 at Villa Maria Nursing and Re- Jan. 28 End Second Quarter habilitation Center. 1050 NE 125 April 2 Teacher Workday - No classes St. North Miami. April 5 , End Third Quarter * * * April Ifr23 .Easter Holidays THE MEM0RARE SOCIETY, April 26..... Classes Resume a social club for windows and May 31...... Memorial Day Holiday widowers, meets at 8 p.m. Friday, June 11 End Fourth Quarter ug. 8 in St. Louis Family Center. June 16 .".... Last Teacher Day 'or additional information call S74-0244. • . * * * Members of NATIVITY the first ball. Tickets may be ob- A 1975-76 K. of C. Handicap LEISURE CLUB, Hollywood, will tained at Lourdes Residence. League in bowling is being estab- participate in noon Mass and 1 •-* * * lished by the CORAL GABLES p.m. luncheon today. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of the COUNCIL. Beginning Tuesday, Palm Beach CATHOLIC Sept. 2, bowling will begin at 6:45 SERVICE BUREAU invites Advertises in THE VOICE p.m. at Fair Lanes Coliseum, 1500 Rod Vadnais is the new presi- prospective members to a 7:30 Douglas Rd. Bowlers are needed. dent of the LAUDERDALE p.m. meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 5 50 Times a Year! CATHOLIC SINGLES Clab. Other at the First Federal Savings Bldg., officers are Fred Schweitzer and 2701 Okeechobee Blvd., W. Palm •CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER SURVEY @1975 A prayer vigil begins at7 p.m. Tyrone Frey. vice presidents: Beach. For further information today and continues until mid- Mary Ann Stanko, recording call Cathey Strange at 683-8713. night in ST. JAMES CHURCH un- secretary: Maureen Q'Shaughnes- der the auspices of the Legion of sy. corresponding secretary: and Mary. On Sunday. Aug. 3 Larry Reis. treasurer. Legionaries will be recruiting for Membership is open to those praying and active members of the between the ages of 21 and 35 by Parishioner will Legion which has two groups in the writing to L.C.S.C.. P.O. Box 8982*. parish. For further information Fort Lauderdale. Fla. 33310. SftlT call 888-0249 or 685-0497. enter Jesuits Donald E. Saunders of St. Palttl BeQch Coynf Michael parish will be received by HERE ARE A FEW OF THE iroward County * the on Aug. 14 at FORTY FINE RESTAURANTS LOURBES RESIDENCE, the Jesuit novitiate. St. Charles RECENTLY RECOMMENDED CATHOLIC WIDOWS AND Flagler and Fern, West Palm College. Grand Coteau, La. , BY VOICE READERS WIDOWERS Club meets at 8 p.m.. Beach, will benefit from a ball The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monday. Aug. 4 at St. Coleman game between the W. Palm Beach Saunders graduated from Spring Church. 2250 SE 12 St., Pompano Expos and St. Pete Cardinals on Hill College. Mobile, and during Beach. For farther information Tuesday, Aug. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the the past year taught English and call 772-3019 or 565-3149. Municipal Stadium. Ch. 12 sport- Religion at Immaculate Concep- Seafood specialists scaster Jim Gallagher will throw tion School. Hialean. BANQUETS since 1959 LHNEflEQNS FACILITIES FOR GROUPS OF s- UP TO 400 AT THE k HARRIS 1619 N.E. 4th ML IMPERIAL HOUSE FT. LAUDERDftLE On th* North Ocean Drive at Atlantic BW. 79th ST. in Pompano Beach • Ph. 941-2200 783-8922 763-7211 COCKTAIL LOUNGE Caui«woy MAINC LOBSTERS CLAMS AND OYSTERS • NEW ENGLAND SEAFOOD Member—Diner s Carte Blanche MttlM'S 81SEST SEAFMB KSUUftJUtT -OUR 26ft Master Che.. An. Ex wwwswww^ DISCOVER for purself pelican tonight-how Italian tastes 9 T-. r- i * Eu-cllent Service Festering Ribs, when it's RI6HTI Course D;ni-e> f;0":5.25: Entnes fton 3.75 zZ and Kresh Seafood Children 5 Menu - OUR Open 11:30a.m.-11:30 p.m. Buffei l.uiu-nean The ttntri Lounge 40th in Tut> n Th* Mow Hoasi Long Island Duckling. Prine YEAR Breathtaking \ te-s. in Miami Ribs. Baccaia. Mussels, Clams, tn-sinrs Srangilli. Frog Legs. Pom- REAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT paiw. iLobstere' Live Maine. Fla, Danish African). SI/NOW BRLACH Poipe Scampi. Shad Roe. Stone Crabs. Soft Hiell Crabs. 150 GiraJda. Corai Gables •4IS-8S94 Pasta. Gnoechi. Ossobucco. Lasagna. ManicotU. All I0:30-3;00 Italian lees Se Pastries made on the premises. Coanoli, TWO BLOCKS ••.CRT" OF «SRACLE MiLE« Stogliateiie. Torta di Rieorta Cassata, Birthday & An- Oireclh on Bist'*«nr B*i niversarv Cakes. Ktfkfnbackw { au-, Sumptuous Luaeheon Specials Monda> thra Friday 11:30-2 Banquet Facilities, Nickie 672-2221 OINSKR at pnoets > eu

UHHIIM; If you've been feeling nostalgic eman Mm aa bat-k the ••good old SEAFOOD RESTAURANTS -;" «"rvt'tJ Us p 23 PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PARTIES AVAILABLE Hitba tuuihsf otd-iash- HUT «ijtetiall\ iumti !riendiine-s<;. Kn- )o> our >alad bar as- COMPLETE SIX COURSE DELUXE DINNER

oi >«mr Sa'ionle dress- SERVED FROM 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. ings. C«mf in treat totH-M'H to a bfI oi nes- LUNCHEON »i/-t/-ini Seafood lalgia. i I-tar!\ Bird SJH-- CHILDREN SERVED FROM nJUUIV r»aK 5-6 P.M.. and Meat When Ordering Ask Waitress For Special Menu & LOUNGE Ribs • Steaks • $195 OUR REGULAR MENUS ALSO !N SERVICE 9S PHONE 2 MIAMI 8E#-CH - 4:00 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT 3 Steward 927-2566 FORT LAUOEROALE - OPEN 12 NOON TO MIDNIGHT Dade 945-5621 i."3h:house Pi. S46-1231 865-8688 Saymon Ssach 737-2464 t900-?9tft St. Causeway FORT LAUDERDALE W. Palm Seach 6840333 1819 S.Vtf. 17th St. Causes«ay Wami 947-3434}

Miami. Florida THE'VOICE Friday. Aagast Lim Only program of its kind soutFToT Washington

"We have the only pro- University, and Father Ray- aspects." she said. 'inteHec- gram of this type south of mond Brown, S.S. internation- toal. liturgical and social. Washington. D.C.," said ally known Scriptare scholar. "The intellectual is the Father Gerard LaCerra. proud- "It is for priests. Reli- academic clsss work part. The gious, laiiy. anyone interested social involves a get-together He was referring to the in what's going on in the once a week where we have re- Archdiocese's Master's De- Church toda5r."* said Father freshments and just talk and gree program in Religious LaCerra. "Since Vatican II have a community thing where Education taught at St. John there has been a great empha- we get to know each other as Vianney Minor Seminary in co- sis oa personal involvement, a people. This is an important operation with Barry College. kind of faith growth rather part of pastoral renewal, be- But the program, said than jast ping from day to day sides bodes."- . Father LaCerra, is not just an in a kiad of theological same- academic program. It is a ness. : .. '••• - - whole pastoral concept. THiS IS WHY we've bad PAilSH SERVICE "THE ARCHBISHOP such a diversity of people in the SliliOi 6U10E wanted something specific program." he said. "We've had done in pastoral renewal and many DRISs, a Florida Inter- Campieti! Cor Service after working with the Sisters national University pablie re- Sri tf.. at Barry, this is the program FATHER LACE RRA is proud of the Religious Education lations person, several school we came up with seven years program, only one of its kind sooth of the nation's capita!. principals, pablie se&ool teach- ago. ers, priests and nuns." "We had 27 students then. Most sm in-resideace sto- This year we have 68 students their essays." feetiveness of the program, dests for successive summers ST. ROSE OF UMA \ and 21 more doing research for One indication of the ef- said Father LaCerra, is the plas six weekends — Friday fact that of the 55 Directors of nights etal Sateday mornings Religious Education in the — daring the year to keep toe PORST Religious Ed series Archdiocese. 42 are either in continuity going. Then there is SERVICE the program now of have an oral comprehensive exam STATION graduated from it. and a research essay. Prere- Pick-up & Delivery Service at St. James Parish quisite is a B.A. degree and 12 N.E. 2nd Ave. at 99th Street "Another tiling that shows Miami Shores A midsummer Religious Edu- tion" will be the topic of Miss Gon- the potential of this program is hours in theology, cation Series begins Monday. Aug. zalez on Wednesday, Aug. 6. Lec- ttae of the mainstays in the 758-2SS8 4 in St. James parish and will fea- turers for Thursday, Aug. 7 and the fact that we have attracted about 17 people from out of course is Sister Joyce La Very, ! ture lecturers who are specialists Monday. Aug. 11 wiii be announc- - ST AGMES • ~1 in their respective fields. ed. state, and next year we are coordinator of Liturgical and "The Good News Summer Edi- Father John McGrath. Arch- adding another degree option Social Activity and Areadio- UWRY'S tion Series" is sponsored and plan- diocesan Director of Vocations. for Master's in Administration cesan Chairman of Liturgical ned by the parish Adult Religious will discuss "Scripture and Holy of Religious Ed," said Father Music. TEXACO Education Steering Committee of "'The program has three Orders" on Wednesday. Aug. 1*3LaCerra. Pmpietor: Larry Caboury which Mrs. Joyce McPeak is and "Scripture and Death-Anoint- The program has also at- chairman. Other committee mem- ing of the Sick" will be the subject 1 CRANDON BLVD. bers are Mr. and Mrs. John Mul- of Sister Mary Mullins. chairman tracted a number of notable KEY 8ISCAYNE vey. Mrs. Carmen Montero. Dan of the Theology Dept. at Barry Col- lecturers, including Dr. Donald EM 1-5521 Guilday, Mrs. Fred Priebss, Mrs. lege on Thursday. Aug. 14. • Gray, theologian. Fordham e Ethel Gammon. Tom Gato, Mrs. ST. JAMES Marion Sutton. Mrs. Mary Ca- Funeral m>me ter ino, Mrs. Eladio Martinez. Mrs. RONE. BECKER. JOHN'S Albert Sciulli, Mrs. Eladio Mar- Funeral Director tinez. Art Wade. Dean Viliar, ROAD MECHANIC SERVICE ON Wayne Glasson and Mickey Zakou- Pfiorte: OUTY sky. Father Gerard LaCerra. (305) 428-1444 GULF SERVICE Archdioeesan Director of CCD and 1444 g. Federal Hwy- Phone: 681-9133 Adele Gonzalez, Adult Religious John Pastorelia, Prop. Education parish director are DEERFHELD BEACH N.W. 7th Ave. & .125th Street serving as advisers. 37 years same ownership- Newly ordained Father James management. Kreitner, assistant pastor at St. MAKE J* IT 10QI LIKE HEW! Mary Cathedral who has a Mas- Gold, Stiver, Brass, Coppee, ter's Degree in Theology, will be PHONE: T\3A Abbot Avenue Chrome, NSckel the opening speaker in the series 866-3131 Miami Beach, Florida 33141 \ Electroplating and Antkjuing at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 4. He Distinctive Finishes will speak on "Scripture and Bap- tism." PAN-AM "ScriDture and Confirma- PLATtNS COBP, FURNITURE INTERIORS 98 N.E. 73 Street ARNOLD TOBY 757-6621 — ?S7-33tB t/S of boca Retirement FUNERAL HOMES Living... Dedicated to the Art of Gracious Living FT. LAUDERDALE I ms. FEDERAL HWY. ESTAMJSHEO IMS 35H w BROWAHB M.VB. I 2980 1SI. Federal Boca Raton = TOMM IN Hollywood Tlllll1IIM»lllllliniaiHIIlHIIUBllH HlHHlHlllllIll7 • 3 Excellent Meals Daily • Medications Controlled • Planned Activities, with Carl f* ilailfi fuiffiral fimnf.s« Occupational Therapist FUNERAL DIRECTOR: CARL F. SLADE • Maid Service H! ALE AH PALM SPRINGS BIRD ROAD 800 Palm Ave. 1325 W. 49th St. 823t Bird Rd. Cinrniti manor Tel: 888-3433 Tel: 822-3081 Tel: 226-1811 2144 Lincoln St., 922-1995 LOW, LOW RATES INSPECTION INVITED "SACRED

It Makes Good Sense for Young Families To Own CAREER MEN WANTED Cemetery Property BEFORE It is Needed ... JOHNSON / FOSTER BROTHERS of the Can you spare a few minutes TODAY to save someone you FUNERAL HOME, INC. GOOD SHEPHERD love weeks, months, maybe years of difficulty — IF death Staffing ComiHus House — should visit your family? 1650 HARRISON ST. - HOLLYWOOD, FLA. - Phone: WA 2-7511 Miami we feed the hungry Selecting cemetery property, before it is needed, is easier than ctoihe the naked making a death selection when an emergency strikes. Our shelter the homeless reasonable prices and modest monthly payment plans are de- "SERVING THE POOR signed to fit each family's needs. To receive complete infor- AND AFFLICTED" mation about our TWO beautiful Memorial Parks & Mausoleum, United States. Canada. Ireland FREE OF ALL COSTS AND AT NO OBLIGATION TO YOU, P.O./BOX 1829 simply fill out and mail coupon today. Miami, Fta. 33101 Lose yourself - Love ana wrve Christ! Social servife to unforiunalo WOODLAWN PARK CEMETERIES & MAUSOLEUM man Work ami heartaches guaran- Public Relations Office teed No pay. mature tove. grave respwisi- 117 Majorca, Coral Gables, Florida 33134 y-7-7S UOLLYWOOVK OLt>EST... MOST catStDEKEB btiily. Life, super FUNRRAl. HOMES abundantly fulfilled WRITE: Name VOCATION Paul Coopei Active Member of Little Flower Parish DIRECTOR Address Catholic 140 So. DIXIE HIGHWAY _ P. O.BOX 389 Funeral Director HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA ALBUQUERQUE City Stats Zip PHONE: 923-6565 HEW MEXICO 87103 Page 16/Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, August 1, 1975 THE Philip D. Lewis, Inc. OWE Commercial Properties NO, PALM SEACH COUNTY 31 WEST 20th STREET WANT TEIL PEOPWE WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR RtHT Riviera Beoch • Vi 4-0201 ADS Please tell CALL: YOLIE , advertisers you saw SERVING at... it in The Voice 631,600 Miami 754-2651 55—Out of State Property - CATHOLICS IN No. Carolina SOUTH FLORIDA WITH A WAMTAt)/ Broward 525-5157 LOW-COST LIFE BEGINS AT 3000; 3000 ft. above sea level in the cool Blue Ridge 3—Cemetery Lois S2-H«ne for Sale-N.E. Mountains in No. Carolina. Write for FREE II—Mile, for Sale LIST of Real Estate Opportunities Including OWNERS WANT ACTION Land Investments^ houses, lots, small farms and large acreage LIKE NEW - FRENCH PROVINCIAL tracts. DEPARTAMENTO BISQUE AND GOLD COFFEE TABLE 856- On this lovely J bedr. 1 bath home with Fla. DE RELAC1ONES Rm, Near Bay and 71st St. Reduced to S30's. for PROFITS PARSONS REAL ESTATE Try FHA or VA financing. r BOX 612 Vero Beach-FViced under market PUBL1CA CLOWNEY-STATON RLTY., INC. WEST JEFFERSON • Residential * Commercial 22—Airconditioners for Sale 11703 N.E. 2nd Ave. 891-6252 NO. CAROLINA 28694 WOODLAWN PARK • Investments * Ocean Front PHONE (919) 2it-J2T> CEMENTERIOS WAREHOUSE 5000 BTU S140., 8000 $175., 6009 NEW 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATH, AIR COND. * Acreage * Groves VEA NUESTRO ANUNCIO S155., MOO HEAT S185. M7-6674. GARAGE, PATIO, S4000. DOWN 225 N E 152 PHONE: 566-7406 EN LA PAG 16. St. MOVE IN NOW. 56—Apt. for'Sale—Pompano Beach A. BARLOW BY OWNER-Co-op Apt. Pompano on the IS—Tool Rentals 52—Home for Sale—Plantation Beach. Next to St. Gabriel Church. 2 story, 20 fE/KES apt. bldg. East end, 2nd floor. 1 bedr. 1 bath, Over 100, Low Rental Tools By Owner - 5 -bedr., Vh baths, top cond. Cus- carpeting, drapes, no pets, heated pool, Rosary - parts and expert repairing, Mr. Fran- SMITTY'S Hardware Ff ET A L. T O'A? cis Winkel, 41 St. Clair St. Port Saniiac Mich. tom 2 story colonial. St. Gregory Parish. Large Professioanl Bldg. (Sunrise Ctr.) screened patio. Very low maint. Right of way 48469. And Point Co. family rm. w/bar, lovely pool-patio area. En- 915 Middle River Dr., Ft. Laud. i, few hundred feet to beach. S22.000. Call 1-942- 12320 NW7 Ave. W1-448J ergy saving air cond. systems w/2 central un- 3249. its, $120,000. Please no agents. Phone 587-52*4. Murray's Health Food Store Cor. N. Miami Ave. 5 M.W. 75 St., Phone 759- 27—Automotive 2187- Vitamins, Minerals Books, Bread, Nuts, Oils, Honey, Seeds. MUST SELL J974 Chevrolet Pick-Up, Heavy Duty Rear K nights of Columbus, Marian Council 3757 Haii End. New Tires & 350 V8 S8343«. for rent for weddings and banquets. We also do SERVIC catering. 13300 Memorial Hwy. No. Miami 893- 2271. «—Efficiency lor Rent—M.W. Efficiency, comfortable furn. S125 rob- By LOW INCOME CHILD water. One person only 757-88»l. Air Conditioning Moving and Storage 60—Roof Cleaning & Coating CARE CENTERS Need toys, books, clojftes, furniture. Age 6 T & J AIR CONDITIONING Robert Williams Moving MITCHELL'S WHITE ROOF months - 14 years. Call Mrs. Boundy SJ5-W71. m-*p». lor R«n»—M. Miami Sales and prompt service-all models. Stay cool And Storage Roof pressure cleaning S12 up. Roof white Eve. 757-3290 the easy way with T8.J Phone 9*7-6474. Large-Small jobs anywhere painted S35 up. Free est. insured. 688-2388. Effeciency apt., private entrance, conv. loca- Call 481-9930 PROFESSIONAL tion, bemrfifol area. Elderly gentleman pre- ARIE AtR CONDITIONING 60—Roofing RADIO ANNOUNCER ferred. Call S93-35W. Work done in your home. Free estimates LARGE OR SMALL JOBS will host your wedding reception, party, club Licensed, Insured. 932-5599, 932-578J. LIFT-GATE Leaks repaired, new roofs FHA insp. Gen. meetings, sport events, etc 425-2340. m—Apt. l«r RMt—M.E. PIANOS, INSURED repairs - Memb. Better Susiness Bureau & 624-3406 — 226-8465 Knights of Columbus. This ad worth J5.00 on LEARN THE ART OF 227 M.E. 2 St. Near Gesu, him. effcy'f, M—Building Maintenance any job. Call, HI-3-1922, MO-7-9606 8, Mu-5-1097. MACRAME AMD SAND ART bedroom assts. Utiiilies Adults. Johnson Apt. 37 Y'S. exp. Hotel 374-W2S. ftoo! Cleaning & coating. Painting, Interior & ANYWHERE, ANYTIME Give a party at home. Everything supplied and Moving. Packing, Storage. delivered. Hostess Gift, WI-4540-9S3-IS47-9S3- exterior. Gen. home Rep. Lie & Ins. FREE ROOFER Duplex pan *kjoil*r—N.W. EST. 4SS-W64 or «21-3£T0. CALL HAL 887-0849 or 2290. BROWARD 920-7450. DOES OWN ELDERLY Doptex coo saJa, camedor, cocina y dos doraii- WORK torios grandes, 1WI H.W. 27 catle. M-Additiorn * Remodeling SPECIAL CARE, GOOD FOOD. MICE HOME. Painting Specialist in leaks 8. repair work. Replaces all HEAR THE OCEAN. FOR REFiNEBLADY. Dupi*x for n eat—H.W. Enclose garage, add carport, rooms, closets, rotten wood. Hot asphalt used. All work 6XP. SUPERVISION. CAR AVAILABLE. eic. Reasonable - Free Estimates. CALL JIM PAINTING. INTERIOR, EXTERIOR NEAT. guaranteed. Roof Inspection. Lie. & Ins. Call CALL MARY FOR APPQH*TMENT. FT. «2S-»721. CLEAN. REASONABLE. Day or Night 836-0447. LAUDERDALE AREA. 5SMSI7 - 523-2715. Large 1 bedroom duplex, living rm, dining rrrs. t. kitchen. Apply *o 1161 K.W. 27tt! St. Broward 962-8321 DadeS2!-4054 Septic Tanks 7—$ct%oo4s & Ins!ruc3i«& Joe Zam Painting SI—IMi ft .txnmm B. Myers REMODELING, CARPENTRY, BLOCK, CONNIE'S SEPTIC Tutoring — Certified teacher. English, RAI.M GUTTERING. SRtCK, ADDITIONS & Interior, exterior, roof cleaning and coating TANK CO. remedial reading phonics ami French by ALUMINUM SIDING. WORK DONE BY 865-5869. Pumpouis, repairs. 24 hr. service 592-3495. native. Students & aduiis. Reas. *8l9«« TONY 4 SONS. 621-9030. CHARLES THE PAINTER All Miami Septic Tanks FIVE ACRES- Septic tanks cleaned, drain fields relaid. 661- I-HeJjt Wanted Female Doors, alterations, concrete construction, Interior-Exterior, residential, commercial. 19 yrs in Miami 758-391A;757-0735/893.4863. 4483, espanol, 836.8262. Woman to stay with simi-iftva aluminum sheds, paneling & carpentry of all ter worfcs. Needs So be given lunch e CHAPMAN SEPTIC TANKS SMMU. OOWK-SW8 MOHTH 1 t. B CARPENTRY - 235-1109 40—Photography calton. N.W. area. Salary. Call «I-I735 !* yoo CMI 'fiitd S aierti wiiti« sorvey & • Septic tanks-cleaned & repaired, drainfields roasS^ totatei «*ronm«teJy 2? mites installed 264-4272. Blind - Someone to Ihre-in and do light house- WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Norm e*s» o< «. **yers. any cheaper 40—Carpet Cleaning Several Candid Packages to choose from, very work. Ft. Lauderaate 764-851? Signs . . THE** WJEASE DON'T CALL MS. CARPET CLEANING, UPHOLSTERY reasonable rate. &85-7O95. S*MFt»D GORDON REALTY Coofc-Housekeeoer needed for So. Dade Rec- CLEANING, Floors stripped and waxed. Mod- ern Jech. Commercial & Residential. Reason- tory- References Retired. Write fo The Voice, 60—Photographer EDViTO SIGNS P.O. Box 191, SMI Biscayae Siyii, Miami, Fte. afcie 89--&i3* TRUCKS WALLS 33138. CONTEMPORARY PORTRAITS SOLD LEAF PHOTOGRAPHY BY JUAN F. PARDO 99 N.W. 54th St. PLS-7B25 52—Homes for Sale **-OmcrW« Canst. Rectory in N.W. Section needs secretary. PORTRAITS, WEDDINGS. please send resume tc The Voice, 4251 Bis- COMMERCIAL AND PASSPORTS Lumen de Lumine eayne B!vd- Bex !», Miami. FSs. 33136. IF YOUR GOAL Guaranteed Prof. ser*icey. Patios, drives, SYMBOL OF ART AND DISTINCTION Join the 3rd order of St. Francis for true peace- waifcs, floors, etc. "Reasonable." Usher St. Write Box 1046, Ft. Laud. 33302 IS TO SELL James, Ho. Mia. 21 yrs. Call Miranda 68S-2I51. 2619 Wesi Fiagler 643-2877 Lady, preferably ee Social Sec. to sit witts rrtether one day wk. ami occasionally live-la LIST WITH COLE Slipcovers far one week when I am owf o€ fo*n. Holly- VIOLET COLE RHAJ-TY IMC. m—DressmaJdog DAVID WORKMAN CUSTOM-MADE SLIPCOVERS. MADE WITH wood • 527-6388, .1S5J M.E, IMth St tm*XU DRESSMAKING PHOTOGRAPHY YOUR MATERIALS OR OURS. CALL JACK Free room & board. Live in, towely Some. Must 25 ¥R. EXPERIENCE 861-1482 ANYTIME. love children, ages IS, 7,4. Housekeepings, Sl- S2-M«n» fwr Sitt-M.W. SEASONABLE • m-9t!U SHERftTOH FOUR AMBASSADORS lle cooking. Mature woman preferred, fatt»er~ M HR- TELEPHONE J71-S337 W—Tree Service less home. Salary - Ft. LauderdaSe 77243tT, FREE 3 near fr»mt house & lot resting for Weddings - Portraits - Commercial SJSBper mo-when you bur 3 3 bedr. house pfus Italian Dressmaker, expert alterations. Quali- TRIM 'N' SHAPE fy work Reasonable. Phone 4454583. All Social Functions 15-Http Wanted Mi!* a 1 bedr apt. S3O.0O0. 5£t K.W. W. 771n TREE SERVICE St - TSMMi- Will cut down or trim. WANTED - EXPERIENCED ROOF SPKAY- m Gmrri Home Repairs Pool Maintenance Reasonable prices. ER, SEALERS & WASHERS. MUST HAVE £t-Mm* for Sale—Se. Miami CALL 759-0273 DRIVERS LIC. GOOD STARTIM6 SALARY, Patch piaiier. Carpentry, ntumiiitaj. eteciric ASSOCIATED POOL Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. TIME & HALF OVER » HR. * DAYS WK- WALK TO EPIFHAHY-51SI S.W. ««b St. 4 painting. If yrs. in Miami. 758- SERVICE MOST APPLY IN PERSOM. 54W S.W.: Satf twjr. % Mth, Ft*, rm,. eat fatkitchen , appfi- f Repairs, supplies 40—Tree Removal Ave. 7 to S PM. aaces, iarse Sx»o1i!u! let-. Priced for qtiick and equipment. sale. 1*1,968. Liisda• £, Assoc. MM7S6. 451-4450 or 624-0477 13—H«Jj> Wanted Malt/Femii* COUSINS A5S0C., IMC M—G*s*rai Htptin PALM TREES REMOVED EFFICIENT S. Plastering REASONABLE. CALL 963-2677. pd: Qualified Lituj-gicsl Music director BOUNDY t, HAMMOND P North Broward parish. ApptJcaSoos stal- S repairs, carpentry, screening. AH JOE ZAM PLASTER ing o«a!i!icafians ami experience, K any* % SZ-Hwnc tar Salt—Mal«Bk lypes of remodeling. Emergency Serv. Free Patching, plaster, stucco, water proofing, M-T.V. Repair The Voice, 42SJ Biscay*; Blwi, So* Its, i 75736 caulking. 865-5849- . Miami. Fl». 331% HOME AND fSiCOME - Specialist 3 bedr. home mad targe ! bedr. »pl. Must be FREE ESTIMATES £0—Plumbing seen to be appreciated. Hear Kiajeai) Race FsraBfiosierejafrs- Reasonabty priced. Reli- RCA-Zenifh- WAHTEO Supervisor o* Rel)9w(» Education. Trac*. *s*a)s h*S4Pi. able- Quid. £ Knowtedgeabie- Applicant slawfcS have Misters with Major in Phil Palm (Viotorola CLOWKEY-STAMTOK HLTY., MtC. - Hollywood Eeltsious Stodie* or TSwofogy. Teaching H7S3 H.E. Sad A*c Kl-,525? Plumbing Sera's TV (De Cofores} sndfor administrative experience «wmia!. 2010 NW 7 Street. Call 642-7211 To admisiswr } through 12 pfofffwns m Fl»- REPAIRS & rk$a Capital City parish. Bend resume inciud- 48—Upholstery ins salary reqoiremeots. Monsjgnor TwreH BSac* hammock top soil. Lawn sand, fill ALTERATIONS Sotena, Bte&sed Sacrament Church, P.O. Sax STOP POOL TOO -SMKR sand and driveway rock- 854*951. CALL 891-8576 137,*. Florida 32302. Air C«w. J bedr. 2 batn, DECORATORS screened pool *i» open Fia room Equip modern CORAL GABLES 21-Mijc, far Safe 1 Broward County UPHOLSTERY k.tciuHt-latitKtry, 6otMe garsce. PLUMBING MOVING - Musi sacrifice practscaily new 7 Or.!y547,50B-FHA. Advertisers! SERViCE — 759-83U piece Sjiaftisft bedroom set with, double dress- ANGELA DALEY REALTOR BATH BOUTIQUE er, twin mirrors, 2 night stands, fcusgiiJ e fcewf- 7\S N.E. 12»h S! Wl-KU Call Pets Sharkey TOTAL PLUMBING SERVICE M-VM*t«m Blind Sew. DoariS, 7- !t. armoire Cell 1-963-0&M. 446-UU-GIFT DEPT. • 443-1596 HAMDY MAti SPECIAL 702-1658 REFRIGERATOR - Less ttBH! 1 yr. ofst, far* 3 bedr Kcelient area, iS—Hoof Cleaning & Coating NEW VENETIAN BLJNDS ly uteo Perfect JOT apartments. BEST OF- lar^e lot in sag's. for service RIVERA V, BUNDS, FER 1-J4KS63Q. CLOWNEY-STANTOH RLTY., tKC, ROOFS CLEANED H7C3 (i.E, 2nd Ave. S7ME2 AND PAINTED SHADES ~o* Sa*e, seia, &ed. fftabogafty mittor WHITE OR COLOR OLD SLINDS-REFINISHED eie£irQn.2<» PoUt St. «7-0ISi or 937- a, LiOHTmo. me. GRAVEL ROOFS COATED 1I5IN.W. 1)7in St. mi757 poi*er. a.r radio Must Se« S-7KO581 itti R.L. CHERRY 122M HE !3 Ct.. Miami 13161 Windows 385-891.2010 6BI-7922 Patio screening - Custom Screen Doors G Laws Mewtr Service CLEANs».»-COATs30.. TILES.GRAVEL - Sliding Door - FasS Service • Fair Prices 8QM0ED. WALLS. AWNINGS, POOLS, WINDOW CO. U&-3339 7SI3 Bird Rossi KRAEER FUNERAL HOME MSAMi LAWK PATIOS. BRICKS, WALKS W-A445. 373-8125, Fgrc Laucterdale Pompano Beech Sample Road Deerfiekj Beach . SNOW B««TE Window 4 Wall Washing 565-5591 941-4111 S46-29QO 399-^44 972-734O Semite and parts Snarpe(sii»5 WfeMrng TWO STORES TO 8JSH0P HOOFING CO, Windows washed, screens, awnings /?. Jay Kraeer, Funeral Director SEB¥E YOU n S.W. 27sft A«e. Call 442-&515. Roof Repairs. Roof inspection. All Work : Wail washing A! Dee imemttr St. Ma 20256 OWCs«.lw R

For MONS. EOt-ARDO PIRON1O Para el, k> unico que Cristo nos dice en el evan- contaba en ese momento era gelic que vino a servir y no a vivir en aclitad de servicio. ser servido. y la idea de Perdio su tiempo, que es lo que servicio. hoy tan subrayada en generalmente nos cuesta mas. la Igtesia, debe ser vista en el porque es darse a si mismo. context© de eomuniori y a la Iuz Es much© mas facil de Jesus, servidor del hombre, cuando uno esta ocupado, no Jesus no tuvo "gestos" entregar el tiempo . . . Por serviciales en su vida, siao que otro lado. ihasta cuando ha de todo su vivir file servicio. ilegar nuestra actitud de En Jesus la oracion, la servicio y permanente curacion de enfermos. el disponibiiidad? ^No debere- anuneio del reino . . . eran mos reservar algun tiempo servieio, porque El era ei para la reflexion, la oracion servicio por antonomasia. Nosotros, hombres, esta- Cristo vim a servir a la mos tambien Ilamados a servir humanidad, Por eso su Crux, a nuestros hermanos. Pero minados mementos denuncia contemplacion bace mas falta hacerle ver que el projimo no su muerte, su aparente servir no es solamente mi pres- la injusticia, e invita a la que nunca en la Iglesia. es alguien a quien yo elijo. con fracaso, BOS transmiten tes tarse a faaeer "cosas". Servir comunion — no a la violeacia. Porque vMmos el momen- quien simpatizo y comparto exigencias y coi^iciOHes es tambien anunciar el reino de La Iglesia servidora es una to de la aceion, de ia levaiura mis intereses. siuo alguien que servidor: la pobreza, Ia roan Dios, predicar que la verdad Iglesia que se preocupa por el del ferrnento . . . tiene mas encuentro en el caraino, despo- dumbre, Ia disponibiiidad. la nos haee Hbres, abrir los estado actual del bombre, por sentido que nunca en la Iglesia jado de todo y casi maerto . . . contemplacion la cruz. caminos de la gracia. . . los pobres. por los que sufren la contemplacion. Y el mejor Otro servicio que re>sotros injusticias y opresion. Es ena Aquel que ha perdido ia alegria tenemos que cwnanicar a te Todo lo que sea evangeliza- servieio que oosotros podetnos y la esperanza. Alguien que no ciort, eomunicacion de la fe Iglesia que se compromete a prestar hoj al mundo, es teoer hombres es una permanente crear condidones tales qae los encuentra sentido en la vidar actitud de alegria. . . . todo lo que sea antincio de un alma proftiisdamente pero que Dios lo pone junto a ia nueva notieia de Jesus, todo hombres puedan ser sujetos contemplativa. El maud© esta triste y activos de su propia historia. mi. eso es servicio que la iglesia Vivir en actitud de servicio tenemos qae comaniearle ana Esto es lo que significa Lo encuentro, necesita de debe of recer a los hombres. es vivir en disponibiiidad. alegria tada, qoe nace del La Iglesia sirve a traves de comunion liberadora. Liberar mi y de un poqoito de espe- silencio y de la Craz. Sola- la palabra: Palabra evangeli- al hombre de la servidumbre En Ia parabola del Buen ranza que quizas yo le pueda mente tienea derecho a ser zadora, que alivia el dolor. que es tan ajena a su vocacion. Samaritan©, que nos narra el dar. . . profuadaiaeate alegres, Palabra qae anuncia la buena Pero tambien esta el evangelic, el fariseo, despues Y. ^que hizo el samaritauo aquellos qae ban pasacta por la noticia de Cristo, Paiabra que servicio de la oracion. Hoy de decir que el mas graiide de del evangelio? Le dio aceite y CruzPascnal. interpreta los aconte- tenemos que explorar mas la los mandamientos es amar a vino. Le dio su propio caballo y Que el Seta* nos de la cimientos, y llama a la conver- riqueza de la profandidad Dios y al projime, le pregunta unas monedas. si. pero sobre alegria del semcio. Qae nos sion. interior del hombre eoEtem- a Jesus ^quien es el projiiBO? y todo le did su propio tiempo. es ponga tras las huelias del Palabra que en deter- plativo — como servicio; La Jesus le pone un ejempta para decir se dio a si rnisnro. autentic© Servidor de Yave.

A pesar del miedo tiffMi Nuesfro mundo Cristo triunfard "-•#•"••" L A pesar de que ei muado sobrevwe "por an eqai- librio del miedo", triunfara ea la era pest-atoinica el amor de Cristo y los vatores iumanos, dijo a NC uu PEEMIAN AUTORES DE PROGRAMA DE TV ilustre sobreviviente del bombardeo atomieo de Hiro- El Institute por Vida Humana de Califoraia shima hace 30 aiios, el Padre Pedro Arrupe, saperior eoncedio un premto de television per $25,000 a los escritores de "Larrj7"" — un drama televisado sobre P. Arrupe general de los Jesuitas. "La gracia de Dios va peae- trando en Ia historia de los nombres para hacerlos un joven retardado —. otros $13,086 a los autores progresar hacia la salvaeidn," agrego. El Padre de "Queja Escuchada" — sobre las imperfecciones Arrupe habia vivide en Japon desiie 1838. Evoeo ses del actual sistema legal — y $10,000 ai escritor del A 30 anos memorias del 6 de agosto de 1945: cuando cumplia eoa guion "Angel Fatal."' — el encuentro de ana joven con sus deberes de rutina eo la residencia jesuita a cine© Ia muerte. EI Institute alienta as! a '"escritores qae de kilometres de Hiroshima, estallo la bomba y los saben reflejar la dignidad humana y la tratan eon primeros heridos que huian comenzaron a Ilegar en sensibilidad y compasion, respetando la biisqueda de busca de auxilio. Mas tarde, el, que sabia medicina, y cada ser por su felicidad y su razon de existir." I»Ij Hiroshima otros jesuitas se nnieron al auxilio a 126,808 sobre- u vivientes heridos. El holoeausto cost6 ademas ^),8W IE ^MEDICO AMERICANO A LOS ALTARES? vidas. Se han iniciado en Roma los tramites para de- clarar beato a un medico norteamericano Dr. Tom Funerales en Honduras por sacerdoies asesinados Doley por sus beneficas obras en Laos y Camboya hace dos decadas, y quien murio con fama de virtuoso en 1961, Sostenia sus obras de beneficencia m esos TEGUCIGALPA - (NC) garantice el retorno de los paises escribiendo Iibros y vendiendolos, ademas de — En todas las Iglesias de demas misioneros a sus obtener ayuda popular por intermedio de su organi- Honduras se celebraron puestos en las provincias de zacion MEDICO. Realiza tramites ei sacerdote oblato servicios fiinebres para Olancho, El Yoro y Cholu- P. Angelo Mitri, cuya orden ayudo macho al medico. honrar la memoria de dos teca, y que levante la guardia sacerdotes — Padres Ivan armada que montd en Betancourt de Colombia, y muchas parroquias y casas Michael J. Cypher de Estados religiosas. Los hacendados DOS MILLONES Y MEDIO DE Unidos — dos muchachas y trataron de detener violen- PEREGRINOS A ROMA diez lideres campesinos tamente una marcha de El comite central del Afio Santo revela qae para asesinados el 25 de junio por 12,000 campesinos que protes- julio mas de dos millones y medio de peregrinos han tropas y hacendados en Juti- taron porque va muy Ienta la visitado a Roma. Contesta ademas a los negocios calpa. Los obispos, que ya reforma agraria pese a repe- romanos que se quejan de que el Vaticano tes quita exigieron del gobierno tidas promesas de acelerarla. turistas al abrir sus propias facilidades para los pere- investigacion y castigo de los Los sin tierra no tienen que grinos de menos recursos, que son una mayoria. culpables, han pedido que se comer. Festlvidad de Sanio Domingo los hombres tratan de La escuela parroquiai de La Parroquia de St. cambiar las estrueturas Dominic celebrara la fiesta economicas y politicas. donde de su Santo Patrono con una las tradiciones sociales. Misa solemne, en la que intelectuales y reiigiosas tomara parte el coro y diri- estan siendo sacudidas. ^Que gira la palabra el P. J. L. va a hacer la Iglesia? Vazquez. La Misa sera el Sto. Domingo comprende se complace en anunciar que tiene plazas viernes 8 de agosto a las 8:30 que lo importante es predicar vacantes en todos sus grtdos p.m. A continuacion habra un a Cristo. Dar a los demas. lo brindis en el salon parroquial que antes habia contemplado Grados del 1 al 8, bajo el profesorado de ias que proporcionara' un en e! estudio y ia oracion. Ese amhiente adecuado para que sera tambien el iema de su Reiigiosas de San Jose, en d la comunidad cristiana de St. Orden de predicadores, que 130 N.E. 2nd Street, Miami Dominic comparta la alegria fundd hacia 1215. ,,Sus de este evento en espanol. armas? — El Evangelio. ias Nuestro servicio de autobuses transports al SO^r PARA UN CONOOMIENTO cartas de San Pablo y un de nuestros estudiantes. DE SANTO DOMINGO surge al comienzo del siglo intenso amor a la Virgen Llamar a! Sr. Bustamente, 379-2061 Sto. Domingo de Guzman XII, en un momento en que Maria.

™y&$* Habla el Papa: Construir el Pueblo Suplemenfo en Espanol de de Dios, La Iglesia Ya sabemos que el Pueblo de la comunidad, de la caridad, de Dios tiene ahora, historica- de la unidad, es decir, de la COMENTARIOS EVANQELiCOS mente, un nombre mas Iglesia una y catdlica, esto es familiar a todos; esia Iglesia, universal. Debe enraizarse en la Iglesia a la que Cristo amo nosotros la conviction de ser hasta dar la sangrepor ella, la no solo una poblacion con Iglesia que es su Cuerpo. ciertas caracteristicas La multiplicacion mistico, su obra en estado de comunes, sino un pueblo, un constante construccidn; verdadero Pueblo de Dios, una religioso y evangelico. nuestra Iglesia, una, santa, familia enlazada con profundos Jesucristo nos ama a catolica y apostolica, pero vinculos espirituales, una cada uno personalmente, pero de ios panes iquien la conoce de veras, sociedad fraterna, animada no aisladamente. Nos ama en quien la vive? iQuien posee por identicos sentimientos de su Iglesia." Nuestra primera Por el REV. JOSE P. NICKSE aquel sensus ecclesiae, es gozo o de dolor, y convencida caridad debe ser la que Cristo Al caer la tarde, sus diseipnlos se Ie acercaron para decir, aquella conciencia de de estar destinada a identica tuvo para con la misma decirle: "Este es un Iugar desierto y se hace tarde; pertenecer a una sociedad suerte mas alia de la vida Iglesia, dando su vida por ella. dile a esta gente qne se vaya a las aldeas a eomprar peculiar, sobrenatural, que presente. En cumplimiento de un deber que comer." Pero Jesusjes contesto: "No tienen forma un cuerpo vivo junto con El Concilio hizo de la cristiano fundamental, necesidad de irse: Denle de coiner nstedes." Y ellos Cristo, su cabeza, y que tenemos que restaurar, rea- contestaron: "No tenemos aqui mas qne cineo panes y doctrina sobre la Iglesia su precisamente con El ensenanza fundamental. EI vivar el amor dentro de la dos pescados." Jesus les dijo: "Tralganlos para aca." constituye aquel "totus Iglesia de Dios. Tened, her- Entonces, manda sentarse a todos en la hierba. Toma Afio Santo hace suya aquella Christus" — Cristo total — doctrina. manos e hijos carisimos, tened cinco panes y dos pescados, levanta Ios ojos al cielo, aquella comunion unitaria de la bondad de leer, releer promuncia la bendicion, parte Ios panes y Ios entrega Ha llegado el tiempo de la humanidad con Cristo, que reavivar en nosotros aquella incluso, nuestra Exhortation a Ios disdpnlos para qne se Ios repartan a la gente. Y es el gran designio del amor de Apostolica "Paterna cum todos comieron faasta saciarse. luminosa teologia, convirtien- Dios bacia nosotros y del que dola en ciencia de vida benevolencia" del 8 de dieiem- Mt. 14:13-21 depende nuestra salvation? bre del pasado afio (1974), Jesus no vino a salvar "almas." Jesus vino a salvar a la concreta y social; porque ella Ccf. Lumen gentium, 13). no contrasta, sino que sobre la reconciliation en el humanidad. 1& equivocation miestra como eristiaoos es interior de la Iglesia; debemos separar la dimension inimana y la divina en nuestras vidas. IHermanos e hijos reconoce, corrobora, amadisimos! Esta no es una ennoblece la vida humana y ser una sola cosa, debemos No propongo un cristianismo secularista. No creo que caminar juntos. '.Basta con la la disyuntiva sea ono o el otro. El hombre tiene ana teologia esoterica, inaccesible social en sus legitimas y a la capacidad normal del autonomas manifestaciones; disension dentro de la Iglesia; espiritualdad eocaniada. basta con una disgregadora Cristo so es ua demagog© que DO se preoeupa por sa pueblo fiel; sino que es la ni tiene necesidad de pedir verdad, altisima ciertamente, prestados a formulas sociales interpretation del pluralismo; pueblo. Si hay qae alimentar a sus segaidores, Ei Ios basta con la lesion que los alimenta eon el pan espiritual y eon el pan material. Cristo pero accesible a todos los antirreligiosas y conflictivas la ereyentes y eapaz de inspirar sabiduria y la energia para mismos catolicos infligen a su manifiesta lo divino en io humano. indispensable cohesion; basta Es interesante ver la reaction de Ios discipulos. Cuando aquei estilo de vida, aquella obrar el bien, para reali:rar las "comunion de espiritu", justas reformas en orden al con la desobedientia calificada Cristo les manda a darles de comer, Ios diselpalos tienen sa como libertad! Hoy mas que exeusa eusegoida {quizas al igual qne nosotrosj. "Ho aquella identidad de progreso humano y a la sentimiento, aquel sentirse constante afirmacion de Ia nunca debemos construir, no tenemos mas que sinco panes y dos pescados." O como demoler, la Iglesia una y diriamosnosotros: "No tengo tiempo." Otras veces solidarios los unos con los justicia y de la paz; sino que otros que infunde a "la muche- tiene la necesidad y la obliga- catolica. Un renaeiente y decimos: "No tengo suficiente experieneia." Y coma esas vigoroso amor en la santa exeusas madias mas. dumbre de los que ban creido cion de explicitar con un corazon y un alma sola", expresiones autenticamente Iglesia de Dios debe ser Pero Cristo nos da ana gran lectioa. Caando teaemos nuestro primer post-Jubileo. un compromlso apostolico, no neeesitamos mas que cinco exactamente igual que en Ios eristianas aquella interpreta- albores del cristianismo. Debe cion humana y social, que Con nuestra bendicion apos- panes y dos pescados para afimentar a miles. Ante Dies no tolica. existe niagan imposible. crecer en nosotros el sentido mana de su mismo genio La respaesta a nuestra apatia apostolica es la IHHMDM- caeion de Ios panes -y peces. La respaesta a aqaelos que se dedicaa a salvar "almas" oMdaadose de la injasticia y !a miseria y la violeijela en e! roaraio es ia imagen del Cristo con panes y peces en sus manos. E3 aufcw louis Evely ha dado usa interpretation may 6Que didlogo con no-cristianos ? original a este evento. Evely dice qae el eatasiasmo y el amor de Cristo ea eomparttr lo poco que teuia provoco que •'Creo que estamos en el buen Victor Otero confrontar lo mejor de nosotros ia maMtai tambien compartiera lo qae cada etial tesia. Un i solameate es necesario con lo mejor de los otros en un recorrerlo con paso mas rapido y espiritu de verdadera y sincera pan por aqoi y HE pescadte por alM, y poco a poeo todos valiente y eon mayor confianza en fraternidad. abrieroa sas eorazGnes. Es que el verdadero amor es costa- la voluntad de Dios, el cual quiere gioso. ¥ asi todos eomieron basta saciarse. que todos los hombres sean •"El dialogo no solamente no Com© Iglesia, como slmbolo de DIGS en el munde, unidos. S dialogo tiene un largo crea ciificultades sino mas bien tenemos qoe eoniinuar la obra ie Cristo. Tenemos que afi- camino frente a si, en terrenos puede llegar a ser una fnerza cambiables como cambiable es el inspiradora para las mismas mentar a Ia namanidad con el pan del evangelio y tambien actividades misioneras de la promsyiendo la josticia social y la dignidad bamana. tiempo. Pero posee una validez ya probada": tales faerou aigunas de Iglesia. Cristo ha elegido la via del Si teaemos a Dios eon nosotros, ni nada ni nadie nos amor que no obliga a nadie a aeep- puede topedir ser testigos de sa amor. las mas enfaticas afirmaciones del eardenal Sergio Pignedoli. tarlo. sino libremente. Dios no pressdente del Secretariado para sabe que hacer con un amor ios no cristiaflos, durante un obligado e impuesto. ORACION DE LOS FIELES eneuentro que se tuvo en Legnano. Desde Roma Para evitar equivocos inter- soBre eJ tema que preside esta pretativos, el purpurado reeordo Deeinw Octavo del km nota. que es obvio que para ser verda- otro para los no cristianos; un AgestoSdelflS Ademas de las grandes reli- deros_ eristianos se deba predicar tercero para los no ereyentes. EI CELEBR&NTE: Dios siempre alimenta a sus bijos. giones. con una doctrina definida y a Cristo. La Iglesia ha cumplido Secretariado para los no cris- con las eoasrguieBtes normas siempre esta obra misionera. El Alimente al pueblo de ferae! es el desierto y boy m& all- tianos, presidido por el eardenal morales, exists en el mundo una diaiogo, pues, jamas podria colo- tmenta en la preseneia sacramental ie su Hi jo,Pfdasnos a PignedolL se articula en tres sec- gran cantidad de individuos que no earse como una alternativa a la Dios que nos prepare para reeibirle dtgttameiite, ciones: una para el Islam; otra quieren ser eatalogados ea ningiin obra de catequizacidn y de evange- ^ LECTOE: La respaesta cie hoy sera: "Te dames para las grandes reiigiones orien- Upo de fe religiosa pero que. al Uzacion de la Iglesia. Mas tates; Ia tercea para las reiigiones gracias.Seaor.'" , - . ' , . mssmo tiempo, declaran ser adelante anadio que los no eris- tradtcionales. "El dialogo — "hombres religiosos." tianos que vienen a Roma se inte- LECTOR: Poftpe nos enviaste a te Unie© Hijo como prosiguid en su conferencia el resan mas que en ver qae es el muestra de amor. Se araplian los espacios de cardenal Pignedoli — no, es algo cristianismo. en ver que cosa son las reiigiones tradtcionales y se anonimo. vago. inconsistente ni los cristianos. Los cristianos son PUEBLO: Te dames gracias. Senor. amplia tambien esa especie de fundado sobre terreno arenoso y el lenguaje mas universal, el unico LECTOR: Por ios hombres de buena voluntad que nos "tierra de nadie" habitada por movil. Tiene su base en las aspira- medio para resolver ei problema ensenan el camino de la paz. hombres que. aunque no Heven un ciones naturales del genero de las lenguas. El cardenal nombre religioso especlfico se humano y en la Revelation. PUEBLO: Te damos gracias. Senor. propuso que para favorecer el faallan unidos en 2a aceptacion de Envuelve a gente que admite LECTOR: Por ei regalo de la vida y la amistad. dialogo y la amistad. se difundiera valores religiosos. Junto a la ONU consciente y libremente la exis- PUEBLO: Te damos gracias. Senor. eada vez mas en la comunidad de las patrias terrenas, existe una tencia de Otro en nuestra vida; LECTOR: Porque a traves de nuestra fe, te encon- cristiana el "carisma de la aco- ONU de individuos y de grupos gente que busca respuesta a sus tramos en los enf ermos y ios necesitados. gida." Y ejto la propuesta reali- uuidos sinceramente en la f e de lo problemas individuates y sociales zada recientemente por una reli- PUEBLO: Te damos gracias, Senor. Divino. en valores que estin mas alia del giosa del Zaire en un congreso de LECTOR: Porque nos alimentas en ei Sacramento de Hace mas de diez anos, la horizonte de lo sensible y visible: religiosas: anadir a los tres votos la Eucaristia. Iglesia catolica con ei Vatieano II. gente que completa las medidas tradicionaies el de la hospttalidad. PUEBLO: Te damos gracias, Senor. dirigio su atencion amorosa a esta del tiempo con las medidas de lo CELEBRANTE: Padre Santo, Tu eres el centre de humanidad ea busca de Dios. En Eterno." nuestras vidas. Hoy reeordamos todas las bendiciones con la perspectiva conciiiar se El "ir a todos con confianza" gratitud. Ayiidanos a dar testimoiuo de nuestra fe en Cristo constituyeron tres secretariados: "Antes que dialogo de e "invitar a todos a venir a Nuestro Senor. auo para la union de los cristianos palabras, es dialogo de amor. Su nuestra casa como amigos" «que tiene tambien la funcion de norma fundamental no es la de constituye naestro programa para PUEBLO: Amen. las reiaciones con los obreros); afrenter sino la de confrontar: el fufuro, concluyo el cardenal. .. Miami. F,lorida/TH£ VOICE/Friday. August 1.1375/Paee Vaticano desfaca obra de sacerdotes espaholes aqui Suplcmenio en Esponoi de La labor die los escuela parroquial, acepta- litos mensuales para los sacerdotes espanoles en cion de todos los movi- fieles son bilingues. A ganar Florida, fue reconocida por el mientos pastorales: litur- esta batalla han eontribuido periodico del Vaticano, gico, biblico, matrimonial, mucbo en Miami los 400 mil L'Osservatore Romano en su Pentecostal cristiano . . . cubanos llegados alii. Pero el Cuba en la OEA edition en espafiol del 20 de proceso de aparicion de julio. Todos los sacerdotes, sin niicleos de portorriqueiios y excepcion salvo los llegados mejicanos en diversos La informacion recoge ultimamente, han pasado por poblados sigue el mismo las impresiones del padre situaciones muy dificiles camino que protagonizaron dYde los presos que? Melquiades Andres, publi- humana y sacerdotalmente, los primeros sacerdotes de la cadas en la revista "Mensaje OCSHA. El proceso se esta debido a la ignorancia de la La organization de Estados Americanos decidio Iberoamericano, (boletin de lengua y desambientacion. ahora viviendo con no poeas la OCSHA-Obra de Coopera- Pero todos ban llegado a ser dificultades en Orlando, levantar las sanciones diplomaticas y el embargo cidn Sacerdotal Hispano muy eonsiderados y apreeia- Tampa, Saint Petersburg, comercial que hace once anos habia impuesto al regimen Americana), despues de su dos en pie de igualdad con los Brandeton, Fort Myers, comunista de Fidel Castro. recorrido por esias tierras. natives y eon los irkndeses. alentado por nuestros sacer- Unas sanciones y un embargo que si para algo sirvieron Dice el padre Estos dominan en exeeso la dotes de misiones y parro- fue para dar un pretexto a Castro. Mientras el pueblo Melquiades: vida parroquial en la Florida. quias." cubano sufria miserias y privaciones, Castro podia decir "Entre los sacerdotes de Gracias a este prestigio han "Miami es hoy el punto que eso era consecuencia del embargo que el llamaba Florida no existe nervio- posibilitado, casi diria que es de encuentro mas importante bloqueo. sismo, ni politizaeion, ni una conquista debida a su de la religiosidad y cultura El hambre que paso y sigue pasando el pueblo cubano sospeeaosidad en sus afirma- constancia, la atencion a los hispanoamericana y norte- nunca fue produeto -de esas inoperantes sanciones de la ciones, ni dudas que afecten Mspanoparlantes. Hace 20 americana; por ello parece OEA hoy ya levantadas. El hambre se debio a que Cuba, seriamente a lo pastoral. afios era inimaginable la qae debe ser eontirmada la endeudada hasta la medula con la metropoli, teuia que Ellos trabajan dentro de un posibilidad de un eulto en ayuda de sacerdotes espa- enviar a Rusia todos los productos de sus campos y sijs contexto eclesial y social; espanol. Hoy en Miami hay noles a Miami que trabajan al mares. Un pais que antes exportaba frutos tropicales des- parroquias en qae se dicen Iglesia, escuela, rectorla} lado de los sacerdotes ameri- pues de suplir su mercado nacional, llego al colmo de que ensenanza de la religion a los dos, tres, cuatro, cinco misas canos, irlandeses, cubanos, para comprar una naranja habia que presentar una receta ninos que no asisten a la en espanol. Ineluso los misa- colombianos. . .". medica. La pina desaparecid de los mereados cubanos. Todo se enviaba a Rusia. La mayor flota pesquera del hemisferio y el pescado estaba racionado. Todo se enviaba a Rusia. Hasta el azucar esta racionada en la azucarera del mundo. El hambre se debio y se sigue debiendo a la erratica politica economies de Fidel Castro, que destruyo la indus- tria nacional, Abandono la agricultura en los primeros afios para lanzarse en una aventura de industrializaeion del pais. Fracasado, dejo la industria y volvio a la agricultura. Uno tras otro emprendio descabellados planes con el ganado, la produccion arrocera y la cana de azucar. Resultado, mermas constantes en la produccion. Hace once anos las sanciones diplomaticas le vinieron a Castro como anillo al dedo. Para lo unico que podian servir las embajadas de la veintena de paises de America era para refugio a los rebeldes que se oponian a su gobierao megalomaniaco. Hoy, once afios despues, las cosas han cambiado un poco. Castro se siente mas seguro, ha logrado un control absolute del poder por medio del terror, ha desbandado toda posible oposicion interna. Por el otro lado, las corpora- clones eapitaiistas de Estados Unidos tienen la vana ilusion de volver a ser suministradoras de un mercado de nueve millones de personas. Y en mementos de crisis economica en esta parte, el prospecto es tentador. Miran con envidia la balanza comercial de Cuba con Canada, Espana, Francia y Japon, donde Cuba adquiere aquellas eosas que la metro- S Ccm**fe NuMtro Senora 6m lo Condbd mnfrmgo un ch*qv« d* $1,561 para la escueia de nines poli sovietica no produce y le permite a Cuba adquirir en rttrasadas meniales Marian School, que fondona en los terrenes ete ki parroquia de Corpus Cbrisfi. 8 otros mereados. dinero fue recaudodo durante uno reciertte venia de caramelos auspidada par los Cobolferos d# Colon de la Horida. En Ja foto, de izqwerda a derecha, Francisco twfe y Arfuro Nunez, del Consejo Hay que comerciar con Cuba, senores, hay que levantar Nu«srrd Senora d« lo Caridad, enrregan el cheque a Roger Swinghammef, director ejecuHvo de las sanciones. No importa que las condiciones sigan siendo Cathofic Services; Sena del Monte, y sentado, con afgunas de las alumnas del Marian School, Sergio las mismas. Ahora lo que importa es comerciar, senores. Trertzado, iambien de las Cabalieros de Colon. Las earceles llenas de presos, la privacion de todas las Mbertades a un pueblo, el sistema de terror qae ha permi- MARIA TUMA: tido a un hombre sostenerse en el poder por diez y siete afios, eso, no cuenta en estos momentos. El levantamiento de sanciones fue incondieional. Ninguno de los ilastres 'El arte es expresidn die v!da' plenipotenciarios que votaron por el levantamiento se "Me gusla erear . . . pin tar han teniclo paciencia para Aetaaliaeafe Maria es profe- airevio a suplicarle a Castro al menos la libertad de los lo qae no se ve? es produeto de escu-cfaar noestro problema — sara «ie arte en West View Junior presos politicos. la imaginackm," nos diee la iocltiso en otros palses de Latino- HigfaScfaooL G.P.M. joven artista Maria Tuma mien- america se DOS descoooce." "&G trabajo como maestra, tras nos eipllca uno de sas Maria esta en Miami desde y las preocHpariones del vivir coadros,Ettilio No. 3. los 13 aios. En Cuba tuvo qse diario, a penas me dejan Hbre Se trata de nna obra en acri- dejar sas cnaderncks escoiares, para & arte. Por otco lado estas licos, con tres figaras us tanto Ileogs de ias ihistraciones qae ya misnas cosas eontribnyen al abstractas, sobre foods negro, estooces merecieraa los eiogios drama qoe es parte