SCOTLAND Asch, Ronald
SCOTLAND Asch, Ronald. Three Nations--a Common History?: England, Scotland, Ireland and British History c. 1600-1920. Bochum: Universiteatsverlag N. Brockmeyer, 1993. DA 300 .T47 1993 Ascherson, Neal. Stone Voices: the Search for Scotland. London: Granta, 2002. DA 772 .A83 2002 Ash, Marinell. The Strange Death of Scottish History. Edinburgh: Ramsay Head Press, 1980. DA 759 .A84x Barber, John Warner. European Historical Collections: Comprising England, Scotland, with Holland, Belgium, and Part of France. New Haven CT: Barber, 1855. DA 30 .B36 Basu, Paul. Highland Homecomings: Genealogy and Heritage Tourism in the Scottish Diaspora. London ;New York: Routledge, 2007. E 184 .S3 B37 2007 Berry, W. Grinto. Scotland's Struggles for Religious Liberty. London: National Council of Evangelical Free Churches, 1904. BR 782 .B459 Beveridge, Craig. Scotland After Enlightenment: Image and Tradition in Modern Scottish Culture. Edinburgh: Polygon, 1997. DA 826 .B49x 1997 Bingham, Caroline. Land of the Scots: a Short History. [London]: Fontana Paperbacks, 1983. DA 761 .B5 Brotchie, Theodore C. F. The Battlefields of Scotland, their Legend and Story. New York: Dodge Publishing Co., [1913]. DA 767 .B7 Brown, Keith M. Noble Society in Scotland: Wealth, Family, and Culture from the Reformation to the Revolution. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000. HT 653 .B7 B76 2000 Brown, Peter Hume. History of Scotland. Cambridge: University press, 1899-1909. DA 760 .B88 vol.1- 3 Brown, Peter Hume. A Short History of Scotland. New ed., by Henry W. Meikle. ed. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd Ltd., [1961]. DA 760 .B88 1961 and DA 760 .B88 1908 Browne, James. The History of Scotland its Highlands, Regiments and Clans.
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