School of Industrial and Information Engineering

Master of Science in Management Engineering

Beyond the Retail Apocalypse: data-driven modelling based on an econometric analysis of industry's drivers and trends

Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Perego Tutors: Ing. Valentina Pontiggia Dott. Elisabetta Puglielli Master Thesis of: Lidia Giulia Mazzesi 927659 Mattia Oneto 913371

Academic Year 2019/2020


2 Acknowledgements

It’s not even a year since we started this dissertation, but the world seems a completely different place now. Nobody could have predicted what happened, and we certainly would have never imagined writing our thesis in such a troubled historic period. The wounds of Covid-19 will not be easy to heal. In our small, sometimes we had to face problems and difficult moments; however, mutual support and encouragement were fundamental.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our tutors, Ing. Valentina Pontiggia and Dott. Elisabetta Puglielli, whose expertise and competences were invaluable in formulating the research questions and methodology. They steered us in the right path, and they were always ready to help whenever we had questions or doubts about our work. Moreover, we appreciated being involved in the activities of the Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nel Retail and Osservatorio eCommerce B2C research team, which assisted us in gathering the necessary data. We are also grateful to Dott. Giorgia Sali, which was so kind in supporting us with Statistics and Econometry.

We would also like to thank our supervisor, prof. Alessandro Perego, who is one of the minds behind the wonderful project of Osservatori Digital Innovation.

A special thanks goes to our loved ones, which always cheered, supported and believed in us through our academic journey.

Finally, we would like to thank each other for these months of dedication, mutual encouragement and laughs. It won’t be easy to say goodbye to this collaboration.

These pages that you are going to read may seem a bit cold, full of math and charts. Nevertheless, the fil rouge connecting all the dots are the individuals. Customer centricity, after all, is all about putting people before everything else.

Thank you, Lidia and Mattia

3 Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... 3 ABSTRACT (ENGLISH VERSION) ...... 9 ABSTRACT (VERSIONE ITALIANA)...... 9 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...... 1 RESEARCH INTRODUCTION...... 1 OBJECTIVES & RESEARCH QUESTIONS...... 1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 2 RESEARCH FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS ...... 8 2 INTRODUCTION ...... 15 3 THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE REVIEW ...... 17 METHODOLOGY ...... 18 3.1.1 Scope of the analysis ...... 18 3.1.2 Scientific Literature Process ...... 18 LITERATURE ANALYSIS ...... 20 3.2.1 Focus ...... 23 3.2.2 Methodology ...... 27 3.2.3 Market dimensions: Nationality, Sector, Retail Size ...... 29 EXOGENOUS FACTORS ...... 33 3.3.1 Digital...... 33 3.3.2 Macroeconomic ...... 35 3.3.3 Competition ...... 37 3.3.4 Commercial Distribution...... 40 3.3.5 Synergies ...... 41 3.3.6 Customer-Based ...... 42 ENDOGENOUS FACTORS ...... 46 3.4.1 Products ...... 46 3.4.2 HR-Based ...... 47 3.4.3 Strategic ...... 50 3.4.4 Technology-based...... 51 IMPACTS ...... 52 3.5.1 Quantitative Impacts ...... 53 3.5.2 Qualitative Impacts ...... 55 3.5.3 Value Chain (organizational, physical store, channel mix) ...... 56 SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE WRAP-UP...... 67 4 THE NON-SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE REVIEW...... 68 LITERATURE ANALYSIS ...... 68 EXOGENOUS FACTORS ...... 71 ENDOGENOUS FACTORS ...... 75 IMPACTS ...... 76 NON-SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE OUTCOMES...... 82 5 GAP IDENTIFICATION ...... 82 6 DATA GATHERING ...... 84 METHODOLOGY ...... 84 6.1.1 Countries ...... 84 6.1.2 Sectors ...... 85 6.1.3 Retailers ...... 87 EXOGENOUS FACTORS ...... 95 6.2.1 Country ...... 95 6.2.2 Sector ...... 99 ENDOGENOUS FACTORS ...... 106 6.3.1 Technologies...... 106 6.3.2 Organization...... 112 4 6.3.3 Points of Sale ...... 114 6.3.4 Formats ...... 116 6.3.5 Omnicanality ...... 117 6.3.6 Channels ...... 119 IMPACTS ...... 123 6.4.1 Quantitative Impacts ...... 124 6.4.2 Qualitative Impacts ...... 139 7 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS...... 140 DATA TRANSFORMATION ...... 141 DATA EXPLORATION ...... 143 DATA ANALYSIS ...... 148 7.3.1 Correlation Test ...... 149 7.3.2 T-test ...... 150 7.3.3 ANOVA Test ...... 152 7.3.4 Chi-squared Test ...... 155 8 ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS ...... 156 THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION ...... 156 8.1.1 Choosing the dependent variables ...... 160 8.1.2 Choosing the independent variables ...... 160 8.1.3 Assumptions testing ...... 162 REVENUES REGRESSION MODEL ...... 167 8.2.1 Variables ...... 168 8.2.2 Coefficients Intepretation ...... 175 STORE CLOSURES REGRESSION MODEL ...... 179 8.3.1 Variables choice ...... 180 8.3.2 Coefficient interpretation ...... 187 9 THE INTERPRETATIVE MODEL ...... 192 INTRODUCTION ...... 192 THE ROADMAP FOR RETAILERS ...... 195 9.2.1 Decision Making Dimensions...... 195 9.2.2 Business Guidelines...... 197 10 THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 SANITARY EMERGENCY ...... 201 11 LIMITATIONS & FUTURE RESEARCH ...... 205 12 CONCLUSIONS ...... 207 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 210 LITERATURE ...... 210 DATABASE ...... 215 ANNEX ...... 225 REVENUES REGRESSION MODEL ...... 225 STORES CLOSURE REGRESSION MODEL ...... 227

5 List of Figures


List of Charts


List of Tables





8 ABSTRACT (English Version) Since 2015, Retail industry has been suffering from the so-called Retail Apocalypse, a crisis that consists in the closure of many points of sales and the bankruptcy of large established chains. This phenomenon originated in the United States and now is spreading rapidly in Europe. Which are the factors behind it? Are they country-related, or are they due to some specific sectors or to peculiar characteristics of the players? Is eCommerce the main responsible of the crisis? The objective of this thesis is to identify the drivers that are influencing Retailers' performances and the Impacts that they are generating. For this reason, an extensive Literature Analysis was conducted to identify and select the most relevant variables. Afterwards, a cross-sectional Dataset was built, made of Retailers of different Sectors from the main European countries and from the United States, analysed from multifaceted perspectives. Data were explored and examined in order to understand the most important relationships between them, indeed two multiple linear regression models were developed to discern the root causes of the stores closure and of the success of those Retailers who are navigating through the crisis. Ultimately, this study led to the generation of a Model which first outlines the main Decision Dimensions a Retailer should consider in developing its strategy and then frameworks the Business Guidelines and the Roadmap for successful transition to the future of Retailing.

ABSTRACT (Versione Italiana) A partire dal 2015, il settore Retail ha sofferto l’avvento della cosiddetta “Retail Apocalypse”, una crisi che si sta manifestando attraverso la chiusura di molti punti vendita e la bancarotta di grandi catene affermate. Questo fenomeno ha avuto origine negli Stati Uniti e si è poi rapidamente diffuso anche in Europa. Quali sono i fattori che lo hanno generato? Sono legati alle condizioni delle singole nazioni, o connessi a specifici settori, o a caratteristiche peculiari di alcune aziende del mondo della grande distribuzione organizzata? Si può ritenere l’eCommerce il principale responsabile della crisi? L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di individuare gli elementi chiave che stanno influenzando le aziende e gli effetti che stanno generando. A tal fine è stata condotta un’esauriente analisi della letteratura che ha permesso di identificare e selezionare le variabili più rilevanti. Successivamente, è stato creato un dataset di tipo cross-sectional composto da Retailer con sede principali nazioni europee e negli Stati Uniti, provenienti da settori differenti e analizzati da molteplici prospettive. I dati sono stati esplorati e analizzati per comprenderne le relazioni più importanti, e sono stati sviluppati due modelli di regressione lineare multipla per discernere le cause alla radice delle chiusure e del successo di quei Retailer che invece stanno sopravvivendo alla crisi. In conclusione, questo studio ha portato alla generazione di un modello che innanzitutto delinea le principali dimensioni decisionali che un Retailer dovrebbe considerare nello sviluppare la sua strategia e, successivamente, presenta delle linee guida e una mappa per la transizione verso il futuro del Retail.

9 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Research Introduction Retail is intended as the business activity of selling products or services to customers. Among the reasons of the existence of Retailers as the last stop of the supply chain there is their ability to exploit economies of scale and scope, as well as the possibility to engage clients by offering a unique customer experience, with a huge variety of products by many different brands or manufacturers. Since the dawn of history, Retailing has always involved customers purchasing directly from a point of sale, usually managed by the Retail company. In the last few years, digital transformation has been causing an unprecedented and radical change in this industry, generating new business models and a huge shift in the behaviour of customers. Since 2015, a crisis known as Retail Apocalypse has struck the industry, leading to the closure of many stores and to the failure of large and established Retail chains. The phenomenon started in the US and then spread rapidly to Europe, even though with less severe effects. Because of the growing success of eCommerce and the dominant position of some large Dot Coms (Amazon and Alibaba in the first place) bringing greater competitiveness, many people blame digitalization for the crisis, highlighting the decreasing importance of the points of sales which are often excluded from customer journeys by pure online players. However, forward-looking experts, scholars and executives recognize in the digital transformation an incredible opportunity to switch to omnichannel, a new trend which focuses on providing a seamless experience to the customers, integrated and consistent between the channels. In this context, the original meaning of the store as a physical point of access to the product is no more sufficient. Indeed, stores are crucial touchpoints that can add value in many omnichannel customer journeys.

Objectives & Research Questions The main objective of this work was to develop a deep understanding of the Retail Apocalypse crisis and of the Retail industry in order to recognize which were the factors impacting on the industry in the last few years, as well as the main choices that Retailers took, and which were the effects they generated. The Literature Review performed on Retail, Drivers and Impacts led to the identification of some research gaps that needed further investigation. There was no study that combined all the relevant factors in one analysis, trying to understand quantitatively their impact. In particular, macro- economic variables and digital competition were always analysed individually; nevertheless, their relative impact with respect to other drivers was never computed.

In order to achieve the research objective, the following research questions were formulated: 1. Which are the main trends and drivers impacting on the Retail industry, and which are their effects?

1 2. What is the role of eCommerce in the Retail Apocalypse? 3. Why has the Retail Apocalypse generated in the US, and are there any differences in its spread in Europe because of some characteristics of the countries? 4. What are the characteristics and the choices of the most resilient Retailers? 5. How should Retailers behave to succeed in this context?

Research Methodology The research methodology that was followed in this dissertation can be summarized in the following Figure:

Figure 1.1: Research Methodology The first step was the Literature Review, which was focused on Retail, Drivers and Impacts both from an academic perspective, the Scientific Literature Review, and a professional one, the Non-

2 Scientific Literature Review. In the former, 48 peer-reviewed papers were gathered from Scopus, Science Direct, Emerald Insights and from the Academic Library of Politecnico di Milano through a research with varied and heterogeneous keywords, though all related to the main thesis focuses, in order to extract the highest possible amount of pertinent information from many different fields and disciplines. For what concerns the Non-Scientific review, 16 articles and reports by consulting companies and research entities on relevant topics were gathered through their official websites. All the scientific and non-scientific were screened, classified and analysed likewise, and subsequently they were added to an Excel sheet, referred as Literature Database, to keep track of all the relevant knowledge. In this way, each paper has been assessed on the basis of 6 main dimensions: • Focus of the article; • Research Methodology adopted; • Market of Reference, which regards the sector, nationality and size of the Retailers considered; • Exogenous Drivers, which concerns the external context in which the firms in the paper are exposed to; • Endogenous Drivers; thus, the characteristics of the Retailers and the internal decisions taken in the past; • Impacts of those drivers on the companies and on the Retail world in general.

Each dimension was divided into subsections, and each subsection was in turn divided into columns. In total, 105 columns were identified, plus 6 containing certain key general information about the document, such as the title, the source and the author. An extensive analysis of the papers and reports was conducted to identify the main research gaps, which were already discussed. This process, however, was also critical to build the knowledge necessary to conduct the subsequent analyses in this thesis. The second step of the research methodology, referred as Data Gathering, involved the creation of a cross-sectional Excel database, gathering the latest available pertinent data on Countries, Sectors and on selected top players in the Retail industry. 110 Retailers were investigated, starting from the top Retailers by revenues in each Country examined (US, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland) according to Global Powers of Retailing Report 2020 by Deloitte, with the commitment to explore the most relevant sectors in the industry (Grocery, Electronics, Fashion, Department Stores, Home Furniture, Drug Stores) selecting two retailers for each of them to have a comprehensive perspective on the Retail world.

3 Whenever it was not possible to identify enough Retailers from the list, they were recognized and added thanks to external sources. However, some Retailers were not considered large enough to be relevant for this research, as the comparison with the others would have been meaningless; therefore, not all the Countries were assigned with 12 Retailers as expected. The actual data to be gathered was chosen on the basis of the Literature Review, trying to find variables which could represent the Drivers and Impacts identified in the process. For what concerns general information about the Countries, 18 variables were identified as potentially relevant. These data were gathered referring only to three databanks, namely World Bank, Trading Economics and OECD, to have a result as consistent as possible. Related to the Sectors, 3 variables were selected, with data coming from Eurostat for European Countries and from for United States. Regarding the single Retailers, 59 different relevant aspects were investigated. In this case, the main sources were the company websites and their annual reports, even if many secondary references, both international and national, were consulted to fill the database where necessary. The structure of the Database was built to closely resemble the framework of the Literature Database, with a clear distinction between Exogenous Drivers (related to the Countries and Sectors), Endogenous Drivers and Impacts. This structure and the actual variables that were collected are reported in Tables 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.

Table 1.1: Database Structure: Endogenous Factors

4 Table 1.2: Database Structure: Exogenous Factors

Table 1.3: Database Structure: Impacts

Following the Data Gathering process, a first exploratory analysis on the variables was conducted to understand the main trends and characteristics of the different Countries and Sectors, as well as to have a clear picture of the choices and the performances of the Retailers. The approach in this case was mainly visual, with intensive usage of charts and graphs to develop an in-depth knowledge of the data. Through this process, for example, it was possible to have precise information about the diffusion of particular technologies or the eCommerce penetration in the different Sectors. Furthermore, at this stage, particularly relevant is the analysis of the financial KPIs computed in the

5 Data Gathering phase, through which it was possible to quantitatively compare the performances of Retailers belonging to different Sectors and Countries. Indeed, relying on the accounting-based indicators computed in the Data Gathering phase, it was possible to quantitatively compare Retailers belonging to different Sectors and Countries. Thanks to this exploratory research, outliers were identified and discussed, introducing de facto the following section: Statistical Analysis. Before proceeding with this chapter, the Excel database was uploaded to IBM SPSS, a statistical analysis software that allows to run more sophisticated data analytics' tools and techniques. The first step was the Data Transformation phase: a few adjustments were made to the variables to make them more easily interpretable by the software and to better suit the analysis tools. In addition, the outliers that were considered inappropriate were replaced with a missing value. The second step consisted in the Data Exploration: while most of it had already been conducted right after the Data Gathering process, SPSS allowed to extract additional information about the distribution of the data, for example about skewness and kurtosis, in a clear and concise way. The last phase of this section concerned the Data Analysis: statistical tests such as correlations test, T-test, Anova test and Chi-square test were run to highlight some of the most interesting relationships between the variables.

The following phase of this extensive empirical research, the Econometric Analysis, was related to the development of an econometric model that can bring additional quantitative proof to answer the research questions. First, a theoretical introduction about the main econometric techniques and tools was presented, along with their advantages, disadvantages and requirements. In this section, it was decided to apply univariate multiple linear regression to the SPSS Dataset, thanks to its superior interpretability compared to other analyses, as well for its fit with the objectives of this research. Two linear regression models were built. The first one, the Revenues Regression Model, has “Revenues” as the dependent variable, while the second one reported, the Store Closures Regression Model, takes its name from the its explained variable too, "Store Closures" . The decision to develop models with these variables was based on the contribute that they can bring towards the answer to the research questions. The explanatory variables to include in the models were also chosen for their pertinence towards this thesis objective, being also validated by the comprehensive Literature Review that was conducted before. The following Figure (1.2) represents which was the approach employed towards the development of the models:


Figure 1.2: Multiple Linear Regression model process

In particular, it was important to make sure that the assumptions behind the Ordinary Least Squares algorithm employed by the regressions were respected, so that the coefficients associated to the independent variables would be unbiased and precise. Figures 1.3 and 1.4 represent the relationships between explanatory and explained variables resulting from the econometric models. Some of them have a grey symbol, which means that the statistical significance was not confirmed. The strength of some of those relationships could not be quantified in a linear way with a percentage increase because of their intrinsic non-linear nature.

Figure 1.3: Revenues Regression Summary


Figure 1.4: Store Closures Regression Summary

Research Findings & Conclusions The Statistical and Econometric analyses were built with the specific aim of filling precise gaps in the Literature concerning the effects of digital competition and macroeconomic variables associated with the single countries in relation with all the other drivers behind the Retail Apocalypse. To do so, an extensive qualitative research about trends, factors and impacts currently reported in the Retail industry was necessary. The combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses developed the required knowledge to answer the main research questions:

1. Which are the main trends and drivers impacting on the Retail industry, and which are their effects?

Customer centricity is for sure considered the final aim for Retailers by academics, scholars and experts, and the interpretation of the quantitative analyses leads in the same direction. The omnichannel paradigm is the new frontier for the Retail industry, with companies that are striving to implement a competitive strategy that puts the customer at its centre, aspiring to provide a seamless, remarkable, and fully integrated customer experience. The new digital channels are a way to provide clients with more convenient touchpoints and to enable firms increase customers' satisfaction. Retailers are trying to present in whichever channel is more suitable for the needs of their customers, and this is the reason why there is a huge shift towards mobile commerce as the diffusion and the

8 usage of smartphone increase among people. Online marketplaces are spawning to aggregate Retail firms and provide them with the critical mass they need for their online channels, as well as access to new markets, customers and obtain an increased visibility in general. In the new omnichannel business models the store is a crucial offline touchpoint that is reimagined in a omnichannel perspective, from being just a purchasing location to a hub that offers support to the digital channels. Its focus shifts from selling goods to providing an amazing experience to customers, and therefore the design, the format and the location of points of sales are questioned to make sure that the store network matches the new needs of the clients. Being as close as possible to them is key to offer a noteworthy experience, and therefore many Retailers are “Returning to Proximity” by closing their large stores in peripheries and opening smaller convenience stores in city centres, places with higher traffic and higher accessibility. While opening a shop in an urban context where many other players are present can generate a negative externality due to the increased competitive intensity, there is also a positive externality, which is definitely stronger in this new context, due to the trade area providing a higher utility to customers. Smaller shops are also preferred as the presence of a large variety of goods and a huge exhibition space lose importance thanks to digital catalogues and online channels. Digital technologies, both front-end and back-end, are the enablers for the new omnichannel business models. They allow the Retailers to improve both their efficiency and their effectiveness, and therefore huge investments are made to launch new digital innovation initiatives. In particular, data analytics is focusing interest by most Retailers worldwide, not only for being so crucial for the success in the implementation of other technologies but also for the insights about the customer which can be extracted from big data. This information can be exploited to personalize and tailor the experience for the customers among the channels. In order to manage these incredibly complex companies with enormous amount of data and so many touchpoints with the customers, the organizational structure changes, becoming agile in order to avoid separated silos of data and information that can lead to a poor integration. New professional figures, such as the Chief Customer Officers, are born to make sure that the firms are able to put the customer at the centre of their activities and that all the people inside work towards that objective.

2. What is the role of eCommerce in the Retail Apocalypse?

The regression model with store closures as dependent variable highlights how a higher eCommerce penetration in a country is in fact associated with a lower probability to close a store. According to the econometric analysis, an additional 1% of eCommerce penetration leads to a -0,513% of closed stores.

9 Therefore, it has been demonstrated that, eCommerce should not be seen as a practice that cuts stores out of the customer journey, but it should then be considered as an opportunity by large Retailers, which should exploit this channel and integrate it in their omnichannel strategy in order to provide a seamless and remarkable customer experience to their clients.

3. Why has the Retail Apocalypse generated in the US, and are there any differences in its spread in Europe because of some characteristics of the countries?

The economic and social contexts of US and European Countries are not that different from each other under many points of view, such as the diffusion of eCommerce, unemployment, GPD at purchasing power point per capita. However, United States show an incredibly high value of square feet per capita of Retail surface (23,5), which is not comparable to any of the European Countries, which report 4,7 square feet per capita on average. Digital technologies and omnichannel business models have shifted the need of consumers in terms of points of sales from large Retail spaces with a huge variety of products, to experience hubs that can support the online channels. These stores do not need enormous room for exhibition; the catalogue can be expanded by exploiting web-rooming and the electronic devices of the clients. Rather, having a store network in city centres or, in general, as close as possible to the customers, is a significant advantage for a Retailer by enhancing the experience that it can offer. The regression model confirms that players with average larger stores were more likely to close a point of sale, with the relationship described by a logarithmic function: 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = 0,649 ∗ 퐿푛 (푆푞푢푎푟푒 푀푒푡푒푟푠 푝푒푟 푆푡표푟푒) The characteristics of the logarithmic function illustrate well how unlikely it was for Retailers with smaller stores to close one of them, while an increasing square meters per store value was always connected with an increasing percentage of store closures. The same model also highlights how the relationship between the closure of points of sales and the Retail surface per capita could be presented by a quadratic function:

푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = 0,039 ∗ 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙 푆푝푎푐푒 푝푒푟 퐶푎푝𝑖푡푎2 − 0,446 ∗ 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙 푆푝푎푐푒 푝푒푟 퐶푎푝𝑖푡푎

The interpretation is that with higher values of Retail space per capita, store closures became definitely more likely, while lower values of average Retail surface lead to a reduced probability to close a point of sale. US, by reporting such a high average Retail space per capita, are subject to a phenomenon called “Over-Retailing”. With Return to Proximity being one of the most relevant future trends in the Retail industry, this Country is the one in which Retailers should rethink their store network in the most radical way to adapt with the new needs of the customers. This is the main reason why the Retail

10 Apocalypse started in the US, and it also an explanation of why the Country is more exposed to the negative effects of the crisis compared to Europe.

4. What are the characteristics and the choices of the most resilient Retailers during the Apocalypse?

According to the regression model and to the Literature Review, the most resilient Retailers have some specific characteristics that concurred in building resilience over the years. Generally, the largest Retailers were advantaged thanks to the possibility to exploit economies of scale and economies of learning. In particular, highly internationalised players were less reliant of the macro- economic situation of their country of origin, being able to access a multitude of markets and customers. Moreover, their supply chain was also more resilient, even if more complicated, thanks to their relationship with a huge variety of potential suppliers. Operating in countries where the eCommerce penetration was high and the digital channels were developed was also an important factor in surviving to the crisis.

Additionally, as it was already discussed before, the firms who suffered less from the Retail Apocalypse were the ones which had a points of sale network with lower average square meters per store, more suitable to exploit the Return to Proximity trend. Aggregating and exploiting marketplaces is also a choice that provided a sizeable advantage to Retailers who joined them. Being part of a community of players that gives access to new customers, markets and to an improved visibility increases the resilience in this new digital context. A strong leadership is essential to survive to a crisis. The econometric model shows that the presence of specific programs to form managers and leaders were strongly correlated with a reduction in the stores closed during the Apocalypse. These companies were able to provide their executives with the skills necessary to inspire the workforce and to manage the increasing complexity due to the digital transformation.

5. How should Retailers behave to succeed in this context?

On the basis of the knowledge acquired through the analysis of the Database, the answer to this research question consisted in the development of a qualitative framework aimed at retailers which are struggling to survive the Retail Apocalypse. The process started with the identification of the main decision-making spheres, corresponding to the most relevant research variables, and finally the proposal of a roadmap for successful transition towards omnichannel retailing.

11 In order to answer this research question, the first step was to identify the dimensions underlying the decisions that can be taken, which are represented in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.3: Decision Dimensions The second step was to understand which are the phases of the crisis, clarifying the corresponding market conditions and underlining which should be the main focus of the business in each phase. Figure 1.6 summarizes the findings in this sense.

Figure 1.4: Market Conditions and Business Focus

12 In the first phase, the increasing competition and the over-Retailing phenomenon give birth to the Retail Apocalypse. The companies should be focusing on building resilience, adapting their characteristics and making choices that allow them to be less exposed to the new challenges while simultaneously save resources. In the second phase, “Thrive”, the effects of the reorganization of the Retail infrastructure thanks to the Apocalypse become evident. At the same time, companies try to launch initiatives to integrate their channels and develop omnichannel business models in order to overcome the Apocalypse. In this context, Retailers should aggressively invest in new digital technologies and channels, while simultaneously rethinking their store network to match the new needs of the customers. In the last phase, the crisis is over, and Retailers are leading towards the future of the industry. In this context, a player in this industry should adhere to full customer centricity and should redefine its store network, organization, and all its other decision areas in order to match the needs of the customers. In Figure 1.7, the most appropriate decisions in each of the dimensions identified before were included for each of the phases of the crisis.

Figure 1.5: Roadmap for successful transition to omnichannel retailing

While the matrix is thought to be qualitative, the position of each of the activities is chosen based on the econometric models and on the Literature Review. Each phase should be considered separately for a proper interpretation. The main takeaway is that Retailers should be understanding in which

13 phase they are, and they should adapt their decisions on this basis. The final aim, however, should be to put the customer at the heart of their strategy to be able to succeed in the future.

1.1 A note about Covid-19

This thesis was assigned before the terrible spread of Covid-19 across the globe, and all the information gathered in the Data Gathering process refers to time periods prior to the pandemic. However, it is undeniable that its impact will reshape economy and society forever, with Retail being one of the industries most affected and transformed by lockdowns, social distancing and the diffusion of new practices to face the virus. Academics and experts seem to be aligned in stating that the trends that were already identified as upcoming are still the same, and they have just been accelerated by the necessity of the fight against the pandemic. A section was dedicated to the analysis of reports and articles about the effect of Covid-19 in Retail, as well as some exemplary initiatives launched in this period by companies to continue their business with compliance to the new regulations. In this new crisis, customers changed their usual preferences in terms of brands and customer journey; digital technologies, omnichannel marketing practices and the rethinking of the points of sale infrastructure, format, location and design were key to generate new ways to stay in touch with them. It was crucial for the companies to pursue agility to be able to design and deploy innovation in order to meet the evolving priorities. It was possible to see a clear overlap between the findings and the conclusions of this thesis, the trends described by scholars and consultants, and what actually happened in the real world, which is a pleasant confirmation of the validity of the results of this research.

14 2 Introduction

Retail is usually defined as the activity of a business selling products or services to a final consumer. It generally involves the sale of small quantities of goods to a multitude of customers. A Retailer is a company from which the end users make their purchases. Retailers typically do not manufacture the products they sell, but they just buy them from wholesalers or manufacturers and sell them in much smaller quantities to a large number of customers. In order to obtain these goods, they generally rely on a supply chain composed of multiple actors, which has the objective of making them obtain the right products at the right time and at a price that allows them to have a competitive margin. Each of the actors in the supply chain has a specific role and carries on different activities; Retailers are the last ring of the supply chain, being in direct contact with the final customer. Among the reasons of the existence of Retailers is their ability to exploit economies of learning and economies of scale, as well as being able to engage clients with a unique customer experience, offering a huge variety of products from different manufacturers. Traditionally, customers can go to points of sales, managed by Retailers, to make their purchases. Stores can vary in size and format on the basis of the strategy adopted by the corporation, which tries to align the store network in order to match the needs of the final customers. Opening a new store means potentially reaching a new geographical market and the new customers in that area. Retailing is an activity that traces back to antiquity, with points of sales evolving and transforming to become the modern boutiques and shopping malls. In the last years, however, digital transformation lead to the diffusion of new business models and to a radical change in the industry. In the last decades, the traditional Retail paradigm was shaken by the advent of eCommerce, a phenomenon which is defined as the online sale or purchase of goods or services to a final customer. The investment to set up an eCommerce initiative is huge, and the success of the project is often very dependent on the critical mass that a Retailer is able to reach. This fact led to the creation of many online marketplaces, which agglomerate several traditional Retailers to optimize the logistics and marketing costs. In a pure online transaction, customers can inform themselves, get in touch with a Retailer, pay and have their goods delivered at home, all without the need of a physical store in the process. In these last few years, however, the proliferation of several new channels thanks to the Internet and the birth of hybrid online-offline customer journey has brought to the development of the omnichannel paradigm, a strategy in which a Retailer try to offer a seamless customer experience to its customers in an integrated and coherent way among the channels. The development of new digital technologies is changing the way Retailers do business, transforming some of the more consolidated activities and creating new ones in a very turbulent, fast-paced and uncertain environment. 15 Starting from 2015 (Helm et al. 2018) there have been a huge number of closures of points of sales and bankruptcy filings from companies in the Retail industry. This phenomenon started in the United States, with the failure of large Retail chains such as Toys R Us and Sears, but soon spread to Europe, even if with lower intensity. The blame for the existence of this phenomenon, which was given the name of Retail Apocalypse, has been mainly given to eCommerce, which is considered to be responsible of cutting off physical stores from the customer journey, and especially to Amazon, the biggest online marketplace, which is deemed guilty of imposing an unsustainable competition pressure thanks to its scale and investment capabilities. On the contrary, some scholars, academics and experts consider the new digital channels as an incredible opportunity for Retailers worldwide to improve the customer experience they offer and to switch to new omnichannel business models. Amazon itself has bought grocery Retailer Whole Foods in 2017 and started opening new store with its own brand to exploit the advantages of omnichannel. In conclusion, the actual scenario of the Retail industry is the one of a business which is undergoing a drastic reshaping in strategies, business models and activities thanks to the Internet and the Digital Transformation.

16 3 The Scientific Literature Review

In this first phase the aim was to search, understand and analyse scientific papers concerning the so- called “Retail Apocalypse”, the sudden closure of many points of sale, and sometimes even of entire established Retail chains, all over the world. Some scholars identify the Internet and the competition coming from eCommerce on traditional physical Retail as the main drivers behind this phenomenon. Others, on the contrary, look at the digital transformation more as an opportunity, rather than a threat. What is clear is that the market is undergoing a drastic reshaping, and the object of this research is to understand which are the main drivers behind it, and how Retailers are coping with them, transforming their businesses and the way in which they create value. There were many different topics to be addressed, such as the impact of the customer experience and relationship, the intensity of competitive forces, the synergies between the actors, the skills of the sales force, the organizational structure of Retailers, the strategic approach they are pursuing in this new context, just to show some examples. It is clear that this kind of analysis required competences stemming from many different fields, such as marketing, business administration, innovation, macro- economics, and even applied geography. Academics and researchers from manifold disciplines started addressing this problem from very peculiar points of view, and the objective was to gather information from their papers to have a clear picture of the megatrends that will shape the market in the future, and also how Retailers will adapt and react to them. 48 papers coming from many different sources were analysed; most were found thanks to the online academic library of Politecnico di Milano, Scopus and Emerald Insight. In particular, it was decided to set the focus on three main areas: Retail, Drivers behind the market transformation, and Impacts generated on the business. From now on, these three areas will be referred to as the Focuses of the academic research. Figure 3.1 illustrates the research areas of this thesis.

Figure 3.1: Literature Analysis Focuses

17 Methodology 3.1.1 Scope of the analysis The main objective of this analysis was to have a clear idea of how the three main research areas are intertwined between each other and to capture the nature of the most important relationships between the critical topics.

In order to have a clear and structured approach to the analysis, a Microsoft Excel sheet was used to build a database, following a clear structure based on an analytical framework expressly developed. This is definitely necessary given the number of papers read, and it was also useful as the baseline to deal with the Non-Scientific Literature Review later on.

3.1.2 Scientific Literature Process The process that was followed in order to provide input data to the Literature Review can be summarized in four main phases:

1. Article Search In this phase the online library of Politecnico di Milano and Scopus were explored to find papers. To be sure that the work was as rigorous as possible, only peer-reviewed articles were taken into account. The key aspect to consider here was the use of the right keywords; the research needed material coming from many different fields, therefore it was crucial to pay attention to use the right search input for each topic. Moreover, papers are written in every corner of the world, and different authors often referred to the same concepts using different terms, which made the process more complicated. Additionally, authors often employ catchy words or phrases to entitle their articles, which means that sometimes papers could not be easily found with the most immediate keywords. The most used keywords were: “Retail digitalization”, “Retail Apocalypse”, “Retail sustainability”, “Retail strategy”, “Retail externalities”, “omnichannel Retail”, “eCommerce impact”, “Retail customer experience”, “Retail organization”, “Retail format”, “Retail drivers”, “Retail business model”, “Retail innovation”, “closing stores”, “smart Retail”, “traditional Retail”, “Retail globalization”. Another critical point to consider was related to the year of publication of the paper. It was really important to analyse recent articles; the world is changing faster than ever, new trends come up continuously and drastically re-shape the Retail business. However, many concepts about Retail were studied thoroughly in the past, and it was crucial to not forget about them. The research was focused mostly on articles written after the 2008 economic crisis, but some previous works were considered to be valuable for the thesis and therefore they were added.

18 2. Paper Selection In this phase, the title and the abstract of the papers found through keyword research were read and discussed. Only the most promising papers could transition through this phase into the next one. To be considered promising, an article must have been addressing one of the focuses directly and in a way that was considered relevant for the research. No restrictions about the breadth of the topics or fields that had some influence on the research topic was made, in order to be able to catch drivers of change analysed by many different academic fields. However, it was important to be extremely selective in order to avoid considering papers which were not relevant for this thesis work; a large quantity of articles was taken into consideration and most of them were discarded to avoid being off topic. 3. Paper Structure In this phase, the paper was added to the framework and carefully read; the most relevant parts were highlighted. Concurrently, important information about the article, such as the source, the authors, the year of publication and the focus were recorded, and additional meaningful information were classified in the Literature Database. The most frequent sources were:

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 10

International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 7

Journal of Retailing 4

Habitat International 2

International Journal of Research in Marketing 2

Table 3.1: Classification of academic papers It is clear how 28 out of 48 articles came from unique sources; this highlights the relevance of the topic we are discussing, which was studied by many scholars all around the world; however, it is also an indication of how many different approaches and disciplines could be used to tackle it.

4. Paper Analysis

In this last part of the process, a short summary of the paper was written to highlight the most crucial concepts and the most significant information was extracted to fill the analytical framework. The framework was built with a hierarchical structure that will be discussed in the next chapter.

19 Literature Analysis

As a result of the process just described, 48 papers were gathered through the research on the online library of Politecnico di Milano, Scopus and Emerald Insight. Moreover, 16 non-scientific papers were added, coming from many different sources, such as reports from leading companies in consultancy or newspapers, which made them freely available on the web. Information extracted from them was used to build and fill the analytical framework, which needs to be discussed in detail, as it was a key tool to find gaps in the Literature. The framework is composed by six main areas. The first three concern the Focus; the Research Methodology, divided in qualitative and quantitative; the reference market, which is split into sector, nationality and size of the Retailer discussed. Subsequently, there are two areas which take into consideration the drivers of change in the industry: the first one deals with factors which are exogenous to the single Retailer, such as competition, macroeconomic factors, customer-base, digital- based, synergies, commercial distribution. The second one deals with factors which are instead endogenous to the single Retailer, such as its strategic choices, HR structure, product offering and technological infrastructure. The last part of the framework is dedicated to impacts of the changes in the business on the Retailers, concerning both their performances and their value chains. Impacts of other nature are also taken into consideration. In the following chapter each of these areas is analysed and discussed in detail.

Table 3.2: Academic papers generic information 20



: : Literature Database Structur



3 Table

22 3.2.1 Focus Focuses are the first aspect of the framework and they need an appropriate discussion. They represent the main topics of the articles tackled in the research: Retail, Drivers of change, and Impacts. This phase had two main objectives: first, it was crucial to be sure to analyse papers which were relevant for the thesis. This is one of the main reasons why most of the articles selected speak about more than one focus: the risk of them being off topic was much lower. The second objective was to understand how those topics were intertwined between them, in order to grasp both the most evident and the most hidden relationships. Articles that were able to connect more than one focus at the time were prioritized, and this is another explanation on why there are many overlapping in this part.

In Figure 3.2 it is possible to observe the focuses of the paper that were searched and analysed

0 5 39 0 4 0


Figure 3.2: Focuses of the Literature Analysis with papers division The first thing to notice is that all the articles had a clear focus on Retail. The reason is that any paper that took into account Drivers or Impacts on Retail without conducting a specific analysis on the Retail business itself was considered not deep or relevant enough to included.

Four papers combined impacts of the changes with the Retail business, without speaking of the factors behind the transformation. Those articles generally studied a specific impact and added a lot of relevant knowledge about the possible responses by companies or the government. An example is Smart Retail in Smart Cities: Best Practice Analysis of Local Online Platforms (2018) by Schade and colleagues, in which the authors described the best practices in terms of local online Retail platforms and their key success factors.

23 c Title Year Authors Source

Now what? Evaluating the sales effect of Journal of Retailing and Consumer 9 2017 Mikael Hernant, Sara Rosengren introducing an online store Services

Retail decentralization and land use regulation policies in suburban and rural 18 2018 Oceane Peiffer-Smadja, Andre Torre Habitat International communities: The case of the Île-de- France region

Distance decreases with differentiation: Gabriel A. Picone, David B. Ridley, Paul International Journal of Industrial 28 2009 Strategic agglomeration by retailers A. Zandbergen Organization

Proceedings of the 15th International Smart Retail in Smart Cities: Best Practice Katrin Schade, Marcus Hübscher and 48 2018 Joint Conference on e-Business and Analysis of Local Online Platforms Tanja Korzer Telecommunications

Table 3.5: Papers addressing Impacts Five papers just targeted the Retail business without entering in details of Drivers and Impacts of the Retail Apocalypse, or in general of the transformation of the business. Those articles were considered to be relevant as they provided some useful information about the field, such as the most recent techniques or strategies implemented by companies, or to report and understand the most cutting-edge research in Retail. An example is Omni-channel Retailing research – state of the art and intellectual foundation (2018) by Galipoglu and colleagues, which had the objective to reveal the intellectual foundation of omnichannel research by classifying and reviewing the existing knowledge on the topic.

# Title Year Authors Source Transitions towards omni-channel Milan Jocevski, Niklas Arvidsson, International Journal of Retail & 4 retailing strategies: a business model 2018 Giovanni Miragliotta, Antonio Ghezzi and Distribution Management perspective Riccardo Mangiaracina

Erdem Galipoglu, Herbert Kotzab, Omni-channel retailing research – state of International Journal of Physical 5 2018 Christoph Teller, Isik Özge Yumurtaci the art and intellectual foundation Distribution & Logistics Management Hüseyinoglu, Jens Pöppelbuß

A quantitative performance management Burcu Adivar, Işık Özge Yumurtacı Journal of Retailing and Consumer 11 framework for assessing omnichannel 2019 Hüseyinoğlu, Martin Christopher Services retail supply chains

Buy online collect in-store: Alec Davies, Les Dolega and Daniel International Journal of Retail & 39 exploring grocery click&collect 2019 Arribas-Bel Distribution Management using a national case study Paradoxical influence of family ownership Izabela Szymanska, Anita Blanchard, on innovation-focused organizational 40 2019 Kaleigh Kuhns Journal of Family Business Management change. Evidence from a large family business retail firm

Table 3.6: Papers addressing Retail only Another important fact is that most of the papers (38) covered all the focuses. This shows how many academics already tried to connect some of the drivers of change in the Retail business in the last few years to the possible outcomes of the transformation. An example might be Analysing Retail store closures (2016) by Cavan, in which the authors was struck by the closing of many shops after the 2008 crisis and tried to understand which were the main reasons why a Retailer should decide to close one of its points of sales. As it is possible to see, just one

24 particular impact was considered here, together with its roots and its consequences. The question that emerged was to understand whether all those papers just target some specific Drivers or Impacts, or if there are some articles that analyse the Retail field with an integrated approach, to describe and study all the elements that are changing and the reasons why they are doing so.

# Title Year Authors Source

Omnichannel business research: Yang Chen, Christy M.K. Cheung, Chee- 1 2017 Decision Support Systems Opportunities and challenges Wee Tan

Retail Digitalization: Implications for Johan Hagberg, Anna Jonsson, Niklas Journal of Retailing and Consumer 2 2017 physical stores Egels-Zandén Services

Introduction to the Special Issue Wojciech Piotrowicz & Richard International Journal of Electronic 3 Information Technology in Retail: Toward 2014 Cuthbertson Commerce Omnichannel Retailing

The impact of digital transformation on Werner Reinartz, Nico Wiegand, Monika International Journal of Research in 6 2018 the retailing value chain Imschloss Marketing

Consumer trust toward retail websites: Elissar Toufaily, Nizar Souiden, Riadh Journal of Retailing and Consumer 7 Comparison between pure click and click- 2013 Ladhari Services and-brick retailers

Kathleen Keeling , Debbie Keeling, Peter 8 Retail Relationships in a Digital Age 2011 Journal of Business Research McGoldrick

Who is innovating? An exploratory Journal of Retailing and Consumer 10 research of digital technologies diffusion 2019 Eleonora Pantano, Virginia Vannucci Services in retail industry Assessing impacts of introducing ship-to- store service on sales and returns in M. Serkan Akturk, Michael Ketzenbergb, 12 2018 Journal of Operations Management omnichannel retailing: A data analytics Gregory R. Heimc study International Conference on Design and 13 What is smart for retailing? 2014 Eleonora Pantano, Harry Timmermans Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning

Effect of neighborhood income and 14 consumption on retail viability: 2019 Chang-Deok Kang Habitat International Evidence from Seoul, Korea

The influence of related and unrelated Journal of Retailing and Consumer 15 2016 Pia Nilsson industry diversity on retail firm failure Services

Benchmarking Retail Productivity 16 Considering Retail Pricing 2013 Dinesh K. Gauri Journal of Retailing and Format Strategy

Business distance and global retailing: a International Journal of Retail and 17 model for analysis of key success/failure 1996 Marc Dupuis, Nathalie Prime Distribution Management factors

Shopping externalities and retail Hans R.A. Kostera, Ilias Pasidisb, Jos van 19 concentration: Evidence from dutch 2019 Journal of Urban Economics Ommerena shopping streets

Interformat competition in the grocery Journal of Retailing and Consumer 20 2014 Maria Grazia Cardinali , Silvia Bellini retailing Services

Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from Openings John M. Clapp, Stephen L. Ross & Tingyu 21 2017 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics and Closings of Multiline Department Zhou Stores in the U.S.

Retail Apocalypse or Golden Opportunity 22 2019 Martin Mende, Stephanie M. Noble Journal of Retailing for Retail Frontline Management?

25 # Title Year Authors Source

Omnichannel business research: Yang Chen, Christy M.K. Cheung, Chee- 1 2017 Decision Support Systems Opportunities and challenges Wee Tan

Retail Digitalization: Implications for Johan Hagberg, Anna Jonsson, Niklas Journal of Retailing and Consumer 2 2017 physical stores Egels-Zandén Services

Introduction to the Special Issue Wojciech Piotrowicz & Richard International Journal of Electronic 3 Information Technology in Retail: Toward 2014 Cuthbertson Commerce Omnichannel Retailing

The impact of digital transformation on Werner Reinartz, Nico Wiegand, Monika International Journal of Research in 6 2018 the retailing value chain Imschloss Marketing

Consumer trust toward retail websites: Elissar Toufaily, Nizar Souiden, Riadh Journal of Retailing and Consumer 7 Comparison between pure click and click- 2013 Ladhari Services and-brick retailers

Kathleen Keeling , Debbie Keeling, Peter 8 Retail Relationships in a Digital Age 2011 Journal of Business Research McGoldrick

Who is innovating? An exploratory Journal of Retailing and Consumer 10 research of digital technologies diffusion 2019 Eleonora Pantano, Virginia Vannucci Services in retail industry Assessing impacts of introducing ship-to- store service on sales and returns in M. Serkan Akturk, Michael Ketzenbergb, 12 2018 Journal of Operations Management omnichannel retailing: A data analytics Gregory R. Heimc study International Conference on Design and 13 What is smart for retailing? 2014 Eleonora Pantano, Harry Timmermans Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning

Effect of neighborhood income and 14 consumption on retail viability: 2019 Chang-Deok Kang Habitat International Evidence from Seoul, Korea

The influence of related and unrelated Journal of Retailing and Consumer 15 2016 Pia Nilsson industry diversity on retail firm failure Services

Benchmarking Retail Productivity 16 Considering Retail Pricing 2013 Dinesh K. Gauri Journal of Retailing and Format Strategy

Business distance and global retailing: a International Journal of Retail and 17 model for analysis of key success/failure 1996 Marc Dupuis, Nathalie Prime Distribution Management factors

Shopping externalities and retail Hans R.A. Kostera, Ilias Pasidisb, Jos van 19 concentration: Evidence from dutch 2019 Journal of Urban Economics Ommerena shopping streets

Interformat competition in the grocery Journal of Retailing and Consumer 20 2014 Maria Grazia Cardinali , Silvia Bellini retailing Services

Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from Openings John M. Clapp, Stephen L. Ross & Tingyu 21 2017 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics and Closings of Multiline Department Zhou Stores in the U.S.

Retail Apocalypse or Golden Opportunity 22 2019 Martin Mende, Stephanie M. Noble Journal of Retailing for Retail Frontline Management?

Table 3.6: Papers That Cover All the Focuses

26 3.2.2 Methodology Methodology was an important dimension to keep track of as it allowed to distinguish between papers which were very experimental based, providing potential data useful for the research, and papers which were more theoretical and were fundamental to be at the forefront of the scientific innovation in this field. Two main categories were distinguished: Quantitative and Qualitative. Quantitative methodologies are composed by articles whose analysis was based on Mathematical/Statistical models, Secondary Data or on a Survey/Questionnaire. Qualitative analyses instead leverage on Observations, Secondary Data, Interviews, Focus Groups, Comparisons, Frameworks, Descriptions, Case Studies or on Literature Analyses. There are several things to notice in this subdivision. First, secondary data is present in both the methodologies; the reason is that secondary data refers to all the data coming from external sources and not developed or gatherer internally, and therefore it can be both qualitative and quantitative. Based on the nature of the secondary data methodology, each paper with that methodology was classified in the appropriate section. Second, some papers may present more than one method of analysis; this is absolutely possible since many of them may tackled a specific problem from different points of view. For the same reason, it could also be that authors implement both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in the same paper. Looking at the data, it is evident how 12% of papers encompassed quantitative methodologies only, while the other 29% focused on qualitative ones exclusively. However, most of the papers (59%) employed both the methodologies for their research. The following picture shows the allocation of the methods:





qualitative only quantitative only both

Chart 3.1: Methodologies

27 Quantitative methodologies are the systematic empirical investigation of some observable phenomena through statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. Measurement is a key aspect of quantitative analyses, since it allows to connect the practical observation with the mathematical, statistical or computational expressions. In this case, the most used quantitative techniques that were detected were Mathematical/Statistical models a Survey/Questionnaires. Indeed, those two methodologies allow to visualize data and get useful insights based on large samples, representative of the population.

N° Quantitative Papers per methodology used


15 10

Mathematical/Statistical Model Secondary Data Survey/Questionnaire Chart 3.2: Number of quantitative papers Qualitative methodologies are scientific methods of observation to gather non-numerical data, which focus more on why or how a certain phenomenon occurs rather than how often. They help researchers to gain an understanding of the reasons and motivations in order to develop new theories, models, ideas or hypothesis can be then used as a baseline for quantitative research; this is why we could often find both types of techniques in the same article or paper. Chart 3.3 shows which kind of qualitative methodologies were implemented in the material that was analysed and also how frequently; it is clear how Literature Analysis was by far the most common, followed by Framework and Secondary Data.

N° Qualitative Papers per methodology used

Literature Analysis 28 Case Study 5 Description 7 Framework 11 Comparison 8 Focus Group 4 Interviews 7 Secondary Data 9 Observation 7 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Chart 3.3: Number of qualitative papers


3.2.3 Market dimensions: Nationality, Sector, Retail Size The third aspect to consider is related to the dimensions behind the markets described and analysed in the papers. In this case, it is crucial to remember that those are not the characteristics related to the authors or the sources of the articles; indeed, they consider the environment in which the research was carried on.

Nationality is a compelling element to take into account, since it is also a key information that can be useful to find gaps in the Literature Reviews. Most papers did not focus on a specific country and preferred to develop general knowledge valid for Retailers all over the world. However, in other cases, research was conducted in one or more specific nation, which could provide some extremely important understanding about the background context. For example, the observation of a Retail phenomenon in a third-world country or in a developed western economy could have many different drivers and various unique impacts on the business or on the lifestyle of citizens. Culture is a fundamental variable too; there are countries which are more prone to change and other which are less trustful of foreign companies.

The following Chart 3.4 shows the countries analysed by the authors of the papers. As it is possible to see, USA was the country in which most of the research was conducted with 14 articles, followed by generic research, Italy and Sweden. USA being the focus of the majority of the articles makes sense, being the country with the stronger Retail industry, but also the most affected by failures and closures during the Retail Apocalypse


2% 2% 2%2% 2% 2% USA Generic 4% 30% Italy Sweden 4% UK France 6% Netherlands Belgium China 9% Taiwan Germany

11% 24%

Chart 3.4: Allocation of Retailers' nationality of the conducted research

29 Of course, having the possibility to access material in Italian means that a considerable number of papers on the topic should have been found, but this was not the case. Italy having only 5 dedicated papers was shocking, since it’s difficult to understand how a country that is undergoing a strong Retail crisis, with well-known Retail chains (such as Trony and Mercatone Uno) going bankruptcy or leaving the country (Auchan is an example), could have so few academic researches on the topic.

The second aspect to be considered is related to the specific sector. Research could be focused on the generic Retail activity or on more defined business areas. Some phenomena could be observed only for some peculiar kind of point of sale; an example is the paper Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from Openings and Closings of Multiline Department Stores in the U.S.(2017) by Clapp, Ross and Zhou, which focused just of anchor store chains, large department stores or grocery stores which serve as prominent businesses in a shopping district or in a mall. Those Retailers have very particular characteristics such as the need of having a broad appeal, synergies and partnerships with other Retailers to build up agglomeration and create customer traffic, necessity of a consistent customer base close to their geographic location. It is clear how these players may be exposed to different dynamics than other kind of Retailers.

In particular, an aspect that it is important to highlight is the presence of 6 articles relating to the Groceries sector as shown in Chart 3.5 This is in fact an area that, together with that of furniture and home living, is growing rapidly. Furthermore, it is also a sector characterized by high rivalry intensity and patterns of Retail competition which are more complex than in the past. A phenomenon that was addressed in the paper Interformat competition in the grocery Retailing (2014) by Cardinali and Bellini was that of convergence with hybrid shop formats. The immediate consequence of this trend was an even more intensified competition, especially between store formats called by the authors interformat competition.

Another example might be the paper Who is innovating? An exploratory research of digital technologies diffusion in Retail industry (2019) by Pantano and Vannucci. In this case the authors analysed Oxford Street Retailers in London by the number of innovative technologies they implemented and by the category of products/services they sell. Key findings were that there are sectors which are inherently innovative and others which are laggards, according to Roger’s model of Innovation Diffusion.

30 On the contrary, an example of a paper that considered generic Retailers was Omnichannel business research: Opportunities and challenges (2017) by Chen, Cheung and Tan, which developed a framework for omnichannel research, useful to identify opportunities and challenges coming from omnichannel Retailing. This was carried without considering the business area of the single Retailer.

Further details about sector specificity can be found in the following Chart 3.5; it is undeniable that most of the researchers focused on generic issues and problems without going into details related to unique Retail fields.

Sector Specificity

2%2%2% 2%2% 2% 2% 6%


60% 13%

Generic Grocery Department Stores Chains Everything but Grocery Anchor Stores Electronics Fast Food Food Jewelry Home Furniture Alcohol Retailers

Chart 3.5: Allocation of Sector specificity of the conducted research The third dimension to take into account is the size of the Retailers analysed. This is a key aspect as there are many fundamental differences between small and big Retailers. The former usually have limited investment capabilities while the latter have more resources to pursue digital projects such as the implementation of ERP or CRM software. Additionally, with data analytics being a trending topic in the industry, big players are definitely advantaged by having the possibility of gather big data on a much larger scale than smaller ones. Big players tend to be advantaged also in terms of bargaining power with suppliers, customers and partners, and they are able to exploit economies of scale in most cases.

However, established retailers often have many requirements which are not shared by small Retailers. They often need a very large population to achieve a customer base large enough to

31 be sustainable, and they traditionally have very high fixed costs. Usually, they offer a very different kind of experience to their customers than what small players offer, and that can be either and advantage or a disadvantage depending on the specific situation.

Recently, many established Retail chains (especially in the U.S.) declared bankruptcy and failed. However, there are few papers trying to focus on the Retail Apocalypse and the majority of them mainly study big players. An example is Flatlined: Combatting the death of Retail stores (2019) by Berman; here the author studies the main strategies to survive for Retail chains, from omnichannel synergies, to personalization and experiential shopping. In particular, downsizing was considered as a possible alternative for big chains to cut costs and adapt to the next context.

It is essential to highlight that there are some papers focusing just on small Retailers or big Retailers, and articles which forego this dimension of analysis. However, there are also authors which recognize the structural differences coming from size and conduct tailor-made research for both the cases in the same piece. The paper The effects of shop opening hours deregulation: Evidence from Italy (2015) by Rizzica, Roma and Rovigatti, for instance, explores the impacts deriving from the deregulation of shop opening hours in Italy. The authors showed that larger firms, and their employees, are gaining relatively more than small Retailers. The latter, indeed, suffer an unfair competition coming from large players, which are generally better able to cover longer work shifts. Given the important impact that the size can generate, this dimension was included into the analysis.

Further, in Chart 3.6, it is possible to find the distribution of the size of Retailers considered in the papers that were studied.

Retail Size


12 8 3

Generic Both Small and Large Small Only Large Only

Chart 3.6: Number of scientific papers by Retail size

32 Exogenous Factors In this section all those Drivers of change that might have some impacts on the Retail business were described and explained, focusing just on those belonging to the external environment and not depending on the internal choices or characteristics of the Retailers. The purpose is to classify the most relevant factors by their nature to have a clear picture of the market and of the megatrends which could shape it in the future.

3.3.1 Digital Digital Exogenous Factors refer to all the transformations related to the growing pervasiveness of digital technologies in the everyday life of customers, suppliers and partners. To conduct a deeper and more extensive analysis, it was decided to further explode the digital dimension in different sub-components.

Among those elements, eCommerce is often considered the most impactful trend behind the failure of Retailers. One of the main objectives of the research is to understand if this is true or if eCommerce is just a driver like many others, with its correlated impacts and with possible ways to be internalized and managed with a well-defined and coherent digital business strategy.

As mentioned above, perhaps the most crucial Digital Factor is Omnichannel. As Chen, and colleagues wrote in their work Omnichannel business research: Opportunities and challenges (2017), “Advances in technology have blurred the boundaries between physical and virtual environments, giving rise to the rapid development of omnichannel businesses in which online and offline channels converge to deliver a seamless shopping experience”. Surely, Omnicanality represents a unique opportunity for Retailers to gather data about their customers in all the channels and to create tailor-made experiences which would be very appreciated by clients. According to Now what? Evaluating the sales effect of introducing an online store (2017) by Hernant and Rosengren, Omnichannel has a real impact on revenues, as this kind of customers tend to spend a higher monthly amount after the introduction of the online channel. Of course, Omnichannel business also presents some major challenges to be solved, such as privacy issues, necessity of integration of the different channels and cross-channel free-riding. Many Retailers have developed different strategies and different solutions in that direction, and those will be described in the Impacts section of this thesis.

The Omnichannel strategy and the eCommerce diffusion are two central elements of outmost importance for this thesis work. As expected, most of the times, articles that discuss digital transformation link the spread of eCommerce with the adoption of the Omnichannel strategy.

33 Going on with the Digital Factors, Mobile, defined as the increasing and pervasive diffusion of smartphones and tablets all around the globe in the last decade, was identified as a major trend in the world right now that may have significant impact on Retail. Indeed, Retailers have to consider the possibilities opened by this touchpoint to get in contact with the customer, and they have to develop solutions that keep in mind this trend, such as websites optimized for mobile and marketing strategies referred specifically for this channel. While Mobile is a key component of Omnichannel that was mentioned before, it was decided to keep this element separated due to its fundamental role for many companies and customers. Moreover, there are also some papers which referred in particular to this channel, such as The Future of Retailing (2017) by Grewal and colleagues. In this article, the authors considered the possibility to exploit smartphones to gather new kinds of data about the customers, such as the position through the GPS technology, to offer tailor-made offers depending on where the customer is located physically. Another possible impact of mobile described in their research was to use mobile apps to help Retailers to improve their efficiency, and ultimately their profitability; an example of a possible solution could be a software that improves the speed and the convenience of the payment process.

Furthermore, the findings of Shopping as a "networked experience": an emerging framework in the Retail industry (2019) by Pantano and Gandini highlight how an intensive use of social medias and digital communication technologies emerges as an integral part of the shopping experience inside and outside the store. Therefore, there is an ongoing process of cultural transformation of Retail as a social practice enabled by mobile devices, of which younger consumers seem to be at the forefront.

The last Digital Factor that is reported was called “Digital Innovation”. It includes all the transformations due to the new digital technologies that were not included in the first three Exogenous Drivers. An example also found in The Future of Retailing (2017) by Grewal et al. could be the Internet of Things, a new paradigm based on the latest communication technologies that could open up opportunities for Retailers to improve the efficiency of their operations, as well as the engagement of the customers in the physical point of sale.

Another paper addressing the digital innovation impact on Retailers was The impact of digital transformation on the Retailing value chain (2018) by Reinartz and colleagues The authors show how with the rise of eCommerce, mobile shopping, and most recently smart technologies and new competitors threaten the long-standing supremacy of institutional brick-and-mortar Retailers. The only way to survive for them is to adopt an omnichannel strategy.

34 Finally, in Chart 3.7, it is possible to see the percentage of papers grouped according to the Digital Factor described.

Digital Drivers


44% 38% 29%


Chart 3.7: Percentage of scientific papers addressing Digital Drivers

3.3.2 Macroeconomic Proceeding with the analysis of the Exogenous Factors, many papers spoke about some Macroeconomic Drivers behind the success or the failure of several Retailers. Those factors are connected to the performance and the structure of the market in which players are located.

First of all, in Effect of neighbourhood income and consumption on Retail viability: Evidence from Seoul, Korea (2019) by Kang, the author was able to identify two main factors of Retail viability, which are neighbourhood consumptions and neighbourhood wage. Through an empirical model, they were able to show that there are positive relationships between those two elements and Retail sales, which they considered the best proxy of Retail performance. However, they also highlighted how the type of area influences that relationships (they are stronger in hinterland areas than in Retail clusters) and how the different types of Retailers are affected in a stronger or weaker way.

Wage and consumptions are not the only two things to consider; the sheer number of people living in a certain area can be a key factor of success for many Retailers. In Analyzing Retail store closures (2016) by Cavan, the writer describes how many stores were closing due to a trade area realignment. Due to the increasing competition coming from the web, many Retailers have increased upward their minimum population threshold to survive. Therefore, especially

35 after a merger or acquisition process, we can see how many of the smaller shops are being closed to move the customers to other stores which are bigger and more efficient.

Further important elements to consider are the socio-demographic characteristics of the population in which a Retailer operates. An example could be found in Business distance and global Retailing: a model for analysis of key success/failure factors (1996) by Dupuis and Prime. This paper carries on an analysis on why Carrefour could successfully expand in Taiwan, while its approach to the U.S. market did not deliver the expected results. A key finding is that Americans mostly wanted to buy American grocery, while Taiwanese were more open to buy from a French chain. A crucial element to overcome in Taiwan was that Chinese people, according to the authors, had a very different culture from the French ones or, in general, from the Europeans. Thus, they had to modify their formats just enough to find a working compromise to succeed.

The last Macroeconomic Factor found in the papers is related to regulations. Some nations may have very peculiar rules about how business should be done, which can be focused on many different aspects, such as employment, financing and opening hours. Regarding the latter, the already cited research by Rizzica and colleagues (2015), demonstrated how de-regulation of opening hours for stores favours big players. Certainly, they have more resources to exploit late or early openings, creating a disadvantage for small players which cannot afford to do so.

In Retail decentralization and land use regulation policies in suburban and rural communities: The case of the Île-de-France region (2018) by Peiffer-Smadja and Torre, the authors explore the efficiency of land use regulation aiming at protecting existing Retail units and, more in general, its impacts on the size and localization of new Retail stores in the Ile-de-France region. Undeniably, the expansion of new forms of Retailing started in 1970s; the opening of hypermarkets, shopping malls or Retail parks created a highly competitive environment for small-town centre Retail units. To contrast that trend, the authors show how suburban and rural authorities were more restrictive towards suburbs large Retail stores openings, especially where town centre activities were crucial for the citizens' well-being.

36 3.3.3 Competition As previously introduced, competition in the world of Retail is getting more and more intense, both in terms of digital and physical competition. To have a deeper understanding about the type of competition discussed in the papers, the two types of competition have been further exploded. In particular, Digital Competition was divided into eCommerce adoption by competitors, competition from Dot Com and Retail ecosystems. Moreover, two phenomena related to the digital realm, price transparency and disintermediation are discussed. Concerning the Physical Competition instead, competition from the same tier, entry barriers and price wars are shaping the market; thus, they were considered as subdimensions.

Digital Competition






Chart 3.8: Percentage of scientific papers addressing Digital Competition Drivers Technology adoption for the integration of online–offline purchasing (2019) by Savastano, and colleagues and Adding store to web: migration and synergy effects in multi-channel Retailing (2016) by Fornari and colleagues are two examples of articles that study competition as the main driver of change. The first one argues that for the achievement of a sustainable competitive advantage it is necessary to respond by adopting new online channels and IST (In Store Technology), whereas the authors in the second paper intend to determine if and to what extent the opening of physical stores by a former web-only Retailer reduces or extends overall Retail sales. The authors write "In western countries a "bricks and clicks" profile now characterizes 80 per cent of Retailers, and over 70 per cent of online sales are made by these Retailers. All these factors determine a series of effects on the nature and the intensity of competition among Retailers, with new competitive situations among pure players, who continually operate only online or offline, and multi-channel ones, who operate both physically

37 and virtually". Thus, competitions' boundaries are getting more and more blurred and this has important implications for Retail managers.

The impact of digital transformation on the Retailing value chain (2018) by Reinartz and colleagues is a paper of outmost importance in this academic research which introduces the concept of platforms. Platforms, or marketplaces, are digital intermediaries that efficiently match external producers/sellers to consumers, thereby enabling value-creating interactions. Their purpose is to facilitate the exchange of goods, services, or social currency. Examples are Alibaba, Wish, eBay, and Amazon Marketplace; in these cases, the competition takes on a very different aspect from the aforementioned. Other authors describe the same concept in different terms by speaking of “Retail ecosystems”, that could represent a significant competitive advantage for Retailers that are part of them.

Mende and Noble (2019) describe them as “vast, interconnected communities of consumers, Retailers and partners that can redefine consumer expectations and reshape Retail value chains”. The idea is that it is possible to attracts customer by providing a vast selection of services on one single platform. This will create a cross-side network effect, as the huge customer base will attract Retailers and providers to join the ecosystem. Those players will also have huge advantages in terms of marketing and supply chain.

Thanks to these ecosystems, even small Retailers can access a huge number of customers. However, these environments are more susceptible to disruption, with new entrants being offered easy access due to the low barriers to entry. It is therefore up to the Retailers to decide whether to become part of these ecosystems or to develop their own with the risk of not reaching the critical mass sufficient to survive. Another element that distinguishes platforms from traditional Retail environments is transparency, since they allow to easily compare a huge number of products in terms of price and product features. This is a key factor that could increase price competition as customers are more informed about the market and the positioning of the players. Internet and search engines are the enablers of this driver; just thinking how easy it is to check the price of a product with a smartphone should make this point clear. In The Impact of Customer Behaviour on the Business Organization in the Multichannel Context (Retail) (2016) by Grimonpont this factor is described in detail; the author write that the price, and more in general the information found on the web, give customers a power that is unprecedented, and they won’t settle for a lesser product or service anymore.

38 Another peculiarity of the digital environment is that the power is shifting from traditionally stationary Retailers (Brick & Mortar), which once were the main transaction interface for the end customer, to new players, such as manufacturers. This phenomenon, enabled by the digital transformation, is known as Disintermediation and occurs when brands (manufacturers) themselves attempt to engage directly with the end consumer, thus cutting out the Retailer from the channel. In addition, the threat becomes greater as they build powerful brand ecosystems that interact with consumers via IoT applications and personalized communication, creating entirely new value propositions and making brands experiential. Indeed, in the last few years, many actors of the upstream supply chain of Retailers engaged in the opening of proprietary shops or fully owned eCommerce websites. This tendency of disintermediate from the end Retailers is justified by increasing margins and the direct contact with the end customers, with advantages such as the possibility to gather data about them and propose a more tailored value proposition (Reinartz et al., 2018).

On top of the new competition coming from eCommerce and Digital-enabled Factors, brick- and-mortar Retailers must not forget that they also have to face fierce competition from their traditional physical competitors. It is critical for companies to position themselves in the market in a way that makes them able to survive. The first kind of competitive effect that we want to highlight is the one coming from Retailers in the same tier of the supply chain In Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from Openings and Closings of Multiline Department Stores in the U.S. (2017) by Clapp and colleagues the authors build a model to understand the intensity of the competitive effect generated by the opening of an anchor store by an incumbent in geographical areas where there are already other anchor stores. The key finding is that competition is very strong when the two points of sales have the same strategic positioning (low, medium or high priced); from there it was possible to understand that competition should be studied in a comprehensive and integrated way, as it is influenced by many other factors and can have multiple impacts on how Retailers behave. This makes the concept of competition quite appropriate to be addressed with an approach like the one employed to conduct this thesis work.

From Porter’s Five Forces model (1980) it is known that internal rivalry is not the only competition force to be considered; a new entrant could try to get a share of the market. Entry barriers are crucial to reduce this risk. It is possible to think of barriers generated by the inherent characteristics of the industry, but companies could also make some strategic choices that create barriers. Since this part is focused on Exogenous Drivers, just the former was included

39 in the analysis. Examples could be capital requirements of the business, necessity of licenses or patents, specific government regulations, accessibility to the distribution network and the exclusive rights to some resources.

Sometimes rival companies’ strategic choices can trigger price wars, which are continuous cuts on prices used to capture a greater market share and force the opponent out of the market. Those wars tend to be expensive as the margins of the products is reduced to increase the number of customers, making companies much less profitable. Therefore, price wars are a driver that should be taken into account while discussing of competition, as it is something that can impact deeply the business player. For instance, the weak competition on price was mentioned as one of the drivers of success of Carrefour in Taiwan (Dupuis and Prime, 1996).

3.3.4 Commercial Distribution Another crucial factor to consider when talking about the drivers impacting Retail performance is the nature of commercial distribution, that is focused on how and where Retailers are located. Indeed, the inclusion of the latter dimension within Exogenous Factors was aimed at investigating the impacts of collaboration and competition on agglomeration and store performances.

An important aspect to consider when speaking of geographical distribution of Retailers is the phenomenon of globalization. According to Dupuis and Prime (1996), globalization was not a new phenomenon already in 1996, and therefore there are many different theories explaining how a firm chooses in which country to operate and the obstacles it would face. In their article, the authors try to create a framework to understand the key success and failure factors behind the internationalisation decision. In this sense, globalization sees the Retailer that wants to internationalise as an “active” actor; however, in this analysis also the “passive” aspects of the phenomenon were taken in consideration. Examples could be the access to international suppliers, increasing competition due to foreign firms and the increase of Foreign Direct Investments.

Geographic distribution can be analysed in terms of clusters and proximity to customers, usually two closely related dimensions. An example came from the paper Shopping externalities and Retail concentration: Evidence from dutch shopping streets (2019) by Kostera, Pasidis and Ommerena, in which both of these subdimension were discussed. In fact, the authors argue that consumers who visit several shops benefit from reductions in transport and search costs, thus, they are attracted by clusters of Retailers, such as shopping streets. The

40 increase in footfall, that is the number of pedestrians that pass by a shop, increases the productivity of Retailers, and represents one of the advantages resulting from being part of a cluster.

An analogous argumentation is done by Nilsson and Smirnov in their article Measuring the effect of transportation infrastructure on Retail firm co-location patterns (2016), which addressed the theme of clusters. In particular, this paper studies the effects of transportation infrastructure availability on the location behaviour of competing Retail firms. The latter strive to find sites that have great demand potential characterized by locations in areas with high accessibility and traffic flow. Unlike the previous paper, however, they describe through a theoretical framework the connection between Retail firm location choices and the demand for transportation infrastructure and finally demonstrated that Retailers clustering together can result in efficiencies that are quantified in terms of accessibility and consumer welfare.

In considering the nature of commercial distribution, sector concentration is critical since it has significant implications for the intensity of the competition and therefore on the companies' survival. Indeed, 33% of papers focused on this specific Driver, as shown in Chart 3.9.

Commercial Distribution

33% 25% 21% 8%


Chart 3.9: Percentage of scientific paper addressing Commercial Distribution Drivers 3.3.5 Synergies The agglomeration and concentration of Retailers can result in the generation of both negative and positive externalities, depending on the point of view adopted. When externalities are positive in nature, they are known as synergies. This interrelationship was demonstrated by the paper addressing the specific case of Ikea's entry into 3 different Swedish municipalities. In Spillover effects when IKEA enters: Do incumbent Retailers win or lose? (2019), Daunfeldt and colleagues consider how incumbent Retailers are affected when IKEA opens a new point

41 of sale in their same trade area and whether the positive externalities are larger than the negative ones. The authors demonstrate that incumbent Retailers located 1 km from the new IKEA store experienced a 7% increase due to positive spillover such as decrease of input costs, facilitated labor matching by creating a local skilled labor pool, and benefit from knowledge spillovers. However, this result was true only for those stores that sold complementary products, while instead same-market Retailers located between 2 and 5 km from the new IKEA store experienced revenue loss due to IKEA entry. In order to be able to work in an effective way, Retailers need the access to a network of service providers on which it can rely on to outsource some activities which are far from the core business of the firm, yet necessary. They may also be necessary for their synergies with the Retailers in a certain area, as described in the paper Smart Retail in Smart Cities (2018) by Schade and colleagues. Service providers are seen by the authors as absolutely necessary for the success of local area platforms, which are ecosystems that aggregate Retailers in a certain geographic area. Integrating service inside those applications makes them attractive and useful for the customers, with positive effects for the Retailers who take part of them.

Thus, most of the time, service providers are referred to as IT providers, considered to be the enablers of the digital transformation. Nevertheless, all those actors that collaborate in the supply chain of the Retailer are equally important. Partners are in fact a fundamental component of the Business Model. In Transitions towards omni-channel Retailing strategies: a business model perspective (2018) by Ghezzi and colleagues, the authors, starting from a framework that consolidates earlier studies, suggest the pursuing of three dimensions for a successful transition to omni-channel Retailing Business Models: seamless customer experience, integrated analytics system and effective supply chain and logistics. Regarding the last dimension, the authors argue that, for an effective supply chain and logistics, evolving partnerships in value networks and activities related to demand and delivery fulfilment is essential.

3.3.6 Customer-Based When speaking of Retailers, customers play a crucial role too, probably representing the most important stakeholders. When speaking of retailers, customer are probably the most important stakeholders of all. Many drivers of change in the industry are actually generated by shifts in their lifestyle, habits and ideas.

Customer-centricity is the fundamental imperative for Retailers and their innovation strategies, and this is increasingly true in a context where the ultimate goal is to achieve a seamless

42 customer experience. In addition, the difficulty will be greater for those global Retailers that are expanding their business to countries with different cultures and consumer habits. How cultural dimensions influence consumers' expectations and interaction with technological innovations is the focus of the paper Improving the global competitiveness of Retailers using a cultural analysis of in-store digital innovation (2016) by Trappey and colleagues. Indeed, the authors relate the habits and culture of customers to their technology acceptance in the specific case of SSTs (self-serving technology), technological interfaces that allow customers to perform the entire service on their own, without direct assistance from frontline employees. Comparing perceived ease of use, technology readiness and demographic variables between the Taiwanese and the Swiss population, it emerges that Taiwanese have a low score on individualism and a collectivistic culture. Swedish, instead, have a high score on individualism and, therefore, an individual culture. The authors conclude that the choice of which technology is the best to adopt need to be based on the type of customers' habits and culture. While Swedish customers should be approached with the more advanced innovations, Taiwanese customers require promotional materials and demonstrations before implementation of in-store innovations to decrease their technology anxiety.

In literature, interaction with technological innovations is often discussed through the use of the Technology-Acceptance Model (TAM). Pantano and Vannucci (2019) in their work Who is innovating? An exploratory research of digital technologies diffusion in Retail industry, in which they try to explain which kind of actors are the most interested in innovative digital solutions to implement in their stores employing the TAM to refer the perceived degree of easiness and usefulness of new technology by customers.

Concerning customer habits, Dupuis and Prime (1996) also describe how the innovations of large parking lots and long opening hours were not an innovation for Americans that were already used to them, but they were for Taiwanese customers. Moreover, the authors emphasize how customers may have particular requirements that could have a significant impact on how the Retailer needs to approach the market.

Creating and managing a relationship with a customer is crucial for Retailers to be successful. Keeling and colleagues (2011) stress the value of customer relationships to increase customer trust and retention. In their study, the authors attempt to analyse many different kinds of bonds and interactions that exist between salespersons and customers and how those could be impacted by replacing them with human-to-technology relationships. Their idea was to try to find which is the kind of connection that customers find acceptable or able to fulfil their needs,

43 in order to help managers to fix problems or shortfalls in the relationships to be built. The authors also consider the case of purely online channels, in which it is more challenging to retain customers, and for which several kinds of Retail interfaces were developed, such as avatars, pictures of staff and enhanced interactivity.

An element that is strictly related to customer relationships is for sure loyalty. While with relationships the focus is more on the direct contact between the company and the client, with loyalty the main element is the ability of the firm to make sure that the customer will be retained, so that it will purchase again from the Retailer. This is a crucial aspect for the new omnichannel environment: there are new tools to evaluate profitability and investments which are mainly based on the repurchase decisions, such as Customer Lifetime Value. Chen, Cheung and Tan in their paper Omnichannel Business Research: Opportunities and Challenges (2017) explore another phenomenon which is typical of omnichannel contexts and is generated by poor customer loyalty, which is cross-channel free riding. It happens when a customer initially contacts a Retailer to find information about a product or service and then swaps Retailer to finalize the purchase. The consequence is that the first Retailer provides the service in the pre- purchase phase for free and then achieves no revenue.

Another case in which customer loyalty is key to understand the success or the failure of Retailers is when a Retail chain decides to close one of its points of sales in a given area, a choice that can have many different motivations. As Haans and Gijsbrechts (2010) reported in their study, in some cases the Retailer is able to drive a share of the customers which used to buy in the closed store to the closest nearby point of sale they own, exploiting the strong loyalty they were able to achieve with their customers. When this happens, the firm is able to reduce costs while avoiding losing a part of the revenues that were generated by the closure; loyalty is therefore able to decide the failure or the success of a downsizing strategy.

Furthermore, a key component of an ever-evolving Retail environment, where subsequent integration of new touchpoints results into hybrid online-offline Retail environments, is the customer journey. Indeed, to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage, eCommerce and brick-and-mortars need to be merged according to an omnichannel strategy. In this way, customers gain more opportunities to buy what, where and whenever they want to, this resulting into a smooth customer journey through different channels (Savastano et al., 2019). Engagement is a key aspect to be considered while speaking of customer experience being one of the main tools that a company has to improve the customer experience and the feeling of

44 involvement. Loyalty and brand equity in omnichannel Retail depend on positive customer experiences through awareness, engagement and channel integration (Burcu, et al. 2019).

To wrap up, the final goal of omni-channel Retailing is to evaluate every touch point and channel alternative to enrich the customer experience and provides an integrated sales experience that combines the advantages of physical stores with the enhanced information level provided by online shopping (Galipoglu et al, 2018). The centrality of the costumer is confirmed by the fact that 38 articles out of 47 speak of at least one Customer-Based Driver. In particular, as showed in Chart 3.10, the growing attention towards consumer habits and requirements is undeniable.









0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Chart 3.10: Percentage of scientific papers addressing Customer-Based Drivers

45 Endogenous Factors In this section the aim was to recognize and classify the internal characteristics or strategic choices of the Retailers that could have relevant consequences for Retailers all over the world, alone or in combination with other factors.

3.4.1 Products The first aspect to consider was related on the products that Retailers are selling through their channels. Variety and availability of products are the first drivers that could lead to a strong competitive advantage or disadvantage for a point of sale.

Product Factors




Chart 3.11: Percentage of scientific papers addressing Product Drivers

ECommerce channels have an intrinsic strength in these factors as companies can decide to sell their entire catalogue on the web, without the need for physical space to show and store all the products as it would be required in a physical setting. According to Helm, Kim and Van Riper (2018) many customers prefer to shop online because of the greater assortment and the greater availability than they can’t find in physical stores. An appropriate consideration made by Grewal and colleagues (2017) in their paper about the future of Retailing is that companies should use big data to make more accurate predictions about demand so to avoid stock-outages, while keeping costs under control.

Nevertheless, Pantano and Gandini (2019) stress the fact that mobile enables the support of online shopping activities that can improve the in-store experience through cross-reference of store availability and alternative options among which to choose. Thus, the mobile eCommerce channel can actually reinforce the experiential side of the shop visit.

46 3.4.2 HR-Based Concerning physical stores, skills and competences of the salesforce and of the store manager are fundamental aspects which impact the final performance of the point of sale.







Chart 3.12: Percentage of scientific papers addressing HR-based Drivers

Hagberg and colleagues (2017) in their research highlight how competences required by the salesforce are changing in the digital context. The smartphone is a threat that could reduce the contacts between clients and the salesforce, and many activities that employees used to perform in the point of sale are now automatized. For these reasons there is a growing emphasis on communication and information skills to create a better experience for customers, guiding them through their journey, leveraging also on the personal experience and the Retail knowledge of the personnel.

According to Mende and Noble (2019), store managers have a key role as intermediaries between regional managers and frontline employees. Their experience and their skills are crucial for a Retail firm, as they are responsible for achieving target performances. They can work with regional managers and set up the right reward structure for the salesforce, and in the meanwhile they can exploit their transformational leadership skills to transfer the culture and the values of the organization in activities such as hiring and training of new employees, which ultimately can drive performances.

The authors also add that frontline employees are not only a touchpoint between the Retailer and the customers, but also between the supplier and the Retailer. They are asked to create

47 value for the entire supply chain, and their beliefs, behaviours and training regarding a certain brand may have a huge impact on both the supplier and the Retailer itself.

The article that best highlights the crucial role of frontline employees is Exploiting consumer– employee–Retailer interactions in technology-enriched Retail environments through a relational lens (2014) by Pantano and Migliarese. The authors argue that understanding frontline employees’ perspective is a predictor of technology diffusion because of their ability to influence both Retailers' adoption choice, by suggesting or discouraging the introduction of new elements, and consumers' effective usage, pushing or supporting them. Since they act as a mediator between organization and consumers, their relationship with both actors is critical for the success of the entire selling process. Pantano and Migliarese's research, based on 43 frontline employees with different experiences interviews, shows that they appreciate the effort of the organization in supporting their jobs through the innovative technologies. Moreover, combining employees' existing capabilities with new competencies results in an improvement of the entire Retail process.

The perspective of frontline employees is also adopted in Frontline employees' attitudes towards self-service technologies: Threats or opportunity for job performance? (2014) by Di Pietro and colleagues to understand what their technology acceptance was with respect to the increasing diffusion of Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) in the points of sale. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) adapted for frontline employees is often overlooked even if vitally important to the performance of the Retailer. It resulted that frontline employees have a high technology acceptance when the technology is able to increase their job satisfaction, with benefits for the quality of the final service.

As wrote by Pantano and Timmermans (2014), new technologies require the development of new skills and competences also by the central organization, as they imply the necessity to continuously adapt the organizational behaviour in response to changes in the environment. In this context, there is the need for new tools and practices to understand the external trends and the development of ad-hoc procedures to react. The presence of those skills in the managers is crucial to survive and thrive in this fast-paced environment. In this regard, management of knowledge becomes critical, intended as the capability of being able to gather information about customers, transferring it into products or services, and managing information that the customers can provide. Data Gathering is more and more automated by smart technologies as the amount of data increases in an exponential way. However, the ability to filter useful information and to leverage on it to achieve a competitive advantage is in short supply and

48 requires the development of skills such as business intelligence and artificial intelligence to really manage knowledge in a way that can be useful to improve performances.

According to the Resource Based View by Porter, connections and links between individuals are essential for the success of an organization. There is the need to build new models that include all the stakeholders, but there is a huge limit highlighted by Grimonpont (2016) related to the existence of “silo mentality” in many companies. This concept implies the existence of different organizational structures in parallel with overlapping roles and responsibilities, which do not communicate, align and collaborate with each other. This is particularly evident in Retail firms, as there are often different business units to manage each channel separately. With the proliferation of channels and the willingness to implement an omnichannel strategy, many challenges arose and led to conflict, incoherence and loss of opportunities. Moreover, if the Retail firm is a family business, power concentration of family members and the emotional attachment with the business negatively influences the innovation process, as showed in Paradoxical influence of family ownership on innovation-focused organizational change. Evidence from a large family business Retail firm (2019) by Szymanska and colleagues. Thus, there is the need to develop and mechanisms and processes to ensure cohesion and integration between individuals and technology so that it is possible to create a cross-company and customer-centric culture.

Concerning human-resources based elements, there is another aspect to be considered that is related to the employees' culture in relationship with corporate culture. Dupuis and Prime (1996) describe how Carrefour tried to start business operations in the United States and Taiwan. In the latter case, decentralization caused some issues that had to be faced. Regional managers in Taiwan had strong independency but were required by Carrefour to share information and knowledge with their employees, something that French managers were already used to, while Taiwanese were not. This culture misalignment was a key issue that had to be dealt with and may have influenced the success of the internationalisation decision.

The next category of Endogenous Factors is related to the strategic decisions that the company makes concerning its business model and its stores.

49 3.4.3 Strategic Starting from the left of Chart 3.13, the business model represents the way in which a company generates, delivers and captures value (Osterwalder et al, 2013). Its innovation is of outmost importance in the transition towards omni-channel Retailing strategies. The Business Model Canvas developed by Osterwalder and colleagues (2013) is a tool that can be employed to summarise the business model of a firm. This transformation should encompass all the nine- building blocks of which this tool is composed: value propositions, customer relationships, customer segments, channels, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structures and revenue streams. Moreover, a Business Model perspective helps reconciling a traditional supply side view of the firm with the emerging demand-side approach, thereby placing the customer and customer value at the centre of the companies' activities and focus (Jocevski et al, 2019).

Strategic Drivers

35% 29% 23% 19% 21%


Continuing with strategic choices, according to the study by Clapp and colleagues (2017), the probability of opening or closing an anchor store near to another one is directly related to their pricing strategy. In their research the authors considered three categories of stores: low, mid and high-priced. As it was already discussed before, the key finding was that there is no effect on sales for an anchor store when another one with different pricing opens in a region which is geographically close, while there is a strong competitive effect if the pricing strategies are the same. Of course, this fact should be taken into account when deciding to open a new store, as it may have a huge impact on the success of the initiative.

In his research, Tokosh (2018) identifies the size of the store as one of the variables that might impact the probability of closure. The author analyses the case of Macy’s, J.C. Penney and Sears, and discover how large stores of big Retail chains are less likely to close due to trade

50 area realignments, while small stores often see a reduction of the customer base in their area that does not justify the operating costs incurred to keep the point of sale open. On the other hand, Berman (2019) report how in the future the trend will be to reduce the average size of the new stores, for various reasons. First of all, Retailers will try to get closer to the urban context where big box locations are either unavailable or extremely expensive. Those stores will also have the role of supporting online sales by incorporating return and pick-up services. An example is represented by Kohl, which uses small-sized stores (just 35.000 square meters, compared to the standard 80.000 sqm) to retain customer who used to shop at closed bigger points of sale, while also serving as a distribution point. Together with size, the format of a store can be an important driver of success. In the case described by Berman (2019), Target opened a store close to a campus of University of Minnesota with a format tailored for students, as it is small-sized and with a limited assortment of products that might be useful for them. That store reports twice the sales per square meter than traditional, sub-urban stores.

3.4.4 Technology-based Other internal factors that have huge impacts on the performances of Retailers concern the field of technology. It was possible to distinguish between Front-end and Back-end technologies; moreover, it was decided to dedicate an entire column to a discipline enabled by those technologies, data analytics, because of its critical role in an industry which can gather huge amounts of data, such as Retail.





Chart 3.14: Percentage of scientific papers addressing technology-based variables

Dekimpe (2019) speaks of Retail as one of the hottest markets for big data analytics and believes that data will be a complete game changer in the industry. Companies in this business area have the possibility to access and collect a huge amount of data about their customers, in various structured and unstructured forms. They also need to analyse it in a fast way to avoid stock-outs, so it is possible to find all the characteristics that define a big data business

51 (Volume, Variety and Velocity of the data). The possibility to exploit data analytics practices is captured by some player in the industry, which are some of the most advanced companies in this field, but still many others fail to understand the opportunities that this technology could bring. Dekimpe described 16 Big Data levers that firms could benefit from, among 5 different domains: marketing, merchandising, operations, supply chain and new business models. However, the author also highlights that most of the cases discussed in the Literature are success cases; however, there are also critical challenges to be faced when speaking of big data analytics implementation. Approaching the theme in an inappropriate way could lead to negative impacts, from technical complexity and biases, to losing the trust of the customers, which ultimately lead to worse performances. Thus, to successfully enable value-adding activities such as data analytics, technology needs to be increasingly pervasive on the back-end systems of Retailers. Grimonpont (2016) reports the idea behind the implementation of the CRM, which was to have a software that could integrate information coming from all the touchpoints to get a comprehensive view of the customer. This is an additional case where a back-end technology caused a big strategic shift in the company, from transactional marketing to a customer-oriented approach.

Having highlighted the importance of back-end technology, front-end ones may be even more pivotal because of the growing focus on improving the customer experience and engagement. For instance, it is widely known how much the User Interface (UI), hence the front-end part of the software, can help companies enhance the customer experience and reap the resulting benefits. Toufaily and colleagues in Consumer trust towards Retail websites: Comparison between pure click and click-and-brick Retailers (2013) investigate the moderating role of the Retailer type, pure click versus click and brick, on the relationships between website UI features and customer trust. They compared those two types of Retailers in terms of consumers' perceptions of social presence and security/privacy and their impact on consumers' e-trust. Thus, with their research, they were willing to provide managers with useful insights on how to build relationships with customers in the pure online and online/offline environments.

Impacts In this section the classification of the papers according to the Impacts is presented. The aim was to identify and understand the consequences for Retailers of the previously reported Exogenous and Endogenous Factors.

52 3.5.1 Quantitative Impacts The first dimension to consider is the one of performance, which could be quantitative or qualitative. With the former were included all those Impacts which are directly measurable, while all those elements which are measurable only through proxy indicators were included in the latter (an example could be the customer experience: specific indicators are needed, from several points of view and considering only some aspects which are company-specific). Among the quantitative performance elements, it is possible to find both sales and transactions. It is important to distinguish these two dimensions especially when it comes to eCommerce. While the former tracks the increase or decrease in revenues, the transaction dimension provides insight about the purchase frequency and the size of the invoices in terms of volume.

Hernant and Rosengren (2017) emphasize this reasoning by studying the impact of introducing an online store to a physical one. Indeed, according to the authors the impact of initiating online sales must be assessed in terms of its effects on sales to new customers as well as on the purchase frequency and average transactions of existing customers. For example, if increased availability leads to higher purchase frequency but decreases the average transaction size, the Retailer may not achieve any additional sales. Retail sales are definitely the most discussed aspect of quantitative performance, with 60% of the papers identifying it as a relevant impact, as showed in Chart 3.15.

Quantitative Performance








Chart 3.15: Percentage of scientific papers addressing quantitative performance variables

53 Moreover, a Retailer adding an online channel to a physical store network needs to understand whether it provides additional or if the sales in the online store are largely cannibalizing existing sales by moving customers from one channel to another. Cannibalization can stem from a shift of sales from traditional channels to the extent that the Internet provides more appealing features, lower average transactions due to less impulse, and price transparency leading to increased price competition. The authors, analysing a Swedish Retailer provided data, found out that the introduction of the online store implied the acquisition of new customers. However, it also reported the cannibalization of those customers who used to be offline customers then started to buy on the Internet.

Furthermore, the introduction of the online store by the Swedish player had a negative impact on the cost structure of the business. In fact, while the average transaction size was substantially higher online than offline, suggesting a path toward achieving lower average sales cost and higher profits, on the other hand, there was a drop in average offline transaction amount from existing offline customers. Therefore, because of cannibalization, potentially positive cost advantages from online business could be offset by offline cost disadvantages, leading to a zero-sum game. Thus, the claim that greater online transaction size will have advantageous cost implications remains unclear because of higher marginal cost of selling one extra unit online.

This last implication has been classified as an impact on product margin under the value chain dimension. For sure this is not the only one, as many of the drivers that were identified have a huge impact on the margin that Retailers are able to obtain from their product sales, an element that reflects directly on their profitability. However, in the Literature it is quite rare to have access to the gross margin data by product or by category (only 10% of the papers analysed mention this impact element), as companies are usually not willing to share it, as it represents a crucial strategic information.

54 3.5.2 Qualitative Impacts In the last few years customers have become more and more demanding as Retailers all over the world have been offering seamless experiences, switching their business model to a customer-centric one. Hence, it was important to include in the analysis Qualitative Impacts on the performance. Chart 3.16 shows how much they are addressed by the academics.

Qualitative performance





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Chart 3.16: Percentage of scientific papers addressing qualitative performance variables

Personalization and interactivity are two practices that are often implemented by Retailers to improve the in-store experience. For what concerns the former, Berman (2019) describes it as a strategy that can be based on tailored elements. A first example could be personalized messages, which might be special offers or gifts thought for a specific customer. Another alternative could be the implementation of systems that allow the user to customize its own mass product or service, so that he or she can enjoy a feeling of uniqueness that was impossible to achieve in the past. The author insists on personalization as a crucial element of the in-store experience, however, according to him, 49% of U.S. customers “never” or just “sometimes” receive personalized service, even if they would be willing to spend 4,7% more in that case. It is important to remember that many of those personalization techniques are enabled by the implementation of innovative digital technologies by the Retailer, both in the point of sale or in their back end. An example is constituted by Stitch Fix, an online apparel store that exploits customer purchasing history to propose clothing to customers; for the firm, this aspect is so important that they built a 75-person data team.

The choice of the channel mix, along with many other drivers identified before, has a strong impact on the interaction between the Retailers and the customers, in terms of experience (the most mentioned impact of qualitative performance, with 60% of the papers reporting it),

55 satisfaction and relationships. For instance, decline in frequency and regularity of physical stores visits will affect perceived satisfaction and loyalty towards the Retailer (Hernant and Rosengren, 2017). Moreover, being a pure click or a click and brick Retailers has very different implications in terms of security/privacy and social presence of Retailers on consumer's e-trust (Toufaily et al, 2013). While, in a physical store, interaction with Retail salesperson contributes to building trust, in an online environment interaction is limited to website functionalities; thus, social presence is low, leading to higher customer uncertainty and perceived risk.

3.5.3 Value Chain (organizational, physical store, channel mix) The second dimension to consider is related to how the value chain of the company could be impacted by the megatrends that are influencing the Retail business.




GOVERNANCE (new c-level) 4%


INTERACTIVITY (Point of Sales) 23%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Chart 3.17: Percentage of scientific papers addressing organizational variables For what concerns the internal organizational structure of the company, there are some relevant shifts that can be identified. One of the first elements regards the competences of the salesforce, which have already been recognized in the “Drivers” section as critical for the success of Retailers. Hagberg, and colleagues (2017) discuss about how digital technologies are changing the skills which are required by the workforce. The combination of the use of the smartphone (which could reduce the interaction between customers and salesmen), the automation of tasks previously done inside the shop, and the execution during the store visit of some activities that were usually done in the pre-visit phase, all impact the recruiting and the training of the employees, as well as the way their performances are assessed and rewarded. The sales force should now try to focus much more on the interaction with the customer to deliver a seamless customer experience, as more technical tasks such as shelf filling and check-out are being

56 carried on with the help of digital solutions. Indeed, traditional consumer-employee interactions are threatened by new technology-enriched scenarios (Pantano and Migliarese, 2014). Clients often choose self-service opportunity, negatively impacting the quantity and frequency of interpersonal contacts both with employees and other consumers. On the other hand, the availability of technological innovations makes accessible a greater amount of knowledge on products and services, which frontline employees may consult for fast replying to consumers' requests. Thus, new technology-enriched scenarios enhance consumer– employee relationship while partially mediating their interactions. Moreover, Pantano and Timmermans (2014) highlight that technology-enriched scenarios could have an impact on the total number of employees necessary, which could be lower if some tasks are completely replaced by technology.

The most dramatic situation, however, with regard to redundancies, is certainly that of stores' closures. Rizzica, Roma and Rovigatti (2019) estimates the causal effects of shop opening hours total deregulation from 2011 in Italy, considering both the number of workers and the market structure (i.e., the number and size distribution of plants) of the Retail industry. It is clear from Chart 3.18 that the number of workers drastically declined for small shops as a consequence of the decree. On the other hand, big Retailers have benefited from the deregulation and opened new stores or increased their superficies, increasing the number of workers.


Chart 3.18: Variation of Retail employment

57 Governance is another aspect of the company which could be impacted in many ways. Grimonpont (2016) discuss how the shift of companies to a customer-centric model required to hire a CCO (Chief Customer Officer) to overcome silo mentality. This was just an example of what could happen at the C-level that is a consequence of an external driver; this phenomenon becomes even more evident when the CEO is replaced because he lacks a clear vision of the future of the business. Every paper that spoke about changes in the higher level of the organization was included under this column.

Continuing with the review of Value Chain Impacts, supply chains of the Retailers can be deeply impacted by many of the drivers that were discussed in the preceding section. For example, Piotrowicz and Cuthbertson (2014) discuss how the omnichannel phenomenon could imply the redesign of the entire supply chain to make sure that the integration between all the channels is possible. The store becomes a hub for many Retail activities such as returns, reverse flows and inventory management. The customer is given the possibility to follow many different journeys to purchase, including a mixture of online and offline activities. All the possible options should be supported end-to-end distribution systems with a specific design. There should also be a closer link between marketing and supply chain organizations to make sure that product availability reaches the required level and that it becomes possible to follow a pull-order approach from the suppliers. More sustainable and transparent supply chains could meet the needs of customers who believe in sustainable choices when deciding what to buy (Adivar et al, 2019).

Moreover, supply chain is also one of the potential areas of application of big data analytics technologies according to Dekimpe (2019). Gathering huge amounts of data could be useful to optimize distribution and logistics activities, dealing with issues such as the last-mile problem (trade-off between expectations of the customers and feasibility) and the speed of the order fulfilment. It could also be possible to visualize the entire stock across all the channels and all the facilities of the firms, improving and optimizing the management of the inventory.

Outside of technology, there are also other drivers that could impact the supply chain; in the research by Dupuis and Prime (1996) the effect of globalization is observed. Carrefour signed a partnership with a local company named The President to build up an efficient network of suppliers in Taiwan. The firm was finding difficulties in interacting with them as they were so diverse from the French ones, as they were not so organized and proactive as the suppliers from their original country, but they were rather flexible, and they were able to adapt to the new customer.

58 More in general, many drivers could lead to operations redesign. For instance, big data could be used to improve the productivity of the labour inputs, empowering employees with new devices and finding the way those could add value for the customers. Transparency is another key point: big data might allow to induce customer to buy a product by enabling the possibility to share with him all the key information. Another area of interest is to understand and track the performance of the single store to improve the points of sale performance (Dekimpe, 2019).

Certainly, many changes were identified and thoroughly discussed at the physical store level.

Physical Store














Chart 3.19: Percentage of scientific paper addressing physical store variables One of the most evident impacts on Retailers all over the world is for sure the closure of points of sales. In many cases it is associated with urban decay, aging of properties and in general economic downturn. Cavan (2016) analyses the Retail closures in the United States, a phenomenon that left no part of the country unscathed. In his paper, the author tries to discover the pattern behind the closures to understand the economic reasons behind them. According to the author, there are four motivations which are bankruptcy, trade-area alignment, under- performance, and opportunity. Under-performance represents the most common category of closures and can lead to success stories in which companies can avoid bankruptcy by aggressively cutting costs. There is also the trend by Retailers to revise entire areas, especially because several chains are strictly linked between each other for customer similarities or traffic

59 generated. If one chain exits an area, it is likely that a domino effect will follow, with other Retailers closing operations in the surroundings, as they lose positive externalities.

Trade-area alignment is a Factor that has been already described in Chapter 3.3.1; the author identified it as one of the main drivers behind store closures, in combination with the diffusion of online shopping. Some zones could also have no growth in terms of demographic and not be very interesting by the point of view of the business; this is the case of small metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas which appear to be susceptible to these kinds of closures.

For what concerns bankruptcy, in the last few years several large Retail chains the U.S. saw their cash position deteriorating rapidly, necessitating the intervention of the bankruptcy court, which often requires the closure of the most underperforming stores. Most of the times this is followed by the total liquidation of the assets, even if there are cases in which the Retailer gets recapitalized, such a Brookstone.

There are also instances in which the Retailers exploit the opportunity to move in locations which have higher potential and require the redeployment of the assets for a better return. In many cases the firms have networks of real estate managers, to which they can refer to develop a shortlist of tenants that may present them opportunities whenever there are vacancies or redevelopments of some urban areas.

Eventually, the author explains how closures are just one side of the Retail equation. The situation should be analysed by considering also store openings, otherwise it would be impossible to draw conclusions about the net loss or gain of Retail space. It is crucial to investigate this aspect because, for example, some information like the increment of rental rates and the total reduction of vacancies could show how the environment is improving despite many closures. However, this is something that it is harder to do because closing usually receive higher media coverage than openings. In this regard, an interesting paper analyzed and discussed the opening of new stores with a tourism perspective: From the Sharing Economy to the Visitor Economy: The Impact on Small Retailers (2019) by Grimmer and Vorobjovas-Pinta. In particular, it explains the concept of visitor economy that, contrary to the classic notion of tourism, recognizes that visitors of a destination do not include just tourists but also comprise business travellers, those visiting friends and family, and people attending sporting and cultural events. The visitor economy therefore extends the concept of tourism and is a consequence of the increasingly widespread sharing economies. According to the authors, the visitor economy is increasingly being identified by local authorities, governments and destination marketing

60 managers as having a positive impact on local communities and economies, with particular effect on small Retail and hospitality businesses.

Another impact that constitutes the wheel of the change of the current scenario concerns the size of the store, in particular a return to small proximity surfaces. Retailers aim to approach the consumer by rediscovering the model of urban commerce where footfall tends to be higher. Indeed, customers who visit several shops benefit from reductions in transport and search costs resulting in positive shopping externality for Retail firms, which is enhanced when multiple Retail firms are located in close proximity as discussed in Chapter 3.3.3 (Kostera et al, 2019). Thus, Retailers, to improve their store productivity, are introducing small-format stores or downsizing existing ones (Barry Berman, 2019).

Retailers in the condensed Grocery sector often have to innovate their practices in order to differentiate themselves in facing the harsh competition of the market. These Retailers are implementing new strategies aimed at stimulating the switch between different store formats of customers, this resulting in complex patterns of Retailing competition. In Interformat competition in the grocery Retailing by Cardinali and Bellini (2014), the authors investigate the interformat competition between grocery store formats in the Italian Retail market in order to understand which formats are converging and which, otherwise, are maintaining their distinctiveness. What emerges from their research is the high convergence of hypermarkets formats. Among the reasons behind this phenomenon there is the implementation of time- saving services. Indeed, addition of extra services is one of the strategic levers most often used by Retailers to capture the competitors' customers, in particular, when trying to stimulate the switching between different store formats.

Store Format Hypermarket Supermarket Discount Convenience High convergence Medium convergence Low convergence Hypermarket - Structural variables, time saving Structural variables, time saving Time saving services services services High convergence Medium convergence Low convergence Supermarket Structural variables, time saving - Structural variables, time Range services saving services Medium convergence Low convergence Discount Structural variables, time - No convergence Range saving services Medium convergence Low convergence Convenience Structural variables, time No convergence - Time saving services saving services

Table 3.7: Convergence between store formats by macro parameters

Also, Obeng and colleagues (2016) argue that grocers are adding a variety of new services to compete against discounters and online rivals, including yoga studios, wine bars, spas, and

61 putting greens. In their paper they try to understand how the size and uniqueness of incumbent Retailers' service portfolios impact their sales in the face of new competitors and they capture the extent of overlap between incumbents and new entrants by introducing the construct of "competitive service overlap" (CSO). The authors confirm the argument of Interformat competition in the grocery Retailing (2014), article mentioned above, arguing that it is not enough to have so many extra services, these must be unique ones. Indeed, unique services are particularly important for grocery incumbents competing against new discounters.

Retail Apocalypse or Golden Opportunity for Retail Frontline Management? (2019) by Mende and Noble, an editorial for a symposium which gathered together more than 100 marketing experts about the OFR (Organizational Frontline Research), looking at possible future opportunities and trends of Retailing. For instance, in fashion and luxury Retail pop-up stores are gradually becoming part of Retailers' strategies, whereas a trend characterizing the world of luxury eCommerce brands is what foresees the opening to open highly extravagant physical stores.

Omnichannel driver obliges Retailers to work on all their channels to integrate them and to offer a seamless experience to the customers, which will reward the effort by spending more, increasing their loyalty and pursuing advocacy. In this process, integration is the keyword. Grimonpont (2016) labelled it as a “major challenge” for Retailers and reported how many organizations still haven’t mastered it. The author explained how the lack of integration would lead to frustration and a negative impact on the image of the brand. Firms are now working on adapting people, processes and technologies, even if many times integration requires huge investments without short-term ROI. This process requires strong vision by the top management and the involvement of all the stakeholder of the company, and this is the reason why integration is so hard to achieve.

Retailers may be incentivized to add new channels to respond many drivers such as globalization, customer requirements and competition. An example is provided by Schade, and colleagues (2018) which describe the case of some Germany towns in which small and local Retailers developed some Local Area Platforms to face competition coming from eCommerce. These ecosystems have the characteristics of those described in the Factors section. Indeed, these services are useful to initiate omni-channel experience with the aim of improving the perception and the experience of the customer. Retailers are willing to join to have the possibility to sell their products online exploiting the marketing budget of the platform, which

62 is higher than what they could afford individually. Those initiatives are a perfect example of smart Retail that firms may want to exploit to survive in the future.

Channel Mix 100%


Chart 3.20: Percentage of scientific papers addressing channel mix variables Many Drivers that have been described in the preceding chapter have an effect on the customer journey and will therefore impact how companies face the problem of the channel mix they provide. The first element to consider is related to the physical store. Hagberg and colleagues (2017) explain how in this new context, digitalization implies that stores could have several roles. They should not be conceived as single touchpoints, but as the combination of many touchpoint on the basis of the value they provide, not only to customers but also to Retailers and employees. Piotrowicz and Cuthbertson (2014) propose how the store could change its role into an “hub”, a focal point in which to integrate all the channels, a place where to attract customer which follow many different journeys. However, the authors underline that the specific function in attracting the customers depends on the product characteristics and the experience provided, and how those two elements should match with the needs of the clients. Some examples were reported by Berman (2019) with stores that are used as pick-up and return facilities for online sales, or that are necessary just to make the customer see and touch the merchandise before buying it online, known as showrooming. Moreover, adding ship-to-store services is proved to be effective in increasing cross-channel customer returns of online purchases to physical stores, leading to additional Brick & Mortar store sales (Akturk et al., 2018).

A concrete example of a successful implementation of a click & collect strategy is the one reported in Buy online collect in-store: Exploring grocery click&collect using a national case study (2019) by Davies and colleagues. The authors investigate the performance of the in-store pick-up service for Sainsbury, a large grocery Retailer in the UK. Grocery shopping is

63 undergoing a rapid growth within online Retailing and click & collect services are associated with a technology-savvy customer and a shift toward convenience.

On the physical Retailers' side, benefits stemming from the adoption of multiple channels are several, nevertheless the ones deriving from the introduction of the physical channel by online- only Retailers are rarely mentioned. In Adding store to web: migration and synergy effects in multi-channel Retailing (2016) the authors argue that pure online Retailers can benefit from positive sales synergies with the introduction of offline stores. To confirm their thesis, the authors present a recent study displaying the impact of informational web (webrooming). Beyond a short-term increase in the number of customers, it led to long-term increase in higher margin products purchasing, improved operational efficiency and contributed to the Retailer’s brand awareness.

In order to measure the benefits of the omnichannel paradigm, several companies started to develop some specific KPIs that are more appropriate than the traditional ones. The diffusion of in-store digital technologies gives the possibility to gather a lot of data about the customers and their behaviours in the point of sale which may be the basis for new KPIs to measure and improve performances. Grewal, and colleagues (2017) discuss the importance of Retail strategies which are integrated with analytics, and their clear link with profitability. As examples at the store level, techniques like personalized or dynamic pricing, traffic patterns tracking, and shelf optimization could all have measurable outputs which are directly related with financial performances.

Another important impact to take into account is the one of a growing interest towards environmental sustainability, even if only 4% of the papers analysed discuss about it. In fact, as previously said, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the implications of their purchase choices on the planet. This holds true especially for younger generations who can sometimes refer to a company's sustainability policies as a discrimination factor during the buying phase. Thus, Retailers, as intermediaries between consumers and producers, play a key role having to promote sustainability behaviour among supply chain members. Several KPIs have been introduced in this area, both by authorities and by Retailers themselves to measure how they are performing and how they can deliver part of the effort they dedicate to the environment to the customers. Adivar and colleagues (2019) created a performance framework for Retail supply chain members based on the categorization of performance metrics according to sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness, responsiveness and flexibility dimensions. Table 3.8 shows the KPIs chosen by the authors to measure the sustainability of the Retailer

64 within the supply chain.

Costumers Operations Finance Logistics Environment

Customer Total annual Emissions due Carbon touch point investment in to online footprint rate digital deliveries for online

channels Average sales Number of % sales weight of a

different through online product channels sales interact % weight of Cost of goods packaging sold material Front- Inventory End integrity Distance % weight of between recyclable product origin packaging and destination # drivers educated in % shipments traffic safety delivered by

green transportation

% of recycled % of cost Average Total miles Power materials reductions growth rate for transported for consumption related to 3 successive supply Renewable sustainability years capital energy used % of product investment

disposed average miles Cost per Sales per day, per gallon Actual carbon operation per per month, per footprint rate % of reused hour season loading/unload materials ing time # of stock Return on % of ecologic Back- keeping units investment rate Renewable supplier % of obsolete End displayed vehicle energy usage products utilization per rate mile # of different stock keeping Fuel emissions on units sold consumption the distribution safety stock rate by type network level

% transport # of check out modes points in use

Table 3.8: KPIs to measure the sustainability of the Retailer within the supply chain

65 Omnichannel Retailing is proven to imply the lowest carbon footprint thanks to easier access to product information and more delivery options compared to traditional Brick & Mortar and multichannel Retailers. Therefore, omnichannel Retailing industry can contribute to sustainable consumption and production through fewer physical stores, less distributed inventory, and, most importantly, by developing customer education and awareness regarding sustainability.

Other Impacts 19%



ENVIRONMENTAL PRIVACY INSTITUTIONAL SUSTAINABILITY RELATIONSHIPS Chart 3.21: Percentage of scientific papers addressing other Impacts Due to the increasing importance of Data Gathering and analytics to feed KPIs and prediction algorithms, Retailers have to deal with concerns and rules related to the management of privacy of the customers. Chen and colleagues (2017) show how 57,22% of clients were worried about ethical transgressions by the Retailers, and how the coexistence of online and offline channels could worse problems of deception and privacy infringement. According to Piotrowicz and Cuthbertson (2014), it is crucial to find a balance between personalization and privacy. As it has been said before, many Retailers are tracking customer behaviour to adjust their merchandise, their promotions and their communication campaign, but if this aspect is pushed too much there is the risk of being perceived as an entity that violates the rights of the customers. Another problem is related to who owns and manages this data, as it could be the Retailer itself or a third-party organization, such as online platforms who aggregate demand and offerings. Customer can accept that a company refers to others for what concerns data, but they will despise those who try to hide it and those who act in a misleading way.

Dekimpe (2019) highlights how firms spend a lot of time and effort to build trust with their clients, and they should avoid putting it at risk by making them feel as if their data were not protected or used without consent. Customers may accept recommendations on some products and not on some other goods, and they may also be more prone to accept them by a salesperson

66 they know rather than from an automated service. Companies should therefore study the impact of privacy concerns to understand how to find the correct position in the personalization/privacy trade-off.

In some cases, Retailer initiatives may alter their relationships with public institutions. Schade, and colleagues (2018) describe how in the case of the development of local area platforms, the involvement of local stakeholder is necessary for the success of the initiative. This is usually done to integrate urban services, as well as to guarantee funding and credibility to the project.

Scientific Literature Wrap-Up After having analysed 48 papers and having classified all the Drivers and the Impacts that are reported in the Retailing Literature, it was possible to draw final conclusions about the key findings.

First of all, it is clear that Retail business is deeply impacted by digitalization, as it reshapes the rules of the game. There is a huge impact in how firms do business; all the industry 4.0 technology could be value-adding in this field. It is undeniable how eCommerce is an aspect that companies must consider, but there are many improvements to be made both in the organization and in the physical store which can improve performances dramatically. Several papers investigate the aspects on which companies are working on, to understand how the industry is facing these new opportunities and challenges.

There is also a clear focus on customer-centricity, following the introduction of the omnichannel paradigm. Topics such as customer relationships, customer journey and customer experience are increasingly important, and researchers study them from different points of view. Indeed, these concepts are increasingly multi-faceted as the number of touch points between Retailers and customers increases. Integration is considered the key element that rules all the other, as incoherent interactions in the channels upset customers. As these aspects are mainly qualitative in nature, it is possible to see how more than half the papers adopt a qualitative methodology.

It is undeniable that Retail is the big data sector by definition, as firms have the possibility to gather a huge amount varied structured and unstructured data continuously. However, even if some papers talk about the possibility of exploiting them to generate new indicators, only a few of them actually make some proposals on how to build effective KPIs.

Another interesting fact is that most of the papers analysed focused either just on one country or studied the field at a higher level, without considering nation-specific aspects. Thus, the final

67 conclusion was that there is the need for an article that compares how Retailers are performing taking into account the actual characteristics of the countries, such as population, Retail square meters per person, eCommerce penetration, GDP and other macro-economic indicators.

4 The Non-Scientific Literature Review After the analysis of the scientific studies related to the thesis subject, it was necessary to continue the deep dive in the existing knowledge by studying non-scientific sources. The backbone of the non-scientific analysis is constituted by reports by consultancy companies such as Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey & Company, together with reports from Osservatorio Digital Innovation in Retail by Politecnico di Milano.

Literature Analysis As for the methodology, in Chart 4.1 the distribution of qualitative and quantitative methods has been represented. Among the latter, they were all based on questionnaires and surveys.


31% Qualitative Only Quantitative Only 56% Both


Chart 4.1: Percentage of papers by methodology In five cases, the reports adopted both the methodologies, as they combined a survey with a more qualitative research approach. Going into detail, in Chart 4.2 it is possible to find the main qualitative methods employed by the authors of the reports.

Qualitative Methodologies

Case Study 2 Description 1 Framework 1 Comparison 2 Focus Group 1 Interviews 3 Secondary Data 9 Observation 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Chart 4.2: Qualitative papers by methodology used

68 An important observation to be made is related to the focuses of this research: Retail, Drivers and Impacts. In this case, all the papers spoke of all three topics, tackling the industry from very different points of view. An example might be “Global Powers of Retailing 2020” by Deloitte. This report was just a snapshot of the top250 Retailers in 2019, together with an analysis of the product categories and of the geographical locations in which they are based and how those drivers impacted the rankings. For what concerns the market dimensions, nationality, sector and size of the Retailers analysed in the reports were considered, following the same approach of the Scientific Literature. For nationality, the same trends of the Scientific Literature were observed. Nationality

6.3% 18.8% Italy U.S Generic 50.0% 25.0% China

Chart 4.3: Allocation of Retailers' nationality of the conducted research As showed in the graph above, Chart 4.3, most reports were generic, while some other refer to a specific country, with U.S. being the most represented. The two reports of Osservatori Politecnico di Milano both have Italy as the main focus, with just one paper from consultancy companies that target it specifically. PriceWaterhouse Cooper’s “Nell’era dell’eCommerce, il Retail si rinnova” of 2018 carry out a survey on the behaviours of Italian consumers in Retail, proposing a comparison with other countries too. Italian customers were asked if they used Amazon and why, as well as which are their most appreciated features in stores, their shopping frequency and the main loyalty drivers that encourage customers to always buy from the same Retailer. As for the sector considered, as it can be observed in Chart 4.4, there was much less specificity in the Non-Scientific Literature than in the scientific one. Most reports are comprehensive and focus on the entire Retail field instead of deep diving into a specific area. An exception is “Omnichannel Grocery is open for business - and ready to grow” of 2019 by Bain & Company in collaboration with Google, which discusses about the omnichannel Grocery sector, which has one of the lowest eCommerce penetrations in Retail with only 3% in the U.S., but is expected to triple in the next decade.



20 15 15


5 1 0 Generic Groceries

Chart 4.4: Allocation of sector specificity of the conducted research

As for the size of the Retailers analysed by the reports, there was a huge difference in respect with the Scientific Literature. First of all, there are no documents which are dedicated to small Retailers only; on the contrary, the majority of the reports does not have a specific size focus. This may be due to the fact that most authors are employees of consultancy companies, who want to attract all the possible customers. An example of this last category is “Future of Retail: winning models for a new era” of 2019 by Bain & Company, which describes the most interesting roles that Retailers may play to survive and thrive in the Retail Apocalypse. In this research, “ecosystem players” are considered one of the strongest models against which all the other Retailers must compete. Depending on the size of the firm, other models can be pursued: big players can play the role of “scale fighters”, who have both scale and relative market leadership, as well as the ability to move fast thanks to above-average IT investments. On the other hand, small players can be “regional gems”, who may lack absolute scale it can exploit their market niche thanks to their strong local presence and knowledge.

Size of the Retailers 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 small only large only large and small generic

Chart 4.5: Number of non-scientific papers by Retail size

70 Exogenous Factors The following charts will show instead the Drivers of the non-scientific papers. Starting with the Exogenous Factors, Chart 4.6 shows their distribution. Percentages were calculated as the number of mentions of one Factor of the total mentions of Exogenous Factors on all the papers. From the graph it is clear that Digital Factors (29%) and Customer-Based ones (31%), were those recognised to be the most important drivers for Retail when it comes to exogenous factors.

Exogenous Factors


Chart 4.6: Percentage of Exogenous Factors mentions in the reports

The Digital Factors dimension, as already seen in the Scientific Literature review, includes the 4 Digital-Enabled Factors that are impacting the Retail industry. In Chart 4.7 it can be observed that the focus was addressed evenly by the papers.

Digital Factors 100% 94% 88% 90% 81% 80% 75% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% eCOMMERCE OMNICANALITY MOBILE DIGITAL INNOVATION Chart 4.7: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing Digital Drivers

As for the eCommerce driver, it was judged necessary to do a stand-alone discussion, since the spread of the latter very often accused of being the cause of the so called "Retail Apocalypse".

71 The first thing to be observed is that 94% of reports dealt with this factor compared to 54% of scientific papers. This is a finding that could also be observed in the treatment of the Digital Competition dimension, as almost half of the reports refer to the competition coming from eCommerce adoption by competitors, compared to around 20% of academic papers. This was probably due to the different nature and scope among consultancy and academic research; indeed, the former is more focused in analysing the latest mega trends, such as the rising of eCommerce, and their impact on stores' strategy and performance. It is clear, from Chart 4.8, that competition from dotcoms is the one impacting the most the Retail industry, with 63% of the reports mentioning competition from dotcoms.

Digital Competition






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Chart 4.8: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing Digital Competition Drivers

However, according to the report "In the era of eCommerce, Retail is renewed", developed by PwC through the Global Consumer Insights Survey 2018, traditional Retailers still have development opportunities, as eCommerce accounts for less than 10% of Retail sales worldwide. Certainly, the penetration of eCommerce is well established; indeed, 45% of the Italian population in 2018 declared they did online shopping on a daily or weekly basis, compared to 42% of 2017. This trend is expected to increase since dotcoms giants are unbeatable when speaking of offering efficient sale of good quality products. Thus, traditional Retailers must focus on improving their strengths and differentiation, with the aim of making the shopping experience appealing to consumers. The survey shows that the store is the

72 preferred channel over the others. In addition, the percentage of shoppers who visited the store at least once a week remained unchanged in 2018 compared to 2016, contradicting the decline of the physical channel trend. The report also refers to the demographic characteristics of the population sample, a very important element to take into account among the Macroeconomic Factors influencing Retail; yet, it continues to be poorly treated in both scientific articles (12%) and consultancy reports (9%). It is crucial to understand which customers are the drivers for change, such as those belonging to the younger generation, which is proving to be completely favourable to the new digital channels. Results from the PwC Global Consumer Insights Survey 2018 show that, among millennials, all claimed to have bought at least once online. Compared to the 45% of the Italian average, 51% of Millennials buy frequently online; again, this a symptom of a strong digitization of the new generations, a phenomenon that is also increasingly involving even the older age groups (over 45). Another Macroeconomic Driver from which Retailers should start with when analysing a new market is the individual consumption. Deloitte.Insights in "The great Retail bifurcation. Why the Retail “apocalypse” is really a renaissance" report start their analysis of the Retail industry looking at the US economy to see how it had performed over the past decade, a period that witnessed the collapse of the housing market, the great financial crisis and the deepest and most severe recession, the great Recession. The main discovery Deloitte.Insights does is that the consumer’s personal economic well-being is uniquely reflected in the consumer’s behaviour: for instance, the likelihood of making an online purchase versus buying in a store is highly related to income, a phenomenon called by the authors "income bifurcation". Thus, it is of outmost importance keeping track of the market characteristics in which the Retailers operate. However, consumer’s personal economic well-being is not the only lens through which to understand consumers behaviour and thus identify opportunities. Individuals behaviour and relationship with Retailers are dimensions captured in the Customer-Based dimension. As seen before, Customer-Based Drivers account for the 31% of report, perfectly aligned with the percentage coming from the scientific paper’s analysis. However, it is interesting to notice that, differently from the academic papers, reports seem to address, roughly with the same frequency, each single focus related to this dimension (Chart 4.9).

73 Customer Based








Chart 4.9: Percentage of scientific papers addressing Product Drivers

In the Retail renaissance, Retailers must become more granular in their observations and value proposition to consumers in order to better appeal to targeted consumer groups. They will need to pay greater attention to the lens through which they are examining the consumer’s changing needs, preferences, and behaviour sand to be ready to evolve, aligning their value proposition with consumers’ evolving needs (Deloitte.Insights, 2018). "The question "What do consumers want?" is reverberating more loudly in boardrooms across the world than at any time since the Great Recession of 2008" (KPMG, 2018). In particular, it is well known that achieving the trust and loyalty of consumers is crucial, since loyalty programs are valuable sources of data. Recently, supply chain actors that are becoming more and more interested in the direct contact with consumers are manufacturers. In the "Consumer currents" by KPMG it is reported that blockchain has the great opportunity to create greater supply chain visibility, enabling Retailers to build trust with consumers about the provenance of products. On the other hand, it was also stated that blockchain has a great potential to enable manufacturers to deal directly with consumers, potentially replacing wholesalers and Retailers, a phenomenon known as disintermediation.

74 Endogenous Factors Continuing with Endogenous Factors impacting Retail performance, Chart 4.10 shows a good balance among the reports in terms of discussed internal-made decisions that influence the Retailers' performance.

Endogenous Factors



Chart 4.10: Percentage of Endogenous Factors mentions in the reports

A very interesting paper, "How Retailers can build resilience ahead of a recession" developed by McKinsey & Company, compares the strategic moves of resilient and un-resilient Retailers in the period of the 2008 financial crisis. The negative effects of the latter on Retailers can still be seen today; thus, it is important to understand which Endogenous Factors determined the success or failure of many Retailers. In fact, there are six actions that set the resilient Retailers apart. The authors identify among the successful strategic moves that of having predicted cash reserves, creating margin headroom, investing aggressively and reshaping value propositions. Above all, having maintained a high quality of customer service and entering new markets are recognised as crucial for the Retailers’ survival. Where un-resilient Retailers were apt to make mass layoffs, both in corporate and headquarters, resilient ones tended not to cut frontline costs, some even invested in additional training. The second action, the expansion of Retailers into new markets, required an investigation of store rationalization by resilient Retailers. Indeed, they closed the non-performing points of sales to open new ones in more attractive markets. This is the case of Zara that opened 28 stores in North America and international flagships in Beijing and Tokyo and Starbucks Coffee, who grew impressively in China, even as it closed poorly performing stores in the United States.

Another paper that is worth mentioning for its depth in studying the strategic choices that a company should exploit in the digital context is the “Future of Retail operations: Winning in a digital era” report developed by McKinsey & Company, which addresses in an overarching way the impact of digital transformations both from a store operations perspective, to be

75 leveraged in order to boost the customer experience, and from a supply chain perspective, that need to be networked and integrated with others. The same report recognizes that in pursuing the digital transformation, the main barrier to the change for Retailers is the silo mentality that still characterizes organizations. Indeed, brick- and-mortar Retailers struggle to get value out of their IT investments because of a deep-rooted divide between the IT department and the rest of the company. Therefore, Retailers must become technology-driven organizations and transform their employees’ mind-sets, capabilities and ways of working. In the report, the authors suggest six steps to optimize Retailers' technological performance: 1. Entrust responsibility to small, effective product teams: provide technical support for specific business processes, known as “products”. 2. Set up “tech chapters” as new structures within IT 3. Assign product ownership to the business 4. Specify KPIs as standards of success for each team 5. Add sponsors at the top management level 6. Implement a state-of-the-art tech stack

The result is a technology-driven organization that fosters a close interplay between product owners, which determine “what” development will entail, and the tech chapters, which determine “how” it will be done. Furthermore, the authors stress that in an ever-volatile environment, speed of implementation and efficient use of resources are crucial, this implies the redesign of the supply chain, in order to pursue a new approach to the network.

Impacts Non-scientific sources dealt with Impacts by many different perspectives; in the following picture, the distribution of the topics is reported:

4% Impacts 15% 19% QUANTITATIVE PERFORMANCE QUALITATIVE PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATIONAL PHYSICAL STORES 23% 22% CHANNEL MIX OTHERS 17% Chart 4.11: Percentage of Impacts mentions in the reports

76 The percentages were calculated as the number of mentions of one topic on the total mentions of Impacts on all the papers. As it is possible to see in Chart 4.11, all the dimensions were deeply discussed, with the reports assuming very different points of view without focusing too much on one single aspect. A low number of mentions of factors of various nature (“Others”) was expected, because only three kinds of those Impacts were identified, and they are all more related to the relationship of the company with external stakeholders and environment, a topic that is much less analysed in the literature.

Quantitative Performance








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Chart 4.12: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing quantitative performance variables

In the Quantitative Performance dimension, Retail Sales were still the most discussed aspect, with 81% (Chart 4.12) of the articles talking about some drivers could have an impact in this direction, compared to the 60% of the Scientific Literature. Perhaps the biggest difference, compared to the first analysis, concerns cannibalization due to the eCommerce channel, which was mentioned by just one report. The reason could be that consultancy companies were more interested in showing the benefits of channel integration, convincing their customer that cannibalization is not a risk if managed in a proper way. Another aspect that is interesting to highlight is the fact that only 10% of the scientific articles spoke of the impact on margin, while this percentage reaches 25% in this section. This may be due to the fact that sources were less linked to academia, and closer to the actual data of the firms.

77 Speaking of Qualitative Performance, the most striking difference from the Scientific Literature is the percentage of mentions of Personalization: 88% of the reports dealt with this topic, compared to 21% of academic papers (Chart 4.13)

Qualitative Performance





Chart 4.13: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing qualitative performance variables The reason might lie in the relation of this dimension to digital megatrend of data analytics and the rising importance of customer expectations. Therefore, consultancy firms, which are helping firms to face the digital disruption, are naturally more inclined to speak about the benefits of a personalized customer experience. For example, in “Winning in an era of unprecedented disruption – A perspective on U.S. Retail” by McKinsey & Co, the authors highlight the potential of personalized marketing enabled by the technological drivers of data analytics and machine learning, which could generate a sales uplift of 10 to 30 percent, as well as customer acquisition up to 5 percent. Another noteworthy information that they add is that Retailers don’t even have to implement a one-to-one personalization if they are not ready for it; a one-to-many approach is better than no personalization at all, showing how important this impact is in the current Retail environment.

Another research that discusses accurately about the qualitative performance of companies in regard with its customers is the PwC CGIS 2018, which provides the example of how much consumer behaviour has been affected by one of the biggest Retailers in the world, Amazon. The report highlights that only a small percentage of the Italian sample (9%) does not feel their buying habits to be affected by their relationship with the service offered by the American giant.

Concerning Organizational Impacts, two relevant points were identified. The first is that just one report spoke of impact on the governance of Retail firms, which is the study “Future of

78 Retail Operations: Winning in a digital era” from McKinsey. In this paper it is stated that companies should form cross-functional high-level teams to guarantee alignment to communicate change and make sure that it sticks throughout the whole organization. The second finding was an increase in the percentage of articles that predicted an impact on the competences of the workforce of the Retailers, as it can be observed form Chart 4.14.


44% 44% 38% 31% 31%


WORKFORCE INTERACTIVITY NUMBER OF SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS GOVERNANCE COMPETENCES EMPLOYEES Chart 4.14: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing organizational variables This point is also strictly connected with the diffusion of digital technologies in the stores; there is a continuous transformation of the role of the salesmen, from operational activities to relational tasks, in order to create value for the customers. A correct training of the personnel to develop these skills and competences will be crucial for the successful implementational of the new digital technologies. (“Il digitale nel Retail per riscoprire prossimità e relazione”, Osservatorio Innovazione Digital nel Retail – Politecnico di Milano).

Physical Store


Chart 4.15: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing physical store variables

79 Regarding the Physical Store impact dimension (Chart 4.15), store closures were much more discussed than store openings in the Non-Scientific Literature (63% of the reports, compared to 25%). This is the exact contrary of the Scientific Literature (33% of the articles speaking of closures, compared to 44% speaking of openings). A possible explanation could be that, reports analysed in this section, differently from academic papers, were written in 2017 or later, when the so- called “Retail Apocalypse” had already began and the interest to closures became much higher among firms and researchers. Another point of divergence from the Scientific Literature is the absence of reports mentioning Discount Stores as an impact. Furthermore, only one report, by Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nel Retail (2020) by Politecnico di Milano, highlights a phenomenon that is affecting many Retailers, who are gradually transforming their typical store format into smaller stores, closer to the customers. This trend was given the name of “Return to Proximity”. Moving on to the last variable belonging to the Value Chain impact dimension, Channel Mix, in the Non-Scientific Literature, authors tend to focus much more on the integration of the channels (63% of the articles mention it, compared to the 33% of the Scientific Literature) and on the adoption of new channels (50% compared to 19%).

Channel Mix

63% 50% 44%



Chart 4.16: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing channel mix variables

In that respect, in Bain & Company research “Omnichannel grocery is open for business – and ready to grow” wants to explain to traditional grocery Retailers how they should behave when approaching eCommerce, which is a new channel for some of them and a non-fully integrated one for many others. The authors identify the integration of in-store and online shopping to bridge the convenience gap (Figure 4.1) as the imperative to follow to increase Retailer’s penetration in grocery eCommerce.


Figure 4.1: The in-store vs online Grocery convenience gap

Customers are used to find their products immediately when walking in physical aisles and browsing through shelves, trained by many years of optimization by traditional Retailers. In online grocery shopping there has been no way to replicate these cues intuitively, and it takes at least a few attempts for users to get accustomed to the eCommerce service. Grocery Retailers should try to launch innovative features and work on continuous improvement, exploiting technology to integrate old and new channels and deliver value and convenience. Concerning “other” Impacts, environmental sustainability was discussed by 19% of the non- scientific report, while this percentage was just 4% in the Scientific Literature (Chart 4.17). Among this 19%, it is worth deep diving into the study from Osservatorio eCommerce B2C, which is the only one providing numerical data about the environmental impact of eCommerce. Their research, made in collaboration with B2C Logistics Center4, identified the equivalent kg of Co2 generated in purchasing processes both online and offline. B2C eCommerce is on average more sustainable; with the hypothesis of an urban area, considering a grocery delivery, emissions are around 15% lower. Other Impacts



0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Chart 4.17: Percentage of non-scientific papers addressing other Impacts

81 Non-Scientific Literature Outcomes In the analysis of the Non-Scientific Literature it became clear that the future is digital: Retailers should rethink their strategy in digital terms to survive and thrive in this new environment. The customer becomes the crucial element that the firms should concentrate all their efforts on, trying to offer the most seamless and personalised experience possible. Omnichannel capabilities such as exploiting new technologies and competences to integrate different channels and touchpoints to improve efficiency and effectiveness become essential. Some of the analysed reports focused their attention on the new disruptive technologies and how they interface with the environment in which Retailers operate nowadays, which is something that was not found in the scientific literature. Another point of difference from the previous analysis is the huge amount of data that consultancy companies and Osservatorio Digital Innovation were able to gather on a global level to carry on their research, which is something that is quite rare to find in academia research. Finally, the crucial point all the reports agreed on, is the evidence that Retail Apocalypse is a phenomenon which has different roots and impacts, and eCommerce is not the only driver that affects store closures.

5 Gap Identification After having delved into the Retail world with an analysis of the main scientific and non- scientific research, there were a few aspects which were still not fully covered by other authors and that would be interesting to examine in depth. An evident gap in the Literature concerned the fact that basically all the papers just focused on one single country or did not consider the nationality factor at all. In some cases, macro- economic factors were analysed, nevertheless, their impact in comparison with two or more countries was never addressed. It is quite evident that the reason why the symptoms of the Apocalypse started showing in the US and has then been spreading among European countries with a delay and on different scales is of macro-economic nature, as some authors like Berman (2019) even identified. Thus, it has been acknowledged a clear need for a research that considered these aspects crucial for the interpretation of the Retail Apocalypse and investigated them also quantitatively, comparing the various countries. Among the different papers, both scientific and non-scientific, there were a multitude of them arguing about the advent of digital competition and its consequences on Retailers. The topic was explored by many viewpoints, as it is one of the most immediate and visible consequences of the digitalization trend for Retailers. Academics and experts seemed to be aligned in the thought that the upsides of the digitalization, in terms of new opportunities to improve the

82 customer experience and the operational performances, are able in many instances to outweigh the increasing competition. However, public opinion often does not seem to share this view. There was no paper or report which addressed this point in a quantitative way, comparing the various reasons behind the closure of the stores and the failure of the Retail chains, trying to understand how much the digital competition weighs compared to the others. Researchers and executive both agree on considering the Retail Apocalypse a phenomenon with multifaceted reasons, belonging to various fields and disciplines; however, among the studies analysed, no one tried to identify and classify all of them together, understanding to which extent each of them was contributing towards the phenomenon. Understanding the root causes would give Retailers the possibility to plan specific strategic moves to build up resilience in this time of crisis for the field. Another relevant viewpoint could be the one of public institutions, which may be interested in providing stimulus to the industry and might need a framework to guide them to make the right investments and public policy choices. Summing up, a need for a research that studied all the possible drivers of the Retail Apocalypse in a quantitative way, trying to understand their impacts on the industry was identified. Among the factors behind the phenomenon, a special focus should have been dedicated in examining the macro-economic aspects and the impact of digital competition.

83 6 Data Gathering This chapter's aim is to describe the steps that lead to the building and the fulfilment of an Excel Database concerning 110 Retailers from 6 different Sectors in 10 different Countries. The main objective was to take a snapshot of the Retail industry to analyse the reasons behind the Retail Apocalypse and its effect on the business. The work was extremely complex and multi-faceted, as this thesis wants to investigate whether this phenomenon is only due to the power of Dot Com players and the rapid growth of eCommerce, as commonly believed to be, or should be traced back to a combination of multitude other possible explanatory factors. Looking at different Countries was crucial to understand how this phenomenon is behaving in various contexts, as well as its degree of evolution. Moreover, it was decided to select companies belonging to 6 different Retail sectors to ensure that the Retail Apocalypse was observed by different points of view and that the sample of Retailers chosen was sufficiently varied in nature.

Methodology In the next section, the process followed to select Countries, Sectors and Retailers will be explained.

6.1.1 Countries The starting point of the construction of the Database consisted of the selection of Countries to be examined. As previously stated, being the ultimate goal assessing the factors that affect the performance of Retailers with a particular focus on Europe, it was decided to select European nations with similar characteristics, among which culture, population, regulations, macro- economic variables such as GDP per capita, consumptions, inflation, price indices. The 9 European nations that were selected are: 1. Belgium 2. France 3. Germany 4. Italy 5. Netherlands 6. Spain 7. Sweden 8. Switzerland 9. United Kingdom It will be seen later, with the exploration of the variables and the data collected, that the economic scenario and growth of the respective Countries are quite similar. In addition, similarities could also be found in the nature of European Retailers and the strategies adopted.

84 Referring to the Literature Analysis, the decision to focus on specific Countries was aimed at completing the existing literature; indeed, there was a clear minority of articles arguing the Retail crisis referring to a specific nation; hence, a lack of geographic contextualisation. Hence, it was vital to also capture the heterogeneity between Countries, in macroeconomic, digital and Retail terms. In this chapter, Exogenous Factors that could strongly influence Retailers operating in the analysed nations will be investigated. The choice to include the United States in the analysis may seem out of context; however, it is crucial according to the insights coming from the Literature Review. Indeed, the latter showed how the United States are often cited (30% of papers) and used as a case study by papers investigating the Retail Apocalypse phenomena. Analysing the performance of American top retailers was therefore of outmost importance to generate relevant forecasts, as it probably represents a preview of the future European scenario. To conclude, there are 10 nations that were examined, with a particular focus on the Western Europe. The collection of information relating to individual Countries was carried out by relying only on 3 databanks to obtain as homogeneous and reliable data as possible, which were: 1. World Bank 2. Trading Economics 3. OECD

6.1.2 Sectors Moving on to the choice of Sectors, the reference point was still the Literature Analysis, which showed little focus on a specific area by researchers. As many as 60% of the papers analysed did not address a specific product field, while the Sector most referred to was that of Groceries. For the purpose of this research, the choice of 6 Sectors listed below with peculiar characteristics was fundamental. 1. Groceries 2. Home Furniture 3. Electronics 4. Drug Stores 5. Fashion 6. Department Inevitably, the choice was to include the Grocery sector, being the latter characterized by high revenues but at the same time harsh competition. Moreover, this Sector had (and still has nowadays) the lowest eCommerce penetration; indeed, even in the UK, which was the

85 European Country where the most online purchases were made, the share of online sales in the period of analysis only corresponded to the 5,70%. On the other hand, a sector which was growing strongly from the point of view of eCommerce was that of Home Furniture; nevertheless, Retailers in this field, along with that of the Consumer Electronics one, were struggling to rethink the role of their physical stores. Hence, representing the last aforementioned sectors two of the most important among the industry, while also being deeply affected by the advent of eCommerce, it was decided to include them in the analysis. The fourth Sector to be added is that of Drug Stores. It was decided to analyse the latter as it turned out to be an overlooked one with particular characteristics; indeed, the typical product of Drug Stores as home cleaning and laundry articles are rarely purchased online; on the contrary, beauty and make-up products have undergone a surge in online sales. Finally, where the world of Fashion managed to adapt quickly to the change of consumer's preferences and habits, with the adoption of the most innovative omnichannel strategies, the same cannot be said of Department Stores, a quite interesting category because of its specificity and because of its experiencing great difficulties. Once the Sectors have been selected, the following phase concerned the data collection of the variables selected to describe them and which will be shown later. With regard to European Sectors data, only one databank was consulted: • Eurostat In order to collect data from Eurostat, it was required to translate of the selected Sectors in their corresponding NACE code, the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community. • Grocery (G4711) • Internet Retail (G479) • Electronics (G474) • Cosmetic (G4775) • Home Furniture (G475) • Department (G4719) • Fashion/Sports Goods (G4771 + G4772) Subsequently, for each of the 9 previously selected European Countries, it was possible to access the necessary information.

86 With regard to the US, the site which has proven to be the richest in data is, as it is built on he SUSB (Statistics of U.S. Businesses) databank, where information are tabulated by geographic area, sector and employment size of the enterprise.

6.1.3 Retailers The last selection to be made was that of Retailers. At this stage the Deloitte GRP 2020 report was used as the starting point for identifying the best Retailers in terms of performance. In fact, the report included a ranking of the top 250 Retailers globally sorted by the revenues achieved in FY 2018. For those Countries where the report did not provide enough Retailers, such as Belgium, Sweden and Switzerland, the site relied upon was, which also classifies the top Retailers based on turnover for each Country, A problem that arose in proceeding by selecting top Retailers for each Country was the lack of sector-wide heterogeneity. Indeed, in most cases, the players operating in the Grocery sector hold the top positions because of high revenues. Thus, in order to consider 6 Sectors, other sources such as Statista and consultancy reports were used. Nevertheless, the initial objective to analyse two Retailers for each of the six Sectors in each Country couldn't be achieved. Unfortunately, in smaller Countries such as Switzerland and Belgium few large Retailers are present; thus, since it is challenging to find relevant data on small Retailers and the comparability with the largest ones is low; thus, it was decided to exclude them. Eventually, 110 Retailers were analysed. In the following table, the chosen Retailers are reported:

87 Table 6.1: Selected Retailers for the Data Gathering (pt.1)

COUNTRY SECTOR RETAILERS Wal-Mart Stores Grocery Costco Wholesale The Home Depot Home Furniture Lowe's Companies Best Buy Electronics United GameStop States Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance Drug Stores Bath and Body Works TJ Maxx Fashion The Gap Target Department Macy's Lidl Grocery ALDI Süd OBI Home Furniture Ceconomy Electronics Expert Germany Dirk Rossmann Drug Stores dm-drogerie markt Deichmann Fashion Adidas Group Karstadt Warenhaus Department Breuninger Conad Grocery Esselunga Bricofer Home Furniture Iris Mobili Unieuro Electronics Trony Italy Gottardo Drug Stores Kiko Calzedonia Holding Fashion OVS Coin Department La Rinascente

88 COUNTRY SECTOR RETAILERS Tesco Grocery J Sainsbury B&Q Home Furniture DFS Furniture Dixons Carphone Electronics United Argos Kingdom LUSH Drug Stores Next Fashion JD Sports Fashion John Lewis Department Marks and Spencer Group Carrefour Grocery Auchan Holding Conforama Home Furniture BUT Boulanger Electronics France Darty Sephora Drug Stores Groupe Rocher Fashion Décathlon Galeries Lafayette Department Printemps Ahold Delhaize Grocery JumboSupermarkets Gamma Home Furniture Maxeda Electronics Coolblue Netherlands Etos Drug Stores Kruidvat Grandvision Fashion C&A HEMA Department De Bijenkorf Mercadona Grocery Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación Electronics Worten Douglas Spain Drug Stores Druni Inditex Fashion Mango Department El Corte Inglés

Table 6.2: Selected Retailers for the Data Gathering (pt.2)

89 COUNTRY SECTOR RETAILERS Migros-Genossenschafts Grocery Coop group Pfister Home Furniture Jumbo Electronics Fust Switzerland Müller Drug Stores Import Parfumerie Calida Group Fashion Intersport Manor Department Globus ICA Grouppen Grocery Axfood Clas Ohlson Home Furniture The IKEA Group Electronics Elon Group Sweden Lyko Drug Stores KICKS H & M Hennes & Mauritz Fashion Lindex Åhléns Department Nordiska Kompaniet Grocery Colruyt Group Hubo Home Furniture Brico + Brico Planit Vanden Borre Electronics Belgium Krefel Distriplus Drug Stores ICI Paris XL Brantano Fashion Torfs Schoenen Table 6.3: Selected Retailers for the Data Gathering (pt.3)

The Data Gathering of individual Retailers (more than 7500 observations) was certainly the most complex and expensive in terms of time and effort. Where the company did not present a public financial statement or an information-rich corporate site, it was necessary to rely on several secondary sources. Among the international ones that were relied upon most often are: • Forbes • Statista • Wikipedia • • Retail Analysis

90 • Retail Dive • ECommerceDB

Alternatively, for each Country, information was searched in the language of the Country itself and then traced back to national newspapers, such as: • • • • • • • • (UK)

In the absence of a financial reports, accounting data were sought to retrieve information from the national databanks where access to documents was free of charge, such as: • Italy: AIDA • United States: SEC • United Kingdom: House of Companies • France: • Sweden: • Belgium:

After having selected the Countries, the Sectors and the Retailers to be included in the Database, it was crucial to understand which data to gather and how to organise it. The structure of the Database is very similar to the one of the Literature Reviews; thus, it was possible to draw parallelisms, ensure coherence between practice and theory and catch relevant insights. Indeed, the Database is divided into 2 macro areas: Drivers and Impacts (Table 6.4), like the Literature Database. The aim is to show the effects generated by the interplay of different factors on the performance of the Retailers analysed. Unfortunately, it was not possible to track all the aspects identified in the Literature Review; however, the most relevant were converted into measurable proxies that were actually disclosed by companies and countries. Following, diagrams representing the implemented structure are reported.


Endogenous Factors Endogenous


Database structure Database

: :



6 Table Table


Exogenous Factors Exogenous


Database structure




6 Table Table




: Database Structure : Database Structure



6 Table

94 The following sections will be dedicated to explaining how the variables were chosen, how they were gathered and how they were measured. Some particularly significant ones will be analysed and shown as well.

Exogenous Factors Exogenous Factors were divided into 2 main clusters: the ones related to the Country of origin of the Retailer, and the ones related to the Sector of reference of the player. Several of them stood out as of outmost importance according to both the Scientific and Non-Scientific Literature Review. First, it was crucial to speak about the size of the Country, in terms of Population and GDP.

6.2.1 Country Individual consumptions and neighbourhood wage, which were two other macro-economic factors identified in the Literature Review, could be approximated by GDP per capita (both at PPP and not), which allowed to have a reliable estimation of the wealth of the citizens in a country.

Population Total GDP ($ GDP per GDP per capita at Country (million) billion) Capita PPP

USA 330,241 20554 63170 $ 63780 $

Germany 82,91 3386 47110 $ 55980 $

Italy 60,42 2084 33740 $ 43280 $

UK 66,46 2850 41790 $ 46240 $

France 66,98 2778 41090 $ 47500 $

Netherlands 17,23 913,65 51260 $ 58140 $

Spain 46,8 1419 29300 $ 40570 $

Switzerland 8,51 705,14 84450 $ 70130 $

Sweden 10,18 556,1 55540 $ 54740 $

Belgium 11,43 524,92 45940 $ 52620 $

Table 6.7: Macroeconomic Factor

95 Looking at the data, it became clear that the US are by far the largest market of all the Countries considered. Therefore, the expectation was that top US Retailers would have much larger revenues, as bigger countries provide more opportunities for Retailer to scale up easily. Concerning the wealth of the single individuals, most of the EU Countries presented a similar GDP at PPP, while US and Switzerland were the ones with the richest citizens. This means that consumers of those nations might be more inclined to spend a larger amount of their disposable income in the Retail business. Another consideration to be made is that Retailers who work predominantly in countries with higher GDP per capita tend to have revenues skewed upwards just because of the difference in the price levels between the different countries. In the Scientific Literature, it was broadly discussed how entry barriers might be a possible driver of store closures and openings for firms that engage in international investments. Given the manifold nature of those barriers, many indicators would be needed to address each of them properly. However, the Average Time to Start a Business was considered to be a reliable proxy for the rules and regulations that act as entry barriers.

Average time to start a business

Netherlands 4 France 4 Belgium 5 UK 5 United States of America 6 Sweden 8 Germany 8 Italy 11 Spain 13

Chart 6.1: Average time to start a business in the selected Countries The second macro aspect that was analysed for each Country is the level of Digitization; indeed, digital innovation was one of the key topics discussed in the Literature, deeply affecting how companies do business and the new opportunities for them. To measure digitization, several factors were taken into consideration; first of all, and certainly the most significant for the purpose of this work, was the eCommerce penetration, that is the percentage of online Retail revenues on total Retail revenues, both online and offline. Unfortunately, the only consistent data available for the 9 Countries selected were retrieved from an elaboration of Forrester data by Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale

96 nel Retail and are dated back to 2017. The eCommerce penetration of each Country in 2017 is shown in Chart 6.2.

eCommerce penetration (2017)


11.29% 10.7% 10.71% 9.4% 8.67% 7.61% 4.56% 3.3%

Chart 6.2: eCommerce Penetration per Country (2017) Nevertheless, the relative scenario between the Countries did not differ much from the one of 2019; indeed, looking at 2019 data from the Osservatorio B2c eCommerce of Politecnico di Milano, the European Countries where eCommerce was most mature were still UK, 120 billion euros (up 10%), 20% penetration rate, Germany – 89 billion euros (up 9%), 16% penetration – and France – 71 billion euros (up 9%), 14% penetration. Lower percentages were found for those markets where eCommerce is still in the "development" phase and the Osservatorio's data confirms that Italy and Spain are those markets. Latest data on the growth of eCommerce between 2018 and 2019 for each Country allowed to see how eCommerce in Italy is growing strongly as shown in Chart 6.3; thus, it lags behind others but is showing a rapid evolution in terms of the Retail digitization. Indeed, although eCommerce still accounts for a small part of the overall purchases, it is increasingly relevant, being responsible in 2019 for more than 65% of the total Retail growth.

eCommerce growth 2018-2019 15% 14.90% 13% 13% 11.50%

9% 8.40% 7% 6.70%

Italy USA Spain Sweden France Germany Switzerland Netherlands UK Chart 6.3: eCommerce Growth in each Country (2018-2019)

97 Speaking in general of the digitalisation of a country, without focusing of the point of view a Retailer, there are several perspectives that could be adopted. Looking at just one of them might not be representative of the effective digitalisation of the nation. Therefore, it was decided to employ the DESI (Digital Economy and Society) index by the European Commission, which is a summary of five components (Connectivity, Human Capital, Use of Internet Services, Integration of Digital Technology, Digital Public Services). The most recent data that includes the comparison with the US and Switzerland was gathered in 2018.

DESI index - 2018 Italy 44

France 52 Germany 56 Spain 58 Belgium 61

United Kingdom 62 United States of America 66.7 Netherlands 70 Switzerland 70.8

Sweden 71

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Chart 6.4: DESI index - 2018

According to the Literature, competition and concentration of the players are relevant drivers that might impact Retailers in a given country, and the information about Turnover, Number of employees and Number of Retail enterprises is crucial to correctly evaluate the performances of Retailers.

Total Turnover Number of enterprises Number of employees Country (2017, mln Euro) (2017) (2017) Belgium 86521000000 65313 238533 Germany 501746600000 235136 2975830 Spain 207384600000 425862 1241531 France 435610400000 400271 1705113 Italy 295546900000 568084 1054886 Netherlands 125980 727013 Sweden 73045000000 57749 268956 United Kingdom 454441000000 197923 2972982 Switzerland United States 2943502475000 468911 11965803 Table 6.8: Retail industry data per Country

98 As it is possible to see, the prediction on United States being the biggest market for Retail drawn by the data on the population and GDP was confirmed. The same held true for each single Sector considered in terms of turnover. Looking at the data about the number of Retail enterprises in the Countries taken into consideration, it was observable that Italian Retail firms were much more numerous than those of France and Germany while having a significantly lower turnover. This led to the conclusion that Italian and Spanish Retailers were on average much smaller in size, something which was also confirmed by data on the number of employees: almost three times higher for Germany. However, it was important to remember that Spain and Italy were also the Countries with lower GDP per capita and where the cost of living is lower, therefore the data on turnover of their Retail enterprises might have been skewed downwards. Of course, these data should be coupled with the same data referring to the single Sector of reference considered in order to have a more complete picture of the concentration of the sector, which is a critical factor identified in the literature.

6.2.2 Sector The other exogenous aspect to consider is indeed related to the Sector of reference. Retailers in different fields may have very different characteristics, in terms of supply chain, internal organization, product and customers; therefore it was considered crucial to include this perspective in the Data Gathering process by analysing Retailers belonging to the same Sectors in different Countries, in order to improve the comparability and to reach more significant conclusions. However, it was decided to avoid gathering data about the fields in general, as it was considered more interesting to use the Sectors as a secondary perspective while looking at the single Countries. By looking at the data about the Total turnover of the field, the Number of enterprises and the Number of employees of the Sector in each Country it was possible to gather information that allowed to contextualize in a better way the decisions and the results of the single Retailers. In particular, useful information about the market shares and competition could be derived from this kind of analysis. The first aspect to take in consideration was the percentage of turnover of the selected Sectors in the Countries, which is reported in the following charts. From the pie graphs (Chart 6.5) it is clear how the distribution of the Sectors' turnover was very similar for all the Countries in the Database, with a few exceptions. These data could be useful to compute the market shares of the Retailers by dividing their specific revenues in a Country divided by the total turnover of its Sector, but there were other possible considerations to be made. Regarding the Grocery sector, France was the nation with the highest turnover generated by it (55%), while all the other European Countries recorded a value between 40 and 48% of their total Retail turnover. Unfortunately, Netherlands and Switzerland were not analysed because of Eurostat

99 incomplete data. A peculiarity emerged while observing United States’ grocery Retailers, which generated only 24% of the total Retail turnover. A possible explanation could lie in the fact that US were gathered by and not from Eurostat, and the two data banks adopt two different code systems to identify the business areas of companies: NAICS for US and NACE for EU. Even if the business fields considered in the analysis were the same, it could be that different codes were assigned to similar companies under the two systems.

Belgium - Turnover France - Turnover 4% 4% 10% 22% 12% 20% 1% 2% 9%

10% 1%


48% 55%

Germany - Turnover Italy - Turnover

4% 4% 13% 10% 27% 29% 2% 3% 12% 9% 2% 4%

40% 41%

Spain - Turnover Sweden - Turnover

6% 5% 23% 10% 24% 16% 2%

1% 11% 8% 3% 6%

45% 40%

100 UK - Turnover USA - Turnover

8% 5% 21% 9% 16% 1% 42% 1% 12% 9% 2% 3%

47% 24%

Chart 6.5: Percentage of Turnover per Sectors by Country

It was decided to investigate the Sectors further by comparing data about Percentage of Employees and Number of Enterprises in the different Countries (Chart 6.6).

Germany - Employees Italy - Employees

4% 5% 24% 13% 20% 10%

3% 3%

14% 17%

3% 2% 39% 43%

Belgium-Employees France-Employees

5% 3% 14% 12% 14% 25% 1% 2% 12%

17% 1%

46% 2% 46%

101 Netherlands - Employees United Kingdom - Employees

5% 10% 21% 11% 21% 9% 1% 1% 13% 15% 2%

1% 47% 43%

Spain-Employees Sweden-Employees

7% 5% 20% 11% 24% 16%

2% 1%

14% 14%

3% 4% 43% 36%

Chart 6.6: Percentage of Employees per Sectors by Country For what concerns the Number of Employees, unfortunately the data banks for US and Switzerland were incomplete and these two Countries could not be included in the analysis.

Also, in this case the situation was very close for all the Countries, with the biggest variations again in the number of employed people in the Grocery sector, with values that went from 47% of the total Retail employees in Netherlands to the 36% in Sweden. Another value that might prove to be relevant was the total employees of “other” Retailers in Belgium, which was significantly lower than all the other Countries, despite the turnover of these companies being in line with the other nations. Considering also the Number of Enterprises in the analysis lead to even more interesting insights, especially regarding concentration and size of the competitors for firms in each field.

102 Belgium-Number of Enterprises France-Number of Enterprises

1% 1% 7% 13% 1% 1% 10%

40% 1% 14%

16% 4% 64%


Netherlands-Number of Enterprises Italy - Number of Enterprises

1% 9% 1% 0% 12% 9% 2% 2% 47% 15% 11%

2% 68%


Germany - Number of Enterprises Spain- Number of Enterprises 4% 2% 24% 13% 16% 32% 3% 2%

14% 14%

3% 3% 39% 31%

Chart 6.7: Percentage of Enterprises per Sectors by Country Again, the data banks from which the data was gathered were incomplete for what concerns the US and Switzerland, so their charts are not represented. On the contrary of Turnover and Number of Employees, the percentage of Number of Enterprises was very diverse among the different Countries. Regarding the Grocery sector, it was possible to observe how in France companies in the field were only 16% of the total, but they achieved 55% of the total Retail revenues and they employed 46% of

103 the total Retail workforce. This was a strong indication towards a high degree of concentration in the sector, with possibilities to strongly influence the market and reducing its competitiveness. A similar situation could be seen in Belgium, where 27% of the Retail enterprises (Grocery) generated 48% of the total revenues and employed 46% of the workforce. On the contrary, in Germany it was possible to observe a much less concentrated market, with 39% of the Retail firms belonging to the Grocery sector and accounting for 40% of the revenues and 39% of the employees. An observation that could be made about the UK concerns the Home Furniture market, which seemed to have low concentration, because 13% of the total Retail firms only generated 9% of the turnover and employed 9% of the workforce. Italy and Spain seemed to be very similar markets, registering close percentual values in all the three variables describing the Sectors. The only significant differences were in the Grocery market, which seemed to be more concentrated in Italy. A plausible explanation for this very high percentage could lay in the particular nature of the Italian commercial fabric: as the Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nel Retail wrote, the density of companies per square kilometre in Italy is 1,4 times the European average. With regard to the large- scale distribution sector, the phenomenon seemed to be of less impact, probably because this sector had already undergone a process of consolidation and rationalization. Despite this, the fragmentation of the Italian large-scale distribution is far from reaching a suitable size for landing across the border as it was the case for the French and Germans. To get an idea of the fragmentation of the Italian Retailers, it is enough to say that Conad, the first Italian Retailer, places itself in the 69th place of the Global Power of Retail world ranking developed by Deloitte and Esselunga places itself only in the 117th position. Carrefour, the third European Retailer after Lidl and Aldi and ninth in the world, reached a turnover of 97 billion dollars in 2018 compared to the 14 billion dollars of Conad. Going more in depth with the “other” firms, in France and in the Netherlands, they composed the majority of the Retail ecosystem, while they employed only 25% and 21% of the employees, respectively. While for the Netherlands the data was not available, in France the “other” companies represented only 20% of the total Retail turnover. This means that on average these enterprises were smaller in revenues and employees than the companies in the Sectors that were selected.

As anticipated in the Countries section, data on eCommerce penetration were collected for each Sector in each Country. Again, the availability of the most recent comparable data dated back to 2017. In Chart 6.8, a box plot, eCommerce penetration percentages are grouped by Sector, excluding that of the Department one, since data were not available.


Chart 6.8: eCommerce Penetration by Sector

The scenario is clear from Chart 6.8; indeed, there were two extreme situations, that of Groceries and that of Consumer Electronics, among which were distributed the remaining Sectors. In fact, eCommerce penetration in consumers electronic represented the highest value for all 9 Countries selected, with an average of 33% and with a total value of about 70 billion in Europe. In addition, online sales in this Sector are growing; in addition to the "typical" categories, such as smartphones, smartwatches, TVs, small appliances and consumables, large appliances are increasingly being purchased online, thanks to the offer of value-added services such as the installation and withdrawal of the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). On the contrary, and not surprisingly, the Grocery sector was the one with the lowest percentages. Nevertheless, it is one of the most dynamic sectors in terms of growth, mainly as a result of the surge in demand for online grocery shopping due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For instance, in Italy, already in 2019, the sector was worth 1,6 billion €, up 42% compared to the previous year; in July 2020 instead, the growth recorded was 56%, with online sales reaching a total value of 2,5 billion €.

105 Endogenous Factors The analysis of the Literature not only focused on factors which are outside the control of the firms, but also on Retailers' characteristics resulting from the strategic choices undertaken by the firms themselves. In this section, the selection of the indicators which should reflect the aspects considered in Literature Review will be discussed.

6.3.1 Technologies One of the most important aspects that emerged from the Literature was the presence of digital technologies which can improve the operational efficiency of the firm, allowing at the same time the integration of different channels in order to provide a seamless customer experience, thus improving the effectiveness of the enterprise. In the Literature, a distinction between Front-end technologies and Back-end technologies was made, keeping Data Analytics separated for its critical role in modern Retailing and for the managerial challenges and opportunities that it generates. In the Data Gathering process, the decision was to follow the same division, therefore the Retailer's adoption of specific Back-end Technologies (i.e. RFID, facial recognition, weight sensors on shelves etc.) and Front-end ones (i.e. totem, kiosk, self-scanning, mobile payment etc.) was investigated. Moreover, it was decided to search for less consolidated technologies in the market and to consider them separately as they are strictly connected with data analytics and management, but also to highlight the most advanced practices in the international scene. This variable was called Edge Technologies and includes Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. Supply chain innovations were listed among the Back-end technologies. In this category all kind of technologies which impact the warehouse, or the distribution and supply systems of the firms were considered. Some relevant examples could be the new package sorting machine in Coolblue warehouse in Tillburg and the app The Gap deploys to automate the inventory management and boost shelf-availability accuracy by alerting store associates when an item needs replenishing. Advanced Warehouse Management Systems belongs to this category as well. Tracking Technologies are another trending development in Retailing in the last few years. In the Database, they include all RFID technologies back-end side, as well as other less adopted technologies such as weight sensors of warehouse shelves. An example in this field could be Colruyt Group, which adopted NFC tags on their items to improve their tracking capabilities. A particular case which is worth mentioning is Aldi Sud; this firm doesn’t use RFID tags on items to have a 100% monitoring but focuses on providing reliable approximations through sensors installed on carts, shelves, aisles, ceilings or other store furniture. This solution is scalable for thousands of stores without incurring in prohibitive hardware costs and without the need to be reliant on PoS data.

106 The last cluster of Back-end technologies, In-store Consumer Analytics, lies on the boundary between Back-end and Front-end as it refers to those devices and techniques which can gather useful data by exploiting the interaction with the end customers. Monitoring of customers inside the point of sale, beacons, facial recognition and other customer tracking solutions belong to this category.

Back-end Technologies diffusion Specific Back-end Technologies 80 14% 70 22% 70 60 50 45 40 36 30% 30 20 34% 10 0 supply chain tracking solutions in-store analytics no back-end technologies one two three innovation

Chart 6.9: Back-end Technologies diffusion Even though most of those technologies are still not available in the majority of Retailers, there are a few cases of successful implementations. For example, Target has been heavily investing in energy efficient LED lightning with built-in Bluetooth beacons that enable the store’s app to show customers their location for an experience similar to that of Google Maps, while at the same time gathering useful data. Those beacons also notify users when they walk close to one of “Cartwheel” deals.

Looking at the data coming from the 110 Retailers analysed, it was clearly observable how most of them employed at least one of the Back-End Technologies mentioned. The most diffused are the ones regarding the supply chain, the reason probably lies in the huge advantages in terms of efficiency and effectiveness that back-end supply chain innovation can generate. The least common solutions were the ones related to In-Store Analytics; the necessity for complex big data management and the strong synergies required among all the Edge Technologies might have played a huge role. Front-end technologies were divided between those which are dedicated to the awareness/pre-sale phase, those which are useful to streamline the Purchase of the items and those which open possibilities to innovate the Payment process. The first type includes all the devices which improve the interaction between customer and the Retailer, enabling new omnichannel business models. This kind of technologies tend to lead to huge cost cuts and service improvements as they can help the workforce in assisting the customers in the

107 store. They also tend to provide a very immersive experience, often exploiting gamification. Totems, kiosks, digital signage, smart mirrors and interactive displays are all commonly associated with this kind of front-end technologies. While digital signage and totems were quite diffused among the large Retailers selected, there are a few initiatives which are more advanced and worth pointing out. One of those could be Superdrug’s StyleMe, a smart mirror that allows customers to try makeup effects virtually by leveraging on augmented reality, while at the same time a Digital Beauty Advisor can provide in-depth information about products and show how-to videos when a product is scanned. Another successful implementation story is the one of Home’s Depot, which allows its users to use voice or visual search to find a specific item and then shows exactly where it is located in the store. The second kind of Front-End Technologies included all those practices which allow to streamline the purchase process, providing a frictionless experience to customers. They involved self-scanning devices or apps, fingerprint or biometric purchase technologies. A successful implementation example from Italy is represented by Esselunga, which, starting from a few years ago, introduced self-scanning devices in its shops The last category of Front-end Technologies included all those innovation in the payment process which provide more opportunities to customers and allow to maximize the selling opportunities. Self- checkouts, mobile payment with the smartphone (through apps such as WeChat or ApplePay, but also through proprietary apps), cash-out devices positioned in various points of the stores are examples of practices that belong to this category. An example worth pointing out is Decathlon, which aims at eliminating the need for traditional check-out by integrating cloud-based order management system with mobile cashless payment systems in its Emeryville, California store. This innovation will allow payments to be made directly by the sales team using a system of mobile scanners placed throughout different parts of the point of sale. An even more advanced payment technology consists in the scanning of a contactless credit card at the entrance of the store, exploiting then artificial intelligence and Internet of Things to understand which products are being removed or put back to shelves, with cameras that determine the position of customers with body skeletal tracking. Amazon is pioneering this concept with its Amazon Go stores, but also more traditional Retailers such as Albert Heijin (Ahold Delhaize) have been trying this technology with a pilot project with a duration of 2 months in Amsterdam Schipol airport.


Front-end Technologies Specific Front-end Technologies diffusion 90 79 80 18% 70 59 31% 60 49 50 40 30 28% 20 23% 10 0 no front-end technologies one two three pre-sale purchase payment Chart 6.10: Front-end Technologies diffusion Looking at the Database, it could be observed how 82% of the sample of Retailers employed at least one of the Front-end Technologies taken in consideration. Among these, the most common practices referred to the pre-sale process, mainly due to the vast diffusion of digital signage devices among Retailers of any kind. An observation that was worth pointing out was the fact that 45 Retailers out of 49 adopting a purchase process innovative solution also developed technologies to improve and streamline the payment process. Indeed, the strong synergy between the two technologies can provide the customer a satisfactory and frictionless experience. Artificial intelligence was the first Edge Technology of the ones that were included in the Database. It deals with the development of hardware and software systems that are able to pursue actions and make decisions that could previously only be done by humans. Some of the devices and tools that can be developed thanks to artificial intelligence are autonomous robots, autonomous vehicles, smart objects, chatbots, image and language processing solutions, automated data processing solutions, automated personalised recommendations. Most of these needs large amount of data as there is the need to build an artificial intelligence model based on it, train the model and validate it before it can eventually work as intended. Retail is basically the perfect field in which these solutions can be developed, as large amounts of structured and unstructured data (the so-called “Big-Data”) is often easy to gather thanks to tools as simple as loyalty cards, which allow to compare receipts and segment the customers. Moreover, many artificial intelligence solutions fit very well in the strategy of Retailers of all kinds. Some examples could be: - Chatbots that can be used to provide information to customers who need help without overloading the workforce; - Dynamic pricing and demand forecast based on big data analysis, which can improve dramatically efficiency and effectiveness of the enterprise by maximizing the revenue opportunities, avoiding stock-outs and offering the right price to the right customer;

109 - Image processing to understand the attractiveness of the shelves and the most used walk flows to improve the arrangement of products in the stores; - Recommendation engines for eCommerce websites that can help customers find what they want, allowing also to improve cross-selling and up-selling practices;

In the analysis of the Retailers there were some relevant examples of Artificial Intelligence applications which were worth noting. FNG group uses 3D scans of the feet of their customers and couples them with scans of the shoes and of their sales results using an automated data processing solution based on artificial intelligence, in order to improve the fit between the shoes and the customers’ feet. John Lewis Plc in 2019 partnered with Waitrose to launch pop-up shops in two of their stores where customers could undergo a DNA test. On the basis of the data coming from the test, an artificial intelligence solution can suggest to customers if a product that is scanned through a smartphone app is healthy or not based on their unique genetic profile. The second Edge Technology considered was Internet of Things. It refers to the use of a smart network of objects which are embedded with the software, sensors and network connectivity necessary to collect and exchange data. This technology can lead to huge opportunities as the connected items can enable totally new business models based on the huge amount of real-time structured and unstructured data that they can generate. There are a plethora of different devices, sensors and technologies that can be implemented to build a smart network, as well as there are a vast range of applications in Retail. IoT could be critical to improve front-end processes, by installing sensors in mirrors, fitting rooms and carts, but also on shelves (as seen in the Amazon Go case). One of the most diffused applications of IoT in front-end Retailing are beacons, which are useful as a proximity marketing solution as they send a notification to customers with offers when entering a well-defined area, gathering data about the clients at the same time. Several companies such as Douglas, De Bijenkorf and Printemps already installed them in their stores. However, the opportunities are extremely interesting also in the back-end Retail phase, as smart shelves, cameras and tags can be employed to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Retailer’s processes. An example comes from Macy’s, which has implemented RFID tagging on its inventory, replacing manual scanning. This solution allowed them to reduce inventory variance between 2 and 4,5% and reduce markdowns enabling a 2,6% full-price sale increase in women’s shoes, according to their report. RFID tags also improve fulfilment, as tagged items were fulfilled 6,1% more than the non-tagged ones.

110 The last Edge Technology taken into consideration was Blockchain, which is basically a distributed structure of data, where it is only possible to add data and information according to shared rules. There is not a central authority and there is no trust between the participant of the Blockchain: cryptography and consensus algorithms are used in order to reach a consensus between the players. Several services and applications can be built by exploiting its characteristics, such as decentralized apps, smart contracts, timestamps, tokens and cryptocurrencies. Blockchain can be extremely useful to improve the traceability of the supply chain of Retailers worldwide. In particular, grocery Retailers can onboard all the players upstream in distributed ledger platforms in order to have instant visibility about the various transactions in the system, as well as a reliable instrument to avoid fraudulent behaviour and unsure easy dispute resolution. An example in this context is Wal-Mart, which employs IBM FoodTrust ecosystem, that guarantees end-to-end traceability in 2,2 seconds. This system allows them to have a fast response in case of disease outbreaks in leafy products. Another interesting example in the Grocery field is represented by Spanish Retailer Mercadona, which implemented its own cryptocurrency, “Criptodona”, which works as a loyalty points system entirely based on the blockchain. The analysis of the 110 Retailers showed also relevant cases outside the Grocery sector. In particular, it is worth pointing out the case of LVMH Aura, a distributed ledger platform that will allow to track luxury products from the raw-materials to the after-sale phase. With this system, consumers could get access to relevant data about the items, such as the origin, the ethical and environmental information, the warranties and the instructions for the care of the product. Looking at the diffusion of the Edge Technologies in the sample of Retailers selected, it is possible to see how the share of Retailers which had none or just one was larger than the share of retailers which employed other technologies that were analysed in the Database.

Specific Edge Technologies Edge Technologies diffusion 80 74 16% 19% 70 57 60 50 40 25% 30 21 20 10 40% 0 Internet of Blockchain Artificial no edge technologies one two three Things Intelligence

Chart 6.11: Edge Technologies diffusion

111 Regarding the specific fields, artificial intelligence was the most common one among the Retailers, mainly because many of them employ recommendation solutions based on AI on their eCommerce websites. Internet of Things was also quite diffused, because many different technologies were included in the definition and some of them are already consolidated in Retail. In fact, some of the solutions described among the Back-end and Front-end technologies could be also considered part of the IoT paradigm. Blockchain was for sure the least widespread technology among Retailers in the sample. A reason could be that it requires significant investments and the bargaining power to involve many players along the supply chain, meaning that only the largest and most influential Retailers were willing to start a project based on the blockchain.

6.3.2 Organization However, from the Literature it became clear how technologies by themselves are not sufficient to guarantee an improvement in efficiency and effectiveness for a firm: it is imperative that they are carefully selected, managed and integrated in the already existing processes and logic of the organization. Several professional profiles – even at the C-level – were born due to this premise. For each Retailer in the Database three distinct executive roles who work on these new technologies were tracked, with the underlying assumption that each of these managers are in lead of a specific team or function that assists them, carrying on precise tasks. Most firms have a different Organizational structure on the basis of their strategic configurations, and some of the jobs may present some overlapping or a different denomination. Each enterprises’ executive directors were classified by the actual responsibilities they have inside the organization, with information found on the Annual reports, the official websites or their LinkedIn profile page. The first role to be examined was the one of the Chief eCommerce Officer, an executive who has responsibility for both day-to-day and strategic eCommerce operations. This manager needs to be an expert in the eCommerce landscape, knowing the competitors and being able to identify trends and opportunities for growth. It must also understand all the back-end tools, systems and processes which allow the company to run the online business, as well as the main methods for monitoring, analysing and reporting on the performance metrics. This professional figure was one of the first to be created with the diffusion of eCommerce websites among firms worldwide. However, the Literature found some criticalities in Retail companies who show a separation between online and offline channels, as data is often “siloed”, making it very difficult to gather relevant insights. In addition, it is more complicated to guarantee consistency between all the channels, with the result of being less successful in offering a seamless experience to the customers.

112 Moreover, with the development of new best practices and technologies, being an expert in eCommerce only is not sufficient anymore for many firms. That is why a multitude of Retailers are starting to hire Chief Digital (Innovation/Development) Officers, a professional role which has the responsibility for the digital transformation of their company. These executives develop a digital strategy to improve the digital customer experience across all the touchpoints, trying to enhance the relationship between data and the customers. The change they try to foster is not only limited to processes and projects but also aims at involving the culture and the approach of the workforce towards the digital transformation. Some Retailers are so obsessed about the customer experience and the integration between all the channels that they employ a Chief Customer Officer, a professional C-level role that has the responsibility of transforming the company into a truly customer-centric one by managing all the relationships and the points of contacts with the customers. The idea is to provide a comprehensive view of the customer and to define a strategy that is able to maximize customer acquisition, retention and profitability.

Chief Officers




Chief Customer Officer Chief Digital Officer Chief E-commerce Officer Chart 6.12: Percentage of Chief Officers types As it is possible to see from Chart 6.12, it seems that most of the Retailers were dismissing C-level roles focusing just on eCommerce, preferring to hire high-level executives with a more multi- dimensional profile, able to manage the digital transformation inside the company on more than one level. Only 24 companies on 110 decided instead to create a position in their board of directors for a Chief Customer Officer, which is for sure one of the newest C-level roles. The digital transformation is changing radically each aspect of the strategy of the companies, which are starting to follow digital business strategies. These are inherently digital in nature, aim and scope, on the contrary of traditional business strategies. This revolution requires managers who are able to make decisions in a fast way to keep up with the pace of change, but also able to involve their teams in embracing the new developments. Many Retailers started to offer courses or academies for junior and middle managers to improve their Leadership skills, helping them to grow professionally in this new revolutionary context; 47 of the companies in the Database were actually providing this kind of

113 education to their managers. At the same time, from the Literature it emerged the necessity for companies to make their workforce embrace the new technologies and processes, which are probably going to modify practices that were considered as consolidated for many years. In many cases, the implementation of new technologies both back-end and front-end may change which tasks are expected from a worker, as well as its competences. Many employees may not accept these new technologies easily, and re-skilling may be necessary. For this reason, companies worldwide are developing new Training programmes for their employees, and 79 of the Retailers in the sample were following this path.

Employees development

37% Leadership Programmes

Training Courses 63%

Chart 6.13: Employees Development programs classification 6.3.3 Points of Sale In the Literature Analysis, when speaking of physical Retailing, the consensus was that the localization, the format and the size of the stores were paramount strategic choices that have a huge impact on the success or the failure of Retailers of any kind. For what concerns localization, it was decided to report for each company the Total number of stores, the Number of stores in the country of origin, the Number of stores outside the country of origin and the Number of stores in Europe. This data was particularly useful when trying to understand the Degree of internationalisation of the firms considered. It was chosen to implement a threshold system to classify the Retailers on the basis of their international presence.

Degree of Internationalization

15% More than 70% stores in the country of origin Between 30% and 70% stores in the country of origin 26% 59% Less than 30% stores in the country of origin

Chart 6.14: Degree of Internationalisation classification

114 As it is possible to see from Chart 6.14, the majority (59%) of the Retailers were still prevalently located in their country of origin. The main observation to make about this chart is that the more a Retailer is spread internationally, the less the macro-economic data about its country of origin should matter on its final results. That is because the firm serves countries with different average wage, employment, density of population, competitors, regulations, culture. In the Literature many other aspects related to the localization of the stores were mentioned: the distance of the points of sales from the city centres, the distance between the other competitors and the density of population in the Retail area of the store. Unfortunately, there were large variations in these parameters inside each single Retailer, and it is almost impossible to gather these data without access to the internal records of the firms. For what concerns the Size of the points of sale, the average data for each Retailer was collected and the enterprises were classified as “Small” (less than sqm), “Large” (more than sqm) and “Medium” (between sqm and sqm). This classification allowed to identify different clusters of Retailers; however, it should be noted that this division does not really reflect the actual situation for each company, as in many cases the firms worked with different store formats with very different sizes. An example could be CoolBlue, which has XXL stores (around 1200 sqm), normal stores (around 600 sqm) and small stores (around 240 sqm). This was even more evident in the case in which the Retailer owned several brands with proprietary store of different size, such as Ahold Delhaize with Etos (average 209 sqm), Albert Heijin (average 1282 sqm) and Giant Martin’s (average 3987 sqm). Moreover, this classification does not catch some relevant information about many companies which were experimenting with small convenience stores in city centres to exploit the new trend of Return to Proximity. For instance, Ceconomy’s Mediamarkt and Mediaworld brands are launching their “smart” format (only 100 sqm, compared to 2608 average) which has been designed to optimize omnichannel strategies such as pick&pay and click&collect. Average Size

13% More than 2000 sqm average 34% Between 1000 and 2000 sqm average Between 300 and 1000 sqm average 36% Less than 300 sqm average


Chart 6.15: Average store size classification 115 An interesting category in the sample was the one with an average of less than 300 sqm in store size, which consisted only of 13% of the total number. Those Retailers will probably have a larger number of stores in proportion with their revenues than the others, and they are probably well-suited to exploit the Return to Proximity phenomenon and the new omnichannel business models. Another point to consider is that it might be easier to reconfigure a store network composed of smaller stores rather than larger ones, which often require the layoff or the relocation of a large number of employees, the dissolution of expensive rent contracts or the selling of a huge property and a re- assessment of the supply chain.

6.3.4 Formats With regard to the point of sale's Format as a strategic variable, 4 different types of innovative formats were identified. As mentioned above, the Return to Proximity with the adoption of the Convenience format is a fast-growing trend among Retailers as it allows effective implementation of omnichannel strategies. One example is Sainsbury's, which of its 1412 stores, 42% are convenience-type. These include neighbourhood hub stores that offer local communities a convenient, one-stop shop for a broad range of Groceries and general merchandise and 'On the Go' city stores tailored to match the needs of busy city workers. The same strategy is being adopted by many other Groceries’ stores nowadays; however, at the same time, there are other sectors where there is an increasing interest for smaller surfaces. It is the case to mention BUT, a French Home Furniture Retailer, and its new concept store BUT city, as well as its direct Belgian competitor Bricor, with its Brico City stores (500-1.000 m2). On the opposite side of the convenience store it was possible to identify the trend of the Discount stores, a definition that includes several kinds of points of sale with similar characteristics. In general, these stores tend to be bigger than conventional stores and to sell products with different modalities, often to make the sale possible with a discount price. Examples of Retailers which employ this format could be Galeries Lafayette, which currently has 7 outlets, or Kingfisher, which since 2015 has been closing points of sale of B&Q to convert them into outlets. Another method that is often used by the most innovative Retailers to approach their customers is that of the Pop-up store. This solution certainly means less investment and more flexibility, but it remains a temporary solution. An example is the Italian Retailer OVS, with its Holiday stores, entirely dedicated to leisure clothing installed near a seaside location. Lastly, a particular format that is getting more and more attention is definitely that of the Virtual store. However, this type of format is still being tested and few Retailers can afford the investments needed to leverage such advanced technologies as artificial intelligence and augmented reality, required for the development of virtual contents. Nevertheless, the adoption of this type of format

116 would definitely boost online sales, especially for those purchase that implies a higher customers' price sensitiveness. This is the case with Home Furniture; indeed, it is a sector where eCommerce penetration is still very low since the costumer wants to observe and experience household items live before buying it, just like for luxury products. That's why players like Ikea and the German Hornbach offer virtual stores to customers in such a way that they can view the furniture in 3D, thanks to augmented reality, and even view it in the context of their own home. What has been discussed so far can also be found in Chart 6.16.

Types of formats





Discount Stores Convenience Stores Pop-up Stores Virtual Stores Chart 6.16: Types of store format diffusion Chart 6.16 confirms the trend just highlighted; there were 71 out of 110 Retailers that had adopted convenience stores, while the presence of virtual stores was still marginal. Still, it was interesting to see how a large number of Retail firms are eager to challenge their traditional store paradigms in order to offer a more satisfying experience to various categories of customers which might be willing to buy from the Retailer, but would like to do so through a channel that is more attractive, comfortable or less expensive for them.

6.3.5 Omnicanality As reported in the Literature Review, omnichannel is a major trend in the Retail industry that is affecting deeply how the companies interact with their customers, as the expectations are rising towards a seamless customer experience. There is a strong tendency to add new channels to follow customer requirements, increasing the touchpoints to maximize the sales potential by minimizing occasions when consumer demand is not met, offsetting competition. Firms should decide in which channels to be present and which strategy to follow in each channel in order to reach perfect integration, because a disjointed customer experience will lead to frustration and will have a negative impact on the brand image. This integrated customer experience translates into new omnichannel

117 business models that are based on the interaction in multiple touchpoints. The most important Omnichannel Business Models were identified and reported in the Database.

Omnichannel Business Models

90.0% 78.2% 70.9%


Show-Room Click-and-Collect Return-enabled Stores Web-Room

Chart 6.17: Omnichannel Business Models diffusion

The most diffused (90%) omnichannel business model in the sample was for sure Click&Collect, which was already mentioned in the Literature as very convenient for the customers, who have the control on the purchasing process and are led to a stronger perception of trust towards the enterprise. This modality also increases the traffic in the offline stores, providing more opportunities for cross and up-selling. An interesting variation that some of the Retailers such as Home Depot and Walmart implemented is the curbside pickup, which consists in the delivery in a specific point just outside the store or in the trunk of the car of a customer parked outside the point of sale, with the specific modality changing from retailer to retailer. Very common (78,2%) were also the Retailers who allowed the return in store (Return-enabled stores) of products, independently on where those products were sold (both offline and online). With this approach, the service to the customer improved dramatically as the customer doesn’t have to send back the product via mail anymore, but it can conveniently bring it back and be provided with immediate assistance. This option increases the trust of the customer towards the company by offering after-sales support service in person in the physical store, while also increasing the traffic in the point of sale. Web-rooming is associated with the practice of showing the entire catalogue of products, together with their in-store availability on the online channels of the Retailer, with the customer that proceeds with the purchase process offline. This business models reduces the pressure on the workforce as it improves the information transfer between the company and the customer through the online content, leading to a more efficient purchase process. The diffusion was quite high (70,9% of the Retailers in

118 the sample) and there were a few examples that are worth noting for their innovativeness. For instance, ICI Paris XL provides a “live-shopping” option on their app that allows them to get in contact with a Beauty Advisor from the company, which answers all the questions and can give advice on the products. Another virtuous application of the web-rooming paradigm can be seen in the Web- 2-Store service by FNG group, which gives the possibility to customers to make a selection of clothes or shoes that they like online and to reserve a date in which they can try them in store, with an employee that can help them and offer additional personal services. The last Omnichannel Business Model that was investigated is Show-Rooming, which consists in the pre-sale phase carried on offline, with the rest of the purchase process continued by the customers online. In the sample considered, this paradigm mostly concretized into stores which offered devices from which customers were able to order online what was not available in the store or what was too heavy to carry. This basically translates into a product portfolio enlargement, reducing the lost sales and the necessary stock in the points of sales. As discussed in the Literature, this model changes dramatically the role of the store, as it is mostly used to make the customer touch and feel the merchandise before buying it online. The spread was the lowest between the omnichannel models considered in the analysis (40,9%) and it was even rarer to find stores totally transformed in showrooms, with no possibility of direct sales. In the majority of the cases the stores that could be part of a showrooming business model were just hubs that integrated many channels, so basically places that could attract and gather customers which follow many different journeys, as already mentioned in the Literature. An example of the more traditional showrooming model can be seen in Jumbo’s store in Geneva, which offers virtual shelf extensions to its customers to virtually increase their catalogue. On the other hand, a very inspired and innovative show-rooming practice that can lead to a seamless and integrated customer experience could be the one offered by Lyko, a beauty products Retailer from Sweden which has hairdressers’ boutiques inside its shops. Traffic in the stores is increased by that service, and moreover customers can directly order the products that were used in the hairdressing performance (such as shampoos, hair dye, etc.) and have them delivered at their homes.

6.3.6 Channels When designing an omnichannel strategy, a very important point for Retailers is choosing which online channels to integrate in their offering, as each one has its particular strengths and weaknesses that must be accounted for. Products, communication and marketing have to be very different according to the channels they choose in order to safeguard their brands and maximize the advantages of selling online.

119 As it is possible to see from Chart 6.18, all the Retailers in the sample had their own Website on which they sell their products directly. This channel, while being quite expensive and effort-intensive, opens up to a lot of benefits and potential opportunities. First of all, the proprietary website is a very important enabler for the multi-channel paths described before, therefore it should not be surprising why so many companies decided to implement one. Moreover, it is for sure one of the main ways in which a Retailer can feed the CRM software with the data it needs to properly manage and improve the relationship with the customer; from the Literature it was clear how critical this aspect is in modern Retailing.

Online channels 100.0%


54.5% 39.1%

Website App Marketplace Social Commerce Chart 6.18: Online channels diffusion

Through the website is possible to extend the market of the firm beyond time (no opening hours) and space (possibility to reach places where the firm doesn’t have any store), as well as experimenting new products before distributing them in all the store network. With their own website, Retailers have full control on the purchase process offered and can ensure a shopping experience coherent with their brand. As discussed in the Literature, mobile shopping is increasingly popular in the last few years and Mobile apps, are the perfect way to take advantage of this trend. Their benefits are very similar to those of the owned website, though there are many extra services that can be provided by exploiting the extended capabilities of the hardware of the smartphones. These services proved to be extremely relevant especially for customers who are physically in the point of sale, that can live personalized and value-adding experiences in the pre-sale and purchase phases. For the abovementioned reasons the variable App was added; however, it must be clear that only the Retailers with apps that give the possibility to shop directly were included in this classification. There are many firms who had apps that only provided additional services such as loyalty program accounts or store locators without the shopping option (such as Bath and Body works, Trony and Karstadt Warenhaus); these apps were not considered as a sales channel and, therefore, were not taken into account when building the Database.

120 This channel was probably less diffused than the owned website because it requires even more effort and investments, even more so due to the many value-adding services integrated in the app which are based on innovative technologies, as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Several Retailers who want to be more mobile-friendly without the effort of app development tend to just work on the mobile usability of their proprietary websites, and that was probably one of the reasons why not all the firms in the sample built their own app. In the Literature Analysis many authors highlighted the importance of the digital platforms in modern economy and in particular in Retailing, where firm can join the so-called “Retail ecosystems” and take advantage of strong positive cross-side network effects. Selling in Marketplaces can be extremely advantageous because they give access to a huge customer base for a very low initial investment, much lower than the one needed to run your own eCommerce website. However, there are also some significant downsides: it is very important for Retailers to be careful about the positioning of their products and brand to avoid negative damage to the image of the company. Given the fact that there is basically no control on the purchase process, it is also impossible for the firms to personalize the customer experience as they would like to. In addition, many of the marketplaces share no data (or just a part of the data) with Retailers, providing less data to feed the CRM compared to an owned website. A potentially interesting usage of the marketplace channel can be seen by H&M, which sells on T-Mall global in order to reach Chinese customers, who would be otherwise very difficult to reach given the huge market share of Alibaba group. Under the channel Marketplaces were also included those Retailers who built their own marketplace, on which other companies or users can sell their products with different modalities, granting a revenue also for the owner. Auchan, for instance, allows its suppliers to sell directly on its website. In the sample, only 39,1% of the Retailers decided to sell through a marketplace. A possible explanation lies in the fact that only the biggest firms were selected, which already have a consolidated customer base and have enough resources to build their own website or app, offsetting the main benefits of the marketplaces. Moreover, those companies tended to have a strong brand reputation that they want to defend and improve, making it risky to give up control on the customer experience. The last online channel taken into consideration was Social Commerce. In the Data Gathering phase, the only two social networks contemplated were Facebook and Instagram, which give the possibility to sell directly with a link on the page of the company. In the Literature, it became clear how intense the use of social media is, both inside and outside the store. Retail is becoming more and more a social practice, especially between young customers, and being present on these channels seems to

121 be very important for Retailers who have as a target millennials and generation Z people: 54,5% of the firms in the sample are exploiting social commerce. In the sample of Retailers chosen to build the Database, all the companies had at least one online channel. From the Chart 6.19 it is clear how the firms were trying to become more omnichannel by increasing their online touchpoints with the customer: only 4,5% of the Retailers only had their own website, with the rest selling at least on two online sales channels. A significant number (19,1%) of the companies in the sample were actually exploiting all the channels considered in the analysis, even if it requires a significant managerial effort to integrate them in order to offer a seamless customer experience. Number of Online Channels

4.5% 19.1%

Just One Two 41.8% Three All Four 34.5%

Chart 6.19: Percentage of total number of online channels per Retailer Some interesting information about the Retailers concerns the signage of several Partnerships which could help the firm building their own eCommerce infrastructure, accessing new markets or leveraging on new eCommerce opportunities; the most significant cases were reported in the Database. A pertinent example could be Marks & Spencer, which made a deal with Ocado: the idea was to develop operating procedures and new ways of working between the two businesses, and establishing data and technology interfaces with Ocado Retail, so that it became possible to improve M&S online reach and capabilities. Other companies, like Lyko, hire specialized partners to propose innovative delivery methods to their customers. Another example of a successful partnership involving a Retailer in the sample is the case of Mango-Myntra in India, signed in 2015. Myntra is the most reputable online Retailer in the country, and in less than three years Mango has become one of the five top-selling women’s western wear brands on Myntra marketplace, with annual growth rates higher than 100%

Given the already discussed importance of social media for marketing and as a sales channel, but also as an integrating part of the customer journey of many consumers, it was important to understand which firms were able to create an involved community on their social network pages. It was decided to consider as the main KPI the Number of followers on the Instagram accounts of the Retailer, as it

122 is one of the most diffused social media, with an easy-to-use social commerce interface and with the possibility to engage with the followers continuously thanks to stories and posts. For the Retailers which owned more than one brand, the number included in the Database is the sum of the followers of the most important ones. However, there were some international firms that have many Instagram accounts for different countries or languages; whenever that was the case, only the country of origin of the company was counted. In the sample, 4 of the enterprises did not have Instagram and 7 had less than 10k followers; given the fact that those should be some of the largest Retailers in Europe and America, it is likely that they did not have a dedicated social media strategy or they invested very few on it. On the contrary, 10 of them had between one million and ten million followers and 6 had even more than ten million followers on Instagram. These firms were likely to be employing a dedicated social media team with an ad hoc budget, which tried to engage customers and to create an involved community. Looking at those Retailers who are selling through social media, it was quite evident without additional analyses how they were more numerous on percentage in the categories with a higher number of followers. There was one firm (Trony) which did not have an Instagram account but was actually selling through Facebook, as itcan be seen from Chart 6.20.

Instagram Followers and relationship with Social Commerce

No Instagram 1 3

Less than 10k followers 3 4

Between 10k and 100k followers 12 20

Between 100k and 1m followers 28 20

Between 1m and 10m followers 10 3

More than ten million followers 6 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Yes Social Commerce No Social Commerce

Chart 6.20: Instagram Followers and relationship with Social Commerce Impacts Following the review of Endogenous and Exogenous Factors, the focus moved to Impacts, which final objective, just as in the database used in the Literature Review, was to analyse the performance of the Retailers, both quantitative and qualitative. With regard to the quantitative performance dimension, Literature variables such as cannibalization, volume of transactions etc., were translated into a series of financial and non-financial indicators for the Data Gathering.

123 6.4.1 Quantitative Impacts The first figure to be detected among all is definitely that of Turnover. This is one of the main indicators that could be used to describe the size of the companies, with all the phenomena that are related to that, such as bargaining power and economies of scales. This measure also enables the calculation of the market share, providing a more comprehensive view of the business field and of the importance of the company in that landscape. In many cases, retribution bonuses of top managers of companies in many sectors are also strictly connected to turnover, so it is crucial to keep it in mind while analysing the decisions undertaken by the enterprises. In order to have a more precise idea if the sales were increasing or not during the Retail Apocalypse, the value of revenues of the last two years of each Retailer was reported, and the Percentual Sales growth/decrease was calculated.

Chart 6.21: Sales Growth per Sector

Chart 6.21 was created by looking at the sales growth/decrease data from each Retailer of the sample; unfortunately, not every firm disclosed the data, so some of them were excluded from the calculation. The average growth in the sample (the crosses in chart) was greater than zero for all the Sectors; Drug Stores and Fashion/sportswear were the best performing, while Electronics and Department stores were seeing a somewhat stagnant growth. For what concerns Department, the median line was positioned exactly on zero growth, which means that half of the departments stores in the sample had reported a sales decrease between the last two years.

124 There were a few outliers in the sample, which are worth deepening into. Italian’s La Rinascente and Bricofer are the Department Store and Home Furniture Retailers which were showing the highest growth in the sample. The former’s data, however, is not completely reliable as the figure from 2019 was not disclosed and the percentual increase was based on values from 2017 and 2018, so it did not include the closure of two stores (Genova and Padova) which happened in late 2018 and early 2019. The Drug Store outlier was the Swedish Lyko, which is the leading e-Retailer for hair care and beauty in Sweden. This company has a recent history of consistent and profitable growth, pushed by its clear digital strategy and its already proven omnichannel model, with a competitive offer for each channel and a strong integration that provides a seamless experience to its customers. Regarding Consumer Electronics, the Retailer with the most declining revenues was Gamestop, which was discussed in depth later when speaking about store closures. The electronics firm with the highest sales growth was Unieuro, which is perhaps the Italian consumer electronic firm that was able to capture in a better way the essence of the new omnichannel trend and to revolutionize its business model accordingly. It was also the only Retailer of this kind in Italy to be listed in the stock exchange, and the only one that had a centralized structure, not being just a procurement group composed by smaller companies, as many of its competitors were. The two outliers in the Fashion sector are JD Sports Fashion and Brantano. The former was showing the result of two acquisitions made in 2019; in reality the like-for-like store sales increased by just 1%, while like-for-like online sales increased by 5%. The latter is a footwear Retailer, which is a part of the Fashion sector that was showing significant growth in sales worldwide. The grocery outlier is DIA from Spain, which saw a relevant decrease in sales due to the closure of many low performing stores and a de-franchise process aiming at improving the quality of the franchisee network. Continuing with turnover-related measures, it is clear that the absolute value allows only incomplete conclusions related to the performance of the Retailer in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, and that's why it was decided to relate the revenues to the total sales area in order to obtain the Sales (or Revenues) per square meter. This indicator is considered to be a key measure of success in brick-and- mortar Retailing and it is used to compare a firm performance only against that of its direct competitors in the same business area. Sales per square meter allow to gauge the efficiency of a Retailer, as this indicator captures how well a firm can exploit their sales surface to sell their products, rationalizing the operational costs. Companies can increase their performance in this KPI by working on marketing or offering better and updated products to increase sales, but there are also ways to raise its figure by working on the stores themselves. Improving the layout, for example by removing unnecessary assets from the point of sale, could help breathe new life to unutilized space to show more products to customers. Providing

125 adequate training to employees is also a key instrument to improve this indicator, as they are important driver of sales and they can increase cross and up-selling considerably. Retail firms who are able to manage all these aspects tend to register a better performance in revenues per square meters. Of course, a criticality of this KPI is represented by the increasing share of eCommerce sales by Retailers, which disrupts the connection between revenues and Retail store surface. In addition, as seen in the literature, the omnichannel trend reshapes the traditional role of the stores, which are now in many cases focused on the relationship with the customers, on image and brand-building and on providing a superior customer service. A clear example in the Database was represented by Coolblue: the Dutch Retailer achieved astonishingly high revenues per square meter, but the reason is that the firm registered around 85% of its revenues through eCommerce, and its 14 stores are thought as hubs that enable omnichannel strategies to provide a seamless experience to the customers. In the analysis it was decided to investigate this measure for the Grocery sector, a field in which many Retailers with some of the largest stores belong and for which this KPI was still an important measure of store success, since the eCommerce penetration was quite low in the Countries of consideration. The results showed in Chart 6.22 were in line with the report from Mediobanca’s Osservatorio on grocery retailing, which also sees Esselunga in the first place worldwide in sales per square meter. While it is true that this KPI gives relevant information about the efficiency of a Retailer, it is worth noting that many firms (especially American ones) were able to achieve a high level of profitability even with low sales per square meter. Moreover, US had the highest Retail space per capita among the Countries selected, and its top Retailers owned some of the largest stores, which is an information that might be explaining the low values of sales per square meters, as the denominator increased.

Revenues per Square meter, grocery Retailers

Dia, S.A. Auchan Holding SA… Carrefour Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ICA Grouppen AB Axfood Conad Ahold Delhaize Lidl Jumbo Supermarkets Migros-Genossenschafts Bund Coop group Mercadona, S.A ALDI Süd Tesco PLC Costco Wholesale Corporation Colruyt Group J Sainsbury plc Esselunga S.p.A. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Chart 6.22: Revenues per Square meter, Grocery Retailers 126 Indeed, this indicator shows the performance of a Retailer concerning its stores but does not consider its operational efficiency in the overall supply chain. American top grocery Retailers such as Costco and Wal-Mart for sure benefit from considerable economies of scale and strong bargaining power with suppliers due to their size, which allow them to cut costs outside their stores. In order to have a more comprehensive view on the operational profitability of the firms in the sample, it was decided to show the EBITDA Margin, which eliminates the effects of financing, government or specific accounting decisions. Indeed, this KPI provided a clearer indication of the firm's earnings since it removed the impacts of non-operating decisions made by the management, such as interest expenses, tax rates, or significant intangible assets. Thus, it was decided to compute the companies' EBITDA Margin and to show that of the 12 Retailers chosen for the U.S. in Chart 6.23. Through this Chart it can be immediately seen who among the Retailers was the most effective in its cost-cutting efforts, since the Retailers with highest EBITDA Margins were the ones with the lowest operating expenses in relation to total revenue.


Bath and Body Works 26% Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance 16% The Home Depot, Inc. 16% The TJX Companies 13% The Gap, Inc. 11% Macy's, Inc 10% Lowe's Companies 9% Target Corporation 8% Best Buy Co. 6% Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 6% Costco Wholesale Corporation 4% GameStop Corp.

-5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Chart 6.23: EBITDA Margin for selected U.S. Retailers Unsurprisingly, apart from GameStop (-10%), that was divesting many of its stores, the sector with the lowest EBITDA margins was that of Grocery. The main reason, in addition to the harsh competition that characterized this market, were surely the high fixed costs in which such giant players as Walmart and Costco were subject to. Indeed, these kinds of stores had an average area of 10000 square meters and more than 700 warehouses from which follow huge lighting and refrigeration costs. On the other hand, Drug Store Retailers showed better results thanks to the sale of higher-margin cosmetics products.

127 Other indicators that could be used to evaluate the profitability of the Retailers were reported: Gross Profit Margin, Operating Income Margin (or EBIT Margin) and Net Profit Margin. A consideration that needed to be made was related to the strong impact that the advent of eCommerce had on these indicators. Indeed, Retail margins have always been relatively low since most the Retail spending was purely discretionary. Thus, there was a relatively high price elasticity of demand for Retail goods, which made it difficult to raise prices. This is even more true today, since eCommerce increases the number of competitors worldwide that each firm has to face, stimulating price wars as customer can easily compare prices on the internet. Gross Margins were measured by the total percentage of profit generated by each item sold. As can be seen by looking at Chart 6.24, the companies to achieve the least profit margins were those of the large-scale Retail trade sector. For these firms, the phenomenon of "margin erosion" was all the greater the higher the price competition. Hence, in defining this indicator, price played a key role. Retailers needed to find a balance between selling products at a price that would attract consumers and drive sales and, at the same time, keep prices high enough to generate gross margins that would cover operating costs and, eventually, generate profit. There are some Retail sub-sectors, such as high-end clothing and personal-care Retailers, that have notoriously high gross profit due to the own nature of the products and of the market. At the same time, grocery Retailers are famous for the very low gross profit margin, which requires a very high operational efficiency to be profitable. Chart 6.24 confirmed what has just been said, showing that the lowest range of values for the sample analysed were precisely those of the Grocery and Electronics Retailers, while the higher values were registered for Fashion, Department and Drug Stores players.

Chart 6.24: Gross Margin by Sector

128 It is important to remember that this indicator was particularly focused on the effectiveness of the Retailer, by providing an indication about the ability of the firm to sell its products at a high price leveraging on product quality, brand image, marketing and customer experience. However, it did not include the efficiency perspective of the firm, as it excluded all the costs which were not strictly related to the product, as those concerning operations, supply chain, organization, marketing and finance. The most suitable KPI to measure the management efficiency of Retailers is the Operating Profit Margin; indeed, this indicator - which is also known as Return on Sales (ROS) - is a ratio used to evaluate a company's operational efficiency, just like EBITDA Margin. The main difference is that the Operating Income Margin also considers depreciation and amortization of assets, and therefore it could be negatively impacted in case the company invested in assets which were overpriced or assets that lost value quickly.

Chart 6.25: Operating Profit Margin by Sector From Chart 6.25 it is possible to observe how grocery companies, despite having very low gross margin, were not the ones with lowest average operating profit margin. Generally, they were some of the largest, oldest and most established firms, so they were the most likely to exploit economies of scales, economies of experience and bargaining power towards the suppliers. The positive grocery outlier was Esselunga, which was able to outperform even larger Retailers in terms of efficiency. The negative outlier was DIA, which was undergoing a huge restructuring process to improve efficiency, as discussed before. Fashion Retailers were the enterprises with the highest average operating profit; the only exception was OVS, which was reporting a negative operating profit margin. In the annual report of the company this value was justified by a huge impact non-recurring events which were unrelated to o


ordinary operations, and their CFO proposed an adjustment that should be bringing the margin up to 7,1%, which would be exactly in line with the other players in the sector. For what concerned Consumer Electronics firms, they were the ones with lowest average operating profit. In particular, the worst performer was GameStop, which case was discussed more in detail later in this work. Drug Stores were the ones who presented the biggest variation, and no firms were identified as outliers. In order to demonstrate what was previously said, it was decided to make a comparison of the Gross Margins and Operating Margins of the 12 Retailers chosen for the UK.

Gross Profit Margin Operating Profit Margin LUSH LUSH 66% DFS Furniture 3% DFS Furniture 60% JD Sports Fashion Plc 7% JD Sports Fashion Plc 48% Next plc 21% Next plc 41% B&Q () 2% B&Q (Kingfisher plc) 38% Marks and Spencer Group plc Marks and Spencer Group plc 6% 35% John Lewis 33% John Lewis 2% Argos (Sainsbury) 24% Argos (Sainsbury) Dixons Carphone plc 20% Dixons Carphone plc 3%

Superdrug (AS Watson Group) 11% Superdrug (AS Watson Group) 7% J Sainsbury plc 7% J Sainsbury plc 2% Tesco PLC 6% Tesco PLC 4%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Chart 6.26: Gross profit Margin and Operating Profit Margin for selected U.K. Retailers

The first elements to be noticed are the very low gross margins in the Grocery sector, while the best performances were the ones achieved by the Fashion, Home Furniture and Drug Store Retailers, demonstrating what was previously said. On the contrary, for the Consumer Electronics industry, margins were quite low. A plausible explanation lies in the fact that any of the products of this category are more suitable to be purchased on the internet, such as home appliances (i.e.microwaves, hair dryers..); thus, they were exposed to more competition, even international one. Going ahead with the review of the analysis of the KPIs selected, to obtain even more relevant information, it was decided to explore further the dependency of the Operating Profit Margin (ROS)

130 with other indicators, such as the ROA (Return on Assets), a profitability measurement that gauges how well a company is using its assets to generate revenue. Indeed, equation 6.1 analyses ROA subcomponents:

퐸퐵퐼푇 푆푎푙푒푠 퐸퐵퐼푇 푅푂퐴 = = × = 퐴푠푠푒푡푠 푇푢푟푛표푣푒푟 푅푎푡𝑖표 × 푅푂푆 (6.1) 푇표푡푎푙 퐴푠푠푒푡푠 푇표푡푎푙 퐴푠푠푒푡푠 푆푎푙푒푠 Figur e This formula shows that the performance depends on ROS and asset turnover, which are not 6.27: independent. Assets directly impact the asset turnover ratio, while indirectly impacting the EBITROS with and amortization and depreciation. A consideration that need to be made when evaluating and comparing ROA these KPIs for the Retailers. for selec

ted In the following section, an attempt was made to demonstrate this dependency, showing the ROSBelgi and um ROA for the Belgian Retailers, for which all financial data were available. Starting from the Return Retai on Sales, Chart 6.27 shows the ROS of Retail companies selected for Belgium. lers( 6.1)

ROS ROA Figur e 18.24% 6.27: 6.29% 12.95% ROS 11.60% 5.10% and 4.37% 7.84% ROA 2.94% 3.44% 5.06% for 0.96% 0.99% 1.34% 2.50% select 1.15% 2.15% 0.03% 0.10% ed Belgi um Retail ers


e 6.28: ROI Chart 6.27: ROS and ROA for selected Belgium Retailers C by Secto rFigu To assess performances, it was decided to use the CSImarket website, an independent digital financialre media company focused on the financial research. Reading the graph from left to right and comparing6.27: ROS the data with the average data reported on the site for the specific Sector, the worst performancesand in terms of ROS were those of Krefel (Consumer Electronics) and Torfs (Fashion). In particular,ROA the for former reported an extremely low EBIT (130.000 €) compared to the Total Revenues (39.300.000selec €), ted Belgi um131 Retai lers( 6.1) a possible explanation could be the inefficient costs-cutting strategy. As for shoe Retailer Torfs, the company reported the fall of its operating profit from 4,1 million to 1,4 million euros and the fall of the net profit as well. Indeed, the Retailer also saw its EBITDA margin systematically decrease from 15% to 8% over the past five years. Results in terms of ROS (Return on Sale) were mirrored by those of the ROA (Return on Assets), which is also very low for the aforementioned companies, an indication that they might had over- invested in assets that failed to produce revenue growth. Thus, this confirms the close relationship between the two indicators. In addition to the above-mentioned indicators, it was decided to monitor other two traditional accounting ratios including ROIC and ROE. The latter is an indicator of general profitability; it evaluates how the company is able to use its equity to generate profits, and it is calculated as Net Income divided by Equity.

In Chart 6.28 the ROIC observed in the different Sectors:

Chart 6.28: ROIC by Sector

The former is used to assess the efficiency of a company in allocating its capital to profitable investments, and it was computed as follows:

퐸퐵퐼푇 퐸퐵퐼푇 푆푎푙푒푠 푅푂퐼퐶 = = × (6.2) 퐷푒푏푡푠 + 퐸푞푢𝑖푡푦 푆푎푙푒푠 퐷푒푏푡푠 + 퐸푞푢𝑖푡푦

Figur Referring to the aforementioned ROIC breakdown, for companies it is possible to increase thise ratio three main actions can be taken by managers: 6.29: ROI • increasing EBIT; C for selec ted 132 Fran ce Retai • reducing equity; • decreasing investment. It is important to remember that ROS, ROA, ROE and ROIC are all more insightful when calculated for firms which present similar characteristics, such as size, growth rates and margin; they don’t provide as much interesting information when comparing a high-growth start-up to a mature company. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the enterprises as a whole when making considerations through the use of these KPIs. In the case of the sample of Retailers, only the largest players worldwide were taken into account, therefore the comparability should be adequate. An analysis of the ROIC performance of the French Retailers for which it was possible to calculate it is reported in Chart 6.29.

ROIC 14% 11% 8% 5% 5% 1%

Carrefour Auchan Holding Sephora Conforama BUT Boulanger FNAC Darty SA S.A. -4%

Chart 6.29: ROIC for selected France Retailers While performance for the Grocery (Carrefour and Auchan) and Drug Store (Sephora) sectors were around the average market value of their sector, the same cannot be said for Conforama (Homecat Furniture). Indeed, the Retailer is part of Steinhoff and, at the end of September 2019, reported a loss of €1,84 billion and a net debt of €9,6 billion. The latter was probably a consequence of the 2017 accounting scandal which led to more than 95 percent decline in the Steinhoff share price and forced the group to sell many of its assets. Indeed, research on this Retailer has confirmed its slow decline; in 2018 the group closed 42 stores and in 2020 the 100 percent of the share capital and voting rights of Conforama France was sold for a nominal sum to Mobilux. As it can be seen from its ROE, BUT, unlike Conforama, was performing quite well. The latest news reports a growth of the company market share from 10% to 13,1% market share in three years, results obtained thanks to the strong investment policy taken over by the top management. For what concerns ROE, typically a high value indicates a higher attractiveness of the company on the stock market, or for investors in general. However, there are some criticalities that can impact the value of this KPI and inflate its value, making it less significant. The first is the case in which a company had registered negative profits for many years; in that case the retained loss was reported in

133 the balance sheet, reducing its equity. If the company suddenly becomes profitable again, the ROE will be exceptionally high because the equity is reduced by the retained losses from the past. Another problem can occur when a company adopts an aggressive borrowing policy, which may increase the net profit with constant equity. In addition, buyback of shares may lead to a reduced equity value with the same net profit value. The last observation to be made is that the ROE lose sense when a company reports a net loss or a net shareholder’s equity, because the mathematical calculation can lead to a very high figure that is totally artificial. In the sample, these phenomena occurred frequently, therefore some Retailers with non-significant ROE had their return on equity replaced with a missing value in the calculations. In the following chart the ROE values for the firms in the sample are represented:

Chart 6.30: ROE by Sector Finally, it was decided to analyse the Net Profit Margin. Being the latter the percentage of profit that a company retains after deducting costs from sales revenue, it allows to prove if the company is in solid financial health, with revenues well above expenses. From Chart 6.31 it is possible to observe a lot of similarities with the Operating Profit Margin chart (6.25). Fashion Retailers were the ones with highest average Net Profit Margin, which means that they are not only very efficient operationally.


Chart 6.31: Net Profit Margin by Sector Departments Stores were on average the less profitable Sector in the sample, but the negative outlier (HEMA) probably biased the data. The company registered a huge loss due to a considerable negative goodwill impairment, which was not related on the operational performance of the firm. Grocery enterprises showed two negative outliers: the first one was DIA, with its already cited process of restructuring, while the second one was Auchan, which reports a negative net income figure because of a loss due to non-recurring operations, such as the disposal of Oney Bank, as well as its Italian and Vietnamese branches. Drug Store Retailers still showed very different situations between each other. The best performing one was Bath&Body Works from US, which was showing incredible growth and performances in the last few years. The worst performing drug store Retailer in terms of net profit was KIKO, of which data about gross margin and operating margin were not available. However, it is known that the American branch of the firm filed for bankruptcy in 2018 for “extremely high operating costs and continually depressed profits in recent years” as declared by its Chief Executive Officer for US.

In Chart 6.32 the Percentage of eCommerce sales of some French Retailers are shown; however, among them there are neither Retailers operating in the Groceries neither Decathlon, as they did not report significant percentages

eCommerce Penetration (data in € billion)

0.05 3% Printemps 1.70 0.09 2% Galeries Lafayette 4.50 0.13 7% BUT 1.77 0.17 6% Groupe Rocher 2.75 0.28 13% Conforama… 2.17 0.53 23% Boulanger 2.32 1.19 FNAC 7.35 16% 1.50 Sephora (LVMH) 10%

E-commerceeCommerce Sales Sales Chart 6.32: eCommerce Penetration for selected France Retailers

135 The figure that emerges immediately is definitely that of Sephora, for which as many as 10% of revenues were made through the online channel. Indeed, the Retailer has proven to be one of the most innovative in adopting digital solutions that make the consumer more confident in buying cosmetics and beauty products online. Similarly, the electronics consumer Retailers Boulanger and Fnac Darty invested heavily in the further digitization of their stores and in improving its customer experience. For instance, Boulanger opened near the Paris Opera one of the first Smart Digital Store, whereas Fnac Darty launched the '1 hour Click & Collect' service for products such as books in all their stores. Thus, those two Retailers achieved a double-digit penetration of eCommerce sales that now accounted for respectively 23% and 16% of their total turnover. Proceeding with the analysis of the Impacts, surely among the most obvious turns out to be that of the Closure of the stores. As previously reported in the preceding chapters, the phenomenon known as "Retail Apocalypse” has been growing since 2017. For this reason, for the 110 selected companies it was decided to show the change in the number of stores between the years 2017-2018 and 2018- 2019. The Sector for which the largest number of closed stores was registered was definitely that of Consumer Electronics, along with that of Fashion and Department stores. In Chart 6.33, it is possible to find data from some of the Retailers of the sample which closed more shops in the period of consideration. The Chart above the columns represents the percentual decrease in the total number of stores for each firm. For Consumer Electronics, the chart shows the number of closed stores of Best Buy, Game Stop and Expert. Closed Stores



85 69 29 36 15 18 21 16 12 1 9 10 11

Best Buy Co. GameStop Expert SE Trony Intersport Next plc Lindex Macy's, Inc Corp. (Expert International)

2017-2018 2018-2019

Chart 6.33: Number of closed stores between 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 for selected Retailers The case of GameStop is the most striking and was the result of a sales drop by 26% in the fourth quarter of 2019. The company has been undergoing a drastic repositioning as its core business of selling physical video games has been suffering from consumers switching to digital games that can

136 be directly bought and downloaded online. Its business has been switching rapidly towards the sale of merchandise, which already represents around 50% of the total revenues of the firm. It is clear that the company has been making an effort in managing expenses, lowering its inventory, and shrinking its store count. Its CFO declared that this was just the beginning, as more closures will follow in the next two years. The first wave was opportunistic, a phenomenon already discussed in depth in the Literature, while the second wave will come after a more extensive analysis of the regions and markets. The same but minor issue was that of Trony, which after a drastic drop in sales was forced to close 43 stores in 2018. According to an article from Business Insider, this wave of store closure by Trony was in part due to online marketplaces, in which small and unknown companies can sell consumer electronics products at a very low price, triggering price wars with specialized Retailers. Moreover, in Italy there is a regulation that puts a limit to the amount (both in terms of quantity and in terms of times) of discounts that a Retailer can apply in its physical stores; the list of discounts must be communicated to the municipalities in which the point of stores are located. This is for sure a huge limitation, especially compared to the freedom that pure online Retailers have. Finally, in Italy the structure of electronic Retailers is mostly based on small family companies that gather under procurement groups. This kind of organizations are difficult to manage from the top, and they were not able to understand in time the opportunities from digital marketing and omnichannel. In addition, this structure was definitely more fragile from an economic point of view than a large and established corporation and suffered immediately from the consumption decrease in last few years. The three fashion companies mostly impacted by the Retail Apocalypse, among the analysed, were the Switzerland's Intersport, the English Next and the Sweden's Lindex. This scenario is not surprising, as reported by RetailDive magazine in 2019, 10 out of the 16 major Retail bankruptcies in US were filed by companies that mostly or exclusively sell apparel. According to the article, the reasons that make Fashion sector a difficult one are multiple: first, this business area is generally saturated with supply and over-stored; second, online has eroded margins; third, consumer preferences switched from objects to experiences, especially among younger customers, which reduced their spending in apparel (with the exception of footwear). Another victim of this phenomenon, as can be denoted from the chart, was the Department Store Macy's, which in 2020 announced its plan of closing 125 stores over the next three years. These store closures, representing about one-fifth of the Retailer's locations, were justified by the company's willingness to concentrate resources, upgrade remaining stores and grow its off-price chains. However, there is a high risk of closing the wrong stores since often they are still evaluated only on the basis of sales; whereas, only by measuring the value of the physical impression that consumers

137 live in the store will it be possible to understand the real contribution that a store can make to the income statement of a brand or Retailer. Opposite to the trend of stores closure, the Sector that suffered the least from the effects of the Retail Apocalypse was that of Groceries; in particular, lately, there have been frequent announcements of New openings, especially as far as those Retailers with the discount as the dominant operational format. For instance, Lidl has been undergoing an aggressive international expansion that started in 1988; indeed, today the Retailer is present in 26 countries and its international operations represents over 60 % of the chain's total turnover. Lidl's future expansion plans concern the entering in new markets such as Serbia (where it opened 16 stores at once), Estonia and Latvia. Moreover, in Italy, the Retailer plans to open forty new outlets, in Sweden, twenty and in Greece five. In Switzerland, Lidl will be opening city outlets in collaboration with Department Store chain Loeb. Similarly, Lidl's direct competitor ALDI plans to open more than 70 new stores by the end of 2020 in the U.S and in the past two years opened almost 500 stores around the globe Another statistic that should be monitored according to the Literature is the Difference in the Number of employees between 2018 and 2019. Of course, there will probably be a strong relationship with the number of store closures or openings, but there are several insights that could be generated by this data when excluding the variations in the number of points of sales. A negative variation, for instance, could be due to an organizational restructuring of the company; on the contrary, a positive variation could be due to the firm looking for new competences for innovative projects or to improve its existing processes. In the case of GameStop, in the past years there was a very negative change caused by the closure of stores (about 3000 employees a year have lost their jobs). Less drastic was the situation of Next plc, whose website reported a drop-in employee of 300 units.

As previously stated, the aforementioned and analysed KPIs as Revenue per Square Meters are no longer sufficient to measure a store's effectiveness. Moreover, the introduction of IT technologies allows Retailers to apply to physical stores the logic of measurements typical of the web; thus, the measurement of new KPIs is enabled. For instance, the simple consumer's connection to the store's WiFi allows the Retailer to acquire customer information and track its purchasing behaviour. Since the purpose of the work is to map how Exogenous and Endogenous Factors impact the performance of the Retailer, it would be of immense value to be able to access data related to the performance of the Retailer in terms of customer experience and impressions; however, this is almost impossible, being the latter internally elaborated, undisclosed to the public.

138 6.4.2 Qualitative Impacts To work around this issue, everything related to Customer-Based Impacts analysed in the Literature (Personalization, Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationship) has been condensed into an indicator, the Net Promoter Score. The latter, developed by Bain & Company, is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company's products or services to others. It is used as a proxy for gauging the customer's overall satisfaction, that with a company's product or service and the customer's loyalty to the brand. In Chart 6.34 the companies available were the ones with a registered Net Promoter Score value (62 out of 112). A score above 70 points is considered a very good result; therefore, deepening the analysis showed that 4 of the 8 companies with score A belonged to the Grocery sector, 2 to the Electronics one and 2 of them were Drug Stores firms. In general, it is evident how 91% of the Retailers in the sample of which it was possible to find the NPS value were scoring a positive value, which could be expected as they were supposed to be some of the largest and most successful in their countries.

Net Promoter Score

9% 13%

Higher than 70 Between 30 and 70 Between 0 and 30 39% 39% Less than 0

Chart 6.34: Net Promoter Score classification

Unfortunately, there are several impacts which should be analysed in depth from what emerges from the Literature Review; however, it is very hard to gather relevant data about them as they are carefully kept inside the firm. For example, the specific contracts between a Retailer and its supply chain are confidential and it is not possible to derive any conclusions about which factors influence them. A similar observation can be done for institutional relationship of the Retailer; it is basically impossible to track all the contacts with authorities of employees inside the firm, especially the network of relationships of middle and store managers with local institutions. For what concerns the internal operations of the firm: very few information about the operational performances, the technologies and the production are made public, so the only data that could be used as a proxy are the EBITDA, the EBIT and the ROA.

139 Data about the customer base change, the frequency and the volume of transactions are also strictly internal to the enterprises and confidential, as they can be analysed to gather insights and develop competitive advantages. In the Literature there was a clear focus by some authors regarding privacy attention of the Retailers, as the customers can easily lose trust towards the firm if they feel a violation in this field. Sadly, specific information about data security practices are unknown to the public. However, all the Retailers in the sample are obligated by law to guarantee a minimum data protection threshold, so there is evidence to say that all of them are knowledgeable about the topic and are working towards reaching an adequate level of protection for the data of their customers. Another element of the Literature that was not analysed in Data Gathering due to lack of consistent information is that of environmental sustainability. Although only 4% of scientific articles and 19% of non-scientific articles dealt with the subject, the attention from Retailers is growing strongly. It is no coincidence that most of the non-financial reports account data on the reduction in CO2 quantity or percentage of recycled material. Thus, sustainability plays an increasingly important role, not only in terms of environmental issues, but for what concerns all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Indeed, very often the latter were invoked in reports.

7 Statistical Analysis This chapter will first describe how the Dataset on SPSS, the software in use, was constructed from the Database analysed in the previous chapter; next, the three main phases expected when doing a statistical analysis will be discussed. The latter are: 1. Data Transformation 2. Data Exploration 3. Data Analysis

The construction of the Dataset saw as a starting point the Excel file produced by the Data Gathering phase; indeed, it was possible to obtain a fairly large sample consisting of: • 110 Retailers • 10 Countries • 6 Sectors

For a total of 10.083 values divided as follows: • 63 variables for Retailers (9453 values) • 21 variables for Countries (210 values)

140 • 4 variables for Sectors (420 values)

As for the type of Dataset obtained, it is important to specify that in econometrics, a dataset is classified according to the type of data it contains. A dataset of time-repeating observations of a single subject is called a time series, while a dataset containing several subjects, observed in a single moment of time, is referred to as cross-sectional. In this case, a cross-sectional dataset was built in such a way to take a snapshot of the Exogenous Factors described in the literature, characterising the market in which the Retailers operate; of the Endogenous Factors, related to the companies’ internal characteristics and decisions; and finally, all the impacts on the firms. However, it exists another type of dataset, the panel (or longitudinal) one, which combines both cross-sectional and time series data and looks at how the subjects (firms, individuals, etc.) change over a time series. This work aims at quantitatively determining, through an econometric model, the extent of the impact of the different determinants on the phenomenon of Retail apocalypse; however, the phenomenon only started in 2017, so there were not enough observations to produce a relevant panel dataset; therefore the decision was to adopt a cross-sectional dataset with the latest available data.

Given the fact that the Retail Apocalypse mainly manifests itself in the final closure of the stores, it was chosen to collect the difference between the number of stores in 2019 and 2017, the period which showed the greatest manifestations of the effects of phenomenon.

Data Transformation

The starting point of the Dataset creation was the Excel file generated by the Data Gathering. First, a join operation was required between the 3 different Excel sheets (Retailers, Countries, Sectors) in order to get an aggregated Dataset. Subsequently, for the software to correctly read the file, the names of the variables were re-assigned in a Variable_Name format and the missing values were marked with a period. When data were ready to be transposed from Excel to SPSS, to each variable was assigned its type among String, Nominal (categorical) and Metric. Once the Dataset was ready to be modified, it was decided to compute additional variables starting from the ones available to get more relevant results. For instance, the Data Gathering variables eCommerce Year of Foundation, corresponding to the year in which the Retailer launched its online shopping, was transformed into the actual years of eCommerce activities. Similarly, data for the Retailer's distribution network such as the Points of Sales in the Country of Origin variable and Points of Sales in European Countries were converted into percentage values. For what concerns financial data and the related KPIs, as mentioned in Chapter 6, some Retailers did not disclose their financial

141 statements. In particular, the Return on Equity (ROE) index had too many missing values; thus, the variable was excluded from the analysis.

While preparing the Dataset for the statistical analyses, it may happen to find some unusual observations, which may or may not have a detrimental impact on the results of the statistical tests and modelling. It is crucial to identify these unusual observations, assess their influence on the analyses, and decide whether it is appropriate to remove them from the dataset. In this particular case, despite the attempt to select only the most important European and U.S. Retailers referring to the Deloitte's Global Powers of Retail report and other sources, there were significant differences in size among them. In the next paragraph, the process that was followed to manage this problem is reported. First, a distinction has to be made between two different clusters of unusual observations: outliers and high-leverage points. Despite the unprecise usage in common language, in statistical modelling an outlier refers to an unusual value of a variable which is a dependent variable in a regression model. Outliers are values which don’t fit the model very well: the relationships between the independent and the independent variables are not able to predict the observed outcome. Therefore, outliers tend to generate unusually large residuals in a regression model. As it is possible to see from Chart 7.1, it is very difficult to decide how to assess outliers without building a regression model first. Indeed, the decision was to not modify the Dataset for what concerns the “Impact” variables before engaging in econometric modelling. High-leverage points are unusual observations which regard the independent variables in a statistical model. These values may have an impact on the outcome of the analyses on the basis of their relationship with the dependent variables. Boxplots and histograms are the visual tools that were implemented in order to find the high-leverage points. Following, you can find an example of the usefulness of these charts in this kind of process: Another distinction that can be made refers to those unusual observations which have an impact on the analyses or the model, which are called influential points. In general, it is possible to try the analyses with and without the unusual observation to understand whether they are actually relevant for the final outcome.


Chart 7.1: Histogram and boxplot of the year of foundation

However, the final decision about excluding these unusual values or not is not related to the influence they have on the result of the analyses and on the models, but it is based on an assessment which has to take into consideration several aspects. Of course, first it is a good idea to check whether the unusual observation is actually correct. Large discrepancies may be caused by a data entry error or by a typo by the source from which the data comes. Then, it should be verified that the value appropriately reflects the target population, the research question or the methodology. Sometimes, it may happen that the measurement of that data is influenced by some exceptional phenomena or out-of-the-norm condition, and therefore that specific data should be excluded from the Dataset. For instance, the Dutch Retailer CoolBlue, which was born as a .com, recently opened numerous stores. However, as expected, the Retailer's total sales area was significantly lower (just over 10400 square meters) than the other Retailers in the sample. For this reason, all the data related to the Retail surface of CoolBlue needed to be excluded. If a point is unusual and influential but there’s no other reason to exclude it, however, it may be best to leave it in the analysis as it may capture some relevant information that is part of the study area. This kind of assessment was done on each single variable identified as a Factor in the Data Gathering process. This procedure to remove high-leverage points and outlier was only completed after the Data Exploration process, as these observations are problematic mainly for the regression analysis, but they can still provide useful information in the exploratory phase.

Data Exploration Data Exploration refers to the second step of the Statistical Analysis of data, in which data visualization and exploration tools are used to describe the Dataset and better understand the nature of the data. The visual aspect of this phase of the analysis is crucial, as humans are more easily able to make sense of the data when they have a visual support, rather than observing and analysing hundreds of data gathered in rows and columns. Leveraging on charts and descriptive analysis

143 techniques, the analyst can visualize anomalies, patterns and relationships that otherwise might be very difficult to detect. The information collected through these methods will be useful in the data cleansing process, as well as in the other next steps of the Statistical Analysis which require an in- depth knowledge of the Dataset. There are several automated techniques that could be useful to carry on the process in very large datasets that could be overwhelming to analyse with manual techniques. However, in the case of the Dataset of this thesis work, its size is not large enough to require the implementation automated tools. Manual spreadsheets and descriptive techniques, if applied in a reasonable way, following the theoretical basis built with the Literature Review, are more than enough to be able to explore the Dataset in a satisfying way. Part of the Data Exploration process has already been discussed in Chapter 6 with the help of Microsoft Excel charts and tables, in a way that was helpful to understand how the data was gathered and how it was classified inside the Dataset. Several important relationships and peculiarities of the data were already revealed through that initial analysis; with the help of IBM SPSS it becomes possible to continue the Data Exploration journey, developing a more complete understanding of the nature of the Dataset. The first step was to implement a structured descriptive analysis of the data collected in the Dataset, starting from the numerical and percentual ones which were identified as possible Factors of Retail performance. These Factors will be the independent variables of the econometric models described in Chapter 8.

144 Descriptive Statistics Std. Skewness Kurtosis Variables N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error Year_of_foundation 109 3 199 71,86 40,69 1,026 0,231 0,314 0,459 Employees_Number 110 107 2200000 78624,40 227336 7,747 0,230 70,662 0,457 Countries_Operation 110 1 202 14,43 27,929 3,990 0,230 20,500 0,457 PoS_European_Countries 103 0% 100% 76,9% 36,1% -1,315 0,238 0,126 0,472 Ecommerce_Starting_Year 107 0 25 13,10 6,694 -0,009 0,234 -1,303 0,463 Instagram_Followers 106 4000 143000000 2793414 14778096 8,620 0,235 79,685 0,465 Square_Meters_per_Store 103 32 25000 3647 5278 1,978 0,238 3,485 0,472 Population 110 8510000 330241000 73618655 94099425 2,157 0,230 3,429 0,457 Average_Wage 110 24905 71783 42637 12926 0,983 0,230 0,444 0,457 GDP 110 525 20554 3798 5976 2,407 0,230 4,141 0,457 PPP 110 0,84 1,62 1,08 0,21 1,741 0,230 2,159 0,457 Unemployment 110 3,10% 13,90% 5,85% 3,01% 1,332 0,230 1,217 0,457 Ecommerce_Penetration_Country 110 3,31% 16,26% 9,33% 3,48% 0,133 0,230 0,102 0,457 Ecommerce_Growth_Country 110 6,70% 15,00% 10,68% 3,07% 0,165 0,230 -1,529 0,457 Average_Age 110 38,200 45,900 42,09 2,28 0,222 0,230 -0,588 0,457 DESI_Index 110 44,0 71,0 61,18 8,71 -0,575 0,230 -0,701 0,457 People_Using_Internet 110 74,40% 94,90% 87,96% 6,04% -1,021 0,230 0,372 0,457 Education 110 27,70% 51,20% 44,36% 7,91% -1,263 0,230 -0,020 0,457 Avg_Time_To_Start_Business 110 4 13 7,32 2,86 0,482 0,230 -0,997 0,457 Tax_Revenue 110 9,60% 27,90% 19,36% 6,97% -0,378 0,230 -1,667 0,457 Number_Retailers_Country 87 45418 459049 260412 128823 -0,447 0,258 -0,560 0,511 Retail_Turnover_Country 75 53667100000 366075200000 234587034667 127740230662 -0,277 0,277 -1,608 0,548 Total_Employment_Retail_Countr 98 204107 11860639 2454718 3611713 2,143 0,244 3,009 0,483 y Retailers_Sector_Country 78 389 131283 23013 32390 1,973 0,272 3,317 0,538 Turnover_Sector_Country 88 571400000 616366450000 61209501136 118353176394 3,239 0,257 11,294 0,508 Employees_Sector_Country 74 3507 1146842 162345,92 241562,507 2,528 0,279 6,828 0,552 Ecommerce_Penetration_Sector 83 1% 45% 13% 12% 1,223 0,264 0,459 0,523 Table 7.1: Dataset descriptive statistics The first thing to notice concerns the high number of missing values in some of the last factors reported. Unfortunately, that was unavoidable; these variables were added to the Dataset through a Join operation, and the relationship with which they were assigned to the Retailers was many-to-one. Therefore, a single missing value for a Country was actually impacting all the players from that nation, generating a large number of missing values in the final Dataset. It is possible to observe how many variables showed very large values of standard deviation, which highlights a huge dispersion of the data around the average value. An example might be the number of employees: in this case, it is clear that there were a handful of very large companies and many companies with a much smaller number of employees. This phenomenon raised the mean value up to a point in which there was a huge difference between the average and most of the observations,

145 inflating the standard deviation. Histograms like Chart 7.2 are a very useful tool to understand this phenomenon graphically:

Chart 7.2: Histogram number of employees In this case, the clear outlier was Wal-Mart, with its 2.200.000 employees. Thus, to have unbiased result, it was removed from the SPSS Dataset before the econometric modelling in Chapter 8. The last columns show the values for the skewness and the kurtosis of the distributions. The former refers to the extent to which the distribution is symmetric, while the latter is a measured of whether the distribution is too peaked. When both values are zero, the pattern of the values is considered a normal distribution. In general, skewness values over +1 or under -1 indicate asymmetry, while a kurtosis value above +1 indicates a strong peak and a kurtosis value under -1 means that the distribution is too flat. With this reference values, it’s possible to identify candidate variables which could have normal and non-normal distributions. Following, the categorical variables identified as Factors are reported; these data will also be used as independent variables in the statistical model. Categorical data in SPSS can only be identified through the 0 and 1 codification to make sure that all the analysis work as intended.

146 Descriptive Statistics - Categorical Independent Variables

Variables N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Website 110 1 1 1,00 0,000 App 110 0 1 0,76 0,427 Marketplace 110 0 1 0,39 0,490 Social_Commerce 110 0 1 0,55 0,500 Chief_Customer_Officer 110 0 1 0,22 0,415 Chief_Digital_Officer 110 0 1 0,64 0,483 Chief_Ecommerce_Officer 110 0 1 0,42 0,496 Innovation_Lab 109 0 1 0,38 0,487 Leadership_Programs 108 0 1 0,44 0,498 Training_Programs 110 0 1 0,72 0,452 Loyalty_Programs 110 0 1 0,89 0,313 IoT 106 0 1 0,54 0,501 Blockchain 109 0 1 0,19 0,396 Artificial_Intelligence 110 0 1 0,67 0,471 Supply_Chain_Technologies 109 0 1 0,64 0,482 Tracking_Technologies 109 0 1 0,41 0,495 InStore_Technologies 107 0 1 0,34 0,475 Presale_Technologies 109 0 1 0,72 0,449 Purchase_Technologies 108 0 1 0,45 0,500 Payment_Technologies 109 0 1 0,54 0,501 Discount_Stores 110 0 1 0,32 0,468 Convenience_Stores 110 0 1 0,65 0,481 Pop_Up_Stores 110 0 1 0,50 0,502 Virtual_Stores 110 0 1 0,16 0,372 Show_Rooming 109 0 1 0,41 0,495 Click_and_Collect 110 0 1 0,90 0,301 Return_Enabled_Stores 110 0 1 0,78 0,415 Web_Rooming 110 0 1 0,71 0,456 Table 7.2: Descriptive Statistics of Factors (categorical variables)

In this case most of the variables did not present many missing variables.

The last step of descriptive statistics concerns the variables that were identified as impacts through the Literature Analysis and the Data Gathering process. These variables are possible dependent variables of the econometric models described in Chapter 8. Observing data in the Table 7.3, it is evident how there were a lot of missing values, especially for the variables which can be usually found in the financial statements.

147 Descriptive Statistics - Dependent Variables Std. Skewness Kurtosis Variables N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error Revenues 110 0 445 16,83 47,39 7,184 0,230 62,305 0,457 Sales_Growth 91 -21,95% 66,40% 4,80% 10,20% 3,351 0,253 18,056 0,500 Ecommerce_Sales 108 0,00 31,37 1,17 3,31 7,413 0,233 65,836 0,461 Operating_Income 73 -8,35% 23,04% 4,02% 5,42% 0,923 0,281 2,950 0,555 EBITDA_Margin_Margin 74 -3,22% 27,83% 8,08% 6,78% 1,369 0,279 1,895 0,552 Profit_Margin 77 -18,35% 20,11% 2,10% 5,84% -0,427 0,274 2,819 0,541 ΔNet_Income_Yo 67 -668% 742% 17,82% 154,30% 0,999 0,293 13,835 0,578 ROICY 68 -45,67% 73,40% 11,20% 16,87% 0,524 0,291 4,562 0,574 ROA 71 -17,85% 41,98% 6,47% 9,40% 0,620 0,285 3,250 0,563 Δstores_Perc 109 -43,00% 55,56% 2,09% 12,02% 0,625 0,231 7,384 0,459 Store_Closures 32 0,44 14,63 5,55 4,44 0,632 0,414 -1,022 0,809 Store_Openings 74 0,00 55,56 6,90 9,84 3,161 0,279 11,681 0,552 Square_Meters_To 105 9000 104841502 4503670 14431430 6,129 0,236 39,833 0,467 Revenues_per_Squtal 106 159 141762 7593 13942 8,659 0,235 83,431 0,465 Δemployees_Percare_Meter 61 -0,20 16,86 0,30 2,16 7,784 0,306 60,719 0,604 Net_Promoter_Sco 60 -9,00 87,00 33,42 27,14 0,287 0,309 -0,999 0,608 re Table 7.3: Descriptive Statistics of Impacts The reason lies in the fact that unfortunately not all the companies considered to build the Dataset were listed in a stock exchange, so they did not have any obligation to publish their financial results each year, as it was already discussed. Store Closures and Store Openings are obviously complementary between each other, as closures just includes the Retailers which had a negative store count balance in 2017/2019 and opening includes just the Retailers with a positive store balance in 2017/2019. The two indicators joined together are listed as “Δstores_Perc”. Again, the descriptive statistics of revenues (values in billion €) shows that there was a huge disparity between larger and smaller Retailers in the sample, which inflated the value of the standard deviation. An interesting point about the Impacts is that, looking at the values for skewness and kurtosis, only the Net Promoter Score might be a normal distribution, with all the other variables showing strong non-normality.

Data Analysis Following the Data Exploration, the third phase of Data Analysis preceding statistical modelling consists of running 4 different kind of tests: 1. Correlations Test 2. T-test 3. Anova Test 4. Chi-square Test

148 Indeed, the first three tests are parametric data analysis techniques; in particular, correlation analysis involves the investigation of relationships prior to the regression model, whereas the T-tests and ANOVA tests examine differences between means. The chi-square test, instead, is of nonparametric type. In the next section, the application of the tests on the Dataset and their outputs will be presented.

7.3.1 Correlation Test As mentioned above, the correlation test's aim is to evaluate if as one variable changes in value, the other variable tends to change in a specific direction. Understanding that relationship is useful because the value of one variable could be used to make some predictions on the other variable. Moreover, being a quantitative assessment, it measures both the direction and the strength of this tendency to vary together. For the purpose of this work it was decided to use, among the several available, the most common type of correlation test, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. To run this test, it is necessary to have a hypothesis test. As with any hypothesis test, this test takes sample data and evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about the population from which the sample was drawn. For Pearson correlations, the two hypotheses are the following:

• Null hypothesis: There is no linear relationship between the two variables. ρ=0.

• Alternative hypothesis: There is a linear relationship between the two variables. ρ 0.

A correlation of zero indicates that no linear relationship exists. Instead, if the p-value is less than the significance level selected, the sample contains sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the correlation does not equal zero. In other words, the sample data support the notion that the relationship exists in the population. Table 7.4 shows the correlation matrix of variables belonging to the technology dimension, which in turn belongs to the macro-area of Endogenous Factors. The correlation between variables is significant at 0,01; there was quite a strong positive correlation between the variables Payment_Technologies and Purchase_Technologies (ρ =0,734; Sign.=0,000). This was a rather predictable result as it was very likely that the Retailer in possession of one of the two technologies also had the other, being the two adjacent in the consumers' buying. Another expected result was the frequent positive correlation between Front-end and Back-end technologies with IoT, for instance Purchase_Technologies and IoT (ρ =0,475; Sign.= 0,000), and, to a lesser extent, Blockchain. Indeed, the latter could be considered as the enablers of the digital transformation undertaken by innovative Retailers.

149 Correlation Matrix InStore Presale Purchase Payment Variables IoT Blockchain AI SC Tech Track Tech Tech Tech Tech Tech IoT 1,000 0,350 0,214 0,303 0,469 0,467 0,268 0,475 0,368 Blockchain 0,350 1,000 0,294 0,166 0,344 0,214 0,034 0,254 0,260 AI 0,214 0,294 1,000 0,184 0,138 0,061 0,148 0,177 0,156 SC Tech 0,303 0,166 0,184 1,000 0,354 0,032 0,054 0,126 0,158 Track Tech 0,469 0,344 0,138 0,354 1,000 0,169 0,141 0,324 0,211 InStore Tech 0,467 0,214 0,061 0,032 0,169 1,000 0,004 0,202 0,152 Presale Tech 0,268 0,034 0,148 0,054 0,141 0,004 1,000 0,150 0,175 Purchase Tech 0,475 0,254 0,177 0,126 0,324 0,202 0,150 1,000 0,734 Payment Tech 0,368 0,260 0,156 0,158 0,211 0,152 0,175 0,734 1,000 Table 7.4: Technologies Correlation Matrix

Even more interesting is the output produced by the Correlation Matrix among margins calculated by the financial results of Retailers. Against all odds, Profit Margin and Operating Income Margin were uncorrelated with the Gross Profit Margin; while there appears to be a positive correlation between the two. Correlation Matrix Gross Profit Operating Variables EBITDA Margin Profit Margin Margin Income Margin Gross_Profit_Margin 1,000 0,475 0,222 0,107 EBITDA_Margin 0,475 1,000 0,687 0,517 Operating_Income_Margin 0,222 0,687 1,000 0,817 Profit_Margin 0,107 0,517 0,817 1,000 Table 7.5: Margins Correlations Matrix

Having said that, it is important to highlight that the Pearson’s correlation measures only linear relationships. Consequently, if the displayed data contained a curvilinear relationship, the correlation coefficient would have not detected it.

7.3.2 T-test The first type of T-test used is the One Sample T-test, which determines whether the sample mean is statistically different from a known or hypothesized population mean. In Table 7.6, the result of the t-test performed to verify how much on average the Retailers of the built Dataset are appreciated by their customers. The analysis shows that the sample did not deviate from a mean of 0. This result confirms that, on average, there were more promoters than detractors for the companies in the sample.

One-Sample Statistics

Std. Std. Error Sig. (2- Mean N Mean t df Deviation Mean tailed) Difference

NPS 60 33,416 27,145 3,504 9,536 59 0,000 33,4

Table 7.6: NPS One-Sample T-Test

150 The second type of T-test is the Independent T-test, commonly used for testing the differences between the means of two independent groups. Therefore, in order to assess how the n terms of performance Retailers differ, it was decided to proceed with the execution of the t-test by choosing as independent variable the factors considered most decisive in impacting the performance of Retailers. In Tables 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 Retailers were grouped according to whether or not back-end technologies (Supply Chain Technologies, In-Store Technologies and Tracking Technologies) were implemented. First, when performing the T-test, it is required to consider the Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances which tests the hypothesis that the required assumption that the two population variances are equal. In Table 7.7, the Levene statistic is F = 2,256, and the corresponding level of significance is large. Thus, the assumption of homogeneity of variance has not been violated, and the Equal variances assumed t-test statistic can be used for evaluating the null hypothesis of equality of means. However, the result from the analysis indicates that there is not a significant difference between the Retailers with supply chain technologies (average operating income margin = 4,85%) and Retailers without supply chain technologies (average operating income margin = 2,53%) samples in the operating income margin achieved.

Group Statistics Std. Std. Error SupplyChain_Tech N Mean Deviation Mean 0 26 2,53% 3,98% 0,78% OI_Margin 1 47 4,85% 5,95% 0,87% Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances T-test for Equality of Means OI_Margin F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Equal variances 2,256 0,138 -1,780 71 0,079 assumed Equal variances not -1,991 68,320 0,050 assumed

Table 7.7: Back-end Tech (Supply Chain) vs Operating Margin Independent T-Test

Similarly, as it can be seen from Table 7.8, there is no significant difference of means between Retailers with Tracking Technologies and those who do not adopt it. Thus, it does not appear that the performance of Retailers at the level of operating result was impacted by supply chain and tracking technologies, despite the fact that they are taking an increasingly important role in a context where the phenomenon of omnichannel is spreading rapidly. Indeed, the latter could imply the redesign of the entire supply chain to make sure that the integration between all the channels is possible. Another possible interpretation is based on the limits of the statistical techniques; given the thrive and enthusiasm by Retailers worldwide about tracking technologies, it may just be that these technologies 151 are actually important to improve the operating profit margin of the firms but the sample was not large enough to capture the impact. Group Statistics Track_Technologie Std. Error N Mean Std. Deviation s Mean 0 41 3,57% 5,41% 0,84% OI_Margin 1 32 4,61% 5,46% 0,97%

Independent SamplesIndependent Test Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Levene's Test for Equality of Variances Variances T-test for EqualityT-test of for Means Equality of Means F Sig. t df OI_Margin F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Sig. (2-tailed) Equal variances 0,015 0,903 -0,816 71 0,417 Equal variances assumed OI_Margin 0,015 0,903 -0,816 71 0,417 assumed Equal variances not -0,815 66,4 0,418 Equal variances not assumed -0,815 66,4 0,418 assumed Table 7.8: Back-end Tech (Tracking Tech.) vs Operating Margin Independent T-Test

The focal point, however, as presented in the Literature Review, appears to be the store that becomes a hub for many Retail activities such as returns, reverse flows and inventory management; and, therefore, the enabler of an integrated and seamless customer experience. Table 7.9 shows that Retailers who were able to innovate their stores by installing technologies.

Group Statistics Std. Std. Error InStore_Tech N Mean Deviation Mean 0 46 5,03% 5,73% 0,84% OI_Margin 1 25 2,25% 4,41% 0,88%

Independent Samples Test Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances T-test for Equality of Means Levene's Test for Equality of Variances T-test for Equality of Means OI_Margin F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Sig. (2- F Sig. t df Equal variances tailed) Equal1,2 variances05 0,276 2,112 69 0,038 assumed 1,205 0,276 2,112 69 0,038 assumed Equal variancOI_Margines not Equal variances not 2,281 61 2,281 061,026 0,026 assumed assumed

Table 7.9: In-store Tech. vs Operating Margin independent T-test 7.3.3 ANOVA Test

Continuing with the hypothesis testing, it was decided to proceed with the analysis of the differences between Retailers belonging to different Sectors and Countries. To do so, it was needed to proceed with the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA test) which is an extension of the Independent T- test. Indeed, it is used to test whether the means from several (> 2) independent groups differ.

152 Through this test, the objective was to analyse the level of internationalisation of Retailers according to the category of goods to which they belong. The execution of this test confirmed what was assumed: Retailers working in the Department Store sector were almost present only within their country of origin (92.2% of Stores), as opposed to the grocery and Home Furniture ones, as can be seen from Table 7.10.

Descriptives Std. PoS_Country_Origin N Mean Std. Error Minimum Maximum Deviation Department 17 92,1% 13,7% 3,3% 60,32% 100% Drug Store 20 65,9% 34,0% 7,6% 13,12% 100% Electronics 17 82,4% 25,5% 6,2% 13,20% 100% Fashion/Sports 18 43,2% 35,7% 8,4% 3,49% 100% GroceryGoods 19 68,2% 29,2% 6,7% 22,90% 100% Home Furniture 18 77,7% 30,4% 7,2% 7,22% 100% Total 109 71,2% 32,4% 3,1% 3,49% 100%

ANOVA Mean PoS_Country_Origin Sum of Squares df F Sig. Square Between Groups 25090 5 5018,0 5,870 0,000

Within Groups 88056 103 854,9

Total 113146 108

Table 7.10: Anova Test % Country of Origin of the Sectors

The exact same test was performed by grouping Retailers by Country and the result is that the Retailers of Belgium and Italy were the least international. Indeed, compared to the neighbouring France and Germany of which Retailers own almost half of the Retailers abroad, only 24% of Italian Points of Sales were located across the border as can be seen from Table 7.11.

Descriptives Std.Deviatio PoS_Country_Origin N Mean Std. Error Minimum Maximum n Belgium 9 89,7% 20,2% 6,7% 43,33% 100% France 11 56,8% 37,3% 11,2% 13,46% 100% Germany 12 54,6% 31,0% 9,0% 4,00% 100% 12 86,1% 25,6% 7,4% 36,14% 100% Italy Netherlands 11 63,2% 32,7% 9,8% 3,77% 100% Spain 8 48,3% 38,3% 13,5% 13,12% 100% Sweden 10 63,3% 39,2% 12,4% 3,49% 100% Switzerland 12 82,3% 29,4% 8,5% 6,55% 100% UK 12 75,5% 28,3% 8,2% 22,87% 100% US 12 85,6% 19,3% 5,6% 41,35% 100%

Total 109 71,2% 32,4% 3,1% 3,49% 100%

153 ANOVA Mean PoS_Country_Origin Sum of Squares df F Sig. Square

Between Groups 21012 9 2334,6 2,509 0,012

Within Groups 92135 99 930,7

Total 113146 108

Table 7.11: Anova test % Country of Origin of the Countries

To further explore the level of globalization of the Retail industry, it was useful to perform one additional ANOVA test to detect the deviation in the average number of countries of operations by Sector. What has been noted is that this value is quite different depending on the specific Sector. In fact, the very high value of average countries of operation of Spain can be explained by the nature of its Retail industry, whose predominant field is the one of Fashion. Indeed, the latter, as Table 7.11 shows, was the Sector with the highest rate of internationalisation, with an average of about 46 different countries of operation. For instance, Inditex, a Spanish multinational dedicated to clothing and fashion and with the turnover of 2019 equal to 28 billion, owns 7469 points of sale in 202 countries and only 21% in Spain. Another interesting insight achieved through this test is definitely related to the eCommerce penetration that characterizes different Sectors. The result of this test confirms what was discussed in depth in the previous chapter, Sectors that were most impacted by the advent of eCommerce. Indeed, Table 7.12 shows the percentage of sales made online on total Retail sales (both online and offline) and the Consumer Electronics was the one with the highest value, followed by that of Fashion. Sectors with the highest number of store closures.

ANOVA Sum of Mean eCommerce_Penetration_Sector Squares df Square F Sig.

Between Groups 8481 4 2120,3 58,610 0,000

Within Groups 2822 78 36,2

Total 11303 82

Table 7.12: Anova eCommerce penetration in the Sectors

154 7.3.4 Chi-squared Test

The previous tests covered (e.g., t-tests and analysis of variance ANOVA) are parametric tests in that they depended considerably on sample characteristics, or parameters, for their use. The t-test, for instance, uses the sample’s mean and standard deviation statistics to estimate the values of the population parameters. Parametric tests also assume that the scores being analysed come from populations that are normally distributed and have equal variances. In practice, however, the data collected may violate one or both of these assumptions. Nonparametric inference tests, such as the chi-squared test, have fewer requirements or assumptions about population characteristics. The Pearson’s chi-squared inference test is helpful to evaluate how likely it is that any observed difference between two sets arose by chance. It is most often used with nominal data, where observations are grouped into different discrete categories, which are mutually exclusive, and where the frequency of occurrence in each category is counted. Therefore, it was decided to use this test for categorical variables related to staff training within Retail companies in terms of Leadership and Training programmes; the result of the test allows to reject the null hypothesis "There are no relationships between Leadership Programs and Training Programs" and confirms that knowing the value of one variable allows to predict the value of the other variable. In this case, this was only true in the case of leadership programs; in the sample, every Retailer that offers these initiatives to its managers also offered other kind of formative courses to all the employees. However, not all the ones who have training programs are offering leadership courses; this is a clear example of how these statistical tests can be useful with a reasonable interpretation of their results.

Training_Programs Crosstabulation Total 0 1 0 31 30 61 Leadership_Programs 1 0 47 47 Total 31 77 108

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asym. Sign. Pearson Chi-Square 33,501 1 0,000 Valid Cases 108

Table 7.13: Chi-Square test, leadership programs and training programs

155 8 Econometric Analysis In this chapter the focus is on conducting an analysis on the SPSS Dataset employing econometric techniques to obtain insights about the reasons behind the Retail Apocalypse and the performances of the Retailers.

Theoretical Introduction This subchapter will explain the process to achieve the most significant statistical model. Indeed, once the Dataset's Data Transformation, Exploration and Analysis were performed, the sample was ready to be processed. The ultimate goal, as previously anticipated, was to produce a model that could bring out the factors that affect the most the performance of Retailers. In econometric terms, it is a question of investigating the causal inference existing between the independent (Factors) and dependent variables (Impacts). Having said that, in the next section, the various types of regression models taken into account will be reviewed. The first type of regression that will be discussed is the linear one. A regression model is linear whenever all the terms are either the constant or a parameter multiplied by an Independent variable. This kind of models can be further distinguished in univariate and multivariate linear regression. The term univariate statistics refers to analyses in which there is a single Dependent Variable. There may be, however, more than one Independent Variable. With multivariate statistics instead, multiple Dependent and multiple Independent Variables are simultaneously analysed. Although a multivariate regression is capable of making more complex and detailed models, the aim of this work was to use a model with only a single dependent variable to improve the interpretability. For what concerns the univariate linear regression, the linear regression model with a single regressor was immediately excluded since it generates the problem of omitted variables. Much better suited to the analysis is the multiple linear regression model, used to study the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

The multiple linear regression model generic form of is:

(8.1) 푦 = 훽0 + 푥1훽1 + 푥2훽2+. . . +푥푘훽푘 + 휀

(8.1) Equation (8.1) is the Population Regression Line or Population Regression Function in the multiple (8.1) regression model. Y is the dependent or explained variable and X1,...,XK are the independent or explanatory variables. The term ε is a random disturbance, so named because it “disturbs”(8.1) an otherwise stable relationship. The disturbance arises for several reasons, such as the impossibility to (8.1) capture every influence on an economic variable in a model, no matter how elaborate, and the natural (8.1) randomness and unpredictability of the predictions. The coefficient β0 is the intercept, a constant


(8.1) which represents the expected value on Y when all the X’s are equal to zero; the coefficient β1 is the slope coefficient of X1i or, more simply, the coefficient on X1i; and the coefficient βk is the slope coefficient of Xki or, more simply, the coefficient on Xki. The interpretation of the coefficient β1 in Equation (8.1) is different than when X1i is the only regressor: In Equation (8.2), β1 is the predicted difference in Y between two observations with a unit difference in X1, holding X2 constant or controlling for X2. This interpretation of β1 follows from comparing the predictions (conditional expectations) for two observations with the same value of X2 but with values of X1 that differ by ∆X1, so that the first observation has X values X1, X2 and the second observation has X values X1 + ∆X1, X2. For the first observation, the predicted value of Y is given by Equation (8.1); write this as Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2. For the second observation, the predicted value of Y is Y + ∆Y, where an equation for ∆Y in terms of ∆X1 is obtained by subtracting the equation Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 from Equation

Y + ∆Y = β0 + β1X1+ β1 *∆X1 + β2X2, yielding ∆Y = β1∆X1. Moreover:


Figure 8.1: The 훽 just presented are unknown model parameters and need to be estimated from the data inOrdina order k ry for the linear regression model to be fitted. A large number of procedures have been developedLeast for Square parameter estimation and inference in linear regression. These methods differ in computationalmetho d simplicity of algorithms, presence of a closed-form solution, robustness with respect to heavyreprese-tailed ntation distributions, and theoretical assumptions needed to validate desirable statistical properties suc(8.2)h as consistency and asymptotic efficiency. Figure 8.1: Ordina ry The method of Least Squares (OLS) has long been Least Square the most popular. The key idea underlying the OLS method repres Estimator is that coefficients are estimated by entatio n minimizing the sum of squared prediction mistakes— that is, by choosing the estimators b and b to 0 1 Figure 8.1: minimize the sum of squared prediction errors. In Ordina ry Chart 8.1 the unexplained variation due to error is Least Square highlighted in red. metho d Chart 8.1 Ordinary Least Square methodreprese representation ntation (8.2)

Figure 8.1: Ordina157 ry Least Square metho The sum of squared prediction errors formula is SST = SSR + SSE, where SST is the sum of squares total, SSR is the sum of squares due to regression and the SSE the sum of square due to error. The same equation can also be written in mathematical terms:

∑(푦 − 푦̅)2 = ∑(푦̂ − 푦̅ )2 + ∑(푦 − 푦̂)2 (8.3)

(8.3) Since the objective is to minimize the SST the following step is to make the derivative of the sum of (8.3) the squares total, equal the two partial derivatives obtained at zero and finally, get the following parameters as a result: (8.3)

(8.3) 푐표푣 (푥,푦) 푏1 = (8.4) 푣푎푟 (푥) (8.3) (8.4) (8.5) (8.3) 푏0 = 푦̅ − 푏1푥̅ (8.4) (8.5) (8.3) To evaluate the goodness-of-fit of the OLS regression, it is necessary to compute the coefficient (8.4) of determination R2 , defined as a ratio of "explained" variance to the "total" variance of the dependent(8.5) (8.4) variable y, in the cases where the regression sum of squares equals the sum of squares of residuals.(8.5) (8.4) The R2 is the following: R2 = SSR/SST = 1 - SSE/SST (8.5) A value of R2 close to 1 indicate perfect fit, whereas values close to zero the opposite. (8.4) Thus ,

2 (8.5) theoretically, the higher the R , the better, even if the problem of overfitting, which will be explained (8.4) later in the discussion, might artificially inflate its value. (8.5) 2 In Multiple Regression, the R increases whenever a regressor is added, unless the estimated(8.5) coefficient on the added regressor is exactly 0; this is because the SST stays the same while the SSE declines and SSR increases. Nevertheless, an increase in R2 does not mean that adding a variable actually improves the fit of the model; indeed, the R2 could give an inflated estimate of how well the 2 2 2 regression fits the data. The Adjusted R , or Ra , is a modified version of the R that does not

2 2 necessarily increase when a new regressor is added; thus, it is an unbiased version of R . The 푅푎 formula is: 푛 − 1 푅2 = 1 − (1 − 푅2) (8.6) 푎 푛 − 푘 − 1 where k is the number of independent variables, and n is the number of observations. Figur e 8.2: 2 The difference between this formula and the second definition of the R is that in Equation Multi8.6 the ratio of the sum of squared residuals to the total sum of squares is multiplied by the ple factor Line 2 (푛 − 1)/(푛 − 푘 − 1). This means that the adjusted R , is 1 minus the ratio of the sample variancear of the OLS residuals to the sample variance of Y. The newly presented Multiple Linear RegressionRegr essio n 158 mode l proce Model has countless advantages including easy output interpretation and high accuracy. However, data does not always be distributed linearly. One of the peculiarities of the linear regression is that it can actually include some non-linear relationships, in particular quadratic, cubic, logarithmic and inverse relationships. The process followed (Figure 8.1) involves a curve fitting procedure; indeed, if the data are not distributed linearly but can be represented by one of the relationships mentioned before, it is necessary to perform a variable transformation into their real polynomial function in order to include them in the model.

Figure 8.1: Multiple Linear Regression model process It is important to clarify that the procedure to build a model is iterative, because of the necessity to check the assumption of the regression technique that was implemented and to try again the procedure if a violation in the hypotheses makes the model unbiased or unprecise. Alternatively, the Linear Model could be set aside to proceed instead with the Non-Linear Model. Indeed, the latter does not assume data to be distributed linearly. In this case, as shown in Figure 8.2, curve fitting is performed upstream, in such a way to generate the correct functions with which to build the model.

Figure 8.2: Non-Linear Regression Model process

159 A general formula for a non-linear population function is:

푌𝑖 = 푓(푋1𝑖, 푋2𝑖, . . . , 푋푘𝑖) + 푢𝑖 𝑖 = 1, . . . , 푛 (8.7)

(8.7) where 푓(푋1𝑖, 푋2𝑖, . . . , 푋푘𝑖) is the population non-linear regression function, a possibly non -linear function of the independent variables 푋1𝑖, 푋2𝑖, . . . , 푋푘𝑖 and 푢𝑖 is the error term. (8.7)

(8.7) The main advantage of using non-linear regression is the flexibility in the shapes of the curves that it can fit. However, unlike linear regression, it is required to give starting values as an impact (8.7)for the non-linear algorithm. Some datasets can demand substantial effort to find acceptable starting (8.7)values and if wrongly entered, they can cause the algorithm to fail to converge on a solution or to converge (8.7) 2 on an incorrect solution. Additionally, R is not valid for non-linear regression, and it is impossible to calculate p-values for the parameter estimates. Hence, linear regression is easier to use, simpler(8.7) to interpret, and it provides more statistics that can help in assessing the model.

8.1.1 Choosing the dependent variables When building a regression model, the choice of the dependent variable(s) should be strictly related to the research question that the model should address. The first choice is to decide whether to choose one single dependent variable, entering in the field of Univariate regression analysis, or to consider more than one explained variable and try to build a Multivariate regression model. In order to make the model easier to interpret and discuss, it was decided to focus on just one dependent variable at a time. For what concerns this thesis work, the separation between Impacts and Factors, starting from the Literature and adopted in the Data Gathering process, has a perfect fit with the regression procedure. It was decided to use the Impacts as candidates to be dependent variables.

8.1.2 Choosing the independent variables After choosing the dependent variable, it was necessary to decide which explanatory variables to include in the model in order to obtain the results that best represent reality. Selecting too few independent variables leads to an underspecified model that tends to be biased, while including too many explanatory components brings as a result an over specified model with weak precision. Therefore, it was crucial to identify just the right independent variables to make the finals results unbiased and rigorous. There are two approaches that can be followed when conducting the model specification process. The first one is an automatized approach, which makes the analysis fall under the notion of Data Mining, even if with smaller datasets like the one of this dissertation it is often more common to speak

160 of Data Dredging. This method can usually be realized with dedicated algorithms, such as the stepwise regression procedure. In this case, all the independent variables are included in the model, and then the one with the higher p-value is excluded; this operation is iterated until only significant variables remain in the regression. Of course, the algorithm does not include any notion about the topic of interest and just focuses on the mathematical relationships between the data. Stepwise regression works with confidence intervals, and it is not able to understand whether its results make sense from a theoretical point of view. With this method, it should be noted that it is easy to reach a point in which the final results might be tailored around the Dataset analysed, but they may be difficult to generalise in the area of interest. This condition is known as overfitting, occurring whenever a model starts to describe the random error in the data rather than the true relationships between the variables. These characteristics make this approach useful whenever there is the need to build a model about which there is not a strong Scientific Literature, but it is not recommended whenever there is a deep subject-area knowledge and when the sample size is not very large. The second approach relies on the theoretical expertise in the topic to be investigated. The idea is to include the independent variables that are expected to be relevant and of which an estimation of the coefficient sign and magnitude can be provided. In this way, it become easier to discuss the results, as it is clear if the analysis is confirming the research question or not. It should be noted that with this approach, some variables should be included even if their p-value is not significant, in the case in which their importance is suggested by the theory. It is important to keep the model as simple as possible, as it is demonstrated (Zellner et al, 2001) that among models with similar goodness of fit and predictive power, the simplest tend to be the most precise. Complexity can also generate overfitting, which was already discussed before. While it is fundamental to understand which independent variables should be included, it is also extremely important to be sure to not exclude any relevant variable. Omitted variables, also known as confounding variables, generate a bias in the model because the regression attributes the omitted effect to components that are in the model, skewing the coefficients. For this phenomenon to occur, the omitted variable must correlate with both the dependent and at least one independent variable. The stronger the correlation, the stronger the bias generated by excluding one of these independent variables; for weak correlations the problem might not be severe.

Figure 8.3: Omitted variables condition

161 In a regression model built starting from the theory it is usually required to incorporate not just the independent variables that are subject of the research but also some other variables that might impact the dependent variable. These are called control variables; they can mask the effect of the variables that need to be investigated if they are not correctly specified. In the specific case of this dissertation, it was been decided to follow the second approach, starting from the strong theoretical basis built with the Scientific and Non-Scientific Literature Reviews.

8.1.3 Assumptions testing Regression analysis is a very powerful tool to build statistical models to answer specific research questions. Among the several methods available for the regression procedure, ordinary least squares were mathematically demonstrated - through the Gauss-Markov Theorem - to be the BLUE (Best Unbiased Linear Estimators), the most precise estimators of all, as long as the assumptions on spherical error and mean error of value zero are verified. Whenever the OLS model satisfies them, the analysis generates unbiased coefficient that tend to be very close to the real population values. In addition to these assumptions are also some other ones that ensure that the method works properly. As was already discussed in Chapter 8.1, regression should be an iterative procedure. When a model is specified, there should a check for the assumptions to be true, otherwise the model could be biased and unreliable. Whenever the assumptions are violated, adjustments should be made to make sure that the ordinary least squares method generates precise parameters. Following there is a description of the classical OLS hypothesis. OLS assumption 1: The correctly specified regression model is linear in the coefficients and the error term This assumption includes two aspects: 1. Linearity of the parameters 2. Accuracy in which the model describes the relationships between the dependent and the independent variables

As for the first point, it was already discussed how a model is linear whenever all the terms are either the constant or a parameter multiplied by an independent variable. The model should be then able to be written in this form: (8.8) Y=β0+β1*X1+β2*X2+...+βk*Xk+ε

Where the betas are the parameters estimated by OLS and epsilon is the random error. Again,(8.8) as discussed before, the linearity assumption refers to the parameters and not to the ability to model (8.8) curvature, therefore including non-linear variables as polynomials, logarithms and inverse functions (8.8) does not break this hypothesis.


162 (8.8)


The second point refers to the ability of the model to accurately represent the real relationships between the variables. This means that all the important independent variables should be included, the curvatures must be fitted, and the interaction effects must be added. If the model does not represent the subject accurately, it is considered a specification error. In many cases, these mistakes actually cause the violation of some other assumptions, so it is often a good idea to try to build a solid model that satisfies this assumption before checking the others. OLS Assumption 2: The error term has a population mean of zero

E (εi|X1i, X2i, …, Xki) = 0 (8.9)

The error term refers to the variation of the dependent variables that the independent variables (8.9)are not able to explain. The model is considered biased if the average value of the error differs from zero, as (8.9) it should be random chance to determine its value. If there is a positive or negative average error, this means that the model systematically overpredicts or underpredicts the observed values. (8.9)

Luckily, SPSS automatically includes a constant in the model, which forces the mean of the residuals(8.9) to be zero, satisfying this assumption. (8.9) OLS Assumption 3: All independent variables are uncorrelated with the error term (8.9) E [ εi | xi ] = 0 (8.10) The error term should represent unpredictable random error for the parameters to be (8.9) (8.10) precise. If an independent variable is correlated with the error term, this means that it is possible to use to the variable to predict it, and this is in contrast with the random error notion. (8.10)

This assumption is also often named exogeneity; when the correlation exists, there is instead(8.10) a condition of endogeneity. (8.10) A violation in this assumption makes the model incorrectly attribute part of the variance of the error term to the independent variable instead. (8.10)

To check if this assumption holds true, it is a good idea to look at the residual by each independent(8.10) variable that is part of the model. The scatter plots should be random and should not show patterns. (8.10) If a pattern can be spotted, the model has a problem, and that independent variable is associated with the violation of this assumption. OLS Assumption 4: Observations of the error term are uncorrelated with each other

E [ εiεj | X ] = 0 for i ≠ j (8.11)

Observations of the error terms should not be able to predict each other. If there is information(8.11) that allows to predict the error term for an observation, that should be directly incorporated in the model. (8.11) In order to detect autocorrelation, it is possible to run the Durbin-Watson test, which is calculated with the following formula, where et is the residual associated with the observation in period t. (8.11)


163 (8.11)



(8.12) The value of the d statistic is always between 0 and 4. A value around 0 shows strong positive (8.12) correlation between the residuals, where a value around 4 shows strong negative correlation between them. Ideally, an optimal model should show a result around 2, which indicates no correlation.(8.12)

Violations of this assumption can usually be solved by adding an independent variable (8.12) that can capture the information that allows to predict the values of the subsequent observations, incorporating (8.12) it into the model itself. OLS Assumption 5: The error term has a constant variance (8.12)

(8.12) E [ εi2 | X ] = σ2 (8.13)

The variance of the errors should not change for each observation or each set of observations.(8.13) If the variance if the same for all the error there is a condition known as homoskedasticity, while otherwise (8.13) there is heteroskedasticity. (8.13) Violations in this assumption reduces the efficiency of the estimated parameters of the OLS method, even though they remain unbiased, but it also lowers their p-values. This may lead to a model(8.13) that is shown to be statistically significant when actually it is not. (8.13) Heteroskedasticity can be identified qualitative by checking the graph of the residuals plotted by fitted (8.13) values. Typically, the chart shows a peculiar fan or cone shape. There are some quantitative statistical tests that can be employed to recognize heteroskedasti(8.13)city, such as the Breusch-Pagan test, modified Breusch-Pagan test, White’s test and F-Test. They all consider H0: “the variance in the sample is the same for all observations” and H1: “The variance in the sample is not the same for all observations”, but they have different assumptions. The traditional Breusch-Pagan test and the F-test require the error terms to be normally distributed, while the modified version and the White’s test do not. In general, heteroskedasticity occurs more frequently in Datasets where there is huge difference between the largest and the smallest values. Cross-sectional datasets, as the one which was built in this research, are typically more prone to this kind of phenomenon. Heteroskedasticity can be either pure or impure. The former refers to the cases in which the model is correctly specified and there still is non-constant variance in the residuals. The latter is usually generated by a specification error that causes the non-constant variance. The impure kind can usually be solved by adapting the model to satisfy the first OLS assumption.

164 On the other hand, pure heteroskedasticity needs to be addressed specifically. The first option is to redefine the variables involved in a reasonable way, which is usually a good idea as it may help to improve the model and its interpretation even without the heteroskedasticity problem. Another method is to use the weighted least squares procedure, which assigns to each data point a weight based on the variance of its fitted value. The idea behind it is to give small weights to observation with higher variance. The last alternative to resolve the problem is to transform the dependent variable. The main disadvantage is that this makes the model much more difficult to understand and interpret, as it requires a huge amount of manipulation of the original data, which would be translated into different values with more appropriate residuals. The assumptions of homoskedasticity and no autocorrelation together can also be specified as spherical errors:



2 (8.14) where I is the identity matrix, and σ is a parameter which determines the variance of each observation. (8.14)

OLS Assumption 6: No Independent variable is a perfect linear function of other explanatory (8.14) variable (8.14) Mathematically, this means that the matrix X composed by all the independent variables set alongside each other must have full column rank. (8.14)


(8.15) Ordinary least squares method cannot detect a difference where two variables are perfectly correlated. Whenever this situation occurs, it is necessary to remove one of them from the model. This(8.15) is the reason why the transformation of categorical variables into dummy variables requires the generation(8.15) of N-1 variables, where N are the categories: the last category is known from the other N-1 and there (8.15) is perfect correlation. However, high but not perfect correlation can still cause problems to the model. The key concept(8.15) behind linear regression is that a coefficient represents the mean change of a dependent variable(8.15) when there is a unit change of an independent variable, holding all the others fixed. Whenever correlation (8.15) between independent variables is present, a shift in one of them is associated with a change in the

165 other. The stronger the correlation, the more difficult it becomes to apply a unit change in one variable keeping the others fixed, as they tend to modify themselves together. This condition is known as multicollinearity, and it can cause issues in fitting the model and interpreting the results. In this situation coefficients are less precise and can become very sensitive to small changes in the regression model. The severity of this problem grows as the strength of the correlation between the variable becomes closer to 1 or -1. Multicollinearity can be structural or due to the data. In the first case, it is caused by the specification of model rather by being actually present in the data itself, for example when a variable X and another variable X2 are both included in the model. On the other hand, there is data multicollinearity where two independent variables are naturally correlated between them. Two good indicators to measure multicollinearity are the tolerance test and the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) test. VIF is calculated as:



2 where R i is the r-squared indicator of an ordinary least square regression procedure run(8.16) on the following model: (8.16)

(8.17) (8.16) (8.17) where X1 is the independent variable for which it is intended to calculate the VIF statistic, and the (8.16) other X are the other independent variables in the original regression model. (8.17) (8.16) On the other hand, the Tolerance measure is equal to 1/VIF. (8.17) An independent variable shows a problem of multicollinearity when VIF is greater than 10 (8.16) (or the (8.17) Tolerance is lower than 0,1). Anyway, it is a good idea to build a correlation matrix of the independent variable to find strong correlations before building the model. (8.17)

In order to solve structural multicollinearity, a handy method is to centre the independent variables (8.17) by removing their mean to each observation. (8.17) However, if there is severe data multicollinearity, other paths can be followed, such as: - Removing and independent variable from the model - Linearly combine the correlated variables - Perform principal components analysis to combine correlated variables - Adopt partial least square regression

166 OLS Assumption 7: The error term is normally distributed


(8.18) This hypothesis is not mandatory for OLS, as it does not impact the coefficients of the independent variables, but it does allow to improve the precision and the reliability of the confidence intervals(8.18) of the estimated parameters. (8.18) In order to check for the normality of the error term, a solution would be to assess a normal probability (8.18) plot. If the residuals follow the straight line, then this assumption is satisfied. (8.18) Revenues Regression Model (8.18) In this chapter, the steps followed to make the regression model choice will be described. As discussed previously, the SPSS Dataset is divided into two main parts; independent variables(8.18) (Factors) and dependent variables (Impacts), a logical step needed for the execution of Statistical Analysis. However, an additional distinction needed to be done, that of Controlled Variables. The latter, as explained in the previous section, were not the object of interest in the study; rather, they are a regressor included to hold constant factors that, if neglected, could lead the estimated causal effect of interest to suffer from omitted variable bias.

Revenues An impact that was deeply investigated in the Scientific Literature was the total sales of Retailers. This indicator is crucial, as it is usually considered the main indicator of strength and health of a company. Usually, managers tend to make decision with revenues as one of the main objectives, as increasing them more than the market average leads to a higher market share, which is connected to prestige and a higher bargaining power. In many cases, the compensation of managers is also based on the revenues result of their company. Therefore, in this second model built on the Dataset, it was decided to take the revenues as the dependent variable, trying to understand which are the main factors and strategic choices that have an impact on Retail sales. The first observation to make about Revenues is that in the Dataset there was a very high variance between the data, with maximum value (Wal-Mart) of 445,36 $ billion and minimum value (Nordiska Kompaniet) of 40,6 $ million. Please refer to the Annex A: Revenues Histogram for the visual evidence. In order to improve the output of the regression, it was decided to apply a logarithmic transformation to the revenues (Annex B: Revenues Logarithm Histogram). With this transformation, the dependent variable follows a pattern which is much closer to a normal distribution than before. Of course, it is important to remember of this transformation when interpreting the output of the model.

167 8.2.1 Variables Since the revenues are not a relative indicator, but an absolute one, the choice of the control variables was fundamental in this case. There were huge differences simply due to the different size of the Retailers in the sample, so the Number of Employees of the company was included in the model to take this point into account. Retail sales are also influenced by the GDP of their country of origin, as having access to a huge market in which there are huge opportunities to growth makes the top Retailers of the largest countries able to sell more than those of smaller countries (Effect of neighbourhood income and consumption on Retail viability: Evidence from Seoul, Korea). The GDP of the country of origin was included in the model to make sure that this problem is assessed and that it won’t impact the parameters of other independent variables. Another important consideration to be made concerns the level of internationalisation of the Retailers. Logically speaking, having access to more markets allows companies to reach more customers and increase their revenues. It was decided to add the Number of Countries of Operation for each Retailer in the regression to make sure that internationalisation is not reflected on the parameters of the variables that are the object of this research. The choice of the other independent variables under investigation was still connected with the analysis of the Literature. Hernant and Rosengren (2017) study the impact on sales of adding a new channel to a physical Retailer and verified that the effect can be significant. Moreover, many authors such as Hagberg et al. (2017), Chen and colleagues (2017) and Piotrowicz & Cuthbertson (2014) analyse and explain the growing importance of mobile in Retailing. Moreover, Pantano et al. state that Retailers are seemingly facing a redefinition of their role as integrators of services rather than distributors in the emerging value network in Retail settings; undeniably, the Retail settings is now based on intensive and extensive usage of social media and internet solutions, electronic word of mouth (WOM) communication and user-generated contents such as consumers’ online posts and reviews becomes the key drivers for consumers’ buying decision. In this context, new forms of shopping have emerged, such as the social commerce that has significant synergies with the use of the app; in particular for what concerns younger consumers, who are intensive users of smartphones and social media technology. Therefore, it was decided to include the variable App in the model. As Clapp et al. (2017) discuss in their paper “Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from Openings and Closings of Multiline Department Stores in the U.S.”, competition between Retailers is a key aspect to consider in the Retail market. On the contrary, as Nilsson (2016) and Koster (2019) highlight the trend of Retailers to create agglomerates near city centres and in transportation infrastructures so that they can benefit from

168 positive externalities. Indeed, access to important transportation infrastructure induces competing outlets to locate next to each other, a tendency not necessarily observed among outlets without such access. Theoretically, this does not only affect economic outcomes, but also travel demand and consumer accessibility. Therefore, by adding at the Total Number of Retailers in the Country, the purpose was to assess whether or not with an increase in the number of Retailers the positive externalities are stronger than the competitive intensity, or vice versa. One of the main areas of interest of this analysis concerns the technologies that the Retailers have chosen to implement. Several authors write about their increasing role in modern Retailing. Grimonpont (2016) highlight the impact on back-end technology on the performance of the Retailers, which is growing exponentially in the last few years with the possibility to exploit big data analytics techniques. Hagberg and colleagues (2017), in “Retail Digitalization: Implications for physical stores” discuss about the implications of in-store digitalization and how Retailers will adapt their front-end to improve their performances. Chen and colleagues (2017) in their paper “Omnichannel business research: Opportunities and challenges” underline the importance of supply chain management related technologies in an increasingly omnichannel context; guaranteeing availability and a seamless customer experience throughout all the touchpoints is critical to increase the sales opportunities over time. Since in the Dataset there were nine technologies listed which the Retailers could employ, it was decided to conduct a Factor Analysis on them to reduce their number and improve the results and the interpretability of the final model. It was decided to employ the Principal Component Analysis method, which extracts the maximum possible variance and assigns it to the first factor, then removes the variance explained by the first factor and assigns the possible maximum remaining to the second factor, and so on. In order to understand how many factors were needed to explain the nine technologies, it was necessary to look at the number of Eigenvalues higher than one, according to the Kaiser Criterion.

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Component Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative 1 3,02 33,54 33,54 3,02 33,54 33,54 2,00 22,27 22,27 2 1,17 12,96 46,50 1,17 12,96 46,50 1,88 20,87 43,13 3 1,08 11,96 58,47 1,08 11,96 58,47 1,38 15,33 58,47 4 0,95 10,59 69,05 5 0,94 10,40 79,46 6 0,71 7,91 87,37 7 0,54 6,01 93,38 8 0,36 4,03 97,41 9 0,23 2,59 100,00 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Table 8.1: Principal Component Analysis

169 In total, the Factor Analysis report the existence of three factors underlying the technologies. It’s now time to explore the Loadings, which are basically the correlation coefficient between the variables and the factors. It was also decided to use Varimax rotation to make the output more interpretable.

Rotated Component Matrix Component Factors 1 2 3 IoT 0,502 Blockchain 0,514 Artificial_Intelligence 0,581 Supply_Chain_Technologies 0,726 Tracking_Technologies 0,647 InStore_Technologies 0,840 Presale_Technologies Purchase_Technologies 0,869 Payment_Technologies 0,880 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, converged in 7 iterations Table 8.2: Rotated Component Matrix The first factor contains the main front-end technologies, and it was added to the SPSS Dataset with the name Front-End Technologies. The second includes the most diffused back-end operational technologies among Retailers, and it was included in the Dataset under the label Back-End Technologies. The last factor was called IoT-Tech, because it includes directly IoT plus the in-store technologies, most of which exploit tools and devices such as sensors and smart objects which belong to the Internet of Things paradigm. Pre-sale technologies are not correlated enough with any of the factors extracted, but they were also not considered as important by the Literature, given the low number of papers about them. Conveniently, the three factors extracted were coherent with the knowledge coming from the Literature Review. These independent variables were analysed with the “curve fitting” function of SPSS, considering the logarithm of the revenues as dependent variable, in order to understand which were the curves that can actually represent the relationship between them. Only curves with a p-value lower than 0,05 were considered statistically acceptable, and the preference went to those curves who are either linear or can be represented by a linear relationship with some adjustments (logarithmic, inverse, quadratic and cubic) In the example in Table 8.3, the FrontEnd-Tech curve estimation compared to Revenues_Log:


Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: Model Summary Parameter Estimates Revenues _ Log Curve R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 b2 b3 Linear 0,175 21,18 1 100 0,000 1,230 0,802 Logarithmic Inverse 0,002 0,25 1 100 0,620 1,194 0,021 Quadratic 0,194 11,94 2 99 0,000 0,870 0,857 0,368 Cubic 0,196 7,99 3 98 0,000 0,901 1,046 0,320 -0,128 The independent variable is FrontEnd_Tech. a. The independent variable (FrontEnd_Tech) contains non-positive values. The minimum value is -2. The Logarithmic and Power models cannot be calculated.

Table 8.3: Curve Estimation

Chart 8.2: Curve Estimation Chart

In this case, the relationship chosen to be added to the model was just the linear one, as its p-value was very low, and it led to an easier interpretation of the final results. The same process was repeated for all the variables, and the following Table summarizes the Independent Variables chosen and their relationships with the Dependent Variable (logarithmic revenues).


Table 8.4: Revenues regression model variables The next step was to finally run the regression model and to analyse its output. The first observation to make concerns the low p-value of the ANOVA test, which confirms that this model is statistically more precise than the empty model. It is also imperative to look at the p-values of the parameters assigned to the Independent Variables. As it is possible to see, 7 out of 8 are under the 0,05 threshold, which guarantees 95% of statistical confidence. The adjusted R-Square of the model is very high (66,6%) which is a good sign about the capability of the model to explain the variance in the data.

Model Summary Std. Error of the R R Square Adjusted R Square Durbin-Watson Estimate 0,836 0,699 0,666 1,078 1,692

Predictors: (Constant), GDP, Countries_operation_log, IoT_Tech, FrontEnd_Tech, BackEnd_Tech, App, Employees_Number, Number_Retailers_Country Dependent Variable: Revenues_Log Sum of ANOVA df Mean Square F Sig. Squares Regression 199,6 8 25,0 21,475 0,000 Residual 86,0 74 1,2 Total 285,6 82

172 Unstandardized Standardized 95,0% Confidence Interval t Sig. Collinearity Statistics Model Coefficients Coefficients for B B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound Tolerance VIF (Constant) -1,163 0,364 -3,195 0,002 -1,889 -0,438 Employees_Number 1,812E-06 0,000 0,221 2,834 0,006 0,000 0,000 0,671 1,491 App 0,774 0,316 0,177 2,448 0,017 0,144 1,404 0,778 1,286 Number_Retailers_Country 4,672E-06 0,000 0,323 3,430 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,460 2,173 FrontEnd_Tech 0,434 0,126 0,232 3,435 0,001 0,182 0,686 0,894 1,118 BackEnd_Tech 0,323 0,137 0,168 2,364 0,021 0,051 0,595 0,801 1,248 IoT_Tech 0,325 0,127 0,176 2,554 0,013 0,071 0,578 0,857 1,167 Countries_operation_log 0,202 0,092 0,159 2,196 0,031 0,019 0,385 0,779 1,284 GDP 2,613E-05 0,000 0,084 0,836 0,406 0,000 0,000 0,407 2,459 a. Dependent Variable: Revenues_Log Table 8.5: Regression Coefficients

From an econometric point of view, it is important to check whether the assumptions behind the OLS method hold true, as if this is the case, then it is possible to be sure that the coefficients are the as unbiased and precise as they can be. • The first OLS assumption about linearity concerns the linearity of the relationships between the Independent and the Dependent Variable, which could be guaranteed by the curve fitting procedure. In addition, thanks to the strong theoretical knowledge upon which the analysis was based, it is also possible to say that the Independent Variables included are meaningful and that no variables were omitted. • The second assumption, which is about the mean error of value zero, is satisfied by the constant included in the model, which forces the average error to be zero. • Exogeneity, the third OLS assumption, can be verified by looking at the plot of the residuals of each Independent Variable. (Annex C: Partial Regression Plots Revenues ) As it possible to observe, all the residuals seem to be randomly distributed and there are no relevant patterns, with residuals quite evenly distributed around zero with no trends. Exogeneity is then demonstrated, and the third assumption is satisfied. • The Fourth assumption is about autocorrelation, and the Durbin-Watson test can be used as an indicator to verify it. In this case, the test reported a result of 1,682, which means that there was light autocorrelation, which should not be problematic. • Homoskedasticity, the Fifth OLS Assumption, can be verified by checking the graph of the residuals plotted by fitted values:


Chart 8.3: Residual plot regression revenues Heteroskedasticity would cause the typical fan or cone shape in this graph, which does not seem to be the case, as the residuals show no particular pattern. Therefore, the conclusion is that the fifth assumption is satisfied. • The Sixth assumption concerns the absence of Independent Variables who are perfect linear combination of other explanatory variables. This can be guaranteed by the fact that the regression procedure actually worked, as it would have reported an error otherwise. For what concerns the condition of multicollinearity, the VIF tests reported all values much lower than 10, therefore it can be concluded that this issue is not problematic and that the assumption is verified.

Unstandardiz Standardized 95,0% Collinearity t Sig. Model ed Coefficients Confidence Statistics B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound Tolerance VIF (Constant) -1,163 0,364 -3,195 0,002 -1,889 -0,438 Employees_Number 1,812E-06 0,000 0,221 2,834 0,006 0,000 0,000 0,671 1,491 App 0,774 0,316 0,177 2,448 0,017 0,144 1,404 0,778 1,286 Number_Retailers_Country 4,672E-06 0,000 0,323 3,430 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,460 2,173 FrontEnd_Tech 0,434 0,126 0,232 3,435 0,001 0,182 0,686 0,894 1,118 BackEnd_Tech 0,323 0,137 0,168 2,364 0,021 0,051 0,595 0,801 1,248 IoT_Tech 0,325 0,127 0,176 2,554 0,013 0,071 0,578 0,857 1,167 Countries_operation_log 0,202 0,092 0,159 2,196 0,031 0,019 0,385 0,779 1,284 GDP 2,613E-05 0,000 0,084 0,836 0,406 0,000 0,000 0,407 2,459 a. Dependent Variable: Revenues_Log Table 8.6: Multicollinearity test

• The Seventh assumption verifies the normal distribution of the error term. Looking at the normality plots and to the histogram of the residuals, it seems to be satisfied, as both the curves follow the normal distribution quite accurately. Please refer to Annex D: Normality Plot Error Terms Revenues for visual evidence. All the assumptions are then verified, and thanks to the Gauss-Markov theorem the coefficients can be considered BLUE (Best Unbiased Linear Estimators) of the real population values.

174 8.2.2 Coefficients Intepretation Rewriting the equation of the regression model:

푙푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 푎푙푝ℎ푎 ∗ 퐹푟표푛푡퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ + 푏푟푎푣표 ∗ 퐵푎푐푘퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ + 푐ℎ푎푟푙𝑖푒 ∗ 퐼표푇 푇푒푐ℎ + 푑푒푙푡푎 ∗ 퐴푝푝 + 푒푐ℎ표 ∗ 퐸푚푝푙표푦푒푒푠 푁푢푚푏푒푟 + 푓표푥푡푟표푡 ∗ 퐿푛(퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛) + 푔표푙푓 ∗ 퐺퐷푃 + ℎ표푡푒푙 ∗ 푁푢푚푏푒푟 표푓 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙푒푟푠 𝑖푛 푡ℎ푒 퐶표푢푛푡푟푦 + 푐표푛푠푡푎푛푡

Linear regression allows to assess the impact in modifying the value of one single Independent Variable, keeping all the others fixed. The analysis will now proceed by focusing on all the explanatory variables which showed statistical significance. While the Dependent Variable is expressed with a natural logarithm, for the aim of this research it was more important to understand the impact in monetary value, therefore it was always required to estimate the variation of the revenues, which were expressed in $ billion.

Front-End Tech 퐿푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 0,434 ∗ 퐹푟표푛푡퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,434∗퐹푟표푛푡퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ

Understanding the impact of Front-End Tech

푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,434∗(퐹푟표푛푡퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ+1) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,434 ∗ 푒0,434∗퐹푟표푛푡퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,543 ∗ 푒0,434∗퐹푟표푛푡퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ

An increment of 1 point in Front-End Tech will bring on average an increment of 54,3% of the revenues. Since the Independent Variable was a result of a Factor Analysis, it is necessary to refer to its components to interpret it in a truthful way. Front-end Tech was mainly correlated with Purchase Technologies (0,869) and Payment Technologies (0,880); they are both strongly impactful for the customer in its in-store experience. The relationship is positive, as expected, because a Retailer that employs these kinds of innovation is usually able to provide a more engaging and satisfying customer experience, reducing the frictions in the purchase process.

175 Back-End Tech 퐿푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 0,323 ∗ 퐵푎푐푘퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,323∗퐵푎푐푘퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ

Understanding the impact of Back-End Tech

푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,323∗(퐵푎푐푘퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ+1) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,323 ∗ 푒0,323∗퐵푎푐푘퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,381 ∗ 푒0,323∗퐵푎푐푘퐸푛푑 푇푒푐ℎ

An increment of 1 point in Back-End Tech will bring on average an increment of 38,1% in revenues. Since the Independent Variable was a result of a Factor Analysis, it is necessary to refer to its components. Back-End Tech was strongly correlated with Supply Chain Technologies (0,726) and Tracking Technologies (0,647), while the correlation was weaker with Blockchain (0,514) and Artificial Intelligence (0,581). In general, it is easy to understand why the impact of Back-End Tech is positive; however, its impact on the revenues is lower respect to the one of Front-End technologies: the former increases the revenues with improvements such as higher product availability and a higher customer service, nevertheless it is less impactful on the actual in-store purchase process.

IoT Tech 퐿푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 0,325 ∗ 퐼표푇 푇푒푐ℎ 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,325∗퐼표푇 푇푒푐ℎ

Understanding the impact of IoT Tech

푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,325∗(퐼표푇 푇푒푐ℎ+1) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,325 ∗ 푒0,325∗퐼표푇 푇푒푐ℎ 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,384 ∗ 푒0,325∗퐼표푇 푇푒푐ℎ

An increment of 1 point in IoT Tech will bring on average an increment of 38,4% in revenues. Since, also in this case, the Independent Variable was a result of a Factor Analysis, it is necessary to refer to its components to have the opportunity to formulate a meaningful interpretation. IoT Tech is mainly correlated with In-Store Technologies (0,84) and IoT (0,502). The relationship between IoT and the revenues is positive and very similar to those of Back-End Tech, which is reasonable as they are both

176 technologies which impact the customer experience in an indirect way, through improved operational performances of the Retailer.

App 퐿푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 0,774 ∗ 퐴푝푝 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,774∗퐴푝푝

Understanding the impact of owning an App

푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,774∗(퐴푝푝+1) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,774 ∗ 푒0,774∗퐴푝푝 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 2,1684 ∗ 푒0,774∗퐴푝푝

According to the regression model, the implementation of a mobile application by a Retailer is associated with an increase in the revenues of 116,84%. In this case the relationship between Dependent and Independent Variable is positive and strong, which is what was expected by the theory. The Omnichannel paradigm has been increasingly relevant for Retailers in the last few years, and in particular the capillary diffusion of smartphones opens up the opportunity to catch new customer on mobile by offering them a dedicated channel which improves their customer experience. It is also worth noting that other services additional to the payment can be provided through the app, and in some cases, those are likely to have strengthened the relationship with the revenues even more.

Countries of Operation 퐿푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 0,202 ∗ 퐿푛(퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,202 ∗ 퐿푛(퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,202 ∗ 푒퐿푛(퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,202 ∗ 퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,223 ∗ 퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛

Understanding the impact of adding a country

푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,223 ∗ (퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛 + 1) 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,223 + 1,223 ∗ 퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛

177 For Retailers in the sample, expanding their business operations in another country leads to an increase in revenues of 1,223 $ billion, on average. This was intended to be a control variable, as of course internationalisation can guarantee access to new markets and new customers, increasing the total revenues of the company. This positive relationship and the statistical significance confirm the theory behind the phenomenon.

Employees Number 퐿푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 0,000001812 ∗ 퐸푚푝푙표푦푒푒푠 푁푢푚푏푒푟 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,000001812∗퐸푚푝푙표푦푒푒푠 푁푢푚푏푒푟

Understanding the impact of adding a one employee:

푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,000001812 ∗ 푒퐸푚푝푙표푦푒푒푠 푁푢푚푏푒푟+1 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,000001812 ∗ 푒0,000001812∗퐸푚푝푙표푦푒푒푠 푁푢푚푏푒푟 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,000001812 ∗ 푒0,000001812∗퐸푚푝푙표푦푒푒푠 푁푢푚푏푒푟

The number of employees was the other control variable chosen to account for the size of the Retailers, so that it would have not influenced the variables which were object of the research. In this case, an increase in the number of employees by 1 person raises the revenues by 0,0001812%; more intuitively, an increment of 10.000 employees brings up the revenues by 1,812%. The crucial part in the interpretation of this coefficient is the sign of the relationship, which is positive. This means that the original hypothesis behind this control variable is confirmed.

Number of Retailers in the Country

퐿푛(푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠) = 0,000004672 ∗ 푁푢푚푏푒푟 표푓 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙푒푟푠 𝑖푛 푡ℎ푒 퐶표푢푛푡푟푦 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,000004672∗푁푢푚푏푒푟 표푓 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙푒푟푠 𝑖푛 푡ℎ푒 퐶표푢푛푡푟푦

Understanding the impact of adding a one employee:

푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,000004672 ∗ 푒푁푢푚푏푒푟 표푓 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙푒푟푠 𝑖푛 푡ℎ푒 퐶표푢푛푡푟푦+1 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 푒0,000004672 ∗ 푒0,000004672∗푁푢푚푏푒푟 표푓 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙푒푟푠 𝑖푛 푡ℎ푒 퐶표푢푛푡푟푦 푅푒푣푒푛푢푒푠 = 1,000004672 ∗ 푒0,000004672∗푁푢푚푏푒푟 표푓 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙푒푟푠 𝑖푛 푡ℎ푒 퐶표푢푛푡푟푦

178 An additional player in the country of origin of one Retailer brings an increase in the revenues of 0,0004672%; reformulating, 1000 more Retailers will improve the sales by 0,4672%. Interestingly, while this relationship was expected to be negative, from the data it is clearly positive. A possible interpretation is that an additional Retailer does not only have a negative effect on the others due to competition, but it also generates a positive network effect, as stated by Clapp and colleagues (2017) in their paper “Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from Openings and Closings of Multiline Department Stores in the U.S.” and by Daunfeldt et al. (2019) in "Spillover effects when IKEA enters: Do incumbent Retailers win or lose?". The result shows that the balance between the two effects is positive; thus, the positive externality is stronger than the negative one. Theoretically, another possible interpretation could be related to the general state of the economy in a country; the richer a country is (measured with the GDP), the higher the number of Retailers that will operate, which will in turn increase the GDP again. However, in this regression model, the GDP was employed as a control variable, so the effect of the richness of a certain nation on the Retailers should be explained entirely by that Independent Variable. Therefore, the first interpretation should be the most appropriate in this case.

GDP The GDP was chosen as a control variable; however, its p-value is higher than 0,05 and therefore its coefficient does not show statistical significance. This could mean that having origin in one Country or another, between the ones in the Database, does not influence the revenues in a meaningful way. A possible explanation lies in the fact that the majority of the Retailers in the sample are international; thus, only a part of their sales, the ones achieved in their country of origin, are impacted by the GDP of the Country.

Store Closures Regression Model For what concerns the Retail Apocalypse, the closure of points of sales by Retailers is for sure the most visible and shocking symptom. According to many authors, this phenomenon is closely connected with urban decay, unemployment and economic crisis. From the Literature, and in particular from the work of Cavan (2016), it is known that there are several reasons for which a store can be closed. With this regression model, the idea was to investigate which is the context wherein Retailers are more likely to face this decision, and which are the strategic choices that a player in this business area can make to influence, positively or negatively, the probability to close stores. Therefore, the Store Closures variables was chosen as the dependent variable in this model.

179 Only 35 of the Retailers in the sample had a negative Δ stores in the last two years; the investigation only involved those. For a simpler interpretation, all the values were converted into their modulus. This transformation allowed also to obtain a more reliable curve fitting, as it became possible to discover logarithmic relationships between the dependent and Independent Variables; otherwise, it would not be possible to calculate logarithm of a negative values without using imaginary numbers. In this case, the variance between the minimum and the maximum value of the dependent variable was not large enough to justify a preventive logarithmic transformation, as it was done with the revenues. For what concerns the outliers, the three largest observations were excluded from the model because they were due to non-recurring events, which may not be connected with the research topic under investigation. An example is Auchan, which decided to sell its entire Italian and Vietnamese branches, totally franchised and non-proprietary.

8.3.1 Variables choice Many people blame eCommerce to be the main reason for the closure of stores all around the world. However, from what emerged by the Literature, scholars don’t believe this to be the case. In order to make sure that the impact of the eCommerce phenomenon was included in the model, it was decided to add the eCommerce Penetration in the Country of Origin as a control variable. In this way, it was possible to be sure that the effect of eCommerce did not get misrepresented by some other independent variables. Dupuis and Prime (1996) build a framework to understand the internationalisation process. Their thesis was that there are both active and passive effects of internationalisation that may have huge impact on multinational firms. Opening shops in foreign countries can bring several advantages, such as the possibility to improve the supply chain by accessing new suppliers and the increasing economies of scale. However, there are also negative ones, such as the increased competition and the rising managerial complexity. McKinsey, in its report "How Retailers can build resilience ahead of a recession" (2020), wrote that entering in new markets is considered critical for Retailer resilience to recession. In this regression model, it was deemed interesting to evaluate if the more globalized Retailers were more or less vulnerable to store closures in a time of crisis such as the Retail Apocalypse. Therefore, it was decided to include the number of Countries of Operation in the model. For what concerns the average size of the stores, Tokosh (2018) came to the conclusion that large stores are less likely to fail when trade-area realignment occurs. On the contrary, Berman (2019) and Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nel Retail (2019) report that a future trend in Retailing will be the Return to Proximity, with stores that become more and more important to support omnichannel

180 business models. In any case, store surface was considered relevant and therefore the Average Square Meters per Store were included in the regression model. Berry Berman, in his paper “Flatlined: Combatting the death of Retail stores” (2019), also gives a possible interpretation of the Retail Apocalypse as a phenomenon due to the massive over-Retailing in some countries such as US. For this reason, the Retail Space per Capita for each Country was included in the analysis. In their paper “Retail Apocalypse or Golden Opportunity for Retail Frontline Management?” of 2019, Mende and Noble identify the role of the store manager as critical to improve the performances of the stores, as it was the responsible for achieving the target performances. Leadership programs were therefore included in the model, as they are crucial to make sure that the store managers develop their leadership skills, making them able to cultivate and transfer the values and the culture of the company to their employees. Omnichannel Retailers try to provide a seamless customer experience to their customer, in order to build and manage a profitable relationship throughout the different touchpoints. One of the main upsides of a well-managed customer relationship is Loyalty, which as Haans and Gijsbrechts (2010) report in their study, is able to influence the success of downsizing strategies by capturing some of the usual customer of a point of sale thanks to nearby – even if farther – stores. Basically, all the Retailers set up loyalty programs to try to create value adding relationships with their customer, but not all these programs were equally successful. In order to have a more precise indicator of how much a Retailer is able to provide an engaging customer experience, it was decided to include the Net Promoter Score in the regression model. As Clapp and colleagues (2017) discuss in their paper “Retail Agglomeration and Competition Externalities: Evidence from Openings and Closings of Multiline Department Stores in the U.S.”, competition between Retailers is a key aspect to consider in the Retail market, as being too close or too far from other Retailers can affect the success of a store. In this case, gathering data regarding the distance between all the single points of sales would have increased the complexity exponentially, because each Retailer has up to several thousand stores. Cavan (2016) identifies trade-area realignment as one of the main reasons behind the store closures during the Retail Apocalypse. Again, as it would have been out of scope for this dissertation to analyse each single trade area, it was decided to include the number of Points of Sales of each Retailer in in order to understand the impact of economies of scale and scope on the performance of Retailers it was decided to include the number of Pos of each firm in the regression model. In this way it is possible to grasp the largest retailers are suffering more or less than the smaller ones.

181 "The impact of digital transformation on the Retailing value chain" (2018) by Werner Reinartz, Nico Wiegand and Monika Imschloss discuss how marketplaces, as intermediaries that can match efficiently demand and offer, are able to generate value-creating interactions between the Retailers and its customers. Being part of a Retail ecosystem, a community of Retailers, consumers and partners connected by a digital platform, provides significant advantages in terms of marketing, market access and supply chain. Schade, Hübscher and Korzer (2018) describe how stores can take part of local marketplaces in order to sell their products and being able to compete with other eCommerce players in a way that would not be possible if they built their own independent platform. Therefore, it was decided to include the Marketplace as an independent variable of the model. All these independent variables were analysed with the “curve fitting” function of SPSS to be able to represent all the relationships correctly in the data. As it was already done in the other regression model, only the curves with p-value lower than 0,05 were considered statistically significant, and the precedence was given to those relationships than can be fitted in a linear regression (linear, inverse, logarithmic, quadratic, cubic). In the case in which there were no curves that described the relationship in a statistically significant way, it was decided to include the most likely anyway as all these variables were chosen on the basis of pre-existing knowledge, and the absence of significance may just have been due to the number of observations in the Dataset.

182 Following, Table 8.6 summarizes the variables, their relationships and their sources:

Table 8.7: Store Closures regression model variables In this case, there were more adjustments to be made to fit the data than in the regression model with Revenues as the dependent variable. In particular, there was a quadratic relationship between the Retail Space per Capita and the Store Closures. It was therefore necessary to create a new variable that represents the square component of the relationship. Since having two variables so strictly correlated in the model causes high multicollinearity, the procedure followed was to centre the Retail Space Per Capita by removing its mean to each observation, and then to build a new variable RetailSpacePerCapita2Centered built by elevating Retail space per capita to the power of 2. In this way, multicollinearity was reduced as much as possible.

183 Model Summary Std. Error of the R R Square Adjusted R Square Durbin-Watson Estimate 0,935 0,875 0,819 1,890 1,823 Predictors: (Constant), Marketplace, RetailSpaceperCapita2Centered, Loyalty_Programs, Points_of_Sales_Inverse, Leadership_Programs, Ecommerce_Penetration_Country, Square_Meters_per_Store_Log, Countries_operation_log, RetailSpaceperCapitaCentered

Dependent Variable: Store_Closures

Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. ANOVA Squares Regression 499,6 9 55,5 15,547 0,000 Residual 71,4 20 3,6 Total 571,0 29 Table 8.8: Store Closure regression results

The ANOVA test shows a p-value lower than 0,05, confirming that, statistically, this model is significantly better than an empty model. The adjusted R-Square, at 81,9%, is really high; while this is a good sign about the predictive power of the model, it could also suggest the presence of overfitting. Standardized 95,0% Confidence Interval Unstandardized Coefficients Model Coefficients for B B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound (Constant) 7,315 2,759 2,651 0,015 1,560 13,071 Leadership_Programs -3,586 0,737 -0,403 -4,865 0,000 -5,123 -2,048 eCommerce_Penetration_Country -0,513 0,107 -0,402 -4,779 0,000 -0,737 -0,289 Countries_operation_log -0,454 0,263 -0,150 -1,725 0,100 -1,003 0,095 Loyalty_Programs -0,681 1,194 -0,048 -0,570 0,575 -3,171 1,809 RetailSpaceperCapita2Centered 0,039 0,012 0,739 3,199 0,005 0,014 0,064 RetailSpaceperCapitaCentered -0,446 0,154 -0,668 -2,890 0,009 -0,768 -0,124 Points_of_Sales_Inverse 34,014 7,392 0,397 4,601 0,000 18,594 49,434 Square_Meters_per_Store_Log 0,649 0,257 0,217 2,532 0,020 0,114 1,185 Marketplace -2,505 0,750 -0,277 -3,339 0,003 -4,070 -0,940 a. Dependent Variable: Store_Closures Table 8.9: Store Closure regression coefficients

For what concerns the coefficients of the independent variables, 7 out of 9 show statistical significance, with a p-value lower than 0,05. Both the parameters of Retail Space per Capita are significant, so there are six parameters that can be identified as relevant in the analysis of the store closures. Having employed the OLS method for regression, it is of utmost importance to verify its hypotheses to have the confirmation that the coefficients are the BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimators), thanks to the Gauss-Markov Theorem.

184 Analysing each assumption separately: • The choice of the Independent Variables was based on an extensive Literature Review, both academic and non-academic, so there should not be any omitted variables and overfitting should not be present, too. The linear relationship between each X and the store closures were verified thanks to the curve fitting procedure, and the necessary adjustments were made to fit the data in the most precise way as possible. It is possible to conclude that the first OLS assumptions is verified. • The constant included in the model forces the mean of the error to be zero, so the second OLS assumptions is satisfied. • The absence of endogeneity, which is a situation of correlation between an explanatory variable and the error term, can be checked by looking at the plot of the residuals of each independent variable. Please refer to Annex E: Partial Regression Plots Store Closures for the residual charts. No residual charts show relevant patterns, as most of the residuals seem to be randomly distributed around zero. • The fourth assumption about autocorrelation is satisfied, as the result of the Durbin-Watson test is 1,823, which is very close to 2. • The fifth OLS assumption concerns homoskedasticity, and can be verified by checking the chart of the residuals plotted by the fitted values:

Chart 8.4: Residual plot regression store closures In this case, there seemed to be a certain level of heteroskedasticity, which could be identified by the cone shape of the residuals. The model was correctly specified, and no variables were omitted, so this heteroskedasticity should have been of the pure kind, rather than impure. It’s important to remember that heteroskedasticity does not bias the coefficients, it just tends to lower the p-values of the independent variables. However, this might have been a huge problem because it could lead to a

185 misleading outcome of the regression, considering as significant some explanatory variables that might not be relevant. Therefore, the choice was to conduct additional tests to see if heteroscedasticity was confirmed. This time, the decision was to run quantitative verifications rather than a purely qualitative one, to be able to interpret the results in the most rigorous way possible. F-Test, Breusch-Pagan test, Modified Breusch-Pagan test and White Test were all run on the data, and please refer to Annex F: Heteroskedasticity Tests for the results. Among these tests, only the traditional Breusch-Pagan test for heteroscedasticity identifies a problematic situation. However, this test is just a less robust version of the modified Breusch-Pagan test, as it requires an additional assumption on the error terms, that should be normally distributed. While its result might suggest a violation of the assumption number 7 of the OLS, the overall outcome of this tests shows that, statistically, it’s not possible to say that there is presence of heteroscedasticity.

• The 6th OLS assumption is verified as there are no independent variables that are perfect linear function of others. For what concerns multicollinearity; however, before centering the Retail Space per Capita variable, the VIF tests reported a severe problem:

Standardized 95,0% Confidence Interval Unstandardized Coefficients Collinearity Statistics Model Coefficients for B B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Tolerance VIF (Constant) 12,132 2,722 4,457 0,000 6,454 17,809 Leadership_Programs -3,584 0,733 -0,402 -4,890 0,000 -5,112 -2,055 0,914 1,095 eCommerce_Penetration_Country -0,512 0,107 -0,401 -4,801 0,000 -0,735 -0,290 0,885 1,130 Countries_operation_log -0,454 0,262 -0,150 -1,735 0,098 -1,000 0,092 0,825 1,212 Loyalty_Programs -0,676 1,187 -0,048 -0,569 0,576 -3,152 1,801 0,881 1,135 Points_of_Sales_Inverse 34,074 7,351 0,398 4,635 0,000 18,739 49,409 0,840 1,191 Square_Meters_per_Store_Log 0,649 0,255 0,217 2,543 0,019 0,117 1,181 0,849 1,177 Marketplace -2,504 0,746 -0,277 -3,357 0,003 -4,061 -0,948 0,910 1,099 Retail_Space_per_Capita -0,983 0,312 -1,472 -3,152 0,005 -1,633 -0,333 0,028 35,263 Retail_Space_per_capita2 0,039 0,012 1,517 3,251 0,004 0,014 0,065 0,028 35,187 a. Dependent Variable: Store_Closures

Table 8.10: Unstandardized variables regression coefficients Luckily, the variable centring procedure was able to solve this situation and to reduce the VIF below the 10 threshold, without altering much the other coefficients and the interpretation of the Retail Space per Capita variable.

186 Standardized 95,0% Confidence Interval Unstandardized Coefficients Collinearity Statistics Model Coefficients for B B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Tolerance VIF (Constant) 7,315 2,759 2,651 0,015 1,560 13,071 Leadership_Programs -3,586 0,737 -0,403 -4,865 0,000 -5,123 -2,048 0,913 1,095 eCommerce_Penetration_Country -0,513 0,107 -0,402 -4,779 0,000 -0,737 -0,289 0,885 1,130 Countries_operation_log -0,454 0,263 -0,150 -1,725 0,100 -1,003 0,095 0,825 1,212 Loyalty_Programs -0,681 1,194 -0,048 -0,570 0,575 -3,171 1,809 0,881 1,135 RetailSpaceperCapita2Centered 0,039 0,012 0,739 3,199 0,005 0,014 0,064 0,117 8,525 RetailSpaceperCapitaCentered -0,446 0,154 -0,668 -2,890 0,009 -0,768 -0,124 0,117 8,543 Points_of_Sales_Inverse 34,014 7,392 0,397 4,601 0,000 18,594 49,434 0,840 1,191 Square_Meters_per_Store_Log 0,649 0,257 0,217 2,532 0,020 0,114 1,185 0,849 1,177 Marketplace -2,505 0,750 -0,277 -3,339 0,003 -4,070 -0,940 0,910 1,099 a. Dependent Variable: Store_Closures Table 8.11: Standardised variables multicollinearity tests

• The last OLS assumptions concerns the normality of the error terms and can be checked by looking at their distribution in the normality plot. Please refer to the Annex G: Normality Plot Error Terms Store Closures for the chart. This assumption does not seem to be verified. Luckily, this particular hypothesis is just optional, as the OLS does not need it in order to produce unbiased estimates with the minimum variance. The disadvantage of violating the 7th assumptions regards statistical testing, as it may influence the p-values of the coefficients. It is be necessary to keep this in mind when interpreting the parameters of the independent variables; however, if their significance is still quite low, it should be possible to say that they are relevant as they were also chosen on the basis of proven academic knowledge.

Summing up, the main six OLS assumptions are verified, so the estimators are BLUE thanks to the Gauss-Markov Theorem. Their statistical significance, however, might be slightly biased thanks to the non-perfect normality of the error terms.

8.3.2 Coefficient interpretation In this case the dependent variable, store closures, being expressed as a percentage, is a relative value and not an absolute one. In addition, in the SPSS Dataset, the variable is explicated not as a value between 0 and 1 but as a value between 0 and 100, even if the percentage symbol is not present. Moreover, the explained variable was not converted through a logarithm, but it is expressed directly. These characteristics slightly change the approach towards the interpretation that was implemented for the revenues. As an example, if an explanatory variable with linear relationship with the Y and coefficient 1 increases by 10, store closures will increase by 10, which means that the Retailer will close 10% more of its total number of stores.

Leadership Programs 187 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = −3,586 ∗ 퐿푒푎푑푒푟푠ℎ𝑖푝 푃푟표푔푟푎푚푠

Adopting specific leadership programs for the managers will reduce the store closures by 3,586% As expected, having specific leadership programs will reduce the number of stores closed. Of course, having talented corporate managers is important for any organization, but according to the Literature for the single points of sales there is role of outmost importance, which is the store manager. It’s crucial for them to develop leadership skills to be able to reach their performance target, as well as to be the key link between the central organization and its own employees.

Marketplace 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = −2,505 ∗ 푀푎푟푘푒푡푝푙푎푐푒

According to the regression model, being part of marketplace reduces the number of store closures by 2,505%. Again, this relationship confirms the Literature Review, in which participating to a marketplace was seen as a potential tool to improve the performances of the stores.

Loyalty Programs Loyalty programs show no statistical significance, according to the p-values. An explanation may lie in the fact that most of the Retailers actually design and operate specific loyalty programs, but not all of them are equally successful. It may be more appropriate to consider another variable which may be more representative of the willingness of a customer to rebuy given its past experience with the Retailer. An example, between the data gathered in the sample, could be the Net Promoter Score, which measures how many promoters and detractors a company ; thus, it works as a proxy of customer experience and engagement. A model with the NPS was implemented; however, in this specific case, the Net Promoter Score and Store Closures both had too many missing values, so pairwise regression could not reach a satisfactory result because of the low number of observations. eCommerce Penetration in the Country 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = −0,513 ∗ 푒퐶표푚푚푒푟푐푒 푃푒푛푒푡푟푎푡𝑖표푛 𝑖푛 푡ℎ푒 퐶표푢푛푡푟푦 eCommerce penetration was chosen as a control variable to make sure that it would not influence the other independent variables. The result of the regression tells that for each percentage point of eCommerce penetration in a country, the probability to close a store becomes lower by 0,513%. This is a crucial point of this research, as it shows the exact opposite of what many people think. Indeed,

188 a country with higher eCommerce penetration will for sure increase the competition for the Retailers, but it will also open new possibilities to breathe new life into the stores, transforming them into hubs with a key role in the omnichannel business models and customer journeys.

Points of Sales 1 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = 34,014 ∗ ( ) 푃표𝑖푛푡푠 표푓 푆푎푙푒푠 The relationship is inverse, and therefore, non-linear. It’s not possible to say how much the closures will increase or reduce when adding a point of sale in general; it will depend on the already existing number of points of sales. However, adding a point of sale will increase the denominator, having for sure a negative impact on the store closures; this means that the Retailers with more stores were less inclined to close some of them. An explanation could lie in the economies of scale and experience generated by managing a high number of points of sales, which bring significant advantages in terms of supply chain and operations. Another factor could be the bargaining power towards the suppliers, which becomes greater as the Retailer increases in size.

Countries of Operation 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = −0,454 ∗ 퐿푛 (퐶표푢푛푡푟𝑖푒푠 표푓 푂푝푒푟푎푡𝑖표푛) Also for this dependent variable the relationship is not linear, so it’s impossible to say in general how much the closure will diminish if a Retailer enters in one more country, as it depends on how many countries it is already present in. What is clear, though, is that the relationship is negative, confirming the hypothesis from McKinsey: a Retailer with presence in more countries tends to be more resilient and it is able to close less stores in a crisis. It is worth noticing that this independent variable only shows a p-value of 0,1, but the decisions was to include it anyway as there is strong theoretical evidence of its impact and because the significance might have just been skewed by the non-normality of the error terms.

Square Meters per Store 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = 0,649 ∗ 퐿푛 (푆푞푢푎푟푒 푀푒푡푒푟푠 푝푒푟 푆푡표푟푒)

Even the square meters per store show a non-linear relationship with the store closures, making it impossible to say how they will impact in general. However, the coefficient is definitely positive, which means that the Retailers with the larger points of sales tend to be close them more aggressively, and in particular, for the characteristics of the logarithmic function, this relationship shows how

189 unlikely it is for Retailers with smaller store to close on of them. This result tends to confirm the studies from Berman (2019) and Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nel Retail (2019) about the willingness of many Retailers to return to smaller proximity shops, which are definitely more aligned with the omnichannel paradigm as they can support the other channels in a way that provides a more convenient and frictionless experience to their customers. Apparently, this is in contradiction with the study by Tokosh (2018), which debates that large stores are less likely to close in case of trade- area realignment. A conclusion that could be supported by both the data and the two theories is that it’s likely that the store closures by these Retailers in the sample are not caused by a trade-area realignment, but rather due to a Return to Proximity strategy.

Retail Space per Capita 푆푡표푟푒 퐶푙표푠푢푟푒푠 = 0,039 ∗ 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙 푆푝푎푐푒 푝푒푟 퐶푎푝𝑖푡푎2 − 0,446 ∗ 푅푒푡푎𝑖푙 푆푝푎푐푒 푝푒푟 퐶푎푝𝑖푡푎

In this case, the interpretation is even more complicated, since the relationship between the independent and dependent variable was quadratic. It has been decided to represent graphically the curve, in order to propose a clearer explanation. From Chart 8.11 to the left, it is easy to observe how the Retail space per capita is associated with lower store closures until the value of 11,5 square feet per capita. However, it’s important to remember that this variable was centred, so the real curve should be much closer to the one in the graph to the right, calculated with the coefficients of the Retail space per capita before it was centred:

Chart 8.5: Quadratic relationships

Anyway, over that threshold, there is probably the situation of “over-Retailing” described by Berman in his study “Flatlined: Combatting the death of Retail stores”, as the Retail space per capita tend to increase the store closures. In particular, among the Countries in the sample, only the United States of America were in this situation. The results of the Econometric Analyses are summarized in Figure 8.4 and Figure 8.5.


Figure 8.4: Revenues Regression Summary

Figure 8.5: Store Closures Regression Summary

191 9 The Interpretative Model Introduction Thanks to the Statistical Analysis and the Econometric models, there are several conclusions that can be taken from the Dataset on how Retailers can survive and thrive in the Retail Apocalypse. Results from the models confirm that the omnichannel paradigm is the new frontier for Retailing worldwide. In order to survive the Apocalypse and improve their results, firms should aim to define a competitive strategy that is focused on the needs of the customers, aspiring to provide a seamless customer experience integrated between the different channels. eCommerce, while exposing the Retailers to a new form of competition, is actually reducing the probability for a store to close. eCommerce should be seen as an opportunity: it’s a channel that can improve the customer experience by giving the customers the possibility to access to their entire catalogue from home in a convenient way. The App, which is shown to have a strong positive relationship with the revenues, is basically an extension of traditional eCommerce, whose aim is to follow the increasing usage of the smartphone between customers of all kinds. Providing an interface explicitly designed for mobile commerce can provide a more engaging and frictionless experience to users. In Italy, for instance, eCommerce sales from the mobile channel grew double digits, almost 40% between 2018 and 2019. The Marketplace, which is connected to a lower probability to close stores, is a channel that can be integrated in the omnichannel paradigm and allows to reach new customers and new markets, improving the visibility and offering yet another touchpoint between the customers and the Retailers. In this context, the store is a touchpoint that evolves in an omnichannel perspective, often changing its role, becoming a hub which manages various phase of the multitude of possible customer journeys, and having a key part in the offline phase of all the omnichannel business models. No wonder that as many as 44% of the eCommerce sales made in Italy come from this type of players (Osservatorio eCommerce B2c, 2019). In this increasingly digital context, pre-existing investments in digital technologies are paying off. The Retailer that adopted them are statistically the ones with higher revenues. Data analytics allows companies to grasp relevant insights about their customers, with IoT technologies supporting the data gathering and analysis process. Front-end technologies are able to improve the effectiveness of the retailer, offering a better customer experience by providing a superior service, while back-end technologies are able to enhance the operational efficiency. The statistical model shows how Retailers with the highest revenues are the ones that were able to innovate and adopt the most advanced technologies. As already discussed in the previous Paragraph 3.4.4, technology and data analytics go hand in hand and represent a massive opportunity in Retail. Advanced analytics inform Retailers’ decisions across the value chain; in back-office functions, analytics and machine learning can increase

192 efficiency and effectiveness. Indeed, the model presented confirms the increase in the revenues of Retailers who are adopting Front-end and Back-end technologies by 54% and 38% respectively. Of course, integrating all the channels in a way that they are all coherent and consistent requires a huge organizational effort. The presence of managers experts in the new digital trends and with strong leadership skills is crucial to make sure to have the right strategy about the customer experience and the operational capabilities to implement it. In particular, the stores have now been burdened by new kind of activities which are necessary to enable the omnichannel business models. Now that many leading Retailers have substituted in-store personalized interaction with offerings such as virtual appointments, sales associates are called to learn new communication skills and learning ways to better serve customers online. A store manager with strong leadership skills to inspire its employees and coordinate with the corporate division can make difference in achieving the store sales targets. The regression model confirms that Leadership Programs are able to increase the resilience of the Retailers, reducing the probability to close points of sales. This reinvention of the store has significant influence on how its location should be chosen and its layout should be designed. Being close to other retailers generates both positive and negative externalities, but in this new landscape the positive ones are stronger. A huge percentage of the purchases are initiated through digital channels, and the competition is won by offering a superior experience to the customer. It’s an advantage for firms to have their stores in central locations, areas densely populated by other retailers and able to attract high traffic, which are close to where the customers live or work. Indeed, the proposed model confirms that, the higher the number of Retailers, the higher the revenues. Clustering with complementary Retailers reinforces the attraction of the store and of the trade-area, leading to a higher utility for consumers. Small Retailers should definitely pursue collaboration and possibly merge together to be able to compete with bigger and more consolidated retailers, a phenomenon that is spreading in Italy and many countries where there is fragmentation of the commercial thread. Huge Retail surfaces are not necessary anymore if the focus is to offer an improved experience in an omnichannel world. The regression model confirms this, as retailers are choosing to embrace the trend of Return to Proximity; retailers with the largest stores, on average, are the more likely to close some points of sales. Indeed, both the Literature Review and the Database Analysis anticipated this result, as Retailers agglomerating in the city centre or around a critical transport infrastructure can benefit from positive externalities such as the increase of footfall, possibly the most evident one. Moreover, the effects of land use regulation on Retail patterns and local restrictiveness towards new large stores in municipalities should not be underestimated.

193 From a more macroeconomic perspective, the explanation of why the Retail Apocalypse started in the U.S. and why its impact has been so huge in that country is straightforward. With 23,5 square feet of Retail space per capita, players in the Retail industry had to aggressively rethink their store models to adapt to the omnichannel paradigm. The more resilient Retailers were able to do it by progressively closing larger stores and by sometimes moving them in different strategic areas, while the less resilient were often led to bankruptcy. In other countries, this over-Retailing effect is not as strong because of the inferior average Retail space per capita. However, Retailers in other countries are still undergoing a process of major transformation, which is the reason why the Retail Apocalypse has also been spreading there. In order to be less affected to the macro-economic situation of a single country, a logical solution for a retailer is to develop internationally. In time of crisis, the more internationalized retailers tend to suffer less. The statistical models show a lower probability to close points of sale by highly globalized firms. Doing business globally reduces the impact of the macro-economic situation of the single countries, and therefore increase the resilience of the Retailer to shifts in the economy. Opportunistic players should look into aggressively exploiting the premium Retail space left free by their competitors during the Apocalypse in foreign countries, even if the results in their home country are not matching the forecasted targets and are forcing them to close some of their worst performing stores. According to the regression models, international expansion is also related to higher revenues on average; expanding into other countries gives the possibility to access to new markets, new customers and new suppliers. These advantages are able to outweigh the negative impact of cultural differences, legal restrictions and the increased complexity. Internationalisation is therefore not only a way to survive in the Apocalypse, but also a way to improve the competitive positioning once the crisis is over. The statistical model also shows that the Retailers with the highest number of stores seem to be less affected by the Apocalypse, reporting a lower probability to close their points of sales. This might be connected to the possibility of larger Retailers to access more resources and competences and successfully execute their digital transformation process. Moreover, having an expanded network of suitably localized stores means that the Retailer can tap into a wider customer base. In this sense, Retailers should try to aggressively invest in new points of sales, new markets and new technologies to try to scale up and increase their market share and their resilience. To wrap up, what emerges from the two econometric models presented in this work is that eCommerce does not represent a threat for the performance of traditional Retailers; it is the set of factors, specifically the Retail space per capita and the average size of the store, to negatively impact

194 the performance of Retailers. Therefore, with this finding aim is to fill one of the gaps identified in the existing Literature Analysis; indeed, almost all the papers just focus on one single country or do not consider the nationality factor at all and, in some cases, macro-economic factors characterizing a single country are analysed without been contextualized. Moreover, the research conducted so far has shown that not all Sectors are equally affected by the phenomenon of the Retail Apocalypse. While there are examples of physical stores in crisis and decline as a consequence of increased competition from eCommerce suppliers and an emerging digital Retail logic, there are also examples of new Retail formats and adjustments in Retailing concepts that strengthen the role of the physical store. Indeed, the analysis based on the Data Gathering process presented in Chapter 6.4.1 shows that the majority of Retailers closing stores are the ones that are slower to change their concept, i.e. Department Store operators and consumer electronics store. After an extensive research, both qualitative and quantitative, about the reasons of the Apocalypse and about the factors behind the closures and the successful performances of Retailers, a management framework with a roadmap to success for traditional Retailers will be presented in the next section. The final purpose is to provide Retailers with a compass to survive and thrive in the Retail Apocalypse, finding the right path for them to the future of Retailing.

The Roadmap for Retailers 9.2.1 Decision Making Dimensions From the Literature, the Data Gathering process and the Statistical Analysis several Decision Dimensions for the Retailers were identified. These companies can work on their People enabling them to make the difference with improved technical, leadership and communication skills. The internal organization structure can also have strong impacts on the performances, as it can significantly alter the communication capabilities and the ability of the firm to innovate. Each firm can also work towards the development of its own culture, which is very relevant for what concerns the people hired in the hiring process, the approach towards challenges and process, as well as the way other strategic decisions are taken. Another dimension is related to the Store Network; it is one of the main sources of revenues and costs, while also being an important touchpoint with the customers. Its structure should be aligned with the customer needs and with the strategy of the firm. Technologies are also an essential decision area, as they are useful levers to improve the operational efficiency. Indeed, to remain viable in this fast-changing environment, Retailers must constantly improve their store economics by simplifying, eliminating, or automating routine activities, and

195 technologies are important instruments for this rationalisation process. Moreover, technologies are key to effectiveness by enabling the providing of a superior customer experience. The last dimension is the one of the Customers; it includes all the decisions that are directly impacting the customer experience and satisfaction, such as the exploitation of a new trend or the addition and integration of a new channel.

In a sense, all the decisions that a Retailer can take are actually cross-dimensional, especially because the focus of the business is shifting towards customer centricity. It’s important to think of these areas as strictly correlated, and to build a strategic plan with coherent decisions in all of them.

Figure 9.1: Decision Dimensions

196 9.2.2 Business Guidelines After having identified the main decision dimensions, the Market Conditions and what the main Business Focus should be, it’s possible to give guidelines on what a Retailer should do to survive and thrive during the Apocalypse, as well to shape the future of the industry.

Figure 9.2: Market Conditions and Business Focus

The crisis follows three phases; in the first one, the diffusion of digital channels and new players make clear the inappropriateness of the existing Retail store network. In this phase, the Retailers should focus on building resilience by pursuing specific cost-cutting strategies, exploiting some of the new opportunities and trying to adapt their distribution channels. In the second phase, the omnichannel paradigm starts to spread among the top firms in the industry, and the effect of the reorganization of the Retail infrastructure become evident. In this period, Retailers should use the resources saved in the first phase to heavily invest in new strategic initatives. In the last phase, the role of the physical store changes as Retailers try to offer more and more personalised and unique customer experiences to their clients thanks to the full integration between the channels. In this context, a Retailer should put the customer at the very heart of its strategy, transforming its stores into phygital experience hubs and championing omnichannel integration.

197 Thanks to an extensive analysis of the research in Retail and to the statistical and econometric models, the main directions in which to improve and their relative importance were identified and reported in the following matrix:

Figure 9.3: Roadmap for successful transition to omnichannel retailing

This matrix, while intended to be qualitative, is based on a comprehensive view of the Retailing world developed through the quantitative econometric and statistical models, as well as through the thorough study of the available literature on the topic. Each phase should be evaluated separately. In the first one, Building Resilience, the different decisions to be taken were ordered on the basis of their impact on the probability to close a store, calculated with the regression model. Nevertheless, there are two exceptions: Gathering data and customers insight, which was considered a critical activity to improve the customer service and to transition towards the second phase; and Improving the operational efficiency, which was widely addressed by the Literature as important to build resilience. In the second phase, Setting the Vision, the investments in international opportunities were identified as the least impactful of these activities. While the possibility to expand internationally is for sure relevant to build resilience and increase the revenues, the regression model about the revenues highlighted that investing in new technologies and channels is able to increase the sales by a very large quantity. Thus, Investments in international opportunities, Front-end, Back-end and IoT technologies were added to the matrix and were ordered on the basis of the output of the econometric

198 analysis. For what concerns the development of a digital culture in the organization, this is a point that was deeply discussed in the Literature as a key element to make sure that the new technologies are widely accepted and exploited by the workforce, across all the organization. Indeed, the Develop a digital culture in the organization activity was considered even more important than the technologies themselves. While it is true that smaller store surfaces are a factor than can explain a reduction of the probability to close a store, the rethinking of the store network is intended as a radical change in the strategy of where points of sales are located in order to better meet the needs of the customers, rather than just a set of trade area realignments and closures of underperforming stores to improve the operational efficiency. This activity is crucial to lay the foundations for the future transition towards online- offline omnichannel business models; thus, the Rethinking of the store network was considered one of the most important in this phase. In the last phase, Designing the Future, the decisions highlighted are more objectives rather than true decisions; they are often related between each other and they involve multiple activities to be reached. Exploiting Edge Technologies is considered the least impactful one on the performance because of its outcome’s high uncertainty: it requires a lot of resources, attention and effort to develop the right strategic and implementation plan, with a final effect on the performances that might not be immediately clear in this truly dynamic context. Companies need to embrace an Agile Organization to be successful in these projects: from the Literature it clearly emerges how a smart company is not divided in separated silos; indeed, systems, technologies and people are integrated to be able to collect, store and analyse data to get the most insights out of it. This evidence is of outmost importance not only to be successful in the implementation of new projects, but also to focus the attention of the entire firm on the customer. During this last phase, it certainly cannot be ignored the importance of the Store Network dimension. Indeed brick-and-mortar Retailers should intelligently leverage their assets and physical infrastructure to effectively compete with online businesses and to embrace the Omnichannel paradigm. Rethinking the role of physical stores is a phase that should logically follow that of redesigning the store network. Indeed, international expansion and the opening of stores in strategic Retail ecosystems alone are not enough, the individual store should be the focal object of a strategic plan too. In fact, it was decided to place in this critical and last phase the two decisions regarding the Return to Proximity and Transforming the Store into an Experience hub, because of their significance, extensively confirmed by the Literature and numerous real-life examples that can be already seen from many Retailers worldwide. Moreover, these two activities have many points of convergence; the downsizing of a store and the return to city centres are the result of an afterthought of the role of

199 the store resulting in a shift from a store merely intended for the sale and exhibition of products to a place where the consumer can live a seamless and integrated experience between different sales channels. Finally, the objective of this phase, universally considered the most impactful, is the Omnichannel Integration process; indeed, many other decisions taken in all the three phases contribute to provide a seamless experience to the customers among all the channels.

As it was always highlighted in this research, true Customer Centricity should be the final objective of Retailers worldwide; thus, it was placed as the final destination to be reached through the path just exposed. This statement is vastly confirmed by both the qualitative and quantitative analyses that were conducted in this research; thus, it is not left to chance that the main decisions belonging to the Customer dimension in red are of higher priority and have a higher impact relatively to the others. It is also worth noting how the guidelines in other areas tend to be more impactful on the performances the more they are related to the customers. For instance, observing technologies in the Thrive phase, Investments in Front-end technologies, being in touch with the final customers, are more relevant than the other two, Investments in Back-end technologies and IoT Investments.

200 10 The impact of COVID-19 sanitary emergency Since February 2020, the world had to face the terrible spread of Covid-19 in every country of the Earth. Lockdowns and quarantines impacted every aspect of economy, with Retail being one of the most deeply affected industries. Fear of contagion led to a drastic change in user behaviour that will probably be permanent. This research started before the first Covid-19 cases in Europe and in the US, and the data that forms the Database is relative to 2019 only, so there is no trace of the impact of Covid-19 in the quantitative analysis or the Literature Review. However, general consensus among experts, consultancy companies and research centres suggest that the virus has just sped up some of the trends that were already developing in Retailing. In this chapter, the aim is to discuss which are the main consequences of the pandemic and why the direction in which Retailers are evolving to face this new crisis confirms the results of this research. The hypothesis is that by pursuing customer centricity, omnichannel, digital technologies, agile organization and Return to Proximity, the five underlying pillars mentioned in the Chapter 9, Retailers were able to remain viable. However, most Retailers, hesitating for these trends to become so significant, had not fully planned how to address them. They had already started to try new store models, to expand their eCommerce capabilities and to develop their analytics systems to understand the shifts in customer’s behaviour, but not to the degree that the situation required. In most cases, in fact, the expansion of the eCommerce, the introduction of social media marketing or analytics-based supply-chain management have been developed and implemented without having first current competences and without following a clear transformation plan (or roadmap) for addressing potential gaps. In the following section, the impact of the pandemic on Retailing and the decisions taken by Retailers to address the crisis will be analysed. Lockdowns caused a drastic reduction of consumptions and industrial production worldwide, as well as enforced temporary closure for many non-essential stores. Even the most resilient Retailers, in many cases, were forced to downsize by closing some points of sales definitely; those which already found themselves in precarious financial conditions were obliged to fill the request for bankruptcy and to shut down their operations. According to the report from Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nel Retail about the impact of Covid-19 on Italian Retail, the closure and the downsizing of commercial activities forced the companies to search for new ways to sell and get in touch with the customers. This transformation was enabled by digital technologies: Retail organization were obliged to reinvent themselves and to overcome barriers to innovation and change that were previously irrefutable.

201 In this context, eCommerce saw a rapid increase of its penetration in most countries and sectors. The possibility to avoid large gatherings and ensure social distancing made it one of the few ways to buy and sell products with low risk of contagion. The was a huge reduction of the consumptions was largely a result of the increased economic uncertainty, with many people afraid of losing their jobs. There was also a shift from the traditional basket of purchases towards a renewed attention to some specific sector, such as health and fitness. Essential items, such as food and groceries in general, saw a huge boost in online demand and in many cases, Retailers in this sector, typically used to very low eCommerce penetration, were overloaded with online demand, resulting in long queues and waiting times. According to "Global Consumer Insights 2020" study by PwC, in Italy 43% of the customers is buying more items through traditional eCommerce, and 36% of the total customer are buying through their smartphones. Another reason for the increased penetration could be related to the increasing time spent by customers on their electronic devices, in which they were exposed to targeted advertising. Being able to offer a seamless, coherent and customized customer experience through this proliferation of channels is crucial to retain existing clients and to acquire new ones in a context of high uncertainty and in which, according to the McKinsey study "The Next Normal in Retail: charting a path forward", many customers tend to switch for their usual favourite brands. These trends were confirmed globally, and most of the people interviewed said that they would keep the same habits in the New Normal. Reaching a store without having to use public transportation or other means of transport with higher risk of contagion led customers to favour small convenience stores than large Retail surfaces, in which also large gatherings were more likely. These small hubs play a huge role in new omnichannel business models, such as Click & Collect or curbside pickup, which show a very low probability of virus transmission. In addition, there has been considerable evidence of how Retailers, taking into account their revenue management and operation models, have found themselves forced to reduce their costs where possible. These are the main reasons why many Retailers, in the past few months, re-designed their Store Network, second dimension of the decision-making dimensions showed in the previous chapter, by opening points of sales in city centres, shifting from big box stores to convenience stores of smaller surface. One of the main examples in Italy is that of Esselunga; the Retailer has recently opened la Esse in the Milan city centre, an experimental format that responds to the new consumption needs, which includes a bar, where to rest and digitally order through the new totems, and a proximity store of 400 square meters, divided on 3 floors. A further example is that of MediaWorld, Retailers known for its stores with immense surfaces, launched the new Smart format, thus embracing the new Retail concept in the centre of Varese, with a sales area of 100 square meters and with a large warehouse able to also manage the pick-up and Pick&Pay service of online purchases.

202 From these examples is it clear that it is not only the size of the points of sales that is undergoing a rethinking process by firms in the field; their format and the internal design are also under discussion. Walmart, for instance, is reorganizing the products in the stores, consolidating some categories in dedicated sections with clearer signage and information. In particular, the icons in the internal signage of the store will be the same as the ones present in the app, to guarantee an integrated experience between the channels. Janey Whiteside, Chief Customer Officer of the company, declared that their clients do not want to lose time inside a store, so they prefer signage that makes for faster trips inside the point of sale. This desire has been more relevant with the Covid-19 pandemic, as a faster experience is associated with an increased sense of safety. The downsizing process due to the rationalisation of the network of physical store and the emphasised focus on online sales led to the closure of the largest physical stores, in favour of smaller experience hubs. The latter is a trend that was already emerging before the pandemic broke and that today manifests itself among more and more Retailers. One of the most recent examples corresponds to that of Pepe Jeans who has been implementing, since January 2020, a real re-definition plan of his stores network. Indeed, the objective is to close about 10% of the 500 stores, in markets such as the United States, Japan, Mexico, India and some European countries. The case that has aroused the most hype instead is that of a Retailer always belonging to the world of fashion, H&M. The latter has in fact announced a push on the online channel, which will result in a sharp cut of stores in 2021, precisely 350 stores, against 100 openings. An alternative and cheaper omnichannel solution, found to be of growing importance is that of being part of a Marketplace; indeed, it allows Retailer to increase their touchpoints with the final customers and to have access to new markets and geographical areas. Covid-19 accelerated this process of integration, with several Retailers joining new platforms in the last few months. For example, IKEA decided to strengthen its presence in China by selling products through the T-Mall Website, and KIKO started to sell through the Zalando platform. Some of the largest Retailers tried to improve their existing eCommerce initiatives by enriching them with marketplace services or additional capabilities, in order to become the website of reference for their customers. Examples are Carrefour, who launched a marketplace section on his website, mainly to sell premium grocery products; Lidl, who bought the German platform; and Walmart, who signed a partnership with Shopify to give the possibility to some Shopify sellers to be part of the Walmart platform, solidifying its position against Amazon. For the same reasons, the American Retailer also introduced the Walmart Plus subscription, which offers better service, premium products and advanced technologic solutions to the customers.

203 Digital technologies were identified in the last chapter as fundamental enablers of a seamless customer experience to the customers, as well as tools able to improve the operational efficiency of the Retailers. They are the infrastructure behind the digital transformation process, and the expectation in the last chapter was to see huge investments in the future. Again, Covid-19 sped up this process, with Retailers worldwide focusing their efforts on new digital solutions that could allow them to not only be viable in a context of social distancing, but also to offer an improved experience to their customers, reducing the risk of contagion and trying to compensate for the inconveniences that the fight against the virus generates. Among the most interesting initiatives, players like Unieuro and Esselunga have been setting up store access management applications with online management of queues to reduce the probability of having large crowd gatherings inside the store, while minimizing the waiting times. Lush has been giving the possibility to their customers to buy with a direct message on Instagram, without going to the store, while Kasanova has been experimenting with the purchase through video-call on Whatsapp in order to offer a personalized customer experience, Ikea launched a consultancy service through video-call and Max Mara launched a personal chat with stylists to get advice on clothes. Companies like Sephora and Maison du Monde improved their social communication to engage with their customer base even during the lockdown, while Oltre and Fiorella Rubino reinvented the role of their workforce, with sales assistants becoming influencers to show the products through social media. New payment services and collaborations with digital payments were adopted to reduce the risk of touching common surface and to reduce the contact between customers and the workforce, for the safety of both. For example, Burger King has been the possibility to clients to order and pay autonomously from their table with the app, while Bennet engaged in a partnership with Satispay for digital payments for maximum safety. Of course, in this context, there is no lack of new omnichannel modalities to offer a seamless experience between the channels: Motivi, for example, launched a purchase service through QR codes in changing rooms, while Ikea started to use its store warehouse to guarantee delivery times of eCommerce orders in under 48 hours. Another interesting observation concerns some of the new edge technologies, which have assumed new roles during the pandemic. One of the ones who has been receiving more attention by Retailers worldwide is augmented reality, for the possibility to enable virtual remote shopping solutions, perfect to guarantee social distancing. Save the Duck has implemented new ad hoc glasses that can be used by the sales assistants to show customers the clothes exposed in the stores, discussing their characteristics and answering to doubts and curiosities. A similar project has been realised by Piquadro, which is now using Google Glass in some of their points of sales to make customers see

204 products at 360 degrees; clients can evaluate the size, colours and materials of the products even on remote. Finally, what has marked Retailers that have so far survived the crisis since the failures, is surely the focus on the people. The pandemic has in fact underscored the need for more flexible resource allocation that deploys labour across a broader range of activities. According to Bain, Retailers are definitely becoming more agile, designing and deploying innovations to customers and employees far more rapidly, with leadership teams meeting more frequently, acting decisively and shifting the organization to meet evolving priorities. To conclude, the engine behind the success of a company are definitely the people; thus, Retailers must focus on empowering their human capital when embarking on the digital transformation path.

At this point, it should be clear that the trends in the Retail world first identified in the Literature Review and then quantitatively verified through the Statistical and Econometric Analysis also found real life confirmation in the decisions taken by Retailers to remain viable, taking shape in an accelerated way thanks to the pandemic.

11 Limitations & Future Research

The development of the models was based on certain assumptions, and some precise methodological choices were made in the research, defining the domain within which the results can be considered valid.These limitations will be presented in the following lines according to the methodological order.

For what concern the Data Gathering process, it was decided to consider a sample of 110 top Retailers worldwide. While these companies are the most complex to manage, they also have huge financial resources to invest in digital innovation. These firms can pay for the most prepared managers, and they can refer to the best consultancy companies when they need to implement a new project key to their digital transformation process. Large Retailers also have a large customer base and a strong brand; these are the perfect characteristics needed to launch a successful eCommerce website or mobile commerce app. Therefore, intuitively, these firms seem to be the most prepared to face a revolution in their sector. Smaller players, however, may have many more difficulties in capturing the advantages from the opportunities that the digital transformation generates. They might not have the resources to invest in the most advanced digital technologies and their size might not be enough to reach critical mass in omnichannel initiatives, leading to a less convincing customer experience. For smaller Retailers, the downside of the increasing digital competition might be stronger than the advantages. Some authors of the analysed papers suggest to local Retailers to agglomerate or to join marketplaces, because in 205 this way they would benefit from a marketing expense that would have never been possible for a single store, as well from the access to new customer and new markets. It would be interesting for future research to gather data from a sample of these smaller Retailers in the same Countries considered in this research, in order to understand if the factors behind the store closures still affect them in the same way. A study of this kind would be extremely relevant for countries that show a strong fragmentation of the Retail industry; for example, this might be true for Italy, in which the top 300 Retailers only have 6% of the total commercial market, according to Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nel Retail by Politecnico di Milano. Moreover, some of the most evident impacts of the Retail Apocalypse are the bankruptcy of several Retail chains and the closure of many points of sales by other large chains. While the latter symptom has been widely investigated in this dissertation, no companies that filed for bankruptcy were considered in the Data Gathering process. Future research might consider studying those failures to understand which were their root causes, and to which extent macro-economic factors and eCommerce played a role in them. An additional research limitation was geographical; indeed, this dissertation only considered large Retail chains from Western economies, since that area is where the Retail Apocalypse has originated and where it is having the most evident impact. Future studies might look at other countries, such as China or India, which could be considered as emerging economies, with very different Retail structure, culture and macro-economic conditions. It would be very fascinating to try to predict whether the Apocalypse will spread in those nations too, and which would be the reasons of a greater resilience in the case in which they would unaffected. Another relevant point to notice about the data gathered in this research is that the store closures were not always calculated as the difference between the closures and the openings, whenever that difference turned out to be positive. During the Data Gathering process, many Retailers that were chosen just reported the total number of stores at the end of the different years, and so the only possibility was to compute the delta between these values. This approach leads to a loss of information, especially because from the Literature and the Statistical Analysis it emerges that there is a restructuring of the store network by many players who are closing some of their largest stores and opening new points of sales in proximity to the customers. A future research might be dedicated in particular to this phenomenon, studying which closures are due to a reconfiguration of the points of sales network and which are due to other reasons, such as the Apocalypse. In the Statistical Analysis, the effect of physical competition has been considered, but likely not in the most accurate way possible. This would require a greater focus on a specific Retail area, considering all the points of sales and the distances between their locations. In this way, the macro-

206 economic aspects of the countries should not be investigated, as they should be recomputed on that specific geographic area. In this way, there would be the possibility to understand why the Retail Apocalypse generated and which effects causes on a local community scale. An additional factor that could be explored in more detail is that of the pricing strategy. A research focusing only of Retailers with well-established pricing orientation could be relevant in understanding if this factor influences their performances during the Retail Apocalypse. Indeed, according to the report "The great Retail bifurcation" developed by Deloitte, Retailers need to be classified into price- based, balanced offering, and premier Retailers. Price-based Retailers deliver value by selling at the lowest possible prices, balanced Retailers deliver value through a combination of price and promotion and premier Retailers deliver value via highly differentiated products or experience offerings. According to Deloitte, store closures have impacted mainly balanced Retailers, sparing price-based and premium Retailers which, instead, have been opening more stores than closing them. Deloitte calls this divergent performance of low-end and high-end Retailers great Retail bifurcation and argues that this phenomenon perfectly reflects bifurcation of the consumer’s economic situation. However, while some of the firms in the industry clearly have a defined orientation (for example high-end, as LVMH), many of them sell goods at many different pricing levels to different customers.

As a consequence, the Interpretative Model, discussions and conclusions drawn are based on the findings elaborated on the available data and without considering all the factors affecting the Retailer’s performance.

12 Conclusions The Retail Apocalypse is a phenomenon that had a significant impact on the Retail world. Originated in the United States, where it had the most evident effects, it spread fast also in other Western economies, even if with an inferior strength. While some underlying Factors of the Apocalypse had been identified qualitatively, there was a lack of a quantitative study that focused on the comprehension of the extent to which each of these Factors play a role in store closures, which is in fact the research question. In many cases, the blame behind the crisis is given just to eCommerce, but this stance omits several other causes, such as the macro-economic ones. The willingness of the researchers to understand in which direction the Retail sector would transform in the following years lead to the publication of many papers, which were analysed and classified to extract the most relevant knowledge about new practices and trend. In this way, it became possible to confirm whether these new horizons, when put in practice by the Retailers, allow them to survive and thrive in the Apocalypse.

207 After the comprehensive analysis of the scientific and Non-Scientific Literature, this thesis went on with the building of a cross-sectional Dataset with 59 variables from 110 Retailers coming from ten Countries, in Europe and the US, in six different Sectors, plus 18 variables for the Countries and 3 variables for the Sectors, for a total of 10.083 observations. Transforming some of the variables and of the observations was necessary to prepare the Dataset for further analyses. Subsequently, an explorative research was conducted to be able to understand how the data were distributed and which were their main characteristics. Eventually, some preliminary statistical analyses were ran to gather some first insights about the variables and the relationships between them. In order to understand the factors and the choices behind the survival and the success of some Retailers in the context of the Retail Apocalypse, it was decided to build two regression models, with Revenues and Store Closures as dependent variables, respectively. The choice of the dependent variables to include in the model was based on the knowledge extracted from the Literature Review; these variables were fitted with a curve fitting procedure and analysed with linear regression techniques. The results of the analyses confirmed the pivotal role of customer centricity and omnichannel as keys to success in the future, with digital technologies seen as enablers of these strategies. In this context, eCommerce is not seen as a menace to Retail but as a huge opportunity to improve the customer experience. The store network should support omnichannel practices and transform into a phygital experience hub, with eCommerce being one of the channels to integrate into a well-defined strategy to provide a seamless customer experience. Evidence from the Retail sample show that a higher eCommerce penetration is in fact associated with a lower probability to close stores. This radical change in the role of the stores shifts the requirements of players in the Retail industry, who are now in need of smaller Retail surfaces in strategic points close to the customers to support omnichannel business models in a more comfortable and accessible way, improving the service to the clients. This trend is confirmed by the econometric analysis, with retailers with high square meters per store being more likely to close some of their points of sales. Return to proximity is even more relevant when a country shows symptoms of over-retailing phenomenon, as its stores have to undergo a greater transformation to embrace the new trend. This is the case of United States, which reported an astonishing 23,5 square foot per capita value for Retail surface. The Statistical Analysis shows that this variable is actually impacting on the probability of closing a store; at this point, it’s no wonder why US is the country in which the Retail Apocalypse started and the one in which it had the strongest consequences.

208 To wrap up the research, the decision dimensions for each retailer were identified, as well as the different focuses that retailers should have on the basis of the market conditions during a crisis like the Retail Apocalypse. A performance management framework was proposed to use as a compass for retailers to survive and thrive in the crisis, while setting a strategy to succeed in the future. Since this thesis started before the Covid-19 pandemic and the data in the Database is only updated until 2019, the spread of the virus is not considered in the quantitative analysis. However, thanks to an investigation of articles and reports, it was possible to verify how the pandemic just accelerated the trends that were identified in this dissertation. This is a clear proof of overlapping of the knowledge that was developed in the Literature, of the insights captured by the quantitative analysis and of the direction of the decisions that were taken by Retailers in an actual situation of crisis.

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222 Other generic links employed for single Retailers:

United States of America

SEC Database. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020

Statista. Median Age of the US population. Retrieved at: [ population/#:~:text=In%202018%2C%20the%20median%20age,even%20younger%2C%20at% 2029.5%20years.] on 25/7/2020

Statista. Revenue of leading e-retail categories in the United States in 2017. Retrieved at: [] on 25/07/2020

United Kingdom

Companies House Database. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020


AIDA Database. Retrieved at: [ 20201026/home.serv?product=AidaNeo] on 07/2020

Istituto Nazionale di Statistica Website. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020


Societè Website Database. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020


Handels Verband. Omnichannel Readiness Index 2020. Retrieved at: [ 3.pdf] on 07/2020


Savills. Market Report: Spain Retail. Retrieved at: [ 2018/savills-retail-spain-january2018-eng.pdf] on 07/2020

El Economista. Ranking Empresas. Retrieved at: [https://ranking-] on 07/2020

223 Sweden

Ecommerce News (2020) “Ecommerce in Sweden grew 19% to 8.2 billion euros”. Retrieved at: [ euros/#:~:text=The%20online%20retail%20industry%20increased,industry%20increased%20by %2015%20percent.] on 07/2020

Allabolag Database. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020


Financtum Database. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020

Staatsbladmonitor Database. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020

OECD Data. Education at a glance 2019, Belgium. Retrieved at: [] on 07/2020

224 ANNEX Revenues Regression Model

Annex A: Revenues Histogram

Annex B: Revenues Logarithm Histogram


Partial Regression Plot. Dependent Variable: Revenues

Annex C: Partial Regression Plots Revenues


Annex D: Normality Plot Error Terms Revenues Stores Closure Regression Model

Partial Regression Plot. Dependent Variable: Stores Closure


Annex E: Partial Regression Plots Store Closures


Annex F: Heteroskedasticity Tests

Annex G: Normality Plot Error Terms Store Closures


Annex H: Normality Plot Error Terms Store Closures