' .^HE^' . ^ Tm ^ (11p %ar AND Gener al iSccotb of 25c4ti ^ ant i forei gn literatu re CONTAINI NG A COM PLETE ALPHABETIC AL LIST OP ALL NEW WORK S PUBLI SHED IN GRE AT BRIT AIN A17D EVERY WORK OF INTERE ST PUBLI SHED ABRO AD [Issued on the 1st and 15th. of each Month]

Para 3d. September I , 1 882 |S; HI ££?


-^_ —..- v -_ ^ — -_ BUSmESSES— — FOR^^^^ ^^^ ' m ^^ SALE*^^^ ^"^™ ^^^'^^^^^w ^^^^^^ ^v V ^p V ^9 ^P ^P ^B V ^P ^^ ^V ^r ^V ^P ^P V V ^H ^V V V V ^V V ^r V ^P V ^v ^V ^P> V ^V V V ^P ^B V ^P S ^B ^P ^P ^P ^ ^r V V ^p ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ - 929^^ ,^ 830 ASSISTANTS WANTED 831 WANT SITUATI ONS 831 BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE 832—835 ^¦r I 35TX>E! 2C TO ADVERTISE RS Black (A. & C), ) 808 Holden (A.) 830 Paul /C. K.), Trench , & Co 88fi Bone & Son 828 Holmes & Son 829 Religious Tract Society 811 I Bushes (A. M.) 829 Hurst & Blackett 8JI Ridgways 830 Cannon & Co 824 Johnson & Aubert 826 Simpkin , Marshal l, & Co 813 CatBell&CotatBell&Co 807807., 824 Juta ,. Heelifl.Heelifl, & Co 823 SpaldinSpaldlng g & ModgoHodge 827ox/ Cor nish (J. E.>, Manch ester 823 Lelghton , Son, & Hoclge 828 Stevena(W.) 828 Barton (James), Edinbur gh 813 I (T. Gates) & Co. 826 Longmans

The ' PUBLISHERS ' CIRCULAR ' f or OCTOBER 1 will conta in as FUL L and COMPL ETE LISTS of FORTHCOMING BOOKS as can be obta ined . Pu blishers will greatl y oblige and assis t us by sendin g in their A dvert isem ents and Lists of I An nounc em en ts as early as possi ble , so that they may be I duly mentioned in the Lit eraryj fttel ligence. H- /MffiSh « fc' - SliiilBH " ¦ ¦ ' '" ¦ ; ' ¦"' "" ' ' Y ¦ x ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ * " ' ' ' "' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦• - ¦ ¦ - ¦= -¦ »• -- ¦ ' '*' ¦ - ¦? ?• ' 7 F> 5 'i -;- •" • • . v.. . , ~ - • . ^ • - -. > ;.:> X- . ; • -. - ¦ . : ,-? .?.' .v . ^Mv !?S «9 " " ¦ ' ¦ ¦' "• • ' ¦ " •'•-~ • -•• . - . ' ' - ' " ' - • "» . ' - ." » , ' .- • ' " * " 'w'3»m| llx ^ " \ . r ^ * The Pu blishers* Circular H^82 • ¦ Sept , ¦ ¦ i I : _.______- " . .. i^

¦ ¦ - ¦ ^ » 1,0 — —" 1^b__p li 188 Fleet Street : September 1882 W TITHE issue by Messrs . Macm illan & Co. of the memoirs of Barrel Macmillan , by Mr. Thomas ; JL Hu ghes, Q. C., has not only given the reading public a volume of considerabl e inter est, but Vi llas afforded all who are connected with the wor ld of books a record which shows how success tin publishing may be deserved and attained. The friends of Mr. ' Macmilla n have been for- tunate in their selection . -of a biograph er. Mr. Hughes has also enjoyed the exceptional privilege of wr itin g the life of one whose career was eminentl y worth y d£a perman ent record.

^^< '^f^a»^Bva_p mm » ^p ^ ^p>^___p aj r ^mr r *r -^— p> »^- ^ mp*__p » » _ -— ^» ^- -—- ^— ^» ¦ ^^ ' ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ — ^ — »—^ "— ^^ ^ w ^™ » — ^|aw aap> r& | II I Jk ' T^J ^ Jhe ^^ ___p ^^ _F " resultJm9 ^bbf V^F ^*»^^V » ish ^ ,m that we^ * have** before^^ us fc fc a thoro^ u» gw9w hly^mW * attractive book ,y pleasant ^ tb-^ rea^^ V^V^«V» d .A and [ what is bett er , telling of nobl e thoug hts and noble/deeds. It is a memoir which may be! look ed at from many points of view ; for , while it is the , chronicle of what may Emph atical ly be described as a good man 's life, it sets forth the intellectual pr ogress of one who was, in the b"hafihest seflftnspnse of thei/h fi wordwnrrL, a seekeaeftlrprr afte r truth , and it also illillustratesustrates the powerDower of steastead dyv perrwwa*v se- verance in the formation of a business which was literall y begun without cap ital, or per haps it would be more accurate to .say on a small borr owed capital , and . is, now tine q£ the leading houses in. London . * It is as Mr. Hughes justl y remarks in his prefac e pu blishing ^ , a rare ¦ ¦ ^_ — -^ ¦ — — — — - ^i— r — v V a i^b^M^M ** Vi^k ^^fc ~ — ^^^ v^^p h ^^^ ^^rf^b^B*^^ «^^k W *i^ ^ ¦ ^ ¦¦ ^.r ^^r ^^^^^ ^^ ^mm^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ V ™^^» ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^~ ^^ ^^ ^^^ | ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ T ^~^ ^ ^ ^~ ^"^ ^~^ — ^^ ^^*^—— ~— * —w — w v — ^ ^ ^— » ^^ ^ ^~ ^^ ~^^ w^v ^r ^b^^^ ^^r ^^ p thing for a young Scotchman , born in a peasan t h ome, with no^ schooling^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ but what he coul^^^ ^wl^fc d^b^L get in a small provincial town , before he was twelve , an d in spite of want of means and wretcwrfttnhftd oed healthh ealth , tato win his waywav to tnethe trontfront ranJiran k in a dimcultdifficult businessbusin ess , anaand to become,become, ataf. - an earl y age, the head of a well-known firm of publishers . But rare as such a career is, it would ii\j \j \. *x iiocii ucu j . J.\JM. <*ii o^cvj lc*x vuiuincinv -' i aitiu ii chiva m %> jihitv uiivivivi v/ v\j x^v^av xumu ci 1{JI not of itself call for anyj special commemorat ion ^, and we have therefore to look furth er for the justification of this book , and .we find it, in Mr. Hughes >s opinion , in ' the touch of the

^B» B/ wv ¦ ^^v ^^^— ^ ™ ¦ - ^^^^» ^^^^» ^^^ ^^ i —^ ^*— —*— ™ ^^ ^ i ¦ » i ^ — -^ ™ ¦ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ™ ^^ ^^ i ^^ ^^ ^ ^— »~^r — ^^^— ^^ ^^— ™ ^^ ^^^ v rare^^V ^B^^^^^^B ^. p^ q^^^^V ualit^B^^Bf ^**^B^ ^BBl ^b y^B which» ^B> ^^^ ^Bl^ ^B" ^^^ weW ^ ^U^' call^BB^ ^¦^^B'^"^" ^B* heroism^^^ ^ I^. ^BB" ^BB* ^^^ ^^. .^^^ ^^" ^^^ ^** ' to^B^ ^.^^ be" ^^^ ^^^ seen^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ in Mac millan' s life. To this assertion we^ ^.JB" are^^B V^Hb ^^p' quite prepared to assent , for there must be much of the true hero in one who, from boyhood ,

*^J B>^^F p» ¦ ^gp 1 ¦" ¦ -^^» ¦ v ^ ^^ —^^ '—^ ^— -^ ¦ — » ^ ^ — ™- ^ ¦ ^ ^^^ • — -*—' ^— '^ — -¦- ^pi^H "— ' - —— -¦ ^ p.^K — - ^— T isBBiB^ conscious^ ^"^ ^B*^^ W*& ^>B* *•* ' ^ that^B^ ^^ ^^ ^^^BT ^i^ he^^ ^BB i ^^ bearsr*^ ^b^B^ ^"^ W^^ about^r^W W^^ ^^ ^ ^B*^ » ^B" with^ ^ ^^ ^B^ ^^ ^^B him^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^— the"^ ^^ ^^ '^^ seeds^^ v of a disease which is growing with^r ^^ ^Bt BBh^Bi^BB^p !¦& BBh his ^_ i^ ^m a ^K ^ ^Bl ^ — A ^ ^BI A ^M 4Bl a ^Bh ^ ^Bl ^H growth , and must ultimatel y prevai l against him , and yet who is able to build up a great trading house with no other foundation than his own mental power and energy of charact er ,

W^^ ~ | |~ ^ . ~ ~ ¦ ¦ —m~^^ —w ^ -^^ — ¦ ~^^ —~ -^ -^^ — w -^"— »»¦ -^» -— ™ ^ —' ~ — -» —^^ -¦ — blessed^^ m ^BBF B^^ r^B' ^BB^ ^^^BJ b^^^ r yW a^V^W Providence^^^** ^BBi ^ ^ ^^^B* ^B|^ ^^ ^B^ ^V ^iB^ whose^ • ™" ^^ 11 .^B* ^B^B' hand^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ he^PB ^^ "^^^ never^ ^m ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^h fails^^ ^^ ^ ^-^^^— ^ to^^ ^*^ recogni^^— ^^.^ ^p^ ^p ^p ^ se ; but while this is true^^ v it^^ ^^ does^v^ ^^' ^BW^BF _ , not seem to us to be^m~ the^_ whole^» ^h truth^ . If¦^ ¦^P^ ^K we were to- subtractA > _ from^Bk the. ^B factors^Bfe a which^K tt ^Bk madea. up Macmillan ' s life and shaped his career the ever-present physical weakness in the strugg le A ^_ ~k > ». A ^h ^h A ^a .^ i^^ n* ^^ . ^ ^ ^a ^^ 4B ^k — A ^BB ak .^Bh > 4Bh > against which his heroism showed itself , there would still be left in his fine mental perceptio n

r r v^H. 1 - ^^ - ^^ L ¦. BH ^ i K' »^^ —w -.^ ^^ ^T V^T^ p. ^pjp * " ^^ ^.^^ h ^h^^"^k ^k ^* ~^ V^tB* ^ ^#" ^» ^ P> ^"*»^P «B* ^Bl^^ ^~ ^ ^ p'^Br ^.V ^ pV ^ B' ^^ ^ H ^^ ^ ^w *^ ^ pjpK ^^^^ -^^ ¦ ^ ^ ^ ^^^" ^^ ' » BT ^B'^^^^ ^ » ^B ^ BJBK ^—^^^^^^ ^" ^^ ^ ^^^ ^"^ ^—^^ ¦¦ » ^^P ^ ^B" ^^ ^^P~ • '^^ ^^ f "^ "^^ '^ ^^ ^—— ^ ^ p ^^-— — ^ -^ ^w ^— -^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ him to master¦ ¦ every^^ technical detail of of the good and tru e his innate thoroug hness leading BB , BBk A , B0A BBB ^BK BK his^Bk ^h craft^h , and^H his^b ^ almost^H _ perfect^K — realisation^^ . ^ of^^ the^ ^Bl ideal^ ^K husban d, brother^Bl _ , and friend^BB ^ , eno, ugh to lift his life so far above the reg ion not only of the commonplace but of average elevation , , ^ ^B»-Wi .1 - *rr BV ¦ ¦ r .* ^» »~^ ^h hhh ^h ^^i B r ^^^ » ^«» ^pr ^h ¦* —— -w as to-^ make^m ^B> ^" 'mf ^^-*^ Ipr it^^ ^^ worthBf • ^T ^^ ^^ •* ^» yW of^^ ^^ descri** B. ^F ^ ^.^ ^^B l ^»^ ption.'¦*' ^» ^^ ^" ^^ ^ His^^^^^^^ hi^^ gh^^ qualities^ B. ^ ^ ^Bh tfBP ^^ ^» ^ . ^* ,^g weW V ^BT' doV« ^^ not^.^ deny,I ~ ^^ ^m ^^- V M wereV V -^^ ^^ made^^ ^^ v ^^^ ^^ v all^ ^- the— —' bri ghter , just as they w ere inevitabl y strengthened , by the constant presence of bodily suffering very thorn in the flesh—which seldom left him and which caused him to * live most —a bb pb ¦_ ¦ _ Ak , .bi bbj ^B . BA ^Ba m a ^m • constantl- ^ y an d^ conscio& usl^ y eye to.. eye with- ^ deathaam ; ' but^ a life^ like^ his would not have been^ lustr eless even if it had been lived under less try ing conditions , and if * the touch of the rare

Jfc —«» w^tw ^ «v^ r ¦» v»»Jfc^ 1 ^ p^ -^^ mm r -^ rf- ¦ «b^ ^bp ¦& vp b—bm *»-r quality^•m w^ Bf ^ ^b> ^ p- w whr v ^^ ich^ -^ p» ^«bb wev * ^^ cal^* - » l heroismJ* ^bp ^ b. '^ ¦r ^ ' hadrf»^«^-Br ^ r^ beenr^ -^ar ^ p> ^ p>**» less^b. noticeabl^ ^_s~ ^ p-da. ^ p ^^ »v^ ^ e there^b>^ ^b» ^ ¦p' woulf/ F ^mW «# ^ d¦^ »b» still*^ * jhia >^ have»^^ v ^^ been-^^ - » — — the— — , ^Bi ¦¦ makin4B1 <^ g of^ a noble^ k *B man in^ the. ^ clearl^K ^ y marked^^ ^^ purpose and^^ theBk attractive_ a power which^Bl ^ drew to his side in fond attachment scholars like Hare , Kingsley , and Maurice. Looked at as the life of one who was before all things a publisher , there is evidence in everya line^K ak of^at the^ ^n truth_ - ^Ba oi;^Bk the> ^bi biograpah m» heraft 'as s words^p , that . ^a — *.^ no man who^b ever Sold^k ^b booksaat ^B vyas¦» more

V«fk7 JL. CAT V/VWUJ. JIA« AAXVX V-EJL CVX «k V*»-/ v*a«^ b> v — ^•^-*^-***«#V^*V^ ^-^ T V/ V/ J. J.** * ^ / ^*^ *> Jl V • ¦¦ •. *-' VCJIGkAAA V V VX AlXkJ X^ .L V JLJLJLV ^r A. V^ <-V XA^ nkAV/ t conscious of a vocation , more impressed\"^ ** with the dignity of his craf t more anxious that i BaB aai aafc ¦ n ^ ^ al ah -ah -aat ^^^^^_ ¦¦• , should suffer no shame or diminution throug h him ; ' but perhaps t- hi^ a s el^ evated^ concep tion* • of^

,(T Ja, «/« ¦V*' V-r ^^ »\y /AA ^d. V ^^ -JaV. Jk*aW VWaV Vj' ¦>«,«« •«•.«!.» pV JLVWA *.» >VA~>* T JB, «/ -^ .p- »»-¦- theV^'^ * ^•^ bookseller«^ r Va ^p 'sp^ wor* k as no^ mere««' A. ^^ co^* ^^ T mmercia^^ ^^ l unJl ,«, d^- ^ . er^^ A taki^AAbaing ,• but»*-^ ^--* *» * asVL'Vv ^i*' a,^- ^T true%/ ^ . *^* V*» mission•* »* Ja.» »K«» J.V^ ,* to elevate I men and^H to_ counte ract * the^Mt prevailing.A PA A tendency- ^K to. utilitarianismA 4B ^ ^ ^ , i^ s nowh^^ ere more el^B oquentA lyI set forth than in a letter to his old friend MacLehose wr itten when lie ¦ , the Glasgow publisher , w r *«¦ «h ~^m ^ ¦ ¦ H ^pv ^^^^BI Bl Bl I IP -^^ ^^^K «Bk VmaBL *BBV ^^ '^p^ ^K ^^ V #PV ^^ I II ~^^ V V *^* m ^ r Bj Bj ^Bh BB ^ ^IP MM * dft ^ p^ BB ^mt B^F ^^ ^ rI wa£^ ^^^ y^ still^^ ' passingV*^ rich ' on £8 ^^ 0 a^m*^ yearW ^m^ .^ ' Bless^Pb ^** P*P# r ^ yourJT ^ ^^ ^P p heart^^ BV**M ^# , MacLehosepbf ^V^^ ^^ P ^^ ^^ p ^m* ^m^ p^p* / he^B> ^k ^^^ writesV V ^M ^ pT P" "^ ,*M * yo¥ u sure lyf^ never thought you were merely working for bread. Don't you know that you are cultivating VV VO .».».w—;-, VUO UlllVllgpV VilV/ X1UVJL yi IWkJ g lVVV/ UVUlll «.v - good£^w»-l. tast e amongs t the nativesr pf GlasgowW V ll ;j helJL M.\sM.plJ±JiXtZ.ing tol/V unfoldl^taXJLV ^JiV ^t. aVU love ofV^A theUJtO beautifulUU U^ amongst thos e who are slaves to the useful , or what they call th e useful ? I look on you as a great

»»^'*" " -'-» V^^ . V^A JL V JL *V» V*VTJliA& IT VJI A I UUU V^JL W*A^J> IVlllVt V11UU V-« V^VA. C« K9 Ji «-C l/V_/ ^» -*- ' ~ no/ teac h" er or proI- ' - -' p|-' hetl»,, doing work just of the kind that God has^ l. appointedC* | - ^ |-»V- 'JL UV/V* youV V^ to dV*\-o. No,J , Mac ! that won't do. We booksellers , if we are faithful to our task , are trying to destroy, and are helping to destroy, all kinds of confu sion, an d are aiding our great Taskma ster to redu ce the world into order , and beaut y, and harmony. Bread we must have , an d gain it "by the sweat pf our brow , or of our brain ; and that is noble , because God-appointed. Yet that ¦a. ** +M.W a. i.0 V1 l/V» l/Cl of is not all.i*n. As trul. U1J «(C» V^ V^V*. JLO »T »i7 <*J. W -IAJ.O XllllXXCH/C/A O j UliU ilCAJ ^ 111X11XO U^-» KJXC7 well-beingr» ^" »-"^ *^— q ¦ y as God is, e are s min sters ¦ ¦ ~_. w hi i an d help to minister to the _ mm _ _ ^Bt - , _ » , "M aa * * " • —^ th e spiri ts of men. At the same time it is our dut y to manage our affairs wisel^ y, keep our min ds easy, and not trad e beyond our means. ' Many men hav e sung ' the praise of books, butbut no man ever creditcredited ed them witwithh a hiorhftrhigher function thanth an ManmMacmillanillan Tiftrfi.here ascriascribed bed to them.tneui. But while he took thi s tr ue view of the mission of the bookseller , he by no mean s ignored WC7A vm.M.y AAysv/YsMK ^AUj r vja tJVM.M.\jv muo h^j oo «*i CbAl^ C) ¦ L^lll JLUTC «* young~ «-• the necessity of strict business arrangM. ementsAI1C3X11 *0 ;, andCvJIlU. aC% letterJC?Ul >C7X , datedUOi t CU SepKjCJ ^J tember 1849*^ , to^^ a J Scotchman , who' asked for employment in his shop at Cambrid ge, shows how every detai l was remem bered by the maste r . Wor k , he told the candidate , was to begin at seven every morn ing* r\ i. i. «.11 ll. Iw««. an1 ffom+-»>.Jrv%-vv that4- !-»«¦» 4- JhAiii lour ^ untiln«r»l ninenin heVva-w wouldi¥r< -itil J beV-v y-w expected^-.^»--^ . ^^ ^ . ^ J to„ put—^ . -.X. all things in- ~^- nice-^-.C^.^. order^ .*«^ 1^-w* , to4*/~\ sQ^ee P thattill 1*1' the boys cleaned windows , an d so forth ; and not only to dust and arrange thi ngs himself , but to see that th e ert&n d boys did their wOrk tho roug hly—not going about idling th eir time, or stay ing too long wlien sent to deliver book s or messages. The day 's work was ' to be done m ; the day ;' and if he would thr pw himself heartily into the work if he was resolved - to do all he could to make himself a thor ough bookseller and man of business* , there was no doubt he *^- _ . ______tm -\ ¦ - - ' • ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ » ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦' ¦ '¦ ¦! • i ¦ i ¦ ¦¦ pgjg f»" | r ; ' [ . . " - ' ' ' ' . . .. . - " . , ! " ' ' .' ' _ . _ —^ ^ '* ^

I ^t .,, mz The Publishers ' Circular 78 f

woUld get on [very comfortabl y with the firm . When , after reading a letter containi ng gentences like these , we turn to the letters to Archdea con Hare and other correspondents , in

^ ~ —.---- — — — -— — -_ — _ — — _ _ _^_ — _ pyi ¦ ¦ V ¦ t M m. ' ^pmm ^^f ^^ p»™ "* »^^ ^ ^ -^ _^ ^ _^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ .^^ ^ m ^^ ^^ T ^ ~*^^ pm«» w ^ p* ^^ p»vp»iw*) fe which^^^ f ^ he unfolds liis mind on the book s of the day,^ and on the then curr^^ ent controversies^^r V ^^r^fc P^FA ^ ^/J ^ inJL ^ Ub the religious world , occasioned by the ' Tracts for the Times ' and the collision of Pro fessor -- -__ ¦ _ „ ,_,—, ___ _ «w -w —¦ —— w«^ %^4^^ -v^- MaIWM ta\j4*- ur Aw^» ice» with* ^ .*»—— the— — — — author— — — ities— at- C— ambrid- ge^_y — University,^ j y we seev thev* -k-v man«m* 's*^ marvellous«*ai« * » v***» capacityvw f-'vv ^/x V_ T of concentratin g his mind upon the work in hand at the moment , able at the right time to set

— — ^^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦•# ¦»^ p^ ^p»i W WPpV »»v*r VVVWPV «ph V K m» ^J ^fc ^ B all^ K^^^^^ the- ^^ ' minut iae of the duti es of an assist^ ant in his shop,— ^^ — _f and at^^ another^" ^ P. "^ *- ^^ top*- ^ p ' discuss* ^^ with» V ^f ^^ b a^W^ F fort h . . » i_ n t_i _u u. i_ j mi v i _ .- i _ j. ,r • _ i •¦» i» . < i keen insig• ht the problems— of the-^ day . The * knowled ge which in both cases enabled-* * him* • to gpeak with aut horit y was gained by experience ; for Macmi llan not only sold books, but read bwlcs.ooks, asas shownsnown byoy hisjus theorwieor y ofoi theme auiydut y ofor compilincompiling-g a cataloguecatalo gue whichwnicn was thattnat it should not only give a miscellaneous list of literary wares , but be a guide to the book-buyer. But apart from "-" -—' ¦—' " — — — — i— — — — m — — — ^— w -w-wr^rv^rw -^ wwat » ¦ WW | |, | g_\ J interA M H- ** ^»»*» est^" ^ which . the Memoir must p^ ^ ossess,y as the story of the assistant at*^ Seeleyr^ a' ^^ ^^^ ^^ W 'sR^ whoTV AA\^ becamePV^ ^^^ /C4P ™ *i _ff ^^ the _ i Ai l 1 . l» T» AT • 11 ... .»_ *">« i 1 • 1 . •« . .... the head of the house of Macmillati & Co. , there is, as we have suggeste d, much that is note- worthy in its picture of the intellectual progress which enabl ed the young Scotchm an, untaug ht

___ «r .__ _ »» ^ v ^ ^ ^ -^ — — — ,_ — -. . —_ . . .^ ^. — .^ -^ m -_- ,. ^h . ^.w ^^ «i pw ^' inIll, classicyjM«M' v * tongue or; ancient lore ,/ to hold his own with the most^ hi»»^^ghl »^j y-trained^y ^^^ ^^ scholarsa^^ jt * l f

¦ ¦ ^J —.——— — —— — v -«. -w • — _• -w w ¦ —^ -»- ^ | —« r»» ^^™ Wl»«ahK II W ^'^ _ F ^^ J ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ • ¦ ^^ f ^^ »-» ^W^^i^ ^^ JA ^^ ^S * *^ ^ A A ^ %^L * M & 1 F^ L, every-dayf ^^^ life, reaching from Calvinism to a broad l«^and sure resting- place in the Church^^^ ^1 of of " .— It l « /» England^ ; and^ last1 I , but"l-l not l^JJI least , there are the 1beautiful episodes^ of his1 • home^ lifem • ** , with... the love of wife and children , which was so thoroug hly consecrated by th e sense that the partin g for a time was ever near. These aspects of the Memoir we must leave to other hands , and in conciusiont we need do little more than commend this story of the good man's life to all our reader s, especia lly to those who are in any way conne cted with the craft which he loved so well and served so faithfull y. The sale of the libra ry of the late Mr. Harrison Ainsworth by Messrs . Sotheb y, Wilkinson , & Hod ge, which took place ten days ago, was more noticeable for its curiosities than for its intrin sic value. It consisted to a great exten t of the authorities employed by him in the composition of his historical romances. In addition to curious works on magic, witchcraf t, demonology, and astrol ogy, scarce tracts relating to the Plague and the Great Fire of London , lives and trials of highwaymen and other celebrated criminals , ant iquari an and topogr aphical works, notabl y those dealing with Lancashire and the adj oining countLe s, memoirs , chron icles, andarid historiehistories s , ththereere was a laifair assortment orof standardstan dard editions orof tnethe poetsnoets and oiof leadingleadin or works of fiction , together with a number of the histoires galantes in such high favour in the 17th and

. ¦¦ . ¦¦ T ^ ¦¦¦ ^ P' ^ P^^ ^^^ ^¦¦' ^^^^^ ^^^ ¦«¦ ^ p^ pv> ^^ ^^ ¦ ^^^ — ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ™ ^^» ^ ^ ^»^^ ^^ ^^^« ^ ^ ¦ ¦> ™ ^m -^ -^^- ^ ^ h ¦ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ — i -^* ^ ^^ ¦ ¦ ^^p » 18th^^ ^^^ vr i^Pk n. centuries.^^p ' ^^p^ ^p» pt ^p ^. ^^p> ^^ h ^ ^ .B ^ ^p p^ Pl^pr P^ Mr.p^ p^' Skeffington• secured for £15.-^ ^r 10s.^^—^^— , ' The History^^ g of™ the^™ ^^^ — Remarkabl^^^^^ ^^ ^^p- pn ^>^ ^^ ^^^^ pr p^p> w^^p^ p^^ ^pr f^p ^ pyp, e^^p^ p Lifepj ^ p^^pAB) ^ p^ pW ^^ p*" of John Sheppard ,' Northa mpton , 1724, boun d in one volume , with ' The Priso n Breaker ; or ,

p/ pjpj ^ pi ^ ^PlPPa ^p^ Vp^P f^J r ^^ p^ pp pp ^ p>.p ^ i p ^^^ r ^^^ ^ p ^^^ v ^rm ^ ^rm ^r- ^^—^ ^-^^ ^ ^— ^p. ^-^ ™ ^^ ^v ¦ ¦ ^pr ^^ ¦ ¦ ^^^ -^r ~— — ^ ^^ ^v ^v ^^ — - — ^v — h ¦ -^ -^— — -^^ -^ -^r^ ^^v ^ p^ ^p^ p^p- ^^ v ^ pr PIV ^PV>^ pp) ^PJ p ^^p^p W^pVpW J ^^ V p^ ^^^ f v^^ ^^tf V. ^^^^ p^ ^ .^p ^^ ^^~^^ ^J ^^ >^^ ^^^ ^PJ ^^ ^ ^^^ *^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^"" ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ * p^^^ ^Pp^ apk farce and inlaid and illustrated Adventures of John Sheppard ' pvk 1725 with three rare , *¦¦ ^pi , fe _ . ^a a ^ p^ p> .. pk p -. PBV ^Mb .a W^Bff ^ pvv/ p> _ ^ .^^ a *. _ portraits and eleven plates.y A high price had been antici pated for * Vincen tio Saviolo, his ..» -^"'^ ¦ ¦ ¦ .¦&» ^P»1^^ P^ —| ~ ^pw 1 ¦- — "~" r -•— ^^ ^ ¦ ^PJPVM ^^ ^ " "¦" -^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^r^r ^ ^ ^^ ^p^ ^^ PB^^ p «4V V W *^ P^ ^*P^ ^^^^ ^ r^^ ^^» '^P^' — —™ -~ "^~ ^" "^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ "^ ~^~ ""~ "^ ^^^ ^"— ~ ^~" «^ ^^ » ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ **"^^#' *"^ *™ ^B Practic e in two Bookes dated 1595, the earliest original work on fencing written in EngJ'^' ^ lish, and one fro m which Mr . Ainswort h derived his acquaintance with those stoccatas 9 imbroccatas , mandrimcmdrit.inxttas , andu.nr\ st zones<<,- whichwhifth hishia heroesheroes were'were boundbound to execute on the smallestRmalleHt provo--nrrwn- cation . This work was withdraw n, however , but £3. 8s. was paid by Mr. Wharton for tlie

pp> .** pBa f/ ^^ L ^^^^ T ^q ^ p^ r «^^ ^ ^^^^^^ pb ^ ¦pa ^^' ^h i« ^ b^ ^*pp^ ¦ ¦ ^pj ¦ p| v^h ^ p^ .n p/ ppp ^ p^ J^^ p1%«B P Eng^^^^^*^^^ *^ ^ B^k " '^ ' ^V ^^^ J^^ p^^^ ^^^^ J^ ^^^ p^^ ^^^^ v* .V^ ^ *^V ^^^ F ^^^ v'^^ P'^^ P'V ^^ ^v^^ * ^^^ ^P^^r ^^^ '^ ^^ ^w^ sw^^r ' True^^^^^ ^mm ^bv Arte^^ ^^ p' of-*^^ ^^^ Defence^^^ ^^V ^h^ ^V^ ^^^ * 1594^^*^^— ^ ™ half^^^ ^^>"^ v ^^^* bound^^^^^ ^^^ ^P*^^ ^*^ ^^PJ ^^'^P' in^^^ ^^^ limpp^ PA^^ r ^^^^ ^p^ p^^ .fl lish Giacomo G rassi' .i ^^ vellum , I pk , _ version. of .a. PBt pb p. ^_ _ and with*. the gartere d crescent of the^ wizardA ^ k Earl^^^^^ .k ^K of.^m NortPk^ b humberland ^M inA gold^ Pl ^^ on the sides. A

l>f ™' -»^« »•»• •_ - h ^ -«rv ¦ ¦ —- ^ m~T «k ,m> -^ ^-^ »».»*^ ^^ ¦»- ' »»..« •>> ^^ - V W ¦*-* ¦ ^t «¦ »»i ¦* ¦ ¦. » «p> -~^»» -»»^- «•*« ^-- — •• -w»- •» -¦» ^ .p..««.pp> wa r ^ ¦f * -*»>.• »*_•- ¦ -VMpT A J»» fair price^^ ^_«* was^ » 1 W> J realised• ¦• ^^ 1 W P. ^k ^ ^ « for.^ ^^ ^ ^* some^ * of^ the work s^-^ on ' demonologyJ**^ .f and kindred subjects^^ s^r^^^ ; Mr.^ Pki '^fc V V\Tilson purchasing Dr. Dee's ' Relation of What passed for many Years between him and some Spirits , with Letters of Great Men and Princes who were present , an d a Pref ace

¦—» pbb I — ™ •—»^ ~ ~ » Jb A -M C_ %/ pL t f ^ / t ^V ¦ * »• " ¦ l » n-** •» " ¦ '—' ~~ ¦" ^^ ^^ - «.¦— pv p» ¦*«» a «k k_ _m -^_^ p^ p Jk Jk ^^ r ¦'¦ ^ confir min g theA ^^ RealityH ^^ & ^ " W ¥ of^- ' «~ this** ^ ^"—' relation^^ ''^ ¦** ^ ^ ^ ^— ' ,» byF C^** ^ asau»-^» ^-" **^ bon*-' ' (1659)» ^""- ^^ ^^^ ^* * for" ^ £3.^-^ * 10s.* The highest*h **^ prices|_f ^_^ obtaine d during the first day were those realised by the autograp h manuscr ipts of some of the late aauthuthoor r 's romances , the sums paidr>aid rangingransrincr iromfrom £o£5., giveneriven bvby Mr.IVlr. MmdeHinde torfor the original fnanuscript of a portio n of ' Jack Shepard ,' down to a guinea , at which bid Mr. Holt had the incomplete romances of ' Merry England / ' Talbot Harland , ' ' Beatrice JF ylderley, ' and ' The Goldsmith^oidsmitii 's WifeW ife , ' knocked down to him in successionsuccession.. OnUn thetne second davday fiftv-twonrty-two origi nal pencil-dra wings by Cruikshank on tr acing paper , and one of Tony J ohannot , illustrat ive of r Tower of London / ' Windsor Castle / ' Miser s Daug hter / and other works of W. H.

pp. ¦ ppfe 1 -¦— apa -*¦ » ¦ ^^» ^ b^ «0 p/ w ^ph ^^ ^pft p^ p« ^^ pv ^« ^ ^p -^^ ^ p^ ^^ ^^ ^ i^^ ^— — ^ p^^ k — - pr " ~— — — — - — — ~- — — m — - ^ - — — • — — w AinawortTi^ . -with nineteen aiitoerranh letters from the artist exolanatorv^^^ ^^ of the drawin gs. fetched £36 after a brisk competition. The library realised £470.

The thir d por tion of 'the books composing the Sunde rland Library has just been put in order , pr eparatory to their sale earl y in November, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson , of Leicester Square. This portion of the catalo gue form s a volume of near ly 200 pages , carry ing °P; the alphabetical ar rangement from ' Martinez ' to ' Saint Andiol. ' The feature s of this thirdmira instalmentinatftlmflnt do(\c\ nocwoh difterdiffer materiallymfl.terin.llv from those oiof the two previousnrevious parts.Darts. It is remark - able, however , for the great num ber of ' Editiones Princi pes * which it contains , especiall y %se of Cornelius Nepos, Pind ar , Ptolemy, Ovid, Petrarch , Plutarch , Qui nti lian , Pliny , J ptoedr usj Polybius , Pausanias , Nonius , Pompeius Festus , and Pomponius Mela. Among the »ook8 port ion are the work s of Valeriusx Maxfimus the pr inted occur in this «« on .a ^ ^ , vellum which pi f^k «H J& PA I M l ^>_ A ^_ — _^ . . _ p^' MV A K p. *tf K *pt ^ p. Sonnets^* * ' , &c., of Petrarch^^ , the Ordin^ ^ ances of^ th e Order^ of the* Toison d'Or^ , with* ^ the arms of v*£ ^ u^0 of Bur gundy, 1511 ; Pliny's Natural History, print ed by N. Jenson at Venice in { ns of I Jk* *^e ^ *itutea Quinctil ian , printed at Rome in 1470, &c. The rare French works in J ^WP ortio n are. numero us \ the list including La Mer dea Histoires (Paris , 1488) ; earl y edi- , , ....,— •¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ; ¦ ¦¦' - ^ —— —— „ — . .. >WJ I.,.— ~ ———¦ ''-»«' ' ' - - " — * t vg The Publishers' Circular 7/ 4*f- Sept^w^m.. ,A , |gg21O92

tions of Habelais, and of Montaigne's Essays ; Mezeray's Histoire de France, original edition importan t lots among the rare English works named in the " &c. The most m TT /-t /> -| XT catalogue are It -r ?1 /• -KA~ M >_ /^1_X_T ^C /\\ * „ * ~ 1 3 'i.J _e Itfl i « — . James I. s copy of Milles's Catalogue of Honour (1610), the original edition of Milton's Latin and English Poems (1645), Leslie's Defence of Mary Queen of Scots (1571), Sir William J -w-k i» _- mi Ik AT ?— "WTT 1 /1 CTth\ ll d_1_ _T "%^" * 1 /Tfc • . -t ifw^v I Hooper'* s copy of SC*'ir Thomas More's Works (1557), the Salisbury Missal (Paris, 1555), Sir Isaac Newton's Works, by Horsley ; Ovid in English, with plates by Pieart ; and the various works of Robert Parsons. This portion of the sale includes many exceedingly rare English and foreign tracts and many books specially remarkable for their bindings. Under "I • various ««• " *• 1 * II 1 1 I » I 1 • . headings win^ * also ^De touna numerous important worjts relating to tne^ earl y history^ and institutions of Nor th America .

The Act passed a few days before the Session closed to amend the law of copyri ght relating to musical comcomDositionspositions andana to protec t tnethe pupubliconc fromtrom vexatious orocee&inerproceeding s forlor the recoverrfimvowr y of penalties for the unauthor ised performance of the same has just been publish ed. On and — — ¦%-*¦ after the passingX tJ of the Act the Aproprie A tor of the copyrii if gf ht in any%/ musical compositionX> w* •»» firstu& rn; published after the passing of the statute or his assignee, who shall be entitled to and "be desirous of retaining in his own hands exclusively the right of public representation or per-

~~ ~— -^— —~- —¦ ^^^v -^^ ^^^h ^"^ ^^ —»— ~™ ^—^ — — ~^» ~^™~ ~^p* ^~^ ~~ i ¦ ~^^^ - ~— -^~ ~~ — ~~ ™ ^» ¦ ~ — — -^ ~— —^— _ — — — — __ — — -_- — — — — — - — -_- _ — — — _ — — h — - — ^—^ — —^m- — —^- - — -^^r- »^"~ *™~ h ^^^_^K ^^^» ™ ^^™ -^^p v ^^^v ¦ k formance of the sam e,,shall print or cause to be printed,^g upon the title-page of every^^^b published^^f ^^v^B f^^^r^^k^^L I^J ^L^^k ^L^ ^1 ^L. copy of such musical composition, a notice to the effect that the right of public representation

——' —- m — ^_^ - ¦ - ~—~ ^ ¦ — ~^ — ~ "^P- ^ — ~~ ¦ ' " - "- — - ¦- " - - — — - — ^H^M H — ¦¦ ~ ~ ^ ¦ ^^"^ ^— — -^"~ ~^^ ^kr^r » 11 ¦* or performance is reserved. There is a provision when the right of performance and^^^^ ^i^^^ when( V ^b^fe ^^^ dL^L the copyright are vested in differen t owners, and a penalty of £20 to be recovered from the owner ___ _ , j— of th— e— copyri- ^~ ^/ g^j ht— - for non-compliance with notice from the- owner— of the rig^j ht— of— performance.— — — — »^w*& wvst ^^¦P^^h K ^B AS _ ^ a ^B M _ — d ^^ ^k ^ ^1A By a special provision as to costs, where not more than 40s. are recovered , the same to vest in the discretion of the court. In a recent number of Truth regret was expressed that there was ' no chance of the speedy- publication of the eagerly-looked-for biography of Mr. Delane, as Dr. (sic) Dasent had been obliged by ill-health to postpone the completion of the work, which was about half finished/ The editor added that * it would be better for him to put the book and his materials into the hands of some competent friend, rather than it should be indefinitely laid aside,' and said it was * unfortunate that Mr. Mozley's defective sight should incapacitate him from undertaking the biography of his friend and colleague. 3 The taste of the latter sentence will be generally deemed to be questionable, and the former sentence has proved to be utterly unfounded. The editor, in his issue of the 24th, said he had much pleasure in publishing the following :— Dear Sir,—The delay which has occurred in the publication of Mr. Delane's biography is not caused by Sir George Dasent's ill-health , but by the difficulty of dealing with the mass of material in his hands. The biography of such a man cannot be completed in a hurry. l ours faithfully, Athenaeum Club. G. W. Dasent.

Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston, &, Co. 's preliminary list of announcements for the coming season is now ready. The most prominent article is an ddition de luxe, in small quarto, of ' Lorna Doone, a Romance of Exmoor,' by Mr. R. D. Blackmore, The illustrations, engraved by Mr. J. D. Cooper, from drawings by Mr. Percival Skelton, illustrate the scenery of the chief incidents of the story. These designs are derived from water-colour paintings by Mr. F. Armstrong, of Bristol. There will also be full-page illustrations prepared

» ^ - —w- — — — - — ' — — — — — ~_ — -~ — -™- ~_> —— ~^v ^^ ~^m • ¦ ^— ^^ -^r ¦ h^ « ^^ ^^ ^^^^|«^r ^^ «i V ~^^F~ '^ by Mr. W. Small,j which are studies of chief events, characters^^ ^^^- .^ ^^^ ,^H and^^^^V ^^ ^P* «^^M scenesV^^ ^^ ^B^ *• *^ ^^^T *^^ in^^ ^» 4* LornaMV ^B ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^f^P Doone.^.^^^ ^~^ This Sdition de luxe will likewise be furnished with initial letters by Mr. W. H. J. Boot. Each of these letters will be the vehicle of a view in Devonshire or Somerset. The work will be printed with new and specially chosen type on paper of the finest material, and bound in a cover of appropriate luxury. Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston, & Co.'s new list also announces ' Florence,' by Charles Yriarte, translated by C. B. Pitman, imperial quarto, in extra binding, gilt edges. This

r~^% ' — ^ ^ — — — ^^ ¦—' —¦ ™^ ¦ ¦"^« » »¦* ^r w^r «^b»*^»« ~ ^ ^i^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ — — ™ w ^" ^^^1 ^ ^^^" ^^ ^" ^^ ^>^^ ^<^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ in^i ^^^- V*^ *^* ^^^ ^^ J*' ^r ^^^b jl ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ j^ *^» ** ^-^ "~ w j the magnificent volume is to have 500 engravings^^^ . The contents are grou ped into History ; Medici , Renaissance , illustrious Florentines , Etruscan art , Monuments, Sculpt ure, Pai nting. Next we have a * Histo ry of Fashion in France ,' translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and Mr. J. Lillie, from the Fren ch of Challamer. This work will contain twenty-one coloured plates in imitation of water-colour drawings by F. Lix , and tail-p ieces by Scott. It is followed by Mr. Audsley' s ' Ornamental Arts of Jap an ,' with ninet y plates , of which seventy-four will be in colour and gold. The other books of the pr eliminary list must be shortl y enumera ted. v/ ». XA. 4 *j -v-^ ¦»-<¦ JNL/OO »¦ ——^ *-»*•»¦ J .wvr ^ *-«. i v-.i ' ¦ •uj -»• »_( i iJ -i^ i mi/v^VA VS-JL1J L>ll.^^ A t/V / x» J- « 7 Sir Roger de Coverley,y ' re- imprinted from the SpectatorI/V* , withWll/11 desilXC3J3J gnsti 1115 b*J yj Mr.JJJLl. C.W. O.X-'. Mur^ ra y, engraved by Mr. Cooper ; Lad y Brassey' a c Tahiti , ' in foolscap quar to , w ith thir ty- one

A AA UW VA Ul VA VAAM -*.«..*. *>v »^ »^v-»- **j ^^ a a. -\^ «* a. j_^** .v w^^ j ^ «« mjm. JLU VCV H.VJI I. V/ JL A. ^/AJLV/ Di/V/ U V«/V/JL\/XX V/X kJVUlCwI. V »' ^-^ ¦* »/ ;' illustrations in autotypej^ ^, from photograpc^ hs taken on the spot by^- ^ 7 Colonel Stuart Wor tley * From Benguella to the Territory of Yacca/ by Capello and Ivens, translated by A. m. ^—ajl »» <»J M » vim. » » ¦>- »t » v»«. M.M.m.vm£*^, U»1M 4 kj ^m »»~~ — Elwes^- , 2 vols.,, 8vo.,v- '• , with maps and engravings^>A»^i t% T AJLJiC ^n ;y Mr.JLT JK.JL • J*/ osephUDVUll HattonJLJLCtt lj KjKJIX' sa Journalistic+* London / with ori ginal por traits of distinguished edito rs and writers for the pr ess ; Leonardoi^eonarao daaa Vinci'v mci s Literarliterary y Worksw orits , 2x vovoia.la., imperial b8vo.vo. ,. with SJOO200 original drawingrawings by the process Dujardin , and about 450 facsimile illustration s ; * Conversations and Jo ur nal8 in Jjigypt and Mal ta , by Mr. JN assau Senior , whose pre viously published Convers atio ns w among our most important material for modern history ; * War between Per u and CMh> - ¦ ¦ ¦ ... M - ¦¦¦¦¦¦! - . - - M < J- ji ^ J ' _^_ ¦ i i i iii - 1 ¦!¦ Win ii i --— ^^^ **™ '"***' ^'^^"*^ ^^ " !!jZ»r ^^"^* ¦ ' — * ¦ ' ¦ [1- - • *~ ' - ' Sept. 1. 1882 The Publish ers ' Circular 785

1879 -81/ by Mr. Clements R. Markham ; Mr. Winks' ' Lives of Illustrious Shoemakers/

r> ^ IA|| ^ Wb»^ - — — — — ^*w*m m bbh* ^b» bb, W bbVb a»«» ^^ b» bi ¦VXI" ^ mbb ^bh w ¦ a> the^^ Eng^^ y lish Catalogue*i * of 1872-80 ;r and lastl y,¦ / T new novels^^ by Mr. Thomas Hardy^*^ mj ,M •**»^"»*w* '• and TTk 11 Tt» ¦ ¦ -b b- - ¦- Mr. George Macdon-m «• 1 ald11, Mr.*R AT Clark4^ I 1 Russell, Rev.TP * E. Gil*->««*i«liat , Ladtp v y Clay,^-nii Hon» . Miss• Lawless« , andi the Hon. E. Talbot. Messrs.— «- Chattoj^it i 1 &f» WindusTTT • _ 1 _ _ '1 s announcements ¦ of<• new publications^ ^ • . • in. preparation. . form the. <• coining season comprise a new work in two volumes, 8vo., by Captain Richard Burton and

—— -^^ -« -—- bj bj b^ J ^^ Bk ^^* -— —-^ - — — — - — — — — — — -^ — —_ -v — *^ - ^v v -^^ m r ^r m w **m bb ^^ pb * ¦ » v» ^ >r w % ^ ^»* bb b^^ b- Comman»^ J| ^Bl der Cameron,^ entitled ' To the Gold Coast for Gold ; or^ , Vingt^ Ans^^ aprks, ' a personal narrative' In demy 8vo., with 100 engravings on wood , ' The New South West ; Travelling Sketches from Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Northern Mexico,' by the Chevalier Ernst von Hesse-Wartegg. In two volumes, demy 8vo., with 100 drawings by the author, in facsimile of old engravings, ' Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne,' by John Ashton, author of the ' Chap Books of the Eighteenth Century.' In square 8vo., with seventy illustrations of picturesque localities drawn on the spot, by Thomas Macquoid, and engraved by Swain . ' About Yorkshire,' by Katharine S. Macquoid, author of ' Through Brittany,' * Through Normandy.' In. small quarto a new illustrated edition _ _^ , of Sir Walter Scott's d ^B A a _ . . . _ an ^k .» ^B ^ ^^^ ^b ^h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^>^ ^ ' Lady of the Lake.' A new popular edition, in crown 8vo., of Mr. McCarthy's ' History of our own Times,' in four monthly volumes. An entirely new edition of Lane's * Arabian Nights,' illustrated by Harvey in 3 vols. In one thick volume, uniform with. Dr. Brewer's

' Header^^^^ . ^^ ^^F ^^^^* ^v ^^ — 's Handbook ,¦ ' * A Dictionary^^ — — M of^^ the^^ ^^^ ^^^ ¦ Drama¦ ^^h ^^^ ^ ^^^ ¦ ™ ^^^ ^^ ;v ' beiv^^^ ^^^ ^™ n^^ ^^ g^B^ Bh a^^^^V compre^fe^ ^^^^ ^^h ^^* ^^b B*^^~ ^^^> ^B|^ h^^ ^Bt ensive^.^r ^^. ^B> .^^ ^^« V ^ ^^ p gui^B ^ Bh ^^^^* ^^* d^.^ ^B e^^^^ t^^^ o^^^" th^F ^^^ ^^. e^^^^ plays, playwrights, players, and playhouses of the United Kingdom and America, from the earliest times, by W. Davenport Adams. In small 4to. , with over fifty illustrations drawn ^_ , — m A ^^^F ^^* ^M ^H rfk ^Bl * ^ _ ^H ^ . ^B — ^^^^^^k ^B ^^ ^k . ^k ^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ -^ a ^k ^^^m— —. by C.^ A. Vanderhoof and the author, * About England with Dickens,' by Alfred Rimmer. In small 4to. , with 400 illustrations, The Book of the Sword being a history of the sword ^Bl « _ A ^^^ _ ^ , ^k A . ^B ^Bl ^ '^B .^^ . ^ ^^^v^h. A ^A ^^ _ > ' . ^^^^ and its use from the earliest times, by Captain Richard Burton. In crown 4to. , with^ illu-^ ^ ^^ minated cover and coloured pictures of flowers for every day in the year, drawn from nature b« y Yiola^^^ ^^m ^ ^>« « ^1.

^ ¦ v «¦« * - ^ '- ^ ^b v<^^ ^» ^h^ h - ^f-m ^^m - w» ^h^ a tagh ^#«Bi ^ ^b. ^ bi ^bp ^^ ¦^ ~ — b> w b^ ^p * The^^ Hebrid^^^^ ^^ ^ ™ Isles- -^^ ; Wanderings^^ ^^ vn ^ in^^^ ^ the^^ Land^ ^r ^b of^ . ^ ^b» Lome^h^^ V ^ -^^ ^b ^ ^ i and^^ V ^ ^b ^^b the^^ ^ ^* ^ O\y uter^^ ^^ ^^ ^ Hebrides^ b ^ ^b # *^^ ' k 4^ ^^ Bl ^^ b ^ ,' by^^^ Robert^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^bi V Buchanan. * The Natural History of the Poets' Birds,' by Phil Robinson. A new and cheaper edition , in one volume, of * Stories from the State Papers,' by A. C. Ewald. A new 111 uu u uiiuu ^ 'vi vu.jlij.uiij viiv/ > viuiuv vjl xxv ux a ri J.uu viiv> iui vi.O -f uuuuu vuvn k/v/iv/uvvi and cheaper edition, in one volume,j of Hours with the Players-t- r ,) by.7 Dutton Cook.^ Science A ^^^J Bl — ^^^hA*Bh .» Bh ^B ^^^^B* ^^V ^^^ ^K^K . ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ a ^m ^K '^ ^^ __- -m ^^^^^_ ^k ^^^^^^^ ' ^b ^h. ^K ^i^ . Bh ^ ^^^^^^ '^^ ^B^^i^Bl ^^ B in Short Chapters,' by W, Mattieu Williams, author of « The Fuel of the Sun.' ' The Folk-

***\J *.\ * V7J. JL XCVJ.1 KO JL . JL' . iil lSJCllUU X J-»A. « JL VY U UC H YY Ui n.i3 ILF J T A» JLJL A lUUUVl XIAJT 01/0" Lore of Plants, ' bKJJfy T. F. Thiselton D"^" ^ Jyer ^ ,9 M.A.*J Two new works by Mr.• Proctorj, 'Myste- ries of Time and Space,' c The Great Pyramid ; its Plan and Purpose,' and a new and revised ______._ __^ — — _ _ - — _ - — _ — ^ , . _. — — _ — _ .______— _ __ _ edition of * Saturn and its Sys— tem.' A new issue— — j * Maclise s P— or— trai— ts of Literary in 8vo., of ^ ^ , ' Characters,' with descriptive text, anecdotal and biographical, by William Bates, B.A. In

v v ¦ • »^ ¦ W V V V^V Bj Y^^ B B^ ^B^^ BI » ^ |^ « ¦/ two ' ^ volumes* ^^ ^ ^»«* ^^ W-+ , with4^ ^^ ^^ portraitV^-^ ^-^ ^B ^^ ^b ^^ *^ and%i*^r ^^ ^ . illustrations^^ B. ^ ^^^ P ^ ^^^ k ^iW ^/ ^ ^V^ ,H * Twentyfl T V ^^ ^» A ^^ V Y^H^ ears^^ ^f^V^Bp *^^ o^^^ f^^ a'B^ PvB*.* ub^^* k ^ ^^ l^fc isher^B ^ ^ B* ^ ^B^ ^^ 'sB^ Life^ ,' bF ^^ y Alexander Strahan. In crown 8vo., with nearly 300 illustrations, Dr. Andrew Wilson's new work, ' Chapters in Evolution : a Popular History of the Darwinian and Allied Theories of Development/

hk -^Br Messrs~w- ¦ *^^ *** ¦ hrf ^^ v*^ .V Chatto^B^ ^B ^B «^^r B^ m^ ^p^ &^JB/ WindusV V ^k ^Bk A ^^^ Bj ^*v r,_f haveJB ^ B^^v V ^^^ alsoVW ^k B^r ^^ in^fr J ^ ^k preparationW—r ^Ba ^HT ¦ ' v^ VV^r ^k V^V ^ ^k ^^^ .b ^Bt theBj ^ ^b A ^ following^Bh ^_ ^ ^B» ^K) ^ ^ ¦ V ^fc ^ ^ new^K ^ "B^ V W workW ¦ ^^ ^^ MJB- s.^Br of^w ^^ fiction^»^« ^v ^^ ^^^ ^~ ^~ :—V ' All Sorts and Conditions of Men ; an Impossible Story,' by Walter Besant and James Rice, illustrated by Fred. Barnard. ' Val Strange ; a Story of the Primrose Way,' by D. Christie Murray, author of ' J oseph's Coat.' A new novel by the author of ' A French Heiress in her own Chateau ,3 entitled ' Valentina ; a Sketch.' * The Golden Shaft,' by Charles Gibbon . A

¦ ¦ Bfc rfB> ^" » ^^'Va ¦ B1 B ^B^ ^Bb« ^^ ^^ ^VT ^Bi B> «B «T «« B ^ ^^ ^*K^<^ B, V ^ ^ ^B> m *^* T « ^Bb ^ .^ Bb B^ ^B ^ft *^^ ^B ^b W ^« ^ «^ ^.k ^^^ B><^ -^^ B> ..^^ ^*-^ ^ ^* BP«B| —* - - -^ -^— —- — ^ -^ v - ^— n w novel, by ' Ouida.* ' Kept in the Dark,' by Anthony Trollope. ' Foxglove Manor,' by^ Robert novel b Wilkie Collins. 4 Buchanan. ' Dust,' a story by Julian Hawthorne. A new y ( Women are Strange, and other stories by F. W. Robinson, au thor of Grandmother's 5 ' , «B» — W ¦ * ' BP dvBW IB ^^ Bfe ^-* - » B^P- ^!^ ^Bp ^ - ^. r * ^-^ ¦ - " » — —* ^-"^ ^^ ^ " ¦ -*^" - — -— - ¦ * ^^ -^T ^ b ^ ^ ^^^ B «* ^^ ^b ¦ ¦ ^ *• » »^ *¦> ^ rf» J*. ^ B,^f ^ ^ W B^ ^^ B> ^ «^ ^ .^ ^ «¦h# ^* ^1^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^B - ^^ P^* ^^^ ^> ^ ^ ^^ * " M ^ r- Money,^ J &c. Together with many additions to their series of cheap popular novels. Messrs. Griffith & Farran will publish this autumn three books, profusely illustrated with coloured pictures 4 ' by Amy Blanchard and Ida Wangh ; Fly-Away entitled Wee Babies ¦ , ' ^ , _ *Vi FairiesI ii ^ and^^ Baby^^i^>^ _ ^ ^ Blossoms*^^^—— ^b ,'^ a fanciful^^ ^b pic^ ture-bookBm ^K , bBBl y Miss.«^ ^.^ ^ Clarkson~^^.A ^ 4B ; and '^ M^^B ^B y Own^ % Dolly/ by my illustrated b Ida Waugh. 4 A Blanchard, a child's story, y The Babies' Museum of Rhymes, Jingles, and Ditties ' is the title of a new collection of

¦• ¦ ~ «!,>« J—¥ >¦ V.V -^>V. ¦ •• UB *-» r>-r the "~~" »" ¦> * ^_^ ^k Jk ^/^a ^ -BB. ^ «L<<*k ** ¦ " »-» >• i^L. f ^ * * ¦ * ¦ * "~ ^~' ^* • *•• ^>* ' T ^k. • V«>w> W Jk B-W m/ ^-^ *-* ¦¦ /.B1-^ bVBi •¦> ^ V _ T ^ ^ M old Favourite Nursery RhymesJ , fully illustrated and arranged by ' Uncle Charlie,' to be published by Messrs. Griffi th A Farran this autumn. Messrs. Griffith & Farran, the successors of the Newberys, have recently discovered that theyw*ey are theth« forfnrt.nnn.tfttunate possessorsr>r>asps«mM of nearlftnVl yv theth« wholewholo of tJiethe actual woodblocks drawarawn anaand engraved for * The Looking Glass for the Mind,' by Bewick . They hope to be able shortly to complete the set, and they propose to issue a reprint of the edition of 1702 , printing the il lustrations ia «ate the full title of this quaint and following¦ ¦¦ ¦ I from the actual woodblocks. The B" _^ * ^b ^^^ a ^ ^^ . ^h ^ . *k B ^B 4^ almost forgotten volume— ' The Looking G lass for the Mijnd : an Intellectual Mirror ; being an elegant collection of the most delightful Stories and interesting Tales, chiefly translated from that much-admired work " L'Ami des Enfans."' The reprint will be prefaced with a "*Wief*ei introdintroduction hvby Mr. CharlesOhn.rlfta WftlahW elsh.. . Messrs. Gilbert & Co. are preparing for publication a history of Southampton and its

~— v • mp A.A. UllV V/A institutions^*J, editedV\AA UVVI fromX-^AAJL the MS.Ju *-L K^« of. Dr.JL *r A, • SP*_^ peed.»^ KS ^-/ ^-«. • In consequence of vacancies occasioned by deaths among the members of the Historica l «**uu8cript8Ma nuscripts CommissionCommission., Lord LothLothianian ,. Lord RosebervKosebery ,. LordJLiorcl Carnarvon , and LordJLiora uaiiingioruCar lingford «ave been recommend ed to the Queen as Commissioners. An idyll in one act has had a great success on the Roman stage. It is the * Cantico dei v/»nuci ; that is to say, a paraphrase of the ' Song of bongs. 0===^ -——— .— __ j The ^6 Publishers^ Circular Sept. i, i«f -The Bank of Franee is having printed 60,000,000 of 100-franc bank-notes at th6 Jtfiatifo oflBce attached to the bank building. The new note has been drawn by the painter Baudrv and engravedl hy Robert , and will, it is reported , be a marvel of beauty: and eleganc e of it£ kind. The ori ginal drawing was three mStres long by one- and a hal f deep, and when com. pleted was photograp hed on a reduced scale to the size of a bank-note * • Robert was engaged on the work of engravin« P ^j g it for several weeks, in the strictest seclusion ,w in an inner — —— - — ™ *^ ^09^' chamber in^JUL the bank .

- - - - __. ______—______. _. ___ _-- -_. -___--_ _ _--- _, — -__ — _ „ — -.— . - — -— — . .— - -.— __ — — -_- _ —.^ _ v ^ «4 Ital^ y is about to have her own ^ ^^^ ^^ ^t ^UUflffT ^ Notes and Queries^ the first nu mber of which ¦ ¦ , , un der fche title1 • T Giorna•"V * leT deg7 li1 • IhTCT -uditiF • 1 • e dei7 • Curiosiy"V • • , is• toI appear ati PaduaT"\ T on September£N 1 1 1.^ Mr. Herbert Spencer is making a tour in the United States. He was ill nearl y all the voyage across the Atlantic , and suffered greatl y from sleeplessness. He left New Yor k late in the afternoon on the day of his arrival for the country. His intention is to stay in America for three mon th s, and if the climate improves his health he may remain longer. The Right Hon. W. H. Smith , M. P. , and his family, on board the yach t Pandora , Jiave gone to Norway. The Duke of Alban y is, we reg ret to learn , prevented by illness fro m fulfilling his pro mise I to lay the foun dation stone of the Harris Fre e libra ry and Museum at Preston. The Pictorial World will from September 2 next enter on a career of increased ambition. It will be perm anentl y enlarged , and its price will be raised to a level with that of its leading

-¦— J - - - — m — -~— " — -— -~ — — -^^ w^^ — -^*^~ -— ^f" i "^ •'^^ "^^^ '^^ -^^r^ ^— ~^^ ^^v^^h^^b^^ ¦ ¦ ^^p^K — —¦ ¦ ¦ ^ h « — -^— -¦ — — —"^ — — — ^^ ^—»™- ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ^r- ^^^^^ ^^^^^ -^^ ^^™^W ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^M ¦ ¦ contemporaries.^^^ To ^^justif yj this latter step^^^ the art engage d will be of the highest characie r. A coloured supp lement will be published every week, and the pages will be embellishe d by the work of such artists as Mr. Herkomer , A.R.A. , Mr. Hayes, R.H.A. , Mr. Rober t Macbet h, Mr. J. D. Linton , Mr. Seymour Lu cas, Mr. J. D. Watson , Mr. E, J. Gregory, Mr. - Charl es Wyllie, Mr. W. M. Wyllie, Mr. W. Small , Mr. Charles Keene , Mr. E. J. Brewt nali. Mr. A. C. Corbould , Mr. Lucien Davis , Mr. Fred Barnard , and Mr. Towrieley Green ; while the circle of literar y contributors will include Lad y Constance Howard , Mr. Ashby Sterry, Mr. Godfrey Turner , Mr. C. J. Dun phie, Mr. Robert William s, Mr. Thomas Pur nellr and Mr. Evelyn Jerrold. Messrs. Bacon & Co. , of 127 Strand , have sent us a ' bird' s-eye view ' of Egypt, about 30 by 21 inche s, looking nort h from the pyramids. This gives us the whole delta of the Nile, with its various branching streams winding between green banks. Outsid e the delta , on the left , is seen the Libyan desert , sand coloured , with but a speck of water and occasiona l palms. On the right we have the desert of Arabia , studded with mountains which look like hillocks of

—¦ vra \/|^ Jfc —- ^ —— — w —-— -»- ¦-—- -^w in - vv ^ ib ¦ i.i 4 im fj » »^^ «r "**¦ ^— '- sand. At the south-east^^—^ ^ corner^^ A^^^ b is observed^^ ^^ v ^^ ^*fc the" ^ ^, * Gulf^ ^ .*1 «&&& ofX^ «^ Suez^^^ ^* ^^* i"*, stretchin*^ ^*^ fc ^^ *» ^^^ »^^ L*»^ »fc». g north^^ ^* ^* of which a blue channel leads th rou gh the Great Bitte r Lakes to the sea, the Mediterrane an, In the south-west corner of this sheet Messrs. Bacon have found room for a view of Cairo , looking west. Wit h the foregoin g we have received a 4 lar ge-BcaVe . war map,' the area of whose sheet is the same, on which the localities are given with remarka ble distinctne ss. Cultivated land , deser t, canals, railways and stati ons, and forts , each hav e the ir particu lar signs.icns- The publicati on of a curious collection of the Lon don signs of bookselle rs, publishers, and printers up to the end of the seventeenth century will be commenced in the Septem ber number of the ' Bibliograp her. ' Sir J. H. Rams ay has continued his investigations on the mater ial finances in. the fourte enth and fifteenth centuries , and an articl e on the accounts Of Henry IV. (in conti nua tion of a former one on the accounts of Richar d II. ) appears in the September numb er of the ' Anti quary . 7 , This year the companion volume to ' At Home,' issued last season by Messrs . Marcua Ward

r t. i, 1882 The Publishers ' Circu lar 7S | ¦ 7 se 11 . . . . ** P ¦ ' ' - „„ 1 1 -1, |||, , n , 1 - - ., < i n ! .1 1 , 1 1 1 _ ^ ^ t

T VBPB^B' ^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ — ^ 1 —^ "^p r ~™r ' ^^ r ^~"^^» " -^» ^» — p ^^ ¦" _»' -^v gnp * p ¦ " ¦ ^^f- ^ _f^^h ^^^ ^ b ^^ ^^^^ hpbb - ^p ^» _^h ~^^ V » ^P' ^ ^fjf -^b » w ¦ ™ w ¦ ~ - ^^^^ — —• ¦ » » -^f^ ^^.r ^—"^ —¦ ^^p- — Messrs.— ^^^^ pl ^^ V^ B^ B^^ H ^ ^ Hur st & Blackett will publish in a few days— "P*^ a^f^» new^^F»^Bfc ^ _B* V V novel^ —• "• ^^"^ " ^^^ ^^ by Mrs. Spenderb ^ ^ ,-^m ; entitled ' • Gabriel le de Bourdaine ,' in three volumes ; and during September * Thfe Brandretha /

_¦¦ -\^ b^ bb ¦ ¦ p W «» ^ V b——^» -v^ v ¦¦¦ ^^ v -w v ^hbv- —j _^b ^- —ar —_»•¦ * "~j bbbbbb ^ r bb VaM r ¦ _ ¦ » «¦• w ~«r - » b—^ _hbb bb-bb-bv—a -—¦¦ ¦——^ by theVat*A^v Rig^ fc "¦C ^ fcJ B^ ht Hon.—^ A. J. B. Beresford-Ho^ -*^ ^^ ^p pe^_ ^»* ,m M.PMk* ^a ^^ .,V author^>"fe A ^^ ^p> ofVn affJk * Strictl™^ _* *»¦¦ . *_• ^» _ y T_*•• ie^ d" Up,^ t ^ »- *j ' in three \ volumes. ' ' A new journal , entitled Public Opinion, is announced to appear in Melbourne. We are requested by Messrs . Waterlow & Sons (Limited ) to stat e, in answer to numerous inqu iries , that the fire at their warehouses in Phi pp Street , last week , will not interfere in the slightest degree with their business arran gements , the premises destroyed having been those solely used for the storage of waste paper . French schoolboys of the higher grade hav e, it appears , been holding a Conference at Pari s, and among the resolutions adopted we find a recommendation that the school libraries should I

beB^^ _* V^pr impro^B» ^^ ^^ ^^ . B^^ ^*^ ™ ved^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ and¦ ™ ^^ ^^^— ^ ¦¦ proh ^ vided^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ with^ f ^^r- ^v^ ^ 1 all^pv ^ ^^^ f the^^ ^^^^^p/ ^^f' French^-^^^ ^i^^ ^BP* ^^™^"^ ^^P^ ¦ ¦ ^^v and^"" ^P ^^^^^» ^^^^^P fore^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^•^f ' i^^^ gnBBBBk ^^ m ^^ m classic^B ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^P^ ^^BP ^^^ ^^f » s^ ^^ for^^^" ^"^ f^ ^^^ the^B» ™^ ^^^ ^^f ^ use^^^^" ^^ ^^^ of^^^ ^^^ day ^^ ^ — — ¦ pupBJ — ^^ ^^ ¦ — ils^^^^^^^ ^^^ and boarders. The Bishop of Limerick will shortl y publis h in Hermathena , the Trinit y College , Dublin , literary organ , an account of the newly found treasures he has bro ught home from Eg^pt.

^^ p, ^ 4BI ^pT 1 BJ>i V ^^wm^— ^.r ^— — — ^ h 1 b ^^ ^prv ^HPK ^f- ^— ^ »^ ^— ^» ¦ r ¦ "^P » ' ^.^ T ¦ » «¦^^ V W m These include fragments ^ ^ of'^P' "" Greek'^^• ^.B ^—^.B andV< W ^T «^ ^^^Bt Coptic^B»^ ^^ Bp ^ ^B" ^^ ^p papyrif*^ BV ^ B ^i^ W *Bl *^ which» » ^» ^B> ^* ^B p" ^B> «B1 may^» prove* BB ^^ T ^ ^B » of^^ ^^ greatBBk •" ^^ ^" '^ ^P' interest.^^ ^"»» ^ ^^ ~^ ~^ ~~~ ~ — The^^^— '^"' Cfreek frag ments are from an hexameter poem on heroic subjects , which the Bishop believes

V ^B> •» ^VBB, ^ ^^ ¦ ™ "^ ¦ ¦ "^BW W ^.^ ^ «^B ^pP belongB^p* ^p -^^ to some*^B' Cyclic poets.M ^^^ ^^ ^^"^ * Book s, newspapers , and peri odicals for the use of the troops serving in Egypt will be

¦¦ ¦¦ q ^pb ¦ ¦ ^^~- BBM ¦ ¦ - ^ BBBh ^.B W ^^ ^^^ ^^V W ^^^ ™ ^^F' ^^—^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^b ^^^b ^pp F ^^ ^ p v v ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^f^^^ v ^pr ^f> ^^ ^F^pp ^ppv ^^pi ^^^ ^v ^p> ^^^ ^p^r ^^BV ^^~ ^^B ^Br ^^^ ^^V ^^ r ^V * ¦ ^B' ^H ^Br ^B^F ^^f~ ^^^^^ ^p^r ^pbb ^pr^BP^^^P ^BBT ^^^ ^^^ ^^P^ ^^ ^^ ^T^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^—^ ™ ^-^ ' ^^ m ladly received and forwarded if sent free of charg e to the care of Captain Courtney^^^ pbbbbi , g _ MB ^ p ^Bf. , ^^^^^ _ ^ - - ^ Bta BBh > * ^BB ^ ^^ ^ BBAH.BB1 ^ ^K ^H ^b^^^^Bk ^^.^b ^ < ¦ • Clarke , late 7th K oyal Fusiliers , Finsbury Barracks , E.C.

-^^T^BP^ "ff B^ *^ ~^^«BB> r 1 PBBF > B^B^^ PB ^P' ^pr -^^-^^ An^^^^^^ ^^^^V Italian^^~ ^v ^^^^V ^^~ ^¦PBV '^MB translation^P^« ^^«V ¦ Pf BVT ^BJV^ ^F^^H ^^P ^^ of~^f ^^K Mr.^BVP * MPPIPBH^W «V Hueffer^^i^^F«^^^ K^^V ^ B* ^^p' ^ ^ ' sPPM* volumeV ^1 ^ ^ ^^^ ^MBBb> ^ p ^PP* ^BV of'BBP ' BBB* ' MusicalBP^ H VBMBB ^^P^B| VPMT B^ ^fB> ^P^P^^H Studies¦ '^B^ ^ p * ^pr ^V *^P^V^V«* ^T ^^^ ,^H ' partl^V ^F ^ y^^ m reprinted^ ^^ ^^P' ^^ ff ^^—^^ -^ ^^ from^^^ ^^f> ^ VB^^F^F^^F— The Time*, has recentl y been published by the eminent firm of Ulri oo Hoepli, of Milan , under . thethft titleiitlft of * SStudiSfnrli Critico-Musicali.Or.t.iftn-TVTnsir.si.il '7 TheTVi a translationt-.r^.Tisl afiri-n., livby SignorSicrnnr AlbertoAlhArtn ViaftttiV isetti ,. is inIn everyeverv sense masterl y, being remarkable alike for its accuracy of expression and elegance of language .

¦ ¦ ! ^^ v ^m— n -^^p > r ^p^r^^p —^m^^r p ^^ ^^^ — ^^F r ^»^^» ^^p p ^^^ w^^v ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ - ™ ^^^ ^^ hj ^^ ^^ i ^^^ ^^f^ ^^^ p > ^ ^^ ~> ^ p^ pk ^^"- ^^^ ^^^ —^^ ^^^^p» ^^^^^ ^F^" ^ p^ ^^^^ » ^^^-^" ^ ^f-^b" ^p* ^^^^ ^^ ^^f » ^^ ^^^ ^^F ^-^ ^—^ ^^ ^^^ ^^» -v BBK ¦ ^—^ ~^ ^-^ ^^— ™^ ^-^ ^ -^ ^ ^ — — — — ~ — — — An interestin gb™^ t. essay ¦ ,^W from the pen of Signor Mazzucato , treating of the state of music and musical criticism in England , is prefixed to the volume.

p^^ »" BT w ¦ —~ ¦ ^^^^B> ^^ ^^ ^» ^»^BT ^»^^^ » '^^ ^ B> ^Bp* VP^BTB BV W ^BIP ' B^«B» ¦ ~^^T ^T ^^ » *"^^ »' • W ^P' ^b^V ^ " V V r*^ -^^W~W ^* "*- ^ W^^ ^"^ ^^ ^ » BPBpB ^V ^^ ^^ P ~ ^4 «» ^ ^ ^^^^ W » ^ Vf ¦ ^^^ » ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^» r - — ^— ' ^ '^ . " - —' ' - JJ »"— A commentary on St. Matth ew's Gospel ,^ by Prebendary Sadl er ,^ to be followed by^ a companion volume on St. John 's Gospel , is announced by Messrs . Bell <& Son .

SBB ^pj ^pt BBh «B> ¦ —^— The^B^V ^"^ B# ~^F Committee~^^r -^^ ^B» ^BIA ^» V B/ ^1 ^ ^fcp » of^pp» «B> the^B» ^» ^^ ^PB'' Derb^i^^ iP^ - ^^' ^^ ¦ BV yW Church^^ ¦P' ^^ ^h^Bh ^pM ^TPB^H Congress~^g^ ^^ p* ^B* B» Bj ^ k ^ ^ ^^ »^^ ^^ have^^ ^^ BbT^ W ^p]B" entrusted^^ ^P» ^B» ^BB ^ pW ^^ ^V ^^ p* ^"PBM» Mr.P^^V «BBBB^^ V Cha"^^ ^" ^^ ^ • ^— rles ^^ "^^ ^ Mackeson' ' » • — "^ ~~ "^^ -^ with- - -^- ^ the issue of tke official prog ramme , a copy of which will, we understand , form a part of his

V- Bf r 1 r «^ B ^ r «p- BT VV ~ B> «p - r - B/ B ¦ 1 Bf^P ¦ ™ p ^~ ^^ ™p- W ^^ *^~ ^" ~ H ' ~^-~ , Illustrated^ V^^ «P ^^ ^p *V Hwndbooh^pHw^ BK— *^ «f V V ^T ^kP ' ^i^ ^ ^f * V V toVJ** %fP ^ the^f * V V Vf^ Church^i ^' * ^ W ¦¦— ^^ V Vf Congress^^ p ^ p ^ ^^ ^^ «^ T BJ whichV V «¦¦^^ BV ^ p * ^BftBBk wilV V •H"^ BJ l^ H* beV^B*^ ^B ^ dedicated^Bp ^ ^bIT ^P «>«k ^ B ^ ^V^T ^BT ^T ^ pPB* W bB B^ yV permiss^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^~ —» " ion, to the , ¦¦ A Bh ^_ , b ^M A B^n . ^^k • . ' ^^ i^ ^^^^^^ A -_ .^b ^^^^ ^ ^K ^^ ^k ^^ ^^ A ^^ ^ft ^^ ^ BK B ^B "B A « ^H Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Lichfiel d, and will be published with the sanction of theirtlifiir LordshiLorrl shins ps and of the Committee.Cnm rn ithfie. AsAs no advertisementsAfTvertiaement s can liebe received iorfor the Pro gramme of the Congress , the Handbook is the only offi cial and authorised Guide to the

«Bfe VVW p«B' BB*^H ¦ ^B«pVp ^^fT - ^BPbV ^ V VfcrfBB1 BB p Vp-^BT B^Bft eV^B* BfMBb fBb pBB^B> ^B* Vp^ Bf «Bh> ^B Ip ^ » BBfc *Bi V«" Vp* ^ ^PT ^P> V^pP V « « ¦ ^B» V^ B*^ «^ ~^ ^^^ —~ " ^ ^^ ™ "^ ¦ ' ™ ^^^ Congre&s^P^ ^r ^^^^ ^HIA *** ^"* ^ "^^ f whicliW V BV^ v#B^H ^b willW T B* ' cont^BlT ain* £ adv^W ^ ertisements.^T ^V^ Bf ^^p* ^B^ The^B^ illustrations• ¦ ^f^bF wil^^ l^^ include^^ ^" ^^ ^" ^V^ " ^ portraits ' '^ of the Bishop of Lichfield (President of the Congress) ; the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of

BBt *^f— ™ ^ * K pBJ. aVW f^** B P» — p^ aB flbBBBBMk ^^ p^p* Bj ^ «¦• *Bb 7 ^T Bp^T M ¦ B*k T * B^ ^^B^V *^ »^^B» ^BBI ^pp PWB ^^V BH r PP»™ ~^|P ^p ^^- ~ ^v ^v- w^ ^f— ~

-»- I.J B^B -v- _____ , — ^^ ^^^ ^^ ¦» ^BBl ^^^ Bj -1-fB §m BUB ^Bfc ^ ^B * ^»- ^/W ^^ ^ B» -^^ PJ H I —PJ ^ib ™ ^ ^ ¦ -^ , ^^ pH ^P» ^b ^ f« ' m- m ^m^m V« ^^ ^» ^ - ^ VT ^B» ^B> ^BP- » W ^ — ~— P^ ^ f- ^ ^— - — « - ^ -- — —^ — - *- — engra£^ S vings1*^ ^ ^^^ of Lichfiel^^ d Cathedral (exteri or and interior) ; and of objects^ of interest in and aroun d Derby . Messrs. Bemrose & Sons, will be the publishers.

_-_k ^ «k yk ¦ «w ^^ !«•__¦ vw ^__ - -¦ ——¦ «•»• j_ ^^ ^_ ^ ^ |K> V_»* ^_ ¦ _ r • ¦ ^ v " ¦» aB ^w ^- p* t » a •>¦ • « ¦ __ -__> ^mr ^_ ^ " r «_^ _^ >_^ ^^ _b « — > — -v - — —p —- -—- — • ^^ A A K* *» ** ^ a/ A &A ^— ^b* A ^•->^ ^ ^^ « * ^^ new^ volume of _. announces the following^ new books :—A Mr. Hogg, ^"" Jo hn - Paternoster Row , _f M« .... _ " _ ^^"* ___ _-^ _ __-_. ---. . ^ - ..... __ .-_. -__. .__-h -^ -K * M 11 _. I -__F^_P» ¦ «1 . ' The* Secret of Success ' Series , entitled 4 A Book of BoyhoodsK ,' by Ascott R. Hope, illus-• trat ed ; * Landmarks of English Literature ,' by Henry J. Nicoll ; a new volume of Illustrated

—-v-«_ pk_# ^y ¦ _ m^r _ _» .-»» ->"« f« —¦ ¦ —«-—» Stori-v j-^ esx^V-P* W ^xkFVV/ ^*/ J_ "w» ^ . Wi V-T L---' wv« -bv^ak ^ * ' ' Facts_._---¦ s^ ^^ **¦¦ -' and«>- *»^« Pha3es*** ^^ -i—_ • of—. Animal— — ¦ r _¦ , by*^ _Ascott ' R.. Hope_ ^ . , _entitled _. , -_v_' __f IomespunB, Stories. ; m _¦ •. ____ v~k m _i Lif• e, and the Claims of Animals to Humane Treatment- ; interspersed • with Ori• ginal• and" Amusing Anecdotes / by Vernon S. Morwood , illustrated by wood engraving s.

-—¦ _». ¦¦ » ¦ ¦ ¦¦- >» ^t m^(# JLWV mt ^A ^tj ^ a «¦ ¦x_ .^ ¦»____ w m_r^ ._-_^ J__fci j» _» w«-« ik ¦^ ¦^ ^ ¦¦ . ^^___» »^ - -» _»»¦ -»p ^ » ¦ ^ — -*»¦ -^ — ™ —— —' —¦ —• — — — — The W • .MUV • "^ *li l_ -__L >V^ f^ " ^ ^ andv% Mr.• Sidneyr ^^ "^ J .# Herritag^^ e have¦v "" w ^i^ comp^^ ^- »" leted*• another volume of the _. _. Hu nter -> >» _k ¦ -_-_ Rev. R. ->_ __. _»p t *^"* m _ . --B ------I __^^ __: A V_i * ¦ i *__! ' EncyclopcedLc Dictionary ' (from cable to conarium),*. which will be^ pub^ lished at once by MMessrs.essrs. (JassOaKHAil ell,. PPetterAtt.e_r., GalpinGalnin., & Co. A further volume , carryingcarrvincr triethe workworK into tnethe letterlett er D, is in. the press. ' Norwa y in June ' is the title of a book of travel by Olivia M. Stone, which will be pub lished this autumn by Messrs. Marcu s Ward ia tourfrm-r by"hv Mr.Aff J..T. HamTTA.rri«s StoneSfnnfl.., M._VT. A. ,__ i^.liF.L.S..? b., navehave beenbeen drawndfawn by Mr. W. H. J. Boot , Mr. H. W. Petherick , Mr. R. Kent ThomaB , and others. Mr. George Saintsbury 's long-announce d * Short History of French Literature ' will be » published in September by the Clarendon Press. The author aims at presenting a complete ¦ but succinct history, with full biograp hical and histor ical details , of the whole course of French '

— *¦ ¦• V_# H# MJk ¦*/¦%_ ¦" *-»_-_? ¦^.r -m w «»¦ «-__¦>¦ »<•—-__¦-»_—, _* ^^ - -v^ m if- — — literatu**• " »-•»-» re ^^ 4 X-'V-lJIi ¦/AAWA J lJfc » __'IK UllttllU VIVA4 X^*. a*.**-P liter/«» ature"k^" -» itself— * ,y and not• ^ merelh *'^^ y from•*- ^ previous compiled from an examination of that ' , ' _ _ . . . _ _ • a - ___—»_ «• -w «Ji • ¦¦ «__> ¦¦ ¦• •• "¦ account s of it. ** Illustrative specimens are giv^n only in Book I., which deals with mediaeval^ • litera tur e ; the illustration by extract of the late r literat ure , from Villon to Hugo , being reserved torLO_T aA. separRQno rola ate * volume->r_r ^l mrv-k ___. , which-imrV» ^/-»V_ is1 a nowi-» r\-wwr inir\ preparr\T«__ir_OVotlATI ation. Messrs. Willianu Blackwood & Sons ha ^e in the press ' A Tour in G reece ,' by Mr. Rich ard Ridley illustrations by Lord Winds or, The book on • ' ' Far rer , with twent y-seven full- page f ^T m _. m ______' _» . *^ ______• ^^ m ——^ •—_ - __»-»_> •—_»--. «•• "I V ' t»a inbeth Palace and its Associations ,' by the Rev. J. Cave ^-Browne , which•>* has been so long ; , «^nnounced, will be published by the same firm th is month . It will have illustration s, and an ______^ _ of_^^ /"<_« intrTl f.*»/- oductir1f».>v4-C _rv on»_ lt_^yi. theXl_ ___. ArchbishopA u _^l^l-. ^ ~1_ «_ Canterbury.-. A_^_!-_.«—-~ - . ;• - Messrs. ___ on English gra mmar , by the ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ _ Macmillan_ _ & Co. will_ publish__ _in the autumn a wor k - M ~t~__P ^> <-. . * * ' ' I __. _!. 1 ."^ ___. ___« __. __. ^ _^ _k ^< .^_ . .-« W .«ft- *¦ _• * V_!J «-•?-' W. U. ^Vriglitson , 6f Cambrid ge, which will , it is sai d, carry the logical and grammatical \ •fcajy aia of the language fart her th an has yet been attemp ted in books of this kind. '1 7«8 The Publ ishers' Circular sept, _ i, 1% ^ mimm*m^ -— _ ^ — 1 . i The title of the book on which Mr. Edmond O'Donovan has been engaged for some months I will be ' The Merv Oasis, Travels and Adventures East of the Caspian during the Years I 1879-80-8 1, including Five Months' Residence among the Tekke's of Merv,' by Edmond O'Donovan, special correspondent of the Dail y News. With portraits, maps, and facsimiles of

___ - ______-- _ _ — __. — ______. --. _ _, - -__ __ _ - _ --_. _ __- _-__ _ _ -^ W V V^K \^ ^i| State documents. The work, which will be in two volumes, will be ready^ for publication^^^ on or before the 1st October. Eniilio Castelar is publishing in serial form in an Italian newspaper a novel entitled f Fra Filippo Lippi.' We hear that Dr. Aldis Wright is preparing a second edition of the € Cambridge Shake- speare,' and that it will soon make its appearance. Miss Bewick, daughter of the engraver, who recently made a famous present of cuts by

—» " ¦ —¦ ¦—¦" r •_ ¦» ¦¦ » ™— ~m^ — — "~ "^ "^ ^ ^—^ ™ " ¦ i M ™ ~~ "^^ ^^^™ ^^ —p ! ¦ ^—' -^aa -^^ ^p^h ^ft^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^™ ^p^^^ -^^ ^^ ^^ v^^p ^^ -^^ ^»^ ^M ^^ ^v ^— ^w -^^ ^^m ^»r ^™ ^^™ "^^ V y ^ta» d^^ her father to the British Museum, is superintending a memorial edition of the works^^.^^^^^ ^ W M. l^_W "_T™_ ¦

™ » - - — — — — - — -- —¦— — —¦" — —i — ¦ m— ¦" ¦ — -^ —¦" — ~^^~^ — ^— — "^ ~^^^r -»~ "^ -^^ ^^ — ^^v^h ¦ ^^^ —"~^ ^"— — ^^p^k h ^H '^ ^^ ^^^^ ^™ "^^ ^ ^^^j|^^bl too,^ printed^ at Newcastle, but in Bewick's house, on paper made at a neighbouring mill, and the impressions are to be from the ori ginal blocks of ' Quadrupeds ,' * Birds , ' and ' _ _Esop's Fables.' The copies are to be 650 in number , and the book will be published by Mr. Bern ard Quaritch in f ive volumes. Messrs. F. V. White & Co. announce as in the press the following novels :— ' The Pr ice She Paid , ' by Fran k Lee Benedict , author of ' St. Simon's Niece,' &c , in 3 vols. ; ' The Juvenile Lead / by Floren ce Marryat , in 3 vols. ; ' Mollie Darli ng/ by Lad y Constan ce Howard , author of * Sweetheart and Wife, 3 in 3 vols. ; ' Fr iends and Lovers / by Annie Thom as, au thor of ' Dennis Donne ,' &c , in 3 vols. ; and 'M y Connaug ht Cousins / by Harriett Jay / author of * The Queen of Connau ^ht/ &c , also in 3 vols. Our readers will see fro m another part of the pages of our present number that Messrs . Firmin-Didot , of Paris, are on the point of publishing ' Paris Gallo-Romain. ' Jt forms the fourteenth part of ' Paris & travers les Ages/ which presents, pictoriall y, and by means of letterpress , the successive aspects of the buildings , monuments, and districts of Paris , from the sixteenth century to the present day . The illustrations are from the hand of M. Hoff bauer , the tetextxt bvby Messrs.Messrs . .bFouournierrnier. , LacroixL*ar »roix., JBonna"RonHarrirdotot,, Uousmnrm sin., Jo.TnniYlurdaain.m, Franklin"P ranklin. , DufourDri fonr., &c.Arc Colonel Fred Burnab y has finished his novel , and is now correcting pr oofs, having permitted himself the luxury of having the manuscri pt privatel y printed. He has been offered by a London firm £500 for the work , an d a royalt y on the sales over a certain number ; but he will not look at that sum. He has been spoiled , says the Citizen, by the immense surn s paid him for his book s of travel , and his imagination excited by reports , more or less exact, of profits made over and above by the publishers. He is going to make an experiment which will be watched with some interest. He intends publishing the novel himself , an d so, as he reckons, intercept the publish er 's profit. He will run counter to another established usage by printing the novel in two volumes—possibl y one—an d thinks he can satisfac toril y arrange with the booksellers and the libraries for its circulation. This is a bold exper iment , and , our contemporary rightl y adds , not a very wise one. New Zealan d has now its journal of science. We have received fro m Messrs . Wilkie & Co. , of Dunedin, the first numbers of a magazine , whose pages ar e devoted to the furt hera nce of natural and applied science throughout the colony. A glance at the contents of one number only, shows that they deal with earth quakes, coleoptera , rock-pa intings , invertebrata , pycnogids, rudimen tary science teachin g, holothuridea of the , micro-lepidoptera ^ New Zealand copepo da * Challenger ' expedition , lanned. , thus far ,. apparentlyannarentlv to beoe published every two months . The London agents are Messrs. Sampson Low , Mar ston , cfc Co. Mrs . Rose Lathrop, daug hter of Nathaniel Hawth orn e, has written to the papers that the

-—- -—- -¦»-» jft ^m - — — mr* J& '^i^ — — — -^ —— -w — — — — -^- -—- ^ —• ——— — —^ -w ^^ — ^^ ^ -^^ —^ ~ m ^ ^ ^^ ^^r 4» -\ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^krf^ ^ ^/^ ^ ^b ^L- ^^J ^ ^ ^k 4ft ^ ^k b^^ ^^b .^ j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ —^^ ^ ^ -^- and post humou s no vel said to have been discovered by her brother Julian remains unfinishe d ,^ that it was described in the Atlantic Monthl y of Octobe r 1872. Mr. Julian Hawthor ne explains that the apparent contradiction in respect to ' Dr. Grimahaw 's Secret ' arise s from some old fragments of the work being confused with the newly discovere d MS. Other persons who have Seen the new find declare it to be one of the ablest and most characteris tic work s of the distingui shed author. M. Louis Men ard , whose d iscovery of the classica l lessons given to the Daup hin by Bossuet and others was mentioned some mont hs ago, has , the Times 7 Paria corr espondent say s, put forward some cogent re asons for attributing to La Fon taine six fables hitherto assigned to that Les very equivocal personagy e who styled herself Mdm e. de Villedieu. Under the title of * Fables Gralantes (Clia raray , Paiis) he has republished these compositions in facsimile, rv vm.m.-\yjL . »• M. %fM.m. m^aji. /i\/u uv/ui\/ii.j w»»~. to together" Q ^* with an introduct ion, in1.11 whichK 111U11 he* A v> fullI U1I yV expC/AUKV111Olains theI/11C7 groundfci* " V1A11X3 s for1V/1 ascribOOV/ll>-'il>g ing them , La Fontaine, and ingeniously account* for their original appearance under a name which though now very unenviable, was then better known than that of the great fabulist. A committee is being formed to place a bust of Longfellow in Westminster Abbey by public subscription. The idea is warmly welcomed. The names of those willing to j oin the committee can be forwarded to the hon. secretary, W. C. Bennett, Hyde Cottage, 03 Royal Hill, Greenwich. . > I Q ^^ ilW HWIIM ^ ^ ^ V I mi . , 11 -•—^n- ^~7—WMBH ^B^M ^M~MMIIWiaMNM|liM>«MM MMMaaMMMli ^MMMMMMMa ^aMan ^BMWM ^i^a^MM« |

Sept . i, 1882 The Publi shers ' Circular 789

On the 15th ult . Messrs . Put tick and Simpson sold at their rooms in Leicester Square a

-_- ——- — — ¦»-)— — ——— -——.— _-. . v _ -_----. -» wb-*-> V -*•---»»» -_._fc.i _«* fc^ - S ¦-¦¦ »»W _. F \/A A. I«A«1A large££fcfc fi^ "--* collection^^ of valuabl e English and foreign£y.-- autograp^^ ^^ -* hs*rj, the«'-- •_' pro» w^f^ pert"*¦** * •*y/ of*-^* a lad-»*«WV« y of rank .# Among them were :—Ori ginal manu scri pt letters of and correspond ence relating to Joanna Southcote— 9s. ; some collections made by Sir Frederick Ma dden , for the purposes of Matthew Par is's ' Historia Anglorum '—£J. 10s. ; a letter of Percy Bysshe Shelley, when a boy at school—-£1. Is- ; two autograp h notes of Charle s Dickens, in the third person—£1 ; a long

mj — - _ - _ _ — — _ _ —_ __ _ ¦-»- --_ —> _• <--- . _ , « -. ¦- ¦ w w " ^ ^ of Sir Walter Scott — —-f -| — --- —— •- «——-.—.» —^ .—. _, .—. a* - —_^- _-, ^^^ ^^^ _ _^ —¦<•_• •<¦*> w -_* 9 m^ «•**,m A —»—» • _ —f ^ relative to lette r ,^ jud^ ging of a competition for a novel—18a. ; sundry letter s and papers of Jose ph Hanway—£1. 1*. ; ori ginal auto graph manuscri pt of Madame d'Ar blay's (Fanny Burney 's) * Evelina/ ' Cecilia/ and * Camilla ; ' a letter from Robert

bb —— bb bj bj bb 4h "^— ¦ — ^— — — — ^^ — -—-» ^bt — ¦¦¦ ¦ bbb --— —*-—» ¦—i^ -asr — - -w bb bb - ¦ ip —¦> «¦« Burn^^^ p —^K ——*^—^ s to^ the Earl of Buchan on Scotlan" —' d and^m Scottish— —^b — B—tB— associations—^-bt—*^—^^ -*bp" —b—' -¦*——^ —^ ^^ —bp*' ^m » 1^4* —£1•¦^"^ ^hb ^ 1B^k :V seven9^r ™^^ W ™b^—¦ letters^B ^ ^^ ^ W 9r ^ ^r ¦Lb» " of•—^ *• Thomas Campbell on literary matt ers—£3. 5*. ; a gran t o! an Iris h manor to the Earl of Ormonde, aigned by Queen Elizabeth—£2. 5s. ; an album of autograp hs of royal , literary, and noble cha racters , including David Garr ick, the Duke of Wellin gton , Napoleon , Garibaldi , &c , having failed to reach the reserved pr ice, was boug ht in. We learn that Mr. Joel Chandl er Harris is at work upon a book of plantation life, to be called ' Nights with Uncle Remus/ and also upon a story of sl?.ve life in the South. Mr. E, W. Bullinger , New York , will issue, on September 1, the initial nu mber of a jojournaurn all to beoe canecicalled Thei tie uecoratorDecorato r andana FurnisJie.j tttrms/ierr., devotedevoted d to the trades whichwhinh comcombinebine to crea te beautifu l homes. It will be illustrated by the Charc oal Club of that city. Mr. Edmund Clarence Sfcedman has written a Stuyvesant legend for Harper ' s Christmas. ann ounced in our last issue. It is contained in fourteen verses and will be illustrated by E. A. Abbey. Messrs. A. Williams & Co., Boston , U.S. , will publish , as a holiday book for children , * Trou blesome Children ; their Ups and Downs,' with twenty-five illustrati ons—ten in colours —by Francis G. Attwood. * The Military Telegrap h during the Civil War of the Unit ed States ' is the title of a work to be pub lished at once, in two large volumes, by Messrs. Jansen , McClurg, & Co. , Chicago. The author , Mr. William R. Plum , a lawyer of that city, was an active member of the Telegrap h Corps , and his object is to show the valuable services of that organisation during the war. The work will be freel y illustrate d with portraits , &c. The first number of a Canadian weekly political and literar y paper , called the Dominion Review, has just been issued at Montreal . It is sai d to be a * respectabl e and serious enterprise/ Mr. W. D. Howells is writing a new novel, which will first appear in the pages of The Century. Cornell University, U.S., now possesses a Library Bulletin similar to that at HarvarZi , consisting of a record of the princi pal access ions, with notes and bibli ograp hical appendices ; among the latter brief lists of book s relating to the German civil services and to Petrarc h , 4B B1 , BB ^k ^K ^B ^Vk^ ^h^ ^h ^^ B ^A ^m ^^ i^^ bh A ^k ^M .^_ drawn up by the* librar^ ian , Professor Willard^^ r^ ^^ ^ ^ Fiske, have alread^^ ^^ y appeare d .

*~^* ^^ p 1 ¦ Mr.¦ -~ ^^^m ™ ^r Charles~^^r v^ —^~ ^^r^^ ¦ -- — ^^^ ^^^^ F.^^—^^ ^ Richardson^^—^^— — "^ ™ — ^— ^ ^^^ ^— ~— — -^ ~ ~ ,^« author^ — — —* ~~ ^-^ ™ ^— — of~^^ ^^^» * The— ^^" -~- ~*^ -^m~ Choice~^m~ ^^b ^^h ^^ ^^^" ^^^ ^ ^^ of- ^^ ^p^b Books/^p ^^^^-^ ^^p» ^b^ i ¦ ^m has^^^ ¦ ™ ^^^^ accepted^b^^ b^ ^b ^ ^bp^ ^ b1 b ^ «^ bb ' ^^^bj the^bf ^"" bbb ^ibbf professorshibj ^ ^^^^ ^B"»^ ^w ^b^ »^b^^ -^^^ "bp 1 bb> ¦ ^^ ^^^^^^ p«-^^ of English literature at Dartmouth College , U.S.

BB^ ^P — h — ^ ¦ ¦ ^^" ^P' ¦ -^ r ^b~ BT^B^ W B^W ¦ V ^B^» * ^ ¦ ¦ ™ ^ ™ - ^-^ ^ - — ^» -w- — -^ ^^ ~— - ' —— w -^— ¦ —^— "—" — ^ — — I ¦ ^^ ^h i h p -— ^B^ ^B- BV^ P^ B» ^ ^^— » ¦ ^ B^BB* BB,Bff ^>W ^B^^^^^^"" ^B ^» BbV ^^-^ p^ ^— -^mf- b> BB ^BBT^ ^B I ^ ^^ B- ^B^B ^^ ^^ ¦ ^^ B^ ^^"^ 'B' ^^^ -^ ~^*r~^" ~- ~— ~^^ ^—~^^ Shakspeare 's ' Tro ilus and Cressida ,^ ' with notes by William J. Rolfe is shortl y to be added BB ^K bBM BBBB> BBA ^^ b^ _ ^ , BBBbbBBBbK B_k toA the* *^ Eng^BBBBBBBB lishBB1 BBI BB Classics^U Bk A 'BB seriesBB published^Bl BBk BB BB*i b^Bl y Messrs . Harper &^k Brot hBB ers. The same fi<*. rm wi—¦ ll^ publish in a few days l Highway s and Byeways/ wr itten and illustrated by W. H. Gibson , and ' Outlines of Ancient History / by P. V. N. My ers , a compre hensive volume of the

V^BB^ BV BBB '^_B> ~ BB> ¦ IB V» ^Br BBI ~^ B- ¦ » BBB) «BJ Bfl^B" T | bVb ^ ~ ~ _ (— . ^ ^ . ^ ^B> ' ^b* - BBBp «^V ~*i ^ ^Bf B« B^ ^" ^ B ^ F^ ^ ^ B^^ ^^^ F * V ^ B ~ ~ ^AV^Bb BbT ^ B^ B> ^Bh ^B^ 4V I^B> ^BP V V1^ V«B- BB BJ ^B. ^BT BB B^ 'BJ ^ ^b ^ ^ «^ W BJ B^^ * B^^B ^^ BP histories of nations^^ h* B^^ ^ B b*** n prior to the fall of^ the^^ ^^ Western^^^f ^^^ ^ bK ^B Roman^B^B> ^B bBh J<* BBb ^ VF f^ ^ Emp ire^(^ inB^ the fifth century^^^ ^^^^ . Mr. Ignati us Donnelly, aut hor of ' Atlan tis/ has in preparation another work of the same character ,

BBB BB, r 1 ^¦^F' ^v^> ™ ¦ BBB "W r B^ ~~ i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I ^BjbP ^B < ^BF BjB B. ^b* BBB bB ^ Bjf BBB BBB BJ B b> Bi >BBF «BBi ^BbP B"BBr ^^^ P ^^Bi ^Bi ^^ Bi ^B r BBb ^^B BB ^TBV^B 1 ^^^ P ^^^ ^ ^V ^^ ^^- ^V— ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ entit^ ^^ ^^B* led ^BB ^B^^B ' Ragnarok^ B. ^^>* B/ ^ B^fB^^ ^^Bb BB> W ^ ^B ^brB^ WB / in which^BP- ^ ^^B he^BB* dealsIP BBI ^B* ^^BT^BI *^V more^^^ ^ at length* |^ b with^.ff the^J B^ several^b^ B^ ^PbB legendsB^^ ^ relatingB^ ^BB | to the flood . The work will be issued shortl y by Harper

B^B^ p^ l r BBBB BBb< " PBfe WjbP BVB BBb aBr B^B tfBJ BBp ~ J B> bK "BB> ^fe HP B-^pP 'BpP' PB,«B. ^PB BBBB, r**«BP ^^Bi BJf ^ B^ ^f VB ,^ «kB-B^ B i" B^B B.*B > «PB> bB BB- BJ BB ^^ w^ BB ~>- -^ ' > « —' — of the mostbb ^« ^ ** useful«^^ ^^ B^^ K referencebI ^ ^^b** * ^^^ ^^ | | books^m^ Br ^^ in libraryb% W workV W ^^^ ***• *"¦ "* .V It.rfVfcl V willff V ^^ ^p^ bef^ ,^ publishedH B^p in the ' Harvard College Library Bulletin. '

.». BB, bBb ~ ~ * PBBBBBBt B^ ¦kW -B^ B ¦ -^B P" BB B T B* — — B « B~ -Bta "B fB W" J - B«b BB* ^Bb^ B W B Bp ^B BB. —"—P B ^—' * B> > ~BP — ¦ - B ~ -B- ^ -— *^ J^ W Bl T" ¦ B*^ BBBb " b' ^* BB ^Bp b* BBB> B ^ mT ^tf^VB ^b^ •**** ^ b ^ B. ! b*~ ^Nb«^ bB tfh «, B*' ^^ ., , M bB ^« B^,* ^..^ ^^ ^B, P*b1 ^^V ^ B^ BB^ Kk ^ B Mr.^ Franci^^^m ^ s H.^ Underw ood, whose recent volumes on Long fellow^^ and Lowell have proved him to be one of the most sympathe tic of biogra phers , is now at work on a life of Mr. John G. Whittier , which , it is said , has been undertaken with the consent of the poet. The Textile Monitor , a mont hly journal edited by Dr. M. Hasenele on , the first number of

¦¦ - •—v -• -»¦-» -*•-fc~L>WK_l ¦ _« W<~r ¦ » -¦- ^ . ^ ^^ -fc -—t -"». —av. --. «fc -w» -»« -L-- -f~fc " ^ ¦*» ¦ ¦-• —ir-w. -»—r —>.-> —» -»—<-¦ ¦ » -» »~- —¦ — —»• —»¦ —- --» --- ¦ —- -¦ • ¦-» --¦ -»¦--—-->^—- --. ------—• - — — —> — ' — — ¦«—-- which VB-fb ^J —»* *•/ Jfc -k »«- ' -^k »V^ -»• r-~r -* — ' ^- ' • •• ¦ **-W * "*— ' • ' -—»• • • V • —fc^* ¦ in a practical manner on the has " will trea t just been published* in Philadel p hia U.S., BH B — — " __ .» b>l BB — , - A B> 4A - «- —w «B ~B> _^ ^^ * ra w pro duce, the mechan ical operations of carding, spinning, an d dressing the fabri c, and

pB^BI B. ~—— I^V B f B P- m Bfh ^ T BB^P —¦*« B*¦ 'B), #¦^Bl pBBp B^ *^ B ^B ^^« ^-^ BbVJB- ^B > h Bi ¦ -^B* BB- ^— B^ B I *- I ^^B i #Bab ^» Bp BB1 var ious processes^^b ^^ ^f ^ ^^ —^^ of^BP* « finishing the material .^J Messrs. Ginn , Heath , & Co. , of Boston , U.S., hav e sent us a now and very neat 220-page

»» — 1 catal oguBBK — ^ | -*^ P- BBBB —P* B>> « -—fc^» BB> BB| b- ^B»» P^b* —JP ^ -" pBB^ ^ ~— ¦ ¦ ¦ W main~ —— -"~ ^ —™ ' l M "—BP- -Bjp-—B — ^ —P P B^ ^P" ^^ —^ ^^ —^ ^ B BB P—BB y educational . B e of their list of book s -B bI Bl ,^^_ _ . _ _^ , ¦ V> «¦ bb ^ hj B^Bh, bBl ^h ^ The— Literary News is the name of^— ft new paper publishedB— *^ ^ —B ^B b«> y Miller4.^ alB & Sayers , at Melbourn o, Tictor ia.

.« «B B» BJ —B B_ BB BJ -*TB- P —> P M -* P ¦ F —¦- — T ¦ B BBBB bB^ W B b-B-1 b^ —" —B BBB BB. ^ —, — BB P-^P- -BBT -^B- -^ - ^ ^"^ '^ "— "^ ^^ — — «4 —b^ T .lH Jm, ™ ^^ ™b ^ Bfc ^ ^/ ^ " tj *..^ \J ^ —TL « W W ^» •* ^ Bb B« «« ^^ -d* J ^ fBtpV ^ * J ^ »B^l V—fc^« P^ * —^ ' The Life of Olo^ —% ^^ Bull/—^ which Mrs .^ Olo^ * ^^ Bull is writing, will contai n, besides a steel port rait of the groat violinist, severa l engravings fro m photograp hs, showing Mr. Bull's met hod of holding P. b* B« " ^ Bl BB-P the_ violin . . . _ BABBBB .P-k- A h BBk A ^ — S' ^P> ~ ^^ Messrs . Carlton McCarth y & Co. , of Richmond^ , Va.b^ B—A , U.S., will^ publish at once * Soldier^ ^ t Life• J^ ia the Army of Northern Virg by Carlton McCa rthy, with illustratio ns by W. L. Shoppard . H ^ | B* _ B ¦ inia/ Both^B author^M and^^ artist were Confedem *~- ^m. rate soldiers.B. B^ SI .

¦ B ¦ ^^ ^^ ^ ~—' B~BB- BP ^B—HBV " — -fc ^^ ^ B BpKp, -| B ^^ — BB V BM B] B—¦ *B|| IFpB *B( «« BB BBf« Bf PB* B BBB| I Bp V BB Bj | BJ W IBB B- -^— — ---— — * -*- ,- — ~ ¦ ^ . ^ ^ B* ¦ . T V

BLJ aa ~^f- ~^™ ~^™~ -^— -*¦¦- a^— ^^^^^ J ^t A^ ^^^ F ^a» ^aW ^"aF™aV •^fc «# •aF aF V^^ " .¦*• * ^™ a^ai.aab.a» "^ f^f""" ... W " ¦•¦» "^~" ¦ ^F*- ^ ~^f- "™~ ~ — - —~ ~"— "^^ ' -^ ¦ -^™" ^ar^ B- ^PF" ^a^^B» ~» ^aaF" *¦ ^aF- — ^ - W "~~-^— -aF- — -^BB i ^ F- — " -v^ bbf^^ «bf «f-^— - ^^^fbt -fbf- ff ^ ^ajh aF^V^aW ^bbfV ^bV J ¦ " W _F At^^0 the^fc end^^^^ is*»" a* summary^^" "" of achievements in literature , science , and art . Mr. Mor gan^""^ is now^ 8f1v engaged in preparing a new edition of his ' Sketches of Celebrated Canad ians and Perso ns con*

nected— - — — with. Canada r; ' and also * The Biblitfthe ca Canadensis ;~ or ,j a Manual of Cana~ dian——-¦»VW^+ Literatu re,' Messrs . Robert Carter & Brothers , New York , announce a number of new books for earl y

•¦™ •"— — — -— — — j y ¦ «-»* publicay" tion , among^j them ' The Human Mind ,' a treatise on mental ^p hilosopX hy,w /' by%/ Edwar^^ * dx* Joh n Ha milton , D.D. ; * Moses and the Prop hets / a review of Professor W. Rob ertson Smith by Dr. W. H. Green , of Princeto n Seminary ; a new and cheaper edition of * Fort y Years in the Tur kish Emp ire , ' a Memoir of Dr. Goodell , by Dr. E. D. O. Prime ; and , in the way of . • . m m 1 I lTir-«t - 1 i « "i it ¦ 1 « 1 mi tTT ' i •x-»t « •» • *¦ *¦ *¦ _ . fict.*» ion , they have a new story entitled' ' Nobody, ' by the author of ' The Wide , Wid e Wor- ld. ' The * Young Englishman ,' once the most popular of the weekly periodicals for boys, has

_ - - - - — — been— — revived j- and • is• now publishedI ,» with illustrations ,» continuou s stories $ and ¦ ^^ %*M an at , miscellan eous Bam , .a. ataa-atal articles*». ^ , by its first^ b.. editor^ and^ proprietor*. , Mr.^aiM .aa* George* m 1 Emmett. . a.

______— — ______i -^v -^ ^H^B ^^^^ *^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ¦ ^^^ ^ ¦ ' — —^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^~ — — - -^ — — ^B — — — ^ B ^ ^^ ^H _^ p ^ H ^ p^^ Messrs^^^^ . Porter & Coa tes,^ p Philadel phia,y U.S., will publish shortl y—besides^^ j ' England , Pic-^^ ^^^^ turesq ^ue and Descriptive ,' by J oel Cook , which will be one of the most attractive book s of the __ _ ^_____ ~^' season— j a— new— — - - juvenile b_^y Margaret Vandegrift^ 1 ,7/ entitled , * Holidays %f at Home ,f ' and a— small"^»^ , ^^ i^__r«« ... ^__r- quarto illustrate__¦«« - . d« edition« • - * of_____l Goldsmith'__r~^_i « « • . « • s '_* The Deserted^- »«" *- ^ Village.^ * ^ • '• The__r ^p^« same firm_/^ also^ have- _ - _ - _ • in the Apre ss an illustrated poemx by^ Florence Baily,V' Gleanings*J from the Fields of Life,J ' with « ««. Ill1 i l # _l # Til* ' • coloured plates r engraved text , and ornamental initial* letters . : The September issue of The Century Maga zine has a frontisp iece portrait of Mark Twain, to

— - - which Mr. W. D. Howells contributes a biograpj ^ hical sketch of the typ•/ X ical American humo urist. ^^ The same number also contains a portrait of the late Dante G. Rossetti , with a sonnet and a critical sketch by Mr. Edmund W. Gosse ; and General McC lellan has a paper on ' The War in Egypt .'

» ¦ 1 The^^ ¦^^ B B^^^ B^. ^ ^^T first^B^P^.F^^»B W^W ^.^ F volume^ ^^^ .W ^^"^. ^.^.^^.» ^..^ of^.^ ^.B the^ B^ ^^ " - ^^^ specialW ^ ¦ ^^ P ^^ ^. ^ ^^— ^^ ^^ —^^ limited™ 1 ¦ ^^ ^^»^» ^^ ^ ^f' ^" ^ ^™ edition^^^^ ^^"^ ^F» f ^BF ^^ ^^^ ^ F^ ^^" of^^F^ ^^^ the-^- ~— ^ ^^^ * Li^ - fe^^ and" ^ ^^ ¦ " ^— ^^ Work— ^»F " ^^^ ^^^^ F^» s-^ ^^T of^^— ^^— Benj^ ^^F- ^^^ ^^F B amin^fc^^ ^ ^V>^.^B iFlWBF ^BF^^. Franklin ,' edited by Dr. Jared Sparks , has just been issued "by Mr. Townsend MacCoun ,

^ ¦B' ¦ ^^^ ^^F» — ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ BT^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ " ^~ ^^"^ ^ ^ ~- ^— T ^ F^ ~- — ^ ¦ ¦ " ^ Chicago^^^ F^^^F^^p^ ^BV^ '^^ ^^^ BB ^ fc ^^^ ^ B U.S.^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ It^^^ ^^^ will be completed in .Tfc ten volumes. , ^^^ ..VA * j am, A Bl «¦ m Bl Messrs.^^^ ^A Lothrop4^ BV* - ^ «. Co.^B^^fl , Boston^Bv^ . , U.S., have planned^ «^ a series ofA^ '* Young^ Bf ^A* Folks^ B«* ^ B1 am « 'Ak Biograp«» ^ hies,' of which the first volume , a Young Folks 9 Life of Washington , by E. E. Brown , will shortl y appear. . A new serial stor y, entitled * The Cruise of the Canoe Club ,' from the pen of Mr. W. L. Alden , author of * The Moral Pirates ,' ' The Cruise of the ' * Ghost ,"' &c , Stc., will soon appear in Harper ' s Young___ People. The Pemi ____Month ly (Philadel phia) has__ ceased_ ^ _ publication with ____its Jul y number. This __ __ _ magazine^^—' was found— ed in— 1870w , by some of the younger— — ^.^ — members of the alumni^ of Pennsy l- Tania Universit y, who desire d ^ to ^secure literary representation of that institution before the^

V— VT -»»- public.^f -T >BB»li B7 Mr. Edwin P. Whipp le's ' Recollections ' of the late Ral ph Waldo Emerson appear in the September number of Harpe r' s Maga zine. ^ w- rt iVT 1 y^fc »-i •¦ r MnTyvnnitMessrs . GiJ-. PL-* . Pu*-fJ»t. tnam^ » -Th -w *. ' s*n SC! ons•-k'*'^ , New*n>w^ York»/ -^v ^-^ l r , wi-»«^ ll1 1 soon*r#-*^v-Tk^^fc issueinAii a-n. work-rw ^y-v»»l»- of/-^* somea*y» -^w interestv^ ¥~ - M* B^»C!T' , entitled l History of the Coloured People in America fro m 1619 to 1880 : Negroes as Slaves,

^^ K V B>^f * 1 ~ ^f- ^T * ¦¦ ¦ ™ — ~ as^BP^BT^W? Soldiers*^^^' ^^ ^BBk ^B> 4Bb ^Bf* V^^ BJ and^H ^ B^ B>> ^hf^B) ast*B*^p Citizens^^^ F' *^ h ^f * •^^ B^ BV ^^V Bl BV / bW^^ yW the^^ ^ ^ ^* ^ r Hon.^^b^fv^^^ ^^^ ^f» v* ^ b George^^^ T^ ^.^ ^4ff ^^ f^B ^^^ W. Williams^v^-^^^^^^ f^ f^B ^» ^V ^^^^ ,^ B of^1 ^ ^V Cincinnati^kl ^F' <^b ^^ ^Br ^T ^^ ^^ ^B> ^B>^fc^V V** ^^ ,*¦ Ohio.^"^^^ ^B* ^B> *^ ^1^^ BJ The^^ " .^ ^"^"^ ^^ same ^ ¦k , _ ^ f ^^ * firm announce a c Hudson^^^f ^-^B^ ^& EditionS^^P^^H ^b ^ — ^ 'B^ of^Bi Washing^^V ^B^ ^Bfe Bl ^ ton_ IrvingBk 'B& s works*h , i^ n t^ went y-seven cro w n 8vo. volumes illustrated and printed from new plates . , , hA «B Y ' * College.^^kd ^B. ^K Cuts.^Pf>. a '^ is^ the_ ^K title^ ^B of^& a volume^H ofi^ numerous drawingsB^ A^ taken_ BB from^M the> ^Bl Columbia^ ' Spectator , and to be published by Messrs . White & Stokes , New York.

~V v« B*^* dB>- ^ Bk V" ^ .f V ^ » ^ BB> ^»- ^ B^ ^ Bi BV ^Ba » »W «Jf ~Wf*- ^BT ^ .V^ ^ .M ¦ V ^ .^ BT V ^^ ^f V V ^ H «r V V V -H «« IB ^ «B ^ .P laBfe *-- V^ ^ h BW 4 Bai ^(f 1 ^f> JBl bf> -f- r— Mr.^ S.* R.^ 9 Koehler^ B^ ^ ^ »* ^B ^ ,B| late* ^W editor^i^ " -^ -» the^^ American*^ Art^~ V ^^ Review^Ba ^ ^f ' ^ ^ , has reprinted^ .f ^^^ ^^f**> ,*J in^ pampbT ^ ^ ™ hlet form , his interesting Penn Monthl y essays on ' Art Education and Art Patronage in the United_ States.___ ' __ _. _ __ _ _ . _ Messrs. G. W. Carleton & Co. , New York , announce for immediate issue ' The Lincoln•

BBBBB «.BH B*ata dBavaBJfc f- j _¦¦¦¦¦» BK ¦BBBBB^aaaWFai BJ B aBF ¦ «fc aja a|k| p^ pp » — Memo^" ¦V* ^ ^ P ^ba^ BJ^ rial bWV *** Album—ImmortellesT^ ¦^ .BJ ^ B>Bb4aB <^ bV B*^F-Bk«Vl ^ ¦,,^ ^B^ ^B* ^v*' .Sa. JB. ^^«V PkdF* ,*¦ ' bV"h^ yV Osborne^kaa" p«^ Bf ^ ^a^ F* aVk JM «K ^^ f> H. Oldroy^h, ^F* ^b ^h^*B> ^bbbi ^-• ' V d.' li ^ ^ Itaaaal^ purposes^ P ^ ^ ^ ^ .^^ ^.^ r I ^ ^^ a' r T toV# ^h«r beP*^^ ^^^ an"aV^W bfB *b> albu m of op inions tou ching the life, perso nal recollections , and public services of Abraham Lincoln,

-¦»- ~^r %-» ¦* ¦»¦ ¦¦ * •_> ¦ r •«. -^ .r *jar «r^_^ .m (*. r ¦" T ¦ MM KJLA -»--» -*•«¦ ¦ ~ B -r VV» i» v«i •¦¦¦¦baaaa * >(a. -v^ ^ JfcF *^« «^ -W ~ ~ ^ -^ w a*. 7 •~-" ^ a ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^«^ A >aL>V ^^ W ** ^«^ >> ^>^* UJ' ^ *• ** *»^ f*^ ^"^ W • .^ **• ^ .^ Jk F—^ ^^ * Vf AWAAi W J*- X/ ¦"• - ^kr^^K » w*-* book. collecte d from 200 eminent Americans¦ and Europeans and written speciall for this ¦ ¦ «¦ _ aat aal ¦ ¦ -Ah. _ ^ ^^y ^bbB aa^^ F>««BBBB> , -fc ^* ¦ _«. Baa ahal ^ - m -_bbb— **BtaBB> 4A ^^ aal *^* Amon g these contributors^ ar e General Gr ant , Hayes, Garfield , Sh^ ^ erman , Hancoc k , Noah Porter , Lyrn an Abbott , J. G. Whittier , O. W. Holmes, Benson J. Loasing , Chas. A. Dana, J no. B. Gough yer John Bri ht Newman Hall near ly Robt. Collah , ah g &c. It will be a book of aa , al «T%. , aaai aaat .aPFk Bk aaBk aaaa ^_ , bUUah «^ ovo. pages , and will^ be sold^* only by su ^Hbscription dh .

Since our last publication the following P ublishers have issued books, full titles of which will be found in the New Book List :— SCessrf . Blacitwood *. Sons.—Macdonal d and Sinclair ' s History of Polled Aber deen or Angus Cattle. Messrs . CasselY , Potter , Galpfn , A. Co.—Russia , by D. M. Wallace , new editi on.

aaa_ •- aaa) - - jh ar a^ — 2. Ebers ' E ^•ar V Descri pt ive Historical ^j Vol. gyp t , , , an d Picturesque^ , trans lated by Clara Bell, MCo»8rs. Crrlffltli &. rarran .—Dun man 's Talks about Science, with Biograp hical Sketch by

___ _ s --- _ _ - -. -_-_ _ __ —._ _„ _., . n Charles WeLsh. Godwin- 's Green Lanes of Ham— pshire ,-y S. — urrey— — , an d Sussex . Kingsto%_^ Three Lieutenants , new edition. Jab. B r ' ; ¦ " - - ' ' N "* r I.. . ' .. - ' .. Sept. i, 18S2 The Publi shers' Circular 7gi \

Messr *. Burst £. Blackett. —IS'ew Babylon, by Paul Meritfc and W. H. Poole, STVols. j Baint and Sibyl, a Story of Old Kew, by C. L. Pirkis, 3 vols. Messrs. Cro» "by Xiocltwood &. Co.—Dickson's Practical Organ Building, new edition, ¦ Messrs. lonrmaoR 4l Co.— Sir Thomas Brassey on the British Navy, Vol. 3, Opinions on ShipSniinbuildinbuildingfif Policv.jroiicy. ViHy illee's ArtificialArti&Qial ManuresManures,, translated iromfrom theth« FrenchFrenrli,m secondsp.eond edition. Longman's Illustrated Readers, Book 5. Lectures on Light, by John Tyndall, new edition. Messrs. Sampson X.ow, flffarston , Searle , A. Rflvln ffton .—ISTo Longer a Child, by Maud Jeanne Franc. Overbeck, by J. Beavington Atkinson (Great Artists). Messrs . Mac mlllan *, Co. —Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Mohammad,

«m> -am^ *-_ m^Q^ mmm — — j - m — - - — — — - — ~ - - — _^ __ ^~ _- *pp . _- - ~_ _ _ _ , _—. .p v v .mm mm* mmm- .¦» ^m ^ ™4p* " w pammmmmmm ¦/ v^ m** j v m^^ ^^ ^ b^^kr » ?¦, ""m* ^wr «m» w ^b. mma r imar w ^ ^^^ ^^ "Rvplvn edited bv Stanlev^ Lane-Poole. Lvsias. Orationes. XVI. witli 7$n+.&* Sire hv S. Shuckburg h.

TRAD E CHANGES. Messrs. Barbour & Burdon , wholesale stationers , of Hope Street , Glasgow , have dissolved

mm- ¦— -ma- mmi-ma i*™» — w^ m-w^m- ^r — - — — ^a-a . — —— — - ^ »— —- — - ^ »— -a- ¦ -p r — ¦ - -— — —— p ^^ -^r ^m^ - aamajaa -^ mam mmi mm> mmm- *¦**» ¦ ¦ » w «¦»« mmmmr ma mmm*- amr ¦» m^m^^ m) ^mrnrn^^ *" ^ p partne^ rshi p,j and the business will be continued by Mr.^^ John Burdon^v^ 0^ ^ ^ r ^* .^ Messrs. Ashdown & Parry, music publishers , of Hanover Square , W., have recentl y dis- solved partnershi p, the business being continu ed by Mr. E. A shdown . Mr D. Meredith has retired from the firm of Messrs . Meredith , Ray , & Littler , book- sellers and law stationers , of 49 King Street , Manchester. After a very successful business career of more th an thirty years , Mr. J. E. Ackworth , of Eali ng, has retired. Mr. A. W. Tyer has purchased the bookselling and stationery part of the business , and has removed to No. 4a Broad way, nearl y opposite the post-office. The pr inting department , and the Middlesex County Times, which Mr. Ackworth esta blished in 1855, have been tak en over by his son, who will continue to carry them on in the same pre mises as heretofore . Messrs. Holmes & Son, 66a Paternos ter Row, effected the trans fer. The Tunbrid ge Wells Advertiser has chan ged hands. It is now the pr operty of Mr. Clements , and formerl y of Mr. L. Hepworth .

pr ^ Pp pYp) WiPH -^ p^ PJPI P^P^ ^—~^ i ^ -^^— ~ h ^pr ^p^^- ^ ¦ ^-^p^ -^p^ ^^^^^^v h ppi^p—^^ ^PjpppH PJPp- PpPO PPf ^PB> PB^ PJPK ^Pl w^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^pr ¦'^ ^ p^ ^pv ^ p- ^ ^ p p^ ^ p- h ¦ ^ ppj H p M l ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ PT PP/ p ^PP-^pV PBBP ^PpPJ P^^ ^PT ^PF^PpI ^P ^ P PP^ P Pp. ^ppV BpPpV pPV pPp> ^ Pp> ^P-PPPp* VPB PI VP ^PfpV ^ Pjp<^P^ ^PJPf P^PpV Pi^fep v H pV PP^Pf^VPP The bookselling ,^p p printing,^^ ^^ ^P^ and stationery business^^^ carried^P^ onp ^ p for man^P y years by the^P ^^^ ^(^p latepP ^^P* ^Bp V Mr. Greorge Bull, Teignmouth , has been purchased by Mr. Edward Everard , late of the firm of

ppj ppppr pppippp Ppps ^^^^ ^ ¦ ' ' ^~ ^^ ^ p^ ^^- ^^^ ^ pp r ^ ^ i ^ ^ p^^ pb p ^p^ p^ ^ p ^ p ^ ^^ vpj h ipp 1 ^pppi ^p ^Pp«r ppp pjp ^ ^pjpr ^ p^ ^^ p* -^ p ^ -^ ppr p*^ ^^ ^p> ppppj py Keyworth and pB Everard of Cirencester. a. P pPp, k ^ p. , pB. ^ p. _ __ ^ pPSp pfepPfc PPfc p _ ^ ph ^ ^ B p ^ pp ^ ^^ _ ^.^ . pp. The bookselling,^ printing,^ and stationery^ bu siness in Fore Street , Bridge water , the propert y

¦¦ ¦¦ ~pr — ^^— — — — —— - h -^ ^^ ¦ ^^^™ -^p^ h * ^^^ ^pp ^h p^ ^pp> ^p^^p^ ¦ ™ ¦ ^ pi ^p- pp> ¦ pj '"- ^» ^» ™ ^p^ ~ — ^^^ ^" ^ » ^ ^p^^ ^~ ^^ ™ ^ ¦ p^^ ' ^par ^^~ ^ " ~ —^" i ^^^ ^p^~^ ^^" ^pi ¦ ^ p^ ^ppvar ^p^ PpPh ^p> ^^p* ™ p»^p» ^PpP^ p^ p ^pjp » ^^ . » ^i^pi ^p > ^^p^^p ^ p ^ PpP^ pj ™ pai p * ^ pt ^ pt pr v^ p^v V^V pBPV p p of Mr. Robert—^ ^ Brodi e has been purchased by Mr. William Burg^P^ ^^ " ^ AS h ope of Great Malvern . , .-¦ tf ^k -M» V* I^P p.b «Vp» .K ^ pI*.«p* ¦ _ pffB , -P ^ p ^ ^ . 1 .^^f^k. a-m ^ p^ .A ^ « ¦ . ^^^ ^ .a^. am - aah. M a> ah aam Mr. John F. Dunn , bookseller , of 47 Lud gate Hill, has taken the prem ises at 4 Chea pside,

-a- «aar aa, aaa bbp ¦ ¦ a« mna/am v ^ ' ~~ *"- * ^ amam- am ma am-ppm> am mj aa «.>*- vaar a^ vajar faa ^ «»• .r v V H amB. 1PmBPr ml ^ am> ^ B^h ^ma' ^^ -^^ vv ^ ^ r ~ «T ^ ¦* ¦ H f BBla>* amBBta "rnVar ¦ ¦¦ *' P»a. P|p - W aBBBaaaw ^** - V aap am»a- aaBj aaflar aa auPBBmr -pajaa' ^mT V VB "A* ^ppf " W mB mH ^^r «mar ^aaaj aja a/ p f ^ > aj corner of Paternoste r Rowm^a^ a^ ^. longa occup ied by Messrs . Leuchars &^ Co. , toy deal ers.^ Mr.*¦*»¦*aHt> Dunn^**^T *tfW«aB*a^ m>a*» ^^ _aai , A am *h _ a> a> «\ ppB afe pK ami . . arnVm will9 "¦ "al shortl. — A y open these.. premises as a first-class^ ^h. ^ aVa. booksellingak 4K aB establishment similar to the one so

a]BBr «a>^ar aaaj. -Pma>~ ammmi ¦¦> aar -aa-va* pmaai war *m- — ^ — ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ am mi ^^m ^^ m> ^mmm^ a^ ^to Paa* m^ aja aaa ^» ~ aaa ^^ ^^ ^ a— ^— ^mp- -^" ap ¦^pp' ^ "^ ^w ^^ §m ^ waj am vr P^ap^^ ^^ '^ »^" w w aap ^p» ^a- -pm» am am « • ^^ ^*^ ^rm r*"" « ^ ay aa,aw*ap «p ^a^wa « a« —v am am -v^ ^^ pb- vp paam ~H | ~ a^^ ma « long^^ ^T S successfully carried^^ on^ byJ him on Lud gate Hill,—^ which will be continued as heretofore. The Publishin g OflBce of the * Oracle ' is now removed to 115 Fleet Street , and the chief office to 14 St. Mary Axe. It was formerl y pub lished by Mr. H. J. Infield , of 160 Fleet Street. LAW INTELLIGENCE. CHAPMAN AND HALL V. DICKS. At the vacation sittings , before Mr. Justice North , on the 16th ult. , Mr. Alan Stewart

—v ¦- ¦ ¦ — — — v ¦» —• v& ^^ r A JL. ™^S IVA r M. M. % - —¦* ¦ ~^ \JV 9~S %-r A. A. V^&^V «¦/Jk V.^ —.—— « V ¦L.-1*».J X^ ¦—- fc-i —>•—• "fc. ** ^—fc » n ^ —_/ <• '\ ^ ' •—. —^ -*--^«j ^ . •. _-- -w _ —rf»—¦ ^^ - -»*»w J* »^ —» -*»¦—.-»~^^ mention ed^* thisA_k*w* action.%V ^—' VA\- The—*- app lication was original ly_ before Mr.* Justice^^ Chitty^—' J ,T when* * —. • the plaintiffs claimed to be the proprietors of an unexp ired copyri ght in ' Barnab y Rud ge,' and

.ftfa aaa .¦ .¦ aa a> ¦¦ ¦— p-^ ¦ ¦ — ^ mmmm W S mm, ¦fc. amj m^ mjj a/ ^^ m^ m^ . «,. VVV**amfc mfc ^^ mf ^ H^ mmfc ^ k -T& aft* rfft J» mm> «m**m* ¦ .Oft m#- T^ "mV -^ mam« ^*a^ T ¦" » -a- >* 'a^ amj m^ ma. a , mp m. r vaa ¦ a>aa aam - aam>aa ^a- -pp->V mmm* aaaaamaa upon that statement^ m^ mj ^^ ^ " . ^^ mmV A "^ obtained^m^ ~^^ ^^ i*fc an^ interimm^ "^ V J^ injunction%.^ <^ ™ * over~^^ to-day" " restraining^ ^* ~— —— Mr. Dicks"" fro^*- m publ ishing a reprint of the work . An arrangem ent was now come to that the case should be adjour ned for a fortni ght , and that in the meantime the injunction should be continued. ALLEGED INFRINGEMEN T OF TITLE . On the 23rd ult. , before the same learned Jud ge, an app lication by the proprietors of the Plumber and Decorator and Journ al of Gas and Sanitary Eng ineering was made to restrain the publicatio n of a new journ al entitled the Decorato r, P lumber , and Gas Fitters' Journal , on the ground that it was an alleged imitation of the plaintiff 's title. Mr. Justice North said that if ie tollowed his own inclination he should grant an injunction ; but under the circumstances he would merel y order the defendants to keep an account unt il the trial of the action.

OBITUARY . Dr. Steere, whose death , at the early age of 54, is announced as having taken place on Sundavfcunday laftfc-last, waswn<=i an. manmn.n of remarkablerfimn.rkn/hl« andn.rul variedvn,rEnd talents, and amongamonc his accomplishmentsaccomplish merits maymav be mentioned proficiency in practical printing. Ho was an accomplished scholar, and among

his" litera»««vj.iaji y nr VX xv. C3 WClf XI Ivjivc i/Vll V^J. I/ 11U jl. lyjoovui/jvuu uiiuv l 1/j ii.v/ j LvvrAjiacwAa xj ui l/vi. vi O ) qvaj uv Sketch of the Persecutions under the Roman Emperors,—m some ry mw ' works were 'A VmBf-mi flK *_ _ _ _ _ ^^_ ~—_ _ m__^. ^ m_ . m. ^_ ^^ m*> mmm ml mm mm mm . m^ _ ^m> t^ ¦ > essay^ s, and an edition of Biahop Butler 's Avorks. He also published a history of the Bible^ and Prayer Book , and many hymns and stories in the Shamlilla and Swahili languages. 1 Dr. Steere succeeded Bishop Mackenzie , as Missionary Bishop in Central Africa , in 1874. =:::::::: ¦¦ ¦ 9 r -I , , ; . :¦¦¦ J 792 The Publish ers ' Circular sept i, igga 1

Mr. Arthur Gilman, the American architect and writer on architectural subjects, died on the 11th ult. at Syracuse, New York. Mr. Gilman was born at iN ewburyport, Mass., U.S., and graduated from Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. He lived in Boston until 1862 , and then went to New York. He passed some time in London also, becoming intimate there with Thackeray, Mark Lemon, John Leech, and other "brilliant men now deceased. Col. John Church Hamilton, a son of Alexander Hamilton, died at Long Branch, New : Jersey, U.S., on July 25, in his ninetieth year. He served in the war of 1812 , resigned in 1814 , and devoted himself to the study of history with a view to preparing a biography of his distinguished father. Between 1834 and 1848 he published the * Memoirs of the Life of Alexander Hamilton,' in two volumes, bringing the record down to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. * The Works of Alexander Hamilton,' in seven volumes, appeared in 185 1, and in 1858 ' A History of the Republic, as Traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton,' in two volumes. He also published an edition of ' The Federalist ,' with notes and comments. We have to aimounce the death on August 18 , aged 78, of Mr. James Read, of the firm of Messrs. Read & Barrett, booksellers, formerly of the Thoroughfare, and recently of Queen Street, Ipswich. The business is continued under the old title by Mr. Barrett. Mrs. In wood Jones, niece of the late Lady Morgan, the celebrated Irish writer, has just died at her residence in toloaneSloane fetreet.Street. Her nousehouse was nlledfilled witn.with memorials otof herner distindistin-- guished relative. The death is announced, in his 80th year, of Mr. James Murray, author of * The Maid of Galloway/ a tale of Thrieve and Otterburn—a poem which some thirty years ago attracted considerable attention. The deceased , who lost his sight at the age of five years, was known as c the blind poet of .Galloway.' Professor William Stanley Jevons, whose melancholy death by drowning has been the subject of general regret, was the author of many able works on logic and political economy. In 1860 he brought out his ' Substitution of Similars the True Principle of Reasoning ; ' in 1870 the * Elementary Lessons in Logic ; ' in 187 1 the ' Theory of Political Economy ; ' in 187 4 the ' Principles of Science ; ' and at a later period * Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. 3 Last year he gave up academic work altogether, in order to devote himself exclusively to literature. During the last ten years of 1m life he was made an F.R.S. and

¦¦ ¦¦ an^v ^ ^» ^v LL.D.^^"^ tf^v ^ma ^am w ^^^^^ ^ of^*-r ^m Edinburg^^^* mm ^*^ ^~^ m^^ *^^ ^*v ^^ hk h.^m ^* V His.^ta ^^^ hf ^v chief^i^ ^^^^- ..k ^^^ ^v worksv v ^a^ ^B# ^B-^ham ^ werev V ^k' ^^ ^^^ the^w 4m^+ ^^ ' Princi***m ^^ ^^* ^^ ^^ ^ir ^^ pm les^^ ^^^ • of^^ —rw Science* ^"^ ^^ ^~ ^^ ^^^^ -^^ - — ' and^-^ ^ — ^^ ¦¦ the~~ —- — ™ * Theory^^-^ ^— ^ ^>- ^ — f of Politica L Economy/ "which embody his ripest theories on the fundamental doctrines of economics and logic. In the former a system of logical inference akin to that of Boole is elaborated. Rodolphe Rey, one of the best-known litterateurs of the Swiss Romande (French, Italian,

w^_r % ^r .a. ¦¦». A, «^v aa * ¦ ¦ andwViA ^^ Romancem-m-m. *.^^. ^.^*-*^-spew^* ^s akingi ^ m.» m.M. ^^ Switzerland),r* ^ « * VC4V/A J. ^.^^ P. *. X^ a« has¦ ¦ 1 mmj j¦ ustm-^»- y «/ diedV/^* . % ^ ^-* at^ Bex-«- ^ ^r ^*.«, in Canton^-» m-'W-*^ «^ ^^ »-^ ^Valaisv ^^ w-ifc *"^ * r- ^ ,« Switzerlandrs_^ ^ v&_j«^r^. ^ «^wm« ^"* ^, at the age of 55. M. Rey, who was a man of independent fortune, and for nearly half his life a confirmed invalid, was less distinguished for the number of his works than for their high q uality, the polish of their style, and the intense love of Switzerland by which they were characterised. The one by which he is most widely known is c Geneve et les Rives du Leman.' He wrote also, for the Gnlerie Suisse, biographies of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, and Dufour, 'L' Tj'TTiRt Jtlistoireoirfi de lala. RenaissanceRp.naiaaannft PolitiquePolit.innft ded« llTt.aliftltahe derift 1814181 4 ah. loblI Hfil ,'7 a hookbook whichwhicvh has becomebecome classic, and several miner works on Italy, a country in which the state of his health compelled him often to reside, and in whose fortunes he always took the most lively interest. The Rev. Pascoe G renfell Hill, Rector of St. Edmund the King and Martyr, Lombard

V^^ «. a^Jk »S_r *»¦ *- *-» - StreetfS^r %/tL ^*~KS V*, whoV W M.m.\^ diedX* m. on^-^ MondayA.»J». \/ A.&V> ^«jW V atMIU theUAJk ^y RectoryJK -^fV^X^ WVJ.J ,ft FinsburyUK. A M-A.K3*>J V* A. ^V Sq^_ » uare\AV« *• >-* ,* was* * «.«§»«_» in*. ».«. earlier^> *viW«- A4 ^^ r«. yearsv ^^ «- aww chap^w -—. ^—j ^- lain in the Royal Navy. His travels and experiences formed the subject of several interesting c works, including Fifty Days on Board a Slave Vessel / and * Visits to Cairo.' He was also the author of a * Life of Napoleon III.' and other books. One of the worthiest representatives of the country trade, Mr. Thomas Brear, of Bradford, «* »¥ XI, Vlll _» hasUUU passed^»«onuv t awayC*J T from amongCmXLM.\SjL.Lg£. us;UO y cutl/UU offVSU. inXII. theU11Q very* V>A J f prime|-fj. JL.SA1.U ofVX. lifelllV^, forJLV ^X he*«.! had.il.CA.Vl. onl*j m.**.jy j ust completed his 49th year. Mr. Brear was the son of Mr. David Brear, and was born at Manningham. Mr. Thomas Brear's business career commenced by his being apprenticed to Mr. H. B. Byles, a bookseller of Bradford, where he continued in employment until the yearVAar 18651 ftfiri , whenixrV»or» Mr.TVTt> BT^Trlyles ^a retired.rofii«a l.lj r localX\J\ ;C1>1. workVT s,? and of diary, issued monthly, which, as one of the Bradford papers says, c has made his name a household word among us.' Nay more, we suppose there is scarcely anyone engaged in the wholesale or publishing trade throughout the kingdom, to whom the name of Thomas Brear of BradfordJLH. 4MAJ.V/A U isJUJ not«V/ « familiarACJUAAJLJLAXUl X. asC*O oneVJVD ofUl, thetll ^ mostlUUH ll prominentI^A «J» *1J XJ1J. V71X U customers.V/UOI/U111C>1 O. Mr.1TJ.I . BrearJ_»Jl \>«

failing^_* health and who died on the 25th ult. , was one of the proprietors^k a of v^*^ account of ,* * on __,« _f_ • 1 • 1 1 • . • • ¦ _ m."T the Halif—.-. ax Courier , and his* name will'I"! be remembered ^ in connection with¦* the Newspapers (Law of Libel) Act , which was passed into law throug h his exertions in the Session of 1881. The Act removed the liability of newspaper proprietors for imparti al reports of words spoken public meetings , enforced the compulsory reg istration of the names of newspape r owners , at ¦ | and- made i it• necessary that• 1 • thei 1 consent of(* thei i AttornA a 1 ey-GeneralS*4 11 should 111 be obtained_i ¦ • 11Mbefore any crim inal proceedings could be institute a aga inst newspape r proprietors for libel.

Books Received :— much of beaut y, that , like * Don J uan ,' the reader hesitates to lay it down-. ^_ ; and yet,y stri ppe_ d of_ sen-_ m Messrs. Bemrose & Sons.— * The Student' s ^ — — 7 — ^ — ^ ^ Fro ¦ _ _. _ 4« _ ConcordanW ce to the« Revised^^*^ _ ^ Version^V ^* (1881)^h ^^ of the timent , illicit love or hist is its theme , and there New Testame nt of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus in no attem pt to disguise it. This, however , is only true of a small number of the poems , and I —m— h-v Chr-^^^^ ^^p^^ ^^p ^h ist —^^ — ,^h ' comp— — iled— ^m— -m~ — upon•m—^^ j-^— ~^h* — an— — ori— - g^k^V inal p^B lan show-* ~ » ing the changes in all the words referred to. there are many others marked by the same un- Published under license of the Universities. The doubt ed ring of genui ne poetry to which, no ex- issue of the Revised New Testament mad e it a ception can be take n. foregone conclusion that a Concordance based upon the new text would follow, but in the From Messrs. Bean & Son.—' The Victoria Cross volume before us the comp ilers hav e given far in Zul uland. ' By Major W. J. Elliott. A new more than a classified index to the verses in volume of the pu blisher 's popular * Deeds of which prominent word s occur , and as a speciall y Daring Library / giving a succinct account of the valuable— feature_ _ _ — _ they- enable- _ us to see at a glance_ _ Zulu war , the interest of which has been mate- the texts in which ^ a new word is used as^^ the rially revived by Cetewaj o's visit to England and equivalent of the older translation. Tims , under the determination of the Government virtual ly to * love/ which in the Revised Version is used for reverse the policy which led to the campai gn. ' charity ' and for several other word s in the The author 's riew of the war is enti re ly in accord Authorised Version , we have all the New Testa - with that which has led to the promised restora- ment verses in which * love * occurs , and those in tion of the king, and he speaks in strong terms which it is now introduced as the equ ivalent of of tho action of Sir Bar tie Frere and of the another expression . This in itself ful ly entitles British General , declaring at the close of the the editors to describe their work as compiled story that ' the reader must have been satiated upon an * ori ginal plan ,1 "but , fu rther than this , with sufficient recital of events which were the they have adopted what seems to be a decided outcome of a miserable pol icy.' In the same way Major Elliott condemns the war against the Boers improvement — on the— old concordances ,» by— V ^J giving^ the words in strictl y al phabetical order^, in the Transvaal , which led to Sir George Colley's and not in families or groups. In cases where defeat and death : • Then ,' he wri tes, ' ensued once_____ more___ that_ . __ insan_ . __ . _e desire_ . of_ a certain party,_ _ "words used in the translation of 1611 have alto- — — — — ^ ^ gether disappeared in the recent Revision , th ey which had been in power at the ti me of annexa- are include d in the Concordance with a cross- tion (of the Transvaal) to aga in perpe tuate the ~ — continuance— of a great refe ren ce to the term by which they are rep laced princJ i ^p le of mig^y ht b-^y tho ^ in the Revised Version , and the sam e course is wron g, and to insi st upon a further slaughter of I followed where an altera tion has been made in human beings to enforce their pr inci ples (given I

^^*^r ^m r ^p*_ ^^^^_» ^^f~ ^m^r ¦¦ ¦ ^» i ^ -^^-^^— -^_ -^_- — - ^_ the — -___ - __j aB ' princ^^» ^^ i pR ls^^ ^"^^ ' b— yh a^" ^^ misprint^^ ^^ ^ ^ in the wor k under I spelling.x, cj Anot her slight but important^ im- proveme nt on the plan of the older Concordances notice). These pe ople did not offer to go out and I is mad e in those cases in which , the text quoted fight the Boers themselves. They called upon the country to send out the officers and men in does name of th& person speaking*¦ not X M. tf the m. K - supply * or acting : in all such instances the name is its pay, and have them slain in the fury of com- inserted in brackets . A table, sty led the Genea - bat in an unjust cause. Fort unatel y a change of logy of the English New Testament , gi ves some G overnment had taken place in the interim. This useful notes on the pr incipal earl y edit ions in the Governmen t stood its groun d, and refused to thus ori ginal , and thei r connection with the tran slation steep itself in bl oodguiltin ess. With a moral of 1611 ; and tables of word s omitted in the Re- courage and self-abnegation of power beyond all vised Version , and a list of new an I disused questioning , this Administration resolved to re- wor ds and of differences of spelling, are also added. store to the Boers that territory from which by

_- ^r^m ~— -^ -v -^^ m -~^r m h - — ¦ ^^- - ^^"^» — — ^m B — — - — — — — — - -^ — - -— The interest and value of the work , as a com- successive stages of Briti sh oppression th ey^^ had pani on to the book which is certainl y the most been driven ; and a convention was draw n up, importan t undertak ing in the range of Biblica l conceding the restitution of the Boer territor y, yet

¦ ¦ ^^ ^— ™~ ^ — - — ¦ ^ —^ ^~~^ 1 ¦ literatur e since the Reforma t ion will bo obvious retaining^K ^^ ^ ^M^» ^ "^ ^ .* ^^ ^^ ^^^^fc certai^.^ ^ ^^ ^^ ~— ^ n suzerainty^^^ ^ and ri^^^ ^^ g^^p^K hts^w m* ^"^^ of^^^r ^" matters^^^^^*^^F ^i*^" ^^W ^^» ^^^ ^^^" ^"^^» from this brief outline of its contents , and a wor d in connecti on with the native po pulation/ Prom of praise may be added for tho excclUnce of the this extrac t it will be seen tha t Major El liott

¦ ,. feels f-tro ngr~_ ly and writes strong^_ ly,v but wheth er it~ _ ^ _ A ^ ^_ typogr aphy, which in a book of reference is a — A ^ *A ^^ ^ ^ ^k point of gr oat moment . is wise in a work intended for general circulati on to allow pol i tical and party feeling to make itself I Fr om Mr. David Bogue.— • Slorm-Prift : Pocm ^ felt so strong ly, when it is obviou s that there are I and Sonnets. ' By H. C. Clarke . The bea uty of two sides to these as to most questions , is an other much of the vers e in this volume no one can deny, matte r. but its clear affinit y to the modern , or , as plain- »poken critics term it, the * fleshl y,' ech ool will From Mr. Alexander Ga rdner. —- * The Wonders of qua lify the verdict of praise which nearl y nil Nature/ By Professor Rudol ph, U.S. Revised readers would oth erwise bestow upon it. There by Alex. Brown , LL. D With 16 illustrations.

~~ ¦ ¦ V^ ft **JWW is ^i« ^ar ¦ ¦ HB4K B^r V^F V ^^V^ H ^ft^V ^^ H ^bi ^» ^ r # ^^ r f » v -^jw war ¦ * 4 ^^ « V ^ ^ n ^f ^ ^ ^^^ , in fact, in the^^ ^^ pasaion and sensuous*^ flow of the Althoug h the title of the book might lead the Iw * Stor y of Salerno ,' with which the book opens , bo re ader to suppoa n that it covered ft - till wider ^ A ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • - • ¦ • • ir. . . • -t? f m The Publisher s' Cir cular Sept. i, .gga j

; ground the subjects dealt with in its pages are unpleasantl y in the book as the stern parent , mainl y astronomical . We hare chapters on tie refusing to allow his daug hter to mar ry an eli- solar system, the moon , the stars , shooting stars , gible young aide-de-camp to the Lord-Li eutenant comets , aero lites, the pole-star , the cause of merel y because he is a Protestant , boasts of the ¦ ¦ twiliv v* m * • gbk ht»« ». , and^.v*-' ^» tidesw*^» ^- "» .v The-bw-w •hBm^* "writerv* .ta. « «. -•*•'& ,m f r >u •* a •¦ • a& %x %jt \^ Um I t_f L Mb BBt while he d eals ^B ^ Ah A .^K & *A~ -_ ^ - n ame of the present occupant of the civic chair , : ' . • "wi th the scientific side of his subject, writes Mr . Dawson. p^ •» simpw»bm val y,r ) but** w when** v»* he.v-w moralises<**-tv' ^«r.% «j» A.-lhJ "ih/fc7 heAA V/ isAt7 temptedVV^ tU Lf vUU tol/V • verge on the poetical / as, for example, when in From the same.— * The Speeches and Tabl e-tal k his introduction he tells us tha t ' We of the of the Prop het Moham mad. ' Chosen and tran s- present day are more favoured than the old lated , with introduc tions and notes , by Stan ley Patri archs , and the schoolboy of this age is better Lane-Poole.l^ane-j rooie. Itj.t cannot bebe denied thatna tt., as«« acquainted with this wondrous body (the sun} Mr. Lane-Pool e says in his pre face , ' alth ough tha n were the hoary sages of anti quity .' The " Auld Mahound " is a h ousehold word , he is I construction of some of his sentences is also a very littl e more than a word ,' and we the refor e little faulty , as when he says : * The general welconc e this addition to Messrs. Macm illan's opiOpi nion is that the cometsComets shineshinft by"hv theirf.hfifr ownnwn ' Golden Treasury Series' as a contri butio n native light. This is a mistake—at least, so far toward s the better understanding of what he as respects the large majori ty of comets ; if, in- reall y was and what lie taug ht. It will surpris e deed , it is not tru e of them all.' What ihe writer many peop le to learn that the Koran , of which so m eans is, we imag ine, that the theor y that comets littl e is known by European read ers , is only two- I are self-lumin ous _ ___ _ v is - - _ _ . -._ _ a mistake ^ ,^ as ^^^ respe cts the thirds of the lengthj of our New Testament ¦¦ A _ , and ^HB ^ta*> ^B»«h .A ^m A ^K ^ .^ ^. ^b ^_ ^ w— a«/ majoriif - ty of comets^ "~" y --» « *~*w*w^vb aw uw bv/f(/i ug V/A. ^ , if indeed it is not tmtrue of Mr. Lane-Poole claims th at in this little collection them all , and it is to be regr etted tha t a book from its pages he has presented what he could , if which conveys so much valuable and trustworth y he were a Mohammedan , accept as a sufficient re- informajiiiorma tion shouldsnouia not haveHave beenbeen more carefullycarefullv presentation of what the Kora n teaches. A sketch j edited . As regard s the point from which the of the Prop het 's life form s part of the introduction. I Profess or approach es the mysteries of his subject , The volume is well calculated to give the reader itil may beoe well to savsay thathat t he taktakes es his stand onr>n an intelligent acquaintance with the main features the revelat ion of Scri pture , and accepts implicitly of the teaching of one who, at least , con t rived to its statemenstatem ents ts as to the agencyaerencv of thethn Divine ^ mak e a lasting impressi on upon the great mass of Being in the crea tion and development of the his countrymen , and obedience to whose dicta is ¦ aaa whole — — ^^ / • *"** • —»^^ uj ^ m-VVM.\JM~l 49 *Wm \A\ ill \M IJ solar system.^ The illustrati^ ons 4 J A A ¦_ _ _ 1 A , « <* «i add much still a f actor with which Eu ropea n legislators to the value of the book. have to re ckon.

From Messrs . Crosby Xiockw ood & Co —' Prac- Fi om Messrs. Smith , Elder , & Co.—' Northam

P*^ r ¦ ™ " ^ — — — tical«,*«-« Ov/rgargann Buildingj ^uiiaiDg. . ' Bvxjy Ww. ±j._E. Dickson.Lhck son, Pre-Pre - Cloisters^^^ ^Bh ^ ^ ^ «^ ^kv> ^^ W^ .W* ' B«^^^^^ yW the^^ ^^^^ "^B» Auth^^ ^^"™" ™ " ^B^^B^B* or^B» BB of^T ^^ ' Alcestis.^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^"^ ' Two centor of Ely Cathedr al. Second edition , revised, volumes. A lively novel , with the scene laid in a with additi ons. We ar e not surpris ed that a cathed ral and university city, which will str ike

^_ 'fc BHBT B| BB m B»^ «T ^ ™ ' v *" ^^ — ..„.„ 4h_^h " W «^ « ¦ BJ T m *^^ M| ^ h «^BP B*T second edition wvAiuii ^ V^^ BW* VWJV^B* * ^V ^ of this admi rableuuio littliibbice work—oneWUI A. UiitJ the reader as having many things in common with of the well-known ' Weale's Rudi mentar y Series ' picturesque Durham. The sketches of life in the —has been called for, as, althou gh Mr. Dickson prec incts are well drawn , and one of the chief

Vi * ¦• «|t ¦ ^ Bit »B»Bfc4 f «» ^ ^^ ^*-^ ^B- »^ BB| | a *^^pBB> ^Bk V BB-^ — ^B> BT ^ *-¦ — W — ¦ ^^- ^~ ~^ — ^^ ~ thoroug hly unde rstan ds the technical pa rt of his characters^ ^ p* *^ ^aV "^ of^^ the book , Mr. Milton , a tutor in the subject, he writes from the sta ndpoint of the University, who makes his life a mar tyrd om by man pu^uuublicu ratxatoerher than thetne onran-builder.orga n-build er. HenceH™™ hisM. perpetuall y fancying that other men have better treatise is calculate d to be of great value , not only cl iims to the hand of Anthea , whom he only mar- to organit_j sts —¦ is a and all—•- othersvLi.kvi» whon iiu hareJj ni C totu dealUCili withWll/il ries in the last chapt e r of the second volume, organs profe ss ion yljy, but also to the clergy and fi guor« rerft whichxehhoh 'wins and maintains a hold uponUDon tnethe those who from t i me to t i me h ave to incu r the rea der 's in terest , althou gh his self-deprecia t ion grav e responsibil ity of purchasing organs for near ly verges upon stup idity, and upon cru elty ~*m—~ %/**T msm.*V> X^ *¦' ¦ W ^- " -fL *-• A.*_V MMkVV VA^^ i^NrV W * mr North— - — am ch yrcJi es or publ ic buildings . The dia gram s, to the object^^ * of his affections. While "Withwnn whichwnicn thetne bookDoofc aboundsabounds , wilwilll makemah * thet h«* and Durham have , as we hav e said , man y points mechanis m of the organ clear even to the unini- in common , the musical festival which forms a ¦*, ,*- .•— —-- avwvua i; ?i/j i*^/ v^» »^i-fc-»-»»» -» -4-v — more— tiated . feature in* *» the progwf ^ ^ 3 ress•*-*•" of the tale*^^ bea rs affinity to the Tiiree Choirs ' Meetings of Glouces- From. Messrs. Macmil lan & Co.—' Christy Carew. ' ter , Worcester , an d Here for d t han to any mimik- By the I/UUII 0AIM.M. UUU AS.U «*. »^.~. — Aut hor of * Hogan , M.P/ A cheap edition fcstJ *-4*lt heldUCHI at«. »> theLUC Northern^IVI shrineMM% * ;, and its incidents of & novel which for grace ful diction , a well-sus- will be familiar to all who have taken part in the tained plot ,, and clever picturi ng of Irish life in pleasant autumnal gatheri ngs* A contested

¦ ¦ theW ^^ ^^^ ^^^ middle^™ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ¦ ¦ ^^^^" ^^m ^p^p and^ p^^ ^^*^ m ^^"^^« upper~^ ^^ ^r ^ r^ -^^ - classes~*~ —~ T — ~— ^ ~^ ^^ has— ^ ^- seldom^ — ^ ^ ^i ^ — ^—^^ been™ ^^ ™ ^ ^^ i" election for the borough is well descr ibed, and equalled. T!i e heroine is a charmin g p iece of amongHtnonn r ot her pnleaaantleasant passagestmssaires in the bookbook: is mothe por trai ture hex scheming, flirting, but by no coa»t of Nort h ;- sketch of a spot on the lovely : ¦- -™^ means^^^^ _- ^B^ H ^ ^" »— — altogether— ^ ^ ^^ H ^— ° ' ' -.^ evi- — l— step-mother¦ — M " is a careful~^T —" ¦ ^ ^^ Devon , the old family home of Counti sma n | study of a type of womanhood by no mean s uu~ G ranfer , a West-country lad , who, with William J *» fcjm of CQtnmon ; Sugrue , the persever ing and ultimatel y MiltonilAIllUM, takestUACO aEfc largeICIAJ ^C pjpiawlace in thew foregroiuivg»v""- u nd successful banister , for whom Christy refuses the tbe story . The intere st of the book is well &us- hand of a wealth y Ma nchester man , is cleverly tamedtained from first to laslae tL, andand its freedotreeao m fromirom descr ibed ; and the sketches of the three Roman vicious sensat ionalism ie no slight point in its I »riests- r tW worldly, political schemer , Canon favour. Oaffrey ; the studious recluse , Fat h er Considine ; and the working P.P. , Father Macklin , are all From Mr . Walt© * Smith (lat© Mozley).— - Buth ie- Sister. ' Ity , ston : Some_ Notes by a Brother_ and marked by skilful touches showing much know- r i . m 9 A ledge of the Irish ecclesiastical world ; in fact, the Author of ' lh© Cho rister Brot hers. ' A DiUglVt uiuuic lai u vv uLav -aji nan K7v»»*»^» affinity«»-»»»»-•» to~— what• which ha» some ak ~^ single-volum tal e -1 f e _ reading and is _ • ¦ • A. -B th e book , as a whole , is well wor th ^ Ruthie e n >«¦ V? ¦ ¦mH ^w«w« ¦ w -^ ¦ ¦ -*» — - » — — ious novel/ -^ ^ -^ a rel ig ^^ ^^ V^ ^^ ^^^"^^ uucd to be termed * man y degree*^v^ ^F^ a above the averageW^M novel of the cir- village , where th e * Bro- e of a¦ Scotch ia the_ nam ; culating libraries. It U a cur ious coincidence that B. Ah BB. !¦¦ A ^H _ — BL_ Mk *^^k^^^t^^^ , the I^ord Mayor of Dub lin who figures somewhat ther '—» young EnglUh clergyma n—-ta ke* oharge sept , i , 1882 The Publishers ' C ircul ar 7^5

of the Episcopal chapel opened under the license his wife*a friends at South port , Lancash ire , Eng- of one of the Scottish Bishops ; and the story of land , as recentlyrecentlv as the l1oth.5th of JulyJul v lastlast., -Mr.Mr. his experiences comes to us in the form of notes Barnum admits that he has reach ed the evening contrib uted by himself and by a sister -who ulti- of life—which , he adds , is well lighted , however— «¦ BB ^*^ BK^A — B> _ m B« «t * fl .M

-~ ,_ ¦ — ¦ ¦ ^ — — § — - - - _ — — — _ _ ^_- — — _ — mately» r ^ comes from the South to keep house for and his verdict is: that , ' tho ugh this is indeed him , and prov es herself a hel pmeet in various a beautifu l, delightful world to those who hare

i ¦ ^bj» h other ways, such as playing the harmoniu m and the— -^— te— -^^ mperament— ^r^v ¦ -^— ^ — — ~— -^^ -^^-^^ -* ,v the-^ h -^^ ^ r resolutib^^ ^b» ^^^ -^g^ b^ ^^^^ b^ ^m on^^^ ^™ ^b> ,bb and^^" ^^ b^^^^ ^ ^. the^^v — judg-^b- ^b" ^w ^ bb

^B ^B. ^Bi with each other ; and an aestheti c lad y artist feel a reluctance to obey the call^ ^ , when his Father attempt s suicide by drowning, because a local makes it , to leave all behind and to come hi gher

B^b Bl BJBB BV ^p B/ coal-merchant marries ' another. ' A bank failure up^^*^B MV in* ¦ ^BV BB the^^B^ ^V^^B ^^^T great^^ ^^ h ^^^ ^*^ v ^B ^^T FutureB|B^^ ^B^B ^^ ^^^" "^ ^"'^ ,Vfl whereV B1 ^^ ^ ^ ^»B' ^ ^^ r.Il^ ^B* of^ ^^ B^B that^ ^ ^^. BW ^BV^V ^^V which¥ " B^B^^. ^.^

_ occurs— justv in time to preveg n t the father of the we now prize highly (except our love to God and aforesaid coal-merchant from committing matri- our affection for humanity ) shall dwindle into mony with a d esigning elderl y lad y who plays a insi gnificance. ' The book is well wort h read ing.

M. - - - promiJ ^ nent part in the pJ. lot *, and finall Vy, * when we tak e leave of the ' min ister ,' lie is himself mar- Prom the same. — * Ward & Lock 's Popu lar His-

«B* ^B^ ¦ ^^" B^v ^m ^**^W ^^^^ ^^ ^^ B^"^^ ^^ B^^i " —^B^ ^B" ^^^ ^^-^^ ^B" ^B^ ^ ^ ^B^ » ^»- ^^ " ^^^^ B» ^^^ ^B* ^B ^» ^B ^B ^ B^ ^" B^B^^^^ ^BV^V ^^B ^ ^^F ^^" ^^ B ^ ^ B^ ry ing a young lady, who, with her brother , has toryJ of, and Illustrated Guide to, the^^^ Eastern __^ ._. ^Bk B^fel ¦ * - H^h. .L ^k^_ I _» - - come^^ b~ ^ ^K over^P** W from.^B. B^Bh~.^B. thebL ^ ^ PresbI ^H ^^ h. .^B. yterian^W> ^ ^^ B^ BK ^Bh ^h^h ranks.W^^ k * ThereV I * I ^m~ Hi ghlands ,' and Ward & Lock's Popular History is plenty of incident of the type with which novel- of , and Illustrated Guide to, North-east . ' Two capital pocket * guides ,' published appro - reade— — rs are familiar ,v while there are also many%/ pages filled with dialogues on Gregorian ton es, priatel y at a time when a jouin-y to the north choir difficulti es, troublesom e members of the country is likely to be undertaken by many a

1 congreg ation , and the thousand and one little tourist.^B» ^B^ ^"^ ^BVB ^Bl ^^B ^^ ^V The^B^B^ ^^B ^^ ^B^ first^^» ^^ —^ ^^» ¦ volume» ™ ^— ™ " ^"—^^ ^BF deals^ ^ ^^^ ™ ™ ^ —^B' with— T ^B» ^— ^^"^^^ Perth^^^^^ ^^^^ B^V ^B» ^V^B , and^"^^^ ^^^B^ ^B-^B» matters of controvers y which occupy the thou ghts , Arbroath Abbey, Glamis Castle , Brechiu of cleri cs and clericall y minded young ladies. Cathedral , Dunott ar Castle, Lochnagar , Braemar , the Pass of Killiecranki e, and oth er famou s

~^«~ ¦» ~ ^"™ ^b.bt"^ »b^b» ^b^ ^^^ ^^^"^ ™" ¦ ™ ^b° ^b — ^» «r *^™— — — ¦ —^ — — — — ^-^ — 1 ¦ — ^» — - - — — ^ ^^b> ^™^bm = ~^ From^^ w n ^ ^^ ^™^ Messrs. "Ward ,^g Lock ,^j & Co.—' Strugg les * sightssiffhts ;: ' andan d the second describes AberdeenAberdeen ,. Dee- and Triump hs: or , Recollections of P. T. Barnum. ' side, Elgin and the Mora y Coast , and the tri p Written by Himself. Mr. Barnum 's lates t specu- fro m Forres to Perth. Each book has a well- lation in the purchase of Jumbo fro m the Zoo- executed map and many illustrations , and these logical Society of London is only a link in the advantages are gained without any sacrifice , as long chain of effort s by wh i ch he has succeeded , either volume will go> wiih ease into the pocket or not only in making for himsel f a came in the the wallet. world , but in amassing what is, we imagine, a

¦ ¦ very considerable fortune. He has , we learn , From^ ¦P ^ ^^ B» -^. P ^ ^»b^ Messrs.B^M ^BBB ^BB ^V ^^ ^ ^ ^B^ ¦ ^ Wyman— ^ |^ V ^^^ &^ Sons.^^ — • Modern Dress^ alread y passed the patriarchal age of three-score and Clothing , in its relati on to Health and and ten , havirg been born at Bethel , in the State Disease.' By T. Frederick Pears e, M.D., L.K.C .P.

._. ^ B^ BB ^ Bl p » ¦> ^B^ - v^^ ¦» — ¦" ^^" — ¦ —' B» ^ - HBB .^_-_- -- _- — _ -^ of Connecticu t, on Jul y 5, 1810; and his father Lond.,^^ M.R.C.S. England. The doctors are was a tailor , a farmer , and sometimes a tavern- apparentl y determined to contest with the mo- keeper . His earl y traini ng was a little roug h , distes the ri ght of counselling the fair sex on the

— __. _ _ _ ^ - ^^ ^B^ B^^^ ^ BB ^^i^.J g ¦ ^^ — — W^ " — — » j but his org an of * acquisitiveness ' was, he tells (to^ them) all-important question of dress , and it us, speedil y developed. He began commercial life is only fair to say that , if their suggestions and by opening a retail fruit and con fectioner y store warnings received a reasonable amount of atten- t i on , the hum an form divine would be saved from in a part of his grandfather 's ear ri age-house at ^B, »¦- K & Bl ^ rifc 4 S -* Bethel . His next venture was as a journalist ; and many of the distortions which fashion at present the result of his per formances as editor of ' The inexorabl y deman ds, and which are unquestionabl y

¦ bm- ,1 ^ «#- ¦ ^r-» -« -* -^ ~ ~' -— -~ — ~ — — ¦ — —- -- ^« - j — « Heral d of Freedom ' was , that he was lodged in prejudicial to health and physica^ l developmen t. jail for libelling some of his fellow-townsmen. Dr. Pears e does not hold a brief for ultra sim- From Bethel he migra ted to New York , an d here plicity of garme nt , nor does he ask the ladies to start ed as a show man , his first investm ent in the cast aside ar t and fashion ; all he desiderates is, a dnfi pnn «*idfirat.ion of the claims otof the bodv to pi VMbV the claims the body to ¦ ¦ —¦ of —^— bj consider ation ^ i ^ avw "^ fa ^ ~ ^^ due busine.b ss ^ , which^ w *^ ^"> * ¦ ^b» bMbb* heVfc^B* ^ w has^"> ^ ^^" *^^ since™^^ ^ ^^* * ^" conducted^^^ —^ ™^ — ^ ^ ^^ ^~^ ^~^^ with ' ^ ^ ~ such remarkabl e success, being Joice Heth , a negress ; proper treatment , and above all , he pleads for

Bf B^Bl^.. ¦ ¦ w ¦¦ ^^ * ¦¦ ^B c J m ^k ^IJ ^H H ¦ ~^^^f b^M ^k r B» ^B ^ ^^f ^B ^B> ^. ^B> ^^ ^ 1BI- «B* ^W B^B ^B» ^"^ ^ ^^ i ^ ~^ -^ ^ — - ' — ¦ ¦ — m — of the reputed ago of 161 years. Much money the^ beauty^^^ ^Bf ^^^ of the human form when assisted by a was* made , but unfortunat ely Joice died , and Mr. reas onable costume , as contras ted with its dis- behests of what is ..— 4 obedience to the _ in — — h h h — — -y ^- — — _ fi gureme nt Barnu m^BJ^BV^B^ thenBb^ BBVI ^B^ . p BBI cast^^ ^B»'^» r* ^^^ about^ *^F ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ for^^^ ^*^ more talent / and was fortunate enoug h to find a jugg ler who termed fashion. We cordially wish him success pr oved tolerabl y remun erative. A. circus was . in his crusade , and commend his common-cense attention . ¦ ¦ public —-^ ^W ^^^^^ ^P" •¦¦•¦> ¦/ ^^* BBT -^B* B. BB»bb* ^BB^ B» W W BT B- ¦ ^^ —* — - ~ " - — . — book to his nex tB*V investment - The America n Museum with its varied curiosities followed in due course ;

m p ¦ — — — — — — _jf 11 _TSk • ¦•. WK \ * J*-" ••-* *• ^' • The Story/ of the Preservation of and then , after arrang ing his bu&iness affairs for Pam phlets.—In ^

^^r- H" ^v ^p^^ ^L ^^^^ B B^T 4^ bVI ^^^^* ^B|l ^B^ ^^'^H' ™ ^>^B ^— ^^ ^-^BB ^B^^ ^ «^ ^^h- b^ ^-^ ^ ^- — v - — g John * b| orest T. edford B^^^ p B^^ p > ^B ^B^F ^B^" ' a lecture b ^BV ^^V ^ ^B^^ , y B bV^^K B^^^ V F a long absence^^ , he engag^^ ^^ ed General Tom Thumb , Epp ing and in 1844 started ' to t est the curi osity of men (Collingridge) , we have an interesting account and women on the other side of the Atlantic , ' as < f the strugg le to recover and pro t ect tho pub lic

>¦ -— ¦ -¦ mm v«jr «» ¦>¦ ¦¦ ^b^ i '¦¦ orest *^» ^b-- w« ^^b. ^ -^ ^ -« amous which has just hei-n - *^ »»# J*w j ^ -^b* t e f p^ a w vb ^^^*W b> m ^M w ^m ^* '^ ^ *m ^ ^ h f , ^^ * "*^ ts t *^ ri gh o he 'honestly tells us. A letter of introduction to 4 the America n Minister , with which Mr. Barnum broug ht to a satisfactory conclusion .— The Bed- -¦ b^b^ «_- bvb_ -b— ^»~ m w -^ — — ^ J ^ ^J ^^ ^h, ^ p ^^ >M T*^ T "* ^ *^ ^^ ^" ^ JW v.^- ^ v^ *—^ — being^ ^^ *p new^ - — theori^ ~ " es^ had been 'cute enoug h to provide himself, secured ford .an Sybtem^ of Astronomy,^

¦¦ ¦¦ fl* vibT #bhv ¦ > ¦ ^ ¦ ^" oon, —- >¦ ¦• ¦* » » »^ i how sun , m ¦* a^Bi ^J ^r ^f "UV ¦ w ^b ^b) ^ v«^ b»» '^* - ^" ^b» '^bt *^ • - ^ " laining ^mkt W ^- ^b^ *^ ^ ^ universe , exp for liitn. a Royal^S command^^ ^b^ ^ ^^v to present Genera l Tom of the Thumb to the Queen. J enny Lind formed his staTB , comets , &c , are formed ,' by James Bed- next speculation nt £200 a night , and from that ford . Ph.D. (Vickere) , baa reached a third

-™»f bM I^B^ "^ P- , issue Mb Co., ^B^ < — — Marftball & — "— — B.V '•B ^- Y b« H V W BB ^ 'BJB- B» —" — — » ^—» kin b«* , ^ r W ^«^ ^p B^m ^ ^b^ —Messrs. Simp 4ate up to the year 1 882^b^ , when Jumbo crossed the edition. Atla ntic at his bidding, the grea test showman in" in a pr ettil y prin t ed tract , the eloquent sermon

»—- m ^b» ^fc ^ .¦ ¦*» i r -^ -»-^ ^—- - ^— -^ — ¦ ' — —- — — th e qrorld , as he may fairl y be termed , has never in^^^ aid4g^ V^v ^ of^^^ * the^^*"* ^fc^ Choir^^^ ^ Benevolent Fund ,w pre^T ach ed by^m

B^^ F 1 Abbey, under the ~— ^^ ^^ ^B™^^ BlB> ^b^ '^^F "J ^^F WF B^ ^B'™^ ^^ ^^ " ^ " ^^ ^^ *^ ^B ^ ^^" ^ ^^ ^"B ^^V — I — — ^^ — - ' in Westminster been n.t a lr»«ft for^ ^^^ tnnthrifH^ for his exhibitions. Canon Farrar , J *» kis final , written at the residence of title of • M uaicin Keligion and in Life/—In * There paragrap h _ ^_ - - - - - 1 [ 796 The Publishers Circular Sept. vrt tt ¦ ' —" El is Dust in Joh n's Eyes,* by Josep h Allen , F.S.S., Guide to Perth and Dundee (W&wi & Lock\ | (Smart), American and British Life Insurance Speeches and Table-Talk of the Pro phet Mo- f Offices are contrac ted , great ly to the prej udice of hammad (Maemi i lan). ' ' Mr, the former. A * People s Ed ition of J. F. Maxims and Sayings of Samuel Wiiberf orce Ma gtri re's * Biograp f y of Father Mat hew ' is (Masters & Co. ). issued by Messrs. Euro s &; Oates , admirabl y Strugg les and Trium phs of P. T. Barnum (Wa rd printed , and the Roman Cat holic Archbi shop of & Lock). — j w r^~j - - — — — — ' I1 Dubli n, in an introductory+t letter ,gives it a hearty ^ welcome in a letter printed by way of preface. — Student 's Conco rdance (Bemrose). ' The Alphabet of Flowers ,' by Shirl ey Hibberd , Hand Guide to Herefo rd Cat hedral . . E. R.H.S . (Office of the Gar dener' s Maga zine), is Storm-Drift : Puems and Sonnets (D. B^gue). a wonderfu l sixpenny worth of ioformati on on From Lock to Lock (Judy Offic e). gardening in town and country , including the of Nature (A. G ardner). cultivation of flowers , fruit , and vegetables .— Wonders Messrs. Ward & Lock have added to their well- Odd or Even (Ward & Lock). know n * Penny Books for the People ' som e new Victoria Cross in Zulu land (Dean & San). numbers 01of the '4 .BioKi ocriigraphicalnhical SeriesSeries., ' givuoivirg » thethe Organ Building (Crosb y Lockwood). lives of Homer , John Bri ght , Victor Hugo , A Book of Boyhoods (J. H ogg).

— — -* — — — « '^ ¦^^ r Charlotte Pronfe , Quee~ ""- — n™ ^r— Elizabeth^^^^^^ - » ^™— mrf ¦ ^^^ -^r ^ H ^"' ,m John^^ ^^ ^v^v ^»^ Knox*K ^^^ t^^m^^ ^w^v ,« William Pitt , Queen Victoria , and Socrates . No Pamphlets. series of popular books has more t horough ly deserved a wide circulation. — The ' Hand- Wil l You Accept my Cheque ? (Partrid ge & Co.) I Guide to Herefo rd Cathedra l,' by F. T. Havergal , The Story of the Preservation of Epj itig ForeBt ( M.A. (Walsall : Robinson ), has reached a fift h (W. H. & L. Collingri dge). edition , and ought to stimulate the authorities of The Utselessness of Vivisection upon Animal s. every cathedra l to i ssue a similar useful w ork .-* Music in Religion. ' The Uselessness of Vivisection upon Animals as a There is Dust in John 's Eyes. Method of Scientific t^t Research / by Lawson Tait , F.R-Gr.S.TX T ^ S- * (Herald* TY T V Pre^"% ps, Birming^r-fc • • ham),« * is• a Bureau of Educational Spelling Reform (Was h paper read before the Birming ham Philoso phical ington).

— Society. Infant Feeding*j in Relation to Infant Mortalit y•¦ ( J. Hey wood). We hare also received—Th e Theatre , containing an Colds and their Consequen ces.

Bfc — — — —— — —— — — ^ i ^ ¦ interestingF^ ^ arti^^ ^^ cl e b^^ y_/ Dutton"^ ^^ * ^^ ^^ ^^ Coot^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ «• ,a entitled^ ^^ ^ ^ m^ # ^^ ^^^ ' The^ r Gra wshaw Famil y's Adventures at the Last Preston Art of Acting '; the Fame numbe r is accompanied Guild (J. Hey wood ). with a cabinet portrai t of Miss Cissy Gra hame. — Monthly Notts of the Library Association of the f Magazines. United Kingdom (Triibner), August 15.—Book- Our Little Ones (Griffith & F.). seller and Stationer (Chica g o), August. —Public Journal of the Society of Arts (G. Bell & Sons). Library Bulletin (Boston, IT S.), new number. — American Bookseller (New York) , N"o. 15, 1 882.— Cambrid ge Universi ty R eporter.

Catholic Li terary ¦r Circular ( Burns & Oates).r • Literary Kews (F. Leypold t, New York), new No. ^ —J ourna l of Armrican Banking ( Rhodes & Co. , Alphabet of G ardenin g (Office of Gardener '* New York) new No.— • Secoml Catalogue ' (Moses Magazine). I Kin g, Camb. Ma ss.), with illustrati oii S on every Chambers 's Journal . I . Page » sm * ^ *°-—The Sunday at Home, new part (Rel. Tract Soc.), with much intere sting ma tte r .— Girl's Own Paper , nev part (Leisure Hour Office) , Ward , Lock , & Co/s serials: — frontisp iece : 'As the Light of the Morning. ' — History of the Worl d, part 11 ; Hay dn's itay 's Of/;» Paper , new part (Leisure Hour Office), Dictionary of Dates , part 12; Dr. Ada m with a colour ed plate : • The Boy's Own Model Clarke 's Commentary, pa rt 17 ; Scientific

»» •¦ — ——- »« v- Shi p/^- — — * Beeton— — — 's D• ictionary- — — » - — ^-» *• m of^^ • Sciencers»^* >^ a ^ *—' ,¦ Art^ •• ^ *- ,f Recreations , part 12; Land , Sea, and Sky, Literature , Religion , and Phil osop hy (Wa rd , Lock , part 11 ; Household Medicine , part 11 ,' & Co.) pa rt 2, containing much interestin g matter , Literature of Europe , part 12 ; Universa l In- illustrated. —The Leisure Hour (Rel. Tract . Soc ), stru ctor , part 23; Beet on's Great Book of new part. — Cor.ciu C^opa dia , ilJustrattd Poetry, part 22; Rollin 's Ancient History, part VTA AQ| 4 A -M. ^ « L/\J^Alk' C««-* V« AJL/mVVIVU JLJL VI T) 10; (Cassell), new part , i nclud i ng Cereal s ' to ' Col e 11 ;j K pochs and Episodes of History, partA rid ge.1—Illustrated British Ballads(Ca seell), new A mateur Work , part 10; Hol y Thoughts on 4 v»»»«»—— ;» part , in which are the 'Sands of Doe/ Sir HolJUJL VJIJTy ThingsX Ulll gO, part£SC1XU 12;t ^ i , SKJJfy lvi*. » »<*a 'sO Jourv nal Andrew Barton / ' Sir David Graem e/ Beeton 's Encyclopaedia ; Knowled ge, part 10 ; Arabian Nights , part 1; Disrae li's Miscellanies Books receive 1 for notico — of Lite rature. _ * _ _ ' Gazet te of Bedfordian System of Astronom y (II. Vickora ). —Lad ies Gazette of Fashion^ ^(Ladies Concept s and Theorie s of Modern Physics (Kega n Fashion Office) . Paul ). Tract Magazine and Christian Mifcellany (Rel. Modern Dress (Wyman ^). Tract Soc). Child ' People 's edition of Fathe r Matht w (Euros & The s Companion. Oates). The Cottager and Artisan. Guide to the North -East of Scotland , Aberdeen , .Antiquaria n Magazine. &c. ( Ward & Lock). Bibliographer .

fc= — setjt t, r882 The^ bUsh^^T^aroul^ n7

Index to the Books published between August 16 and 31. The Words in Italia are those under tohUsh the Title* are given Alphab eticallyin f ull, with the Publisher' s Mm *.

Aberd een, or , Angus Palled Cattle , Macdonald (J.) 12s. Get Kinley fiollaw , «r Novel, Sollisier(8* R) fta. Algebra. , My First , Senior (M. H.) 3d. Kriegsspi el, American , Livermore (W. R.) 26a. Altavona, Blackie (J. 8.) Fact and Fiction , 2nd edit. 7s. 6d. Lake Dwellings, Ancient Scottish , Munro (B.) 21a. Jenki on Jj n.y Amazulusm^* m ^, the Zulus ' , ns (T. B.) 6s. t of the LastMinstrel , JS ^ott,Cfrjxt o I &o. by Mlnto (WO 6d. ^ •• *• -¦ American Stage , Great Artists, Trumble (A.) 3s. 6d. Lifeboat Story, X«/ie Kltiiwak ^itil. Arithmetic, Elementar y, Milne (W. J.) 2s. 6d. Light , Six lectures , Tyndall ( J.) 3rd edit . 7s. 6d. Army of N. Virginia, Sold ier's life , MacCarthy (C.) 7s. 6d. Liver pool Blind School, Whishaw (A.> Sermons , 9a. Anchor and the Haven , &c. Macditff (J , It. ) Is. 6d. Lysiasy by Shuckburgh (E. S.) Oratione * XVI. «s. Ancient & Modern History, KernelsCompendium , 6s. 6d. J ^Won (Loid) Dr amatic WoAa , Vol. 2, 39.. Qd. ¦ Anecdotes¦ *¦ ,r Missioner'a Manual,r Jackson (A.-» G.)• 3s. 6d. Madeira Meteorologic , Smyth (C. Piazzi)^ 6s. Angora Goat , Hayes (J. L.) 7s. 6d. Many Days, Songs of, 5s. Angler , Scientific , Foster (D.) 6s. -. .„ • - , Margate and R^msgate, Ao^ (0. S.) 1b. ' ighley Mechanicai ' , - - —^^ —^ — ^^ — — (S.) , ^^^ -1^^ . H Where to Fish round London la. DraSving # w - Angling, ^elf-Tiaght , j5o«« (J:)^ 12a. 6d. Arithmetic, Answers, Merchant (G.) 3d. each Microscope , //ogy (Jabez) new <*|it. 7a. §i. Arithmetic, Complete for Seconda ry Schools, Is. 6d. & Is. Missioner *s Manual of Anecdotes, Jacktoit (A. G.) 3s. 6d. Art , Christ ian , Overbid', by Atkinson (J * B.) 3s. 6d. Military Telegraph during th© Civil War , PZum (W. B.) 35s. Astronom y, Phillips (Gh M.) and Sharpless (T.) 6s. Mills, Fire Protection , Woodbury (O. J. H.) 12s. 6d. Atlas and Geography, Philip' s Elementary, 3s. Cd. Modem Hagar , Clay (C. M.) 6s. Avare, Moltere, by Moriarty (L. M.) Is. Music in Religion and in Life, Farrar (Canon) a Serm on, 4d. Bells, Stainer (J.) in Great Paul , by Mackie (S. J.) Is. Mythol ogy, Hindu , Wilkins (W. H.) 10s. 6d. Blinkhoo lie, Blair Athol , 2s. Norodom , King :of Cambod ia, McGloin (F.) 7s. 6d. Bridge Members , Wrou ght Iron , Robinson (S. W.) 2s. Cd. Odd or Even , Whitney (Mrs.) 2s. Britis h Histor y, Old Stories , Powell (F. York ) 6d. Organ Building, Practical , Dickson , 2nd edit. 8s. 6d. & 2a. 6d. Butler ' s Analogy of Religion, Analysis, «&c. by Angus, Is. Overbeck , Atkinso n (J. B.) 3s. 6d. Cavern s, American , Hovey (H. C.) 10s. 6d. Parad ise Lost , Milton, Books 1, 2, by Hunter (J.) la. each Cetyvrayo , Ludlow (W. R.) Zululand , 2s. 6d. Paul , Great , Mackie (S, J.) and Stainer (J.) Is. Charles V. Presco tt ("W. H.) by Kir k, 3 vols. 24s. Phthisis Pulmonalis , BHgham {&. N.) 10s. 6d. Christian Certaintie s, Calthrop (G.) Is. Pit t (W.) by Ser geant (L.) 2s. 6d. Coal Mimin g in Great Britain , Galloway (R. S.) 7s. 6d. Plain Sermons Preached in Town & Cou ntry, Obbard (A. N.) 6s. Coat Cuttin g, Student' s Guide , Humph reys (T. D.) 4s. Politi cs, McPherson (E.) Handbook for 1882, 10a. 6d. Colorado , Graff (J. F.) 4s. Prayers , Household , witn Preface , by Wilberforce (S.) la. 6d. Colour , Laws of Contrast , Cfievreul , translated , 3s. 6d. Preaching, Nine Lectures , Dale (R. W.) 4th edit. 6s. Concordance , Student' s, to New Testament , rev. vers ion , 7s. 6d. Prescott (W. H.) Essays , new edit. 7s. 6d. Cook (Capt.) Voyages Round the World , 6d. Principles to Start with , Watts JfirtWtcin ,V.l,12s.6d.,2,12s.6d . Redem ption , Gounod (C.) with Piano Accompaniment , 7s. 6d. English Literature Studies , Smith (M. W.) 7s. Cd. Rodman th e Keeper , Wbolson (C. F.) 2s. 6d. English Pocket -Book Dictionary, Murray (J. H.) 6d. Romanism in the Light of the Gospel * Whately (E. J.) la. 6d. English Rea ders , Longman*s Illustrated , Book 5, 2s. Rome , Kompert (L.) Scenes from the Ghetto , 7a. Cd. Pai r Philosopher , A, Dange (H.) 5s. Sacrament ,-Sermons on the Blessed, Neale (J. M.) 6th ed. 2s. 6d. Flip , and other Stories , Harte (Bret ) 2s. Gd. & 2s. Saint and 8ibyl , Pirkis

~~ _— _ _- — —^ v ~^_ ^_ _ - — — ^» -^ Theology, Liberal Movemen t, Allen (J, H.) G3. Her ein is Love, Br own (H. ».)^p new edit. Is. Cd. Highla nds, Blackie (J. S.) Fact and Fiction , 2nd edit, 7a. 6d. Th ree Lieutenant s, Kingston (W. H. G.) new edit. 8a. «d. H ilton Castle, Fawcet t (J.) Cd. United States, History, Holmes (G. F.) Gs.

m ~ n — |— m m — — ————— w v -^ v new edit. Gd. H i ' "™ ^^"^.i \^ W V V ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ (Hedl ey) Memoirs by Miss Marsh , ndu £^% y ^^ 6d. Vicars ( J.)^ 10s. Myth^ ology,^ Vedic &. Puranic , Wilkins W. Holy Spir it in Man , M

^i i i ¦ ii r 6fl. Ireland, New, Sullivan (A. 14.) 7th edit. 2a. & 1b. Witvv <*«r«, Ban^Jt quet™*™^*™^ of,W Gray^^ w (J.)^— r & Ma id me nt (J.* J. B.) tan * Trad e Statis tics. Amer ican & Foreiirn , Suank (J. M .) 12a . Wltcbcraft , Salem Excitement , Beard (G. M.) 6s. Jull na Cflosar , Shakespeare, Dumaree q series, 3s. Si 2a. Yacht, From the Deck of a, Clarke (Mrs. 8.) 8s. Gd. - Kings, Second Boole. Jones (B. M. H.> Oatlin es. Is. Znlnland and Getewa yo, Ludlow (W. R.) 2a. 6d. T^e Publishers' Circular ' 79* Sept r> l8& | HEW WOR KS PUBLISHED FROM AUGUST 16 TO 31.

%• The oeocuUmal Notes in Italicsafter the titles are onlygiven in cotes of short or obscure titles appearing f or the fi rstHm They are not intended to be general, cr to express any opinion en the literary merit of the boot *; the sole object being to explain the title-page , or to give such additional information concerning the nature of the work as may appear to be required. All books are in cloth when not otherwise described *

Abney (W. Do W.)—Instructions in Photography. 5th Dale (H. W.)—N"ine Lectures on Pl eaching. 4th edit, post edit, post 8vo. pp. S20, sewed, 3s Piper [3358 8vo. pp. 302, 6s Hodder [3380 Austin (Stella )—Hags and Tatters : a Story for Boys and Dickson CW. E-) — Practical Organ Building". 2nd edit. Girls. 6th edit. 12mo. pp. 204, 3s. Masters [3359 revised, with Additions. 12mo. pp. 192, 8s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. Baillie (E. J.)—John Buskin, Aspects of his Thought and ( Wea le' s Rudimentary Series) Lock wood [3381 Produced in the belief that no work on the construct ion ' ¦„ !¦ m w«w ill m *^» ^—*¦*. • •¦¦ ^3 *r^+m^j _¦ » __.«-> *___-^ _-_.•_»• •__- ^«~__-__ ^/« _s «^v^_r w of Teaching.^^ *£% 8vo. (Orpington^ f , Allen)^ pp.£" Xr * 68*'*—'J, Is. Pearce [3360| Reprintedfrom * Bouse and Home?and intended as an organs , at once short , practical, and accessible to all introduction to the study of Mr. Ruskiris works. classes of readers , existed. The writer gives the results of his own experience , and lays down no rules which he has Bedford (J.)—Be&fordian System of Astronomy, explaining not reduced to practice in his own workshop. how Son ,. Moon ,. SStarstars., Comets.Comets, &c&c., are formed.formed. 3rd edit. With Appendix . 8vo. pp. 65, Is Vickers [3361 Dorkin g and Neighbourhood : a Handy Guide to Rambles in the District. 2nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 80, sewed, Bedford ¦ tunet ships and monitors, armaments, the ram in nava l CambridgeX^L-V i *^* . **-* bk Warehousef V *-*• ¦-*'- ' *-«l>J«-> [3387vv^'v warfare , torpedoes and torpedo vessels, the ' Popoffka ' Delivered in the University of Cambr idge during Lent type, Arc. Moderate dimensions as increasing evolutionary Term, 1880. efficiency are toucJied upon. Foster (D.)—Th e Scientific Angler : being a General and vt •.« (H. I>.)—Herein is Love. New edit. 12mo. pp. Instructive-*- ¦*¦*-» •" - MV* VI f VJ WorkT| \JM. J-V onXJM.M. AraJlL tistic«/l.k3VAV> Angling.J.X. ¦ IK M. M. t-lb • WithTT AVtA IllustrationsAAl \.m^J vavxv Brown and Steel pp. 312 ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦• ¦__. a. ¦ Engravings of the Author. Post 8vo. 164*• ¦ ** *& ,% Is.^ +^m 6d**r ^ » • *•••••••«¦••* • • • • • • • • ¦ v • • • • Hodder.¦• -v «_«w« ¦*¦» [3367¦_• «_r ^^ * Short essays treating on the love of Christ. 6s Bemrose [3388 River Butler (Bp.> —Analysis of Analogy of Religion, and Sermons From . Lock to Lock : a Playful Guide to the on Human Nature. By Joseph Angus. Post 8vo. Is. Thames, from Teddington to . 8vo. pp. 11<> , Is. Religious Tract Society [33 /»«-r J.T Troutbeck.f Pw\|-|*->k«»/>lr Roy"It flV.. 8vo.8V0. Cbevreul (M. E.) — The Laws of Contrast of Colour. 7s. 6d. ; boards, «s. ; sewed, 5s Novello [3."K>3 Translated from the French, by John Span ton. Post 8vo. pp. 241, 3s. 6d « Routledge [3373 Gray (J.) and Mai dm on t (J. J. B.)-The Banquet of Wit : being a varied Selection of Anecdotes, Bon-Mota, Clark e (H. E.)—Storm Drift : Poems and Sonnets. Cr. 8vo. &c.&I.C. Compiledr !nmnil#»fl fromfrnin variousVArlnna Sources.flnnrfAi. 12mo.12mo. pp.nD. 244, 5s.5fl. pp. 264, ««.• Bogno [3374 Pickering [3304 Reminisci nccs of Hie Mediterranea n and of the Leva nt. Har te ( Bret )— Flip, and other Stories. 12mo. pp. 256. Clarke (Mrs - S.)—From the Deck of a Yacht. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d. ;: boboardards.s, 2a unattoChatto i*>>[3396 ™ pp. 134, 38.

Jack son (A, Gk)—Th e Misaioner ' s Manual of Anecdotes. Merchan t (Q.) — Answers to Examples in Ari thmetic , 12mo. pp. 224, 3s. 6d Hayes [3401 carefullycareiuuy graduate d . New Pa rt 4.4, Standard 5. New Part 5, Standard G. 12mo. sewed, 3d. each.. Simpkin. [3424 Je nklnson (T. B.)—Amazulu : the Zulus , their Fast His- tor y, Ma nners , Customs, and Language ; with Observations Meritt (P. ) and Pool© (W. ff.)~New Babylon ; or , onnn tbethe CountrCoun tr y and its Productions , Climate , &c&c,, the Daughx»augnwrs ters ofor Eve.iuve. 3 vols . cr. 8vo. pp.dp. 906,. 31s. Cd.Gd. Zulu Wa r, and Zululand since the War. Post 8vo. pp. 214, Hurst [3425 W. H. Allen [3402 6s w—¦ vuv .fc- Milton————— —— 'sw*m Paradise— -^— v*^ . Lost.^.v^ruv * FirstA»OU andHUU Second•>^7V'V>V&ALA Books.«^ VUAO« WithTT Jill M" Analysis , Notes , &c. by the Rev. John Hn nter. New edit. Jo nes (R. » Hu gh-)—Outlines of the Second Book of 12mo. pp. 92 Kings. With a Map . 4to. (Oxford , Shrimpton ) pp. 12, , Is. each Longmans [3426 Simpk in [3403 Is Mistakes by the "Way ; or , Ada 's New Home. By the Author of * Out of tbe Mouth of the Lion .' 12mo. Is. Kinff»*on (W. H. Q.)—The Three Lieutenants ; or , Naval Religious Tract Society [3427 Life in the Nineteenth Centu ry . With Illustrations by D. H. Fris ton. New edit, post 8vo. pp. 464, 3s. 6rt . Miohaelis (A.)—Catalogue of Ancient Marbles in Great Griffith [3404 Britain--—-— .• Translate—- ¦» *vu *j««wwv d * byfjj O.v-». A.^»-. M.aUL . Fennell.X' CUMClIt Boy.J-VlPjT. 8vo.OVU. mor occo back , 42a Cambridge Warehouse [3428 K ompert (!••)—Scene3 from the Ghetto : Studies of Jewish Life. TransTra nslated lated from the German. Post 8vo. pp. 340., Mol iere 's L'Avar e. Comedie en Cinq Actes. With In- 7s. 6d Remin gton [3405 troductio n , Notee, and Indices by Louis M. Mioriarty . The J ews ' qua rter in Rome is called the Ghetto. 18mo. pp. 142, Is. {Foreign School Classics) Ma cmillan [3429 Ledsham 's Short Stories Cards. 32mo. packet , Is. Munro (R.)— Ancient Scottish Lake-Dwelling s or Crannogs. Simpkin [3406 With a Suppl ementary Chapter on Bemains of Lake Leith (W. F.)—Scots Men-at-Arm s and Life Guards in Dwellings in England. 8vo. (Edinburgh , Douglas) pp. 344, France ., 1418-1830. With their Muster-RollMuster-Rolls s. 35 EtchingsEtchin gs 21s Hamil ton £3430 by GTandma ison. 2 vols. 4to. cloth extra , 73s. 6d. ; proof ) £6. 6s. Pater son [3407 Murray (J. H.)—Pocket-Book Diction ary of the English copies (45 issued Languag e. 32mo. pp. 94, 6d Routledge [3431 Littl e Kittiwake ; or , the Stor y of a Lifeboat. 18mo. 6d. Neal e (J. M.)—Sermons for Children. 7th edit. 12mo. pp. (Little Dot Seizes) Religious Tract Society [3408 258 , 3s. 6d Hayes [3432 Lon gman s' Illustrated Re aders. 6th Book. 12mo. pp. Neale (J. M.)—Sermons on the Blessed Sacrament. 6th 310, 2s. {Modern Series) Longmans [3409 edit. 12mo. pp. 194, 2a. 6d Haye s [3438 Obhard (A. N.)—Plain Sermons preached in Town and Lowndes (F. W.)—Lock Hospital s and Lock Ward s in Country . Post 8vo. pp. 250, 5s Rivingtona [3444 General Hospitals. 8vo. pp. 31, Is Churchill [3410 Overbeck. By J. Beavington Atkinson. Popt 8vo. pp. Ludlow (W. R.)—Zululand and Cetewayo. Containin g 103, 3s. 6d. (Grea t Artists) Low [3435 an Account of Zulu Customs , Manners , and Habits , after Has numerous p age and a short Residen ce jn their Kraals . 2nd edit, post 8vo. double-page engravings in black [3411 and tint fr omthe Works of Overbeck, and a chronology (Birmingham , Cornish) pp. 212, 2s. 6d. .. ..Simpkin of nthis life. The book is, in tejfftctff tcU, the history of a phasevhase Lysis OrationeS j XVI. "With Analysis , Notes, Appen- in Christian Art. dices, and Indices, by Evely n S. Shuckbur gh . 18mo. pp. Phili p's Elementary Atlas and G-eograpby, containing tbe 418, 6s Macmil lan [3412 Essential* of the Geography of the World , and 36 Coloured Maps. Edited by J. Prancon Williams. 4to. 3s. Lyster (Annette ) — Ra lph T rulock 's Chris tmas Roses. Gd. Post 8vo. Is. 6d Religious Tract Society [3413 Philip [3136 Pirkis (C. 1m.) -Saint and Sibyl : a Story of Old Kew. Lytton (Lord ) — Dramatic Works. Knebworth edit. 3 vols. post 8vo. 3 Is. 6d Hurst [3437 (2 vols.) Vol. 2. Post 8vo. pp. 272, 3s. 6d. Routled ge [3414 Contains « Money,' ' The Rightful Jf eir ,' * Wal pole * and Pitt (William ). By Lewis Sergeant. Post 8vo. pp 192, * Darn ley.* 2s. Cd. (Eng lish Political Lea ders) Isbiate r [3438 Mac donal d (J.) and Sinclair (J.)— History of Polled Poor (H. V.)~Manual of Raitroads of the Unit ed States A berdeen or Angu s Cattl e : giving an Account of the Or igin , and Canada, for 1882-83. 8vo. 28s Low [3159 Impiovement, and Characteristics ot the Breed. Illustrated with numerous Animal Portraits. Post 8vo. pp. 450, Powell (F. Y.)—Old Stories from British ITiatory. 12mo. 12s. Gd I31ackwoods [3415 pp . 94, C<1. (English History Reading Book) Lon gmans [3440 Ori gin of domestic cattle ; origin of polled ra cs ; im- Keep (VST.) —A Summary of English H istory (based on p vovtment and characteristics of the breed ; rxtin ct herds ; • Outlines of English History,' l>y S. li . Gardiner). 12mo. existing Scotch herds ; the breed in England and In land; pp. 80, Cd Longmans [3441 the breed in f oreign, countries ; h adin g families ; system Rlddell (Mrs. J. H.)—Daisies and Buttercups : a Novel. 0/ management; the breed in the show-yard and the sale- 3 vols. cr. 8vo. pp. 967, 31s. 6d Benfctey [3442 ring ; prizes and prices. With 8 portraits. Roe (E. p.)—A Day of Fate. 12mo. pp. 3C6, boards, 2s. Ma cdnff (J. R.)—The Anchor and the Haven ; or, Some Ward &. L. [3413 of Christ's/Word s of Peace in the Old and New Testaments. A relig ious tale. «. ¦ » ¦%* |U1 » .*.¦*-V^«. A »^ ¦ » » ¦ » "v- ¦ ¦ ¦ £_, A Devotional~-* *-* WAV* Text-BookM •KsS\> V ^-*V#^^* W forA V^m EveryM~M » '*-' J Morning** • * p ^ and^ Evening.^ - • Sq. M. Ward [341G Ropes (Mar y E.) — Honesty the Best Policy, and other 16mo. Is. fld Btories. l'ost 8vo. Is. (Ltirge Type Series) lieligioua Tract Society [3444 Ma ck io (S. J.)~Croat Paul, from its Ca-sting to its Dei;vuton Is Jud y Office [3445 clajr_ _ | ^ an (R.V ^C.)—Scottish-« j-. M> tha : Note s on Scottish 8vo. pp. 114, sewed, HT.J istorya A. and-• Tradition^v-k • . • . 8vo. (Edinburg* -m -w 1 1 I h« , M-» •- aclaclilan1 1 » )&___ pp. 242, 7a. 6d Simpkiu [3418 Rou tledfro 's Every Girl's Annual, 1883. Roy. 8vo. 6a. Routledge [3446 McM illan (A. D.)—The Holy Spirit in Man. Post 8vo. Row© (C J.)— An Engliahman'a Views on Questions of tho 2s. Cd Religious Tract Society [34 1

^•^^ ^ ¦^ ¦b*

Senior (M. H.)—My First Algebra : Addition, Division, Thomson (Sir W.) —Mathematical and Physical Papers.

. . —¦ — - W — B>VW-»VWB>

w •» m -™ -^— mr ¦ ^m^m v^ -^^» —r ——— — v _ — _> — — • -— _•_ -b^» —m —w — ¦*-- — — v-w fL-*~ai *-« mj\ Songs of Many Dayti. By K. C. 12mo. pp. 94, 5s. Ward^ & Lock'^^ s Historical and Pictorial G^v« uide\j toj theVUu M. Ward [3457 North-East of Scotland, and the Towns of the Moray Firth. Original poems on miscellaneous subjects. 12mo. pp. 95, Is Ward & L. [3468 Stallo (J. B.) —Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics. War d & Lock 's Historical aud Pictorial Guide to Perth, Cr. Svo. pp. 313, 5s. {International Scientific Series) Dundee, Aberdeen, and the Eastern Highlands. 12mo. pp. Paul [3458 96, Is Ward & L. [3469 Designed as a contribution to the theory of cognition, re- Principles" (I.)— ft Bk toBBk Start with "Watts BMBk W . : a Word to ¦B ^ * * m 4 A ^ ^ ^_ Yonne^J sulting from study of the true relation of the physical ^ • M • ^ ^ Men , with Bishop Middleton's Maxima. Introduction by sciences to the general progress of human knowledge. Thos. Binney. 64mo. Is TJnwin [3470 Stanford' s Large-Scale Map of the Scat of "War in Lower Whatel y (E. J.)—Romanism in the Light of the Gospd. Egypt. Sheet, Is. 6d. ; case, 3s. 6d Stanford [3459 12mo. Is. Cd. , Religious Tract Society [3471 Student' s Concordance to the Revised Version, 18S1 , of Whish aw (A.)—Sermons preached in the Cburch of the the New Testament. Compiled upon an Original Plan , School for the Blind, Liverpool. Post 8vo. (Liverpool, showing tlie Changes in all Words referred to ; with Ap- Howel.) pp. 382, !>3 Simphin [3472 pendices of the chief authorised Words and Passages omitted in the Revision, and of new and disused Words, a Table of "Whitney (Mrs.)—Odd or Even. Cr. 8vo. pp. 583, boards, the GenealoervGenealogy of the New Testament.ent, &c. 4to. dd.pp. 440., 2s Ward & L. [3473 7s. 6d Bemrose [3460 An American Novel. Sullivan (A.. M.)—New Ireland : Political Sketches and Wilkins (W. J.)—Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic. Personal Reminiscences of Thirty Years of Irish Public Illust rated . Post 8vo. pp. 426, 10s. 6d Thacker [3474 Life. 7th edit, post 8to. pp. 464, 2s. ; Fewed , Is. Winslow (L. S. Forbes -)— Aids to Psychological Medi- Cameron & F. [3461 cine, including Insanity in its Medico-Leg B^ - A _ al_ Relations s——^ peci* allyBh B. designed^m fll lor^Bh tueB BBi MedicalBBflh < ^ ^ ^ btndent. ^^^^ 12mo. pp. 64, Temple Bar. Vol. 65. 8vo. 5s. Gd Bentley [3462 sewed, Is Bailliere [3475


Allen (J. H.) —Our Liberal Movement in Theology, chiefly Ho) brook (E. A.)—The Light of Prophecy ; or, the Religion as shown in Recolle ctions of the History of Unitariamsm of tlie Future. 12mo. (Boston) London, 5s [34&9 in Kew England. lCino. (Boston) London, Gs [347C Holliater (Q. H.;—Kinley Hollow : a Novel of Early Dajs Baldwin (J.) —An Introduction to the Study of English in Connecticut. 16mo. (New York) London, 5s [3490 Literature and Literary Criticism. Designed for the use of Schools, Seminaries, Colleges, and Universitie?. By Hollyday (R. C.)—Domestic Economy : a New Cookery Book. Containing a large number Beceipts. ] 2iuo. BB B> B— of Bfc ^^^* IB. B^ V BBB- ^ ^BT -**r ¦ «^Bb Bl '^fcp ' ^ ^BB- ^ —bT ^B. ^^ f— ^ ¦¦ ^ ^¦T. BV ^ ^ * « ^ — ^ ^B> ^BM ^ B- ^B -" "^ — W B» "^B- r **^ W \ "~* ^ — B^ — V^Bf Professor James Baldwin. Vol. 1, Poetry-^ Svo. (Phila- delphia) London , 12s. 6d [3477 (Baltimore) London , 7s. 6d [:i491 Baldwin (J.)—An Introduction to the Study of Kngliah Holmes (C. F.) —History of the United States. 12mo.

^B«ftfc S' v'v m m ¦ ^b« m r I T ¦ m m ^^ .bv m.^B& m - ^^ *l ¦ — — - - — — - m Jm 1 (New T3492[3492 ^ v ^ t^S m-~ ^^ ^ ^^ *^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ *^ (New York) London Literature^^A and Literary^ Criticism. Designed for the use York> London ,. 6s of Schools, Seminaries, Colleges, and Universities. Vol. 2, Hovey (H. C.)—American Caverns. Celebrated American Prose. 8vo. (Philadelphia) London , 12a. 6J [3478 Caverns, especially Mommoth, Wyandot, and Luray. VU» ll/ JtiuuV L lVUl IJU LVy ttULllV &A»4&VI. 1^ 1/ U LI of Beard (G. M.)—The Psychology of the Salem Witchcraft Historical ,j Scientific | , and Descriptive.U^ O\;1 1 WithIf Notices. V^'"^ *-' Excitement of 1692.1692, and its Practical Application to our Cave3 and Grottoes of other Lands. Illustrations and Maps. own Ti ni€. 12mo. (New York) London, 5s [34 7.*) 8vo. (Cincinnati) London, 10s. 6d [3493 Bri firham (G-. N.)—Phthisis Pulmona]ia ; or Tubei*cular Ho wells (W. C.)—Their Wedding Journey and a Chance 0s. Cd Phthisis. 8vo. (f NewNew York )^ London,. 1l O.s. Cd HUSO[3480 Acquaintance. By W. D. Howells. Illustrated. 12ino- Clay (O- M.)—A Modern. Hagar : a Novel. l5 Illustrations, descriptive of the most famous ami attractive , Places, as well as of the H istoric Scenes and Rural Life of Kcrn© y*s Compendium of Ancient and Modern History. England and Wales. 4to. (Philadelphia) London, 38s. [3482 Corrected , enlarged, and broughtdown tol380, by J. O'Kan c [31%1 Dan go (H.)—A Fair Philosopher : a Novel. lCmo. (New Murray. 12mo. (Baltimore( Baltimore) London,. Gs. 6d L** *™ York) London, 5a [3483 Livormoro (W. R.)—The American Kriegs-ipiel : a Game Dippold (G. T.)— The Great Epics of Mediaeval Germany. for Practising the Art of War upon a Topograph ical Map. 16mo. (Boston) London , 7s. Cd [3484 By W. H. Livermoro, U.S. Army. Manual, 12nio. Tftblej [34." aoldsmlth (O.)—The Deserted Village. Illustrated. Small and Plates, small folio (Boston) London, 25s 4to. (Philadelphia) London, 7s. 6d» [3486 Manson (O. F.)~Quinine : a Treatise on the Physiological Graff (J- F.)—Colorado ; or, Notes on the Centennial State. and Therapeutic Action of the Sulphate of Quinine V2tt*°' DescriDescri binc:bing a Trip from Philadelphia to Denver and Back., (Philadelphia) London, 6a l 34J9 Autumn and Winter of 1881-82 (Phila- in the . 12mo. McCartli y (C.)— Soldier Life in the Army of Norton delphia) London, 4a [348G Virginia, U.S. Illustrated. lGmo. (Richmond, Va.) Loim1o». Grcer (F. H.)—A Dictionary of Electricity, Electrical 7s. 6d C 34M TermsTerms, and AimaratApparatus.us. 12mo. (New York) London,. 10s. 6d.0d. , botlfo : ft [3487 McGloin (F. )— Norodom, King of Cam n°mJ!^{ of the East. 12mo. (New York) London, 7a. Gd L« "uu Ha yes (J. I«,)—The Angora G oat : ita Origin , Culture, and ies, • ¦¦ * cadem ^^ ¦a* ^W BIB. * ^&%Mm ^ ^ F ^L ^^ WI J B^^ ^ ^^4* ^ * ¦ ^— ^** ^^ * * ^ ^^ **^ r f| . B^ bV ^^ ^ B»B^^ B^b^ A J B ^^^ a VbV ^j * MM ^ M^^ * ^" *r U ^** ^^ s, Products-^ Containing^ . the most recent Observations of McNally ' fl System of Geography for School Imminent Uerdera, with an Appendix on tho Alpaca and ita and Seminaries. Revised by Ja. Monteith nnd B. 1. Vr?Bl > Congeners, or tho Wool-bearingAnimals of the Cordilleras and including Frost's * G eography Outside of Text-BooW. of the Andes. 12mo. (New York ) London, 7s. Gd [3488 llliutrated. 4to. (New YorK ) boaras, j^onaon, .«.««. l— ,, ¦ 5b -, .— ' ' " '' .' . ' ' ffl ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ ¦- *¦¦ ¦' -¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ' ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ -¦- - -•• -- ¦ •• - 7 ¦ ¦ ¦ - - ' • ¦ >- • ¦ . ¦/¦ ¦ •:¦ . • " ' - » . . . t' -^tt •;: - • bf*^"*^ - - . . . .. , ^ . > .; - . , .. . . . , ; . - <-JJ ^ ^ , . . _ Sept. i, 1882 The Publishers ' Circular 801

McPhers on. (E.)—Handbook of Politics for 1882. By Hon, Schnyler (A.)—Psychology, Empirical and Rational, for Edward McPherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Colleges and High Schools. 12mo. (Cincinnati) London, 8vo. (Washington) IiOndon, 10s. 6d [3502 7s. 6d [3514 Michie (P. S.)— Elements of Wave Motion Relating to Smith CM. W.)—iStudicsin English Literature. Introducing Sound and Light. Illustrated. 8vo. (New York) London. Selections from the Five Great Classics—Chaucer, Spenser, 30s. [3503 Shakspeare, Bacon, and Milton—and a History of English Milne (W. J.)—Elementary Arithmetic. 12mo. boards, Literature from the Earliest Times to the Death of Dryden (Cincinnati) London, 2s. 6d [3504 in 1700. 12mo. (Cincinnati) London, 7s. 6d : ..[3515 Mur phy (J-M.)—American. G amc Bird Shooting. Describ- Stanffer (F. H.)—The Queer, the Quaint, the Quizzical : a ing the Haunts and Habits of Game Birds, with the best Cabinet for the Curious. Being a Collection of Curious and methods employed for securing them, together with a Out-of-the "Way Subjects, which the Author has collected rariety of general information for Sportsmen. Illustrated. in the course of his extensive Beading. With a full Index. 12mo. (New York) London, 10s. 6d [3605 8vo. (Philadelphia) London, 12s. 6d [3516 Philips (G. M.) and Sharpless (I.) —A stronomy. For Swank (J. M.)—Statistics of the American and Foreign Schools and General Headers. Illustrated. 12mo, (Phila- Iron Trades in 1881. 8vo. (Philadelphia) sewed, London, delphia) London, 6s [3:06 12s [3517 Pierson (H. "W.)~-In the Brnsh ; or, Old Time Ltfe in the South-West. Illustrations. New edit. 16mo. (New York) Trumbl e (A.)—Great Artists of the American Stage : a sewed, London, Portrait Gallery of the Leading Actors and Actresses of 2s. 6d [3507 America, with Critical Biographies. 8vo. sewed (New Plum (W. R.)—The Military Telegraph during the Civil York) London, 3s. 6d [3518 ¦»*¦ ¦ War» ¦ »•* in»«-• thewm^w United»^.^«/wa States.rs- » w*w^*a *»» With¥ • * Vl^ft anWLl ExpositionJU.**. £/ V/C7J.l/JLv >I ofVJ *. Ancient^ 1.11 V/ *.^AJI V and Modern Means of Communication, and of the Federal Walcott (C. F.)—History of the Twenty-first Begiment of and Confederate Cipher Systems ; also a Running Account Massachusetts Volunteers in the War for the Preservation of tbo War between the States, lllus. Portrait aud Maps. of the Union , 1861-1865 ; with Statistics of the War and of 2 yols. 8vo. (Chicago) London, 25s. [3508 Bebel Prisons. By Charles F. Walcott, C*ptain in the Begiment. Illustrated with Portraits and Maps. 8vo. Prosco tt (W. H.)-—The Beign of Charles V. 3 vols. New (Boston) London, 21s [3519 edit, with the Author's latest Corrections and Additions. Edited by J. Foster Kirk. Cr. 8vo. (Philadelphia) London. Wheeler (J. B.)—The Elements of Field Fortifications ; Mm. VML> 24s. [3509 forM \J ¦ . theVUl> UseV^ ij ^- 1 of**J •- theV&1V Cadets\_^»*»»-4 K> ID of^^ the U.»—' • S.K-** MilitaryV- * ¦** ¦ V|| l W Academy,AAV(W4VUI J • West Point, New York. Illustrated. 12mo. (New York ) Prescott (W. H.)—Miscellaneous Essays. New edit, with London, 9s C3520 the Author's latest Corrections and Additions. Edited by J. Foster Kirk. Cr. 8vo. (Philadelphia) London, 7s. Gd. [3510 Wheeler (J - B.)—A Course of Instruction in the Elements of the ArtArt and Science of War :; torfor the U?e of Cadets of the Robinson (S. W.)—Bailroad Economics ; or, Notes with U. S. Military Academy, "West Point, New York. Illus- Comments, from a Tour over Ohio Railways under the Hon . trated. 12mo. (New York) London, 9s [3521 H. Sabine, Commissioner of Bailroads and Telegraphs. Woodbur y (C. J. H.)—Tie Fire Protection of Mills and 18mo. (New York) boards, 2s. 6d [3511 V»>«* *^^-*-» London, ¦ ~-Jm - r»_rw> ^f Construction^^ *^ ** fc.^ V J*. ** of^* » Millt " " * " "• Floors^*- ^X^^^^fcJ :• containingJ ww^m-m **j py Tests•^«u kS ofJ^ full-size^^i^Jk* k^A«j^^ Robinson (S. W.)—Strength of Wrought Iron Bridge Wood Mill Columns, by C. J. H, Woodbury, M.E. Illus- Members. 18mo. (New York) boards, London, 2s. 6d.[3512 trated. 8vo. (New York) London , 12s. 6d [3522 Rose (J.)—Mechanical Drawing- Self-Tanght. Illustrated . Woolson (C.F.)— Bodman the Keeper : Southern Sketches. 12mo. (Philadelphia) London, 12s. 6d [3613 New edit . lGmo. (New York) London, sewed, 2s. 6d. . . [3523 ^fertm ttttttte xrf $tttf §*Krftj5 ,

13 Gbeat Mablbobot jg h Stbbbt , London, W. HUR8T & BLACKETT'S NEW NOVELS. NOW .READY AT ALL LIBRARIES , IN THREE VOLUMES. N"EW BABYLON. By Paul Meritt and W. Howell Poole. SAINT AND SIBYL . By C. L. Pirkis, Author of ' A Very Opal/ < Wanted an Heir/ &c. THE MERCHANT PRINCE. By John Berwick: Harwood, Author of ' Lady Plavia J &c. 3 DAISY BERESPORD . By Catharine Childar, Author of* The Future Marquis. FORTUNE '23 MARRIAG E. By Georgiana M. Craik, Author of ' Dorcas/ ' Anno Warwick,' &c. REDEEMED. By Shirley Smith, Author of < His Last Stak e,' &c. GABRIEIiLE DE BOURDAINE. By Mrs. John Kent Spknims k , Author of * Godwyn's Ordeal,' • Parted Lives,' &c. U n a f 29)

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From the BRIT ISH MER CHANT SERVICE JOURNA L, August 1882. ' We can truly say that; rarely have we read a work on the sea and those who toil thereon in the perusal of which we have been so deeply interested . Like the novels from, the same pen, the book has so engrossed our inind -when we have taken it up as to lead us to continue reading when other subjects demanded our attention. ' The book should become very popular in the Service, for it contains tales in which are ably represented the views and feelings of the many grades and classes of sailors connected with our Mercantile Marine. The yarns are very likely to interest those also who have never been to sea, and who will, from studying them, form a very true conception of the actual life on board and the hardships to which seamen are exposed. * We do not attempt to draw especial attention to any one yarn, for all are interesting. We recommend the book as fit to be placed in the hands of young persons, for tho tone of the writer is pure and high minded, and we would suggest to those who contemplate the gift of a sma.ll present to a seafaring relative, but who are puzzled as to their choice, to purchase a copy of this book, or of li The Wreck of the Grosvenor " "A Sailor's Sweetheart," or " John Holdswortb, Chief Mate," which are written by the same author. They may rest assnred that the recipient, whether young or of mature age, will be highly del ighted, and that the gift will be thoroughly appreciated.'

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sept, i, 1882 The Publishers ' Circular 803 Librairie de FIEMIN-DIDOT et CIB- Imprimeurs de J'Institut , Rue J acob, 56, Pa ris.

Ready immediately. LE PARIS 6ALL0 ROMAIN. By ALBERT LENO IR. iFOiE&iMtnTG- tikcze iFOTj rE&TiEJiEiisrTia: zpj^rEiT of PARI S, a travers les Ages. Successive Aspects of the Principa l Views and Perspect ives of the Monuments and Quartiers of Pari s,from the 13th Century up to the Present Time.


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THE FIELD, August 5, 1882. 4 Even for those who can never themselves hope to go after Bighorn and Wapiti, he has produced a most interesting volume. As he himself says, it is good for the civilised man occasionally to revert to savagery, and books like his enable us to do it for a time, at least ideally. . . • Everything is vivid and forcible arid fresh ; and the sense of this seems to be reproduced in Mr. Grohman's pages. , . . We are sure our readers will enj oy Mr. Grohman's vivid pages, and in that assurance we leave them.' PALIi MALL GAZETTE. ' Mr. Grohman is a^ thoroughly pleasant companion , and has written a capital book/ ACADEMY. 4 It is throughout extremely interesting and even valuable. . . . His natural history notes seem to us admirable.'

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEABLB & RIVINGTON, Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street. (532) ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ • i . ¦ ¦ . . - . , - - . . y - - v ^ ^ 1 Sept. i, 1882 The Publishers Circular 805' Messrs. Macmillan & Co.'s List. JUST READY, with Illustrations, medium 8vo. _A_ TEXT-BOOK OIF1 GEOLOO-T. By Archibald G-eikie, F.B.S. , Director-G-eneral of the Geological Survey &c.

A NEW SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED READING BOOKS. THE GLOBE READERS. A New Series of Head ing Books for Standards I. to V. Selected, Arranged, and Edited by A. F. Murison. With Original Illustrations. Globe 8vo. [Just ready. PRJMER I. (48 pp.) 3d. I BOOK I. (96 pp.) 6d. I BOOK III. (232 pp. )Is. 3d. I BOOK V. (416 pp.) 2s . PRIMER II. (48 pp.) 3d. I BOOK II. (136 pp. ) 9d. | BOOK IV. (328 pp.) Is. 9d. | BOO K VI. (448 pp. ) 2a. 6 6.. A HISTORY OF COAL-MINING IN GREAT BRITAIN. By Kobekt X. Gauloway, Author of ' The Steam Engine and its Inventors ' &c. Crown 8vo. 7<». Gd. Now ready, 2 vols. crown 8vo. price 9s. THE BUR MAN : His Life and Notions. By Shwat Yoe. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 9s. ' A very remarkable book .There is so much that is interesting and amusing in almost every chapter of these two volumes that the difficulty has been what to select. They have attractions for all classes.'—John Bull. Now ready, uniform with ' Democracy/ crown 8vo. price 4*. Gd. THE BURGOMASTER 'S WIFE : a Tal e of the Siege of Leyden . By Dr. Geo rg Ebehs, Author of * The Egyptian Princess ' <&c. Translated by Clara Bell . Crown 8vo. 4*. Qd. Now ready3 crown 8vo. price 4s. So*. A MEMOIR OF DANIEL MACM1LLAN . By , Q,.C. With a Portrait engraved on Steel by C. H. Jeej is, from a Painting by Lowes Dickinson. Crown 8ro. 4s. 6d. MR. F. W. H. MYERS' NEW VOLUME OF POEMS. THE RENEWAL OF YOUTH , and other Poems. By F. W. H. Myers , M.A. Crown 8vo. [fust ready. MACMILLAN'S CLASSICAL SERIES.—New Volume. LYSIAS-—SELECT O RATIONS. Edited , with Introduction and Notes , by E. S. Shuckbttrgh, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. 6*. MACMILLAN'S ELEMENTARY CLASSICS. 18mo. 1*. 6d. each. New Volumes. CAESAR 'S GALLIC WAR. Book I. CICERO . — SELECT LETTERS. Edited, with Notes and Vocabulary, by A. S. Wal- Edited by Rev. G. E. Jeans, M.A. [Just ready. pole, M.A. [ Just ready. VIRGIL 'S y*ENEID. Book I. With XENOPHON 'S ANABASIS. Book I . Notes and Vocabulary. By the same Editor. With Notes and Vocabulary &c. By A. S. Walpole, [Just ready . M.A. [Ready. MACMILLAN'S FOREIGN SCHOOL CLASSICS. Edited by G. E. Fasnacht. New Volume. MOL IERE. —L' AVARE. Edited by Louis M. Moriart y. 18mo. Is. people's <$5ifions, 65. * One of the prettiest volumes we have seen.'—Saturday" Bkvtew. OLD CHRISTMAS. From Washington Irving's ' Sketch Book.' With upwards of 100 Illustrations by . Medium 4to. 6d. \Just ready. * We cannot conceive a better present for young or old.'—The Globe. BRACEBRIDGE HALL. Prom Washington Irving's * Sketch Book/ With 120 Illus- trations by Randolph Caldeoott. Medium 4to. Qd. [Just ready. Also, Complete tn One Volume, cloth, PEOPLE'S EDITIO NS- CONTENTS :— TOM BROWN 'S SCHOOL DAYS. OLD CHRISTMAS. From Wa shington By an Old Boy. With upwards of 60 Illustrations Irvino's Sketch Book. With upwards of 100 Illus- by Arthur Hughes and Sidney P. Hall. trations by Randolph Caldecott. ' A book that will amuse, delight, and derate boys.' « A j it way.'_DAILY News. SPKCT-VTO It. b * WATERTON 'S WANDERI NGS IN BRACEBRIDGE HALL . Prom Wash - south AMERICA. With1 1001 Illustrations. Edited « R J BiOgra Ph lClU Intr dUC - Irvwg'b Sketch Book.' With 100 Illastra- ti ^aL Bx°pla^SryS. ° "«»» ^ ^^ ^ ™*ecott. ' One of the moet delightful books every written/ * Mr. Caldecott'a illustrations aro very clover indeed/ Saturday Review. Thk Timbs. Medium 4=to. price 3s. [Immediately. MACMILLAN & CO., London , W.C . (533) | rt ** ... _ . . . _ _ . __ .. _. .. __ ...... »' 8o6 The Publisher s' Circular Sept. i, i8g2 I


* The 4t Student's Manuals," edited for the most part by Dr. Wm. Smith, possess several distinctive features which render them singularly valuable as educational works. While there is an utter absence of fli ppancy in themf there is thought in every page, which cannot fail to excite thought in those who study them, and we are glad of an opportunity of directing the attention of teachers to these admirable school-books *— The Museum.

THEtory ofSTUDENT England, from the 'S Earliest HUME. Times to theA TreatyHis- THEENGLISH STUDENT CHURCH HIoTORY. 'S MANUAL From the Planting OP of Berlin. 1878. New Edition, revised , corrected , and of the Church in Britain to the Eighteenth Century, partly re-written. By J. S. Brewer, M.A. With 7 By Q-. G. Perry, M.A. 2 vols. Post 8vo. 75. 6d . each. Coloured Maps and 70 "Woodcuts. Post 8vo. 7 s. 6d. _ „ „, . ,„. _ First Period.—To the Accession of Henry VIII. *?* Questions on the ' Studen t s Hume. 12mo. 2s. 596-1509. THE STUDENT 'S HISTORY 03? Second period.—To the Eighteenth Century. 1509- FRAJtfCE. Prom the Earliest Times to the Establish- 1717# ment of the Second Empire, 1852. With Notes and Illustrations on the Institutions of the Country. By mTJTji QrpTTTVEi lVTriVC! TXTCf rn/\D"V MH W. H. Jervis, M.A. With Woodcuts. Post 8yo. 7 s. 6d, I JlIJlLj 01 U U JliiM A D HlDJLUXt l UJC EUROPE -D UHlisa the MIDDLE AGES. By Henry mTT Tp Q rTTT T) Ti1 "M' lTP S ANPTT5NT Halcam, LL.D. Post 8vo. 7*. 6d. HISTORY OF THE EAST. From the Earliest Times to the Conquests of Alexander the Great, including m TXTi1 QrP TTTI"C1TVr 'Tl > C! n/^TVTCf rnTrPTT Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, Persia , Asia Minor, 1 XLJEi OlU JJXLlIN 1 D Irlsll ulllU- and Phoenicia. By Philip Smith, B.A. With 70 Wood- TIONAL HItoTOitY OF ENGLAND. F< om tne Ac- cuts. Post 8vo. 7s. 6d. cession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. By Henry Haklam, LL.D. Post 8vo- 7s. 6d. THE STUDENT 'S HISTORY OP GREECE. From the Earliest Times to the Roman mTJ Tp amTT TVBi Kr TTV Q TUT A TiTTT A T AT? Conquest. With Chapters on the History of Literature 1 XlJll SlU JJJli lX X S JXLA.JX U ALi \JJi and Art. By Wm. Saoth , D.C.L. With 100 Woodcuts. ANCIEN l1 GEOGRAPHY. By Canon W. L. Bevan, Post 8vo. 7s. 6c?. M.A. With 150 Woodcuts. Post 8vo. 7s. Qd. *** Questions on the ' Student's Greece.' 12mo. 2s. U the THE STUDENT'S MANUAL OP THEwSVnPw STUDENT'S 7TwEarUest i- *.S-l^mes HISTORY? SxEstabhshmentTTT w ^pOP MOD ERN GEOGRAPHY . Mathematical, Jfiiysical , ROME. B rom^e to of and Descriptive. By Canon W. L. Bevan, M.A. With the Empire. With Chapters on the History of Litera- 120 wooacuxs.0odcuts Postj .ost »vo.8vo 7sis. ba.Qd ture and Art. By Dean Liddkll. With 80 Woodcuts. Post 8vo. 7s. Sd. THE STUDENT'S MANUAL OP twt?X nJll DXUJJJlllXqTrrnwrl x*O IXflmnif11SJ3U1N . AQ-An THE KJSGJLISH LANGUAGE. By G. P. Maiikh. Epitome of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Post 8vo. Is. 6d. Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon. Incorporating- the Researches of Recent Historians. With 200 Wood- onto, post svo. 7s. id. THE ST UDENT 'S MANBy UAL OF THE STUDENT 'S 5£ft£V£IiK *T l'B1'' '* B' BBAW > MA ' MEKT HIS1ORY. Prom theOLD Creation TESTA of the World - I to the Return of the Jews from Captivity. With an Introduction to the Books of tho Old Testaments. By TWI T, ftTTTTYTCNT ' Pl ftPT ^nTMT ^N S I PhTFTP RMTTH "R A With d.fl TV/Tnna nnH WnnH niita JL M m * * KJ JU \J AJJ -MA.*A KJ UA.JL4 \JMX1&X4X1 KJ W oodcuts. ot, EK L1SH LITERAT URE. Selected from the I x-oscKnovo. ?^J/*. oa. ^ Best Writers# Bj T B gHAW ? M_m^m pOrit 8vOt q8m m. THE STUDENT'S NEW TESTA- , „, „„„„„ MKNT HISTORY. With an Introduction , con- THEmTTT1 STUDENTamTTrxri lkTm Sa ELEMENTS« ^^ ^L ^ ^^ 'S^ 'Zl t^^ : ar£ j »x CHA — L—• Wittt 6W THE STUDENT'Sth« MANUALthe OP OF Charoh from 'Rmes THE STUDENT'S MANUAL Ch^^ Karlwirt to Kcfor- mation. By Pinur h>MiTH , B.A. 2 vols. Post 8vo. encea. By W. Futiuxo, D.D. P«t »vo. 7». 6./. 7s. tot.cjich. BOOK I.— TO TUB EKTABUSUMKNT OF TUB HOLY ROMAN THE STUDENT 'S BL ACKSTO NE. EMriitB and thb Papal K)WEB. An Abridgment of the Entire Commentaries, «dupu-(i Book II.—Thjc Middle Aqeb and Tine Rbfoiimation. to tLe Present State of the Law. By It. Maixj oi>m [ [ Near ly ready . . Kkrk, LL.D. Post 8vo. 7i. (id. V DETAILED CATALOGUES SENT GRATIS BY POST ON APPL I CATION.

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New Serial Publications.

PART 1, ready SEPT. 25. p rice 7d.,

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On SEPT. 25 will be p ublished, PART 1, price 6d.,


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With FA CSIMIL E COLOURED PL A TES drawn f rom Naturejor this Work , and numerous ORIGINAL WOOD ENGRA VINGS.

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808 The Publishers' Circular sept. 1, 1882 BLACK'S SCHOOL ATLAS OF MODERN AND ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. A Series of 41 Maps, fully,coloured , 4to. or deiny 8vo., cloth, with Index, price 10

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Edinburgh : ADAM & CHABLE S BLACK. (536)

LOW'S AUTHOR'S COPYRIGHT EDITIONS. THE ILLUSTRATED SHILLIN G VERNE LIBRARY. Price One Shilling each Volume. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Five Weeks in a Balloon. Part l ' Adventures of Three Englishmen and Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Three Russians. Part IL Around the World in Eighty Days. Hector Servadac. Part i. ng ^ Float i City Hector Servadac. Part II. The B|ockad e Runners. The Fur Country. Part i. Dr Ox > 8 Ex periment. The Fur Country. Part II. A wintep amid the |ce From the- Eart h to the Moon. The Survivor8 of the ' Chancellor/ Part I. Around the Moon. The Survivors of the ' Chancellor.' Part IL Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar. xr art a. Martin Paz. ¦ M:»u nn i Gi^^ tr +u o c a n The Myst erious Island. 3 vols. YoL L Dr<>PPed from the clouds- Kit II Vol. II. Abandoned. Dick Sands, the Boy Ca ptain. Part i. Vol . III. Secret of the Island. Dick Sands, the Boy Captain. Part II. The Child of the Cavern. All the above can also b< > had in handsome cloth bindings f or Presentation, London : SAMPSOX LOW , MAR 8TON , SEARLE , & RIVI NGTOtf , Crown Buildi ngs, 188 Fleet Street , E.C. (537) K - fl sept, i, 1882 The Publishers' Circular $O9 War d, Lock, & Co.'s New Serial Publications. I n MONTHLY PAR TS, price SIXPEN CE each. ( Complete in 18 Parts.) The First Part now rea dy. WARD & LOCK S HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF TttB ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS . Splendidly ILLUSTRATED by J. E. MILLAIS, , A. B. HOUGHTON, J. D. WATSON, G. J. PINWELL, and THOMAS DALZIEL. Hgg*With PART I. will be presented a Pbontis piecb, beautifull y printed in Colours by . Tlie names of the Artists who have supplied the Illustrations to "Ward & Lock's Edition of this most wonderful and charming book will be sufficient to guarantee that it far surpasses any other issue of the same work. It has been specially prepared for family reading, tlie size is handy, it is well printed on toned paper, and is offered at a price that will place it within the reach of all. I n MO NTH LY PARTS , pri ce SIXPENCE each. (Complete in 28 Parts.) Part 1 ready September 25. GIBBON 'S HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. WITH THE LATE DEAN MILMAWS VA L UABLE NOTES. Entirely NEW EDITION, with numerous ENGRAVINGS and MARGINAL NOTES throughout. ' There can be no question that this edition of Gibbon is the ONLT ONE extant to which parents and guardians, and academical authorities ought to give any measure of countenance.' London Quarterly Reviewon Dean Milman's Edition. In MO NTHLY PARTS , price SIXPENCE each. { Complete in 12 Parts.) Part 1 ready September 25. Great Thoughts on Great Truths ; Or, THE CHUR CH , THti MINISTR Y, AND THE CHRISTIA N. Selecte d and Olas ^ifiecl l>y tlie Rev. IS. DAVIE 8, Editor of * Holy Thoughts on Holy Things,' ' Other Men's Minds/ &c. This book comprises the thoughts of famous scholars, poets, and theologians, alphabetically arranged for con- venience of reference to any subject on which tho reader may require a thought. More than a thousand authors are represented in the extracts, above three thousand in number, in this book, in which, as the Editor remarks, a whole library has been condensed into one volume. In MONTHLY PA R TS, pri ce SIXPENCE each. { Complete in 15 Parts.) Pa rt 1 read y September 25. TIKIS aOZMZDPZCIETIE] "WOIR/IKI S OIF1 SHAKESPEARE. Revised from the ORIGINAL TEXT, with INTRODUCTORY REMARKS and COPIOUS NOTES, CRITICAL, GENERAL, and EXPLANATORY, By SAMUEL PHELPS. With ILLUSTRATIONS by H. K. BROWNE and other Artists. * Shakjbspearb, prin ted from Steel, will be gjiveis away ** A f inely engra ved Poktbait of with Part I. This Edition of Shakespeare will be found satisfactory in every way. The Biography of the Poet, tho Revision of the Text, the Explanatory Notes, and the numerous Illustrations have all recei ved very careful attention. Tho typography ia clear and accurate, and the Bize euch as to form a really handsome volume. TO THE TRA DE.—Showbills and Prospectuses of the abo ve important Seria ls will be sent on application. London : WARD, LOCK, & CO., Salisbury Square, E.C. ; New York : 10 Bond Street. (538) ^ "~ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ fe ¦ . , . ¦ : . - —|M V " " ' QM ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ t - • • . < . . , W . - ^m

810 The Publishers' Circular Sept I s . l88 ']

Sold by all Booksellers. EXCELLENT BOOKS omn -p T-cio FOR SUMMER REA T>yJJ DING. \D ±\J SXiA-XiYJ -L At all Booksellers and Bookstalls. MAUD JEAMS E FRAUC. L 0WS STANDARD NOVELS. j j- Crown 8vo. 65. each. Tn-r uniform-* handsomei_ gilt-n. clothi 4-u -u-omding, i]t es £ ed - ALCOTT (LOUISA M.) WOBK : a ^ of Experience. StorvJ BLACK (WILLIAM), SUNRISE : a The New Volume by this Popular Author, storr of These Times- now reaay, is DAUGHTER OP HET H. U now ready is - Frontispiece by F. Walker, A.B.A. With NO LONGER A CHILD. Small D* SILK ATTIRE. ¦post 8vo. cloth extr a, gilt edges, pri ce 4s. KIIiMJfiNY, LADY SIL^ERDALE'S SWEET- HEABT. MARIAN ; or, The Light of Some- THE THREE FEATHERS. One 's Hom e. A Tale of Australian Bush BLACK MORE (R. D.) ALI CE LOR- Life. B Maud Jkannb Franc. Small ^ y m^ AttA tr a Trn.Tr A NT post 8to. cloth extra, gilt edges, price 5s. CIiARA V AUGHAN. Eighth Edition. CRADOCK NO WE LL. MARY ANERLEY. VERMONT VALE; or, Home THE 3A R R Pic- S5KJ? J Pa£ P ' SlQ tures in Australia. By to JBaNNE SSKf- < °&%$ ther 8 - Fkanc. all post 8vo. cloth extra, gilt n Sm nmVoriirt ^r tt edges, price 5s. Third Edition. CHRISTOWELL. {Preparin g. 1— 1 PRASER-TYTLER (C. G.) MISTRESS MINNIE 'S MISSION : an Austra - onSS ^lKSTBlSlT OF THE lian Temperance Tale. By Maud dragonnades. Jeanne Franc. Small post 8vo. cloth extra, HARDY (THOMAS) FAR PROM THE gilt edges, price 4s. MADDING CEOWD. — THE TRUMPET MAJOR, ATRICE MELTON 'S DISCI- —^JHE HAND OP ETHBLBEBTA. BE ^ PLINE. By Maud Jeanne Franc. Small HOEY ( Mrs. CASHED , OUT OP COURT. post 8vo. cloth extra, price 4s. GOLDEN SORROW. ^ «¦" » «!« . HALI/S VINEYARD. By ««. H^SLiS0I0B>. - Jeanne Fbanc. Small post 8vo. cloth extra, HISTORY OP A CRIME . gilt edges, price 4,. MACDONALD ( GEORGE, LL.D.), MARY B B * V MARSTON. EMILY'S CHO ICE : an Australian IZZ tIe ^/rI da ^GHTER. Tale. By Maud Jeanne Feanc. Small GUILD COURT , gilt edges, price post 8vo. cloth extra 4*. MACQUOID (Mr8. ) DIANE. — ELINOR DRYDEN , JOH N'S WIPE : a Temperance MATHERS (HELEN ) MY LADY Tale By Maud Jeanne Franc. Small GRBENSLEEVBS. post 8xo. cloth extra, gilt edges, price 4s. 'OLtPHAN T (MrB. ) INNOCENT. With F & fa ' r 12 Illustrations. RUSSELL (W. CLARK), A SAILOR'S SILKEN CORDS and IRON FET- sweetheart. TEES By Maud Jeanne Franc. Small WRECK OP THE GROSVENOR. post 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, price 4s. JOHN HOLDS WORTH, Chief Mate. ___! STERNDALE (R. A.) AFGHA N KNIFE. ( I. T TTTT -tf MT?P PV - m- Pnr BetterTW+<^ STOWE Mrs. ) MY WIPE AND LITJ TT ' t ' OLD TOWN FOLK. For ™Worse. By ^Maud Jeanne Franc. POGANUC PEOPLE Small o8t 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, P WALLACE (L.) BEN-HUR : a Tale of price 4s. the Christ.

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SBARLB, & RIVINGTON, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.G. (539) ¦ ¦ ft -—*i The Publi sher s' Circular f| Sept .,, 1882 8m ¦ ¦ I I a °l S, s 3 ^» M fi* " t • **1 1 ^ 1 1" LLJ o | | 1 gii X ^ * I

? «o 1 a 1 !{ !j ii §}|s:i ! 1^ gigj i ^1 _ - 81 - *!5- *&i°*»!! °HHSi I z ^ x $ x 1 f n ^ r H eg H x J ^^ I I fl 1 Ss^ H ^>:

:! l °i:| § 4 2 1 hi s« ^ s

i= § _ a. 11 ^^i ii a iiii H ^ -1 fa ^ |>« l zo-af a h S§ fits ^liJiiiSr

w S- S fl > ga^s =J|4i | P £^^ C JoftS1»1g [gHW g-3 ^^^O -tO ^ °^lN ^ £^^ s 1 1 m 1_ O <3 H ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦• - ¦ ¦ : - . - :¦ • • . . .,„ . . . . —mm \ \ 8« The Publishers ' Circular Sept. i, ,^] PERIO DICAL S FOR SEPTEMB ER.

Ncr w rea dy, No. 81, Vol. VII. 4to. in Wrapper , price Is. 6d., the SEPTEMBER Number of MEN OF MARK: A Gallery of Contem porary Portraits of Men disti nguished in the Senate , the Church , in Science , Literature , an d Art , the Army, Navy , Law , Medicine , &c. The Three Perm anent Cabinet Photograp hs of this Number , taken from Life by Lock & Whit field, for thi s "W ork only, are of LORD CHARLES BERESFORD , R.N. HENRY HUGH ARMST EAD, R.A. CAPTAIN BEDFORD PIM , R.N, With brief Biograp hical Notices "by Thompson- Cooper , F.S.A.

Now read y, royal 4to. Part XXL , for SEPTEMBER , price 2s. 6d., of PATHWAYS OF PALESTINE: A Descri ptive Tour through the Holy Land. By Canon Tristram , F.R.S. Each Part (the Ser ies will be concluded the next monthl y Part) contains Two Magnificent Permanent Photo- grap hs (5x8 in.) of Views in the Holy Land.

Now rea dy, folio, Part XXXIX., for SEPTEMBER , price 35. 6d., of THE ETCHER : A Magazine of the Etched "Work of Artists. Containing :— COCKCROW .... Ori ginal Etching by J . MacWhirter , A.R.A. UNA AND THE LION Or iginaL Etching by G. P. Jacomb-Hoo». HAND-PLOUGHING Or iginal Etching by Robert Farren. With Text. Cloth binding Cover to ' Etcher / price 5s.

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London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEAKLE , & RrVTNGTON , Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street , E.O. (64 \L-0b Bj " . • ¦ ¦ . ^ I sept , i, i s$z The Publish ers' Circular s,3 I

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Edinburgh : JA MES THIN , Publisher to the Universit y. London : SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , & CO. (542)

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Cloth limp, with good Map and Illustrations , pr ico Ss. 6d. EGYPT. By STANLEY LATSTE-FOOLE. 1 To those who require a han dbook to Egypt as it is at the pres ent day, Mr. Stanl ey Lane-Poole 's little work will be very welcome.'—Saturda y IIeyiew. ' It is clear , well wr itten , and well compiled.'—Athena eum. ' Mr. Lane-Poo le knows Egypt well, and what he has to say abo ut it is extremel y interesti ng/ Scotsman , ' His style is bri ght, concise, and straig htforwa rd ; and in the art of conveying a general effect by means of a few sharp touches he is peculiarl y successful/— Academ y.

London : SAM PSON LOW , MARSTO N, SEAKLE , & RIVIN GTON. (544*) 1 mt ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ •— ¦ • ¦ aMM ¦" " ¦ lmn «••«¦' ¦*•— ¦ , i... Tr imiii WF ^ ^ ' s . " "¦ '' '" " """"" ^ * " ( ' . ^ *"* 32 s!M $14 The Publishers' Circular sept 1 ^ ,g82

London : 188 Fj ^bet Stbebt , September 1882. LIST OF BOOKS : FOR THE FORTHCOMING SEASON , TO BE PUBLI SHED BY Sampson Low, Marston , Searle, and Rivington.

To be published early in October, in One Volume, crown quarto , cloth extra , about 550 pp., jilt edges, price 31s. 6d. AN EDITION DE LUXE OF MR. R. D. BLAGKMORE'S CEL EBRA TED WORK, LORNA DOONE: A ROMANCE OF EXMOOE.

IN rep ly to many inquiries for an Illustr ated Editi on, the publishers have much pleasure in announcing that they are now preparing a superb EDITION DE LUXE , which will represent the Twentieth Edition of the above well-known work . It will contain numerous Full-page and other Illustr ations , engraved by Mr. J. D. Cooper , in the very best style of Wood Engravin g, after Water-Colour Drawin gs by Mr. JP. Armstron g, specially made and presented to the Author , who has kindl y lent them for this purpose. These Ill ustrations represent the scenery of * Lorna Doone ,' from studies made in the localit ies of the chief incidents of the story , and hav e been drawn on wood by Mr. Percival Skelton. The work will be further enriched by several Full-page Illustrations , now being prep ared by the well-known Artist , Mr. W. Small , represent ing studies of some of the Leading Events , Battles , Scenes, Character s, and Incidents. Many of the chapter headings will also contain Illustrated Initia ls of Devon or Somerset views by Mr. W. H. J. Boot. It will be printed by William Clowes & Sons , in their best style, and bound in handsom e cloth by Messrs . Burn. The Type will be new, and spec ially chosen, and the paper of the finest and best materi al . In no respect w ill expense be spared by the Publishers to make this Edition in every way as perfect as possible. This Work is alread y so well known that it is qu ite unnecessary to describe either its character or its merits. The best test of these is its great populari ty, Nineteen Editions in the popular six-shilling form havin g alread y been issued , with an increasing sale every year.

PREF ACE TO THE TWENTIET H EDITION. What a lucky maid you are, my Lorna ! When first you came from the "Western Moors, nobod y cared to look at you, the ' leaders of the public taste ' led none of it to make test of you. Having struggled to the light of day , through obstruction and repulses, for a year and a half you shivered in the cold corner -without a sunray. Your native land disdained yoqr voice, and A merica answered ' No child of mine ; knowing how small your value was, you were glad to get your fare paid to any distant colony.' Still a certain * brave man fel t convinced that there was good in you, and standing by his convictions— as the English manner used to be—* She shall have another chance/ he Baid ; • we have lost a lot oif money by her ; I don't care if we lose some more.' Accordingly forth you came, poor Lorna, in a simple pretty d regs, small in compass, email in figure, smaller still in bope of life. But—oh but—let none of the many fairer than yourself who fail , despond—a certain auspicious e^ent occurred just then, and gave you golden wings. The literary public found your name akin to one which filled the atr, and , aa graciously as royalty itsel f , endowed you with imaginary virtues. Bo grand is the luck of time and name, failing which more solid beings melt in to oblivion's depth. This you too must do, ere long ; meanwhile be proud of nuccess beyond merit, and rejoice yet more that fortune frhowera fresh delights upon you. To shine with adornment, as a female should, to find your words made picture* of bright genius—from pure love of you f—and thua to venture forth to tlio»e who will receive you kindly, through the foro<» of habit and of nature.— October 2882. * The late Mr. Sampson Low the younger. f This unwise lover Is Mr. P. Armstrong of Bristol.

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & R1YINGTON, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street , E.C. (6*6) ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦-"- '- ' " ' " ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -¦ . ' - . . >. . T * ^ • .. . . ¦ ¦ - / * . _ • - - i Sept. i, 1882 The Publishers ' Circular 815 ¦ ¦ ^.^m^m^^m^^m^^mmam^m^m^m^i^^^^mm^a^^m^t^^^^^^m^mm^^^^^^^^^mt^m^m^^^^^^^mm^mimm^mmmmmm^m^^^'^mtmmi^^^m^^^mtmt^m^m^m^mm^m^^mmmm^^m^^mmm^^^^m^m^m^m^^mmm^^m^^^m^^^^^^m^mm^i^m^m^m^mm^^ SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, Sr CO.'S LIST.

Prep ar ing for public ation in the Autumn , lar ge imperial quarto , in tasteful extra binding, gilt edges, pri ce Three Guineas . FLORENCE : Its History. THE MEDICI -THE HUMANISTS -LETTERS -ARTS. By CH ARLES YRIAR TE. Translated by C. B. PITMAN. ILL USTRATED WITH 500 ENGRAVINGS.

EXTBACT ZE\J=& O^C TABLE OIB1 OOHS TT-EIErTS - INTROD UCTION. Volterra , &o.—The Funeral Monuments discovered Ita ly in the Thirteent h Centur y takes up the Mission of vS?vl£S2? SSE ^Sd ^ Tn ^& *t * £ & —The Influence of Rome upon thi s Movement. —The r ilSSr At+ rhri«« *Ti Art '—Tlie Iconoc lasts * —Trana - Lead in it taken by Florence. —Characteristics of the Jj ^finSTlSSlmkto ChriSn Art ^Pisa and ite Fift eenth and Sixteenth Centurie s-Plan of the Pre- ^ y ^ ^ nS ^ Bent Work and Novel Features contained m it. Link in Sculpture between the Art of Ancient Timel HISTOKY OF FLORENCE. ftad of tbe Midce.—The Family . Tombs of Famo us Men in Santa Croce.—The Pazzi TRWinfl mjsmu.MP5TITPT Chapel.—The Bar gello.—Andrea Or gagna. —Or San _. . , Michele .—The Loggia dei LanzL—Santa Maria No- Tneir Ori gin.—Giovanni de' Bicci, the first notable .Member vella.—T he Santissima Annun ziata. of the Family. —His son. Costmo the Elder. —Restora- tion of Cosimo.—Development of Arts and Letters. — nrrrT ptttti p' Death of Cosimo in 1464.—Lorenzo the Magnificent .— ° His Prec ocity and Love of Display. —His Lastf Hours Niccold and Giovanni Pisano. —Andrea Pieano.—Andrea and Intervie w with Savonarola. —Giulian o de Medici Or gagna. —Jaco po della Querc ia.—Lorenzo Ghiberti .— and the Pazz i Conspira cy.—Entry of Charles VIII. of Donatello. —Miche lozzo Michelozzi. —Desiderio da Set- * ranee into Florenc e.—Second Expulsion of the tignano .—Verrochio. —Luca della Bobbia. —His Bro- Medici from Florence and sack of their Palace .— there. —The Two Rossellini.- Benedetto da Mai atio.— Giovan ni de' Medici elected Pope with the title of Mino da. Fiesole.—Anto nio Pollajuolo ».—Maso di Fini- Leo X.—Lorenzo II., Duke of Ur bino. —Cardinal Hip- guorra. — Andrea Cont ucci.—Jaco po di Antonio Tatti. polytu 8 and his portra its by Titian.—Alexander de * Benedetto da Rovezzano. —Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Medici .—Siege of Florence by Charles V.—Cosimo I., —Sinibaldi da Montel upo.—Torri giani.—Lorenzo del first Grand Duke of Tuscany. —Foundation of the Cara panaro. —Simone Mosca.— Montoraoli. —Benvenuto Pitti Pala ce.—Ferdinand I.—Cosimo IT., the Protector Cellini.—Baccio Bandinelli. —Amman ati . Giovanni da of Galileo.—Ferdinand II.—Foundation of the Cimento Bologna.—Vincenzio Danti .—Lorenz i Stoldo. —Paolo Acade my and of Museum s*.—Cosimo III. and bis Wife. Ponzio. Pietro Tacca. —Giovanni Gaston. —End of the Medici Dynasty . PAINTING. THE RENAISSANCE. Flore nce the Pioneer of Euro pe in th e Cultivation of Art The Ori gin of Floron tine raintin g.—The Pitti and Ufflsi and Literat ure. —The Arabic Influence. —Th e Normans. Collections. —Raphael at tbe 1. itti and Ufflzl Palaces — —Frederick II.—His Love of Literature. —The Trou- The Tain ted of the Eleventh and T welfth Centuri es bad our s. ft k Florence. — R ustico. — Giro lamo da Morello. — Marcbi bello.—Maestro Fidanza ,—Bartolommeo .—Lapo. ILLUSTRIOUSYi FLOm& RENTINES. ch —And rea Tafl .—Giovanni Cimabue. —Giott o.—Taddoo Dfln *_ rj, . -lr . 11lani , x, nti., t, . . A Gaddl. — Gad do Gaddl. — Agnolo Gaddi. — Tommaso Tl } ' ~Y^ - -V - ~Ac- Btefan o, eurnamed Otottino —Baffalmaco. -Antoaio rfid ^Si JX?5 ^ " S n^ U C Bpinello Aretino. - Andr ea Orp agna. Ba^hilVr ^SISSSBona111co ;^PiPitti. -Agnolo10a i Pandolflni.' 7£T ° Venezlano. - - j t^Z}l' , 5 "° ^ - p j Uceno.-Masolino da Panicale.—Ma saccio.-Tho ^ r " 0 1011 1 0^1*10 LiPP i Family.-Fra j rilippo.- Plero della Fra nceses. iSSSI? i ? « ^^^11 r ^ 0 ^ /! ? Alber* ,^ Ma ^Hl? ^ ^ r ; ^ ! ******* "- A lSso Beldovinetto. -AndrW del Ca«t» gno.-Benoz30 iclno'-B01™^d^ ^^o P »}v. .r-Domenioo Bur - Gozzoli. - RoseelU. - Bandro Botticel li. - Fra Bar - chS « ^ P° tian °n m?' ^ ? £ I*! 77|Aniel° tolommeo. - Slgnorelli. - Ghlrlanda jo. - Francesco T^^ ^c,° H.deU Mirandola -Machiavelli -Francesco G ranacci. - Leonardo da Vincd .-Lonsnzo df Credi. - Guicciardini.fc - Gallleo.« -Ottavio Ilinuccmi. Andrea del Sarto — Pontorrno. - Francabi gio.- Do. T?TT»TT QriATs j atj -t^ menico Pdligo.—Gior gio Vasarl .— Angelo Bronarino. — ifiluuauAiN AHl. Rosso.—OriBtoforo dell' Altiioimo. -Franoeaoo Rosd, Tu6cany under the Etruscans. —Etruscan Monuments : surnamod Salviati.—Cigoli.—PocoettL—Jaco iH> Empo>U. Fiesole, Perugia , Veil, Cornoto, Chiusi , Tuscanella , —Carlo Dolci.

London : SAMPSO N LOW , MARSTOK , SEABLB , & RIVINGTON , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street. (546) ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " - - ¦¦ ' - ¦ ' T •/ - ¦ • ¦ • : - * l . .;. . . . v B16 The Publ ishers ' Circular Sept. ,, mz |



BY MBS. CASHE L HOET and MB. JOHN LILLTE . With Twenty-one Coloured Plates after Water-colour Drawings by F. LIX, and Tail-pieces by Scott. Imperial 8vo. very choicely bound in new satin-wood p attern, 28s. [Immediately.

CONTENTS. Introduction. XVIII. Reign of Louis XVI. I. The Gallic a.nd Gallo-Roman Period. XIX. Reign of Louis XVI. (contin ued). eroving II. Tub M ian Prriod. xx Thej French rbpubl1c. III. The Cablovingiajt Period . XXI.wt Reignt> of Napoleontvt I.t IV. The Cablovingian Period (con tinued). v ; XXII.wtt Keignst» of Louist XVIII.V1TTTT and V. The Influence of the Crusa.des. Charles X VI. Keions of John and Cha-rles V. xxnl Reiqn of IiOms Philippe> VII. Reigns of Charles VI. and Charles VII. xxiy# Thb Second Uepublic> VIII. Reigns of Louis XL, Charles VIIL , and xxy Rbign Qjp Napomsok 1U Louis XII. T, r _ „ XXVI. Reign of Napoleon III. (continued). IX. Reign of Francis I. 1 v • TT TT XXVII. Reion of Napoleon III. (continued). : X. Reignt> of Hknri II. XXVIII. Reign of Napoleon III. (continued). I XI. Reign of Francis II. XXIX ReiGN of ™. (continued). XII. Reign of Charles IX. ' ^™™°* XIII. Reiqn of Henri III. XXX. Reign of Napoleon III. ( end). XIV. Reigns of Henri IV. and Louis XIII. XXXI. Tins Third Republic. XV. Rbign of Louis XIV. XXXII. Fashions of the Present Day. XVI. Rbign of Louis XIV. {continued). XXXIII. Present Fashions (continued) . j XVIL Rbign of Louis XV. XXXIV. Conclusion.

! London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTOK, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, I Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street. (547) 1 Sept. i, 1882 The Publish ers' Circular 817 ^— SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON , §r CO.'S LIST.

In the Press—First Part to be Issued in November 1882. UNIQUE AND IMPORTAN T WORK ON ORIENTAL ART.




GEORGEFellow of ASHDOWNthe Royal Institute of Brit ishAUDSLEY Architects, , Member of the Asiatic Society of Japan , One of the Authors of the ' KEEAMI C AB1 OF JAPAN; and Aut?tor of several WorJcs on Art.

CONDITIONS OF PUBLICATION. The Work, forming Two handsome Folio Volumes, will be issned in Four Parts inclosed in portfolios, at intervals of about six months— the first Part to be issued about November^ 1882 . The Entire Edition for Sale in England, America , and the Colonies is strictly limited to 1,250 Copies. The Author and Pu blishers bind themselves neither to print furt her copies nor publish any smaller edit ion. THE WORK WILL BE SUPPLIED TO SUBSCRIBERS ONL Y, at the following prices during p ublication :— ARTIST'S PROOF COPIES, printed on finest Japanese paper, num- bered and signed by the Author— ONLY FIFTY COPIE S PRINTED FOB SALE . £21 0 0 *#* The whole of these Artist's Proofs have hecn alread y subscribed for. printed on finest pl ate paper. Only 1,200 cop ies GENERAL COPIES, 12 pr inted f 'or sale . - . . . • • • • . ^12 0 Note.— On the issue of the concluding Par t to the orig ina l Subscribers the Price of the General Cop ies will be advanced to £16. 16s. It is calculated that America and our Colonies will absorb about 500 copies ; the English Edition will accordingly number on ly 750 copies. Intending Subscribers should secure cop ies without delay.

London : SAMPSOK LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, I Crown Buildin gs, 188 Fleet Stree t. (64 8) EL. ¦ ; - . I. ¦ r . ' ^ 7 " i T- — ' ' ' ' * . - '' ' ¦ '¦if grig The Publishers ' Circular sept, r, isfc

SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, 8r CO.'S LIST. SIR ROGER DE COVERLE YT Reimprinted from ' The Spectator/ With 125 Woodcuts Engraved by E. J. D. Cooper from Designs by C. O. Murray. A lso with a Steel Etching as Frontispiece by the same Artisfc. Small fcap. 4to. cloth extra, 6s. CONTENTS. The Author Concerning Himself. On Country Eti quette . Sir Roger and the Club. Sir Roger at the Assizes. Corerl ey Hall. • On Party Spirit . The Coverl ey Household. The Gipsies. Mr. Will "Wimble. A Letter from London . Sir Roger 's Ances t ors. The Journe y to London. The G host's Walk. Sir Roger in London. Sabbath Day at Coverley. Sir Roger in Westminster Abbey . Sir Roger in Lovo. Sir Roger at the Play. The Coverley Hunt. Sir Roger at Vaux- Hall. The Coverley Witch . Will Hon eycomb , His Amours . Country Love-making. Sir Roger passeth a way. TAHITI By LADY BRASSEY , Author of ' Voyage of the Sunbeam ' Ac. Fcp. 4to. very tastefull y bound, cloth extra, with 31 Autotype Illustrations.

Of all that is most beauteous imaged there In happier beauty ; more pellucid streams , In ample ether , a diviner air , And fields invested with purpure al gleams.

LIST OF AUTOTYPE ILLUSTRATIONS. Fro m Photo gra phs taken by Colonel Stuart-Wortle y.

No. 1. Co ptai n Cook 's first Landing-place. Sunrise. No. 17. Woman , young girls, and boys scraping bamb oo, for No. 2. view of Point Yenus—whore Cook landed. house-building, basket -making, furniture , &c. No. 3. A Street in Papeete . No. 18. A Bit of our Road, round the Island. No. 4. The fi rst Brid ge buil t in Tahiti . No. 19. House at Mah aena , and Native Children. Tah iti. No. 5. A littl e Tali it ian Pri ncess. No. 20. A Bit of the Road , along- the sea-shore. No. 6. Native and Hut.. Pa peivriri. No. 21. A Witc h and Pro phetess. Tahiti . No. 7. Native Huts in the Wood s. E. side of Island. No. 22. Little Pig and Bananas in the oven ready to be No. 8. Our Family of Servan ts at Tahiti. covered up for roasting -. No. 9. Sunset beh ind Quarantine Island , Papeete Harbour . No. 23. Various mask s, paddl e,


Further progress in Central and West Afric an Exploration. Compa nion Volumes ta Major SERPA PINT O'S ' How I Cross ed Africa. '

Two Volumes, demy 8vo> with Maps and over 130 Full-page and Text Illustrations, pric e £2. 2s. FROM BENGUELLA TO THE TERRITORY OF YACCA. By H. CAPELLO and R. IVENS, Officehs of the Royal Portu guese Navy.

Translated by ALFRED ELWES, Ph.D. Translator of Pinto ' s • How I Crossed Africa /

2 Vols. [Nearly read y.

The two gen tlemen whose valuabl e discoveries and scientific surv eys are now about to be publ ished , formed pa rt of the Expedition which was organised by the Portuguese Government in 1877-80, and were the compa nion s of Major Sebpa Pinto at the outset of his adventurou s journey throu gh Africa. The present Work , therefore , forms a natural sequence to * How I C rossed Africa ,' and will be found to contai n most interesting and valua ble data upon the sources of tli e ri vers Cuneue , Cubango, Luando, Cutanza, and Cuang o, the cours e of great part of the two latter having been explored by the intrep id tra vellers. Severa l other rivers wer e likewise discovered and surveyed by them , and countries hithert o but little or entirel y unknown were visited by the explorers , and are minutel y and pictures quely describ ed . The Work , furnished with complete IVIaps , Portraits of the travellers , and cop ious Illustrations , will form an important contr ibution to the physical and ethnolog ical geograp hy of the vast African Contin ent.

JOURNALISTIC LONDON : being a Series of Sketches of Famous Pens and Papers of the Day. By Joseph Hatton. Profusel y Illustrated with Engravings from Drawings by T. J. Ridley ; together with many Original Portraits of distinguished Editors and Writers for the press. Fcp. 4to. cloth extra. [Nearly ready. CONTENTS. Tx. xxeciu1Tai/1 vtumOnnrfi-eiH.Ara Mall and The St. James' s Ga zette—Mr. Frederick Greenwood and Mr John Morley_7V Ech0~Mr. Albert Grant— The II . Provincial Outposts with Metro politan Hour . Wires. IX. Concerning Special Correspondence and , ., Parliamentary Reporting. IIIttt . Therr, Dailyr, News.Ar „ _,, _ _ . . _,, _ J X. The Father of the Cheap Press. IV. The Times. XI Concern ing Class Journals and Trad e V. Chiefly concerning The World and Truth. Pa pers. vrr mi -rx •» m 1 r i -r» i • a li The Athenwum—Sir Charles Dilke— Bell's Life—The late VI. 7he Daily Telegraph and iidwin Arnold. Ferjeant Cox iuid his Newspaper Enterprises— The Field and The Queen—Church Papora — The Guardia n and its VII. On The Daily Telegrap h Staff. Chief Contributors—The Il ia© and Progress of Trade Journal ism— The Ironmonger . VIII. On some other Morning and Evening xu The nhlStrated London News and The Pa Pers - Grap hic. Captain Hambcr and The Standard —The Editors of VTTT T ,, r , , ,^ . n The Morning Advertiser—The JMily Chron icle—The Pall XIII. Last Word s and ^L7i C Morning Post.*

London : SAMPSON* LOW, MARSTON, SEARLB, & RIVINGTON, 1 Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.C. (550) 820 The Pub lishers' Circular Sept. t, 1882


THE LIT ERARY WO R KS OF LEONARDO DA VINCI. Containing all his Writings on Painting (' Libro della Pittura'), Sculpture, and Architecture, his Observations on Geography, G-eology, and Astronomy, Philo- sophical -Maxims, Humorous Writings, his Letters, and Miscellaneous Not es on Personal Events, on his Contemporaries, on Literature, &c. Now published for the first time from, the Forty-two Autograph Manuscripts existing in the Public Libraries of London and Milan, in the Royal Library at Windsor, and other Private Libraries in. England, Paris, and Italy. By Jean Paul Richter, Ph.Dr., Knight of the Bavarian Order of St. Michael's, &c. Two Volumes in imperial 8vo., containing 220 original Drawings in Photo-Engraving (Process Dujardin of Paris), and about 450 other facsimile Illustrations. Price Eight Guineas to Subscribers on the Form accompanying the Prospectus (which can be sen t on application), payable on the completion and delivery of the Work. On the day of publication the price will be raised to Twelve Guineas. \_In the press. Two Volumes, demy 8vo. cloth extra.

CONVERSATIONSMALTA. By the late N. W.AND Senior JOURNALS, Master in Chancery IN, Member EGYPT of the ANDFrench Institute ; Author of c Biographical Essays/ * Lectures on Political Economy,' ' Con- versations with Tocqueville, Thiers, Guizot/ &c. Edited by his Daughter, M. C. M. Simpson. [Immediately. * * These Journals contain the narrative of Mr. Sentor's visit to the East in 1856. He accom- panied* the Commission to investigate the scene of the future Suez Canal, and to report on the means of its execution. Mr. Senior was invited to join the party of M. De Lessbps, and they were all the guests of the Viceroy—Said Pasha. He had thereforo extraordinary opportunities of seei ng- persons of distinction, both Eastern and European. These volumes contain conversations -with Said Pasha, Achim Bey, Hekekyan Bey, the Patriarch, M. De Lesseps, M. St. Hilatre, Sir Frederick Bruce, Sir Adrian Dinglf , and many other remarkable people. THE WAR BETWE EN PER U AND CHILI , 1 879-1881. By Cle m ents R. Makkham, C.B. Crown 8vo. cloth extra. With Four Maps. \ Immediately. CONTENTS . PART I. IV. Notice of Admiral Gran—Brave Defence of the Huas car—Death of the Admiral- Introductory Chapters. Capture of the Huascar. I. Peru under the Incas and under Spanish v- The Peruvian Army in Tarapaca. Viceroys. VI. The Defence of Pi sagua—Slaughter at Jer- II. Chili under Spanish rule. mania—Battle of San Francisco. II. The Peruvian Viceroy III. The War of Independence. / at Tarapa ca. IV. The Republic of Peru . VIII . Nicolas Pierola as Supreme Chief of Peru— V. The Republic of Bolivia. General Campero, President of Bolivia. VI. The Republic of Chili. IX - Blockade of Arica and Callao. VII. Cause of the War. X - The Tacna Campaign. VIII. Naval and Military Strength of the th ree XL Destruction of the Loa and Co vadonffii by Republics. *'no Peruvians—Chilian bombardment ot defenceless towns—Disgraceful marauding by Captain Lynch—Im portance of long- PART II. range guns—Torpedoes and torpedo The War practice. XII. Faiilure of the Peace Con ference at Arica — I. Gallant Defence of Colama by tho Bolivians Chi lian expeditionary force against Lima —Proceedings of the Chilian Fleet—Bom- —Appointment of neutral officers to the bardment of Piaagun . contending armies. II, Destruction of a Chilian Corvette by the XIII. The defen ce of Limn. Huascar—Loss of tho Ind epen dcncia. XIV. Battles of Chorrillos and Mirafl ores. III. Proceedings of the Huascar. XV. Vie Victis J

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE , & RIVINGTON, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, London. (651) 1 • - ¦ - ¦ - ¦¦¦ •: ' if ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ ¦ ' ¦ " fr . - - - - • • ¦• - ' . . - . - - . - - . m s«pt. i, 1882 The Publishers * Cir cular 821


LIVES OF ILLUSTRI OUS SHOEMAKER S. By William Edward Winks. One Volume , crown 8vo. with Nine Portrait s, extra cloth. [Nearly ready. CONTEN TS. Prefa ce—Sir Cloudes ley Shovel (1650-1707) : The Cob- Myngs, Admiral , died 1CC6. Astrclcgtrs, Scholars , ttc: bier's Boy who becam e an Admiral —J ames Lackin gton Dr. Par tridge ; Astrologer ; Physician to His Majesty , (1746-1816) ; Shoemake r end Bookseller—Samuel Bradburn 1644-1716—Dr. Ebenezer Sibly, F.R.C.P. , Astrolo ger, &c, (1751-1816) ; the Shoemaker who became President of the Circa 1750 ? died 1816?—M anoah Sibly, Shorthand Wr iter, Wesleyan Conference — "William Giffard (1767-1826) ; from Preache r, &c. ; 1767-1840—M ackey, • the learned Shoe- the Shoemaker '* Stool to the Editor 's Chair— Robert maker ' of Norwich , and two others—Anthon y Purver , the Bloomfield (1766-1823) ; the Shoemaker who wrote ' The Shoema ker who Revised the Bible, 1702-1777. Poets of the Pa rmer's Boy '—Samuel Drew (1766-1833) ; the Metap by- Cobblers* Stall: Rem arks on Thomas Dekker , ' Criepinufl ' of Bical Shoemak er—W illiam Car ey (1761-1834) ; * Only a Ben Jonson , 15th and 16th centuries ,—Remark s on Rigby Cobbler ,* or, the Shoemaker who Translated the Bible and the Ballad Writers of the Craft , 15th and 16th cen- into Bengali and Hind ostar i—John Pounds (1766-1839) ; turie s—James Woodhouse , the Friend of Shenstone , 1733, the Philanthropic Shoemaker—Thomas Cooper (1805- ) ; earl y 19th centur y—John Bennet , Parish Clerk and Poet , the Shoemaker who « Beared his own Monument '—A died 1803—Richa rd Savage, the Frien d of Pope, 1697r-l743 Conste llation of Celebrated Cobblers , containin g a Sketch —Thomas Olivers , Hymn Writer , Friend of Wesley, 1725- of Forty Illustrious * Sons of Crispin .' Ancient Exam ples, 1799—Thomas Hoicroit , Dramatist , Novelist, 1745-1809— Asia and Africa : The Cobbler and the Artist Apelles ; Jose ph Blacket , * The Son of Sorrow ,' 1786-1810—David Circa 300 B.C.—Two Shoemaker Bishops : Annianas , Bishop Service and other Songsters of the Cobblers ' Stall, died of Alexandria , 62-86 a.d. ; Alexander , Bishop of Courana , 1825—John Struth ers, Poet , Editor , 1776-1853—J ohn 220-270 a.d .—The Pious Cobbler of Alexandria ; Circa Youn ger/ Shoemaker , Ply-Fisher ,Poet ,'1 785-1860—Charles 251-300 A.D.—« Rabbi Jochanan , the Shoemaker ;' Circa Crocker , ' The Poor Cobble r of Chichester / 1797-1861. 120-200 a.d. European Examp les, France : S-S. Cris pin Prea chers and Biblical ScJrtlars : G eorge Fox, Founder of and Crispianus , Patron Saint of Shoemak ers ; died 287 the Society of Friends , 1624-1691— Rev. John Thor p, of a.d. —' The Learne d Baudouin ;» 15-1632—Henry M ichael Masbro , l724-1776—William Hunting don ,S.S., 1774-1813— Bnch : * G ood Hen ry !' died 1666. German 's : Hans-Sach : Dr. Morrison , Chinese Missionary and Scholar , 1782—1834 • The Nightingale of the Reformation ; " 1494-1576—Jacob —Rev. John Burnet , Pre acher and Philanthro pist , 1789- Borlunen : The Mystic ; 1575-1624. Ita ly : Gabriel Cap- 1862—Dr. Kitto , the Eminent Biblical Scholar , 1804-1854. pellini : • H CalU$arino ;' 15th century—Francisco Briz zio : Science: William. Stur geon , the Electrician , 1783-1850— The Artis t ; 1574-1623. Holland: Lndol ph de Tong : The Thomas Edwards , the Scottish Naturalist , 1814. Politicians . Portrait Pa inter ; 1616-1697— Sons of Shoemakers : Note Thomas Hard y, of ' The State Trials,' 1751-1831—Geor ge on. Great Britain : Hichard Castell : «Ye Cocke of Od ger , Political Orator , 1814-1877. America : Noah Wor- Westminster ;' Circa 1500-1553— Timothy Bennett : The cester , D.D., ' The Apostle of Peace,' 1758-1837—Roger Hero of Hampto n-Wick ; 1676-1756. Military and Sherman , One of the Signers of the ' Declaration of Inde- Naval H eroes : The Souters of Selkirk , 16tU centur y— pendence ,' 1721-1793—H enr y Wilson , the Natick Cobbler , Watt Tinlinn , 16th century -— Colonel Hew son ; The 1807-1875—William Greenleaf Whittier , ' The Quaker • Cerdon ' of Hudibras , died 1662 — Sir Christopher Poet/ 1807—Whittfcr ' s Song- to Shoemaker s.

New ready, royal Ilvo. pp. 564, half morocco, price £2. 2s. THE ENGLISH CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. An Alphabetical List of Works publ ished in the United King dom, and of the princi pal Works I publish ed in America. With dates of pub lication , indication of size, price, edition , and pub lisher 's name. Vol. III.—January 1872 to December 1880, Comp iled by Sampson Low. -

NEW NOVELS. THOMAS HARDY.—TWO ON A TOWER. 3 vois. crown 8vo. 31s. 6d. [ October 25. GEORGE MACDONALD - WEIG HED AND WANTING. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31s. 6d. [September 25. W. CLARK RUSSELL . —THE LADY MAUD. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31«. 6d. [ October 2. E. GILLIAT. —UNDER THE DOWNS. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31b. 6d. [In press. f LADY3 vols. CcrownLAY. 8vo.-A 31«. 6d.STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND . THE HON. MISS LAWLE SS. —A CHELSE A HOUSE- HOLDE R. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31a, Gd. THE HON. E. TA LBOT.—TH E GRANVIL LES. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31«. 6c?. London : SAMPSO N LOW , MAKSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON , Crown Bnildingii , 188 Fleet Street , London. (552) II • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ • . -1 iB2* The Pu blish ers' Cir cular sept, i, i&&» | SAMPSO N LOW , MAHS TON, & CO.'S 2sTEj"V7* BOO KS.

SIX MONTH S IN PERS IA. By E. STACK. 2 vols. crown 870. cloth extra, 24*. I Ready.

Now ready, crown 8vo. cloth extra, price 12s. 6d. EPISODES in the LIFE of an INDIAN CHAPLAI N. By a RETIRED CHAPLAIN. With numerous Illustrations.

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Now ready, 1 vol. 4to. 815 pages, price £2. 5^. BEER . THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OP THE PREPARATION OF MALT AND THE FABRICATION OF BEER. By JULIUS E. THAUSING. Translated by W. T. BRANNT, and Edited by A. SCHWARZ and Dr. A. H. BAUEB, With 140 Engravings of the most Modern Machinery.

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Now ready, 1 vol. 346 pages, crown 8vo. price 12a. 6d. VARNISHE S &c. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE MANUFACTURE OF VOLATILE AND FAT VARNISHES, LACQUERS, SICCATIVES, AND SEALING WAXES. From the Gorman of ERWIN ANDRES. With Additions on the Manufacture and Application of Varnishes, Stains for Wood, Horn, Ivory, Bone, and Leather. From the German of Dr. G.' WINCKLEB and LOUIS E. ANDES. The whole Translated and Edited by WILLIAM T. BRANNT.


Now ready, small post 8vo. cloth extra, THE FIRST TWENTY YEARS OF AUSTRALIA : A HISTORY FOUNDED ON OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. By JAMES BON WICK, F.R.G.S,, Author of' The Last of tho Tasmanians ' &c.


The New Addition to the Series of • ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS/ crown 8vo. price 3j . 6rf. each, is SHAFTESBURY AND H UTCHES ON. By THOMAS FOWLER, M.A., LL.T). (Edln.), F.8.A., President ot Corpus Chriatl Oolloge, and Professor of Logic in the University of Oxford ; late Fellow of Lincoln College.

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The New Addition to LOWS STAN DARD NOVELS, crown 8vo. cloth, price 6#. each, la ADELA CATH CART. ; By GEORGE MAO DONALD, LL.D. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 6*. - t London : SAMPSON LOW , MAKSTON , SEARLE , & KIVINGTO N, .:; . Crown Buildings , 188 . fleet Street , E.C. (553) j i ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • • /• SP^ - ^ . - : j Sept. ir iS8g . The Publi shers'. Circu lar 8*3 : JUTA, HEEL. IS, & CO., 9 & 10 ST. BRIDE'S AVENUE , FLEET STREET , E.C.

Now ready, J UTA'S NEW AND REVISED MAP OP SOUTH AFRI CA. Compiled by T. B. JOHNST ON, Geographer to the Queen , from the Official Ma ps of the Cape Colony and latest Imperial Publicati ons, And Revised by JOHN NOBLE , Clerk to the House of Assembly, Capetown .

This Map gives an accurate geogra phical repres entation of South Africa , including Cape Colony, Griqua land West, Natal , Transvaal , Orange Free State , Kanrland , Easutoland , Betchuanaland , Zululand , Zwaziland , Nam aqualand , Damaraland. It shows the Boundari es of the Divisions of the Cape Colony and adjacent territories , as *well as the new Boundaries of the Transvaal State ; also the Rai lway Routes and Roads from the Seaports to the Diamond Fields and Gold Fields . It is ada pted for general use, in the Office , the Library, or the School , and is indispensabl e to Emi- grants and Travellers , as -well as to everyone havi ng business connections with any part of South Africa.

J UTA, HEELIS , & CO., Wholesale Book sellers and Publisher s, The South Africa n Agency, 9 and 10 St. Bride ' s Avenue , Fleet Street , E.C. (554)

Price 6j. "with Sixteen Illustrations , cloth , gilt edges. HAROLE > AND THE MONTHS ; OR, A LITTLE BOY'S ADVENTURES IN DREAMLAND. j± if-A-iib^t T -A-igie pob s iMi ^- XiXj ifoXjZec. „ By Dr. ALFRED C. FRYER , F.R.H.S. F.C.S. Manchester : J. E. CORN ISH , 16 St. Ann's Square. (555)

Now read y. FAMILY KEEA ID LIBRAR Y of FICTIOI , CONSIS TING OF NE W NOVELS BY POPULAR A UTHORS. PART I. Price Is. 6d.—Contents : Nell's Story. I Can Loss be Gain ? 1 Grange Mystery. Mr . Chri stop her * Wards. | The Fir PART II. Price Is. Sd.— Content s : The Fir Grange Mystery (Conclusion). Honor 's Fortune. Nadeen 's Sorrows. Won at La st. An Idyl of Love . PART 111. Price Is. 6d.—Conte nts : An Id yl of Love (Conclusion). Matt ie's Guardian. After Long Grief. Leonora 's Lovers . Golden Mieteu Nona.—The « Saturday Review ' says of the ' Famil y Herald ' :— * Its novel* and tales ar e quite as Well writ ten as the beet circu lating-libra ry stories. ' ll London : W. STEVENS , 421 Stra nd, W.O. ; and ail Bookseller s and Newsvendors. (656) J 824 The Publishers ' Circular sept, r , r $82 J OHN HEYWOOD , Publisher , Wholesale Bookseller, Stationer , Church and School Furnit ure Manufactur er, Letter press and Lithogra phic Printer , Bookbinder , &c , RIDGEFIELD, JOHN DALTON STREET, & DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. John Heywood begs to inform the Clergy, School Managers , and Teachera that the following Catalo gues may be had post-free on application :— I.—A CA.TAI1OGHTE OF EDTTCATION ^L AND MISCELLANEOUS WOEKS , Containin g a Hist of John Hey wood's own distinctive Publication s only. II. —A3ST ILLUSTRATIVE CATALOGTTE OF CHURCH AND SCHOOL FUBNITUBE, A Handy -Guide for Architects and Builders of Schools, as well as for the Clergy, School Boards , School Mana gers, and Teachers. III. —A CLASSIFIED AND ILL USTRATED EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE , Containing a General List of the Leading School Books published , together with the most commonly used article s in Stationery and Materials. IV.—A CATALO GUE OF JUVENILE AND OTHER WORKS , Suitable for Presents , Prizes , Libraries , and General Reading. V.—AN ILLUSTRA TIVE CATALOGUE OF DRAWING MATERIAL S, Comprising Oil and Water- Colour Paints , Oils and Varnishes , Brushes , Canvases , Academy and Millboards , Blocks, Oil and Water-Colour Fainting, with erery variety of Materials to meet the requir ements of Arti sts. VI.—A CATAL OaUE OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS , Con tainin g Dialogues , Lectures , and Recitations , some of which are in the Lan cashire Dialect , suitable for Public R eadings and Pri vate Entertainments . London Warehouse : 11 PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS. (557) THE GUN AND ITS DEVELOPMENT , ¦VT ITHI ^TOTES O UST S IE3I O O T I IET G- . By W. W. GREENE R, Author of l Modern Breech Loaders, ' ' Choke Bore Guns, fyc * 500 Illustrations , fcp. 4to. 680 pp. fancy cloth , gilt, 21s. This book is in great demand amongst sportsmen and others , and finds a larg e and read y sale. Is extensivel y advertised in all sporting journals and read ily r purchase d when once seen. CASSELL , PETTER , GALPIN , & CO., London , Pan s, and New York . (558) THE FRENCH COPYRIGHT IS FOR SALE.

TO MASTER TAILORS , THEIR FOREMEN A3STD JOURNEYMEN. Cro wn 8vo. Pa per Covers , pri ce 3*. post free. CUTTING AND MAKI NG—Hints on. By One of the most Successful Cutters in Londo n or the Provinces. 1 This work ough t to have a wide eale The directions are given with the utmost clearness .*— Pitb lisuers' Ci bcvlati.

London : WYMAN & SON'S, 74 and 75 Great Queen Street , W.C. (550) CANNON'S GLUE POWDER. Unrivalled for strength and convenience ; equal in strength and quality to the best glues mad e ; require s no soaking ; dissolves immediatel y in boiling wa ter ; avoids all waste ; amd fcaves 95 per cent, in time. TESTI MONIAL. From R. WISH «fc SOJf , Bookbin ders , Lithographers, and Account Book Man ttfacturers , 241 High Street, Lincoln, To B. CAN AON & CO.* dated June 28, 1882. G entljkmkv,—We have used yonr Olue Powder now three yeara , and fln

Pre pared oxly by I IB.. O^ IlSTJETOIEsr &c CO., Witlmm Xieatlier , Glue , and Parchment Works , X»TNCOT *Nt KWTGI -AND. A to . - ' ——- : "~==m \ sept i, i«8a The Publi shers' Circular 825

"T >"T3 T /^ ITp^ "I — HARPE R'S MAGAZINE.

CONTENTS OF THE SEPTEMBER NUMBER. A Sunday Mornin g in Surr ey.—Fronti spiece. From a Picture by Alfred Parsons. Eng raved by Hoskin . A Summer at York ... Sara h D. Clark . 14 Illustrations. Drawn by "W. F. Halsaix and E. II. Gabrktt. Engraved by Putnam, Hellatvell , Levin, Redding, Pijttit, Mulet, Clabk, Williams, Ii. M. Smart, Bernstkom, Watbous, Atwood, and Horsket. Boon iplaTul and its Beacon—For Evil-Doers—Our Lane— The Black-Art in York—Home of the Secress—By Pfc ort Sands Beach—York River—TJie Mouth of York River—l ow "Water in the River—Eastern Point—The Kubble—York's Pile Bridge—The Junkins Garrison House—Bald-head Cliff. ' The "Weibertreue ' EUse Allen. Illustrations. Prepared by Herr B. Schlesinger, of Stuttgart. Engraved by Marsh, Goetze, Brighton, Wagner, Casey, Britt, Hoskin, and Putnam. *The Noble Wives of Weinsberg1—The Procession of the ' Weibert rene '—The Bridge nt BTeilbronn—The Bound Tower—The Kerner Tower, 1879—Weicsberg—Justiuus Kerner—Spirit Face— Old Boinan Door in Weinsberg Church. Th.0 "Visit Of the VikingS .-. -•• ?•• Thomas Wentworth Higginson. The Dighton Rock—Norse Boat nneartlied at Sandefjord—Hieroglyphics on Rock in New Mexico—Stone Windmill at Chesterton—Viking's "War Ship, engraved on Rock in Norway—Hieroglyphics on Inscription Hock, New Mexico—Old Norse Ruins in Greenland—Nor th A tlantic, by the Icelander Sigurd Stcphanius, in the Year 1570. In Surre y.—First Pa per ...... • ...... Mrs. John L;We. Illustrations. Drawn by Alfred Parsons and E. A. Abbey. Engraved by Carson, Marsh, Heli >, Hoskin, Yarley, Closson, Wigand, Williams, and Bernstrom. Head-Piece—The Town Ball, Guildford—A bbot's Hospital, over the Garden Wall —The Refectory—Corner of Abbot's Hospital—Staircase in old House, Guildford—Shere—Tea in Juniper Hall—Sunset on the Downs— Budding Blackthorn. Spanish Vistas. —V. Mediterran ean Ports and Gardens ••• ... •-. • •• ••• ••- •-• George P. Lathrop. Illustrations. Drawn by C. S. Eeinhart and W. M. Chase , and from Photograp hs by Messrs. J. Laurent & Co., Madrid. Engraved by Brighton , Wigand , Williams , Putnam , JRedd ino, Tinkey, Laavson , Sheil, Clabk , Carson , and Levin. ITead-Piece—Gypsy Dance—A Fpsinish Afonk—Transportation of Pottery— GarJic Vendor—Diving for Coppers— A modern Sancho Panza—Street Barber—Bibles vereiis Melons— Customs Officer*—Post Inn, Alicante -Alicante Fruit Seller—Method of Irrigation near Yalencia- Church of Santa Catalina, Valencia—A Valencia Cat)— Valencia Fishermen—Tail-Piece. Love Will Find Out tli e Way.—A Stor y ... Elizabeth D. B. Stoddard . Some Recollections of Ralph Waldo Emerson ...Edwin P. Whipple. A Doctor Spoiled. —A Stor y Barn et Ph illips. Marit and I.—A Norse Id yl. —A Poem ... iija imar H. Boyesen. The Mississi ppi River Problem David A. Curtis. A Gard en Secret. —A Poem FMUp Bourhe Marston . Shandon Bells.—A Novel William Black. Illustration. Brawn by William S^ia ll. Engraved by Pannemakkw, fils, Paris. Editor 's Easy Chair . Editor 's Literar y Record . Editor 's Historic al Record . Editor 's Dr awer of American Hum our.

rr~ ii ii ^^^^ _ _^^^__^_^^^ ._ i London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & BIVINGTON, . Cro wn Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E.C. (560) I- •A ;8# The PubHshei *' Circ ular Sept. i, t^J

_ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ _ _ . _ _ i ^m. — ^- —————— ^^^^^ ^ ^m—^^^B^^^^ T. Gates Darton & Co. 3Sd: j ^3SrTJ ^J ^OTTJ3E ^I2Sr ^ IBO OICIBlisriD DSI? ^ , 7 KIEB Y STREET , HATTON GARDE N, LONDON , RC .

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H .

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London : 1O FRIAR STREET , DOCTOBS' COMMONS, E.G. fc 4 REM AINDERS. LARGEST STOCK IN LONDO N. ON BALE BY W. GLAISHER , Wholesal e Bookseller , 265 High Holborn , Lond on. General Catai^oque, with the various Supplements, will be Bent, post-free, upon application. THBEE-VOLUME NOVELS have been considerably Reduced in Price. A large assortment always In stock Apply for List.—Junc & pl ement now rea dy. t TRADE LIST SENT ON RECEIPT OF TRADE CARP. g Sept i, 18S2 0*& Tub]i&he ^ Circular S2 ?

riV^^ jfl ^JKvfff ^^ Bw ^^ E&^^ ^Kutt ^Jm ^rwB^^ BSt ^^^ BrJt ^BL ^Sr /Bg^^^ oKufl \ 1f^ Br^^ H^^^ ^ ^ MrHc ^S/ MA \ W^ l^^ F¥S^^^^^ ~ J3 ^ BS^ ?^ ^29^^^ B fiy^ Bt ^ H^^^^^ Et^9^ r ^ ^^ M^Aj?HK M ^^^ L V\^BlA. w f w\~*^^^x ^/.^K-jy// &jMf^Jy/*Bm^^^ BJi gi4\\^aTBI^^ B^k^^^^ A«^f'l^^ ^vyBiMli¦¦¦ 1 ^^ r. - ^^ ^VBI ^^ B^a9 ^H ^V^^^^^^^ fe^M^^^^^^j J^ B^^^^^^K^^^^9HH * H^^/ ^^ ^g M ^f ^^ B^2B^fl0^DBCif&ivft x.^^L /5f^ I JO v^^f^ v^^ V ^^ ^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ m^^^^^^^^ ^^ k ^HH '^^^ BHM

^^^^ B^3^Bfa^K& ^^^ .^ BI^/iS!J ^ HBBi ^^ W^ i>^ ^ B^^^ ^^ft wi ^^^ S^^^ y ^"4^ Bp^^^^^ ^^ ZH3^^^ dB ^^^ k^^^^ l^s^^ 4^^^ ^ ^ ^^ KflK ^ r M go^^^^^ K^s^^^ £3^ ^^ iwHdA Wj ^PfcT v^^^^^vV^^ ^^ R^ ft ^^^^ k^ E^^^^ B^^ H ^^^^ ^ ^t\ ^9^^^ ' /^ l^^ ^^ tK ^^ H2a^ ^9 M^3^ K^^^ BI^?^^S*^ &.' iK * *' ^ iiii ^ ¦JCS ^^ ^3j ^ BC^wy ^^ fj^^^^ ^5^^^ i j flU^ f H M^^^XmJUtU ^ ^ mtk?S9S^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ BteJC^^^ jJ /^Wtffil GEr^9*^*drf iF^ ^ PB^j ^3K^ MB^ BB^^^ ^ [|JP^^ j ^j| ^j ^yJK ^ B ^j ^^^y HB^^ BIBS^fc ^^^ MB^^^ * JBlflBi TTh ^^ ^^^^ -^ J ^^^Sk^^ ^Bt ^^^^^^ tJjj Jj ^^ ^^^ JS ^Sw^^^^^^'^^ ^ ^ ^ ^SS ^SSS^SSIw . ^ Kfl

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'BANK &QOTE & CHE Q UE-B O OK TAPERS TO ORDER, ALSO Machine-made Printings & Plate Pap ers, PRICES AND SAMPLE S ON APPLICATION. * * * * LONDON, Warehouses, 1 45-6-7, Drury Lane. City Office, 34, Cannon Street, E.C.


20, Avenue Vi&oria.

¦ ¦ fe=r ~ ==ia The Publi shers * Circular 828 Sept . 1, ^ \

^ " ¦ ^ *% » _^^ ^^^^^^ ^-^^^^ "V ^T ^ ¥ \ ^V TV T ^ ^^ ^- *^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ jafcfc ^

WHOLESALE BOOKBINDER S, % ^^^^ & ^ ^^^^ 0 l851- 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street. l8$a-

Publishers Booksellers, and Trade in town and country art herewith informed ^ ( thai this J irm execute rapidly, punctually\ and in f irst styIt , all orders for Plain% Elegant, and' Ornamental Binding; original designs by good artists. Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and price. Estimates and samples by return post.


L., S., & H. beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS, PRINTERS, AUTHORS, &c, that they execute in the best style and on the most reasonable terma every description of Wholesale Bookbinding, either in Cloth or Leather. Their Stock of Engraved Brase Dies is most extensive and varied, and their powerful Machinery and Steam-power give them unrivalled advantages in the rapid execution of large orders. L., S., & H. have a separate department for Account -Book Binding, and are prepared to undertake every description of work, including the supply of Paper , Rul ing, Printing, Perforating and Pag ing of Books for Commercial purposes. Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention.

„ . _ ^ . , . . —-¦ LO W'S REA DING AND PRO TEC TI NG CO» . VERS. Protecting Covers for Newspapers, Magazines, Reviews, and Publications in limp bindings present all the advantages of a removable binding of a substantial character ft and effectually p rotect the original cover while in use. Half-bound, r oan, lettered gilt— Academy ,. Field , Naval & Military Gazett e, 35. 6d. I] 2*. 3*. All the Year Round , 1*. 6d. Fortni ghtl y Review, 1*. 9and Dra- Spectator , 2s. 6d. : Court Journal , 2s. matic , Is. 6d. Sunday Magazi ne, 2s. i Engineer , Zs. Jud y, 2s. Sunday at Home, 2s. Engineering, 2s. 6d. Leisure Hour , Is, 6d. Temp le Bar , 1*. 6d. I Fam ily Herald , 2«. Mactnillan 's Magazine , 1*. 6d. Etc. etc, etc. i London : SAMPSON LOW , MAR8TON , 8EARLE , & EIVINGTON. _ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ^ ^ ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦- - - --¦¦ -¦ — —'—— •"—" h a% " '— — Sept. i, 1882 The Publishers ' Circul ar 829

Messrs. HOLMES & SON , Mr. A. M. BUBGKE CE S, %,camntmt * & Wul mxz VALUER & ACCOUNTANT TO BOOK SELLERS , STATIONERS , PRINTERS , NEWS- TO PUBLISHERS , BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, PAPER PROPRIETORS , &o. &o. PRINTERS, dee., 6 6a PATERNOSTER BOW, la PATE RNOSTER ROW , Are instructed to sell the followingbusinesses :— Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses : "PINE AETS. — Well-known Wholesale BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and -*- London \J —In one of the most attractive Business. Large and old-established FANCY. towns connection amon g Statio ners , Artists ' Colourmen , in Eng land. A lovely district for a re sidence, and &c , th roug hout Groat Bri tai n and Irelan d. Net t wher e a splendid income is derived from the busi- profits proved at over ill , 200 a-year. About £3,500 ness. Returns about £3,000 a year at hi gh profits. required. A safe and ver y favoura ble investment. Purcha se monoy about £2,000. The business is a thoroug hly old-established and safe concern and STATIONERY and LLBRAltY. — First- I open to every investigation. class sea-port town . Splendid business in leading thoroughfare. Returns over £3,000 ; very good "BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and profits. Fine premises ; well fitted. Rent £140 ; D FANC Y. — In cap ital South Coast Town. long lease. A most favourable opening. About Established many years and in the best position in £2,600 required. the town. Rent £70, with excellent dwelling-house attac hed. Returns nearl y £2,000 a year. All at PRINTING OFFICE and NEWSPAPER. valuation , about £1,000. -*• The leading Journal of an important Town on the South Coast. Very good Advertising con- STATIONERY, LETTE RPRESS, and nection. Contains the recognised List of Visitors . U LITHOGRAPHIC BUSINE SS. — In large Offers a splendid opportunity to a competent man. Commerci al Town , first-class position , where any About £1,500 required. Full particu lars are ver y amoun t of trade might be done. Every investi- satisfactory. gation allowed . The purchase will not be large, QTATIONE11Y, PRINTING, and BOOK- and part of it may be spread over 2 or 3 years . *^ SEL LI NG.—Old-established first-cl ass Busi- An exceptional opportunit y for purchasing an old- ness. Delightful Market Town. Twenty-four miles established business on favourabl e terms. from London. Fine premises in High Street. HOLESALE MANUFACT URING Rent £50 ; long lease. Profits over £400 a- STATIONERY BUSINESS for Disposal . year nett. About £800 required. A thoroug hly An old-established and well-known Business. A genuine business . very large and profita ble trade has been done for DR INTING. — Well-established London many years and might again be done. About £3,000 -*- Business. Good premises in main thoroug h- requir ed. Very favourable term s may be arranged . faro. Ren t £40. Nett pro fits over £121) a-year. Very good Plant , in excellent working order. About PRINTING BUSINESS.—A first-class £230 required. Suitable for a practica l man ; •*• Seaside Printin g Trade , which has been in the capabl e of much increase. sam e family upwards of 60 years . A very reliable BOOKSELLING and STATIONERY.— Business, making a net t profi t of £300 a year. U About Fashionabl e Town in Worcestershire. Old- £700 required , including a splendid Plant in premises thorou gh working order. The present proprietor is established and respectable business. Noble willing to remain for a time. in good position. Kent £150. Returns nearl y £3,000. Abou t £1,800 required. QTATIONERY and FANCY BUSINESS CTATIONERY. — Post-Office attached. in leading ^ Town , Midland Counties. Estab- ^ Main London thoroug hfare . Rent £34:. Returns lished 20 years. Rent £34 (very low). Nice £500 a-year. About £250 require d. A sound residence with garden. Heturns about £800 a year. business. Established 30 years. About £350 required. A safe little business. QTATIONERY &c. — Superior Business STATIONERY, LIBRARY, and FANCY ^ West-End of London. Established 1 856. Fine U TRADE, Sussex Coast. The leading Town on shop ; 10-roomed house. Rent £120. Returns over the Coast. Established 25 years. Excellent pre - £1,200 a-year, About £400 required. A very mises, held at a low rental on long lease. Profits desirab le opening. about £300 a year . £500 to £600 required . Might be man aged by two ladies. STATIONERY and BOOKSELLING.— ^ Old-establis hed Business in first-class Town in "DOOKSELLING the Midlands , very pleasantl y situated. Fi ne double- , STATIONERY, and Hent only 13 PRI NTING BUSINESS, in cap iUl Town fronted shop and large convenient house. about 30 £50. Present returns £750 ; capable of i ncrease. miles from London. The present pro - required. Thoroug hly sound and genuine. pr ietor retirin g, having been thero 23 years. £600 About £3o0 to £700 in cash and balance by instalments. No STATIONERY and FINE ART, Manu- goodwill. Agency attached produces about £70 a £5 facturing and Eetail. —Established 70 years . year profit . Returns about £1,500. A thoro ughl y ful Cathedral Town . safe First-c lass position in beauti investm ent. Kent £65 (very low). Profits £600 a-year ; in- creasing. About £1 ,200 require d. '\f ONTHLY REGISTER ' of over 150 ^U. BUSIN ESSES for DISPOSAL forw arded Monthly Register of Businesses for Disposalfor- post-fre e on application to Messrs. Holmes & Son, warded post-f reeon app lication to Mr. A. M. JBub qhbs, 66a Pa ternost er Bow, London , E.O. 1a. Paternoster How, London, E.C. ¦ fcfc-— — — —__ -.«¦ ¦ ; ¦ x- : '"~ ~ -"- - " H - ¦¦¦ -;:\- •¦ -- : ¦7:-- . : r;v.j , .,. , ¦ . , . . . >« fr^> - : - : ¦ ; * . f?S3o Th e Publisher s CnricBlar Sept. *,^;

FOREIG N : LITiBRAT IIBIB* ^ ! SAMPSON " LOW, MARSTON, & CO., English, American, Foreign, and Colonial Booksellers arid Pub lishers, 188 Fleet Street, London, will forw ard, p ost free, to any address , a List of French , German , and American Newspapers and Periodi cals, with Mates of Subscription ; also Catalogues of a large variety of Foreign Books always kept in stock; Books not in stock, or Rare Books, p ro- cured with the least delay. Express parcels from the Continent Twice a Week Six Copies of Catalogues of Old and Rare Books sent, free of expense, to the most likely Foreig n Pu rchasers * They must be delivered (free of expense), addressed Fokei gn Department. Catalogues of Old and Rare Foreign Books can also be had. Agents in all the principal Cities of the World. Commis- sions executed in all matters connected with International Copyright, both at Home and Abroad.

Thir ty-third Edition- PARLIAMENT ARY REPORTS : an 1- assorted Stock o/ all interesting subjects. WARREN'S FARMER'S ACCOUNT BOOK . Qlyett , 5 Endell Street , Long- Acre, London , Vf.G. Prico—Folio , for Large Farms , 85. Quarto , for Small Farms and for Schools where Youths are MR. WILHELM FRICK (late Faesy and Trained for Agricult ural Purs uits, 6s. Also, folio, Fri ck), Bookseller to the Imperial and Boyal with pages for a Weekly instea d of a Daily Labour Court , Vienna , Graben 27, will thank Eng lish . Account , 7«. . ; Publishers and Booksellers to forward Prospectuses Itoyston : John Warren. London : Simpkin & Go. j and Catalogues of New Books as well as of Old Whitt aker & Co. ; Longmans & Co. ; aid Ridgway. and Bare Works , and will be glad to undertake the disposal wholesale of important Books. ¦ '

i . . • < THE ANTIQUARIAN CHRONICLE, No. 4, for September 1882, price 6a?., contains PUBLISHER'S AGENCY.—A Finn, 's Knowledge of Nat ural ¦*- having an Office in Paternoster Row, are pr e- Shakespeare History ; Re- or markable Wagers ; Nothing New under * the Sun ; pared to underta ke the London Agency for one Jonathan Wild 's Advertisements ; A Stock Exchange two Couptr y P ublishers. —Address , C. D., Messrs. Paraphrase ,; A Descri ption of Cardif f ; Antiquarian WJ ikaker & Co., White Hart Street , Patern oster Square , E.C. .. Natural Historyby ; NotesH. , Queries , and Rep lies. Pi^blieied James Fennkll , 7 Bed Lion Court , , . : Fleet Street , London E.C. ANTED to purchase Prints of any ¦ ¦ ¦»¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ .l-l ¦ ¦ ¦—— ¦.¦ . — ¦ ¦ | .., __».. „ , .„ ¦ ¦ . « — * ¦ I* I !¦ — -. II- - -^.. W Church in the County of Surrey. —Addres s Riion Arnold , 29 Poultry. TFHE SCIENTIFIC ROLL and MAGA- A * ZINE of SYST EMATISED NOTES. Con- ducted by Alexander Ramsa y, F;G.S. Eight BOOK for SALE.—A Monograph of the Numbe rs are now read y, treating - of Ommate. Pri ce TROCHILI D2E or HUMMING- BI RDS. By I*. each. Published by James H. FfiMNELii , 7 Red John Gould , F. R.S. Publ ished by the Aut hor . 25 I Lion Court , Fleet Str eet , London , E.C. A Pro - Parts in boards. 80 guineas. Apply to Henry spectu s forwarded on app lication. Williams , 17 and 18 Warwick Lane , B.C.

HATALOGUE of SURPLUS COPIES qiHB VOTES and INTEREST of the vJ clear. — -*¦ of RECEN T BOOKS , at low price s, to - Publishin g and Bookselling Trades are earn estly Post-free , Sampso n's Libra ry , York. solicited on behalf of HENRY WAGER OWEN , aged five years , son of Henry Owen ( who was an assistant in the establishm ent of Mr. E- Stanf ord for TRADE VALUAT IdN- about 16 years, and for nine, nxpnths. before hj ;, 67 &'69 Ludg ate of the Country * Hill. The latt er will b* v^ grateful for any Term * (moderate) oh application * II proxies which may be sent to them .

"liTB. GBO. NEWMAN , Auction eer and BOOKSELLERS ' ASSISTANTS WANTII8 iU- Value r to the Trade , offers Ms services in all SITUATIO NS. matte rs of Sale, Transfer , or Valuations for Partner- ship or Prob ate ; his long experie nce and thorough BOOKSE LLERS ; of the various br an ches enable him to TO PUBLI SHER S and knowledge A RE-ENGAGEMENT is desired in a Religious ; i yery val uable assistance to either Vendor or render Publishing House. Baptist , total ab stainer , age 30. pur chaser on very moderate terms. No expense Good testimonial s. Address Beta , 15 Esher Stree t, lacing particulars on this Register . Offices : in p Kennington Park , S.E. ? i 51 London Wall, E.G. TO BOOKSEL LERS , STATIONERS , BUSINESS FOR SALE , ET C. an d PRINTER S.—Wanted , SITUATION as Assistant (out-door) by the advert iser , aged 23. TO BE DISPOSED of, a Superior BOOK- Ei ght year s' experien ce. Highest reference s. Well SELLING , STAT IONERY , an d FANCY up in all bra nches. W. H. B., Mr. S. S. Hill; BUSI NESS with LIBRARY , in the country. Very Station er, Gazette Offic e, Ripon. health y locality. Doing a nice stead y trade. No premium * Excellent resid ence attached with good garden. Heat £65. Ever y fa cility for investi- T>OOKSELLERS , STATIONER S, and gation to a purchaser. Amount required about J-J FANCY TRADE. —A Gentleman , of many £800. Stock can be reduced if required. Address years ' experience in first-class business houses , M. A., Publishers' Circular Office , 188 JFleet Street , desires a situation as Manager or First Assistant. . London , E.O. Thoroug hly competent and trustworth y. Apply to Stationer , Publishers ' Circular Office , 188 Fleet T IGHT MANUFACTURI NG PREMISES Street , E.C. -" to be LET , near Farring don Street Stati on , suitab le for Bookbinder , Printer , or any trad e re- TO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , and quiring good light. The whole contains about 5,000 FANCY TRADE.—Wanted by a Young Man , feet sup erficial , but a portion would be let to suit aged 28, a RE-ENGAGEHENT in the above tenan ts. Rent £250. Another larg e, light Floor business. Four teen years ' good experience in firstr adjoining can be had if required. Apply to Mr. class country houses. G ood Salesman and windo w- Bunyard , 36 Mildmay Street , Mild njay Park , N.. dresser. Address G. J. H., care of Mr. T. Spencer ; Bookseller , Richmond , Yorks . pAXTON HOUSE to LET. Done excel- V^ lent business eleven years. Double- fronted shop and lar ge eight-roomed house. A rare opportunit y. CTATIONERYMENT WANTE3, > FANCY.b Young —Man ENGAGE- of fifteen Kent only £28. 10s. E. T. Bak ^r, Ri pley, Derb y. ^ y years ' first-class experi ence as Manag er or oth er- wise. Good window-dresser and smart salesman . TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONER S.-r A 1 references. P. P., Publisher *' Circula r Offic e, • A Gentl eman of experi ence and active busin ess 188 Fleet Street , London. habits seeks a PARTNERSHIP in an establis hed Business. Cap ital , £500 to £1,000'; '* or would ac- cept a situation wh ere capita l and services would be "D0OKSELLING , STAT IONERY , and be remunerated. —Address , P., Publishers1 Circular -D FANCY TR ADES. — Wanted , by Married Office , 188 Fleet Street. Man (age 28), ENGAGEMEN T in abov e, as Fir st m Assistant or Manager , twelve years * exper ience ; very energetic and stead y ; highest references. Address J. E. B., care of Mr. Adam Hold en , Bookseller &c, BOOKSELLER WANTING ASSISTANT. 48 Church Street , Li verpool. i WANTED , an experience d YOUNG LADY ASSISTAN T in the Bookselling, Stationer y, WILLIAM LEACH , of Eastbou rne, and Fancy Business. One accustomed to a cir- MR. , has disposed of his Business, and would take culati ng; libra ry and newspapers .—Apply, stating an engagement as Manager , or would Travel for a experience , age , and salary required , Mrs. H. J-, good Firm. A personal interview can be arranged .— Stati oner , Malvern. • Gra nge House, Eastbourne. ¦ Add ress —¦ ¦ , . f i ¦ - . . i ji i -i JUNIOR ASSISTANT REQUIRED A for the Second-hand Department. A slight knowledge of cataloguing indispensabl e. Address RE-ENGAGE MENT WANTED , by a lett ers to H. S., 36 Piccadill y, London . Young Man , as Book-keeper? or Book-keeper and Assistant , in tho Bookselling and Stationery . Experienc ed ; first-class references. —Address * W., WANTED , a YOUN G LADY of experience Mr. York e, Booksell er and Stationer , Mold. for a Hi gh-class Book and Fancy Business. Must be a good window-dresser , stock-keeper , and saleswoman. —Apply, by letter , stating salary (oat- PRINTER'S ASSISTANT WANTINO SITUATION. door) and other particulars , to AV. Woodley, 27 , v White Bock Place , Hastings . - . .—.—, _ ' TO PRINTERS. — A stead y and thoroughly practical Man (married) seeks an ENGAGE- ' WANTED , a J UNIOR ASSISTANT , ME NT to take charge of a small Jobbing Office* * " -writi ng a good hand. Princi pa l dutfes , book- Well up in every descri ption of jobbing worki Ex- keeping, library, an 4 magazines. —Apply, stati ng cellent reference. Apply T. H, C, 10 Ash .Wa lk, salary, &c , to Heath Sc Bon, Park Stre et, Bristol : i Warminster , Wil ts. - ; ¦ ¦ " ¦ W\ * __ __...... _ __._ _. _ . ' . 832 The Publi shers ' Circu lar sept. i, 1882 BOOKS WjOTTED TO P URCHASE . Particulars of pricey xk-uxa ' Observativucrai. v atiuiisons inxii. theiu. i>u Seaoca (Hakluyt\jxaiviuji u Skjuuicujociety) / ( Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Yols. Acosto's Nat. and Moral History of Indies Hakluyt Society) J-7.2-7. Ail oror anyanv Dalboquerque's Commentaries. Vol. 3 (Jff akluvt Society) Paiaeontologia Indica. Vols. 2, 3, and following. All or any Baffin 's Voyages (Hakluyt Society) Philosophical Transactions, 1665 to 1880, abridged by Hutcheson's(Pr.) Different Works Hutton , Shaw, and Pearson. 1809. Only first (London, Macpherson's Antiquities of Kertch Baldwin) Barnico tt & Son, Athen-oeumBoole Store , Taunton 1800, Vol. 1; 1801, Vol. 2; Thring s Land Drainage Act. 1861 (Stevens) 1802, Vol. 1 ' T Beet, T., 50 Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square, IK 1875 and fo lowing Legends of the Madonna. 1st edit. Quarterly Microscopical Journal. All or any

¦ ¦ WVWJT-* 1 7 W*-A^^ Report of Museum of Comparative Zoology. 1862 , k AJb ^_> > W A V» W»-» ITT , 8<> TrialJk **^V of^^ K. the Countess^^T V^ *A of* ¦ Strathmore*s- V* A ^S Shakspeare's Plays, folio. 2nd edit. Imperfect copy 1869 , J 871 (Harward Fjiivereity) The Fruit-shop, a Tale Bnlletin of Museum. 1863 to 1870 Book Plates. Any collections Report of the Geological Survey, United States of America, 41 vols. All or any Bickers«fr Son, 1 LeicesterSquare * W. C. Transactions of the G eological Society. 2nd Series. Vol.5, Jesse's London and its Celebrities, 2 vols. Part 3 r Vol. 6. Part 2 to end : Vol. 7. Part 4 to end :; Kichard III. I Part 3 ; Vol. 6, Part 2 to end ; Vol. 7, Part 4 to Pretenders, 2 vols. Vol. 8 and following. All or any Stuarts, 4 vols. Transactions of the Microscopical Society. All ex any * Wright and HalliwelFs Reliquiae Antiquae. Vol. 1 or complete Freer s Last Decade, 2 vols. Zoological Record. Vols. 6, 14 , and following HenryJLLvlllJ IV.X T • andC**~JVA. MarieXKliAJI lv dellv MedicisULLvViAV/lQa, 2*d volVV/1O*s. Gammer Gurton's N"ursery Khymes Clark, R. /., High Street, Dorking Figuier's World before the Deluge, cr. 8vo. From Bombay to England The Glanville Family Alexandria No. of the Graphic Mtiller and Donaldson's Greek Literature Clay J., 141 Regent Street, W. Milman's Poetical Works, 3 vols. Hi'ling^ don Hall Muller'a Dissertation on the Eumenides Lyra Elegantiarum Bostcorth, T., 66 Great Russell Street, W.C. Winkle's Cathedrals. Vol. 3 Morning Watch. Vols. f >-7, or any odd vols. or parts Hogg's Fruit Manual * Scientia Biblica, 8vo. Nos. 19 and 20, or Vol. 3 Morier's Ayes ha, the Maid of Kara Ellis's Letters. Vols. 4-11 Frazer's The Kuzzilbabh Buckle's History of Civilisation, 8ro. Vol. 2 Kinglake's Crimea, 8vo. Vols 3 and 4 Collins, S., Holmf irth Journal Arch aeological Institute. No. 4 Helps' King Henry II. Nash's Mansions. VoIf. 3 and 4 Conquest of South America, 4 vo's. Wilkineon's Egypt. 1st Scries Hunt's A utobiography. Vol. 1 Dialogues on Prophecy, 8vo. Vol. 3 Barrand's New Zealand Billing and Burns' Antiquities of Scotland , demy 4to. Vol. Collins, W. P., 157 (7r

* ¦ Surtees m II p« Sporting . , -l At ¦ 4 ^.^ p^^ B A J^*r Books. Original edit. Christmas^^ ^^^ Storiea.^ X^ ^^^^ ^ Do.^^ p Bumpus, E.% f > A 0 Holbom Bars, B.C. Hard Time?. Do. Simpson's Ltfe of Ed. Cam pion. 18> Md** J Wren s Church©*, by Clayton Sowerby 'B British Wild Flowers Leslie's Memoir ot Constable Akerman's Tradesman's Tokens De Morgan's Five-Figure Logarithm Tables Impey 's (fc>ir E.) Memoirs Le Sage's Asmodeus, illustrated by Tony Jobannot fosse's Devonsh ire Coa»t Lyell'a Antiquity of Man Strickland's Queens of England, 8vo. blue cloth . Vol. & Bumpus, T. B.t 2 Oeorye YarA% Lombard 8tr *>er% E.G. James' Naval History, 6 vols. 8vo . (Bentloy ) Cook, J. T., Hill Street, Richmond, Surrey Dodd's Beauties of fibakepeere (Woahboun.o) Lane's Thousand and One Nights, 8vo. 1810 Bengrer's Anne Boleyn, 2 vols. Crisp's Richmond and its Inhabitants Aikln's Queon Elizabeth, 2 vols. Evaua' (Dr.) Richmond and its Vicinity Morris' English Beat*, 6 vole. 4to. Cobbott'a Twickenham jj —^ »—^—^*"" w .- - - * - - ~ »^p^^^— ___^i^w L , -mm ¦! n ii . j. i i i i - ^ H sept, i, 1882 The Publish ers * Circular 833 BOOKS WAITED TO PUE CHASE—continued. Cornish Brother *, 37 New Street, Birmingham Gilbert A Field, 18 Gracechu rch Street, E.G. Park er's (Jos.) Ecce Deus Bawlin son's Pa r thia Longfellow's Kera mos s Letters, 2 vols. edit, by John «on. 1824 (Colburn ) Gani, S. E., 61 High Street, Belfast Cowper ' Gilfilia n's Alpha and Omega Horatil Opera , 2 vols. illustrated. 1733 (Lond. Joh n Pine) Wilson on Colour Blindness Cornish, J. E.% 83 Piccadilly% Manchester Bairee on Hypnotism Phillips' Rivers, Mountains , and Sea Coast of Yorksh ire Fichte on Dreaming ¦¦ H/Lf ¦¦ A*\/w*«r ^x •» -v~& AfilllAU XS9-M BoothJ A-*. sfc* Bobert Owen Binns on SleepP *JS.^*\s±J Morto n's Encylopsedia of Agriculture , 2 vols. Bridges on the Christian Ministry Booth 's St. Simon and St. Simonism Keport of Commi tt ee of London Dialectical Society on Abbotsfo rd , Wav erJey , Vol. 4, I vanhoe Spiritualism , Balfour ' s Class Book of Botany, 8vo. Thompson on Hereditar y Nature of Crim e Wigan's Duality of Mind Cornish , J. E.r \f St. Ann' s Square, Manchester Elmer 's Practic e in Lunac y Gilbert A Field, 67 Moor gate Street, E.C, Lando r's (W. S.) Works , 8vo. Vol. 7 (C. & H.) Bolton 's Telegraph Code Coler idge's Works, 4 vols. larg e pap er ( Rober ts, Boston) Buxton 's (Chas.) Notes of Thought . Three copies Gladding , J., 28a Paternoster Square, B. C. Young's (Arthur) Works Seventy -five Brooke Street , 3 vols. or 1 vol. «jb ymi w ^ ..«fc — ^w <^ k Bel la-Donna , 2 vols. or 1 vol. Cobbett'^ p^ i^ ^^ ^ s"^ Poor«^ ^* ^^ ^ Man^-^ 's Friend^ • ^^ ^^ Grind on's Botany. Large edit. Nicholson 's Steam Boilers Pay's Angler in the Lake District Illust rated Londo n News. Jul y 9, 1881 Buchan 's Handbook of Meteorology Dobell, B., 62 Queen' s Crescent, Haver stock Hill , 2V.W. Gre gory 's Animal Ma gnetism UVU4 fcrf^ ^ -Hit |^VV\/ Thom^ k son«-» 's«^ MemoirsM»^ a»^ «^ *A »rf of*aT «. the*r&A^^ Jacobites.%» H^A V \^ VolV "-' & « 31/ ¦»"? . TM.1 hackeft ray'• s Vi• rginians.• • PartsVk • 17.a ^ to_ end•« Hamilton, Adams, A Co., 82 Paternoster Row* E.C. Ellison's Mad M oments ; or, First Verse Attempts , 2 vols. Bacon 's Letters and Life, by Speddi ng, 7 vote. Poetry of Real Life Bunsen's God in History, 3 vols. Borro w's Wild Wales. Vol. 2 Higham , C, 27a Farringdon Street, E.C. Dodgson, J., 1 iVew Briggate, Leeds Ridge 's (Dr.) Health and Disease, cr. 8vo. Sha w's Dresses and Decorations Dale' s (R. W.) Discourses on Special Occasions, cr . 8vo. Burke 's Extinct and Dormant Peera ges Tipple's (8. A.) Echoes of Spoken Words , Hv o. Genealo gical and Heraldic History Bost's Histor y of the Moravian s Lodge's Genealo gy of the Peerage Hall' s Contem plations, by Hu ghes, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. Inman 's Ancient Faiths Hoby, J., 35 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. ~w Douglas A Foulis, 9 Castle Street, Edinbu rgh Archaeolo*Aft V«J«VV«vg gica *ww*l Jour** ^» *^»a> nal.^^m^r^w Vol.w ^r 3- *r Memoirs of St. Simon, by B. St. John J e witt' s (L.) Grave Mou nds and their Con ten t3 Wats¦ on's Heaven taien by Storm Holden, A., 48 Church Street, Liverpool Expositio n of Malachi. Cha p. 3 ¦» w«r - r w Knox^ n ¦ Ti r-» 's1^ Litur** *•** ^ gy, | w y byJ Spr*^£*¦*•rat t^ on Interesti ng Subjects , 2 vols. Tbirlwsll' s Letters , 2 vols. Hendry 's Man ual of Conveyancing Bradley '8 Ethical Studies. Tvro copies Kinglake 's Cr imea , Svo. Vols. 3, 4 Macdonald 's Surve y of Political Econom y Biographia Britannica , ed. by Vrippis, 5 vols. 1778-93 Thornton on Labour Biographical Dictionary . Parts 1 to 8 (S. U. Knowledge) Cairnes ' Essay on Political Economy Downing, W., Chaucer' s Head * 74 New Street. Birmingham Holdich t C. W., A Son, 14 Q^^ > £*/•**/, ^Ju/i Newman 's Apologia. Part 3 and Appendix - — v^»%-»^-'» v r £rvm^ ^f^fm Poulsonjk. x« 1>A *A^ x^^-a' s(^ Holderness^^^rf^^fc-'j, 2^ vols.*^*+sw or^^^ 4^» parts , 4^ t*ro. *rm Macgilli vray 's English Botan y Young's Histor y of Whitb y, 2 vols. 8vo. Sharo-' »-« «W w*V 'sU AncientAJbUVtVLAW FurniturJL. \ * m. M M. A V «-•.* e.*^ • 1836AVW W hitb y Spy and Whitby Medley, 12mo. 1784 and 1788 Pye's Provincial Tokens Byron 's Works , 17 vols. Vol. 16 only Drayton, S., & Sons, 201 High Streety Exeter Hope A Chap man , 20 Castl egate, York CoJeridge 's (H.) Dictionar y of the English Lan guage. 18S3 Belgravia. Part s of Vol. 31, complete Dasent' s Tales fr ona the Norse P ure Gold from the Rivers of Wisdom. 1853 (Bogue) Soone' fl Glossar y and Ent omological Dictionary . 1864 Milton's Paradise Lost, with Notes by Newton and Life by Raleigh' s (Sir W.) Works Johnson. 1796 Eaton & Son, College Street* Worcester Homo, J., Retreat , King' s Lang ley Blade 's Serm ons, 12mo. Vol. 7 Knight' s Pictorial Histor y of England . Vol. 4 to end For bes' (Bishop) Explanat ion of th e Article3. Vol. 2 Cassell 's Ma gazine. Dec. 1876 Jarrold A Sons, London and Exchan ge Streets, Norwich Memorial s of Sergeant Mar jouram , by Whit e rs of the Norfolk Archaeological Society. Vol. ) Pa pe 1 Plutarch' s Lives, 8 vols. 12mo. Vol. 1 (Whittin gham m -x^ .» EngiA*JJ Q*A«vvneer. * No.a* • 1238^ ^^^^ Saturday Magazine , Pai t 136 (last part) Barin g-Gould' s Yorkshi r e Odditie s Edtcards, C. F. y Bookseller, Swansea Whisperings from Low Latitudes Scott' s (W. B.) Poems, illustrated (Longmans) Willoughby 's (Lady ) Diary (Mackintosh) Stort' s (P.) Famil y Preacher. 2nd Serie s Plggott (late Rivingtons), 16 Trinity Street Camb idg Cha mber«j' Jo urnal. Nov. and Dec. 1871 ; April , June , Jones e ifcir , Southampton Martineau ' a Illustratio ns of th e Poor Law vv "i Banke's Story of Corfe Cast le ' LettersA^ vv* m from.m ~ir ~ ~ r Irelarr nd Br oo's Birds of Euro pe. Vols. 4, ft How to Obeerve Mer ivale'a The Whale Letters on Mesmerism (Moxon ) i.reiawny ' 8 Life or Bheuey and wyron Political Economy Adventures of a Youn ger Son Mallock 's Romance of the Nineteenth Centur y MMM MM M M MWM M M M M M MM M M w M M MM M M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^BB ^^^ B^^ T ^^ y^^^^ T^ ^^ TT ^^ ^»™BT^ ^ ^^?J ^^^^ F ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ f^ ^ l ^ByffW^ ^^ B^ ^^ T^yp ^ ^^^^ r ^^r ^^ F^^^ ^ ^Ty ^^^^ ^^^^^ '^ 7^^ ^^_.^^^^ _ —_ ,_>^^^^^ a1m .. " .— ^^ i fc^_—^^i _ ^^^ ^. ^^^^^^^^^ Z__j^z^^^^ ^ . ^i^^^^^^^^ Xt^^^^ E ^*^**—^-l*.- .-^^ . ^^""f ^^ Z^^^^^^ .^^*^-^ ^^^^ ^^^PI^ZT^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ * ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^"f ^ ^"*^"*'^B p" ^BBBBBlB ^BB^^^^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BMifcM ^^^^ B ¦ 1 J S34 The Publishers Circular S6pt t > l882 BOOKS WANTED TO PTTRC HASE—con//wm^.

Klimcksiedb, C, 11 #»« 1^k 796-98B^b — bb. ^ , 1800^b ^ , 1^B 80^^ 1, 1803Bh ^^ J* * _^ & , 1805B^ ^Pfc ^k Grlliver 's Tmvels.^ 2nd^*- edit. Vol. 1 Cassia's Birds of Califo rnia , 1856 Anecdo tes of Painting, 8vo. 1849. Vol. 1 I Cooke *s Handbook of British Fungi , 2 voTs. JiacMuMz, James , «fr Son«. 61 «SSC Finomf Street r« -y , Glasgow «A» ^^ #aiwva«w««« ^ •"•• ^ ¦J »»« am *«p •t- aaBi ^1 ¦ -»^«^» 'V/» 't«v 'v ^ w Eighte•• w^/ - enb» Tears"^-*"w» on'- the Gold-*%#* Coast 1 Cruickshank's _ _ ^b^^ _ b^ bbbb^ ^^ ^^ _ ^_ . bb^ _ ^ b> ^_ ^ ^ «^ _ • » -V > BB^ar bi -" » ¦ • B B Dickens¦ ^ - b>^ Bk^ «f «t • a ^ Ble»* p k House.aV ^ " *^ , ,h, a. 1 bj 1stbb. KT"" edit.*y ^f Part«B ^ VaW * . W 18aV " ^ Deany's Treaty Ports of China and Ja pa n. 1867 D % Israelis ' (Isaac) Works . Any early edits. Electrician. July 23, Aug. IS, 1881 ; Feb. 4, 18S2 G lasgow Universit y Lord Rector 's Addresses -^^• . «b mm *ph»j v •» ¦¦ *• —^-t—wv b-^j-bmi— —¦¦ w¦ *% *«| m»- v *v--*»¦! Foss* Judges of Englandy , 9 vols.BBk -w ¦ > ~^^ta . B^ Bt B> B^^B^ki _ B^ — _B^ta- BB » - Bhr a j •^tWW^ p ^ ^ r W^ BpT* ^fc»>^-*vj»»' ^- * -^J" « A.» * — — » ¦ » ' >» ¦> ¦ ¦ VTfcr**! Macieod s (Dr.^ O. H. B.)^ Surgi cal Diagnosis Gardin er's Histo ry, from James I. to Coke Froude 's Nemesis of Paith Jones' Vestiges of Assyria Hossetti'8 Dante and his Circle Journal^B^p" ^BP^ ^BBBBh ^^BBBPB P ^^^P" of^^^^B^ fc BotanBBBP^ —t — ^"^ ^B^V^^^^^ ^^^ Vy. BF 1st^^™ ^^^* ^» Series.^^BP^ ^^^PB. ^^ ^^^T^^^^^W l$£$-~7l^BB ^* ^^^ BV ^. ^^» : Journal of Oeylon Branch of Asiatic Society. Complete set MauXachlan <£ SHtcart, 64 South Bridge, Edinburgh Irving's Christop her Columbus, 4 toIs. 1828 Wood on Hupture . Conquest of Granada , 2 vols. 1829 Pro vincial Med. and Sur gical Journal. 1852-54. Vols. 1, 2,8 Tales of Alhambra , 2 vols. 1832 Cooker y for Engli sh Households , by a French Lady. 1864 Lieaks's Travels in Jlorea , 3 vol*. ( Macmillan )

¦ ¦ — «k ¦ ¦¦¦ Travels" ¦• m mm ™r " ^>b»" «» in¦¦¦ Northern«*i m~i ^i^ ^w ^» — ^ Greece' *«* ¦ ^"^^"^^^m , 4b»- vols./ ^^ • **m* MaggSj V.9 159 Church Street, Paddinglon Green, Wm Morgan' s Formal Logic Sunda y at Home, cloth . 1856 to 1860 mm m* Numismatic Chronicle. Kew Series. Nos. 15 to 80 V.T ,_> •-» w»«im ¦- -» ¦ b» ¦ »j^Bf ^ y ' w «--^ -»• »-i¦» ' ¦¦» — ¦ » ^ ¦) -¦ »y ^ b* \« Vr^AkW* Hemp s Yacht and Boat Sailing.-BB 2nd edit. Palestin e Exploration Fund Proceedin gs. 1864 to I $69 Vanderdecken^^ ta ^^ K k Bhi A 'K s Yachts^^ »B ^ BB _ andBb Yachting^^P- ^ta _ Bh Big Veda, with Commentary, ed. by M tiller. VoL 6 Brett' s Notes on Yachts. 2nd edit. Robertson 's Xife of Charles V., 2 vols. 1857 B«k «JT «^tbV ~W«. RaymondaVI ^V * «b«Vb«\ * 's ArtW of Fishin4WMt» g«T> Boyal Calendar. 1870 to 1880 Brabazon *s Deep Sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland Sannders' Refugium Botanicam. Vol. 4 Scott 's Life of Napoleon, 9 rols. 1SS7 Methan, B. & J. F., 11 Pulleney Bridge , Bath Selby*8 Mesopota mia, Arabia , &c. Wright'•ww 4 «qu« s*^i DissolutionjLr- .vsjvi m v«wm of^»*«v thewv^a-tv Monasteries4u vui«s7 wt avo (Caxndenl n faunn || Society)*t-7\/ ^»i.V W I I Shortrede's Logarithmic Tables. Last edit. Mellow's Italian and English Dictionary Smith' s Old Torkshire. Vol. 1 Fontaine 's Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vols. 12mo. 1709. VoL 1, Stockweirs Theor y of the Moon's Motion orBbTBB. imperfect*B- *B^ ^^ TBi BI ~ ^BT B^ Stoddart' s ICission to Urumiah Goethe 's Faust , 2 vols. srn. 8vo. 1842. VoL 1 (Pickermg ) Transaction s of the Insti tute of Naval Architects. 1876 to Rabelai s' Works , 4 vols. 12mo. 178 1. Vol. 1 Wallace^s Scientific Aspect of the Siipernatural Layard s Nineveh, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth . 1849. Vol. 1 Wrights ' Early TraTcllers Pickerin g's Homer , 48 vols. cloth. 1831. Vol. I Antiquarian and Topographi cal Cabine t, 10 vols. 12mo. Leu&km, F, C, 11 Colebrooke Row, AT. 1810-11. Vols. 8, 10 Keate* Poems, un cut. 1817-20 MidlandEducational Company, Birmingham Thackera y's Book of Snobs , 12mo. 1848 (' Punch ' Office) Bach' s Musical Education and Vocal Culture Jesse's Memorials and Celebrities of London , 4 vols . life of Falst&ff , 8vo. 1858 Miller, TT., 6 Stanley Road, Kingdan d, 19, Finish to Life in London. 1830 Rail and Rod. PPartsarts 1.1, 2 Table-Book and Omnibus , in parts Flies of Devon and Cornwall Ephemera 's Book of the Salmon Loetvood(Crosby) Co. 7 Stationerf-Ball Court, •Aw -m+^m ^^-M. ¦ . ¦ w m ¦¦ w -.^¦¦¦fc ¦ ¦ ^rw bw. »«« * 3 E.C. Fishermanw^ 's*~* Magazine.»^fc Partsw*~* 5^^ ,p 6** Hojie 's Whist. 1743 Pickering 's Walton and Cotton. 1836. Parts 5 to 8, 11, 12. V^r^^ Sfatthew^¦^v^^^^ F^V^B r ^^ ^ ¦^ ^ i ^^ p V . *s^^B* Advi«BfB^B> ^W> ^^ ce^B^ ^B* to^BT ^ Wh. W ^ ¦B ^^is BB ' t^V Players.^^^>- ^~ ^BNB> T ^BVBb 1822B( ^^^ P ^^^^ ^B | All or any Deschapel' s Whist. Original edit. Maxims of Pla ying Whist . 1778 Milne, A. A R.% Union Street, Aberdeen

«BT B*«^^V Mai e' BJB n 4«^ ^ Br ^ BB(^'W —^» s Ancient Law New^^ Pocket Hoyle.^^ ^ 9 1BB 800^_^ V ^^ Pigott's Edition of H oyle Village Communitit s Earl y Institution s 1 Longmans A Co. (Advert ising Dept.), 39 Paternoster Rort E.C. Morison^^^"^*^^ ^^P B. ^>^r ^^^ ..> onB^ ^^ ^V Matthew^^^*^^^^» ^^"^ BV ^^ ^^-^^ ^BV V ^ B Murray's Handbook of Greece. New or Second-hand Once a Week. Vols. 6, 8 Perown e on the Psalms , 2 vols. LongmanA s Co. ( Export Dept.}, 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. Polled^^^ ~ ~ B&^» "^v ^^B. HerdBBBk ^^ ^^ *^^ Book^^^^^ ^^ ^m" ^^^^^T. Vol^ ^^ ^ .BP 3V^ Ponle y's English School of Painting in Water Colours The G ood St. Anthon y, illustrated DresserB^* ^^v -^^P-^B* ^*^^^ ^B» ^^^ 's^^^^ Studies^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^W ^^* ^^^^«^^ in^w^^^BB Design^BW^^^ ^B^^^^'^Bt ^^ ^* ^^^^» Nutt , D., 270 Strand , W.C. BV^P* 1«^i^^F^^-^ r Art of Decorative Design Burke^B^^^ v ^p ^ Bk ^^*^~ ^B^ s^^v DictfoBHV^^ ^^ P ^^v ^^^ ^P ^^^ nary^^ jr of^^ p* ^I^ the^^ ~^^i^ ^^^ PeerageB^K ^ ^^ pr ^^ Bp ^^^ p ^B. *P^ of^>^ ^^b England.^..i ^^ P BB B. ^B>^V ^B^Bt ^I^*^ B B* 1831^"^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ Life of Theresa , translated by Lewis ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ vii ¦» •••¦ ¦ •¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ »« b« »¦ ¦ b^^ b. b. u ^ ¦rv * «. mmi ¦ k, v w» ^ 'w aji ^ £onjjmimi«^m 1 1 ^b-W«'w • amaT • ^^ • _ Paternoster Rove.E.C. ^_ ¦¦ L.«B^ E.¦¦ » L.BP 'Bl s WorksB» Bi ^ ^ , 2^ vola. JVye, /f., 7%c Grosvenor Library, Tunbridge Wells Our Inheritance in tbe Great Pyramid £

p. ApH <^HI ¦ Azittuneticua^ BBB^BTBB^BBBF -^ I B ^P^P^^ Nomendator.BP- -* ^B»» BBBB Wp" BPBP." BB* ^^ B» B| 1653B* «pT »p- H> (Rome» B-BP ^r ' BBb^HBk **^ )m BateBfcP^BBI «TV manB»4bV«P» ^pk 'sB^ Great^B. ' b» » 1'BI ^W Landowners¦«.> * .# ¦ ^^ » » B. -BjpP B B*. ,A 2«V vols.» ^^ • ~^ ¦ 2nd^F- BP^Bh edit.^ - — ~ » Andersen(James). Any WorkB on Universal La nguage Rogers ' Agriculture and Prices. Vols. 1, 2 Qttmndwork or Foundation Laid lor the Framing of a New almer, C. 8., 100 Southampton Rote, W.C. BP P P^^*^.P > B^B|#p *BI ^ BT BI |V B... Bi B^^^^^^B ^1^ BP» ¦ ¦* ^^ ^~ ^^^*^BBB» B* ^^ ^^^^ «^PP OBBBBH Rush worth'^^ s Trial of Strafford BeD'BVa ^VBAtB^BOft a Viable-V B| Speech.Wt ^ ¦ ¦ » 18bV4 "bp^ 0^^ ' —^ Knglinti Visible Speech for the Million Sonierrille s Field Sports. 1st edit. Cba nibay's Parigraphy Parr, O., Library , London Institution , Finshu ry Circus vol. BP.B-~ P. -*t~ "B "^ ^ ^ -^^ B— •BP^P-B' V ^iP 1 B^l—" ^ P> M ¦^P' W "— « ^ W "—~ teen Cbamberla yo, A Work on Universal Lan guage. 1679 ByronJ 's Works. Vola. 2, b, 6, 7, 8,JF 14. Seven Dalgmrao, Atb Signonmi , 4to. 1661 ( London >, or the reprint , edit . 1832-3 , Ma3t2a fMl Society, 4to. 1884 (Kdint>nrgb) BofcweH'H Life of Johnson. VoL 4 (niust. Londo n Libr ary; b»v D»vSd*Mt^l^mw »* ¦>-. Baw (y-fc»*David)t-*-'»"- Theeia-•- n — ^ E.O. * KanntialB of Phonetics. 1818 Paul ( Kegan), Trench, A Co., 1 Pater noster Square, Saiiw Meredith' s (Geor ge) Vittoria. Original edit. Extension ec q« Letters , in Latin ! Moff-tt'e Standard AlphabetProblenuL 18M CCapetown) f totrstm, J., 46 Pall Mall, 8.W,

"¦ ^ I PirtobV^ BBJ ^»" bV> >P' eWtm BaMjbVBBBBBV* on^ «V Univcnkal ' bBBWBP- — BBBBP. BBBBB|BI Lan*^^T ™ ^ D^^guage. ^ H ^^ •* 18C^ ^ ^^ S^^ Tristram Shandy. 1st edit. Vols. 3 to 9 Gay's FaJbtos , 4to. 1735. VoL 2 I) Betai x^lWiia lTniTmaallc. 1B2* Tom Bro wn's School Days. 1st edit , uncut I WnViMMrtaiL ^ MStaiiittotw Gkased. 1610 Tom Brown at Oxford. 1st edit , uncut ling palJnir qaaJX [^ De 17«J Legend of JubaL lbt edit , uncut JJ sept, i, 188a The Pubiistoetfif Circular 8

— ^~ —^ —~—^^v^^H.^^^^HH^IBB ^^ |Bg ^ ^ P ^ gg^ m ^ | ^ ^ . | j BOOK S WANTED TO VXTSLOKABE—continued .

-~~— - ' - 1— . " - i ,

Phi llip ton #., 113 Broad Street* Reading or all parto Ja meson' s Legends of the Mad onna Gettt lemdn ' a Magazine. November Ib8l Moder n Biographical Dictionary London Society. Ju ly 188J Alford' s Greek Testament Kirby 'a Flora of Leiceste rsliire Q oulbour n on Collects Nicoirs History of Leloesbershire. Any vols. f uevesA Turner, 196 Strand, W.C. Btantsby & Co., 179 Sloane Street, S. W. Scenes in Scotland. 1833 (Glasgow , Griffin) Willis* Canterbury Cathedral The Windsor Guide. 1 785 ( Windsor ) Martial' s Works , complete, in Lati n The Miniatu re , 2 vols. 1805 (Windsor ) Stanf ord, E., 65 Charing,Cross , S.W, ¦ • ¦ Robert, J. G., 83 Harin gvliet, Rotterdam Memett Bey's Egypt . . • ., ' ** . . ' Davies' Hist , of Holland and the Dutch Nati on. 1851 (Willis) Stevens, B. /"., 4 TrafdVgdr Square , Charing Cross, W.C Illustra ted Lond on News. Jan. ,1 to June 30, 1878, cl. or parts Low's English Catalogue , 183&-62 Scndell A Smithy 136 City Road , E.G. Seymour 's New Readings from Old Authors , 4 rols. Vaughan 's Houm with the Mystics. Vol. 1 Journal of Mental Science. A set "Watson 's Works , sw%wioems d Hall's ( Bishop) Works. Vol. 1 (Oxford ) Stock, E., 62 Paternoster Row, B.C. Satchell, R. W., Kingtorij Heref ordshire Fttrst' s Concordance to Hebrew Old Testament ^m * ¦¦¦ *¦ Homilist. 1st Series. Vols. 1, 5 Histor | K. 4U «V & yJ of^ r Kingston^ 9 ^^ ^^ ^"^ ,J 8vo.^^ ^^ 300^^ pp.J* i * Life of Jack Mytton. Illustrated edit. Ludolph' s Vita Christ! . Modern edit. Schafl' s Christ in the Gospel Sidney, S., Agricultural Hall, Isl ington , JV. Go3se's Naturalist' s Sojourn in Jamaica Kemble's ( F.) Record s of a Later Life. Vol. 2, or all three Adam9 * Around the Cross Simms, S. W., George Street, Bath Sutton, R. ff ., 130 Portland Street, Manchester The Little Sava ge, 2 vols. 1848 (Hurst ) Wordsworth 's Poetical Works. 1857. Vol. 5 Essays from the * Saturday Review,' 2 vol3. Richter 's Flower , Fruit , and Thorn. Pieces. 1845- Vol. 1 , p 97 London Street, Reading 7WacA«r , /T» Vola.V UlOa 3«,» 8U ,( 9W , Wal pole's Corresp ondence with the Counte ss of O»sor y, 8vo. Pri cgshoim 's Jahrbuober jf. Wlas- Botanik. A sot ——-' Geor ge III., 4 vols- 8vo. or Vdle. 3. 4 r —¦ Yoang % W.,H South Castle Strett, Liverpool Royal and Noble Author *, 5 vola. ovo. Thackera y's Four Georges. 1st edit, clean " Anecdotes of Paintin g, 8 vola. 8vo. | ¦ RoundaboutJLl l» |UI\IMUUUV Jpapevv^ «»JWM»« *. Do.**w. j J ' War burton , 2 vote. 8vo. ;— Humourist ^ . .. ¦ !>©• j I Stacy, H. W. t 2 Jlaptna rtet, Norwich ' ' Qould 'a Yorkshire 044iUos,.5 ?oU. . . U ' .. Bungen'e Ood in History Hl gglnft " Anacaiypsis, ;i row. 836 The Pub lishers ' Circula r SePt. r , 1882 THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. A MONTHLY REVIEW. EDITED BY JAMES KNOWLES. Eleven Volumes have been Pub lished , containin g Contribution s by Alfred Tennyson. i J. Norman Lockyer. Leonard A. Montefiore. W, E. H. Lecky. Bt.Hon.W. E. Gladstone , M.F. Professor Hunter. P. W. BowselJ , C.B. W. T. Thornton. Cardinal Manning. Colonel George Chesney. Mrs. Fawcett . Lady Stanl ey of Alder ley. Vet. Stratford de Redcliff e. Sir ErsMne Perry. C. F. Kear y. Lt. -Gen. Sir John Adye,K.C.B. The Duke of Ar gyll. Sir Henry Sumner Maine. Professor W. Kni ght. Edmond About. The Bishop of Gloucester and Rev. N". K. Cherrill , M\ A. Miss Agnes Lambert. Jose ph Jacobs. Bristol. Bev. MTalcolm MacColl. Rev. R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. Miss L. S. Bevington. The Dean of St. Paul' s. • • Godfrey Turner. Sir Walter Med!hur»t. Karl Hillebrand . Archibald Forbes. * Charles G rant. H. M. Hyndman . H. Schtttz "Wilson. Matthew Arnold. Maj.-Gten.Sir Garnet Wolseley. H. G. Hewlett. Henry Cecil Raike s. Professor Huxley. Professor Tyndall. G. J. Romanes. Dr. T. J. Maclaga n. Professor Clifford. . J oseph Arch . Henr y Dunckley. Rt. Hon. Viscount Midl eton. James Anthony Fronde. Geor ge Potter. The Bev. W. L. Blackley . Sir Edmund P. Du Cane. Edward Dicey. Captain Gambler , R.N\ Viscount Sherbrooke. Herbert A. Giles. Sir John Lubbock , Bart., M.P. John Holms , M.P. William M. Hardin ge. The Bishop of Carlisle . Dr. W. B. Carpenter. Dr. Doran. J. G. Fitch. R. W. Hanbnr y. W. Crookes , F.IL S. Pro fessor Buskin. H. D. Tra ill. J. O'Connor Power, M-P. Bev. J. Baldwin Brown. Alfred Wills, Q.C. Maj.-Gen. Sir H.C. Bawlinson. Sir F. Leighton , P.B.A. Bev. Dr. Martlneau. The Dean of Westminster. P. L. Sclater. Henr y T. Wells, B.A. | Bev. J. G. Rogers. The Abbe Martin. The Bev. J. N. Hoare. Dr. Julius Althaus. Dr. Ward. Dr. H. Charlton Bastian. Sir Henry W. Tyler , M.P. The Earl of Redesdale. Bev. R. W. Dale. Sir Robert Spencer Robinson. T. E. Kebbel. William Stebbing. Professor doom Robertson. Professor Fleemin g JenMn . Miss C. E. Stephen . Sir James Paget, Bart. Frederic W. H. Myers. Dr. Humphry Sandwith. Anthon y Trollope . Fritz Cunliff e-Owen. Arthur Arnold. The Hon. Boden Noel. A. S. Murra y. Hon. Edwar d Lyttelton. James Spedding. Frederick Pollock. William Minto. Lionel Tennyson. Bt. Hon. Jas. Stansfeld , M.P. Frederic Seebolnn. Henr y Faw cett , M.P. John Martineau. Frederic Harrison . Moos, de Beaufort. C. de Warm on t. Mrs. Margar et A. Paul. George J. Holyoake. Alexander McEwen. Alfred R. Wallace. G. F. Wat ts, R.A. Bev. A. H. Mackonochie. The Right Rev. Charles Rev. W. Walter Edwards. Pere Hyacinthe. Canon T. T. Carter. Wordswor th. J. H. Lawson. Sir Theodore Martin , X.C.B. Canon Barry. Mons. John Lemoinne. SirWilfrid Lawson ,Bart., M.P. Rev. A. F. Northcote , MC.A. Edgar Bowring. Rabb i Hermann Adler . W. Holman Hunt. Henry Sidgwick . Roswell Fisher. Dr. Elam. Fran cis Gal ton. Monsignor Capcl. Lord Selborne. General E. B. Hamley. Dr. J. MortimeT-Granville. Justin McCarthy, M.P. Hon. Mr. Justice Stephen. Freder ick Wedmore. Henr y R. Grenf ell. Viscount Melgund. C. A. Fyffe. Professor Goldwin Smith. W. Lattimer. Dr. Charles Ma ckay. M. E. Grant Dtxfl, MJ* . W. Fraser Rae. Earl Grey. C. Kegan Paul. T. Brasaey, M.P. Professor St. Geor ge Mivart . Mrs. E. I. Barrin gton. Mrs. Lathbury. Sir T. Bazley, M.P. Mons. Kaoul Pictet. Thoma s Lord. Miss Margaret Lonsdale. Bt. Hon. Lyon Playfair , M.P. His Highness Midhat Pasha. Montague Cookson , Q.C. Ernest Bena n. Lord Blachford. Mrs. A. Sutherland Orr. James Payn. Alfred W. Hunt. Sir Julius Vogel. C. T. Kewton. Viscou ntess Strangford. Moncure D. Con way. Professor Henry Morley. Mrs. Clarke . Mrs. M. C. Bishop. Miss J. H. Cla pperton. W. R. Greg. Sir Francis Hincks. Sir Henr y Thomp son, Hei"v **• Jephson. W. R. S. Balston. The Kni ght of Kerry. William Bear . Sir Win. Gnu , Bart. , M.D. B. D. J. Wilson. Lord Art hur Russell , M.P. Karl Blind. Dr. S. O. Habershon. Henry Irving - Dr. Waldstein. Lt.T.-Col . W. W. Xnollya . Alfred G. A.Henriques. 8irTlioma8Wat8on ,Bart. ^f.D. Rev. T. W. Fowle. T. Vernon Smith. Professor Vamber y. B. H. Hutton . Geor ge Howell- The Eart of Dunraven. Syed Ameer AM. Lady Pollock. Colonel C. B. Brackentmr y. Orb y Shipley, M.A. J. C. Robinson. John. Fowler. Edmund Gurney. Sir FrederickWin.He ygate ,Bt. Edwin Pears. George von Bnnsen. W. J. Thorns. James Caird , 0-B. Sir Robert Collier. W. Q. Pedder. Dr. G. Vance Smith. Leonard Courtney, M.P. Samuel Laing, M.P. W. H. Mallock. Sir David Wed derburn , Bart. Bt. Hon. Lord Norton. Lt ,-Gen.Bichd. Strach ey,R .E. George Percy Bad ger, D.C.L. Miss Florence Nightin gale. Francis que Sarcey. Dr. Octavius Stur ges. Professor Colrin. Dr . Seymour Shark ey. Contents of the SEPTEMBER Number, 1882, price 2s. 6d. TO VTBGHIi . By ALFRED TENNYSON , Poet Laureate. THE EGRTPT XAJNT REVOLUTION : A PERSONAL NARRATIVE. By WIliFRID SOA1VE N BLUNT. By Mons. JOSEPH REINAC H. PARISIA N NEWSPAPERS. By COUNT C^lVOUR ON IRELAND. PHILIP BC. BAGEBTAL. EXPLORATION IN GREECE. By A. 8. MURRAY. NATURAL RELIGION. By G. A. SIMCOX. THE LA\^S OX* "WAR-concluded. By Mons. EMILE BE LAVELEYE. MERTON COLLE GE BEF OEE THE REFOR MATION. By the Hon . CrEORGt E C. BRO DBICK , "Warden of Morton College. THE TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT IN RUSSIA. By Madame NOVIKOFP. THE COUN TRY GENTLE MAN. By CHARLES MILNE S GASKELL . PARL IAME NTARY OATHS. By His Eminence the CARDINAL ARCH BISHOP OF WESTM INSTER. KEGAN PAUL, TRENC H, & CO., LONDON. (561)

Printed by 8POTTI8WOODH fc CO., of 6 New-street Square , In the City of London : and Publis hed toy 8AMP8ON IX)W, at the Office , Ctown ^ttfldkigB , 188 Fleet Street , In Hie Pariah of Bt. Dunsta n in the I We*t.,_ —¦.Frid __ ay, 8epttt *ber 1 , 18*2. &TZff jW jS. . t _^

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