FIRST DIVISION [ GR No. 156022, July 06, 2015 ]
04/02/2020 E-Library - Information At Your Fingertips: Printer Friendly 763 PHIL. 1 FIRST DIVISION [ G.R. No. 156022, July 06, 2015 ] AURELLANO AGNES, EDUARDO AGNES, ESPIRITU AGNES, ESTELLA AGNES, PANTALEON AGNES, FILOTEO APUEN, IMELDA APUEN, MOISES APUEN, ROGELIO APUEN, GONZALO AUSTRIA, JAVIER AUSTRIA, BONIFACIO EGUIA, LYDIA EGUIA, MANUEL GABARDA, SR., MELECIO GARCIA, CRISTOBAL LOQUIB, MARIA LOQUIB, MATERNO LOQUIB, GEORGE MACANAS, MODESTO MANLEBTEN, JUANITO AUSTRIA, CONCHITA BERNAL, AURELIO BERNAL, PABLITO BOGANTE, FELICIANO CANTON, ALFREDO CANETE, CECILIA CANETE, CHERRY DE MESA, ROBERTO NOVERO, PERLITO PABIA, RODRIGO SABROSO, JUAN TALORDA, AND RAFAELA TRADIO, PETITIONERS, VS. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT. R E S O L U T I O N LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari[1] essentially seeking the reversal of the April 24, 2002 Decision[2] of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 46222, entitled "Republic of the Philippines v. Agnes, et al.," which affirmed the February 23, 1994 Decision[3] of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Palawan, Branch 49, Fourth Judicial Region, Puerto Princesa City in Civil Case No. 2262, entitled "Republic of the Philippines v. Aurellano Agnes, et al." The facts, as culled from the records, are as follows: Calauit Island (Calauit) is a 3,600-hectare island that forms part of the Calamianes Island group in the Province of Palawan. The petitioners claim to be among the more than 250 families ("settlers") who lived in Calauit[4] as successors of the early settlers therein. They are members of the "Balik Calauit Movement," which was organized for the purpose of reclaiming the lands they used to occupy.
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