Perspee Which Were During Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Mat Is out to Anyone Wishing .!T Part of Monday
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IN THIS ISSUE ANNOUNCEMENT: • (n): E\t.-\L. Ngw M~~{,t CO " ~ . ~~If' 10 . n Jon cU~ • J.\ CL- .-\T IONAL Deadlines Are Changed S Ch lll .~ htp ~ W #I rd. announce-d ; £non,oto rae: lb t t: ~ on s from S \,AC\U\ UOn t The Pacifi c Citizen is advl,l11cing its news and . .. C't-l)lSTRICT PNWDC tour to J Il'Pan nt 1 advertising deadlines to Saturday. The pages will be EDC·'M.oC to h('u Ambl5sador made up by Monday evening and the papers printed Sht1Y\oda 3 MPDC to honol' o\lt s tandl n ll Tuesday morning. We shall continue to date the M• .,bet,hlp Publl"Uon: J.p,"", A.,,,I ..n CIIl'N ,,,,,,l, us Wtll!r St., Los AI!'l,I .., C. 9001Z (2131 MA 6·4471 AJA ~ • papers on Friday, which means our readers west of 'ubllsh,d WeeklJ Empl LUI WHk of Ihe V,lt..-~ Clus 'oslltt '"id IL Los A",.I .., Calif, • JACL-C ll t \I ~Tg n dedl ce t~ s the Mississippi will be getting their papers on or Corter. new hall before the actual date of publication. Those in Cali • COLUMNISTS 21 , 1967 Enomoto: E.."lsl to ..• for nia will be getting their PCs on Wednesday and Vol. 65 No.6 FRIDAY, JULY Edit/Bus. Office: MA 6·6936 TEN CENTS Ml$l.oka: Eonomto tn WtlShinston Ktdo: Romantic At aml and Thursday. (Maybe we can pick up some super HosokawR VI$ltors ,market ad specials, Chas.) Matsul: Human Rct a tton ~ Motta: Sn"lall Wor ld This major change in the production schedule is Kum a m o t o~ 'Bout tb,,' Time J:lenry: Kan»."t Shtmasho part of the temporary arrangement with Crossroads, PNW Japan Tour Glma: Tourist Boom LESSON FROM SaloW: We Get Educated where the PC is "guest." With only one Linotype to Ye Ed's: PI\t:adox in Paradise care for the' needs of Crossroads and the commercial invites all CLers typesetting firm, our own schedule had to be altered EVACUATION to fit into the "open" hours 011 that one machine - PORTLAND - The welcome PERSPEe which were during Thursday, Friday, Saturday and mat is out to anyone wishing .!t part of Monday. to join the 3-week PNWDC RECOUNTED We hasten to add that at our former printing Tour to Japan departing Nov. ... 4 from Seattle or San Fran Jerry home, Nichibei Mainichi had two typesetting machines, cisco, according to Mrs. Emi Enomoto Lists 7 < permitting editorial deadlines closer to press time. • Enomoto f1! Somekawa, PNWDC governor. at EDC Banquet Naet P re s ld~nl fI) • • The conducted portion of the tour will cover Tokyo, Nikko, in Washington EAST TO . .. We also have a feeling that most of our readers Kamakura, H a k 0 n e, Toba, Omaha - our first stop - will be tickled to see the Pacific Citizen reach them K yoto, Nara, Kobe, Beppu and before the date of publication. Its value as a reminder Hiroshima \vithin two weeks, WASHINGTON - What are was the site of the 20th birU, the lessons learned by the Ja day celebration of our 51st to l'~ader s of upcoming weekend events is also en allowing a free week tor each tour member . panese American C i t i z en s Chapter. The festive occasion hanced by this advance of deadlines. But it also League since the Evacuation? was held at the beautiful presses the chapter publicist to submit copy on time. No stipulation is made on Indian Hills Inn. Mountain the time for leaving J apan, as The most important lesson, Plains District Governor Lily long as it is within 90 days. according to National JACL Ok ura, veteran Omaha JACL J apan will be In its brilliant President Jerry Enomoto, is er Em Nakadoi, and chapter autumn hues. Complete tour that J apanese Americans in president Noriaki Okada made MINETA NAMED TO SAN JOSE price (including r ound trip dividually and collectively sure Joyce and I met every fare via J apan Air Lines, speak out against the "degrad meals and accommodations as ing and bitter impact of race one of the 100-plus good u people who turned out. CITY COUNCIL, 1ST NON-WHITE specified in tbe itinerary ) is prej udice • It was my privilege to pre $895 per person. Reservation "JACLe rs should be very sent a JACL appreciation deadline is Oct. 1. much behind an all-out effort award to Dr. Strough, direc Active JACLer Chosen from Among 24 Further information may be to help all minorities gain full tor of the Nebraska Psychia . ecured fr om George Azuma acceptance," Enomoto declared tric Institute, for its under Interested Candidates for Vacancy no, 200 SW 4th Ave., PortIand, at the Ambassador Hotel here standing cooperation in allow Ore. 97204. last Saturday in winding up ing past national president SAN JOSE-Norman Y. Mine He acknowledged he had a week's tour 01 JACL's East Pat Okura to give leadership ta, 36. active in J ACL and though ts about running last NEW COUNCILMAN-Norman Mineta cilman Robert Welch gets ready to greet ern District Council. to the National Organization community affairs, was cho:ren April but preferred not to in Cleft) tries on San Jose council chair for the new member. Enomoto had previously during the 1963-64 biennium. from more than a two-dozen volve his friends and support size after taking oath of office from Missouri ban on vis ited the Seabrook, Phila Monsignor Wegner, director candidates for a vacancy cre ers in what he fell could be a City Clerk Frank Gre iner (center) . Coun- - San Jose Mercury Photo delphia and New York chap of the renowned "Boys Town" ated in the city council w h en futile effort, But he predicted ~-- ---------- ------------------- lers and spent five days here founded by the late Father former councilman Ron James with a record of achievement making calls on the White Flanagan (who hired evacuee became mayor on July 1. and as incumbent in 1969 he mixed marriages House, the Congress and the P at as a psychologist) gave us The firs t non-Caucasian to will run for a full term. Ac NATIONAL JACL SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED Japanese Embassy. (A quick the invocation and benedic serve on the 1I7-year-old tive in local Democratic cir lifted in opinion summary of the Washington tion. council, Mineta was appointed cles, he denied ambitions to visit is reported in Mike Ma Midwest District Governor July 10 to fill out the remain run l or partisan office at the TO 12; PASADENAN WINS TOP HONORS saoka's column on Page 2. A Hlro Mayeda, Chicago J ACL ing two-year period. Selection state legislature. ST. LOUIS-The st. Louis tull r eport with photograpM J ACL was most appreciative spa:rkplugs Esther Hagiwara was made after an hour closed Mineta has expresS'ed opin will be published in the next of National JACL's efforts to and Chiye Tomihiro were con executive session that preced ions on several importan t OMAHA-Twelve winners of ha ; and Msgr. Roman Ulrich, Sheridan Tatsuno of San Jose issue. ) supt., parochial schools, Cath have the anti-miscegenation spicuous by their presence. ed the council's regular meet problems and projects facing scholarships administered by High, who matriculates at laws declared unconstitution 'We Cannot Stand Tall' Let's make sure the EDC-MDC ing. the council. On· rapid transit, the J apanese American Citi olic Archdiocese ot Omaha; Yale in the fall and perhaps convention over the Labor he feels the city should join zens League were announced and Mrs. Lily A. Okura, ad continue diving for the Yale al. The U.S. Supreme Court on The J ACL president re Day holiday is well supported. Native San Josean the Bay Area Rapid Transit this week. ministrator, Meyer Therapy swim team. He was league June 12 struck down the law minded, "We cannot stand tall A brief comment is in or To avoid possible confiict of system. On local transit, b e Top awardee was J ames Center for Children. champion last season. Fujishin in Virginia and other states. until all minority groups in der about the excellent 20th interest, City Attorney Ferdi wasn It prepared to say wheth Sakamoto, Jr., nominated by Members of the screening was state president of the The Missouri law was de this country stand tall . Anniversary booklet prepared nand Palla declared that Mi er the city should own and the Pasadena J ACL, for the co mmittee were: Oregon Future Farmers of clared invalid in a legal opin Every member (should) try by Omaha - completely de neta lost his appointment as operate the bus li nes. On city Pvt. Ben Frank Masaoka Me George Hachiya, M.D., Ne America. Tatsuno participated Ion issued July 6 by State At to exempliIy daily the spirit void of advertising. director 01 the San J ose Hous hall, it should be r elocated morial Scholarship. He is the braska Psychiatric Institute; in the American Field Service tor ney General Norman H . of American democracy that Time (this is being scribbled ing Authority tbe moment he from downtown to help build son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. M i t s Kawamoto, landscape Program last summer in Bo~ Anderson. The law prohibited was once denied us. This is In Washington, D.C.), space was appointed to the council. a better city image, he said. Sakamoto of Altadena. The architect; A . F. Monmorency, chum. Germany.